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Python seguinte¶
Data de lançamento: XXXX-XX-XX
gh-131020: pylauncher detecta corretamente um BOM ao procurar pelo shebang. Correção por Chris Eibl.
gh-129200: Agora, vários executores do ambiente de testes do iOS podem ser iniciados ao mesmo tempo sem gerar ambiguidade sobre a propriedade do simulador.
gh-130292: O banco de testes do iOS agora será executado com sucesso em uma máquina que não executou testes do Xcode anteriormente (como configurações de CI).
gh-130293: Os testes de colorização terminal não são mais sensíveis ao valor da variável
no ambiente de Adiciona testes de unidade para pyrepl.
gh-131325: Fix sendfile fallback implementation to drain data after writing to transport in
.gh-129843: Fix incorrect argument passing in
.gh-131204: Usa a fonte monoespaçada do System Font Stack para suporte multiplataforma em
.gh-130940: O atributo
, introduzido no Python 3.13.2, foi removido. A introdução desse atributo introduziu inadvertidamente uma quebra de ABI no macOS e iOS. O uso do registrador do sistema agora é habilitado por padrão no iOS e desabilitado por padrão no Corrige implementação puro Python de
para rejeitar horários com espaços na parte fracionária (por exemplo,12:34:56.400 +02:00
), correspondendo à implementação C. Patch por Michał Adiciona validação para dados de resposta numérica no método poplib.POP3.stat()
gh-130461: Remova as diretivas
.. index::
da documentação do módulouuid
. Essas diretivas criaram entradas anteriormente no índice geral paragetnode()
, bem como as funções construtorasuuid1()
.gh-130379: O módulo zipapp agora calcula a lista de arquivos a serem adicionados ao arquivo antes de criá-lo. Isso evita incluir acidentalmente o alvo quando ele está sendo criado no diretório de origem.
gh-130285: Corrige casos extremos para
permitindo que o parâmetro counts especifique uma população vazia. Então agora,sample([], 0, counts=[])
esample('abc', k=0, counts=[0, 0, 0])
ambos dão o mesmo resultado quesample([], 0)
.gh-130250: Corrige uma regressão em
.gh-130230: Corrige falha em
com apenasDecimal
terceiro Reverte uma alteração na versão anterior, tentando tornar preguiçosas algumas importações stdlib usadas no módulo
, pois isso estava causando erros durante os finalizadores__del__
que chamavam métodos comoterminate
.gh-130151: Corrigir vazamentos de referência em
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige
quando outro laço já estiver em execuçã Corrige
levantando uma exceção não levantável durante a coleta de lixo ao fazer referência a um objeto temporário, interrompendo o laço de referências comweakref
.gh-127750: Remove armazenamento em cache quebrado de
introduzido em Atualiza pip empacotado para 25.0.1
gh-97850: Atualiza o aviso de descontinuação de
.gh-129646: Atualiza o mapeamento de apelido de localidade no módulo
para corresponder ao mapeamento de apelido de localidade mais recente do X Org e oferecer suporte a novas localidades no Glibc Corrige bugs onde objetos
poderiam sofrer segfault se seudescription
herdado fosse definido comoNone
. Patch por Erlend Corrige
para métodos com o atributo__module__
igual aNone
.gh-92897: Foi agendada a descontinuação do argumento
para o Python Corrige possível referência extra ao usar objetos retornados por
em threads Corrige
para usar o mapeamento padrão paraContent-Type
vazio no Adiciona suporte ao argumento nomeado name para tarefas ansiosas em
, passando todos os kwargs para a fábrica de tarefas definida porasyncio.loop.set_task_factory()
.gh-128388: Corrige
no Windows para oferecer suporte a mais atalhos de teclado, como os atalhos de teclado para pular palavras Control-← e Control-→ e aqueles com meta (isto é, Alt), por exemplo, Alt-d parakill-word
ou Alt-Backspace parabackward-kill-word
.gh-127712: Corrige o tratamento do argumento
.gh-118201: Fixed intermittent failures of
on iOS and Caracteres não imprimíveis agora são manipulados corretamente no novo REPL.
gh-129873: Simplifica a exibição da documentação do IDLE copiando apenas a seção de texto de idle.html para idlelib/help.html. Patch por Stan Ulbrych.
gh-125722: Requer Sphinx 8.2.0 ou posterior para construir a documentação do Python. Patch por Adam Turner.
gh-129712: As tags de wheels suportadas por cada opção do macOS Universal SDK agora estão documentadas.
gh-46236: API C: Documenta
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-131141: Corrige disputa de dados na instrumentação
ao registrar retorno de Corrige tratamento de exceção incorreto em
gh-130851: Corrige uma falha na construção de threads livres ao construir um objeto
que contém instâncias de tipos que não são gerados pelo compilador de Corrige vazamento de memória na construção de threads livres ao redimensionar uma lista ou dicionário compartilhado de vários threads de curta duração.
gh-130382: Corrige
não sendo enviado dePy_DECREF()
gh-130618: Corrige um bug que estava causando o levantamento de
ao usar f-strings com expressõeslambda
com caracteres não-ASCII. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-130163: Corrige possíveis travamentos relacionados à alteração simultânea e ao uso dos atributos do módulo
.gh-128396: Corrige uma falha que ocorre ao chamar
dentro de uma compreensão em linha que usa a mesma variável local que o escopo do quadro externo, onde a variável é uma variável livre ou de cé Corrige local para SyntaxErrors de escapes inválidos no tokenizador. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-129983: Corrige corrida de dados em compile_template em
.gh-129967: Corrige uma condição de corrida na construção de threads livres quando
é chamado simultaneamente comset.clear()
.gh-129732: Corrigida uma corrida em
na construção de threads Corrige a segurança de thread de
em construções de threads Corrigir condição de corrida ao levantar
na construção de threads Corrige a segurança de thread de
em construções de threads livres. Patch por Kumar Corrige as possíveis corridas nos métodos dunder get/set
para o objeto função e adiciona testes
from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL
agora funciona em mais contextos, incluindo quando é usado em arquivos, com o sinalizador-c
e no REPL quando há várias instruções na mesma linha. Anteriormente, funcionava apenas em linhas subsequentes no REPL e quando os sinalizadores apropriados eram passados diretamente paracompile()
. Patch por Pablo Galindo.
gh-129533: Atualiza
para usar operação atômica para segurança de thread em construção de threads livres. Patch por Donghee Na.
gh-130740: Certifica-se de que
esteja incluído antes destdbool.h
, a menos quepyconfig.h
esteja incluído antes ou em alguns contextos específicos da Não redefine
ao compilar com uma versão recente do GCC e um sanitizador indefinido Remove
do treinamento de PGO, cuja contribuição em versões recentes é considerada ignorável.
Python 3.13.2 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2025-02-04
gh-127592: O uso das APIs unificadas do Apple System Log foi desabilitado quando a versão mínima do macOS era anterior à 10.12.
gh-127353: Permite forçar a saída de cores no Windows usando variáveis de ambiente. Patch por Andrey Efremov.
gh-127906: Testa a API C limitada em test_cppext. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-127637: Adiciona testes para a interface de linha de comando
. Patch por Bénédikt Os resultados dos testes do iOS agora são transmitidos durante a execução do teste, e o xcresulttool descontinuado não é mais usado.
gh-105704: Ao usar
, a análise de host não rejeitaria nomes de domínio contendo colchetes ([
). Os colchetes são válidos somente para hosts IPv6 e IPvFuture de acordo com RFC 3986 Seção Corrigido o transporte de
não pausando escritas para o protocolo quando o buffer atinge a marca d’água alta ao usarasyncio.WriteTransport.writelines()
.gh-126108: Corrige uma possível desreferência de ponteiro
.gh-80222: Corrige bug na dobragem (folding) de strings entre aspas ao achatar uma mensagem de e-mail usando uma política de e-mail moderna. Anteriormente, quando uma string entre aspas era dobrada para abranger mais de uma linha, as aspas circundantes e escapes internos eram omitidos. Isso poderia, teoricamente, ser usado para fazer spoof das linhas de cabeçalho usando uma string entre aspas cuidadosamente construída se o e-mail renderizado resultante fosse transmitido ou reanalisado.
gh-119511: Corrige uma potencial negação de serviço no módulo
. Ao conectar-se a um servidor malicioso, isso poderia fazer com que uma quantidade arbitrária de memória fosse alocada. Em muitos sistemas, isso é inofensivo, pois a memória virtual não utilizada é apenas um mapeamento, mas se isso atingir um limite de tamanho de endereço virtual, pode levar a umMemoryError
ou outra falha de processo. Em sistemas ou construções incomuns, onde toda a memória alocada é tocada e apoiada por RAM ou armazenamento real, isso pode ter consumido recursos ao fazer isso até travar de forma semelhante.
gh-129502: Erros improváveis na preparação de argumentos para o retorno de chamada
agora são tratados da mesma forma que erros levantados no retorno de chamada ou na conversão do resultado do retorno de chamada — usandosys.unraisablehook()
em vez desys.excepthook()
e não definindosys.last_exc
e outras variá Corrigida a mensagem de
.gh-129409: Corrige um estouro de inteiro no módulo
ao gravar um campo de dados maior que 2 Melhora o tempo de importação de
de forma preguiçosa. Patch por Taneli Em
, manipula a falta de memória ao criar funções SQL definidas pelo usuá Corrige FORCE_COLOR e NO_COLOR quando strings vazias. Patch por Hugo van Kemenade.
gh-128550: Foi removida uma otimização incorreta relacionada a tarefas ansiosas em
que resultava em cancelamentos Libera a referência do quadro de entrada dentro do retorno de chamada
gh-128978: Corrige uma exceção
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha ao definir o estado em um iterador
array.array Corrige
para não falhar em exceções com metadados Não tenta definir
em soquetes de famílias de endereços diferentes deAF_INET
, pois isso não faz sentido com essas famílias de endereços, e a chamada falhará com o kernel Linux 6.12.9 e mais Corrige condição de corrida de
. Corrigetracemalloc
para oferece suporte à chamada detracemalloc.stop()
em uma thread, enquanto outra thread está rastreando alocações de memória. Patch por Victor Corrige falha do PyREPL quando
é substituído por um valor invá Corrige possíveis conflitos nos nomes dos widgets
gerados se o nome da classe do widget terminar com um dí Padrão para stdout isatty para detecção de cor em vez de stderr. Patch por Hugo van Kemenade.
gh-128552: Corrige lixo cíclico introduzido por
mantendo uma referência à tarefa criada se ela estiver Corrige
vazando tarefas e emitindo uma exceção não Corrige falha ao usar
enquanto outras threads estiverem ativas na construção de threads Unifica a verificação de instância para
agora usa as verificações de instância em relação aos seus parâmetros em vez das verificações de Corrige
, que foi quebrado pela transição do Python Permite que
manipule corretamente instânciasxml.dom.xmlbuilder.DOMInputSource
que tenham apenas um atributosystemId Corrige tratamento incorreto de tamanhos de leitura negativos em
. Patch por Yury Corrigido um vazamento de referência de quadro em
.gh-128131: Suporte completo ao acesso aleatório de arquivos zip somente leitura, não criptografados e descompactados obtidos por
agora pode ser usada sem recorrer à API Evita reutilizar tipos de aspas em
se não for necessá Reverte a fonte da barra de menu do
para seu valor padrão e exibe as teclas de atalho na posição Corrige a redefinição do ícone da janela padrão passando
para o métodowm_iconbitmap()
.gh-115514: Corrige exceções e escritas incompletas após
ser fechado antes das gravações serem concluí Corrige extração rápida de docstrings de módulo de um arquivo em
. Agora ele oferece suporte a docstrings com aspas simples, sequências de escape, literais de strings brutas e outras sintaxes Define a variável de ambiente TERM como “dumb” para desabilitar cores de traceback no IDLE, já que o IDLE não entende sequências de escape ANSI. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-126742: Corrige o suporte de mensagens de erro localizadas relatadas por dlerror(3) e gdbm_strerror nas funções
respectivamente. Patch por Bénédikt Quando
estiver definido, ignora apenasPYTHON_COLORS
ao colorir a saída. Patch por Hugo van Detecta chamadas recursivas no tratamento de ctypes
. Patch por Victor Corrige a posição ao fazer buscas e leituras intercaladas em arquivos zip não compactados e não criptografados retornados por
.gh-127732: O módulo
agora detecta corretamente o Windows Server As aplicações de macOS e iOS agora podem escolher redirecionar stdout e stderr para o log do sistema durante a configuração do interpretador.
gh-93312: Inclui
para obter a constanteos.PIDFD_NONBLOCK
. Patch por Victor Adiciona o método
ausente à implementação Python defunctools.partial()
, para torná-lo compatível com a versão C. Isso é relevante principalmente para implementações Python alternativas como PyPy e GraalPy, porque o CPython geralmente usará a implementação C dessa funçã
agora restaura corretamente os manipuladores de sinais bloqueados da thread mãe ao criar processos via spawn ou Corrige um problema em
onde os dados não podem ser decodificados se o mecanismo de Codificação de Transferência de Conteúdo contiver espaços em branco à direita ou texto lixo adicional. Patch por Hui Em
, falhas de chamada de sistema que o OpenSSL relata usandoERR_LIB_SYS
agora são levantadas comoOSError
.gh-127096: Não recria a seção sem nome em cada leitura em
. Patch por Andrey Corrige falha quando um dicionário com chaves em codificação inválida era passado para diversas funções no módulo
.gh-126775: Torna
seguro para thread e seguro para reentrada do Corrige falha do _pyrepl ao dar dois CTRL-Z em uma linha que transborda.
não estão mais marcados como descontinuados. Há razões legítimas para usar um desses módulos em preferência aargparse
, e nenhum desses módulos corre o risco de ser removido da biblioteca padrão. Dos três,argparse
continua sendo a escolha padrão recomendada, a menos que uma das preocupações observadas no topo da documentação do módulooptparse
se Corrige invariância de ida e volta para continuações de contrabarra em
.gh-123987: Corrigido problema no NamespaceReader em que um item não-caminho em um caminho de espaço de nomes, como um sinalizador adicionado por um instalador editável, interrompia o carregamento de recursos.
gh-123401: O módulo
agora suporta análise de formatos de data obsoletos de RFC 850, de acordo com os requisitos do RFC 9110. Patch por Nano
agora levantaValueError
quando recebe um valor Exibe o menu de autopreenchimento com tecla tab abaixo da linha atual, o que resulta em um comportamento menos instável e corrige um bug de movimento do cursor. Patch por Daniel Hollas
gh-125722: Requer Sphinx 8.1.3 ou posterior para construir a documentação do Python. Patch por Adam Turner.
gh-67206: Documenta que
não é imprimível no sentido POSIX. Em particular,string.printable.isprintable()
. Patch por Bénédikt Tran.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-129345: Corrige desreferência de ponteiro nulo em
quando um gancho de auditoria levanta uma exceçã Corrige f-strings como
que às vezes não exibem a expressão completa quando a expressão contém!=
.gh-124363: Trata expressões de depuração em f-string como strings brutas. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-128799: Adiciona o quadro
ao traceback quando ele encapsula uma exceção Corrige um
ao usaranext()
com um valor de tupla padrão. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha ao definir o limite de recursão enquanto outros threads estão ativos na construção de threads livres.
gh-128330: Restaura caracteres de controle do terminal na saída do REPL.
gh-128079: Corrige um bug em que
não verifica corretamente o valor de retorno de uma funçãosplit()
, levando a uma falha em alguns casos. Agora, quandosplit()
retorna um objeto inválido,except*
com o objetoExceptionGroup
levantado originalmente encadeado a Evita erro ao chamar
em um objeto que não é módulo ao importar um símbolo inexistente de um objeto que não é mó
: corrige uma falha em compilações de depuração em_copy_characters
quando não há nada para Corrige estatísticas para incrementos de contagens de referências de objetos (em particular, quando uma contagem de referências foi aumentada em mais de 1 em uma única operação).
gh-127651: Ao levantar
para símbolos ausentes em importaçõesfrom
, use__file__
na mensagem de erro se__spec__.origin
não for um localgh-127582: Corrige ressurreição de objeto não seguro para thread ao chamar finalizadores e retornos de chamada do observador na construção de threads livres.
gh-127434: Os shims do compilador iOS agora podem aceitar argumentos com espaços.
gh-127536: Adiciona travas faltando em torno de algumas operações de atribuição de lista na construção de threads livres.
gh-126862: Corrige um possível estouro quando uma classe herda de um número absurdo de superclasses. Reportado por Valery Fedorenko. Patch por Bénédikt Tran.
gh-127349: Corrigido o erro ao redimensionar o terminal no Python REPL. Patch por Semyon Moroz.
gh-126076: Objetos realocados, como objetos
são rastreados corretamente portracemalloc
e seus ganchos associados. Patch por Pablo Galindo.
gh-127791: Corrige perda de retornos de chamada após mais de uma chamada para
gh-129539: Não redefine
quando o sistema tiver o cabeçalhosysexits.h
.gh-128472: Ignora a otimização BOLT de funções usando gotos computados, corrigindo erros na compilação com LLVM 19.
gh-123925: Corrige a construção do módulo
em plataformas com libncurses, mas sem Define
em vez deLDFLAGS
ao verificar se as funções de bibliotecasqlite3
estão disponíveis. Isso corrige a ordenação de bibliotecas vinculadas durante as verificações, que era incorreta ao usar umalibsqlite3
vinculada Corrige falha de construção em sistemas sem suporte a thread-locals.
Python 3.13.1 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-12-03
gh-124448: Atualiza o Tcl/Tk empacotado no instalador do macOS para 8.6.15.
gh-126911: Atualiza a saída do comando credits.
gh-118973: Garante que a instalação experimental de threads livres inclua o módulo
. O componente Tcl/Tk opcional também deve ser instalado para que o módulo Corrige a falha do venv devido à ausência de executáveis do redirecionador em instalações experimentais de threads livres.
gh-126074: Remoção de DLLs desnecessárias do pacote incorporável do Windows
gh-125315: Evita travamentos em
devido a chamadas WMI lentas em algumas máquinas Corrige o venvwlauncher para iniciar o pythonw em vez do python para que nenhuma janela de console extra seja criada.
gh-125842: Corrige uma
é chamado com0xffffffff
no Habilita o Inicializador Python para Windows para detectar instalações do Python 3.14 da Windows Store.
gh-124448: Tcl/Tk empacotado atualizado para 8.6.15.
gh-126909: Corrige testes de atributo estendido test_os para funcionar em sistemas de arquivos com limite de tamanho xattr de 1 KiB.
gh-125041: Reativa testes ignorados para
na arquitetura s390x: ignora apenas verificações dos bytes compactados, que podem ser diferentes entre a implementação de software do zlib e a implementação acelerada por hardware.
gh-126623: Atualiza libexpat para 2.6.4
gh-125140: Remove o diretório atual de
ao usar Alterado
mapeado para IPv4 para usar consistentemente o valor do endereço IPv4 mapeado para decidir propriedades. Propriedades que têm seu comportamento corrigido sãois_multicast
não parará em um opcode que não tenha mais um número de linha Expõe publicamente
.gh-123967: Corrige o manipulador de falhas para quadros de trampolim. Se o quadro mais alto for um quadro de trampolim, pule-o. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-127182: Corrige o travamento de
, quandoNone
foi passado como o primeiro Corrige
para caminhos começando com várias barras no Corrige
no Windows. Agora ele analisa a correspondência direta se e somente se o comando termina com uma extensão PATHEXT ou X_OK não está no modo. Suporta arquivos sem extensão se “.” estiver em PATHEXT. Suporta extensões PATHEXT que terminam com um Suporte ao histórico de PyREPL no Windows. Patch por devdanzin e Victor Stinner.
gh-127078: Corrige o problema em que
falhava ao descartar uma barra extra antes de uma unidade UNC no caminho da URL no Corrige o problema em que
falhava ao descartar qualquer autoridade ‘localhost’ presente na Corrige o travamento ao chamar uma instância
de vários threads na construção de threads Corrige o suporte de opcodes STRING e GLOBAL com argumentos não ASCII em
agora emite bytes não ASCII em argumentos STRING, BINSTRING e SHORT_BINSTRING como escape (\\xXX
: Tornagrp.getgrall()
seguro para thread adicionando um mutex. Patch por Victor Corrige a representação de objetos
quando o valor da contagem ésys.maxsize
.gh-85168: Corrige problema em que
sempre usavam UTF-8 ao citar e descitar URIs de arquivo. Agora eles usam tratador de erros e codificação do sistema de Corrige vazamentos de memória quando a correspondência de
expressão regular
termina abruptamente, seja por causa de um sinal ou porque a alocação de memória Corrigidos os valores de
e seus irmãos quando a inicialização desite
acontece apóssysconfig
ter construído um cache parasysconfig.get_config_vars()
.gh-126188: Atualiza pip empacotado para 24.3.1
gh-126780: Corrige
para caminhos relativos à unidade no Corrige problema em que
falhava ao descartar duas barras iniciais introduzindo uma seção de autoridade
agora retorna vários segmentos de descrição de era separados por ponto e vírgula. Anteriormente, ele retornava apenas o primeiro segmento em plataformas com Permite que
seja uma base para Corrige falha quando um objeto não dicionário era passado para várias funções no módulo
.gh-104745: Limita o início de um patcher (de
) mais de uma vez sem pará-logh-126595: Corrige falha ao instanciar
com uma contagem inicial desys.maxsize
em construções de depuração. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige problema em que
manipulava incorretamente caminhos do Windows com barras Melhora o desempenho de
para modos que não sejam de Corrige bugs na compilação de
expressões regulares
sem distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas com classes de caracteres que contenham caracteres não BMP: o caractere maiúsculo não BMP foi ignorado e o sinalizador ASCII foi ignorado ao corresponder a um intervalo de caracteres cujo limite superior está além da região Corrigido o processo de forkserver do método de início
para herdar corretamente osys.path
do pai durante a importação de módulosmultiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload()
da mesma maneira quesys.path
é configurado em workers antes de executar itens de trabalho.Este bug fez com que alguns módulos do forkserver pré-carregados falhassem silenciosamente no pré-carregamento. Isso se manifestou como uma degradação de desempenho em processos filhos quando o
era necessário devido ao trabalho repetido adicional em cada worker.Também poderia ter um efeito colateral de
permanecer emsys.path
durante importações de pré-carregamento do forkserver em vez do caminho absoluto deos.getcwd()
no momento da importação de multiprocessamento usado no workersys.path
.As diferenças de
entre as fases no processo filho poderiam ter causado o pré-carregamento para importar coisas incorretas do local errado. Não temos conhecimento de que isso realmente tenha acontecido na prá Os valores de
não dizem mais “unknown” no Levanta
(agora uma subclasse deIndexError
) paracalendar.month()
quando o mês de entrada não está A implementação Python de
não chama maispickle.Pickler.persistent_id()
para o resultado depersistent_id()
.gh-126313: Corrige um problema em
ainda não foi chamado. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige serializar com pickle e cópia de objetos
.gh-126138: Corrige uma falha de uso após liberação em objetos
cuja corrotina subjacente produz um objeto que implementa um__getattribute__()
maligno. Patch por Nico Corrige falha em
quando seus retornos de chamada eram chamados diretamente com 0 Corrige problema em que
removiam barras de caminhos de unidade DOS do Windows e Levanta
em vez de umSystemError
ao chamar_interpreters.create()
com um caractere Unicode invá Corrige o problema em que
gerava URLs começando com quatro barras (em vez de duas) quando recebia um caminho UNC do Corrige uma falha em
quando o atributoast.AST._fields
é excluí Corrige uma possível desreferência de ponteiro
.gh-126080: Corrige uma falha de uso após liberação em objetos
para os quais o loop de eventos subjacente implementa um__getattribute__()
maligno. Relatado por Nico-Posada. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige um vazamento de referência em objetos
ao reinicializar o mesmo objeto com um contexto nãoNone
. Patch por Nico Corrige falhas de uso após liberação em objetos
para os quais o laço de eventos subjacente implementa um__getattribute__()
maligno. Relatado por Nico-Posada. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha fora dos limites quando um
maligno altera o comprimento da lista de retornos de chamada internos. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha de uso após liberação em
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige possível falha ao alterar a lista de retornos de chamada retornados por
. Agora ele sempre retorna uma nova cópia na implementação C_asyncio
. Patch por Kumar Corrige um problema em
que introduziam espaços em branco iniciais espúrios em valores de cabeçalho quando o cabeçalho incluía um caractere de nova linha após o delimitador de nome do cabeçalho (:
) e antes do Corrige o bug para
onde ele não pode definir pontos de interrupção em funções com certas anotaçõ Corrige vários bugs em
.O analisador não muda mais temporariamente durante a análise.
Os valores padrão não são processados duas vezes.
Os grupos mutuamente exclusivos obrigatórios contendo argumentos posicionais agora são suportados.
O relatório de argumentos ausentes agora inclui os nomes de todos os argumentos posicionais e opcionais necessários.
Opções desconhecidas podem ser misturadas com argumentos posicionais em parse_known_intermixed_args().
gh-125666: Evita a saída do interpretador se um byte nulo for fornecido como entrada no novo REPL.
gh-125710: [Enum] corrige comparações hasheável<->não-hasheável para valores de membros
gh-125631: Restaura a capacidade de definir atributos
de instâncias das classesPickler
no módulopickle
.gh-125378: Corrige o bug em
onde após um comando multilinha, uma linha vazia repete a primeira linha do comando multilinha, em vez do comando Rejeita dígitos não ASCII na implementação Python de
em conformidade com a especificação Rejeita escapes unicode inválidos para implementação Python de
.gh-125259: Corrige a lógica de remoção de notas para erros lançados na inicialização de enumeração.
gh-125590: Permite que
exclua e remova se a chave não for uma variável rá Melhora o traceback se
for chamado com um objeto que não seja um módulo. Patch por Alex Corrige um impasse quando
desliga simultaneamente com um erro ao alimentar um trabalho para um processo de Corrige o bug onde
podem entrar no quadro do chamador Corrige o bug onde
ficará preso em um laço infinito ao depurar um arquivo Corrige um bug em
onde argumentos começando com-
não podem ser passados para o script Corrige
para os formatos%c
em muitos locais que usam dígitos não ASCII, como persa, birmanês, odia e Corrige a conversão do caminho
no script activate emvenv
ao executar no Git Bash para Corrige o uso de
como membroenum.Enum
. Um FutureWarning com sugestão para usarenum.member()
agora é emitido quando a instânciapartial
é usada como um membro Corrige condição de corrida ao importar
, que poderia retornar incorretamente um módulo Corrige corrida de dados ao criar objetos
na construção de threads Corrige um bug em que ArgumentError inclui a opção ambígua incorreta em
.gh-125235: Mantém os caminhos TCL
em venv apontando para a instalação base no Corrige herança de grupos mutuamente exclusivos aninhados do analisador pai em
. Anteriormente, todos os grupos mutuamente exclusivos aninhados perdiam sua conexão com o grupo que os continha e eram exibidos como pertencentes diretamente ao Corrige problemas de codificação em
, o métodostrftime()
das classesdatetime
e a formatação dessas classes. Caracteres não codificáveis no localidade atual agora são aceitáveis na string de formato. Pares substitutos e sequência de bytes codificados por surrogatescape não são mais recombinados. O caractere nulo incorporado não termina mais a string de Não copia valores arbitrários para _Bool no módulo
.gh-125069: Corrige um problema em que fornecer um objeto
como um argumento inicializador para um segundo objetoPurePath
com umparser
diferente resultava em argumentos para o inicializador do objeto anterior sendo unidos pelo analisador do objeto Se a variável de ambiente
estiver definida, o módulosite
não importa mais o módulo_pyrepl
. Além disso, o módulosite
agora respeita as opções de linha de comando-E
neste caso. Patch por Victor Corrige
em plataformas com glibc. Agora ele retorna uma string consistindo de até 100 símbolos separados por ponto e vírgula (uma string vazia na maioria dos locais) em todas as plataformas Posix. Anteriormente, ele retornava apenas o primeiro símbolo ou uma string Corrige suporte para o sinalizador future
no novo Corrige segurança de thread em
na construção de threads livres. As operações OpenSSL agora são protegidas por uma trava por Corrige refcycles em exceções levantadas de
e a implementação python deasyncio.Future
gh-53203: Corrige
para os formatos%c
em muitos idiomas: árabe, bislama, bretão, bodo, cassubiano, chuvache, estoniano, francês, irlandês, ge’ez, gurajati, gaélico manx, hebraico, hindi, chhattisgarhi, crioulo haitiano, japonês, canarês, coreano, marata, malaio, norueguês, nynorsk, punjabi, rajasthani, tok pisin, iorubá, chinês yue, yau nungon e chinê Permite chamar
com argumentos de palavra-chave no Windows. Corrige uma regressão em Corrige a detecção da API de fila mínima necessária pelo módulo
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige ciclos de referência deixados em tracebacks em
quando usado comhappy_eyeballs_delay
gh-124390: Corrigidas
ao usarasyncio.staggered.staggered_race()
.gh-124651: Coloca corretamente entre aspas as strings de modelo em scripts de ativação
.gh-116850: Corrige
para espaços de nomes com dict não diretamente gravável (por exemplo, classes).gh-58573: Corrige conflitos entre opções longas abreviadas no analisador pai e subanalisadores em
.gh-124594: Todos os prompts REPL
são executados no mesmocontext
. Contribuição de Bartosz Sł Corrige suporte de choices com valor de string em
. Substrings da string especificada não são mais considerados valores vá Corrige suporte de
de argumentos posicionais comnargs='?'
etype Corrige uma falha relacionada a um estouro de inteiro em
.gh-123884: Corrige bug no tratamento de itertools.tee() de outras entradas tee (um tee em um tee). A saída agora tem os prometidos n novos iteradores independentes. Anteriormente, o primeiro iterador era idêntico (não independente) ao iterador de entrada. Isso às vezes dava resultados surpreendentes.
gh-58956: Corrigido um bug em
onde às vezes o ponto de interrupção não disparava se ele fosse definido em uma função que já está na pilha de vim
suporta opções longas de traço simples abreviadas separadas por=
de seu Corrigido a falta de permissão de abreviação de opções longas de traço simples em
.gh-63143: Corrigida a análise de argumentos mutuamente exclusivos em
. Argumentos com o valor idêntico ao valor padrão (por exemplo, booleanos, inteiros pequenos, strings vazias ou de 1 caractere) não são mais considerados “não presentes”.gh-72795: Argumentos posicionais com nargs igual a
não são mais necessários. Isso permite usar argumento posicional comnargs='*'
e semdefault
em grupo mutuamente exclusivo e melhora a mensagem de erro sobre argumentos necessá Corrige análise de argumento posicional com nargs igual a
se for precedido por uma opção e outro argumento
agora ignora o primeiro"--"
(traço duplo) entre uma opção e um Adicionar bloco IPv6 reservado do RFC 9637
no móduloipaddress
.gh-81691: Corrige manipulação de múltiplos
(traços duplos) emargparse
. Apenas o primeiro foi removido, todos os subsequentes agora são tomados Remove
quebrados no Corrige possível travamento (na construção de depuração), saída incorreta ou retorno de valor incorreto do binário bruto
ao gravar no console no Corrige detecção de slots pai para dataclasses que herdam de classes com
.gh-122765: Corrige erros de aspas desbalanceadas que ocorrem quando activate.csh em
era carregado com um prompt personalizado contendo aspas desemparelhadas ou novas Corrige a tela que não limpa após executar o relógio turtledemo.
gh-116810: Resolve um vazamento de memória introduzido no
do CPython 3.10 quando a propriedadessl.SSLSocket.session
era acessada. Acelera o acesso de leitura e gravação à referida propriedade ao não clonar mais objetos de sessão desnecessariamente por meio de serializaçã Atualiza chamadas
ilimitadas emzipfile
para especificar umsize
explícito, colocando um limite na quantidade de dados que eles podem ler. Isso também atualiza o tratamento em torno do tamanho máximo de comentário do ZIP para corresponder ao padrão em vez de ler comentários que são um byte muito Corrigido um problema em que
classificaria incorretamente um nome de atributo como uma variável global quando o nome existe tanto como um nome de atributo quanto como uma variável
agora levantaNotADirectoryError
quando o modo strict está habilitado e um caminho sem diretório com uma barra final é Sempre retorna um caminho absoluto para
no Sempre usa
para exibirchoices
.gh-101955: Corrige SystemError ao corresponder ao padrão de expressão regular contendo alguma combinação de quantificador possessivo, alternativo e grupo de captura.
gh-88110: Corrigido
relatando um.exitcode
de 1 mesmo em caso de sucesso ao usar o método de início"fork"
ao usar umconcurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor
.gh-71936: Corrigir uma condição de corrida em
.bpo-46128: Remove quadros de pilha
de stacktraces relatados.bpo-14074: Corrige o processamento de metavariável de
para permitir que argumentos posicionais tenham uma metavar de tupla.
gh-122392: Aumenta o espaçamento vertical atualmente inadequado para os navegadores IDLE (caminho, módulo e pilha) em monitores de alta resolução.
gh-126622: Adicionadas páginas de rascunho para módulos removidos explicando sua remoção, onde encontrar substituições e links para a última versão do Python que os suportava. Contribuição de Ned Batchelder.
gh-125277: Exige Sphinx 7.2.6 ou posterior para construir a documentação do Python. Patch por Adam Turner.
gh-124872: Adicionadas as definições para contexto, contexto atual e protocolo de gerenciamento de contexto, atualizadas definições relacionadas para serem consistentes e expandida a documentação para
.gh-125018: A documentação
agora inclui alvos de referência cruzada semântica para as APIs documentadas significativas. Isso significa que referências intersphinx comoimportlib.metadata.version()
agora funcionarão conforme o Esclarecido o uso duplo do termo “variável livre” (tanto o significado formal de qualquer referência a nomes definidos fora do escopo local, quanto o significado pragmático mais restrito de variáveis não locais nomeadas em
).gh-121277: Os escritores da documentação do CPython agora podem usar
como a versão para as diretivasversionchanged
.gh-60712: Inclui o tipo
nas listas de tipos documentados. Alteração por Furkan Onder e Martin Panter.bpo-34008: A documentação
foi movida da seção “API de nível muito alto” para a seção “Inicialização e finalização”.Também explicita que esperamos que
seja chamado tipicamente em vez dePy_Initialize
em vez de depois dele (já quePy_Main
faz sua própria chamada paraPy_Initialize
). Documente que chamar ambos é suportado, mas depende da versão de quais configurações serão aplicadas corretamente.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-113841: Corrige possível comportamento indefinido de divisão por zero em
.gh-127020: Corrige uma falha na construção de threads livres quando
eram chamados de várias threads ao mesmo Corrige
travando quandoREAD
são passados como Corrige falha na finalização do estado dtoa. Patch por Kumar Aditya.
gh-126341: Agora
é levantada em vez deSystemError
ao tentar iterar sobre um objetomemoryview Corrige uma falha ao chamar
em alguns sistemas operacionais, incluindo Corrige
para não gravar arquivos .pyc incompletos quando um ulimit ou algum outro mecanismo do sistema operacional estiver impedindo que a gravação seja feita Corrige travamento durante a coleta de lixo em um objeto congelado por
na construção de threads Fornece melhor localização de erro ao tentar usar uma instrução future com um recurso futuro desconhecido.
gh-126018: Corrige travamento em
ao passar uma não string como primeiro argumento e o Python foi compilado no modo de depuraçã No Android, a configuração
foi alterada desurrogateescape
.gh-125859: Corrige uma falha na construção de threads livres quando
é chamado durante uma coleta de lixo em Honra corretamente os ganchos
em caminhosPy_DECREF
especializados. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-125593: Usa cores para destacar locais de erro no traceback do grupo de exceções
gh-125444: Corrige instruções ilegais para arquiteturas Arm mais antigas. Patch por Diego Russo, testes de Ross Burton.
gh-124375: Corrige uma falha na construção de threads livres quando o GC é executado simultaneamente com uma nova thread iniciando.
gh-125221: Corrige possível condição de corrida ao chamar
pela primeira vez na construção de threads Corrige falha ao iterar sobre uma expressão geradora após alterações diretas em
. Patch por Mikhail Corrige uma falha no método
de objetosUnicodeError
quando os valoresUnicodeError.start
são inválidos ou estão fora do intervalo. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha causada por strings internas imortais sendo compartilhadas entre subinterpretadores que usam inicialização básica de fase única. Nesse caso, a string pode ser usada por um interpretador que sobrevive ao interpretador que a criou e a internou. Para interpretadores que compartilham o estado obmalloc, compartilhe também o dict interno com o interpretador principal.
gh-122878: Usa o binário
, se disponível (por exemplo, no Debian e derivados), para exibir REPLhelp()
.gh-124188: Corrige a leitura e decodificação de uma linha do arquivo de origem com codificação não UTF-8 para erros de sintaxe levantados no compilador.
gh-123930: Melhora a mensagem de erro quando um script que faz “shadowing” de um módulo da biblioteca padrão faz com que
seja levantada durante uma importação “from”. Da mesma forma, melhore a mensagem de erro quando um script que faz shadowing de um módulo de terceiros tenta importar um atributo desse módulo de terceiros enquanto ainda está A construção com
agora funciona tão bem quanto no 3.12. As deficiências existentes serão abordadas separadamente. (Consulte Corrige o bug em que SSLProtocol.connection_lost não estava sendo chamado quando OSError era lançada na gravação no soquete.
gh-113570: Corrige um bug em
em que ele chamava incorretamente o método repr em tipos embutidos Python com Se
falhar ao iniciar uma nova thread, ele exclui seu estado do interpretador e, portanto, evita sua limpeza repetida na finalização.
gh-126554: Corrige o tratamento de erros em objetos
que podem resultar em uma falha em situações Corrige um bug em que os observadores de dicionário (por exemplo,
) no dicionário de atributos de um objeto (__dict__
) não eram acionados quando os atributos do objeto eram modificados.bpo-34008: Adiciona
à lista de APIs que são seguras para chamar antes que o interpretador seja inicializado e atualiza os testes de incorporação para cobri-lo.
gh-123877: Define
como o alvo WASI. O antigo alvowasm32-wasi
está descontinuado para que possa ser usado para um eventual WASI Codifica a ordem de palavras float como little endian no WASM.
gh-125940: A construção no Android agora oferece suporte a tamanhos de página de 16 KB.
gh-89640: Melhora a detecção da ordem de palavras flutuantes no Linux quando as otimizações de tempo de link estiverem habilitadas.
gh-125269: Corrige a detecção de se
é necessário ao fazer compilação cruzada do CPython usando o script Permite especificar o triplo de compilação de destino para WASI.
gh-122578: Usa WASI SDK 24 para testes.
gh-115382: Corrige falhas de compilação cruzada quando o host e o SOABIs de destino correspondem.
Python 3.13.0 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-10-07
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-125008: Corrige
produzindo sintaxe inválida para chaves duplas precedidas por certos caracteres de Corrige bug do compilador (em algumas versões do 3.13) onde uma asserção falha durante a análise de acessibilidade.
Python 3.13.0 release candidate 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-10-01
gh-123797: Verifica a disponibilidade do tempo de execução da função
no macOS.
gh-124609: Corrige
para construções do Windows usando MinGW. Patch por Tony Garante que binários experimentais de threads livres permaneçam instalados durante a atualização.
gh-123915: Garante que
use diretórios diferentes para compilações AMD64 e ARM64.
gh-124378: Atualizado
para passar com Tcl/Tk 8.6.15.
gh-124538: Corrige falha ao usar
em um objeto cá Corrige
para não ser genérico, quandotype_params
é uma tupla Devido a resultados não confiáveis em alguns dispositivos,
não aceita mais anos negativos no
agora estão indisponíveis ao construir em níveis de API do Android mais antigos que 31, pois as chamadas de sistema subjacentes podem causar uma Corrige possível falha ao usar
para processar campos ‘Pascal string’ de largura zero (0p
).gh-87041: Corrige um bug em
onde a ajuda de argumento de sub-analisador longa é indentada Corrige variável inválida em
manipulação de link simbólico com falha no Windowsgh-124171: Adiciona solução alternativa para implementações quebradas de
no Windows, que perdem o sinal de zero (por exemplo,fmod(-10, 1)
). Patch por Sergey B Corrige
redefinindo valores de retorno de métodos mágicos após.reset_mock(return_value=True)
ser Corrige a interface de linha de comando para o módulo
para selecionar floats entre 0 e N, não 1 e Adicionar
. Patch por Victor Corrige
para classes nos mó
(para implementação Python pura).inspect.getcomments()
agora levanta OSError em vez de IndexError se o valor__firstlineno__
para uma classe estiver fora dos Ao trabalhar com arquivos zip, importlib.resources agora honra corretamente referências adjacentes ao módulo (por exemplo,
e não apenasfiles(pkg)
).gh-122145: Corrige um problema ao relatar tracebacks correspondentes ao código Python emitindo um corpo AST vazio. Patch de Nikita Sobolev e Bénédikt Tran.
gh-119004: Corrige uma falha em OrderedDict.__eq__ quando operandos são mutados durante a verificação. Patch por Bénédikt Tran.
bpo-44864: Não traduz strings fornecidas pelo usuário em
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-124567: Reverte o GC incremental (em 3.13), pois não está claro se os benefícios superam os custos neste momento.
gh-124642: Corrigido problema de escalabilidade em construções de threads livres para leituras sem travas de dicionários em cenários de multithread
gh-116510: Corrige um bug que pode causar uma falha quando subinterpretadores usam módulos “básicos” de extensão de fase única. Objetos compartilhados podem se referir a nós PyGC_Head que foram liberados como parte da limpeza do interpretador.
gh-124547: Ao desalocar um objeto com valores inline cujo
ainda está ativo: se a alocação de memória para os valores inline falhar, limpe o dicionário. Evita uma falha do Corrige uma falha no construtor FrameLocalsProxy: verifica o número de argumentos. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-124442: Corrige não determinismo na compilação classificando o valor de
. Patch por Corrige falha do PyREPL quando uma interrupção de teclado é acionada após usar uma pesquisa de histórico
gh-65961: Documenta a descontinuação da configuração e uso de
.gh-124027: Suporte às chaves
<page up>
,<page down>
no Python REPL quando$TERM
estiver definido comovt100
.gh-77894: Corrige possível travamento no coletor de lixo quando ele tenta quebrar um laço de referência contendo um objeto
. Agora, um objetomemoryview
só pode ser limpo se não houver buffers que o Define o atributo
para uma classe agora remove o item__firstlineno__
do dict do tipo, então eles não serão mais inconsistentes.
gh-124487: As construções do Windows agora usam o Windows 8.1 como sua linha de base de API (a instalação já exigia o Windows 8.1).
gh-124043: Construir usando
é (temporariamente) proibido quando a GIL está desabilitado.
Python 3.13.0 release candidate 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-09-06
gh-123418: Construção do instalador do macOS atualizada para usar o OpenSSL 3.0.15.
gh-123418: Construção do Windows atualizada para usar o OpenSSL 3.0.15.
gh-122573: A construção do Windows do CPython agora requer 3.10 ou mais recente.
não falha mais quando encontra uma chave de registro inacessí Faz com que
ignore certificados inválidos no armazenamento de certificados do Windows
gh-123418: Atualiza os fluxos de trabalho do GitHub CI para usar o OpenSSL 3.0.15 e multissltests para usar 3.0.15, 3.1.7 e 3.2.3.
gh-123657: Corrige o travamento e o vazamento de memória em
. Ele travava ao usar um contexto local de thread por--with-decimal-contextvar=no
.gh-123448: Corrigido vazamento de memória de
movendo-o para o vetor de tipos está Corrige a saída de
de acordo com RFC 3596, §2.5. Patch por Bénédikt Aplicada uma correção mais cirúrgica para payloads malformados em
causando loops infinitos (gh-122905) sem quebrar o conteúdo usando caracteres legí Corrige tipo de retorno para
para serstr()
. Patch por Sergey B Levanta eventos de auditoria para
no novo Corrige vazamento de memória em
.gh-122546: Usar consistentemente o mesmo nome de arquivo para diferentes exceções no novo repl. Patch por Sergey B Kirpichev.
gh-123213: A atribuição
não oculta mais a exceção interna se um gerador errôneo for passado. Patch por Bar Preserva caminho relativo em URL sem netloc em
.gh-123067: Corrige complexidade quadrática na análise de valores de cookies entre aspas
com contrabarras porhttp.cookies
.gh-122981: Corrige
para classes geradas com classes base Python (por exemplo, enums).gh-122903:
agora corresponde corretamente aos diretórios em vez de omiti-los Objetos
agora sanitizam nomes do arquivo Corrige liberação dupla ao usar
com um iteradorasyncio.Future
não substitui mais arquivos de log Restaura o método descontinuado
. Ele foi removido no Python 3.13 alpha 1. Mantém o método descontinuadowarn()
no Python 3.13. Patch por Victor Sobe a versão do pip empacotado em ensurepip para a versão 24.2.
gh-118814: Corrige o construtor
quando o nome for passado como argumento Remove quadros internos de tracebacks mostrados em
não padrão. Salve os tracebacks corretos emsys.last_traceback
e atualize o atributo__traceback__
.gh-116622: No Android, as constantes
não são mais expostas porfcntl
, pois esses ioctls são bloqueados pelo Garante que o novo REPL interprete
da mesma forma que o REPL clá Corrige o travamento ao importar
após a reinicialização do interpretador Em
, trata exceções causadas pela chamada de umsys.excepthook()
não padrão. Antes, a exceção era apresentada para o chamador, encerrando o Cabeçalhos
com quebras de linha incorporadas agora são citados na saída. Ogenerator
agora se recusará a serializar (escrever) cabeçalhos que são dobrados ou delimitados de forma insegura; consulteverify_generated_headers
. (Contribuição de Bas Bloemsaat e Petr Viktorin em gh-121650.)gh-121723: Faz
aceitar qualquer objeto que implemente a API pública Queue. Veja a seção configuração de fila para detalhes. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige uma falha na função opcional
disponível por meio do sinalizador de configuraçãoEXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY
.gh-121804: Mostra corretamente os locais de erro quando
é levantada em um novo repl. Patch por Sergey B Corrige o encapsulamento de texto de uso longo de argumentos dentro de um grupo mutuamente exclusivo em
honra o navegador preferido do sistema no Linux quando a entrada desktop de nome contém o texto de um nome de navegador Agora você pode obter as cadeias de certificados TLS brutas de conexões TLS por meio dos métodos
.Contribuição de Mateusz Nowak.
gh-120083: Adiciona a cor preta explícita como primeiro plano de dicas flutuantes (hovertips) do IDLE, necessário para macOS recentes. Corrige o Sonoma mostrando branco ilegível em amarelo claro. Patch por John Riggles.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-120221: o REPL do asyncio agora está reconhecendo corretamente KeyboardInterrupts. A exibição de exceções levantadas em threads secundárias foi corrigida.
gh-119310: Permite que o novo console interativo leia arquivos de histórico escritos com a biblioteca editline que usam entradas com escape unicode. Patch por aorcajo e Łukasz Langa.
gh-123572: Corrige mapeamentos de teclas para várias teclas F no Windows para o novo REPL. Patch por devdanzin
gh-119034: Altera as teclas
<page up>
e<page down>
do REPL do Python para pesquisa de histórico para frente/para trás. Patch por Victor Corrige um decref duplo em casos raros em construções JIT experimentais.
gh-123484: Corrige
para objetos longos para serem relativos ao início do objeto em vez do início de um Adiciona otimizações AST para padrões de parâmetros de tipo.
gh-123321: Impede que a condição de corrida Parser/myreadline apresente falhas de segmentação no uso multithread. Patch por Bar Harel e Amit Wienner.
gh-123177: Corrige um bug que causava o aparecimento de prompts perdidos no meio de linhas quebradas no novo REPL.
gh-122982: Estende o período de descontinuação para inversão de bool (
) em dois Suporte a
-X gil=1
em construções sem threads Desativa quebra de linha no Apple Terminal por meio de um código de escape ANSI. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-123229: Corrige o aviso valgrind inicializando os buffers f-string para 0 no tokenizador. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-122298: Restaura a impressão das estatísticas do GC quando
é chamado. Este recurso foi removido acidentalmente ao implementar o GC Mostra corretamente os locais de erro quando uma
é levanta no REPL básico. Patch por Sergey B Corrige o local de origem muito amplo em tracebacks de exceção provenientes de iteráveis quebrados em compreensões.
gh-123048: Corrige um bug em que o código de correspondência de padrões poderia emitir um
sem local de Corrige a exibição de exceções
cobrindo várias linhas. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-123083: Corrige um possível uso após liberação em
.gh-123022: Corrige falha em construção de threads livres ao chamar
de uma thread não Corrige falha em certas chamadas para
com argumentos posicionais do tipo errado. Patch por Jelle Corrige mensagens stdout e stderr do Android sendo truncadas ou perdidas.
gh-122527: Corrige uma falha que ocorria quando um
era desalocado após o dicionário do seu tipo ser limpo pelo GC. Otp_basicsize
do tipo agora considera campos não sequenciais que não estão incluídos noPy_SIZE
da sequê Adiciona somente campos que são modificados via self.* para
.gh-98442: Corrige localizações de origem muito amplas das instruções de limpeza de uma declaração with.
gh-93691: Corrige localizações de origem de instruções geradas para declarações with.
agora é uma subclasse
e pode ser correspondido como um mapeamento em instruçõesmatch
gh-122728: Corrige
para evitarSystemError
(“argumento ruim para função interna”). Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-123418: Atualizada construção do Android para usar OpenSSL 3.0.15.
gh-123297: Propaga o valor de
. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-116622: Renomeia variável de construção
de volta paraLIBPYTHON
, como é usada por sistemas de construção de pacotes (por exemplo, Meson).gh-118943: Corrige um problema em que o JIT experimental poderia ser construído várias vezes pelo alvo
make regen-all
, levando a possíveis condições de corrida em construções fortemente Corrige uma possível condição de corrida afetando construções paralelas configuradas com
, em queFileNotFoundError
poderia ser causado por outro processo que já estava
Python 3.13.0 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-07-31
gh-59022: Adiciona testes para
. Patch por Andreas
pode levantarOSError
ao executar testes de regressão sob certas condições (por exemplo, chroot). Este erro agora é capturado e ignorado, pois o relatório da média de carga é opcional.
gh-122133: Autentica a conexão de soquete para o fallback
em plataformas ondeAF_UNIX
não está disponível, como o Windows.Patch por Gregory P. Smith <> e Seth Larson <>. Reportado por Ellie <>
gh-121957: Corrigidos eventos de auditoria ausentes no uso interativo do Python, agora também sendo acionados corretamente para
python -i
, bem como parapython -m asyncio
. Os eventos em questão sãocpython.run_stdin
gh-122400: Lida com
s levantados poros.stat()
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrigido segfault com
ao usar uma fábrica de tarefas a função
agora está suavemente descontinuada: ela não emite mais avisos de descontinuação e não está programada para remoçã Restaura
para objetosfunctools.partial
.gh-122170: Lida com
s levantadas poros.stat()
. Patch por Bénédikt Serializa objetos com
complexo (como métodos não vinculados e classes aninhadas) por nome não envolve mais serializar objetos pais por valor em protocolos pickle <
agora analisa corretamente campos numéricos (quando usados comcsv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
) que começam com um caractere de
agora copia o status da corrotina de funções e métodos para queinspect.iscoroutinefunction()
retorne o resultado Corrigido um bug introduzido por gh-92081 que adicionava um espaço extra incorreto para palavras codificadas ocorrendo em cabeçalhos encapsulados.
gh-121474: Corrigida a verificação de sanidade ausente para o argumento
no construtorthreading.Barrier
. Patch por Clinton Christian (pygeek).gh-120289: Corrigido o problema de uso após liberação em
ao desabilitardisable()
em temporizadores externos.
gh-122482: Alterado o Sobre do IDLE para direcionar os usuários para em vez do e-mail e lista de discussão idle-dev, agora não utilizados.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-116090: Corrige um problema em construções JIT que impediam alguns loops
de disparar corretamente eventos de monitoramentoRAISE
.gh-122208: Os monitoradores de dicionário agora só entregam o evento PyDict_EVENT_ADDED quando a inserção está em um estado conhecido como bom para ser bem-sucedida.
gh-122300: Preserva nós AST para f-string com especificadores de formato de elemento único. Patch por Pablo Galindo
agora oferece suporte a objetos hash arbitrários como Emite eventos
quando umPyMethodObject
apontando para umPyCFunction
é Corrige um bug que fazia com que o tokenizador não identificasse corretamente parênteses incompatíveis dentro de f-strings em algumas situações. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-118934: Faz
retornar referência emprestada
gh-116622: Faz
contornar um bug no Android e OpenBSD que o impedia de levantar uma exceção ao tentar gravar em um fluxo somente Exporta
privada novamente.
gh-120522: Adicionada uma opção
para corrigir problemas conhecidos com processos de revisão da App Store do macOS/iOS.
Python 3.13.0 beta 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-07-18
gh-121084: Corrige vazamentos aleatórios de test_typing. Limpa caches ABC de tipagem ao executar testes para refleaks (opção
): chama_abc_caches_clear()
em classes abstratas de tipagem e suas subclasses. Patch por Victor Adiciona um teste para
. Observe que este teste pode falhar em bibliotecas Corrige
. Chamagetpwnam()
para obterpw_dir
, pois pode ser diferente degetpwall()
. Patch por Victor Ao criar o arquivo XML JUnit, o regrtest agora escapa caracteres inválidos em XML, como o caractere de controle chr(27) usado em sequências de escape ANSI. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-57141: O argumento shallow para
(novo no Python 3.13) agora é Simplifica o tratamento do arquivo de histórico no auxiliar
. A variávelCAN_USE_PYREPL
agora será inicializada quando importada. Patch por Sergey B Corrige o construtor de nós
personalizados. Anteriormente, passar atributos personalizados levantariaDeprecationWarning
. Passar argumentos para o construtor que não estão em_fields
continua descontinuado. Patch por Jelle Evita
para o módulowarnings
ao acessar os atributos descontinuados do mó
.gh-121245: Corrige um bug no tratamento do histórico de comandos do novo REPL que fazia com que o arquivo de histórico fosse apagado na saída do REPL.
gh-87744: Corrige a corrida waitpid ao chamar
em asyncio. Patch por Kumar Corrigidos outros problemas em que
não honravaexit_on_error=False
.gh-120678: Corrigida a regressão no novo REPL que significava que globais de arquivos passados usando o argumento
não seriam incluídos no namespace global do REPL. Patch por Alex Corrigidas referências erradas dos tipos
após recarregar o mó
agora preenche com 0 anos com menos de quatro dígitos para os especificadores de formato%Y
no Linux. Patch por Ben Hsinggh-117983: Adia a importação de
até que o carregamento preguiçoso seja Ao usar o operador
como base e um expoente que não seja racional, um float ou um complexo, a fração não é mais convertida em um Permite
na depuração post-mortem depdb
. Removida a mensagem de reinicialização quando o usuário sai do pdb do modo Corrige degradação de desempenho em
. Patch por Craig Robson.
gh-78889: Para o congelamentos do Shell bloqueando o acesso do usuário a atributos que não são métodos, que são todos privados.
gh-121749: Corrige documentação para
.gh-120012: Esclarece os comportamentos de
em filas fechadas. Patch por Bénédikt Tran.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-121860: Corrige travamento ao rematerializar um dicionário gerenciado após ele ter sido excluído.
gh-121814: Corrigido o SegFault quando
é usado sem nenhum quadro Python na Corrigido o console PyREPL entrando em um estado bloqueado após interromper uma colagem longa
gh-121794: Corrigido o bug no Python de threads livres onde um objeto ressuscitado poderia levar a uma falha de asserção de contagem de referência negativa.
gh-121657: Melhorada a mensagem de
se o usuário tentar usaryield from
fora de uma funçã Corrigido o ato de colar caracteres contendo unicode character joiners no novo REPL. Patch por Marta Gomez Macias
gh-117482: Invólucros de slot inesperados não são mais criados para tipos estáticos embutidos em subinterpretadores.
gh-121499: Corrige um bug que afetava como o histórico multilinha estava sendo renderizado no novo REPL após interagir com o novo cache de tela. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-121497: Corrige um bug que impedia o REPL de respeitar corretamente o histórico quando um gancho de entrada era definido. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-121012: A execução do nível 2 agora garante que os iteradores de lista permaneçam esgotados, uma vez que se esgotem.
gh-121439: Permite que tuplas de comprimento 20 na lista de liberação sejam reutilizadas.
gh-121368: Corrige a condição de corrida em
na construção de threads livres devido a uma cerca de memória ausente. Isso pode levar_PyType_Lookup
a retornar resultados incorretos no Corrige f-strings com expressões de depuração em especificadores de formato. Patch por Pablo Galindo
não usa mais métodos__index__()
por padrão. O sinalizadorPy_ASNATIVEBYTES_ALLOW_INDEX
foi adicionado para permitir isso.
gh-89364: Exporta a função
. Anteriormente, a função era documentada, mas não podia ser usada em código de terceiros. Patch por Victor
não impede mais que seu argumento seja coletado como lixo.Várias funções que usam
char *
agora são documentadas como possivelmente impedindo que objetos de string sejam coletados como lixo; consulte a documentação para obter detalhes:PyUnicode_InternFromString()
e funções de conveniênciaPyModule_Add*
.gh-113601: Removidas asserções de construção de depuração relacionadas a strings internas, que eram falsamente acionadas por extensões ABI estáveis.
gh-112136: Restaura a estrutura privada
e a função privada_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast()
, removidas anteriormente no Python 3.13 alpha 1. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-120371: Suporta WASI SDK 22 ignorando explicitamente funções que são apenas stubs em wasi-libc.
gh-121731: Corrige erro de construção mimalloc no GNU/Hurd
gh-121487: Corrige aviso de descontinuação para ATOMIC_VAR_INIT em mimalloc.
gh-121467: Corrige um bug do Makefile que impedia a instalação de arquivos de cabeçalho mimalloc.
gh-121103: Em sistemas POSIX, excluindo instalações do framework macOS, o diretório lib para a construção de threads livres agora inclui um sufixo “t” para evitar conflitos com uma instalação de construção padrão co-localizada.
gh-120831: A versão mínima padrão do iOS foi aumentada para 13.0.
gh-113565: Melhora as verificações de dependência
em configure.
Python 3.13.0 beta 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-06-27
Núcleo e embutidos¶
agora sempre são executados com o interpretador principal Subinterpretadores agora são limpos automaticamente durante a finalização do tempo de execução.
gh-119462: Garante que invariantes de versionamento de tipo sejam mantidos: * Superclasses sempre têm seu número de versão atribuído antes das subclasses * A tag version é sempre zero se a tag não for válida. * A tag version é sempre diferente de zero se a tag for válida.
gh-120437: Corrige problemas de otimização
introduzidos em Define corretamente a posição do bytecode em instruções de retorno dentro de lambdas. Patch por Jelle Zijlstra.
gh-120367: Corrige bug onde o compilador cria um salto redundante durante a substituição de pseudo-op. Só pode acontecer com um AST sintético que tenha uma tentativa na mesma linha que a instrução após o manipulador de exceção.
gh-113993: Strings internalizadas com
são novamente coletadas como lixo quando não são mais usadas, conforme a documentação. Strings internadas com a função CPyUnicode_InternInPlace()
ainda são imortais. Os internos do mecanismo de internação de strings foram alterados. Isso pode afetar o desempenho e as identidades dos objetosstr
.gh-120384: Corrige uma falha de vetor fora dos limites em
, que poderia ser invocada por meio de alguma entrada especificamente adaptada: incluindo modificação simultânea de um objeto de lista, onde um thread atribui uma fatia e outro a Corrige falha no compilador em código com NOPs e JUMPs redundantes que aparecem depois que os manipuladores de exceção são movidos para o final do código.
gh-120380: Corrige implementação Python de
para objetosbytes
ao usar o protocolo versão 5. Patch por Bénédikt Suporte ao perfilador de desempenho Linux para ver chamadas Python na arquitetura RISC-V.
gh-120221: Entrega sinais reais em Ctrl-C e Ctrl-Z no novo REPL. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-120346: Respeita
ao executar no modo de inspeção interativa (python -i
). Patch de Pablo Galindogh-93691: Corrige os locais de origem das instruções geradas para o iterador de uma instrução for.
gh-120198: Corrige uma falha quando vários threads leem e escrevem na mesma
de um objeto Corrige o uso após a liberação em
que pode ser invocado por meio de alguma entrada maligna especificamente Corrige uma falha do compilador no caso em que duas compreensões no escopo da classe referenciam
.gh-120225: Corrige a falha no compilador em bloco vazio no final do manipulador de exceção.
gh-119933: Melhora as mensagens
para expressões inválidas em um limite de parâmetros de tipo, uma tupla de restrição de parâmetro de tipo ou um parâmetro de tipo padrão. Patch por Bénédikt Tran.bpo-24766: Corrige manipulação do argumento
para subclasses deproperty
gh-121027: Adiciona um aviso futuro em
. Em versões futuras do Python,functools.partial
será um descritor de mé Melhora o
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige um problema em que
não honravaexit_on_error=False
quando recebia argumentos não reconhecidos. Patch por Ben Corrige truncamento de strings com caracteres nulos incorporados em algumas operações internas em
.gh-120910: Ao ler arquivos instalados de um egg, usa
para honrar arquivos instalados fora da raiz da instalaçã Atualiza pip wheel empacotado com ensurepip (pip 24.1.1)
gh-101830: Acessar a representação de string do objeto
não converte mais o objeto Tcl subjacente em uma string no Corrige possível vazamento de memória em
.gh-120769: Faz com que uma linha vazia em
repita o último comando mesmo quando o comando é decmdqueue
.gh-120732: Corrige
passando para o objetounittest.mock.Mock
ao usarunittest.mock.create_autospec()
.gh-120683: Corrige um erro em
, quando a parte inteira do registro de data e hora é arredondada para cima, enquanto o cálculo de milissegundos trunca, fazendo com que o registro de data e hora do log esteja errado em até 999 ms (afetou aproximadamente 1 em 8 milhões de registros de data e hora).gh-120633: Move a barra de rolagem e remova os menus destacáveis no turtledemo.
gh-120541: Melhora o prompt no pager “less” quando
é chamado com argumento nã Corrige o tratamento de exceção incorreto no Tab Nanny. Patch por Wulian233.
gh-120381: Corrige
para verificar também a falta de__delete__()
. Patch por Jan O byte do SO em cabeçalhos gzip agora é sempre definido como 255 ao usar
.gh-120343: Corrige o relatório de deslocamento de coluna para tokens que vêm depois de f-strings multilinhas no módulo
.gh-119600: Corrige
para não ler atributos do alvo quandonew_callable
estiver definido. Patch por Robert Corrige bug de caso extremo em que
produziria resultados incorretos se parâmetros de tipo em um escopo de classe fossem substituídos por atribuições em um escopo de classe e a semânticafrom __future__ import annotations
estivesse habilitada. Patch por Alex Corrige
errôneo ao chamarinspect.get_annotations()
em uma classe que fazia uso de parâmetros do tipo PEP 695 em um módulo que tinhafrom __future__ import annotations
no topo do arquivo. Patch por Alex Proibe passar
puro-Python para obter consistência com a implementação da extensão Corrige vazamento de memória em
quando a string de substituição contém referências Corrige
com Tcl/Tk Corrige travamento na versão C de
quando chamado novamente no interpretador
não trava mais em certas situações complexas de ciclo de referê Corrige
e documenta seu comportamento. Patch por Bénédikt Adiciona
ao módulo__all__
.gh-119933: Adiciona a enumeração
para representar as possíveis saídas do métodosymtable.SymbolTable.get_type
. Patch por Bénédikt Corrige chamada de
em árvoresast
que foram modificadas para ter referências a nós pais. Patch por Jelle
não dispara mais uma chamada para umPropertyMock
sendo Os métodos
agora respeitam um argumento output configurado parapydoc.Helper
e não usam o pager em tais casos. Patch por Enrico Trö O
emitido ao testar o valor verdade de umxml.etree.ElementTree.Element
agora descreve o retorno incondicional deTrue
em uma versão futura em vez de gerar uma exceção no Python Limita os globais expostos de importações e definições internas na inicialização do novo REPL. Patch por Eugene Triguba e Pablo Galindo.
gh-119506: Corrige o método
que quebra o buffer interno quando o método é chamado novamente durante a descarga do buffer interno.
gh-120671: Corrige testes de configuração com falha devido a um espaço ausente ao anexar a CFLAGS.
gh-120602: Manipula corretamente instalações LLVM com
ao construir com--enable-experimental-jit
.gh-120326: No Windows, corrige o erro de construção quando as opções
são Torna o script de shell
compatível com shells além do bash.
gh-120642: Remova o tipo privado
da API C pública. O cabeçalho internopycore_code.h
agora deve ser usado para obter esse tipo interno. Patch por Victor
não trava mais o dicionário na construção de threads livres. O bloqueio precisa ser feito pelo chamador em todo o laço de iteraçã Remove as seguintes funções instáveis:
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-119344: A API da seção crítica agora é pública como parte da API C não limitada.
gh-118789: Adiciona
, que limpa weakrefs sem chamar seus callbacks.
Python 3.13.0 beta 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-06-05
gh-118773: Corrige a criação de ACLs em
no Windows para funcionar corretamente em máquinas que não falam inglê
no Windows agora aceita o modo de0o700
para restringir o novo diretório ao usuário atual. Isso corrige CVE 2024-4030 afetandotempfile.mkdtemp()
em cenários onde o diretório temporário base é mais permissivo do que o padrão.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-119724: Revertidas as melhorias para mensagens de erro para instruções
que não correspondem a nenhuma instrução válida, o que torna difícil localizar os erros de sintaxe dentro desses blocoselif
.gh-119842: Honra
no novo REPL. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-119821: Corrige a execução de escopos de anotação dentro de classes quando
estiver definido como um não-dict. Patch por Jelle Adiciona um comando
ao REPL. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-111999: Corrige a assinatura de
.gh-119560: Uma asserção inválida no beta 1 foi removida. A asserção falharia se
fosse usada na função init de um módulo de extensão antes que o módulo def tivesse sido Corrige um impasse (deadlock) durante a exclusão de thread em construção de threads livres, que poderia ocorrer quando a GIL foi habilitada em tempo de execução.
gh-119525: Corrige o impasse envolvendo o cache
na construção de threads livres quando a GIL é habilitada dinamicamente em tempo de execuçã Corrige bug onde nomes são inesperadamente cortados nas bases de classes genéricas.
gh-119395: Corrige bug onde nomes aparecendo após uma classe genérica são cortados como se estivessem na classe genérica.
gh-119213: Módulos não embutidos construídos com a clínica de argumentos estavam travando se usados em um subinterpretador antes do interpretador principal. Os objetos que estavam causando o problema por vazamento entre os interpretadores descuidadamente foram corrigidos.
gh-119011: Corrige
para retornar uma tupla vazia em vez de um Evita criar instâncias
desnecessárias para Corrige a exibição da linha de origem para avisos criados pela API C se o módulo
ainda não tiver sido Corrige falhas de construção ao configurar com
.gh-118921: Adiciona o método
que retorna umdict
para variáveis Corrige corridas de dados no campo que armazena um ponteiro para a thread principal do interpretador que ocorrem em construções de threads livres.
gh-118561: Corrige condição de corrida em construções de threads livres onde
poderia expor memória não inicializada para leitores simultâ Evita falha de asserção para construções de depuração ao chamar
gh-119819: Corrige regressão para permitir configuração de registro com tipos de fila de multiprocessamento.
gh-117142: O módulo
agora pode ser importado em todos os subinterpretadores, incluindo aqueles que têm sua própria Corrige falha do _pyrepl ao usar prompt personalizado com códigos de escape ANSI.
gh-117398: O módulo
(implementação C paradatetime
) agora oferece suporte a importação em múltiplos Corrige problema com
onde umaRecursionError
é levantada em árvores de diretório Corrige parcialmente o problema com
onde umaRecursionError
é levantada em árvores de diretório profundas. Um erro de recursão não é mais levantado quandormtree.avoids_symlink_attacks
é Corrige regressão de desempenho no módulo
armazenando em cache o atributo de tokenline
e calculando o deslocamento da coluna de forma mais Corrige problema com
onde umaRecursionError
era levantada em árvores de diretório profundas ajustando a implementação para ser iterativa em vez de
agora avalia se o caminho fornecido é um link simbó Captura
no método runsource() do InteractiveColoredConsole. Patch por Sergey B Agora, o método
levanta umValueError
se o soquete fornecido não estiver no modo não bloqueante, bem como em outras implementações de laç O REPL interativo não é mais executado com
from __future__ import annotations
habilitado. Patch por Jelle Os objetos na C-API datetime agora são alocados estaticamente, o que significa melhor segurança de memória, especialmente quando o módulo é recarregado. Isso deve ser transparente para os usuários.
O REPL agora tem os mesmos recursos do No PyREPL, a lógica do
foi atualizada para que, se o usuário pressionar Enter duas vezes, ele possa encerrar o bloco mesmo se houver um espaço em branco à direita. Além disso, agora, quando o usuário pressiona a seta para cima, o cursor fica na última linha da função. Isso corresponde ao comportamento do IPython. Patch por Aya Remove dependência para
do novo REPL do Corrige DPI alto que causa janelas borradas no turtledemo (exemplos do turtle-graphics) Patch por Wulian233 e Terry Jan Reedy
gh-119121: Corrige um NameError acontecendo em
. Esta função agora está Corrige problema em que
não levantavaTypeError
quando dadoNone
como Corrige um AttributeError no módulo
ao redobrar uma longa lista de endereços. Também corrige mais casos de codificação incorreta do separador de endereços na lista de endereç Faz
retornar ao quadro do chamador corretamente quandof_trace
do quadro do chamador não estiver definidogh-118895: Define atributos em
agora levantaAttributeError
em vez deTypeError
.gh-118868: Corrigido o problema em que kwargs não eram mais passados para o manipulador de registro QueueHandler
gh-118851: Argumentos
para os construtores de classes de nóast
agora são padronizados paraast.Load()
. Patch por Jelle Restaura o valor padrão de
.gh-118760: Corrige erros ao chamar ligações Tkinter no Windows.
gh-118507: Corrige
no Windows para pipes. Aceleraos.path.isjunction()
no Windows com uma implementação Permite que instâncias
sem um padrão sigam instâncias sem um padrão em alguns casos. Patch por Jelle
agora suprime qualquerOSError
quando o modo strict está desabilitado (o padrão).gh-118263: Acelera
com uma chamada C Corrige
não criando um slot__weakref__
ao subclassificartyping.Generic
.gh-106531: Em
, sincronizar com importlib_resources 6.3.2, incluindo:MultiplexedPath
agora espera caminhosTraversable
, descontinuando argumentos de string paraMultiplexedPath
; Suporte habilitado para recursos em pacotes de espaço de nomes em arquivos zip; CorrigidoNotADirectoryError
ao chamar arquivos em um subdiretório de um pacote de espaço de Ignora avisos sobre conclusão de texto dentro do REPL.
gh-103956: Corrige a falta de caracteres de nova linha na saída do módulo
quando o rastreamento de linha está habilitado, mas a linha de código-fonte para o quadro atual não está disponí Corrige espaços ausentes em cabeçalhos de e-mail quando os espaços são misturados com caracteres codificados de 8 bits.
gh-103194: Prepara o Tkinter para alterações na API C no Tcl 8.7/9.0 para evitar que
seja retornado inesperadamente em vez debool
.gh-87106: Corrigida a manipulação em
de argumentos nomeados com o mesmo nome que argumentos somente-posicionais quando um argumento nomeado variádico (por exemplo,**kwargs
) estiver presente.bpo-45767: Corrige conversão de inteiros em
. Suporte a números de dispositivos maiores que2**63-1
. Suporte a número de dispositivos inexistente (NODEV
).gh-67693: Corrige
para URIs com caminho começando com várias barras e sem autoridade. Baseado no patch de Ashwin Ramaswami.
gh-119050: Executor de teste regrtest: Adiciona suporte XML ao verificador de reflexos (opção -R). Patch de Victor Stinner.
gh-119729: Em sistemas POSIX, os nomes de arquivo pkg-config (
) agora incluem os sinalizadores ABI, que podem incluir debug ("d") e free-threaded ("t"). Por exemplo: *python-3.14.pc
(padrão, construção não-debug) *python-3.14d.pc
(padrão, construção debug) *python-3.14t.pc
(construção de threads livres)gh-115119: Retorna ao libmpdec empacotado se uma versão do sistema não puder ser encontrada.
gh-119132: Atualiza
para identificar se a construção é a construção padrão ou a construção de threads livres. Patch por Donghee Corrige um
ao construir com--enable-experimental-jit
e o compilador emite uma seçãoSHT_NOTE
.gh-118943: Corrige uma possível condição de corrida que afeta construções paralelas configuradas com
, nas quais erros de construção podem ser causados por um arquivo de cabeçalho gerado de forma incompleta.
gh-119679: Garante que bibliotecas de importação corretas sejam incluídas nas instalações do Windows.
gh-119690: Adiciona suporte a Unicode e corrige eventos de auditoria para
.gh-111201: Adiciona suporte para o novo pyrepl no Windows
gh-119070: Corrige o tratamento de
de shebangs como/usr/bin/env python3.12
, que eram interpretados anteriormente comopython3.exe
em vez depython3.12.exe
.gh-117505: Corrige um problema com o instalador do Windows não executando ensurepip em um ambiente totalmente isolado. Isso pode causar interações inesperadas com os pacotes do site do usuário.
gh-118209: Evita travamentos em
no Windows quando a memória mapeada estiver inacessível devido a erros do sistema de arquivos ou violações de Tcl/Tk empacotado atualizado para 8.6.14.
gh-119585: Corrige travamento quando um estado de thread que foi criado por
chama um destruidor que durantePyThreadState_Clear()
chama de volta paraPyGILState_Ensure()
. Isso pode ocorrer quando na construção de threads livres ou ao usar variáveis de thread local cujos destruidores chamamPyGILState_Ensure()
.gh-119336: Restaura a função
removida. Ela é usada pelo projeto pywin32. Patch por Ethan Smithgh-119247: Adicionadas as macros
para tornar possível usar as APIs PySequence_Fast com segurança quando de threads livres, e atualizar str.join para funcionar sem que a GIL as Adicionar constante
: multiplicador primo usado em string e vários outros hashes. Patch por Victor Faz mimalloc incluir relativo ao arquivo atual para evitar que incorporadores ou extensões precisem incluir
se eles já estiverem incluindo cabeçalhos CPython Restaura
que foi removido anteriormente no Python 3.13 alpha 1.
Python 3.13.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-05-08
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-118414: Adiciona opcodes instrumentados à asserção YIELD_VALUE para rastrear casos.
gh-117953: Quando um módulo embutido ou de extensão é importado pela primeira vez, enquanto um subinterpretador está ativo, a função init do módulo agora é executada pelo interpretador principal antes que a importação continue no subinterpretador. Consequentemente, os módulos init de fase única agora falham em um subinterpretador isolado sem a função init em execução sob esse interpretador, enquanto antes ele seria executado sob o subinterpretador antes de falhar, potencialmente deixando para trás o estado global e os retornos de chamada e, de outra forma, deixando o módulo em um estado inconsistente.
gh-117549: Não usa a sintaxe do inicializador designado em funções inline em cabeçalhos internos. Eles causam problemas para usuários de C++ ou MSVC que ainda não estão usando o padrão C++ mais recente (C++20). Enquanto interno, pycore_backoff.h, é incluído (indiretamente, via pycore_code.h) por algum software de terceiros importante que faz isso para velocidade.
gh-95382: Melhora o desempenho de
ao usar o argumento indent. Dependendo dos dados, a codificação usandojson.dumps()
com indent pode ser de 2 a 3 vezes mais rá Em construções com
, a GIL será habilitada durante o carregamento de módulos de extensão C. Se o módulo indicar que suporta execução sem a GIL, a GIL será desabilitada quando o carregamento for concluído. Caso contrário, a GIL permanecerá habilitada pelo restante da vida útil do interpretador. Esse comportamento não se aplica se a GIL tiver sido explicitamente habilitada ou desabilitada comPYTHON_GIL
.gh-118513: Corrige
incorreta quando duas compreensões na mesma função referenciam o mesmo nome e, em uma compreensão, o nome é vinculado, enquanto na outra é um global implí Permite que o suporte Linux perf funcione sem ponteiros de quadro usando o suporte JIT avançado do perf. O recurso é ativado ao usar a variável de ambiente
ou ao executar Python com-Xperf_jit
. Patch por Pablo Adiciona a função
que retorna se a GIL está habilitada no momento. Na construção padrão, ela sempre retornaTrue
porque a GIL está sempre habilitada. Na construção de threads livres, ela pode retornarTrue
.gh-118164: Interrompe um laço entre a implementação Python do módulo
e o código Python para conversão de inteiro para string. Também otimize a conversão de inteiro para string para valores no intervalo de 9_000 a 135_000 dígitos Corrige
para não ser parcialmente definido ao levantarTypeError
.gh-118465: O compilador preenche o novo campo
em uma classe com o número da linha da primeira linha da definição da Corrige um problema em que o cache de tipos pode expor um atributo acessado anteriormente quando um finalizador é executado.
gh-117714: atualiza
para fechar sua seção do gerador assíncrono subjacentegh-111201: O interpretador interativo agora é implementado em Python, o que permite uma série de novos recursos como cores, entrada multilinha, visualização de histórico e modo de colagem. Contribuído por Pablo Galindo, Łukasz Langa e Lysandros Nikolaou com base no código do projeto PyPy.
gh-74929: Implementa PEP 667: convertido
para retornar um objeto proxy de gravação quando o quadro se refere a uma função ou compreensã Corrige travamento no compilador em ‘async with’ que tem muitos gerenciadores de contexto.
gh-118335: Altera como usar o interpretador de nível 2. Em vez de executar Python com
-X uops
ou definir a variável de ambientePYTHON_UOPS=1
, essa escolha agora é feita em tempo de construção configurando com--enable-experimental-jit=interpreter
.Cuidado! Isso altera a variável de ambiente para habilitar ou desabilitar micro-ops para
não é mais Atualiza a compilação JIT para usar LLVM 18
gh-118160: Escopos de anotação dentro de classes agora podem conter compreensões. No entanto, tais compreensões não são incorporadas em seu escopo pai em tempo de execução. Patch por Jelle Zijlstra.
gh-118272: Corrige bug onde
não libera os locais do quadro do Não considera importações
com pontos antes do nome do mó Garante que os objetos Executor no array COLD_EXITS não sejam considerados GC-able (o que acessaria bytes fora do objeto).
gh-107674: Usa carregamento preguiçoso do número da linha do quadro para melhorar o desempenho do rastreamento
gh-118082: Melhora a mensagem
para importações sem nomes, como nos casosfrom x import
. Agora, ele indica aos usuários queimport
espera pelo menos um nome depois Melhora a mensagem
para colchetes de parâmetros de tipo Adicionado um método
para acessar o código de máquina compilado JIT do UOp Executor quando o JIT experimental estiver habilitado. Patch por Anthony Adiciona uma opção para o codegen do compilador para salvar sequências de instruções aninhadas para introspecção.
gh-116622: Redireciona stdout e stderr para o log do sistema quando incorporado em um aplicativo Android.
gh-109118: o escopo de anotação dentro de escopos de classe agora pode conter lambdas.
gh-117894: Impede que objetos
sejam reutilizados após.throw()
.gh-117881: impede acesso simultâneo a um gerador assíncrono via athrow().throw() ou asend().throw()
gh-117536: Corrige um
ao chamaragen.aclose().throw(Exception)
.gh-117755: Corrige alocador mimalloc para alocação de memória enorme (em torno de 8.589.934.592 GiB) no s390x. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-117750: Corrige problema em que o dict de um objeto ficava fora de sincronia com os valores internos do objeto ao ser limpo.
agora limpa os valores internos, mas deixa o dict anexado ao Melhora o desempenho dos seguintes métodos
adaptando-os à convenção de chamadaMETH_FASTCALL
gh-117709: Acelera as chamadas para
com argumento somente posicional, usando a convenção de chamada PEP 590vectorcall
. Patch por Erlend Dá a
uma interface Python e use-a em Objetos alocados estaticamente são, por definição, imortais, portanto, devem ser marcados como tal, independentemente de estarem em módulos de extensão ou não.
gh-117385: Remove eventos
não manipulados desys.settrace()
.gh-116322: Módulos de extensão podem indicar ao tempo de execução que podem ser executados sem a GIL. Módulos init multifásicos fazem isso chamando o fornecimento de
para o slotPy_mod_gil
, enquanto módulos init monofásicos chamamPyUnstable_Module_SetGIL(mod, Py_MOD_GIL_NOT_USED)
de sua função Implementa PEP 696, adicionando suporte para padrões em parâmetros de tipo. Patch por Jelle Zijlstra.
gh-93502: Adiciona duas novas funções à API C,
, que permite rastrear a criação e destruição de objetos da mesma forma que o módulotracemalloc
faz. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-107674: Melhora significativamente o desempenho de
gh-95754: Melhora a mensagem de erro quando um script que faz shadowing de um módulo da biblioteca padrão faz com que
seja levantada. Da mesma forma, melhorar a mensagem de erro quando um script que faz shadowing de um módulo de terceiros tenta acessar um atributo desse módulo de terceiros enquanto ainda está Elimina indicadores de traceback não informativos em instruções
simples. Patch por Pablo Permite que os argumentos globals e locals para
sejam passados como nomeados.
gh-118418: Uma
agora é emitida se você não passar um valor para o novo parâmetro type_params detyping._eval_type()
. (Usar qualquer uma dessas funções privadas e não documentadas é desencorajado para começar, mas deixar de passar um valor para o parâmetrotype_params
pode levar a um comportamento incorreto no Python 3.12 ou mais recente.)gh-118660: Adiciona um segundo parâmetro de tipo opcional para
, representando os tipos de retorno de__exit__()
respectivamente. Este parâmetro tem como padrãobool | None
.gh-118650: O módulo
permite que o método chamado_repr_*
seja definido em tiposEnum
.gh-118648: Adiciona padrões de parâmetros de tipo para
.gh-101137: O tipo MIME
agora é suportado pormimetypes
.gh-118164: A implementação Python do módulo
poderia parecer travar em casos de potência relativamente pequena (como2**117
) se a precisão do contexto fosse definida como um valor muito alto. Um método diferente para verificar resultados exatamente representáveis é usado agora que não depende da computação de10**precision
(que poderia ser efetivamente muito grande para ser computada).gh-111744:
agora entram no depurador imediatamente após a chamada, em vez de antes da próxima linha ser Adiciona assinatura para objetos
.gh-101732: Usa uma função de tempo openssl compatível com Y2038 quando disponível.
gh-118404: Corrige
para chamáveis não compará Corrige
para o resultado da chamadafunctools.cmp_to_key()
.gh-116622: No Android,
agora retorna o formato especificado por PEP Permite especificar a assinatura de instâncias personalizadas do tipo de extensão pelo atributo
. Especifica assinaturas de instânciasoperator.attrgetter
.gh-118314: Corrige um caso extremo no modo estrito
, onde o preenchimento excessivo não é detectado quando nenhum preenchimento é necessá Adiciona os métodos
para ler uma imagem de um arquivo edata()
para obter os dados da imagem. Adiciona os parâmetros background e grayscale ao métodowrite()
.gh-118225: Adiciona o método
para copiar uma região de uma imagem para outra, possivelmente com zoom de pixel e/ou subamostragem. Adicione o parâmetro from_coords aos métodoscopy()
. Adiciona os parâmetros zoom e subsample ao métodocopy()
.gh-118221: Corrige um bug em que
poderia falhar se umrow factory
personalizado fosse usado. Patch por Erlend Corrige regressão introduzida em gh-103193 que significava que chamar
em uma instância faria com que uma referência forte à classe dessa instância persistisse em um cache interno no móduloinspect
. Isso causava consumo inesperado de memória se a classe fosse criada dinamicamente, a classe mantivesse referências fortes a outros objetos que ocupassem uma quantidade significativa de memória e o cache contivesse a única referência forte à classe. A correção para a regressão leva a uma lentidão emgetattr_static()
, mas a função ainda deve ser significativamente mais rápida do que era no Python 3.11. Patch por Alex Acelera
no caso comum em até 1, Melhora o comportamento das subclasses definidas pelo usuário de
. Essas classes agora não exigirão alterações no caso usual para estar em conformidade com as alterações de comportamento do móduloast
no Python 3.13. Patch por Jelle Corrigida
para configurar o mock pai com argumentos Corrige a substituição incorreta de argumentos quando
é usado com atuple
agora levantaTypeError
quando usado com certos tipos inválidos. Patch por Jelle Adiciona a interface de linha de comando para o módulo
. Patch por Hugo van Corrige
leitura de arquivos ZIP64 com entradas de arquivo muito grandes ou muito Corrige
para caminhos UNC no Windows. Aceleraos.path.splitroot()
com uma implementação Altera o nome de arquivo desconhecido de
para esclarecer que não é um nome de arquivo Corrige
errôneo ao chamartyping.get_type_hints()
em uma classe que fazia uso de parâmetros de tipo PEP 695 em um módulo que tinhafrom __future__ import annotations
no topo do arquivo. Patch por Alex Adiciona verificação do parâmetro fileobj para
gh-117995: Não levanta
quando uma sequência de parâmetros for usada para vincular marcadores de posição indexados e sem nome. Veja também Corrige TypeError em
quando o charset é codificado em RFC Corrige IndexError ao analisar alguns e-mails com Message-ID inválido (incluindo endereços únicos gerados pelo Microsoft Outlook).
gh-117691: Melhora as mensagens de erro emitidas pelos avisos de descontinuação de
relacionados ao PEP 706. Se um argumentofilter
não for fornecido paraextract()
, o aviso de descontinuação agora aponta para a linha no código do usuário onde a função relevante foi chamada. Patch por Alex Corrige um possível segfault durante a coleta de lixo de objetos
. Patch por Savannah Acelera
omitindo uma chamada inicialis_dir()
. Como resultado dessa alteração,glob()
não pode mais levantarOSError
.gh-77102: O módulo
agora analisa o arquivo.pth
com UTF-8 primeiro, e codificação da localidade seUnicodeDecodeError
acontecer. Ele suportava apenas codificação da localidade Nós expusemos o módulo de baixo nível
para o bem da implementação PyPI de PEP 734. Às vezes, ele estava disponível como o módulo_xxsubinterpreters
e era usado anteriormente apenas para testes. Na maior parte, ele deve ser considerado um módulo interno, como_thread
. Veja Acelera
não escaneando diretórios para segmentos de padrões não Acelera
usandoos.scandir() Acelera
trabalhando com strings Altera o novo suporte a múltiplos separadores em
para aceitar apenas tuplas de separadores em vez de iteráveis arbitrá Corrige um bug quando
estava falhando embuiltin_function_or_method Desempenho de tempo de importação amplamente restaurado do configparser evitando dataclasses.
gh-117641: Aceleração de
no Corrige
para detectar apelidos quando vários argumentos estão presentes, mas apenas um é o valor do Aceleração de
.gh-117618: Suporte a
para o comandobreak
gh-102247: os códigos de status enum com constantes em http.HTTPStatus são atualizados para incluir os nomes do RFC9110. Este RFC inclui alguns status HTTP usados anteriormente apenas para WEBDAV e atribui nomes mais genéricos a eles.
As constantes antigas são preservadas para retrocompatibilidade.
gh-117607: Aceleração de
.gh-117586: Aceleração de
trabalhando com strings Adiciona cor à saída do doctest. Patch por Hugo van Kemenade.
agora retornaráTrue
para endereços de loopback mapeados em IPv4, ou seja, endereços no espaço de endereço::ffff:
.gh-117546: Corrige o problema em que
parou de resolver links simbólicos após encontrar um loop de links simbólicos no Comportamento aprimorado de
quando um cancelamento externo colide com um cancelamento interno. Por exemplo, quando dois grupos de tarefas são aninhados e ambos experimentam uma exceção em uma tarefa filha simultaneamente, era possível que o grupo de tarefas externo se comportasse mal, porque seu cancelamento interno foi engolido pelo grupo de tarefas interno.No caso em que um grupo de tarefas é cancelado externamente e também deve levantar uma
, ele agora chamará o métodocancel()
da tarefa pai. Isso garante que umaasyncio.CancelledError
será levantada no próximoawait
, para que o cancelamento não seja perdido.Um benefício adicional dessas mudanças é que os grupos de tarefas agora preservam a contagem de cancelamentos (
).Para lidar com alguns casos extremos,
agora pode redefinir o sinalizador não documentado_must_cancel
quando a contagem de cancelamentos chegar a Adiciona
, implementando PEP 742. Patch por Jelle Corrige suporte de nomes de usuários não-ASCII em caminhos de bytes em
agora é 2-3 vezes mais rápido se o usuário tiver permissõ Trata apenas
como separadores de linha ao redobrar as mensagensemail
. Preserva os caracteres de controle'\\v'
e os separadores de linha Unicode'\\x85'
como estã Converte
para inicialização multifásica (PEP 489).gh-66543: Adiciona a função
que funciona com o caminho do arquivo. Passar o caminho do arquivo em vez da URL emguess_type()
está suavemente CLI de webbrowser: substitui getopt por argparse, adiciona opções longas. Patch de Hugo van Kemenade.
gh-116871: Sugestões de nome para
agora incluem apenas nomes sublinhados se o nome original estiver Não mostra campos vazios (valor
) emast.dump()
por padrão. Adiciona o parâmetroshow_empty=False
para mostrá-los Adicionados atributos
para objetos compactados e arquivados do tipo arquivo nos módulosbz2
. O valor do atributomode
foi alterado de inteiro (1
) para string ('rb'
). O valor do atributomode
do objeto arquivo ou similar legível retornado
foi alterado de'r'
.gh-82062: Corrige
para manipular corretamente os padrões de parâmetros em métodos em módulos de extensão que usam nomes definidos no espaço de nomes do mó Honra
para todos os métodos de inicializaçãomultiprocessing
gh-113081: Imprime exceção colorida assim como o traceback embutido em
gh-112855: Acelera a serialização com pickle de objetos
. Patch por Barney
: corrigiu uma falha que poderia ocorrer no macOS 13 ou anterior quando o Python era criado com o SDK do Apple Xcode Ativadas declarações e avaliações arbitrárias no shell
para acessar as variáveis locais do quadro atual, o que tornou possível que códigos multiescopo, como geradores ou funções aninhadas, Adicionado
para fins de dicas de tipo. Patch por James O
agora aceita um argumento posicional opcional que especifica valores iniciais de atributos como um dict ou um iterável de pares de Corrige erros de asserção causados por espaços em branco em metavars ou grupos suprimidos com
simplificando a formatação de uso. Patch por Ali Ajusta
para usartime.time_ns()
e corrige um pequeno bug relacionado à matemática de ponto Traz a implementação Python pura
mais alinhada com a implementação C ao não apenas verificar sempre a presença do atributo'func'
no primeiro argumento departial
. Em vez disso, tanto a versão Python quanto a versão C realizam uma verificaçãoisinstance(func, partial)
no primeiro argumento departial
.gh-99730: Solicitações HEAD não são mais atualizadas para solicitações GET durante redirecionamentos em urllib.
gh-66410: Define o módulo global
antes de criar o objetoTk
ou chamar o métodowantobjects()
do objetoTk
com o argumento2
agora faz com que argumentos para retornos de chamada registrados no módulotkinter
sejam passados como vários objetos Python (int
), dependendo de sua representação interna em Tcl, em vez de semprestr
agora está definido como2
por padrão.bpo-40943: Corrige vários IndexError ao analisar e-mails com Message-ID, endereço, rotas, etc. truncados, por exemplo,
.bpo-39324: Adiciona mapeamento de tipo mime para .md <-> text/markdown
agora suporta argumentos nomeados dir_fd e follow_symlinks.bpo-30988: Corrige análise de e-mails com cabeçalhos de endereço inválidos com um ponto inicial ou final. Patch por tsufeki.
bpo-32839: Adiciona o método
para widgets Tkinter.
gh-117928: A versão mínima do Sphinx necessária para a documentação agora é 6.2.1.
gh-118734: Corrige a construção do Windows quando invocada diretamente (não por meio do script
) sem especificar um valor paraUseTIER2
.gh-115119: A opção
agora tem como padrãoyes
. A cópia empacotada delibmpdecimal
será removida no Python Corrige a construção em versões recentes do libedit detectando assinaturas de hook readline em configure.
gh-116622: Um projeto de testbed foi adicionado para executar o conjunto de testes no Android.
gh-117645: Aumenta o tamanho da pilha WASI de 512 KiB para 8 MiB e a memória inicial de 10 MiB para 20 MiB. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-115119: configure agora usa pkg-config para detectar dependências
se a opção--with-system-libmpdec
for fornecida.
gh-115119: Atualiza o instalador do Windows para usar libmpdecimal 4.0.0.
agora aceita modo de0o700
para restringir o novo diretório ao usuário Corrige atualizações do iniciador que não sendo instaladas.
gh-118293: O módulo
agora passa o sinalizadorSTARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK
ao gerar processos para informar ao Windows para não alterar o cursor do Atualiza o instalador do Windows para usar o SQLite 3.45.3.
gh-90329: Suprime o aviso exibido na criação do ambiente virtual quando os caminhos solicitados e criados diferem apenas por um nome curto (estilo 8.3). Os avisos continuarão a ser exibidos se uma junção ou link simbólico no caminho fez com que o venv fosse criado em um local diferente do solicitado originalmente.
gh-117786: Corrige ambientes virtuais que não iniciam corretamente quando criados a partir de uma instalação da Store.
gh-115119: Atualiza o instalador do macOS para usar libmpdecimal 4.0.0.
gh-114099: O uso do símbolo do pré-processador iOS foi tornado compatível com SDKs macOS mais antigos.
gh-115009: Atualiza o instalador macOS para usar o SQLite 3.45.3.
gh-91629: Use as configurações
e fish_add_path para definirPATH
ao instalar para o shell Fish.
bpo-34774: Use o tema de cores selecionado pelo usuário para Help => IDLE Doc.
gh-118124: Corrige
para expressões não constantes: usestatic_assert()
no C11 e mais recentes. Patch por Victor Adiciona variante “Raw” das funções PyTime
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-117987: Restaura funções removidas no Python 3.13 alpha 1:
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-117929: Restaura função removida
. Patch por Victor Melhora a lógica de validação na implementação C de
para lidar melhor com anos inválidos. Patch por Vlad Corrigido o tratamento de skipitem() dos antigos formatadores ‘w’ e ‘w#’. Eles não são mais suportados e agora levantam uma exceção se usados.
gh-111997: Adiciona uma API C para disparar eventos de monitoramento.
Python 3.13.0 alpha 6¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-04-09
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-117494: Refatorada a estrutura de dados da sequência de instruções de compile.c para instruction_sequence.c.
gh-116968: Introduzido um tipo de contador de backoff unificado de 16 bits (
), compartilhado entre o especializador adaptativo de Nível 1 e o otimizador de Nível 2. A API usada para contadores de especialização adaptável é alterada, mas o comportamento é (supostamente) idêntico.O comportamento dos contadores de Nível 2 é alterado:
Não há mais limites dinâmicos (nunca os variamos).
Todos os contadores agora usam o mesmo backoff exponencial.
O contador para
começa a contagem regressiva a partir de 16.A
nas saídas laterais começa a contagem regressiva a partir de 64.
gh-117431: Melhora o desempenho dos seguintes métodos
adaptando-os à convenção de chamadaMETH_FASTCALL
gh-117431: Melhora o desempenho dos seguintes métodos
adaptando-os à convenção de chamadaMETH_FASTCALL
:gh-117411: Move
para um cabeçalho interno e torna-o Adicionado identificador de expressões de estrela incorretas, por exemplo
f(3, *)
. Patch por Grigoryev Semyongh-117266: Corrige travamentos para certas subclasses criadas pelo usuário de
. Essas classes agora devem definir o atributo_field_types
.gh-99108: Atualizado o código C do projeto HACL* do
embutido a partir do upstream que usamos para muitas implementações quando elas não estão presentes via OpenSSL em uma determinada construção. Isso também evita o raro potencial de um problema de vinculação de regra de definição de nome de símbolo Altera o antigo bit de espaço de objetos na geração jovem de 0 para gcstate->visited, para que quaisquer objetos criados durante o GC tenham o antigo bit definido corretamente se forem movidos para a geração antiga.
gh-117108: O GC do ciclo agora escolhe o tamanho dos incrementos com base no tamanho total do heap, em vez da taxa de criação de objetos. Isso garante que ele possa acompanhar o crescimento dos heaps.
gh-116735: Para
, definearg0
em vez deNone
para o eventoCALL
.gh-113964: Iniciar novas threads e a criação de processos por meio de
agora são impedidos somente quando todas as threads não daemon são Garante que
sempre emitaCALL
agora explora mais casos de ordenação parcial, particularmente aqueles com longas execuções descendentes com subexecuções de valores iguais. Elas são reconhecidas como execuções únicas agora (anteriormente, cada bloco de valores repetidos fazia com que uma nova execução fosse criada).gh-114099: Adicionado um carregador que pode descobrir módulos de extensão em uma pasta Frameworks no estilo iOS.
gh-115775: O compilador preenche o novo campo
em uma classe com os nomes dos atributos desta classe que são acessados por meio de self.X de qualquer função em seu A array de valores, a estrutura
agora é incorporada ao objeto durante a alocação. Isso fornece melhor desempenho no caso comum e não degrada tanto quando o__dict__
do objeto é Implementa um coletor de lixo cíclico incremental. Ao coletar a geração antiga em incrementos, não há necessidade de uma varredura completa do heap. Isso pode reduzir enormemente o tempo máximo de pausa para programas com grandes heaps.
Reduz o número de gerações de três para duas. A geração antiga é dividida em dois espaços, “visitado” e “pendente”.
A coleta acontece em duas etapas:: * Um incremento é formado a partir da geração jovem e uma pequena parte do espaço pendente. * Este incremento é escaneado e os sobreviventes são movidos para o final do espaço visitado.
Quando o espaço de coleta fica vazio, os dois espaços são trocados.
gh-109870: Dataclasses agora chamam
uma vez por dataclass, em vez de uma vez por método adicionado. Isso pode acelerar a criação de dataclass em até O tipo MIME
agora é suportado pormimetypes
.bpo-24612: Melhora o
que acontece quando ‘not’ aparece após um operador. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-117648: Melhora o desempenho de
.gh-117584: Levanta
para objetos que não são caminhos emposixpath.relpath()
.gh-117467: Preserva a propriedade de mailbox ao reescrever em
. Patch por Tony Levanta
retornar ‘(unreachable)’, o que pode acontecer no Linux >= 2.6.36 com glibc <
agora mantém o traceback deCancelledError
que são levantados na Corrige mensagem de erro para
.gh-117337: Descontinua funções não documentadas
. Useglob.glob()
e passe um diretório para seu argumento Refatorado
para reduzir a complexidade ciclométrica e melhorar a compreensã Levanta TypeError para não sequências para
agora aceita seções sem nome antes das nomeadas, se configurado para Na documentação de
no módulo gzip, explique o tipo de dados do argumento construtor opcional mtime e recomendemtime = 0
para gerar fluxos determiní Corrigida uma falha improvável inicial e extra
ao criar um novo_ssl._SSLContext
se o CPython foi construído de forma implausível, de modo que a lista de cifras padrão está vazia ou a biblioteca SSL à qual foi vinculado relata uma falha de sua API CSSL_CTX_set_cipher_list()
.gh-117294: Um
agora relata como ignorado se todos os exemplos no doctest forem Em
, levanta uma mensagem mais informativa quandostdout=STDOUT
.gh-117225: doctest: imprime apenas “e X failed” quando não for zero, não pluraliza “1 items”. Patch de Hugo van Kemenade.
gh-117205: Acelera
em 20% ao usar multiprocessamento aumentandochunksize
.gh-117178: Corrige a regressão no carregamento lento de módulos autorreferenciais, introduzida em gh-114781.
gh-112383: Corrige o tratamento do módulo
de instruçõesENTER_EXECUTOR
.gh-117182: O carregamento preguiçoso de módulos que modificam seu próprio
não reverte mais o__class__
.gh-117084: Corrige a extração de
para entradas de diretório com o nome contendo barras invertidas no Torna
disponível em todas as plataformas. Para aqueles que não oferecem Dev Drives, ele sempre retornaráFalse
.gh-117110: Corrige um bug que impede que subclasses de
sejam instanciadas com argumentos. Patch por Chris Adiadas as importações de seleção em importlib.metadata e importlib.resources para uma aceleração de 14%.
gh-70647: Inicia o período de descontinuação para o comportamento atual de
que sempre falha ao analisar uma sequência de datas com umValueError
envolvendo um dia do mês, comostrptime("02-29", "%m-%d")
quando um ano não é especificado e a data acontece de ser 29 de fevereiro. Isso deve ajudar a evitar que os usuários encontrem novos bugs a cada quatro anos devido a uma suposição natural equivocada sobre a API ao analisar valores de data Corrigida
para objetos de código de Modifica a biblioteca padrão para permitir diferenças de plataforma iOS.
gh-90872: No Windows,
não chama maisWaitForSingleObject()
com um tempo limite negativo: passe0
ms se o tempo limite for negativo. Patch por Victor configparser: Não deixa os valores ConfigParser em um estado inválido (armazenados como uma lista em vez de uma str) após uma leitura anterior gerar DuplicateSectionError ou DuplicateOptionError.
agora emite um aviso se um valor booleano for passado como um argumento Ignora linhas vazias e comentários em
gh-106531: Atualizado zipfile._path de zipp 3.18, fornecendo melhor compatibilidade para PyPy, melhor desempenho glob para arquivos zip profundamente aninhados e fornecendo acesso interno a
para uso em outros testes (como importlib.resources).gh-63207: No Windows,
agora usa o relógioGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime()
para ter uma resolução melhor que 1 us, em vez do relógioGetSystemTimeAsFileTime()
que tem uma resolução de 15,6 ms. Patch por Victor Restaura o suporte de
e outros valores falsos nas funçõesurllib.parse
. Além disso, agora eles levantam um TypeError para inteiros diferentes de zero e sequências não Em
, delega paraMetadataPathFinder.invalidate_caches
.gh-116647: Corrige filho recursivo em dataclasses
gh-113171: Corrige vários falsos positivos e falsos negativos em
(veja estas documentações para detalhes)
Também nos atributos correspondentes
.gh-63283: Em
, qualquer capitalização do prefixo ACE (xn--
) agora é aceitável. Patch por Pepijn de Vos e Zackery Adiciona
, que fornece informações sobre o dispositivo e o sistema operacional no Adicionada a nova função
, envolvendo a operaçãofma()
do C99: função de multiplicação-adição fundida. Patch por Mark Dickinson e Victor As funções
não estão mais descontinuadas e oferecem suporte a subdiretórios por meio de vários argumentos posicionais. A funçãocontents()
também permite subdiretórios, mas continua Altera os nomes de widgets
gerados automaticamente para evitar colisões com nomes de widgetstkinter.ttk.Checkbutton
gerados automaticamente dentro do mesmo widget Em
, os dados de ctype agora são armazenados em objetos type diretamente em vez de em uma subclasse dict. Esta é uma alteração interna que não deve afetar o Corrige o bloqueio de
ao abrir o encadeamento Implementa
no Corrige suporte de valores de interval > 1 em
.gh-113308: Remove algumas partes internas protegidas de
. Elas não eram Corrige o tratamento de erro do módulo
de término de conexão por peer. Agora ele lança um OSError com o código de erro apropriado em vez de um Acelera
em plataformas não Corrige uma corrida em
agora sempre representa o thread principal do interpretador principal.PyThreadState.on_delete
foram Adiciona os métodos
que permitem fechar um servidor asyncio de forma mais forç Altera os codecs Unicode para retornar UnicodeEncodeError ou UnicodeDecodeError, em vez de apenas UnicodeError.
gh-112948: Torna a conclusão de
semelhante ao Python REPLgh-105866: Corrigido o bug
que causava erro ao definir dataclasses com slots e um Adiciona a terminação
com o métodoshutdown()
agora retorna um objeto que é um iterador assíncrono e um iterador simples. O novo padrão de iteração assíncrona permite uma correlação mais fácil entre tarefas anteriores e seus resultados concluídos. Esta é uma correspondência mais próxima ao padrão de iteração deconcurrent.futures.as_completed()
. Patch por Justin Arthur.bpo-27578:
(e funções relacionadas) funcionam com arquivos de módulo vazios, retornando'\\n'
(ou equivalente razoável) em vez de gerarOSError
. Patch por Kernc.bpo-37141: Aceita um iterável de separadores em
, parando quando um deles for Faz
analisar corretamente URLs com apenas um nome de host, URLs contendo fragmento ou consulta e nomes de arquivo com apenas um sharepoint UNC no Windows. Baseado no patch por Dong-hee Na.bpo-15010:
agora salva o valor original deunittest.TestLoader._top_level_dir
e o restaura no final da chamada.
gh-115977: Remove referências de compatibilidade para Emscripten.
gh-114099: Adiciona um guia de plataforma iOS e sinaliza módulos não disponíveis no iOS.
gh-91565: Alterações nos arquivos de documentação e saídas de configuração para refletir o novo local para relatar bugs - ou seja, GitHub em vez de
gh-83434: Desativa a saída XML do JUnit (opção de linha de comando
) no regrtest ao procurar vazamentos de referência (opção-R
). Patch por Victor Corrige testes XML para vanilla Expat <2.6.0.
gh-116333: Testes de coisas relacionadas a TLS (códigos de erro, etc.) foram atualizados para serem mais tolerantes sobre strings e comportamentos de mensagens de erro específicos, como visto nos forks BoringSSL e AWS-LC do OpenSSL.
gh-117089: Testes consolidados para importlib.metadata em seu próprio pacote
.gh-115979: Atualiza test_importlib para que passe no WASI SDK 21.
gh-112536: Adiciona –tsan ao test.regrtest para executar testes TSAN em tempos de execução razoáveis. Patch por Donghee Na.
gh-116307: Adicionado o auxiliar de importação
, poisCleanImport
não remove módulos importados durante o contexto. Use-o em testes importlib.resources para evitar deixarmod
por aí para impedir testes importlib.metadata.
gh-117267: Garante que
se comporte consistentemente comos.stat()
durante o período de descontinuação dest_ctime
contendo o mesmo valor quest_birthtime
. Após o período de descontinuação,st_ctime
será o tempo de alteração de metadados (ou indisponível por meio deDirEntry
), e apenasst_birthtime
conterá o tempo de criaçã Melhora o desempenho de
usando uma API de sistema alternativa quando disponível. Contribuição de No Windows,
agora usa o relógioQueryPerformanceCounter()
para ter uma resolução melhor que 1 us, em vez do relógioGetTickCount64()
que tem uma resolução de 15,6 ms. Patch por Victor Corrige instâncias de
<_overlapped.Overlapped object at 0xXXX> still has pending operation at deallocation, the process may crash
.gh-91227: Corrige a implementação asyncio ProactorEventLoop para que o envio de um datagrama para um endereço que não esteja escutando não impeça o recebimento de mais datagramas.
gh-115119: Trocado do código
fornecido para um pacote externo hospedado separadamente no repositóriocpython-source-deps
ao construir o módulo_decimal
gh-117642: Corrige a implementação de PEP 737 para
agora pode ser chamada para objetos bytes com contagem de referências > 1, incluindo objetos bytes de 1 byte. Ele cria um novo objeto bytes e destrói o antigo se ele tiver contagem de referências > Corrige estouro de inteiro em
em plataformas de 64 bits que não sejam
é uma API utilizável agora e foi renomeada paraPyUnstable_Code_GetFirstFree()
. (Contribuição de Bogdan Romanyuk em gh-115781)gh-116869: Adiciona o teste
: cria uma extensão C para verificar se a API Python C emite avisos do compilador C. Patch por Victor Torna a API C compatível com o sinalizador do compilador
novamente. Patch por Victor Adiciona
à API C limitada. Patch por Victor Restaura a função privada
removida. Patch por Victor Na versão limitada 3.13 da API C, obter Singletons
agora é implementado como chamadas de função no nível ABI estável para ocultar detalhes de implementação. Obter essas constantes ainda retorna referências emprestadas. Patch por Victor Adiciona as funções
para obter constantes. Por exemplo,Py_GetConstant(Py_CONSTANT_ZERO)
retorna uma referência forte para a constante zero. Patch por Victor Adiciona suporte para os formatos
: formata o nome totalmente qualificado de um tipo de objeto e de um tipo: chamaPyType_GetModuleName()
. Veja PEP 737 para mais informações. Patch por Victor Adiciona a função
para obter o nome do módulo do tipo. Equivalente a obter o atributotype.__module__
. Patch por Eric Snow e Victor Adiciona a função
para obter o nome totalmente qualificado do tipo. Equivalente af"{type.__module__}.{type.__qualname__}"
, outype.__qualname__
não for uma string ou for igual a"builtins"
. Patch por Victor As extensões C
agora são construídas com a API C limitada. Patch por Victor Adiciona sinalizadores adicionais a
para permitir que o chamador determine como lidar com casos extremos em torno de valores que preenchem o buffer Adiciona a função
Python 3.13.0 alpha 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-03-12
gh-115398: Permite controlar o adiamento da nova análise Expat >=2.6.0 (CVE 2023-52425) adicionando cinco novos métodos:
agora travam corretamente o acesso ao armazenamento de certificados, quando ossl.SSLContext
é compartilhado entre várias threads.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-116604: Respeita o status do coletor de lixo quando chamadas indiretas são feitas via
e o disjuntor de avaliação. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-112087:
agora é compatível com a implementação da PEP Adiciona especialização para
.gh-116296: Corrige possível vazamento de referência no tratamento de erros internos de
.gh-115823: Calcula corretamente intervalos de erro no analisador ao levantar exceções
causadas por sequências de bytes inválidas. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-115778: Adiciona anotação
para definição de instrução no interpretador Corrige travamento ao chamar
em iteradores de lista O estágio de construção de casos de regeneração agora funciona no Windows.
gh-115347: Corrige um bug em que docstring era substituído por um NOP redundante quando Python é executado com
.gh-115323: Torna a mensagem de erro mais significativa para quando
é chamado com um objetostr
.gh-112175: Cada
agora tem seu próprioeval_breaker
, permitindo que threads específicos sejam Corrige um bug que estava fazendo com que a função
manipulasse literais nomeados unicode incorretamente. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-115154: Corrige um bug que estava fazendo com que a função
manipulasse literais nomeados unicode incorretamente. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-104090: O rastreador de recursos de multiprocessamento agora sai com código de status diferente de zero se um vazamento de recurso for detectado. Ele ainda sai com código de status 0 caso contrário.
gh-105858: Melhora os construtores para nós
. Os argumentos de tipos de lista agora assumem como padrão uma lista vazia se omitidos, e os campos opcionais assumem como padrãoNone
. Os nós AST agora têm um atributo__annotations__
com os tipos esperados de seus atributos. Passar argumentos extras não reconhecidos para nós AST está descontinuado e se tornará um erro no Python 3.15. Omitir um argumento obrigatório para um nó AST está descontinuado e se tornará um erro no Python 3.15. Patch por Jelle Expor atributo
na Corrige resolução incorreta de variáveis de classe mutiladas usadas em expressões de atribuição em compreensões.
está descontinuado e será removido na versão 3.15. Ele não foi testado em grande parte, tinha uma API confusa e era útil apenas para suporte a Corrige uma corrida no pydoc
, eliminando uma janela na qual_start_server
pode retornar um thread que está “servindo”, mas sem um conjuntodocserver
: implementa PEP 705 que adiciona suporte atyping.ReadOnly
: levantaSyntaxError
em vez deAttributeError
em referências de encaminhamento como strings Quando
é chamado em umasyncio.TaskGroup
inativo, a corrotina fornecida será fechada (o que impede umRuntimeWarning
).gh-115978: Desabilita preadv(), readv(), pwritev() e writev() em WASI.
No wasmtime para WASI 0.2, essas funções não passam no test_posix (
gh-88352: Corrige o cálculo do próximo tempo de rollover no manipulador
agora sempre retorna um registro de data e hora maior que o tempo especificado e funciona corretamente durante a mudança de horário de verão.doRollover()
não substitui mais o arquivo já rolado, evitando perda de dados quando executado à meia-noite ou durante tempo repetido na mudança de horário de verã Define
ao executar um script compdb
gh-76511: Corrige UnicodeEncodeError em
que resulta quando uma mensagem que afirma estar no conjunto de caracteres ASCII na verdade tem caracteres não ASCII. Caracteres não ASCII agora são substituídos pelo caractere de substituição U+FFFD, como no manipulador de errosreplace
.gh-89547: Adiciona suporte para formulários especiais de digitação aninhada como Final[ClassVar[int]].
gh-116040: [Enum] corrige chamadas por valor quando o segundo valor for falso; por exemplo. Cardinal(1, 0)
gh-115821: [Enum] Melhora a mensagem de erro ao chamar super().__new__() em __new__ personalizado.
gh-85644: Usa a variável de ambiente
para verificar a área de trabalho. Prefira-a ao descontinuadoGNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID
para detecção do Corrigida
para passar a chamada para o objeto encapsulado para retornar o resultado Corrige problema em que
sinalizaria incorretamente gerenciadores de contexto condicional (comowith (x() if y else z()): ...
) como sintaxe inválida sefeature_version=(3, 8)
fosse passado. Isso reverte as alterações na gramática feitas como parte de Corrige truncamento silencioso do nome com um caractere nulo incorporado em
.gh-115532: Adiciona estimativa de densidade do kernel ao módulo de estatísticas.
gh-115714: No WASI, o módulo
não obtém mais o tempo de processo usandotimes()
, a API do sistema não é confiável e provavelmente será removida do WASI. As funções de relógio afetadas retornam para chamarclock()
.gh-115809: Melhora o algoritmo para calcular quais arquivos de log revertidos devem ser excluídos em
. Agora é confiável para manipuladores semnamer
e comnamer
determinístico arbitrário que deixa a parte de data e hora no nome do arquivo As funções
agora suportam argumentos de bytes contendo dados não ASCII brutos e codificados em
agora sempre coloca aspas ou escapa'\r'
, independentemente do valor Restaura o suporte do delimitador de espaço com
agora coloca aspas em campos vazios se o delimitador for um espaço e skipinitialspace for true e levanta uma exceção se aspas não forem possí Corrigido
para manipular format_spec com"
. Corrigido por Frank Para de registrar argumentos de retorno de chamada potencialmente sensíveis em
a menos que o modo de depuração esteja Corrige um problema em que um
abandonado não seria coletado como Corrige um bug em
para garantir que o tempo limite passado para a corrotina se comporte conforme o Corrige a diminuição inadequada da contagem de referência para o argumento
em métodosproperty
.gh-112720: Refatora
para tornar possível fazer subclasse e alterar a maneira como argumentos de salto são Corrige
para tipos com o descritor de dados__wrapper__
. Corrigeinspect.Signature.from_callable()
para embutidoclassmethod()
.gh-101293: Adiciona suporte a chamáveis com o método
e tipos com métodos__new__()
definidos como métodos de classe, métodos estáticos, métodos vinculados, funções parciais e outros tipos de métodos e descritores eminspect.Signature.from_callable()
não ignora mais funções globais implementadas como métodos embutidos, comoMethodDescriptorType
.gh-115256: Adicionado DeprecationWarning ao acessar o atributo tarfile de objetos TarInfo. O atributo nunca é usado internamente e só é anexado ao TarInfos quando o tarfile é aberto no modo de gravação, não no modo de leitura. O atributo cria um ciclo de referência desnecessário que pode causar corrupção ao não fechar o identificador após gravar um tarfile.
não resolve mais o nome do host antes de verificá-lo em relação à lista de bypass de proxy do sistema no macOS e
agora enviará datagramas de comprimento zero se for chamado com um objeto de bytes vazio. O controle de fluxo de transporte agora também considera o cabeçalho do datagrama ao calcular o tamanho do Protege os módulos carregados com
de condições de corrida quando vários threads tentam acessar atributos antes que o carregamento seja concluí
agora levanta uma exceçãoValueError
quando passado um iterável vazio. Anteriormente,IndexError
era levantada.posixpath.commonpath()
agora levanta uma exceçãoTypeError
quando passadoNone
. Anteriormente,ValueError
era Corrige bug onde
convertia um sufixo de caminho não vazio em um radical quando recebia um argumento stem vazio. Agora levantaValueError
, assim comopathlib.PurePath.with_suffix()
faz quando chamado em um caminho com um radical vazio, dado um argumento suffix não Adiciona
ao contexto SSL padrão criado comssl.create_default_context()
.gh-112281: Permite a criação de união de tipos para
com metadados não-estruturá Corrige
para modo texto, adicionado argumentostream Faz .pdbrc e -c funcionarem com quaisquer comandos pdb válidos.
gh-107625: Levanta
dos métodosread()
se uma chave sem um valor correspondente for continuada (isto é, seguida por uma linha indentada).gh-107155: Corrige saída incorreta de
é uma funçãolambda
, que tem um atributo de dicionário__annotations__
com uma chave"return"
.gh-57141: Adiciona opção para comparações não rasas para
. Patch original por Steven Ward. Aprimorado por Tobias Rautenkranzgh-69990:
foi melhorado para aceitar vários argumentos de classificação. Correção por Chiu-Hsiang Hsu e Furkan Adiciona constante
.gh-60346: Corrige ArgumentParser inconsistente com parse_known_args.
gh-102389: Adiciona
aos apelidos para o codeccp932
functools.partial`s de :func:`repr()
foi melhorado para incluir o nome do módulo. Correção por Furkan Onder e Anilyka Atualiza HTTPSConnection para encapsular consistentemente endereços IPv6 ao usar um proxy.
gh-100884: email: corrige dobramento incorreto de vírgula em listas de endereços em várias linhas em combinação com codificação unicode.
gh-95782: Corrige
sendo capazes de retornar deslocamentos Corrige um traceback em
quando todas as opções em um grupo mutuamente exclusivo são Corrige um bug em
onde várias instâncias de manipulador rotativo apontando para arquivos com o mesmo nome, mas extensões diferentes, entrariam em conflito e não excluiriam os arquivos corretos.bpo-31116: Adiciona codificação Z85 a
.bpo-44865: Adiciona chamada ausente para função de localização em
.bpo-43952: Corrige
para aceitar bytes vazios como authkey. Não aceitar bytes vazios como chave faz com que ele trave indefinidamente.bpo-42125: linecache: obtém nome do módulo de
se disponível. Isso permite obter código-fonte para o módulo__main__
quando um carregador personalizado é usado.bpo-41122: Não passar argumentos corretamente para
agora levanta um TypeError em vez de atingir um índice fora dos limites internamente.bpo-40818: O asyncio REPL agora executa
na inicialização. A implementação padrão desys.__interactivehook__
fornece preenchimento automático para o asyncio REPL. O patch é uma contribuição por Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-33775: Adiciona o texto de ajuda ‘default’ e ‘version’ para localização no argparse.
gh-115399: Documenta CVE 2023-52425 do Expat <2.6.0 em “Vulnerabilidades em XML”.
gh-71052: Adiciona exclusões de teste para dar suporte à execução do conjunto de testes no Android.
gh-71052: Habilita
em plataformas que oferecem suporte a threads, mas não Faz com que ‘_testinternalcapi.assemble_code_object’ construa a tabela de exceções para o objeto de código.
gh-115720: Testes de vazamento (
) agora mostram um resumo do número de vazamentos encontrados em cada iteraçã Adiciona a opção
ao executor de teste regrtest: execute testes com falha comtest.bisect_cmd
para identificar testes com falha. Patch por Victor Corrige
alterando permanentemente a prioridade do No Windows, vírgulas passadas em argumentos para
agora são manipuladas Corrige tradução de alvos de manipuladores de exceção por
.gh-115376: Corrige falha de segmentação em
em entrada incorreta.
gh-116313: Faz com que construções WASI funcionem no wasmtime 18 com primitivos WASI 0.2/preview2.
gh-71052: Altera
do Android de"linux"
.gh-116117: Faz backport da PR #42 da
para corrigir a compilação do CPython no Windows de 32 bits comclang-cl
.gh-71052: Corrige vários problemas de construção do Android
gh-114099: Um projeto de testbed foi adicionado para executar o conjunto de testes no iOS.
gh-115350: Corrige o módulo de construção ctypes com -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN definido
gh-111225: Vincula módulos de extensão ao libpython no Android.
gh-115737: O nome de instalação do libPython agora está definido corretamente para compilações macOS sem framework.
gh-114099: Os alvos do Makefile foram adicionados para oferecer suporte à compilação de uma construção de framework compatível com iOS.
gh-116012: Garante que o valor de
seja preservado em todas as operações com a Construir extensões destinadas a construções de threads livres do CPython agora exigem a compilação manual com
ao usar uma instalação regular. Espera-se que isso mude em versões O instalador agora tem regras mais rígidas sobre a atualização do Inicializador Python para Windows. Em geral, a maioria dos usuários tem apenas um único iniciador instalado e não verá nenhuma diferença. Quando vários iniciadores foram instalados, a opção de instalar o iniciador é desabilitada até que todos, exceto um, tenham sido removidos. O downgrade do iniciador (que nunca foi permitido) agora é mais obviamente bloqueado.
gh-115543: Inicializador Python para Windows agora pode detectar o Python 3.13 quando instalado da Microsoft Store e instalará o Python 3.12 por padrão quando
estiver definido.
gh-116145: Atualiza instalador do macOS para Tcl/Tk 8.6.14.
gh-88516: No macOS, mostra um ícone de proxy na barra de título das janelas do editor para corresponder ao comportamento da plataforma.
gh-114626: Adiciona novamente o nome
, removido no Python 3.13 alpha 4 por engano. Manter o antigo nome privado_PyCFunctionFastWithKeywords
(Python 3.7) como um apelido para o novo nome públicoPyCFunctionFastWithKeywords
(Python 3.13a4). Patch por Victor Adiciona as macros C
. Patch por Sergey B Kirpichev.
Python 3.13.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-02-15
gh-115399: Atualiza libexpat empacotado para 2.6.0
gh-115243: Corrige possíveis travamentos em
quando o deque é modificado simultaneamente.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-112087: Para um iterador reverso vazio for, lista será reduzida para
. Patch por Donghee Nagh-114570: Adiciona exceção
. Esta exceção derivada deRuntimeError
é levantada quando uma operação é bloqueada durante a finalização do Python. Patch por Victor Adiciona
, que limpa todos os caches internos relacionados ao desempenho (e descontinua a função menos geralsys._clear_type_cache()
).gh-114828: Corrige travamentos de compilação em exemplos de código incomuns usando
dentro de uma compreensão em um corpo de Adapta os métodos
para Argument Setters para membros com um tipo inteiro sem sinal agora oferecem suporte ao mesmo intervalo de valores válidos para objetos que têm um método
como paraint
.gh-114887: Alterada a validação do tipo de soquete em
para aceitar todos os soquetes não-stream. Isso corrige uma regressão na compatibilidade com soquetes Corrige uma corrida entre
.gh-113462: Limita o número de versões que uma única classe pode usar. Impede que algumas classes rebeldes usem todos os números de versão.
gh-76763: A função embutido
agora sempre levantaValueError
para valores fora do intervalo válido. Anteriormente, levantavaOverflowError
para valores muito grandes ou Não especializa mais chamadas para classes, se essas classes tiverem metaclasses. Corrige bug onde o método
da metaclasse não estava sendo Melhora mensagem de erro para chamadas de função com argumentos nomeados inválidos via getargs
gh-112529: A construção de threads livres não aloca mais espaço para a estrutura
em objetos que oferecem suporte a coleta de lixo cíclica. Vários outros campos e estruturas de dados são usados como substituições, incluindoob_gc_bits
e estruturas de dados internas Reduz o limite de recursão em uma construção de depuração do WASI.
gh-114083: O compilador aplica o dobramento de LOAD_CONST com a instrução a seguir em uma passagem separada antes de outras otimizações. Isso permite o jump threading em certas circunstâncias.
gh-114388: Corrige um
emitido ao atribuir um valor inteiro que não é uma instância deint
a um atributo que corresponde a um membro struct C de type T_UINT e T_ULONG. Corrige umRuntimeWarning
duplo emitido ao atribuir um valor inteiro negativo a um atributo que corresponde a um membro struct C do tipo O compilador propaga números de linha antes da otimização, levando a mais oportunidades de otimização e removendo a necessidade do hack
.gh-112529: A construção de threads livres agora tem sua própria implementação de GC segura para thread que usa mimalloc para encontrar objetos rastreados por GC. Não é geracional, diferente da implementação GC existente.
gh-114050: Corrige falha de segmentação causada por uma string de formato incorreta na exceção
quando mais de dois argumentos são passados paraint
.gh-112354: A instrução
agora exibe apenas um valor. Isso é para oferecer melhor suporte a saídas laterais em laç Torna
segura para thread quando a GIL estiver Implementa as bases do eliminador de redundância de Nível 2.
gh-113939: frame.clear(): Limpa frame.f_locals também, e não apenas os locals rápidos. Isso é relevante quando frame.f_locals foi acessado, o que também conteria referências a todos os locais.
gh-112050: Converte
para usar Argument Torna os métodos em
seguros para thread quando a GIL estiver Adiciona uma opção (
para construções baseadas emconfigure
para construções baseadas emPCbuild
) para construir um compilador experimental just-in-time, baseado em copy-and-patchgh-113055: Torna interp->obmalloc um ponteiro. Para interpretadores que compartilham estado com o interpretador principal, isso aponta para a mesma estrutura de memória estática. Para interpretadores com seu próprio estado obmalloc, ele é alocado em heap. Adiciona free_obmalloc_arenas() que liberará as arenas obmalloc e as estruturas de árvore radix para interpretadores com seu próprio estado obmalloc.
gh-55664: Adiciona um aviso ao criar
usando um dicionário de espaço de nomes com chaves não string. Patch por Daniel Urban e Furkan Usa variáveis de condição nativas do Win32.
gh-115392: Corrige um bug em
onde números de linha incorretos seriam relatados para funções Corrige vários bugs de
ao usar a implementação C deDecimal
: * vazamento de memória em alguns casos raros ao usar a opção de formatoz
(coagir negativo 0) * saída incorreta ao aplicar a opção de formatoz
ao tipoF
(ponto fixo comNAN
maiúsculo /INF
) * saída incorreta ao aplicar a opção de formato#
(formato alternativo)gh-102840: Corrige traceback confuso quando as operações floordiv, mod ou divmod acontecem entre instâncias de
.gh-115165: A maioria das exceções agora são ignoradas ao tentar definir o atributo
em objetos retornados ao chamar apelidos genéricostyping
(incluindo aliases genéricos criados usandotyping.Annotated
). Anteriormente, apenasAttributeError
era ignorada. Patch por Dave Corrige erros de “issubclass() arg 1 must be a class” em certos casos de herança múltipla com aliases genéricos (regressão nas primeiras versões alfa 3.13).
gh-115133: Corrige testes para
com Expat
agora limpa o buffer de gravação
no final não permite mais corresponder arquivos e caminhos não existentes emglob() Evita condições de corrida na criação de diretórios durante a extração simultânea em
.gh-115060: Acelera
removendo a correspondência de regex Reverte parcialmente o comportamento de
. Por padrão, ele preserva o comportamento de versões mais antigas do Python, exceto que definirwantobjects
como 0 não tem mais efeito. Adiciona um novo parâmetro return_ints: especificarreturn_ints=True
faz com queText.count()
sempre retorna a contagem única como um inteiro em vez de uma tupla de 1 elemento ouNone
.gh-114628: Quando csv.Error é levantada ao manipular TypeError, não exibir o traceback de TypeError.
gh-85984: Adicionado
de C paratermios
.gh-114965: Atualiza pip empacotado para 24.0
não ignora mais erros ao tentar extrair um diretório em cima de um Adiciona
.gh-114071: Suporte a subclasses de tupla usando auto() para valor de membro enum.
gh-109475: Corrige suporte ao valor de opção explícito “–” em
(por exemplo,--option=--
).gh-49766: Corrige comparação
. Agora, os métodos de comparação especiais como__eq__
se um dos comparandos fordate
e o outro fordatetime
em vez de ignorar a parte do tempo e o fuso horário ou retornar forçadamente “não igual” ou levantarTypeError
. Ele torna a comparação das subclassesdate
mais simétrica e permite alterar o comportamento padrão substituindo os métodos de comparação especiais em Corrige estruturas ctypes com vetor na plataforma Windows ARM64 definindo
como 32 em stgdict. Patch por Diego Russogh-114678: Garante que o aviso de descontinuação para o especificador ‘N’ no formato
não seja levantada para casos em que ‘N’ aparece em outros lugares no especificador de formato. Baseado no patch por Stefan Retorna arquivos e diretórios de
se um padrão termina com “**
”. Anteriormente, apenas diretórios eram Melhora o tempo de importação de
.gh-113280: Corrige um vazamento de soquete aberto em casos raros quando ocorria um erro na criação de
agora sempre codifica caracteres não ASCII em cabeçalhos seutf8
for A sincronização do banco de dados
agora é no-op se não houver modificação desde a abertura ou última sincronização. O arquivo de diretório para um banco de dadosdbm.dumb
vazio recém-criado agora é criado imediatamente após a abertura, em vez de adiar isso até a sincronização ou o Adiciona o parâmetro somente-nomeado filter a
para filtrar objetos de banco de dados para despejar. Patch por Mariusz Proíbe criar subclasse de Python puro
. Isso é consistente com a implementação da extensão C. Patch por Mariusz Adiciona o método
para o iterador retornado porxml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse()
.gh-109653: Reduz o tempo de importação do módulo
em ~50%. Patch por Daniel Torna o resultado de
reproduzível no Alpine Linux. Anteriormente, ele poderia deixar um lixo aleatório em alguns Torna
uma classe real, não uma função de fábrica. Adiciona__new__
ao tipo_thread.lock
.gh-100414: Adiciona
como um backend paradbm
, e torna-o o novo backend padrãodbm
. Patch por Raymond Hettinger e Erlend E. Reverte alterações em gh-106584 que tornavam as chamadas dos métodos
estopTest() Ignora uma
quando o IPv6 estiver disponível, mas a interface não puder realmente suportá As entradas
agora são removidas automaticamente quando o thread relacionado Descarta o erro
e retorna apenasNone
no Expõe mais constantes específicas da plataforma no módulo
no Linux, macOS, FreeBSD e A
e a novatty.cfmakecbreak()
não limpam mais o sinalizador ICRLF de entrada do terminal. Isso corrige uma regressão introduzida na 3.12 que não correspondia mais a como os sistemas operacionais definem o modo cbreak em suas páginas de manualstty(1)
.gh-114281: Remove dicas de tipo de
. As anotações no projeto typeshed devem ser usadas em vez Evite o ciclo de referência em ElementTree.iterparse. O iterador retornado por
pode manter um descritor de arquivo. O ciclo de referência impedia a limpeza rápida do descritor de arquivo se o iterador retornado não estivesse A assinatura para o método
agora tem o primeiro argumento chamadoself
, em vez deobj
levantada ao executar um subprocesso agora tem apenas o atributo filename definido como cwd se o erro foi causado por uma tentativa malsucedida de alterar o diretório Enum: manipula corretamente subclasses de tuplas em
__new__ Suporta descontinuação de opções, argumentos posicionais e subcomandos em
.gh-114087: Acelera
em até 1, Corrige um vazamento de referência em
quando negociações SSL falham. Patch foi contribuição de Jamie Aceita objetos caminho ou similar como padrões em
.gh-112202: Garante que uma chamada
não seja perdida se aTask
despertada for cancelada simultaneamente ou encontrar qualquer outro Corrige o comportamento dos métodos
das classestkinter.Text
com três argumentos. Anteriormente,widget.tag_unbind(tag, sequence, funcid)
destruía a vinculação atual para sequence, deixando sequence desvinculado, e excluía o comando funcid. Agora, ele remove apenas funcid da vinculação para sequence, mantendo outros comandos, e exclui o comando funcid. Ele deixa sequence desvinculado somente se funcid foi o último comando Corrige métodos de classe de renderização, métodos vinculados, métodos e apelidos de função em
. Métodos de classe não têm mais a nota “método de instância builtins.type”. Notas correspondentes agora são adicionadas para métodos de classe e não vinculados. Apelidos de método e função agora têm referências ao módulo ou à classe onde a origem foi definida se for diferente da atual. Métodos vinculados agora são listados na seção de métodos estáticos. Métodos de classes internas agora são suportados, bem como métodos de classes Adiciona mais verificações de validação no construtor
agora é levantada se o mesmo caractere for usado em funções Corrige suporte de
.gh-113225: Acelera
onde possí Quando o método replace() é chamado em uma subclasse de datetime, date ou time, chamar corretamente o construtor derivado. Anteriormente, apenas o construtor da classe base era chamado.
Além disso, certifica-se de passar valores de fold diferentes de zero ao criar subclasses em vários métodos. Anteriormente, fold era ignorado silenciosamente.
gh-112919: Aceleração de
.gh-59013: Define o ponto de interrupção na primeira linha executável da função, em vez da linha de definição da função quando o usuário faz
break func
gh-112343: Melhora o tratamento de variáveis de conveniência pdb para evitar a substituição de conteúdo de string.
gh-112240: Adiciona opção à CLI do módulo de calendar para especificar o dia da semana para começar cada semana. Patch por Steven Ward.
gh-111741: Reconhece
como um formato padrão no módulomimetypes
.gh-43457: Corrige o método do widget
. Agora ele aceita o nome do atributo sem o prefixo menos para obter atributos de janela e permite especificar atributos e valores para ser definido como argumentos nomeados. Adiciona um novo argumento nomeado opcional return_python_dict: chamarw.wm_attributes(return_python_dict=True)
retorna os atributos como um dict em vez de uma tupla. Chamarw.wm_attributes()
agora retorna uma tupla em vez de uma string se wantobjects foi definido como Muitas funções agora emitem um aviso se um valor booleano for passado como um argumento de descritor de arquivo.
gh-111051: Adicionada verificação para modificação de arquivo durante a depuração com
gh-110345: Mostra o patchlevel Tcl/Tk (em vez da versão) em
.gh-38807: Corrige a condição de corrida em
. Em vez de verificar se um diretório existe e criá-lo, chame diretamenteos.makedirs()
com o kwargexist_ok=True
.gh-75705: Define o envelope unixfrom em
.gh-106233: Corrige o stacklevel em
durante a importação do módulozoneinfo
.gh-105102: Permita que
seja aninhado emctypes.Structure
quando o endianness do sistema for o oposto das Corrige a desreferência de ponteiro nulo em
devido ao tratamento impróprio de filtros BCJ com propriedades de comprimento zero. Patch por Radislav Adiciona terminação
.gh-101599: Altera a formatação de opções de sinalizador argparse para remover redundância.
gh-85984: Adiciona funções pseudoterminais POSIX
.gh-102512: Quando
é chamado de um thread estrangeiro (também conhecido como_DummyThread
), o tipo do thread em um processo filho é alterado para_MainThread
. Também alterou seu nome e status como daemon, agora pode ser Adiciona
, que identifica nomes de caminho reservados como “NUL”, “AUX” e “CON”. Esta função está disponível somente no Windows.Descontinua
.bpo-38364: As funções
agora oferecem suporte a funções encapsuladasfunctools.partialmethod
da mesma forma que oferecem suporte afunctools.partial
gh-115233: Corrige um exemplo para
no Logging Move a docstring do módulo
para o módulocsv
em vez de reexportá-la do módulo interno_csv
e remove__doc__
para o módulocsv
em vez de reexportá-lo do módulo interno_csv
e remove__version__
gh-114099: Adicionadas exclusões de teste necessárias para executar o conjunto de testes no iOS.
gh-105089: Corrige o teste
no AIX fazendo um AND bit a bit de 0xFFFF no modo , para que ele fique sincronizado comzinfo.external_attr
gh-115167: Evita incluir
ao Python ao construir com o Visual Studio 2022 versão Promove o WASI para uma plataforma de nível 2 e remove o Emscripten do nível 3 em
gh-114099: configure e Makefile foram refatorados para acomodar construções de framework em plataformas Apple diferentes do macOS.
gh-114875: Adiciona
como um pré-requisito para construir o módulogrp
gh-115049: Corrige a falha do iniciador
quando executado como usuários sem perfis de usuá Atualize o instalador do Windows para usar o SQLite 3.45.1.
gh-109991: Atualize a construção do Windows para usar o OpenSSL 3.0.13.
gh-111239: Atualiza as construções do Windows para usar o zlib v1.3.1.
gh-100107: O iniciador
não tentará mais executar o redirecionador da Microsoft Store ao iniciar um script contendo um shebang/usr/bin/env
gh-112984: Adiciona binários de threads livres ao instalador do Windows como um componente opcional.
gh-89240: Permite que
crie pools com mais de 62 processos.
gh-115009: Atualiza o instalador do macOS para usar o SQLite 3.45.1.
gh-109991: Atualiza o instalador do macOS para usar o OpenSSL 3.0.13.
gh-114490: Adiciona suporte de ligação Mach-O para
.gh-87804: No macOS, o resultado de
agora relata corretamente o tamanho de discos muito grandes, em versões anteriores o número relatado de blocos estava errado para discos com pelo menos 2**32 blocos.
gh-113516: Não define
ao construir para Atualiza fluxos de trabalho do GitHub CI para usar OpenSSL 3.0.13 e multissltests para usar 1.1.1w, 3.0.13, 3.1.5 e 3.2.1.
gh-115015: Corrige um bug no Argument Clinic que gerava código incorreto para métodos sem parâmetros que usam a convenção de chamada METH_METHOD | METH_FASTCALL | METH_KEYWORDS. Apenas a contagem de parâmetros posicionais foi verificada; qualquer argumento nomeado passado seria aceito silenciosamente.
gh-111140: Adiciona as funções
agora levanta umaSystemError
se chamada comPyBUF_READ
como sinalizadores. Esses sinalizadores devem ser usados apenas com a API CPyMemoryView_*
agora levanta umaSystemError
se chamado comPyBUF_READ
como sinalizadores. Esses sinalizadores devem ser usados somente com a API CPyMemoryView_*
.gh-114626: Adiciona os typedefs
(idênticos aos typedefs_PyCFunctionFast
existentes, apenas sem um prefixo_
inicial).gh-114329: Adiciona
, que é semelhante aPyList_GetItem()
, mas retorna uma referência forte em vez de uma referência Adiciona a API C de PyTime:
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-112066: Adiciona
: insere uma chave e um valor em um dicionário se a chave ainda não estiver presente. Isto é similar adict.setdefault()
, mas retorna um valor inteiro indicando se a chave já estava presente. Também é similar aPyDict_SetDefault()
, mas retorna uma referência forte em vez de uma referência emprestada.
Python 3.13.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2024-01-17
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-107901: O compilador duplica blocos básicos que têm uma verificação de quebra de avaliação, nenhum número de linha e vários predecessores.
gh-107901: Um salto que deixa um manipulador de exceção de volta ao código normal não verifica mais o quebra de avaliação.
gh-113655: Define o limite de recursão C para 4000 no Windows e 10000 no Linux/OSX. Isso parece estar perto do ponto ideal para manter a segurança, mas não comprometer a retrocompatibilidade.
gh-113710: Adiciona efeitos de pilha digitados ao DSL do interpretador, junto com várias anotações de instruções.
gh-77046: No Windows, os descritores de arquivo que envolvem identificadores do Windows agora são criados não herdáveis por padrão (PEP 446). Patch por Zackery Spytz e Victor Stinner.
gh-113853: Garante que todos os executores progridam. Isso garante que a execução de nível 2 sempre progrida.
gh-113753: Corrige um problema em que o finalizador de objetos
pode não ser chamado se eles forem alocados de uma lista Compilador alterado para que saltos sintéticos que não estejam no final do laço não verifiquem mais o disjuntor de avaliação.
gh-113703: Corrige uma regressão no módulo
que estava fazendo com que ele identificasse incorretamente f-strings incompletas. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-89811: Verifica se há uma
válida antes de executar especializações de bytecode que dependem desse valor ser utilizá Mensagem de erro alterada em caso de nenhuma palavra reservada ‘in’ após ‘for’ em compreensões de lista
gh-113657: Corrige um problema que fazia com que atualizações importantes de ponteiros de instruções fossem otimizadas fora dos rastreamentos de nível dois.
gh-113603: Corrige um bug em que um NOP redundante não é removido, causando falha em uma asserção no compilador no modo de depuração.
gh-113602: Corrige um erro que fazia com que o analisador sintático tentasse sobrescrever erros existentes e travasse no processo. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-113486: Não emite mais eventos
espúrios para chamadas otimizadas para Corrige falha de segmentação no compilador na instrução with com 19 gerenciadores de contexto.
gh-111375: Usa somente
na pilha de exceções para indicar que uma exceção foi tratada. Patch por Carey Aumenta o limite de recursão C por um fator de 3 para compilações não depuradas, exceto para plataformas webassembly e s390 que não foram alteradas. Isso atenua algumas regressões no 3.12 com recursão profunda misturando código interno (C) e Python.
gh-113054: Corrigido bug onde um NOP redundante não é removido, causando falha em uma asserção no compilador no modo de depuração.
gh-106905: Usa o estado por analisador sintático AST em vez do estado global para rastrear a profundidade da recursão dentro do analisador sintático AST para evitar uma possível condição de corrida devido à análise simultânea.
O problema apareceu principalmente na versão 3.11 por usuários multithread de
. Na versão 3.12, uma alteração em quando a coleta de lixo pode ser acionada impediu que a condição de corrida Altera a API e o contrato de
para retornar o ponteiro next_instr, em vez do quadro, e para sempre executar pelo menos uma instruçã Calcula corretamente os deslocamentos de coluna final para tokens multilinha no módulo
. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-112125: Corrige
em vez deFalse
agora levanta uma ValueError quando emitido no terminal se o prompt contiver caracteres nulos incorporados em vez de truncá-lo Corrige SystemError na instrução
e nos métodos__reduce__()
de tipos embutidos quando__builtins__
não é um Usa cor para destacar locais de erro em tracebacks. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-112625: Corrige um bug em que um objeto bytearray poderia ser limpo durante a iteração sobre um argumento no método
que poderia resultar na leitura de memória após ser Não limpa erros inesperados durante mensagens de erro de formatação para ImportError e AttributeError para módulos.
gh-105967: Solução alternativa para um bug na biblioteca zlib da plataforma macOS da Apple, em que
poderiam produzir resultados incorretos em entradas de vários gigabytes. Incluindo ao usarzipfile
em zips contendo dados Fornece uma mensagem de erro melhor ao acessar atributos inválidos em módulos parcialmente inicializados. A origem do módulo que está sendo acessado agora está incluída na mensagem para ajudar com o problema comum de sombreamento de outros módulos.
gh-112217: Adiciona verificação para o tipo de
retornado da chamada do tipoT
emraise from T
.gh-111058: Altera coro.cr_frame/gen.gi_frame para retornar
após a corrotina/gerador ter sido fechado. Isso corrige um bug em quegetcoroutinestate()
retornam o estado errado para uma corrotina/gerador Corrige um erro que estava fazendo o analisador tentar sobrescrever erros do tokenizador. Patch por pablo Galindo
gh-112387: Corrige posições de erro para strings decodificadas com erros de análise léxica reversa. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-99606: Torna o código gerado para uma f-string vazia idêntico ao código de uma string normal vazia.
gh-112367: Evita comportamento indefinido ao usar os trampolins do perf não liberando as arenas de código até o desligamento. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-112320: O tradutor de nível 2 agora rastreia o nível de confiança para permanecer “no rastreamento” (ou seja, não sair de volta para o interpretador de nível 1) para instruções de ramificação com base no número de bits definidos no “contador” de ramificação. A tradução de rastreamento termina quando a confiança cai abaixo de 1/3.
agora tenta converter um objeto para uma instânciacomplex
usando seu método__complex__()
antes de retornar ao método__float__()
. Patch por Sergey B Corrige UnicodeEncodeError quando
lê uma mensagem com um caractere substituto Unicode e o conteúdo da mensagem não está bem formado para codificação de escape substituto. Patch por Sidney Markowitz.bpo-21861: Usa o nome de classe real do objeto em
, para tornar esses métodos amigáveis à subclasse.bpo-45369: Remove soluções alternativas do LibreSSL conforme a PEP 644.
bpo-34392: Adicionada
gh-114077: Corrige possível
ao passar count maior que 2 GiB em plataforma de 32
agora oferece suporte ao carregamento de listas aninhadas mais profundamente em formato biná Corrige um bug em
onde uma string inválida usandod
na parte decimais cria um erro diferente comparado a outras letras/caracteres inválidos. Patch por Jeremiah Gabriel
agora garante que o suporte a chave estrangeira seja desabilitado antes de despejar o esquema do banco de dados, se houver qualquer violação de chave estrangeira. Patch por Erlend E. Aasland e Mariusz O atributo
protegido anteriormente porzipfile.ZipInfo
foi tornado público como.compress_level
com o antigo nome_compresslevel
permanecendo disponível como uma propriedade para manter a Corrige o método
no Windows de 64 Adicionados
. Todos eles são sinalizadoresmmap(2)
no Os gerenciadores de contexto
agora manipulam as subclassesCancelledError
, bem comoCancelledError unittest runner: Não sai com 5 se os testes foram ignorados. A intenção de sair com 5 era detectar problemas em que o conjunto de testes não foi descoberto. Se pulamos os testes, ele foi descoberto corretamente.
gh-96037: Insere
no contexto da exceção que foi levantada durante a saída de um blocoasyncio.timeout() Silencia AttributeError não levantável quando avisos são emitidos durante a finalização do Python.
gh-113238: Adiciona
(para que o código esteja em conformidade com a documentação)gh-111693:
agora levanta novamente a mesma instânciaCancelledError
que pode ter causado sua interrupção. Corrigida a condição de corrida emasyncio.Semaphore.acquire()
quando interrompido com umaCancelledError
.gh-113791: Adiciona
no macOS. Esses são relógios disponíveis no macOS 10.12 ou Restaura a capacidade de
de arquivos zip com uma entrada de diretório “/” neles, como é comumente adicionado a zips por alguns exportadores de dados de wiki ou rastreadores de Levanta avisos de descontinuação de
e não de sua classe base privadaPurePathBase
.gh-113594: Corrige
ao redobrar linhas que contêm parte codificada de 8 bits desconhecida seguida por parte codificada de 8 bits não Em
, há um retorno de chamada que registra um erro se a tarefa que envolve o “retorno de chamada de conectado” falhar. Este retorno de chamada falharia se a tarefa fosse cancelada. Evite isso verificando se a tarefa foi cancelada primeiro. Se sim, feche o transporte, mas não registre um Adiciona suporte para o argumento allow_code no módulo
. Passarallow_code=False
previne a serialização e desserialização de objetos de código, o que é incompatível entre versões do Corrige avisos de recursos para arquivos não fechados nas interfaces de linha de comando
.gh-113537: Suporte a cargas de
.gh-89850: Adiciona implementações padrão dos métodos
na implementação C. Chamarsuper().persistent_id()
em subclasses da implementação C das classespickle.Pickler
não causa mais recursão Indica se não houve chamadas reais na falha do unittest
.gh-101225: Aumenta o backlog para objetos
criados pormultiprocessing.manager
para reduzir significativamente o risco de obter um erro de conexão recusada ao criar ummultiprocessing.connection.Connection
para Levanta eventos de auditoria de
e não de sua classe base privadaPathBase
.gh-113543: Garante que
envie o evento de
.gh-113028: Quando uma segunda referência a uma string aparece na entrada para
, e a implementação Python está em uso, temos a garantia de que uma única cópia é decapada e um único objeto é compartilhado quando recarregado. Anteriormente, no protocolo 0, quando uma string continha certos caracteres (por exemplo, nova linha), isso resultava em objetos Corrige o logger de multiprocessamento para
.gh-111784: Corrige falhas de segmentação no módulo
. Corrige a primeira falha de segmentação durante a desalocação de instâncias_elementtree.XMLParser
mantendo uma referência forte ao módulopyexpat
no estado do módulo para o tempo de vida da cápsula. Corrige a segunda falha de segmentação que acontece no mesmo processo de desalocação mantendo uma referência forte ao módulo_elementtree
na estruturaXMLParser
para o tempo de vida do módulo_elementtree
.gh-113407: Corrige a importação de
quando o CPython é construído sem Corrige uma regressão no Python 3.12 onde classes
que não foram marcadas comoruntime-checkable
seriam introspectadas desnecessariamente, potencialmente causando exceções se o protocolo tivesse membros problemáticos. Patch por Alex Adiciona uma nova opção
para carregar ou despejar datetime Corrige renderização de tracebacks com exceções com um __getattr__ quebrado
gh-113214: Corrige um
durante término do protocolo SSL asyncio em cenários SSL sobre Atualiza o pip empacotado para 23.3.2.
gh-87264: Corrigido o método list() do tarfile para mostrar o tipo de arquivo.
agora transformaStopIteration
em vez de travar ou apresentar outro comportamento incorreto. Contribuição de patch de Jamie Acelera
sempre que possí Melhora a mensagem de erro quando um vetor JSON ou objeto contém uma vírgula final. Patch por Carson Radtke.
gh-113117: O módulo
agora pode usar a funçãoos.posix_spawn()
em plataformas ondeposix_spawn_file_actions_addclosefrom_np
está disponível. Patch por Jakub Faz
fecharem E/S após ler todos os dados quando o comprimento do conteúdo for conhecido. Patch por Illia Adiciona suporte a
e um descritor de arquivo emos.chmod()
no Corrige
no Windows. Anteriormente, eles funcionavam de forma diferente se dst fosse um link simbólico: eles modificavam os bits de permissão do próprio dst em vez do arquivo para o qual ele aponta se follow_symlinks fosse true ou src não fosse um link simbólico, e não modificavam os bits de permissão se follow_symlinks fosse false e src fosse um link simbó
agora aceitaenv=None
, o que faz com que o processo recém-gerado use o ambiente de processo atual. Patch por Jakub Adiciona uma opção
no móduloitertools
.gh-61648: Detecta números de linha de propriedades em doctests.
gh-113175: Sincroniza com importlib_metadata 7.0, incluindo anotações de tipo aprimoradas, problema corrigido com pacotes com links simbólicos em
, adicionadoEntryPoints.__repr__
, introduzido o scriptdiagnose
, adicionada a propriedadeDistribution.origin
e removido o acessoEntryPoint
descontinuado por índice numérico (comportamento de tupla).gh-59616: Adiciona suporte para
e o argumento follow_symlinks emos.chmod()
no Windows. Observe que o valor padrão de follow_symlinks emos.lchmod()
não chamam maisrepr
em manipuladores chamá
não chamam maisrepr
nos resultados da tarefa. Patch por Yilei As funções do módulo
adicionam informações de cache à instânciaInstruction
em vez de criar instâncias falsasInstruction
para representar as entradas de Reduz a sobrecarga para conectar soquetes com SelectorEventLoop do
.gh-112970: Usa
no Linux onde disponível (por exemplo, glibc-2.34), em vez de apenas Corrige estruturas ctypes com array na plataforma PPC64LE definindo
como 64 em stgdict. Patch por Diego A função statistics.geometric_mean() agora retorna zero para conjuntos de dados contendo um zero. Anteriormente, isso levantaria uma exceção.
gh-87286: Adicionados
ao módulosyslog
, todos eles constantes usados no Corrige
para não lançarPermissionError
quando usado com executáveis Adiciona as seguintes constantes ao módulo
. Esses valores estão presentes nos cabeçalhos do sistema macOS:ALTWERASE
.gh-79325: Corrige um erro de recursão infinita na limpeza de
agora captura apenas exceções OSError. Anteriormente, uma versão resistente a ataques de symlink deshutil.rmtree()
podia ignorar ou passar para o manipulador de erros uma exceção arbitrária quando argumentos inválidos eram O uso de símbolos del-safe em
foi refatorado para permitir o uso em ambientes de construção Acelera
. Patch por Barney Aceleração de verificações de
em relação aprotocolos runtime-checkable
simples em cerca de 6%. Patch por Alex Aceleração de verificações de
em cerca de 20% paraprotocolos verificáveis em tempo de execução
que têm apenas um membro chamável. Aceleração de verificações deissubclass()
para esses protocolos em cerca de 10%. Patch por Alex Remoção de erro de descontinuação ao passar
.gh-112640: Adiciona o parâmetro
para definir valores padrão de argumento Garante que o parâmetro
seja passado para o laço de eventos emasyncio.create_task()
.gh-112618: Corrige um bug de armazenamento em cache relacionado a
.Annotated[str, True]
não é mais idêntico aAnnotated[str, 1]
.gh-112334: Corrige uma regressão de desempenho no
do 3.12 no Linux, onde ele não usaria mais a chamada de sistema de caminho rápidovfork()
quando poderia devido a um bug lógico, em vez disso, voltando para o seguro, mas mais lentofork()
.Também foi corrigido um segundo bug de segurança potencial do 3.12.0. Se um valor de
fosse passado parasubprocess.Popen
ou APIs relacionadas, a chamada de sistemasetgroups(0, NULL)
subjacente para limpar a lista de grupos não seria feita no processo filho antes deexec()
.Isso foi identificado por meio de inspeção de código no processo de correção do primeiro bug.
gh-110190: Corrige estruturas ctypes com array na plataforma Arm definindo
como 32 em stgdict. Patch por Diego Corrige uma falha em
com valor específico (UINT_MAX). Corrigir um estouro de inteiro emsocket.if_indextoname()
em plataformas não Windows de 64 Corrige uma
espúrio ao executar o módulozipfile
.gh-112516: Atualiza a cópia empacotada do pip para a versão 23.3.1.
gh-112510: Adiciona
para os usos do backend readline (editline
)gh-112328: [Enum] Torna
pú Corrige casos extremos que poderiam fazer com que uma chave estivesse presente nos atributos
de umtyping.TypedDict
. Patch por Jelle Adiciona o parâmetro nomeado
.gh-63284: Adicionado suporte para modo TLS-PSK (chave pré-compartilhada) para :mod: módulo
.gh-112414: Corrige regressão no Python 3.12 onde chamar
em um módulo que foi importado usando um loader personalizado poderia falhar comAttributeError
. Patch por Alex Reverte alteração na inicialização
que quebrou alguns casos de extensão de Otimiza
. Patch por Alex Corrige bug onde a comparação entre instâncias de
falha se uma delas tiverNone
como seu Acelera um pequeno punhado de métodos
removendo alguns objetos temporá Melhora a mensagem de erro ao tentar chamar
contra umtyping.Protocol
que tem membros não-método. Patch por Randolf Altera a saída
para exibir no-lineno como “–” em vez de “None”.gh-112332: Descontinua o campo
. Adicionaexc_type_str
para substituí Adiciona testes extras para
gh-112292: Corrige uma falha em
quando importado de um subinterpretador. Patch por Anthony Shawgh-77621: Melhora ligeiramente o tempo de importação do módulo
adiando algumas importações. Patch por Barney Altera a saída
para exibir rótulos lógicos para alvos de salto em vez de Adiciona
para formatar assinaturas para string com opções extras. E usá-lo empydoc
para renderizar assinaturas mais legíveis que tenham novas linhas entre parâ Faz
funcionar com libeditgh-106922: Exibe várias linhas com
quando os erros abrangerem várias Ao criar uma classe
, garante que__set_name__()
seja chamado em todos os objetos que definem__set_name__
e existam nos valores do dicionário de classes da classeNamedTuple
. Patch por Alex Adiciona suporte ao tipo de elemento “vsapi” em
.gh-110275: Os métodos
da tupla nomeada agora levantam TypeError em vez de ValueError para argumentos nomeados invá Não desorganiza
se safe_path estiver definidogh-111615: Corrige uma regressão causada por uma correção em gh-93162, na qual você não conseguia configurar uma
sem especificar Corrige o comportamento do método
do widgettkinter
com dois argumentos. Anteriormente,widget.unbind(sequence, funcid)
destruía a vinculação atual para sequence, deixando sequence desvinculado, e excluía o comando funcid. Agora ele remove apenas funcid da vinculação para sequence, mantendo outros comandos, e exclui o comando funcid. Ele deixa sequence desvinculado somente se funcid foi o último comando Implementa suporte básico de formatação (largura mínima, alinhamento, preenchimento) para
.gh-111049: Corrige travamento durante coleta de lixo do objeto buffer
.gh-102980: Redireciona a saída do comando
para o mesmo canal do depurador. Adiciona testes e melhore a documentaçã
agora retornam tuplas de dois elementos('', '')
em mais situações onde endereços de e-mail inválidos são encontrados em vez de potencialmente imprecisos valores. Adiciona o parâmetro strict opcional a estas duas funções: usestrict=False
para obter o comportamento antigo, aceitar entradas malformadas.getattr(email.utils, 'supports_strict_parsing', False)
pode usar para verificar se o parâmetro strict está disponível. Patch por Thomas Dwyer e Victor Stinner para melhorar a correção CVE
agora limpa docstrings cominspect.cleandoc()
antes de escrevê-las. Patch por Filip Ł Adiciona o parâmetro
que permite usar blocos de memória compartilhada sem precisar registrar com o rastreador de recursos POSIX que os libera automaticamente na saída do Adiciona a classe privada
: uma classe base parapathlib.PurePath
que omite certos métodos mágicos. Pode ser tornado público (junto com_PathBase
) no Protege
de zipbomb “quoted-overlap”. Agora ele levanta BadZipFile ao tentar ler uma entrada que se sobrepõe a outra entrada ou diretório Corrige possíveis vazamentos de referência e travamento ao reinserir o método
.gh-91539: Melhoria de desempenho pequena (10 - 20%) e trivial de
, normalmente útil quando há muitas variáveis de ambiente para Adiciona o argumento somente-nomeado follow_symlinks a
, com o padrãoTrue
.gh-102130: Suporte para conclusão de tabulação em
agora decodifica objetos semelhantes a caminhos, garantindo que __file__ e sys.argv[0] do módulo que está sendo executado sejam sempre Adiciona
, um decorador para marcar funções descontinuadas para verificadores de tipo estático e para avisar sobre o uso de classes e funções obsoletas. Veja PEP 702. Patch por Jelle Torna o nome python codificado, um parâmetro configurável para que diferentes implementações do python possam substituí-lo em vez de fazer grandes diferenças em
agora oferece suporte a pastas que não contêm um arquivo.mh_sequences
(por exemplo, pastas de cache IMAP do Claws Mail). Patch por Serhiy Renomeado
para maior clareza, e mantidore.error
para compatibilidade com versões anteriores. Patch por Matthias Bussonnier e Adam Corrige um bug na limpeza de
, que agora não desreferencia mais links simbólicos ao contornar erros de permissão do sistema de arquivos.bpo-43153: No Windows,
mascarava anteriormente umPermissionError
durante a limpeza de diretório. Agora ele levanta corretamentePermissionError
se os erros não forem ignorados. Patch por Andrei Kulakov e Ken Jin.bpo-32731:
agora levantaOSError
para todas as falhas em vez deImportError
em sistemas sem o módulopwd
se o banco de dados de senhas estiver vazio.bpo-34321:
agora tem um parâmetro trackfd no Unix; se forFalse
, o descritor de arquivo especificado por fileno não será duplicado.bpo-35332: A função
agora ignora erros ao chamaros.close()
quando ignore_errors éTrue
, eos.close()
não é mais tentado novamente após erro.bpo-35928:
agora manipula corretamente o buffer de decodificação apósread()
agora move um link simbólico para um diretório quando esse diretório é o alvo do link simbólico. Isso fornece o mesmo comportamento do comando mv shell. O comportamento anterior gerou uma exceção. Patch por Jeffrey Kintscher.bpo-41422: Corrigidos vazamentos de memória de
envolvendo referências cíclicas por meio do mapeamento de memorando interno.bpo-19821: A função
foi descontinuada.bpo-40262: O método
não requer mais o argumento buffer para implementar__len__
e suporta buffers com tamanho de item arbitrário.bpo-39912:
agora levantam exceções apropriadas em vez deAssertionError
. Patch foi contribuição de Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-37260: Corrigida uma condição de corrida em
na qual entradas de diretório removidas por outro processo ou thread enquantoshutil.rmtree()
está em execução podem fazer com que ele levante FileNotFoundError. Patch por Jeffrey Kintscher.bpo-36959: Corrigidas algumas mensagens de erro para combinações de strings de formato ISO inválidas em
que se referiam a diretivas não contidas na string de formato. Patch por Gordon P. Hemsley.bpo-18060: Corrigido um problema de herança de classe que pode causar falhas de segmentação ao derivar dois ou mais níveis de subclasses de uma classe base de Structure ou Union.
bpo-29779: Adicionada uma nova variável de ambiente
para definir o local de um arquivo.python_history
agora ignora arquivos com um ponto inicial.
gh-111699: Realoca o aviso de descontinuação de
para sua própria seção em vez de emlocale
no documento O que há de novo no Python 3.12gh-110746: Marcação aprimorada para opções/valores válidos para os métodos ttk.treeview.column e ttk.treeview.heading, e para Layouts.
gh-95649: Document que o módulo
contém código retirado de v0.16.0 do projeto uvloop, bem como as informações de licenciamento do MIT necessárias.
gh-111798: Desabilita
em construções pydebug em WASI; a profundidade da pilha é muito pequena para tornar o teste ú Reduz o limite de recursão em
. Isso evita um estouro de pilha em uma construção pydebug de Especifica uma profundidade de recursão baixa para
para evitar esgotar a pilha em uma construção pydebug para Corrige
retornando incorretamenteTrue
quando recebe um caminho que começa com exatamente uma barra (invertida) no Windows.Corrige
retornando incorretamenteFalse
para alguns caminhos que começam com duas barras (invertidas).gh-113633: Use estado do módulo para o módulo de extensão _testcapi.
gh-109980: Corrige
para macOS, onde o tar do sistema pode incluir mais informações no arquivo do queshutil.make_archive
.gh-112769: Os testes agora comparam corretamente a versão zlib quando
contém sufixos não inteiros. Por exemplo, zlib-ng define a versão como1.3.0.zlib-ng
.gh-112334: Adiciona um teste de regressão para verificar se
é usado quando esperado porsubprocess
em sistemas POSIX habilitados para vfork (Linux).gh-108927: Corrigida a dependência de ordem na execução de testes no mesmo processo quando um teste que tem submódulos (por exemplo, test_importlib) segue um teste que importa seu submódulo (por exemplo, test_importlib.util) e precede um teste (por exemplo, test_unittest ou test_compileall) que usa esse submódulo.
bpo-40648: Modos de teste que o arquivo pode obter com chmod() no Windows.
gh-114013: Corrige
para não incluir o caminho parapython.wasm
como parte deHOSTRUNNER
. A variável de ambiente tem como objetivo especificar como executar apenas o host WASI, tendopython.wasm
e sinalizadores relevantes anexados aoHOSTRUNNER
. Isso corrige o funcionamento demake test
.gh-113258: Alterada a construção do Windows para gravar módulos congelados gerados na árvore de construção em vez da árvore de fontes.
gh-112305: Corrigida a etapa
realizada em construções fora da árvore para detectar arquivos$(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/*.h
errantes e recomendou etapas de limpeza apropriadas da árvore de fontes para obter uma construção funcional Adiciona suporte para sanitizador de thread (TSAN)
gh-112867: Corrige a construção para o caso em que WITH_PYMALLOC_RADIX_TREE=0 definido.
gh-103065: Apresenta
para simplificar a execução de uma construção WASI.bpo-11102: As funções
agora estão disponíveis no HP-UX v3.bpo-36351: Não defina ipv6type ao fazer compilação cruzada.
gh-114096: Os privilégios de processo que são ativados para criar junções de diretório agora são restaurados posteriormente, evitando alterações de comportamento em outras partes do programa.
gh-111877: As chamadas
estavam retornando valores de tempo incorretos para arquivos que não podiam ser acessados Atualiza o instalador do Windows para usar o SQLite 3.44.2.
: No Windows, corrige uma condição de corrida emProcess.terminate()
: não define mais o atributoreturncode
para sempre chamarWaitForSingleObject()
. Anteriormente, às vezes o processo ainda estava em execução apósTerminateProcess()
mesmo seGetExitCodeProcess()
. Patch por Victor Corrige cálculos de caminho ao iniciar o Python no Windows por meio de um link simbólico.
gh-71383: Atualiza Tcl/Tk no instalador do Windows para 8.6.13 com um patch para suprimir avisos incorretos de ThemeChanged.
gh-111650: Garante que a variável do pré-processador
seja definida empyconfig.h
para que módulos de extensão escritos em C possam usá Reduz o custo de tempo para algumas funções em
no Windows se o usuário atual não tiver permissão para o Descontinua
em vez disso. Patch por Inada Classifica e remove corretamente variáveis de ambiente duplicadas em
.bpo-37308: Corrige mojibake em
ao usar um argumento tagname não ASCII no Windows.
gh-113666: Adiciona as seguintes constantes ao módulo
. Os valoresUF_SETTABLE
estão disponíveis apenas no
agora está disponível no macOSgh-110459: Executar
configure ... --with-openssl-rpath=X/Y/Z
não falha mais em detectar OpenSSL no Documenta que
pode corromper silenciosamente arquivos DBM em atualizações ao exceder limites de plataforma não documentados e pode travar (falha de segmentação) ao ler um arquivo corrompido. (FB8919203)gh-65701: A ferramenta freeze não funciona com construções de framework do Python. Documente isso e faça sair mais cedo ao executar a ferramenta com tal construção.
gh-87277: webbrowser: Não procura navegadores X11 no macOS. Geralmente, eles não são usados e procurá-los pode resultar na inicialização do XQuartz, mesmo que ele não seja usado de outra forma.
gh-111973: Atualiza o instalador do macOS para usar o SQLite 3.44.2.
gh-108269: Define
como true no Info.plist para o framework, incorporado e com instalações do framework no macOS. Isso permite que as aplicações selecionem o local preferido do usuário quando for diferente do inglê Ggarante que o resultado de
inclua pelo menos uma versão principal e secundária, mesmo queMACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
esteja definido como apenas uma versão principal durante a construção para corresponder ao formato esperado pelo Desabilita um teste de estresse de tratamento de sinal no macOS devido a um bug no macOS (FB13453490).
gh-110820: Garante que as definições do pré-processador para
estejam corretas para construções Universal 2 no Usa
no macOS para determinar o número de arquivos abertos
para evitar uma falha com descritores de arquivo “guarded” ao sondar arquivos abertos.
gh-72284: Melhora as listas de recursos, atalhos de teclado do editor e atalhos de teclado do shell no documento do IDLE.
gh-113903: Corrige a falha rara de test.test_idle, em test_configdialog.
gh-113729: Corrige o bug do menu “Help -> IDLE Doc” em 3.11.7 e 3.12.1.
gh-113269: Corrige o travamento do test_editor no macOS Catalina.
gh-112898: Corrige o processamento de arquivos não salvos ao sair do IDLE no macOS.
bpo-13586: Insere o texto selecionado ao abrir a caixa de diálogo “Replace”.
gh-106560: Corrige declarações redundantes na API C pública. Declare PyBool_Type, PyLong_Type e PySys_Audit() apenas uma vez. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-112438: Corrige o suporte de unidades de formato “es”, “et”, “es#” e “et#” em tuplas aninhadas em funções do tipo
.gh-111545: Adiciona a função
para fazer hash de um ponteiro. Patch por Victor Altera a declaração do parâmetro keywords de
para melhor compatibilidade com C++.
Python 3.13.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-11-22
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-112243: Não inclua comentários nas expressões do depurador com f-string. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-112287: Otimiza ligeiramente o interpretador nível 2 (uop) carregando apenas
quando necessário. Também dobra o limite de tamanho de rastreamento novamente, para 512 desta Reduz a profundidade máxima da pilha do analisador para 1000 em construções de depuração WASI.
gh-111798: Quando o Python é construído no modo de depuração, define o limite de recursão C para 500 em vez de 1500. Uma construção de depuração provavelmente é construída com baixo nível de otimização, o que implica maior uso de memória de pilha do que uma construção de lançamento. Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-106529: Habilita a tradução de
não especializado para o Nível Torna os módulos relacionados ao hashlib seguros para thread sem a GIL
gh-81137: Descontinua a atribuição ao campo
de uma função quando o novo objeto de código for de um tipo incompatível (por exemplo, de um gerador para uma função simples).gh-79932: Levanta uma exceção se
for chamado em um quadro Implementa IDs de thread nativas para GNU KFreeBSD.
gh-111843: Usa o backoff exponencial para reduzir o número de tentativas de otimização de nível 2 com falha em mais de 99%.
gh-110829: Unir uma thread agora garante que a thread do sistema operacional subjacente tenha saído. Isso é necessário para fork() mais seguro em processos multithread.
gh-109369: Certifica-se de que os rastreamentos de nível 2 sejam desotimizados se o código for instrumentado
gh-111772: Especializa cargas e armazenamentos de slot para _Py_T_OBJECT, bem como Py_T_OBJECT_EX
gh-111666: Acelera
alterando como eles analisam os argumentos Corrige o travamento do tempo de execução quando algum erro acontece no opcode
.gh-111623: Adiciona suporte para compartilhar tuplas entre interpretadores usando a API de interpretador cruzado. Patch por Anthony Shaw.
gh-111354: O oparg de
agora é1
se a instrução for parte de um yield-from ou await, e0
caso contrário.O estado do quadro SUSPENDED agora é dividido em
. Isso simplifica o código em_PyGen_yf
.gh-111520: Mescla os interpretadores nível 1 (bytecode) e nível 2 (micro-ops), movendo o laço do interpretador nível 2 e alterne para
. O arquivoPython/executor.c
desapareceu. Além disso, as macrosTIER_ONE
agora são manipuladas pelo gerador de código.Cuidado! Isso altera as variáveis de ambiente para habilitar micro-ops e sua depuração para
.gh-109181: Acelera a criação do objeto
calculando preguiçosamente o número da linha. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-111420: Permite comentários de tipo em instruções
entre parêntesesgh-111438: Adicione suporte para compartilhar floats entre interpretadores usando a API de interpretador cruzado. Patch por Anthony Shaw.
gh-111435: Adiciona suporte para compartilhar
entre interpretadores usando a API de interpretador cruzado. Patch por Anthony Corrige um bug em que os codecs
liam fora dos limitesgh-111366: Corrige um problema no
que estava fazendo com que exceçõesSyntaxError
geradas na presença de sintaxe inválida não contivessem mensagens de erro precisas. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-111380: Corrige um bug que estava fazendo com que
aparecesse duas vezes ao analisar se uma sintaxe inválida fosse encontrada posteriormente. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-111374: Adicionada uma nova variável de ambiente
. Determina se os módulos congelados são ou não ignorados pelo mecanismo de importação, equivalente à opção de linha de comando-X frozen_modules
.gh-111354: Remove
. Alteraoparg
para incluir informações sobre o except-depth. Essas alterações possibilitam simplificar o código no fechamento do Corrige uma regressão que impedia o salto entre
is None
eis not None
durante a depuração. Patch por Savannah Mostra linhas de origem em tracebacks ao usar a opção
ao executar Python. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-111123: Corrige um bug em que uma declaração
em um blocoexcept
é rejeitada quando o global é usado no blocoelse
.gh-110938: Corrige mensagens de erro para blocos indentados com funções e classes com parâmetros de tipo genérico. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-109214: Remove atualizações desnecessárias de ponteiros de instruções antes de retornar de quadros.
gh-110912: Exibe corretamente o traceback para exceções
usando o módulotraceback
. Patch por Pablo Galindogh-109894: Corrige falha devido a
estático inicializado incorretamente no Retorna
para eventosPyTrace_RETURN
causados por uma exceçãogh-110864: Corrige análise de argumento por
para funções que definem parâmetros posicionais-ou-nomeados, argumentos variáveis e Substitui
no quadro do interpretador porinstr_ptr
que aponta para o início da instrução que está sendo executada no momento (ou será executada quando o quadro for retomado).gh-110805: Permite que o repl mostre o código-fonte e tracebacks completos. Patch por Pablo Galindo
gh-110722: Adiciona
para importar um módulo no início do ciclo de vida do interpretador antes
ser executado. O Python precisa ser construído no modo de depuração para que esta opção Implementa a contagem de referências tendenciosa em construções
.gh-110543: Corrige regressão no Python 3.12 onde
produziria um objeto de código quebrado se chamado em um objeto código de módulo ou classe que contém uma compreensão. Patch por Jelle Removed chained
descriptors (introduced in bpo-19072). This can no longer be used to wrap other descriptors such asproperty
. The core design of this feature was flawed and caused a number of downstream problems. To “pass-through” aclassmethod
, consider using the__wrapped__
attribute that was added in Python Use local events for opcode tracing
bpo-46657: Add mimalloc memory allocator support.
gh-106718: When PyConfig.stdlib_dir is explicitly set, it’s now respected and won’t be overridden by PyConfig.home.
gh-106905: Fix incorrect SystemError about AST constructor recursion depth mismatch.
gh-100445: Improve error message for unterminated strings with escapes.
bpo-45759: Improved error messages for
statements not matching any valid statements. Patch by Jeremiah Vivian.
gh-111942: Fix SystemError in the TextIOWrapper constructor with non-encodable “errors” argument in non-debug mode.
gh-111995: Added the
constant to thesocket
module when present in C at build time for use withsocket.getnameinfo()
.gh-109538: Issue warning message instead of having
be displayed when event loop has already been closed atStreamWriter.__del__()
.gh-111942: Fix crashes in
when pass invalid arguments, e.g. non-string
: restore wide character support (includingcurses.unget_wch()
) on macOS, which was unavailable due to a regression in Python
now supports suppressing exceptions raised as part of aBaseExceptionGroup
, in addition to the recent support forExceptionGroup
.gh-111835: The
class now has anseekable()
method that can be used when a seekable file-like object is required. Theseek()
method now returns the new absolute position. Patch by Donghee Remove posix.fallocate() under WASI as the underlying posix_fallocate() is not available in WASI preview2.
gh-111841: Fix truncating arguments on an embedded null character in
is now exposed correctly in__all__
.gh-80731: Avoid executing the default function in
in an except blockgh-111541: Fix
not-builtin Add extra argument validation for
command inpdb
: Maketime.clock_gettime()
functions up to 2x faster by faster calling convention. Patch by Victor Call loop exception handler for exceptions in
so that applications can handle it. Patch by Kumar Fix reference leaks in
methods oftkinter
will now automatically remove the Unix socket when the server is Added
, andio.IncrementalNewlineDecoder
.gh-66425: Remove the code to set the REMOTE_HOST header from wsgiref module, as it is unreachable. This header is used for performance reasons, which is not necessary in the wsgiref module.
gh-111429: Speed up
.gh-111342: Fixed typo in
.gh-68166: Remove mention of not supported “vsapi” element type in
. Add tests forelement_create()
and otherttk.Style
methods. Add examples forelement_create()
in the Add
parameter totraceback.format_exception_only()
, which allows to formatExceptionGroup Another attempt at fixing
. It now blocks until both conditions are true: the server is closed, and there are no more active connections. (This means that in some cases where in 3.12.0 this function would incorrectly have returned immediately, it will now block; in particular, when there are no active connections but the server hasn’t been closed yet.)gh-111295: Fix
not checking for errors when Add error checking during
module Fix
not checking for errors when Fix
not checking for errors when Fix
not checking for errors when Fix crash in
called repeatedly for empty Postpone removal version for locale.getdefaultlocale() to Python 3.15.
gh-111159: Fix
output comparison for exceptions with Fix invalid state handling in
. They now raise proper RuntimeError if they are improperly used and are left in consistent state after Make turtledemo run without default root enabled.
gh-110944: Support alias and convenience vars for
completiongh-110745: Added newline parameter to
. Patch by Junya Make
enter post-mortem mode even forSyntaxError
gh-80675: Set
f_trace_lines = True
on all frames uponpdb.set_trace()
gh-110771: Expose the setup and cleanup portions of
as the standalone methodsasyncio.run_forever_setup()
. This allows for tighter integration with GUI event Support setting the
loop_factory kwarg inunittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
gh-110392: Fix
: previously they returned partially modified list of the original tty attributes.tty.cfmakeraw()
now make a copy of the list of special characters before modifying Make line number of function breakpoint more precise in
gh-88434: Emit deprecation warning for non-integer numbers in
functions and methods that consider plural forms even if the translation was not Ensure that
objects correctly appear as closed in forked children, to prevent operations on an invalid file Add
method toIPv6Address
in order to keepscope_id
gh-109747: Improve errors for unsupported look-behind patterns. Now re.error is raised instead of OverflowError or RuntimeError for too large width of look-behind pattern.
gh-109466: Add the
property, which returns the IPv4-mapped IPv6 Implement the CLI of the
module and improve the repr ofSymbol
.gh-108791: Improved error handling in
command line interface, making it produce more concise error Change
to only strip the stripdir prefix from the full path recorded in the compiled.pyc
file, when the prefix matches the start of the full path in its entirety. When the prefix does not match, no stripping is performed and a warning to this effect is displayed.Previously all path components of the stripdir prefix that matched the full path were removed, while those that did not match were left alone (including ones interspersed between matching components).
gh-107431: Make the
types inmultiprocessing.managers
Generic Alias Types for[]
use in typing Add
. This function converts a pathname with shell-style wildcards to a regular Define
on Cygwin so that XATTR-related functions in theos
module become New methods
. These methods speed up accessing a message’s info and/or flags and are useful when it is not necessary to access the message’s contents, as when iterating over a Maildir to find messages with specific Fix returning of empty byte strings after seek in zipfile module
gh-102895: Added a parameter
to preventexit()
from closingsys.stdin
and raiseSystemExit
.gh-97928: Change the behavior of
. It now always returns an integer if one or less counting options are specified. Previously it could return a single count as a 1-tuple, an integer (only if option"update"
was specified) orNone
if no items found. The result is now the same ifwantobjects
is set to0
.gh-96954: Switch the storage of the unicode codepoint names to use a different data-structure, a directed acyclic word graph. This makes the unicodedata shared library about 440 KiB smaller. Contributed by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick using code from the PyPy project.
gh-73561: Omit the interface scope from an IPv6 address when used as Host header by
now supports the full range of values in the TZ string determined by RFC 8536 and detects all invalid formats. Both Python and C implementations now raise exceptions of the same type on invalid data.
gh-111808: Make the default value of
to be conditional based on whether optimizations were used when compiling the interpreter. This helps with platforms like WASI whose stack size is greatly restricted in debug Gathering line coverage of standard libraries within the regression test suite is now precise, as well as much faster. Patch by Łukasz Langa.
gh-110367: Make regrtest
option compatible with--huntrleaks -jN
options. The./python -m test -j1 -R 3:3 --verbose3
command now works as expected. Patch by Victor Remove no longer used functions
from Fix regrtest if the
environment variable is defined: use the variable value as the random seed. Patch by Victor test_gdb: Fix detection of gdb built without Python scripting support. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-110918: Test case matching patterns specified by options
are now tested in the order of specification, and the last match determines whether the test case be run or Add unit test for
hooks fromsite
gh-96954: Make
make regen-unicodedata
work for out-of-tree builds of Add
script to regenerate theconfigure
with an Ubuntu container image.
container image (tiran/cpython_autoconf) is no longer used. Patch by Victor For wasi-threads, memory is now exported to fix compatibility issues with some wasm runtimes.
gh-110828: AIX 32bit needs
to build the_testcapi
extension The
C extensions are now built with the limited C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-111856: Fixes
on file systems that do not support file ID requests. This includes FAT32 and Fix
dropping higher 64 bits of a file id on some filesystems on WindowsConsoleIO now correctly chunks large buffers without splitting up UTF-8 sequences.
gh-59703: For macOS framework builds, in
use the systemdladdr
function to find the path to the shared library rather than depending on deprecated macOS Update macOS installer to include an upstream Tcl/Tk fix for the
Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state!
warning encountered in Tkinter on macOS 14 Ensure that and Python are installed with appropriate permissions on macOS builds.
gh-71383: Update macOS installer to include an upstream Tcl/Tk fix for the
error encountered in Update macOS installer to include a fix accepted by upstream Tcl/Tk for a crash encountered after the first
instance is destroyed.
bpo-35668: Add docstrings to the IDLE debugger module. Fix two bugs: initialize
(should be in Bdb); inIdb.in_rpc_code
, check whetherprev_frame
before trying to use it. Greatly expand test_debugger.
gh-111903: Argument Clinic now supports the
directive that instructs Argument Clinic to generate a critical section around the function call, which locks theself
object in--disable-gil
builds. Patch by Sam Gross.
gh-112026: Add again the private
function as an alias to the new publicPyThreadState_GetUnchecked()
function. Patch by Victor Restore the removed
function. It is used by numpy. Patch by Victor Restore removed private C API functions, macros and structures which have no simple replacement for now:
_PyUnicodeWriter structure
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-112026: Add again
includes inPython.h
, but don’t include them in the limited C API version 3.13 and newer. Patch by Victor Add internal-only one-time initialization API:
.gh-111262: Add
functions: remove a key from a dictionary and optionally return the removed value. This is similar todict.pop()
, but without the default value and not raisingKeyError
if the key missing. Patch by Stefan Behnel and Victor Rename
. Patch by Hugo van Add
functions: similar to Pythonlist.extend()
methods. Patch by Victor On Windows,
no longer includes the<stddef.h>
standard header file. If needed, it should now be included explicitly. Patch by Victor Implement “Python Critical Sections” from PEP 703. These are macros to help replace the GIL with per-object locks in the
build of CPython. The macros are no-ops in the default In the limited C API version 3.13,
function is now implemented as an opaque function call. Patch by Victor Add
PyErr_FormatUnraisable() Move the undocumented private _PyArg functions and _PyArg_Parser structure to internal C API (
). Patch by Victor Support non-ASCII keyword names in
.gh-109587: Introduced
. These functions allow extension modules to initialize trampolines eagerly, after the application is “warmed up”. This makes it possible to have perf-trampolines running in an always-enabled Add the
function to the limited C API. Patch by Victor Add
to the limited C API. Patch by Victor Functions
, andPySys_GetObject()
, which clear all errors occurred during calling the function, report now them usingsys.unraisablehook()
.gh-67565: Remove redundant C-contiguity check in
and Argument Clinic. Patched by Stefan Krah and Furkan Onder
Python 3.13.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-10-13
gh-108310: Fixed an issue where instances of
were vulnerable to a bypass of the TLS handshake and included protections (like certificate verification) and treating sent unencrypted data as if it were post-handshake TLS encrypted data. Security issue reported as CVE 2023-40217 by Aapo Oksman. Patch by Gregory P. PEP 669 specifies that
will generate an audit event. Pre-releases of Python 3.12 did not generate the audit event. This is now Reverted the
security improvement change released in 3.12beta4 that unintentionally causedemail.utils.getaddresses
to fail to parse email addresses with a comma in the quoted name field. See Refresh our new HACL* built-in
code from upstream. Built-in SHA2 should be faster and an issue with SHA3 on 32-bit platforms is Start initializing
during creation ofPyLongObject
objects. Patch by Illia Volochii.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-110782: Fix crash when
is constructed with a keyword argument. Patch by Jelle Reset
gh-110721: Use the
implementation for the defaultPyErr_Display()
functionality. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-110696: Fix incorrect error message for invalid argument unpacking. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-104169: Split the tokenizer into two separate directories: - One part includes the actual lexeme producing logic and lives in
. - The second part wraps the lexer according to the different tokenization modes we have (string, utf-8, file, interactive, readline) and lives inParser/tokenizer
.gh-110688: Remove undocumented
method fromset
, which was only defined for testing purposes underPy_DEBUG
. Now we have proper CAPI Fix a reference leak when running with
or-X uops Add
eventsgh-110489: Optimise
when the input is exactly a float, resulting in about a 10% Guard
assert(tstate->thread_id > 0)
. This allows for for pydebug builds to work under WASI which (currently) lacks thread Remove unnecessary empty constant nodes in the ast of f-string specs.
gh-110259: Correctly identify the format spec in f-strings (with single or triple quotes) that have multiple lines in the expression part and include a formatting spec. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-110237: Fix missing error checks for calls to
.gh-110164: regrtest: If the
environment variable is defined, regrtest now disables tests randomization. Patch by Victor Fix the compiler’s redundant NOP detection algorithm to skip over NOPs with no line number when looking for the next instruction’s lineno.
is now set correctly for Set line number on the
that follows aRETURN_GENERATOR
.gh-105716: Subinterpreters now correctly handle the case where they have threads running in the background. Before, such threads would interfere with cleaning up and destroying them, as well as prevent running another script.
gh-109369: The internal eval_breaker and supporting flags, plus the monitoring version have been merged into a single atomic integer to speed up checks.
gh-109823: Fix bug where compiler does not adjust labels when removing an empty basic block which is a jump target.
gh-109793: The main thread no longer exits prematurely when a subinterpreter is cleaned up during runtime finalization. The bug was a problem particularly because, when triggered, the Python process would always return with a 0 exitcode, even if it failed.
gh-109719: Fix missing jump target labels when compiler reorders cold/warm blocks.
gh-109595: Add
-X cpu_count
command line option to override return results ofos.cpu_count()
. This option is useful for users who need to limit CPU resources of a container system without having to modify the container (application code). Patch by Donghee Fix bug where the compiler does not assign a new jump target label to a duplicated small exit block.
gh-109596: Fix some tokens in the grammar that were incorrectly marked as soft keywords. Also fix some repeated rule names and ensure that repeated rules are not allowed. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-109496: On a Python built in debug mode,
now calls_Py_NegativeRefcount()
if the object is a dangling pointer to deallocated memory: memory filled with0xDD
“dead byte” by the debug hook on memory allocators. The fix is to check the reference count before checking for_Py_IsImmortal()
. Patch by Victor Deopt opcodes hidden by the executor when base opcode is needed
gh-109371: Deopted instructions correctly for tool initialization and modified the incorrect assertion in instrumentation, when a previous tool already sets INSTRUCTION events
gh-105658: Fix bug where the line trace of an except block ending with a conditional includes an excess event with the line of the conditional expression.
gh-109219: Fix compiling type param scopes that use a name which is also free in an inner scope.
gh-109351: Fix crash when compiling an invalid AST involving a named (walrus) expression.
gh-109341: Fix crash when compiling an invalid AST involving a
.gh-109195: Fix source location for the
instruction preceding aLOAD_SUPER_ATTR
to load thesuper
global (or shadowing variable) so that it encompasses only the namesuper
and not the following Opcode IDs for specialized opcodes are allocated in their own range to improve stability of the IDs for the ‘real’ opcodes.
gh-109207: Fix a SystemError in
of symtable entry Fix bug where the C traceback display drops notes from
.gh-109118: Disallow nested scopes (lambdas, generator expressions, and comprehensions) within PEP 695 annotation scopes that are nested within classes.
gh-109156: Add tests for de-instrumenting instructions while keeping the instrumentation for lines
gh-109114: Relax the detection of the error message for invalid lambdas inside f-strings to not search for arbitrary replacement fields to avoid false positives. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-105848: Add a new
opcode, used for calls containing keyword arguments. Also, fix a possible crash when jumping over method calls in a Use the base opcode when comparing code objects to avoid interference from instrumentation
gh-109118: Fix interpreter crash when a NameError is raised inside the type parameters of a generic class.
gh-88943: Improve syntax error for non-ASCII character that follows a numerical literal. It now points on the invalid non-ASCII character, not on the valid numerical literal.
gh-108976: Fix crash that occurs after de-instrumenting a code object in a monitoring callback.
gh-108732: Make iteration variables of module- and class-scoped comprehensions visible to pdb and other tools that use
frame.f_locals Fix caret placement for error locations for subscript and binary operations that involve non-semantic parentheses and spaces. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-104584: Fix a crash when running with
or-X uops
enabled and an error occurs during Define
. This fixes a segfault on Fix
to properly initializemultiprocessing.synchronize.SemLock._is_fork_ctx
. This fixes a regression when passing a SemLock across nested processes.Rename
to avoid exposing it as public Restore locals shadowed by an inlined comprehension if the comprehension raises an exception.
gh-108488: Change the initialization of inline cache entries so that the cache entry for
is initialized to zero, instead of theadaptive_counter_warmup()
value used for all other instructions. This counter, unique among instructions, counts up from Turn off deep-freezing of code objects. Modules are still frozen, so that a file system search is not needed for common modules.
gh-108614: Add RESUME_CHECK instruction, to avoid having to handle instrumentation, signals, and contexts switches in the tier 2 execution engine.
gh-108487: Move an assert that would cause a spurious crash in a devious case that should only trigger deoptimization.
gh-106176: Use a
to track the lists containing the modules each thread is currently importing. This helps avoid a reference leak from keeping the list around longer than necessary. Weakrefs are used as GC can’t interrupt the The regen-opcode build stage was removed and its work is now done in regen-cases.
gh-107901: Fix missing line number on
at the end of a for The
built-in can now accept a new flag,ast.PyCF_OPTIMIZED_AST
, which is similar toast.PyCF_ONLY_AST
except that the returnedAST
is optimized according to the value of theoptimize
now accepts an optional argumentoptimize
which is passed on to thecompile()
built-in. This makes it possible to obtain an optimizedAST
.gh-107971: Opcode IDs are generated from bytecodes.c instead of being hard coded in
gh-107944: Improve error message for function calls with bad keyword arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-108390: Raise an exception when setting a non-local event (
, etc.) insys.monitoring.set_local_events
.Fixes crash when tracing in recursive calls to Python classes.
gh-108035: Remove the
struct, moving the pointer to the current interpreter frame back to the threadstate, as it was for 3.10 and earlier. The_PyCFrame
existed as a performance optimization for tracing. Since PEP 669 has been implemented, this optimization no longer Fix abort / segfault when using all eight type watcher slots, on platforms where
is signed by Fix possible assertion failures and missing instrumentation events when
or-X uops
is Revert converting
, anditer
to argument Autogenerate signature for
extension Make the
routine used by thelltrace
feature (low-level interpreter debugging) robust against recursion by ensuring that it never calls a__repr__
method implemented in Python. Also make the similar output for Tier-2 uops appear onstdout
(instead ofstderr
), to match thelltrace
code in Add docstrings for
.gh-105848: Modify the bytecode so that the actual callable for a
is at a consistent position on the stack (regardless of whether or not bound-method-calling optimizations are active).gh-107674: Fixed performance regression in
.gh-107724: In pre-release versions of 3.12, up to rc1, the sys.monitoring callback function for the
event was missing the third, exception argument. That is now Skip reference count modifications for many known immortal objects.
gh-107596: Specialize subscripting
objects byint Trace refs builds (
) were crashing when used with isolated subinterpreters. The problematic global state has been isolated to each interpreter. Other fixing the crashes, this change does not affect Generate the cases needed for the barebones tier 2 abstract interpreter for optimization passes in CPython.
gh-106608: Make
variable Clear generators’ exception state after
to break reference Improve error messages when converting an incompatible type to
.gh-107263: Increase C recursion limit for functions other than the main interpreter from 800 to 1500. This should allow functions like
to handle all the inputs that they could prior to 3.12gh-104584: Fix an issue which caused incorrect inline caches to be read when running with
or-X uops Fix potential unaligned memory access on C APIs involving returned sequences of
char *
pointers within thegrp
modules. These were revealed using a-fsaniziter=alignment
build on ARM macOS. Patch by Christopher Isolate
(apply PEP 687). Patch by Charlie Add the exception as the third argument to
callbacks insys.monitoring
. This makes thePY_UNWIND
callback consistent with the other exception handling Raise a
when a monitoring callback function returnsDISABLE
for events that cannot be disabled Add a
event tosys.monitoring
, which occurs when an exception is reraise, either explicitly by a plainraise
statement, or implicitly in anexcept
orfinally Ensure that multiprocessing synchronization objects created in a fork context are not sent to a different process created in a spawn context. This changes a segfault into an actionable RuntimeError in the parent process.
gh-106931: Statically allocated string objects are now interned globally instead of per-interpreter. This fixes a situation where such a string would only be interned in a single interpreter. Normal string objects are unaffected.
gh-104621: Unsupported modules now always fail to be imported.
gh-107122: Add
. Patch By Donghee Add
. Patch By Donghee The ASYNC and AWAIT tokens are removed from the Grammar, which removes the possibility of making
soft keywords when usingfeature_version<7
.gh-106917: Fix classmethod-style
method calls (i.e., where the second argument tosuper()
, or the implied second argument drawn fromself/cls
in the case of zero-arg super, is a type) when the target of the call is not a Python no longer crashes due an infrequent race when initializing per-interpreter interned strings. The crash would manifest when the interpreter was finalized.
gh-105699: Python no longer crashes due to an infrequent race in setting
(both deprecated), when simultaneously initializing two isolated subinterpreters. Now they are only set during runtime Fix various hangs, reference leaks, test failures, and tracing/introspection bugs when running with
or-X uops Fix a segmentation fault caused by a use-after-free bug in
when the trashcan delays the deallocation of aPyFrameObject
.gh-106485: Reduce the number of materialized instances dictionaries by dematerializing them when possible.
gh-106719: No longer suppress arbitrary errors in the
getter and setter in the type and module Propagate
to multiprocessing spawned process Split
into Split
specializations into A new debug structure of offsets has been added to the
that will help out-of-process debuggers and profilers to obtain the offsets to relevant interpreter structures in a way that is agnostic of how Python was compiled and that doesn’t require copying the headers. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-106487: Allow the count argument of
to be a keyword. Patch by Hugo van Improve error message of
. Patch by Donghee Compiler now strips indents from docstrings. It reduces
file size 5% when the module is heavily documented. This change affects to__doc__
so tools like doctest will be When the format specification of an f-string expression is empty, the parser now generates an empty
node for it instead of an one-elementast.JoinedStr
with an empty stringast.Constant
.gh-100288: Specialize
for non-descriptors on the class. AddsLOAD_ATTR_NONDESCRIPTOR_WITH_VALUES
.gh-106008: Fix possible reference leaks when failing to optimize comparisons with
in the bytecode Make
required ontype_param
ast Changed the way that Emscripten call trampolines work for compatibility with Wasm/JS Promise integration.
now return interned Unicode Removed Emscripten import trampoline as it was no longer necessary for Pyodide.
gh-104584: Added a new, experimental, tracing optimizer and interpreter (a.k.a. “tier 2”). This currently pessimizes, so don’t use yet – this is infrastructure so we can experiment with optimizing passes. To enable it, pass
. To get debug output, setPYTHONUOPSDEBUG=N
is a debug level (0-4, where 0 is no debug output and 4 is excessively verbose).gh-105775:
is now a Allow any callable other than type objects as the condition predicate in
.gh-105979: Fix crash in
due to improper exception Add a new
instruction, which performs boolean conversions forPOP_JUMP_IF_TRUE
(which all expect exactbool
values now). Also, modify the oparg ofCOMPARE_OP
to include an optional “boolean conversion” Ensure custom
error messages are raised for invalid imports with multiple targets. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-105724: Improve
error messages by providing exact error Fixed bug where gh-99111 breaks future import
in the Python Fix possible crashes when specializing function calls with too many
.gh-105831: Fix an f-string bug, where using a debug expression (the
sign) that appears in the last line of a file results to the debug buffer that holds the expression text being one character too Correctly issue
in f-strings if invalid sequences are used. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-105340: Include the comprehension iteration variable in
inside a module- or class-scope Raise
if thedelay
argument toasyncio.sleep()
is a NaN (matchingtime.sleep()
).gh-105587: The runtime can’t guarantee that immortal objects will not be mutated by Extensions. Thus, this modifies _PyStaticObject_CheckRefcnt to warn instead of asserting.
gh-105564: Don’t include artificil newlines in the
attribute of tokens in the APIs of thetokenize
module. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-105549: Tokenize separately
tokens that are not ambiguous. Patch by Pablo Fix an issue that could result in crashes when compiling malformed
ast Allow objects other than code objects as the “executable” in internal frames. In the long term, this can help tools like Cython and PySpy interact more efficiently. In the shorter term, it allows us to perform some optimizations more simply.
gh-105375: Fix bugs in the
module where exceptions could end up being Fix bug in the compiler where an exception could end up being overwritten.
gh-105375: Improve error handling in
where an exception could end up being Change the repr of
list of args intypes.GenericAlias
.gh-105678: Break the
instruction into two parts,MAKE_FUNCTION
which makes the function andSET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE
which sets the attributes on the function. This makes the stack effect ofMAKE_FUNCTION
regular to ease optimization and code Fix spurious newline character if file ends on a comment without a newline. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-105390: Correctly raise
exceptions instead ofSyntaxError
for tokenize errors such as incomplete input. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-105259: Don’t include newline character for trailing
tokens emitted in thetokenize
module. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-104635: Eliminate redundant
instructions in the compiler. Patch by Donghee Na and Carl Fix the main function of the
module when reading fromsys.stdin
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-33092: Simplify and speed up interpreter for f-strings. Removes
opcode. Compiler emits more efficient sequence for each format Remove remaining two-codeunit superinstructions. All remaining superinstructions only take a single codeunit, simplifying instrumentation and quickening.
gh-105235: Prevent out-of-bounds memory access during
mmap.find() Restore the ability for a subclass of
to define__slots__
or otherwise be dict-less by ignoring failures to set a docstring on such a class. This behavior had regressed in 3.12beta1. AnAttributeError
where there had not previously been one was disruptive to existing The “pending call” machinery now works for all interpreters, not just the main interpreter, and runs in all threads, not just the main thread. Some calls are still only done in the main thread, ergo in the main interpreter. This change does not affect signal handling nor the existing public C-API (
), which both still only target the main thread. The new functionality is meant strictly for internal use for now, since consequences of its use are not well understood yet outside some very restricted cases. This change brings the capability in line with the intention when the state was made per-interpreter several years Do not escape with backslashes f-string format specifiers. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-105229: Replace some dynamic superinstructions with single instruction equivalents.
gh-105162: Fixed bug in generator.close()/throw() where an inner iterator would be ignored when the outer iterator was instrumented.
gh-105164: Ensure annotations are set up correctly if the only annotation in a block is within a
block. Patch by Jelle Make
internal to ast_opt.c. Make_PyAST_Optimize
take two integers instead of a pointer to this struct. This avoids the need to include pycore_compile.h in Attributes of
nodes that are lists now default to the empty list if omitted. This means that some code that previously raisedTypeError
when the AST node was used will now proceed with the empty list instead. Patch by Jelle Remove the old trashcan macros
. They should be replaced by the new macrosPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN
.gh-105035: Fix
calls on types with customtp_getattro
implementation (e.g. meta-types.)gh-105017: Show CRLF lines in the tokenize string attribute in both NL and NEWLINE tokens. Patch by Marta Gómez.
gh-105013: Fix handling of multiline parenthesized lambdas in
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-105017: Do not include an additional final
token when parsing files having CRLF lines. Patch by Marta Gó Ensure that trailing
objects emitted by thetokenize
module are reported as in Python 3.11. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-104972: Ensure that the
attribute intokenize.TokenInfo
objects in thetokenize
module are always correct. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-104955: Fix signature for the new
slot. Patch by Jelle Starting new threads and process creation through
during interpreter shutdown (such as fromatexit
handlers) is no longer supported. It can lead to race condition between the main Python runtime thread freeing thread states while internalthreading
routines are trying to allocate and use the state of just created threads. Or forked children trying to use the mid-shutdown runtime and thread state in the child Fix crash when accessing the
attribute of type aliases defined outside a module. Patch by Jelle Tokens emitted by the
module do not include an implicit\n
character in theline
attribute anymore. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-104770: If a generator returns a value upon being closed, the value is now returned by
.gh-89091: Raise
for unawaited async generator methods likeasend()
. Patch by Kumar Add a better, more introspect-able error message when setting attributes on classes without a
and no slot member for the Update the Python pickle module implementation to match the C implementation of the pickle module. For objects setting reduction methods like
, pickling will result in aTypeError
.gh-91095: Specializes calls to most Python classes. Specifically, any class that inherits from
, or another Python class, and does not override__new__
.The specialized instruction does the following:
Creates the object (by calling
)Pushes a shim frame to the frame stack (to cleanup after
)Pushes the frame for
to the frame stack
Speeds up the instantiation of most Python classes.
’s CLI now ignoresBrokenPipeError
, making it exit normally if its output is being piped and the pipe The
module is now a package, instead of a single-file Micro-optimization: Avoid calling
.gh-94597: Added
for use with
loop_factory kwarg to avoid calling the asyncio policy
runtime-checkable protocols
used to consider__match_args__
a protocol member in__instancecheck__
if it was present on the protocol. Now, this attribute is ignored if it is Fix a couple of issues in
: a single dot was incorrectly considered a valid name, and inPureWindowsPath
, a name with an NTFS alternate data stream, likea:b
, was incorrectly considered Fix a bug in
would be overwritten byOverflowError
when the code argument was a list of Prevent
from crashing when trying to display undisplayable objectsgh-110519: Deprecation warning about non-integer number in
now always refers to the line in the user code where gettext function or method is used. Previously it could refer to a line ingettext Deprecate non-standard format specifier “N” for
. It was not documented and only supported in the C
context managers now close an invalid underlying generator object that yields more then one In
, set convenience variable$_exception
for post mortem Fix
bug that was overwriting existing errors during parsing integers fromterm Slightly improve the import time of several standard-library modules by deferring imports of
within those modules. Patch by Alex
now raises TypeError instead of ValueError if specify keyword argument for a field declared with init=False or miss keyword argument for required InitVar Add
flag todis
command Fix a Python 3.12 regression in the import time of
. Patch by Alex Add support of struct sequence objects in
. Patched by Xuehai
: Replaceos.cpu_count()
to select the default number of worker threads and processes. Get the CPU affinity if supported. Patch by Victor Fix base case handling in statistics.quantiles. Now allows a single data point.
gh-110036: On Windows, multiprocessing
now catchesPermissionError
and get the process exit code. If the process is still running, raise again thePermissionError
. Otherwise, the process terminated as expected: store its exit code. Patch by Victor Fixed an issue that caused
to not return all the ready events in some cases when a file descriptor is registered for both read and Update the
module to support the new scopes introduced by PEP Add new variables to
on Windows:LIBRARY
, andPy_NOGIL
functions such asre.findall()
which perform short repeated matches can now be interrupted by Reduce the import time of
by around 43%. This results in the import time ofemail.message
falling by around 18%, which in turn reduces the import time ofimportlib.metadata
by around 6%. Patch by Alex Fix
not copying__type_params__
from decorated
: The executor manager thread now catches exceptions when adding an item to the call queue. During Python finalization, creating a new thread can now raiseRuntimeError
. Catch the exception and callterminate_broken()
in this case. Patch by Victor Ensure the signature of
is identical on all platforms. Patch by Amin Improve import time of
by around 13%. Patch by Alex
will prefer files with an extension inPATHEXT
if the given mode includesos.X_OK
on win32. If noPATHEXT
match is found, a file without an extension inPATHEXT
can be returned. This change will haveshutil.which()
act more similarly to previous behavior in Python Reduce the import time of
by over 50%. Patch by Alex Avoid deadlocking on a reentrant call to the multiprocessing resource tracker. Such a reentrant call, though unlikely, can happen if a GC pass invokes the finalizer for a multiprocessing object such as SemLock.
gh-109653: Reduce the import time of
by around a third. Patch by Alex Add
function to get the number of logical CPUs usable by the calling thread of the current process. Patch by Victor Add
related constants inmsvcrt
module in Python debug Fix
: check for exceptions. Previously, on Python built in debug mode, these functions could trigger a fatal Python error (and abort the process) when a function succeeded with an exception set. Patch by Victor Expose the type of PyCapsule objects as
.gh-109109: Agora você pode obter as cadeias de certificados TLS brutas de conexões TLS por meio dos métodos
.Contribuição de Mateusz Nowak.
gh-109559: Update
database to Unicode Remove unnecessary
check duringtyping.TypedDict Remove unnecessary extra
's pure python implementation to reduce memory size, as they are defined in the superclass. Patch by James Hilton-Balfegh-109461:
: Use a context manager for lock
has been deprecated for removal in 3.15. Its design is old and the web world has long since moved beyond Fix error when it was possible to inherit a frozen dataclass from multiple parents some of which were possibly not frozen.
gh-109375: The
command now prevents registering aliases without Deprecate the
field in favour ofdis.hasarg
.gh-107219: Fix a race condition in
. When a process in the process pool was terminated abruptly (while the future was running or pending), close the connection write end. If the call queue is blocked on sending bytes to a worker process, closing the connection write end interrupts the send, so the queue can be closed. Patch by Victor The
object has been made copyable and pickleable. Patched by Robert Lehmann and Furkan
now treats symlink loops like other errors: in strict mode,OSError
is raised, and in non-strict mode, no exception is Attempts to pickle or create a shallow or deep copy of
streams now raise a TypeError. Previously, copying failed with a RecursionError, while pickling produced wrong results that eventually caused unpickling to fail with a Add support of
: Replacegetopt
for parsing command line Enable
editing features in the sqlite3 command-line interface (python -m sqlite3
).gh-108987: Fix
race condition. If a thread is created during Python finalization, the newly spawned thread now exits immediately instead of trying to access freed memory and lead to a crash. Patch by Victor Enum: require
to create an empty enum using the functional Exceptions raised by os.utime builtin function now include the related filename
gh-108843: Fix an issue in
when unparsing f-strings containing many quote
now supports new f-string syntax introduced in Python 3.12. Note that the f-string quotes are reselected for simplicity under the new syntax. (Patch by Steven Sun)gh-108751: Add
function which allows to create a modified copy of an object. It supports named tuples, dataclasses, and many other Enum: raise
is called from a custom__new__
.gh-108278: Deprecate passing the callback callable by keyword for the following
APIs:Os parâmetros afetados se tornarão somente-posicionais no Python 3.15.
Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-105829: Fix concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor deadlock
gh-108295: Fix crashes related to use of weakrefs on
.gh-108463: Make expressions/statements work as expected in pdb
gh-108277: Add
, andos.timerfd_gettime_ns()
to provide a low level interface for Linux’s timer notification file
: extraction of members with overly large UID or GID (e.g. on an OS with 32-bitid_t
) now fails in the same way as failing to set the Fix support for virtual tables in
. Patch by Aviv Fix a regression introduced in gh-101251 for 3.12, resulting in an incorrect offset calculation in
now raises an auditing Deprecate passing name, number of arguments, and the callable as keyword arguments, for the following
APIs:Os parâmetros afetados se tornarão somente-posicionais no Python 3.15.
Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-108322: Speed-up NormalDist.samples() by using the inverse CDF method instead of calling random.gauss().
gh-83417: Add the ability for venv to create a
file which causes the created environment to be ignored by Git. It is on by default when venv is called via its Harmonized the pure Python version of
with the C version. Now, both versions set up their internal state in__new__
. Formerly, the pure Python version did the set up in__init__
.gh-108083: Fix bugs in the constructor of
where exceptions could be leaked. Patch by Erlend E. Fix
module to properly report and display bytecode that do not have source
now emits anResourceWarning
if asqlite3.Connection
object is notclosed
explicitly. Patch by Erlend E. The
attribute on instances offunctools.cached_property
is now set to the name of the module in which the cached_property is defined, rather than “functools”. This means that doctests incached_property
docstrings are now properly collected by thedoctest
module. Patch by Tyler Fix
to check the given list of modules names. Patch by Donghee Fixes
to handle embedded null characters without truncating the
now only quotes"
now preserves whitespaces in Passing more than one positional argument to
and thesqlite3.Connection
constructor is deprecated. The remaining parameters will become keyword-only in Python 3.15. Patch by Erlend E. Add merge_extra parameter/feature to
gh-107913: Fix possible losses of
values inOSError
exceptions if they were cleared or modified by the cleanup code before creating the exception
now takes the location of symlinks into account when determining their target, so it will no longer reject some valid tarballs withLinkOutsideDestinationError
.gh-107812: Extend socket’s netlink support to the FreeBSD platform.
gh-107805: Fix signatures of module-level generated functions in
is now able to show signatures which are not representable in Python, e.g. forgetattr
.gh-56166: Deprecate passing optional arguments maxsplit, count and flags in module-level functions
as positional. They should only be passed by Speed up
.gh-107715: Fix
in presence of class names with special characters. Patch by Gertjan van Passing a callable object as an option value to a Tkinter image now raises the expected TclError instead of an AttributeError.
gh-72684: Add
widget methods:tk_busy_hold()
, andtk_busy_status()
.gh-106684: Raise
is not closed leading to memory leaks. Patch by Kumar Add
pathlib.Path.from_uri() Seems that in some conditions, OpenSSL will return
instead ofSSL_ERROR_SSL
when a certification verification has failed, but the error parameters will still containERR_LIB_SSL
. We are now detecting this situation and raising the appropriatessl.SSLCertVerificationError
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-107576: Fix
to only return__orig_bases__
if it is present oncls
directly. Patch by James Remove
, which were added in 3.12, were never documented and were not intended to be used
(which was added in 3.12 but never documented or intended for external usage) is moved to_opcode.ENABLE_SPECIALIZATION
where tests can access tarfiles; Fixed use before assignment of self.exception for gzip decompression
gh-107409: Set
attribute inreprlib.recursive_repr()
.gh-107406: Implement new
method forstruct.Struct
. Now it returnsStruct(<format repr>)
.gh-107369: Optimize
. It is ~30% faster for large input. Patch by Inada Fix issue where
did not raiseOSError
until Deprecate
in favor of the new Type Parameter syntax. See PEP Make
search plural definitions when translation is not Shelves opened with
have a much fasterclear()
method. Patch by James Fix overflow on 32-bit systems with
os.sendfile() Document behavior of
for non-mounted filesystems on Use lowercase
mail from
andrcpt to
.gh-106186: Do not report
defect when theemail.parser.Parser
class is used to parse emails withheadersonly=True
.gh-105002: Fix invalid result from
method when attempting to walk a “..
” segment in other with walk_up enabled. AValueError
exception is now raised in this Add the
to the warning message (as an addition to the type of leaked objects and the number of leaked objects already included in the message) to make debugging leaked objects easier when the multiprocessing resource tracker process finds leaked objects at shutdown. This helps more quickly identify what was leaked and/or why the leaked object was not properly cleaned Optimize
for many iteration case. Patch By Donghee Optimize
for many iteration Optimize
for many iteration case. Patch By Donghee Fix potential missing
check ofd2i_SSL_SESSION
result in_ssl.c
.gh-105481: The various opcode lists in the
module are now generated from bytecodes.c instead of explicitly constructed in Make
smarter for class for same name definitionsgh-105726: Added
so that child classes can use__slots__
.gh-106774: Update the bundled copy of pip to version 23.2.1.
code by moving some code outside of the Fixed several bugs in zipfile.Path, including: in
, Windows separators are no longer honored (and never were meant to be); Fixedname
operations when no filename is present and the Path is not at the root of the zipfile; Reworked glob for performance and more correct matching Remove call to
during client side context creation in thessl Expose opcode metadata through
.gh-106670: Add the new
command to the Pdb debugger. It makes it possible to move between chained exceptions when using post mortem
: Add_SelectorMapping.get()
method and optimize_SelectorMapping.__getitem__()
.gh-106628: Speed up parsing of emails by about 20% by not compiling a new regular expression for every single email.
gh-89427: Set the environment variable
activation, even whenVIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT
is Revert a change to
that caused division by zero for certain almost-white inputs. Patch by Terry Jan Fix exit code for
if all tests are skipped. Patch by Egor Optimize
(pattern which always fails) in regular
: Reduce Selector overhead by using adict.get()
to lookup file Remove ref cycle in callers of
by deletingresult
from scope in afinally Add
class attribute that stores the implementation ofos.path
used for low-level path operations: eitherposixpath
.gh-106527: Reduce overhead to add and remove
readers and Fix crash in
with templates containing invalid group Removed
and the names it provided fromimportlib.resources
, andread_text
module: fix the matching of possessive quantifiers in the case of a subpattern containing Improve debug output for atomic groups in regular expressions.
gh-106503: Fix ref cycle in
by removing_write_ready
.gh-105497: Fix flag mask inversion when unnamed flags exist.
gh-90876: Prevent
from failing to import in environments wheresys.executable
. This regressed in 3.11 with the addition of support for path-like objects in Instances of
, andtyping.TypeVarTuple
once again support weak references, fixing a regression introduced in Python 3.12.0 beta 1. Patch by Jelle Add private
class, which provides experimental support for virtual filesystems, and may be made public in a future version of Check for an instance-dict cached value in the
method offunctools.cached_property()
. This better matches the pre-3.12 behavior and improves compatibility for users subclassingfunctools.cached_property()
and adding a__set__() Detect possible memory allocation failure in the libtommath function
used by the_tkinter Fix incorrect matching of empty paths in
. This bug was introduced in Python 3.12.0 beta Deprecate
. No major type checker ever added support for this decorator. Patch by Alex Make
catch bad moduleImportError
when output stream is notNone
.gh-106263: Fix crash when calling
with a manually constructed SignalDict object. Patch by Charlie Replace
statements withraise RuntimeError
, so that_DummyThread
cannot be joined even with-OO
.gh-106238: Fix rare concurrency bug in lock acquisition by the logging package.
gh-106152: Added PY_THROW event hook for
for generatorsgh-106075: Added
for export in star Zipapp will now skip over appending an archive to itself.
gh-106046: Improve the error message from
if called on an object where__fspath__
is set toNone
. Patch by Alex Fix crash due to improper reference counting in
eager task factory internal Fix bug where a
class that had one or more non-callable members would raiseTypeError
was called against it, even if it defined a custom__subclasshook__
method. The behaviour in Python 3.11 and lower – which has now been restored – was not to raiseTypeError
in these situations if a custom__subclasshook__
method was defined. Patch by Alex Reverted addition of
.gh-89812: Add
, which is raised instead ofNotImplementedError
when a path operation isn’t Fix a regression introduced in gh-101251 for 3.12, causing
to not flush the compressor (nor pass along thezip_mode
no longer raises an exception if anoparg
is provided for anopcode
that doesn’t use its arg, or when it is not provided for anopcode
that does use it. In the latter case, the stack effect is returned foroparg=0
.gh-104799: Enable
to unparse function and class definitions created without the newtype_params
field from PEP 695. Patch by Jelle Add follow_symlinks keyword-only argument to
, defaulting toTrue
.gh-105570: Deprecate two methods of creating
classes with 0 fields using the functional syntax:TD = TypedDict("TD")
andTD = TypedDict("TD", None)
. Both will be disallowed in Python 3.15. To create aTypedDict
class with 0 fields, either useclass TD(TypedDict): pass
orTD = TypedDict("TD", {})
.gh-105745: Fix
: Deprecate undocumentedctypes.SetPointerType()
functions. Patch by Victor Remove deprecated
.gh-105684: Supporting
is now mandatory for third party task implementations. The undocumented_set_task_name()
function (deprecated since 3.8) has been removed. Patch by Kumar Fix a bug in
where an exception could end up being overwritten in case of Change the default return value of
to beNone
and not{}
.gh-105375: Fix bugs in
where exceptions could end up being overwritten because of deferred error Harden
error handling during module initialisation to prevent exceptions from possibly being overwritten, and objects from being dereferenced Fix bug in
where an exception could end up being Fix bugs in
where exceptions could be overwritten in case of module initialisation Fix bugs in
initialisation which could lead to leaked references and overwritten Fix a bug in
where an exception could end up being Fix bugs in
where exceptions could end up being Fix a bug in the
module where an exception could be Fix bugs in
where exceptions could be Fix bugs in
where exceptions could be Fix bugs in
where exceptions could be Deprecate creating a
class using keyword arguments to denote the fields (NT = NamedTuple("NT", x=int, y=str)
). This will be disallowed in Python 3.15. Use the class-based syntax or the functional syntax instead.Two methods of creating
classes with 0 fields using the functional syntax are also deprecated, and will be disallowed in Python 3.15:NT = NamedTuple("NT")
andNT = NamedTuple("NT", None)
. To create aNamedTuple
class with 0 fields, either useclass NT(NamedTuple): pass
orNT = NamedTuple("NT", [])
.gh-105545: Remove deprecated in 3.11
webbrowser.MacOSXOSAScript._name Fix flag inversion when alias/mask members exist.
is now implemented as an instance oftyping._SpecialForm
rather than a class. This should have no user-facing impact for users of thetyping
module public Fix bugs in
where exceptions could be Emit
if the given pattern ends with “**
”. In a future Python release, patterns with this ending will match both files and directories. Add a trailing slash to only match Fix a bug in
where an exception could be overwritten in thecollation Remove cafile, capath and cadefault parameters of the
function, deprecated in Python 3.6. Patch by Victor
: Remove undocumented and untestedLogger.warn()
methods andlogging.warn()
function. Deprecated since Python 3.3, they were aliases to thelogging.Logger.warning()
method andlogging.warning()
function. Patch by Victor Revert pickling method from by-name back to by-value.
gh-104554: Add RTSPS scheme support in urllib.parse
gh-105292: Add option to
to recurse into the nested exception of aBaseExceptionGroup
.gh-105280: Fix bug where
could evaluate toTrue
if garbage collection happened at the wrong time. The bug was caused by changes to the implementation oftyping.Protocol
in Python Fix longstanding bug where
issubclass(object, typing.Protocol)
would evaluate toTrue
in some edge cases. Patch by Alex In the beta 1 release we added a utility function for extension module authors, to use when testing their module for support in multiple interpreters or under a per-interpreter GIL. The name of that function has changed from
. The default for the “disable_check” argument has change fromTrue
, to better match the new function Fixed inconsistent signature on derived classes for
gh-105144: Fix a recent regression in the
module. The regression meant that doingclass Foo(X, typing.Protocol)
, whereX
was a class that hadabc.ABCMeta
as its metaclass, would then cause subsequentisinstance(1, X)
calls to erroneously raiseTypeError
. Patch by Alex The
finalizer now logs theclose()
method errors withsys.unraisablehook
. Previously, errors were ignored silently by default, and only logged in Python Development Mode or on Python built on debug mode. Patch by Victor
: Deprecate thegetmark()
methods of thewave.Wave_read
classes. They will be removed in Python 3.15. Patch by Victor Remove the untested and undocumented
method, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Improve performance of
initialisation by deferring joining of paths when multiple arguments are Deprecate undocumented copy/deepcopy/pickle support for itertools.
gh-103631: Fix
not converting path separators to restore 3.11 compatible Make comparisons between
objects consistent across Windows and Posix to match 3.11 PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Fix bugs with the interaction between
that were introduced by the PEP 695 implementation. Patch by Jelle PEP 594: Remove the
module and its private_crypt
extension, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Add missing
.gh-104773: PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Remove the undocumented
class, deprecated in the docstring since Python 3.2, and with a deprecation warning since Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Remove kwargs-based
creationgh-104876: Remove the
method, deprecated in docs since Python 3.1 and with a deprecation warning since Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van PEP 594: Removed the
package, deprecated in Python PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11: the python-pam project can be used instead. Patch by Victor Removed the
module, deprecated since Python PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Add
to return the set of members defining atyping.Protocol
. Addtyping.is_protocol()
to check whether a class is atyping.Protocol
. Patch by Jelle Document the
attributes oftyping.NewType
. Patch by Jelle Removed the following
functions, deprecated in Python 3.11:unittest.findTestCases()
Em vez delas, use os métodos de
:Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
gh-104804: Remove the untested and undocumented
class, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Hugo van Support for using
objects as context managers has been removed. Before Python 3.9, exiting the context manager marked a path as “closed”, which caused some (but not all!) methods to raise when called. Since Python 3.9, using a path as a context manager does Adjust the location of the (see PEP 695)
field onast.ClassDef
, andast.FunctionDef
to better preserve backward compatibility. Patch by Jelle Zijlstragh-104797: Allow
classes to inherit
. Patch by Jelle Remove
function deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor Remove the
program and thelib2to3
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
modules, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor PEP 594: Remove the
module, deprecated in Python 3.11. Patch by Victor On Linux where
can use thevfork()
syscall for faster spawning, prevent the parent process from blocking other threads by dropping the GIL while it waits for the vfork’ed child processexec()
outcome. This prevents spawning a binary from a slow filesystem from blocking the rest of the We now release the GIL around built-in
computations of reasonable size for the SHA families and MD5 hash functions, matching what our OpenSSL backed hash computations already Improve performance of
when expanding a pattern with a non-terminal “**
” component by filtering walked paths through a regular expression, rather than callingos.scandir()
more than once on each Prepare the
module for building with Tcl 9.0 and future libtommath by replacing usage of deprecated functionsmp_to_unsigned_bin_n()
when Add fields
.gh-103558: Fixed
argument validation mechanism ofargparse
. Improved test Provide helpful usage messages when parsing incorrect
pdb Generalize the regex pattern
to allow spaces and non-alphanumeric characters in Forbid using
as the first Fix cache repopulation semantics of zipimport.invalidate_caches(). The cache is now repopulated upon retrieving files with an invalid cache, not when the cache is invalidated.
gh-100061: Fix a bug that causes wrong matches for regular expressions with possessive qualifier.
gh-77609: Add follow_symlinks argument to
, defaulting to Hide traceback in
prompt, when import Added a stream mode to
that allows for reading archives without caching info about the inner Deprecate passing any arguments to
.gh-88233: Refactored
to use higher level abstractions for extras instead of a heavy-state Reduce calls of
.gh-73435: Add support for recursive wildcards in
no longer loads test cases from exactunittest.TestCase
andunittest.FunctionTestCase Restore following CPython <= 3.10.5 behavior of
: do not create an empty archive ifroot_dir
is not a directory, and, in that case, raiseFileNotFoundError
regardless offormat
choice. Beyond the brought-back behavior, the function may now also raise these exceptions indry_run Emit
type code, deprecated in docs since Python
now properly returns coroutine functions compatible withinspect.iscoroutinefunction()
gh-94777: Fix hanging
when a child process crashes while data is being written in the call Remove the
namespaces, deprecated since Python 3.8. All items are still available from the maintyping
module.bpo-43633: Improve the textual representation of IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (RFC 4291 Sections 2.2, in
. Patch by Oleksandr Pavliuk.bpo-44850: Improve performance of
using the PEP 590vectorcall
convention. Patch by Anthony Lee and Pieter Eendebak.bpo-44185:
will call theclose()
method of the file handle mock when it is exiting from the context manager. Patch by Samet Yaslan.bpo-40988: Improve performance of
by caching the generated dispatch wrapper. Optimization suggested by frederico. Patch by @mental32, Alex Waygood and Pieter Eendebak.bpo-41768:
speccing no longer calls class properties. Patch by Melanie Witt.bpo-18319: Ensure
retrieve translations even if a plural form exists. In other words:gettext(msg) == ngettext(msg, '', 1)
.bpo-17013: Add
that can be used to create Mock objects that can wait until they are called. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan and Mario Corchero.
gh-109209: The minimum Sphinx version required for the documentation is now 4.2.
module command-line interface is now mentioned in Add documentation for
. Also clarify some of the nearby docs relative to per-interpreter Document the
module variablesLINES
.gh-106948: Add a number of standard external names to
.gh-106232: Make timeit doc command lines compatible with Windows by using double quotes for arguments. This works on linux and macOS also.
gh-105172: Fixed
docstring accounting fortyped
argument’s different handling of str and int. Patch by Bar Update
doc to specify that time in seconds is just the Add missing documentation for the
parameters and theexceptions
attribute of thetraceback.TracebackException Add missing documentation for the
attributes of thetraceback.TracebackException Remove mentions of old Python versions in
.gh-54738: Add documentation on how to localize the
argparse Document the return type of
x // y
have typefloat
.gh-102759: Align function signature for
in documentation and docstring with the C implementation.
gh-110647: Fix test_stress_modifying_handlers() of test_signal. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-103053: Fix test_tools.test_freeze on FreeBSD: run “make distclean” instead of “make clean” in the copied source directory to remove also the “python” program. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-110167: Fix a deadlock in test_socket when server fails with a timeout but the client is still running in its thread. Don’t hold a lock to call cleanup functions in doCleanups(). One of the cleanup function waits until the client completes, whereas the client could deadlock if it called addCleanup() in such situation. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-110367: regrtest: When using worker processes (-jN) with –verbose3 option, regrtest can now display the worker output even if a worker process does crash. Previously, sys.stdout and sys.stderr were replaced and so the worker output was lost on a crash. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-110267: Add tests for pickling and copying PyStructSequence objects. Patched by Xuehai Pan.
now always sets and showsrandom.seed
, so tests are more reproducible. Use--randseed
flag to pass the explicit random seed for Remove
andmake hostrunnertest
. Just run./python -m test --slow-ci
,make buildbottest
ormake test
instead. Python test runner (regrtest) now handles cross-compilation and HOSTRUNNER. It also adds options to Python such fast-u -E -W default -bb
option is used. Patch by Victor Skip test_threading tests using thread+fork if Python is built with Address Sanitizer (ASAN). Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-110088: Fix test_asyncio timeouts: don’t measure the maximum duration, a test should not measure a CI performance. Only measure the minimum duration when a task has a timeout or delay. Add
. Patch by Victor Fix race conditions in test_threading lock tests. Wait until a condition is met rather than using
with a hardcoded number of seconds. Patch by Victor Fix
. Make sure that thesubprocess.Popen
object is deleted before the test raising an exception in a signal handler. Otherwise,Popen.__del__()
can get the exception which is logged asException ignored in: ...
and the test fails. Patch by Victor Fix test_timeout() of test_concurrent_futures.test_wait. Remove the future which may or may not complete depending if it takes longer than the timeout or not. Keep the second future which does not complete before wait() timeout. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-109972: Split file into a test_gdb package made of multiple tests, so tests can now be run in parallel. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-109566: regrtest: When
option is used, regrtest now replaces the current process with a new process to add-u -W default -bb -E
options to Python. Patch by Victor Fix
of test_venv: don’t copy__pycache__/
sub-directories, because they can be modified by other Python tests running in parallel. Patch by Victor regrtest: Fix reference leak check on Windows. Disable the load tracker on Windows in the reference leak check mode (-R option). Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-109276: regrtest: When a test fails with “env changed” and the –rerun option is used, the test is now re-run in verbose mode in a fresh process. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-103053: Skip test_freeze_simple_script() of test_tools.test_freeze if Python is built with
./configure --enable-optimizations
, which means with Profile Guided Optimization (PGO): it just makes the test too slow. The freeze tool is tested by many other CIs with other (faster) compiler flags. Patch by Victor Skip
if Python is built with ASAN, MSAN or UBSAN sanitizer. Python does crash randomly in this test on such build. Patch by Victor regrtest: Add
uses a default timeout of 10 minutes and-u all,-cpu
(skip slowest tests).--slow-ci
uses a default timeout of 20 minutes and-u all
(run all tests). Patch by Victor libregrtest now decodes stdout of test worker processes with the “backslashreplace” error handler to log corrupted stdout, instead of failing with an error and not logging the stdout. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-109396: Fix
in FIPS mode. Use a longer key: FIPS mode requires at least of at least 112 bits. The previous key was only 32 bits. Patch by Victor Fix test_gdb on Python built with LLVM clang 16 on Linux ppc64le (ex: Fedora 38). Search patterns in gdb “bt” command output to detect when gdb fails to retrieve the traceback. For example, skip a test if
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
is found. Patch by Victor libregrtest now calls
before running each test file when-r/--randomize
command line option is used. Moreover, it’s also called in worker processes. It should help to make tests more deterministic. Previously, it was only called once in the main process before running all test files and it was not called in worker processes. Patch by Victor libregrtest now uses a separated file descriptor to write test result as JSON. Previously, if a test wrote debug messages late around the JSON, the main test process failed to parse JSON. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-108996: Fix and enable
.gh-109237: Fix
when the working directory contains at least one non-ASCII character: encode the._pth
file to UTF-8 and enable the UTF-8 Mode to use UTF-8 for the child process stdout. Patch by Victor Fix
: it can now be run from a directory different than Python source code directory. Before, the test failed in this case. Skip the test if Modules/pyexpat.c source is not available. Skip also the test on Python implementations other than CPython. Patch by Victor Add tests for
.gh-109015: Fix test_asyncio, test_imaplib and test_socket tests on FreeBSD if the TCP blackhole is enabled (
sysctl net.inet.tcp.blackhole
). Skip the few tests which failed withETIMEDOUT
which such non standard configuration. Currently, the FreeBSD GCP image enables TCP and UDP blackhole (sysctl net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2
andsysctl net.inet.udp.blackhole=1
). Patch by Victor Skip
if gdb is unable to retrieve Python frame objects: if a frame is<optimized out>
. When Python is built with “clang -Og”, gdb can fail to retrieve the frame parameter of_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()
. In this case, tests likepy_bt()
are likely to fail. Without getting access to Python frames,
is mostly clueless on retrieving the Python traceback. Moreover,test_gdb
is no longer skipped on macOS if Python is built with Clang. Patch by Victor Skip
fails with “OSError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported” (ex: on FreeBSD 13). Patch by Victor FreeBSD 13.2 CI coverage for pull requests is now provided by Cirrus-CI (a hosted CI service that supports Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD).
gh-89392: Removed support of
function in tests. They now always use normal unittest test Fix
recursion tests for WASI buildbots: reduce the recursion limit and compute the maximum nested array/dict depending on the current available recursion limit. Patch by Victor Add
functions to
module. Patch by Victor Add
--fail-rerun option
option to regrtest: if a test failed when then passed when rerun in verbose mode, exit the process with exit code 2 (error), instead of exit code 0 (success). Patch by Victor Rename regrtest
option (-w
) to--rerun
. Keep--verbose2
as a deprecated alias. Patch by Victor When regrtest reruns failed tests in verbose mode (
./python -m test --rerun
), tests are now rerun in fresh worker processes rather than being executed in the main process. If a test does crash or is killed by a timeout, the main process can detect and handle the killed worker process. Tests are rerun in parallel if the-jN
option is used to run tests in parallel. Patch by Victor
now computes statistics on all tests: successes, failures and skipped.test_netrc
now return results in theirtest_main()
function. Patch by Victor Stinner and Alex The
method now counts the number of skipped tests. Adddoctest.DocTestRunner.skips
attributes. Patch by Victor Convert test_concurrent_futures to a package of 7 sub-tests. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-108388: Split test_multiprocessing_fork, test_multiprocessing_forkserver and test_multiprocessing_spawn into test packages. Each package is made of 4 sub-tests: processes, threads, manager and misc. It allows running more tests in parallel and so reduce the total test duration. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-105776: Fix test_cppext when the C compiler command
option: remove-std=
options from the compiler command. Patch by Victor Set up CIFuzz to run fuzz targets in GitHub Actions. Patch by Illia Volochii.
: Fixtest_udp_reconnection()
by increasing the timeout from 100 ms to 5 minutes (LONG_TIMEOUT). Patch by Victor Add the C API test for functions in the Mapping Protocol, the Sequence Protocol and some functions in the Object Protocol.
gh-106714: test_capi: Fix test_no_FatalError_infinite_loop() to no longer write a coredump, by using Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-104090: Avoid creating a reference to the test object in
.gh-106752: Moved tests for
. Madezipfile._path
a Add .coveragerc to cpython repository for use with coverage package.
gh-101634: When running the Python test suite with
option, if a worker stdout cannot be decoded from the locale encoding report a failed testn so the exitcode is non-zero. Patch by Victor When the Python build is configured
, tests requiring thesetuptools
wheels will search for the wheels inWHEEL_PKG_DIR
.gh-81005: String tests are modified to reflect that
are merged in Python 3. Patch by Daniel Suppress and assert expected RuntimeWarnings in
gh-69714: Add additional tests to
to achieve full test coverage.
gh-103053: “make check-clean-src” now also checks if the “python” program is found in the source directory: fail with an error if it does exist. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-109191: Fix compile error when building with recent versions of libedit.
gh-110276: No longer ignore
failure silently: command used by Profile Guided Optimization (PGO). Patch by Victor Remove
make testall
target: usemake buildbottest
instead. Patch by Victor The experimental
configure flag now includes “t” (for “threaded”) in extension ABI Fix building the
extension on Linux AArch64 which requires linking to libatomic when<cpython/pyatomic.h>
is used: the_Py_atomic_or_uint64()
function requires libatomic__atomic_fetch_or_8()
on this platform. The configure script now checks if linking to libatomic is needed and generates a new LIBATOMIC variable used to build the _testcapi extension. Patch by Victor Fix Solaris build: no longer redefine the
function. Solaris defines the function since 2005. Patch by Victor Stinner, original patch by Jakub Kulí Fix a race condition in
make regen-all
. Thedeepfreeze.c
source and files generated by Argument Clinic are now generated or updated before generating “global objects”. Previously, some identifiers may miss depending on the order in which these files were generated. Patch by Victor Python built with
(tracing references) is now ABI compatible with Python release build and debug build. Patch by Victor The
C extension is now built with the limited C API. Patch by Victor Fix x86_64 GNU/Hurd build
gh-107814: When calling
it did not properly silence the output of nuget. That is now Remove the make target
, merge its work intoregen-opcode
which repeats most of the calculation. This simplifies the code for the build and reduces code Check for
before including it inModules/posixmodule.c
.gh-95855: Refactor platform triplet detection code and add detection for MIPS soft float and musl libc.
gh-106962: Detect MPI compilers in
.gh-106118: Fix compilation for platforms without
. The issue was introduced with Python 3.12b1 in gh-103295. Patch by Erlend SQLite 3.15.2 or newer is required to build the
extension module. Patch by Erlend Fix a regression in
where we could end up unintentionally linking withlibbsd
.gh-102404: Document how to perform a WASI build on Linux. Also add Tools/wasm/ as a reference implementation of the docs.
gh-89886: Autoconf 2.71 and aclocal 1.16.4 is now required to regenerate
.gh-104692: Include
as a prerequisite forbininstall
This ensures that
is completed beforebininstall
is started when parallel builds are used (make -j install
), and so thepython3
symlink is only installed after all standard library modules are Add experimental wasi-threads support. Patch by Takashi Yamamoto.
gh-110437: Allows overriding the source of VC redistributables so that releases can be guaranteed to never downgrade between updates.
gh-109286: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.43.1.
now resolves MS-DOS style file names even if the file is not accessible. Patch by Moonsik Update Windows build to use OpenSSL 3.0.11.
gh-106242: Fixes
to behave consistently when passed a path containing an embedded null character on Windows. In strict mode, it now raisesOSError
instead of the unexpectedValueError
, and in non-strict mode will make the path Changes the Inicializador Python para Windows to prefer an active virtual environment when the launched script has a shebang line using a Unix-like virtual command, even if the command requests a specific version of Python.
gh-106844: Fix integer overflow and truncating by the null character in
which affectsntpath.normcase()
.gh-105436: Ensure that an empty environment block is terminated by two null characters, as is required by Windows.
gh-105146: Updated the links at the end of the installer to point to Discourse rather than the mailing lists.
gh-103646: When installed from the Microsoft Store,
no longer defaults to per-user installs. However, as the install directory is unwritable, it should automatically decide to do a per-user install anyway. This should resolve issues whenpip
is passed an option that conflicts with--user
.gh-88745: Improve performance of
by using the operating system’sCopyFile2
function. This may result in subtle changes to metadata copied along with some files, bringing them in line with normal OS Fixes
and related functions on file systems that do not support file ID requests. This includes FAT32 and Add
to detect whether a path is on a Windows Dev Drive. ReturnsFalse
on platforms that do not support Dev Drive, and is absent on non-Windows platforms.
gh-104719: Remove IDLE’s modification of tokenize.tabsize and test other uses of tokenize data and methods.
gh-109991: Update GitHub CI workflows to use OpenSSL 3.0.11 and multissltests to use 1.1.1w, 3.0.11, and 3.1.3.
gh-108494: Argument Clinic now has a partial support of the Limited API: see documentation in the Python Developer’s Guide Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-107704: It is now possible to deprecate passing keyword arguments for keyword-or-positional parameters with Argument Clinic, using the new
/ [from X.Y]
syntax. (To be read as “positional-only from Python version X.Y”.) See documentation in the Python Developer’s Guide for more Argument Clinic can now clone
and__new__() Add
option to Argument Clinic Argument Clinic now supports overriding automatically generated signature by using directive
. See documentation in the Python Developer’s Guidegh-107609: Fix duplicate module check in Argument Clinic. Previously, a duplicate definition would incorrectly be silently accepted. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-107467: The Argument Clinic command-line tool now prints to stderr instead of stdout on failure.
gh-106970: Fix bugs in the Argument Clinic
destination <name> clear
command; the destination buffers would never be cleared, and thedestination
directive parser would simply continue to the fault handler after processing the command. Patch by Erlend E. Change bytecode syntax for families to remove redundant name matching pseudo syntax.
gh-106359: Argument Clinic now explicitly forbids “kwarg splats” in function calls used as annotations.
now fetchesCONFIG_ARGS
from the original CPython instance the Makefile uses to call utility scripts. Patch by Ijtaba It is now possible to deprecate passing parameters positionally with Argument Clinic, using the new
* [from X.Y]
syntax. (To be read as “keyword-only from Python version X.Y”.) See documentation in the Python Developer’s Guide for more information. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland with help from Alex Waygood, Nikita Sobolev, and Serhiy Storchaka.
gh-85283: If the
macro is defined,Py_BUILD_CORE
macros are now undefined by<Python.h>
. Patch by Victor Add
andPyUnicode_EqualToUTF8() Raise
for duplicate/unknown fields inPyStructSequence
constructor. Patched by Xuehai Remove undocumented
constant from the limited C API. Patch by Victor
now sets RuntimeError if it fails to getsys.path_hooks
or they are not list and dict correspondingly. Previously it could return NULL without setting error in obscure cases, crash or raise SystemError if these attributes have wrong Add
internal-only lightweight locking Add
function: similar toPySys_Audit()
, but pass event arguments as a Pythontuple
object. Patch by Victor Add
function: similar toPyThreadState_Get()
, but don’t kill the process with a fatal error if it is NULL. The caller is responsible to check if the result is NULL. Previously, the function was private and known as_PyThreadState_UncheckedGet()
. Patch by Victor
no longer includes the<ctype.h>
standard header file. If needed, it should now be included explicitly. For example, it providesisalpha()
functions which are locale dependent. Python provides locale independent functions, likePy_ISALPHA()
. Patch by Victor
no longer includes the<unistd.h>
standard header file. If needed, it should now be included explicitly. For example, it provides the functions:close()
. Patch by Victor
no longer includes the<ieeefp.h>
standard header. It was included for thefinite()
function which is now provided by the<math.h>
header. It should now be included explicitly if needed. Remove also theHAVE_IEEEFP_H
macro. Patch by Victor
no longer includes these standard header files:<time.h>
. If needed, they should now be included explicitly. For example,<time.h>
provides theclock()
provides theselect()
function, and<sys/time.h>
provides thefutimes()
functions. Patch by Victor Add functions
.gh-107073: Add
functions which must be called by the traverse and clear functions of a type usingPy_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT
flag. Patch by Victor Python built with
(tracing references) now supports the Limited API. Patch by Victor Add
function: similar toPyLong_AsLong()
, but store the result in a C int instead of a C long. Previously, it was known as the private function_PyLong_AsInt()
(with an underscore prefix). Patch by Victor Add
function: same asPyDict_Contains()
, but key is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*. Patch by Victor Add atomic operations on additional data types in pyatomic.h.
gh-108014: Add
function: check if the main Python interpreter is shutting down. Patch by Victor C API functions
save now the error code before callingPyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault()
.gh-107915: Such C API functions as
and many others no longer crash or ignore errors if it failed to format the error message or decode the filename. Instead, they keep a corresponding Improve
for uses ofPyType_Spec
with metaclasses that have customtp_new
.gh-107249: Implement the
macro for Windows MSVC compiler. Patch by Victor
is now only available in the limited API version 3.10 or Remove private
alias toPyUnicode_AsUTF8()
. It was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.0 - 3.2. ThePyUnicode_AsUTF8()
is available since Python 3.3. ThePyUnicode_AsUTF8String()
function can be used to keep compatibility with Python 3.2 and older. Patch by Victor Convert
macros to functions. Patch by Victor Add
PyMapping_GetOptionalItem() Add
andPyObject_GetOptionalAttrString() Remove
alias toPyInterpreterState_Get()
which was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8. Patch by Victor Remove
header file: it only contained private functions. Patch by Victor Remove private
function: usePyObject_Vectorcall()
which is available since Python 3.8 (PEP 590). Patch by Victor If Python is built in debug mode or
with assertions
now check the index argument with an assertion. If the assertion fails, make sure that the size is set before. Patch by Victor Remove the old aliases to functions calling functions which were kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8 provisional API:
: usePyObject_CallMethodNoArgs()
: usePyObject_CallMethodOneArg()
: usePyObject_CallOneArg()
: usePyObject_VectorcallDict()
: usePyObject_Vectorcall()
: usePyObject_VectorcallMethod()
: usePyVectorcall_Function()
Just remove the underscore prefix to update your code. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-106004: Adds
functions: similar toPyDict_GetItemWithError()
but returning a strong reference instead of a borrowed reference. Patch by Victor Deprecate the
functions: use the newPyWeakref_GetRef()
function instead. Patch by Victor Add
function: similar toPyWeakref_GetObject()
but returns a strong reference, orNULL
if the referent is no longer live. Patch by Victor Add
: similar toPyImport_AddModule()
, but return a strong reference instead of a borrowed reference. Patch by Victor The new
provides the dictionary for the given type object that is normally exposed bycls.__dict__
. Normally it’s sufficient to usetp_dict
, but for the static builtin typestp_dict
is now alwaysNULL
provides the correct dict object Fix a bug in
where an exception could end up being overwritten if the API failed We’ve renamed the new (in 3.12)
and changed the meaning of the value from “bool” to an integer with supported values ofPyInterpreterConfig_DEFAULT_GIL
, andPyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL
. The default is “shared”.gh-105387: In the limited C API version 3.12,
functions are now implemented as opaque function calls to hide implementation details. Patch by Victor Deprecate the
function which is just an alias toPyImport_ImportModule()
since Python 3.3. Patch by Victor
now allows metaclasses withtp_new
set toNULL
.gh-105268: Remove the old private, undocumented and untested
macro which was kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8 and older. Patch by Victor Remove
functions, deprecated in Python 3.2. Patch by Victor Remove
functions, deprecated in Python 3.9. Patch by Victor Deprecate old Python initialization functions:
Patch por Victor Stinner.
, andPyObject_AsWriteBuffer()
are removed. Please migrate to new buffer protocol;PyObject_GetBuffer()
.gh-105156: Deprecate the old
types: use directly thewchar_t
type instead. Since Python 3.3,Py_UNICODE
are just aliases towchar_t
. Patch by Victor Remove the following old functions to configure the Python initialization, deprecated in Python 3.11:
Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-105107: Remove functions deprecated in Python 3.9.
: usePyObject_CallNoArgs()
(positional arguments must not be NULL) instead.PyEval_CallFunction()
: usePyObject_CallFunction()
: usePyObject_CallMethod()
: usePyObject_Call()
Patch por Victor Stinner.
) for builtin static types are now shared by all interpreters, whereas in 3.12-beta1 they were stored onPyInterpreterState
. Also note that now the tuples are immortal Add
to the unstable C api to expose the implementation ofexcept*
is no longer required to use'#'
formats in APIs likePyArg_ParseTuple()
. They usesPy_ssize_t
.gh-104584: Add an unstable C API for hooking in an optimizer. This is mainly internal, but marked “unstable” to allow third-party experimentation.
gh-104668: Don’t call
in subinterpreters, since it’s generally difficult to avoid using global state in their registered callbacks. This also avoids situations where extensions may find themselves running in a subinterpreter they don’t support (or haven’t yet been loaded in).bpo-42327: Add
function: similar toPyModule_AddObjectRef()
, but always steals a reference to the value.bpo-40309: Properly handle trailing spaces before closing parenthesis in
format strings.
Python 3.12.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-05-22
gh-99889: Fixed a security in flaw in
that could allow for directory traversal based on the input if noout_file
was Do not expose the local on-disk location in directory indexes produced by
.gh-99108: Upgrade built-in
SHA3 implementation to a verified implementation from theHACL*
project. Used when OpenSSL is not present or lacks
now strips leading C0 control and space characters following the specification for URLs defined by WHATWG in response to CVE 2023-24329. Patch by Illia Volochii.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-102856: Implement PEP 701 changes in the
module. Patch by Marta Gómez Macías and Pablo Galindo Salgadogh-104615: Fix wrong ordering of assignments in code like
a, a = x, y
. Contributed by Carl Improve syntax error message for invalid constructs in PEP 695 contexts and in annotations when
from __future__ import annotations
is Fix three error handling bugs in ast.c’s validation of pattern matching statements.
gh-102818: Do not add a frame to the traceback in the
trampoline functions. This ensures that frames are not duplicated if an exception is raised in the callback function, and ensures that frames are not omitted if a C callback is used and that does not add the Fix an issue where some bytecode instructions could ignore PEP 523 when “inlining” calls.
gh-103082: Change behavior of
events insys.monitoring
: Line events now occur when a new line is reached dynamically, instead of using a static approximation, as before. This makes the behavior very similar to that of “line” events insys.settrace
. This should ease porting of tools from 3.11 to Fix
to produce a quiet NaN on platforms (like MIPS) where the meaning of the signalling / quiet bit is inverted from its usual meaning. Also introduce a new macroPy_INFINITY
matching C99’sINFINITY
, and refactor internals to rely on C99’sNAN
macros instead of hard-coding bit patterns for infinities and NaNs. Thanks Sebastian Multi-phase init extension modules may now indicate that they support running in subinterpreters that have their own GIL. This is done by using
as the value for thePy_mod_multiple_interpreters
module def slot. Otherwise the module, by default, cannot be imported in such subinterpreters. (This does not affect the main interpreter or subinterpreters that do not have their own GIL.) In addition to the isolation that multi-phase init already normally requires, support for per-interpreter GIL involves one additional constraint: thread-safety. If the module has external (linked) dependencies and those libraries have any state that isn’t thread-safe then the module must do the additional work to add thread-safety. This should be an uncommon The GIL is now (optionally) per-interpreter. This is the fundamental change for PEP 684. This is all made possible by virtue of the isolated state of each interpreter in the process. The behavior of the main interpreter remains unchanged. Likewise, interpreters created using
are not affected. To get an interpreter with its own GIL, callPy_NewInterpreterFromConfig()
.gh-104108: Multi-phase init extension modules may now indicate whether or not they actually support multiple interpreters. By default such modules are expected to support use in multiple interpreters. In the uncommon case that one does not, it may use the new
module def slot. A value of0
means the module does not support them.1
means it does. The default is1
.gh-104142: Fix an issue where
repetition could fail to respect PEP Improve the performance of
gh-104066: Improve the performance of
for module objects with a missing Reduce object creation while calling callback function from gc. Patch by Donghee Na.
gh-104018: Disallow the “z” format specifier in %-format of bytes objects.
gh-102213: Fix performance loss when accessing an object’s attributes with
__getattr__ Improve handling of edge cases in showing
. Ensures that the messages always end with a newline and that string/bytes are not exploded over multiple lines. Patch by Carey Don’t modify the refcounts of known immortal objects (
, andNone
) in the main interpreter Provide a helpful hint in the
message when accidentally calling a module object that has a callable attribute of the same name (such asdis.dis()
).gh-103845: Remove both line and instruction instrumentation before adding new ones for monitoring, to avoid newly added instrumentation being removed immediately.
gh-103763: Implement PEP 695, adding syntactic support for generic classes, generic functions, and type aliases.
A new
type X = ...
syntax is added for type aliases, which resolves at runtime to an instance of the new classtyping.TypeAliasType
. The value is lazily evaluated and is accessible through the.__value__
attribute. This is implemented as a new AST nodeast.TypeAlias
.New syntax (
class X[T]: ...
,def func[T](): ...
) is added for defining generic functions and classes. This is implemented as a newtype_params
attribute on the AST nodes for classes and functions. This node holds instances of the new AST classesast.TypeVar
, andast.TypeVarTuple
, andtyping.Generic
are now implemented in C rather than Python.There are new bytecode instructions
to support correct resolution of names in class namespaces.Patch by Eric Traut, Larry Hastings, and Jelle Zijlstra.
gh-103801: Adds three minor linting fixes to the wasm module caught that were caught by ruff.
gh-103793: Optimized asyncio Task creation by deferring expensive string formatting (task name generation) from Task creation to the first time
is called. This makes asyncio benchmarks up to 5% Change the error range for invalid bytes literals.
gh-103590: Do not wrap a single exception raised from a
construct in anExceptionGroup
.gh-103650: Change the perf map format to remove the ‘0x’ prefix from the addresses
gh-102856: Implement the required C tokenizer changes for PEP 701. Patch by Pablo Galindo Salgado, Lysandros Nikolaou, Batuhan Taskaya, Marta Gómez Macías and sunmy2019.
gh-100530: Clarify the error message raised when the called part of a class pattern isn’t actually a class.
gh-101517: Fix bug in line numbers of instructions emitted for
.gh-103492: Clarify
with literalis
comparison by specifying which literal is problematic, since comparisons usingis
with e.g.None
and bool literals are Add
(and a specialization forsuper().method()
) to speed upsuper().method()
. This makessuper().method()
roughly 2.3x faster and brings it within 20% of the performance of a simple method call. Patch by Vladimir Matveev and Carl Change the internal offset distinguishing yield and return target addresses, so that the instruction pointer is correct for exception handling and other stack unwinding.
gh-82012: The bitwise inversion operator (
) on bool is deprecated. It returns the bitwise inversion of the underlyingint
representation such thatbool(~True) == True
, which can be confusing. Usenot
for logical negation of bools. In the rare case that you really need the bitwise inversion of the underlyingint
, convert to int explicitly~int(x)
.gh-77757: Exceptions raised in a typeobject’s
method are no longer wrapped by aRuntimeError
. Context information is added to the exception as a PEP 678
now retains thename
attribute when pickled and Migrate
method not to use deprecated OpenSSL APIs. Patch by Donghee We’ve replaced our use of
with a thread-local variable. This is a fairly low-level implementation detail, and there should be no change in The implementation of PEP-683 which adds Immortal Objects by using a fixed reference count that skips reference counting to make objects truly immutable.
gh-102700: Allow built-in modules to be submodules. This allows submodules to be statically linked into a CPython binary.
gh-103082: Implement PEP 669 Low Impact Monitoring for CPython.
gh-88691: Reduce the number of inline
entries forCALL
.gh-102500: Make the buffer protocol accessible in Python code using the new
magic methods. See PEP 688 for details. Patch by Jelle PEP 709: inline list, dict and set comprehensions to improve performance and reduce bytecode size.
gh-99184: Bypass instance attribute access of
.gh-98003: Complex function calls are now faster and consume no C stack space.
for 0-dimensionalmemoryview
objects (such asmemoryview(ctypes.c_uint8(42))
) now raises aTypeError
. Previously this returned1
, which was not consistent withmem_0d[0]
raising anIndexError
.bpo-31821: Fix
to work when called fromconnection_made()
now sets the__type_params__
attribute (added by PEP 695).gh-104340: When an
pipe protocol loses its connection due to an error, and the caller doesn’t awaitwait_closed()
on the correspondingStreamWriter
, don’t log a warning about an exception that was never retrieved. After all, according to theStreamWriter.close()
docs, thewait_closed()
call is optional (“not mandatory”).gh-104555: Fix issue where an
check comparing a classX
against aruntime-checkable protocol
with non-callable members would not causeTypeError
to be raised if anisinstance()
call had previously been made comparing an instance ofX
. This issue was present in edge cases on Python 3.11, but became more prominent in 3.12 due to some unrelated changes that were made to runtime-checkable protocols. Patch by Alex Refactored the
internals to avoid Python C API usage between fork and exec when markingpass_fds=
file descriptors Added case_sensitive argument to
gh-75367: Fix data descriptor detection in
.gh-104536: Fix a race condition in the internal
cleanup logic that could manifest as an unintendedAttributeError
when callingprocess.close()
.gh-103857: Update datetime deprecations’ stracktrace to point to the calling line
gh-101520: Move the core functionality of the
module in thePython/
folder, leaving just the module wrapper inModules/
.gh-104392: Remove undocumented and unused
attribute from some classes intyping
.gh-102613: Fix issue where
when walking deep directory Improve performance of
for the common case where dict_factory isdict
. Patch by David C Allow leading whitespace in disambiguated statements in
.gh-104139: Teach
to retain the"//"
when assemblingitms-services://?action=generate-bugs
style Apple Platform Deployment
now releases the GIL while contacting the DNS servergh-104310: Users may now use
(a context manager) to temporarily disable the strict compatibility checks for importing extension modules in Fix issue where
when it encountered a symlink to an overly long Prevent possible crash by disallowing instantiation of the
types. The regression was introduced in 3.10.0a4 with PR 23224 (bpo-14935). Patch by Radislav Improve performance of
when expanding recursive wildcards (”**
”) by merging adjacent wildcards and de-duplicating results only when Remove unneeded comments and code in
gh-90208: Fixed issue where
returned incomplete results when it encountered aPermissionError
. This method now suppresses allOSError
exceptions, except those raised from callingis_dir()
on the top-level Optimize
when usingasyncio.eager_task_factory()
. Skip scheduling a done callback if a TaskGroup task completes Optimize
when usingasyncio.eager_task_factory()
to complete eagerly if all fututres completed eagerly. Avoid scheduling done callbacks for futures that complete Fix issue where
returns paths using the case of non-wildcard segments for corresponding path segments, rather than the real filesystem Improve performance of
by usingre.IGNORECASE
to implement case-insensitive Improve performance of
when evaluating patterns that contain'../' Update the return type of
to the newly added Day attributegh-103629: Update the
according to PEP Make
display the names of the args forCALL_INTRINSIC_*
.gh-104035: Do not ignore user-defined
methods for slotted frozen In
, fix several bugs that could lead to access to memory-mapped files after they have been Added
to theturtle
module to move a turtle to a new point without tracing a line, visible or invisible. Patch by Liam Use
for files to be executed instead of rawopen()
gh-68968: Fixed garbled output of
when an input lacks final Fix potential
for 32-bit builds. Patch by Erlend E. Substitute CTRL-D with CTRL-Z in
CLI banner when running on Module-level attributes
are deprecated fromcalendar
.gh-103583: Isolate
and codecs extension modules. Patches by Erlend E. Add checks to ensure that
hosts found byurllib.parse.urlsplit()
are of IPv6 or IPvFuture Update the bundled copy of pip to version 23.1.2.
gh-74940: The C.UTF-8 locale is no longer converted to en_US.UTF-8, enabling the use of UTF-8 encoding on systems which have no locales installed.
gh-103861: Fix
creating invalid zip files whenforce_zip64
was used to add files to them. Patch by Carey Deprecated
. (Patch by Paul Ganssle)gh-103839: Avoid compilation error due to tommath.h not being found when building Tkinter against Tcl 8.7 built with bundled libtommath.
now supports suppressing exceptions raised as part of anExceptionGroup
. If other exceptions exist on the group, they are re-raised in a group that does not contain the suppressed Use
in the implementation ofdatetime.datetime.strptime()
, which should now accept only valid ISO dates. (Patch by Paul Ganssle)gh-103685: Prepare
for Tk 8.7 so that it does not raiseTclError: expected integer but got ""
when it should returnNone
no longer raisesURLError
if a cached FTP instance is reused. ftplib’s endtransfer method calls voidresp to drain the connection to handle FTP instance reuse Add
to non-generic TypedDicts, call-based TypedDicts, and call-based NamedTuples. Other TypedDicts and NamedTuples already had the Deprecate
, andmetavar
parameters ofargparse.BooleanOptionalAction
.gh-89415: Add
constants for source-specific multicast. Patch by Reese
classes. Patch by Jay Added Enum for months and days in the calendar module.
gh-84976: Create a new
file that defines the Python version of thedatetime
module, and makedatetime
import the contents of the new library only if the C implementation is missing. Currently, the full Python implementation is defined and then deleted if the C implementation is not available, slowing downimport datetime Attributes/methods are no longer shadowed by same-named enum members, although they may be shadowed by’s.
gh-103584: Updated
with changes fromimportlib_metadata
5.2 through 6.5.0, including: Supportinstalled-files.txt
when present.PackageMetadata
now stipulates an additionalget
method allowing for easy querying of metadata keys that may not be present.packages_distributions
now honors packages and modules with Python modules that
sources (e.g..pyc
). Expand protocol forPackageMetadata.get_all
to match the upstream implementation ofemail.message.Message.get_all
in python/typeshed#9620. Deprecated use ofDistribution
without defining abstract methods. Deprecated expectation thatPackageMetadata.__getitem__
will returnNone
for missing keys. In the future, it will raise aKeyError
.gh-103578: Fixed a bug where
crashes when reading source file with different encoding by
. The new method would also call into the hook set byPyFile_SetOpenCodeHook()
.gh-103556: Now creating
objects with positional-only parameter with a default followed by a positional-or-keyword parameter without one is Update the bundled copy of pip to version 23.1.1.
gh-103548: Improve performance of
by joining paths only when necessary. Also improve performance ofpathlib.PurePath.is_absolute()
on Posix by skipping path parsing and Remove
module code guarded by definition of theTK_AQUA
macro which was only needed for Tk 8.4.7 or earlier and was never actually defined by any build system or documented for manual Fix misleading exception message when mixed
arguments are supplied topathlib.PurePath
.gh-103489: Add
to make configuration changes to a database connection. Patch by Erlend E. Set default Flag boundary to
and fix bitwise Avoid a potential
by closing the proxy / tunnel’s CONNECT response Fixed an issue with using
to send very large payloads that exceed the amount of data that can be written in one call tosocket.socket.send()
, resulting in the remaining buffer being left Fix a bug in doc string generation in
.gh-103092: Isolate
(apply PEP 687). Patch by Erlend E. Added support for
parameter tologging.config.dictConfig()
. Patch by Bar The performance of
checks againstruntime-checkable protocols
has been considerably improved for protocols that only have a few members. To achieve this improvement, several internal implementation details of thetyping
module have been refactored, includingtyping._ProtocolMeta.__instancecheck__
, andtyping._get_protocol_attrs
. Patches by Alex The members of a runtime-checkable protocol are now considered “frozen” at runtime as soon as the class has been created. See “What’s new in Python 3.12” for more details.
gh-103256: Fixed a bug that caused
to raise an exception when the requested hash algorithm was not available in OpenSSL despite being available separately as part ofhashlib
itself. It now falls back properly to the built-in. This could happen when, for example, your OpenSSL does not include SHA3 support and you want to computehmac.digest(b'K', b'M', 'sha3_256')
.gh-103285: Improve performance of
.gh-103225: Fix a bug in
when displaying line numbers of module-level source Remove deprecation of enum
member.member Fixes
not enforcing function signatures for methods decorated with@classmethod
when patch is called withautospec=True
.gh-103092: Isolate
(apply PEP 687). Patch by Erlend E. Add
, which creates a path object from arguments. This method is called whenever a derivative path is created, such as frompathlib.PurePath.parent
. Subclasses may override this method to share information between path Fix issue where
added a slash when joining onto an incomplete UNC drive with a trailing slash on Fixes
accepting HTTP requests with HTTP version numbers preceded by ‘+’, or ‘-’, or with digit-separating ‘_’ characters. The length of the version numbers is also Fix various Windows-specific issues with
.gh-103193: Improve performance of
. Patch by Alex
now returns a mapping from thread-id to an exception instance, rather than to a(typ, exc, tb) Add entrypoint keyword-only parameter to
, for overriding the SQLite extension entry point. Patch by Erlend E. Improve performance of
in cases where the contents are common Python The extraction methods in
, andshutil.unpack_archive()
, have a new a filter argument that allows limiting tar features than may be surprising or dangerous, such as creating files outside the destination directory. See Filtros de extração for Implemented an eager task factory in asyncio. When used as a task factory on an event loop, it performs eager execution of coroutines. Coroutines that are able to complete synchronously (e.g. return or raise without blocking) are returned immediately as a finished task, and the task is never scheduled to the event loop. If the coroutine blocks, the (pending) task is scheduled and returned.
gh-81079: Add case_sensitive keyword-only argument to
.gh-101819: Isolate the
extension module by applying PEP 687. Patch by Kumar Aditya, Victor Stinner, and Erlend E. Deprecate
gh-101362: Speed up
construction by omitting the path anchor from the internal list of path Functions in the
module that accept a source code string as argument now print a more concise traceback when the string contains a syntax or indentation The
runner will now exit with status code 5 if no tests were run. It is common for test runner misconfiguration to fail to find any tests, this should be an Fix incorrect normalization of UNC device path roots, and partial UNC share path roots, in
. Pathlib no longer appends a trailing slash to such Add
and modernize, the behavior oftty.setraw()
to use POSIX.1-2017 Chapter 11 “General Terminal Interface” flag masks by Implement
to provide further introspection for
now catches errors when writing messages, such as whensys.stderr
. Patch by Oleg Fix datetime.astimezone method return value when invoked on a naive datetime instance that represents local time falling in a timezone transition gap. PEP 495 requires that instances with fold=1 produce earlier times than those with fold=0 in this case.
gh-89550: Decrease execution time of some
file writes by 15% by adding more appropriate Remove the bundled setuptools wheel from
, and stop installing setuptools in environments created byvenv
.gh-99353: Respect the
flag inurllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler
when its constructor parameterdebuglevel
is not set. And do the same for*HTTPS*
.gh-98040: Remove the long-deprecated
imp Deprecate
in favor ofimportlib.util.find_spec()
.gh-94473: Flatten arguments in
. It now accepts not onlyx1, y1, x2, y2, ...
and[x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
, but also(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...
and[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]
.gh-98040: Remove more deprecated importlib APIs:
.gh-96522: Fix potential deadlock in pty.spawn()
gh-96534: Support divert(4) added in FreeBSD 14.
gh-87474: Fix potential file descriptor leaks in
.gh-94906: Support multiple steps in
. Patch by Shantanu Jain and Matthias Make
return absolute paths when its dir parameter is Convert private
to use Argument When creating zip files using
, if notNone
, will always be treated as a path separator even when it is not/
. Patch by Carey Metcalfe.bpo-46797: Deprecation warnings are now emitted for
. These have been documented as deprecated since Python 3.8, and will be removed in Python 3.14.bpo-44844: Enables
to detect and launch Microsoft Edge browser.bpo-45606: Fixed the bug in
– previously a dangling symlink would not be found by this method when the pattern is an exact match, but would be found when the pattern contains a wildcard or the recursive wildcard (**
). With this change, a dangling symlink will be found in both cases.bpo-23041: Add
to the suite ofcsv
module quoting styles.bpo-24964: Added
that provides access to the HTTP headers on a proxy server response to theCONNECT
now supports stronger HMAC algorithms for inter-process connection authentication rather than only HMAC-MD5.bpo-39744: Make
close the subprocess’s stdin even when called withinput=None
.bpo-22708: http.client CONNECT method tunnel improvements: Use HTTP 1.1 protocol; send a matching Host: header with CONNECT, if one is not provided; convert IDN domain names to Punycode. Patch by Michael Handler.
gh-67056: Document that the effect of registering or unregistering an
cleanup function from within a registered cleanup function is Mention the new way of typing
introduced in PEP Clarifying documentation about the url parameter to urllib.request.urlopen and urllib.request.Request needing to be encoded properly.
gh-86094: Add support for Unicode Path Extra Field in ZipFile. Patch by Yeojin Kim and Andrea Giudiceandrea
gh-99202: Fix extension type from documentation for compiling in C++20 mode
gh-104494: Update
for changes to error message formatting in Tk Run test_configure_screen on X11 only, since the
environment variable and-screen
option for toplevels are not useful on Tk for Win32 or Added property-based tests to the
tests, along with stubs for thehypothesis
interface. (Patch by Paul Ganssle)gh-103329: Regression tests for the behaviour of
were fix use of poll in test_epoll’s test_control_and_wait
gh-75729: Fix the
tests failing on Windows when the working directory or interpreter path contains spaces.
gh-101282: BOLT optimization is now applied to the libpython shared library if building a shared library. BOLT instrumentation and application settings can now be influenced via the
now require Python 3.10 or Define
/ virtual make targets consistently and Add gcc fallback of mkfifoat/mknodat for macOS. Patch by Donghee Na.
gh-103532: The
macro is no longer defined or used in the_tkinter
module. It was previously only defined when building against Tk 8.4.13 and older, but Tk older than 8.5.12 has been unsupported since Extended workaround defining
when missing from the libc headers to all clang and gcc builds. In particular, this fixes building on macOS <= Changed the default value of the
Makefile variable from/bin/sh
to/bin/sh -e
to ensure that complex recipes correctly fail after an error. Previously,make install
could fail to install some files and yet return a successful Add platform triplets for 64-bit LoongArch:
Patch by Zhang Na.
gh-104623: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.42.0.
gh-82814: Fix a potential
[Errno 13] Permission denied
when usingshutil.copystat()
within Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on a mounted filesystem by addingerrno.EACCES
to the list of ignored errors within the internal Fix virtual environment
script having incorrect line endings for Fixes venvs not working in bash on Windows across different disks
gh-102997: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.41.2.
gh-88013: Fixed a bug where
was raised when callingntpath.realpath()
with a bytes parameter in some cases.
gh-99834: Update macOS installer to Tcl/Tk 8.6.13.
gh-104623: Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.42.0.
gh-103545: Add
. These can be used withos.setpriority
to run the process at a lower priority and make use of the efficiency cores on Apple Silicon Support reading SOCKS proxy configuration from macOS System Configuration. Patch by Sam Schott.
gh-60436: update curses textbox to additionally handle backspace using the
key Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.41.2.
gh-101291: Added unstable C API for extracting the value of “compact” integers:
.gh-104109: We’ve added
to the public C-API (but not the stable ABI; not yet at least). The new function may be used to create a new interpreter with various features configured. The function was added to support PEP 684 (per-interpreter GIL).gh-103968:
and its variants now allow creating classes whose metaclass overridestp_new
. Thetp_new
is ignored. This behavior is deprecated and will be disallowed in 3.14+. The newPyType_FromMetaclass()
already disallows Add
function that can be used to allocate additional memory after an object for data not managed by Introduced
. These allow extension modules (JIT compilers in particular) to write to perf-map files in a thread safe manner. The Suporte do Python ao perfilador perf do Linux also uses these APIs to write entries in the perf-map Added C API for extending types whose instance memory layout is opaque:
can now be zero or negative,PyObject_GetTypeData()
can be used to get subclass-specific data, andPy_TPFLAGS_ITEMS_AT_END
can be used to safely extend variable-size objects. See PEP 697 for Add a new C-API function to eagerly assign a version tag to a PyTypeObject:
should calculate preheader size if needed. Patch by Donghee Add support of more formatting options (left aligning, octals, uppercase hexadecimals,
C strings, variable width and precision) inPyUnicode_FromFormat()
.gh-96803: Add unstable C-API functions to get the code object, lasti and line number from the internal
in the limited API. The functions are:PyCodeObject * PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetCode(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame)
int PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetLasti(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame)
int PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetLine(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame)
Python 3.12.0 alpha 7¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-04-04
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-102192: Deprecated
in favour of_PyErr_ChainExceptions1
.gh-89987: Reduce the number of inline
entries forBINARY_SUBSCR
.gh-102859: Removed
value on tracing entries to avoid corruption on garbage Add
and deprecatesys.last_type
, which hold the same information in its legacy Replace all occurrences of
.gh-102701: Fix overflow when creating very large dict.
gh-102755: Add
which takes just an exception instance, to replace the legacyPyErr_Display()
which takes the(typ, exc, tb) Add note to exception raised in
when normalization Shrink the number of inline
entries used byLOAD_GLOBAL
.gh-102491: Improve import time of
by removing IronPython version parsing. The IronPython version parsing was not functional (see Rearrage bits in first field (after header) of PyLongObject. * Bits 0 and 1: 1 - sign. I.e. 0 for positive numbers, 1 for zero and 2 for negative numbers. * Bit 2 reserved (probably for the immortal bit) * Bits 3+ the unsigned size.
This makes a few operations slightly more efficient, and will enable a more compact and faster 2s-complement representation of most ints in future.
gh-102397: Fix segfault from race condition in signal handling during garbage collection. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
encoding/decoding errors now get the context information (which operation and which codecs) attached as PEP 678 notes instead of through chaining a new instance of the Fix potential nullptr dereference and use of uninitialized memory in fileutils. Patch by Max Bachmann.
gh-102300: Reuse operands with refcount of 1 in float specializations of BINARY_OP.
gh-102213: Fix performance loss when accessing an object’s attributes with
__getattr__ Improve build support for the Xbox. Patch by Max Bachmann.
gh-102027: Fix SSE2 and SSE3 detection in
internal module. Patch by Max Deprecate
in code objects, schedule it for removal in Python 3.14bpo-1635741: Adapt
to PEP 687. Patch by Mohamed Koubaa and Erlend Aasland.
gh-103085: Pure python
will not warn It’s no longer possible to register conditional breakpoints in
that raiseSyntaxError
. Patch by Tian Don’t ignore exceptions in member type creation.
gh-103056: Ensure final
is astaticmethod
.gh-103046: Display current line label correctly in
is False andlasti
points to a CACHE
checks againstruntime-checkable protocols
now useinspect.getattr_static()
rather thanhasattr()
to lookup whether attributes exist. This means that descriptors and__getattr__()
methods are no longer unexpectedly evaluated duringisinstance()
checks against runtime-checkable protocols. However, it may also mean that some objects which used to be considered instances of a runtime-checkable protocol may no longer be considered instances of that protocol on Python 3.12+, and vice versa. Most users are unlikely to be affected by this change. Patch by Alex It’s no longer possible to register expressions to display in
that raiseSyntaxError
. Patch by Tian Improve traceback when
is called on a non-dataclass. Patch by Alex Waygoodgh-102780: The
context manager now works reliably even when performing cleanup due to task cancellation. Previously it could raise aCancelledError
instead of anTimeoutError
in such Remove support for obsolete browsers from
. Removed browsers include Grail, Mosaic, Netscape, Galeon, Skipstone, Iceape, Firebird, and Firefox versions 35 and Improve performance of
arguments handling by removing the argument Add the
arg toshutil.rmtree()
, which is likeonerror
but expects an exception instance rather than an exc_info tuple. Deprecateonerror
.gh-88965: typing: Fix a bug relating to substitution in custom classes generic over a
. Previously, if theParamSpec
was substituted with a parameters list that itself contained aTypeVar
, theTypeVar
in the parameters list could not be subsequently substituted. This is now fixed.Patch by Nikita Sobolev.
gh-76846: Fix issue where
methods ofpathlib.PurePath
subclasses were not called in some
now accepts generators yielding tasks. Patch by Kumar
now returnsFalse
for generators asasyncio
does not support legacy generator-based coroutines. Patch by Kumar Optimized fmean(), correlation(), covariance(), and linear_regression() using the new math.sumprod() function.
gh-102615: Typing: Improve the
of generic aliases for classes generic over aParamSpec
. (Use square brackets to represent a parameter list.)gh-100112:
now always returns a coroutine when wrapping an awaitable object. Patch by Kumar Speed up setting or deleting mutable attributes on non-dataclass subclasses of frozen dataclasses. Due to the implementation of
for frozen dataclasses, this previously had a time complexity of O(n). It now has a time complexity of O(1).gh-102519: Add
functions on Windows for enumerating drives, volumes and mount pointsgh-74468: Attribute name of the extracted
file object now holds filename of itself rather than of the archive it is contained in. Patch by Oleg Private helper method
will no longer strip/
from the input Add
. Patch by Thomas Add
argument todataclasses.make_dataclass()
and make classes produced by it Fix
descriptor generation for custom Skip a
if we have already found apyvenv.cfg
gh-98886: Fix issues when defining dataclasses that have fields with specific underscore names that aren’t clearly reserved by
.gh-101673: Fix a
bug wherell
clears the changes to local Added -h and –help arguments to the webbrowser CLI
no longer incorrectly accepts some cases of trailing data when parsing Fix pathlib.Path.walk RecursionError on deep directory trees by rewriting it using iteration instead of recursion.
gh-100131: Added an optional
keyword argument totempfile.TemporaryDirectory
.gh-48330: Added
command line option, showing the N slowest test cases.unittest.TextTestRunner
constructors accept a new durations keyword argument. Subclasses should take this into account or accept**kwargs
. Addedunittest.TestResult.addDuration()
method andunittest.TestResult.collectedDurations
attribute.(Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola)
gh-98169: Fix
crash whencollections.defaultdict
is present in the Fix incorrect results from
gh-95495: When built against OpenSSL 3.0, the
module had a bug where it reported unauthenticated EOFs (i.e. without close_notify) as a clean TLS-level EOF. It now raisesSSLEOFError
, matching the behavior in previous versions of OpenSSL. Theoptions
attribute onSSLContext
also no longer includesOP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF
by default. This option may be set to specify the previous OpenSSL 3.0 Now
functions supportbytes
objects as their name Fix a
bug whereProcessPoolExecutor
shutdown could hang after a future has been quickly submitted and Added deprecation warning to isdst parameter of
.bpo-36305: Fix handling of Windows filenames that resemble drives, such as
, inpathlib
gh-103112: Add docstring to
to fixpydoc
gh-102690: Update
to fall back to Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Improves correctness of stat results for Windows, and uses faster API when available
was removed.
gh-102013: Add a new (unstable) C-API function for iterating over GC’able objects using a callback:
Python 3.12.0 alpha 6¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-03-07
gh-99108: Replace builtin hashlib implementations of MD5 and SHA1 with verified ones from the HACL* project.
gh-101727: Updated the OpenSSL version used in Windows and macOS binary release builds to 1.1.1t to address CVE 2023-0286, CVE 2022-4303, and CVE 2022-4303 per the OpenSSL 2023-02-07 security advisory.
gh-99108: Replace the builtin
implementations of SHA2-384 and SHA2-512 originally from LibTomCrypt with formally verified, side-channel resistant code from the HACL* project. The builtins remain a fallback only used when OpenSSL does not provide
now uses a safer approach to findcmd.exe
when launching withshell=True
. Patch by Eryk Sun, based on a patch by Oleg Iarygin.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-102493: Fix regression in semantics of normalisation in
.gh-102416: Do not memoize incorrectly automatically generated loop rules in the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
gh-102356: Fix a bug that caused a crash when deallocating deeply nested filter objects. Patch by Marta Gómez Macías.
gh-102336: Cleanup Windows 7 specific special handling. Patch by Max Bachmann.
gh-102250: Fixed a segfault occurring when the interpreter calls a
method that Fix deadlock at shutdown when clearing thread states if any finalizer tries to acquire the runtime head lock. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
gh-102027: Use
on Windows whengetpid
is unavailable. Patch by Max Fix error handling bugs in interpreter’s exception printing code, which could cause a crash on infinite recursion.
gh-100982: Restrict the scope of the
instruction to the scope of the originalFOR_ITER
instruction, to allow Fix possible segfault in
function, when new list Fix possible segfault in
opcode, when new set
no longer raisesOverflowError
port values outside of the C long range. Out of range values are left up to the underlying string based C library API to report. Asocket.gaierror
may occur instead, or no error at all as not all platform C libraries generate an Add
and use it instead ofPREP_RERAISE_STAR
.gh-101857: Fix xattr support detection on Linux systems by widening the check to linux, not just glibc. This fixes support for musl.
gh-84783: Make the slice object hashable. Patch by Will Bradshaw and Furkan Onder.
gh-87849: Change the
instruction to leave the receiver on the stack. This allows the specialized form ofSEND
to skip the chain of C calls and jump directly to theRESUME
in the generator or Fix SystemError / segmentation fault in iter
when internal access ofbuiltins.__dict__
keys mutates the iter Update
to handle presize of object properly. Patch by Donghee Invalidate type version tag in
for static types, avoiding bug where a false cache hit could crash the interpreter. Patch by Kumar Adds a new
RETURN_CONST Remove gi_code field from generator (and coroutine and async generator) objects as it is redundant. The frame already includes a reference to the code object.
gh-98627: When an interpreter is configured to check (and only then), importing an extension module will now fail when the extension does not support multiple interpreters (i.e. doesn’t implement PEP 489 multi-phase init). This does not apply to the main interpreter, nor to subinterpreters created with
gh-102302: Micro-optimise hashing of
, reducing the time it takes to hash an instance by around Fix a bug where parentheses in the
argument toargparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument()
were dropped. Patch by Yeojin
now has boolean default Add
OpenBSD constants tommap
. Patch by Yeojin For the binary mode,
doesn’t set theencoding
value even if the value isNone
. Patch by Gihwan The default value of
is initialized without a designatedfp
parameter. Patch by Long In zipfile, sync Path with zipp 3.14, including fix for extractall on the underlying zipfile after being wrapped in
.gh-97930: Apply changes from importlib_resources 5.12, including fix for
to support directories in multiple namespaces (python/importlib_resources#265).gh-101997: Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 23.0.1)
gh-99108: The built-in extension modules for
SHA2 algorithms, used when OpenSSL does not provide them, now live in a single internal_sha2
module instead of separate_sha256
and_sha512 Callable iterators no longer raise
when the callable object exhausts the iterator but forgets to either return a sentinel value or raiseStopIteration
.gh-87634: Remove locking behavior from
.gh-97786: Fix potential undefined behaviour in corner cases of floating-point-to-time conversions.
gh-101517: Fixed bug where
looks up the source line withlinecache
with alineno=None
, which causes it to fail with an unhandled Optimize
for small components. The private argument_normalize
of thefractions.Fraction
constructor has been In
is now emitted when named placeholders are used together with parameters supplied as a sequence instead of as adict
. Starting from Python 3.14, using named placeholders with parameters supplied as a sequence will raise aProgrammingError
. Patch by Erlend E. Change repr of
to use regular dictionary formatting instead of pairs of keys and Speed up
construction by handling arguments more uniformly. When apathlib.Path
argument is supplied, we use its string representation rather than joining its parts withos.path.join()
.gh-101362: Speed up
construction by callingos.path.join()
only when two or more arguments are Speed up
construction by running the path flavour compatibility check only when pathlib is Refactored the implementation of
to useos.login_tty()
is now raised bypty.master_open()
. They were undocumented and deprecated long long ago in the docstring in favor ofpty.openpty()
.gh-101561: Add a new decorator
. See PEP 698 for details. Patch by Steven Fix anchor matching in
. Path and pattern anchors are now matched withfnmatch
, just like other path parts. This allows patterns such as"*:/Users/*"
to be Remove global state from
module (PEP 687). Patches by Erlend E. Fix handling of drive-relative paths (like ‘C:’ and ‘C:foo’) in
. This method now uses the OS API to retrieve the correct current working directory for the Apply PEP 687 to
. Patch by Erlend E.
now usesasyncio.timeout()
as its underlying implementation. Patch by Kumar Correctly preserve “extra” fields in
regardless of their ordering relative to a zip64 “extra.”bpo-23224: Fix segfaults when creating
objects without calling__init__()
, and fix leakage of locks and internal buffers when calling the__init__()
methods oflzma.LZMADecompressor
, andbz2.BZ2Decompressor
objects multiple times.
gh-85417: Update
documentation to clarify behaviour on branch Fix
description forfile=None
. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.
gh-102019: Fix deadlock on shutdown if
fails. Patch by Jacob Utilize new “winsize” functions from termios in pty tests.
now copies up to 10x less source data to a temporary directory during thefreeze
test by ignoring git metadata and other artifacts. It also limits its python build parallelism based on os.cpu_count instead of hard coding it as 8 cores.
gh-99942: On Android, in a static build, python-config in embed mode no longer incorrectly reports a library to link to.
gh-99942: On Android, python.pc now correctly reports the library to link to, the same as
gh-100221: Fix creating install directories in
make sharedinstall
if they exist outsideDESTDIR Explicitly mark C extension modules that need defined signed integer overflow, and add a configure option
. Patch by Matthias Görgens and Shantanu Jain.
gh-102344: Implement
. Patch by Max Handle read and write operations on non-blocking pipes properly on Windows.
gh-101881: Add support for the os.get_blocking() and os.set_blocking() functions on Windows.
gh-101849: Ensures installer will correctly upgrade existing
launcher Updates copy of libffi bundled with Windows installs to 3.4.4.
gh-101759: Update Windows installer to SQLite 3.40.1.
gh-101614: Correctly handle extensions built against debug binaries that reference
.gh-101196: The functions
are now 13% to 28% faster on Windows, by making fewer Win32 API calls.
gh-101759: Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.40.1.
gh-101907: Removes use of non-standard C++ extension in public header files.
gh-99293: Document that the Py_TPFLAGS_VALID_VERSION_TAG is an internal feature, should not be used, and will be removed.
gh-101578: Add
for saving and restoring the current exception. These functions return and accept a single exception object, rather than the triple arguments of the now-deprecatedPyErr_Fetch()
. This is less error prone and a bit more efficient.Add
as convenience functions for retrieving and modifying theargs
passed to the exception’s Introduced the Unstable C API tier, marking APi that is allowed to change in minor releases without a deprecation period. See PEP 689 for details.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-02-07
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-92173: Fix the
arguments toPyEval_EvalCodeEx()
and a reference leak in that The GILState API is now partially compatible with subinterpreters. Previously,
would get out of sync, causing inconsistent behavior and Fix wrong lineno in exception message on
which are not in a loop. Patch by Donghee Fix
to properly handle the UCD 3.2.0 cases. Patch by Donghee Fix
reporting forint Refactor the
struct into a normal Python object header and aPyLongValue Fix a possible memory leak in the parser when raising
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-101037: Fix potential memory underallocation issue for instances of
subclasses with value Record the (virtual) exception block depth in the oparg of
. Use this to avoid the expensivethrow()
when closing generators (and coroutines) that can be closed Adds a new
instruction. This is a bit more efficient when performing a comparison immediately followed by a branch, and restores the design intent of PEP 659 that specializations are local to a single Fixed segfault in property.getter/setter/deleter that occurred when a property subclass overrode the
method to return a non-property Remove the
cache entry for theCOMPARE_OP
instruction and embed the mask into the Fix race while iterating over thread states in clearing
. Patch by Kumar Fix a case where re-entrant imports could corrupt the import deadlock detection code and cause a
to be raised out ofimportlib/_bootstrap
. In addition to the straightforward cases, this could also happen when garbage collection leads to a warning being emitted – as happens when it collects an open socket or file)gh-100726: Optimize construction of
object for medium size Added option to build cpython with specialization disabled, by setting
, followed bymake regen-all
.bpo-32780: Inter-field padding is now inserted into the PEP3118 format strings obtained from
objects, reflecting their true representation in memory.
gh-101541: [Enum] - fix psuedo-flag creation
gh-101570: Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 23.0)
gh-101323: Fix a bug where errors where not thrown by zlib._ZlibDecompressor if encountered during decompressing.
gh-101317: Add ssl_shutdown_timeout parameter for
.gh-101326: Fix regression when passing
as second or third argument toFutureIter.throw
.gh-92123: Adapt the
extension module to multi-phase init (PEP 489). Patches by Erlend E. Avoid potential unexpected
call (double free) insocket
when when a libcgetaddrinfo()
implementation leaves garbage in an output pointer when returning an error. Original patch by Sergey G. Remove unused references to
.gh-101144: Make
also acceptencoding
as a positional argument. This was the behavior in Python 3.9 and earlier. 3.10 introduced a regression where supplying it as a positional argument would lead to aTypeError
.gh-94518: Group-related variables of
module are renamed to stress that supplementary group affinity is added to a fork, not replace the inherited ones. Patch by Oleg Fix
. It must not drop theUnpack Add
, which splits a path into a 3-item tuple(drive, root, tail)
. This new function is used bypathlib
to improve the performance of path construction by up to a Fix a Windows
bug with named pipes where a client doingos.stat()
on the pipe would cause an error in the server that disabled serving future
now has the ability to skip stack frames based on code filename prefix rather than only a numericstacklevel
via the newskip_file_prefixes
keyword pass encoding kwarg to subprocess in platform
gh-100160: Emit a deprecation warning in
if there is no current event loop set and it decides to create Fix handling of partial and invalid UNC drives in
, and inntpath.normpath()
on non-Windows systems. Paths such as ‘\server’ and ‘\’ are now considered bysplitdrive()
to contain only a drive, and consequently are not modified bynormpath()
on non-Windows systems. The behaviour ofnormpath()
on Windows systems is unaffected, as native OS APIs are used. Patch by Eryk Sun, with contributions by Barney Fix a reference undercounting issue in
results larger than a C Add float-style formatting support for
fractions.Fraction Ensure runtime-created collections have the correct module name using the newly added (internal)
now has a command line interface. Trypython -m uuid -h
definition changed fromc_byte
to match Windows SDK. Patch by Anatoly Techtonik and Oleg
now initializes all UID and GID variables using a reserved-1
value instead of a separate flag. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-38941: The
module now emitsDeprecationWarning
when testing the truth value of anxml.etree.ElementTree.Element
. Before, the Python implementation emittedFutureWarning
, and the C implementation emitted nothing.bpo-40077: Convert
types to heap types. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-29847: Fix a bug where
accepted and ignored keyword arguments. Patch provided by Yurii
, andctypes.PyDLL
now accept path-like objects as theirname
argument. Patch by Robert Hoelzl.
gh-88324: Reword
to emphasize default behavior of stdin, stdout, and stderr arguments. Remove inaccurate statement about child file handle inheritance.
has been updated to pass when run as a high UID.
gh-101282: Update BOLT configuration not to use deprecated usage of
--split functions
. Patch by Donghee Allow overriding Windows dependencies versions and paths using MSBuild properties.
gh-77532: Minor fixes to allow building with
on In accordance with PEP 699, the
field inPyDictObject
is deprecated for extension modules. Accessing this field will generate a compiler warning at compile time. This field will be removed in Python Allows -Wno-int-conversion for wasm-sdk 17 and onwards, thus enables building WASI builds once against the latest sdk.
gh-101060: Conditionally add
in configure. Effectively fixes--enable-bolt
when using Clang, as this appears to be a GCC-only
is defined in AIX system header files which breaks the build in AIX, so undefine Fix a regression in detecting
library for the_gdbm
now uses a simple code to get platform details rather than the now non-existent_bootsubprocess
during bootstrap.
gh-101543: Ensure the install path in the registry is only used when the standard library hasn’t been located in any other way.
gh-101467: The
launcher now correctly filters when only a single runtime is installed. It also correctly handles prefix matches on tags so that-3.1
does not match3.11
, but would still match3.1-32
.gh-99834: Updates bundled copy of Tcl/Tk to
gh-101135: Restore ability to launch older 32-bit versions from the
launcher when both 32-bit and 64-bit installs of the same version are Fixed an issue where writing more than 32K of Unicode output to the console screen in one go can result in mojibake.
gh-100320: Ensures the
registry key from an install is used when launching from a different copy of Python that relies on an existing install to provide a copy of its modules and standard Restores support for the
launcher finding shebang commands in its configuration file using the full command name.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2023-01-10
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-100776: Fix misleading default value in
.gh-99005: Remove
, replacing them with Add new
instruction. RemoveIMPORT_STAR
, replacing them with theCALL_INTRINSIC_1 Remove the LOAD_ATTR_METHOD_WITH_DICT specialized instruction. Stats show it is not useful.
gh-100720: Added
, which returns the number of slots needed in a frame for a given code Removed the co_nplaincellvars field from the code object, as it is redundant.
gh-100637: Fix
calculation to include the 1-elementob_digit
array for0
.gh-100649: Update the native_thread_id field of PyThreadState after fork.
gh-100126: Fix an issue where “incomplete” frames could be briefly visible to C code while other frames are being torn down, possibly resulting in corruption or hard crashes of the interpreter while running finalizers.
gh-87447: Fix
on comprehension rebind checking with names that are not actually redefined.Now reassigning
in[(b := 1) for a, b.prop in some_iter]
is allowed. Reassigninga
is still disallowed as per PEP Add
to improve duck type compatibility betweenint
.gh-100425: Improve the accuracy of
with compensated Fix incorrect result and delay in
. Patch by Dominic Convert
, anditer
to argument Improve the output of
by emitting only one entry for each line Handle NaNs when specializing
forfloat Redefine the
typedef as a union to describe its layout to the C compiler, avoiding type punning and improving Internal compiler functions (in compile.c) now consistently return -1 on error and 0 on success.
gh-100188: The
instructions are no longer used for negative integers because those instructions always miss when encountering negative Initialize frame->previous in frameobject.c to fix a segmentation fault when accessing frames created by
.gh-94155: Improved the hashing algorithm for code objects, mitigating some hash collisions.
now hashes to a constant value. This is not a requirements When built with
, stats collection is now off by default. To enable it early at startup, pass the-Xpystats
flag. Stats are now always dumped, even if switched Improve
opcode so that it works similarly to theBUILD_TUPLE
opcode, by stealing references from the stack rather than repeatedly using stack operations to set list elements. Implementation details are in a new private API_PyList_FromArraySteal()
.gh-100110: Specialize
for Honor existing errors obtained when searching for mismatching parentheses in the tokenizer. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-92216: Improve the performance of
for type objects with a missing Pack debugging location tables more efficiently during bytecode compilation.
gh-98522: Add an internal version number to code objects, to give better versioning of inner functions and comprehensions, and thus better specialization of those functions. This change is invisible to both Python and C extensions.
gh-94603: Improve performance of
for small lists.bpo-32782:
arrays of length 0 now report a correct itemsize when amemoryview
is constructed from them, rather than always giving a value of 0.
gh-100833: Speed up
by removing defensivevolatile Modify
implementation to once again work with NumPy Add
socket.IP_PKTINFO Make
twice as Microoptimizations for
.gh-90104: Avoid RecursionError on
if a dataclass field definition has a cyclic Fix crash in
by statically allocatingPyExpat_CAPI Fix
not respecting the spec for attribute names prefixed withassert
.gh-91219: Change
to support subclassing to provide a different set of index file names instead of using__init__
objects which are not unsafe will now raise anAttributeError
when accessing an attribute that matches the name of an assertion but without the prefixassert_
, e.g. accessingcalled_once
instead ofassert_called_once
. This is in addition to this already happening for accessing attributes with prefixesassert
, andassrt
.gh-89727: Simplify and optimize
by usingisinstance()
checks to check the top of the Add math.sumprod() to compute the sum of products.
gh-86508: Fix
to skip binding to local addresses of different family. Patch by Kumar
now accepts a module as an anchor instead of only accepting packages. If a module is passed, resources are resolved adjacent to that module (in the same package or at the package root). The parameter was renamed frompackage
with a compatibility shim for those passing by keyword. Additionally, the newanchor
parameter is now optional and will default to the caller’s Fixed a bug where importlib.resources.as_file was leaving file pointers open
gh-100562: Improve performance of
by nearly 2x. This comes at the cost of a performance regression inpathlib.Path.cwd()
, which is generally used less frequently in user Small simplification of
that improves readability and better matches the RFC Fix the interaction of
.gh-100488: Add
to check whether afractions.Fraction
is an integer. This improves duck type compatibility withfloat
now checks that an index page is actually a regular file before trying to serve it. This avoids issues with directories namedindex.html
.gh-100363: Speed up
by removing redundantgetpid
checks. Patch by Kumar Fix crash when creating an instance of
.gh-100348: Fix ref cycle in
by removing_read_ready_cb
.gh-100344: Provide C implementation for
for a 4x-6x Fix JSON serialization of OrderedDict. It now preserves the order of keys.
gh-83076: Instantiation of
is now 3.8x Set a default value of 1.0 for the
parameter in random.expovariate().gh-100228: A
may be raised whenos.fork()
is called from multi-threaded processes. Forking with threads is unsafe and can cause deadlocks, crashes and subtle problems. Lack of a warning does not indicate that the fork call was actually safe, as Python may not be aware of all Improve signatures for enums and flags.
gh-100133: Fix regression in
where a subprocess would sometimes lose data received from pipe.bpo-44592: Fixes inconsistent handling of case sensitivity of extrasaction arg in
.gh-100098: Fix
subclasses being cast totuple
when used as enum Rename the fmt parameter of the pure-Python implementation of
to format. Rename the t parameter ofdatetime.datetime.fromtimestamp()
to timestamp. These changes mean the parameter names in the pure-Python implementation now match the parameter names in the C implementation. Patch by Alex Update
to be initialized properly, even if thefp
. Patch by Donghee Unify error messages in JSON serialization between
json.dumps(float('nan'), allow_nan=False)
andjson.dumps(float('nan'), allow_nan=False, indent=<SOMETHING>)
. Now both include the representation of the value that could not be Fix issue with
where aRecursionError
would occur on deep directory structures by adjusting the implementation ofos.walk()
to be iterative instead of Add Suporte a dataclass to the
. When inheriting from adataclass
, only show the field names in the value section of the memberrepr()
, and not the dataclass’ class Fix
handling of decorator calls with nested Fix
method forLWPCookieJar
: saved file was not truncated on repeated Add
decorator which manually marks a function as a coroutine for the benefit ofiscoroutinefunction()
.gh-99509: Add PEP 585 support for
.gh-99482: Remove
partial compatibility code from several stdlib Fix
failure ontypes.MethodWrapperType
in Several improvements to
’s handling of__text_signature
. - Fixes a case whereinspect.signature()
dropped parameters - Fixes a case whereinspect.signature()
- Allowsinspect.signature()
to understand defaults involving binary operations of constants -inspect.signature()
is documented as only raisingTypeError
, but sometimes raisedRuntimeError
. These cases now raiseValueError
- Removed a dead code pathgh-91166:
is optimized to avoid excessive copying when writing to socket and usesendmsg()
if the platform supports it. Patch by Kumar Add missing TCP socket options from Linux:
.gh-88500: Reduced the memory usage of
on large
was raisingTypeError
on call with mock objects. Now it correctly returns(*args, **kwargs)
as inferred Fix a 3.11 regression in
, which caused it to propagate exceptions with incorrect tracebacks and fix a 3.11 regression incontextmanager()
, which caused it to propagate exceptions with incorrect tracebacks forStopIteration
.gh-78707: Deprecate passing more than one positional argument to
.gh-92122: Fix reStructuredText syntax errors in docstrings in the
enum Optimize the
arithmetics for small components.bpo-24132: Make
subclassable (private to start). Previously, attempting to instantiate a subclass resulted in anAttributeError
being raised. Patch by Barney Gale.bpo-40447: Accept
(such aspathlib.Path
) in thestripdir
arguments ofcompileall.compile_file()
.bpo-36880: Fix a reference counting issue when a
callback with return typepy_object
, which could cause crashes.
gh-100616: Document existing
parameter tocurses.window.vline()
function incurses
.gh-100472: Remove claim in documentation that the
parameters ofcompileall.compile_dir()
could bebytes
.bpo-25377: Clarify use of octal format of mode argument in help(os.chmod) as well as help(os.fchmod)
gh-100454: Start running SSL tests with OpenSSL 3.1.0-beta1.
gh-100086: The Python test runner (libregrtest) now logs Python build information like “debug” vs “release” build, or LTO and PGO optimizations. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-93018: Make two tests forgiving towards host system libexpat with backported security fixes applied.
gh-100540: Removed the
must now always be supplied by the system on all non-Windows platforms. The option has had no effect on non-Darwin platforms for several releases, and in 3.11 only had the non-obvious effect of invokingpkg-config
to findlibffi
and never setting-DUSING_APPLE_OS_LIBFFI
. Now on Darwin platformsconfigure
will first check for the OSlibffi
and then fall back to the same processing as other platforms if it is not Avoid exporting Python symbols in linked Windows applications when the core is built as static.
bpo-41916: Allow override of ac_cv_cxx_thread so that cross compiled python can set -pthread for CXX.
gh-100180: Update Windows installer to OpenSSL 1.1.1s
gh-99191: Use
_MSVC_LANG >= 202002L
instead of less-precise_MSC_VER >=1929
to more accurately test for C++20 support inPC/_wmimodule.cpp
.gh-79218: Define
for Mingw-w64 64bit, fix cython compilation Ensure that
receives an immutablebytes
object (as documented), instead ofbytearray
now leaves the target value untouched in the case of conversion errors. Previously,-1
would be written in case of such errors.bpo-34816:
hasattr(ctypes.windll, 'nonexistant')
now returnsFalse
instead of raisingOSError
bpo-45256: Fix a bug that caused an
to be raised
is used without a Add missing
check for possible allocation failure in*args
parsing in Argument Clinic.
gh-99947: Raising SystemError on import will now have its cause be set to the original unexpected exception.
gh-99240: In argument parsing, after deallocating newly allocated memory, reset its pointer to NULL.
gh-98724: The
macros now only evaluate their arguments once. If an argument has side effects, these side effects are no longer duplicated. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-12-06
python -m http.server
no longer allows terminal control characters sent within a garbage request to be printed to the stderr server log.This is done by changing the
method to replace control characters with a\xHH
hex escape before Avoid publishing list of active per-interpreter audit hooks via the
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-99891: Fix a bug in the tokenizer that could cause infinite recursion when showing syntax warnings that happen in the first line of the source. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-91054: Add
APIs to register callbacks to receive notification on creation and destruction of code Fix an issue that could cause frames to be visible to Python code as they are being torn down, possibly leading to memory corruption or hard crashes of the interpreter.
gh-99708: Fix bug where compiler crashes on an if expression with an empty body block.
gh-99578: Fix a reference bug in
after the creation of the first sub-interpreter for modulesbuiltins
. Patch by Victor Fixed a bug that was causing a buffer overflow if the tokenizer copies a line missing the newline character from a file that is as long as the available tokenizer buffer. Patch by Pablo galindo
gh-99553: Fix bug where an
subclass can wrap aBaseException
.gh-99547: Add a function to os.path to check if a path is a junction: isjunction. Add similar functionality to pathlib.Path as is_junction.
gh-99370: Fix zip path for venv created from a non-installed python on POSIX platforms.
gh-99377: Add audit events for thread creation and clear operations.
gh-98686: Remove the
“specializations”.gh-99298: Remove the remaining error paths for attribute specializations, and refuse to specialize attribute accesses on types that haven’t had
called on them Allow some features of
to the main interpreter only. Patch by Donghee Optimizing interpreters and JIT compilers may need to invalidate internal metadata when functions are modified. This change adds the ability to provide a callback that will be invoked each time a function is created, modified, or destroyed.
gh-90994: Improve error messages when there’s a syntax error with call arguments. The following three cases are covered: - No value is assigned to a named argument, eg
. - A value is assigned to a star argument, egfoo(*args=[0])
. - A value is assigned to a double-star keyword argument, egfoo(**kwarg={'a': 0})
.bpo-45026: Optimize the
object iterator. It is now smaller, faster iteration of ranges containing large numbers. Smaller pickles, faster unpickling.bpo-31718: Raise
instead ofSystemError
when methods of uninitializedio.IncrementalNewlineDecoder
objects are called. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-38031: Fix a possible assertion failure in
when the opener returns an invalid file descriptor.
gh-100001: Also escape s in the http.server BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_message so that it is technically possible to parse the line and reconstruct what the original data was. Without this a xHH is ambiguous as to if it is a hex replacement we put in or the characters r”x” came through in the original request line.
gh-99957: Add
parameter totyping.dataclass_transform()
.gh-79033: Fix
to actually do what the docs promise – wait for all existing connections to complete, after closing the Fix bug when calling trace.CoverageResults with valid infile.
gh-99645: Fix a bug in handling class cleanups in
. NowaddClassCleanup()
uses separate lists for differentTestCase
subclasses, anddoClassCleanups()
only cleans up the particular Fix
while calling_imp.source_hash()
.gh-66285: Fix
to not share event loop and signal wakeupfd in forked processes. Patch by Kumar Release the GIL when calling termios APIs to avoid blocking threads.
gh-92647: Use final status of an enum to determine lookup or creation branch of functional API.
gh-99388: Add loop_factory parameter to
to allow specifying a custom event loop factory. Patch by Kumar Fix
to also coverast.TypeIgnore
when changing line Check the number of arguments in substitution in user generics containing a
and one or moreTypeVar
.gh-99379: Fix substitution of
followed byTypeVarTuple
in generic Fix substitution of
together in user Remove
old untested and undocumented hack fromctypes
.gh-99201: Fix
when initializing the config variables on Windows ifHAVE_DYNAMIC_LOADING
is not Fix double-free bug in Argument Clinic
by extracting memory clean up to a newpost_parsing Fix refcount error when arguments are packed to tuple in Argument Clinic.
now treats naked Windows drive paths as relative. This brings its behaviour in line with other parts of The implementation of the typing module is now more resilient to reference leaks in binary extension modules.
Previously, a reference leak in a typed C API-based extension module could leak internals of the typing module, which could in turn introduce leaks in essentially any other package with typed function signatures. Although the typing package is not the original source of the problem, such non-local dependences exacerbate debugging of large-scale projects, and the implementation was therefore changed to reduce harm by providing better isolation.
gh-98458: Fix infinite loop in unittest when a self-referencing chained exception is raised
and many otherasyncio
functions likeasyncio.ensure_future()
, and also theget_event_loop()
method ofasyncio.BaseDefaultEventLoopPolicy
now raise aRuntimeError
if called when there is no running event loop and the current event loop was not set. Previously they implicitly created and set a new current event loop.DeprecationWarning
is no longer emitted if there is no running event loop but the current event loop was On
, restored expectation that_fields
would include all six properties includingprocessor
.gh-98248: Provide informative error messages in
when its integral arguments are not in
is now pickleable if its initialization parameters were pickleable (e.g. for file system paths).gh-98098: Created packages from zipfile and test_zipfile modules, separating
zipfile.Path Fix
properties in theipaddress
module. Previously non-private networks ( would returnTrue
from this method; now they correctly returnFalse
.gh-96828: Add an
option for enabling the use of the kernel TLS (kTLS). Patch by Illia To avoid apparent memory leaks when
raises, break reference cycles generated by local exception and future instances (which has exception instance as its member var). Patch by Dong Uk,
now returnsNone
when called on an empty tarfile.bpo-47220: Document the optional callback parameter of
. Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-44817: Ignore WinError 53 (ERROR_BAD_NETPATH), 65 (ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED) and 161 (ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME) when using ntpath.realpath().
bpo-41260: Rename the fmt parameter of the pure Python implementation of
to format.bpo-15999: All built-in functions now accept arguments of any type instead of just
for boolean parameters.
gh-99931: Use sphinxext-opengraph to generate OpenGraph metadata.
gh-89682: Reworded docstring of the default
to clarify that it returns abool
.gh-88330: Improved the description of what a resource is in importlib.resources docs.
gh-92892: Document that calling variadic functions with ctypes requires special care on macOS/arm64 (and possibly other platforms).
bpo-41825: Restructured the documentation for the
family of functions, and improved the docs foros.waitid()
with more explanation of the possible argument constants.
gh-99892: Skip test_normalization() of test_unicodedata if it fails to download NormalizationTest.txt file from Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-99934: Correct test_marsh on (32 bit) x86: test_deterministic sets was failing.
gh-99741: We’ve implemented multi-phase init (PEP 489/630/687) for the internal (for testing) _xxsubinterpreters module.
gh-99659: Optional big memory tests in
now catch the correctsqlite.DataError
exception type in case of too large strings and/or blobs Cover the Unicode C API with tests.
gh-96002: Add functional test for Argument Clinic.
gh-99086: Fix
, and-Wimplicit-function-declaration
compiler warnings in configure Fix a compilation issue with GCC 12 on macOS.
gh-99289: Add a
variable in Makefile to overridecompileall
options (default:-j0
) inmake install
. Also merged thecompileall
commands into a single command building .pyc files for the all optimization levels (0, 1, 2) at once. Patch by Victor Fix a possible fd leak in
introduced in Python Always define
labels inPython/ceval.c
is disabled. This allows breakpoints to be set at those labels in (for instance)gdb
gh-99345: Use faster initialization functions to detect install location for Windows Store package
gh-98629: Fix initialization of
on Windowsgh-99442: Fix handling in Inicializador Python para Windows when
does not include a file extension.bpo-40882: Fix a memory leak in
on Windows.
gh-64490: Argument Clinic varargs bugfixes
Fix out-of-bounds error in
.Fix incorrect check which allowed more than one varargs in
Fix miscalculation of
in generated code.Do not generate
when there is a vararg argument and no optional argument.
constants were marked as part of Limited API of Python 3.11+. These were available in 3.11.0 withPy_LIMITED_API
defined for 3.11, and are necessary to use the buffer Fix
for ASCII-only data:*consumed
was not The
header is deprecated. Its non-deprecated contents are now available just by includingPython.h
, with aPy_
prefix added if it was missing. (Deprecated contents areT_OBJECT
, and no-op flags.) Patch by Petr Viktorin, based on earlier work by Alexander Belopolsky and Matthias Braun.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-11-14
gh-98433: The IDNA codec decoder used on DNS hostnames by
related name resolution functions no longer involves a quadratic algorithm. This prevents a potential CPU denial of service if an out-of-spec excessive length hostname involving bidirectional characters were decoded. Some protocols such asurllib
redirects potentially allow for an attacker to supply such a name.Individual labels within an IDNA encoded DNS name will now raise an error early during IDNA decoding if they are longer than 1024 unicode characters given that each decoded DNS label must be 63 or fewer characters and the entire decoded DNS name is limited to 255. Only an application presenting a hostname or label consisting primarily of RFC 3454 section 3.1 “Nothing” characters to be removed would run into of this new limit. See also RFC 5894 section 6 and RFC 3491.
gh-98739: Update bundled libexpat to 2.5.0
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-81057: The docs clearly say that
, andPyImport_ExtendInittab()
should not be used afterPy_Initialize()
has been called. We now enforce this for the two functions. Additionally, the runtime now uses an internal copy ofPyImport_Inittab
, to guard against Fix an issue that could potentially cause incorrect error handling for some bytecode instructions.
gh-99254: The compiler now removes all unused constants from code objects (except the first one, which may be a docstring).
gh-99205: Fix an issue that prevented
memory from being freed The 18 global C variables holding the state of the allocators have been moved to
. This is a strictly internal change with no change in Fix failure in
with unhashable Fix calculation of
when inside a POSIX virtual environment using copies of the python binary when the base installation does not provide the executable name used by the venv. Calculation will fall back to alternative names (“python<MAJOR>”, “python<MAJOR>.<MINOR>”).gh-96055: Update
to emit an error message with the proper unexpected signal number. Patch by Donghee Fix location of
for atry
block with bothexcept
.gh-98686: Merge the adaptive opcode logic into each instruction’s unquickened variant, and merge the logic in
. With these changes, the quickening that happens at code object creation is now only responsible for initializing warmup counters and inserting Fix the error reporting positions of specialized traceback anchors when the source line contains Unicode characters.
gh-99139: Improve the error suggestion for
exceptions for instances. Now if aNameError
is raised in a method and the instance has an attribute that’s exactly equal to the name in the exception, the suggestion will includeself.<NAME>
instead of the closest match in the method scope. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-98401: Octal escapes with value larger than
), deprecated in Python 3.11, now produce aSyntaxWarning
, instead ofDeprecationWarning
. In a future Python version they will be eventually aSyntaxError
. Patch by Victor A backslash-character pair that is not a valid escape sequence now generates a
, instead ofDeprecationWarning
. For example,re.compile("\d+\.\d+")
now emits aSyntaxWarning
is an invalid escape sequence), use raw strings for regular expression:re.compile(r"\d+\.\d+")
. In a future Python version,SyntaxError
will eventually be raised, instead ofSyntaxWarning
. Patch by Victor Handle StopIteration and StopAsyncIteration raised in generator or coroutines in the bytecode, rather than in wrapping C code.
gh-98931: Improve the
error message when the user typesimport x from y
instead offrom y import x
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-98852: Fix subscription of type aliases containing bare generic types or types like
: for exampletuple[A, T][int]
andtuple[TypeVar, T][int]
, whereA
is a generic type, andT
is a type Lower the recursion depth for marshal on WASI to support (in-development) wasmtime 2.0.
gh-98783: Fix multiple crashes in debug mode when
subclasses are used instead ofstr Use complete source locations to simplify detection of
imports which are not at the beginning of the file. Also corrects the offset in the exception raised in one case, which was off by one and impeded Add specialization of
for generators. Saves multiple layers of dispatch and checking to get from theFOR_ITER
instruction in the caller to theRESUME
in the Added the methods
to the Limited API along with the auxiliary macro constantPY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET
.The availability of these functions enables more efficient PEP 590 vector calls from binary extension modules that avoid argument boxing/unboxing overheads.
gh-99257: Fix an issue where member descriptors (such as those for
) could behave incorrectly or crash instead of raising aTypeError
when accessed via an instance of an invalid Rather than changing
, the interpreter will now display aRuntimeWarning
and assignNone
to any fast locals that are left unbound after jumps ordel
statements executed while When calling into Python code from C code, through
or a related C-API function, a shim frame in inserted into the call stack. This occurs in the_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()
function. The extra frame should be invisible to all Python and most C extensions, but out-of-process profilers and debuggers need to be aware of it. These shim frames can be detected by checkingframe->owner == FRAME_OWNED_BY_CSTACK
.Extensions implementing their own interpreters using PEP 523 need to be aware of this shim frame and the changes to the semantics of
, which now clear the Fix detection of MAC addresses for
on certain OSs. Patch by Chaim Sandersgh-98686: Quicken all code objects, and specialize adaptive bytecode instructions more aggressively.
gh-92119: Print exception class name instead of its string representation when raising errors from
raised from failedfrom <module> import <name>
now include suggestions for the value of<name>
based on the available names in<module>
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-96793: The
now leaves the iterator on the stack on termination of the loop. This is to assist specialization of loops for Add module. It includes asymptotically faster algorithms that can be used for operations on integers with many digits. It is used by longobject.c to speed up some operations.
gh-95389: Expose
and some of the ETHERTYPE_* constants insocket
. Patch by Noam Allow
to locate source for frozen modules in the standard library.
gh-99418: Fix bug in
that causes URL schemes that begin with a digit, a plus sign, or a minus sign to be parsed Deprecate
to be removed in Python 3.14. Patch by Kumar Improve performance of
.gh-74044: Fixed bug where
reported incorrect arguments for decorated Fix
when exception was not set during__initsubclass__
.gh-99277: Remove older version of
gh-99248: fix negative numbers failing in verify()
gh-99155: Fix
pickle with0
is now correctly activated when combined with other assignment values. E.g.ONE = auto(), 'some text'
will now evaluate as(1, 'some text')
.gh-99134: Update the bundled copy of pip to version 22.3.1.
gh-92584: Remove the
package. It was deprecated in Python 3.10 by PEP 632 “Deprecate distutils module”. For projects still usingdistutils
and cannot be updated to something else, thesetuptools
project can be installed: it still providesdistutils
. Patch by Victor Now
is consistent with_io
in raisingValueError
when executing methods over closed Clean up refleak on failed module initialisation in
gh-83004: Clean up refleaks on failed module initialisation in
gh-83004: Clean up refleak on failed module initialisation in
.gh-98897: Fix memory leak in
when both points don’t have the same dimension. Patch by Kumar Use the frame bound builtins when offering a name suggestion in
to prevent crashing when__builtins__
is not a In
, enhance namespace package repr to<module 'x' (namespace) from ['path']>
.gh-90352: Fix
to inherit fromDatagramTransport
. Patch by Kumar Fix argument typechecks in
and_overlapped.Overlapped.WSASendTo() Prevent crashing in
when retrieving the byte-offset for some source files that contain certain unicode Fix internal error in the
module which in very rare circumstances prevented compilation of a regular expression containing a conditional expression without the “else” Fix
to callprotocol.connection_lost
callback only once on Add a mutex to unittest.mock.NonCallableMock to protect concurrent access to mock attributes.
gh-98658: The
class now supports subscripting, making it a generic Improved
message for undefined abstract methods of aabc.ABC
instance. The names of the missing methods are surrounded by single-quotes to highlight Allow
to be a valid field name for frozen Make sure
can be applied on async Remove modules
, which were deprecated by PEP Fix handling of
path-like objects inos.ismount()
: Remove theFTP_TLS.ssl_version
class attribute: use the context parameter instead. Patch by Victor Stinnergh-94172: Remove the keyfile and certfile parameters from the
modules, and the key_file, cert_file and check_hostname parameters from thehttp.client
module, all deprecated since Python 3.6. Use the context parameter (ssl_context inimaplib
) instead. Patch by Victor Add the
attribute tosqlite3.Connection
and the autocommit parameter tosqlite3.connect()
to control PEP 249-compliant transaction handling. Patch by Erlend E. Fixed a race condition that could cause
to incorrectly returnNone
in multi-threaded Fix an error when using a method of objects mocked with
after it was sealed withunittest.mock.seal()
now applies the ignore_dangling_symlinks argument recursively.bpo-40358: Add walk_up argument in
.bpo-36267: Fix IndexError in
when astore_true
action is given an explicit argument.
gh-98832: Changes wording of docstring for
.gh-97966: Update uname docs to clarify the special nature of the platform attribute and to indicate when it became late-bound.
gh-98903: The Python test suite now fails with exit code 4 if no tests ran. It should help detecting typos in test names and test methods.
gh-98713: Fix a bug in the
tests where a test relying on CPython-specific implementation details was not decorated with@cpython_only
and was not skipped on other Add tests for star-unpacking with PEP 646, and some other miscellaneous PEP 646 tests.
gh-96853: Added explicit coverage of
(and hencePy_InitializeEx
) back to the embedding tests (all other embedding tests migrated toPy_InitializeFromConfig
in Python 3.11)bpo-34272: Some C API tests were moved into the new Lib/test/test_capi/ directory.
gh-99086: Fix
compiler warning in configure check forPTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM
.gh-99016: Fix build with
.gh-97731: Specify the full path to the source location for
make docclean
(needed for cross-builds).gh-98949: Drop unused build dependency on
.gh-98989: Use
, if available, for regeneration and Add new tooling, in
, to generate the interpreter switch statement from a list of opcode definitions. This only affects adding, modifying or removing instruction definitions. The instruction definitions now live inPython/bytecodes.c
, in the form of a custom DSL (under development). The tooling reads this file and writesPython/generated_cases.c.h
, which is then included byPython/ceval.c
to provide most of the cases of the main interpreter Remove PCbuild/lib.pyproj: it’s not used for anything, is only a minor convenience for Visual Studio users (who probably mostly don’t even know about it), and it takes a lot of maintenance effort to keep updated.
gh-98776: Fix
make regen-test-levenshtein
for out-of-tree Don’t use vendored
headers if--with-system-libmpdec
is passed to configure. Don’t use vendoredlibexpat
headers if--with-system-expat
is passed to configure.
gh-98689: Update Windows builds to zlib v1.2.13. v1.2.12 has CVE 2022-37434, but the vulnerable
API is not used by Assumes that a missing
directory means that standard extension modules are in the executable’s Update
launcher to install 3.11 by default and 3.12 on Fix the Inicializador Python para Windows ignoring unrecognized shebang lines instead of treating them as local paths
gh-94328: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.39.4.
gh-94328: Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.39.4.
gh-98724: The
macros now only evaluate their argument once. If the argument has side effects, these side effects are no longer duplicated. Patch by Victor Fix use-after-free in
function calls. Issue reported by Benedikt Reinartz. Patch by Victor Add
to the stable Some configurable capabilities of sub-interpreters have changed. They always allow subprocesses (
) now, whereas before subprocesses could be optionally disallowed for a sub-interpreter. Insteados.exec()
can now be disallowed. Disallowing daemon threads is now supported. Disallowing all threads is still allowed, but is never done by default. Note that the optional restrictions are only available through_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()
, which isn’t a public API. They do not affect the main interpreter, norPy_NewInterpreter()
.gh-98608: A
has been added and_Py_NewInterpreter()
has been renamed to_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()
. The “isolated_subinterpreters” argument is now a granular config that captures the previous behavior. Note that this is all “private”
now correctly callsPyConfig_Clear
after initializing the interpreter (the omission didn’t cause a memory leak only because none of the dynamically allocated config fields are populated by the wrapper function)gh-91248: Add
functions to get a frame variable by its name. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-10-25
gh-97616: Fix multiplying a list by an integer (
list *= int
): detect the integer overflow when the new allocated length is close to the maximum size. Issue reported by Jordan Limor. Patch by Victor On Linux the
module returns to using filesystem backed unix domain sockets for communication with the forkserver process instead of the Linux abstract socket namespace. Only code that chooses to use the “forkserver” start method is affected.Abstract sockets have no permissions and could allow any user on the system in the same network namespace (often the whole system) to inject code into the multiprocessing forkserver process. This was a potential privilege escalation. Filesystem based socket permissions restrict this to the forkserver process user as was the default in Python 3.8 and earlier.
This prevents Linux CVE 2022-42919.
: Fix an open redirection vulnerability in the HTTP server when an URI path starts with//
. Vulnerability discovered, and initial fix proposed, by Hamza LWPCookieJar and MozillaCookieJar create files with file mode 600 instead of 644 (Microsoft Windows is not affected)
gh-92888: Fix
use after free when accessing the backing buffer in certain The deprecated mailcap module now refuses to inject unsafe text (filenames, MIME types, parameters) into shell commands. Instead of using such text, it will warn and act as if a match was not found (or for test commands, as if the test failed).
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-98374: Suppress ImportError for invalid query for help() command. Patch by Donghee Na.
gh-98461: Fix source location in bytecode for list, set and dict comprehensions as well as generator expressions.
gh-98354: Added unicode check for
attribute ofspec
argument passed in_imp.create_builtin() Fix source location of ‘assert’ bytecodes.
gh-98390: Fix location of sub-expressions of boolean expressions, by reducing their scope to that of the sub-expression.
gh-98254: Modules from the standard library are now potentially suggested as part of the error messages displayed by the interpreter when an
is raised to the top level. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-97997: Add running column offset to the tokenizer state to avoid calculating AST column information with pointer arithmetic.
gh-97973: Modify the tokenizer to return all necessary information the parser needs to set location information in the AST nodes, so that the parser does not have to calculate those doing pointer arithmetic.
now release the GIL while calling sched_yield(2). Patch by Donghee The compiler now avoids quadratic behavior when finding which instructions should use the
LOAD_FAST_CHECK Fix an issue where several frame objects could be backed by the same interpreter frame, possibly leading to corrupted memory and hard crashes of the interpreter.
gh-97943: Bugfix:
should return a borrowed reference. It was returning a new The Garbage Collector now runs only on the eval breaker mechanism of the Python bytecode evaluation loop instead on object allocations. The GC can also run when
is called so C extensions that need to run for a long time without executing any Python code also have a chance to execute the GC When
is different than__spec__.parent
, raise aDeprecationWarning
instead ofImportWarning
.Also remove
which was scheduled for Long deprecated,
should now be completely In cases where
consults the module’s loader, anDeprecationWarning
is issued whenm.__loader__
differs fromm.__spec__.loader
.gh-97779: Ensure that all Python frame objects are backed by “complete” frames.
gh-91052: Add API for subscribing to modification events on selected dictionaries.
gh-97752: Fix possible data corruption or crashes when accessing the
member of newly-created generator or coroutine Fixed a missing incref/decref pair in
. Patch by Ofey Remove the
function and theTools/scripts/
script. DXP stands for “dynamic execution pairs”. They were related toDYNAMIC_EXECUTION_PROFILE
macros which have been removed in Python 3.11. Python can now be built with./configure --enable-pystats
to gather statistics on Python opcodes. Patch by Victor Fix the Python path configuration used to initialized
at Python startup. Paths are no longer encoded to UTF-8/strict to avoid encoding errors if it contains surrogate characters (bytes paths are decoded with the surrogateescape error handler). Patch by Victor The parser now raises
when parsing source code containing null bytes. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-96975: Fix a crash occurring when
is called while the topmost Python frame is in a partially-initialized Fix command line parsing: reject
-X int_max_str_digits
option with no value (invalid) when thePYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS
environment variable is set to a valid limit. Patch by Victor Fix overly-broad source position information for chained comparisons used as branching conditions.
gh-96821: Fix undefined behaviour in
.gh-96821: Fix undefined behaviour in
.gh-95778: When
is raised if an integer is larger than the limit, mention thesys.set_int_max_str_digits()
function in the error message. Patch by Victor At Python exit, sometimes a thread holding the GIL can wait forever for a thread (usually a daemon thread) which requested to drop the GIL, whereas the thread already exited. To fix the race condition, the thread which requested the GIL drop now resets its request before exiting. Issue discovered and analyzed by Mingliang ZHAO. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-96864: Fix a possible assertion failure, fatal error, or
if a line tracing event raises an exception while opcode tracing is The
function was refactored to make it more maintainable and Fix undefined behaviour in C code of null pointer arithmetic.
gh-96754: Make sure that all frame objects created are created from valid interpreter frames. Prevents the possibility of invalid frames in backtraces and signal handlers.
gh-90997: Improve the performance of reading and writing inline bytecode caches on some platforms.
gh-96751: Remove dead code from
now supports half-floats. Patch by Donghee Na and Antoine Fix case of undefined behavior in ceval.c
gh-64373: Convert
to argument Do not expose
.gh-96636: Ensure that tracing,
, is turned on immediately. In pre-release versions of 3.11, some tracing events might have been lost when turning on tracing in a__del__
method or Fix use after free in trace refs build mode. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
gh-96611: When loading a file with invalid UTF-8 inside a multi-line string, a correct SyntaxError is emitted.
gh-96612: Make sure that incomplete frames do not show up in tracemalloc traces.
gh-90230: Fix compiler warnings and test failures when building with
.gh-96587: Correctly raise
on exception groups (PEP 654) on python versions prior to 3.11gh-96569: Remove two cases of undefined behavior, by adding NULL checks.
gh-96582: Fix possible
pointer dereference in_PyThread_CurrentFrames
. Patch by Kumar Separate Python recursion checking from C recursion checking which reduces the chance of C stack overflow and allows the recursion limit to be increased safely.
gh-93911: Fix an issue that could prevent
from specializing properly when accessing Emit a DeprecationWarning when
are called with more than one Disable incorrect pickling of the C implemented classmethod descriptors.
gh-96364: Fix text signatures of
.gh-96352: Fix
attributes inobject.__getattribute__()
. Patch by Philip Change the jump opcodes so that all conditional jumps are forward jumps. Backward jumps are converted by the assembler into a conditional forward jump whose target is the fallthrough block (and with a reversed condition), followed by an unconditional backward jump. For example:
.All the directed conditional jump opcodes were removed:
.The corresponding opcodes without direction are no longer pseudo-instructions, and they implement the forward conditional jumps.
gh-96268: Loading a file with invalid UTF-8 will now report the broken character at the correct location.
gh-96237: The internal field
is renamed to_PyInterpreterFrame.f_funcobj
and may be any object. Thef_globals
fields may hold junk values.It is safest to treat the
struct as Fixed a bug that caused
to return garbage for negative indexes. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-96143: Add a new
-X perf
Python command line option as well assys.activate_stack_trampoline()
function in thesys
module that allows to set/unset the interpreter in a way that the Linuxperf
profiler can detect Python calls. The newsys.is_stack_trampoline_active()
function allows to query the state of the perf trampoline. Design by Pablo Galindo. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Christian Heimes with contributions from Gregory P. Smith [Google] and Mark Fix a deadlock in
when allocating new thread state. Patch by Kumar
now initializesht_cached_keys
and performs additional checks to ensure that type objects are properly configured. This avoids crashes in 3rd party packages that don’t use regular API to create new On WASI
is now mapped toPermissionError
. Theerrno
modules exposes the new error
now ignoresPermissionError
when it cannot open landmark filespybuilddir.txt
.gh-93678: Added test a harness for direct unit tests of the compiler’s optimization stage. The
function runs the optimiser on a sequence of instructions. TheCfgOptimizationTestCase
has utilities for invoking the optimizer and checking the Reduces the size of a “simple” Python object from 8 to 6 words by moving the weakreflist pointer into the pre-header directly before the object’s dict/values pointer.
gh-90997: Compile virtual
blocks to handle exceptions raised duringclose()
calls through a suspended Optimized calling
with vectorcall. Patch by Kumar Improve error message when a parameter without a default value follows one with a default value, and show the same message, even when the non-default/default sequence is preceded by positional-only parameters.
gh-95922: Fixed bug where the compiler’s
function ignores the last block of the code Skip over incomplete frames in
.gh-95876: Fix format string in
that can lead to memory corruption on some 64bit systems. The function was building a tuple withi
(int) instead ofn
(Py_ssize_t) for Py_ssize_t Fix misleading contents of error message when converting an all-whitespace string to
.gh-95150: Update code object hashing and equality to consider all debugging and exception handling tables. This fixes an issue where certain non-identical code objects could be “deduplicated” during compilation.
gh-91146: Reduce allocation size of
. Patch by Donghee Na and Inada Create a ‘jump target label’ abstraction in the compiler so that the compiler’s codegen stage does not work directly with basic blocks. This prepares the code for changes to the underlying CFG generation mechanism.
now properly detects token memory allocation errors. Patch by Honglin Run Python code in tracer/profiler function at full speed. Fixes slowdown in earlier versions of 3.11.
gh-95324: Emit a warning in debug mode if an object does not call
before deallocation. Patch by Pablo Merge managed dict and values pointer into a single tagged pointer to save one word in the pre-header.
gh-93678: Add cfg_builder struct and refactor the relevant code so that a cfg can be constructed without an instance of the compiler struct.
gh-95185: Prevented crashes in the AST constructor when compiling some absurdly long expressions like
is now raised instead. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-93351:
node positions are now validated when provided tocompile()
and other related functions. If invalid positions are detected, aValueError
will be Fix an issue that caused extended opcode arguments and some conditional pops to be ignored when calculating valid jump targets for assignments to the
attribute of frame objects. In some cases, this could cause inconsistent internal state, resulting in a hard crash of the Undocumented
function now properly returns whenaddrq
argument is less than Replace all
instructions with basicEXTENDED_ARG
instructions in unquickened code. Consumers of non-adaptive bytecode should be able to handle extended arguments the same way they were handled in CPython 3.10 and Fix incorrect source location info caused by certain optimizations in the bytecode compiler.
gh-95023: Implement
for Linux. Patch by Noam Fix incorrect source location info for some multi-line attribute accesses and method calls.
gh-94938: Fix error detection in some builtin functions when keyword argument name is an instance of a str subclass with overloaded
. Previously it could cause SystemError or other undesired
will no longer parse function definitions with positional-only params when passedfeature_version
less than(3, 8)
. Patch by Shantanu Allow jumping within, out of, and across exception handlers in the debugger.
will no longer parse parenthesized context managers when passedfeature_version
less than(3, 9)
. Patch by Shantanu
will no longer parse assignment expressions when passedfeature_version
less than(3, 8)
. Patch by Shantanu Ensures the program name is known for help text during interpreter startup.
gh-94869: Fix the column offsets for some expressions in multi-line f-strings
nodes. Patch by Pablo Fix an issue where frame object manipulations could corrupt inline bytecode caches.
gh-94822: Fix an issue where lookups of metaclass descriptors may be ignored when an identically-named attribute also exists on the class itself.
gh-91153: Fix an issue where a
item assignment could crash if it’s resized by the new value’s__index__() Fix reference counting bug in
. Patch by Kumar Fix an issue that could cause code with multi-line method lookups to have misleading or incorrect column offset information. In some cases (when compiling a hand-built AST) this could have resulted in a hard crash of the interpreter.
gh-93252: Fix an issue that caused internal frames to outlive failed Python function calls, possibly resulting in memory leaks or hard interpreter crashes.
gh-94215: Fix an issue where exceptions raised by line-tracing events would cause frames to be left in an invalid state, possibly resulting in a hard crash of the interpreter.
gh-92228: Disable the compiler’s inline-small-exit-blocks optimization for exit blocks that are associated with source code lines. This fixes a bug where the debugger cannot tell where an exception handler ends and the following code block begins.
gh-94485: Line number of a module’s
instruction is set to 0 as specified in PEP Account for instructions that can push NULL to the stack when setting line number in a frame. Prevents some (unlikely) crashes.
gh-91719: Reload
when raisingunknown opcode error
in the interpreter main loop, for C compilers to generate dispatching code Compile and run code with unpacking of extremely large sequences (1000s of elements). Such code failed to compile. It now compiles and runs correctly.
gh-94360: Fixed a tokenizer crash when reading encoded files with syntax errors from
with non utf-8 encoded text. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-88116: Fix an issue when reading line numbers from code objects if the encoded line numbers are close to
. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-94262: Don’t create frame objects for incomplete frames. Prevents the creation of generators and closures from being observable to Python and C extensions, restoring the behavior of 3.10 and earlier.
gh-94192: Fix error for dictionary literals with invalid expression as value.
instances are now hashable if the underlying mapping is Revise the display strategy of traceback enhanced error locations. The indicators are only shown when the location doesn’t span the whole line.
gh-94163: Add
instructions for more efficient handling and better specialization of slicing operations, where the slice is explicit in the source Fix unreachable code warning in
.gh-93911: Specialize
for objects with custom__getattribute__
.gh-93955: Improve performance of attribute lookups on objects with custom
. Patch by Ken Specialize
forproperty() Refactor compiler optimisation code so that it no longer needs the
struct assembler
andstruct compiler
passed around. Instead, each function takes the CFG and other data that it actually needs. This will make it possible to test this code When built with
functions have been added to enable gathering stats for parts of Store offset of first traceable instruction in code object to avoid having to recompute it for each instruction when tracing.
gh-93516: Lazily create a table mapping bytecode offsets to line numbers to speed up calculation of line numbers when tracing.
no longer relays the__class__
attribute. For example,isinstance(list[int], type)
no longer returnsTrue
.gh-93678: Refactor the compiler to reduce boilerplate and repetition.
gh-93671: Fix some exponential backtrace case happening with deeply nested sequence patterns in match statements. Patch by Pablo Galindo
gh-93662: Make sure that the end column offsets are correct in multi-line method calls. Previously, the end column could precede the column offset.
now drops entries fromsys.path_importer_cache
with a relative path as name. This solves a caching issue when a process changes its current working directory.FileFinder
no longer inserts a dot in the path, e.g./egg/./spam
is now/egg/spam
.gh-93621: Change order of bytecode instructions emitted for
andasync with
to reduce the number of entries in the exception Reduce the size of the inline cache for
by 2 Removed redundant fields from the compiler’s basicblock struct:
. They can be easily calculated from the opcode of the last instruction of the
instruction has been removed. It was merged back intoLOAD_ATTR
.gh-93418: Fixed an assert where an f-string has an equal sign ‘=’ following an expression, but there’s no trailing brace. For example, f”{i=”.
gh-93382: Cache the result of
function to restore the O(1) lookup of theco_code Ensure that custom
nodes without explicit end positions can be compiled. Patch by Pablo Code for exception handlers is emitted at the end of the code unit’s bytecode. This avoids one jump when no exception is raised.
gh-93354: Use exponential backoff for specialization counters in the interpreter. Can reduce the number of failed specializations significantly and avoid slowdown for those parts of a program that are not suitable for specialization.
gh-93283: Improve error message for invalid syntax of conversion character in f-string expressions.
gh-93345: Fix a crash in substitution of a
in nested generic alias afterTypeVarTuple
.gh-93223: When a bytecode instruction jumps to an unconditional jump instruction, the first instruction can often be optimized to target the unconditional jump’s target directly. For tracing reasons, this would previously only occur if both instructions have the same line number. This also now occurs if the unconditional jump is artificial, i.e., if it has no associated line number.
gh-84694: The
macro have been Fix
debug feature if the stdout encoding is not UTF-8. Patch by Victor Wraps unused parameters in
.gh-93143: Avoid
checks for uninitialized local variables by determining at compile time which variables must be Backward jumps after
async for
loops are no longer given dubious line Fix contextvars HAMT implementation to handle iteration over deep trees.
The bug was discovered and fixed by Eli Libman. See MagicStack/immutables#84 for more details.
gh-93012: Added the new function
, which generalizes the existingPyType_FromModuleAndSpec()
using an additional metaclass argument. This is useful for language binding tools, where it can be used to intercept type-related operations like subclassing or static attribute access by specifying a metaclass with custom slots.Importantly,
is available in the Limited API, which provides a path towards migrating more binding tools onto the Stable Fix the
methods implemented in C. Patch by Jelle The operand of the
instruction is set to the stack depth. This is done to help frame handling onyield
and may assist Fix memory leak in code object’s lines and positions iterators as they were not finalized at exit. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
gh-92930: Fixed a crash in
from mutating collections during__reduce__
.gh-90690: The PRECALL instruction has been removed. It offered only a small advantage for specialization and is not needed in the vast majority of cases.
gh-92914: Always round the allocated size for lists up to the nearest even number.
gh-92858: Improve error message for some suites with syntax error before ‘:’
gh-90473: Decrease default recursion limit on WASI to address limited call stack size.
gh-92804: Fix memory leak in
iterator as it was not finalized at exit. Patch by Kumar Specialize
for objects with lazy dictionaries. Patch by Ken Add support for connecting and binding to Hyper-V sockets on Windows Hyper-V hosts and guests.
gh-92236: Remove spurious “LINE” event when starting a generator or coroutine, visible tracing functions implemented in C.
is ported to Argument Make the compiler duplicate an exit block only if none of its instructions have a lineno (previously only the first instruction in the block was checked, leading to unnecessarily duplicated blocks).
gh-88750: The deprecated debug build only
environment variable no longer does Fix hang when trying to iterate over a
.gh-91432: Specialized the
opcode using the PEP 659 machinerygh-91399: Removed duplicate ‘{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}’ entry in ‘Objects/unicodetype_db.h’.
gh-91578: Updates the error message for abstract class.
bpo-47091: Improve performance of repetition of
by usingmemcpy
to copy data and performing the reference increments in one step.bpo-46142: Make
output shorter by moving some info to the new--help-env
command-line options. Also add--help-all
option to print complete usage.bpo-42316: Document some places where an assignment expression needs parentheses.
gh-89237: Fix hang on Windows in
. Patch by Kumar
raises now an exception for options starting with “-” instead of silently ignoring The
module no longer accepts bytes-like paths, likebytearray
types: only the exactbytes
type is accepted for bytes strings. Patch by Victor Added itertools.batched() to batch data into lists of a given length with the last list possibly being shorter than the others.
gh-98331: Update the bundled copies of pip and setuptools to versions 22.3 and 65.5.0 respectively.
gh-98307: A
method was added toSysLogHandler
.gh-96035: Fix bug in
that causes certain port numbers containing whitespace, underscores, plus and minus signs, or non-ASCII digits to be incorrectly Make
functions reentrant. They can no long fail with:RuntimeError("Cannot install a trace function while another trace function is being installed")
. Patch by Victor Allow
to pass alongPYTHON*
variables toensurepip
when they do not impact path resolutiongh-94597: Deprecated
methods to be removed in Python 3.14. Patch by Kumar On macOS, fix a crash in
in multi-threaded applications. On macOS, the libcsyslog()
function is not thread-safe, sosyslog.syslog()
no longer releases the GIL to call it. Patch by Victor Release the GIL when creating
objects on Wrap network errors consistently in urllib FTP support, so the test suite doesn’t fail when a network is available but the public internet is not reachable.
gh-94597: The child watcher classes
are deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14. Patch by Kumar Change default child watcher to
on Linux systems which supports it. Patch by Kumar Earlier in 3.11 we deprecated
. We realized we were too harsh, and have undeprecated Do not rely solely on
on modules; code will also support__spec__.cached
.gh-97646: Replace deprecated
. See RFC 9239. Patch by Noam Apply changes from importlib_resources 5.8 and 5.9:
provides a concrete implementation.as_file
now supports directories of Remove deprecated
.gh-97837: Change deprecate warning message in
fromIt is deprecated to return a value!=None
It is deprecated to return a value that is not None from a test case
gh-97825: Fixes
is used with argumentinput=None
and either of the arguments encoding or errors are
spelling suggestions provided since gh-82711 are now also emitted by the pure Pythontraceback
module. Tests for those suggestions now exercise both implementations to ensure they are equivalent. Patch by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick and Łukasz
now usesinspect.get_annotations()
to examine the annotations on class Removed deprecated interfaces in
(entry points accessed as dictionary, implicit dictionary construction of sequence ofEntryPoint
objects, mutablility ofEntryPoints
result, access of entry point by index).entry_points
now has a simpler, more straightforward API (returningEntryPoints
).gh-96827: Avoid spurious tracebacks from
when default executor cleanup is delayed until after the event loop is closed (e.g. as the result of a keyboard interrupt).gh-95534:
reads 10% Avoid a crash in the C version of
when an evil argument is Make Semaphore run faster.
gh-73588: Fix generation of the default name of
. Previously, checkbuttons in different parent widgets could have the same short name and share the same state if arguments “name” and “variable” are not specified. Now they are globally fix Flag to use boundary CONFORM
This restores previous Flag behavior of allowing flags with non-sequential values to be combined; e.g.
class Skip(Flag): TWO = 2 EIGHT = 8
Skip.TWO | Skip.EIGHT -> <Skip.TWO|EIGHT: 10>
gh-97005: Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.9
gh-85760: Fix race condition in
called before thepipe_data_received()
leading to inconsistent output. Patch by Kumar Pass the correct
when aasyncio
exception handler is called on behalf of a task or callback handle. This adds a newTask
, and also a newHandle
method with the same name. If this method is not found on a task object (perhaps because it is a third-party library that does not yet provide this method), the context prevailing at the time the exception handler is called is Fixed check in
that guarantees that the length of a write to a pipe is not greater thanPIPE_BUF
.gh-95865: Reduce
memory use on large values.Contributed by Dennis Sweeney.
gh-96741: Corrected type annotation for dataclass attribute
to bestr
.gh-96734: Update
database to Unicode Fix undefined behaviour in
.gh-46412: Improve performance of
for large ndb/gdb databases. Previously this would calllen(db)
which would iterate over all keys – the answer (empty or not) is known after the first Fix the faulthandler implementation of
faulthandler.register(signal, chain=True)
if thesigaction()
function is not available: don’t call the previous signal handler if it’s NULL. Patch by Victor Correct conversion of
’s tofloat
.gh-96538: Speed up
functions by taking advantage of Fraction hashes are now cached.
gh-96079: In
, fix missing fieldname
and incorrect__module__
in Remove
from module Fix
ofAny Work around missing socket functions in
.gh-96385: Fix
was not raised when using more than oneTypeVarTuple
, like[*T, *V]
in type alias Add
, andweakref_slot
.gh-96073: In
, fix overeager replacement of “typing.
” in formatting Added a
method tologging.Logger
, to get the immediate child loggers of a Use double caching for compiled RE patterns.
gh-96349: Fixed a minor performance regression in
gh-90467: Fix
to keep a strong reference to the created task, so that it’s not garbage collectedgh-96172: Fix a bug in
used to return the wrong value for unassigned characters; and for yet unassigned, but reserved Fix a performance regression in logging TimedRotatingFileHandler. Only check for special files when the rollover time has passed.
gh-96175: Fix unused
parameter in theAttr
class inxml.dom.minidom
.gh-96145: Add AttrDict to JSON module for use with object_hook.
gh-96052: Fix handling compiler warnings (SyntaxWarning and DeprecationWarning) in
when checking for incomplete input. Previously it emitted warnings and raised a SyntaxError. Now it always returnsNone
for incomplete input without emitting any Fix incorrect condition that causes
to be wrong on pthread Fix a bug in the
script leading to about 13 KiB of space saving in theunicodedata
module, specifically the character decomposition Remove an incompatible change from bpo-28080 that caused a regression that ignored the utf8 in
. Patch by Pablo Add
strftime format code (generates tzoffset with colons as separator), see Comportamento de strftime() e strptime().gh-95899: Fix
to callasyncio.set_event_loop()
only once to avoid callingattach_loop()
multiple times on child watchers. Patch by Kumar Fix
to set event loop before calling setup functions. Patch by Kumar Speed up
by replacing a list comprehension withmap()
.gh-95861: Add support for computing Spearman’s correlation coefficient to the existing statistics.correlation() function.
gh-95804: Fix
shutdown handler so it respectsMemoryHandler.flushOnClose
.gh-95704: When a task catches
and raises some other error, the other error should generally not silently be The
enum offers a couple of properties to indicate the HTTP status category e.g.HTTPStatus.OK.is_success
.gh-95609: Update bundled pip to 22.2.2.
gh-95289: Fix
to propagate exception whenasyncio.CancelledError
was replaced with another exception by a context manager. Patch by Kumar Aditya and Guido van Fix incorrect joining of relative Windows paths with drives in
pathlib.PurePath Faster
when sorting of keys is not requested (default).gh-83901: Improve
error message for missing keyword-only Update bundled pip to 22.2.1.
gh-95045: Fix GC crash when deallocating
by untracking it before calling any callbacks. Patch by Kumar Fail gracefully if
is raised when loadingcrypt
methods. This may happen when trying to loadMD5
on a Linux kernel with FIPS Fix
implementations withoutuncancel()
method. Patch by Kumar Fix IndexError in parsing invalid date in the
email Upgrade bundled setuptools to 63.2.0.
gh-95194: Upgrade bundled pip to 22.2.
gh-93899: Fix check for existence of
flags on older kernel versions where these flags are not present. Patch by Kumar Fix
to cancel the currently waiting on future on an error - e.g. TimeoutError or Fix a
regression where*args
were incorrectly relayed fromconnect()
to theConnection
factory. The regression was introduced in 3.11a1 with PR 24421 (gh-85128). Patch by Erlend E. Fix
module didn’t supporterrors
option wheninplace
is Fixed flickering of the turtle window when the tracer is turned off. Patch by Shin-myoung-serp.
gh-95077: Add deprecation warning for enum
access (e.g.Color.RED.BLUE
). RemoveEnumMeta.__getattr__
.gh-95109: Ensure that timeouts scheduled with
that have already expired are delivered
should returnIterator[bytes]
, notIterable[bytes]
. Patch by Shantanu Replaced assert with exception in
, whenfeature_version
has an invalid major version. Patch by Shantanu Add
command-line interface. Patch by Erlend Replace _PyAccu with _PyUnicodeWriter in JSON encoder and StringIO and remove the _PyAccu implementation.
gh-90085: Remove
CLI options oftimeit
. The options had been deprecated since Python 3.3 and the functionality was removed in Python 3.7. Patch by Shantanu Fix refleak in
. Patch by Kumar Fix binding of unix socket to empty address on Linux to use an available address from the abstract namespace, instead of “0”.
gh-94736: Fix crash when deallocating an instance of a subclass of
. Patch by Kumar Add random.binomialvariate().
gh-74116: Allow
to be awaited concurrently by multiple tasks. Patch by Kumar When called with
, thetraceback
module functions swallow exceptions raised from calls torepr()
on local variables of frames. This is in order to prioritize the original exception over rendering errors. An indication of the failure is printed in place of the missing value. (Patch by Simon-Martin Schroeder).gh-88050: Fix
subprocess transport to kill process cleanly when process is blocked and avoidRuntimeError
when loop is closed. Patch by Kumar
now releases the GIL aroundSSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths
call. The function call performs I/O and CPU intensive Deprecate aliases
gh-92546: An undocumented
python -m pprint
benchmark is moved intopprint
suite of pyperformance. Patch by Oleg Fix subclassing complex generics with type variables in
. Previously an error message sayingSome type variables ... are not listed in Generic[...]
was shown.typing
no longer populates__parameters__
with the__parameters__
of a Python Remove the long-deprecated
.gh-93910: The ability to access the other values of an enum on an enum (e.g.
) has been restored in order to fix a performance Fix
to always the set event loop as it was done in Python 3.10 and earlier. Patch by Kumar Allow setting the attributes of
during object initializationgh-94382: Port static types of
module to heap types. Patch by Kumar Fix crash in
when it was not completely initialized by initializing it in__new__()
. Patch by Kumar Re-entrant calls to
now raiseRuntimeError
. Patch by Pablo Fix bug where
fails on bad files withUnicodeDecodeError
. It now returns an empty string as per the Once a
has started shutting down (i.e., at least one task has failed and the task group has started cancelling the remaining tasks), it should not be possible to add new tasks to the task
: Remove theElementTree.Element.copy()
method of the pure Python implementation, deprecated in Python 3.10, use thecopy.copy()
function instead. The C implementation ofxml.etree
has nocopy()
method, only a__copy__()
method. Patch by Victor
: Removefind_loader()
methods, deprecated in Python 3.10: use thefind_spec()
method instead. See PEP 451 for the rationale. Patch by Victor
: PassingNone
for s argument now raises an exception, rather than readingsys.stdin
. The feature was deprecated in Python 3.9. Patch by Victor Fix memory leak in
when looking updispatch_table
. Patch by Kumar Deprecate
default adapters and converters. Patch by Erlend E. Fixed types of
module to be immutable. Patch by Kumar Now raise
or an empty string are passed toDistribution.from_name
(and other callers).gh-74696:
now passes the root_dir argument to custom archivers which support The
module now has the opcodes for pseudo instructions (those which are used by the compiler during code generation but then removed or replaced by real opcodes before the final bytecode is emitted).gh-93096: Removed undocumented
python -m codecs
. Usepython -m unittest test.test_codecs.EncodedFileTest Made
GC-tracked in order to fix a reference leak in the_struct Removed undocumented
argument ofpython -m base64
. Usepython -m unittest test.test_base64.LegacyBase64TestCase.test_encodebytes Remove the
function, deprecated in Python 3.7: uselocale.format_string()
instead. Patch by Victor Remove the
function. Thessl.match_hostname()
was deprecated in Python 3.7. OpenSSL performs hostname matching since Python 3.7, Python no longer uses thessl.match_hostname()
function. Patch by Victor Document the
object used in thevenv.EnvBuilder
class, and add the new environment’s library path to Remove the
function, deprecated in Python 3.7: instead, create assl.SSLContext
object and call itsssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket
method. Any package that still usesssl.wrap_socket()
is broken and insecure. The function neither sends a SNI TLS extension nor validates server hostname. Code is subject to CWE 295 Improper Certificate Validation. Patch by Victor Remove the
function, deprecated in Python 3.6: useos.urandom()
instead. Patch by Victor
: Remove the pure Python implementation ofhashlib.pbkdf2_hmac()
, deprecated in Python 3.10. Python 3.10 and newer requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 (PEP 644): this OpenSSL version provides a C implementation ofpbkdf2_hmac()
which is faster. Patch by Victor
: Remove thefilename
attribute ofgzip.GzipFile
, deprecated since Python 2.6, use thename
attribute instead. In write mode, thefilename
attribute added'.gz'
file extension if it was not present. Patch by Victor run the
on the running loop, this allows event loops to run subprocesses when there is no default event loop running on the main threadgh-94169: Remove
, deprecated in Python 3.10: just useopen()
instead. Theopen()
) function is a built-in function. Since Python 3.10,
is also a static method. Patch by Victor Fix
crash after jump caused by a null pointer dereference. Patch by Kumar Manual instantiation of
objects is no longer allowed as it lead to misconfigured instances that crashed the interpreter when attributes where accessed on
, andinspect.isasyncgenfunction()
now properly returnTrue
for duck-typed function-like objects like instances ofunittest.mock.AsyncMock
.This makes
consistent with the behavior ofasyncio.iscoroutinefunction()
. Patch by Mehdi Fix a regression in the
where statement objects were not properly cleared and reset after use in cursor iters. The regression was introduced by PR 27884 in Python 3.11a1. Patch by Erlend E. Add keyword argument
so that multiple connection errors can be raised as anExceptionGroup
.gh-93963: Officially deprecate from
classes moved
.gh-93858: Prevent error when activating venv in nested fish instances.
gh-93847: Fix repr of enum of generic aliases.
gh-91404: Revert the
memory leak when a match is terminated by a signal or memory allocation failure as the implemented fix caused a major performance Fix double closing of file description in
.gh-93820: Fixed a regression when
with multiple flag Fixed names and
value ofweakref
. It makes them Fix an issue where
utilities could report missing or incorrect position information in the presence ofCACHE Set
to have aNone
mandatoryRelease to indicate that it is currently ‘TBD’.gh-90473: Emscripten and WASI have no home directory and cannot provide PEP 370 user site directory.
now always raise a TypeError if__reduce__()
returns a tuple with length 6 instead of silently ignore the 6th item or produce incorrect Fix a multiprocessing bug where a global named resource (such as a semaphore) could leak when a child process is spawned (as opposed to forked).
gh-93521: Fixed a case where dataclasses would try to add
into the__slots__
for a dataclass that specifiedweakref_slot=True
when it was already defined in one of its bases. This resulted in aTypeError
upon the new class being
now correctly detects DML queries with leading comments. Patch by Erlend E. Update
when a DML statement has run to completion. This fixes the row count for SQL queries likeUPDATE ... RETURNING
. Patch by Erlend E. Expose
constants infcntl
. Patch by Illia Deprecate
.gh-91810: Suppress writing an XML declaration in open files in
.gh-91162: Support splitting of unpacked arbitrary-length tuple over
parameters. For example:A[T, *Ts][*tuple[int, ...]]
->A[int, *tuple[int, ...]]
A[*Ts, T][*tuple[int, ...]]
->A[*tuple[int, ...], int]
gh-93353: Fix the
context manager to remove the temporary file if destroyed late during Python finalization: keep a local reference to theos.remove()
function. Patch by Victor Make
raise an exception ifmaxtasksperchild
is notNone
or a positive Add
flag to open a file descriptor for a process withos.pidfd_open()
in non-blocking mode. Patch by Kumar Implement
that returnsTrue
to replace the deprecated behaviour that would sometimes raise aTypeError
.gh-93297: Make asyncio task groups prevent child tasks from being GCed
gh-85308: Changed
to use filesystem encoding and error handler instead of default text encoding to read arguments from file (e.g.fromfile_prefix_chars
option). This change affects Windows; argument file should be encoded with UTF-8 instead of ANSI Accessing the
sequence of an absolute path using negative index values produced incorrect Add the ability for
to usefully configureQueueHandler
as a pair, and addlogging.getHandlerByName()
APIs to allow access to handlers by The
module was removed per the schedule in PEP Replace
statements withraise AssertionError()
so that the tested behaviour is maintained running with optimizations(-O)
.gh-90155: Fix broken
when acquire is The
function is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13. Uselocale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
instead. Patch by Victor Added
attribute tologging
module for use withasyncio
no longer temporarily changes the current working directory during creation of
or tar The
function and the correspondingre.TEMPLATE
flags are restored after they were removed in 3.11.0b1, but they are now deprecated, so they might be removed from Python Search in some strings (platform dependent i.e [U+0xFFFF, U+0x0100] on Windows or [U+0xFFFFFFFF, U+0x00010000] on Linux 64-bit) are now up to 10 times faster.
gh-89973: Fix
raised infnmatch
if the pattern contains a character range with upper bound lower than lower bound (e.g.[c-a]
). Now such ranges are interpreted as empty No longer convert the database argument of
to bytes before passing it to the In a very special case, the email package tried to append the nonexistent
to the defect list. It should have beenInvalidHeaderDefect
.gh-92986: Fix
gh-92932: Now
handle operand values for instructions prefixed byEXTENDED_ARG_QUICK
. Patch by Sam Gross and Donghee Fix
to acceptpathlib.Path
arguments in addition tostr
paths. Patch by David Removed the
argument fromos.popen()
that was added in Fix function
and thesqlite.Connection
constructor on non-UTF-8 locales. Also, they now support bytes paths non-decodable with the current FS Added
, which has the same size as thetime_t
type in Fixed crash resulting from calling bisect.insort() or bisect.insort_left() with the key argument not equal to
now fails early on Emscripten and WASI platforms to work around missingos.pipe()
on Removed many old deprecated
method aliases, undocumented and brokenTestCase
, undocumentedTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule
parameter use_load_tests, and an underscored alias of theTextTestResult Allow multi-element reprs emitted by
to be pretty-printed using configurable Fixed
for empty tuples in the assignment target
no longer attempts to resolvefold
in the pure Python implementation, since the fold is never 1 in UTC. In addition to being slightly faster in the common case, this also prevents some errors when the timestamp is close todatetime.min
. Patch by Paul Removed randrange() functionality deprecated since Python 3.10. Formerly, randrange(10.0) losslessly converted to randrange(10). Now, it raises a TypeError. Also, the exception raised for non-integral values such as randrange(10.5) or randrange(‘10’) has been changed from ValueError to TypeError.
gh-90385: Add
as an alternative toos.walk()
.gh-92550: Fix
for empty Allow
filters to return alogging.LogRecord
instance so that filters attached tologging.Handler
s can enrich records without side effects on other Fix a bug in
would raise an error instead of returning an empty list when 0 arguments were supplied if choice was also defined inparser.add_argument
.gh-92547: Remove undocumented
features deprecated in Python 3.10:sqlite3.enable_shared_cache()
Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-92530: Fix an issue that occurred after interrupting
.gh-92531: The statistics.median_grouped() function now always return a float. Formerly, it did not convert the input type when for sequences of length one.
gh-84131: The
deprecated methodlink_to
has been removed. Use 3.10’shardlink_to()
method instead as its semantics are consistent with that ofsymlink_to()
.gh-89336: Removed
module APIs: theSafeConfigParser
class alias, theParsingError.filename
property and parameter, and theConfigParser.readfp
method, all of which were deprecated since Python Add
, allowing them to be parameterized at runtime. Patch by Marc Add
constants tosocket
and functiontostring()
now use the text file’s encoding (“UTF-8” if not available) instead of locale encoding in XML declaration whenencoding="unicode"
now understands DOS device paths with UNC links (beginning\\?\UNC\
). Contributed by Barney Apply more strict rules for numerical group references and group names in regular expressions. Only sequence of ASCII digits is now accepted as a numerical reference. The group name in bytes patterns and replacement strings can now only contain ASCII letters and digits and underscore.
gh-90622: Worker processes for
are no longer spawned on demand (a feature added in 3.9) when the multiprocessing context start method is"fork"
as that can lead to deadlocks in the child processes due to a fork happening while threads are Move imports in
methods to module level so that they can be executed late in python Remove an unhandled error case in the C implementation of calls to
with no time zone (i.e. getting a local time from an epoch timestamp). This should have no user-facing effect other than giving a possibly more accurate error message when called with timestamps that fall on 10000-01-01 in the local time. Patch by Paul Improve performance of
when there are many environment variablesgh-91524: Speed up the regular expression substitution (functions
and correspondingre.Pattern
methods) for replacement strings containing group references by 2–3 Fix findtext in the xml module to only give an empty string when the text attribute is set to
.gh-91456: Deprecate current default auto() behavior: In 3.13 the default will be for for auto() to always return the largest member value incremented by 1, and to raise if incompatible value types are used.
bpo-47231: Fixed an issue with inconsistent trailing slashes in tarfile longname directories.
now raiseszipfile.BadZipFile
instead ofValueError
when reading a corrupt zip file in which the central directory offset is negative.bpo-41287: Fix handling of the
argument in subclasses ofproperty()
is now detected withpkg-config
.bpo-32547: The constructors for
now coerce thefieldnames
argument to alist
if it is an iterator.bpo-35540: Fix
crash whencollections.defaultdict
is present in the attributes.bpo-47063: Add an index_pages parameter to support using non-default index page names.
bpo-46951: Order the contents of zipapp archives, to make builds more reproducible.
bpo-42777: Implement
for Windows paths.bpo-46755: In
, clearstack_info
to prevent stack trace from being written twice.bpo-45393: Fix the formatting for
await x
andnot x
in the operator precedence table when using thehelp()
system.bpo-46642: Improve error message when trying to subclass an instance of
, etc. Based on patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46364: Restrict use of sockets instead of pipes for stdin of subprocesses created by
to AIX platform only.bpo-28249: Set
when an object does not have__doc__
.bpo-46197: Fix
environment isolation for subprocess runningpip
.bpo-45924: Fix
incorrect traceback when future’s exception is raised multiple times. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-45046: Add support of context managers in
: methodsenterContext()
of classTestCase
, methodenterAsyncContext()
of classIsolatedAsyncioTestCase
and functionunittest.enterModuleContext()
.bpo-44173: Enable fast seeking of uncompressed unencrypted
bpo-42627: Fix incorrect parsing of Windows registry proxy settings
bpo-42047: Add
support for DragonFly BSD. Patch by David Carlier.bpo-14243: The
function has a new optional parameter delete_on_closebpo-41246: Give the same callback function for when the overlapped operation is done to the functions
.bpo-39264: Fixed
to not call__missing__()
when a value is not found. This matches the behavior ofdict
. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-38693:
now uses f-strings internally instead ofstr.format
.bpo-38267: Add timeout parameter to
. The default value isNone
, which means the executor will be given an unlimited amount of time. When called fromasyncio.Runner
, the default timeout is 5 minutes.bpo-34828:
now handles databases that useAUTOINCREMENT
in one or more tables.bpo-32990: Support reading wave files with the
format in thewave
module.bpo-26253: Allow adjustable compression level for tarfile streams in
gh-85525: Remove extra row
gh-86404: Deprecated tools
make suspicious
are now removed. They have been replaced by Fix
in c domain ref target syntax via
patch, so it works as intended to disable ref target Fraction literals now support whitespace around the forward slash,
Fraction('2 / 3')
.gh-96098: Improve discoverability of the higher level concurrent.futures module by providing clearer links from the lower level threading and multiprocessing modules.
gh-95957: What’s New 3.11 now has instructions for how to provide compiler and linker flags for Tcl/Tk and OpenSSL on RHEL 7 and CentOS 7.
gh-95588: Clarified the conflicting advice given in the
documentation aboutast.literal_eval()
being “safe” for use on untrusted input while at the same time warning that it can crash the process. The latter statement is true and is deemed unfixable without a large amount of work unsuitable for a bugfix. So we keep the warning and no longer claim thatliteral_eval
is Fix stylesheet not working in Windows CHM htmlhelp docs and add warning that they are deprecated. Contributed by C.A.M. Gerlach.
gh-95454: Replaced incorrectly written true/false values in documentation. Patch by Robert O’Shea
gh-95451: Update library documentation with availability information on WebAssembly platforms
.gh-95415: Use consistent syntax for platform availability. The directive now supports a content body and emits a warning when it encounters an unknown platform.
gh-94321: Document the PEP 246 style protocol type
.gh-86128: Document a limitation in ThreadPoolExecutor where its exit handler is executed before any handlers in atexit.
gh-61162: Clarify
behavior when How to use the connection context Align
argument specs with the actual The minimum Sphinx version required to build the documentation is now 3.2.
gh-88831: Augmented documentation of asyncio.create_task(). Clarified the need to keep strong references to tasks and added a code snippet detailing how to do this.
gh-86438: Clarify that
are matched literally and case-insensitively, rather than as regular expressions, inwarnings
.gh-93031: Update tutorial introduction output to use 3.10+ SyntaxError invalid range.
gh-92240: Added release dates for “What’s New in Python 3.X” for 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 3.10
bpo-47161: Document that
does not collapse initial double slashes because they denote UNC paths.bpo-40838: Document that
, andinspect.getsourcefile()
might returnNone
.bpo-43689: The
documentation now also mentions other whitespace characters, which make it harder to understand the diff output.bpo-38056: Overhaul the Error Handlers documentation in
.bpo-13553: Document tkinter.Tk args.
gh-95027: On Windows, when the Python test suite is run with the
option, the ANSI code page is now used as the encoding for the stdout temporary file, rather than using UTF-8 which can lead to decoding errors. Patch by Victor Fixed the failure of repeated runs of
caused by side effects intest_dotted_but_module_not_loaded
.gh-95243: Mitigate the inherent race condition from using find_unused_port() in testSockName() by trying to find an unused port a few times before failing. Patch by Ross Burton.
gh-95573: Lib/test/test_asyncio/ exposed a bug in the macOS kernel where intense concurrent load on non-blocking sockets occasionally causes
(“No buffer space available”) to be emitted. FB11063974 filed with Apple, in the mean time as a workaround buffer size used in tests on macOS is decreased to avoid intermittent failures. Patch by Fantix Fix problem with
on systems that require perfect forward secrecy (PFS) Make multiprocessing test case
test_shared_memory_recreate Move tests for importlib.resources into test_importlib.resources.
gh-93963: Updated tests to use preferred location for
importlib.resources Add a regression test for
exponentional slowdown when using Added more tests for
to cover behavior with data descriptor-based
is now checking for supported TLS version and protocols in more Tests now check for DAC override capability instead of relying on
.gh-54781: Rename test_tk to test_tkinter, and rename test_ttk_guionly to test_ttk. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-93839: Move
. Patch by Victor In test_bdb.StateTestCase.test_skip, avoid including auxiliary importers.
gh-93957: Provide nicer error reporting from subprocesses in test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip.
gh-93884: Add test cases for
that take a large number or a non-int object as test_asyncio, test_logging, test_socket and test_socketserver now create AF_UNIX domains in the current directory to no longer fail with
OSError("AF_UNIX path too long")
if the temporary directory (theTMPDIR
environment variable) is too long. Patch by Victor regrtest now checks if a test leaks temporary files or directories if run with -jN option. Patch by Victor Stinner.
now handles cross compiling env vars correctly and passHOSTRUNNER
to regression
now creates a temporary directory inModuleFinderTest.setUp()
instead of module Fix issue with test_unicode test_raiseMemError. The test case now use
to calculate size of PyUnicode structs.sys.getsizeof()
may return different size when string has UTF-8 WASI does not have a
is now a dummy function on WASI. Skip all tests that depend on workingos.chmod()
.gh-90473: Skip tests on WASI that require symlinks with absolute paths.
gh-57539: Increase calendar test coverage for
.gh-90473: Skip symlink tests on WASI. wasmtime uses
flag, which prevents symlinks with absolute Fix
for out-of-tree builds. Patch by Kumar Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (
.gh-92886: Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (
gh-92886: Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (
gh-92886: Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (
.gh-92886: Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (
gh-92670: Skip
test on AIX as the test uses a trailing slash to force the OS consider the path as a directory, but on AIX the trailing slash has no effect and is considered as a Remove unused
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-47016: Create a GitHub Actions workflow for verifying bundled pip and setuptools. Patch by Illia Volochii and Adam Turner.
gh-96761: Fix the build process of clang compiler for _bootstrap_python if LTO optimization is applied. Patch by Matthias Görgens and Donghee Na.
builds for browsers now includeconcurrent.futures
.gh-85936: CPython now uses the ThinLTO option as the default policy if the Clang compiler accepts the flag. Patch by Donghee Na.
gh-96729: Ensure that Windows releases built with
are upgradable to and from official Python Shared module targets now depend on new
variable, which includesEXPORTSYMS
. This fixes a build order issue on unsupported AIX
platform no longer buildsresource
, and their setters. The APIs are stubs and not Add a new
configure option to link debug information in macOS. Patch by Pablo Use the BOLT post-link optimizer to improve performance, particularly on medium-to-large applications.
gh-93744: Remove the
configure --with-cxx-main
build option: it didn’t work for many years. Remove theMAINCC
variable fromconfigure
. Patch by Victor Fix a regression in
script that caused some header checks to ignore customCPPFLAGS
. The regression was introduced in wasm32-wasi builds no longer depend on WASIX’s pthread stubs. Python now has its own stubbed pthread API.
gh-95174: Python now detects missing
function in WASI and works around some missingerrno
, andsocket Python now skips missing
functions and methods on WASI. WASI can only create sockets from existing fd / accept and has no Platforms
have been promoted to PEP 11 tier 3 platform Fixed
module build issue on GCC when compiling with LTO and pydebug. Debug builds no longer force inlining of Fix the possible performance regression of
compiled with MSVC version
now uses custom flags likeZLIB_CFLAGS
when searching for headers and
now supports code object with frozensets that contain incompatible, unsortable Build and test with OpenSSL 1.1.1q
gh-90005: Dependencies of
module are now detected inconfigure
script withpkg-config
. Onlyncurses
are detected automatically. The oldcurses
library is not configured automatically. Workaround for missingtermcap
library has been Fix building
extension withoutpkg-config
module dependencies are now detected by
now works around an issue with sed on macOS and uses correct CFLAGS for object files that end up in a shared extension. Module CFLAGS are used before PY_STDMODULE_CFLAGS to avoid clashes with system C extension modules are now built by
instead ofdistutils
.gh-93939: The
, andpydoc
scripts are now generated and installed byMakefile
.gh-94280: Updated pegen regeneration script on Windows to find and use Python 3.9 or higher. Prior to this, pegen regeneration already required 3.9 or higher, but the script may have used lower versions of Python.
gh-93584: Address race condition in
when installing a PGO build. Alltest
targets now depend onall
now detects and reports PEP 11 support Fix
rule for_sqlite3
with two parameters, likeva_start(args, format),
is now required to build Python.va_start()
is no longer called with a single parameter. Patch by Kumar Python now always use the
printf formats to format asize_t
number. Building Python 3.12 requires a C11 compiler, so these printf formats are now always supported. Patch by Victor Disable pymalloc and increase stack size on
.bpo-34449: Drop invalid compiler switch
for HP aCC on HP-UX. Patch by Michael Osipov.
gh-98360: Fixes
spawning child processes on Windows from a virtual environment to ensure that child processes that also usemultiprocessing
to spawn more children will recognize that they are in a virtual Fix
launcher handling of-V:<company>/
option when default preferences have been set in environment variables or configuration Fix possible crashes caused by the use of uninitialized variables when pass invalid arguments in
on Windows and in Windows-specific modules (likewinreg
).gh-90989: Made Inicializador Python para Windows install per-user by default (unless an all users install already exists), and clarify some text in the installer.
gh-97649: The
directory is no longer installed on Windowsgh-96965: Update libffi to 3.4.3
gh-96577: Fixes a potential buffer overrun in
.gh-96559: Fixes the Windows launcher not using the compatible interpretation of default tags found in configuration files when no tag was passed to the command.
gh-94781: Fix
to clean previous instances of output files inPython\deepfreeze
directories on Windows. Patch by Charlie Updates
code getting the Windows version to use native Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries to determine OS version, type, and Make certain requirements of the Windows Store package optional to allow installing on earlier updates of Windows.
gh-95656: Enable the
sqlite3 Fixes some issues where the Windows installer would incorrectly detect certain features of an existing install when upgrading.
gh-94399: Restores the behaviour of Inicializador Python para Windows for
shebang lines, which will now searchPATH
for an executable matching the given command. If none is found, the usual search process is Fixes the unsuccessful removal of the HTML document directory when uninstalling with Windows msi.
gh-95359: Fix Inicializador Python para Windows handling of
commands (it was incorrectly expecting apy_
prefix on keys) and crashes when reading per-user configuration Fix Inicializador Python para Windows handling of command lines where it is only passed a short executable name.
gh-90844: Allow virtual environments to correctly launch when they have spaces in the path.
gh-94772: Fix incorrect handling of shebang lines in py.exe launcher
will now remove trailing spaces from path components when extracting files on Drag and drop of files onto Python files in Windows Explorer has been enabled for Windows ARM64.
now attempts to read the size from any provided handle, rather than only supporting file descriptors 0, 1 and Ensures that
will prefer an active virtual environment over default tags specified with environment variables or through apy.ini Explicitly disable incremental linking for non-Debug builds
no longer throwsRuntimeError: Event loop is closed
on interpreter exit after asynchronous socket activity. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-46907: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.38.4.
gh-91061: Accept os.PathLike for the argument to winsound.PlaySound
bpo-42658: Support native Windows case-insensitive path comparisons by using
instead ofstr.lower()
. AddLCMapStringEx
to the_winapi
module.bpo-38704: Prevent installation on unsupported Windows versions.
gh-97897: The macOS 13 SDK includes support for the
system calls. Using thedir_fd
option with eitheros.mkfifo()
could result in a segfault if cpython is built with the macOS 13 SDK but run on an earlier version of macOS. Prevent this by adding runtime support for detection of these system calls (“weaklinking”) as is done for other newer syscalls on macOS.
gh-97527: Fix a bug in the previous bugfix that caused IDLE to not start when run with 3.10.8, 3.12.0a1, and at least Microsoft Python 3.10.2288.0 installed without the Lib/test package. 3.11.0 was never affected.
gh-65802: Document handling of extensions in Save As dialogs.
gh-95191: Include prompts when saving Shell (interactive input and output).
gh-95511: Fix the Shell context menu copy-with-prompts bug of copying an extra line when one selects whole lines.
gh-95471: In the Edit menu, move
Select All
and add a new Enable using IDLE’s module browser with .pyw files.
gh-89610: Add .pyi as a recognized extension for IDLE on macOS. This allows opening stub files by double clicking on them in the Finder.
gh-68686: Remove ptags and eptags scripts.
gh-97681: Remove the
directory which contained old demo scripts. A copy can be found in the old-demos project. Patch by Victor Remove outdated example scripts of the
directory. A copy can be found in the old-demos project. Patch by Victor The
script now pre-builds Emscripten ports, checks for broken EMSDK versions, and warns about pkg-config env The new tool
automates configure, compile, and test steps for building CPython on WebAssembly Fix handling of module docstrings in
.gh-93939: Add script
to check and validate builtin and shared extension modules. The script also handlesModules/Setup
and will eventually
.gh-94538: Fix Argument Clinic output to custom file destinations. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-94430: Allow parameters named
with custom C names in Argument Clinic. Patch by Erlend E. Aaslandgh-86087: The
script used to parse HTML4 entities has been removed.
gh-98393: The
function no longer accepts bytes-like paths, likebytearray
types: only the exactbytes
type is accepted for bytes strings. Patch by Victor Add
and related APIs to allow callbacks onPyType_Modified()
.gh-95756: Lazily create and cache
attributes for better performance for code Configuration for the integer string conversion length limitation now lives in the PyConfig C API struct.
gh-95589: Extensions classes that set
lose the support for multiple inheritance, but are now safe. Extension classes should usePy_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT
andPy_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_WEAKREF An unrecognized format character in
now sets aSystemError
. In previous versions it caused all the rest of the format string to be copied as-is to the result string, and any extra arguments Restore the 3.10 behavior for multiple inheritance of C extension classes that store their dictionary at the end of the struct.
gh-92678: Support C extensions using managed dictionaries by setting the
Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT API for implementing vectorcall (
) was added to the limited API and stable Fix sign placement when specifying width or precision in
. Patch by Philip The
flag is now removed from a class when the class’s__call__()
method is reassigned. This makes vectorcall safe to use with mutable types (i.e. heap types without theimmutable
flag). Mutable types that do not overridetp_call
now inherit thePy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL Creating
immutable types
with mutable bases is deprecated and is planned to be disabled in Python Adds unstable C-API functions
to allow C extensions to allow the VM to manage their object’s Added
for accessingco_varnames
respectively via the C Fix
raised whenPyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()
is used with#
but withoutPY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN Python again uses C-style casts for most casting operations when compiled with C++. This may trigger compiler warnings, if they are enabled with e.g.
options forg++
.gh-93937: The following frame functions and type are now directly available with
#include <Python.h>
, it’s no longer needed to add#include <frameobject.h>
:Patch por Victor Stinner.
gh-91321: Fix the compatibility of the Python C API with C++ older than C++11. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-91731: Avoid defining the
when compiling with C++ 11, where this is a keyword and redefining it can lead to undefined behavior. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-89546:
(and otherPyType_From*
functions) now check that offsets and the base class’stp_basicsize
fit in the new class’stp_basicsize
.gh-93503: Add two new public functions to the public C-API,
, that allow to set tracing and profiling functions in all running threads in addition to the calling one. Also, two analogous functions to thethreading
module (threading.setprofile_all_threads()
) that allow to do the same from Python. Patch by Pablo Galindogh-93442: Add C++ overloads for _Py_CAST_impl() to handle 0/NULL. This will allow C++ extensions that pass 0 or NULL to macros using _Py_CAST() to continue to compile.
gh-93466: Slot IDs in PyType_Spec may not be repeated. The documentation was updated to mention this. For some cases of repeated slots, PyType_FromSpec and related functions will now raise an exception.
gh-92898: Fix C++ compiler warnings when casting function arguments to
. Patch by Serge Deprecate global configuration variables, like
, in the documentation: thePy_InitializeFromConfig()
API should be instead. Patch by Victor Deprecate global configuration variable like
: thePy_InitializeFromConfig()
API should be instead. Patch by Victor Ensures changes to
are ignored unlessPyConfig.module_search_paths_set
is setgh-92781: Avoid mixing declarations and code in the C API to fix the compiler warning: “ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code” [-Werror=declaration-after-statement]. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-92651: Remove the
header file. There was never any public tokenizer C API. Thetoken.h
header file was only designed to be used by Python internals. Patch by Victor Remove legacy Unicode APIs based on
.gh-85858: Remove the
macro. Patch by Victor Add new function
to the C API which sets the vectorcall field of a givenPyFunctionObject
.Warning: extensions using this API must preserve the behavior of the unaltered function!
gh-59121: Fixed an assert that prevented
from providing tracebacks when parsing from the provided FD.bpo-45383: The
API will now find and use a metaclass based on the provided bases. An error will be raised if there is a metaclass conflict.
Python 3.11.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-05-06
gh-57684: Add the
command line option and thePYTHONSAFEPATH
environment variable to not prepend a potentially unsafe path tosys.path
. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
gh-89519: Chaining classmethod descriptors (introduced in bpo-19072) is deprecated. It can no longer be used to wrap other descriptors such as property(). The core design of this feature was flawed, and it caused a number of downstream problems.
now importsreadline
before sys.path is extended to include the current working directory of an interactive interpreter. Non-interactive interpreters are not affected.bpo-43857: Improve the
message when deleting a missing attribute. Patch by Géry Make sure that PEP 523 is respected in all cases. In 3.11a7, specialization may have prevented Python-to-Python calls respecting PEP 523.
gh-92203: Add a closure keyword-only parameter to
. It can only be specified when exec-ing a code object that uses free variables. When specified, it must be a tuple, with exactly the number of cell variables referenced by the code object. closure has a default value ofNone
, and it must beNone
if the code object doesn’t refer to any free Disable frozen modules in debug builds. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
gh-92114: Improve error message when subscript a type with
set toNone
.gh-92112: Fix crash triggered by an evil custom
on a The
instruction now ensures methods are called only on objects of the correct Deoptimize statically allocated code objects during
so that future_PyCode_Quicken
calls always start with unquickened Fix a crash in subinterpreters related to the garbage collector. When a subinterpreter is deleted, untrack all objects tracked by its GC. To prevent a crash in deallocator functions expecting objects to be tracked by the GC, leak a strong reference to these objects on purpose, so they are never deleted and their deallocator functions are not called. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-92032: The interpreter can now autocomplete soft keywords, as of now
, and_
(wildcard pattern) from PEP The warning emitted by the Python parser for a numeric literal immediately followed by keyword has been changed from deprecation warning to syntax warning.
gh-91869: Fix an issue where specialized opcodes with extended arguments could produce incorrect tracing output or lead to assertion failures.
gh-91603: Speed up
instantiation. Based on patch provided by Yurii If Python is built in debug mode, Python now ensures that deallocator functions leave the current exception unchanged. Patch by Victor Stinner.
gh-91632: Fix a minor memory leak at exit: release the memory of the
type. Patch by Donghee Octal escapes with value larger than
now produce aDeprecationWarning
. In a future Python version they will be aSyntaxWarning
and eventually aSyntaxError
.bpo-43950: Use a single compact table for line starts, ends and column offsets. Reduces memory consumption for location info by half
gh-91102: Use Argument Clinic for
. Patch by Oleg Fixed a crash in a garbage-collection edge-case, in which a
function could leave a python function object in an inconsistent Speed up
checks fortypes.UnionType
. Patch by Yurii Fixed a bug in which adaptive opcodes ignored any preceding
s on specialization The LLTRACE special build now looks for the name
defined in module globals, rather than the name__ltrace__
, which had been introduced as a Speed up iteration of ascii strings by 50%. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
gh-89279: Improve interpreter performance on Windows by inlining a few specific macros.
gh-91502: Add a new
API function, to check if aPyFrameObject
is an entry frame. Patch by Pablo Refactor the
strip methodsstrip
to use a common Replaced the
field ofBaseException
(added in an earlier version of 3.11) with the final design of PEP 678. Namely,BaseException
gets anadd_note()
method, and its__notes__
field is created when Speed up right shift of negative integers, by removing unnecessary creation of temporaries. Original patch by Xinhang Xu, reworked by Mark Dickinson.
gh-91462: Make the interpreter’s low-level tracing (lltrace) feature output more readable by displaying opcode names (rather than just numbers), and by displaying stack contents before each opcode.
gh-89455: Fixed an uninitialized bool value in the traceback printing code path that was introduced by the initial bpo-45292 exception groups work.
gh-91421: Fix a potential integer overflow in _Py_DecodeUTF8Ex.
gh-91428: Add
static const char *const _PyOpcode_OpName[256] = {...};
for debug builds to assist in debugging the Python interpreter. It is now more convenient to make various forms of debugging output more human-readable by including opcode names rather than just the corresponding decimal digits.bpo-47120: Make
virtual, mapping to new relative jump opcodes.bpo-45317: Add internal documentation explaining design of new (for 3.11) frame stack.
bpo-47197: ctypes used to mishandle
return types, so that for instance a function declared likectypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int)
would be called with signatureint f(int)
instead ofvoid f(int)
. Wasm targets require function pointers to be called with the correct signatures so this led to crashes. The problem is now fixed.bpo-47120: Make opcodes
relative rather than absolute.bpo-47177: Replace the
member of the internal_PyInterpreterFrame
structure with aprev_instr
pointer, which reduces overhead in the main interpreter loop. Thef_lasti
attribute of Python-layer frame objects is preserved for backward-compatibility.bpo-46961: Integer mod/remainder operations, including the three-argument form of
, now consistently return ints from the global small integer cache when applicable.bpo-46962: Classes and functions that unconditionally declared their docstrings ignoring the
compilation flag no longer do so.The classes affected are
, andtypes.GenericAlias
.The functions affected are 24 methods in
.Patch by Oleg Iarygin.
bpo-46942: Use Argument Clinic for the
constructor. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-46764: Fix wrapping bound methods with @classmethod
bpo-43464: Optimize
for non-set arguments.bpo-46721: Optimize
for non-set argument.bpo-46509: Add type-specialized versions of the
, and use them forfloat
, andNone
to avoid pointer-chasing at runtime where types are known at C compile time.bpo-46045: Do not use POSIX semaphores on NetBSD
bpo-36819: Fix crashes in built-in encoders with error handlers that return position less or equal than the starting position of non-encodable characters.
for all interned strings. This makes output more deterministic and helps reproducible build.bpo-26579: Added
which provides the default implementation of the__getstate__()
method.Copying and pickling instances of subclasses of builtin types bytearray, set, frozenset, collections.OrderedDict, collections.deque, weakref.WeakSet, and datetime.tzinfo now copies and pickles instance attributes implemented as slots.
gh-87901: Add the encoding parameter to
.gh-90997: Fix an issue where
utilities may interpret populated inline cache entries as valid Deprecate
(removal of the class is currently not planned). Patch by Alex Deprecate nested classes in enum definitions becoming members – in 3.13 they will be normal classes; add
functions to allow control over results Fixed a performance regression in ctypes function calls.
gh-90997: Show the actual named values stored in inline caches when
is passed todis Prefer
to iterating over procfs for file descriptor closing insubprocess
for better Sort the miscellaneous topics in Cmd.do_help()
gh-92210: Port
to Argument Clinic. Patch by Add support for generalized ISO 8601 parsing to
. Patch by Paul Fix a 3.11 regression in
, which caused it to propagate exceptions with incorrect Adding
constants foros.fcopyfile()
available in For
, add weakref_slot. The new parameter defaults toFalse
. If true, and ifslots=True
, add a slot named"__weakref__"
, which will allow instances to be weakref’d. Contributed by Eric V. Smithgh-85984: New function os.login_tty() for Unix.
gh-92128: Add
, allowing them to be parameterized at runtime. Patch by Alex Forbid pickling constants
etc. Previously, pickling did not fail, but the result could not be
now raisesValueError
is a keyword, in addition to the existing check that it is an Add an
attribute totypes.GenericAlias
. Patch by Jelle Add support for generic
.gh-91996: New http.HTTPMethod enum to represent all the available HTTP request methods in a convenient way
gh-91984: Modified test strings in to not contain trailing spaces before end of line.
gh-91952: Add
support toTextIOWrapper.reconfigure()
.gh-91954: Add encoding and errors arguments to
.bpo-47029: Always close the read end of the pipe used by
after the last write of buffered data to the write end of the pipe to avoidBrokenPipeError
at garbage collection and atmultiprocessing.Queue.close()
calls. Patch by Géry Add
alias fordatetime.timezone.utc
.Patch by Kabir Kwatra.
gh-68966: The
module is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13. See PEP 594 for the rationale and themimetypes
module for an alternative. Patch by Victor Provide a way to disable
use ofvfork()
just in case it is ever needed and document the existing mechanism forposix_spawn()
.gh-64783: Fix
value on FreeBSD to accept signal numbers greater than 32, likesignal.SIGRTMIN
. Patch by Victor Add missing f prefix to f-strings in error messages from the
andasyncio Add
, implementing PEP 681. Patch by Jelle Add
attribute toargparse.Action
repr In the
module add methodinfo_patchlevel()
which returns the exact version of the Tcl library as a named tuple similar tosys.version_info
.gh-84461: Add
to enable pthreads support for WASM builds.Emscripten/node
no longer has threading enabled by default. Include additional file Fix unstable
.gh-91217: Deprecate the xdrlib module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the uu module.
gh-91760: More strict rules will be applied for numerical group references and group names in regular expressions. For now, a deprecation warning is emitted for group references and group names which will be errors in future Python versions.
gh-84461: Add provisional
named tuple with build-time and run-time information about Emscripten
now check immediately for pending signals. Patch by Victor Fix OSS audio support on Solaris.
gh-90633: Include the passed value in the exception thrown by
. Patch by Jelle Compilation of regular expression containing a conditional expression
now raises an appropriatere.error
if the group number refers to not defined group. Previously an internal RuntimeError was Add an optional keyword shutdown_timeout parameter to the
constructor. Kill the process if terminate() takes longer than the timeout. Patch by Victor Fix
. Patch by Shantanu Parsing
escapes of Unicode Named Character Sequences in aregular expression
raises nowre.error
instead ofTypeError
.gh-91670: Remove deprecated
config variable insysconfig
.gh-91217: Deprecate the telnetlib module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the sunau module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the spwd module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the sndhdr module, as well as inline needed functionality for
module, fixfullmatch()
mismatch when using Atomic Grouping or Possessive Deprecate the ‘pipes’ module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the ossaudiodev module.
module, limit the maximum capturing group to 1,073,741,823 in 64-bit build, this increases the depth of Deprecate the nis module.
gh-91595: Fix the comparison of character and integer inside
. Patch by Yu Add option to raise all errors from
in anExceptionGroup
when it fails to create a connection. The default remains to raise only the last error that had occurred when multiple addresses were Optimize asyncio UDP speed, over 100 times faster when transferring a large file.
gh-91575: Update case-insensitive matching in the
module to the latest Unicode In
disallow the “fork” multiprocessing start method when the newmax_tasks_per_child
feature is used as the mix of threads+fork can hang the child processes. Default to using the safe “spawn” start method in that circumstance if nomp_context
was In
result codes are now mapped toInterfaceError
instead ofProgrammingError
. Also, more accurate exceptions are raised when binding parameters fail. Patch by Erlend E. Stop calling
. It was complex, never documented, and didn’t work for most cases. (Patch by Inada Naoki.)gh-88116: Change the frame-related functions in the
module to return a regular object (that is backwards compatible with the old tuple-like interface) that include the extended PEP 657 position information (end line number, column and end column). The affected functions are:inspect.getframeinfo()
. Patch by Pablo Add indexing and slicing support to
. Patch by Aviv Palivoda and Erlend E. Add context manager support to
. Patch by Aviv Palivoda and Erlend E. Deprecate nntplib.
gh-91217: Deprecate msilib.
gh-91404: Improve the performance of
matching by using computed gotos (or “threaded code”) on supported platforms and removing expensive pointer Deprecate the imghdr module.
gh-91217: Deprecate the crypt module.
bpo-47000: Make
uses locale encoding whenencoding="locale"
is specified even in UTF-8
now accepts arguments forwarnings.simplefilter()
, providing a more concise way to locally ignore warnings or convert them to Deprecate the chunk module.
gh-91498: Add the
option (available on macOS) tosocket
.bpo-47260: Fix
potentially being a no-op in a Linux seccomp sandbox.bpo-47087: Implement
(PEP 655). Patch by David Foster and Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-47061: Deprecate cgi and cgitb.
bpo-47061: Deprecate audioop.
bpo-47000: Add
to get the current locale encoding. It is similar tolocale.getpreferredencoding(False)
but ignores the Python UTF-8 Mode.bpo-42012: Add
, containing WSGI-specific types for static type checking.bpo-47227: Suppress expression chaining for more
parsing errors.bpo-47211: Remove undocumented and never working function
and flagre.TEMPLATE
. This was later reverted in 3.11.0b2 and deprecated instead.bpo-47135:
now accepts context attributes via keyword argumentsbpo-43323: Fix errors in the
module if the charset itself contains undecodable/unencodable characters.bpo-46841: Disassembly of quickened code.
bpo-46681: Forward gzip.compress() compresslevel to zlib.
bpo-45100: Add
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-44807:
no longer silently replaces__init__()
methods defined on subclasses. Patch by Adrian Garcia Badaracco.bpo-46787: Fix
exception memory leakbpo-46720: Add support for path-like objects to
for Windows to be on a par with Unix-like systems. Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-46053: Fix OSS audio support on NetBSD.
were added tomimetypes
.bpo-46285: Add command-line option
to modulehttp.server
which specifies the HTTP version to which the server is conformant (HTTP/1.1 conformant servers can now be run from the command-line interface of modulehttp.server
). Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-44791: Accept ellipsis as the last argument of
.bpo-46547: Remove variables leaking into
class namespace.bpo-46415: Fix ipaddress.ip_{address,interface,network} raising TypeError instead of ValueError if given invalid tuple as address parameter.
now can process cookies from localhost with domain=localhost explicitly specified in Set-Cookie header.bpo-45995: Add a “z” option to the string formatting specification that coerces negative zero floating-point values to positive zero after rounding to the format precision. Contributed by John Belmonte.
bpo-26175: Fully implement the
interface fortempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile
objects. This lets them work correctly with higher-level layers (like compression modules). Patch by Carey Metcalfe.bpo-45138: Fix a regression in the
trace callback where bound parameters were not expanded in the passed statement string. The regression was introduced in Python 3.10 by bpo-40318. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-44863: Allow
subclasses to also includeGeneric
as a base class in class based syntax. Thereby allowing the user to define a genericTypedDict
, just like a user-defined generic but withTypedDict
semantics.bpo-44587: Fix BooleanOptionalAction to not automatically add a default string. If a default string is desired, use a formatter to add it.
bpo-43827: All positional-or-keyword parameters to
are now positional-only to avoid conflicts with keyword arguments to be passed to__init_subclass__()
.bpo-43218: Prevent creation of a venv whose path contains the PATH separator. This could affect the usage of the activate script. Patch by Dustin Rodrigues.
bpo-38435: Add a
parameter tosubprocess.Popen
to help move more things off of the unsafepreexec_fn
parameter.bpo-42066: Fix cookies getting sorted in
which is an extra behavior and not mentioned in RFC 2965 or Netscape cookie protocol. Now the cookies inCookieJar
follows the order of theSet-Cookie
header. Patch by Iman Kermani.bpo-40617: Add
for creating aggregate window functions. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40676: Convert
to use Argument Clinic forcsv.field_size_limit()
.bpo-39716: Raise an
when the same subparser name is added twice to anargparse.ArgumentParser
. This is consistent with the (default) behavior when the same option string is added twice to anArgumentParser
.bpo-36073: Raise
instead of segfaulting on recursive usage of cursors insqlite3
converters. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-34975: Adds a
method toStreamWriter
, which upgrades the connection with TLS using the givenSSLContext
return only directories if pattern ends with a pathname components separator (/
). Patch by Eisuke Kawashima.bpo-24905: Add
allows incremental I/O operations on blobs. Patch by Aviv Palivoda and Erlend E. Aasland.
gh-91888: Add a new
role to the documentation to link to GitHub Document security issues concerning the use of the function
gh-91547: Remove “Undocumented modules” page.
gh-91298: In
, refined the documentation of the Traversable Protocol, applying changes from importlib_resources 5.7.1.bpo-44347: Clarify the meaning of dirs_exist_ok, a kwarg of
.bpo-36329: Remove ‘make -C Doc serve’ in favour of ‘make -C Doc htmlview’
bpo-47189: Add a What’s New in Python 3.11 entry for the Faster CPython project. Documentation by Ken Jin and Kumar Aditya.
bpo-38668: Update the introduction to documentation for
to remove warnings that became irrelevant after the implementations of PEP 383 and PEP 529.bpo-47115: The documentation now lists which members of C structs are part of the Limited API/Stable ABI.
bpo-46962: All docstrings in code snippets are now wrapped into
to follow the guideline of PEP 7’s Documentation Strings paragraph. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-26792: Improve the docstrings of
. Original patch by Andrew Brezovsky.
gh-92169: Use
to import deprecated modules uniformly in tests. Patch by Hugo van When multiprocessing is enabled, libregrtest can now use a Python executable other than
via the--python Fix initialization of
which prevented running regression tests on non-UTF-8 Added @requires_zlib to test.test_tools.test_freeze.TestFreeze.
gh-91607: Fix
to test the correct multiprocessing start method context in several cases where the test logic mixed this up.bpo-40280: Threading tests are now skipped on WASM targets without pthread support.
bpo-47109: Test for
, andctypes.macholib.framework
are brought from manual pre-unittest
times toctypes.test
location and structure. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-29890: Add tests for
construction with tuple arguments. Original patch and tests by louisom.
gh-89452: gdbm-compat is now preferred over ndbm if both are available on the system. This allows avoiding the problematic ndbm.h on macOS.
gh-91731: Python is now built with
compiler option, rather than-std=c99
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-47152: Add script and make target for generating
.bpo-47103: Windows
builds now copy a required DLL into the output directory, making it easier to run the profile stage of a PGO build.
bpo-46907: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.38.3.
bpo-47239: Fixed –list and –list-paths output for Inicializador Python para Windows when used in an active virtual environment.
bpo-46907: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.38.2.
bpo-46785: Fix race condition between
and unlinking a file on Windows, by using errors codes returned byFindFirstFileW()
when appropriate inwin32_xstat_impl
.bpo-40859: Update Windows build to use xz-5.2.5
bpo-46907: Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.38.4.
gh-91583: Fix regression in the code generated by Argument Clinic for functions with the
defining_class Add script
and the make targetregen-re
for generating additional data for case-insensitive matching according to the current Unicode Remove the ancient Pynche color editor. It has moved to
gh-88279: Deprecate the C functions:
. Patch by Victor Added the
function. This function does the equivalent of the Python codegetattr(code_object, 'co_code')
.gh-92173: Fix the
argument toPyEval_EvalCodeEx()
.gh-91320: Fix C++ compiler warnings about “old-style cast” (
g++ -Wold-style-cast
) in the Python C API. Use C++reinterpret_cast<>
casts when the Python C API is used in C++. Patch by Victor Mark functions as deprecated by PEP 623:
. Patch by Victor
functions argument type is nowPyObject*
, rather thanconst PyObject*
. Patch by Victor Add
to initializePyBytesObject.ob_shash
for bytes subclasses.bpo-40421: Add
C-API function to access frame object’sf_lasti
attribute safely from C code.bpo-35134: Remove the
header file. C extensions should only include the main<Python.h>
header file. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-47169:
is now exported in the Stable ABI on Windows.bpo-47169:
is excluded from the stable ABI on platforms where it doesn’t exist (like Solaris).bpo-46343: Added
as simpler alternatives toPyErr_GetExcInfo()
.They are included in the stable ABI.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 7¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-04-05
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-47212: Raise
instead ofSyntaxError
for a bareexcept
with no following indent. ImproveSyntaxError
locations for an un-parenthesized generator used as arguments. Patch by Matthieu Dartiailh.bpo-47186: Replace
+ jump.bpo-47176: Emscripten builds cannot handle signals in the usual way due to platform limitations. Python can now handle signals. To use, set Module.Py_EmscriptenSignalBuffer to be a single byte SharedArrayBuffer and set Py_EMSCRIPTEN_SIGNAL_HANDLING to 1. Writing a number into the SharedArrayBuffer will cause the corresponding signal to be raised into the Python thread.
bpo-47186: Replace
+ jump.bpo-47120: Replace the absolute jump opcode
.bpo-46841: Avoid unnecessary allocations when comparing code objects.
bpo-47182: Fix a crash when using a named unicode character like
"\N{digit nine}"
after the main interpreter has been initialized a second time.bpo-47162: WebAssembly cannot deal with bad function pointer casts (different count or types of arguments). Python can now use call trampolines to mitigate the problem. Define
to enable call trampolines.bpo-46775: Some Windows system error codes(>= 10000) are now mapped into the correct errno and may now raise a subclass of
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-47129: Improve error messages in f-string syntax errors concerning empty expressions.
bpo-47117: Fix a crash if we fail to decode characters in interactive mode if the tokenizer buffers are uninitialized. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-47127: Speed up calls to c functions with keyword arguments by 25% with specialization. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-47120: Replaced
by the relative jumpJUMP_BACKWARD
are no longer called during profiling nor tracing. C code can access thef_locals
attribute ofPyFrameObject
by callingPyFrame_GetLocals()
.bpo-47070: Improve performance of
by reducing the number of invocations ofmemcpy
. Refactor therepeat
and inplacerepeat
methods ofarray
to use the common_PyBytes_Repeat
.bpo-47053: Reduce de-optimization in the specialized
opcode.bpo-47045: Remove the
field from the _PyInterpreterFrame struct. Add theowner
field to the _PyInterpreterFrame struct to make ownership explicit to simplify clearing and deallocing frames and generators.bpo-46968: Check for the existence of the “sys/auxv.h” header in
to avoid compilation problems in systems where this header doesn’t exist. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-46329: Use low bit of
to indicate whether to push aNULL
before the global. Helps streamline the call sequence a bit.bpo-46841: Quicken bytecode in-place by storing it as part of the corresponding
.bpo-47012: Speed up iteration of
by 30%. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-47009: Improved the performance of
and list comprehensions by optimizing for the common case, where no resize is needed. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-47005: Improve performance of
by reducing the number of invocations ofmemcpy
.bpo-46829: Deprecate passing a message into
bpo-46993: Speed up
creation fromlist
by 40%. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-39829: Removed the
call when initializing a list and moved initializing tolist_extend
. Patch by Jeremiah Pascual.bpo-46944: Speed up throwing exception in generator with
calling convention. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46841: Modify
to use an inline cache entry (rather than its oparg) as an adaptive counter.bpo-46841: Use inline caching for
, and remove the internal machinery for managing the (now unused) non-inline caches.bpo-46881: Statically allocate and initialize the latin1 characters.
bpo-46838: Improve syntax errors for incorrect function definitions. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-43721: Fix docstrings of
, anddeleter
to clarify that they create a new copy of the property.bpo-43224: Make grammar changes required for PEP 646.
bpo-47208: Allow vendors to override
module: fix memory leak when a match is terminated by a signal or memory allocation failure. Patch by Ma Lin.bpo-47167: Allow overriding a future compliance check in
.bpo-47151: When subprocess tries to use vfork, it now falls back to fork if vfork returns an error. This allows use in situations where vfork isn’t allowed by the OS kernel.
bpo-47152: Convert the
module into a package. Deprecate modulessre_compile
.bpo-4833: Add
bpo-27929: Fix
to only resolve names forsocket.AF_INET
families. Resolution may not make sense for other families, likesocket.AF_BLUETOOTH
.bpo-14265: Adds the fully qualified test name to unittest output
bpo-47061: Deprecate the aifc module.
bpo-39622: Handle Ctrl+C in asyncio programs to interrupt the main task.
now lists only algorithms that are provided by activated crypto providers on OpenSSL 3.0. Legacy algorithms are not listed unless the legacy provider has been loaded into the default OSSL context.bpo-47099: All
exception messages raised inurllib.request.URLopener
now contain a colon betweenftp error
and the rest of the message. Previously,open_ftp()
missed the colon. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-47099: Exception chaining is changed from
to PEP 3134. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.bpo-47095:
’s internal_blake2
module now preferslibb2
from over Python’s vendored copy of blake2.bpo-47098: The Keccak Code Package for
’s internal_sha3
module has been replaced with tiny_sha3. The module is used as fallback when Python is built without OpenSSL.bpo-47088: Implement
, part of PEP 675. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-42885: Optimize
for regular expressions starting with\A
.bpo-23691: Protect the
iterator from re-entering.bpo-47067: Optimize calling
objects by using PEP 590vectorcall
and by replacingPyObject_SetAttrString
.bpo-28080: Add the metadata_encoding parameter in the
constructor and the--metadata-encoding
option in thezipfile
CLI to allow reading zipfiles using non-standard codecs to encode the filenames within the archive.bpo-47000: Make
returns “utf-8” when UTF-8 mode is enabled.bpo-42369: Fix thread safety of
to avoid a “zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file” exception when reading aZipFile
from multiple threads.bpo-38256: Fix
when it is compiled to use zlib’c crc32 to work properly on inputs 4+GiB in length instead of returning the wrong result. The workaround prior to this was to always feed the function data in increments smaller than 4GiB or to just call the zlib module function.We also have
release the GIL when computing on larger inputs aszlib.crc32()
do.This also boosts performance on Windows as it now uses the zlib crc32 implementation for
for a 2-3x speedup.That the stdlib has a crc32 API in two modules is a known historical oddity. This moves us closer to a single implementation behind them.
bpo-47066: Global inline flags (e.g.
) can now only be used at the start of the regular expressions. Using them not at the start of expression was deprecated since Python 3.6.bpo-39394: A warning about inline flags not at the start of the regular expression now contains the position of the flag.
bpo-433030: Add support of atomic grouping (
) and possessive quantifiers (*+
) inregular expressions
.bpo-47062: Implement
context manager.bpo-46382:
now correctly omits slots already defined in base classes. Patch by Arie Bovenberg.bpo-47057: Use FASTCALL convention for
bpo-47061: Deprecate the various modules listed by PEP 594:
aifc, asynchat, asyncore, audioop, cgi, cgitb, chunk, crypt, imghdr, msilib, nntplib, nis, ossaudiodev, pipes, smtpd, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib
bpo-34790: Remove passing coroutine objects to
.bpo-47039: Normalize
of asyncio future and task objects.bpo-2604: Fix bug where doctests using globals would fail when run multiple times.
bpo-45150: Add
helper for efficient hashing of file object.bpo-34861: Made cumtime the default sorting key for cProfile
bpo-45997: Fix
re-aquiring FIFO order.bpo-47022: The
modules have been deprecated since at least Python 3.6. Their documentation and deprecation warnings and have now been updated to note they will removed in Python 3.12 (PEP 594).bpo-43253: Fix a crash when closing transports where the underlying socket handle is already invalid on the Proactor event loop.
now passesNULL
for each empty fdset.bpo-47004: Apply bugfixes from importlib_metadata 4.11.3, including bugfix for EntryPoint.extras, which was returning match objects and not the extras strings.
bpo-46998: Allow subclassing of
. Patch by Shantanu Jain.bpo-46995: Deprecate missing
for third-party task implementations, schedule making it mandatory in Python 3.13.bpo-46994: Accept explicit contextvars.Context in
now returns()
instead of((),)
.bpo-46968: Add
.bpo-46985: Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 22.0.4)
: On Linux 5.14 and newer, dynamically determine size of signal handler stack size CPython allocates usinggetauxval(AT_MINSIGSTKSZ)
. This changes allows for Python extension’s request to Linux kernel to use AMX_TILE instruction set on Sapphire Rapids Xeon processor to succeed, unblocking use of the ISA in frameworks.bpo-46917: The
value is now always available. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46955: Expose
. Patch by Stefan Zabka.bpo-23325: The
module no longer assumes thatSIG_IGN
are small int singletons.bpo-46932: Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.7
bpo-46933: The
module is now optional.os.path.expanduser()
returns the path when thepwd
module is not available.bpo-40059: PEP 680, the
module. Adds support for parsing TOML.bpo-464471:
context managers added. Patch by Tin Tvrtković and Andrew Svetlov.bpo-46805: Added raw datagram socket functions for asyncio:
.bpo-46644: No longer require valid typeforms to be callable. This allows
to wraptyping.ParamSpecArgs
. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46581: Brings
propagation forGenericAlias
in line withConcatenate
(and others).bpo-45413: Define posix_venv and nt_venv sysconfig installation schemes to be used for bootstrapping new virtual environments. Add venv sysconfig installation scheme to get the appropriate one of the above. The schemes are identical to the pre-existing posix_prefix and nt install schemes. The
module now uses the venv scheme to create new virtual environments instead of hardcoding the paths depending only on the platform. Downstream Python distributors customizing the posix_prefix or nt install scheme in a way that is not compatible with the install scheme used in virtual environments are encouraged not to customize the venv schemes. When Python itself runs in a virtual environment,sysconfig.get_default_scheme()
returns venv.bpo-43224: Implement support for PEP 646 in
bpo-43224: Allow unpacking types.GenericAlias objects, e.g.
*tuple[int, str]
.bpo-46557: Warnings captured by the logging module are now logged without a format string to prevent systems that group logs by the msg argument from grouping captured warnings together.
now supports evaluating strings as forward references in PEP 585 generic aliases.bpo-46607: Add
, deprecated in the docstring since Python 3.2. Will be removed in Python 3.13. UseBasicInterpolation
now excludes __future__ imports from the module’s data items.bpo-46480: Add
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-46421: Fix a unittest issue where if the command was invoked as
python -m unittest
and the filename(s) began with a dot (.), aValueError
is returned.bpo-46245: Add optional parameter dir_fd in
is marked as deprecated, to be removed in Python 3.13.bpo-46170: Improve the error message when you try to subclass an instance of
.bpo-20392: Fix inconsistency with uppercase file extensions in
. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46030: Add
FreeBSD constants to the socket module.bpo-44439: Fix
method of a member file inZipFile
, when the input data is an object that supports the buffer protocol, the file length may be wrong.bpo-45171: Fix handling of the
argument to logging functions in thelogging
module so that it is consistent across all logging functions and, as advertised, similar to thestacklevel
argument used inwarn()
.bpo-24959: Fix bug where
sometimes drops frames from tracebacks of exceptions raised in tests.bpo-44859: Raise more accurate and PEP 249 compatible exceptions in
instead ofProgrammingError
errors.Don’t overwrite
when conversion to BLOB fails.Raise
instead ofWarning
if user tries toexecute()
more than one SQL statement.Raise
instead ofValueError
if an SQL query contains null characters.
bpo-44493: Add missing terminated NUL in sockaddr_un’s length
This was potentially observable when using non-abstract AF_UNIX datagram sockets to processes written in another programming language.
bpo-41930: Add
support tosqlite3
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-33178: Added
classes, as originally documented in the library docs but not yet implemented.bpo-43352: Add an Barrier object in synchronization primitives of asyncio Lib in order to be consistent with Barrier from threading and multiprocessing libs*
module, fix a few bugs about capturing group. In rare cases, capturing group gets an incorrect string. Patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-47040: Clarified the old Python versions compatibility note of
functions.bpo-46033: Clarify
statement execution in its doc.bpo-45790: Adjust inaccurate phrasing in Definindo Tipos de Extensão: Tutorial about the
field and the macros used to access its contents.bpo-42340: Document that in some circumstances
may cause the code to enter an inconsistent state. Provided a sample workaround to avoid it if needed.bpo-41233: Link the errnos referenced in
to their respective section inDoc/library/errno.rst
, and vice versa. Previously this was only done for EINTR and InterruptedError. Patch by Yan “yyyyyyyan” Orestes.
bpo-47205: Skip test for
error case on FreeBSD.bpo-46126: Restore ‘descriptions’ when running tests internally.
bpo-47104: Rewrite
tests to useunittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
.bpo-40280: The test suite is now passing on the Emscripten platform. All fork, socket, and subprocess-based tests are skipped.
bpo-47037: Skip
feature test on Windows. It can cause an assertion error in debug builds.bpo-46587: Skip tests if platform’s
does not support non-portable glibc extensions.bpo-47015: A test case for
is converted from deprecatedasyncore
(see PEP 594) toasyncio
. Patch by Oleg Iarygin.
bpo-40280: Add configure option
to enabledlopen
and MAIN_MODULE / SIDE_MODULE onwasm32-emscripten
now detects and skips all duplicated module definitions. The first entry wins.bpo-40280: Add SOABI
for Emscripten andwasm32-wasi
for WASI on 32bit WASM as well aswasm64
counter parts.bpo-47032: Ensure Windows install builds fail correctly with a non-zero exit code when part of the build fails.
bpo-47024: Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1n for macOS installers and all Windows builds.
bpo-46996: The
package now requires Tcl/Tk version 8.5.12 or newer.bpo-46973: Add
make target to regenerate configure script with Christian’s container
.bpo-46917: Building Python now requires support of IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. Patch by Victor Stinner.
now verifies that all SQLite C APIs needed for thesqlite3
extension module are found.
bpo-47194: Update
to v1.2.12 to resolve CVE 2018-25032.bpo-47171: Enables installing the
launcher on Windows ARM64.bpo-46566: Upgraded Inicializador Python para Windows to support a new
argument for full PEP 514 support and to detect ARM64 installs. The-64
suffix on arguments is deprecated, but still selects any non-32-bit install. SettingPYLAUNCHER_ALLOW_INSTALL
and specifying a version that is not installed will attempt to install the requested version from the Microsoft Store.bpo-47086: The installer for Windows now includes documentation as loose HTML files rather than a single compiled
file.bpo-46907: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.38.1.
bpo-44549: Update bzip2 to 1.0.8 in Windows builds to mitigate CVE 2016-3189 and CVE 2019-12900.
bpo-46948: Prevent CVE 2022-26488 by ensuring the Add to PATH option in the Windows installer uses the correct path when being repaired.
bpo-40280: Replace Emscripten’s limited shell with Katie Bell’s browser-ui REPL from python-wasm project.
bpo-40421: Add
C-API functions to access frame object attributes safely from C code.bpo-46850: Move the private
type, and private_PyInterpreterState_GetEvalFrameFunc()
functions to the internal C API. The_PyFrameEvalFunction
callback function type now uses the_PyInterpreterFrame
type which is part of the internal C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46850: Move the private undocumented
function to the internal C API. The function now uses the_PyInterpreterFrame
type which is part of the internal C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46850: Remove the private undocumented function
from the C API. Call the publicsys.call_tracing()
function instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46850: Remove the private undocumented function
from the C API. Call the publicsys.get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth()
function instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46850: Remove the following private undocumented functions from the C API:
Call the public
functions instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46987: Remove private functions
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-46906: Add new functions to pack and unpack C double (serialize and deserialize):
. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 6¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-03-07
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-46940: Avoid overriding
metadata information for nested attribute access calls. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-46927: Include the type’s name in the error message for subscripting non-generic types.
bpo-46921: Support vectorcall for
. Patch by Ken Jin.bpo-46841: Fix incorrect handling of inline cache entries when specializing
.bpo-46841: Use an oparg to simplify the construction of helpful error messages in
.bpo-46903: Make sure that str subclasses can be used as attribute names for instances with virtual dictionaries. Fixes regression in 3.11alpha
bpo-46841: Add more detailed specialization failure stats for
followed byEXTENDED_ARG
.bpo-46891: Fix bug introduced during 3.11alpha where subclasses of
were not initialized correctly, resulting in an interpreter crash.bpo-46841: Use inline caching for
.bpo-46841: Use inline cache for
.bpo-46841: Use inline caching for
.bpo-46864: Deprecate
. It will be removed in Python 3.13.bpo-46841: Use inline caching for
.bpo-46845: Reduces dict size by removing hash value from hash table when all inserted keys are Unicode. For example,
becomes 272 bytes from 352 bytes on 64bit platform.bpo-46841: Use inline cache for
.bpo-46852: Rename the private undocumented
method tofloat.__setformat__()
to fix a typo introduced in Python 3.7. The method is only used by test_float. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46852: Remove the undocumented private
method, previously known asfloat.__setformat__()
in Python 3.7. Its docstring said: “You probably don’t want to use this function. It exists mainly to be used in Python’s test suite.” Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-40116: Fix regression that dict.update(other) may don’t respect iterate order of other when other is key sharing dict.
bpo-46712: Share global string identifiers in deep-frozen modules.
bpo-46430: Fix memory leak in interned strings of deep-frozen modules.
bpo-46841: Store
caches inline using a newCACHE
instruction.bpo-45107: Specialize
for instances with a dict.bpo-44337: Reduce the memory usage of specialized
instructions.bpo-46729: Add number of sub-exceptions to
.bpo-45885: Don’t un-adapt
when collecting specialization stats.bpo-46329: Fix specialization stats gathering for
instructions.bpo-46794: Bump up the libexpat version into 2.4.6
bpo-46823: Implement a specialized combined opcode
. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-46820: Fix parsing a numeric literal immediately (without spaces) followed by “not in” keywords, like in
1not in x
. Now the parser only emits a warning, not a syntax error.bpo-46329: Move
instruction in call sequence. Changeoperand
to matchPRECALL
for easier specialization.bpo-46808: Remove the
macro from compile.c, and make the compiler automatically generate implicit blocks when they are needed.bpo-46329: Add
instruction. This is used as a prefix when evaluating a callable, so that the stack has the same shape for methods and other calls.PRECALL_FUNCTION
are merged into a singlePRECALL
instruction.There is no change in semantics.
bpo-46762: Fix an assert failure in debug builds when a ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’ is the last character in an f-string that’s missing a closing right brace.
bpo-46730: Message of AttributeError caused by getting, setting or deleting a property without the corresponding function now mentions that the attribute is in fact a property and also specifies type of the class that it belongs to.
bpo-46724: Make sure that all backwards jumps use the
instruction, rather thanJUMP_FORWARD
with an argument of(2**32)+offset
.bpo-46732: Correct the docstring for the
method. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-46072: Add more detailed specialization failure statistics for
.bpo-46707: Avoid potential exponential backtracking when producing some syntax errors involving lots of brackets. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
now allocates memory on the stack instead of on the heap to pass arguments while calling a Python callback function. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-45923: Add a quickened form of
that skips quickening checks.bpo-46702: Specialize
unpackings.bpo-46072: Opcode pair stats are now gathered with
no longer has any effect.bpo-46675: Allow more than 16 items in a split dict before it is combined. The limit is now 254.
bpo-40479: Add a missing call to
.bpo-46323: Use
while calling ctypes callback function. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-46615: When iterating over sets internally in
, acquire strong references to the resulting items from the set. This prevents crashes in corner-cases of various set operations where the set gets mutated.bpo-45828: The bytecode compiler now attempts to apply runtime stack manipulations at compile-time (whenever it is feasible to do so).
bpo-30496: Fixed a minor portability issue in the implementation of
, and added a fast path for single-digit integers toPyLong_FromLongLong()
bpo-25707: Fixed a file leak in
when the iterator is not exhausted. Patch by Jacob Walls.bpo-46877: Export
. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46848: For performance, use the optimized string-searching implementations from
now uses HTML5 grammar. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44886: Inherit asyncio proactor datagram transport from
.bpo-46827: Support UDP sockets in
for selector-based event loops. Patch by Thomas Grainger.bpo-46811: Make test suite support Expat >=2.4.5
bpo-46252: Raise
is passed to transport-based APIs.bpo-46784: Fix libexpat symbols collisions with user dynamically loaded or statically linked libexpat in embedded Python.
bpo-46786: The HTML serialisation in xml.etree.ElementTree now writes
as empty tags, as defined in HTML 5.bpo-39327:
can now work with VirtualBox shared folders when running from the guest operating-system.bpo-45390: Propagate
message from inner task to outer awaiter.bpo-46756: Fix a bug in
which allowed to bypass authorization. For example, access to
was allowed if the user was authorized for
now have default arguments.bpo-46752: Add task groups to asyncio (structured concurrency, inspired by Trio’s nurseries). This also introduces a change to task cancellation, where a cancelled task can’t be cancelled again until it calls .uncancel().
bpo-46333: The
method oftyping.ForwardRef
now includes themodule
parameter oftyping.ForwardRef
when it is set.bpo-46643: In
, support evaluating stringifiedParamSpecArgs
annotations. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-45863: When the
module creates a pax format archive, it will put an integer representation of timestamps in the ustar header (if possible) for the benefit of older unarchivers, in addition to the existing full-precision timestamps in the pax extended header.bpo-46066: Deprecate kwargs-based syntax for
definitions. It had confusing semantics when specifying totality, and was largely unused. Patch by Jingchen Ye.bpo-46676: Make
args and kwargs equal to themselves. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46323:
now fail to create the type if its_argtypes_
member contains too many arguments. Previously, the error was only raised when calling a function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46672: Fix
when initial type check fails.bpo-46659: The
classes now uselocale.getlocale()
, instead of usinglocale.getdefaultlocale()
, if no locale is specified. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46659: The
function is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13. Uselocale.setlocale()
functions instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46655: In
, support evaluating bare stringifiedTypeAlias
annotations. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-45948: Fixed a discrepancy in the C implementation of the
module. Now, instantiating anxml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser
with atarget=None
keyword provides a defaultxml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder
target as the Python implementation does.bpo-46626: Expose Linux’s
option insocket
.bpo-46521: Fix a bug in the
module that was incorrectly identifying invalid code involving string quotes as valid code.bpo-46571: Improve
.Now it does not modify external classes and functions. We also now correctly mark classmethods as not to be type checked.
bpo-46400: expat: Update libexpat from 2.4.1 to 2.4.4
bpo-46556: Deprecate undocumented support for using a
object as a context manager.bpo-46534: Implement PEP 673
. Patch by James Hilton-Balfe.bpo-46522: Make various module
AttributeErrors more closely match a typical AttributeErrorbpo-46475: Add
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-46333: The
methods oftyping.ForwardRef
now honor themodule
parameter oftyping.ForwardRef
. Forward references from different modules are now differentiated.bpo-46246: Add missing
. Patch by Arie Bovenberg.bpo-46232: The
module now handles certificates with bit strings in DN correctly.bpo-46195:
no longer addsOptional
to parameters withNone
as a default. This aligns to changes to PEP 484 in Add
and documented it. AddNOFLAG
to indicate no flags being set.bpo-45898:
no longer definesffi_type_*
symbols incfield.c
. The symbols have been provided by libffi for over a decade.bpo-44953: Calling
objects andoperator.attrgetter
objects is now faster due to use of the vectorcall calling convention.bpo-44289: Fix an issue with
method when using fileobj argument: position in the fileobj was advanced forward which made it unreadable
.bpo-44011: Reimplement SSL/TLS support in asyncio, borrow the implementation from uvloop library.
bpo-41086: Make the
constructor raiseTypeError
if theinterpolation
parameter is not of typeconfigparser.Interpolation
bpo-29418: Implement
and fixinspect.isroutine()
for cases where methodwrapper is given. Patch by Hakan Çelik.bpo-14156: argparse.FileType now supports an argument of ‘-’ in binary mode, returning the .buffer attribute of sys.stdin/sys.stdout as appropriate. Modes including ‘x’ and ‘a’ are treated equivalently to ‘w’ when argument is ‘-’. Patch contributed by Josh Rosenberg
has moved to its own repository and is now packaged on PyPI assphinx-lint
bpo-46913: Fix test_faulthandler.test_sigfpe() if Python is built with undefined behavior sanitizer (UBSAN): disable UBSAN on the faulthandler_sigfpe() function. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46760: Remove bytecode offsets from expected values in test.test_dis module. Reduces the obstacles to modifying the VM or compiler.
bpo-46708: Prevent default asyncio event loop policy modification warning after
execution.bpo-46678: The function
no longer fails whenPYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX
is set to a directory on a different device from where tempfiles are stored.bpo-46623: Skip test_pair() and test_speech128() of test_zlib on s390x since they fail if zlib uses the s390x hardware accelerator. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46860: Respect
when building on case-insensitive file systems.bpo-46656: Building Python now requires a C11 compiler. Optional C11 features are not required. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46656: Building Python now requires support for floating-point Not-a-Number (NaN): remove the
macro. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46640: Building Python now requires a C99
header file providing aNAN
constant, or the__builtin_nan()
built-in function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46608: Exclude marshalled-frozen data if deep-freezing to save 300 KB disk space. This includes adding a new
field to_frozen
. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-40280: Fix wasm32-emscripten test failures and platform issues. - Disable syscalls that are not supported or don’t work, e.g. wait, getrusage, prlimit, mkfifo, mknod, setres[gu]id, setgroups. - Use fd_count to count open fds. - Add more checks for subprocess and fork. - Add workarounds for missing _multiprocessing and failing socket.accept(). - Enable bzip2. - Disable large file support. - Disable signal.alarm.
bpo-46430: Intern strings in deep-frozen modules. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46744: The default all users install directory for ARM64 is now under the native
Program Files
folder, rather thanProgram Files (Arm)
which is intended for ARM (32-bit) files.bpo-46567: Adds Tcl and Tk support for Windows ARM64. This also adds IDLE to the installation.
bpo-46638: Ensures registry virtualization is consistently disabled. For 3.10 and earlier, it remains enabled (some registry writes are protected), while for 3.11 and later it is disabled (registry modifications affect all applications).
bpo-46748: Python’s public headers no longer import
, leaving code that embeds/extends Python free to definebool
.bpo-46836: Move the
type definition (struct _frame
) to the internal C APIpycore_frame.h
header file. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45459: Rename
header file toInclude/pybuffer.h
to avoid conflicts with projects having an existingbuffer.h
header file. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45412: Remove the
macro (moved to the internal C API). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46613: Added function
, which allows access to module state when a method’s defining class is not available.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-02-03
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-45773: Remove two invalid “peephole” optimizations from the bytecode compiler.
bpo-46564: Do not create frame objects when creating
object. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-45885: Added more fined-grained specialization failure stats regarding the
bytecode.bpo-44977: The delegation of
is now deprecated. Callingint(a)
but not__int__()
now raises aDeprecationWarning
.bpo-46458: Reorder code emitted by the compiler for a
block so that theelse
block’s code immediately follows thetry
body (without a jump). This is more optimal for the happy path.bpo-46527: Allow passing
as a keyword argument toenumerate()
again. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-46528: Replace several stack manipulation instructions (
, andROT_N
) with newCOPY
instructions.bpo-46329: Use two or three bytecodes to implement most calls.
Calls without named arguments are implemented as a sequence of two instructions:
. Calls with named arguments are implemented as a sequence of three instructions:PRECALL; KW_NAMES; CALL
. There are two differentPRECALL
. The latter pairs withLOAD_METHOD
.This partition into pre-call and call allows better specialization, and thus better performance ultimately.
There is no change in semantics.
bpo-46503: Fix an assert when parsing some invalid N escape sequences in f-strings.
bpo-46431: Improve error message on invalid calls to
.bpo-46476: Fix memory leak in code objects generated by deepfreeze. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46481: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-46417: Fix a race condition on setting a type
attribute: the internal functionadd_subclass()
now gets thePyTypeObject.tp_subclasses
member after callingPyWeakref_NewRef()
which can trigger a garbage collection which can indirectly modifyPyTypeObject.tp_subclasses
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46417:
python -X showrefcount
now shows the total reference count after clearing and destroyed the main Python interpreter. Previously, it was shown before. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43683: Add ASYNC_GEN_WRAP opcode to wrap the value to be yielded in async generators. Removes the need to special case async generators in the
instruction.bpo-46407: Optimize some modulo operations in
. Patch by Jeremiah Vivian.bpo-46409: Add new
bytecode to make generators. Simplifies calling Python functions in the VM, as they no longer any need to special case generator functions.Also add
bytecode that acts likeJUMP_ABSOLUTE
, but does not check for interrupts.bpo-46406: The integer division
implementation has been optimized to better let the compiler understand its constraints. It can be 20% faster on the amd64 platform when dividing an int by a value smaller than2**30
.bpo-46383: Fix invalid signature of
function to resolve a crash on wasm32-emscripten platform.bpo-46361: Ensure that “small” integers created by
are properly cached.bpo-46161: Fix the class building error when the arguments are constants and CALL_FUNCTION_EX is used.
bpo-46028: Fixes calculation of
when inside a virtual environment that uses symlinks with different binary names than the base environment provides.bpo-46091: Correctly calculate indentation levels for lines with whitespace character that are ended by line continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-30512: Add CAN Socket support for NetBSD.
bpo-46045: Do not use POSIX semaphores on NetBSD
bpo-44024: Improve the
message for non-string second arguments passed to the built-in functionsgetattr()
. Patch by Géry Ogam.
bpo-46624: Restore support for non-integer arguments of
.bpo-46591: Make the IDLE doc URL on the About IDLE dialog clickable.
bpo-46565: Remove loop variables that are leaking into modules’ namespaces.
bpo-46553: In
, support evaluating bare stringifiedClassVar
annotations. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46544: Don’t leak
intermediate vars intextwrap.TextWrapper
.bpo-46487: Add the
method toasyncio.transports.WriteTransport
and to the SSL transport.bpo-45173: Note the configparser deprecations will be removed in Python 3.12.
bpo-45162: The deprecated
APIs removed in 3.11a1 have been temporarily restored to be removed in 3.12 while cleanups in external projects go in.bpo-46539: In
, support evaluating stringifiedClassVar
annotations insideAnnotated
. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46510: Add missing test for
. Calculate them directly from the caught exception without callingsys.exc_info()
.bpo-46491: Allow
to wraptyping.Final
. Patch by Gregory Beauregard.bpo-46483: Remove
as this class was not supposed to be generic.bpo-46436: Fix command-line option
in modulehttp.server
which is ignored when combined with command-line option--cgi
. Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-41403: Make
raise aTypeError
with a relevant error message on invalid arg. Previously it allowed a crypticAttributeError
to escape.bpo-46474: In
, avoid potential REDoS by limiting ambiguity in consecutive whitespace.bpo-46474: Removed private method from
. Sync with importlib_metadata 4.10.0.bpo-46470: Remove unused branch from
generic classes now returntypes.GenericAlias
instead of the same class.bpo-41906: Support passing filter instances in the
values ofhandlers
in the dictionary passed tologging.config.dictConfig()
.bpo-46422: Use
instead of a regulartuple
now gracefully handleshelp
is missing, for example when run with pregenerated optimized.pyc
files.bpo-43869: Python uses the same time Epoch on all platforms. Add an explicit unit test to ensure that it’s the case. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46414: Add
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-40280:
now imports Windows-specific imports whenmsvcrt
module is available, and POSIX-specific imports on all other platforms. This gives a clean exception when_posixsubprocess
is not available (e.g. Emscripten browser target).bpo-40066:
, andStrEnum
use the mixed-in type for theirstr()
output.bpo-46316: Optimize
by removing an unnecessary check for special entries.bpo-29688: Document
(which has always existed).bpo-43012: The pathlib module’s obsolete and internal
class has been removed to prepare the terrain for upcoming enhancements to the module.bpo-46258: Speed up
for small positive integers by replacing two division steps with a lookup table.bpo-46242: Improve error message when creating a new
type subclassing an existingEnum
.bpo-43118: Fix a bug in
that was causing it to fail on some subclasses of classes with a__text_signature__
referencing module globals. Patch by Weipeng Hong.bpo-26552: Fixed case where failing
did not close the coroutine. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-21987: Fix an issue with
getting a directory name with a trailing slash.bpo-46124: Update
to rely on importlib.resources traversable API.bpo-46103: Now
only gets__bases__
attribute from class type. Patch by Weipeng Hong.bpo-46080: Fix exception in argparse help text generation if a
argument’s default isargparse.SUPPRESS
and it hashelp
specified. Patch by Felix Fontein.bpo-44791: Fix substitution of
with different parameter expressions. Substitution with a list of types returns now a tuple of types. Substitution withConcatenate
returns now aConcatenate
with concatenated lists of arguments.
bpo-46463: Fixes
script used when building the CHM documentation file
bpo-43478: Mocks can no longer be provided as the specs for other Mocks. As a result, an already-mocked object cannot be passed to
. This can uncover bugs in tests since these Mock-derived Mocks will always pass certain tests (e.g. isinstance) and builtin assert functions (e.g. assert_called_once_with) will unconditionally pass.bpo-46616: Ensures
cleans up registry keys after completion.bpo-44359: test_ftplib now silently ignores socket errors to prevent logging unhandled threading exceptions. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46600: Fix test_gdb.test_pycfunction() for Python built with
clang -Og
. Tolerate inlined functions in the gdb traceback. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46542: Fix a Python crash in test_lib2to3 when using Python built in debug mode: limit the recursion limit. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46576: test_peg_generator now disables compiler optimization when testing compilation of its own C extensions to significantly speed up the testing on non-debug builds of CPython.
bpo-46542: Fix
tests checking forRecursionError
: modify these tests to usesupport.infinite_recursion()
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-13886: Skip test_builtin PTY tests on non-ASCII characters if the readline module is loaded. The readline module changes input() behavior, but test_builtin is not intended to test the readline module. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-40280: Add
decorators to mark tests that require a workingos.fork()
.bpo-40280: Add
decorator to mark tests which require workingsubprocess
module oros.spawn*
. The wasm32-emscripten platform has no support for processes.bpo-46126: Disable ‘descriptions’ when running tests internally.
bpo-46602: Tidied up so that conftest.c is truncated rather than appended. This assists in the case where the ‘rm’ of conftest.c fails to happen between tests. Downstream issues such as a clobbered SOABI can result.
bpo-46600: Fix the test checking if the C compiler supports
option in the./configure
script to also use-Og
on clang which supports it. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-38472: Fix GCC detection in when cross-compiling. The C compiler is now run with LC_ALL=C. Previously, the detection failed with a German locale.
bpo-46513: configure no longer uses
macro andpyconfig.h
no longer defines reserved symbol__CHAR_UNSIGNED__
.bpo-46471: Use global singletons for single byte bytes objects in deepfreeze.
bpo-46443: Deepfreeze now uses cached small integers as it saves some space for common small integers.
bpo-46429: Merge all deep-frozen files into one for space savings. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-45569: The build now defaults to using 30-bit digits for Python integers. Previously either 15-bit or 30-bit digits would be selected, depending on the platform. 15-bit digits may still be selected using the
option to theconfigure
script, or by definingPYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT
.bpo-45925: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.37.2.
bpo-43112: Detect musl libc as a separate SOABI (tagged as
bpo-33125: The traditional EXE/MSI based installer for Windows is now available for ARM64
bpo-46362: os.path.abspath(“C:CON”) is now fixed to return “\.CON”, not the same path. The regression was true of all legacy DOS devices such as COM1, LPT1, or NUL.
bpo-44934: The installer now offers a command-line only option to add the installation directory to the end of
instead of at the start.
bpo-45925: Update macOS installer to SQLite 3.37.2.
bpo-45296: Clarify close, quit, and exit in IDLE. In the File menu, ‘Close’ and ‘Exit’ are now ‘Close Window’ (the current one) and ‘Exit’ is now ‘Exit IDLE’ (by closing all windows). In Shell, ‘quit()’ and ‘exit()’ mean ‘close Shell’. If there are no other windows, this also exits IDLE.
bpo-40170: Remove the
macro. It was exposed in the public C API by mistake, it must only be used by Python internally. Use thePyTypeObject.tp_members
member instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-40170: Move _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks() and _PyObject_DebugMallocStats() private functions to the internal C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46433: The internal function _PyType_GetModuleByDef now correctly handles inheritance patterns involving static types.
and variousPy_buffer
related functions are now part of the limited API and stable ABI.bpo-14916: Fixed bug in the tokenizer that prevented
from parsing from the provided FD.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2022-01-13
Núcleo e embutidos¶
now explicitly untracks all objects currently tracked by the GC. Previously, if an object was used later by another interpreter, callingPyObject_GC_UnTrack()
on the object crashed if the previous or the next object of thePyGC_Head
structure became a dangling pointer. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-46347: Fix memory leak in PyEval_EvalCodeEx.
bpo-46339: Fix a crash in the parser when retrieving the error text for multi-line f-strings expressions that do not start in the first line of the string. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-46331: Do not set line number of instruction storing doc-string. Fixes regression introduced in 3.11 alpha.
bpo-46314: Remove spurious “call” event when creating a lambda function that was accidentally introduced in 3.11a4.
bpo-46289: ASDL declaration of
has changed to reflectconversion
field is not optional.bpo-46297: Fixed an interpreter crash on bootup with multiple PythonPaths set in the Windows registry. Patch by Derzsi Dániel.
bpo-46237: Fix the line number of tokenizer errors inside f-strings. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46263: We always expect the “use_frozen_modules” config to be set, now that getpath.c was rewritten in pure Python and the logic improved.
bpo-46006: Fix a regression when a type method like
is modified in a subinterpreter. Fix a regression in_PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIId()
and typeupdate_slot()
. Revert the change which made the Unicode dictionary of interned strings compatible with subinterpreters: the internal interned dictionary is shared again by all interpreters. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45923: Add RESUME opcode. This is a logical no-op. It is emitted by the compiler anywhere a Python function can be entered. It is used by the interpreter to perform tracing and optimizer checks.
bpo-46208: Fix the regression of os.path.normpath(“A/../../B”) not returning expected “../B” but “B”.
bpo-46240: Correct the error message for unclosed parentheses when the tokenizer doesn’t reach the end of the source when the error is reported. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-46009: Remove the
opcode.bpo-46235: Certain sequence multiplication operations like
[0] * 1_000
are now faster due to reference-counting optimizations. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-46221:
no longer pusheslasti
to the stack.bpo-46202: Remove
and replace it by an equivalent sequence of other opcodes.bpo-46085: Fix iterator cache mechanism of
.bpo-46055: Speed up shifting operation involving integers less than
. Patch by Xinhang Xu.bpo-46110: Add a maximum recursion check to the PEG parser to avoid stack overflow. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-46107: Fix bug where
did not copy the exception group’s__note__
field to the parts.bpo-45711: The interpreter state’s representation of handled exceptions (a.k.a exc_info, or _PyErr_StackItem) now has only the
have been removed as their values can be derived fromexc_value
.bpo-44525: Replace the four call bytecode instructions which one pre-call instruction and two call instructions.
call instructions, andPRECALL_METHOD
prefix for pairing withLOAD_METHOD
.bpo-46039: Remove the
instruction and replace it with theSEND
instruction which performs the same operation, but without the loop.bpo-45635: The code called from
was refactored to improve error handling. It now exits immediately upon an unrecoverable error.bpo-46054: Fix parser error when parsing non-utf8 characters in source files. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46042: Improve the location of the caret in
exceptions emitted by the symbol table. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-46049: Ensure
files work as intended on platforms other than Windows.bpo-46048: Fixes parsing of
files on startup so that single-character paths are correctly read.bpo-37971: Fix a bug where the line numbers given in a traceback when a decorator application raised an exception were wrong.
bpo-46031: Add
opcodes to speed up conditional jumps.bpo-46025: Fix a crash in the
module involving functions that unregister themselves before raising exceptions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-46000: Improve compatibility of the
module with NetBSD curses.bpo-44525: Specialize the CALL_FUNCTION instruction for calls to builtin types with a single argument. Speeds up
, and specificallytype(obj)
.bpo-42918: Fix bug where the built-in
function did not always raise aSyntaxError
when passed multiple statements in ‘single’ mode. Patch by Weipeng Hong.bpo-45953: The main interpreter in _PyRuntimeState.interpreters is now statically allocated (as part of _PyRuntime). Likewise for the initial thread state of each interpreter. This means less allocation during runtime init, as well as better memory locality for these key state objects.
bpo-45292: Complete the PEP 654 implementation: add
.bpo-43413: Revert changes in
. Subclass ofset
needs to define a__init__()
method if it defines a__new__()
method with additional keyword parameters.bpo-43931: Added the
constant which bears the same value asPY_VERSION_HEX
. Patch by Gabriele N. Tornetta.
bpo-46342: The
decorator now sets the__final__
attribute on the decorated object to allow runtime introspection. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-46328: Added the
method which returns the active exception instance.bpo-46307: Add
methods.bpo-46306: Assume that
always hastypes.CodeType.co_firstlineno
.bpo-40479: Fix
usedforsecurity option to work correctly with OpenSSL 3.0.0 in FIPS mode.bpo-46070: Fix possible segfault when importing the
module from different sub-interpreters in parallel. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-46244: Removed
. They served no purpose. Patch by Arie Bovenberg.bpo-46278: Reflect
argument inAbstractEventLoop.call_*()
methods. Loop implementations already support it.bpo-46269: Remove special-casing of
.bpo-46266: Improve day constants in
.Now all constants (
) are documented, tested, and added to__all__
.bpo-46257: Optimized the mean, variance, and stdev functions in the statistics module. If the input is an iterator, it is consumed in a single pass rather than eating memory by conversion to a list. The single pass algorithm is about twice as fast as the previous two pass code.
bpo-41011: Added two new variables to pyvenv.cfg which is generated by
module: executable for the executable and command for the command line used to create the environment.bpo-46239: Improve error message when importing
on non-Windows.bpo-46238: Reuse
constants inasyncio.windows_events
.bpo-46222: Adding
sendfile constant for FreeBSD for the posixmodule.bpo-37295: Add fast path for
0 <= k <= n <= 67
.bpo-46176: Adding the
constant for the mmap module.bpo-43424: Deprecate
and usename
instead.bpo-45321: Added missing error codes to module
.bpo-46125: Refactor tests to test traversable API directly. Includes changes from importlib 5.4.0.
bpo-46118: Moved importlib.resources and its related functionality to a package.
bpo-37578: Add include_hidden parameter to
to match hidden files and directories when using special characters like*
no longer blocks forever when given duplicate Futures. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46105: Honor spec when generating requirement specs with urls and extras (importlib_metadata 4.8.3).
bpo-44893: EntryPoint objects are no longer tuples. Recommended means to access is by attribute (‘.name’, ‘.group’) or accessor (‘.load()’). Access by index is deprecated and will raise deprecation warning.
bpo-22815: Print unexpected successes together with failures and errors in summary in
.bpo-22047: Calling
on an argument group is deprecated. Callingadd_argument_group()
on a mutually exclusive group is deprecated.These features were never supported and do not always work correctly. The functions exist on the API by accident through inheritance and will be removed in the future.
with clear message when trying to render usage for an empty mutually exclusive group. Previously it raised a crypticIndexError
.bpo-45615: Functions in the
module raiseTypeError
rather thanAttributeError
when an exception argument is not of typeBaseException
.bpo-16594: Add allow allow_reuse_port flag in socketserver.
bpo-27718: Fix help for the
module. Some functions (e.g.signal()
) were omitted.bpo-46032: The
method offunctools.singledispatch()
functions checks now the first argument or the first parameter annotation and raises a TypeError if it is not supported. Previously unsupported “types” were ignored (e.g.typing.List[int]
) or caused an error at calling time (e.g.list[int]
).bpo-46014: Add ability to use
as dispatch argument tofunctools.singledispatch
. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-46018: Ensure that
does not raise on underflow.bpo-46016: Adding
constants from FreeBSD into thefcntl
generic aliases now reveal the class attributes of the original generic class when passed todir()
. This was the behavior up to Python 3.6, but was changed in 3.7-3.9.bpo-45874: The empty query string, consisting of no query arguments, is now handled correctly in
. This caused problems before when strict parsing was enabled.bpo-44674: Change how dataclasses disallows mutable default values. It used to use a list of known types (list, dict, set). Now it disallows unhashable objects to be defaults. It’s using unhashability as a proxy for mutability. Patch by Eric V. Smith, idea by Raymond Hettinger.
bpo-23882: Remove namespace package (PEP 420) support from unittest discovery. It was introduced in Python 3.4 but has been broken since Python 3.7.
bpo-25066: Added a
method tomultiprocessing.Event
objects, patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-45643: Added
on platforms where this signal is defined.bpo-44092: Fetch across rollback no longer raises
. Instead we leave it to the SQLite library to handle these cases. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-42413: Replace
with builtinTimeoutError
, keep these names as deprecated aliases.
bpo-46296: Add a test case for
with_use_args_ == True
and_member_type_ == object
.bpo-46205: Fix hang in runtest_mp due to race condition
bpo-46263: Fix test_capi on FreeBSD 14-dev: instruct jemalloc to not fill freed memory with junk byte.
bpo-46262: Cover
path in tests forenum.Flag._missing_()
.bpo-46150: Now
is checked to be non-existent.bpo-46129: Rewrite
tests withunittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
usage.bpo-23819: Fixed
tests in python optimized mode. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46114: Fix test case for OpenSSL 3.0.1 version. OpenSSL 3.0 uses
bpo-44133: When Python is configured with
, the Python static library (libpython.a) is no longer built. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44133: When Python is built without
, thepython
program is now linked to object files, rather than being linked to the Python static library (libpython.a), to make sure that all symbols are exported. Previously, the linker omitted some symbols like thePy_FrozenMain()
function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-40280: The
script has a new option--with-emscripten-target
to select browser or node as Emscripten build target.bpo-46315: Added and fixed
checks for functionality that is not available on WASI platform.bpo-45723: Fixed a regression in
check forselect.epoll()
no longer setsMULTIARCH
on FreeBSD platforms.bpo-46106: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1m in Windows builds, macOS installer builds, and CI. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46088: Automatically detect or install bootstrap Python runtime when building from Visual Studio.
bpo-46072: Add a –with-pystats configure option to turn on internal statistics gathering.
bpo-40280: A new directory
contains WebAssembly-related helpers
override for wasm32-emscripten, wasm assets generator to bundle the stdlib, and a README.bpo-46023: makesetup no longer builds extensions that have been marked as disabled. This allows users to disable modules in
.bpo-45949: Use pure Python
for all but importlib bootstrap files.--with-freeze-module
configure option is no longer needed for cross builds.
bpo-46217: Removed parameter that is unsupported on Windows 8.1 and early Windows 10 and may have caused build or runtime failures.
bpo-40477: The Python Launcher app for macOS now properly launches scripts and, if necessary, the Terminal app when running on recent macOS releases.
bpo-46236: Fix a bug in
that caused it to return atuple
instead of adict
now take buffer info byconst Py_buffer *
instead ofPy_buffer *
, as they do not need mutability.PyBuffer_FromContiguous()
also now takes the source buffer asconst void *
, and similarlyPyBuffer_GetPointer()
takes the strides asconst Py_ssize_t *
.bpo-45855: Document that the no_block argument to
is a no-op now.bpo-45855: Replaced deprecated usage of
in stdlib modules. Patch by Kumar Aditya.bpo-46007: The
macro has been excluded from the limited C API. It was never usable there, because it used internal structures which are not available in the limited C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-12-08
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-46009: Restore behavior from 3.9 and earlier when sending non-None to newly started generator. In 3.9 this did not affect the state of the generator. In 3.10.0 and 3.10.1
is equivalent togen_func().throw(TypeError(...)
which exhausts the generator. In 3.10.2 onward, the behavior has been reverted to that of 3.9.bpo-46004: Fix the
location for errors involving for loops with invalid targets. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-45711:
no longer normalizesexc_info
(including setting the traceback on the exception instance) becauseexc_info
is always normalized.bpo-45607: The
field was added toBaseException
. It isNone
by default but can be set to a string which is added to the exception’s traceback.bpo-45947: Place pointers to dict and values immediately before GC header. This reduces number of dependent memory loads to access either dict or values from 3 to 1.
now uses fasterfcntl(fd, F_GETFD)
on Linux, macOS, and Windows.bpo-44530: Reverts a change to the
audit event from an earlier prerelease.bpo-42268: Fail the configure step if the selected compiler doesn’t support memory sanitizer. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45711: The three values of
are now always consistent with each other. In particular, thetype
fields are now derived from the exception instance. This impacts the return values ofsys.exc_info()
if the exception instance is modified while the exception is handled, as well asPyErr_SetExcInfo()
, which now ignores thetype
arguments provided to it.bpo-45727: Refine the custom syntax error that suggests that a comma may be missing to trigger only when the expressions are detected between parentheses or brackets. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45885: Specialized the
opcode using the PEP 659 machinery.bpo-45786: Allocate space for the interpreter frame in the frame object, to avoid an additional allocation when the frame object outlives the frame activation.
bpo-45614: Fix
display for exceptions with invalid module name.bpo-45813: Fix crash when calling coro.cr_frame.clear() after coroutine has been freed.
bpo-45811: Improve the tokenizer errors when encountering invisible control characters in the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45848: Allow the parser to obtain error lines directly from encoded files. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45709: Restore behavior from 3.10 when tracing an exception raised within a with statement.
bpo-44525: Adds new
opcode, to make copying of free variables from function to frame explicit. Helps optimization of calls to Python function.bpo-45829: Specialize
for classes with a__getitem__
method implemented in Pythonbpo-45826: Fixed a crash when calling
. This occurs internally inunittest.TestCase.assertRaises()
.bpo-45822: Fixed a bug in the parser that was causing it to not respect PEP 263 coding cookies when no flags are provided. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45820: Fix a segfault when the parser fails without reading any input. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45636: Simplify the implementation of
by indexing into an array of function pointers (rather than switching on the oparg).bpo-42540: Fix crash when
is called with an active non-default memory allocator.bpo-45738: Fix computation of error location for invalid continuation characters in the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-45636: Remove an existing “fast path” for old-style string formatting, since it no longer appears to have any measurable impact.
bpo-45753: Make recursion checks a bit more efficient by tracking amount of calls left before overflow.
bpo-45773: Fix a compiler hang when attempting to optimize certain jump patterns.
bpo-45764: The parser now gives a better error message when leaving out the opening parenthesis
after adef
-statement:>>> def f: File "<stdin>", line 1 def f: ^ SyntaxError: expected '('
bpo-45609: Specialized the
opcode using the PEP 659 machinery.bpo-45636: Replace all numeric
instructions with a singleBINARY_OP
implementation.bpo-45582: Path calculation (known as
) has been reimplemented as a frozen Python module. This should have no visible impact, but may affect calculation of all paths referenced insys
.bpo-45450: Improve the syntax error message for parenthesized arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-27946: Fix possible crash when getting an attribute of
simultaneously with replacing theattrib
dict.bpo-45711: Make
normalize exceptions as soon as they are captured withPyErr_Fetch()
, and before they are stored as an exc_info triplet. This bringsasyncio
in line with the rest of the codebase, where an exc_info triplet is always normalized.bpo-23819: Replaced asserts with exceptions in asyncio, patch by Kumar Aditya.
flush now the output stream more often.bpo-45917: Added
:, which returns 2 raised to the power of x.bpo-37658: Fix issue when on certain conditions
may allow a coroutine to complete successfully, but fail to return the result, potentially causing memory leaks or other issues.bpo-45876: Improve the accuracy of stdev() and pstdev() in the statistics module. When the inputs are floats or fractions, the output is a correctly rounded float
bpo-44649: Handle dataclass(slots=True) with a field that has default a default value, but for which init=False.
bpo-45803: Added missing kw_only parameter to dataclasses.make_dataclass().
bpo-45837: The
is deprecated since Python 3.1, it now emits a deprecation warning and will be removed in Python 3.13.Use
was earlier incorrectly marked as deprecated, its docstring has been corrected.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
can now write ASCII-only strings (like filenames and function names) with a single write() syscall when dumping a traceback. It reduces the risk of getting an unreadable dump when two threads or two processes dump a traceback to the same file (like stderr) at the same time. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45828:
C callbacks now use unraisable exceptions if callback tracebacks are enabled. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-41735: Fix thread lock in
method beforePyObject_GetBuffer
.bpo-45235: Reverted an argparse bugfix that caused regression in the handling of default arguments for subparsers. This prevented leaf level arguments from taking precedence over root level arguments.
bpo-45754: Fix a regression in Python 3.11a1 and 3.11a2 where
incorrectly would useSQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH
when checking SQL statement lengths. Now,SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH
is used. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45766: Added proportional option to
.bpo-45765: In importlib.metadata, fix distribution discovery for an empty path.
bpo-45757: Fix bug where
produced an incorrect oparg whenEXTENDED_ARG
is followed by an opcode that does not use its argument.bpo-45644: In-place JSON file formatting using
python3 -m json.tool infile infile
now works correctly, previously it left the file empty. Patch by Chris Wesseling.bpo-45703: When a namespace package is imported before another module from the same namespace is created/installed in a different
location while the program is running, calling theimportlib.invalidate_caches()
function will now also guarantee the new module is noticed.bpo-45535: Improve output of
with Enums.bpo-45664: Fix
instance as a base.bpo-45663: Fix
for dataclasses which are subclasses oftypes.GenericAlias
.bpo-45662: Fix the repr of
with a type alias to the built-in class, e.g.InitVar[list[int]]
.bpo-43137: Launch GNOME web browsers via gio tool instead of obsolete gvfs-open
bpo-45429: On Windows,
now uses a waitable timer which supports high-resolution timers. Patch by Donghee Na and Eryk Sun.bpo-37295: Optimize
.bpo-45514: Deprecated legacy functions in
.bpo-45507: Add tests for truncated/missing trailers in gzip.decompress implementation.
bpo-45359: Implement PEP 585 for
.bpo-44733: Add
. This allows users to specify the maximum number of tasks a single process should execute before the process needs to be restarted.bpo-28806: Improve netrc library. netrc file no longer needs to contain all tokens. And if the login name is anonymous, security check is no longer need.
bpo-43498: Avoid a possible “RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration” when adjusting the process count of
.bpo-42158: Add MIME types for N-quads, N-triples, Notation3 and TriG to
.bpo-30533: Add
, it return all members without triggering dynamic lookup via the descriptor protocol. Patch by Weipeng Hong.
make -C Doc suspicious
will be removed soon in favor ofmake -C Doc check
, mark it as deprecated.bpo-45840: Improve cross-references in the documentation for the data model.
bpo-45640: Properly marked-up grammar tokens in the documentation are now clickable and take you to the definition of a given piece of grammar. Patch by Arthur Milchior.
bpo-45788: Link doc for sys.prefix to sysconfig doc on installation paths.
documentation is corrected to a class from a function.bpo-45392: Update the docstring of the
built-in to remove a redundant line and to mention keyword arguments for the constructor.bpo-45250: Update the documentation to note that CPython does not consistently require iterators to define
.bpo-25381: In the extending chapter of the extending doc, update a paragraph about the global variables containing exception information.
bpo-43905: Expanded
docs, warning about deepcopy being applied and providing a workaround.
bpo-45695: Out-of-tree builds with a read-only source directory are now tested by CI.
bpo-19460: Add new Test for
.bpo-45835: Fix race condition in test_queue tests with multiple “feeder” threads.
bpo-45783: The test for the freeze tool now handles file moves and deletions.
bpo-45745: Remove the
command line option of regrtest: use the--fail-env-changed
option instead. Since Python 3.7, it was a deprecated alias to the--fail-env-changed
option.bpo-45701: Add tests with
type withfunctools.lru_cache()
bpo-44035: CI now verifies that autoconf files have been regenerated with a current and unpatched autoconf package.
bpo-45950: The build system now uses a _bootstrap_python interpreter for freezing and deepfreezing again. To speed up build process the build tools _bootstrap_python and _freeze_module are no longer build with LTO.
bpo-45881: The configure script now accepts
options to make cross compiling easier.bpo-40280: Emscripten platform now uses
suffix by default.bpo-40280: Disable unusable core extension modules on WASM/Emscripten targets.
now checks for socketshutdown
function. The check makes it possible to disableSYS_shutdown
in CONFIG_SITE.bpo-40280:
now checks for functionsfork1, getegid, geteuid, getgid, getppid, getuid, opendir, pipe, system, wait, ttyname
.bpo-33393: Update
to 2021-06-03 andconfig.sub
to 2021-08-14.Makefile
now has anupdate-config
target to make updating more convenient.bpo-45866:
make regen-all
now produces the same output when run from a directory other than the source tree: when building Python out of the source tree. pegen now strips directory of the “generated by pygen from <FILENAME>” header Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-40280:
now accepts machinewasm32
and OSwasi
for cross building, e.g.wasm32-unknown-emscripten
, orwasm32-unknown-wasi
.bpo-41498: Python now compiles on platforms without
. Several functions insignal
are not available whensigset_t
is missing.Based on patch by Roman Yurchak for pyodide.
now usesCC
from environment first to discover multiarch and cross compile paths.bpo-45886: The
program path can now be overridden on the command line, e.g.make FREEZE_MODULE=../x86_64/Program/_freeze_module
.bpo-45873: Get rid of the
build step. The script is now run using$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN)
which can be Python 3.7 or newer (on Windows, 3.8 or newer).bpo-45847: Port builtin hashlib extensions to
macro andaddext()
.bpo-45723: Add
helpers for saving and restoring environment variables:SAVE_ENV
: Restore$CFLAGS
wrapped withSAVE_ENV
Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-45573: Mandatory core modules, that are required to bootstrap Python, are now in
now createsModules/Setup.stdlib
with conditionally enabled/disabled extension module lines. The file is not used, yet.bpo-45573:
now uses a unified format to set state, compiler flags, and linker flags in Makefile. The new macroPY_STDLIB_MOD
sets three variables that are consumed byModules/Setup
.bpo-45816: Python now supports building with Visual Studio 2022 (MSVC v143, VS Version 17.0). Patch by Jeremiah Vivian.
bpo-45800: Settings for
C extension are now detected byconfigure
. The bundledexpat
library is built inMakefile
.bpo-45798: Settings for
internal C extension are now detected byconfigure
. The bundledlibmpdec
library is built inMakefile
.bpo-45723: configure has a new option
to disable or require pkg-config.bpo-45774: The build dependencies for
are now detected byconfigure
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45763: The build dependencies for
, andlzma
are now detected byconfigure
.bpo-45747: gdbm and dbm build dependencies are now detected by
.bpo-45743: On macOS, the build system no longer passes
to the linker. The flag has been the default since Xcode 4 / macOS 10.6.bpo-45723:
is now compatible with autoconf 2.71. Deprecated checksSTDC_HEADERS
have been removed.bpo-45723:
now prints a warning when pkg-config is missing.bpo-45731:
configure --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions
macro instead of logic in now uses custom helper macros and
to simplify and speed up configure runs.bpo-45696: Skip the marshal step for frozen modules by generating C code that produces a set of ready-to-use code objects. This speeds up startup time by another 10% or more.
bpo-45561: Run tool from $(srcdir).
bpo-46105: Fixed calculation of
in a venv on Windows.bpo-45901: When installed through the Microsoft Store and set as the default app for
files, command line arguments will now be passed to Python when invoking a script without explicitly launching Python (that is, args
rather thanpython args
).bpo-45616: Fix Python Launcher’s ability to distinguish between versions 3.1 and 3.10 when either one is explicitly requested. Previously, 3.1 would be used if 3.10 was requested but not installed, and 3.10 would be used if 3.1 was requested but 3.10 was installed.
bpo-45850: Implement changes to build with deep-frozen modules on Windows. Note that we now require Python 3.10 as the “bootstrap” or “host” Python.
bpo-45732: Updates bundled Tcl/Tk to 8.6.12.
bpo-45720: Internal reference to
was dropped to help improve startup time. This DLL will no longer be loaded at the start of every Python process.
bpo-45732: Update macOS installer to use Tcl/Tk 8.6.12.
bpo-39026: Fix Python.h to build C extensions with Xcode: remove a relative include from
Python 3.11.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-11-05
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-45716: Improve the
message when usingTrue
as keywords in a function call. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-45688:
now contains the macOS-specific module_scproxy
.bpo-45379: Clarify
message when we try to explicitly import a frozen module but frozen modules are disabled.bpo-44525: Specialize simple calls to Python functions (no starargs, keyword dict, or closure)
bpo-45530: Cases of sorting using tuples as keys may now be significantly faster in some cases. Patch by Tim Peters.
The order of the result may differ from earlier releases if the tuple elements don’t define a total ordering (see Comparações de valor for information on total ordering). It’s generally true that the result of sorting simply isn’t well-defined in the absence of a total ordering on list elements.
bpo-45526: In obmalloc, set ADDRESS_BITS to not ignore any bits (ignored 16 before). That is safer in the case that the kernel gives user-space virtual addresses that span a range greater than 48 bits.
bpo-30570: Fixed a crash in
from infinite recursion when searching pathological__bases__
tuples.bpo-45521: Fix a bug in the obmalloc radix tree code. On 64-bit machines, the bug causes the tree to hold 46-bits of virtual addresses, rather than the intended 48-bits.
bpo-45494: Fix parser crash when reporting errors involving invalid continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-45445: Python now fails to initialize if it finds an invalid
option in the command line. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-45340: Object attributes are held in an array instead of a dictionary. An object’s dictionary are created lazily, only when needed. Reduces the memory consumption of a typical Python object by about 30%. Patch by Mark Shannon.
bpo-45408: Fix a crash in the parser when reporting tokenizer errors that occur at the same time unclosed parentheses are detected. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-29410: Add SipHash13 for string hash algorithm and use it by default.
bpo-45385: Fix reference leak from descr_check. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-45367: Specialized the
using the PEP 659 machinery.bpo-21736: Frozen stdlib modules now have
to the .py file they would otherwise be loaded from, if possible. For packages,__path__
now has the correct entry instead of being an empty list, which allows unfrozen submodules to be imported. These are set only if the stdlib directory is known when the runtime is initialized. Note that the file at__file__
is not guaranteed to exist. None of this affects non-stdlib frozen modules nor, for now, frozen modules imported usingPyImport_ImportFrozenModule()
. Also, at the momentco_filename
is not updated for the module.bpo-45020: For frozen stdlib modules, record the original module name as
. If the value is different
then the module was defined as an alias in Tools/scripts/ If it isNone
then the module comes from a source file outside the stdlib.bpo-45324: In FrozenImporter.find_spec(), we now preserve the information needed in exec_module() to load the module. This change mostly impacts internal details, rather than changing the importer’s behavior.
bpo-45292: Implement PEP 654. Add
. Update traceback display code.bpo-40116: Change to the implementation of split dictionaries. Classes where the instances differ either in the exact set of attributes, or in the order in which those attributes are set, can still share keys. This should have no observable effect on users of Python or the C-API. Patch by Mark Shannon.
bpo-44050: Extensions that indicate they use global state (by setting
to -1) can again be used in multiple interpreters. This reverts to behavior of Python 3.8.bpo-44525: Setup initial specialization infrastructure for the
opcode. Implemented initial specializations for C function calls:CALL_FUNCTION_BUILTIN_O
flag without keywords.CALL_FUNCTION_LEN
forisinstance(o, t)
bpo-44511: Improve the generated bytecode for class and mapping patterns.
bpo-43706: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-45679: Fix caching of multi-value
.Literal[True, 2]
is no longer equal toLiteral[1, 2]
.bpo-42064: Convert
to multi-phase initialisation (PEP 489). Patches by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45438: Fix typing.Signature string representation for generic builtin types.
now setssqlite3.threadsafety
based on the default threading mode the underlying SQLite library has been compiled with. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45574: Fix warning about
being unused.bpo-45581:
now correctly raisesMemoryError
if the underlying SQLite API signals memory error. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45557:
now handles underscore_numbers correctly. Previously it was always setting it toFalse
.bpo-44019: Add
. Patch by Kreusada.bpo-42174:
now falls back to sane values if the column or line count are 0.bpo-35673: Improve the introspectability of the
attribute for namespace packages.importlib.machinery.NamespaceLoader
is now public, and implements
is kept for backward compatibility.bpo-45515: Add references to
in thedatetime
documentation, mostly replacing outdated references
. Change by Paul Ganssle.bpo-45475: Reverted optimization of iterating
, andlzma.LZMAFile
(see bpo-43787) because it caused regression when user iterate them without having reference of them. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-45489: Update
to support|
operator. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-42222: Removed deprecated support for float arguments in randrange().
bpo-45428: Fix a regression in py_compile when reading filenames from standard input.
bpo-45467: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “raw-unicode-escape” codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split.
bpo-45461: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “unicode-escape” codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split.
bpo-45239: Fixed
crashing withUnboundLocalError
on certain invalid input instead of returningNone
. Patch by Ben Hoyt.bpo-45417: Fix quadratic behaviour in the enum module: Creation of enum classes with a lot of entries was quadratic.
bpo-45249: Fix the behaviour of
when displaying the caret when theend_offset
in the exception is set to 0. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-45416: Fix use of
with explicitasyncio.Lock
objects, which was a regression due to removal of explicit loop arguments. Patch by Joongi Kim.bpo-20028: Empty escapechar/quotechar is not allowed when initializing
. Patch by Vajrasky Kok and Donghee Na.bpo-44904: Fix bug in the
module that caused it to fail if a docstring included an example with aclassmethod
. Patch by Alex Waygood.bpo-45406: Make
raised byinspect.getabsfile()
, and returnNone
to indicate that the module could not be determined.bpo-45411: Add extensions for files containing subtitles - .srt & .vtt - to the module.
bpo-10716: Migrated pydoc to HTML5 (without changing the look of it). Side effect is to update xmlrpc’s
which now uses the CSS too. cgitb now relies less on pydoc (as it can’t use the CSS file).bpo-45262: Prevent use-after-free in asyncio. Make sure the cached running loop holder gets cleared on dealloc to prevent use-after-free in get_running_loop
bpo-45386: Make
more robust to C runtimes where the underlying Cstrftime
function results in aValueError
when testing for year formatting options.bpo-20028: Improve error message of
when initializing. Patch by Vajrasky Kok and Donghee Na.bpo-45343: Update bundled pip to 21.2.4 and setuptools to 58.1.0
bpo-45328: Fixed
to work properly in OSs that don’t support theTCP_NODELAY
socket option.bpo-45243: Add
for setting and getting SQLite limits by connection basis. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-45320: Removed from the
module:- the
function, deprecated since Python 3.0; use
- the
function, deprecated since Python 3.5; use theinspect.signature()
function andSignature
object directly.the undocumented
functions, deprecated since Python 3.5; use theSignature.from_callable()
method instead.
Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
bpo-45192: Fix the
function so that thedir
argument of thetempfile
functions accepts an object implementing theos.PathLike
protocol.Patch by Kyungmin Lee.
bpo-45160: When tracing a tkinter variable used by a ttk OptionMenu, callbacks are no longer made twice.
bpo-25625: Added non parallel-safe
context manager to change the current working directory and then restore it on exit. Simple wrapper aroundchdir()
.bpo-24139: Add support for SQLite extended result codes in
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-24444: Fixed an error raised in
help display when help for an option is set to 1+ blank spaces or when choices arg is an empty container.bpo-44547: Implement
, so that afractions.Fraction
passes anisinstance(f, typing.SupportsInt)
check.bpo-40321: Adds support for HTTP 308 redirects to
. See RFC 7538 for details. Patch by Jochem Schulenklopper.bpo-41374: Ensure that
constants are exposed on Cygwin 3.1.6 and greater.bpo-35970: Add help flag to the base64 module’s command line interface. Patch contributed by Robert Kuska.
bpo-45726: Improve documentation for
.bpo-45680: Amend the docs on
objects to clarify that non-container classes can also implement__class_getitem__
. Patch contributed by Alex Waygood.bpo-45618: Update Sphinx version used to build the documentation to 4.2.0. Patch by Maciej Olko.
bpo-45655: Add a new “relevant PEPs” section to the top of the documentation for the
module. Patch by Alex Waygood.bpo-45604: Add
argument tomultiprocessing.log_to_stderr
function docs.bpo-45516: Add protocol description to the
documentation.bpo-45464: Mention in the documentation of Built-in Exceptions that inheriting from multiple exception types in a single subclass is not recommended due to possible memory layout incompatibility.
bpo-45449: Add note about PEP 585 in
.bpo-45516: Add protocol description to the
documentation.bpo-20692: Add Programming FAQ entry explaining that int literal attribute access requires either a space after or parentheses around the literal.
bpo-45678: Add tests for scenarios in which
is stacked on top of a method that has already been wrapped by two other decorators. Patch by Alex Waygood.bpo-45578: Add tests for
bpo-45678: Add tests to ensure that
correctly wraps the attributes of the target function.bpo-45668: PGO tests now pass when Python is built without test extension modules.
bpo-45577: Add subtests for all
protocols intest_zoneinfo
.bpo-45566: Fix
to check allpickle
now raises the soft resource limit for the maximum number of file descriptors when the default is too low for our test suite as was often the case on macOS.bpo-39679: Add more test cases for
when combined with@classmethod
.bpo-45410: When libregrtest spawns a worker process, stderr is now written into stdout to keep messages order. Use a single pipe for stdout and stderr, rather than two pipes. Previously, messages were out of order which made analysis of buildbot logs harder Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-45402: Fix test_tools.test_sundry() when Python is built out of tree: fix how the tool locates the _freeze_module program. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-45403: Fix test_sys.test_stdlib_dir() when Python is built outside the source tree: compare normalized paths. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-45400: Fix test_name_error_suggestions_do_not_trigger_for_too_many_locals() of test_exceptions if a directory name contains “a1” (like “Python-3.11.0a1”): use a stricter regular expression. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-10572: Rename
tests fromtest_sqlite
, and relocate them toLib/test/test_sqlite3
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
now uses values from configure script to build the_uuid
extension module. Configure now detects util-linux’slibuuid
, too.bpo-45666: Fix warning of
usage in_testembed.c
have been improved. TheSetup
file now contains working rules for all extensions. Outdated comments have been removed. Rules defined bymakesetup
track dependencies correctly.bpo-45548: The
implementation now require a C99 compatiblelibm
and no longer ship with workarounds for missing acosh, asinh, atanh, expm1, and log1p functions.bpo-45595:
now track build dependencies on all Python header files and module specific header files.bpo-45571:
instead ofPY_CFLAGS
to compile shared modules.bpo-45570:
no longer define obsolete macrosHAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H
is now defined inexpat_config.h
no longer definesPy_BUILD_CORE_MODULE
. Instead every module, that uses the internal API, defines the macro.bpo-45548: Fill in missing entries in Modules/Setup.
bpo-45532: Update
to usemain
as fallback information. Patch by Jeong YunWon.bpo-45536: The
script now checks whether OpenSSL headers and libraries provide required APIs. Most common APIs are verified. The check detects outdated or missing OpenSSL. Failures do not stop configure.bpo-45221: Fixed regression in handling of
options whereargparse.parse_known_args()
could interpret an option as one of the built-in command line argument, for example-h
for help.bpo-45440: Building Python now requires a C99
header file providing the following functions:copysign()
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45405: Prevent
internal configure error
when runningconfigure
with recent versions of non-Apple clang. Patch by David Bohman.bpo-45433: Avoid linking libpython with libcrypt.
bpo-43652: Update Tcl/Tk to 8.6.11, actually this time. The previous update incorrectly included 8.6.10.
bpo-45337: venv now warns when the created environment may need to be accessed at a different path, due to redirections, links or junctions. It also now correctly installs or upgrades components when the alternate path is required.
bpo-43851: Build SQLite
on Windows. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-44828: Avoid tkinter file dialog failure on macOS 12 Monterey when using the Tk 8.6.11 provided by macOS installers. Patch by Marc Culler of the Tk project.
bpo-45495: Add context keywords ‘case’ and ‘match’ to completions list.
now copies the class name from the spec to a buffer owned by the class, so the original can be safely deallocated. Patch by Petr Viktorin.bpo-45522: The internal freelists for frame, float, list, dict, async generators, and context objects can now be disabled.
bpo-35134: Exclude
from the limited C API. It never worked since thePyWeakReference
structure is opaque in the limited C API.bpo-35081: Move the
header file fromInclude/
. It only provides private functions. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-35134: The non-limited API files
have been moved to theInclude/cpython
directory. Moreover, theeval.h
header file was removed. These files must not be included directly, as they are already included inPython.h
: Include Files. If they have been included directly, consider includingPython.h
instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45474: The following items are no longer available when
is defined:a macro
Eles não fazem parte da API limitada.
Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-45434: Remove the
header file. It only contains private functions. C extensions should only include the main<Python.h>
header file. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45440: Remove the
macro. It was used by thePy_IS_INFINITY()
macro. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45434:
no longer includes the header files<stdlib.h>
when thePy_LIMITED_API
macro is set to0x030b0000
(Python 3.11) or higher. C extensions should explicitly include the header files after#include <Python.h>
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41123: Remove
macros, deprecated since Python 3.3. UsePyUnicode_CopyCharacters()
string), andPyUnicode_Fill()
functions instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45412: Remove the following math macros using the
Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-45395: Custom frozen modules (the array set to
) are now treated as additions, rather than replacing all the default frozen modules. Frozen stdlib modules can still be disabled by setting the “code” field of the custom array entry to NULL.bpo-43760: Add new
, andPyThreadState_LeaveTracing()
functions to the limited C API to suspend and resume tracing and profiling. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44220:
is added to the Stable ABI.
Python 3.11.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-10-05
bpo-42278: Replaced usage of
to avoid a potential race condition.bpo-44600: Fix incorrect line numbers while tracing some failed patterns in match statements. Patch by Charles Burkland.
bpo-41180: Add auditing events to the
module, and stop raisingcode.__init__
events for every unmarshalled code object. Directly instantiated code objects will continue to raise an event, and audit event handlers should inspect or collect the raw marshal data. This reduces a significant performance overhead when loading from.pyc
files.bpo-44394: Update the vendored copy of libexpat to 2.4.1 (from 2.2.8) to get the fix for the CVE 2013-0340 “Billion Laughs” vulnerability. This copy is most used on Windows and macOS.
bpo-43124: Made the internal
function insmtplib
sanitize input for presence of\r
characters to avoid (unlikely) command injection.bpo-44022:
now avoids infinitely reading potential HTTP headers after a100 Continue
status response from the server.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-43760: The number of hardware branches per instruction dispatch is reduced from two to one by adding a special instruction for tracing. Patch by Mark Shannon.
bpo-45061: Add a deallocator to the bool type to detect refcount bugs in C extensions which call Py_DECREF(Py_True) or Py_DECREF(Py_False) by mistake. Detect also refcount bugs when the empty tuple singleton or the Unicode empty string singleton is destroyed by mistake. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-24076: sum() was further optimised for summing up single digit integers.
bpo-45190: Update Unicode databases to Unicode 14.0.0.
bpo-45167: Fix deepcopying of
now take a default value of"big"
for thebyteorder
also takes a default value of1
for thelength
argument.bpo-44219: Release the GIL while performing
system calls on arbitrary file descriptors. In particular, this affectsos.isatty()
. By extension,
in text mode is also affected. This change solves a deadlock inos.isatty()
. Patch by Vincent Michel in bpo-44219.bpo-44959: Added fallback to extension modules with ‘.sl’ suffix on HP-UX
bpo-45121: Fix issue where
when it’s called directly or viasuper()
. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44348: The deallocator function of the
type now uses the trashcan mechanism to prevent stack overflow. For example, when aRecursionError
instance is raised, it can be linked to another RecursionError through the__context__
attribute or the__traceback__
attribute, and then a chain of exceptions is created. When the chain is destroyed, nested deallocator function calls can crash with a stack overflow if the chain is too long compared to the available stack memory. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45123: Fix PyAiter_Check to only check for the __anext__ presence (not for __aiter__). Rename PyAiter_Check to PyAIter_Check, PyObject_GetAiter -> PyObject_GetAIter.
bpo-1514420: Interpreter no longer attempts to open files with names in angle brackets (like “<string>” or “<stdin>”) when formatting an exception.
bpo-41031: Match C and Python code formatting of unprintable exceptions and exceptions in the
no longer accept'U'
(“universal newline”) in the file mode. This flag was deprecated since Python 3.3. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45083: When the interpreter renders an exception, its name now has a complete qualname. Previously only the class name was concatenated to the module name, which sometimes resulted in an incorrect full name being displayed.
(This issue impacted only the C code exception rendering, the
module was using qualname already).bpo-34561: List sorting now uses the merge-ordering strategy from Munro and Wild’s
. Unlike the former strategy, this is provably near-optimal in the entropy of the distribution of run lengths. Most uses oflist.sort()
probably won’t see a significant time difference, but may see significant improvements in cases where the former strategy was exceptionally poor. However, as these are all fast linear-time approximations to a problem that’s inherently at best quadratic-time to solve truly optimally, it’s also possible to contrive cases where the former strategy did better.bpo-45056: Compiler now removes trailing unused constants from co_consts.
bpo-45020: Add a new command line option, “-X frozen_modules=[on|off]” to opt out of (or into) using optional frozen modules. This defaults to “on” (or “off” if it’s running out of the source tree).
bpo-45012: In
, release GIL duringstat()
, andfstatat()
syscalls made byos.DirEntry.stat()
. Patch by Stanisław Skonieczny.bpo-45018: Fixed pickling of range iterators that iterated for over
times.bpo-45000: A
is now raised when trying to delete__debug__
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44963: Implement
methods foranext_awaitable
objects. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44962: Fix a race in WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary and WeakSet when two threads attempt to commit the last pending removal. This fixes asyncio.create_task and fixes a data loss in where shutdown_asyncgens is not run
bpo-24234: Implement the
special method on thebytes
type, so a bytes objectb
passes anisinstance(b, typing.SupportsBytes)
check.bpo-24234: Implement the
special method on thecomplex
type, so a complex numberz
passes anisinstance(z, typing.SupportsComplex)
check.bpo-44954: Fixed a corner case bug where the result of
was rounded the wrong way.bpo-44947: Refine the syntax error for trailing commas in import statements. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44945: Specialize the BINARY_ADD instruction using the PEP 659 machinery. Adds five new instructions:
bpo-44929: Fix some edge cases of
string representation in the REPL. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44914: Class version tags are no longer recycled.
This means that a version tag serves as a unique identifier for the state of a class. We rely on this for effective specialization of the LOAD_ATTR and other instructions.
bpo-44698: Restore behaviour of complex exponentiation with integer-valued exponent of type
.bpo-44895: A debug variable
is added for creating a dump file which is generated by--with-trace-refs
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44900: Add five superinstructions for PEP 659 quickening:
bpo-44889: Initial implementation of adaptive specialization of
. The following specialized forms were added:LOAD_METHOD_CACHED
bpo-44890: Specialization stats are always collected in debug builds.
bpo-44885: Correct the ast locations of f-strings with format specs and repeated expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44878: Remove the loop from the bytecode interpreter. All instructions end with a DISPATCH macro, so the loop is now redundant.
bpo-44878: Remove switch statement for interpreter loop when using computed gotos. This makes sure that we only have one dispatch table in the interpreter.
bpo-44874: Deprecate the old trashcan macros (
). They should be replaced by the new macrosPy_TRASHCAN_BEGIN
.bpo-44872: Use new trashcan macros (Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN/END) in frameobject.c instead of the old ones (Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/END).
bpo-33930: Fix segmentation fault with deep recursion when cleaning method objects. Patch by Augusto Goulart and Pablo Galindo.
bpo-25782: Fix bug where
hangs when the current exception has a cycle in its context chain.bpo-44856: Fix reference leaks in the error paths of
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44826: Initial implementation of adaptive specialization of STORE_ATTR
Three specialized forms of STORE_ATTR are added:
bpo-44838: Fixed a bug that was causing the parser to raise an incorrect custom
for invalid ‘if’ expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44821: Create instance dictionaries (__dict__) eagerly, to improve regularity of object layout and assist specialization.
bpo-44792: Improve syntax errors for if expressions. Patch by Miguel Brito
bpo-34013: Generalize the invalid legacy statement custom error message (like the one generated when “print” is called without parentheses) to include more generic expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44732: Rename
.bpo-44725: Expose specialization stats in python via
.bpo-44717: Improve AttributeError on circular imports of submodules.
bpo-44698: Fix undefined behaviour in complex object exponentiation.
bpo-44653: Support
types in parameter substitution in the union type.bpo-44676: Add ability to serialise
objects. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44633: Parameter substitution of the union type with wrong types now raises
instead of returningNotImplemented
.bpo-44661: Update
to use vectorcall if possible. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44662: Add
. This also fixestypes.Union
issues withtyping.Annotated
. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44655: Include the name of the type in unset __slots__ attribute errors. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44655: Don’t include a missing attribute with the same name as the failing one when offering suggestions for missing attributes. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44646: Fix the hash of the union type: it no longer depends on the order of arguments.
bpo-44636: Collapse union of equal types. E.g. the result of
int | int
is nowint
. Fix comparison of the union type with non-hashable objects. | str == {}
no longer raises a TypeError.bpo-44611: On Windows,
: uses BCryptGenRandom API instead of CryptGenRandom API which is deprecated from Microsoft Windows API. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44635: Convert
in the union type constructor.bpo-26280: Implement adaptive specialization for BINARY_SUBSCR
Three specialized forms of BINARY_SUBSCR are added:
bpo-44589: Mapping patterns in
statements with two or more equal literal keys will now raise aSyntaxError
at compile-time.bpo-44606: Fix
for the union type.bpo-42073: The
decorator can now wrap other classmethod-like descriptors.bpo-41972: Tuned the string-searching algorithm of fastsearch.h to have a shorter inner loop for most cases.
bpo-44590: All necessary data for executing a Python function (local variables, stack, etc) is now kept in a per-thread stack. Frame objects are lazily allocated on demand. This increases performance by about 7% on the standard benchmark suite. Introspection and debugging are unaffected as frame objects are always available when needed. Patch by Mark Shannon.
bpo-44584: The threading debug (
environment variable) is deprecated in Python 3.10 and will be removed in Python 3.12. This feature requires a debug build of Python. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43895: An obsolete internal cache of shared object file handles added in 1995 that attempted, but did not guarantee, that a .so would not be dlopen’ed twice to work around flaws in mid-1990s posix-ish operating systems has been removed from dynload_shlib.c.
now searches for type parameters intypes.Union
will also properly resolve annotations with nestedtypes.Union
objects. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-43950: Code objects can now provide the column information for instructions when available. This is levaraged during traceback printing to show the expressions responsible for errors.
Contributed by Pablo Galindo, Batuhan Taskaya and Ammar Askar as part of PEP 657.
bpo-44562: Remove uses of
in error path when initializingtypes.GenericAlias
.bpo-41486: Fix a memory consumption and copying performance regression in earlier 3.10 beta releases if someone used an output buffer larger than 4GiB with zlib.decompress on input data that expands that large.
bpo-43908: Heap types with the
flag can now inherit the PEP 590 vectorcall protocol. Previously, this was only possible for static types. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-44553: Implement GC methods for
to break reference cycles and prevent memory leaks.bpo-44490: Add
attribute and__getitem__
operator totypes.Union
. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44523: Remove the pass-through for
objects to prevent unintended consequences when the original referred object dies while the proxy is part of a hashable object. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44483: Fix a crash in
objects when creating a union of an object with bad__module__
field.bpo-44486: Modules will always have a dictionary, even when created by
bpo-44472: Fix ltrace functionality when exceptions are raised. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-12022: A
is now raised instead of anAttributeError
andasync with
statements for objects which do not support the context manager or asynchronous context manager protocols correspondingly.bpo-44297: Make sure that the line number is set when entering a comprehension scope. This ensures that backtraces including generator expressions show the correct line number.
bpo-44456: Improve the syntax error when mixing positional and keyword patterns. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44409: Fix error location information for tokenizer errors raised on initialization of the tokenizer. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44396: Fix a possible crash in the tokenizer when raising syntax errors for unclosed strings. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44376: Exact integer exponentiation (like
orpow(i, 2)
) with a small exponent is much faster, due to reducing overhead in such cases.bpo-44313: Directly imported objects and modules (through import and from import statements) don’t generate
for directly accessed objects on their namespace. They now use the regularLOAD_ATTR
.bpo-44338: Implement adaptive specialization for LOAD_GLOBAL
Two specialized forms of LOAD_GLOBAL are added:
bpo-44368: Improve syntax errors for invalid “as” targets. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44349: Fix an edge case when displaying text from files with encoding in syntax errors. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44337: Initial implementation of adaptive specialization of LOAD_ATTR
Four specialized forms of LOAD_ATTR are added:
bpo-44335: Fix a regression when identifying incorrect characters in syntax errors. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-43693: Computation of the offsets of cell variables is done in the compiler instead of at runtime. This reduces the overhead of handling cell and free variables, especially in the case where a variable is both an argument and cell variable.
bpo-44317: Improve tokenizer error with improved locations. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44304: Fix a crash in the
module that happened when the garbage collector clearssqlite.Statement
objects. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-44305: Improve error message for
blocks withoutexcept
blocks. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-43413: Constructors of subclasses of some builtin classes (e.g.
) no longer accept arbitrary keyword arguments. [reverted in 3.11a4] Subclass ofset
can now define a__new__()
method with additional keyword parameters without overriding also__init__()
.bpo-43667: Improve Unicode support in non-UTF locales on Oracle Solaris. This issue does not affect other Solaris systems.
bpo-43693: A new opcode MAKE_CELL has been added that effectively moves some of the work done on function entry into the compiler and into the eval loop. In addition to creating the required cell objects, the new opcode converts relevant arguments (and other locals) to cell variables on function entry.
bpo-44232: Fix a regression in
when a metaclass raises an exception. The C functiontype_new()
must properly report the exception when a metaclass constructor raises an exception and the winner class is not the metaclass. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44201: Avoid side effects of checking for specialized syntax errors in the REPL that was causing it to ask for extra tokens after a syntax error had been detected. Patch by Pablo Galindo
as the authoritative source of fast locals info. Marshaled code objects have changed accordingly.bpo-44184: Fix a crash at Python exit when a deallocator function removes the last strong reference to a heap type. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-44187: Implement quickening in the interpreter. This offers no advantages as yet, but is an enabler of future optimizations. See PEP 659 for full explanation.
bpo-44180: The parser doesn’t report generic syntax errors that happen in a position further away that the one it reached in the first pass. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44168: Fix error message in the parser involving keyword arguments with invalid expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44156: String caches in
are now subinterpreter compatible.bpo-44143: Fixed a crash in the parser that manifest when raising tokenizer errors when an existing exception was present. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-44032: Move ‘fast’ locals and other variables from the frame object to a per-thread datastack.
bpo-44114: Fix incorrect dictkeys_reversed and dictitems_reversed function signatures in C code, which broke webassembly builds.
bpo-44110: Improve
error messagebpo-26110: Add
opcode to speed up method calls with keyword arguments. Idea originated from PyPy. A side effect is executingCALL_METHOD
is now branchless in the evaluation loop.bpo-28307: Compiler now optimizes simple C-style formatting with literal format containing only format codes %s, %r and %a by converting them to f-string expressions.
bpo-43149: Correct the syntax error message regarding multiple exception types to not refer to “exception groups”. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-43822: The parser will prioritize tokenizer errors over custom syntax errors when raising exceptions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-40222: “Zero cost” exception handling.
Uses a lookup table to determine how to handle exceptions.
Removes SETUP_FINALLY and POP_TOP block instructions, eliminating the runtime overhead of try statements.
Reduces the size of the frame object by about 60%.
Patch by Mark Shannon
bpo-43918: Document the signature and
argument in the docstring of the newanext
builtin.bpo-43833: Emit a deprecation warning if the numeric literal is immediately followed by one of keywords: and, else, for, if, in, is, or. Raise a syntax error with more informative message if it is immediately followed by other keyword or identifier.
bpo-43879: Add native_thread_id to PyThreadState. Patch by Gabriele N. Tornetta.
bpo-43693: Compute cell offsets relative to locals in compiler. Allows the interpreter to treats locals and cells a single array, which is slightly more efficient. Also make the LOAD_CLOSURE opcode an alias for LOAD_FAST. Preserving LOAD_CLOSURE helps keep bytecode a bit more readable.
bpo-17792: More accurate error messages for access of unbound locals or free vars.
bpo-28146: Fix a confusing error message in
.bpo-11105: When compiling
objects with recursive references throughcompile()
, the interpreter doesn’t crash anymore instead it raises aRecursionError
.bpo-39091: Fix crash when using passing a non-exception to a generator’s
method. Patch by Noah Oxerbpo-33346: Asynchronous comprehensions are now allowed inside comprehensions in asynchronous functions. Outer comprehensions implicitly become asynchronous.
bpo-45371: Fix clang rpath issue in
. The UnixCCompiler now uses correct clang option to add a runtime library directory (rpath) to a shared library.bpo-45329: Fix freed memory access in
when building it with an installed expat library <= 2.2.0.bpo-41710: On Unix, if the
function is available in the C library (glibc 2.30 and newer), thethreading.Lock.acquire()
method now uses the monotonic clock (time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC
) for the timeout, rather than using the system clock (time.CLOCK_REALTIME
), to not be affected by system clock changes. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-1596321: Fix the
function when thethreading
module was imported first from a thread different than the main thread: no longer log an error at Python exit.bpo-45274: Fix a race condition in the
method of thethreading
module. If the function is interrupted by a signal and the signal handler raises an exception, make sure that the thread remains in a consistent state to prevent a deadlock. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-21302: In Unix operating systems,
now uses thenanosleep()
function, ifclock_nanosleep()
is not available butnanosleep()
is available.nanosleep()
allows to sleep with nanosecond precision.bpo-21302: On Windows,
now uses a waitable timer which has a resolution of 100 nanoseconds (10-7 seconds). Previously, it had a resolution of 1 millisecond (10-3 seconds). Patch by Benjamin Szőke and Victor Stinner.bpo-45238: Fix
: it runs now asynchronous methods and callbacks.bpo-36674:
raises now aunittest.SkipTest
if the class or the test method are decorated with the skipping decorator.bpo-45235: Fix an issue where argparse would not preserve values in a provided namespace when using a subparser with defaults.
bpo-45183: Have zipimport.zipimporter.find_spec() not raise an exception when the underlying zip file has been deleted and the internal cache has been reset via invalidate_cache().
bpo-45234: Fixed a regression in
when source is a directory, which should raiseIsADirectoryError
bpo-45228: Fix stack buffer overflow in parsing J1939 network address.
bpo-45225: use map function instead of genexpr in capwords.
bpo-42135: Fix typo:
is really slated for removal in Python 3.12 not 3.10, like the others in PR 25169.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
bpo-20524: Improves error messages on
operation forstr
, andcomplex
. New format now shows the problematic pattern and the object type.bpo-45168: Change
output to omit op arg values that cannot be resolved due toco_consts
etc not being provided. Previously the oparg itself was repeated in the value field, which is not useful and can be confusing.bpo-21302: In Unix operating systems,
now uses theclock_nanosleep()
function, if available, which allows to sleep for an interval specified with nanosecond precision.bpo-45173: Remove from the
module: theSafeConfigParser
class, thefilename
property of theParsingError
class, thereadfp()
method of theConfigParser
class, deprecated since Python 3.2.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
bpo-44987: Pure ASCII strings are now normalized in constant time by
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-35474: Calling
no longer affects the result of the following call withstrict=True
. Also, mutating the returned list no longer affects the global state.bpo-45166:
now works withFinal
wrapped inForwardRef
.bpo-45162: Remove many old deprecated
” and “assert*
” aliases ofTestCase
methods.Broken from start
<unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule> TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule()
parameter use_load_tests.Old alias
bpo-38371: Remove the deprecated
method of_tkinter.TkappType
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-20499: Improve the speed and accuracy of statistics.pvariance().
bpo-45132: Remove
methods ofxml.dom.pulldom.DOMEventStream
, deprecated since Python 3.9.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
bpo-45129: Due to significant security concerns, the reuse_address parameter of
, disabled in Python 3.9, is now entirely removed. This is because of the behavior of the socket optionSO_REUSEADDR
in UDP.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
bpo-45124: The
command, deprecated in Python 3.9, is now removed.Use
(wheel packages) instead.Patch by Hugo van Kemenade.
are now called immediately after raising an exception in test or finishing a subtest. Previously they were called only after finishing the test clean up.bpo-45034: Changes how error is formatted for
modes and too large / small numbers. Now it shows the actual numeric limits, while previously it was showing arithmetic expressions.bpo-25894:
now always reports skipped and failed subtests separately: separate characters in default mode and separate lines in verbose mode. Also the test description is now output for errors in test method, class and module cleanups.bpo-45081: Fix issue when dataclasses that inherit from
subclasses have wrong__init__
. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-45085: The
module, deprecated in Python 3.9, is now removed. The followingbinascii
functions, deprecated in Python 3.9, are now also removed:a2b_hqx()
A função
continua disponível.Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-40360: The
package is now deprecated and may not be able to parse Python 3.10 or newer. See the PEP 617 (New PEG parser for CPython). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45075: Rename
. This method was added for 3.11 so it was not released yet.Updated code and docs to better distinguish frame and FrameSummary.
bpo-31299: Add option to completely drop frames from a traceback by returning
from aformat_frame()
now always return aTestResult
instance. Previously it returnedNone
if the test class or method was decorated with a skipping decorator.bpo-45021: Fix a potential deadlock at shutdown of forked children when using
modulebpo-43913: Fix bugs in cleaning up classes and modules in
:Functions registered with
were not called unless the user definestearDownModule()
in their test module.Functions registered with
were not called iftearDownClass
is set toNone
.Buffering in
did not work with functions registered withaddClassCleanup()
.Errors in functions registered with
were not handled correctly in buffered and debug modes.Errors in
and functions registered withaddModuleCleanup()
were reported in wrong order.And several lesser bugs.
bpo-45030: Fix integer overflow in pickling and copying the range iterator.
bpo-45001: Made email date parsing more robust against malformed input, namely a whitespace-only
header. Patch by Wouter Bolsterlee.bpo-45010: Remove support of special method
. It is not used in Python 3.bpo-39218: Improve accuracy of variance calculations by using
instead ofx**2
.bpo-43613: Improve the speed of
by compressing and decompressing at once in memory instead of in a streamed fashion.bpo-37596: Ensure that
objects are alwaysmarshalled
reproducibly.bpo-44019: A new function
has been added, such, *args, **kwargs) == obj(*args, **kwargs)
is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13. It is untested and undocumented and also not used bywebbrowser
itself. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44955: Method
is now always called in pair with methodstartTestRun()
objects implicitly created inrun()
. Previously it was not called for test methods and classes decorated with a skipping decorator.bpo-39039: raises
when a zlib error occurs during file extraction.bpo-44935:
on Solaris now also usesos.posix_spawn()
for better performance.bpo-44911:
will no longer throw an exception while cancelling leaked tasks. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-41322: Added
for tests and async tests that return a value!=None (as this may indicate an improperly written test, for example a test written as a generator function).bpo-44524: Make exception message more useful when subclass from typing special form alias. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.
’s default value is no longer printed twice when used withargparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
.bpo-44860: Fix the
scheme insysconfig
to not depend onsys.platlibdir
.bpo-44859: Improve error handling in
and raise more accurate exceptions.MemoryError
is now raised instead ofsqlite3.Warning
when memory is not enough for encoding a statement to UTF-8 inConnection.__call__()
is now raised instead ofsqlite3.Warning
when the statement contains surrogate characters inConnection.__call__()
is now raised instead ofValueError
for non-string script argument inCursor.executescript()
is now raised for script containing the null character instead of truncating it inCursor.executescript()
.Correctly handle exceptions raised when getting boolean value of the result of the progress handler.
Add many tests covering different corner cases.
bpo-44581: Upgrade bundled pip to 21.2.3 and setuptools to 57.4.0
bpo-44849: Fix the
function on FreeBSD 14 for file descriptor opened with theO_PATH
flag: ignore theEBADF
error onioctl()
, fallback on thefcntl()
implementation. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44605: The @functools.total_ordering() decorator now works with metaclasses.
bpo-44524: Fixed an issue wherein the
attributes of subscribed specialforms could beNone
raised in user-defined functions will now produce aMemoryError
will now be converted toDataError
. PreviouslyOperationalError
was produced in these cases.bpo-44822:
user-defined functions and aggregators returningstrings
with embedded NUL characters are no longer truncated. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-44801: Ensure that the
variable in Callable can only be substituted with a parameters expression (a list of types, an ellipsis, ParamSpec or Concatenate).bpo-44806: Non-protocol subclasses of
ignore now the__init__
method inherited from protocol base classes.bpo-27275:
no longer call__getitem__
methods of the OrderedDict subclasses.bpo-44793: Fix checking the number of arguments when subscribe a generic type with
parameter.bpo-44784: In importlib.metadata tests, override warnings behavior under expected DeprecationWarnings (importlib_metadata 4.6.3).
bpo-44667: The
doesn’t incorrectly generate aNEWLINE
token if the source doesn’t end with a new line character but the last line is a comment, as the function is already generating aNL
token. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-44771: Added
module implementing adapters from a low-level resources reader interface to aTraversableResources
interface. Legacy API (path
, …) is now supported entirely by the.files()
API with a compatibility shim supplied for resource loaders without that functionality. Feature parity withimportlib_resources
does not callgetattr()
objects to avoid the side-effect of evaluating the corresponding method.bpo-44747: Refactor usage of
module. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-42378: Fixes the issue with log file being overwritten when
is used inatexit
with filemode set to'w'
. Note this will cause the message in atexit not being logged if the log stream is already closed due to shutdown of logging.bpo-44720:
objects referencing non-iterators now raiseTypeError
rather than dereferencing the nulltp_iternext
slot and crashing.bpo-44704: The implementation of
now matches that offrozenset.__hash__()
.bpo-44666: Fixed issue in
is redirected. Patch by Stefan Hölzl.bpo-44688:
now accepts non-ASCII collation names. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-44690: Adopt binacii.a2b_base64’s strict mode in base64.b64decode.
bpo-42854: Fixed a bug in the
module that was throwingOverflowError
when using_ssl._SSLSocket.write()
for a big value of thelen
parameter. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-44686: Replace
.bpo-44353: Make
faster by implementing it in C. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44682: Change the
commands directive to disallow setting commands for an invalid breakpoint and to display an appropriate error.bpo-44353: Refactor
from function into callable class. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44678: Added a separate error message for discontinuous padding in binascii.a2b_base64 strict mode.
bpo-44524: Add missing
attributes totyping
module classes. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-40897: Give priority to using the current class constructor in
. Patch by Weipeng Hong.bpo-44638: Add a reference to the zipp project and hint as to how to use it.
bpo-44648: Fixed wrong error being thrown by
when examining a class in the interactive session. Instead ofTypeError
, it should beOSError
with appropriate error message.bpo-44608: Fix memory leak in
if it is called with a sequence or set, but not list or tuple.bpo-44594: Fix an edge case of
exception chaining. They will now matchwith
block behavior when__context__
is explicitly set toNone
when the exception is in flight.bpo-42799: In
, the cache size for compiled regex patterns (functools.lru_cache()
) was bumped up from 256 to 32768, affecting functions:fnmatch.fnmatch()
.bpo-41928: Update
to raiseFileNotFoundError
instead of confusingIsADirectoryError
when a path ending with aos.path.sep
does not exist;shutil.copy()
are also affected.bpo-44569: Added the
function intraceback
. This allows users to customize the way individual lines are formatted in tracebacks without re-implementing logic to handle recursive tracebacks.bpo-44566: handle StopIteration subclass raised from @contextlib.contextmanager generator
bpo-44558: Make the implementation consistency of
between C and Python versions. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-41249: Fixes
to work withtyping.get_type_hints()
and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules.bpo-44554: Refactor argument processing in
to simplify detection of errors in input loading and clarify behavior around module or script invocation.bpo-34798: Break up paragraph about
construction parameters to make it easier to read.bpo-44539: Added support for recognizing JPEG files without JFIF or Exif markers.
bpo-44461: Fix bug with
’s handling of import error due to a package which does not have a__main__
modulebpo-43625: Fix a bug in the detection of CSV file headers by
and improve documentation of same.bpo-44516: Update vendored pip to 21.1.3
bpo-42892: Fixed an exception thrown while parsing a malformed multipart email by
now finds annotations in classes and base classes with unexpected__module__
. Previously, it skipped those MRO elements.bpo-44491: Allow clearing the
authorizer callback by passingNone
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43977: Set the proper
flags for subclasses created before a parent has been registered as
.bpo-44482: Fix very unlikely resource leak in
in alternate Python implementations.bpo-44466: The
module now detects if a fatal error occurs during a garbage collector collection. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44471: A
is now raised instead of anAttributeError
for objects which do not support the context manager or asynchronous context manager protocols correspondingly.bpo-44404:
method now supports callables without the__name__
attribute.bpo-41546: Make
(like the builtinprint
) not attempt to write tostdout
when it isNone
is now declared static, to avoid linking collisions when bz2, lmza or zlib are statically linked.bpo-44464: Remove exception for flake8 in deprecated importlib.metadata interfaces. Sync with importlib_metadata 4.6.
bpo-44446: Take into account that
might beNone
.bpo-44439: Fix in
methods, when the input data is an object that supports the buffer protocol, the file length may be wrong.bpo-44434: _thread.start_new_thread() no longer calls PyThread_exit_thread() explicitly at the thread exit, the call was redundant. On Linux with the glibc, pthread_exit() aborts the whole process if dlopen() fails to open file (ex: EMFILE error). Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-42972: The _thread.RLock type now fully implement the GC protocol: add a traverse function and the
flag. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44422: The
function now uses a reentrant lock to prevent a hang on reentrant call. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-38291: Importing or now prints a
.bpo-37880: argparse actions store_const and append_const each receive a default value of
when theconst
kwarg is not provided. Previously, this raised aTypeError
.bpo-44389: Fix deprecation of
now identifies a greater range of reserved filenames, including those with trailing spaces or colons.bpo-44395: Fix
to pass unixfrom properly. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-34266: Handle exceptions from parsing the arg of
’s run/restart command.bpo-44362: Improve
module’s deprecation messages, error reporting, and documentation for deprecations.bpo-44342: [Enum] Change pickling from by-value to by-name.
bpo-44356: [Enum] Allow multiple data-type mixins if they are all the same.
bpo-44351: Restore back
because it behaves differently than the similar implementation insysconfig
is now removed as it is unusable without an external module,mailman
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-44357: Added a function that returns cube root of the given number
bpo-44339: Change
math.pow(±0.0, -math.inf)
to returninf
instead of raisingValueError
. This brings the special-case handling ofmath.pow
into compliance with the IEEE 754 standard.bpo-44242: Remove missing flag check from Enum creation and move into a
decorator.bpo-44246: In
, restore compatibility in the result fromDistribution.entry_points
) to honor expectations in older implementations and issuing deprecation warnings for these cases: A.EntryPoints
objects are once again mutable, allowing forsort()
and other list-based mutation operations. Avoid deprecation warnings by casting to a mutable sequence (e.g.list(dist.entry_points).sort()
). B.EntryPoints
results once again allow for access by index. To avoid deprecation warnings, cast the result to a Sequence first (e.g.tuple(dist.entry_points)[0]
).bpo-44246: In importlib.metadata.entry_points, de-duplication of distributions no longer requires loading the full metadata for PathDistribution objects, improving entry point loading performance by ~10x.
bpo-43858: Added a function that returns a copy of a dict of logging levels:
bpo-44260: The
constructor no longer reads system entropy without need.bpo-44254: On Mac, give turtledemo button text a color that works on both light or dark background. Programmers cannot control the latter.
bpo-44258: Support PEP 515 for Fraction’s initialization from string.
bpo-44235: Remove deprecated functions in the
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38693: Prefer f-strings to
in importlib.resources.bpo-33693: Importlib.metadata now prefers f-strings to .format.
bpo-44241: Incorporate minor tweaks from importlib_metadata 4.1: SimplePath protocol, support for Metadata 2.2.
bpo-43216: Remove the
decorator enabling legacy generator-based coroutines to be compatible with async/await code; removeasyncio.coroutines.CoroWrapper
used for wrapping legacy coroutine objects in the debug mode. The decorator has been deprecated since Python 3.8 and the removal was initially scheduled for Python 3.10. Patch by Illia Volochii.bpo-44210: Make importlib.metadata._meta.PackageMetadata public.
bpo-43643: Declare as a property per the spec.
bpo-27334: The
context manager now performs a rollback (thus releasing the database lock) if commit failed. Patch by Luca Citi and Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-4928: Documented existing behavior on POSIX: NamedTemporaryFiles are not deleted when creating process is killed with SIGKILL
bpo-44154: Optimize
pickling for large components.bpo-33433: For IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses (RFC 4291 Section, the
check is deferred to the mapped IPv4 address. This solves a bug where public mapped IPv4 addresses were considered private by the IPv6 check.bpo-44150: Add optional weights argument to statistics.fmean().
will now drop the redundant parentheses when tuples used as assignment targets (e.g in for loops).bpo-44145:
computations were not releasing the GIL while calling the OpenSSLHMAC_Update
C API (a new feature in 3.9). This unintentionally prevented parallel computation as otherhashlib
algorithms support.bpo-44095:
now supportszipfile.Path.stem
, andzipfile.Path.suffix
attributes.bpo-44077: It’s now possible to receive the type of service (ToS), a.k.a. differentiated services (DS), a.k.a. differentiated services code point (DSCP) and explicit congestion notification (ECN) IP header fields with
.bpo-37788: Fix a reference leak when a Thread object is never joined.
bpo-38908: Subclasses of
which only have data variables declared will now raise aTypeError
when checked withisinstance
unless they are decorated withruntime_checkable()
. Previously, these checks passed silently. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-44098:
will no longer be found in the__parameters__
of mosttyping
generics except in valid use locations specified by PEP 612. This prevents incorrect usage liketyping.List[P][int]
. This change means incorrect usage which may have passed silently in 3.10 beta 1 and earlier will now error.bpo-44089: Allow subclassing
in 3.10 (it was allowed in 3.9 and earlier but was disallowed in early versions of 3.10).bpo-44081:
now doesn’t use redundant spaces to separatelambda
and the:
if there are no parameters.bpo-44061: Fix regression in previous release when calling
with a list ofpathlib.Path
objectsbpo-44059: Register the SerenityOS Browser in the
module.bpo-36515: The
module no longer does unaligned memory accesses when compiled for ARM platforms.bpo-40465: Remove random module features deprecated in Python 3.9.
bpo-44018: random.seed() no longer mutates bytearray inputs.
bpo-38352: Add
, andPattern
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-44002:
now usesfunctool.lru_cache()
for its internal URL splitting and quoting caches instead of rolling its own like its the ‘90s.The undocumented internal
class API is now deprecated, for removal in 3.14.bpo-43972: When
sends a301 (Moved Permanently)
for a directory path not ending with/
, add aContent-Length: 0
header. This improves the behavior for certain clients.bpo-28528: Fix a bug in
if it is called afterreset()
.bpo-43853: Improved string handling for
user-defined functions and aggregates:It is now possible to pass strings with embedded null characters to UDFs
Conversion failures now correctly raise
Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-43666: AIX:
may fail in an AIX WPAR. The fileset bos.rte appears to have a builddate in both LPAR and WPAR so this fileset is queried rather than bos.mp64. To prevent a similar situation (no builddate in ODM) a value (9988) sufficient for completing a build is provided. Patch by M Felt.bpo-43650: Fix
which fails insideshutil._unpack_zipfile()
on large files. Patch by Igor Bolshakov.bpo-43612:
now accepts a wbits parameter which allows users to compress data as a raw deflate block without zlib headers and trailers in one go. Previously this required instantiating azlib.compressobj
. It also provides a faster alternative togzip.compress
when wbits=31 is used.bpo-43392:
now implements a two-step check to avoid locking when modules have been already imported and are ready. This improves performance of repeated calls toimportlib.import_module()
.bpo-43318: Fix a bug where
does not always echo cleared breakpoints.bpo-43234: Prohibit passing non-
executors toloop.set_default_executor()
following a deprecation in Python 3.8. Patch by Illia Volochii.bpo-43232: Prohibit previously deprecated potentially disruptive operations on
. Patch by Illia Volochii.bpo-30077: Added support for Apple’s aifc/sowt pseudo-compression
bpo-42971: Add definition of
for platforms that define this constant (such as macOS).bpo-43086: Added a new optional
parameter to binascii.a2b_base64. Whenscrict_mode
is set toTrue
, the a2b_base64 function will accept only valid base64 content. More details about what “valid base64 content” is, can be found in the function’s documentation.bpo-43024: Improve the help signature of
.bpo-33809: Add the
method which prints the formatted exception information.bpo-42862:
now utilizesfunctools.lru_cache()
to implement the connection statement cache. As a small optimisation, the default statement cache size has been increased from 100 to 128. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-41818: Soumendra Ganguly: add termios.tcgetwinsize(), termios.tcsetwinsize().
now raisesValueError
when the invalid keyword argument check is passed by user code. Previously such use would fail later with aTypeError
. Patch by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-37449:
now usesimportlib.resources.files()
traversable APIsbpo-40956: Use Argument Clinic in
. Patches by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-41730:
is now raised when importingtkinter.tix
, which has been deprecated in documentation since Python 3.6.bpo-20684: Remove unused
function frominspect
- by Anthony Sottile.bpo-41402: Fix
when called with binary data and7bit
content transfer encoding.bpo-32695: The compresslevel and preset keyword arguments of
are now both documented and tested.bpo-41137: Use utf-8 encoding while reading .pdbrc files. Patch by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
bpo-24391: Improved reprs of
synchronization objects:Semaphore
.bpo-5846: Deprecated the following
functions, scheduled for removal in Python 3.13:findTestCases()
Em vez delas, use os métodos de
:Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-40563: Support pathlike objects on dbm/shelve. Patch by Hakan Çelik and Henry-Joseph Audéoud.
bpo-34990: Fixed a Y2k38 bug in the compileall module where it would fail to compile files with a modification time after the year 2038.
bpo-39549: Whereas the code for reprlib.Repr had previously used a hardcoded string value of ‘…’, this PR updates it to use of a “fillvalue” attribute, whose value defaults to ‘…’ and can be reset in either individual reprlib.Repr instances or in subclasses thereof.
now displays exceptions fromrepr()
with itsp
commands.bpo-38840: Fix
on platforms lacking a shared memory implementation.bpo-39359: Add one missing check that the password is a bytes object for an encrypted zipfile.
: using ‘]’ inside a section header will no longer cut the section name short at the ‘]’bpo-38415: Added missing behavior to
to matchcontextlib.contextmanager()
so decorated functions can themselves be decorators.bpo-30256: Pass multiprocessing BaseProxy argument
through AutoProxy.bpo-27513:
now acceptsemail.header.Header
objects along with string values. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-16379: Add SQLite error code and name to
exceptions. Patch by Aviv Palivoda, Daniel Shahaf, and Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-26228: pty.spawn no longer hangs on FreeBSD, macOS, and Solaris.
bpo-33349: lib2to3 now recognizes async generators everywhere.
bpo-29298: Fix
when required subparsers withoutdest
do not receive arguments. Patch by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-45216: Remove extra documentation listing methods in
. It was rendering twice in pydoc and was outdated in some places.bpo-45024:
documentation has been expanded to explicitly cover how instance and subclass checks work, with additional doctest examples and an exhaustive list of ABCs which test membership purely by presence of the right special methods. Patch by Raymond Hettinger.bpo-44957: Promote PEP 604 union syntax by using it where possible. Also, mention
X | Y
more prominently in section aboutUnion
and mentionX | None
at all in section aboutOptional
.bpo-16580: Added code equivalents for the
methods, as well as tests ensuring that these code equivalents are valid.bpo-44903: Removed the
file, any references to it, and the list of GUI frameworks in the FAQ. In their place I’ve added links to the Python Wiki page on GUI frameworks.bpo-33479: Tkinter documentation has been greatly expanded with new “Architecture” and “Threading model” sections.
RFC references were updated to point to RFC 4648; a section was added to point users to the new “security considerations” section of the RFC.bpo-44740: Replaced occurrences of uppercase “Web” and “Internet” with lowercase versions per the 2016 revised Associated Press Style Book.
bpo-44693: Update the definition of __future__ in the glossary by replacing the confusing word “pseudo-module” with a more accurate description.
bpo-35183: Add typical examples to os.path.splitext docs
bpo-30511: Clarify that
is not thread-safe due to reliance on changing the current working directory.bpo-44561: Update of three expired hyperlinks in Doc/distributing/index.rst: “Project structure”, “Building and packaging the project”, and “Uploading the project to the Python Packaging Index”.
bpo-44651: Delete entry “coercion” in Doc/glossary.rst for its outdated definition.
bpo-42958: Updated the docstring and docs of
to be more accurate and less confusing especially in respect to shallow arg.bpo-44631: Refactored the
code of the_Environ
(os module).bpo-44613: importlib.metadata is no longer provisional.
bpo-44558: Match the docstring and python implementation of
to the behavior of its c implementation.bpo-44544: List all kwargs for
, andtextwrap.shorten()
. Now, there are nav links to attributes ofTextWrap
, which makes navigation much easier while minimizing duplication in the documentation.bpo-38062: Clarify that atexit uses equality comparisons internally.
bpo-40620: Convert examples in tutorial controlflow.rst section 4.3 to be interpreter-demo style.
bpo-43066: Added a warning to
docs: filename arg with a leading slash may cause archive to be un-openable on Windows systems.bpo-39452: Rewrote
. Broadened scope of the document to explicitly discuss and differentiate
in packages versus the__name__ == '__main__'
expression (and the idioms that surround it).bpo-13814: In the Design FAQ, answer “Why don’t generators support the with statement?”
bpo-27752: Documentation of csv.Dialect is more descriptive.
bpo-44453: Fix documentation for the return type of
.bpo-44392: Added a new section in the C API documentation for types used in type hinting. Documented
.bpo-38291: Mark
as deprecated since Python 3.8 in the documentation. They were never properly supported by type checkers.bpo-44322: Document that SyntaxError args have a details tuple and that details are adjusted for errors in f-string field replacement expressions.
bpo-42392: Document the deprecation and removal of the
parameter for many functions and classes inasyncio
.bpo-44195: Corrected references to
in docs. There is noTraversableReader
.bpo-41963: Document that
strips off comments when reading configuration files.bpo-44072: Correct where in the numeric ABC hierarchy
support is added, i.e., in numbers.Complex, not numbers.Integral.bpo-43558: Add the remark to
documentation that the__init__()
of any base class has to be called in__post_init__()
, along with a code example.bpo-44025: Clarify when ‘_’ in match statements is a keyword, and when not.
bpo-41706: Fix docs about how methods like
are invoked when evaluating operator expressions.bpo-41621: Document that
defaults toNone
and is positional-only.bpo-41576: document BaseException in favor of bare except
bpo-21760: The description for __file__ fixed. Patch by Furkan Onder
bpo-39498: Add a “Security Considerations” index which links to standard library modules that have explicitly documented security considerations.
bpo-33479: Remove the unqualified claim that tkinter is threadsafe. It has not been true for several years and likely never was. An explanation of what is true may be added later, after more discussion, and possibly after patching _tkinter.c,
bpo-40173: Fix
.bpo-45280: Add a test case for empty
.bpo-45269: Cover case when invalid
type is supplied toc_make_encoder
.bpo-45128: Fix
failure due totest_logging
manipulation.bpo-45209: Fix
UserWarning: resource_tracker
warning in_test_multiprocessing._TestSharedMemory.test_shared_memory_cleaned_after_process_termination
bpo-45185: Enables
test cases intest_ssl
suite.bpo-45195: Fix test_readline.test_nonascii(): sometimes, the newline character is not written at the end, so don’t expect it in the output. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-45156: Fixes infinite loop on
of mocks created bycreate_autospec()
.bpo-45125: Improves pickling tests and docs of
objects.bpo-44860: Update
for the posix_user scheme:platlib
doesn’t usesys.platlibdir
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45052:
test was ignored, becauseself.assertEqual(sms.size, sms2.size)
line was failing. It is now removed and test is unskipped.The main motivation for this line to be removed from the test is that the
is not ever guaranteed to be the same. It is decided by the platform.bpo-44895: libregrtest now clears the type cache later to reduce the risk of false alarm when checking for reference leaks. Previously, the type cache was cleared too early and libregrtest raised a false alarm about reference leaks under very specific conditions. Patch by Irit Katriel and Victor Stinner.
bpo-45042: Fixes that test classes decorated with
were skipped all the time.bpo-25130: Add calls of
in tests to support PyPy.bpo-45011: Made tests relying on the
C extension module optional to allow running on alternative Python implementations. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-44949: Fix auto history tests of test_readline: sometimes, the newline character is not written at the end, so don’t expect it in the output.
bpo-44891: Tests were added to clarify
is preserved whenobj * 1
is used onstr
objects. Patch by Nikita Sobolev.bpo-44852: Add ability to wholesale silence DeprecationWarnings while running the regression test suite.
bpo-40928: Notify users running test_decimal regression tests on macOS of potential harmless “malloc can’t allocate region” messages spewed by test_decimal.
bpo-44734: Fixed floating-point precision issue in turtle tests.
bpo-44708: Regression tests, when run with -w, are now re-running only the affected test methods instead of re-running the entire test file.
bpo-42095: Added interop tests for Apple plists: generate plist files with Python plistlib and parse with Apple plutil; and the other way round.
bpo-44647: Added a permanent Unicode-valued environment variable to regression tests to ensure they handle this use case in the future. If your test environment breaks because of that, report a bug to us, and temporarily set PYTHONREGRTEST_UNICODE_GUARD=0 in your test environment.
bpo-44515: Adjust recently added contextlib tests to avoid assuming the use of a refcounted GC
bpo-44287: Fix asyncio test_popen() of test_windows_utils by using a longer timeout. Use military grade battle-tested
timeout rather than a hardcoded timeout of 10 seconds: it’s 30 seconds by default, but it is made longer on slow buildbots. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44451: Reset
filters intest.test_importlib.test_metadata_api.APITests.test_entry_points_by_index
to avoidStopIteration
error ifDeprecationWarnings
are ignored.bpo-44363: Account for address sanitizer in test_capi. test_capi now passes when run GCC address sanitizer.
bpo-44364: Add non integral tests for
function.bpo-43921: Fix test_ssl.test_wrong_cert_tls13(): use
, sinceread()
can raisessl.SSLEOFError
on Windows. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43921: Fix test_pha_required_nocert() of test_ssl: catch two more EOF cases (when the
method returns an empty string). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44131: Add test_frozenmain to test_embed to test the
C function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-31904: Ignore error string case in test_file_not_exists().
bpo-42083: Add test to check that
accepts aPyStructSequence_Desc
field set toNULL
.bpo-35753: Fix crash in doctest when doctest parses modules that include unwrappable functions by skipping those functions.
bpo-30256: Add test for nested queues when using
shared objectsAutoProxy[Queue]
bpo-45220: Avoid building with the Windows 11 SDK previews automatically. This may be overridden by setting the
environment variable before building.bpo-45020: Freeze stdlib modules that are imported during startup. This provides significant performance improvements to startup. If necessary, use the previously added “-X frozen_modules=off” commandline option to force importing the source modules.
bpo-45188: Windows builds now regenerate frozen modules as the first part of the build. Previously the regeneration was later in the build, which would require it to be restarted if any modules had changed.
bpo-45163: Fixes Haiku platform build.
bpo-45067: The ncurses function extended_color_content was introduced in 2017
( The
ncurses-devel package in CentOS 7 had a older version ncurses resulted in compilation error. For compiling ncurses with extended color support, we verify the version of the ncurses library >= 20170401.
bpo-45019: Generate lines in relevant files for frozen modules. Up until now each of the files had to be edited manually. This change makes it easier to add to and modify the frozen modules.
bpo-44340: Add support for building with clang thin lto via –with-lto=thin/full. Patch by Donghee Na and Brett Holman.
bpo-44535: Enable building using a Visual Studio 2022 install on Windows.
bpo-43298: Improved error message when building without a Windows SDK installed.
bpo-44381: The Windows build now accepts
set toguard
to enable CFG.bpo-41282: Fix broken
make install
that caused standard library extension modules to be unnecessarily and incorrectly rebuilt during the install phase of cpython.
bpo-45375: Fixes an assertion failure due to searching for the standard library in unnormalised paths.
bpo-45022: Update Windows release to include libffi 3.4.2
bpo-45007: Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1l in Windows build
bpo-44848: Upgrade Windows installer to use SQLite 3.36.0.
bpo-44572: Avoid consuming standard input in the
modulebpo-44582: Accelerate speed of
initialization using a native implementation of the registry scan.bpo-41299: Fix 16 milliseconds jitter when using timeouts in
, such as withthreading.Lock.acquire()
.bpo-42686: Build
with math functions enabled. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40263: This is a follow-on bug from Once that is applied we run into an off-by-one assertion problem. The assert was not correct.
bpo-45007: Update macOS installer builds to use OpenSSL 1.1.1l.
bpo-34602: When building CPython on macOS with
./configure --with-undefined-behavior-sanitizer --with-pydebug
, the stack size is now quadrupled to allow for the entire test suite to pass.bpo-44848: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.36.0.
now works correctly on macOS 11 Big Sur even if Python is built on an older version of macOS. Previously, when built on older macOS systems,find_library
was not able to find macOS system libraries when running on Big Sur due to changes in how system libraries are stored.bpo-41972: The framework build’s user header path in sysconfig is changed to add a ‘pythonX.Y’ component to match distutils’s behavior.
bpo-43109: Allow –with-lto configure option to work with Apple-supplied Xcode or Command Line Tools.
bpo-34932: Add socket.TCP_KEEPALIVE support for macOS. Patch by Shane Harvey.
bpo-45296: On Windows, change exit/quit message to suggest Ctrl-D, which works, instead of <Ctrl-Z Return>, which does not work in IDLE.
bpo-45193: Make completion boxes appear on Ubuntu again.
bpo-40128: Mostly fix completions on macOS when not using tcl/tk 8.6.11 (as with 3.9). The added update_idletask call should be harmless and possibly helpful otherwise.
bpo-33962: Move the indent space setting from the Font tab to the new Windows tab. Patch by Mark Roseman and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-40468: Split the settings dialog General tab into Windows and Shell/ED tabs. Move help sources, which extend the Help menu, to the Extensions tab. Make space for new options and shorten the dialog. The latter makes the dialog better fit small screens.
bpo-41611: Avoid uncaught exceptions in
.bpo-41611: Fix IDLE sometimes freezing upon tab-completion on macOS.
bpo-44010: Highlight the new match statement’s soft keywords:
, and_
. However, this highlighting is not perfect and will be incorrect in some rare cases, including some_
-s incase
patterns.bpo-44026: Include interpreter’s typo fix suggestions in message line for NameErrors and AttributeErrors. Patch by E. Paine.
bpo-44786: Fix a warning in regular expression in the c-analyzer script.
bpo-44967: pydoc now returns a non-zero status code when a module cannot be found.
bpo-44978: Allow the Argument Clinic tool to handle
special methods.bpo-43425: Removed the ‘test2to3’ demo project that demonstrated using lib2to3 to support Python 2.x and Python 3.x from a single source in a distutils package. Patch by Donghee Na
bpo-44074: Make patchcheck automatically detect the correct base branch name (previously it was hardcoded to ‘master’)
bpo-20291: Added support for variadic positional parameters in Argument Clinic.
bpo-41710: The PyThread_acquire_lock_timed() function now clamps the timeout if it is too large, rather than aborting the process. Patch by Victor Stinner.
no longer raisesValueError
when the entire file has already been buffered.bpo-45116: Add the
macro to ask the compiler to always inline a static inline function. The compiler can ignore it and decides to not inline the function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45094: Add the
macro to disable inlining on a function. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-45061: Add a deallocator to the
type to detect refcount bugs in C extensions which callPy_DECREF(Py_True);
by mistake. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42035: Add a new
function to get type’s qualified name.bpo-41103: Reverts removal of the old buffer protocol because they are part of stable ABI.
bpo-44751: Remove
include from the publicPython.h
header.bpo-42747: The
type flag now does nothing. ThePy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_AM_SEND
flag (which was added in 3.10) is removed. Both were unnecessary because it is not possible to have type objects with the relevant fields missing.bpo-44530: Added the
to thePyCodeObject
structure to propagate the qualified name from the compiler to code objects.Patch by Gabriele N. Tornetta
now resetsPyImport_Inittab
to its initial value at exit. It must be possible to callPyImport_AppendInittab()
at each Python initialization. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-39947: Remove 4 private trashcan C API functions which were only kept for the backward compatibility of the stable ABI with Python 3.8 and older, since the trashcan API was not usable with the limited C API on Python 3.8 and older. The trashcan API was excluded from the limited C API in Python 3.9.
Removed functions:
The trashcan C API was never usable with the limited C API, since old trashcan macros accessed directly
members like_tstate->trash_delete_nesting
, whereas thePyThreadState
structure is opaque in the limited C API.Exclude also the
constant from the C API.Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-40939: Removed documentation for the removed
C API.bpo-43795: The list in Conteúdo da API Limitada now shows the public name
rather than_frame
. The non-existing entry_node
no longer appears in the list.bpo-44378:
no longer usesPy_TYPE()
to avoid a compiler warning: no longer castconst PyObject*
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-39573: Convert the
macros to static inline functions. ThePy_SET_TYPE()
functions must now be used to set an object type and size. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-44263: The
function now raises an error if a type is defined with thePy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC
flag set but has no traverse function (PyTypeObject.tp_traverse
). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43795: The undocumented function
is removed from the Limited API.bpo-44113: Deprecate the following functions to configure the Python initialization:
Use the new
API of the Python Initialization Configuration instead (PEP 587).bpo-44094: Remove
, andPyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErrWithUnicodeFilename()
. They are not documented and have been deprecated since Python 3.3.bpo-43795:
is now properly exported as a function in the Windows Stable ABI DLL.bpo-44029: Remove deprecated
. See PEP 393 and PEP 624 for reference.bpo-42035: Add a new
function to get type’s short name.
Python 3.10.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-05-03
bpo-43434: Creating
objects now also producessqlite3.connect
auditing events. Previously these events were only produced bysqlite3.connect()
calls. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43998: The
module sets more secure cipher suites defaults. Ciphers without forward secrecy and with SHA-1 MAC are disabled by default. Security level 2 prohibits weak RSA, DH, and ECC keys with less than 112 bits of security.SSLContext
defaults to minimum protocol version TLS 1.2. Settings are based on Hynek Schlawack’s research.bpo-43882: The presence of newline or tab characters in parts of a URL could allow some forms of attacks.
Following the controlling specification for URLs defined by WHATWG
now removes ASCII newlines and tabs from URLs, preventing such attacks.bpo-43472: Ensures interpreter-level audit hooks receive the
event when called through the_xxsubinterpreters
module.bpo-43362: Fix invalid free in _sha3 module. The issue was introduced in 3.10.0a1. Python 3.9 and earlier are not affected.
bpo-43762: Add audit events for
, andsqlite3.Connection.load_extension()
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43756: Add new audit event
to incorporate the new root_dir and dir_fd arguments added toglob.glob()
module no longer accepts any leading zeros in IPv4 address strings. Leading zeros are ambiguous and interpreted as octal notation by some libraries. For example the legacy functionsocket.inet_aton()
treats leading zeros as octal notation. glibc implementation of moderninet_pton()
does not accept any leading zeros. For a while theipaddress
module used to accept ambiguous leading zeros.bpo-43075: Fix Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability in
. The ReDoS-vulnerable regex has quadratic worst-case complexity and it allows cause a denial of service when identifying crafted invalid RFCs. This ReDoS issue is on the client side and needs remote attackers to control the HTTP server.bpo-42800: Audit hooks are now fired for frame.f_code, traceback.tb_frame, and generator code/frame attribute access.
bpo-37363: Add audit events to the
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-43977: Prevent classes being both a sequence and a mapping when pattern matching.
bpo-43977: Use
on the class object to determine if the subject is a sequence or mapping when pattern matching. Avoids the need to
when pattern matching.bpo-43892: Restore proper validation of complex literal value patterns when parsing
blocks.bpo-43933: Set frame.f_lineno to the line number of the ‘with’ kweyword when executing the call to
.bpo-43933: If the current position in a frame has no line number then set the f_lineno attribute to None, instead of -1, to conform to PEP 626. This should not normally be possible, but might occur in some unusual circumstances.
bpo-43963: Importing the
module in a subinterpreter has no longer side effects.bpo-42739: The internal representation of line number tables is changed to not use sentinels, and an explicit length parameter is added to the out of process API function
. This makes the handling of line number tables more robust in some circumstances.bpo-43908: Make
types immutable. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43908: Make the
type immutable. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43901: Change class and module objects to lazy-create empty annotations dicts on demand. The annotations dicts are stored in the object’s __dict__ for backwards compatibility.
bpo-43892: Match patterns now use new dedicated AST nodes (
) rather than reusing expression AST nodes.MatchAs
are now defined as pattern nodes rather than as expression nodes. Patch by Nick Coghlan.bpo-42725: Usage of
/yield from
and named expressions within an annotation is now forbidden when PEP 563 is activated.bpo-43754: When performing structural pattern matching (PEP 634), captured names are now left unbound until the entire pattern has matched successfully.
bpo-42737: Annotations for complex targets (everything beside simple names) no longer cause any runtime effects with
from __future__ import annotations
exceptions raised by the interpreter will highlight the full error range of the expression that constitutes the syntax error itself, instead of just where the problem is detected. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-38605: Revert making
from __future__ import annotations
the default. This follows the Steering Council decision to postpone PEP 563 changes to at least Python 3.11. See the original email for more information regarding the decision: Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-43475: Hashes of NaN values now depend on object identity. Formerly, they always hashed to 0 even though NaN values are not equal to one another. Having the same hash for unequal values caused pile-ups in hash tables.
bpo-43859: Improve the error message for
exceptions. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-41323: Constant tuple folding in bytecode optimizer now reuses tuple in constant table.
bpo-43846: Data stack usage is much reduced for large literal and call expressions.
bpo-38530: When printing
raised by the interpreter,PyErr_Display()
will offer suggestions of similar variable names in the function that the exception was raised from. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-43823: Improve syntax errors for invalid dictionary literals. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-43822: Improve syntax errors in the parser for missing commas between expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
nodes now include source location metadata attributes e.g. lineno, col_offset.bpo-43797: Improve
error messages for invalid comparisons. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-43760: Move the flag for checking whether tracing is enabled to the C stack, from the heap. Should speed up dispatch in the interpreter.
bpo-43682: Static methods (
) and class methods (@classmethod
) now inherit the method attributes (__module__
) and have a new__wrapped__
attribute. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43751: Fixed a bug where
anext(ait, default)
would erroneously return None.bpo-42128:
is no longer allowed to be a list.bpo-43683: Add GEN_START opcode. Marks start of generator, including async, or coroutine and handles sending values to a newly created generator or coroutine.
bpo-43105: Importlib now resolves relative paths when creating module spec objects from file locations.
bpo-43682: Static methods (
) are now callable as regular functions. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42609: Prevented crashes in the AST validator and optimizer when compiling some absurdly long expressions like
is now raised instead.bpo-38530: When printing
will offer suggestions of similar attribute names in the object that the exception was raised from. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-44015: In @dataclass(), raise a TypeError if KW_ONLY is specified more than once.
bpo-25478: Added a total() method to collections.Counter() to compute the sum of the counts.
bpo-43733: Change
to use UTF-8 encoding before using locale encoding.bpo-43979: Removed an unnecessary list comprehension before looping from
. Patch by Christoph Zwerschke and Donghee Na.bpo-43993: Update bundled pip to 21.1.1.
bpo-43957: [Enum] Deprecate
when non-member is used in a containment check; In 3.12True
will be returned instead, and containment will returnTrue
if the value is either a member of that enum or one of its members’ value.bpo-42904: For backwards compatibility with previous minor versions of Python, if
receives no namespace dictionary arguments,typing.get_type_hints()
will search through the global then local namespaces during evaluation of stringized type annotations (string forward references) inside a class.bpo-43945: [Enum] Deprecate non-standard mixin format() behavior: in 3.12 the enum member, not the member’s value, will be used for format() calls.
bpo-41139: Deprecate undocumented
API.bpo-43937: Fixed the
module working with non-default root window.bpo-43930: Update bundled pip to 21.1 and setuptools to 56.0.0
bpo-43907: Fix a bug in the pure-Python pickle implementation when using protocol 5, where bytearray instances that occur several time in the pickled object graph would incorrectly unpickle into repeated copies of the bytearray object.
bpo-43926: In
, provide a uniform interface toDescription
, allow for any field to be encoded with multiline values, remove continuation lines from multiline values, and add a.json
property for easy access to the PEP 566 JSON-compatible form. Sync withimportlib_metadata 4.0
.bpo-43920: OpenSSL 3.0.0:
now returns a consistent error message when cadata contains no valid certificate.bpo-43607:
can now convert Windows paths with\\?\
prefixes into URL paths.bpo-43817: Add
, which safely computes the annotations defined on an object. It works around the quirks of accessing the annotations from various types of objects, and makes very few assumptions about the object passed in.inspect.get_annotations()
can also correctly un-stringize stringized annotations.inspect.signature()
, andinspect.from_function()
now callinspect.get_annotations()
to retrieve annotations. This meansinspect.signature()
can now un-stringize stringized annotations, too.bpo-43284: platform.win32_ver derives the windows version from sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version which in turn derives the version from kernel32.dll (which can be of a different version than Windows itself). Therefore change the platform.win32_ver to determine the version using the platform module’s _syscmd_ver private function to return an accurate version.
bpo-42854: The
module now usesSSL_read_ex
internally. The functions support reading and writing of data larger than 2 GB. Writing zero-length data no longer fails with a protocol violation error.bpo-42333: Port
extension module to multiphase initialization.bpo-43880:
now raises DeprecationWarning for OP_NO_SSL/TLS* options, old TLS versions, old protocols, and other features that have been deprecated since Python 3.6, 3.7, or OpenSSL 1.1.0.bpo-41559: PEP 612 is now implemented purely in Python; builtin
objects no longer includetyping.ParamSpec
(with the exception
). This means previously invalid uses ofParamSpec
(such aslist[P]
) which worked in earlier versions of Python 3.10 alpha, will now raiseTypeError
during substitution.bpo-43867: The
class now explicitly catchesSystemExit
and closes the client connection in this case. It happens when theServer.serve_client()
method reaches the end of file (EOF).bpo-40443: Remove unused imports: pyclbr no longer uses copy, and typing no longer uses ast. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-43820: Remove an unneeded copy of the namespace passed to dataclasses.make_dataclass().
bpo-43787: Add
method tobz2.BZ2File
, andlzma.LZMAFile
. It makes iterating them about 2x faster. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-43680: Deprecate io.OpenWrapper and _pyio.OpenWrapper: use and instead. Until Python 3.9, was not a static method and was set to OpenWrapper to not become a bound method when set to a class variable. is a built-in function whereas is a Python function. In Python 3.10, is now a static method, and is now
bpo-43680: The Python
function becomes a static method to behave
built-in function: don’t become a bound method when stored as a class variable. It becomes possible since static methods are now callable in Python 3.10. Moreover,_pyio.OpenWrapper()
becomes a simple alias
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41515: Fix
raised intyping.get_type_hints()
due to synthetic modules that don’t appear insys.modules
.bpo-43776: When
args are provided as a string or aspathlib.Path
, the Popen instance repr now shows the right thing.bpo-42248: [Enum] ensure exceptions raised in
are releasedbpo-43744: fix issue with enum member name matching the start of a private variable name
bpo-43772: Fixed the return value of
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-43764: Add match_args parameter to @dataclass decorator to allow suppression of __match_args__ generation.
bpo-43799: OpenSSL 3.0.0: define
1.1.1 to suppress deprecation warnings. Python requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 APIs.bpo-43478: Mocks can no longer be used as the specs for other Mocks. As a result, an already-mocked object cannot have an attribute mocked using
or be the subject of acreate_autospec(...)
call. This can uncover bugs in tests since these Mock-derived Mocks will always pass certain tests (e.g.isinstance()
) and builtin assert functions (e.g. assert_called_once_with) will unconditionally pass.bpo-43794: Add
constants (OpenSSL 3.0.0)bpo-43785: Improve
performance by removing the RLock from BZ2File. This makes BZ2File thread unsafe in the face of multiple simultaneous readers or writers, just like its equivalent classes ingzip
have always been. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-43789: OpenSSL 3.0.0: Don’t call the password callback function a second time when first call has signaled an error condition.
bpo-43788: The header files for
error codes are now OpenSSL version-specific. Exceptions will now show correct reason and library codes.
script has been rewritten to use OpenSSL’s text file with error codes.bpo-43766: Implement PEP 647 in the
module by addingTypeGuard
now accepts a strict keyword-only argument. When set toTrue
is raised if a path doesn’t exist or a symlink loop is encountered.bpo-43780: In
, incorporate changes from importlib_metadata 3.10: Add mtime-based caching during distribution discovery. Flagged use of dict result fromentry_points()
as The
attributes oftyping.ParamSpec
are now instances of the new classestyping.ParamSpecArgs
, which enables a more usefulrepr()
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-43731: Add an
.bpo-43712: Add
parameters tofileinput.input()
.bpo-38659: A
decorator is added to theenum
module to convert a normal class into an Enum.test_simple_enum
added to test simple enums against a corresponding normal Enum. Standard library modules updated to usesimple_enum
.bpo-43764: Fix an issue where
generation could fail for somedataclasses
.bpo-43752: Fix
regression for zero-sized blobs with converters, whereb""
was returned instead ofNone
. The regression was introduced by PR 24723. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43655:
dialog windows are now recognized as dialogs by window managers on macOS and X Window.bpo-43723: The following
methods are now deprecated and should be replaced:currentThread
Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-2135: Deprecate find_module() and find_loader() implementations in importlib and zipimport.
create now a transient window working on behalf of the canvas window.bpo-43532: Add the ability to specify keyword-only fields to dataclasses. These fields will become keyword-only arguments to the generated __init__.
bpo-43522: Fix problem with
. OpenSSL does not copy hostflags from struct SSL_CTX to struct SSL.bpo-8978: Improve error message for
are unavailable. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-42967: Allow
argument inurllib.parse.parse_qs
when parsingstr
query strings. Previously, this raised aTypeError
.bpo-43296: Improve
error handling:sqlite3_value_blob()
errors that setSQLITE_NOMEM
now raiseMemoryError
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43312: New functions
are added to query a platform for its preferred “user”, “home”, and “prefix” (default) scheme names.bpo-43265: Improve
error handling. The error message for non-existent target database names is nowunknown database <database name>
instead ofSQL logic error
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-41282: Install schemes in
are now loaded fromsysconfig
has been merged tosysconfig
.bpo-43176: Fixed processing of a dataclass that inherits from a frozen dataclass with no fields. It is now correctly detected as an error.
now has support fordataclasses.dataclass
. Patch by Lewis Gaul.bpo-39950: Add
method that supersedeslink_to()
. The new method has the same argument order assymlink_to()
now checks the local namespace of a class when evaluating PEP 563 annotations inside said class.bpo-42269: Add
parameter todataclasses.dataclass
decorator to automatically generate__slots__
for class. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-39529: Deprecated use of
without running event loop. Emit deprecation warning forasyncio
functions which implicitly create aFuture
objects if there is no running event loop and no explicit loop argument is passed:ensure_future()
and constructors ofFuture
.bpo-18369: Certificate and PrivateKey classes were added to the ssl module. Certificates and keys can now be loaded from memory buffer, too.
bpo-41486: Use a new output buffer management code for
modules, and add.readall()
function to_compression.DecompressReader
class. These bring some performance improvements. Patch by Ma Lin.bpo-31870: The
function now has a timeout parameter.bpo-41735: Fix thread locks in zlib module may go wrong in rare case. Patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-36470: Fix dataclasses with
s andreplace()
. Patch by Claudiu Popa.bpo-40849: Expose X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN ssl flag
now returns a boolean value (as documented) instead of1
now accept a follow_symlinks keyword-only argument for consistency with corresponding functions in theos
now refuses to guess Windows home directories if the basename of current user’s home directory does not match their username.pathlib.Path.expanduser()
now consistently raiseRuntimeError
exception when a home directory cannot be resolved. Previously aKeyError
exception could be raised on Windows when the"USERNAME"
environment variable was unset.bpo-36076: Added SNI support to
.bpo-38490: Covariance, Pearson’s correlation, and simple linear regression functionality was added to statistics module. Patch by Tymoteusz Wołodźko.
bpo-33731: Provide a locale.localize() function, which converts a normalized number string into a locale format.
bpo-32745: Fix a regression in the handling of ctypes’
type: embedded null characters would cause aValueError
to be raised. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-43987: Add “Annotations Best Practices” document as a new HOWTO.
bpo-43977: Document the new
type flags.bpo-43959: The documentation on the PyContextVar C-API was clarified.
bpo-43938: Update dataclasses documentation to express that FrozenInstanceError is derived from AttributeError.
bpo-43778: Fix the Sphinx glossary_search extension: create the _static/ sub-directory if it doesn’t exist.
bpo-43755: Update documentation to reflect that unparenthesized lambda expressions can no longer be the expression part in an
clause in comprehensions and generator expressions since Python 3.9.bpo-43739: Fixing the example code in Doc/extending/extending.rst to declare and initialize the pmodule variable to be of the right type.
bpo-43961: Fix test_logging.test_namer_rotator_inheritance() on Windows: use
rather thanos.rename()
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43842: Fix a race condition in the SMTP test of test_logging. Don’t close a file descriptor (socket) from a different thread while asyncore.loop() is polling the file descriptor. Patch by Victor Stinner.
now marks a test as ENV_CHANGED (altered the execution environment) if a thread raises an exception but does not catch it. It sets a hook onthreading.excepthook()
. Use--fail-env-changed
option to mark the test as failed. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43811: Tests multiple OpenSSL versions on GitHub Actions. Use ccache to speed up testing.
bpo-43791: OpenSSL 3.0.0: Disable testing of legacy protocols TLS 1.0 and 1.1. Tests are failing with TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR.
bpo-35306: Adds additional arguments to
function.bpo-43538: Avoid raising errors from
when passed an invalid filename.bpo-38822: Fixed
failing on inaccessible directories with a trailing slash, rather than falling back to the parent directory’s metadata. This implicitly affectedos.path.exists()
.bpo-26227: Fixed decoding of host names in
.bpo-40432: Updated pegen regeneration script on Windows to find and use Python 3.8 or higher. Prior to this, pegen regeneration already required 3.8 or higher, but the script may have used lower versions of Python.
bpo-43745: Actually updates Windows release to OpenSSL 1.1.1k. Earlier releases were mislabelled and actually included 1.1.1i again.
bpo-43652: Update Tcl and Tk to 8.6.11 in Windows installer.
bpo-43492: Upgrade Windows installer to use SQLite 3.35.5.
bpo-30555: Fix
errors in the presence of fd redirection. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-42119: Fix check for macOS SDK paths when building Python. Narrow search to match contents of SDKs, namely only files in
, and/usr
other than/usr/local
. Previously, anything under/System
was assumed to be in an SDK which causes problems with the new file system layout in 10.15+ where user file systems may appear to be mounted under/System
. Paths in/Library
were also incorrectly treated as SDK locations.bpo-43568: Drop support for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET < 10.3
bpo-44009: Provide “python3.x-intel64” executable to allow reliably forcing macOS universal2 framework builds to run under Rosetta 2 Intel-64 emulation on Apple Silicon Macs. This can be useful for testing or when universal2 wheels are not yet available.
bpo-43851: Build SQLite with
on macOS. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43492: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.35.4.
will now use “–enable-optimizations” and--with-lto
when building on macOS 10.15 or later.
bpo-37903: Add mouse actions to the shell sidebar. Left click and optional drag selects one or more lines, as with the editor line number sidebar. Right click after selecting raises a context menu with ‘copy with prompts’. This zips together prompts from the sidebar with lines from the selected text.
bpo-43981: Fix reference leak in test_sidebar and test_squeezer. Patches by Terry Jan Reedy and Pablo Galindo
bpo-37892: Indent IDLE Shell input with spaces instead of tabs
bpo-43655: IDLE dialog windows are now recognized as dialogs by window managers on macOS and X Window.
bpo-37903: IDLE’s shell now shows prompts in a separate side-bar.
bpo-43916: Add a new
type flag to disallow creating type instances. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43774: Remove the now unused
macro. Debug hooks on memory allocators are now installed by default if Python is built in debug mode (ifPy_DEBUG
macro is defined). Moreover, they can now be used on Python build in release mode (ex: usingPYTHONMALLOC=debug
environment variable).bpo-43962: _PyInterpreterState_IDIncref() now calls _PyInterpreterState_IDInitref() and always increments id_refcount. Previously, calling _xxsubinterpreters.get_current() could create an id_refcount inconsistency when a _xxsubinterpreters.InterpreterID object was deallocated. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-28254: Add new C-API functions to control the state of the garbage collector:
, corresponding to the functions in thegc
module.bpo-43908: Introduce
flag for immutable type objects, and modifyPyType_Ready()
to set it for static types. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43795:
is now available in the limited C API (Py_LIMITED_API
is no longer exported by limited C API headers and bypython3.dll
on Windows. Like any function that takesFILE*
, it is not part of the stable ABI.bpo-43795: Stable ABI and limited API definitions are generated from a central manifest (PEP 652).
bpo-43753: Add the
Py_Is(x, y)
function to test if the x object is the y object, the same asx is y
in Python. Add also thePy_IsNone()
functions to test if an object is, respectively, theNone
singleton, theTrue
singleton or theFalse
singleton. Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 7¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-04-05
bpo-42988: CVE 2021-3426: Remove the
feature of thepydoc
module which could be abused to read arbitrary files on the disk (directory traversal vulnerability). Moreover, even source code of Python modules can contain sensitive data like passwords. Vulnerability reported by David Schwörer.bpo-43285:
no longer trusts the IP address value returned from the server in response to the PASV command by default. This prevents a malicious FTP server from using the response to probe IPv4 address and port combinations on the client network.Code that requires the former vulnerable behavior may set a
attribute on theirftplib.FTP
instances toTrue
to re-enable it.bpo-43439: Add audit hooks for
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-27129: Update CPython bytecode magic number.
bpo-43672: Raise ImportWarning when calling find_loader().
bpo-43660: Fix crash that happens when replacing
with a callable that can remove the object while an exception is being printed. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-27129: The bytecode interpreter uses instruction, rather byte, offsets internally. This reduces the number of EXTENDED_ARG instructions needed and streamlines instruction dispatch a bit.
bpo-40645: Fix reference leak in the
extension. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-42134: Calls to find_module() by the import system now raise ImportWarning.
bpo-41064: Improve the syntax error for invalid usage of double starred elements (‘**’) in f-strings. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-43575: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-42137: The import system now prefers using
.bpo-43452: Added micro-optimizations to
to improve cache lookup performance in the common case of cache hits.bpo-43555: Report the column offset for
for invalid line continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-43517: Fix misdetection of circular imports when using
from pkg.mod import attr
, which caused false positives in non-trivial multi-threaded code.bpo-43497: Emit SyntaxWarnings for assertions with tuple constants, this is a regression introduced in python3.7
bpo-39316: Tracing now has correct line numbers for attribute accesses when the attribute is on a different line from the object. Improves debugging and profiling for multi-line method chains.
bpo-35883: Python no longer fails at startup with a fatal error if a command line argument contains an invalid Unicode character. The
function now escapes byte sequences which would be decoded as Unicode characters outside the [U+0000; U+10ffff] range.bpo-43410: Fix a bug that was causing the parser to crash when emitting syntax errors when reading input from stdin. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-43406: Fix a possible race condition where
tries to execute a non-Python signal handler.bpo-42128: Add
to struct sequence objects. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-43390: CPython now sets the
flag inPyOS_setsig
for the VM’s default signal handlers. This is friendlier to other in-process code that an extension module or embedding use could pull in (such as Golang’s cgo) where tiny thread stacks are the norm andsigaltstack()
has been used to provide for signal handlers. This is a no-op change for the vast majority of processes that don’t use sigaltstack.bpo-43287: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-37448: Add a radix tree based memory map to track in-use obmalloc arenas. Use to replace the old implementation of address_in_range(). The radix tree approach makes it easy to increase pool sizes beyond the OS page size. Boosting the pool and arena size allows obmalloc to handle a significantly higher percentage of requests from its ultra-fast paths.
It also has the advantage of eliminating the memory unsanitary behavior of the previous address_in_range(). The old address_in_range() was marked with the annotations _Py_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS, _Py_NO_SANITIZE_THREAD, and _Py_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY. Those annotations are no longer needed.
To disable the radix tree map, set a preprocessor flag as follows:
.Co-authored-by: Tim Peters <>
bpo-29988: Only handle asynchronous exceptions and requests to drop the GIL when returning from a call or on the back edges of loops. Makes sure that
is always called in with statements, even for interrupts.
bpo-43720: Document various stdlib deprecations in imp, pkgutil, and importlib.util for removal in Python 3.12.
no longer ignores query and fragment in the URL of the server.bpo-31956: The
method ofarray.array
now has optional start and stop parameters.bpo-40066: Enum: adjust
to show only enum and member name (not value, nor angle brackets) andstr()
to show only member name. Update and improve documentation to match.bpo-42136: Deprecate all module_repr() methods found in importlib as their use is being phased out by Python 3.12.
bpo-35930: Raising an exception raised in a “future” instance will create reference cycles.
bpo-41369: Finish updating the vendored libmpdec to version 2.5.1. Patch by Stefan Krah.
bpo-43422: Revert the _decimal C API which was added in bpo-41324.
bpo-43577: Fix deadlock when using
debug callback withssl.SSLContext.sni_callback()
.bpo-43571: It’s now possible to create MPTCP sockets with IPPROTO_MPTCP
were added tomimetypes
.bpo-40645: The
module now uses OpenSSL’s HMAC implementation when digestmod argument is a hash name or builtin hash function.bpo-43510: Implement PEP 597: Add
warning,-X warn_default_encoding
environment variable andencoding="locale"
argument value.bpo-43521:
can now render NaNs and empty sets.bpo-42914:
gains a new booleanunderscore_numbers
optional argument to emit integers with thousands separated by an underscore character for improved readability (for example1_000_000
instead of1000000
calls are now slightly faster due to faster argument parsing.bpo-43423:
no longer raises an IndexError when there is an empty stdout or stderr IO buffer during a timeout on Windows.bpo-27820: Fixed long-standing bug of smtplib.SMTP where doing AUTH LOGIN with initial_response_ok=False will fail.
The cause is that SMTP.auth_login _always_ returns a password if provided with a challenge string, thus non-compliant with the standard for AUTH LOGIN.
Also fixes bug with the test for smtpd.
bpo-43445: Add frozen modules to
. For example, add"_frozen_importlib"
names.bpo-43245: Add keyword arguments support to
.bpo-29982: Add optional parameter ignore_cleanup_errors to
and allow multiplecleanup()
attempts. Contributed by C.A.M. Gerlach.bpo-43428: Include changes from importlib_metadata 3.7:
Performance enhancements to distribution discovery.
only returns unique distributions.Introduces new
object for containing a set of entry points with convenience methods for selecting entry points by group or name.entry_points
now returns this object if selection parameters are supplied but continues to return a dict object for compatibility. Users are encouraged to rely on the selection interface. The dict object result is likely to be deprecated in the future.Added packages_distributions function to return a mapping of packages to the distributions that provide them.
bpo-43332: Improves the networking efficiency of
when using a proxy viaset_tunnel()
. Fewer small send calls are made during connection setup.bpo-43420: Improve performance of
arithmetics for large components. Contributed by Sergey B. Kirpichev.bpo-43356: Allow passing a signal number to
.bpo-43399: Fix
not working on iterators when using the Python implementationbpo-43369: Improve
error handling: Ifsqlite3_column_text()
is now raised. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43368: Fix a regression introduced in PR 24562, where an empty bytestring was fetched as
instead ofb''
. Patch by Mariusz Felisiak.bpo-41282: Fixed stacklevel of
emitted fromimport distutils
now honors namespace packages, merging resources from each location in the namespace as introduced inimportlib_resources
3.2 and including incidental changes through 5.0.3.bpo-43295:
now raisesValueError
instead ofIndexError
when matching'z'
with the%z
format specifier.bpo-43125: Return empty string if base64mime.body_encode receive empty bytes
returns nowTrue
(as was documented) instead of1
.bpo-42994: Add MIME types for opus, AAC, 3gpp and 3gpp2
bpo-14678: Add an invalidate_caches() method to the zipimport.zipimporter class to support importlib.invalidate_caches(). Patch by Desmond Cheong.
bpo-42782: Fail fast in
to avoid creating destination directories on failure.bpo-40066: Enum’s
have changed:repr()
is now EnumClass.MemberName andstr()
is MemberName. Additionally, stdlib Enum’s whose contents are available as module attributes, such asRegexFlag.IGNORECASE
, have theirrepr()
.bpo-26053: Fixed bug where the
interactive run command echoed the args from the shell command line, even if those have been overridden at the pdb prompt.bpo-24160: Fixed bug where breakpoints did not persist across multiple debugger sessions in
’s interactive mode.bpo-40701: When the
global variable is set to a value of type bytes, it is now handled consistently. Previously exceptions could be raised from some tempfile APIs when the directory did not already exist in this situation. Also ensures that thetempfile.gettempdir()
functions always returnstr
respectively.bpo-39342: Expose
to allow proxy certificate validation as explained in Add builtins.aiter and builtins.anext. Patch by Joshua Bronson (@jab), Daniel Pope (@lordmauve), and Justin Wang (@justin39).
bpo-43199: Answer “Why is there no goto?” in the Design and History FAQ.
bpo-43407: Clarified that a result from
, ortime.thread_time()
can be compared with the result from any following call to the same function - not just the next immediate call.bpo-43354: Fix type documentation for
; the type has to beint
instead ofstr
.bpo-41933: Clarified wording of s * n in the Common Sequence Operations
bpo-43179: Introduce and correctly use ALIGNOF_X in place of SIZEOF_X for alignment-related code in optimized string routines. Patch by Jessica Clarke.
bpo-43631: Update macOS, Windows, and CI to OpenSSL 1.1.1k.
bpo-43617: Improve Check for presence of autoconf-archive package and remove our copies of M4 macros.
bpo-43466: The
script now supports--with-openssl-rpath
option.bpo-43372: Use
to generate code for the__hello__
module. This approach ensures the code matches the interpreter version. Previously, PYTHON_FOR_REGEN was used to generate the code, which might be wrong. The marshal format for code objects has changed with bpo-42246, commit 877df851. Update the code and the expected code sizes in ctypes test_frozentable.
bpo-42225: Document that IDLE can fail on Unix either from misconfigured IP masquerade rules or failure displaying complex colored (non-ascii) characters.
bpo-43688: The limited C API is now supported if Python is built in debug mode (if the
macro is defined). In the limited C API, thePy_INCREF()
functions are now implemented as opaque function calls, rather than accessing directly thePyObject.ob_refcnt
member, if Python is built in debug mode and thePy_LIMITED_API
macro targets Python 3.10 or newer. It became possible to support the limited C API in debug mode because thePyObject
structure is the same in release and debug mode since Python 3.8 (see bpo-36465).The limited C API is still not supported in the
special build (Py_TRACE_REFS
macro).Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-43244: Remove the
header file with functions:PyArena_New()
These functions were undocumented, excluded from the limited C API, and were only used internally by the compiler. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-43244: Remove the compiler and parser functions using
struct _mod
type, because the public AST C API was removed:PyAST_Compile()
These functions were undocumented and excluded from the limited C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-43244: Remove
, andPython-ast.h
header files. These functions were undocumented and excluded from the limited C API. Most names defined by these header files were not prefixed byPy
and so could create names conflicts. For example,Python-ast.h
defined aYield
macro which was conflict with theYield
name used by the Windows<winbase.h>
header. Use the Pythonast
module instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43541: Fix a
regression: fix reference counting on builtins. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43244: Remove the
header file and the undocumented functions:PyST_GetScope()
A função
fazia parte da ABI estável por engano, mas não pôde ser usada, porque o arquivo de cabeçalhosymtable.h
foi excluído da API C limitada.The Python
module remains available and is unchanged.Patch por Victor Stinner.
bpo-43244: Remove the
function. It is no longer possible to build a AST object (mod_ty
type) with the public C API. The function was already excluded from the limited C API (PEP 384). Patch by Victor Stinner.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 6¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-03-01
bpo-42967: Fix web cache poisoning vulnerability by defaulting the query args separator to
, and allowing the user to choose a custom separator.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-43321: Fix
raised whenPyArg_Parse*()
is used with#
but withoutPY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
functions now emitsDeprecationWarning
format is used. See PEP 623 for detail.bpo-43277: Add a new
function to the C-API to check if an object is an instance ofset
but not an instance of a subtype. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-42990: The
constructor now inherits the current builtins if the globals dictionary has no"__builtins__"
key, rather than using{"None": None}
as builtins: same behavior aseval()
functions. Defining a function withdef function(...): ...
in Python is not affected, globals cannot be overridden with this syntax: it also inherits the current builtins. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42990: Functions have a new
attribute which is used to look for builtin symbols when a function is executed, instead of looking into__globals__['__builtins__']
. Patch by Mark Shannon and Victor Stinner.bpo-43149: Improve the error message in the parser for exception groups without parentheses. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-43121: Fixed an incorrect
message for missing comma in literals. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-42819:
: Explicitly disable bracketed paste in the interactive interpreter, even if it’s set in the inputrc, is enabled by default (eg GNU Readline 8.1), or a user callsreadline.read_init_file()
. The Python REPL has not implemented bracketed paste support. Also, bracketed mode writes the"\x1b[?2004h"
escape sequence into stdout which causes test failures in applications that don’t support it. It can still be explicitly enabled by callingreadline.parse_and_bind("set enable-bracketed-paste on")
. Patch by Dustin Rodrigues.bpo-42808: Simple calls to
are now faster due to thevectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-42217: Make the compiler merges same co_code and co_linetable objects in a module like already did for co_consts.
bpo-41972: Substring search functions such as
str1 in str2
now sometimes use the “Two-Way” string comparison algorithm to avoid quadratic behavior on long strings.bpo-42128: Implement PEP 634 (structural pattern matching). Patch by Brandt Bucher.
bpo-40692: In the
, validate thatmultiprocess.synchronize()
is available on a given platform and rely on that check in theconcurrent.futures
test suite so we can run tests that are unrelated toProcessPoolExecutor
on those platforms.bpo-38302: If
, the operator will correctly fall back toobject.__pow__()
as expected.
bpo-43316: The
python -m gzip
command line application now properly fails when detecting an unsupported extension. It exits with a non-zero exit code and prints an error message to stderr.bpo-43317: Set the chunk size for the
module main function to io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE. This is slightly faster than the 1024 bytes constant that was used previously.bpo-43146: Handle None in single-arg versions of
.bpo-43260: Fix TextIOWrapper can not flush internal buffer forever after very large text is written.
bpo-43258: Prevent needless allocation of
aggregate function context when no rows match an aggregate query. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43251: Improve
error handling:sqlite3_column_name()
failures now result inMemoryError
. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40956: Fix segfault in
if no argument was provided. The regression was introduced by PR 23838. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43172: The readline module now passes its tests when built directly against libedit. Existing irreconcilable API differences remain in
behavior based on libreadline vs libedit use.bpo-43163: Fix a bug in
that was causing it to not ask for more input when multi-line snippets have unclosed parentheses. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-43162: deprecate unsupported ability to access enum members as attributes of other enum members
bpo-43146: Fix recent regression in None argument handling in
module functions.bpo-43102: The namedtuple __new__ method had its __builtins__ set to None instead of an actual dictionary. This created problems for introspection tools.
bpo-43106: Added
for macOS. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-42960: Adds
constant from FreeBSD to theresource
module.bpo-42151: Make the pure Python implementation of
behave the same as the C implementation (_elementree
) regarding default attribute values (by not settingspecified_attributes=1
).bpo-29753: In ctypes, now packed bitfields are calculated properly and the first item of packed bitfields is now shrank correctly.
bpo-43288: Fix test_importlib to correctly skip Unicode file tests if the filesystem does not support them.
bpo-43174: Windows build now uses
compiler option.bpo-43103: Add a new configure
option to not build thelibpythonMAJOR.MINOR.a
static library and not install thepython.o
object file.bpo-13501: The configure script can now use libedit instead of readline with the command line option
.bpo-42603: Make configure script use pkg-config to detect the location of Tcl/Tk headers and libraries, used to build tkinter.
On macOS, a Tcl/Tk configuration provided by pkg-config will be preferred over Tcl/Tk frameworks installed in
. If both exist and the latter is preferred, the appropriate--with-tcltk-*
configuration options need to be explicitly set.bpo-39448: Add the “regen-frozen” makefile target that regenerates the code for the frozen
is now present inpython3.lib
bpo-41837: Update macOS installer build to use OpenSSL 1.1.1j.
bpo-43283: Document why printing to IDLE’s Shell is often slower than printing to a system terminal and that it can be made faster by pre-formatting a single string before printing.
bpo-43278: Always put compiler and system information on the first line of the REPL welcome message.
bpo-43270: Remove the private
macro: use the publicPyErr_Occurred()
function instead.bpo-35134: Move odictobject.h, parser_interface.h, picklebufobject.h, pydebug.h, and pyfpe.h into the cpython/ directory. They must not be included directly, as they are already included by Python.h: Include Files.
bpo-35134: Move pyarena.h, pyctype.h, and pytime.h into the cpython/ directory. They must not be included directly, as they are already included by Python.h: Include Files.
is now always declared as a function, in order to hide implementation details. The macro accessedPyTypeObject.tp_name
directly. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43239: The
function is now exported in the ABI when compiled with-fvisibility=hidden
is now always declared as a function, in order to hide implementation details. The macro accessedPyTypeObject.tp_iternext
directly. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40170: Convert
macro to a function to hide implementation details: The macro accessedPyTypeObject.tp_descr_set
directly. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-43181: Convert
macro to a static inline function. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-02-02
bpo-42938: Avoid static buffers when computing the repr of
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-42990: Refactor the
family of functions.An new function
is added to simplify calls to Python from C._PyEval_EvalCodeWithName
is removedPyEval_EvalCodeEx
is retained as part of the API, but is not used internally
bpo-38631: Replace
calls in the compiler with regularSystemError
exceptions. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42997: Improve error message for missing “:” before blocks. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-43017: Improve error message in the parser when using un-parenthesised tuples in comprehensions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-42986: Fix parser crash when reporting syntax errors in f-string with newlines. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-40176: Syntax errors for unterminated string literals now point to the start of the string instead of reporting EOF/EOL.
bpo-42927: The inline cache for
now also optimizes access to attributes defined by__slots__
. This makes reading such attribute up to 30% faster.bpo-42864: Improve error messages in the parser when parentheses are not closed. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-42924: Fix
repetition incorrectly copying data from the start of the buffer, even if the data is offset within the buffer (e.g. after reassigning a slice at the start of thebytearray
to a shorter byte string).bpo-42882: Fix the
function (_Py_IDENTIFIER(var) API) whenPy_Initialize()
is called multiple times: preserve_PyRuntime.unicode_ids.next_index
value.bpo-42827: Fix a crash when working out the error line of a
in some multi-line expressions.bpo-42823: frame.f_lineno is correct even if frame.f_trace is set to True
bpo-37324: Remove deprecated aliases to Classes Base Abstratas de Coleções from the
module.bpo-41994: Fixed possible leak in
is not adict
.bpo-27772: In string formatting, preceding the width field by
no longer affects the default alignment for strings.
bpo-43108: Fixed a reference leak in the
module. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-43077: Update the bundled pip to 21.0.1 and setuptools to 52.0.0.
bpo-41282: Deprecate
in documentation and add warning on import.bpo-43014: Improve performance of
by 20-30%. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-42323: Fix
for NaN on AIX.bpo-42955: Add
, containing the list of the standard library module names. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42944: Fix
argument is notNone
.bpo-42934: Use
’s newcompact
param inTestResult
to reduce time and memory consumed by traceback formatting.bpo-42931: Add
.bpo-38250: [Enum] Flags consisting of a single bit are now considered canonical, and will be the only flags returned from listing and iterating over a Flag class or a Flag member. Multi-bit flags are considered aliases; they will be returned from lookups and operations that result in their value. Iteration for both Flag and Flag members is in definition order.
bpo-42877: Added the
parameter to the constructor oftraceback.TracebackException
to reduce time and memory for use cases that only need to callTracebackException.format()
.bpo-42923: The
function and thefaulthandler
module now dump the list of extension modules on a fatal error.bpo-42848: Removed recursion from
to allow it to handle long exception chains.bpo-42901: [Enum] move member creation from
, allowing members to be created and visible in__init_subclass__
.bpo-42780: Fix os.set_inheritable() for O_PATH file descriptors on Linux.
bpo-42866: Fix a reference leak in the
function of CJK codecs. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42846: Convert the 6 CJK codec extension modules (_codecs_cn, _codecs_hk, _codecs_iso2022, _codecs_jp, _codecs_kr and _codecs_tw) to the multiphase initialization API (PEP 489). Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-42851: remove __init_subclass__ support for Enum members
bpo-42834: Make internal caches of the
module compatible with subinterpreters.bpo-41748: Fix HTMLParser parsing rules for element attributes containing commas with spaces. Patch by Karl Dubost.
bpo-40810: Require SQLite 3.7.15 or newer. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-1635741: Convert the _multibytecodec extension module (CJK codecs) to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489). Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-42802: The distutils
command deprecated in Python 3.8 has been removed. The distutilsbdist_wheel
command is now recommended to distribute binary packages on Windows.bpo-24464: The undocumented built-in function
is now deprecated, scheduled for removal in Python 3.12. Its use is strongly discouraged by the SQLite3 documentation. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-42384: Make pdb populate sys.path[0] exactly the same as regular python execution.
bpo-42383: Fix pdb: previously pdb would fail to restart the debugging target if it was specified using a relative path and the current directory changed.
bpo-42005: Fix CLI of
to catchBrokenPipeError
.bpo-41604: Don’t decrement the reference count of the previous user_ptr when set_panel_userptr fails.
bpo-41149: Allow executing callables that have a boolean value of
when passed toThreading.thread
as the target. Patch contributed by Barney Stratford.bpo-38307: Add an ‘end_lineno’ attribute to the Class and Function objects that appear in the tree returned by pyclbr functions. This and the existing ‘lineno’ attribute define the extent of class and def statements. Patch by Aviral Srivastava.
bpo-39273: The
constants are now exposed in thecurses
module if available.bpo-33289: Correct call to
to return RGB triplet of ints instead of floats. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-43031: Pass
option to the default profile task./python -m test --pgo
make regen-all
now also runsregen-keyword
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42874: Removed the grep -q and -E flags in the tzpath validation section of the configure script to better accommodate users of some platforms (specifically Solaris 10).
bpo-31904: Add library search path by wr-cc in add_cross_compiling_paths() for VxWorks.
bpo-42856: Add
option to the./configure
script. If specified, theensurepip
module looks forsetuptools
wheel packages in this directory: if both are present, these wheel packages are used instead of ensurepip bundled wheel packages.Algumas distribuições Linux possuem políticas de empacotamento recomendando evitar o empacotamento de dependências. Por exemplo, Fedora instala pacotes wheel no diretório
e não instala o pacoteensurepip._bundled
bpo-42504: Ensure that the value of sysconfig.get_config_var(‘MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET’) is always a string, even in when the value is parsable as an integer.
bpo-43008: Make IDLE invoke
in normal, 2-process mode. Patch by Ken Hilton.bpo-33065: Fix problem debugging user classes with __repr__ method.
bpo-23544: Disable Debug=>Stack Viewer when user code is running or Debugger is active, to prevent hang or crash. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-32631: Finish zzdummy example extension module: make menu entries work; add docstrings and tests with 100% coverage.
bpo-42979: When Python is built in debug mode (with C assertions), calling a type slot like
in Python) now fails with a fatal error if the slot succeeded with an exception set, or failed with no exception set. The error message contains the slot, the type name, and the current exception (if an exception is set). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-43030: Fixed a compiler warning in
on platforms with signedwchar_t
Python 3.10.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2021-01-04
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-42814: Fix undefined behavior in
.bpo-42806: Fix the column offsets for f-strings
nodes surrounded by parentheses and for nodes that spawn multiple lines. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-40631: Fix regression where a single parenthesized starred expression was a valid assignment target.
bpo-27794: Improve the error message for failed writes/deletes to property objects. When possible, the attribute name is now shown. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.
bpo-42745: Make the type attribute lookup cache per-interpreter. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-42246: Jumps to jumps are not eliminated when it would break PEP 626.
bpo-42246: Make sure that the
attributes of a frame are set correctly when an exception is raised or re-raised. Required for PEP 626.bpo-32381: The coding cookie (ex:
# coding: latin1
) is now ignored in the command passed to the-c
command line option. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-30858: Improve error location in expressions that contain assignments. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Lysandros Nikolaou.
bpo-42615: Remove jump commands made redundant by the deletion of unreachable bytecode blocks
bpo-42639: Make the
module state per-interpreter. It is now safe have more than oneatexit
module instance. Patch by Donghee Na and Victor Stinner.bpo-32381: Fix encoding name when running a
file on Windows:PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags()
now uses the correct encoding to decode the filename.bpo-42195: The
of the parameterized generics fortyping.Callable
are now consistent. The__args__
are now flattened whiletyping.Callable
’s have not changed. To allow this change,types.GenericAlias
can now be subclassed
will now return a subclass oftypes.GenericAlias
. Tests for typing were also updated to not subclass things likeCallable[..., T]
as that is not a valid base class. Finally, bothCallable
s no longer validate theirargtypes
, inCallable[[argtypes], resulttype]
to prepare for PEP 612. Patch by Ken Jin.bpo-40137: Convert functools module to use
.bpo-40077: Convert
to use heap types, and establish module state for these.bpo-42008: Fix _random.Random() seeding.
bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-40521: Make the Unicode dictionary of interned strings compatible with subinterpreters. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-39465: Make
function compatible with subinterpreters. Each interpreter now has an array of identifier objects (interned strings decoded from UTF-8). Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-42257: Handle empty string in variable executable in platform.libc_ver()
bpo-42772: randrange() now raises a TypeError when step is specified without a stop argument. Formerly, it silently ignored the step argument.
bpo-42759: Fixed equality comparison of
. Objects which belong to different Tcl interpreters are now always different, even if they have the same name.bpo-42756: Configure LMTP Unix-domain socket to use socket global default timeout when a timeout is not explicitly provided.
bpo-23328: Allow / character in username, password fields on _PROXY envars.
now support PEP 604 union types and PEP 612 additions toCallable
extra_groups is now correctly passed into setgroups() system call.bpo-42727:
now accepts**kwds
to properly support__init_subclass__
bpo-38308: Add optional weights to statistics.harmonic_mean().
bpo-42721: When simple query dialogs (
), message boxes (tkinter.messagebox
) or color choose dialog (tkinter.colorchooser
) are created without arguments master and parent, and the default root window is not yet created, andNoDefaultRoot()
was not called, a new temporal hidden root window will be created automatically. It will not be set as the default root window and will be destroyed right after closing the dialog window. It will help to use these simple dialog windows in programs which do not need other GUI.bpo-25246: Optimized
.bpo-35728: Added a root parameter to
supports now widgets with boolean value False.bpo-42681: Fixed range checks for color and pair numbers in
.bpo-42685: Improved placing of simple query windows in Tkinter (such as
). They are now centered at the center of the parent window if it is specified and shown, otherwise at the center of the screen.bpo-9694: Argparse help no longer uses the confusing phrase, “optional arguments”. It uses “options” instead.
bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to the multiphase initialization API (PEP 489) and convert its static types to heap types.bpo-37961: Fix crash in
(regressed in Python 3.9).bpo-42630:
functions and constructors which need a default root window raise nowRuntimeError
with descriptive message instead of obscureAttributeError
if it is not created yet or cannot be created automatically.bpo-42639:
now logs callback exceptions usingsys.unraisablehook
, rather than logging them directly intosys.stderr
and raise the last exception.bpo-42644:
will now validate the types and value of its parameter. It also now accepts strings representing the levels (as doeslogging.setLevel
) instead of only the numerical values.bpo-42639: At Python exit, if a callback registered with
fails, its exception is now logged. Previously, only some exceptions were logged, and the last exception was always silently ignored.bpo-36541: Fixed lib2to3.pgen2 to be able to parse PEP-570 positional only argument syntax.
bpo-42382: In
: -EntryPoint
objects now expose a.dist
object referencing theDistribution
when constructed from aDistribution
. - Add support for package discovery under package normalization rules. - The object returned bymetadata()
now has a formally defined protocol calledPackageMetadata
with declared support for the.get_all()
method. - Synced with importlib_metadata 3.3.bpo-41877: A check is added against misspellings of autospect, auto_spec and set_spec being passed as arguments to patch, patch.object and create_autospec.
bpo-39717: [tarfile] update nested exception raising to use
from None
orfrom e
bpo-41877: AttributeError for suspected misspellings of assertions on mocks are now pointing out that the cause are misspelled assertions and also what to do if the misspelling is actually an intended attribute name. The unittest.mock document is also updated to reflect the current set of recognised misspellings.
bpo-41559: Implemented PEP 612: added
. Patch by Ken Jin.bpo-42385: StrEnum: fix _generate_next_value_ to return a str
bpo-31904: Define THREAD_STACK_SIZE for VxWorks.
bpo-34750: [Enum]
is now supported.bpo-42517: Enum: private names do not become members / do not generate errors – they remain normal attributes
: call__init_subclass__
after members have been addedbpo-28964:
adds line number information (if available) in error message for malformed nodes.bpo-42470:
no longer warns on a sequence which is also a set.bpo-31904:
returns the input path unchanged if user home directory is None on VxWorks.bpo-42388: Fix subprocess.check_output(…, input=None) behavior when text=True to be consistent with that of the documentation and universal_newlines=True.
bpo-34463: Fixed discrepancy between
and the interpreter in formatting of SyntaxError with lineno not set (traceback
was changed to match interpreter).bpo-42393: Raise
instead of silent truncation insocket.ntohs()
. Silent truncation was deprecated in Python 3.7. Patch by Erlend E. Aaslandbpo-42222: Harmonized
argument handling to matchrange()
.The integer test and conversion in
now usesoperator.index()
.Non-integer arguments to
are deprecated.The
is deprecated in favor of aTypeError
.It now runs a little faster than before.
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger and Serhiy Storchaka.)
bpo-42163: Restore compatibility for
around deepcopy and _replace.bpo-42090:
now accepts arbitrary arguments, same aspathlib.Path.joinpath
.bpo-1635741: Port the _csv module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).
types created using the alternative call-style syntax now correctly respect thetotal
keyword argument when setting their__required_keys__
class attributes.bpo-41960: Add
parameters to theinspect.signature()
.bpo-41907: fix
behavior forIntFlag
bpo-41891: Ensure asyncio.wait_for waits for task completion
bpo-24792: Fixed bug where
sometimes reports an incorrect cause of import errors.bpo-31904: Fix site and sysconfig modules for VxWorks RTOS which has no home directories.
bpo-41462: Add
support for VxWorks RTOS.bpo-40219: Lowered
dummy widget to prevent hiding part of the content label.bpo-37193: Fixed memory leak in
introduced in Python 3.7.bpo-39068: Fix initialization race condition in
. Patch by Brandon Stansbury.
bpo-17140: Add documentation for the
class.bpo-34398: Prominently feature listings from the glossary in documentation search results. Patch by Ammar Askar.
bpo-42794: Update test_nntplib to use official group name of for testing. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-31904: Skip some asyncio tests on VxWorks.
bpo-42641: Enhance
: it now takes 500 milliseconds rather than 10 seconds. Use Python rather than a shell to make the test more portable.bpo-31904: Skip some tests in _test_all_chown_common() on VxWorks.
bpo-42199: Fix bytecode helper assertNotInBytecode.
bpo-41443: Add more attribute checking in
bpo-31904: Disable os.popen and impacted tests on VxWorks
bpo-41439: Port test_ssl and test_uuid to VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-42692: Fix __builtin_available check on older compilers. Patch by Joshua Root.
bpo-27640: Added
option to theconfigure
script: don’t build nor install test modules. Patch by Xavier de Gaye, Thomas Petazzoni and Peixing Xin.bpo-42604: Now all platforms use a value for the “EXT_SUFFIX” build variable derived from SOABI (for instance in freeBSD, “EXT_SUFFIX” is now “” instead of “.so”). Previously only Linux, Mac and VxWorks were using a value for “EXT_SUFFIX” that included “SOABI”.
bpo-42598: Fix implicit function declarations in configure which could have resulted in incorrect configuration checks. Patch contributed by Joshua Root.
bpo-31904: Enable for VxWorks.
bpo-29076: Add fish shell support to macOS installer.
bpo-42591: Export the
function: fix a Python 3.9.0 regression. Python 3.9 uses-fvisibility=hidden
and the function was not exported explicitly and so not exported.bpo-32381: Remove the private
function which is no longer needed. Use_Py_wfopen()
instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-1635741: Port
extension module to module statebpo-42111: Update the
module to be a better example of how to use the limited C API.bpo-40052: Fix an alignment build warning/error in function
. Patch by Andreas Schneider, Antoine Pitrou and Petr Viktorin.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-12-07
bpo-40791: Add
to the accumulator variable inhmac.compare_digest
, making constant-time-defeating optimizations less likely.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
will now raise aTypeError
when attempting to initialize with a keyword argument. Previously, this would cause the interpreter to crash if the interpreter was compiled with debug symbols. This does not affect interpreters compiled for release. Patch by Ken Jin.bpo-42536: Several built-in and standard library types now ensure that their internal result tuples are always tracked by the garbage collector:
Previously, they could have become untracked by a prior garbage collection. Patch by Brandt Bucher.
bpo-42500: Improve handling of exceptions near recursion limit. Converts a number of Fatal Errors in RecursionErrors.
bpo-42246: PEP 626: After a return, the f_lineno attribute of a frame is always the last line executed.
bpo-42435: Speed up comparison of bytes objects with non-bytes objects when option
is specified. Speed up comparison of bytarray objects with non-buffer object.bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489). Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41686: On Windows, the
, is now created even if Python is configured to not install signal handlers (ifPyConfig.install_signal_handlers
equals to 0, orPy_InitializeEx(0)
).bpo-42381: Allow assignment expressions in set literals and set comprehensions as per PEP 572. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-42202: Change function parameters annotations internal representation to tuple of strings. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.
bpo-42374: Fix a regression introduced by the new parser, where an unparenthesized walrus operator was not allowed within generator expressions.
bpo-42316: Allow an unparenthesized walrus in subscript indexes.
bpo-42349: Make sure that the compiler front-end produces a well-formed control flow graph. Be more aggressive in the compiler back-end, as it is now safe to do so.
bpo-42296: On Windows, fix a regression in signal handling which prevented to interrupt a program using CTRL+C. The signal handler can be run in a thread different than the Python thread, in which case the test deciding if the thread can handle signals is wrong.
objects can now be the targets of weakrefs.bpo-42282: Optimise constant subexpressions that appear as part of named expressions (previously the AST optimiser did not descend into named expressions). Patch by Nick Coghlan.
bpo-42266: Fixed a bug with the LOAD_ATTR opcode cache that was not respecting monkey-patching a class-level attribute to make it a descriptor. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-42246: Improved accuracy of line tracing events and f_lineno attribute of Frame objects. See PEP 626 for details.
bpo-42233: Allow
objects to use union type expressions. This allows expressions likelist[int] | dict[float, str]
where previously aTypeError
would have been thrown. This also fixes union type expressions not de-duplicatingGenericAlias
objects. (Contributed by Ken Jin in bpo-42233.)bpo-26131: The import system triggers a
when it falls back to usingload_module()
bpo-5054: CGIHTTPRequestHandler.run_cgi() HTTP_ACCEPT improperly parsed. Replace the special purpose getallmatchingheaders with generic get_all method and add relevant tests.
Original Patch by Martin Panter. Modified by Senthil Kumaran.
bpo-42562: Fix issue when dis failed to parse function that has no line numbers. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.
now raisesOSError
instead ofIndexError
of a code object is greater than the file length. This can happen, for example, when a file is edited after it was imported. PR by Irit Katriel.bpo-42116: Fix handling of trailing comments by
.bpo-42532: Remove unexpected call of
when passing aspec_arg
argument to a Mock.bpo-38200: Added itertools.pairwise()
bpo-41818: Fix test_master_read() so that it succeeds on all platforms that either raise OSError or return b”” upon reading from master.
bpo-42487: ChainMap.__iter__ no longer calls __getitem__ on underlying maps
no longer holds a reference to the exception’s traceback object. Consequently, instances of TracebackException for equivalent but non-equal exceptions now compare as equal.bpo-41818: Make test_openpty() avoid unexpected success due to number of rows and/or number of columns being == 0.
bpo-42392: Remove loop parameter from
functions. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-42392: Remove loop parameter from
functions. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-28468: Add
function to parse freedesktop.orgos-release
files.bpo-42299: Removed the
module, which was deprecated in Python 3.4. It is somewhat obsolete, little used, and not tested. It was originally scheduled to be removed in Python 3.6, but such removals were delayed until after Python 2.7 EOL. Existing users should copy whatever classes they use into their code. Patch by Donghee Na and and Terry J. Reedy.bpo-26131: Deprecate zipimport.zipimporter.load_module() in favour of exec_module().
bpo-41818: Updated tests for the pty library. test_basic() has been changed to test_openpty(); this additionally checks if slave termios and slave winsize are being set properly by pty.openpty(). In order to add support for FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Darwin, this also adds test_master_read(), which demonstrates that pty.spawn() should not depend on an OSError to exit from its copy loop.
bpo-42392: Remove loop parameter from
in allasyncio.locks
classes. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-15450: Make
respect subclassing. Now thefilecmp.dircmp.subdirs
behaves as expected when subclassing dircmp.bpo-42413: The exception
is now an alias ofTimeoutError
.bpo-31904: Support signal module on VxWorks.
bpo-42406: We fixed an issue in
in which importingmultiprocessing
could change the how pickle identifies which module an object belongs to, potentially breaking the unpickling of those objects.bpo-42403: Simplify the
external bootstrap code:importlib._bootstrap_external
now uses regular imports to import builtin modules. When it is imported, the builtin__import__()
function is already fully working and so can be used to import builtin modules likesys
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-1635741: Convert _sre module types to heap types (PEP 384). Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-42375: subprocess module update for DragonFlyBSD support.
bpo-41713: Port the
extension module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489). Patch by Victor Stinner and Mohamed Koubaa.bpo-37205:
functions can no longer fail with a Python fatal error, instead raise a regular Python exception on failure.bpo-42328: Fixed
. The function accepts now the representation of the default state as empty sequence (as returned
). The structure of the result is now the same on all platform and does not depend on the value ofwantobjects
.bpo-42345: Fix various issues with
parameter handling (flatten, deduplicate, use type to cache key). Patch provided by Yurii Karabas.bpo-37205:
on Windows andtime.monotonic()
on macOS are now system-wide. Previously, they used an offset computed at startup to reduce the precision loss caused by the float type. Usetime.perf_counter_ns()
added in Python 3.7 to avoid this precision loss.bpo-42318: Fixed support of non-BMP characters in
on macOS.bpo-42350: Fix the
class at fork: do nothing if the thread is already stopped (ex: fork called at Python exit). Previously, an error was logged in the child process.bpo-42333: Port _ssl extension module to heap types.
bpo-42014: The
callback fromshutil.rmtree
now receives correct function
fails.bpo-42237: Fix
on illumos.bpo-42308: Add
to allow retrieving the original value ofthreading.excepthook()
in case it is set to a broken or a different value. Patch by Mario Corchero.bpo-42131: Implement PEP 451/spec methods on zipimport.zipimporter: find_spec(), create_module(), and exec_module().
This also allows for the documented deprecation of find_loader(), find_module(), and load_module().
bpo-41877: Mock objects which are not unsafe will now raise an AttributeError if an attribute with the prefix asert, aseert, or assrt is accessed, in addition to this already happening for the prefixes assert or assret.
has been undocumented and obsolete since Python 3.3, when it was made an alias tostr
. It is now deprecated, scheduled for removal in Python 3.12.bpo-42251: Added
to retrieve the functions set bythreading.settrace()
respectively. Patch by Mario Corchero.bpo-42249: Fixed writing binary Plist files larger than 4 GiB.
bpo-42236: On Unix, the
function now returns'UTF-8'
rather than the device encoding if the Python UTF-8 Mode is enabled.bpo-41754: webbrowser: Ignore NotADirectoryError when calling
.bpo-42183: Fix a stack overflow error for asyncio Task or Future repr().
The overflow occurs under some circumstances when a Task or Future recursively returns itself.
bpo-42140: Improve asyncio.wait function to create the futures set just one time.
bpo-42133: Update various modules in the stdlib to fall back on
isn’t defined on a module.bpo-26131: The
methods found inimportlib
now trigger aDeprecationWarning
.bpo-39825: Windows: Change
to the expected fullplatform_tag.extension
format. Previously it was hard-coded to.pyd
, now it is compatible withdistutils.sysconfig
and will result in something like.cp38-win_amd64.pyd
. This brings windows into conformance with the other platforms.bpo-26389: The
, andtraceback.print_exception()
functions can now take an exception object as a positional-only argument.bpo-41889: Enum: fix regression involving inheriting a multiply inherited enum
bpo-41861: Convert
to use heap types (PEP 384). Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40624: Added support for the XPath
operator in xml.etreebpo-28850: Fix
overrides being ignored for contents of small containers. Thepprint._safe_repr()
function was removed.bpo-41625: Expose the
in theos
module. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-34215: Clarify the error message for
.bpo-41543: Add async context manager support for contextlib.nullcontext.
now supports negative indexing. Patch contributed by Yaroslav Pankovych.bpo-41332: Added missing connect_accepted_socket() method to
.bpo-12800: Extracting a symlink from a tarball should succeed and overwrite the symlink if it already exists. The fix is to remove the existing file or symlink before extraction. Based on patch by Chris AtLee, Jeffrey Kintscher, and Senthil Kumaran.
now sendhttp/1.1
ALPN extension during TLS handshake when no custom context is supplied.bpo-41001: Add
to provide a low level interface for Linux’s event notification file descriptor.bpo-40816: Add AsyncContextDecorator to contextlib to support async context manager as a decorator.
bpo-40550: Fix time-of-check/time-of-action issue in subprocess.Popen.send_signal.
bpo-39411: Add an
identifier topyclbr
objects. Patch by Batuhan Taskayabpo-35498: Add slice support to
bpo-42238: Tentative to deprecate
make suspicious
by first removing it from the CI and documentation builds, but keeping it around for manual uses.bpo-42153: Fix the URL for the IMAP protocol documents.
bpo-41028: Language and version switchers, previously maintained in every cpython branches, are now handled by docsbuild-script.
bpo-41473: Re-enable test_gdb on gdb 9.2 and newer: bug is fixed in gdb 10.1.
bpo-42553: Fix
race condition: don’t measure asyncio performance in thecall_later()
unit test. The test failed randomly on the CI.bpo-31904: Fix test_netrc on VxWorks: create temporary directories using temp_cwd().
bpo-31904: skip test_getaddrinfo_ipv6_scopeid_symbolic and test_getnameinfo_ipv6_scopeid_symbolic on VxWorks
bpo-31904: skip test_test of test_mailcap on VxWorks
bpo-31904: add shell requirement for test_pipes
bpo-31904: skip some tests related to fifo on VxWorks
bpo-31904: Fix failures for VxWorks.
bpo-40754: Include
module in Windows installer for test suitebpo-41561: test_ssl: skip test_min_max_version_mismatch when TLS 1.0 is not available
bpo-31904: Fix os module failures for VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-31904: Fix fifo test cases for VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-31904: remove libnet dependency from detect_socket() for VxWorks
bpo-42398: Fix a race condition in “make regen-all” when make -jN option is used to run jobs in parallel. The script now only use atomic write to write files. Moveover, generated files are now left unchanged if the content does not change, to not change the file modification time.
bpo-41617: Fix building
internal header on old clang version without__builtin_bswap16()
(ex: Xcode 4.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.7). Patch by Joshua Root and Victor Stinner.bpo-38823: It is no longer possible to build the
extension module withoutwchar_t
type: removeCTYPES_UNICODE
macro. Anyway, thewchar_t
type is required to build Python. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42087: Support was removed for AIX 5.3 and below. See bpo-40680.
bpo-40998: Addressed three compiler warnings found by undefined behavior sanitizer (ubsan).
bpo-42504: Fix build on macOS Big Sur when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11
bpo-41116: Ensure distutils.unixxcompiler.find_library_file can find system provided libraries on macOS 11.
bpo-41100: Add support for macOS 11 and Apple Silicon systems.
It is now possible to build “Universal 2” binaries using “–enable-universalsdk –with-universal-archs=universal2”.
Binaries build on later macOS versions can be deployed back to older versions (tested up to macOS 10.9), when using the correct deployment target. This is tested using Xcode 11 and later.
bpo-42232: Added Darwin specific madvise options to mmap module.
bpo-38443: The
options for the configure script now check that the specified architectures can be used.
bpo-42508: Keep IDLE running on macOS. Remove obsolete workaround that prevented running files with shortcuts when using new universal2 installers built on macOS 11.
bpo-42426: Fix reporting offset of the RE error in searchengine.
bpo-42415: Get docstrings for IDLE calltips more often by using inspect.getdoc.
bpo-42423: The
functions now accept a single class as the bases argument.bpo-1635741: Port
extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port _posixsubprocess extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-1635741: Port _posixshmem extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)
bpo-1635741: Port _struct extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)
bpo-1635741: Port
extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)bpo-1635741: Port
extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)bpo-1635741: Port _queue extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)
bpo-39573: Convert
back to macros to allow using them as an l-value. Many third party C extension modules rely on the ability of using Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() to set an object type and size:Py_TYPE(obj) = type;
andPy_SIZE(obj) = size;
.bpo-1635741: Port
extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)bpo-1635741: Port
extension modules to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)bpo-1635741: Port _random extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)
bpo-1635741: Port _hashlib extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489)
bpo-41713: Removed the undocumented
function. Initializing Python already implicitly installs signal handlers: seePyConfig.install_signal_handlers
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-40170: The
macro no longer accesses PyTypeObject attributes, but now can get the condition by calling the new private_PyTrash_cond()
function which hides implementation details.bpo-42260:
functions now returnNULL
if called beforePy_Initialize()
(before Python is initialized). Use the new Python Initialization Configuration API to get the Python Path Configuration.. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42260: The
function now only parsesPyConfig.argv
arguments once:PyConfig.parse_argv
is set to2
after arguments are parsed. Since Python arguments are strippped fromPyConfig.argv
, parsing arguments twice would parse the application options as Python options.bpo-42262: Added
functions to increment the reference count of an object and return the object. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42260: When
is called twice, the second call now updates moresys
attributes for the configuration, rather than onlysys.argv
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41832: The
function now accepts NULLtp_doc
slot.bpo-1635741: Added
function: similar toPyModule_AddObject()
but don’t steal a reference to the value on success. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42171: The
calling convention is added to the limited API. The functionsPyModule_AddType()
are added to the limited API on Windows.bpo-42085: Add dedicated entry to PyAsyncMethods for sending values
can now accept static types.bpo-30459:
macros can no longer be used as l-value or r-value. For example,x = PyList_SET_ITEM(a, b, c)
andPyList_SET_ITEM(a, b, c) = x
now fail with a compiler error. It prevents bugs likeif (PyList_SET_ITEM (a, b, c) < 0) ...
test. Patch by Zackery Spytz and Victor Stinner.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-11-03
bpo-42103: Prevented potential DoS attack via CPU and RAM exhaustion when processing malformed Apple Property List files in binary format.
bpo-42051: The
module no longer accepts entity declarations in XML plist files to avoid XML vulnerabilities. This should not affect users as entity declarations are not used in regular plist files.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-42236: If the
function returns an empty string, Python now uses UTF-8 as the filesystem encoding. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42218: Fixed a bug in the PEG parser that was causing crashes in debug mode. Now errors are checked in left-recursive rules to avoid cases where such errors do not get handled in time and appear as long-distance crashes in other places.
bpo-42214: Fixed a possible crash in the PEG parser when checking for the ‘!=’ token in the
rule. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-42206: Propagate and raise the errors caused by
in the parser.bpo-41796: The
module internal state is now per interpreter. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42143: Fix handling of errors during creation of
, which resulted in operations on uninitialized memory. Patch by Yonatan Goldschmidt.bpo-41659: Fix a bug in the parser, where a curly brace following a
didn’t fail immediately. This led to invalid expressions likea {b}
to throw aSyntaxError
with a wrong offset, or invalid expressions ending with a curly brace likea {
to not fail immediately in the REPL.bpo-42150: Fix possible buffer overflow in the new parser when checking for continuation lines. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-42123: Run the parser two times. On the first run, disable all the rules that only generate better error messages to gain performance. If there’s a parse failure, run the parser a second time with those enabled.
bpo-42093: The
instruction now uses new “per opcode cache” mechanism and it is about 36% faster now. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Yury Selivanov.bpo-42030: Support for the legacy AIX-specific shared library loading support has been removed. All versions of AIX since 4.3 have supported and defaulted to using the common Unix mechanism instead.
bpo-41984: The garbage collector now tracks all user-defined classes. Patch by Brandt Bucher.
bpo-41993: Fixed potential issues with removing not completely initialized module from
when import fails.bpo-41979: Star-unpacking is now allowed for with item’s targets in the PEG parser.
bpo-41974: Removed special methods
of thecomplex
class. They always raised aTypeError
.bpo-41902: Micro optimization when compute
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-41894: When loading a native module and a load failure occurs, prevent a possible UnicodeDecodeError when not running in a UTF-8 locale by decoding the load error message using the current locale’s encoding.
bpo-41902: Micro optimization for range.index if step is 1. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-41435: Add
function to retrieve a dictionary mapping each thread’s identifier to the topmost exception currently active in that thread at the time the function is called.bpo-38605: Enable
from __future__ import annotations
(PEP 563) by default. The values found in__annotations__
dicts are now strings, for example{"x": "int"}
instead of{"x": int}
bpo-35455: On Solaris,
is now implemented withgethrvtime()
is not always available. Patch by Jakub Kulik.bpo-42233: The
types containing Generic Alias Types previously did not show the parameterized types in theGenericAlias
. They have now been changed to do so.bpo-29566:
consistently writes macOS 9 line endings.bpo-26789: The
class now keeps a reference to the builtinopen()
function to be able to open or reopen the file during Python finalization. Fix errors like:NameError: name 'open' is not defined
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42157: Removed the
attribute which was an internal PyCapsule object. The related private_PyUnicode_Name_CAPI
structure was moved to the internal C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42157: Convert the
extension module to the multiphase initialization API (PEP 489) and convert theunicodedata.UCD
static type to a heap type. Patch by Mohamed Koubaa and Victor Stinner.bpo-42146: Fix memory leak in
in case an uid (gid) specified inuser
) overflowsuid_t
are now the only errors caused by loading malformed binary Plist file (previously ValueError and TypeError could be raised in some specific cases).bpo-41490: In
method is more aggressive about releasing handles to zipfile objects early, enabling use-cases like certifi to leave the context open but delete the underlying zip file.bpo-41052: Pickling heap types implemented in C with protocols 0 and 1 raises now an error instead of producing incorrect data.
bpo-42089: In
, make reference to the package metadata being missing to improve the user experience.bpo-41491: plistlib: fix parsing XML plists with hexadecimal integer values
bpo-42065: Fix an incorrectly formatted error from
when called with a mapped value outside the range of valid Unicode code points. PR by Max Bernstein.bpo-41966: Fix pickling pure Python
subclasses. Patch by Dean Inwood.bpo-19270:
will now cancel the correct event, if two events with same priority are scheduled for the same time. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-28660:
now attempts to break long words after hyphens whenbreak_long_words=True
.bpo-35823: Use
instead offork()
on Linux to improve performance in cases where it is deemed safe.bpo-42043: Add support for
now returns False for non-existent names.zipfile.Path
objects now expose a.filename
attribute and rely on that to
when thePath
object is at the root of the zipfile.bpo-39101: Fixed tests using IsolatedAsyncioTestCase from hanging on BaseExceptions.
bpo-41976: Fixed a bug that was causing
to returnNone
when triying to locate a library in an environment when gcc>=9 is available andldconfig
is not. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-41943: Fix bug where TestCase.assertLogs doesn’t correctly filter messages by level.
bpo-41923: Implement PEP 613, introducing
annotation.bpo-41905: A new function in abc: update_abstractmethods to re-calculate an abstract class’s abstract status. In addition, dataclass has been changed to call this function.
bpo-23706: Added newline parameter to
.bpo-41876: Tkinter font class repr uses font name
for thetype
attribute of thetkinter.Event
object always returns now the numeric code returned by Tk instead of the name of the event type.bpo-39337:
now ignores non-ASCII characters.bpo-41747: Ensure all methods that generated from
objects now have the proper__qualname__
attribute referring to the class they belong to. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-30681: Handle exceptions caused by unparsable date headers when using email “default” policy. Patch by Tim Bell, Georges Toth
bpo-41586: Add F_SETPIPE_SZ and F_GETPIPE_SZ to fcntl module. Allow setting pipesize on subprocess.Popen.
bpo-41229: Add
for deterministic cleanup of async generators which is analogous tocontextlib.closing
for non-async generators. Patch by Joongi Kim and John Belmonte.bpo-16396: Allow
to be imported on non-Windows systems.bpo-4356: Add a key function to the bisect module.
now ignores empty entries inPATHEXT
instead of treating them as a match.bpo-40492: Fix
not writing the output file in the original directory when the program being profiled changes the working directory. PR by Anthony Sottile.bpo-34204: The
module now usespickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL
by default instead ofpickle
.bpo-27321: Fixed KeyError exception when flattening an email to a string attempts to replace a non-existent Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
bpo-38976: The
module now supports the parsing of cookies in CURL-style cookiejar files through MozillaCookieJar on all platforms. Previously, such cookie entries would be silently ignored when loading a cookiejar with such entries.Additionally, the HTTP Only attribute is persisted in the object, and will be correctly written to file if the MozillaCookieJar object is subsequently dumped.
bpo-42061: Document __format__ functionality for IP addresses.
bpo-41910: Document the default implementation of
.bpo-42010: Clarify that subscription expressions are also valid for certain classes and types in the standard library, and for user-defined classes and types if the classmethod
is provided.bpo-41805: Documented generic alias type and
. Also added an entry in glossary for generic types.bpo-39693: Fix tarfile’s extractfile documentation
bpo-39416: Document some restrictions on the default string representations of numeric classes.
bpo-41739: Fix test_logging.test_race_between_set_target_and_flush(): the test now waits until all threads complete to avoid leaking running threads.
bpo-41970: Avoid a test failure in
if the module has already imported at the time the test executes. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-41944: Tests for CJK codecs no longer call
on content received via HTTP.bpo-41306: Fixed a failure in
happening when executing the test with Tk 8.6.10.
bpo-38980: Add
to both the compile and link line when building with--enable-optimizations
. Patch by Victor Stinner and Pablo Galindo.
bpo-38439: Updates the icons for IDLE in the Windows Store package.
bpo-38252: Use 8-byte step to detect ASCII sequence in 64-bit Windows build.
bpo-39107: Update Tcl and Tk to 8.6.10 in Windows installer.
bpo-41557: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.33.0.
bpo-38324: Avoid Unicode errors when accessing certain locale data on Windows.
bpo-41471: Ignore invalid prefix lengths in system proxy excludes.
bpo-33987: Mostly finish using ttk widgets, mainly for editor, settings, and searches. Some patches by Mark Roseman.
bpo-40511: Typing opening and closing parentheses inside the parentheses of a function call will no longer cause unnecessary “flashing” off and on of an existing open call-tip, e.g. when typed in a string literal.
bpo-38439: Add a 256×256 pixel IDLE icon to the Windows .ico file. Created by Andrew Clover. Remove the low-color gif variations from the .ico file.
bpo-42157: The private
structure of the PyCapsule APIunicodedata.ucnhash_CAPI
has been moved to the internal C API. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-42015: Fix potential crash in deallocating method objects when dynamically allocated
’s lifetime is managed through theself
argument of aPyCFunction
.bpo-40423: The
module andos.closerange
will now use theclose_range(low, high, flags)
syscall when it is available for more efficient closing of ranges of descriptors.bpo-41845:
is available again in the limited API when targeting 3.10 or later.bpo-40422: Add
function to provide performant closing of a range of file descriptors.bpo-41986:
are available again in limited API.bpo-41756: Add
function to allow sending value into generator/coroutine/iterator without raising StopIteration exception to signal return.bpo-41784: Added
to the limited C API.
Python 3.10.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-10-05
bpo-41304: Fixes
being ignored on Windows, caused by the fix for bpo-29778 (CVE 2020-15801).bpo-41162: Audit hooks are now cleared later during finalization to avoid missing events.
bpo-29778: Ensure
is loaded from correct locations when Python is embedded (CVE 2020-15523).bpo-41004: The __hash__() methods of ipaddress.IPv4Interface and ipaddress.IPv6Interface incorrectly generated constant hash values of 32 and 128 respectively. This resulted in always causing hash collisions. The fix uses hash() to generate hash values for the tuple of (address, mask length, network address).
bpo-39603: Prevent http header injection by rejecting control characters in http.client.putrequest(…).
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-41909: Fixed stack overflow in
when getting the__bases__
attribute leads to infinite recursion.bpo-41922: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-41873: Calls to
are now faster due to thevectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-41870: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-1635741: Port the
module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).bpo-39934: Correctly count control blocks in ‘except’ in compiler. Ensures that a syntax error, rather a fatal error, occurs for deeply nested, named exception handlers.
bpo-41780: Fix
. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Convert the
extension module types to heap types.bpo-41690: Fix a possible stack overflow in the parser when parsing functions and classes with a huge amount of arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-41681: Fixes the wrong error description in the error raised by using 2
in format string in f-string andstr.format()
.bpo-41675: The implementation of
now usessigaction()
(if it is available in the system) instead of the deprecatedsiginterrupt()
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-41670: Prevent line trace being skipped on platforms not compiled with
. Fixes issue where some lines nested within a try-except block were not being traced on Windows.bpo-41654: Fix a crash that occurred when destroying subclasses of
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to multi-phase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-41631: The
module uses again a global state. Using a module state per module instance is causing subtle practical problems. For example, the Mercurial project replaces the__import__()
function to implement lazy import, whereas Python expected thatimport _ast
always return a fully initialized_ast
module.bpo-40077: Convert
to usePyType_FromSpec()
.bpo-1653741: Port
to multi-phase init. Convert static types to heap types.bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).bpo-41533: Free the stack allocated in
fails and the stack is not asmall_stack
.bpo-41531: Fix a bug that was dropping keys when compiling dict literals with more than 0xFFFF elements. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-41525: The output of
python --help
contains now only ASCII characters.bpo-1635741: Port the
, and_md5
extension modules to multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).bpo-41431: Optimize
for copying dict (e.g.dict(d)
).bpo-41428: Implement PEP 604. This supports (int | str) etc. in place of Union[str, int].
bpo-41340: Removed fallback implementation for
.bpo-38156: Handle interrupts that come after EOF correctly in
with integer argument is now faster (9–60%).bpo-41334: Constructors
are now faster (around 30–40% for small objects).bpo-41295: Resolve a regression in CPython 3.8.4 where defining “__setattr__” in a multi-inheritance setup and calling up the hierarchy chain could fail if builtins/extension types were involved in the base types.
bpo-41323: Bytecode optimizations are performed directly on the control flow graph. This will result in slightly more compact code objects in some circumstances.
bpo-41247: Always cache the running loop holder when running
.bpo-41252: Fix incorrect refcounting in _ssl.c’s
.bpo-1635741: Port
to multi-phase initializationbpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initializationbpo-41215: Use non-NULL default values in the PEG parser keyword list to overcome a bug that was preventing Python from being properly compiled when using the XLC compiler. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-41218: Python 3.8.3 had a regression where compiling with ast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT would aggressively mark list comprehension with CO_COROUTINE. Now only list comprehension making use of async/await will tagged as so.
bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initializationbpo-41175: Guard against a NULL pointer dereference within bytearrayobject triggered by the
bytearray() + bytearray()
operation.bpo-41100: add arm64 to the allowable Mac OS arches in mpdecimal.h
bpo-41094: Fix decoding errors with audit when open files with non-ASCII names on non-UTF-8 locale.
bpo-39960: The “hackcheck” that prevents sneaking around a type’s __setattr__() by calling the superclass method was rewritten to allow C implemented heap types.
bpo-41084: Prefix the error message with ‘f-string: ‘, when parsing an f-string expression which throws a
.bpo-40521: Empty frozensets are no longer singletons.
bpo-41076: Pre-feed the parser with the location of the f-string expression, not the f-string itself, which allows us to skip the shifting of the AST node locations after the parsing is completed.
bpo-41056: Fixes a reference to deallocated stack space during startup when constructing sys.path involving a relative symlink when code was supplied via -c. (discovered via Coverity)
bpo-41061: Fix incorrect expressions and asserts in hashtable code and tests.
bpo-41052: Opt out serialization/deserialization for _random.Random
bpo-40939: Rename
functions toPyParser*
, so that we can remove the old set ofPyParser*
functions that were using the old parser, but keep everything backwards-compatible.bpo-35975: Stefan Behnel reported that cf_feature_version is used even when PyCF_ONLY_AST is not set. This is against the intention and against the documented behavior, so it’s been fixed.
bpo-40939: Remove the remaining files from the old parser and the
module.bpo-40077: Convert
to usePyType_FromSpec()
.bpo-41006: The
module is no longer imported at startup. Now it is only imported when it is the filesystem encoding or the stdio encoding.bpo-40636:
now supports PEP 618’sstrict
parameter, which raises aValueError
if the arguments are exhausted at different lengths. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-40985: Fix a bug that caused the
text to be empty when a file ends with a line ending in a line continuation character (i.e. backslash). The error text should contain the text of the last line.bpo-40958: Fix a possible buffer overflow in the PEG parser when gathering information for emitting syntax errors. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-40957: Fix refleak in _Py_fopen_obj() when PySys_Audit() fails
bpo-40950: Add a state to the
module (PEP 3121) and apply the multiphase initialization. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-40947: The Python Path Configuration now takes
in account.bpo-40939: Remove the old parser, the
module and all associated support code, command-line options and environment variables. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-40847: Fix a bug where a line with only a line continuation character is not considered a blank line at tokenizer level. In such cases, more than a single
token was emitted. The old parser was working around the issue, but the new parser threw aSyntaxError
for valid input due to this. For example, an empty line following a line continuation character was interpreted as aSyntaxError
.bpo-40890: Each dictionary view now has a
attribute that provides atypes.MappingProxyType
wrapping the original dictionary. Patch contributed by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-40889: Improved the performance of symmetric difference operations on dictionary item views. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.
bpo-40904: Fix possible segfault in the new PEG parser when parsing f-string containing yield statements with no value (
). Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-40903: Fixed a possible segfault in the new PEG parser when producing error messages for invalid assignments of the form
. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-40880: Fix invalid memory read in the new parser when checking newlines in string literals. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-40883: Fix memory leak in when parsing f-strings in the new parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-40870: Raise
when validating custom AST’s where the constantsTrue
are used within aast.Name
node.bpo-40854: Allow overriding
environment variable.bpo-40826: Fix GIL usage in
: lock the GIL to set an exception and pass the Python thread state when checking if there is a pending signal.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-19468: Delete unnecessary instance check in importlib.reload(). Patch by Furkan Önder.
bpo-40824: Unexpected errors in calling the
method are no longer masked byTypeError
in thein
operator and functionscontains()
of theoperator
module.bpo-40792: Attributes
of therange
object now always has exact typeint
. Previously, they could have been an instance of a subclass ofint
.bpo-40780: Fix a corner case where g-style string formatting of a float failed to remove trailing zeros.
bpo-38964: When there’s a
in the expression part of an fstring, the filename attribute of theSyntaxError
gets correctly set to the name of the file the fstring resides in.bpo-40750: Support the “-d” debug flag in the new PEG parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-40217: Instances of types created with
will no longer automatically visit their class object when traversing references in the garbage collector. The user is expected to manually visit the object’s class. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39573:
is changed to the inline static function. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-40696: Fix a hang that can arise after
due to a cycle in the exception context chain.bpo-40521: Each interpreter now its has own free lists, singletons and caches:
Free lists: float, tuple, list, dict, frame, context, asynchronous generator, MemoryError.
Singletons: empty tuple, empty bytes string, empty Unicode string, single byte character, single Unicode (latin1) character.
Slice cache.
They are no longer shared by all interpreters.
bpo-40679: Certain
messages about missing or extra arguments now include the function’s qualified name. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.bpo-29590: Make the stack trace correct after calling
on a generator that has yielded from ayield from
.bpo-4022: Improve performance of generators by not raising internal StopIteration.
bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization.bpo-37999: Builtin and extension functions that take integer arguments no longer accept
s and other objects that can be converted to integers only with a loss (e.g. that have the__int__()
method but do not have the__index__()
method).bpo-29882: Add
, counting the number of ones in the binary representation of an integer. Patch by Niklas Fiekas.bpo-36982: Use ncurses extended color functions when available to support terminals with 256 colors, and add the new function
to indicate whether extended color support is provided by the underlying ncurses library.bpo-19569: Add the private macros
.bpo-26680: The int type now supports the x.is_integer() method for compatibility with float.
bpo-41900: C14N 2.0 serialisation in xml.etree.ElementTree failed for unprefixed attributes when a default namespace was defined.
bpo-41887: Strip leading spaces and tabs on
. Also document stripping of spaces and tabs foreval()
.bpo-41773: Note in documentation that
doesn’t support non-finite weights, raiseValueError
when given non-finite weights.bpo-41840: Fix a bug in the
module that was causing module-scope global variables to not be reported as both local and global. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-41842: Add
function to unregister a codec search function.bpo-40564: In
, mutate the passed ZipFile object type instead of making a copy. Prevents issues when both the local copy and the caller’s copy attempt to close the same file handle.bpo-40670: More reliable validation of statements in
. It now accepts “empty” statements (only whitespaces and comments) and rejects misindentent statements.bpo-41833: The
constructor now uses the target name if the target argument is specified but the name argument is omitted.bpo-41817: fix
Enum so all members are strings, and none are tuplesbpo-41810:
have been reintroduced, providing a new set of types readily interpretable by static type checkers.bpo-41815: Fix SQLite3 segfault when backing up closed database. Patch contributed by Peter David McCormick.
bpo-41816: StrEnum added: it ensures that all members are already strings or string candidates
bpo-41517: fix bug allowing Enums to be extended via multiple inheritance
bpo-39587: use the correct mix-in data type when constructing Enums
bpo-41792: Add is_typeddict function to to check if a type is a TypedDict class
Previously there was no way to check that without using private API. See the relevant issue in python/typing.
bpo-41789: Honor
overrides inEnum
class creation (specifically,__str__
, and__reduce_ex__
members are now iterable.bpo-39651: Fix a race condition in the
method ofasyncio.ProactorEventLoop
: do nothing if the self-pipe socket has been closed.bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port the
extension module to the multi-phase initialization API (PEP 489).bpo-41732: Added an iterator to
.bpo-41720: Fixed
for arguments which are not int or float.bpo-41696: Fix handling of debug mode in
. This allows settingPYTHONASYNCIODEBUG
or-X dev
to enable asyncio debug mode when
.bpo-41687: Fix implementation of sendfile to be compatible with Solaris.
bpo-41662: No longer override exceptions raised in
of a sequence of parameters insqlite3
.bpo-39010: Restarting a
on Windows no longer logs spuriousConnectionResetErrors
message for absent parameter insqlite3
contains now the name of the parameter instead of its index when parameters are supplied as a dict.bpo-41662: Fixed crash when mutate list of parameters during iteration in
.bpo-41513: Improved the accuracy of math.hypot(). Internally, each step is computed with extra precision so that the result is now almost always correctly rounded.
bpo-41609: The pdb whatis command correctly reports instance methods as ‘Method’ rather than ‘Function’.
bpo-39994: Fixed pprint’s handling of dict subclasses that override __repr__.
bpo-32751: When cancelling the task due to a timeout,
will now wait until the cancellation is complete also in the case when timeout is <= 0, like it does with positive timeouts.bpo-37658:
now properly handles races between cancellation of itself and the completion of the wrapped awaitable.bpo-40782: Change the method asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.run_in_executor to not be a coroutine.
bpo-41520: Fix
regression that prevented turning compile warnings into errors.bpo-41528: turtle uses math module functions to convert degrees to radians and vice versa and to calculate vector norm
bpo-41513: Minor algorithmic improvement to math.hypot() and math.dist() giving small gains in speed and accuracy.
bpo-41503: Fixed a race between setTarget and flush in logging.handlers.MemoryHandler.
bpo-41497: Fix potential UnicodeDecodeError in dis module.
bpo-41467: On Windows, fix asyncio
return value when the socket/pipe is closed (BrokenPipeError
): return0
rather than an empty byte string (b''
).bpo-41425: Make tkinter doc example runnable.
bpo-41421: Make an algebraic simplification to random.paretovariate(). It now is slightly less subject to round-off error and is slightly faster. Inputs that used to cause ZeroDivisionError now cause an OverflowError instead.
bpo-41440: Add
support for VxWorks RTOS.bpo-41316: Fix the
module to write only basename of TAR file to GZIP compression header.bpo-41384: Raise TclError instead of TypeError when an unknown option is passed to tkinter.OptionMenu.
bpo-41317: Use add_done_callback() in asyncio.loop.sock_accept() to unsubscribe reader early on cancellation.
bpo-35328: Set the environment variable
activation.bpo-41341: Recursive evaluation of
.bpo-41344: Prevent creating
objects withsize=0
is now 2 times faster.bpo-41288: Unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode with the C implementation raises now UnpicklingError instead of crashing.
bpo-39017: Avoid infinite loop when reading specially crafted TAR files using the tarfile module (CVE 2019-20907).
bpo-41273: Speed up any transport using
by callingrecv_into
instead ofrecv
, thus not creating a new buffer for eachrecv
call in the transport’s read loop.bpo-41235: Fix the error handling in
.bpo-41207: In distutils.spawn, restore expectation that DistutilsExecError is raised when the command is not found.
bpo-29727: Register
as aMutableSequence
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39168: Remove the
method oftyping.Generic
.bpo-41194: Fix a crash in the
module: it can no longer be loaded more than once. It now uses a global state rather than a module state.bpo-41195: Add read-only ssl.SSLContext.security_level attribute to retrieve the context’s security level.
bpo-41193: The
atexit function of the readline completer now ignores anyOSError
to ignore error if the filesystem is read-only, instead of only ignoringFileNotFoundError
.bpo-41182: selector: use DefaultSelector based upon implementation
bpo-41161: The decimal module now requires libmpdec-2.5.0. Users of –with-system-libmpdec should update their system library.
bpo-40874: The decimal module now requires libmpdec-2.5.0.
bpo-41138: Fixed the
module CLI for Python source files with non-UTF-8 encoding.bpo-31082: Use the term “iterable” in the docstring for
.bpo-40521: Remove freelist from collections.deque().
bpo-31938: Fix default-value signatures of several functions in the
module - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-41068: Fixed reading files with non-ASCII names from ZIP archive directly after writing them.
now correctly determines the source file encoding.bpo-41056: Invalid file descriptor values are now prevented from being passed to os.fpathconf. (discovered by Coverity)
bpo-41056: Fix a NULL pointer dereference within the ssl module during a MemoryError in the keylog callback. (discovered by Coverity)
bpo-41056: Fixed an instance where a MemoryError within the zoneinfo module might not be reported or not reported at its source. (found by Coverity)
function reads the rule file using UTF-8 encoding, not the locale encoding. Patch by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy.bpo-41043: Fixed the use of
in the stdlib: literal part of the path is now always correctly escaped.bpo-41025: Fixed an issue preventing the C implementation of
from being subclassed.bpo-35018: Add the
class that is present in other SAX XML implementations.bpo-41002: Improve performance of with a given amount. Patch by Bruce Merry.
now disables the use ofpip
cache when installing the bundled versions ofpip
. Patch by Krzysztof Konopko.bpo-40967: Removed
. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-40924: Ensure
returns an extant path for the SourceFileLoader’s resource reader. Avoids the regression identified in master while a long-term solution is devised.bpo-40955: Fix a minor memory leak in
module when extra_groups was specified.bpo-40855: The standard deviation and variance functions in the statistics module were ignoring their mu and xbar arguments.
bpo-40939: Use the new PEG parser when generating the stdlib
module.bpo-23427: Add
attribute: the list of the original command line arguments passed to the Python executable.bpo-33689: Ignore empty or whitespace-only lines in .pth files. This matches the documentated behavior. Before, empty lines caused the site-packages dir to appear multiple times in sys.path. By Ido Michael, contributors Malcolm Smith and Tal Einat.
bpo-40884: Added a
parameter tologging.Formatter
, to allow specifying default values for custom fields. Patch by Asaf Alon and Bar Harel.bpo-39791: Refresh importlib.metadata from importlib_metadata 1.6.1.
bpo-40807: Stop codeop._maybe_compile, used by code.InteractiveInterpreter (and IDLE). from emitting each warning three times.
bpo-32604: Fix reference leak in the
module when the module is imported in a subinterpreter.bpo-39791: Built-in loaders (SourceFileLoader and ZipImporter) now supply
implementations forResourceReader
, and the fallback function has been removed.bpo-39314:
and the standard Python shell now close the parenthesis for functions that take no arguments. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-17005: The topological sort functionality that was introduced initially in the
module has been moved to a newgraphlib
module to better accommodate the new tools and keep the original scope of thefunctools
module. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-40834: Fix truncate when sending str object with_xxsubinterpreters.channel_send.
bpo-40755: Add rich comparisons to collections.Counter().
bpo-26407: Unexpected errors in calling the
method are no longer masked byTypeError
.bpo-39384: Fixed email.contentmanager to allow set_content() to set a null string.
bpo-40744: The
module uses SQLite API functions that require SQLite v3.7.3 or higher. This patch removes support for older SQLite versions, and explicitly requires SQLite 3.7.3 both at build, compile and runtime. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev and Erlend E. Aasland.bpo-40777: Initialize PyDateTime_IsoCalendarDateType.tp_base at run-time to avoid errors on some compilers.
bpo-38488: Update ensurepip to install pip 20.1.1 and setuptools 47.1.0.
bpo-40792: The result of
now always has exact typeint
. Previously, the result could have been an instance of a subclass ofint
now properly finds the default browser in pure Wayland systems by checking the WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable. Patch contributed by Jérémy Attali.bpo-40791:
uses OpenSSL’sCRYPTO_memcmp()
function when OpenSSL is available.bpo-40795:
module: If ctypes fails to convert the result of a callback or if a ctypes callback function raises an exception, sys.unraisablehook is now called with an exception set. Previously, the error was logged into stderr byPyErr_Print()
.bpo-16995: Add
to support the Base32 Encoding with Extended Hex Alphabet.bpo-30008: Fix
code to be compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.x builds that useno-deprecated
.bpo-30064: Fix asyncio
race condition issuebpo-40759: Deprecate the
module.bpo-40756: The second argument (extra) of
now defaults to None.bpo-37129: Add a new
flag foros.pwritev()
.bpo-40737: Fix possible reference leak for
initialization.bpo-40726: Handle cases where the
upload creates SHA2-256 and Blake2b-256 digests. MD5 digests is skipped if platform blocks MD5.bpo-40695:
no longer falls back to builtin hash implementations when OpenSSL provides a hash digest and the algorithm is blocked by security policy.bpo-9216:
to OpenSSL EVP
. test_hashlib and test_smtplib handle strict security policy better.bpo-40614:
will not parse self documenting expressions in f-strings when passedfeature_version
is less than(3, 8)
.bpo-40626: Add h5 file extension as MIME Type application/x-hdf5, as per HDF Group recommendation for HDF5 formatted data files. Patch contributed by Mark Schwab.
bpo-25920: On macOS, when building Python for macOS 10.4 and older, which wasn’t the case for macOS installer,
no longer uses an internal lock to prevent race conditions when callinggetaddrinfo()
which is thread-safe since macOS 10.5. Python 3.9 requires macOS 10.6 or newer. The internal lock caused random hang on fork when another thread was callingsocket.getaddrinfo()
. The lock was also used on FreeBSD older than 5.3, OpenBSD older than 201311 and NetBSD older than 4.bpo-40671: Prepare
for PEP 489 and usePyModule_AddType()
.bpo-32309: Added a new coroutine
. It is mainly used for running IO-bound functions in a separate thread to avoid blocking the event loop, and essentially works as a high-level version ofrun_in_executor()
that can directly take keyword arguments.bpo-36543: Restored the deprecated
constant has now been added to the list of exportedmmap
module flags.bpo-39881: PEP 554 for use in the test suite. (Patch By Joannah Nanjekye)
now raises anArgumentError
when a callback is invoked with more than 1024 arguments.bpo-39385: A new test assertion context-manager,
will ensure a given block of code emits no log messages using the logging module. Contributed by Kit Yan Choi.bpo-23082: Updated the error message and docs of PurePath.relative_to() to better reflect the function behaviour.
bpo-40318: Use SQLite3 trace v2 API, if it is available.
bpo-40105: ZipFile truncates files to avoid corruption when a shorter comment is provided in append (“a”) mode. Patch by Jan Mazur.
bpo-40084: Fix
: dir(Enum.member) now includes attributes as well as methods.bpo-31122: ssl.wrap_socket() now raises ssl.SSLEOFError rather than OSError when peer closes connection during TLS negotiation
bpo-39728: fix default
so a duplicateValueError
is not set as the__context__
of the originalValueError
.bpo-39244: Fixed
to properly return the default method first on macOS.bpo-39040: Fix parsing of invalid mime headers parameters by collapsing whitespace between encoded words in a bare-quote-string.
bpo-38731: Add
option to command-line interface ofpy_compile
. Patch by Gregory Schevchenko.bpo-35714:
is now raised if there is a null character in astruct
format string.bpo-38144: Added the root_dir and dir_fd parameters in
.bpo-26543: Fix
when debug mode is enabled (ex:imaplib.Debug = 3
now correctly escapes escapechar when input contains escapechar. Patch by Catalin Iacob, Berker Peksag, and Itay Elbirt.bpo-36290: AST nodes are now raising
on conflicting keyword arguments. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-33944: Added site-packages tracing in verbose mode.
bpo-35078: Refactor formatweekday, formatmonthname methods in LocaleHTMLCalendar and LocaleTextCalendar classes in calendar module to call the base class methods.This enables customizable CSS classes for LocaleHTMLCalendar. Patch by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
no longer raises aRuntimeException
when accessing a module’s__warningregistry__
causes importation of a new module, or when a new module is imported in another thread. Patch by Kernc.bpo-31844: Remove
method from the private and undocumented_markupbase
is the only subclass ofParserBase
and itserror()
implementation was deprecated in Python 3.4 and removed in Python 3.5.bpo-34226: Fix
without content_length. Patch by Roger Duranbpo-33660: Fix pathlib.PosixPath to resolve a relative path located on the root directory properly.
bpo-28557: Improve the error message for a misbehaving
bpo-26680: The d.is_integer() method is added to the Decimal type, for compatibility with other number types.
bpo-26680: The x.is_integer() method is incorporated into the abstract types of the numeric tower, Real, Rational and Integral, with appropriate default implementations.
bpo-41428: Add documentation for PEP 604 (Allow writing union types as
X | Y
).bpo-41774: In Programming FAQ “Sequences (Tuples/Lists)” section, add “How do you remove multiple items from a list”.
bpo-35293: Fix RemovedInSphinx40Warning when building the documentation. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-37149: Change Shipman tkinter doc link from to TkDocs. (The doc has been removed from the NMT server.) The new link responds much faster and includes a short explanatory note.
bpo-41726: Update the refcounts info of
.bpo-41624: Fix the signature of
.bpo-40204: Enable Sphinx 3.2
option and disablec_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3
option to make the documentation compatible with Sphinx 2 and Sphinx 3.bpo-41045: Add documentation for debug feature of f-strings.
bpo-41314: Changed the release when
from __future__ import annotations
becomes the default from4.0
(following a change in PEP 563).bpo-40979: Refactored typing.rst, arranging more than 70 classes, functions, and decorators into new sub-sections.
bpo-40552: Fix in tutorial section 4.2. Code snippet is now correct.
bpo-39883: Make code, examples, and recipes in the Python documentation be licensed under the more permissive BSD0 license in addition to the existing Python 2.0 license.
bpo-37703: Updated Documentation to comprehensively elaborate on the behaviour of gather.cancel()
bpo-41939: Fix test_site.test_license_exists_at_url(): call
to reset the globalurllib.request._opener
. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41731: Make test_cmd_line_script pass with option ‘-vv’.
bpo-41602: Add tests for SIGINT handling in the runpy module.
: Renameblacklist
parameter ofcheck__all__()
.bpo-41477: Make ctypes optional in test_genericalias.
bpo-41085: Fix integer overflow in the
method on 64-bit Windows for index larger than2**31
and the current directory for tests when run viatest.regrtest
contain now non-ascii characters if possible.bpo-38377: On Linux, skip tests using multiprocessing if the current user cannot create a file in
directory. Add theskip_if_broken_multiprocessing_synchronize()
function to
module.bpo-41009: Fix use of
decorators as class decorator.bpo-41003: Fix
is installed:test.pickletester
now saves/restores warnings filters when importingnumpy
, to ignore filters installed bynumpy
.bpo-40964: Disable remote
tests, host is blocking incoming connections.bpo-40927: Fix test_binhex when run twice: it now uses import_fresh_module() to ensure that it raises DeprecationWarning each time.
bpo-17258: Skip some
tests when MD5 hash digest is blocked.bpo-31904: Increase LOOPBACK_TIMEOUT to 10 for VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-38169: Increase code coverage for SharedMemory and ShareableList
bpo-34401: Make test_gdb properly run on HP-UX. Patch by Michael Osipov.
bpo-38249: Update
to use __builtin_unreachable() if only the compiler is able to use it. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-41617: Fix
header file to support old clang versions:__builtin_bswap16()
is not available in LLVM clang 3.0.bpo-40204: Pin Sphinx version to 2.3.1 in
.bpo-36020: The C99 functions
are now required to build Python.bpo-40684:
make install
now uses thePLATLIBDIR
variable for the destinationlib-dynload/
directory when./configure --with-platlibdir
is used.bpo-40683: Fixed an issue where the
module and its tests were not included when Python is installed withmake
bpo-41744: Fixes automatic import of props file when using the Nuget package.
bpo-41627: The user site directory for 32-bit now includes a
suffix to distinguish it from the 64-bit interpreter’s directory.bpo-41526: Fixed layout of final page of the installer by removing the special thanks to Mark Hammond (with his permission).
bpo-41492: Fixes the description that appears in UAC prompts.
bpo-40948: Improve post-install message to direct people to the “py” command.
bpo-41412: The installer will now fail to install on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Further, the UCRT dependency is now always downloaded on demand.
bpo-40741: Update Windows release to include SQLite 3.32.3.
now supports creating CAB files with non-ASCII file path and adding files with non-ASCII file path to them.bpo-41074: Fixed support of non-ASCII names in functions
and non-ASCII SQL in methodmsilib.Database.OpenView()
.bpo-41039: Stable ABI redirection DLL (python3.dll) now uses
#pragma comment(linker)
for re-exporting.bpo-40164: Updates Windows OpenSSL to 1.1.1g
bpo-39631: Changes the registered MIME type for
files on Windows totext/x-python
instead oftext/plain
.bpo-40677: Manually define IO_REPARSE_TAG_APPEXECLINK in case some old Windows SDK doesn’t have it.
bpo-37556: Extend py.exe help to mention overrides via venv, shebang, environmental variables & ini files.
bpo-41557: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.33.0.
bpo-39580: Avoid opening Finder window if running installer from the command line. Patch contributed by Rick Heil.
bpo-41100: Fix configure error when building on macOS 11. Note that the current Python release was released shortly after the first developer preview of macOS 11 (Big Sur); there are other known issues with building and running on the developer preview. Big Sur is expected to be fully supported in a future bugfix release of Python 3.8.x and with 3.9.0.
bpo-40741: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.32.3.
bpo-41005: fixed an XDG settings issue not allowing macos to open browser in
bpo-40741: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.32.2.
bpo-41775: Use ‘IDLE Shell’ as shell title
bpo-35764: Rewrite the Calltips doc section.
bpo-40181: In calltips, stop reminding that ‘/’ marks the end of positional-only arguments.
bpo-41468: Improve IDLE run crash error message (which users should never see).
bpo-41373: Save files loaded with no line ending, as when blank, or different line endings, by setting its line ending to the system default. Fix regression in 3.8.4 and 3.9.0b4.
bpo-41300: Save files with non-ascii chars. Fix regression released in 3.9.0b4 and 3.8.4.
bpo-37765: Add keywords to module name completion list. Rewrite Completions section of IDLE doc.
bpo-41152: The encoding of
in IDLE is now always UTF-8.bpo-41144: Make Open Module open a special module such as os.path.
bpo-39885: Make context menu Cut and Copy work again when right-clicking within a selection.
bpo-40723: Make test_idle pass when run after import.
bpo-41936: Removed undocumented macros
and therecursion_critical
field of thePyInterpreterState
structure.bpo-41692: The
function is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12: usePyUnicode_InternInPlace()
instead. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41842: Add
function to unregister a codec search function.bpo-41834: Remove the
variable: it has been replaced byceval.recursion_limit
of thePyInterpreterState
structure. Patch by Victor Stinner.bpo-41689: Types created with
now make any signature in theirtp_doc
slot accessible from__text_signature__
.bpo-41524: Fix bug in PyOS_mystrnicmp and PyOS_mystricmp that incremented pointers beyond the end of a string.
bpo-41324: Add a minimal decimal capsule API. The API supports fast conversions between Decimals up to 38 digits and their triple representation as a C struct.
bpo-30155: Add
macros for accessing thetzinfo
attributes ofdatetime.datetime
objects.bpo-40170: Revert
change: it reads again directly thePyTypeObject.tp_flags
member when the limited C API is not used, rather than always callingPyType_GetFlags()
which hides implementation details.bpo-41123: Remove
.bpo-41123: Removed
.bpo-41123: Removed
.bpo-41123: Removed
functions manipulatingPy_UNICODE*
, andPyObject_AsWriteBuffer()
are removed. Please migrate to new buffer protocol;PyObject_GetBuffer()
.bpo-36346: Raises DeprecationWarning for
PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
andPyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)
withsize > 0
.bpo-36346: Mark
, andPyUnicode_AsUnicodeAndSize
as deprecated in C. RemovePy_UNICODE_MATCH
which was deprecated and broken since Python 3.3.bpo-40989: The
macros become aliases to, respectively,PyObject_Init()
functions.bpo-36020: On Windows,
#include "pyerrors.h"
no longer definessnprintf
macros.bpo-40943: The
macro must now be defined to usePyArg_ParseTuple()
formats which use#
. See Parsing arguments and building values and the PEP 353.bpo-40910: Export explicitly the
function to the C API and document the function. Previously, it was exported implicitly which no longer works since Python is built with-fvisibility=hidden
.bpo-40724: Allow defining buffer slots in type specs.
bpo-40679: Fix a
crash if qualname argument is NULL.bpo-40839: Calling
without GIL held had been allowed for historical reason. It is no longer allowed.bpo-40826:
now fails with a fatal error if it is called with the GIL released.bpo-40792: The result of
now always has exact typeint
. Previously, the result could have been an instance of a subclass ofint
.bpo-39573: Convert
macros to static inline functions. They cannot be used as l-value anymore: usePy_SET_REFCNT()
to set an object reference count and size. This change is backward incompatible on purpose, to prepare the C API for an opaquePyObject
structure.bpo-40703: The PyType_FromSpec*() functions no longer overwrite the type’s “__module__” attribute if it is set via “Py_tp_members” or “Py_tp_getset”.
bpo-39583: Remove superfluous “extern C” declarations from
Python 3.9.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-05-19
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-40663: Correctly generate annotations where parentheses are omitted but required (e.g:
Type[(str, int, *other))]
.bpo-40596: Fixed
for non-canonicalized strings containing non-BMP characters on Windows.bpo-40593: Improved syntax errors for invalid characters in source code.
bpo-40585: Fixed a bug when using
that was causing exceptions to be swallowed with the new parser. Patch by Pablo Galindobpo-40502: Initialize
. (Patch by Joannah Nanjekye)bpo-40527: Fix command line argument parsing: no longer write errors multiple times into stderr.
bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-40523: Add pass-throughs for
objects. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-40246: Reporting a specialised error message for invalid string prefixes, which was introduced in bpo-40246, is being reverted due to backwards compatibility concerns for strings that immediately follow a reserved keyword without whitespace between them. Constructs like
bg="#d00" if clear else"#fca"
were failing to parse, which is not an acceptable breakage on such short notice.bpo-40417: Fix imp module deprecation warning when PyImport_ReloadModule is called. Patch by Robert Rouhani.
bpo-40408: Fixed support of nested type variables in GenericAlias (e.g.
).bpo-1635741: Port _stat module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-29587: Enable implicit exception chaining when calling
.bpo-40328: Add tools for generating mappings headers for CJKCodecs.
bpo-40228: Setting frame.f_lineno is now robust w.r.t. changes in the source-to-bytecode compiler
bpo-38880: Added the ability to list interpreters associated with channel ends in the internal subinterpreters module.
bpo-37986: Improve performance of
for values that fit into long.
bpo-40662: Fixed
for ast nodes that have incomplete location information. Patch by Irit Katriel.bpo-40536: Added the
function to thezoneinfo
module. Patch by Paul Ganssle.bpo-40645: The
exposes internal implementation details. The attributesdigest_cons
, andouter
are deprecated and will be removed in the future.bpo-40645: The internal module
wraps and exposes OpenSSL’s HMAC API. The new code will be used in Python 3.10 after the internal implementation details of the pure Python HMAC module are no longer part of the public API.bpo-40637: Builtin hash modules can now be disabled or selectively enabled with
configure --with-builtin-hashlib-hashes=sha3,blake1
.bpo-37630: The
module can now use SHA3 hashes and SHAKE XOF from OpenSSL when available.bpo-40479: The
now compiles with OpenSSL 3.0.0-alpha2.bpo-40257: Revert changes to
.bpo-40607: When cancelling a task due to timeout,
will now propagate the exception if an error happens during cancellation. Patch by Roman Skurikhin.bpo-40612: Fix edge cases in SyntaxError formatting. If the offset is <= 0, no caret is printed. If the offset is > line length, the caret is printed pointing just after the last character.
bpo-40597: If text content lines are longer than policy.max_line_length, always use a content-encoding to make sure they are wrapped.
bpo-40571: Added functools.cache() as a simpler, more discoverable way to access the unbounded cache variant of lru_cache(maxsize=None).
bpo-40503: PEP 615, the
module. Adds support for the IANA time zone database.bpo-40397: Removed attributes
from special generic aliases liketyping.List
(not subscripted).bpo-40549: Convert posixmodule.c (“posix” or “nt” module) to the multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-31033: Add a
argument toFuture.cancel()
.bpo-40541: Added an optional counts parameter to random.sample().
bpo-40515: The
modules now actively check that OpenSSL is build with thread support. Python 3.7.0 made thread support mandatory and no longer works safely with a no-thread builds.bpo-31033: When a
is cancelled, the exception traceback now chains all the way back to where the task was first interrupted.bpo-40504:
objects can now be the targets of weakrefs.bpo-40559: Fix possible memory leak in the C implementation of
could take exponential time in the presence of multiple*
pattern characters. This was repaired by generating more elaborate regular expressions to avoid futile backtracking.bpo-40495:
is now able to use hardlinks to prevent duplicates in a case when.pyc
files for different optimization levels have the same content.bpo-40457: The ssl module now support OpenSSL builds without TLS 1.0 and 1.1 methods.
bpo-40355: Improve error reporting in
in the presence of malformedast.Dict
nodes instead of silently ignoring any non-conforming elements. Patch by Curtis Bucher.bpo-40465: Deprecated the optional random argument to random.shuffle().
now produces correct ptype strings instead of empty strings.bpo-39435: The first argument of
is now positional-only.bpo-39305: Update
to mergenntplib.NNTP
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-32494: Update
to use gdbm_count if possible when callinglen()
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-40453: Add
keyword-only parameter to_xxsubinterpreters.create()
. An isolated subinterpreter cannot spawn threads, spawn a child process or callos.fork()
.bpo-40286: Remove
: the C implementation ofrandbytes()
. Implement the method in Python to ease subclassing:randbytes()
now directly reusesgetrandbits()
.bpo-40394: Added default arguments to
.bpo-39995: Fix a race condition in concurrent.futures._ThreadWakeup: access to _ThreadWakeup is now protected with the shutdown lock.
now closes explicitly the result queue.bpo-30966: Add a new
method to theSimpleQueue
class to explicitly close the queue.bpo-39966: Revert bpo-25597.
with wraps’ set uses default return values for magic methods.bpo-39791: Added
function to importlib.resources with support for subdirectories in package data, matching backport in importlib_resources 1.5.bpo-40375:
is added. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-40389:
now returnstyping.Optional[T]
when called fortyping.Union
of two types, one of which isNoneType
.bpo-40291: Add support for CAN_J1939 sockets (available on Linux 5.4+)
is now reversible.bpo-39075: The repr for
is now insertion ordered rather than alphabetical.bpo-40192: On AIX,
is now implemented withthread_cputime()
which has nanosecond resolution, rather thanclock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)
which has a resolution of 10 milliseconds. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-40025: Raise TypeError when _generate_next_value_ is defined after members. Patch by Ethan Onstott.
bpo-39058: In the argparse module, the repr for Namespace() and other argument holders now displayed in the order attributes were added. Formerly, it displayed in alphabetical order even though argument order is preserved the user visible parts of the module.
bpo-24416: The
now return a named tuple instead of atuple
bpo-34790: Add version of removal for explicit passing of coros to
’s documentationbpo-40561: Provide docstrings for webbrowser open functions.
bpo-40499: Mention that
requires a non-empty set of awaitables.bpo-39705: Tutorial example for sorted() in the Loop Techniques section is given a better explanation. Also a new example is included to explain sorted()’s basic behavior.
bpo-39435: Fix an incorrect signature for
in the docs
bpo-40650: Include winsock2.h in pytime.c for timeval.
bpo-40458: Increase reserved stack space to prevent overflow crash on Windows.
bpo-39148: Add IPv6 support to
datagram endpoints in ProactorEventLoop. Change the raised exception for unknown address families to ValueError as it’s not coming from Windows API.
bpo-34956: When building Python on macOS from source,
now links with non-system Tcl and Tk frameworks if they are installed in/Library/Frameworks
, as had been the case on older releases of macOS. If a macOS SDK is explicitly configured, by using--enable-universalsdk=
, only the SDK itself is searched. The default behavior can still be overridden with--with-tcltk-includes
.bpo-35569: Expose RFC 3542 IPv6 socket options.
bpo-40479: Update multissltest helper to test with latest OpenSSL 1.0.2, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, and 3.0.0-alpha.
bpo-40431: Fix a syntax typo in
that now raises aSyntaxError
.bpo-40163: Fix multissltest tool. OpenSSL has changed download URL for old releases. The multissltest tool now tries to download from current and old download URLs.
bpo-39465: Remove the
function from the C API.bpo-38787: Add PyCFunction_CheckExact() macro for exact type checks now that we allow subtypes of PyCFunction, as well as PyCMethod_CheckExact() and PyCMethod_Check() for the new PyCMethod subtype.
bpo-40545: Declare
to properly export the function in the C API. The function remains private (_Py
) prefix.bpo-40412: Nullify inittab_copy during finalization, preventing future interpreter initializations in an embedded situation from crashing. Patch by Gregory Szorc.
bpo-40429: The
function now returns a strong reference to the frame.bpo-40428: Remove the following functions from the C API. Call
explicitly to free all free lists.PyAsyncGen_ClearFreeLists()
bpo-40421: New
function: get the frame next outer frame.bpo-40421: New
function: return a borrowed reference to the frame code.bpo-40217: Ensure that instances of types created with
will visit its class object when traversing references in the garbage collector (implemented as an extension of the providedtp_traverse
). Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-38787: Module C state is now accessible from C-defined heap type methods (PEP 573). Patch by Marcel Plch and Petr Viktorin.
Python 3.9.0 alpha 6¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-04-27
bpo-40121: Fixes audit events raised on creating a new socket.
bpo-39073: Disallow CR or LF in email.headerregistry.Address arguments to guard against header injection attacks.
bpo-39503: CVE 2020-8492: The
class of theurllib.request
module uses an inefficient regular expression which can be exploited by an attacker to cause a denial of service. Fix the regex to prevent the catastrophic backtracking. Vulnerability reported by Ben Caller and Matt Schwager.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-40313: Improve the performance of bytes.hex().
bpo-40334: Switch to a new parser, based on PEG. For more details see PEP 617. To temporarily switch back to the old parser, use
-X oldparser
. In Python 3.10 we will remove the old parser completely, including theparser
module (already deprecated) and anything that depends on it.bpo-40267: Fix the tokenizer to display the correct error message, when there is a
on the last input character and no newline follows. It used to beunexpected EOF while parsing
, while it should beinvalid syntax
.bpo-39522: Correctly unparse explicit
prefix for strings when postponed evaluation for annotations activated. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-40246: Report a specialized error message,
invalid string prefix
, when the tokenizer encounters a string with an invalid prefix.bpo-40082: Fix the signal handler: it now always uses the main interpreter, rather than trying to get the current Python thread state.
bpo-37388: str.encode() and str.decode() no longer check the encoding and errors in development mode or in debug mode during Python finalization. The codecs machinery can no longer work on very late calls to str.encode() and str.decode().
bpo-40077: Fix possible refleaks in
, memo of PyScannerObject should be traversed.bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention.bpo-40141: Add column and line information to
nodes. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port
to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).bpo-1635741: Port _uuid module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-40077: Convert json module to use
.bpo-40067: Improve the error message for multiple star expressions in an assignment. Patch by Furkan Onder
bpo-1635741: Port _functools module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489). Patch by Paulo Henrique Silva.
bpo-1635741: Port operator module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489). Patch by Paulo Henrique Silva.
bpo-20526: Fix
is a borrowed reference, not a strong reference:PyThreadState_Clear()
must not callPy_CLEAR(tstate->frame)
.bpo-1635741: Port time module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489). Patch by Paulo Henrique Silva.
bpo-1635741: Port _weakref extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-40020: Fix a leak and subsequent crash in parsetok.c caused by realloc misuse on a rare codepath.
bpo-39939: Added str.removeprefix and str.removesuffix methods and corresponding bytes, bytearray, and collections.UserString methods to remove affixes from a string if present. See PEP 616 for a full description. Patch by Dennis Sweeney.
bpo-39481: Implement PEP 585. This supports list[int], tuple[str, …] etc.
bpo-32894: Support unparsing of infinity numbers in postponed annotations. Patch by Batuhan Taşkaya.
bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Mark Shannon.
now always returns an empty tuple for special generic aliases.bpo-40396: Functions
support now generic aliases likelist[int]
.bpo-38061: Optimize the
module on FreeBSD usingclosefrom()
. A singleclose(fd)
syscall is cheap, but whensysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
is high, the loop callingclose(fd)
on each file descriptor can take several milliseconds.The workaround on FreeBSD to improve performance was to load and mount the fdescfs kernel module, but this is not enabled by default.
Initial patch by Ed Maste (emaste), Conrad Meyer (cem), Kyle Evans (kevans) and Kubilay Kocak (koobs):
bpo-38061: On FreeBSD,
os.closerange(fd_low, fd_high)
now callsclosefrom(fd_low)
if fd_high is greater than or equal tosysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
.Initial patch by Ed Maste (emaste), Conrad Meyer (cem), Kyle Evans (kevans) and Kubilay Kocak (koobs):
bpo-40360: The
module is pending deprecation due to PEP 617.bpo-40138: Fix the Windows implementation of
for exit code larger thanINT_MAX >> 8
. The exit status is now interpreted as an unsigned number.bpo-39942: Set “__main__” as the default module name when “__name__” is missing in
. Patch by Weipeng Hong.bpo-40275: The
package is now imported lazily inunittest
only when theassertLogs()
assertion is used.bpo-40275: The
package is now imported lazily inunittest
only when theIsolatedAsyncioTestCase
class is used.bpo-40330: In
, check the size of a new string item after encoding it to utf-8, not before.bpo-40148: Added
to create a new Path with the stem replaced.bpo-40325: Deprecated support for set objects in random.sample().
bpo-40257: Improved help for the
module. Docstrings are now shown for all special forms and special generic aliases (likeUnion
). Usinghelp()
with generic alias likeList[int]
will show the help for the correspondent concrete type (list
in this case).bpo-40257:
no longer returns docstring inherited from the type of the object or from parent class if it is a class if it is not defined in the object itself. Inpydoc
the documentation string is now shown not only for class, function, method etc, but for any object that has its own__doc__
attribute.bpo-40287: Fixed
to return the position.bpo-40290: Added zscore() to statistics.NormalDist().
bpo-40282: Allow
to succeed and to return 0.bpo-40286: Add
function andrandom.Random.randbytes()
method to generate random bytes.bpo-40277:
now provides a human-readable repr for its field accessors.bpo-40270: The included copy of sqlite3 on Windows is now compiled with the json extension. This allows the use of functions such as
.bpo-29255: Wait in
when no fds are registeredbpo-40260: Ensure
and respects coding comments.bpo-40234: Allow again to spawn daemon threads in subinterpreters (revert change which denied them).
bpo-39207: Workers in
are now spawned on demand, only when there are no available idle workers to reuse. This optimizes startup overhead and reduces the amount of lost CPU time to idle workers. Patch by Kyle Stanley.bpo-40091: Fix a hang at fork in the logging module: the new private _at_fork_reinit() method is now used to reinitialize locks at fork in the child process.
bpo-40149: Implement traverse and clear slots in _abc._abc_data type.
bpo-40208: Remove deprecated
.bpo-40196: Fix a bug in the
module that was causing incorrectly report global variables as local. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-40190: Add support for
.bpo-40182: Removed the
attribute of thetyping.NamedTuple
class.bpo-36517: Multiple inheritance with
now raises an error instead of silently ignoring other types.bpo-40126: Fixed reverting multiple patches in unittest.mock. Patcher’s
is now never called if its__enter__()
is failed. Returning true from__exit__()
silences now the exception.bpo-40094: CGIHTTPRequestHandler of http.server now logs the CGI script exit code, rather than the CGI script exit status of os.waitpid(). For example, if the script is killed by signal 11, it now logs: “CGI script exit code -11.”
bpo-40108: Improve the error message when triying to import a module using
and incorrectly using the “.py” extension at the end of the module name. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-40094: Add
function: convert a wait status to an exit code.bpo-40089: Fix threading._after_fork(): if fork was not called by a thread spawned by threading.Thread, threading._after_fork() now creates a _MainThread instance for _main_thread, instead of a _DummyThread instance.
bpo-40089: Add a private
method to_thread.Lock
classes: reinitialize the lock at fork in the child process, reset the lock to the unlocked state. Rename also the private_reset_internal_locks()
method ofthreading.Event
.bpo-25780: Expose
in thesocket
now parses all WWW-Authenticate HTTP headers and accepts multiple challenges per header: use the realm of the first Basic challenge.bpo-39812: Removed daemon threads from
by adding an internalthreading._register_atexit()
, which calls registered functions prior to joining all non-daemon threads. This allows for compatibility with subinterpreters, which don’t support daemon threads.bpo-40050: Fix
: avoid creating a newwinreg
builtin module if it’s already available insys.modules
, and remove redundant imports.bpo-40014: Fix
: ifgetgrouplist()
function fails because the group list is too small, retry with a larger group list. On failure, the glibc implementation ofgetgrouplist()
to the total number of groups. For other implementations, double the group list size.bpo-40017: Add
constant if the operating system support it.bpo-40016: In re docstring, clarify the relationship between inline and argument compile flags.
bpo-39953: Update internal table of OpenSSL error codes in the
module.bpo-36144: Added PEP 584 operators to
.bpo-36144: Added PEP 584 operators to
.bpo-38891: Fix linear runtime behaviour of the
methods inmultiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList
. This avoids quadratic performance when iterating aShareableList
. Patch by Thomas Krennwallner.bpo-39682: Remove undocumented support for closing a
object via its context manager. The context manager magic methods remain, but they are now a no-op, makingPath
objects immutable.bpo-36144: Added PEP 584 operators (
) tocollections.ChainMap
.bpo-39011: Normalization of line endings in ElementTree attributes was removed, as line endings which were replaced by entity numbers should be preserved in original form.
bpo-38410: Properly handle
failures insys.set_asyncgen_hooks()
.bpo-36541: lib2to3 now recognizes named assignment expressions (the walrus operator,
)bpo-35967: In platform, delay the invocation of ‘uname -p’ until the processor attribute is requested.
now returns correct source code for inner class with same name as module level class. Decorators are also returned as part of source of the class. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-33262: Deprecate passing None as an argument for
parameter. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-31758: Prevent crashes when using an uninitialized
object. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-27635: The pickle documentation incorrectly claimed that
isn’t called by default when unpickling.bpo-39879: Updated Modelo de dados docs to include
insertion order preservation. Patch by Furkan Onder and Samy Lahfa.bpo-38387: Document
macro in the C-API reference.bpo-13743: Some methods within xml.dom.minidom.Element class are now better documented.
bpo-31904: Set expected default encoding in for VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-40162: Update Travis CI configuration to OpenSSL 1.1.1f.
bpo-40146: Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1f in Azure Pipelines.
bpo-40094: Add
now copies Python command line options like-O
. Moreover, emit a warning iftest.bisect_cmd
is used with-w
option.bpo-39380: Add the encoding in
to the constructor as keyword-only and change the default fromlatin-1
to follow RFC 2640.bpo-39793: Use the same domain when testing
. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-1812: Fix newline handling in doctest.testfile when loading from a package whose loader has a get_data method. Patch by Peter Donis.
bpo-38360: Support single-argument form of macOS -isysroot flag.
bpo-40158: Fix CPython MSBuild Properties in NuGet Package (build/native/python.props)
bpo-38527: Fix configure check on Solaris for “float word ordering”: sometimes, the correct “grep” command was not being used. Patch by Arnon Yaari.
bpo-38329: macOS installers now update the Current version symlink of /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions for 3.9 installs. Previously, Current was only updated for Python 2.x installs. This should make it easier to embed Python 3 into other macOS applications.
bpo-40164: Update macOS installer builds to use OpenSSL 1.1.1g.
bpo-40385: Removed the tool. Please see compileall without force mode as a potential alternative.
bpo-40179: Fixed translation of
in Argument Clinic.bpo-40094: Fix
script exit code: it now usesos.waitstatus_to_exitcode()
to convertos.system()
exit status into an exit code.
bpo-40241: Move the
structure to the internal C API.bpo-40170: Convert
macro to a function to hide implementation details.bpo-40241: Add the functions
to the public API to allow to query if Python objects are being currently tracked or have been already finalized by the garbage collector respectively. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-40170: The
macro becomes an alias to thePyObject_New()
macro, and thePyObject_NEW_VAR()
macro becomes an alias to thePyObject_NewVar()
macro, to hide implementation details. They no longer access directly thePyTypeObject.tp_basicsize
now always callsPyType_GetFlags()
to hide implementation details. Previously, it accessed directly thePyTypeObject.tp_flags
member when the limited C API was not used.bpo-40170: Convert the
macro to a function to hide implementation details: the macro accessed directly to thePyTypeObject.tp_weaklistoffset
member.bpo-40170: Convert
macro to a function to hide implementation details: the macro accessed directly thePyTypeObject.tp_as_buffer
member.bpo-40170: Always declare
as an opaque function to hide implementation details: removePyIndex_Check()
macro. The macro accessed directly thePyTypeObject.tp_as_number
member.bpo-39947: Add
function: get the unique identifier of a Python thread state.
Python 3.9.0 alpha 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-03-23
bpo-38576: Disallow control characters in hostnames in http.client, addressing CVE 2019-18348. Such potentially malicious header injection URLs now cause a InvalidURL to be raised.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-40010: Optimize pending calls in multithreaded applications. If a thread different than the main thread schedules a pending call (
), the bytecode evaluation loop is no longer interrupted at each bytecode instruction to check for pending calls which cannot be executed. Only the main thread can execute pending calls.Previously, the bytecode evaluation loop was interrupted at each instruction until the main thread executes pending calls.
bpo-1635741: Port _weakref extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-1635741: Port _collections module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-40010: Optimize signal handling in multithreaded applications. If a thread different than the main thread gets a signal, the bytecode evaluation loop is no longer interrupted at each bytecode instruction to check for pending signals which cannot be handled. Only the main thread of the main interpreter can handle signals.
Previously, the bytecode evaluation loop was interrupted at each instruction until the main thread handles signals.
bpo-39984: If
is called in a subinterpreter, the function is now scheduled to be called from the subinterpreter, rather than being called from the main interpreter. Each subinterpreter now has its own list of scheduled calls.bpo-1635741: Port _heapq module to multiphase initialization.
bpo-1635741: Port itertools module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39984: subinterpreters: Move
: each interpreter now has its own variable.bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-1635741: Port _statistics module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39968: Use inline function to replace extension modules’ get_module_state macros.
bpo-39965: Correctly raise
if await is used inside non-async functions andPyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT
is set (like in the asyncio REPL). Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39562: Allow executing asynchronous comprehensions on the top level when the
flag is given. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38373: Changed list overallocation strategy. It no longer overallocates if the new size is closer to overallocated size than to the old size and adds padding.
bpo-39926: Update Unicode database to Unicode version 13.0.0.
bpo-19466: Clear the frames of daemon threads earlier during the Python shutdown to call objects destructors. So “unclosed file” resource warnings are now emitted for daemon threads in a more reliable way.
bpo-38894: Fix a bug that was causing incomplete results when calling
in the presence of symlinks that point to files where the user does not have read access. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Matt Wozniski.bpo-39877: Fix
random crash at exit with daemon threads. It now accesses the_PyRuntime
variable directly instead of usingtstate->interp->runtime
, sincetstate
can be a dangling pointer afterPy_Finalize()
has been called. Moreover, the daemon thread now exits before trying to take the GIL.bpo-39871: Fix a possible
when the first argument cannot be converted to afloat
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-39776: Fix race condition where threads created by PyGILState_Ensure() could get a duplicate id.
Isso afeta os usuários de tstate->id como o mecanismo de armazenamento em cache da contextvar, que pode retornar objetos em cache inválidos sob uso intenso de threads (observado em cenários de sistemas embarcados).
bpo-39778: Fixed a crash due to incorrect handling of weak references in
classes. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-1635741: Port audioop extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39702: Relax decorator grammar restrictions to allow any valid expression (PEP 614).
bpo-38091: Tweak import deadlock detection code to not deadlock itself.
bpo-1635741: Port _locale extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39087: Optimize
slightly when they need to create internal UTF-8 cache.bpo-39520: Fix unparsing of ext slices with no items (
). Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-39220: Do not optimize annotations if ‘from __future__ import annotations’ is used. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-35712: Using
in a boolean context has been deprecated. Patch contributed by Josh Rosenberg.bpo-22490: Don’t leak environment variable
into the interpreter session on macOS.
bpo-39830: Add
in thezipfile
module.bpo-40000: Improved error messages for validation of
nodes. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-39999:
of the AST node classes is now set to “ast” instead of “_ast”. Added docstrings for dummy AST node classes and deprecated attributes.bpo-39991:
now skips IPv6 addresses with the same string length than a MAC address (17 characters): only use MAC addresses.bpo-39988: Deprecated
node classes because they are no longer used.bpo-39656: Ensure
is always present in virtual environments on POSIX platforms - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-39969: Deprecated
node class because it’s no longer used. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-39360: Ensure all workers exit when finalizing a
implicitly via the module finalization handlers of multiprocessing. This fixes a deadlock situation that can be experienced when the Pool is not properly finalized via the context manager or a call tomultiprocessing.Pool.terminate
. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya and Pablo Galindo.bpo-35370: sys.settrace(), sys.setprofile() and _lsprof.Profiler.enable() now properly report
error if “sys.setprofile” or “sys.settrace” audit event is denied.bpo-39936: AIX: Fix _aix_support module when the subprocess is not available, when building Python from scratch. It now uses new private _bootsubprocess module, rather than having two implementations depending if subprocess is available or not. So _aix_support.aix_platform() result is now the same if subprocess is available or not.
now implements|
(PEP 584).bpo-39652: The column name found in
is now truncated on the first ‘[’ only if the PARSE_COLNAMES option is set.bpo-39915: Ensure
has call objects in the order of awaited arguments instead of usingunittest.mock.Mock.call_args
which has the last value of the call. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-36144: Updated
to support PEP 584’s merge (|
) and update (|=
) operators.bpo-38662: The
module now invokespip
via therunpy
module. Hence it is no longer tightly coupled with the internal API of the bundledpip
version, allowing easier updates to a newerpip
version both internally and for distributors.bpo-38075: Fix the
method when abool
is passed as the seed.bpo-39916: More reliable use of
. It no longer emits a ResourceWarning when interrupted.bpo-39850:
now supports abstract socket addresses (if abstract sockets are supported in the running platform). When creating arbitrary addresses (like when default-constructingmultiprocessing.connection.Listener
objects) abstract sockets are preferred to avoid the case when the temporary-file-generated address is too large for an AF_UNIX socket address. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-36287:
no longer outputs optional fields and attributes with default values. The default values for optional fields and attributes of AST nodes are now set as class attributes (e.g.Constant.kind
is set toNone
).bpo-39889: Fixed
for extended slices containing a single element (e.g.a[i:j,]
). Remove redundant tuples when index with a tuple (e.g.a[i, j]
).bpo-39828: Fix
to catchBrokenPipeError
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-13487: Avoid a possible “RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration” from
when it tried to loop throughsys.modules
.bpo-39674: Revert “bpo-37330: open() no longer accept ‘U’ in file mode”. The “U” mode of open() is kept in Python 3.9 to ease transition from Python 2.7, but will be removed in Python 3.10.
bpo-28577: The hosts method on 32-bit prefix length IPv4Networks and 128-bit prefix IPv6Networks now returns a list containing the single Address instead of an empty list.
bpo-39826: Add getConnection method to logging HTTPHandler to enable custom connections.
bpo-39763: Reimplement
function with thesubprocess
module.bpo-39794: Add –without-decimal-contextvar build option. This enables a thread-local rather than a coroutine local context.
now implements|
(PEP 584).bpo-39517: Fix runpy.run_path() when using pathlike objects
bpo-39775: Change
back tocollections.OrderedDict
. This was changed todict
in Python 3.9.0a4.bpo-39678: Refactor queue_manager in
to make it easier to maintain.bpo-39764: Fix AttributeError when calling get_stack on a PyAsyncGenObject Task
bpo-39769: The
function’s ddir parameter and the compileall command line flag-d
no longer write the wrong pathname to the generated pyc file for submodules beneath the root of the directory tree being compiled. This fixes a regression introduced with Python 3.5.bpo-36144:
objects now support the merge (|
) operator from PEP 584.bpo-38691: The
module now ignores thePYTHONCASEOK
environment variable when the-E
command line options are being used.bpo-39719: Remove
as files no longer have thesoftspace
attribute in Python 3. Patch by Shantanu.bpo-39667: Improve pathlib.Path compatibility on zipfile.Path and correct performance degradation as found in zipp 3.0.
bpo-39638: Keep ASDL signatures in the docstrings for
nodes. Patch by Batuhan Taskayabpo-39639: Deprecated
node class because it’s no longer used. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-39609: Add thread_name_prefix to default asyncio executor
bpo-39548: Fix handling of header in
when the optionalqop
parameter is not present.bpo-39509: HTTP status codes
and425 TOO_EARLY
are added tohttp.HTTPStatus
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39507: Adding HTTP status 418 “I’m a Teapot” to HTTPStatus in http library. Patch by Ross Rhodes.
bpo-39495: Remove default value from attrs parameter of
for consistency between Python and C implementations.bpo-38971: Open issue in the BPO indicated a desire to make the implementation of at parity with, which implements a try/except to assure file stream gets closed before an exception is raised.
bpo-38641: Added starred expressions support to
statements forlib2to3
. Patch by Vlad Emelianov.bpo-37534: When using minidom module to generate XML documents the ability to add Standalone Document Declaration is added. All the changes are made to generate a document in compliance with Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition) W3C Recommendation (available here:
bpo-34788: Add support for scoped IPv6 addresses to
. Patch by Oleksandr Pavliuk.bpo-34822: Simplified AST for subscription. Simple indices are now represented by their value, extended slices are represented as tuples.
are considered deprecated and will be removed in future Python versions. In the meantime,Index(value)
now returns avalue
returnsTuple(slices, Load())
bpo-13790: Change ‘string’ to ‘specification’ in format doc.
bpo-17422: The language reference no longer restricts default class namespaces to dicts only.
bpo-39530: Fix misleading documentation about mixed-type numeric comparisons.
bpo-39718: Update
documentation to reflect additions in Python 3.8bpo-39677: Changed operand name of MAKE_FUNCTION from argc to flags for module
bpo-40019: test_gdb now skips tests if it detects that gdb failed to read debug information because the Python binary is optimized.
is now skipped if a path ofsys.path
contains a.pth
file.bpo-26067: Do not fail test_shutil test_chown test when uid or gid of user cannot be resolved to a name.
bpo-39855: test_subprocess.test_user() now skips the test on an user name if the user name doesn’t exist. For example, skip the test if the user “nobody” doesn’t exist on Linux.
bpo-39761: Fix build with DTrace but without additional DFLAGS.
bpo-39763: now uses a basic implementation of the
module if thesubprocess
module is not available: before required C extension modules are built.bpo-1294959: Add
option to the configure script: name of the platform-specific library directory, stored in the newsys.platlibdir
attribute. It is used to build the path of platform-specific extension modules and the path of the standard library. It is equal to"lib"
on most platforms. On Fedora and SuSE, it is equal to"lib64"
on 64-bit platforms. Patch by Jan Matějek, Matěj Cepl, Charalampos Stratakis and Victor Stinner.
bpo-39930: Ensures the required
is included in install packages.bpo-39847: Avoid hang when computer is hibernated whilst waiting for a mutex (for lock-related objects from
) around 49-day uptime.bpo-38597:
will no longer statically linkvcruntime140.dll
when a redistributable version is unavailable. All future releases of CPython will include a copy of this DLL to ensure distributed extensions can continue to load.bpo-38380: Update Windows builds to use SQLite 3.31.1
bpo-39789: Update Windows release build machines to Visual Studio 2019 (MSVC 14.2).
bpo-34803: Package for now includes repository reference and bundled icon image.
bpo-38380: Update macOS builds to use SQLite 3.31.1
bpo-27115: For ‘Go to Line’, use a Query box subclass with IDLE standard behavior and improved error checking.
bpo-39885: Since clicking to get an IDLE context menu moves the cursor, any text selection should be and now is cleared.
bpo-39852: Edit “Go to line” now clears any selection, preventing accidental deletion. It also updates Ln and Col on the status bar.
bpo-39781: Selecting code context lines no longer causes a jump.
bpo-36184: Port to FreeBSD. now checks for “take_gil” function name to check if a frame tries to acquire the GIL, instead of checking for “pthread_cond_timedwait” which is specific to Linux and can be a different condition than the GIL.
bpo-38080: Added support to fix
in thelib2to3.fixes.fix_urllib
module. Patch by José Roberto Meza Cabrera.
bpo-40024: Add
helper function: add a type to a module. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39946: Remove
hook and remove_PyThreadState_GetFrame
macro which was an alias to_PyRuntime.getframe
. They were only exposed by the internal C API. Remove alsoPyThreadFrameGetter
type.bpo-39947: Add
function: get the current frame of a Python thread state.bpo-37207: Add _PyArg_NoKwnames helper function. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-39947: Add
: get the interpreter of a Python thread state.bpo-39947: Add
function to the limited C API.bpo-35370: If
fails inPyEval_SetProfile()
, log the error as an unraisable exception.bpo-39947: Move the static inline function flavor of Py_EnterRecursiveCall() and Py_LeaveRecursiveCall() to the internal C API: they access PyThreadState attributes. The limited C API provides regular functions which hide implementation details.
bpo-39947: Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION and Py_TRASHCAN_END macro no longer access PyThreadState attributes, but call new private _PyTrash_begin() and _PyTrash_end() functions which hide implementation details.
now include the method name in the SystemError “bad call flags” error message to ease debug.bpo-39877: Deprecated
. CallingPyEval_InitThreads()
now does nothing.bpo-38249:
is now implemented with__builtin_unreachable()
and analogs in release mode.bpo-38643:
now raises aSystemError
instead of crashing when called with invalid base.bpo-39882: The
function is replaced with a macro which logs automatically the name of the current function, unless thePy_LIMITED_API
macro is defined.bpo-39824: Extension modules:
functions ofPyModuleDef
are no longer called if the module state was requested but is not allocated yet. This is the case immediately after the module is created and before the module is executed (Py_mod_exec
function). More precisely, these functions are not called ifm_size
is greater than 0 and the module state (as returned byPyModule_GetState()
) isNULL
.Módulos de extensão sem um estado de módulo (
m_size <= 0
) não são afetados.bpo-38913: Fixed segfault in
called with a format containing “#” and undefined PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN whwn an exception is set.bpo-38500: Add a private API to get and set the frame evaluation function: add
C functions. The_PyFrameEvalFunction
function type now takes a tstate parameter.
Python 3.9.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-02-25
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-39382: Fix a use-after-free in the single inheritance path of
, when the__bases__
of an object has a single reference, and so does its first item. Patch by Yonatan Goldschmidt.bpo-39573: Update clinic tool to use
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39619: Enable use of
on HP-UX systems.bpo-39573: Add
static inline function to check whether the object o type is type.bpo-39606: Fix regression caused by fix for bpo-39386, that prevented calling
on an async generator that had already been closed or exhausted.bpo-39579: Change the ending column offset of
nodes constructed inast_for_dotted_name
to point at the end of the current node and not at the end of the lastNAME
node.bpo-1635741: Port _crypt extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-1635741: Port _contextvars extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39510: Fix segfault in
method on closed BufferedReader.bpo-39502: Fix
on 64-bit AIX to support years before 1902 and after 2038. Patch by M Felt.bpo-39492: Fix a reference cycle in the C Pickler that was preventing the garbage collection of deleted, pickled objects.
bpo-39453: Fixed a possible crash in
when a list is changed during comparing items. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39434: floor division of float operation now has a better performance. Also the message of
for this operation is updated. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-1635741: Port _codecs extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-1635741: Port _bz2 extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-1635741: Port _abc extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39320: Replace two complex bytecodes for building dicts with two simpler ones. The new bytecodes
have been added The old bytecodesBUILD_MAP_UNPACK
have been removed.bpo-39219: Syntax errors raised in the tokenizer now always set correct “text” and “offset” attributes.
bpo-36051: Drop the GIL during large
operations. Patch by Bruce Merry.bpo-38960: Fix DTrace build issues on FreeBSD. Patch by David Carlier.
bpo-37207: Speed up calls to
by about 30%, by using the PEP 590vectorcall
calling convention. Patch by Mark Shannon.bpo-36144:
) objects now support PEP 584’s merge (|
) and update (|=
) operators. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-32856: Optimized the idiom for assignment a temporary variable in comprehensions. Now
for y in [expr]
in comprehensions is as fast as a simple assignmenty = expr
bpo-30566: Fix
when trying to decode an invalid string with punycode codec.bpo-39649: Remove obsolete check for
.bpo-39648: Expanded
to handle multiple arguments.bpo-39681: Fix a regression where the C pickle module wouldn’t allow unpickling from a file-like object that doesn’t expose a readinto() method.
bpo-35950: Raise
when it is called on a read-onlyio.BufferedReader
instance.bpo-39479: Add
function: least common multiple.bpo-39674: Revert “Do not expose abstract collection classes in the collections module” change (bpo-25988). Aliases to ABC like collections.Mapping are kept in Python 3.9 to ease transition from Python 2.7, but will be removed in Python 3.10.
bpo-39104: Fix hanging ProcessPoolExcutor on
when a task has failed pickling.bpo-39627: Fixed TypedDict totality check for inherited keys.
bpo-39474: Fixed starting position of AST for expressions like
.bpo-21016: The
modules now use thesysconfig
module to get the path to the Python standard library, to support uncommon installation path like/usr/lib64/python3.9/
on Fedora. Patch by Jan Matějek.bpo-39590: Collections.deque now holds strong references during deque.__contains__ and deque.count, fixing crashes.
bpo-39586: The distutils
command is deprecated in Python 3.9, usebdist_wheel
(wheel packages) instead.bpo-39595: Improved performance of zipfile.Path for files with a large number of entries. Also improved performance and fixed minor issue as published with importlib_metadata 1.5.
bpo-39350: Fix regression in
if the numerator and/or the denominator is anint
subclass. Themath.gcd()
function is now used to normalize the numerator and denominator.math.gcd()
always return aint
type. Previously, the GCD type depended on numerator and denominator.bpo-39567: Added audit for
.bpo-39559: Remove unused, undocumented argument
is now called only once per call ofglob.glob()
.bpo-39546: Fix a regression in
was ignored for long options that used a prefix character other than “-“.bpo-39450: Striped whitespace from docstring before returning it from
.bpo-12915: A new function
has been added to thepkgutil
module. This resolves a string of the form'a.b.c.d'
to an object. In the example,a.b
is a package/module andc.d
is an object within that package/module reached via recursive attribute access.bpo-39353: The
function is no longer deprecated.bpo-39493: Mark
as a propertybpo-39491: Add
parameter totyping.get_type_hints()
as part of PEP 593. Patch by Till Varoquaux, documentation by Till Varoquaux and Konstantin Kashin.bpo-39485: Fix a bug in
that would complain about the wrong number of arguments for custom descriptors defined in an extension module returning functions.bpo-38932: Mock fully resets child objects on reset_mock(). Patch by Vegard Stikbakke
bpo-39082: Allow AsyncMock to correctly patch static/class methods
bpo-39432: Implement PEP-489 algorithm for non-ascii “PyInit_…” symbol names in distutils to make it export the correct init symbol also on Windows.
bpo-18819: Omit
fields for non-device files intarfile
archives, enabling bit-for-bit compatibility with GNUtar(1)
.bpo-39349: Added a new cancel_futures parameter to
that cancels all pending futures which have not started running, instead of waiting for them to complete before shutting down the executor.bpo-39274:
now returns a boolean even if (numerator != 0) does not return a boolean (ex: numpy number).bpo-34793: Remove support for
with (await asyncio.lock):
andwith (yield from asyncio.lock):
. The same is correct forasyncio.Condition
.bpo-25597: Ensure, if
is supplied tounittest.mock.MagicMock
, it is used to calculate return values for the magic methods instead of using the default return values. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-36350:
are now dicts instead of OrderedDicts. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-35727: Fix sys.exit() and sys.exit(None) exit code propagation when used in multiprocessing.Process.
bpo-32173: * Add
function to__all__
. * Usedict.clear
to clear the cache. * Refactoringgetline
function andcheckcache
bpo-17422: The language reference now specifies restrictions on class namespaces. Adapted from a patch by Ethan Furman.
bpo-39572: Updated documentation of
flag ofTypedDict
.bpo-39654: In pyclbr doc, update ‘class’ to ‘module’ where appropriate and add readmodule comment. Patch by Hakan Çelik.
bpo-39153: Clarify refcounting semantics for the following functions: - PyObject_SetItem - PyMapping_SetItemString - PyDict_SetItem - PyDict_SetItemString
bpo-39392: Explain that when filling with turtle, overlap regions may be left unfilled.
bpo-39369: Update mmap readline method description. The fact that the readline method does update the file position should not be ignored since this might give the impression for the programmer that it doesn’t update it.
bpo-9056: Include subsection in TOC for PDF version of docs.
bpo-38325: Skip tests on non-BMP characters of test_winconsoleio.
bpo-39502: Skip test_zipfile.test_add_file_after_2107() if
fails withOverflowError
. It is the case on AIX 6.1 for example.
bpo-39489: Remove
special build.
bpo-39553: Delete unused code related to SxS manifests.
bpo-39439: Honor the Python path when a virtualenv is active on Windows.
bpo-39393: Improve the error message when attempting to load a DLL with unresolved dependencies.
on Windows now preferUSERPROFILE
and no longer useHOME
, which is not normally set for regular user accounts. This makes them again behave likeos.path.expanduser()
, which was changed to ignoreHOME
in 3.8, see bpo-36264.bpo-39185: The build.bat script has additional options for very-quiet output (-q) and very-verbose output (-vv)
bpo-39663: Add tests for pyparse find_good_parse_start().
bpo-39600: In the font configuration window, remove duplicated font names.
bpo-30780: Add remaining configdialog tests for buttons and highlights and keys tabs.
bpo-39388: IDLE Settings Cancel button now cancels pending changes
bpo-38792: Close an IDLE shell calltip if a
or shell restart occurs. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-35081: Move the
header file to the internal C API aspycore_bytes_methods.h
: it only contains private symbols (prefixed by_Py
), except of thePyDoc_STRVAR_shared()
macro.bpo-35081: Move the
header file to the internal C API aspycore_dtoa.h
: it only contains private functions (prefixed by_Py
). Themath
modules must now be compiled with thePy_BUILD_CORE
macro defined.bpo-39573: Add
function to set the size of an object.bpo-39500:
does not callPy_FatalError()
anymore if the string is not ready.bpo-39573: Add
function to set the type of an object.bpo-39573: Add a
function to set the reference counter of an object.bpo-39542: Convert
macros to static inline functions.bpo-39542: In the limited C API,
are now defined as aliases toPyObject_Init()
to make their implementation opaque. It avoids to leak implementation details in the limited C API. Exclude the following functions from the limited C API:_Py_NewReference()
.bpo-39542: Exclude trashcan mechanism from the limited C API: it requires access to PyTypeObject and PyThreadState structure fields, whereas these structures are opaque in the limited C API.
bpo-39511: The
function now calls thePyThreadState.on_delete
callback. Previously, that happened inPyThreadState_Delete()
.bpo-38076: Fix to clear the interpreter state only after clearing module globals to guarantee module state access from C Extensions during runtime destruction
bpo-39245: The Vectorcall API (PEP 590) was made public, adding the functions
Python 3.9.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2020-01-24
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-39427: Document all possibilities for the
options in the command line help section. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39421: Fix possible crashes when operating with the functions in the
module and custom comparison operators.bpo-39386: Prevent double awaiting of async iterator.
bpo-17005: Add
to thefunctools
module to offers functionality to perform topological sorting of graphs. Patch by Pablo Galindo, Tim Peters and Larry Hastings.bpo-39320: Replace four complex bytecodes for building sequences with three simpler ones.
The following four bytecodes have been removed:
The following three bytecodes have been added:
bpo-39336: Import loaders which publish immutable module objects can now publish immutable packages in addition to individual modules.
bpo-39322: Added a new function
to check if an object has been finalized by the garbage collector. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39048: Improve the displayed error message when incorrect types are passed to
async with
statements by looking up the__aenter__()
special method before the__aexit__()
special method when entering an asynchronous context manager. Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-39235: Fix AST end location for lone generator expression in function call, e.g. f(i for i in a).
bpo-39209: Correctly handle multi-line tokens in interactive mode. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-1635741: Port _json extension module to multiphase initialization (PEP 489).
bpo-39216: Fix constant folding optimization for positional only arguments - by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-39215: Fix
when nested function has annotation on positional-only argument - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-39200: Correct the error message when calling the
with no arguments. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39200: Correct the error message when trying to construct
objects with no arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-39166: Fix incorrect line execution reporting in trace functions when tracing the last iteration of asynchronous for loops. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-39114: Fix incorrect line execution reporting in trace functions when tracing exception handlers with name binding. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-39156: Split the COMPARE_OP bytecode instruction into four distinct instructions.
COMPARE_OP for rich comparisons
IS_OP for ‘is’ and ‘is not’ tests
CONTAINS_OP for ‘in’ and ‘is not’ tests
JUMP_IF_NOT_EXC_MATCH for checking exceptions in ‘try-except’ statements.
This improves the clarity of the interpreter and should provide a modest speedup.
bpo-38588: Fix possible crashes in dict and list when calling
.bpo-13601: By default,
is line-buffered now, even ifstderr
is redirected to a file. You can still makesys.stderr
unbuffered by passing the-u
command-line option or setting thePYTHONUNBUFFERED
environment variable.(Contributed by Jendrik Seipp in bpo-13601.)
bpo-38610: Fix possible crashes in several list methods by holding strong references to list elements when calling
.bpo-32021: Include brotli .br encoding in mimetypes encodings_map
bpo-39413: The
function is now also available on Windows.bpo-39390: Fixed a regression with the
callback ofshutil.copytree()
. The argument types are nowstr
again.bpo-39395: The
functions are now always available.bpo-39406: If
C function is available,os.putenv()
is now implemented withsetenv()
instead ofputenv()
, so Python doesn’t have to handle the environment variable memory.bpo-39396: Fix
math.nextafter(-0.0, +0.0)
on AIX 7.1.bpo-29435: Allow
to be used with file and file-like objects, likezipfile.is_zipfile()
. Patch by William Woodruff.bpo-39377: Removed
option fromjson.loads()
. It has been deprecated since Python 3.1.bpo-39389: Write accurate compression level metadata in
archives, rather than always signaling maximum compression.bpo-39366: The previously deprecated
methods ofnntplib.NNTP
have been removed.bpo-39357: Remove the buffering parameter of
. Since Python 3.0, it was ignored and using it was emittingDeprecationWarning
. Pass an open file object, to control how the file is opened. The compresslevel parameter becomes keyword-only.bpo-39353: Deprecate binhex4 and hexbin4 standards. Deprecate the
module and the followingbinascii
.bpo-39351: Remove
, aliases deprecated since Python 3.1: usebase64.encodebytes()
instead.bpo-39350: Remove
function, deprecated since Python 3.5 (bpo-22486): usemath.gcd()
constructor now has an optional timeout parameter. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39313: Add a new
option (–exec-function in the CLI) toRefactoringTool
for makingexec
a function. Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-39259:
now raise aValueError
if the given timeout for their constructor is zero to prevent the creation of a non-blocking socket. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39259:
now raise aValueError
if the given timeout for their constructor is zero to prevent the creation of a non-blocking socket. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39310: Add
: return the value of the least significant bit of a float.bpo-39297: Improved performance of importlib.metadata distribution discovery and resilients to inaccessible sys.path entries (importlib_metadata v1.4.0).
now raise aValueError
if the given timeout for their constructor is zero to prevent the creation of a non-blocking socket. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38901: When you specify prompt=’.’ or equivalently python -m venv –prompt . … the basename of the current directory is used to set the created venv’s prompt when it’s activated.
bpo-39288: Add
: return the next floating-point value after x towards y.bpo-39259:
now raise aValueError
if the given timeout for their constructor is zero to prevent the creation of a non-blocking socket. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39242: Updated the Gmane domain from to which is used for examples of
news reader server and nntplib tests.bpo-35292: Proxy the
so themimetypes.init
is called lazily to avoid unnecessary costs whenhttp.server
module is imported.bpo-39239: The
method no longer ignores theEBADF
error.bpo-38907: In http.server script, restore binding to IPv4 on Windows.
bpo-39152: Fix ttk.Scale.configure([name]) to return configuration tuple for name or all options. Giovanni Lombardo contributed part of the patch.
bpo-39198: If an exception were to be thrown in
(say, by asyncio timeouts or stopit) , thelogging
global lock may not be released appropriately, resulting in deadlock. This change wraps that block of code withtry...finally
to ensure the lock is released.bpo-39191: Perform a check for running loop before starting a new task in
to fail fast; it prevents the side effect of new task spawning before exception raising.bpo-38871: Correctly parenthesize filter-based statements that contain lambda expressions in
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-39142: A change was made to logging.config.dictConfig to avoid converting instances of named tuples to ConvertingTuple. It’s assumed that named tuples are too specialised to be treated like ordinary tuples; if a user of named tuples requires ConvertingTuple functionality, they will have to implement that themselves in their named tuple class.
bpo-39158: ast.literal_eval() now supports empty sets.
bpo-39129: Fix import path for
now ignores leading dots and no longer ignores a trailing newline.bpo-39056: Fixed handling invalid warning category in the -W option. No longer import the re module if it is not needed.
raises now a binascii.Error if the input ends with a single\n
.bpo-21600: Fix
to stop active patches that were created withmock.patch.dict()
.bpo-39019: Implement dummy
.bpo-39019: Implement dummy
bpo-38914: Adjusted the wording of the warning issued by distutils’
command when theauthor
fields are supplied but no corresponding e-mail field (author_email
) is found. The wording now reflects the fact that these fields are suggested, but not required. Patch by Juergen Gmach.bpo-38878: Fixed __subclasshook__ of
to return a correct result upon inheritance. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-38615:
now have an optional timeout parameter for their constructors. Also, theopen()
method now has an optional timeout parameter with this change. The overridden methods ofIMAP4_SSL
were applied to this change. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-35182: Fixed
subsequent call crash when the child process has already closed any piped standard stream, but still continues to be running. Patch by Andriy Maletsky.bpo-38630: On Unix,
now polls the process status. Polling reduces the risk of sending a signal to the wrong process if the process completed, thesubprocess.Popen.returncode
attribute is stillNone
, and the pid has been reassigned (recycled) to a new different process.bpo-38536: Removes trailing space in formatted currency with
and a locale with symbol following value. E.g.locale.currency(12.34, international=True)
returned'12,34 EUR '
instead of'12,34 EUR'
.bpo-38473: Use signature from inner mock for autospecced methods attached with
. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-38361: Fixed an issue where
could include a leading path separator whensyslog.openlog()
was called without arguments.bpo-38293: Add
support toproperty()
objects.bpo-37958: Added the pstats.Stats.get_profile_dict() method to return the profile data as a StatsProfile instance.
bpo-28367: Termios magic constants for the following baud rates: - B500000 - B576000 - B921600 - B1000000 - B1152000 - B1500000 - B2000000 - B2500000 - B3000000 - B3500000 - B4000000 Patch by Andrey Smirnov
bpo-39381: Mention in docs that
implicitly creates new event loop only if called from the main thread.bpo-38918: Add an entry for
in the “function” & “method” sections of theinspect
docs’ Tipos e membros table.bpo-3530: In the
module documentation, fix a misleadingNodeTransformer
example and add advice on when to use thefix_missing_locations
bpo-39395: On non-Windows platforms, the
functions are now required to build Python.bpo-39160: Updated the documentation in
./configure --help
to show default values, reference documentation where required and add additional explanation where needed.bpo-39144: The ctags and etags build targets both include Modules/_ctypes and Python standard library source files.
bpo-39050: Make IDLE Settings dialog Help button work again.
bpo-34118: Tag memoryview, range, and tuple as classes, the same as list, etcetera, in the library manual built-in functions list.
bpo-32989: Add tests for editor newline_and_indent_event method. Remove dead code from pyparse find_good_parse_start method.
bpo-39372: Clean header files of interfaces defined but with no implementation. The public API symbols being removed are:
.bpo-39164: Add a private
function to retrieve exception information of the specified Python thread state.
Python 3.9.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-12-18
bpo-38945: Newline characters have been escaped when performing uu encoding to prevent them from overflowing into to content section of the encoded file. This prevents malicious or accidental modification of data during the decoding process.
bpo-37228: Due to significant security concerns, the reuse_address parameter of
is no longer supported. This is because of the behavior ofSO_REUSEADDR
in UDP. For more details, see the documentation forloop.create_datagram_endpoint()
. (Contributed by Kyle Stanley, Antoine Pitrou, and Yury Selivanov in bpo-37228.)bpo-38804: Fixes a ReDoS vulnerability in
. Patch by Ben Caller.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-39028: Slightly improve the speed of keyword argument parsing with many kwargs by strengthening the assumption that kwargs are interned strings.
bpo-39080: Fix the value of end_col_offset for Starred Expression AST nodes when they are among the elements in the args attribute of Call AST nodes.
bpo-39031: When parsing an “elif” node, lineno and col_offset of the node now point to the “elif” keyword and not to its condition, making it consistent with the “if” node. Patch by Lysandros Nikolaou.
bpo-20443: In Python 3.9.0a1, sys.argv[0] was made an absolute path if a filename was specified on the command line. Revert this change, since most users expect sys.argv to be unmodified.
now requiresPy_ssize_t
to be used for size arguments in the format string, regardless of whetherPY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
was defined at include time.bpo-38673: In REPL mode, don’t switch to PS2 if the line starts with comment or whitespace. Based on work by Batuhan Taşkaya.
bpo-38922: Calling
on a code object now raises thecode.__new__
audit event.bpo-38920: Add audit hooks for when
are invoked.bpo-38892: Improve documentation for audit events table and functions.
bpo-38852: Set the thread stack size to 8 Mb for debug builds on android platforms.
bpo-38858: Each Python subinterpreter now has its own “small integer singletons”: numbers in [-5; 257] range. It is no longer possible to change the number of small integers at build time by overriding
macros: macros should now be modified manually inpycore_pystate.h
header file.bpo-36854: The garbage collector state becomes per interpreter (
), rather than being global (_PyRuntimeState.gc
).bpo-38835: The
macros are empty: they have been doing nothing for the last year, so stop using them.bpo-38328: Sped up the creation time of constant
displays. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-38707:
is now correctly reset in child processes spawned usingmultiprocessing.Process
, instead of retaining the parent’s value.bpo-38629: Added
methods to float object. Patch by Batuhan Taşkaya.bpo-27145: int + int and int - int operators can now return small integer singletons. Patch by hongweipeng.
bpo-38021: Provide a platform tag for AIX that is sufficient for PEP425 binary distribution identification. Patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-35409: Ignore GeneratorExit exceptions when throwing an exception into the aclose coroutine of an asynchronous generator.
bpo-33387: Removed WITH_CLEANUP_START, WITH_CLEANUP_FINISH, BEGIN_FINALLY, END_FINALLY, CALL_FINALLY and POP_FINALLY bytecodes. Replaced with RERAISE and WITH_EXCEPT_START bytecodes. The compiler now generates different code for exceptional and non-exceptional branches for ‘with’ and ‘try-except’ statements. For ‘try-finally’ statements the ‘finally’ block is replicated for each exit from the ‘try’ body.
bpo-39033: Fix
. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-39022: Update importlib.metadata to include improvements from importlib_metadata 1.3 including better serialization of EntryPoints and improved documentation for custom finders.
bpo-39006: Fix asyncio when the ssl module is missing: only check for ssl.SSLSocket instance if the ssl module is available.
bpo-38708: Fix a potential IndexError in email parser when parsing an empty msg-id.
bpo-38698: Add a new
token to email parser to represent invalid Message-ID headers. Also, add defects when there is remaining value after parsing the header.bpo-38994: Implement
.bpo-38979: Return class from
to simplify subclassing.bpo-38978: Implement
on asyncio objects (Future, Task, Queue). Patch by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-38916:
: Removetostring()
methods. They were aliases totobytes()
, deprecated since Python 3.2.bpo-38986: Make repr of C accelerated TaskWakeupMethWrapper the same as of pure Python version.
bpo-38982: Fix asyncio
: handlewaitpid()
error. Ifwaitpid()
is called elsewhere,waitpid()
call fails withChildProcessError
: use return code 255 in this case, and log a warning. It ensures that the pidfd file descriptor is closed if this error occurs.bpo-38529: Drop too noisy asyncio warning about deletion of a stream without explicit
call.bpo-27413: Added ability to pass through
options to json.dumps in thejson.tool
command-line interface.bpo-38634: The
module now detects if Python is linked to libedit at runtime on all platforms. Previously, the check was only done on macOS.bpo-33684: Fix
failed to read a JSON file with non-ASCII characters when locale encoding is not UTF-8.bpo-38698: Prevent UnboundLocalError to pop up in parse_message_id.
parse_message_id() was improperly using a token defined inside an exception handler, which was raising
on parsing an invalid value. Patch by Claudiu Popa.bpo-38927: Use
python -m pip
instead ofpip
to upgrade dependencies in venv.bpo-26730: Fix
might corrupt the file when it is in text mode. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-38881: random.choices() now raises a ValueError when all the weights are zero.
bpo-38876: Raise pickle.UnpicklingError when loading an item from memo for invalid input.
The previous code was raising a
for both the Python and C implementation. This was caused by the specified index of an invalid input which did not exist in the memo structure, where the pickle stores what objects it has seen. The malformed input would have caused either aBINGET
load from the memo, leading to aKeyError
as the determined index was bogus. Patch by Claudiu Popa.bpo-38688: Calling func:
to copy a directory tree from one directory to another subdirectory resulted in an endless loop and a RecursionError. A fix was added to consume an iterator and create the list of the entries to be copied, avoiding the recursion for newly created directories. Patch by Bruno P. Kinoshita.bpo-38863: Improve
function inhttp.server
, which enables processing the case that cgi directory is a child of another directory other than root.bpo-37838:
properly handles functions decorated withfunctools.wraps()
.bpo-38870: Expose
as a function of theast
module that can be used to unparse anast.AST
object and produce a string with code that would produce an equivalentast.AST
object when parsed. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-38859: AsyncMock now returns StopAsyncIteration on the exhaustion of a side_effects iterable. Since PEP-479 its Impossible to raise a StopIteration exception from a coroutine.
bpo-38857: AsyncMock fix for return values that are awaitable types. This also covers side_effect iterable values that happened to be awaitable, and wraps callables that return an awaitable type. Before these awaitables were being awaited instead of being returned as is.
subclasses now track which keys are optional using the__required_keys__
attributes, to enable runtime validation by downstream projects. Patch by Zac Hatfield-Dodds.bpo-38821: Fix unhandled exceptions in
when internationalizing error messages for arguments withnargs
set to special (non-integer) values. Patch by Federico Bond.bpo-38820: Make Python compatible with OpenSSL 3.0.0.
no longer returns IPv6 addresses with a trailing new line.bpo-38811: Fix an unhandled exception in
is missing. Patch by Toke Høiland-Jørgensen.bpo-38686: Added support for multiple
values inurllib.request.AbstractDigestAuthHandler
.bpo-38712: Add the Linux-specific
function, which allows sending a signal to a process identified by a file descriptor rather than a pid.bpo-38348: Add
(indentation level), and--no-type-comments
(type comments) command line options to ast parsing tool.bpo-37523: Change
to raiseValueError
when trying to access the underlying file object after it has been closed. This new behavior is consistent with how accessing closed files is handled in other parts of Python.bpo-38045: Improve the performance of
. Patch by hongweipeng.bpo-36820: Break cycle generated when saving an exception in, and as they keep alive not only the exception but user objects through the
attribute. Patch by Mario Corchero.bpo-36406: Handle namespace packages in
. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-34776: Fix dataclasses to support forward references in type annotations
bpo-20928: ElementTree supports recursive XInclude processing. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-29636: Add whitespace options for formatting JSON with the
CLI. The following mutually exclusive options are now supported:--indent
for setting the indent level in spaces;--tab
for indenting with tabs;--no-indent
for suppressing newlines; and--compact
for suppressing all whitespace. The default behavior remains the same as--indent=4
bpo-38928: Correct when venv’s
are added.bpo-38899: Update documentation to state that to activate virtual environments under fish one should use
, not.
as documented at Improves documentation of the values that
accepts for%Z
. Patch by Karl Dubost.
bpo-38546: Fix test_ressources_gced_in_workers() of test_concurrent_futures: explicitly stop the manager to prevent leaking a child process running in the background after the test completes.
bpo-38546: Multiprocessing and concurrent.futures tests now stop the resource tracker process when tests complete.
bpo-38614: Replace hardcoded timeout constants in tests with new
. It becomes easier to adjust these four timeout constants for all tests at once, rather than having to adjust every single test file.bpo-38547: Fix test_pty: if the process is the session leader, closing the master file descriptor raises a SIGHUP signal: simply ignore SIGHUP when running the tests.
bpo-38992: Fix a test for
that was failing due to constant folding.bpo-38991:
functions no longer strip whitespaces from stderr.
function.bpo-38965: Fix test_faulthandler on GCC 10. Use the “volatile” keyword in
to prevent tail call optimization on any compiler, rather than relying on compiler specific pragma.bpo-38875: test_capi: trashcan tests now require the test “cpu” resource.
bpo-38841: Skip asyncio test_create_datagram_endpoint_existing_sock_unix on platforms lacking a functional bind() for named unix domain sockets.
bpo-38692: Skip the test_posix.test_pidfd_open() test if
fails with aPermissionError
. This situation can happen in a Linux sandbox using a syscall whitelist which doesn’t allow thepidfd_open()
syscall yet.bpo-38839: Fix some unused functions in tests. Patch by Adam Johnson.
bpo-38669: Raise
when passing target as a string withunittest.mock.patch.object()
.bpo-37957: test.regrtest now can receive a list of test patterns to ignore (using the -i/–ignore argument) or a file with a list of patterns to ignore (using the –ignore-file argument). Patch by Pablo Galindo.
now raisesTypeError
when calling incompatible methods with anssl.SSLSocket
socket. Patch by Ido Michael.bpo-36500: Added an optional “regen” project to the Visual Studio solution that will regenerate all grammar, tokens, and opcodes.
bpo-37931: Fixed a crash on OSX dynamic builds that occurred when re-initializing the posix module after a Py_Finalize if the environment had changed since the previous
import posix
. Patch by Benoît Hudson.
bpo-38944: Escape key now closes IDLE completion windows. Patch by Johnny Najera.
bpo-38943: Fix IDLE autocomplete windows not always appearing on some systems. Patch by Johnny Najera.
bpo-38862: ‘Strip Trailing Whitespace’ on the Format menu removes extra newlines at the end of non-shell files.
bpo-38636: Fix IDLE Format menu tab toggle and file indent width. These functions (default shortcuts Alt-T and Alt-U) were mistakenly disabled in 3.7.5 and 3.8.0.
bpo-38896: Remove
function: the Unicode free list has been removed in Python 3.3.bpo-37340: Remove
functions: the free lists of bound method objects have been removed.bpo-38835: Exclude
macros ofpyfpe.h
(stable API).
Python 3.9.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-11-19
now usesio.open_code()
to open code files. Patch by Jason Killen.bpo-38622: Add additional audit events for the
module.bpo-38418: Fixes audit event for
to be namedos.system
.bpo-38243: Escape the server title of
when rendering the document page as HTML. (Contributed by Donghee Na in bpo-38243.)bpo-38174: Update vendorized expat library version to 2.2.8, which resolves CVE 2019-15903.
bpo-37764: Fixes email._header_value_parser.get_unstructured going into an infinite loop for a specific case in which the email header does not have trailing whitespace, and the case in which it contains an invalid encoded word. Patch by Ashwin Ramaswami.
bpo-37461: Fix an infinite loop when parsing specially crafted email headers. Patch by Abhilash Raj.
bpo-37363: Adds audit events for the range of supported run commands (see Linha de comando e ambiente).
bpo-37463: ssl.match_hostname() no longer accepts IPv4 addresses with additional text after the address and only quad-dotted notation without trailing whitespaces. Some inet_aton() implementations ignore whitespace and all data after whitespace, e.g. ‘ whatever’.
bpo-37363: Adds audit events for
, as well asos.listdir()
is now used when reading.pth
files.bpo-34631: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1c in Windows installer
bpo-34155: Fix parsing of invalid email addresses with more than one
(e.g. to not return the part before 2nd@
as valid email address. Patch by maxking & jpic.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-38631: Replace
call with a regularRuntimeError
exception infloat.__getformat__()
.bpo-38639: Optimized
for floats.bpo-38640: Fixed a bug in the compiler that was causing to raise in the presence of break statements and continue statements inside always false while loops. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-38613: Optimized some set operations (e.g.
, and-
) ofdict_keys
.d.keys() | other
was slower thanset(d) | other
but they are almost same performance for now.bpo-28029:
"".replace("", s, n)
now returnss
instead of an empty string for all non-zeron
. There are similar changes forbytes
objects.bpo-38535: Fixed line numbers and column offsets for AST nodes for calls without arguments in decorators.
bpo-38525: Fix a segmentation fault when using reverse iterators of empty
objects. Patch by Donghee Na and Inada Naoki.bpo-38465:
objects allow now to export more than2**31
buffers at a time.bpo-38469: Fixed a bug where the scope of named expressions was not being resolved correctly in the presence of the global keyword. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-38437: Activate the
macro for debug builds of the interpreter (whenPy_DEBUG
is set). Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-38379: When the garbage collector makes a collection in which some objects resurrect (they are reachable from outside the isolated cycles after the finalizers have been executed), do not block the collection of all objects that are still unreachable. Patch by Pablo Galindo and Tim Peters.
bpo-38379: When cyclic garbage collection (gc) runs finalizers that resurrect unreachable objects, the current gc run ends, without collecting any cyclic trash. However, the statistics reported by
claimed that all cyclic trash found was collected, and that the resurrected objects were collected. Changed the stats to report that none were collected.bpo-38392: In debug mode,
now callstp_traverse()
of the object type to ensure that the object is valid: test that objects visited bytp_traverse()
are valid.bpo-38210: Remove unnecessary intersection and update set operation in dictview with empty set. (Contributed by Donghee Na in bpo-38210.)
bpo-38402: Check the error from the system’s underlying
.bpo-37474: On FreeBSD, Python no longer calls
at startup to control the floating-point control mode. The call became useless since FreeBSD 6: it became the default mode.bpo-38006: Fix a bug due to the interaction of weakrefs and the cyclic garbage collector. We must clear any weakrefs in garbage in order to prevent their callbacks from executing and causing a crash.
bpo-38317: Fix warnings options priority:
has the highest priority, as stated in the PEP 587.bpo-38310: Predict
opcode pairs in the main interpreter loop. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-36871: Improve error handling for the assert_has_calls and assert_has_awaits methods of mocks. Fixed a bug where any errors encountered while binding the expected calls to the mock’s spec were silently swallowed, leading to misleading error output.
bpo-11410: Better control over symbol visibility is provided through use of the visibility attributes available in gcc >= 4.0, provided in a uniform way across POSIX and Windows. The POSIX build files have been updated to compile with -fvisibility=hidden, minimising exported symbols.
bpo-38219: Optimized the
constructor and theupdate()
method for the case when the argument is a dict.bpo-38236: Python now dumps path configuration if it fails to import the Python codecs of the filesystem and stdio encodings.
bpo-38013: Allow to call
even for non-started async generator helper. It fixes annoying warning at the end
call.bpo-38124: Fix an off-by-one error in PyState_AddModule that could cause out-of-bounds memory access.
bpo-38116: The select module is now PEP-384 compliant and no longer has static state
bpo-38113: ast module updated to PEP-384 and all statics removed
bpo-38076: The struct module is now PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38075: The random module is now PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38074: zlib module made PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38073: Make pwd extension module PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38072: grp module made PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38069: Make _posixsubprocess PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38071: Make termios extension module PEP-384 compatible
bpo-38005: Fixed comparing and creating of InterpreterID and ChannelID.
bpo-36946: Fix possible signed integer overflow when handling slices. Patch by hongweipeng.
bpo-37994: Fixed silencing arbitrary errors if an attribute lookup fails in several sites. Only AttributeError should be silenced.
bpo-8425: Optimize set difference_update for the case when the other set is much larger than the base set. (Suggested by Evgeny Kapun with code contributed by Michele Orrù).
bpo-37966: The implementation of
has been greatly sped up on strings that aren’t normalized, by implementing the full normalization-quick-check algorithm from the Unicode standard.bpo-37947: Adjust correctly the recursion level in the symtable generation for named expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-37812: The
macro used insideObject/longobject.c
has been replaced with an explicitreturn
at each call site.bpo-37751: Fix
to normalize the encoding name the same way thanencodings.normalize_encoding()
, except thatcodecs.lookup()
also converts the name to lower case.bpo-37830: Fixed compilation of
in thefinally
block when the correspondingtry
block containsreturn
with a non-constant value.bpo-20490: Improve import error message for partially initialized module on circular
imports - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-37840: Fix handling of negative indices in
. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-37802: Slightly improve performance of
. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-37409: Ensure explicit relative imports from interactive sessions and scripts (having no parent package) always raise ImportError, rather than treating the current module as the package. Patch by Ben Lewis.
bpo-32912: Reverted bpo-32912: emitting
instead ofDeprecationWarning
for invalid escape sequences in string and bytes literals.bpo-37757: PEP 572: As described in the PEP, assignment expressions now raise
when their interaction with comprehension scoping results in an ambiguous target scope.The
subclass originally proposed by the PEP has been removed in favour of just raising regular syntax errors for the disallowed cases.bpo-36279: Fix potential use of uninitialized memory in
.bpo-36311: Decoding bytes objects larger than 2GiB is faster and no longer fails when a multibyte characters spans a chunk boundary.
bpo-34880: The
statement now works properly if theAssertionError
exception is being shadowed. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-37340: Removed object cache (
) for bound method objects. Temporary bound method objects are less used than before thanks to theLOAD_METHOD
opcode and the_PyObject_VectorcallMethod
C API.bpo-37648: Fixed minor inconsistency in
and a few other places. The collection’s item is now always at the left and the needle is on the right of==
.bpo-37444: Update differing exception between
.bpo-37619: When adding a wrapper descriptor from one class to a different class (for example, setting
__add__ = str.__add__
on anint
subclass), an exception is correctly raised when the operator is called.bpo-37593: Swap the positions of the posonlyargs and args parameters in the constructor of
nodes.bpo-37543: Optimized pymalloc for non PGO build.
bpo-37537: Compute allocated pymalloc blocks inside _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks(). This slows down _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks() but gives a small speedup to _PyObject_Malloc() and _PyObject_Free().
bpo-37467: Fix
if a filename is a bytes string. For example, for a SyntaxError exception where the filename attribute is a bytes string.bpo-37433: Fix
indicator printing too many spaces for multi-line strings - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-37417:
now correctly handles errors that arise during iteration. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-37414: The undocumented
function has been removed. Since Python 3.7, it was deprecated and always returnedNone
. It required a special build optionCALL_PROFILE
which was already removed in Python 3.7.bpo-37392: Remove
functions. They were deprecated since Python 3.2. Usesys.getswitchinterval()
instead. Remove alsocheck_interval
field of thePyInterpreterState
structure.bpo-37388: In development mode and in debug build, encoding and errors arguments are now checked on string encoding and decoding operations. Examples:
.By default, for best performances, the errors argument is only checked at the first encoding/decoding error, and the encoding argument is sometimes ignored for empty strings.
bpo-37348: Optimized decoding short ASCII string with UTF-8 and ascii codecs.
is about 15% faster. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-24214: Improved support of the surrogatepass error handler in the UTF-8 and UTF-16 incremental decoders.
no longer accept'U'
(“universal newline”) in the file mode. This flag was deprecated since Python 3.3.bpo-35224: Reverse evaluation order of key: value in dict comprehensions as proposed in PEP 572. I.e. in
{k: v for ...}
will be evaluated beforev
.bpo-37316: Fix the
call inmmap.mmap
.bpo-37300: Remove an unnecessary Py_XINCREF in classobject.c.
bpo-37269: Fix a bug in the peephole optimizer that was not treating correctly constant conditions with binary operators. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-20443: Python now gets the absolute path of the script filename specified on the command line (ex: “python3”): the __file__ attribute of the __main__ module and sys.path[0] become an absolute path, rather than a relative path.
bpo-37257: Python’s small object allocator (
) now allows (no more than) one empty arena to remain available for immediate reuse, without returning it to the OS. This prevents thrashing in simple loops where an arena could be created and destroyed anew on each iteration.bpo-37231: The dispatching of type slots to special methods (for example calling
when doingx * y
) has been made faster.bpo-36974: Implemented separate vectorcall functions for every calling convention of builtin functions and methods. This improves performance for calls.
bpo-37213: Handle correctly negative line offsets in the peephole optimizer. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-37219: Remove erroneous optimization for empty set differences.
bpo-15913: Implement
function (previously documented but not implemented): callstruct.calcsize()
. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-36922: Slot functions optimize any callable with
instead of only instances offunction
.bpo-36974: The slot
is inherited unconditionally to supportsuper().__call__()
when the base class uses vectorcall.bpo-37160:
now also supports NetBSD.bpo-37077: Add
support for AIX. Patch by M. Feltbpo-34556: Add
to venv module. Patch by Cooper Ry Leesbpo-20523:
supports ~/.pdbrc in Windows 7. Patch by Tim Hopper and Dan Lidral-Porter.bpo-35551: Updated encodings: - Removed the “tis260” encoding, which was an alias for the nonexistent “tactis” codec. - Added “mac_centeuro” as an alias for the mac_latin2 encoding.
bpo-19072: The
decorator can now wrap other descriptors such as property objects. Adapted from a patch written by Graham Dumpleton.bpo-27575: Improve speed of dictview intersection by directly using set intersection logic. Patch by David Su.
bpo-30773: Prohibit parallel running of aclose() / asend() / athrow(). Fix ag_running to reflect the actual running status of the AG.
bpo-36589: The
function now returnsNone
instead of1
on success.bpo-38807: Update
messages foros.path.join()
to includeos.PathLike
objects as acceptable input types.bpo-38724: Add a repr for
objects. Patch by Andrey Doroschenko.bpo-38786: pydoc now recognizes and parses HTTPS URLs. Patch by python273.
bpo-38785: Prevent asyncio from crashing if parent
is not called from a constructor of object derived fromasyncio.Future
now usesio.open_code()
to trigger auditing events.bpo-27805: Allow opening pipes and other non-seekable files in append mode with
.bpo-38438: Simplify the
usage message fornargs="*"
.bpo-38761: WeakSet is now registered as a
bpo-38716: logging: change RotatingHandler namer and rotator to class-level attributes. This stops __init__ from setting them to None in the case where a subclass defines them with eponymous methods.
bpo-38713: Add
constant, which may be passed toos.waitid()
to wait on a Linux process file descriptor.bpo-38692: Add
, a Linux-specific child watcher implementation that polls process file descriptors.bpo-38692: Expose the Linux
syscall asos.pidfd_open()
.bpo-38602: Added constants
to thefcntl
module. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38334: Fixed seeking backward on an encrypted
.bpo-38312: Add
, andcurses.set_tabsize()
functions - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-38586: Now
correctly sets the .name of handlers loaded.bpo-38565: Add new cache_parameters() method for functools.lru_cache() to better support pickling.
bpo-34679: asynci.ProactorEventLoop.close() now only calls signal.set_wakeup_fd() in the main thread.
bpo-31202: The case the result of
matches now the case of the pattern for literal parts.bpo-36321: Remove misspelled attribute. The 3.8 changelog noted that this would be removed in 3.9.
bpo-38521: Fixed erroneous equality comparison in statistics.NormalDist().
bpo-38493: Added
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38478: Fixed a bug in
that was causing it to fail when handling a keyword argument with same name as positional-only parameter. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-33604: Fixed
to raise TypeError instead of ValueError when the digestmod parameter, now required in 3.8, is omitted. Also clarified the hmac module documentation and docstrings.bpo-38378: Parameters out and in of
was renamed to out_fd and in_fd.bpo-38417: Added support for setting the umask in the child process to the subprocess module on POSIX systems.
bpo-38449: Revert PR 15522, which introduces a regression in
due to improper handling of filenames as urls.bpo-38431: Fix
method fordataclasses.InitVar
to support typing objects, patch by Samuel Colvin.bpo-38109: Add missing
, andstat.S_ISWHT()
values to the Python implementation ofstat
.bpo-38422: Clarify docstrings of pathlib suffix(es)
bpo-38405: Nested subclasses of
are now pickleable.bpo-38332: Prevent
thrown by_encoded_words.decode()
when given an encoded-word with invalid content-type encoding from propagating all the way toemail.message.get()
.bpo-38371: Deprecated the
method in_tkinter.TkappType
in favour of thesplitlist()
method which has more consistent and predictable behavior.bpo-38341: Add
to thesmtplib
exported names.bpo-38319: sendfile() used in socket and shutil modules was raising OverflowError for files >= 2GiB on 32-bit architectures. (patch by Giampaolo Rodola)
bpo-38242: Revert the new asyncio Streams API
bpo-13153: OS native encoding is now used for converting between Python strings and Tcl objects. This allows to display, copy and paste to clipboard emoji and other non-BMP characters. Converting strings from Tcl to Python and back now never fails (except MemoryError).
bpo-38019: Correctly handle pause/resume reading of closed asyncio unix pipe.
bpo-38163: Child mocks will now detect their type as either synchronous or asynchronous, asynchronous child mocks will be AsyncMocks and synchronous child mocks will be either MagicMock or Mock (depending on their parent type).
bpo-38161: Removes _AwaitEvent from AsyncMock.
bpo-38216: Allow the rare code that wants to send invalid http requests from the
library a way to do so. The fixes for bpo-30458 led to breakage for some projects that were relying on this ability to test their own behavior in the face of bad requests.bpo-28286: Deprecate opening
for writing implicitly. Always specify the mode argument for writing.bpo-38108: Any synchronous magic methods on an AsyncMock now return a MagicMock. Any asynchronous magic methods on a MagicMock now return an AsyncMock.
bpo-38265: Update the length parameter of
to acceptPy_ssize_t
instead of int.bpo-38112:
has a higher default recursion limit and new command-line arguments for path manipulation, symlinks handling, and multiple optimization levels.bpo-38248: asyncio: Fix inconsistent immediate Task cancellation
bpo-38237: The arguments for the builtin pow function are more descriptive. They can now also be passed in as keywords.
bpo-34002: Improve efficiency in parts of email package by changing while-pop to a for loop, using isdisjoint instead of set intersections.
bpo-38191: Constructors of
types now accept arbitrary keyword argument names, including “cls”, “self”, “typename”, “_typename”, “fields” and “_fields”.bpo-38185: Fixed case-insensitive string comparison in
indexing.bpo-38136: Changes AsyncMock call count and await count to be two different counters. Now await count only counts when a coroutine has been awaited, not when it has been called, and vice-versa. Update the documentation around this.
bpo-37828: Fix default mock name in
exceptions. Patch by Abraham Toriz Cruz.bpo-38175: Fix a memory leak in comparison of
objects.bpo-33936: _hashlib no longer calls obsolete OpenSSL initialization function with OpenSSL 1.1.0+.
bpo-34706: Preserve subclassing in inspect.Signature.from_callable.
bpo-38153: Names of hashing algorithms from OpenSSL are now normalized to follow Python’s naming conventions. For example OpenSSL uses sha3-512 instead of sha3_512 or blake2b512 instead of blake2b.
bpo-38115: Fix a bug in dis.findlinestarts() where it would return invalid bytecode offsets. Document that a code object’s co_lnotab can contain invalid bytecode offsets.
bpo-38148: Add slots to
transport classes, which can reduce memory usage.bpo-38142: The _hashlib OpenSSL wrapper extension module is now PEP-384 compliant.
bpo-9216: hashlib constructors now support usedforsecurity flag to signal that a hashing algorithm is not used in a security context.
bpo-36991: Fixes a potential incorrect AttributeError exception escaping ZipFile.extract() in some unsupported input error situations.
bpo-38134: Remove obsolete copy of PBKDF2_HMAC_fast. All supported OpenSSL versions contain a fast implementation.
bpo-38132: The OpenSSL hashlib wrapper uses a simpler implementation. Several Macros and pointless caches are gone. The hash name now comes from OpenSSL’s EVP. The algorithm name stays the same, except it is now always lower case.
bpo-38008: Fix parent class check in protocols to correctly identify the module that provides a builtin protocol, instead of assuming they all come from the
modulebpo-34037: For
, add a new coroutineloop.shutdown_default_executor()
. The new coroutine provides an API to schedule an executor shutdown that waits on the threadpool to finish closing. Also,
has been updated to utilize the new coroutine. Patch by Kyle Stanley.bpo-37405: Fixed regression bug for socket.getsockname() for non-CAN_ISOTP AF_CAN address family sockets by returning a 1-tuple instead of string.
bpo-38121: Update parameter names on functions in importlib.metadata matching the changes in the 0.22 release of importlib_metadata.
bpo-38110: The os.closewalk() implementation now uses the libc fdwalk() API on platforms where it is available.
bpo-38093: Fixes AsyncMock so it doesn’t crash when used with AsyncContextManagers or AsyncIterators.
bpo-37488: Add warning to
.bpo-35640: Allow passing a path-like object as
argument to thehttp.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
class. Patch by Géry Ogam.bpo-38086: Update importlib.metadata with changes from importlib_metadata 0.21.
bpo-37251: Remove
check in AsyncMock that incorrectly evaluated function specs as async objects but failed to evaluate classes with__await__
but no__code__
attribute defined as async objects.bpo-38066: Hide internal asyncio.Stream methods: feed_eof(), feed_data(), set_exception() and set_transport().
bpo-38059: now uses sys.exit() instead of exit()
bpo-37953: In
, improved the__hash__
methods forForwardReferences
.bpo-38026: Fixed
while it should avoid dynamic lookup.bpo-35923: Update
to useloader._ORIGIN
instead of a hardcoded value. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-38010: In
sync withimportlib_metadata
0.20, clarifying behavior offiles()
and fixing issue where only one requirement was returned forrequires()
packages.bpo-38006: weakref.WeakValueDictionary defines a local remove() function used as callback for weak references. This function was created with a closure. Modify the implementation to avoid the closure.
bpo-37995: Added the indent option to
which allows it to produce a multiline indented output.bpo-34410: Fixed a crash in the
iterator when re-enter it. RuntimeError is now raised in this case.bpo-37140: Fix a ctypes regression of Python 3.8. When a ctypes.Structure is passed by copy to a function, ctypes internals created a temporary object which had the side effect of calling the structure finalizer (__del__) twice. The Python semantics requires a finalizer to be called exactly once. Fix ctypes internals to no longer call the finalizer twice.
is now up to 3x faster when there are many backslash escaped characters in the JSON string.bpo-37834: Prevent shutil.rmtree exception when built on non-Windows system without fd system call support, like older versions of macOS.
bpo-10978: Semaphores and BoundedSemaphores can now release more than one waiting thread at a time.
bpo-37972: Subscripts to the
objects now receive the same chaining mechanism as any other custom attributes, so that the following usage no longer raises aTypeError
Patch by blhsing
bpo-37965: Fix C compiler warning caused by distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.has_function.
of buffered and text streams now silences only expected exceptions when get the value of “name” and “mode” attributes.bpo-37961: Add a
field to the traces collected by the tracemalloc module. This field indicates the original number of frames before it was truncated.bpo-37951: Most features of the subprocess module now work again in subinterpreters. Only preexec_fn is restricted in subinterpreters.
bpo-36205: Fix the rusage implementation of time.process_time() to correctly report the sum of the system and user CPU time.
bpo-37950: Fix
when call with incompletely initialized node.bpo-34679: Restores instantiation of Windows IOCP event loops from the non-main thread.
bpo-36917: Add default implementation of the
method which emits a deprecation warning and calls corresponding methodsvisit_Num()
, etc.bpo-37798: Update to verify that the statistics module works well for both C and Python implementations. Patch by Donghee Na
bpo-26589: Added a new status code to the http module: 451 UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS
bpo-37915: Fix a segmentation fault that appeared when comparing instances of
objects. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-32554: Deprecate having random.seed() call hash on arbitrary types.
bpo-9938: Add optional keyword argument
.bpo-37851: The
module no longer allocates its alternative stack at Python startup. Now the stack is only allocated at the first faulthandler usage.bpo-32793: Fix a duplicated debug message when
is called.bpo-37885: venv: Don’t generate unset variable warning on deactivate.
bpo-37868: Fix dataclasses.is_dataclass when given an instance that never raises AttributeError in __getattr__. That is, an object that returns something for __dataclass_fields__ even if it’s not a dataclass.
bpo-37811: Fix
function being unable to establish connection in case of interrupted system call. The problem was observed on all OSes whichpoll(2)
system call can take only non-negative integers and -1 as a timeout value.bpo-37863: Optimizations for Fraction.__hash__ suggested by Tim Peters.
bpo-21131: Fix
stack. faulthandler now allocates a dedicated stack ofSIGSTKSZ*2
bytes, instead of justSIGSTKSZ
bytes. Calling the previous signal handler in faulthandler signal handler uses more thanSIGSTKSZ
bytes of stack memory on some platforms.bpo-37798: Add C fastpath for statistics.NormalDist.inv_cdf() Patch by Donghee Na
bpo-37804: Remove the deprecated method
. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-37819: Add Fraction.as_integer_ratio() to match the corresponding methods in bool, int, float, and decimal.
bpo-14465: Add an xml.etree.ElementTree.indent() function for pretty-printing XML trees. Contributed by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-37810: Fix
hint in diff output when dealing with tabs. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-37772: In
, when adding implicit dirs, ensure that ancestral directories are added and that duplicates are excluded.bpo-18578: Renamed and documented
. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-34488:
method ofio.BytesIO
is now slightly faster when many small lines are passed. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-37449:
now usesimportlib.resources.read_binary()
to read data instead ofpkgutil.get_data()
. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-28292: Mark helper functions as being private. The follows PEP 8 guidance to maintain the style conventions in the module and it addresses a known case of user confusion.
bpo-18049: Add definition of THREAD_STACK_SIZE for AIX in Python/thread_pthread.h The default thread stacksize caused crashes with the default recursion limit Patch by M Felt
bpo-37742: The logging.getLogger() API now returns the root logger when passed the name ‘root’, whereas previously it returned a non-root logger named ‘root’. This could affect cases where user code explicitly wants a non-root logger named ‘root’, or instantiates a logger using logging.getLogger(__name__) in some top-level module called ‘’.
bpo-37738: Fix the implementation of curses
addch(str, color_pair)
: pass the color pair tosetcchar()
, instead of always passing 0 as the color pair.bpo-37723: Fix performance regression on regular expression parsing with huge character sets. Patch by Yann Vaginay.
bpo-35943: The function
now ensures any module it returns is fully initialized. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-32178: Fix IndexError in
package when trying to parse invalid address fields starting with:
.bpo-37268: The
module is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Python.bpo-37685: Fixed comparisons of
.bpo-37697: Synchronize
with importlib_metadata 0.19, improving handling of EGG-INFO files and fixing a crash when entry point names contained colons.bpo-37695: Correct
error message. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-37689: Add
to determine whether or not one path is relative to another.bpo-29553: Fixed
for mutually exclusive groups. Patch by Andrew Nester.bpo-37691: Let math.dist() accept coordinates as sequences (or iterables) rather than just tuples.
bpo-37685: Fixed
etc implementations in some classes. They now returnNotImplemented
for unsupported type of the other operand. This allows the other operand to play role (for example the equality comparison withANY
will returnTrue
).bpo-37354: Make Activate.ps1 Powershell script static to allow for signing it.
bpo-37664: Update wheels bundled with ensurepip (pip 19.2.3 and setuptools 41.2.0)
bpo-37663: Bring consistency to venv shell activation scripts by always using __VENV_PROMPT__.
bpo-37642: Allowed the pure Python implementation of
to represent sub-minute offsets close to minimum and maximum boundaries, specifically in the ranges (23:59, 24:00) and (-23:59, 24:00). Patch by Ngalim Siregarbpo-36161: In
, usettyname_r
instead ofttyname
for thread safety.bpo-36324: Make internal attributes for statistics.NormalDist() private.
bpo-37555: Fix
returning tuple instead of_Call
object whenself._spec_signature
exists. Patch by Elizabeth Useltonbpo-29446: Make
from tkinter import *
import only the expected objects.bpo-16970: Adding a value error when an invalid value in passed to nargs Patch by Robert Leenders
bpo-34443: Exceptions from
now use the__qualname
of the enum class in the exception message instead of the__name__
.bpo-37491: Fix
when parsing email headers with unexpectedly ending bare-quoted string value. Patch by Abhilash Raj.bpo-37587: Make json.loads faster for long strings. (Patch by Marco Paolini)
bpo-18378: Recognize “UTF-8” as a valid value for LC_CTYPE in locale._parse_localename.
bpo-37579: Return
in Python implementation of__eq__
when the other object being compared is not of the same type to match C implementation. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-21478: Record calls to parent when autospecced object is attached to a mock using
. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-37531: “python3 -m test -jN –timeout=TIMEOUT” now kills a worker process if it runs longer than TIMEOUT seconds.
bpo-37482: Fix serialization of display name in originator or destination address fields with both encoded words and special chars.
bpo-36993: Improve error reporting for corrupt zip files with bad zip64 extra data. Patch by Daniel Hillier.
bpo-37502: pickle.loads() no longer raises TypeError when the buffers argument is set to None
bpo-37520: Correct behavior for zipfile.Path.parent when the path object identifies a subdirectory.
bpo-18374: Fix the
attribute of nestedast.BinOp
instances which had a too large value in some situations.bpo-37424: Fixes a possible hang when using a timeout on
while capturing output. If the child process spawned its own children or otherwise connected its stdout or stderr handles with another process, we could hang after the timeout was reached and our child was killed when attempting to read final output from the pipes.bpo-37421: Fix
finalizer: clear also the ‘tempdir’ configuration of the current process, so next call toget_temp_dir()
will create a new temporary directory, rather than reusing the removed temporary directory.bpo-37481: The distutils
command is deprecated in Python 3.8, usebdist_wheel
(wheel packages) instead.bpo-37479: When
is overridden in a derived class, the override will be used byEnum.__format__
regardless of whether mixin classes are present.bpo-37440: http.client now enables TLS 1.3 post-handshake authentication for default context or if a cert_file is passed to HTTPSConnection.
bpo-37437: Update vendorized expat version to 2.2.7.
bpo-37428: SSLContext.post_handshake_auth = True no longer sets SSL_VERIFY_POST_HANDSHAKE verify flag for client connections. Although the option is documented as ignored for clients, OpenSSL implicitly enables cert chain validation when the flag is set.
now correctly handles errors that arise during iteration over itsmask
argument. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-37412: The
function now uses the UTF-8 encoding on Windows, rather than the ANSI code page: see PEP 529 for the rationale. The function is no longer deprecated on Windows.bpo-37406: The sqlite3 module now raises TypeError, rather than ValueError, if operation argument type is not str: execute(), executemany() and calling a connection.
bpo-29412: Fix IndexError in parsing a header value ending unexpectedly. Patch by Abhilash Raj.
bpo-36546: The dist argument for statistics.quantiles() is now positional only. The current name doesn’t reflect that the argument can be either a dataset or a distribution. Marking the parameter as positional avoids confusion and makes it possible to change the name later.
bpo-37394: Fix a bug that was causing the
module to fail if the accelerator module was not available. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-37376:
now has support fortypes.SimpleNamespace
. Patch by Carl Bordum Hansen.bpo-26967: An
no longer disables grouping of short flags, such as-vv
, but only disables abbreviation of long flags as documented. Patch by Zac Hatfield-Dodds.bpo-37212:
now preserves the order of keyword arguments in repr output. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-37372: Fix error unpickling datetime.time objects from Python 2 with seconds>=24. Patch by Justin Blanchard.
bpo-37345: Add formal support for UDPLITE sockets. Support was present before, but it is now easier to detect support with
hasattr(socket, 'IPPROTO_UDPLITE')
and there are constants defined for each of the values needed:socket.IPPROTO_UDPLITE
. Patch by Gabe Appleton.bpo-37358: Optimized
by using vectorcall.bpo-37347:
methods lead to segfaults if some of these methods are called twice with an equal object but not the same. Now callbacks are stored more carefully. Patch by Aleksandr Balezin.bpo-37163: The obj argument of
is positional-only now.bpo-37085: Add the optional Linux SocketCAN Broadcast Manager constants, used as flags to configure the BCM behaviour, in the socket module. Patch by Karl Ding.
is removed. It was undocumented and deprecated since Python 3.4.bpo-37305: Add .webmanifest -> application/manifest+json to list of recognized file types and content type headers
, andwave.openfp()
have been removed. They were deprecated since Python 3.7.bpo-37315: Deprecated accepting floats with integral value (like
) inmath.factorial()
modules have been removed. These modules were deprecated since Python 3.7 which requires threading support.bpo-33972: Email with single part but content-type set to
doesn’t raise AttributeError anymore.bpo-37280: Use threadpool for reading from file for sendfile fallback mode.
bpo-37279: Fix asyncio sendfile support when sendfile sends extra data in fallback mode.
now also supports non-BMP characters on platforms with 16-bitwchar_t
(for example, Windows and AIX).bpo-37266: In a subinterpreter, spawning a daemon thread now raises an exception. Daemon threads were never supported in subinterpreters. Previously, the subinterpreter finalization crashed with a Python fatal error if a daemon thread was still running.
bpo-37210: Allow pure Python implementation of
to work even when the C_pickle
module is unavailable.bpo-21872: Fix
: module decompresses data incompletely. When decompressing a FORMAT_ALONE format file, and it doesn’t have the end marker, sometimes the last one to dozens bytes can’t be output. Patch by Ma Lin.bpo-35922: Fix
to returnNone
rather than raiseAttributeError
when no relevant rule is defined in the robots.txt file. Patch by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-35766: Change the format of feature_version to be a (major, minor) tuple.
bpo-36607: Eliminate
raised byasyncio.all_tasks()
if internal tasks weak set is changed by another thread during iteration.bpo-18748:
destructor now does nothing if getting theclosed
attribute fails to better mimic_io.IOBase
finalizer.bpo-36402: Fix a race condition at Python shutdown when waiting for threads. Wait until the Python thread state of all non-daemon threads get deleted (join all non-daemon threads), rather than just wait until non-daemon Python threads complete.
bpo-37206: Default values which cannot be represented as Python objects no longer improperly represented as
in function signatures.bpo-37111: Added
keyword parameters tologging.basicConfig
.bpo-12144: Ensure cookies with
attribute are handled inCookieJar.make_cookies()
.bpo-34886: Fix an unintended ValueError from
when checking for conflicting input and stdin or capture_output and stdout or stderr args when they were explicitly provided but withNone
values within a passed in**kwargs
dict rather than as passed directly by name. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-37173: The exception message for
now correctly reports the passed class rather than the builtins module.bpo-37178: Give math.perm() a one argument form that means the same as math.factorial().
bpo-37178: For math.perm(n, k), let k default to n, giving the same result as factorial.
bpo-37165: Converted _collections._count_elements to use the Argument Clinic.
bpo-34767: Do not always create a
.bpo-37158: Speed-up statistics.fmean() by switching from a function to a generator.
bpo-34282: Remove
method, deprecated in 3.8.bpo-37150:
now throws error, if someone accidentally pass FileType class object instead of instance of FileType astype
argument.bpo-28724: The socket module now has the
methods. Contributed by Joannah Nanjekye, Shinya Okano and Victor Stinner.bpo-35621: Support running asyncio subprocesses when execution event loop in a thread on UNIX.
bpo-36520: Lengthy email headers with UTF-8 characters are now properly encoded when they are folded. Patch by Jeffrey Kintscher.
bpo-30835: Fixed a bug in email parsing where a message with invalid bytes in content-transfer-encoding of a multipart message can cause an AttributeError. Patch by Andrew Donnellan.
bpo-31163: pathlib.Path instance’s rename and replace methods now return the new Path instance.
now lowercases the keys of the passed dictionary.bpo-26185: Fix
on emptyZipInfo
object. Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen.bpo-21315: Email headers containing RFC2047 encoded words are parsed despite the missing whitespace, and a defect registered. Also missing trailing whitespace after encoded words is now registered as a defect.
bpo-31904: Port test_datetime to VxWorks: skip zoneinfo tests on VxWorks
bpo-35805: Add parser for Message-ID header and add it to default HeaderRegistry. This should prevent folding of Message-ID using RFC 2048 encoded words.
bpo-36871: Ensure method signature is used instead of constructor signature of a class while asserting mock object against method calls. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
bpo-35070: posix.getgrouplist() now works correctly when the user belongs to NGROUPS_MAX supplemental groups. Patch by Jeffrey Kintscher.
bpo-31783: Fix race condition in ThreadPoolExecutor when worker threads are created during interpreter shutdown.
bpo-36582: Fix
to correctly returnbytes
rather than aUserString
instance.bpo-32424: Deprecate xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.copy() in favor of copy.copy().
Patch by Gordon P. Hemsley
bpo-36564: Fix infinite loop in email header folding logic that would be triggered when an email policy’s max_line_length is not long enough to include the required markup and any values in the message. Patch by Paul Ganssle
bpo-36543: Removed methods Element.getchildren(), Element.getiterator() and ElementTree.getiterator() and the xml.etree.cElementTree module.
bpo-36409: Remove the old plistlib API deprecated in Python 3.4
bpo-36302: distutils sorts source file lists so that Extension .so files build more reproducibly by default
bpo-36250: Ignore
in non-main thread.bpo-36046: Added
parameters to the subprocess.Popen constructor. Patch by Patrick McLean.bpo-32627: Fix compile error when
headers conflicting included.bpo-35800: Deprecate
ready for future removal.bpo-35168:
is now a read-only property.bpo-8538: Add support for boolean actions like
to argparse. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-20504: Fixes a bug in
module when a multipart/form-data request has noContent-Length
header.bpo-25988: The abstract base classes in
no longer are exposed in the regularcollections
module.bpo-11122: Distutils won’t check for rpmbuild in specified paths only.
bpo-34775: Division handling of PurePath now returns NotImplemented instead of raising a TypeError when passed something other than an instance of str or PurePath. Patch by Roger Aiudi.
is now up to 2 times faster. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-34519: Add additional aliases for HP Roman 8. Patch by Michael Osipov.
bpo-28009: Fix uuid.getnode() on platforms with ‘.’ as MAC Addr delimiter as well fix for MAC Addr format that omits a leading 0 in MAC Addr values. Currently, AIX is the only know platform with these settings. Patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-30618: Add
. Patch by Girts Folkmanis.bpo-32498: Made
accept bytes in addition to strings. Patch by Stein Karlsen.bpo-33348: lib2to3 now recognizes expressions after
like inf(*[] or [])
.bpo-32689: Update
function to allow for Path objects to be used as source argument. Patch by Emily Morehouse and Maxwell “5.13b” McKinnon.bpo-32820: Added
to IPv4 and IPv6 classes. Always outputs a fully zero-padded string. Supports b/x/n modifiers (bin/hex/native format). Native format for IPv4 is bin, native format for IPv6 is hex. Also supports ‘#’ and ‘_’ modifiers.bpo-27657: Fix urllib.parse.urlparse() with numeric paths. A string like “path:80” is no longer parsed as a path but as a scheme (“path”) and a path (“80”).
bpo-4963: Fixed non-deterministic behavior related to mimetypes extension mapping and module reinitialization.
bpo-21767: Explicitly mention abc support in functools.singledispatch
bpo-38816: Provides more details about the interaction between
and CPython’s runtime, focusing just on the C-API. This includes cautions about wherefork()
should and shouldn’t be called.bpo-38351: Modernize
examples from %-formatting to f-strings.bpo-38778: Document the fact that
is raised ifos.fork()
is called in a subinterpreter.bpo-38592: Add Brazilian Portuguese to the language switcher at Python Documentation website.
bpo-38294: Add list of no-longer-escaped chars to re.escape documentation
bpo-38053: Modernized the plistlib documentation
bpo-26868: Fix example usage of
to properly handle errors.bpo-36797: Fix a dead link in the distutils API Reference.
bpo-37977: Warn more strongly and clearly about pickle insecurity
bpo-37979: Added a link to dateutil.parser.isoparse in the datetime.fromisoformat documentation. Patch by Paul Ganssle
bpo-12707: Deprecate info(), geturl(), getcode() methods in favor of the headers, url, and status properties, respectively, for HTTPResponse and addinfourl. Also deprecate the code attribute of addinfourl in favor of the status attribute. Patch by Ashwin Ramaswami
bpo-37937: Mention
docs.bpo-37878: Make
Internal.bpo-37759: Beginning edits to Whatsnew 3.8
bpo-37726: Stop recommending getopt in the tutorial for command line argument parsing and promote argparse.
bpo-32910: Remove implementation-specific behaviour of how venv’s Deactivate works.
bpo-37256: Fix wording of arguments for
bpo-37284: Add a brief note to indicate that any new
required attributes must go through the PEP process.bpo-30088: Documented that
constructor doesn’t attempt to verify the maildir folder layout correctness. Patch by Sviatoslav Sydorenko.bpo-37521: Fix
examples to insert any newly created modules via importlib.util.module_from_spec() immediately into sys.modules instead of after calling loader.exec_module().Thanks to Benjamin Mintz for finding the bug.
bpo-37456: Slash (‘/’) is now part of syntax.
bpo-37487: Fix PyList_GetItem index description to include 0.
bpo-37149: Replace the dead link to the Tkinter 8.5 reference by John Shipman, New Mexico Tech, with a link to the copy.
bpo-37478: Added possible exceptions to the description of os.chdir().
bpo-34903: Documented that in
, the leading zero in some two-digit formats is optional. Patch by Mike Gleen.bpo-36260: Add decompression pitfalls to zipfile module documentation.
bpo-37004: In the documentation for difflib, a note was added explicitly warning that the results of SequenceMatcher’s ratio method may depend on the order of the input strings.
bpo-36960: Restructured the
docs in the interest of making them more user-friendly and improving readability. Patch by Brad Solomon.bpo-36487: Make C-API docs clear about what the “main” interpreter is.
bpo-23460: The documentation for decimal string formatting using the
specifier has been updated to reflect the correct exponential notation cutoff point. Original patch contributed by Tuomas Suutari.bpo-35803: Document and test that
functions may accept a path-like object for thedir
argument. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-33944: Added a note about the intended use of code in .pth files.
bpo-34293: Fix the Doc/Makefile regarding PAPER environment variable and PDF builds
bpo-25237: Add documentation for tkinter modules
bpo-38614: Fix test_communicate() of test_asyncio.test_subprocess: use
(5 minutes), instead of just 1 minute.bpo-38614: Add timeout constants to
.bpo-38502: test.regrtest now uses process groups in the multiprocessing mode (-jN command line option) if process groups are available: if
functions are available.bpo-35998: Fix a race condition in test_asyncio.test_start_tls_server_1(). Previously, there was a race condition between the test main() function which replaces the protocol and the test ServerProto protocol which sends ANSWER once it gets HELLO. Now, only the test main() function is responsible to send data, ServerProto no longer sends data.
bpo-38470: Fix
on Windows without long path support: only create 3 subdirectories instead of between 20 and 100 subdirectories.bpo-37531: On timeout, regrtest no longer attempts to call
again: it can hang until all child processes using stdout and stderr pipes completes. Kill the worker process and ignores its output. Change also the faulthandler timeout of the main process from 1 minute to 5 minutes, for Python slowest buildbots.bpo-38239: Fix test_gdb for Link Time Optimization (LTO) builds.
bpo-38275: test_ssl now handles disabled TLS/SSL versions better. OpenSSL’s crypto policy and run-time settings are recognized and tests for disabled versions are skipped. Tests also accept more TLS minimum_versions for platforms that override OpenSSL’s default with strict settings.
bpo-38271: The private keys for test_ssl were encrypted with 3DES in traditional PKCS#5 format. 3DES and the digest algorithm of PKCS#5 are blocked by some strict crypto policies. Use PKCS#8 format with AES256 encryption instead.
bpo-38270: now has a helper function to check for availability of a hash digest function. Several tests are refactored avoid MD5 and use SHA256 instead. Other tests are marked to use MD5 and skipped when MD5 is disabled.
bpo-37123: Multiprocessing test test_mymanager() now also expects -SIGTERM, not only exitcode 0. BaseManager._finalize_manager() sends SIGTERM to the manager process if it takes longer than 1 second to stop, which happens on slow buildbots.
bpo-38212: Multiprocessing tests: increase test_queue_feeder_donot_stop_onexc() timeout from 1 to 60 seconds.
bpo-38117: Test with OpenSSL 1.1.1d
bpo-38018: Increase code coverage for multiprocessing.shared_memory.
bpo-37805: Add tests for json.dump(…, skipkeys=True). Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-37531: Enhance regrtest multiprocess timeout: write a message when killing a worker process, catch popen.kill() and popen.wait() exceptions, put a timeout on the second call to popen.communicate().
bpo-37876: Add tests for ROT-13 codec.
bpo-36833: Added tests for
macros of the C API of thedatetime
module. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-37558: Fix test_shared_memory_cleaned_after_process_termination name handling
bpo-37526: Add
: context manager catchingthreading.Thread
exception usingthreading.excepthook()
.bpo-37421: test_concurrent_futures now explicitly stops the ForkServer instance if it’s running.
bpo-37421: multiprocessing tests now stop the ForkServer instance if it’s running: close the “alive” file descriptor to ask the server to stop and then remove its UNIX address.
bpo-37421: test_distutils.test_build_ext() is now able to remove the temporary directory on Windows: don’t import the newly built C extension (“xx”) in the current process, but test it in a separated process.
bpo-37421: test_concurrent_futures now cleans up multiprocessing to remove immediately temporary directories created by multiprocessing.util.get_temp_dir().
bpo-37421: test_winconsoleio doesn’t leak a temporary file anymore: use tempfile.TemporaryFile() to remove it when the test completes.
bpo-37421: multiprocessing tests now explicitly call
to immediately remove temporary directories created by tests.bpo-37421: urllib.request tests now call
to remove temporary files created byurlretrieve()
tests and to clear the_opener
global variable set byurlopen()
and functions calling indirectlyurlopen()
.bpo-37472: Remove
.bpo-37199: Fix test failures when IPv6 is unavailable or disabled.
bpo-19696: Replace deprecated method “random.choose” with “random.choice” in “”.
bpo-37335: Remove no longer necessary code from c locale coercion tests
bpo-37421: Fix test_shutil to no longer leak temporary files.
bpo-37411: Fix test_wsgiref.testEnviron() to no longer depend on the environment variables (don’t fail if “X” variable is set).
bpo-37400: Fix test_os.test_chown(): use os.getgroups() rather than grp.getgrall() to get groups. Rename also the test to test_chown_gid().
bpo-37359: Add –cleanup option to python3 -m test to remove
directories of previous failed jobs. Add “make cleantest” to runpython3 -m test --cleanup
.bpo-37362: test_gdb no longer fails if it gets an “unexpected” message on stderr: it now ignores stderr. The purpose of test_gdb is to test that commands work as expected, not to test gdb.
bpo-35998: Avoid TimeoutError in test_asyncio: test_start_tls_server_1()
bpo-37278: Fix test_asyncio ProactorLoopCtrlC: join the thread to prevent leaking a running thread and leaking a reference.
bpo-37261: Fix
: its __exit__() method now ignores unraisable exception raised when clearing itsunraisable
attribute.bpo-37069: regrtest now uses
to mark a test as “environment altered” (ENV_CHANGED) if it emits an “unraisable exception”. Moreover, regrtest logs a warning in this case.Use
python3 -m test --fail-env-changed
to catch unraisable exceptions in tests.bpo-37252: Fix assertions in
devpoll tests.bpo-37169: Rewrite
unit tests.bpo-37153:
now explicitly callspool.terminate()
to wait until the pool completes.bpo-34001: Make test_ssl pass with LibreSSL. LibreSSL handles minimum and maximum TLS version differently than OpenSSL.
bpo-36919: Make
implementation independent. The test will work now for both CPython and IronPython.bpo-30202: Update
to testfind_spec()
.bpo-28009: Modify the test_uuid logic to test when a program is available AND can be used to obtain a MACADDR as basis for an UUID. Patch by M. Felt
bpo-34596: Fallback to a default reason when
is uncalled. Patch by Naitree Zhu.
bpo-38809: On Windows, build scripts will now recognize and use python.exe from an active virtual env.
bpo-38684: Fix _hashlib build when Blake2 is disabled, but OpenSSL supports it.
bpo-38468: Misc/ now uses
for all still existingsysconfig.get_config_var()
calls. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-37415: Fix stdatomic.h header check for ICC compiler: the ICC implementation lacks atomic_uintptr_t type which is needed by Python.
bpo-38301: In Solaris family, we must be sure to use
. Patch by Jesús Cea Avión.bpo-36002: Locate
binaries usingAC_PATH_TOOL
.bpo-37936: The
file systematically keeps “rooted”, with a non-trailing slash, all the rules that are meant to apply to files in a specific place in the repo. Previously, when the intended file to ignore happened to be at the root of the repo, we’d most often accidentally also ignore files and directories with the same name anywhere in the tree.bpo-37760: The
script, which is used for converting information from the Unicode Character Database into generated code and data used by the methods ofstr
and by theunicodedata
module, now handles each character’s data as adataclass
with named attributes, rather than a length-18 list of different fields.bpo-37936: The
file no longer applies to any files that are in fact tracked in the Git repository. Patch by Greg Price.bpo-37725: Change “clean” makefile target to also clean the program guided optimization (PGO) data. Previously you would have to use “make clean” and “make profile-removal”, or “make clobber”.
bpo-37707: Mark some individual tests to skip when –pgo is used. The tests marked increase the PGO task time significantly and likely don’t help improve optimization of the final executable.
bpo-36044: Reduce the number of unit tests run for the PGO generation task. This speeds up the task by a factor of about 15x. Running the full unit test suite is slow. This change may result in a slightly less optimized build since not as many code branches will be executed. If you are willing to wait for the much slower build, the old behavior can be restored using ‘./configure [..] PROFILE_TASK=”-m test –pgo-extended”’. We make no guarantees as to which PGO task set produces a faster build. Users who care should run their own relevant benchmarks as results can depend on the environment, workload, and compiler tool chain.
make install
no longer installswininst-*.exe
files used by distutils bdist_wininst: bdist_wininst only works on Windows.bpo-37189: Many
functions likePyRun_String()
were no longer exported inlibpython38.dll
by mistake. Export them again to fix the ABI compatibility.bpo-25361: Enables use of SSE2 instructions in Windows 32-bit build.
bpo-36210: Update optional extension module detection for AIX. ossaudiodev and spwd are not applicable for AIX, and are no longer reported as missing. 3rd-party packaging of ncurses (with ASIS support) conflicts with officially supported AIX curses library, so configure AIX to use libcurses.a. However, skip trying to build _curses_panel.
patch by M Felt
bpo-38589: Fixes HTML Help shortcut when Windows is not installed to C drive
bpo-38453: Ensure ntpath.realpath() correctly resolves relative paths.
bpo-38519: Restores the internal C headers that were missing from the and Microsoft Store packages.
bpo-38492: Remove
dependency on the Microsoft C++ runtime.bpo-38344: Fix error message in activate.bat
bpo-38359: Ensures
launcher reads correct registry key.bpo-38355: Fixes
failing onsys.executable
.bpo-38117: Update bundled OpenSSL to 1.1.1d
bpo-38092: Reduce overhead when using multiprocessing in a Windows virtual environment.
bpo-38133: Allow py.exe launcher to locate installations from the Microsoft Store and improve display of active virtual environments.
bpo-38114: The
is no longer included in the Nuget package.bpo-32592: Set Windows 8 as the minimum required version for API support
now returns active processors rather than maximum processors.bpo-36634: venv activate.bat now works when the existing variables contain double quote characters.
bpo-38081: Prevent error calling
.bpo-38087: Fix case sensitivity in test_pathlib and test_ntpath.
bpo-38088: Fixes distutils not finding vcruntime140.dll with only the v142 toolset installed.
bpo-37283: Ensure command-line and unattend.xml setting override previously detected states in Windows installer.
bpo-38030: Fixes
failing for block devices on Windowsbpo-38020: Fixes potential crash when calling
(or indirectly throughrealpath()
) on a file that is not a supported link.bpo-37705: Improve the implementation of
no longer fails for standard streams on Windows 7.bpo-1311: The
file on Windows now returns True fromexists()
and a valid result fromos.stat()
set.bpo-9949: Enable support for following symlinks in
.bpo-37834: Treat all name surrogate reparse points on Windows in
and other reparse points as regular files inos.stat()
.bpo-36266: Add the module name in the formatted error message when DLL load fail happens during module import in
. Patch by Srinivas Nyayapati.bpo-25172: Trying to import the
module on Windows will result in anImportError
with a message explaining that the module isn’t supported on Windows. On other platforms, if the underlying_crypt
module is not available, the ImportError will include a message explaining the problem.bpo-37778: Fixes the icons used for file associations to the Microsoft Store package.
bpo-37734: Fix use of registry values to launch Python from Microsoft Store app.
bpo-37702: Fix memory leak on Windows in creating an SSLContext object or running
.bpo-37672: Switch Windows Store package’s pip to use bundled
instead ofPIP_USER
variable.bpo-10945: Officially drop support for creating bdist_wininst installers on non-Windows systems.
bpo-37445: Include the
flag inFormatMessageW()
calls.bpo-37369: Fixes path for
when running from the Microsoft Store.bpo-37380: Don’t collect unfinished processes with
on Windows to cleanup later. Patch by Ruslan Kuprieiev.bpo-37351: Removes libpython38.a from standard Windows distribution.
bpo-35360: Update Windows builds to use SQLite 3.28.0.
bpo-37267: On Windows,
no longer creates an inheritable fd when handling a character file.bpo-36779: Ensure
is correct on Windows when the active code page is set to CP_UTF7 or CP_UTF8.bpo-32587: Make
support zero-length strings.bpo-28269: Replace use of
for the system function_stricmp()
. Patch by Minmin Gong.bpo-36590: Add native Bluetooth RFCOMM support to socket module.
bpo-38117: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1d in macOS installer.
bpo-38089: Move Azure Pipelines to latest VM versions and make macOS tests optional
bpo-18049: Increase the default stack size of threads from 5MB to 16MB on macOS, to match the stack size of the main thread. This avoids crashes on deep recursion in threads.
bpo-34602: Avoid test suite failures on macOS by no longer calling resource.setrlimit to increase the process stack size limit at runtime. The runtime change is no longer needed since the interpreter is being built with a larger default stack size.
bpo-35360: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.28.0.
bpo-34631: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1c in macOS installer.
bpo-26353: Stop adding newline when saving an IDLE shell window.
bpo-4630: Add an option to toggle IDLE’s cursor blink for shell, editor, and output windows. See Settings, General, Window Preferences, Cursor Blink. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-38598: Do not try to compile IDLE shell or output windows
bpo-36698: IDLE no longer fails when write non-encodable characters to stderr. It now escapes them with a backslash, as the regular Python interpreter. Added the
field to the standard streams.bpo-35379: When exiting IDLE, catch any AttributeError. One happens when EditorWindow.close is called twice. Printing a traceback, when IDLE is run from a terminal, is useless and annoying.
bpo-38183: To avoid problems, test_idle ignores the user config directory. It no longer tries to create or access .idlerc or any files within. Users must run IDLE to discover problems with saving settings.
bpo-38077: IDLE no longer adds ‘argv’ to the user namespace when initializing it. This bug only affected 3.7.4 and 3.8.0b2 to 3.8.0b4.
bpo-38041: Shell restart lines now fill the window width, always start with ‘=’, and avoid wrapping unnecessarily. The line will still wrap if the included file name is long relative to the width.
bpo-35771: To avoid occasional spurious test_idle failures on slower machines, increase the
in test_tooltip.bpo-37824: Properly handle user input warnings in IDLE shell. Cease turning SyntaxWarnings into SyntaxErrors.
bpo-37929: IDLE Settings dialog now closes properly when there is no shell window.
bpo-37902: Add mousewheel scrolling for IDLE module, path, and stack browsers. Patch by George Zhang.
bpo-37849: Fixed completions list appearing too high or low when shown above the current line.
bpo-36419: Refactor IDLE autocomplete and improve testing.
bpo-37748: Reorder the Run menu. Put the most common choice, Run Module, at the top.
bpo-37692: Improve highlight config sample with example shell interaction and better labels for shell elements.
bpo-37628: Settings dialog no longer expands with font size.
bpo-37627: Initialize the Customize Run dialog with the command line arguments most recently entered before. The user can optionally edit before submitting them.
bpo-33610: Fix code context not showing the correct context when first toggled on.
bpo-37530: Optimize code context to reduce unneeded background activity. Font and highlight changes now occur along with text changes instead of after a random delay.
bpo-27452: Cleanup
by inliningRemoveFile
and simplifying the handling offile
.bpo-37325: Fix tab focus traversal order for help source and custom run dialogs.
bpo-37321: Both subprocess connection error messages now refer to the ‘Startup failure’ section of the IDLE doc.
bpo-17535: Add optional line numbers for IDLE editor windows. Windows open without line numbers unless set otherwise in the General tab of the configuration dialog.
bpo-26806: To compensate for stack frames added by IDLE and avoid possible problems with low recursion limits, add 30 to limits in the user code execution process. Subtract 30 when reporting recursion limits to make this addition mostly transparent.
bpo-37177: Properly ‘attach’ search dialogs to their main window so that they behave like other dialogs and do not get hidden behind their main window.
bpo-37039: Adjust “Zoom Height” to individual screens by momentarily maximizing the window on first use with a particular screen. Changing screen settings may invalidate the saved height. While a window is maximized, “Zoom Height” has no effect.
bpo-35763: Make calltip reminder about ‘/’ meaning positional-only less obtrusive by only adding it when there is room on the first line.
bpo-5680: Add ‘Run… Customized’ to the Run menu to run a module with customized settings. Any ‘command line arguments’ entered are added to sys.argv. One can suppress the normal Shell main module restart.
bpo-36390: Gather Format menu functions into Combine,, and format methods from
bpo-38118: Update Valgrind suppression file to ignore a false alarm in
when using GCC builtin strcmp().bpo-38347: Assume all files that end on ‘.py’ are Python scripts when working recursively.
bpo-37803: pdb’s
long options now work.bpo-37942: Improve ArgumentClinic converter for floats.
bpo-37704: Remove
: use cffi to access a C API in Python.bpo-37675: 2to3 now works when run from a zipped standard library.
bpo-37034: Argument Clinic now uses the argument name on errors with keyword-only argument instead of their position. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.
bpo-37064: Add option -k to script: preserve shebang flags. Add option -a to script: add flags.
bpo-37633: Re-export some function compatibility wrappers for macros in
.bpo-38644: Provide
as regular functions for the limited API. Previously, there were defined as macros, but these macros didn’t work with the limited API which cannot accessPyThreadState.recursion_depth
field. Remove_Py_CheckRecursionLimit
from the stable ABI.bpo-38650: The global variable
is now a constant and refers to a constant string.bpo-38540: Fixed possible leak in
and similar functions for format units"es#"
when the macroPY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
is not defined.bpo-38395: Fix a crash in
objects due to incorrect lifetime management when calling some associated methods that may delete the last reference to object being referenced by the proxy. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-36389: The
function is now also available in release mode. For example, it can be used to debug a crash in thevisit_decref()
function of the GC.bpo-38266: Revert the removal of PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent() with documentation.
bpo-38303: Update audioop extension module to use the stable ABI (PEP-384). Patch by Tyler Kieft.
now setssys.executable
to the program full path (Py_GetProgramFullPath()
) rather than to the program name (Py_GetProgramName()
).bpo-38234: Python ignored arguments passed to
: fix Python initialization to use specified arguments.bpo-38205: The
macro now callsPy_FatalError()
.bpo-38140: Make dict and weakref offsets opaque for C heap types by passing the offsets through PyMemberDef
bpo-15088: The C function
has been removed. It was not documented, tested or used anywhere within CPython after the implementation of PEP 442. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye. (Patch by Joannah Nanjekye)bpo-36763: Options added by
are now handled the same way thanPyConfig.xoptions
and command line-X
options.bpo-37926: Fix a crash in
PySys_SetArgvEx(0, NULL, 0)
.bpo-37879: Fix subtype_dealloc to suppress the type decref when the base type is a C heap type
bpo-37645: Add
to get a user-friendly string representation of a function-like object. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer.bpo-29548: The functions
are deprecated. UsePyObject_Call()
and its variants instead.bpo-37151:
is now a deprecated alias ofPyObject_Call()
.bpo-37540: The vectorcall protocol now requires that the caller passes only strings as keyword names.
bpo-37207: The vectorcall protocol is now enabled for
objects: settp_vectorcall
to a vectorcall function to be used instead oftp_new
when calling the class itself.bpo-21120: Exclude Python-ast.h, ast.h and asdl.h from the limited API.
bpo-37483: Add new function
for calling an object with one positional argument.bpo-36763: Add
function.bpo-37337: Add fast functions for calling methods:
.bpo-28805: The
calling convention has been documented.bpo-37221: The new function
allows to create code objects likePyCode_New()
, but with an extra posonlyargcount parameter for indicating the number of positonal-only arguments.bpo-37194: Add a new public
function to the C API: call a callable Python object without any arguments. It is the most efficient way to call a callback without any argument. On x86-64, for example,PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(func, NULL)
allocates 960 bytes on the stack per call, whereasPyObject_CallNoArgs(func)
only allocates 624 bytes per call.bpo-37170: Fix the cast on error in
.bpo-35381: Convert posixmodule.c statically allocated types
to heap-allocated types.bpo-34331: Use singular/plural noun in error message when instantiating an abstract class with non-overridden abstract method(s).
Python 3.8.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-06-04
bpo-35907: CVE 2019-9948: Avoid file reading by disallowing
URL schemes inURLopener().open()
.bpo-33529: Prevent fold function used in email header encoding from entering infinite loop when there are too many non-ASCII characters in a header.
bpo-33164: Updated blake2 implementation which uses secure memset implementation provided by platform.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-35814: Allow unpacking in the right hand side of annotated assignments. In particular,
t: Tuple[int, ...] = x, y, *z
is now allowed.bpo-37126: All structseq objects are now tracked by the garbage collector. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-37122: Make the co_argcount attribute of code objects represent the total number of positional arguments (including positional-only arguments). The value of co_posonlyargcount can be used to distinguish which arguments are positional only, and the difference (co_argcount - co_posonlyargcount) is the number of positional-or-keyword arguments. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-20092: Constructors of
will now use the__index__()
special method, if available and the corresponding method__int__()
is not available.bpo-37087: Add native thread ID (TID) support to OpenBSD.
bpo-26219: Implemented per opcode cache mechanism and
instruction use it.LOAD_GLOBAL
is now about 40% faster. Contributed by Yury Selivanov, and Inada Naoki.bpo-37072: Fix crash in PyAST_FromNodeObject() when flags is NULL.
bpo-37029: Freeing a great many small objects could take time quadratic in the number of arenas, due to using linear search to keep
’s list of usable arenas sorted by order of number of free memory pools. This is accomplished without search now, leaving the worst-case time linear in the number of arenas. For programs where this quite visibly matters (typically with more than 100 thousand small objects alive simultaneously), this can greatly reduce the time needed to release their memory.bpo-26423: Fix possible overflow in
whensizeof(long) < sizeof(Py_ssize_t)
(e.g., 64-bit Windows).bpo-37050: Improve the AST for “debug” f-strings, which use ‘=’ to print out the source of the expression being evaluated. Delete expr_text from the FormattedValue node, and instead use a Constant string node (possibly merged with adjacent constant expressions inside the f-string).
bpo-22385: The
, andmemoryview.hex
methods as well as thebinascii.hexlify
functions now have the ability to include an optional separator between hex bytes. This functionality was inspired by MicroPython’s hexlify implementation.bpo-26836: Add
.bpo-37032: Added new
method to the code type (types.CodeType
).bpo-37007: Implement
, andsocket.if_indextoname()
on Windows.bpo-36829:
now creates a traceback object if there is no current traceback. Moreover, callPyErr_NormalizeException()
to normalize the exception value. Ignore any error.bpo-36878: Only accept text after
# type: ignore
if the first character is ASCII. This is to disallow things like# type: ignoreé
.bpo-36878: Store text appearing after a
# type: ignore
comment in the AST. For example a type ignore like# type: ignore[E1000]
will have the string"[E1000]"
stored in its AST node.bpo-2180: Treat line continuation at EOF as a
by Anthony Sottile.bpo-36907: Fix a crash when calling a C function with a keyword dict (
) and changing the dictkwargs
while that function is running.bpo-36946: Fix possible signed integer overflow when handling slices.
bpo-36826: Add NamedExpression kind support to ast_unparse.c
bpo-1875: A
is now raised if a code blocks that will be optimized away (e.g. if conditions that are always false) contains syntax errors. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-36027: Allow computation of modular inverses via three-argument
: the second argument is now permitted to be negative in the case where the first and third arguments are relatively prime.bpo-36861: Update the Unicode database to version 12.1.0.
bpo-28866: Avoid caching attributes of classes which type defines mro() to avoid a hard cache invalidation problem.
bpo-36851: The
stack is now correctly cleaned up if the execution ends with a return and the stack is not empty.bpo-34616: The
builtin functions now support theast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT
flag, which allow to compile sources that contains top-levelawait
,async with
orasync for
. This is useful to evaluate async-code from with an already async functions; for example in a custom REPL.bpo-36842: Implement PEP 578, adding sys.audit, io.open_code and related APIs.
bpo-27639: Correct return type for UserList slicing operations. Patch by Michael Blahay, Erick Cervantes, and vaultah
bpo-36737: Move PyRuntimeState.warnings into per-interpreter state (via “module state”).
bpo-36793: Removed
implementations from builtin typesbool
and few classes from the standard library. They now inherit__str__()
.bpo-36817: Add a
feature f-strings for debugging. This can precede!s
, or!a
. It produces the text of the expression, followed by an equal sign, followed by the repr of the value of the expression. Sof'{3*9+15=}'
would be equal to the string'3*9+15=42'
. If=
is specified, the default conversion is set to!r
, unless a format spec is given, in which case the formatting behavior is unchanged, and __format__ will be used.bpo-24048: Save the live exception during import.c’s
.bpo-27987: pymalloc returns memory blocks aligned by 16 bytes, instead of 8 bytes, on 64-bit platforms to conform x86-64 ABI. Recent compilers assume this alignment more often. Patch by Inada Naoki.
bpo-36601: A long-since-meaningless check for
getpid() == main_pid
was removed from Python’s internal C signal handler.bpo-36594: Fix incorrect use of
in format strings. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-36045:
now prefixesasync
for async functions.bpo-36084: Add native thread ID (TID) to threading.Thread objects (supported platforms: Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS)
bpo-36035: Added fix for broken symlinks in combination with pathlib
bpo-35983: Added new trashcan macros to deal with a double deallocation that could occur when the
of a subclass calls thetp_dealloc
of a base class and that base class uses the trashcan mechanism. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer.bpo-20602: Do not clear
during shutdown. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-26826: Expose
as a low level API in theos
module.bpo-32388: Remove cross-version binary compatibility requirement in tp_flags.
bpo-31862: Port binascii to PEP 489 multiphase initialization. Patch by Marcel Plch.
bpo-37128: Added
.bpo-37120: Add SSLContext.num_tickets to control the number of TLSv1.3 session tickets.
bpo-12202: Fix the error handling in
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-26835: The fcntl module now contains file sealing constants for sealing of memfds.
bpo-29262: Add
introspection helpers totyping
no longer fails if keyfile is notNone
.bpo-36999: Add the
method to publicly expose the tasks’s coroutine object.bpo-35246: Make
accept path-like arguments.bpo-35279: Change default max_workers of
fromcpu_count() * 5
tomin(32, cpu_count() + 4)
. Previous value was unreasonably large on many cores machines.bpo-37076:
now logs uncaught exception raised by the function usingsys.unraisablehook()
, rather thansys.excepthook()
, so the hook gets access to the function which raised the exception.bpo-33725: On macOS, the
module now uses spawn start method by default.bpo-37054: Fix destructor
: initialize their_buffer
attribute as soon as possible (in the class body), because it’s used by__del__()
which callsclose()
.bpo-37058: PEP 544: Add
to thetyping
module.bpo-36933: The functions
that were deprecated and marked for removal in 3.8 have been removed.bpo-37047: Handle late binding and attribute access in
setup for autospeccing. Document newly implemented async methods inunittest.mock.MagicMock
.bpo-37049: PEP 589: Add
to thetyping
module.bpo-37046: PEP 586: Add
to thetyping
module.bpo-37045: PEP 591: Add
qualifier and@final
decorator to thetyping
module.bpo-37035: Don’t log OSError based exceptions if a fatal error has occurred in asyncio transport. Peer can generate almost any OSError, user cannot avoid these exceptions by fixing own code. Errors are still propagated to user code, it’s just logging them is pointless and pollute asyncio logs.
now accepts the same input types for source code as the built-incompile()
function. Patch by Dino Viehland.bpo-37028: Implement asyncio REPL
bpo-37027: Return safe to use proxy socket object from transport.get_extra_info(‘socket’)
bpo-32528: Make asyncio.CancelledError a BaseException.
This will address the common mistake many asyncio users make: an “except Exception” clause breaking Tasks cancellation.
In addition to this change, we stop inheriting asyncio.TimeoutError and asyncio.InvalidStateError from their concurrent.futures.* counterparts. There’s no point for these exceptions to share the inheritance chain.
bpo-1230540: Add a new
function which handles
exception. It can be overridden to control how
exceptions are handled.bpo-36996: Handle
used as a decorator on async functions.bpo-37008: Add support for calling
with the mock resulting fromunittest.mock.mock_open()
bpo-27737: Allow whitespace only header encoding in
- by Batuhan Taskayabpo-36969: PDB command
now display positional only arguments. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-36969: PDB command
now display keyword only arguments. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-36983: Add missing names to
- by Anthony Sottile.bpo-36972: Add SupportsIndex protocol to the typing module to allow type checking to detect classes that can be passed to
.bpo-32972: Implement
to help testing asyncio-based code.bpo-36952:
bufsize argument has been removed (was deprecated and ignored since Python 3.6), and as a result the mode and openhook arguments have been made keyword-only.bpo-36952: Starting with Python 3.3, importing ABCs from
is deprecated, and import should be done
. Still being able to import fromcollections
was marked for removal in 3.8, but has been delayed to 3.9; documentation andDeprecationWarning
clarified.bpo-36949: Implement __repr__ for WeakSet objects.
bpo-36948: Fix
. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-33524: Fix the folding of email header when the max_line_length is 0 or None and the header contains non-ascii characters. Contributed by Licht Takeuchi (@Licht-T).
now ignoreserrno.EINVAL
which may occur when copying files on filesystems without extended attributes support.Original patch by Giampaolo Rodola, updated by Ying Wang.
bpo-36888: Python child processes can now access the status of their parent process using multiprocessing.process.parent_process
bpo-36921: Deprecate
for sake ofasync def
.bpo-25652: Fix bug in
- by Batuhan Taskaya.bpo-36916: Remove a message about an unhandled exception in a task when writer.write() is used without await and writer.drain() fails with an exception.
bpo-36889: Introduce
class that mergesasyncio.StreamReader
can work in readonly, writeonly and readwrite modes. Provideasyncio.connect()
factories to openasyncio.Stream
connections. Provideasyncio.StreamServer
to serve servers with asyncio.Stream API. Modifyasyncio.create_subprocess_shell()
to useasyncio.Stream
instead of deprecatedStreamReader
. Deprecateasyncio.StreamReader
. Deprecate usage of private classes, e.g.asyncio.FlowControlMixing
outside of asyncio package.bpo-36845: Added validation of integer prefixes to the construction of IP networks and interfaces in the ipaddress module.
bpo-23378: Add an extend action to argparser.
bpo-36867: Fix a bug making a SharedMemoryManager instance and its parent process use two separate resource_tracker processes.
bpo-23896: Adds a grammar to lib2to3.pygram that contains exec as a function not as statement.
bpo-36895: The function
was deprecated in 3.3 in favor oftime.perf_counter()
and marked for removal in 3.8, it has removed.bpo-35545: Fix asyncio discarding IPv6 scopes when ensuring hostname resolutions internally
bpo-36887: Add new function
to compute integer square roots.bpo-34632: Introduce the
module with (provisional) support for reading metadata from third-party packages.bpo-36878: When using
, treat# type: ignore
followed by a non-alphanumeric character and then arbitrary text as a type ignore, instead of requiring nothing but whitespace or another comment. This is to permit formations such as# type: ignore[E1000]
encoding (Windows code page 65001) becomes an alias toutf_8
encoding.bpo-36867: The multiprocessing.resource_tracker replaces the multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker module. Other than semaphores, resource_tracker also tracks shared_memory segments.
bpo-30262: The
objects of thesqlite3
module are not exposed to the user. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.bpo-24538: In
, first copy extended file attributes and then file permissions, since extended attributes can only be set on the destination while it is still writeable.bpo-36829: Add new
function which can be overridden to control how “unraisable exceptions” are handled. It is called when an exception has occurred but there is no way for Python to handle it. For example, when a destructor raises an exception or during garbage collection (gc.collect()
).bpo-36832: Introducing
, a pathlib-compatible wrapper for traversing zip files.bpo-36814: Fix an issue where os.posix_spawnp() would incorrectly raise a TypeError when file_actions is None.
bpo-33110: Handle exceptions raised by functions added by concurrent.futures add_done_callback correctly when the Future has already completed.
bpo-26903: Limit
to 61 to work around a WaitForMultipleObjects limitation.bpo-36813: Fix
to callqueue.task_done()
upon stopping. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-36806: Forbid creation of asyncio stream objects like StreamReader, StreamWriter, Process, and their protocols outside of asyncio package.
bpo-36802: Provide both sync and async calls for StreamWriter.write() and StreamWriter.close()
bpo-36801: Properly handle SSL connection closing in asyncio StreamWriter.drain() call.
bpo-36785: Implement PEP 574 (pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band buffers).
bpo-36772: functools.lru_cache() can now be used as a straight decorator in addition to its existing usage as a function that returns a decorator.
bpo-6584: Add a
exception to thegzip
module.bpo-36748: Optimized write buffering in C implementation of
. Writing ASCII string toTextIOWrapper
with ascii, latin1, or utf-8 encoding is about 20% faster. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-8138: Don’t mark
as multi-threaded sincewsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer
is single-threaded.bpo-22640:
now supports silent mode. Patch by Joannah Nanjekyebpo-29183: Fix double exceptions in
by calling itsclose()
method only when no exception is raised.bpo-36548: Improved the repr of regular expression flags.
bpo-36542: The signature of Python functions can now be overridden by specifying the
attribute.bpo-36533: Reinitialize logging.Handler locks in forked child processes instead of attempting to acquire them all in the parent before forking only to be released in the child process. The acquire/release pattern was leading to deadlocks in code that has implemented any form of chained logging handlers that depend upon one another as the lock acquisition order cannot be guaranteed.
bpo-35252: Throw a TypeError instead of an AssertionError when using an invalid type annotation with singledispatch.
bpo-35900: Allow reduction methods to return a 6-item tuple where the 6th item specifies a custom state-setting method that’s called instead of the regular
method.bpo-35900: enable custom reduction callback registration for functions and classes in _pickle.c, using the new Pickler’s attribute
bpo-36368: Fix a bug crashing SharedMemoryManager instances in interactive sessions after a ctrl-c (KeyboardInterrupt) was sent
bpo-31904: Fix mmap fail for VxWorks
now returns the return value of the underlyingcsv.Writer.writerow()
method. Patch contributed by Ashish Nitin Patil.bpo-36239: Parsing .mo files now ignores comments starting and ending with #-#-#-#-#.
bpo-26707: Enable plistlib to read and write binary plist files that were created as a KeyedArchive file. Specifically, this allows the plistlib to process 0x80 tokens as UID objects.
bpo-31904: Add posix module support for VxWorks.
bpo-35125: Asyncio: Remove inner callback on outer cancellation in shield
bpo-35721: Fix
leaks file descriptors ifPopen
fails and called withstdin=subprocess.PIPE
. Patch by Niklas Fiekas.bpo-31855:
results now respects the argument of read([size]). Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-35431: Implement
that returns binomial coefficient, that computes the number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and without order. Patch by Yash Aggarwal and Keller Fuchs.bpo-26660: Fixed permission errors in
clean up. PreviouslyTemporaryDirectory.cleanup()
failed when non-writeable or non-searchable files or directories were created inside a temporary directory.bpo-34271: Add debugging helpers to ssl module. It’s now possible to dump key material and to trace TLS protocol. The default and stdlib contexts also support SSLKEYLOGFILE env var.
bpo-26467: Added AsyncMock to support using unittest to mock asyncio coroutines. Patch by Lisa Roach.
bpo-33569: dataclasses.InitVar: Exposes the type used to create the init var.
bpo-34424: Fix serialization of messages containing encoded strings when the policy.linesep is set to a multi-character string. Patch by Jens Troeger.
bpo-34303: Performance of
is slightly improved. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-33361: Fix a bug in
where seeking might leave old data in a buffer and break subsequent read calls. Patch by Ammar Askar.bpo-22454: The
module now exposesshlex.join()
, the inverse ofshlex.split()
. Patch by Bo Bayles.bpo-31922:
: Do not connect UDP socket when broadcast is allowed. This allows to receive replies after a UDP broadcast.bpo-24882: Change ThreadPoolExecutor to use existing idle threads before spinning up new ones.
bpo-31961: Added support for bytes and path-like objects in
on Windows. The args parameter now accepts a path-like object if shell isFalse
and a sequence containing bytes and path-like objects. The executable parameter now accepts a bytes and path-like object. The cwd parameter now accepts a bytes object. Based on patch by Anders Lorentsen.bpo-33123:
now accepts a missing_ok parameter to avoid aFileNotFoundError
from being raised. Patch by Robert Buchholz.bpo-32941: Allow
objects to access the madvise() system call (throughmmap.mmap.madvise()
).bpo-22102: Added support for ZIP files with disks set to 0. Such files are commonly created by builtin tools on Windows when use ZIP64 extension. Patch by Francisco Facioni.
bpo-32515: can now run modules via python3 -m trace -t –module module_name
bpo-32299: Changed
to return the patched dictionary when used as context manager. Patch by Vadim Tsander.bpo-27141: Added a
in order to correctly implement shallow copying of the objects. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-31829:
(end-of-file on Windows) are now escaped in protocol 0 pickles of Unicode strings. This allows to load them without loss from files open in text mode in Python 2.bpo-23395:
now avoids setting the Python error status if theSIGINT
signal is ignored or not handled by Python.
bpo-36896: Clarify that some types have unstable constructor signature between Python versions.
bpo-36686: Improve documentation of the stdin, stdout, and stderr arguments of the
function to specify which values are supported. Also mention that decoding as text is not supported.Add a few tests to verify that the various values passed to the std* arguments actually work.
bpo-36984: Improve version added references in
module - by Anthony Sottile.bpo-36868: What’s new now mentions SSLContext.hostname_checks_common_name instead of SSLContext.host_flags.
bpo-35924: Add a note to the
documentation to warn that multiline strings can cause segfaults because of an ncurses bug.bpo-36783: Added C API Documentation for Time_FromTimeAndFold and PyDateTime_FromDateAndTimeAndFold as per PEP 495. Patch by Edison Abahurire.
bpo-36797: More of the legacy distutils documentation has been either pruned, or else more clearly marked as being retained solely until the setuptools documentation covers it independently.
bpo-22865: Add detail to the documentation on the
function.bpo-35397: Remove deprecation and document urllib.parse.unwrap(). Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.
bpo-32995: Added the context variable in glossary.
bpo-33519: Clarify that
is not part of theMutableSequence
ABC.bpo-33482: Make
take a list of bytes.bpo-25735: Added documentation for func factorial to indicate that returns integer values
bpo-20285: Expand object.__doc__ (docstring) to make it clearer. Modify so that help(object) lists object methods (for other classes, help omits methods of the object base class.)
bpo-37069: Modify test_coroutines, test_cprofile, test_generators, test_raise, test_ssl and test_yield_from to use
.bpo-37098: Fix test_memfd_create on older Linux Kernels.
bpo-37081: Test with OpenSSL 1.1.1c
bpo-36829: Add
: context manager catching unraisable exception usingsys.unraisablehook()
.bpo-36915: The main regrtest process now always removes all temporary directories of worker processes even if they crash or if they are killed on KeyboardInterrupt (CTRL+c).
bpo-36719: “python3 -m test -jN …” now continues the execution of next tests when a worker process crash (CHILD_ERROR state). Previously, the test suite stopped immediately. Use –failfast to stop at the first error.
bpo-36816: Update Lib/test/selfsigned_pythontestdotnet.pem to match’s new TLS certificate.
bpo-35925: Skip httplib and nntplib networking tests when they would otherwise fail due to a modern OS or distro with a default OpenSSL policy of rejecting connections to servers with weak certificates.
bpo-36782: Add tests for several C API functions in the
module. Patch by Edison Abahurire.bpo-36342: Fix test_multiprocessing in test_venv if platform lacks functioning sem_open.
bpo-36721: To embed Python into an application, a new
option must be passed topython3-config --libs --embed
to get-lpython3.8
(link the application to libpython). To support both 3.8 and older, trypython3-config --libs --embed
first and fallback topython3-config --libs
) if the previous command fails.Adicione um módulo pkg-config
para incorporar o Python em uma aplicação:pkg-config python-3.8-embed --libs
. Para suportar tanto o 3.8 quanto o anterior, tentepkg-config python-X.Y-embed --libs
primeiro e use como fallbackpkg-config python-X.Y --libs
) se o comando anterior falhar (substituaX.Y
pela versão do Python).On the other hand,
pkg-config python3.8 --libs
no longer contains-lpython3.8
. C extensions must not be linked to libpython (except on Android, case handled by the script); this change is backward incompatible on purpose.bpo-36786: “make install” now runs compileall in parallel.
bpo-36965: include of STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT without depending on MSC compiler
bpo-35926: Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1b for Windows.
bpo-29883: Add Windows support for UDP transports for the Proactor Event Loop. Patch by Adam Meily.
bpo-33407: The
macro has been implemented for MSVC.
bpo-36231: Support building Python on macOS without /usr/include installed. As of macOS 10.14, system header files are only available within an SDK provided by either the Command Line Tools or the Xcode app.
bpo-35610: Replace now redundant .context_use_ps1 with .prompt_last_line. This finishes change started in bpo-31858.
bpo-37038: Make runnable; add test clause.
bpo-36958: Print any argument other than None or int passed to SystemExit or sys.exit().
bpo-36807: When saving a file, call os.fsync() so bits are flushed to e.g. USB drive.
bpo-32411: In, remove extraneous sorting by line number since dictionary was created in line number order.
bpo-37053: Handle strings like u”bar” correctly in Tools/parser/ Patch by Chih-Hsuan Yen.
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 “Python Initialization Configuration”.
bpo-36379: Fix crashes when attempting to use the modulo parameter when
is implemented in C.bpo-37107: Update
to use_PyObject_GetMethod
to avoid creating a bound method object in many cases. Patch by Michael J. Sullivan.bpo-36974: Implement PEP 590: Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython. This is a new protocol to optimize calls of custom callable objects.
now returns the exitcode rather than callingPy_Exit(exitcode)
when callingPyErr_Print()
if the current exception type isSystemExit
.bpo-36922: Add new type flag
for objects behaving like unbound methods. These are objects supporting the optimization given by theLOAD_METHOD
opcodes. See PEP 590.bpo-36728: The
function has been removed from the C API. It should not be called explicitly: usePyOS_AfterFork_Child()
Python 3.8.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-05-06
bpo-36742: Fixes mishandling of pre-normalization characters in urlsplit().
bpo-30458: Address CVE 2019-9740 by disallowing URL paths with embedded whitespace or control characters through into the underlying http client request. Such potentially malicious header injection URLs now cause an http.client.InvalidURL exception to be raised.
now usesos.confstr("CS_PATH")
if available and if thePATH
environment variable is not set. Remove also the current directory fromposixpath.defpath
. On Unix,shutil.which()
and thesubprocess
module no longer search the executable in the current directory if thePATH
environment variable is not set.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-36722: In debug build, import now also looks for C extensions compiled in release mode and for C extensions compiled in the stable ABI.
bpo-32849: Fix Python Initialization code on FreeBSD to detect properly when stdin file descriptor (fd 0) is invalid.
bpo-36623: Remove parser headers and related function declarations that lack implementations after the removal of pgen.
is now up to 33% faster thanks to Argument Clinic. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-36611: Debug memory allocators: disable serialno field by default from debug hooks on Python memory allocators to reduce the memory footprint by 5%. Enable
to get the traceback where a memory block has been allocated when a fatal memory error is logged to decide where to put a breakpoint. Compile Python withPYMEM_DEBUG_SERIALNO
defined to get back the field.bpo-36588: On AIX,
doesn’t contain the major version anymore. Always return'aix'
, instead of'aix3'
. Since older Python versions include the version number, it is recommended to always usesys.platform.startswith('aix')
. Contributed by M. Felt.bpo-36549: Change str.capitalize to use titlecase for the first character instead of uppercase.
bpo-36540: Implement PEP 570 (Python positional-only parameters). Patch by Pablo Galindo.
now terminate the current thread if called while the interpreter is finalizing, making them consistent withPyEval_RestoreThread()
, andPyGILState_Ensure()
.bpo-36504: Fix signed integer overflow in _ctypes.c’s
.bpo-20844: Fix running script with encoding cookie and LF line ending may fail on Windows.
bpo-24214: Fixed support of the surrogatepass error handler in the UTF-8 incremental decoder.
bpo-36452: Changing
keys during iteration of the dict itself,keys()
, oritems()
will now be detected in certain corner cases where keys are deleted/added so that the number of keys isn’t changed. ARuntimeError
will be raised afterlen(dict)
iterations. Contributed by Thomas Perl.bpo-36459: Fix a possible double
due to tokenizer.c’stok_nextc()
.bpo-36433: Fixed TypeError message in classmethoddescr_call.
bpo-36430: Fix a possible reference leak in
.bpo-36440: Include node names in
messages, instead of numeric IDs. Patch by A. Skrobov.bpo-36143: Regenerate
from the Grammar and Tokens file using pgen. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-18372: Add missing
calls in thepickle
module. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-35952: Fix pythoninfo when the compiler is missing.
bpo-28238: The
methods of xml.etree.ElementTree can now search for wildcards like{*}tag
that match a tag in any namespace or all tags in a namespace. Patch by Stefan Behnel.bpo-26978:
is now implemented. It creates a hard link pointing to a path.bpo-1613500:
now uses the input file mode to correctly set the output file mode (previously it was hardcoded to'w'
) wheninplace=True
is passed to its constructor.bpo-36734: Fix compilation of
on HP-UX. Initializestack_t current_stack
to zero usingmemset()
.bpo-13611: The xml.etree.ElementTree packages gained support for C14N 2.0 serialisation. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-36669: Add missing matrix multiplication operator support to weakref.proxy.
bpo-36676: The XMLParser() in xml.etree.ElementTree provides namespace prefix context to the parser target if it defines the callback methods “start_ns()” and/or “end_ns()”. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-36673: The TreeBuilder and XMLPullParser in xml.etree.ElementTree gained support for parsing comments and processing instructions. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-36650: The C version of functools.lru_cache() was treating calls with an empty
dictionary as being distinct from calls with no keywords at all. This did not result in an incorrect answer, but it did trigger an unexpected cache miss.bpo-28552: Fix
or an empty string: useos.getcwd()
to initializeproject_base
. Fix also the distutils build command: don’t usesys.executable
if it isNone
or an empty string.bpo-35755:
now useos.confstr("CS_PATH")
if available instead ofos.defpath
, if thePATH
environment variable is not set. Moreover, don’t useos.confstr("CS_PATH")
if thePATH
environment variable is set to an empty string.bpo-25430: improve performance of
bpo-30485: Path expressions in xml.etree.ElementTree can now avoid explicit namespace prefixes for tags (or the “{namespace}tag” notation) by passing a default namespace with an empty string prefix.
bpo-36613: Fix
wait() not removing callback if exceptionbpo-36598: Fix
check for Mock objects with spec when the code is executed under tracing. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-18748: In development mode (
) and in debug build, theio.IOBase
destructor now logsclose()
exceptions. These exceptions are silent by default in release mode.bpo-36575: The
module now uses internal timer same totime.perf_counter()
by default.gettimeofday(2)
was used on Unix. New timer has better resolution on most Unix platforms and timings are no longer impacted by system clock updates sinceperf_counter()
is monotonic. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-33461:
now emitsDeprecationWarning
option is specified. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.bpo-36559: The random module now prefers the lean internal _sha512 module over hashlib for seed(version=2) to optimize import time.
bpo-17561: Set backlog=None as the default for socket.create_server.
bpo-34373: Fix
error handling on AIX for year before 1970.bpo-36232: Improve error message when trying to open existing DBM database that actually doesn’t exist. Patch by Marco Rougeth.
bpo-36546: Add statistics.quantiles()
bpo-36050: Optimized
for large response. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-36522: If debuglevel is set to >0 in
, print all values for headers with multiple values for the same header name. Patch by Matt Houglum.bpo-36492: Deprecated passing required arguments like func as keyword arguments in functions which should accept arbitrary keyword arguments and pass them to other function. Arbitrary keyword arguments (even with names “self” and “func”) can now be passed to these functions if the required arguments are passed as positional arguments.
bpo-27181: Add statistics.geometric_mean().
relies onos.fspath()
to check the type of its argument. Redundant checks have been removed from itsposixpath.normcase()
implementations. Patch by Wolfgang Maier.bpo-36385: Stop rejecting IPv4 octets for being ambiguously octal. Leading zeros are ignored, and no longer are assumed to specify octal octets. Octets are always decimal numbers. Octets must still be no more than three digits, including leading zeroes.
bpo-36434: Errors during writing to a ZIP file no longer prevent to properly close it.
bpo-36407: Fixed wrong indentation writing for CDATA section in xml.dom.minidom. Patch by Vladimir Surjaninov.
bpo-36326: inspect.getdoc() can now find docstrings for member objects when __slots__ is a dictionary.
bpo-36366: Calling
on an unstarted or stoppedunittest.mock.patch()
object will now returnNone
instead of raisingRuntimeError
, making the method idempotent. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-36348: The
method no longer ignores silently arbitrary exceptions.bpo-31904: Add time module support and fix test_time failures for VxWorks.
bpo-36227: Added support for keyword arguments
in functionsElementTree.tostring()
.bpo-36004: Added new alternate constructors
, which construct date objects from ISO year, week number and weekday; these are the inverse of each class’sisocalendar
method. Patch by Paul Ganssle.bpo-35936:
no longer depends on the deprecatedimp
module, and the initializer formodulefinder.ModuleFinder
now has immutable default arguments. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-35376:
correctly handles modules that have the same name as a bad package. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-17396:
no longer crashes when encountering syntax errors in followed imports. Patch by Brandt Bucher.bpo-35934: Added
convenience functions to automate the necessary tasks usually involved when creating a server socket, including accepting both IPv4 and IPv6 connections on the same socket. (Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola in bpo-17561.)bpo-23078: Add support for
. Initial patch by Felipe Ochoa.bpo-35416: Fix potential resource warnings in distutils. Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen.
bpo-25451: Add transparency methods to
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-35082: Don’t return deleted attributes when calling dir on a
now handles abrupt client connection terminations gracefully. Patch by Petter Strandmark.bpo-31658:
now supports path-like. Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen.bpo-34139: Remove stale unix datagram socket before binding
bpo-33530: Implemented Happy Eyeballs in
. Added two new arguments, happy_eyeballs_delay and interleave, to specify Happy Eyeballs behavior.bpo-33291: Do not raise AttributeError when calling the inspect functions isgeneratorfunction, iscoroutinefunction, isasyncgenfunction on a method created from an arbitrary callable. Instead, return False.
bpo-31310: Fix the multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker so it is reused by child processes
bpo-31292: Fix check --restructuredtext
for files containinginclude
bpo-36625: Remove obsolete comments from docstrings in fractions.Fraction
bpo-30840: Document relative imports
bpo-36523: Add docstring for io.IOBase.writelines().
bpo-36425: New documentation translation: Simplified Chinese.
bpo-36345: Avoid the duplication of code from
in using theliteralinclude
directive for the basic wsgiref-based web server in the documentation ofwsgiref
. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel.bpo-36345: Using the code of the
script as an example in thewsgiref
documentation. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel.bpo-36157: Added documentation for PyInterpreterState_Main().
bpo-33043: Updates the page with the addition of a ‘Contributing to Docs’ link at the end of the page (between ‘Reporting Bugs’ and ‘About Documentation’). Updates the ‘Found a Bug’ page with additional links and information in the Documentation Bugs section.
bpo-35581: @typing.type_check_only now allows type stubs to mark functions and classes not available during runtime.
bpo-33832: Add glossary entry for ‘magic method’.
bpo-32913: Added re.Match.groupdict example to regex HOWTO.
bpo-36719: regrtest now always detects uncollectable objects. Previously, the check was only enabled by
. The check now also works with-jN/--multiprocess N
becomes a deprecated alias to--fail-env-changed
.bpo-36725: When using multiprocessing mode (-jN), regrtest now better reports errors if a worker process fails, and it exits immediately on a worker thread failure or when interrupted.
bpo-36454: Change test_time.test_monotonic() to test only the lower bound of elapsed time after a sleep command rather than the upper bound. This prevents unnecessary test failures on slow buildbots. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-32424: Improve test coverage for xml.etree.ElementTree. Patch by Gordon P. Hemsley.
bpo-32424: Fix typo in test_cyclic_gc() test for xml.etree.ElementTree. Patch by Gordon P. Hemsley.
bpo-36635: Add a new
module to test the internal C API.bpo-36629: Fix
: catch alsoerrno.ENETUNREACH
error.bpo-36611: Fix
is enabled.bpo-36560: Fix reference leak hunting in regrtest: compute also deltas (of reference count, allocated memory blocks, file descriptor count) during warmup, to ensure that everything is initialized before starting to hunt reference leaks.
bpo-36565: Fix reference hunting (
python3 -m test -R 3:3
) when Python has no built-in abc module.bpo-31904: Port test_resource to VxWorks: skip tests cases setting RLIMIT_FSIZE and RLIMIT_CPU.
bpo-31904: Fix test_tabnanny on VxWorks: adjust ENOENT error message.
bpo-36436: Fix
: handle memory allocation failure.bpo-31904: Fix test_utf8_mode on VxWorks: Python always use UTF-8 on VxWorks.
bpo-36341: Fix tests that may fail with PermissionError upon calling bind() on AF_UNIX sockets.
bpo-36747: Remove the stale scriptsinstall Makefile target.
bpo-21536: On Unix, C extensions are no longer linked to libpython except on Android and Cygwin.
It is now possible for a statically linked Python to load a C extension built using a shared library Python.
When Python is embedded,
must not be loaded withRTLD_LOCAL
instead. Previously, usingRTLD_LOCAL
, it was already not possible to load C extensions which were not linked tolibpython
, such as C extensions of the standard library built by the*shared*
section ofModules/Setup
.distutils, python-config and have been modified.
./configure --with-pymalloc
no longer adds them
flag to SOABI (sys.implementation.cache_tag). Enabling or disabling pymalloc has no impact on the ABI.bpo-36635: Change
macros ofpyport.h
is defined. ThePy_BUILD_CORE_MODULE
define must be now be used to build a C extension as a dynamic library accessing Python internals: export thePyInit_xxx()
function in DLL exports on Windows.bpo-31904: Don’t build the
extension on VxWorks.bpo-36618: Add
to CFLAGS when clang compiler is detected. The pymalloc memory allocator aligns memory on 8 bytes. On x86-64, clang expects alignment on 16 bytes by default and so uses MOVAPS instruction which can lead to segmentation fault. Instruct clang that Python is limited to alignment on 8 bytes to use MOVUPS instruction instead: slower but don’t trigger a SIGSEGV if the memory is not aligned on 16 bytes. Sadly, the flag must be added toCFLAGS
and not justCFLAGS_NODIST
, since third party C extensions can have the same issue.bpo-36605:
make tags
andmake TAGS
now also parseModules/_io/*.c
.bpo-36465: Release builds and debug builds are now ABI compatible: defining the
macro no longer implies thePy_TRACE_REFS
macro, which introduces the only ABI incompatibility. ThePy_TRACE_REFS
macro, which adds thesys.getobjects()
function and thePYTHONDUMPREFS
environment variable, can be set using the new./configure --with-trace-refs
build option.bpo-36577: now correctly reports missing OpenSSL headers and libraries again.
bpo-36544: Fix regression introduced in bpo-36146 refactoring
python-config --ldflags
no longer includes flags of theLINKFORSHARED
variable must only be used to build executables.bpo-36503: Remove references to “aix3” and “aix4”. Patch by M. Felt.
bpo-35920: Added platform.win32_edition() and platform.win32_is_iot(). Added support for cross-compiling packages for Windows ARM32. Skip tests that are not expected to work on Windows IoT Core ARM32.
bpo-36649: Remove trailing spaces for registry keys when installed via the Store.
bpo-34144: Fixed activate.bat to correctly update codepage when returns dots in output. Patch by Lorenz Mende.
bpo-36509: Added preset-iot layout for Windows IoT ARM containers. This layout doesn’t contain UI components like tkinter or IDLE. It also doesn’t contain files to support on-target builds since Windows ARM32 builds must be cross-compiled when using MSVC.
bpo-35941: enum_certificates function of the ssl module now returns certificates from all available certificate stores inside windows in a query instead of returning only certificates from the system wide certificate store. This includes certificates from these certificate stores: local machine, local machine enterprise, local machine group policy, current user, current user group policy, services, users. ssl.enum_crls() function is changed in the same way to return all certificate revocation lists inside the windows certificate revocation list stores.
bpo-36441: Fixes creating a venv when debug binaries are installed.
bpo-36085: Enable better DLL resolution on Windows by using safe DLL search paths and adding
.bpo-36010: Add the venv standard library module to the nuget distribution for Windows.
bpo-35947: Added current version of libffi to cpython-source-deps. Change _ctypes to use current version of libffi on Windows.
bpo-34060: Report system load when running test suite on Windows. Patch by Ammar Askar. Based on prior work by Jeremy Kloth.
bpo-31512: With the Windows 10 Creators Update, non-elevated users can now create symlinks as long as the computer has Developer Mode enabled.
bpo-36429: Fix starting IDLE with pyshell. Add idlelib.pyshell alias at top; remove pyshell alias at bottom. Remove obsolete __name__==’__main__’ command.
bpo-14546: Fix the argument handling in Tools/scripts/
bpo-36763: Fix memory leak in
: release memory if the function is called twice.bpo-36641: PyDoc_VAR(name) and PyDoc_STRVAR(name, str) now create
static const char name[]
instead ofstatic char name[]
. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-36389: Change the value of
internal constants used by debug hooks on Python memory allocators (PyMem_SetupDebugHooks()
function). Byte patterns0xCB
have been replaced with0xCD
to use the same values than Windows CRT debugmalloc()
.bpo-36443: Since Python 3.7.0, calling
produces mojibake if theLC_CTYPE
locale is coerced and/or if the UTF-8 Mode is enabled by the user configuration. The LC_CTYPE coercion and UTF-8 Mode are now disabled by default to fix the mojibake issue. They must now be enabled explicitly (opt-in) using the new_Py_PreInitialize()
API with_PyPreConfig
.bpo-36025: Fixed an accidental change to the datetime C API where the arguments to the
function were incorrectly interpreted as a single timestamp rather than an arguments tuple, which causes existing code to start raisingTypeError
. The backwards-incompatible change was only present in alpha releases of Python 3.8. Patch by Paul Ganssle.bpo-35810: Modify
to correctly increase the refcount of heap-allocated Type objects. Also fix the refcounts of the heap-allocated types that were either doing this manually or not decreasing the type’s refcount in tp_dealloc
Python 3.8.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-03-25
bpo-36216: Changes urlsplit() to raise ValueError when the URL contains characters that decompose under IDNA encoding (NFKC-normalization) into characters that affect how the URL is parsed.
bpo-35121: Don’t send cookies of domain A without Domain attribute to domain B when domain A is a suffix match of domain B while using a cookiejar with
policy. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-36421: Fix a possible double decref in _ctypes.c’s
.bpo-36412: Fix a possible crash when creating a new dictionary.
bpo-36398: Fix a possible crash in
.bpo-36256: Fix bug in parsermodule when parsing a state in a DFA that has two or more arcs with labels of the same type. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-36365: repr(structseq) is no longer limited to 512 bytes.
bpo-36374: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-36236: At Python initialization, the current directory is no longer prepended to
if it has been removed.bpo-36352: Python initialization now fails with an error, rather than silently truncating paths, if a path is too long.
bpo-36301: Python initialization now fails if decoding
configuration file fails at startup.bpo-36333: Fix leak in _PyRuntimeState_Fini. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel.
bpo-36332: The builtin
can now handle AST objects that contain assignment expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-36282: Improved error message for too much positional arguments in some builtin functions.
bpo-30040: New empty dict uses fewer memory for now. It used more memory than empty dict created by
. And empty dict creation and deletion is about 2x faster. Patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-36262: Fix an unlikely memory leak on conversion from string to float in the function
used byfloat(str)
, etc.bpo-36252: Update Unicode databases to version 12.0.0.
bpo-36218: Fix a segfault occurring when sorting a list of heterogeneous values. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre and Elliot Gorokhovsky.
bpo-36188: Cleaned up left-over vestiges of Python 2 unbound method handling in method objects and documentation. Patch by Martijn Pieters
bpo-36124: Add a new interpreter-specific dict and expose it in the C-API via PyInterpreterState_GetDict(). This parallels PyThreadState_GetDict(). However, extension modules should continue using PyModule_GetState() for their own internal per-interpreter state.
bpo-35975: Add a
flag toast.parse()
(documented) andcompile()
(hidden) that allows tweaking the parser to support older versions of the grammar. In particular, iffeature_version
is 5 or 6, the hacks for theasync
keyword from PEP 492 are reinstated. (For 7 or higher, these are unconditionally treated as keywords, but they are still special tokens rather thanNAME
tokens that the parser driver recognizes.)bpo-31904: Use UTF-8 as the system encoding on VxWorks.
bpo-36048: The
special method will be used instead of__int__()
for implicit conversion of Python numbers to C integers. Using the__int__()
method in implicit conversions has been deprecated.bpo-35808: Retire pgen and use a modified version of pgen2 to generate the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-36401: The class documentation created by pydoc now has a separate section for readonly properties.
bpo-36320: The typing.NamedTuple() class has deprecated the _field_types attribute in favor of the __annotations__ attribute which carried the same information. Also, both attributes were converted from OrderedDict to a regular dict.
bpo-34745: Fix
ssl memory issues caused by circular referencesbpo-36324: Add method to statistics.NormalDist for computing the inverse cumulative normal distribution.
bpo-36321: collections.namedtuple() misspelled the name of an attribute. To be consistent with typing.NamedTuple, the attribute name should have been “_field_defaults” instead of “_fields_defaults”. For backwards compatibility, both spellings are now created. The misspelled version may be removed in the future.
bpo-36297: “unicode_internal” codec is removed. It was deprecated since Python 3.3. Patch by Inada Naoki.
bpo-36298: Raise ModuleNotFoundError in pyclbr when a module can’t be found. Thanks to ‘mental’ for the bug report.
bpo-36268: Switch the default format used for writing tars with
to the modern POSIX.1-2001 pax standard, from the vendor-specific GNU. Contributed by C.A.M. Gerlach.bpo-36285: Fix integer overflows in the array module. Patch by Stephan Hohe.
bpo-31904: Add _signal module support for VxWorks.
does not silently ignore RecursionError anymore. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-36280: Add a kind field to ast.Constant. It is ‘u’ if the literal has a ‘u’ prefix (i.e. a Python 2 style unicode literal), else None.
bpo-35931: The
command now gracefully handles all exceptions.bpo-36251: Fix format strings used for stderrprinter and re.Match reprs. Patch by Stephan Hohe.
bpo-36235: Fix
: when theCFLAGS
environment variable is defined, don’t overrideCFLAGS
variable with theOPT
variable anymore. Initial patch written by David Malcolm.bpo-35807: Update ensurepip to install pip 19.0.3 and setuptools 40.8.0.
bpo-36179: Fix two unlikely reference leaks in _hashopenssl. The leaks only occur in out-of-memory cases.
bpo-36169: Add overlap() method to statistics.NormalDist. Computes the overlapping coefficient for two normal distributions.
bpo-36103: Default buffer size used by
is changed from 16 KiB to 64 KiB on non-Windows platform to reduce system call overhead. Contributed by Inada Naoki.bpo-36130: Fix
when stepping into a frame without a__name__
global. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-35652: shutil.copytree(copy_function=…) erroneously pass DirEntry instead of a path string.
bpo-35178: Ensure custom
function can receiveline
as positional argument. Based on patch by Tashrif Billah.bpo-36106: Resolve potential name clash with libm’s sinpi(). Patch by Dmitrii Pasechnik.
bpo-36091: Clean up reference to async generator in Lib/types. Patch by Henry Chen.
supports path-like object. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtelbpo-35899: Enum has been fixed to correctly handle empty strings and strings with non-Latin characters (ie. ‘α’, ‘א’) without crashing. Original patch contributed by Maxwell. Assisted by Stéphane Wirtel.
bpo-21269: Add
properties to mock call objects. Contributed by Kumar Akshay.bpo-30670:
has been added to pretty-print objects with dictionary keys being sorted with their insertion order by default. Parameter sort_dicts has been added topprint.pprint
. Contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-35843: Implement
. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-35802: Clean up code which checked presence of
which are always present. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-35715: Librates the return value of a ProcessPoolExecutor _process_worker after it’s no longer needed to free memory
bpo-35493: Use
instead of polling each 0.2 seconds for worker updates inmultiprocessing.Pool
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-35661: Store the venv prompt in pyvenv.cfg.
bpo-35121: Don’t set cookie for a request when the request path is a prefix match of the cookie’s path attribute but doesn’t end with “/”. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
bpo-21478: Calls to a child function created with
should propagate to the parent. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-35198: Fix C++ extension compilation on AIX
bpo-36329: Declare the path of the Python binary for the usage of
when executingmake -C Doc/ serve
. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtelbpo-36138: Improve documentation about converting datetime.timedelta to scalars.
bpo-21314: A new entry was added to the Core Language Section of the Programming FAQ, which explaines the usage of slash(/) in the signature of a function. Patch by Lysandros Nikolaou
bpo-36234: test_posix.PosixUidGidTests: add tests for invalid uid/gid type (str). Initial patch written by David Malcolm.
bpo-29571: Fix
: uselocale.getpreferredencoding()
rather thanlocale.getlocale()
to get the locale encoding. With some locales,locale.getlocale()
returns the wrong encoding.bpo-36123: Fix race condition in test_socket.
bpo-36356: Fix leaks that led to build failure when configured with address sanitizer.
bpo-36146: Add
to allow to not build test extensions like_testcapi
.bpo-36146: Fix on macOS: only add
to include directories of _ctypes, not for all extensions.bpo-31904: Enable build system to cross-build for VxWorks RTOS.
bpo-36312: Fixed decoders for the following code pages: 50220, 50221, 50222, 50225, 50227, 50229, 57002 through 57011, 65000 and 42.
bpo-36264: Don’t honor POSIX
on windows. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-24643: Fix name collisions due to
#define timezone _timezone
in PC/pyconfig.h.
bpo-36405: Use dict unpacking in idlelib.
bpo-36396: Remove fgBg param of idlelib.config.GetHighlight(). This param was only used twice and changed the return type.
bpo-36176: Fix IDLE autocomplete & calltip popup colors. Prevent conflicts with Linux dark themes (and slightly darken calltip background).
bpo-23205: For the grep module, add tests for findfiles, refactor findfiles to be a module-level function, and refactor findfiles to use os.walk.
bpo-23216: Add docstrings to IDLE search modules.
bpo-36152: Remove colorizer.ColorDelegator.close_when_done and the corresponding argument of .close(). In IDLE, both have always been None or False since 2007.
bpo-32129: Avoid blurry IDLE application icon on macOS with Tk 8.6. Patch by Kevin Walzer.
bpo-36096: Refactor class variables to instance variables in colorizer.
bpo-30348: Increase test coverage of idlelib.autocomplete by 30%. Patch by Louie Lu
Python 3.8.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-25
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-36052: Raise a
when assigning a value to__debug__
with the Assignment Operator. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel and Pablo Galindo.bpo-36012: Doubled the speed of class variable writes. When a non-dunder attribute was updated, there was an unnecessary call to update slots.
bpo-35942: The error message emitted when returning invalid types from
in interfaces that allow passingPathLike
objects has been improved and now it does explain the origin of the error.bpo-36016:
can now receive an optional parameter indicating a generation to get objects from. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-1054041: When the main interpreter exits due to an uncaught KeyboardInterrupt, the process now exits in the appropriate manner for its parent process to detect that a SIGINT or ^C terminated the process. This allows shells and batch scripts to understand that the user has asked them to stop.
bpo-35992: Fix
not being called on a class with a custom non-subscriptable metaclass.bpo-35993: Fix a crash on fork when using subinterpreters. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-35991: Fix a potential double free in Modules/_randommodule.c.
bpo-35961: Fix a crash in slice_richcompare(): use strong references rather than stolen references for the two temporary internal tuples.
bpo-35911: Enable the creation of cell objects by adding a
method, and expose the typecell
under the name CellType. Patch by Pierre Glaser.bpo-12822: Use monotonic clock for
are available.bpo-15248: The compiler emits now syntax warnings in the case when a comma is likely missed before tuple or list.
bpo-35886: The implementation of PyInterpreterState has been moved into the internal header files (guarded by Py_BUILD_CORE).
bpo-31506: Clarify the errors reported when
receive more than one argument. Contributed by Sanyam Khurana.bpo-35724: Signal-handling is now guaranteed to happen relative to the main interpreter.
bpo-33608: We added a new internal _Py_AddPendingCall() that operates relative to the provided interpreter. This allows us to use the existing implementation to ask another interpreter to do work that cannot be done in the current interpreter, like decref an object the other interpreter owns. The existing Py_AddPendingCall() only operates relative to the main interpreter.
bpo-33989: Fix a possible crash in
when sorting objects withob_type->tp_richcompare == NULL
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
used as a decorator with string target resolves the target during function call instead of during decorator construction. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-36018: Add statistics.NormalDist, a tool for creating and manipulating normal distributions of random variable. Features a composite class that treats the mean and standard deviation of measurement data as single entity.
bpo-35904: Added statistics.fmean() as a faster, floating-point variant of the existing mean() function.
bpo-35918: Removed broken
method from multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.dict. Contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.bpo-18283: Add support for bytes to
.bpo-35960: Fix
throwing away empty mapping objects passed as metadata.bpo-35500: Write expected and actual call parameters on separate lines in
assertion errors. Contributed by Susan Su.bpo-35931: The
command now gracefully handles syntax errors.bpo-24209: In http.server script, rely on getaddrinfo to bind to preferred address based on the bind parameter. Now default bind or binding to a name may bind to IPv6 or dual-stack, depending on the environment.
bpo-35321: Set
to frozen so that it matches the behavior of_frozen_importlib_external
. Patch by Nina Zakharenko.bpo-35378: Fix a reference issue inside
that caused the pool to remain alive if it was deleted without being closed or terminated explicitly. A new strong reference is added to the pool iterators to link the lifetime of the pool to the lifetime of its iterators so the pool does not get destroyed if a pool iterator is still alive.bpo-34294: re module, fix wrong capturing groups in rare cases.
and other functions that scan through string looking for a match, should reset capturing groups between two match attempts. Patch by Ma Lin.bpo-35615:
: Fix a RuntimeError when copying a WeakKeyDictionary or a WeakValueDictionary, due to some keys or values disappearing while iterating.bpo-35606: Implement
as analogous function tosum()
that returns the product of a ‘start’ value (default: 1) times an iterable of numbers. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-32417: Performing arithmetic between
subclasses anddatetime.timedelta
now returns an object of the same type as thedatetime.datetime
subclass. As a result,datetime.datetime.astimezone()
and alternate constructors
called with atz
argument now also retain their subclass.bpo-35153: Add headers optional keyword-only parameter to
. Patch by Cédric Krier.bpo-34572: Fix C implementation of pickle.loads to use importlib’s locking mechanisms, and thereby avoid using partially loaded modules. Patch by Tim Burgess.
bpo-27313: Avoid test_ttk_guionly ComboboxTest failure with macOS Cocoa Tk.
bpo-36019: Add and replace references of by this new constant. Contributed by Stéphane Wirtel.
bpo-36037: Fix test_ssl for strict OpenSSL configuration like RHEL8 strict crypto policy. Use older TLS version for minimum TLS version of the server SSL context if needed, to test TLS version older than default minimum TLS version.
bpo-35798: Added
.bpo-35505: Make test_imap4_host_default_value independent on whether the local IMAP server is running.
bpo-35917: multiprocessing: provide unit tests for SyncManager and SharedMemoryManager classes + all the shareable types which are supposed to be supported by them. (patch by Giampaolo Rodola)
bpo-35704: Skip
to prevent a MemoryError on 32-bit AIX when MAXDATA setting is less than 0x20000000.Patch by Michael Felt (aixtools)
bpo-34720: Assert m_state != NULL to mimic GC traversal functions that do not correctly handle module creation when the module state has not been created.
bpo-35976: Added ARM build support to Windows build files in PCBuild.
no longer raises when checking file and directory existence on drives that are not readybpo-35872: Uses the base Python executable when invoking venv in a virtual environment
bpo-35873: Prevents venv paths being inherited by child processes
bpo-35299: Fix sysconfig detection of the source directory and distutils handling of pyconfig.h during PGO profiling
Python 3.8.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2019-02-03
bpo-35746: CVE 2019-5010: Fix a NULL pointer deref in ssl module. The cert parser did not handle CRL distribution points with empty DP or URI correctly. A malicious or buggy certificate can result into segfault. Vulnerability (TALOS-2018-0758) reported by Colin Read and Nicolas Edet of Cisco.
bpo-34812: The
command line option (run Python in isolated mode) is now also copied by themultiprocessing
modules when spawning child processes. Previously, only-E
options (enabled by-I
) were copied.bpo-34791: The xml.sax and xml.dom.domreg no longer use environment variables to override parser implementations when sys.flags.ignore_environment is set by -E or -I arguments.
bpo-17239: The xml.sax and xml.dom.minidom parsers no longer processes external entities by default. External DTD and ENTITY declarations no longer load files or create network connections.
bpo-34623: CVE 2018-14647: The C accelerated _elementtree module now initializes hash randomization salt from _Py_HashSecret instead of libexpat’s default CSPRNG.
bpo-34405: Updated to OpenSSL 1.1.0i for Windows builds.
bpo-33871: Fixed sending the part of the file in
on macOS. Using the trailers argument could cause sending more bytes from the input file than was specified.bpo-32533: Fixed thread-safety of error handling in _ssl.
bpo-33136: Harden ssl module against LibreSSL CVE 2018-8970. X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host() is called with an explicit namelen. A new test ensures that NULL bytes are not allowed.
bpo-33001: Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink on Windows
bpo-32981: Regexes in difflib and poplib were vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking. These regexes formed potential DOS vectors (REDOS). They have been refactored. This resolves CVE 2018-1060 and CVE 2018-1061. Patch by Jamie Davis.
bpo-28414: The ssl module now allows users to perform their own IDN en/decoding when using SNI.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-35877: Make parenthesis optional for named expressions in while statement. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
bpo-35814: Allow same right hand side expressions in annotated assignments as in normal ones. In particular,
x: Tuple[int, int] = 1, 2
(without parentheses on the right) is now allowed.bpo-35766: Add the option to parse PEP 484 type comments in the ast module. (Off by default.) This is merging the key functionality of the third party fork thereof, [typed_ast](
bpo-35713: Reorganize Python initialization to get working exceptions and sys.stderr earlier.
bpo-33416: Add end line and end column position information to the Python AST nodes. This is a C-level backwards incompatible change.
bpo-35720: Fixed a minor memory leak in pymain_parse_cmdline_impl function in Modules/main.c
will now raise an error whenkwargs
is a mapping containing multiple entries with the same key. An error was already raised when other keyword arguments are passed before**kwargs
since Python 3.6.bpo-35623: Fix a crash when sorting very long lists. Patch by Stephan Hohe.
bpo-35214: clang Memory Sanitizer build instrumentation was added to work around false positives from posix, socket, time, test_io, and test_faulthandler.
bpo-35560: Fix an assertion error in
in debug build for floating-point formatting with “n” format, zero padding and small width. Release build is not impacted. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-35552: Format characters
no longer read memory past the limit if precision is specified.bpo-35504: Fix segfaults and
s when deleting certain attributes. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-35504: Fixed a SystemError when delete the characters_written attribute of an OSError.
bpo-35494: Improved syntax error messages for unbalanced parentheses in f-string.
bpo-35444: Fixed error handling in pickling methods when fail to look up builtin “getattr”. Sped up pickling iterators.
bpo-35436: Fix various issues with memory allocation error handling. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-35423: Separate the signal handling trigger in the eval loop from the “pending calls” machinery. There is no semantic change and the difference in performance is insignificant.
bpo-35357: Internal attributes’ names of unittest.mock._Call and unittest.mock.MagicProxy (name, parent & from_kall) are now prefixed with _mock_ in order to prevent clashes with widely used object attributes. Fixed minor typo in test function name.
bpo-35372: Fixed the code page decoder for input longer than 2 GiB containing undecodable bytes.
bpo-35336: Fix PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=1 environment variable: only coerce the C locale if the LC_CTYPE locale is “C”.
bpo-31241: The lineno and col_offset attributes of AST nodes for list comprehensions, generator expressions and tuples are now point to the opening parenthesis or square brace. For tuples without parenthesis they point to the position of the first item.
bpo-33954: For
methods for non-ASCII decimal point when using the “n” formatter.bpo-35269: Fix a possible segfault involving a newly created coroutine. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-35224: Implement PEP 572 (assignment expressions). Patch by Emily Morehouse.
bpo-32492: Speed up
attribute access by 1.6x using a C fast-path for the name descriptors. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-35214: Fixed an out of bounds memory access when parsing a truncated unicode escape sequence at the end of a string such as
. It would read one byte beyond the end of the memory allocation.bpo-35214: The interpreter and extension modules have had annotations added so that they work properly under clang’s Memory Sanitizer. A new configure flag –with-memory-sanitizer has been added to make test builds of this nature easier to perform.
bpo-35193: Fix an off by one error in the bytecode peephole optimizer where it could read bytes beyond the end of bounds of an array when removing unreachable code. This bug was present in every release of Python 3.6 and 3.7 until now.
bpo-35169: Improved error messages for forbidden assignments.
bpo-34022: Fix handling of hash-based bytecode files in
. Patch by Elvis Pranskevichus.bpo-28401: Debug builds will no longer to attempt to import extension modules built for the ABI as they were never compatible to begin with. Patch by Stefano Rivera.
bpo-29341: Clarify in the docstrings of
methods that path-like objects are also accepted as input parameters.bpo-35050:
: Fix off-by-one bug in length check forAF_ALG
name and type.bpo-29743: Raise
instead ofOverflowError
in case of a negative_length_
in actypes.Array
subclass. Also raiseTypeError
instead ofAttributeError
for non-integer_length_
. Original patch by Oren Milman.bpo-16806: Fix
for multi-line string tokens.bpo-35029:
raised as an exception at code generation time will be now replaced with aSyntaxError
for better error reporting.bpo-34983: Expose
in the symtable module. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-34974:
constructors no longer convert unexpected exceptions (e.g.MemoryError
) toTypeError
.bpo-34939: Allow annotated names in module namespace that are declared global before the annotation happens. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-34973: Fixed crash in
when thelist
argument is mutated while it is iterated.bpo-34876: The lineno and col_offset attributes of the AST for decorated function and class refer now to the position of the corresponding
,async def
instead of the position of the first decorator. This leads to more correct line reporting in tracing. This is the only case when the position of child AST nodes can precede the position of the parent AST node.bpo-34879: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in bytesobject.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-34784: Fix the implementation of PyStructSequence_NewType in order to create heap allocated StructSequences.
bpo-32912: A
is now emitted instead of aDeprecationWarning
for invalid escape sequences in string and bytes literals.bpo-34854: Fixed a crash in compiling string annotations containing a lambda with a keyword-only argument that doesn’t have a default value.
bpo-34850: The compiler now produces a
when identity checks (is
andis not
) are used with certain types of literals (e.g. strings, ints). These can often work by accident in CPython, but are not guaranteed by the language spec. The warning advises users to use equality tests (==
) instead.bpo-34824: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in Modules/_ssl.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-30156: The C function
uses a “cached” tuple to optimize function calls. But this tuple can be discovered in debug mode withsys.getobjects()
. Remove the optimization, it’s not really worth it and it causes 3 different crashes last years.bpo-34762: Fix contextvars C API to use PyObject* pointer types.
bpo-34751: The hash function for tuples is now based on xxHash which gives better collision results on (formerly) pathological cases. Additionally, on 64-bit systems it improves tuple hashes in general. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer with substantial contributions by Tim Peters.
bpo-34735: Fix a memory leak in Modules/timemodule.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-34683: Fixed a bug where some SyntaxError error pointed to locations that were off-by-one.
bpo-34651: Only allow the main interpreter to fork. The avoids the possibility of affecting the main interpreter, which is critical to operation of the runtime.
bpo-34653: Remove unused function PyParser_SimpleParseStringFilename.
bpo-32236: Warn that line buffering is not supported if
is called with binary mode andbuffering=1
.bpo-34641: Further restrict the syntax of the left-hand side of keyword arguments in function calls. In particular,
is now disallowed.bpo-34637: Make the start argument to sum() visible as a keyword argument.
bpo-1621: Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior (C undefined behavior) when performing set hash table resizing.
bpo-34588: Fix an off-by-one in the recursive call pruning feature of traceback formatting.
bpo-34485: On Windows, the LC_CTYPE is now set to the user preferred locale at startup. Previously, the LC_CTYPE locale was “C” at startup, but changed when calling setlocale(LC_CTYPE, “”) or setlocale(LC_ALL, “”).
bpo-34485: Standard streams like sys.stdout now use the “surrogateescape” error handler, instead of “strict”, on the POSIX locale (when the C locale is not coerced and the UTF-8 Mode is disabled).
bpo-34485: Fix the error handler of standard streams like sys.stdout: PYTHONIOENCODING=”:” is now ignored instead of setting the error handler to “strict”.
bpo-34485: Python now gets the locale encoding with C code to initialize the encoding of standard streams like sys.stdout. Moreover, the encoding is now initialized to the Python codec name to get a normalized encoding name and to ensure that the codec is loaded. The change avoids importing _bootlocale and _locale modules at startup by default.
bpo-34527: On FreeBSD, Py_DecodeLocale() and Py_EncodeLocale() now also forces the ASCII encoding if the LC_CTYPE locale is “POSIX”, not only if the LC_CTYPE locale is “C”.
bpo-34527: The UTF-8 Mode is now also enabled by the “POSIX” locale, not only by the “C” locale.
bpo-34403: On HP-UX with C or POSIX locale, sys.getfilesystemencoding() now returns “ascii” instead of “roman8” (when the UTF-8 Mode is disabled and the C locale is not coerced).
bpo-34523: The Python filesystem encoding is now read earlier during the Python initialization.
bpo-12458: Tracebacks show now correct line number for subexpressions in multiline expressions. Tracebacks show now the line number of the first line for multiline expressions instead of the line number of the last subexpression.
bpo-34408: Prevent a null pointer dereference and resource leakage in
.bpo-34400: Fix undefined behavior in parsetok.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-33073: Added as_integer_ratio to ints to make them more interoperable with floats.
bpo-34377: Update valgrind suppression list to use
instead ofPyObject_Free
.bpo-34353: Added the “socket” option in the
Python implementation to match the C implementation.bpo-34320: Fix
didn’t copy iteration order of OrderedDict.bpo-34113: Fixed crash on debug builds when opcode stack was adjusted with negative numbers. Patch by Constantin Petrisor.
bpo-34100: Compiler now merges constants in tuples and frozensets recursively. Code attributes like
are merged too.bpo-34151: Performance of list concatenation, repetition and slicing operations is slightly improved. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.
bpo-34170: -X dev: it is now possible to override the memory allocator using PYTHONMALLOC even if the developer mode is enabled.
bpo-33237: Improved
message for partially initialized module.bpo-34149: Fix min and max functions to get default behavior when key is None.
bpo-34125: Profiling of unbound built-in methods now works when
is given.bpo-34141: Optimized pickling atomic types (None, bool, int, float, bytes, str).
bpo-34126: Fix crashes when profiling certain invalid calls of unbound methods. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer.
bpo-24618: Fixed reading invalid memory when create the code object with too small varnames tuple or too large argument counts.
bpo-34068: In
, ensure that theclosed
attribute is not set with a live exception. Patch by Zackery Spytz and Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-34087: Fix buffer overflow while converting unicode to numeric values.
bpo-34080: Fixed a memory leak in the compiler when it raised some uncommon errors during tokenizing.
bpo-34066: Disabled interruption by Ctrl-C between calling
and entering a with block inwith open()
.bpo-34042: Fix dict.copy() to maintain correct total refcount (as reported by sys.gettotalrefcount()).
bpo-33418: Fix potential memory leak in function object when it creates reference cycle.
bpo-33985: Implement attribute.
bpo-33956: Update vendored Expat library copy to version 2.2.5.
bpo-24596: Decref the module object in
before callingPyErr_Print()
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-33451: Close directly executed pyc files before calling
.bpo-1617161: The hash of
instances (methods of built-in classes) now depends on the hash of the identity of __self__ instead of its value. The hash and equality ofModuleType
instances (methods of user-defined classes and some methods of built-in classes likestr.__add__
) now depend on the hash and equality of the identity of __self__ instead of its value.MethodWrapperType
instances no longer support ordering.bpo-33824: Fix “LC_ALL=C python3.7 -V”: reset properly the command line parser when the encoding changes after reading the Python configuration.
bpo-33803: Fix a crash in hamt.c caused by enabling GC tracking for an object that hadn’t all of its fields set to NULL.
bpo-33738: Seven macro incompatibilities with the Limited API were fixed, and the macros
were added as functions. A script for automatic macro checks was added.bpo-33786: Fix asynchronous generators to handle GeneratorExit in athrow() correctly
from module in addition to__file__
.bpo-33706: Fix a crash in Python initialization when parsing the command line options. Thanks Christoph Gohlke for the bug report and the fix!
bpo-33597: Reduce
size from 3 words to 2 words.bpo-30654: Fixed reset of the SIGINT handler to SIG_DFL on interpreter shutdown even when there was a custom handler set previously. Patch by Philipp Kerling.
bpo-33622: Fixed a leak when the garbage collector fails to add an object with the
method or referenced by it into thegc.garbage
can now be called when an exception is set and preserves it.bpo-33462: Make dict and dict views reversible. Patch by Rémi Lapeyre.
bpo-23722: A
is now raised when the custom metaclass doesn’t provide the__classcell__
entry in the namespace passed totype.__new__
. ADeprecationWarning
was emitted in Python 3.6–3.7.bpo-33499: Add
environment variable and-X
command-line option to set an alternate root directory for writing module bytecode cache files.bpo-25711: The
module has been rewritten in pure Python.bpo-33509: Fix module_globals parameter of warnings.warn_explicit(): don’t crash if module_globals is not a dict.
bpo-31849: Fix signed/unsigned comparison warning in pyhash.c.
bpo-33475: Fixed miscellaneous bugs in converting annotations to strings and optimized parentheses in the string representation.
bpo-20104: Added support for the
parameters ofposix_spawn
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-33391: Fix a leak in set_symmetric_difference().
bpo-33363: Raise a SyntaxError for
async with
andasync for
statements outside of async functions.bpo-28055: Fix unaligned accesses in siphash24(). Patch by Rolf Eike Beer.
bpo-33128: Fix a bug that causes PathFinder to appear twice on sys.meta_path. Patch by Pablo Galindo Salgado.
bpo-33331: Modules imported last are now cleared first at interpreter shutdown.
bpo-33312: Fixed clang ubsan (undefined behavior sanitizer) warnings in dictobject.c by adjusting how the internal struct _dictkeysobject shared keys structure is declared.
bpo-33305: Improved syntax error messages for invalid numerical literals.
bpo-33306: Improved syntax error messages for unbalanced parentheses.
bpo-33234: The list constructor will pre-size and not over-allocate when the input length is known.
bpo-33270: Intern the names for all anonymous code objects. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-30455: The C and Python code and the documentation related to tokens are now generated from a single source file
.bpo-33176: Add a
method to memoryviews.bpo-33231: Fix potential memory leak in
.bpo-33205: Change dict growth function from
. Previously, dict is shrinked only whenused == 0
. Now dict has more chance to be shrinked.bpo-29922: Improved error messages in ‘async with’ when
return non-awaitable object.bpo-33199: Fix
in dict implementation is uninitialized when copying from key-sharing dict.bpo-33053: When using the -m switch, sys.path[0] is now explicitly expanded as the starting working directory, rather than being left as the empty path (which allows imports from the current working directory at the time of the import)
bpo-33138: Changed standard error message for non-pickleable and non-copyable types. It now says “cannot pickle” instead of “can’t pickle” or “cannot serialize”.
bpo-33018: Improve consistency of errors raised by
when called with a non-class and an abstract base class as the first and second arguments, respectively. Patch by Josh Bronson.bpo-33083:
no longer accepts arguments that are not int-like. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-33041: Added new opcode
and fixes the following issues:Setting global
no longer breaksasync for
loops.Jumping into an
async for
loop is now disabled.Jumping out of an
async for
loop no longer corrupts the stack.
bpo-25750: Fix rare Python crash due to bad refcounting in
if a descriptor deletes itself from the class. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer.bpo-33041: Fixed bytecode generation for “async for” with a complex target. A StopAsyncIteration raised on assigning or unpacking will be now propagated instead of stopping the iteration.
bpo-33026: Fixed jumping out of “with” block by setting f_lineno.
bpo-33005: Fix a crash on fork when using a custom memory allocator (ex: using PYTHONMALLOC env var). _PyGILState_Reinit() and _PyInterpreterState_Enable() now use the default RAW memory allocator to allocate a new interpreters mutex on fork.
bpo-32911: Due to unexpected compatibility issues discovered during downstream beta testing, reverted bpo-29463.
field is removed from Module, ClassDef, FunctionDef, and AsyncFunctionDef ast nodes which was added in 3.7a1. Docstring expression is restored as a first statement in their body. Based on patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-17288: Prevent jumps from ‘return’ and ‘exception’ trace events.
bpo-32946: Importing names from already imported module with “from … import …” is now 30% faster if the module is not a package.
bpo-32932: Make error message more revealing when there are non-str objects in
.bpo-32925: Optimized iterating and containing test for literal lists consisting of non-constants:
x in [a, b]
andfor x in [a, b]
. The case of all constant elements already was optimized.bpo-32889: Update Valgrind suppression list to account for the rename of
.bpo-32836: Don’t use temporary variables in cases of list/dict/set comprehensions
bpo-31356: Remove the new API added in bpo-31356 (gc.ensure_disabled() context manager).
bpo-32305: For namespace packages, ensure that both
are set to None.bpo-32303: Make sure
for namespace packages.bpo-32711: Fix the warning messages for Python/ast_unparse.c. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-32583: Fix possible crashing in builtin Unicode decoders caused by write out-of-bound errors when using customized decode error handlers.
bpo-32489: A
statement is now allowed in thefinally
clause.bpo-17611: Simplified the interpreter loop by moving the logic of unrolling the stack of blocks into the compiler. The compiler emits now explicit instructions for adjusting the stack of values and calling the cleaning up code for
.Removed opcodes
. Added new opcodesROT_FOUR
. Changed the behavior ofEND_FINALLY
.bpo-32285: New function unicodedata.is_normalized, which can check whether a string is in a specific normal form.
bpo-10544: Yield expressions are now disallowed in comprehensions and generator expressions except the expression for the outermost iterable.
bpo-32117: Iterable unpacking is now allowed without parentheses in yield and return statements, e.g.
yield 1, 2, 3, *rest
. Thanks to David Cuthbert for the change and Jordan Chapman for added tests.bpo-31902: Fix the
attribute for ast nodesast.AsyncFor
, andast.AsyncWith
. Previously,col_offset
pointed to the keyword afterasync
.bpo-25862: Fix assertion failures in the
method ofio.TextIOWrapper
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-21983: Fix a crash in
in case the type argument is a ctypes structured data type. Patch by Eryk Sun and Oren Milman.bpo-31577: Fix a crash in
in case of a bad ns argument. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-29832: Remove references to ‘getsockaddrarg’ from various socket error messages. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-35845: Add ‘order’ parameter to memoryview.tobytes().
bpo-35864: The _asdict() method for collections.namedtuple now returns a regular dict instead of an OrderedDict.
bpo-35537: An ExitStack is now used internally within subprocess.Popen to clean up pipe file handles. No behavior change in normal operation. But if closing one handle were ever to cause an exception, the others will now be closed instead of leaked. (patch by Giampaolo Rodola)
bpo-35847: RISC-V needed the CTYPES_PASS_BY_REF_HACK. Fixes ctypes Structure test_pass_by_value.
bpo-35813: Shared memory submodule added to multiprocessing to avoid need for serialization between processes
bpo-35780: Fix lru_cache() errors arising in recursive, reentrant, or multi-threaded code. These errors could result in orphan links and in the cache being trapped in a state with fewer than the specified maximum number of links. Fix handling of negative maxsize which should have been treated as zero. Fix errors in toggling the “full” status flag. Fix misordering of links when errors are encountered. Sync-up the C code and pure Python code for the space saving path in functions with a single positional argument. In this common case, the space overhead of an lru cache entry is reduced by almost half. Fix counting of cache misses. In error cases, the miss count was out of sync with the actual number of times the underlying user function was called.
now have a setsid parameter.bpo-23846:
now catches and logs send errors when the self-pipe is full.bpo-34323:
: EnhanceIocpProactor.close()
log: wait 1 second before the first log, then log every second. Log also the number of seconds sinceclose()
was called.bpo-35674: Add a new
function. Patch by Joannah Nanjekye.bpo-35733:
no longer an instance ofast.Num
. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-35726: QueueHandler.prepare() now makes a copy of the record before modifying and enqueueing it, to avoid affecting other handlers in the chain.
bpo-35719: Sped up multi-argument
functions atan2(), copysign(), remainder() and hypot() by 1.3–2.5 times.bpo-35717: Fix KeyError exception raised when using enums and compile. Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.
bpo-35699: Fixed detection of Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 in distutils
bpo-32710: Fix memory leaks in asyncio ProactorEventLoop on overlapped operation failure.
bpo-35702: The
constant is now available for macOS 10.12.bpo-32710: Fix a memory leak in asyncio in the ProactorEventLoop when
overlapped operation fail immediately: release the internal buffer.bpo-35682: Fix
: don’t attempt to set the result of an internal future if it’s already done.bpo-35283: Add a deprecated warning for the
method. Patch by Donghee Na.bpo-35664: Improve operator.itemgetter() performance by 33% with optimized argument handling and with adding a fast path for the common case of a single non-negative integer index into a tuple (which is the typical use case in the standard library).
bpo-35643: Fixed a SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence in Modules/_sha3/ Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen.
bpo-35619: Improved support of custom data descriptors in
.bpo-28503: The
module now internally uses thecrypt_r()
library function instead ofcrypt()
when available.bpo-35614: Fixed help() on metaclasses. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-35568: Expose
bpo-35588: The floor division and modulo operations and the
function onfractions.Fraction
types are 2–4x faster. Patch by Stefan Behnel.bpo-35585: Speed-up building enums by value, e.g. http.HTTPStatus(200).
bpo-30561: random.gammavariate(1.0, beta) now computes the same result as random.expovariate(1.0 / beta). This synchronizes the two algorithms and eliminates some idiosyncrasies in the old implementation. It does however produce a difference stream of random variables than it used to.
bpo-35537: The
module can now use theos.posix_spawn()
function in some cases for better performance.bpo-35526: Delaying the ‘joke’ of barry_as_FLUFL.mandatory to Python version 4.0
bpo-35523: Remove
callback workaround: no longer create a callback at startup. Avoid SELinux alert onimport ctypes
andimport uuid
now callstime.time_ns()
rather thanint(time.time() * 1e9)
now usestime.perf_counter()
rather thantime.time()
to measure the execution time of a test:time.time()
can go backwards, whereastime.perf_counter()
is monotonic.bpo-35502: Fixed reference leaks in
in case of unfinished building of the tree (in particular when an error was raised during parsing XML).bpo-35348: Make
parsing offile
command output more reliable: add the-b
option to thefile
command to omit the filename, force the usage of the C locale, and search also the “shared object” pattern.bpo-35491:
: AddPool.__repr__()
and enhanceBaseProcess.__repr__()
(add pid and parent pid) to ease debugging. Pool state constant values are now strings instead of integers, for exampleRUN
value becomes'RUN'
instead of0
now fails if the pool is not running:with pool:
fails if used more than once.bpo-31446: Copy command line that was passed to CreateProcessW since this function can change the content of the input buffer.
bpo-35471: Python 2.4 dropped MacOS 9 support. The macpath module was deprecated in Python 3.7. The module is now removed.
bpo-23057: Unblock Proactor event loop when keyboard interrupt is received on Windows
bpo-35052: Fix xml.dom.minidom cloneNode() on a document with an entity: pass the correct arguments to the user data handler of an entity.
bpo-20239: Allow repeated assignment deletion of
attributes. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-17185: Set
on mock forinspect
to get signature. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.bpo-35445: Memory errors during creating posix.environ no longer ignored.
bpo-35415: Validate fileno= argument to socket.socket().
destructor now emitsResourceWarning
if the pool is still running.bpo-35330: When a
instance was used to wrap an object, ifside_effect
is used in one of the mocks of it methods, don’t call the original implementation and return the result of using the side effect the same way that it is done with return_value.bpo-35346: Drop Mac OS 9 and Rhapsody support from the
module. Rhapsody last release was in 2000. Mac OS 9 last release was in 2001.bpo-10496:
now catchesKeyError
on callingpwd.getpwuid()
: don’t create theHOME
environment variable in this case.bpo-10496:
now returns the input path unchanged if theHOME
environment variable is not set and the current user has no home directory (if the current user identifier doesn’t exist in the password database). This change fix thesite
module if the current user doesn’t exist in the password database (if the user has no home directory).bpo-35389:
now usesos.confstr('CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION')
if available and the executable parameter is not set.bpo-35394: Add empty slots to asyncio abstract protocols.
bpo-35310: Fix a bug in
where, in some cases, the file descriptor sequences were returned unmodified after a signal interruption, even though the file descriptors might not be ready
will now always return empty lists if a timeout has occurred. Patch by Oran Avraham.bpo-35380: Enable TCP_NODELAY on Windows for proactor asyncio event loop.
bpo-35341: Add generic version of
to thetyping
module. Patch by Ismo Toijala.bpo-35371: Fixed possible crash in
on Windows when pass incorrect arguments.bpo-35346:
now redirectsstderr
when running external programs likecmd /c ver
.bpo-35066: Previously, calling the strftime() method on a datetime object with a trailing ‘%’ in the format string would result in an exception. However, this only occurred when the datetime C module was being used; the python implementation did not match this behavior. Datetime is now PEP-399 compliant, and will not throw an exception on a trailing ‘%’.
bpo-35345: The function
has been removed, it was deprecated since Python 3.3: useos.popen()
instead.bpo-35344: On macOS,
now usesplatform.mac_ver()
, if it returns a non-empty release string, to get the macOS version rather than the darwin version.bpo-35312: Make
round-trip pickle-able. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-35308: Fix regression in
where default browsers may be preferred over browsers in theBROWSER
environment variable.bpo-24746: Avoid stripping trailing whitespace in doctest fancy diff. Original patch by R. David Murray & Jairo Trad. Enhanced by Sanyam Khurana.
now sets temporarily theLC_CTYPE
locale to theLC_MONETARY
locale if the two locales are different and monetary strings are non-ASCII. This temporary change affects other threads.bpo-35277: Update ensurepip to install pip 18.1 and setuptools 40.6.2.
bpo-24209: Adds IPv6 support when invoking http.server directly.
bpo-35226: Recursively check arguments when testing for equality of
objects and add note that tracking of parameters used to create ancestors of mocks inmock_calls
is not possible.bpo-29564: The warnings module now suggests to enable tracemalloc if the source is specified, the tracemalloc module is available, but tracemalloc is not tracing memory allocations.
bpo-35189: Modify the following fnctl function to retry if interrupted by a signal (EINTR): flock, lockf, fnctl
bpo-30064: Use add_done_callback() in sock_* asyncio API to unsubscribe reader/writer early on calcellation.
bpo-35186: Removed the “built with” comment added when upload
is used with eitherbdist_rpm
.bpo-35152: Allow sending more than 2 GB at once on a multiprocessing connection on non-Windows systems.
bpo-35062: Fix incorrect parsing of
’s translate argument.bpo-35065: Remove
. The call to_untrack_reader
is currently performed too soon, causing the protocol to forget about the reader beforeconnection_lost
can run and feed the EOF to the reader.bpo-34160: ElementTree and minidom now preserve the attribute order specified by the user.
bpo-35079: Improve difflib.SequenceManager.get_matching_blocks doc by adding ‘non-overlapping’ and changing ‘!=’ to ‘<’.
bpo-33710: Deprecated
functions and methods in thegettext
module. They return encoded bytes instead of Unicode strings and are artifacts from Python 2 times. Also deprecated functions and methods related to setting the charset forl*gettext()
functions and methods.bpo-35017:
now exits immediately if it’sshutdown()
method is called while it is polling for new events.bpo-35024:
no longer logswrote <bytecode path>
redundantly after(created|could not create) <bytecode path>
is already logged. Patch by Quentin Agren.bpo-35047:
now includes mock calls in exception messages ifassert_not_called
, orassert_called_once_with
fails. Patch by Petter Strandmark.bpo-31047: Fix
regression where it didn’t remove a trailing separator on Windows. Patch by Tim Graham.bpo-35053: tracemalloc now tries to update the traceback when an object is reused from a “free list” (optimization for faster object creation, used by the builtin list type for example).
bpo-31553: Add the –json-lines option to json.tool. Patch by hongweipeng.
bpo-34794: Fixed a leak in Tkinter when pass the Python wrapper around Tcl_Obj back to Tcl/Tk.
bpo-34909: Enum: fix grandchildren subclassing when parent mixed with concrete data types.
now supports the__fspath__
method (fromos.PathLike
).bpo-35008: Fixed references leaks when call the
method ofxml.etree.ElementTree.Element
in the C implementation for already initialized element.bpo-23420: Verify the value for the parameter ‘-s’ of the cProfile CLI. Patch by Robert Kuska
bpo-33947: dataclasses now handle recursive reprs without raising RecursionError.
bpo-34890: Make
work withfunctools.partial()
. Patch by Pablo Galindo.bpo-34521: Use
to calculate ancillary data size instead ofsocket.CMSG_LEN()
as RFC 3542 requires the use of the former for portable applications.bpo-31522: The
function from_ parameter can now successfully be set to a non-default value.bpo-34970: Protect tasks weak set manipulation in
bpo-34969: gzip: Add –fast, –best on the gzip CLI, these parameters will be used for the fast compression method (quick) or the best method compress (slower, but smaller file). Also, change the default compression level to 6 (tradeoff).
bpo-16965: The 2to3
fixer now opens the file with mode'rb'
. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-34966:
now supports aliases not only to methods defined in the end class, but also to inherited methods. The docstring is not duplicated for aliases.bpo-34926:
now accepts path-like object in addition to url strings. Patch by Mayank Asthana.bpo-23831: Add
method to thetkinter.Canvas
widget. Patch by Juliette Monsel.bpo-34941: Methods
of theElement
class in thexml.etree.ElementTree
module are now able to find children which are instances ofElement
objects now always have asock
attribute presentbpo-34769: Fix for async generators not finalizing when event loop is in debug mode and garbage collector runs in another thread.
bpo-34936: Fix
. Patch by Juliette Monsel.bpo-34829: Add methods
to thetkinter.Spinbox
for consistency with thetkinter.Entry
widget. Patch by Juliette Monsel.bpo-34911: Added secure_protocols argument to http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy to allow for tweaking of protocols and also to add support by default for wss, the secure websocket protocol.
bpo-34922: Fixed integer overflow in the
methods for the SHAKE algorithm in thehashlib
module.bpo-34925: 25% speedup in argument parsing for the functions in the bisect module.
bpo-34900: Fixed
when used to call test methods with subtests. Patch by Bruno Oliveira.bpo-34844: logging.Formatter enhancement - Ensure styles and fmt matches in logging.Formatter - Added validate method in each format style class: StrFormatStyle, PercentStyle, StringTemplateStyle. - This method is called in the constructor of logging.Formatter class - Also re-raise the KeyError in the format method of each style class, so it would a bit clear that it’s an error with the invalid format fields.
bpo-34897: Adjust check so that a nominal command name of “” is ignored. Patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-34871: Fix inspect module polluted
when parsing__text_signature__
of callable.bpo-34898: Add
argument togzip.compress
for reproducible output. Patch by Guo Ci Teo.bpo-28441: On Cygwin and MinGW, ensure that
always includes the full filename in the path, including the.exe
suffix (unless it is a symbolic link).bpo-34866: Adding
to make DOS attacks harder by limiting the number ofMiniFieldStorage
objects created byFieldStorage
.bpo-34711: http.server ensures it reports HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND when the local path ends with “/” and is not a directory, even if the underlying OS (e.g. AIX) accepts such paths as a valid file reference. Patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-34872: Fix self-cancellation in C implementation of asyncio.Task
bpo-34849: Don’t log waiting for
in asyncio loop iteration. The waiting is pretty normal for any asyncio program, logging its time just adds a noise to logs without any useful information provided.bpo-34022: The
environment variable no longer overrides the value of the invalidation_mode argument topy_compile.compile()
, and determines its default value instead.bpo-34819: Use a monotonic clock to compute timeouts in
, in order to prevent timeouts from deviating when the system clock is adjusted.bpo-34758: Add .wasm -> application/wasm to list of recognized file types and content type headers
now accepts any iterable as its parser_list argument. Patch by Andrés Delfino.bpo-34334: In
, clearexc_text
to prevent traceback from being written twice.bpo-34687: On Windows, asyncio now uses ProactorEventLoop, instead of SelectorEventLoop, by default.
bpo-5950: Support reading zip files with archive comments in
.bpo-32892: The parser now represents all constants as
instead of using specific constant AST types (Num
). These classes are considered deprecated and will be removed in future Python versions.bpo-34728: Add deprecation warning when
is used in methods:asyncio.sleep
.bpo-34738: ZIP files created by
will now include entries for directories.bpo-34659: Add an optional initial argument to itertools.accumulate().
bpo-29577: Support multiple mixin classes when creating Enums.
bpo-34670: Add SSLContext.post_handshake_auth and SSLSocket.verify_client_post_handshake for TLS 1.3’s post handshake authentication feature.
bpo-32718: The Activate.ps1 script from venv works with PowerShell Core 6.1 and is now available under all operating systems.
bpo-31177: Fix bug that prevented using
on mock instances with deleted attributesbpo-34672: Add a workaround, so the
specifier on the musl C library can work in some cases.bpo-34666: Implement
coroutines. Methods are needed for providing a consistent stream API with control flow switched on by default.bpo-6721: Acquire the logging module’s commonly used internal locks while fork()ing to avoid deadlocks in the child process.
bpo-34658: Fix a rare interpreter unhandled exception state SystemError only seen when using subprocess with a preexec_fn while an after_parent handler has been registered with os.register_at_fork and the fork system call fails.
bpo-34652: Ensure
is never defined on Linux.bpo-34638: Store a weak reference to stream reader to break strong references loop between reader and protocol. It allows to detect and close the socket if the stream is deleted (garbage collected) without
: raiseValueError
if None returned andTypeError
if non-member is returned.bpo-34636: Speed up re scanning of many non-matching characters for s w and d within bytes objects. (microoptimization)
bpo-24412: Add
to unittest to support cleanups forsetUpModule()
. Patch by Lisa Roach.bpo-34630: Don’t log SSL certificate errors in asyncio code (connection error logging is skipped already).
bpo-32490: Prevent filename duplication in
exception messages. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-34363: dataclasses.asdict() and .astuple() now handle namedtuples correctly.
bpo-34625: Update vendorized expat library version to 2.2.6.
bpo-32270: The subprocess module no longer mistakenly closes redirected fds even when they were in pass_fds when outside of the default {0, 1, 2} set.
bpo-34622: Create a dedicated
exception classes. Inherit them from corresponding exceptions fromconcurrent.futures
package. Extractasyncio
exceptions into a separate file.bpo-34610: Fixed iterator of
.bpo-34421: Fix distutils logging for non-ASCII strings. This caused installation issues on Windows.
bpo-34604: Fix possible mojibake in the error message of
using string representation because of invisible characters or trailing whitespaces. Patch by William Grzybowski.bpo-30977: Make uuid.UUID use
to reduce its memory footprint. Based on original patch by Wouter Bolsterlee.bpo-34574: OrderedDict iterators are not exhausted during pickling anymore. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.
bpo-8110: Refactored
to check for Windows-specific modules rather thansys.platform == 'win32'
now falls back onos.defpath
if thePATH
environment variable is not set.bpo-34563: On Windows, fix multiprocessing.Connection for very large read: fix _winapi.PeekNamedPipe() and _winapi.ReadFile() for read larger than INT_MAX (usually
).bpo-34558: Correct typo in Lib/ctypes/
bpo-34282: Move
and fix enum members getting shadowed by parent attributes.bpo-22872: When the queue is closed,
is now raised bymultiprocessing.Queue.put()
instead ofAssertionError
, respectively. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-34515: Fix parsing non-ASCII identifiers in
(PEP 3131).bpo-13312: Avoids a possible integer underflow (undefined behavior) in the time module’s year handling code when passed a very low negative year value.
bpo-34472: Improved compatibility for streamed files in
. Previously an optional signature was not being written and certain ZIP applications were not supported. Patch by Silas Sewell.bpo-34454: Fix the .fromisoformat() methods of datetime types crashing when given unicode with non-UTF-8-encodable code points. Specifically, datetime.fromisoformat() now accepts surrogate unicode code points used as the separator. Report and tests by Alexey Izbyshev, patch by Paul Ganssle.
bpo-6700: Fix inspect.getsourcelines for module level frames/tracebacks. Patch by Vladimir Matveev.
bpo-34171: Running the
module no longer creates thetrace.cover
file.bpo-34441: Fix crash when an
-derived class with invalid__subclasses__
is passed as the second argument toissubclass()
. Patch by Alexey Izbyshev.bpo-34427: Fix infinite loop in
subclasses.bpo-34412: Make
work on HP-UX. Patch by Michael Osipov.bpo-20849: shutil.copytree now accepts a new
keyword argument. Patch by Josh Bronson.bpo-31715: Associate
file extension withapplication/javascript
MIME Type.bpo-34384:
now accepts path-like andbytes
objects on Windows.bpo-22602: The UTF-7 decoder now raises
for ill-formed sequences starting with “+” (as specified in RFC 2152). Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-2122: The
method now returnsNone
on success, raises an exception on error under all platforms.bpo-34341: Appending to the ZIP archive with the ZIP64 extension no longer grows the size of extra fields of existing entries.
bpo-34333: Fix %-formatting in
when formatting an error message.bpo-18540: The
classes now resolve to the local host IP correctly when the default value of host parameter (''
) is used.bpo-26502: Implement
method to preserve compatibility with the old tuple API.bpo-34318:
no longer success if the passed callable is None. They no longer ignore unknown keyword arguments in the context manager mode. A DeprecationWarning was raised in these cases since Python 3.5.bpo-9372: Deprecate
methods ofxml.dom.pulldom.DOMEventStream
.bpo-33613: Fix a race condition in
when the tracker receives SIGINT before it can register signal handlers for ignoring it.bpo-34248: Report filename in the exception raised when the database file cannot be opened by
due to OS-related error. Patch by Zsolt Cserna.bpo-33089: Add math.dist() to compute the Euclidean distance between two points.
no longer modifies the content of the mail_options argument. Patch by Pablo S. Blum de Aguiar.bpo-31047: Fix
for invalid paths on windows. Patch by Franz Woellert.bpo-32321: Add pure Python fallback for functools.reduce. Patch by Robert Wright.
bpo-34270: The default asyncio task class now always has a name which can be get or set using two new methods (
) and is visible in therepr()
output. An initial name can also be set using the newname
keyword argument toasyncio.create_task()
or thecreate_task()
method of the event loop. If no initial name is set, the default Task implementation generates a name likeTask-1
using a monotonic counter.bpo-34263: asyncio’s event loop will not pass timeouts longer than one day to epoll/select etc.
bpo-34035: Fix several AttributeError in zipfile seek() methods. Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen.
bpo-32215: Fix performance regression in
when a DML statement appeared in a different line than the rest of the SQL query.bpo-34075: Deprecate passing non-ThreadPoolExecutor instances to
.bpo-34251: Restore
to preserve backwards compatibility since it’s already used bydistutils
command.bpo-19891: Ignore errors caused by missing / non-writable homedir while writing history during exit of an interactive session. Patch by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-33089: Enhanced math.hypot() to support more than two dimensions.
bpo-34228: tracemalloc: PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=0 environment variable and -X tracemalloc=0 command line option are now allowed to disable explicitly tracemalloc at startup.
bpo-13041: Use
to calculate the terminal width correctly in theargparse.HelpFormatter
class. Initial patch by Zbyszek Jędrzejewski-Szmek.bpo-34213: Allow frozen dataclasses to have a field named “object”. Previously this conflicted with an internal use of “object”.
methods raises TypeError when unhashable objects are passed as callable. These methods now don’t pass such objects to SQLite API. Previous behavior could lead to segfaults. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-34197: Attributes skipinitialspace, doublequote and strict of the dialect attribute of the
reader are nowbool
instances instead of integers 0 or 1.bpo-32788: Errors other than
raised in methods__adapt__()
in thesqlite3
module are now propagated to the user.bpo-21446: The
fixer now usesimportlib.reload()
instead of deprecatedimp.reload()
.bpo-940286: pydoc’s
method now prints the cross references of a topic correctly.bpo-34164:
could raise UnboundLocalError or OverflowError for incorrect padding. Now it always raisesbase64.Error
in these cases.bpo-34097: ZipFile can zip files older than 1980-01-01 and newer than 2107-12-31 using a new
parameter at the cost of setting the timestamp to the limit.bpo-34108: Remove extraneous CR in 2to3 refactor.
bpo-34070: Make sure to only check if the handle is a tty, when opening a file with
.bpo-27494: Reverted bpo-27494. 2to3 rejects now a trailing comma in generator expressions.
bpo-33967: functools.singledispatch now raises TypeError instead of IndexError when no positional arguments are passed.
bpo-34041: Add the parameter deterministic to the
method. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-34056: Ensure the loader shim created by
always returns bytes from itsget_data()
function. This fixes usingimp.load_module
with PEP 552 hash-based pycs.bpo-34054: The multiprocessing module now uses the monotonic clock
instead of the system clocktime.time()
to implement timeout.bpo-34043: Optimize tarfile uncompress performance about 15% when gzip is used.
now copies the startupinfo argument to leave it unchanged: it will modify the copy, so that the sameSTARTUPINFO
object can be used multiple times.bpo-34010: Fixed a performance regression for reading streams with tarfile. The buffered read should use a list, instead of appending to a bytes object.
bpo-34019: webbrowser: Correct the arguments passed to Opera Browser when opening a new URL using the
module. Patch by Bumsik Kim.bpo-34003: csv.DictReader now creates dicts instead of OrderedDicts. Patch by Michael Selik.
bpo-33978: Closed existing logging handlers before reconfiguration via fileConfig and dictConfig. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
bpo-14117: Make minor tweaks to turtledemo. The ‘wikipedia’ example is now ‘rosette’, describing what it draws. The ‘penrose’ print output is reduced. The’1024’ output of ‘tree’ is eliminated.
bpo-33974: Fixed passing lists and tuples of strings containing special characters
as options tottk
widgets.bpo-27500: Fix getaddrinfo to resolve IPv6 addresses correctly.
bpo-24567: Improve random.choices() to handle subnormal input weights that could occasionally trigger an IndexError.
bpo-33871: Fixed integer overflow in
and inos.sendfile()
with headers or trailers arguments (on BSD-based OSes and macOS).bpo-25007: Add
support to zlib compressors and decompressors. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-33929: multiprocessing: Fix a race condition in Popen of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32. The child process now duplicates the read end of pipe instead of “stealing” it. Previously, the read end of pipe was “stolen” by the child process, but it leaked a handle if the child process had been terminated before it could steal the handle from the parent process.
bpo-33899: Tokenize module now implicitly emits a NEWLINE when provided with input that does not have a trailing new line. This behavior now matches what the C tokenizer does internally. Contributed by Ammar Askar.
bpo-33897: Added a ‘force’ keyword argument to logging.basicConfig().
function and all copy functions depending from it use cachedos.stat()
values. The speedup for copying a directory with 8000 files is around +9% on Linux, +20% on Windows and + 30% on a Windows SMB share. Also the number ofos.stat()
syscalls is reduced by 38% makingshutil.copytree()
especially faster on network filesystems. (Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola’ in bpo-33695.)bpo-33916: bz2 and lzma: When Decompressor.__init__() is called twice, free the old lock to not leak memory.
bpo-32568: Make select.epoll() and its documentation consistent regarding sizehint and flags.
bpo-33833: Fixed bug in asyncio where ProactorSocketTransport logs AssertionError if force closed during write.
bpo-33663: Convert content length to string before putting to header.
functions that return a boolean result likeexists()
, andismount()
, andpathlib.Path
methods that return a boolean result likeexists()
now returnFalse
instead of raisingValueError
or its subclassesUnicodeEncodeError
for paths that contain characters or bytes unrepresentable at the OS level.bpo-26544: Fixed implementation of
. It almost always returned version ‘2.9’ for glibc.bpo-33843: Remove deprecated
.bpo-33842: Remove
which is deprecated since Python 3.3.bpo-30167: Prevent site.main() exception if PYTHONSTARTUP is set. Patch by Steve Weber.
bpo-33805: Improve error message of dataclasses.replace() when an InitVar is not specified
bpo-33687: Fix the call to
if a mode is given or decoded. Patch by Timo Furrer.bpo-33812: Datetime instance d with non-None tzinfo, but with d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returning None is now treated as naive by the astimezone() method.
bpo-32108: In configparser, don’t clear section when it is assigned to itself.
bpo-27397: Make email module properly handle invalid-length base64 strings.
bpo-33578: Implement multibyte encoder/decoder state methods
bpo-30805: Avoid race condition with debug logging
bpo-33476: Fix when address group is missing final ‘;’. Contributed by Enrique Perez-Terron
bpo-33694: asyncio: Fix a race condition causing data loss on pause_reading()/resume_reading() when using the ProactorEventLoop.
bpo-32493: Correct test for
. Patch by Michael Felt.bpo-33792: Add asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy and asyncio.WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy.
bpo-33274: W3C DOM Level 1 specifies return value of Element.removeAttributeNode() as “The Attr node that was removed.” xml.dom.minidom now complies with this requirement.
bpo-33778: Update
’s database to Unicode version 11.0.0.bpo-33165: Added a stacklevel parameter to logging calls to allow use of wrapper/helper functions for logging APIs.
bpo-33770: improve base64 exception message for encoded inputs of invalid length
bpo-33769: asyncio/start_tls: Fix error message; cancel callbacks in case of an unhandled error; mark SSLTransport as closed if it is aborted.
bpo-33767: The concatenation (
) and repetition (*
) sequence operations now raiseTypeError
instead ofSystemError
when performed onmmap.mmap
objects. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-33734: asyncio/ssl: Fix AttributeError, increase default handshake timeout
bpo-31014: Fixed creating a controller for
when a user specifies a path to an entry in the BROWSER environment variable. Based on patch by John Still.bpo-2504: Add gettext.pgettext() and variants.
bpo-33197: Add description property for _ParameterKind
bpo-32751: When cancelling the task due to a timeout,
will now wait until the cancellation is complete.bpo-32684: Fix gather to propagate cancellation of itself even with return_exceptions.
bpo-33654: Support protocol type switching in SSLTransport.set_protocol().
bpo-33674: Pause the transport as early as possible to further reduce the risk of data_received() being called before connection_made().
use platform-specific fast-copy syscalls on Linux and macOS in order to copy the file more efficiently. On Windowsshutil.copyfile()
uses a bigger default buffer size (1 MiB instead of 16 KiB) and amemoryview()
-based variant ofshutil.copyfileobj()
is used. The speedup for copying a 512MiB file is about +26% on Linux, +50% on macOS and +40% on Windows. Also, much less CPU cycles are consumed. (Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola’ in bpo-25427.)bpo-33674: Fix a race condition in SSLProtocol.connection_made() of asyncio.sslproto: start immediately the handshake instead of using call_soon(). Previously, data_received() could be called before the handshake started, causing the handshake to hang or fail.
bpo-31647: Fixed bug where calling write_eof() on a _SelectorSocketTransport after it’s already closed raises AttributeError.
bpo-32610: Make asyncio.all_tasks() return only pending tasks.
bpo-32410: Avoid blocking on file IO in sendfile fallback code
bpo-33469: Fix RuntimeError after closing loop that used run_in_executor
bpo-33672: Fix Task.__repr__ crash with Cython’s bogus coroutines
bpo-33654: Fix transport.set_protocol() to support switching between asyncio.Protocol and asyncio.BufferedProtocol. Fix loop.start_tls() to work with asyncio.BufferedProtocols.
bpo-33652: Pickles of type variables and subscripted generics are now future-proof and compatible with older Python versions.
bpo-32493: Fixed
on FreeBSD.bpo-33238: Add
now raiseInvalidStateError
if the futures are not pending or running. Patch by Jason Haydaman.bpo-33618: Finalize and document preliminary and experimental TLS 1.3 support with OpenSSL 1.1.1
bpo-33625: Release GIL on
if reentrant variants of these functions are available. Patch by William Grzybowski.bpo-33623: Fix possible SIGSGV when asyncio.Future is created in __del__
bpo-11874: Use a better regex when breaking usage into wrappable parts. Avoids bogus assertion errors from custom metavar strings.
bpo-30877: Fixed a bug in the Python implementation of the JSON decoder that prevented the cache of parsed strings from clearing after finishing the decoding. Based on patch by c-fos.
bpo-33604: Remove HMAC default to md5 marked for removal in 3.8 (removal originally planned in 3.6, bump to 3.8 in PR 7062).
bpo-33582: Emit a deprecation warning for inspect.formatargspec
bpo-21145: Add
decorator, for computed properties cached for the life of the instance.bpo-33570: Change TLS 1.3 cipher suite settings for compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre6 and newer. OpenSSL 1.1.1 will have TLS 1.3 ciphers enabled by default.
bpo-28556: Do not simplify arguments to
. NowUnion[Manager, Employee]
is not simplified toEmployee
at runtime. Such simplification previously caused several bugs and limited possibilities for introspection.bpo-12486:
is now documented as a public API to tokenize unicode strings. It was previously present but undocumented.bpo-33540: Add a new
class attribute toForkingMixIn
classes ofsocketserver
.bpo-33548: tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list should consider common TEMP locations
bpo-33109: argparse subparsers are once again not required by default, reverting the change in behavior introduced by bpo-26510 in 3.7.0a2.
bpo-33541: Remove unused private method
).bpo-33536: dataclasses.make_dataclass now checks for invalid field names and duplicate fields. Also, added a check for invalid field specifications.
bpo-33542: Prevent
from using a DUID instead of a MAC on Windows. Patch by Zvi Effronbpo-26819: Fix race condition with
in Windows proactor event loop.Fix failure in
when ClassVar was provided as a string forward reference.bpo-33516:
now supports the__round__
magic method.bpo-28612: Added support for Site Maps to urllib’s
. Patch by Lady Red, based on patch by Peter Wirtz.bpo-28167: Remove platform.linux_distribution, which was deprecated since 3.5.
bpo-33504: Switch the default dictionary implementation for
to the standarddict
type.bpo-33505: Optimize asyncio.ensure_future() by reordering if checks: 1.17x faster.
bpo-33497: Add errors param to cgi.parse_multipart and make an encoding in FieldStorage use the given errors (needed for Twisted). Patch by Amber Brown.
bpo-29235: The
class can now be used as a context manager. Patch by Scott Sanderson.bpo-33495: Change dataclasses.Fields repr to use the repr of each of its members, instead of str. This makes it more clear what each field actually represents. This is especially true for the ‘type’ member.
bpo-26103: Correct
to look for__set__
. Patch by Aaron Hall.bpo-29209: Removed the
method and the html parameter of the constructor ofXMLParser
. Thedoctype()
method defined in a subclass will no longer be called. Deprecated methodsgetchildren()
in theElementTree
module emit now aDeprecationWarning
instead ofPendingDeprecationWarning
.bpo-33453: Fix dataclasses to work if using literal string type annotations or if using PEP 563 “Postponed Evaluation of Annotations”. Only specific string prefixes are detected for both ClassVar (“ClassVar” and “typing.ClassVar”) and InitVar (“InitVar” and “dataclasses.InitVar”).
bpo-28556: Minor fixes in typing module: add annotations to
, pass*args
. Original PRs by Paulius Šarka and Chad Dombrova.bpo-33365: Print the header values besides the header keys instead just the header keys if debuglevel is set to >0 in
. Patch by Marco Strigl.bpo-20087: Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.27 supported locales.
bpo-33422: Fix trailing quotation marks getting deleted when looking up byte/string literals on pydoc. Patch by Andrés Delfino.
bpo-28167: The function
now trigger aDeprecationWarning
and have been marked for removal in Python 3.8bpo-33281: Fix ctypes.util.find_library regression on macOS.
bpo-33311: Text and html output generated by cgitb does not display parentheses if the current call is done directly in the module. Patch by Stéphane Blondon.
bpo-27300: The file classes in tempfile now accept an errors parameter that complements the already existing encoding. Patch by Stephan Hohe.
now supports iteration over the file contents. Patch by Tony Flury.bpo-33217: Raise
when looking up non-Enum objects in Enum classes and Enum members.bpo-33197: Update error message when constructing invalid inspect.Parameters Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-33383: Fixed crash in the get() method of the
database object when it is called with a single argument.bpo-33375: The warnings module now finds the Python file associated with a warning from the code object, rather than the frame’s global namespace. This is consistent with how tracebacks and pdb find filenames, and should work better for dynamically executed code.
now allowsMOVE
command inIMAP4.uid()
(RFC 6851: IMAP MOVE Extension) and potentially as a name of supported method ofIMAP4
object.bpo-32455: Added jump parameter to
.bpo-27485: Rename and deprecate undocumented functions in
.bpo-33332: Add
to expose the POSIX sigfillset() functionality.bpo-33251:
was fixed so that key-value pairs passed in viavars()
are not included in the resulting output.bpo-33329: Fix multiprocessing regression on newer glibcs
now supports all defined opcodes including NOP and EXTENDED_ARG.bpo-991266: Fix quoting of the
attribute ofhttp.cookies.SimpleCookie
.bpo-33131: Upgrade bundled version of pip to 10.0.1.
bpo-33308: Fixed a crash in the
module when converting an ST object to a tree of tuples or lists withline_info=False
.bpo-23403: lib2to3 now uses pickle protocol 4 for pre-computed grammars.
bpo-33266: lib2to3 now recognizes
strings.bpo-11594: Ensure line-endings are respected when using lib2to3.
bpo-33254: Have
return an iterable instead of an iterator.bpo-33265:
now use a method instead of a wrapper function for exit callbacks.bpo-33263: Fix FD leak in
Patch by Vlad Starostin.bpo-33256: Fix display of
call in the html produced bycgitb.html()
. Patch by Stéphane Blondon.bpo-33144:
and its subclassing mechanism got optimized to check only once at class/subclass instantiation time whether itsgetrandbits()
method can be relied on by other methods, includingrandrange()
, for the generation of arbitrarily large random integers. Patch by Wolfgang Maier.bpo-33185: Fixed regression when running pydoc with the
switch. (The regression was introduced in 3.7.0b3 by the resolution of bpo-33053)This fix also changed pydoc to add
when necessary, rather than adding"."
.bpo-29613: Added support for the
cookie flag to thehttp.cookies
module.bpo-33169: Delete entries of
is called.bpo-33203:
now raisesIndexError
for empty sequences consistently even when called from subclasses without agetrandbits()
implementation.bpo-33224: Update difflib.mdiff() for PEP 479. Convert an uncaught StopIteration in a generator into a return-statement.
bpo-33209: End framing at the end of C implementation of
.bpo-32861: The urllib.robotparser’s
representation now includes wildcard entries and the “Crawl-delay” and “Request-rate” fields. Also removes extra newlines that were being appended to the end of the string. Patch by Michael Lazar.bpo-23403:
was bumped to 4. Protocol 4 is described in PEP 3154 and available since Python 3.4. It offers better performance and smaller size compared to protocol 3 introduced in Python 3.0.bpo-20104: Improved error handling and fixed a reference leak in
.bpo-33106: Deleting a key from a read-only dbm database raises module specific error instead of KeyError.
bpo-33175: In dataclasses, Field.__set_name__ now looks up the __set_name__ special method on the class, not the instance, of the default value.
bpo-32380: Create functools.singledispatchmethod to support generic single dispatch on descriptors and methods.
bpo-33141: Have Field objects pass through __set_name__ to their default values, if they have their own __set_name__.
bpo-33096: Allow ttk.Treeview.insert to insert iid that has a false boolean value. Note iid=0 and iid=False would be same. Patch by Garvit Khatri.
bpo-32873: Treat type variables and special typing forms as immutable by copy and pickle. This fixes several minor issues and inconsistencies, and improves backwards compatibility with Python 3.6.
bpo-33134: When computing dataclass’s __hash__, use the lookup table to contain the function which returns the __hash__ value. This is an improvement over looking up a string, and then testing that string to see what to do.
bpo-33127: The ssl module now compiles with LibreSSL 2.7.1.
bpo-32505: Raise TypeError if a member variable of a dataclass is of type Field, but doesn’t have a type annotation.
bpo-33078: Fix the failure on OSX caused by the tests relying on sem_getvalue
bpo-33116: Add ‘Field’ to dataclasses.__all__.
bpo-32896: Fix an error where subclassing a dataclass with a field that uses a default_factory would generate an incorrect class.
bpo-33100: Dataclasses: If a field has a default value that’s a MemberDescriptorType, then it’s from that field being in __slots__, not an actual default value.
bpo-32953: If a non-dataclass inherits from a frozen dataclass, allow attributes to be added to the derived class. Only attributes from the frozen dataclass cannot be assigned to. Require all dataclasses in a hierarchy to be either all frozen or all non-frozen.
bpo-33097: Raise RuntimeError when
is called during interpreter shutdown.bpo-32968: Modulo and floor division involving Fraction and float should return float.
bpo-33061: Add missing
in typing.pybpo-33078: Fix the size handling in multiprocessing.Queue when a pickling error occurs.
bpo-33064: lib2to3 now properly supports trailing commas after
in function signatures.bpo-33056: FIX properly close leaking fds in concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.
bpo-33021: Release the GIL during fstat() calls, avoiding hang of all threads when calling mmap.mmap(), os.urandom(), and random.seed(). Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-31804: Avoid failing in multiprocessing.Process if the standard streams are closed or None at exit.
bpo-33034: Providing an explicit error message when casting the port property to anything that is not an integer value using
. Patch by Matt Eaton.bpo-30249: Improve struct.unpack_from() exception messages for problems with the buffer size and offset.
bpo-33037: Skip sending/receiving data after SSL transport closing.
bpo-27683: Fix a regression in
that result ofhosts()
is empty when the network is constructed by a tuple containing an integer mask and only 1 bit left for addresses.bpo-22674: Add the strsignal() function in the signal module that returns the system description of the given signal, as returned by strsignal(3).
bpo-32999: Fix C implementation of
ABC.__subclasscheck__(cls, subclass)
crashed whensubclass
is not a type object.bpo-33009: Fix inspect.signature() for single-parameter partialmethods.
bpo-32969: Expose several missing constants in zlib and fix corresponding documentation.
bpo-32056: Improved exceptions raised for invalid number of channels and sample width when read an audio file in modules
.bpo-32970: Improved disassembly of the MAKE_FUNCTION instruction.
bpo-32844: Fix wrong redirection of a low descriptor (0 or 1) to stderr in subprocess if another low descriptor is closed.
bpo-32960: For dataclasses, disallow inheriting frozen from non-frozen classes, and also disallow inheriting non-frozen from frozen classes. This restriction will be relaxed at a future date.
bpo-32713: Fixed tarfile.itn handling of out-of-bounds float values. Patch by Joffrey Fuhrer.
bpo-32257: The ssl module now contains OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION constant, available with OpenSSL 1.1.0h or 1.1.1.
bpo-32951: Direct instantiation of SSLSocket and SSLObject objects is now prohibited. The constructors were never documented, tested, or designed as public constructors. Users were suppose to use ssl.wrap_socket() or SSLContext.
bpo-32929: Remove the tri-state parameter “hash”, and add the boolean “unsafe_hash”. If unsafe_hash is True, add a __hash__ function, but if a __hash__ exists, raise TypeError. If unsafe_hash is False, add a __hash__ based on the values of eq= and frozen=. The unsafe_hash=False behavior is the same as the old hash=None behavior. unsafe_hash=False is the default, just as hash=None used to be.
bpo-32947: Add OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT and test workaround for TLSv1.3 for future compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1.
bpo-32146: Document the interaction between frozen executables and the spawn and forkserver start methods in multiprocessing.
bpo-30622: The ssl module now detects missing NPN support in LibreSSL.
bpo-32922: now encodes filename with the filesystem encoding rather than default encoding.
bpo-32759: Free unused arenas in multiprocessing.heap.
bpo-32859: In
, don’t check every call whether thedup3
syscall exists or not.bpo-32556: nt._getfinalpathname, nt._getvolumepathname and nt._getdiskusage now correctly convert from bytes.
bpo-21060: Rewrite confusing message from upload from “No dist file created in earlier command” to the more helpful “Must create and upload files in one command”.
bpo-32857: In
now raises aValueError
instead of canceling the first scheduled function. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.bpo-32852: Make sure sys.argv remains as a list when running trace.
module is added. It is a speedup module with C implementations for various functions and methods inabc
. Creating an ABC subclass and callingisinstance
with an ABC subclass are up to 1.5x faster. In addition, this makes Python start-up up to 10% faster.Note that the new implementation hides internal registry and caches, previously accessible via private attributes
, and_abc_negative_cache
. There are three debugging helper methods that can be used instead_dump_registry
, and_abc_caches_clear
.bpo-32841: Fixed
issue which silently ignored cancellation after notifying and cancelling a conditional lock. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-32819: ssl.match_hostname() has been simplified and no longer depends on re and ipaddress module for wildcard and IP addresses. Error reporting for invalid wildcards has been improved.
no longer leaks processes if its initialization fails.bpo-32394: socket: Remove TCP_FASTOPEN,TCP_KEEPCNT,TCP_KEEPIDLE,TCP_KEEPINTVL flags on older version Windows during run-time.
bpo-31787: Fixed refleaks of
methods in various modules. (Contributed by Oren Milman)bpo-30157: Fixed guessing quote and delimiter in csv.Sniffer.sniff() when only the last field is quoted. Patch by Jake Davis.
bpo-30688: Added support of
escapes in regular expressions. Based on patch by Jonathan Eunice.bpo-32792: collections.ChainMap() preserves the order of the underlying mappings.
no longer produces patterns which contain set operations. Sets starting with ‘[’ or containing ‘–’, ‘&&’, ‘~~’ or ‘||’ will be interpreted differently in regular expressions in future versions. Currently they emit warnings. fnmatch.translate() now avoids producing patterns containing such sets by accident.bpo-32622: Implement native fast sendfile for Windows proactor event loop.
bpo-32777: Fix a rare but potential pre-exec child process deadlock in subprocess on POSIX systems when marking file descriptors inheritable on exec in the child process. This bug appears to have been introduced in 3.4.
bpo-32647: The ctypes module used to depend on indirect linking for dlopen. The shared extension is now explicitly linked against libdl on platforms with dl.
bpo-32749: A
database opened with flags ‘r’ is now
with flags ‘r’ and ‘w’ no longer creates a database if it does not exist.bpo-32741: Implement
method.bpo-32691: Use mod_spec.parent when running modules with pdb
bpo-32734: Fixed
safety issue which allowed acquiring and locking the same lock multiple times, without it being free. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-32727: Do not include name field in SMTP envelope from address. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-31453: Add TLSVersion constants and SSLContext.maximum_version / minimum_version attributes. The new API wraps OpenSSL 1.1 feature.
bpo-24334: Internal implementation details of ssl module were cleaned up. The SSLSocket has one less layer of indirection. Owner and session information are now handled by the SSLSocket and SSLObject constructor. Channel binding implementation has been simplified.
bpo-31848: Fix the error handling in Aifc_read.initfp() when the SSND chunk is not found. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-32585: Add Ttk spinbox widget to
. Patch by Alan D Moore.bpo-32512:
CLI accepts-m module_name
as an alternative to script path.bpo-8525: help() on a type now displays builtin subclasses. This is intended primarily to help with notification of more specific exception subclasses.
Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-31639: http.server now exposes a ThreadingHTTPServer class and uses it when the module is run with
to cope with web browsers pre-opening sockets.bpo-29877: compileall: import ProcessPoolExecutor only when needed, preventing hangs on low resource platforms
bpo-32221: Various functions returning tuple containing IPv6 addresses now omit
part since the same information is already encoded in scopeid tuple item. Especially this speeds upsocket.recvfrom()
when it receives multicast packet since useless resolving of network interface name is omitted.bpo-32147:
is now up to 2 times faster. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev.bpo-30693: The TarFile class now recurses directories in a reproducible way.
bpo-30693: The ZipFile class now recurses directories in a reproducible way.
bpo-31680: Added
.bpo-31908: Fix output of cover files for
module command-line tool. Previously emitted cover files only when--missing
option was used. Patch by Michael Selik.bpo-31608: Raise a
instead of crashing if acollections.deque
subclass returns a non-deque from__new__
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31425: Add support for sockets of the AF_QIPCRTR address family, supported by the Linux kernel. This is used to communicate with services, such as GPS or radio, running on Qualcomm devices. Patch by Bjorn Andersson.
bpo-22005: Implemented unpickling instances of
pickled by Python 2.encoding='latin1'
should be used for successful decoding.bpo-27645:
now exposes abackup
method, if the underlying SQLite library is at version 3.6.11 or higher. Patch by Lele Gaifax.bpo-16865: Support arrays >=2GiB in
. Patch by Segev Finer.bpo-31508: Removed support of arguments in
. It was deprecated in 3.6. Use specialized methods likeselection_set
for changing the selection.bpo-29456: Fix bugs in hangul normalization: u1176, u11a7 and u11c3
bpo-21257: Document
.bpo-34764: Improve example of iter() with 2nd sentinel argument.
bpo-35564: Explicitly set master_doc variable in for compliance with Sphinx 2.0
bpo-35511: Specified that profile.Profile class doesn’t not support enable or disable methods. Also, elaborated that Profile object as a context manager is only supported in cProfile module.
bpo-10536: Enhance the gettext docs. Patch by Éric Araujo
bpo-35089: Remove mention of
. Their types should be imported fromtyping
directly.bpo-35038: Fix the documentation about an unexisting
attribute in the frame object. Patch by Stéphane Wirtelbpo-35042: Replace PEP XYZ by the pep role and allow to use the direct links to the PEPs.
bpo-35044: Fix the documentation with the role
for the appropriated exception. Patch by Stéphane Wirtelbpo-35035: Rename documentation for
.bpo-34967: Use app.add_object_type() instead of the deprecated Sphinx function app.description_unit()
bpo-34913: Add documentation about the new command line interface of the gzip module.
bpo-32174: chm document displays non-ASCII characters properly on some MBCS Windows systems.
bpo-11233: Create availability directive for documentation. Original patch by Georg Brandl.
bpo-34790: Document how passing coroutines to asyncio.wait() can be confusing.
bpo-34552: Make clear that
operator sometimes is equivalent tois
. The<
operators are only defined where they make sense.bpo-28617: Fixed info in the stdtypes docs concerning the types that support membership tests.
bpo-20177: Migrate to Argument Clinic. Patch by Tim Hoffmann.
bpo-34065: Fix wrongly written basicConfig documentation markup syntax
bpo-33460: replaced ellipsis with correct error codes in tutorial chapter 3.
bpo-33847: Add ‘@’ operator entry to index.
bpo-33409: Clarified the relationship between PEP 538’s PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE and PEP 540’s PYTHONUTF8 mode.
bpo-33197: Add versionadded tag to the documentation of ParameterKind.description
bpo-17045: Improve the C-API doc for PyTypeObject. This includes adding several quick-reference tables and a lot of missing slot/typedef entries. The existing entries were also cleaned up with a slightly more consistent format.
bpo-33736: Improve the documentation of
and their UNIX socket counterparts.bpo-23859: Document that
does not cancel its futures on timeout.bpo-33604: Update HMAC md5 default to a DeprecationWarning, bump removal to 3.8.
bpo-33594: Document
as deprecated in their respective docstring, and include version since deprecation in DeprecationWarning message.bpo-33503: Fix broken pypi link
bpo-33421: Add missing documentation for
.bpo-33487: BZ2file now emit a DeprecationWarning when buffering=None is passed, the deprecation message and documentation also now explicitly state it is deprecated since 3.0.
bpo-33378: Add Korean language switcher for
bpo-33276: Clarify that the
attribute on modules cannot be just any value.bpo-33201: Modernize documentation for writing C extension types.
bpo-33195: Deprecate
usage inc-api/arg
related APIs are deprecated since Python 3.3, but it is missed in the document.bpo-33126: Document PyBuffer_ToContiguous().
bpo-27212: Modify documentation for the
recipe to consume initial values up to the start index.bpo-28247: Update
documentation to describe how to make standalone applications.bpo-18802: Documentation changes for ipaddress. Patch by Jon Foster and Berker Peksag.
bpo-27428: Update documentation to clarify that
. (Patch by Himanshu Lakhara)bpo-28124: The ssl module function ssl.wrap_socket() has been de-emphasized and deprecated in favor of the more secure and efficient SSLContext.wrap_socket() method.
bpo-17232: Clarify docs for -O and -OO. Patch by Terry Reedy.
bpo-32436: Add documentation for the contextvars module (PEP 567).
bpo-32800: Update link to w3c doc for xml default namespaces.
bpo-11015: Update
documentation.bpo-32613: Update the faq/windows.html to use the py command from PEP 397 instead of python.
bpo-8722: Document
behavior when propertyget()
method raisesAttributeError
.bpo-32614: Modify RE examples in documentation to use raw strings to prevent
and add text to REGEX HOWTO to highlight the deprecation.bpo-20709: Remove the paragraph where we explain that os.utime() does not support a directory as path under Windows. Patch by Jan-Philip Gehrcke
bpo-32722: Remove the bad example in the tutorial of the Generator Expression. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-31972: Improve docstrings for
subclasses.bpo-30607: Use the externalized
package when building the documentation.bpo-8243: Add a note about curses.addch and curses.addstr exception behavior when writing outside a window, or pad.
bpo-32337: Update documentation related with
order.bpo-31432: Clarify meaning of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, and CERT_REQUIRED flags for ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode.
bpo-35772: Fix sparse file tests of test_tarfile on ppc64 with the tmpfs filesystem. Fix the function testing if the filesystem supports sparse files: create a file which contains data and “holes”, instead of creating a file which contains no data. tmpfs effective block size is a page size (tmpfs lives in the page cache). RHEL uses 64 KiB pages on aarch64, ppc64, ppc64le, only s390x and x86_64 use 4 KiB pages, whereas the test punch holes of 4 KiB.
bpo-35045: Make ssl tests less strict and also accept TLSv1 as system default. The changes unbreaks test_min_max_version on Fedora 29.
now resets the event loop policy usingtearDownModule()
as done in other tests, to prevent a warning when running tests on Windows.bpo-33717: test.pythoninfo now logs information of all clocks, not only time.time() and time.perf_counter().
bpo-35488: Add a test to pathlib’s Path.match() to verify it does not support glob-style ** recursive pattern matching.
bpo-31731: Fix a race condition in
of test_io: create directly the thread with SIGALRM signal blocked, rather than blocking the signal later from the thread. Previously, it was possible that the thread gets the signal before the signal is blocked.bpo-35424: Fix test_multiprocessing_main_handling: use
with a context manager and then explicitly join the pool.bpo-35519: Rename
module totest.bisect_cmd
to avoid conflict withbisect
module when running directly a test like./python Lib/test/
.bpo-35513: Replace
in tests to measure time delta.bpo-34279:
no longer raiseTestDidNotRun
if the test result contains skipped tests. The exception is now only raised if no test have been run and no test have been skipped.bpo-35412: Add testcase to
: check unicode literal.bpo-26704: Added test demonstrating double-patching of an instance method. Patch by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-33725: test_multiprocessing_fork may crash on recent versions of macOS. Until the issue is resolved, skip the test on macOS.
bpo-35352: Modify test_asyncio to use the certificate set from the test directory.
bpo-35317: Fix
overflow error intest_email
: runtest_localtime_daylight_true_dst_true()
with a specific timezone.bpo-21263: After several reports that test_gdb does not work properly on macOS and since gdb is not shipped by default anymore, test_gdb is now skipped on macOS when LLVM Clang has been used to compile Python. Patch by Lysandros Nikolaou
bpo-34279: regrtest issue a warning when no tests have been executed in a particular test file. Also, a new final result state is issued if no test have been executed across all test files. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-34962: make docstest in Doc now passes., and is enforced in CI
bpo-23596: Use argparse for the command line of the gzip module. Patch by Antony Lee
bpo-34537: Fix
and GDB was compiled with Python 3.6 or earlier.bpo-34587: test_socket: Remove RDSTest.testCongestion(). The test tries to fill the receiver’s socket buffer and expects an error. But the RDS protocol doesn’t require that. Moreover, the Linux implementation of RDS expects that the producer of the messages reduces its rate, it’s not the role of the receiver to trigger an error. The test fails on Fedora 28 by design, so just remove it.
bpo-34661: Fix test_shutil if unzip doesn’t support -t.
bpo-34200: Fixed non-deterministic flakiness of test_pkg by not using the scary logic to save and restore sys.modules contents between test cases.
bpo-34569: The experimental PEP 554 data channels now correctly pass negative PyLong objects between subinterpreters on 32-bit systems. Patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-34594: Fix usage of hardcoded
values in the tests.bpo-34579: Fix test_embed for AIX Patch by Michael Felt
bpo-34542: Use 3072 RSA keys and SHA-256 signature for test certs and keys.
bpo-11193: Remove special condition for AIX in
bpo-34347: Fix
for AIXbpo-34490: On AIX with AF_UNIX family sockets getsockname() does not provide ‘sockname’, so skip calls to transport.get_extra_info(‘sockname’)
bpo-34391: Fix ftplib test for TLS 1.3 by reading from data socket.
bpo-11192: Fix
on AIX 6.1 and later IPv6 zone id supports only supported byinet_pton6_zone()
. Switch to runtime-basedplatform.system()
to establish current platform rather than build-time basedsys.platform()
bpo-34399: Update all RSA keys and DH params to use at least 2048 bits.
bpo-34373: Fix
tests for AIX Add range checking for_PyTime_localtime
for AIX Patch by Michael Feltbpo-11191: Skip the distutils test ‘test_search_cpp’ when using XLC as compiler patch by aixtools (Michael Felt)
Improved an error message when mock assert_has_calls fails.
bpo-33746: Fix test_unittest when run in verbose mode.
bpo-33901: Fix test_dbm_gnu on macOS with gdbm 1.15: add a larger value to make sure that the file size changes.
bpo-33873: Fix a bug in
that caused an extra test to run if –huntrleaks/-R was used. Exit with error in case that invalid parameters are specified to –huntrleaks/-R (at least one warmup run and one repetition must be used).bpo-33562: Check that a global asyncio event loop policy is not left behind by any tests.
bpo-33655: Ignore test_posix_fallocate failures on BSD platforms that might be due to running on ZFS.
bpo-32962: Fixed test_gdb when Python is compiled with flags -mcet -fcf-protection -O0.
bpo-33358: Fix
when the interpreter is built with--enable-shared
.bpo-32872: Avoid regrtest compatibility issue with namespace packages.
bpo-32517: Fix failing
on macOS 10.12.2+ due to transport ofKqueueSelector
loop was not being closed.bpo-32663: Making sure the
class of tests gets run
.bpo-27643: Test_C test case needs “signed short” bitfields, but the IBM XLC compiler (on AIX) does not support this Skip the code and test when AIX and XLC are used
Applicable to Python2-2.7 and later
bpo-19417: Add
bpo-31809: Add tests to verify connection with secp ECDH curves.
bpo-34691: The _contextvars module is now built into the core Python library on Windows.
bpo-35683: Improved Azure Pipelines build steps and now verifying layouts correctly
bpo-35642: Remove asynciomodule.c from pythoncore.vcxproj
bpo-35550: Fix incorrect Solaris #ifdef checks to look for __sun && __SVR4 instead of sun when compiling.
make profile-opt
no longer replacesCFLAGS_NODIST
. It now adds profile-guided optimization (PGO) flags toCFLAGS_NODIST
flags are kept.bpo-35257: Avoid leaking the linker flags from Link Time Optimizations (LTO) into distutils when compiling C extensions.
bpo-35351: When building Python with clang and LTO, LTO flags are no longer passed into CFLAGS to build third-party C extensions through distutils.
bpo-35139: Fix a compiler error when statically linking
.bpo-35059: PCbuild: Set InlineFunctionExpansion to OnlyExplicitInline (“/Ob1” option) in pyproject.props in Debug mode to expand functions marked as inline. This change should make Python compiled in Debug mode a little bit faster on Windows.
bpo-35011: Restores the use of pyexpatns.h to isolate our embedded copy of the expat C library so that its symbols do not conflict at link or dynamic loading time with an embedding application or other extension modules with their own version of libexpat.
bpo-28015: Have –with-lto works correctly with clang.
bpo-34765: Update the outdated install-sh file to the latest revision from automake v1.16.1
bpo-34585: Check for floating-point byte order in using compilation tests instead of executing code, so that these checks work in cross-compiled builds.
bpo-34710: Fixed SSL module build with OpenSSL & pedantic CFLAGS.
bpo-34582: Add JUnit XML output for regression tests and update Azure DevOps builds.
bpo-34081: Make Sphinx warnings as errors in the Docs Makefile.
bpo-34555: Fix for case where it was not possible to have both
be undefined.bpo-33015: Fix an undefined behaviour in the pthread implementation of
: add a function wrapper to always returnNULL
.bpo-34245: The Python shared library is now installed with write permission (mode 0755), which is the standard way of installing such libraries.
bpo-34121: Fix detection of C11 atomic support on clang.
bpo-32430: Rename Modules/Setup.dist to Modules/Setup, and remove the necessity to copy the former manually to the latter when updating the local source tree.
bpo-30345: Add -g to LDFLAGS when compiling with LTO to get debug symbols.
bpo-5755: Move
. This option emitted annoying warnings when building extension modules written in C++.bpo-33614: Ensures module definition files for the stable ABI on Windows are correctly regenerated.
bpo-33648: The –with-c-locale-warning configuration flag has been removed. It has had no effect for about a year.
bpo-33522: Enable CI builds on Visual Studio Team Services at
bpo-33512: configure’s check for “long double” has been simplified
bpo-33483: C compiler is now correctly detected from the standard environment variables. –without-gcc and –with-icc options have been removed.
bpo-33394: Enable the verbose build for extension modules, when GNU make is passed macros on the command line.
bpo-33393: Update config.guess and config.sub files.
bpo-33377: Add new triplets for mips r6 and riscv variants (used in extension suffixes).
bpo-32232: By default, modules configured in
are no longer built with-DPy_BUILD_CORE
. Instead, modules that specifically need that preprocessor definition include it in their individual entries.bpo-33182: The embedding tests can once again be built with clang 6.0
bpo-33163: Upgrade pip to 9.0.3 and setuptools to v39.0.1.
bpo-33012: gcc 8 has added a new warning heuristic to detect invalid function casts and a stock python build seems to hit that warning quite often. The most common is the cast of a METH_NOARGS function (that uses just one argument) to a PyCFunction. Fix this by adding a dummy argument to all functions that implement METH_NOARGS.
bpo-32898: Fix the python debug build when using COUNT_ALLOCS.
bpo-29442: Replace optparse with argparse in
bpo-35890: Fix API calling consistency of GetVersionEx and wcstok.
bpo-32560: The
launcher now forwards itsSTARTUPINFO
structure to child processes.bpo-35854: Fix EnvBuilder and –symlinks in venv on Windows
bpo-35811: Avoid propagating venv settings when launching via py.exe
bpo-35797: Fix default executable used by the multiprocessing module
bpo-35758: Allow building on ARM with MSVC.
bpo-29734: Fix handle leaks in os.stat on Windows.
bpo-35596: Use unchecked PYCs for the embeddable distro to avoid zipimport restrictions.
bpo-35596: Fix vcruntime140.dll being added to embeddable distro multiple times.
bpo-35402: Update Windows build to use Tcl and Tk 8.6.9
bpo-35401: Updates Windows build to OpenSSL 1.1.0j
bpo-34977: venv on Windows will now use a python.exe redirector rather than copying the actual binaries from the base environment.
bpo-34977: Adds support for building a Windows App Store package
bpo-35067: Remove _distutils_findvs module and use vswhere.exe instead.
bpo-32557: Allow shutil.disk_usage to take a file path on Windows
bpo-34770: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in pyshellext.cpp.
bpo-34603: Fix returning structs from functions produced by MSVC
bpo-34581: Guard MSVC-specific code in socketmodule.c with
#ifdef _MSC_VER
.bpo-34532: Fixes exit code of list version arguments for py.exe.
bpo-34062: Fixed the ‘–list’ and ‘–list-paths’ arguments for the py.exe launcher
bpo-34225: Ensure INCLUDE and LIB directories do not end with a backslash.
bpo-34011: A suite of code has been changed which copied across DLLs and init.tcl from the running Python location into a venv being created. These copies are needed only when running from a Python source build, and the copying code is now only run when that is the case, rather than whenever a venv is created.
bpo-34006: Revert line length limit for Windows help docs. The line-length limit is not needed because the pages appear in a separate app rather than on a browser tab. It can also interact badly with the DPI setting.
bpo-31546: Restore running PyOS_InputHook while waiting for user input at the prompt. The restores integration of interactive GUI windows (such as Matplotlib figures) with the prompt on Windows.
bpo-30237: Output error when ReadConsole is canceled by CancelSynchronousIo instead of crashing.
bpo-33895: GIL is released while calling functions that acquire Windows loader lock.
bpo-33720: Reduces maximum marshal recursion depth on release builds.
bpo-29097: Fix bug where
erroneously throws anOSError
on Windows for values between 0 and 86400. Patch by Ammar Askar.bpo-33316: PyThread_release_lock always fails
bpo-33184: Update Windows installer to use OpenSSL 1.1.0h.
bpo-32890: Fix usage of GetLastError() instead of errno in os.execve() and os.truncate().
bpo-33016: Fix potential use of uninitialized memory in nt._getfinalpathname
bpo-32903: Fix a memory leak in os.chdir() on Windows if the current directory is set to a UNC path.
bpo-32901: Update Tcl and Tk versions to 8.6.8
bpo-31966: Fixed WindowsConsoleIO.write() for writing empty data.
bpo-32409: Ensures activate.bat can handle Unicode contents.
bpo-32457: Improves handling of denormalized executable path when launching Python.
bpo-32370: Use the correct encoding for ipconfig output in the uuid module. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-29248: Fix
on Windows, which was mistakenly treating thePrintNameOffset
field of the reparse data buffer as a number of characters instead of bytes. Patch by Craig Holmquist and SSE4.bpo-1104: Correctly handle string length in
to prevent it from truncating the last character.
bpo-35401: Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 1.1.0j.
bpo-35025: Properly guard the use of the
et al. macros intimemodule
on macOS.bpo-24658: On macOS, fix reading from and writing into a file with a size larger than 2 GiB.
bpo-34405: Update to OpenSSL 1.1.0i for macOS installer builds.
bpo-33635: In macOS stat on some file descriptors (/dev/fd/3 f.e) will result in bad file descriptor OSError. Guard against this exception was added in is_dir, is_file and similar methods. DirEntry.is_dir can also throw this exception so _RecursiveWildcardSelector._iterate_directories was also extended with the same error ignoring pattern.
bpo-13631: The .editrc file in user’s home directory is now processed correctly during the readline initialization through editline emulation on macOS.
bpo-33184: Update macOS installer build to use OpenSSL 1.1.0h.
bpo-32726: Build and link with private copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6 for the macOS 10.6+ installer. The 10.9+ installer variant already does this. This means that the Python 3.7 provided by the macOS installers no longer need or use any external versions of Tcl/Tk, either system-provided or user-installed, such as ActiveTcl.
bpo-32901: Update macOS 10.9+ installer to Tcl/Tk 8.6.8.
bpo-31903: In
, drop the GIL when calling intoSystemConfiguration
to avoid deadlocks.
bpo-35770: IDLE macosx deletes Options => Configure IDLE. It previously deleted Window => Zoom Height by mistake. (Zoom Height is now on the Options menu). On Mac, the settings dialog is accessed via Preferences on the IDLE menu.
bpo-35769: Change IDLE’s new file name from ‘Untitled’ to ‘untitled’
bpo-35660: Fix imports in idlelib.window.
bpo-35641: Proper format
when the function has no docstring.bpo-33987: Use ttk Frame for ttk widgets.
bpo-34055: Fix erroneous ‘smart’ indents and newlines in IDLE Shell.
bpo-35591: Find Selection now works when selection not found.
bpo-35196: Speed up squeezer line counting.
bpo-35598: Update config_key: use PEP 8 names and ttk widgets, make some objects global, and add tests.
bpo-28097: Add Previous/Next History entries to Shell menu.
bpo-35208: Squeezer now properly counts wrapped lines before newlines.
bpo-35555: Gray out Code Context menu entry when it’s not applicable.
bpo-35521: Document the IDLE editor code context feature. Add some internal references within the IDLE doc.
bpo-22703: The Code Context menu label now toggles between Show/Hide Code Context. The Zoom Height menu now toggles between Zoom/Restore Height. Zoom Height has moved from the Window menu to the Options menu.
bpo-35213: Where appropriate, use ‘macOS’ in idlelib.
bpo-34864: On macOS, warn if the system preference “Prefer tabs when opening documents” is set to “Always”.
bpo-34864: Document two IDLE on MacOS issues. The System Preferences Dock “prefer tabs always” setting disables some IDLE features. Menus are a bit different than as described for Windows and Linux.
bpo-35202: Remove unused imports from lib/idlelib
bpo-33000: Document that IDLE’s shell has no line limit. A program that runs indefinitely can overfill memory.
bpo-23220: Explain how IDLE’s Shell displays output.
bpo-35099: Improve the doc about IDLE running user code. The section is renamed from “IDLE – console differences” is renamed “Running user code”. It mostly covers the implications of using custom
objects.bpo-35097: Add IDLE doc subsection explaining editor windows. Topics include opening, title and status bar, .py* extension, and running.
bpo-35093: Document the IDLE document viewer in the IDLE doc. Add a paragraph in “Help and preferences”, “Help sources” subsection.
bpo-35088: Update docstring. We now use git and backporting instead of hg and forward merging.
bpo-35087: Update idlelib help files for the current doc build. The main change is the elimination of chapter-section numbers.
bpo-34548: Use configured color theme for read-only text views.
bpo-1529353: Enable “squeezing” of long outputs in the shell, to avoid performance degradation and to clean up the history without losing it. Squeezed outputs may be copied, viewed in a separate window, and “unsqueezed”.
bpo-34047: Fixed mousewheel scrolling direction on macOS.
bpo-34275: Make IDLE calltips always visible on Mac. Some MacOS-tk combinations need .update_idletasks(). Patch by Kevin Walzer.
bpo-34120: Fix unresponsiveness after closing certain windows and dialogs.
bpo-33975: Avoid small type when running htests. Since part of the purpose of human-viewed tests is to determine that widgets look right, it is important that they look the same for testing as when running IDLE.
bpo-33905: Add test for idlelib.stackview.StackBrowser.
bpo-33924: Change mainmenu.menudefs key ‘windows’ to ‘window’. Every other menudef key is lowercase version of main menu entry.
bpo-33906: Rename as window Match Window on the main menu and remove last plural module name.
bpo-33917: Fix and document idlelib/idle_test/ The revised file compiles, runs, and tests OK. idle_test/README.txt explains how to use it to create new IDLE test files.
bpo-33904: IDLE: In rstrip, rename class RstripExtension as Rstrip
bpo-33907: For consistency and clarity, rename an IDLE module and classes. Module calltips and its class CallTips are now calltip and Calltip. In module calltip_w, class CallTip is now CalltipWindow.
bpo-33856: Add “help” in the welcome message of IDLE
bpo-33839: IDLE: refactor ToolTip and CallTip and add documentation and tests
bpo-33855: Minimally test all IDLE modules. Add missing files, import module, instantiate classes, and check coverage. Check existing files.
bpo-33656: On Windows, add API call saying that tk scales for DPI. On Windows 8.1+ or 10, with DPI compatibility properties of the Python binary unchanged, and a monitor resolution greater than 96 DPI, this should make text and lines sharper. It should otherwise have no effect.
bpo-33768: Clicking on a context line moves that line to the top of the editor window.
bpo-33763: IDLE: Use read-only text widget for code context instead of label widget.
bpo-33664: Scroll IDLE editor text by lines. Previously, the mouse wheel and scrollbar slider moved text by a fixed number of pixels, resulting in partial lines at the top of the editor box. The change also applies to the shell and grep output windows, but not to read-only text views.
bpo-33679: Enable theme-specific color configuration for Code Context. Use the Highlights tab to see the setting for built-in themes or add settings to custom themes.
bpo-33642: Display up to maxlines non-blank lines for Code Context. If there is no current context, show a single blank line.
bpo-33628: IDLE: Cleanup and its test.
bpo-33564: IDLE’s code context now recognizes async as a block opener.
bpo-21474: Update word/identifier definition from ascii to unicode. In text and entry boxes, this affects selection by double-click, movement left/right by control-left/right, and deletion left/right by control-BACKSPACE/DEL.
bpo-33204: IDLE: consistently color invalid string prefixes. A ‘u’ string prefix cannot be paired with either ‘r’ or ‘f’. Consistently color as much of the prefix, starting at the right, as is valid. Revise and extend colorizer test.
bpo-32984: Set
while running a startup file. Like Python, IDLE optionally runs one startup file in the Shell window before presenting the first interactive input prompt. For IDLE,-s
runs a file named in environmental variableIDLESTARTUP
;-r file
. Python sets__file__
to the startup file name before running the file and unsets it before the first prompt. IDLE now does the same when run normally, without the-n
option.bpo-32940: Simplify and rename StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse.
bpo-32916: Change
in pyparse.bpo-32905: Remove unused code in pyparse module.
bpo-32874: Add tests for pyparse.
bpo-32837: Using the system and place-dependent default encoding for open() is a bad idea for IDLE’s system and location-independent files.
bpo-32826: Add “encoding=utf-8” to open() in IDLE’s test_help_about. GUI test test_file_buttons() only looks at initial ascii-only lines, but failed on systems where open() defaults to ‘ascii’ because readline() internally reads and decodes far enough ahead to encounter a non-ascii character in CREDITS.txt.
bpo-32831: Add docstrings and tests for codecontext.
bpo-32765: Update configdialog General tab docstring to add new widgets to the widget list.
bpo-35884: Add a benchmark script for timing various ways to access variables:
.bpo-34989: now handles errors on computing the line number of a Python frame.
bpo-20260: Argument Clinic now has non-bitwise unsigned int converters.
bpo-32962: python-gdb now catches
exceptions when callingstring()
.bpo-32962: python-gdb now catches ValueError on read_var(): when Python has no debug symbols for example.
bpo-33189: now recognizes only literal strings as docstrings and translatable strings, and rejects bytes literals and f-string expressions.
bpo-31920: Fixed handling directories as arguments in the
script. Based on patch by Oleg Krasnikov.bpo-29673: Fix pystackv and pystack gdbinit macros.
bpo-25427: Remove the pyvenv script in favor of
python3 -m venv
in order to lower confusion as to what Python interpreter a virtual environment will be created for.bpo-32885: Add an
flag forTools/scripts/
to disable automatic backup creation (files with~
suffix).bpo-32222: Fix pygettext not extracting docstrings for functions with type annotated arguments. Patch by Toby Harradine.
bpo-31583: Fix 2to3 for using with –add-suffix option but without –output-dir option for relative path to files in current directory.
bpo-35713: The
functions have been removed. They did nothing since Python 2.7.4 and Python 3.2.0, were excluded from the limited API (stable ABI), and were not documented.bpo-33817: Fixed
for empty bytes objects.bpo-35322: Fix memory leak in
on error handling.bpo-35059: The following C macros have been converted to static inline functions:
make install
now also installs the internal API:Include/internal/*.h
header files.bpo-35081: Internal APIs surrounded by
#ifdef Py_BUILD_CORE
have been moved fromInclude/*.h
headers to new header filesInclude/internal/pycore_*.h
.bpo-35259: Conditionally declare
(new in 3.6) based on Py_LIMITED_API. Patch by Arthur Neufeld.bpo-35081: The
macros have been removed from the public C API.bpo-35134: Creation of a new
subdirectory.bpo-34725: Adds _Py_SetProgramFullPath so embedders may override sys.executable
bpo-34910: Ensure that
always returns-1
on error. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-34523: Py_DecodeLocale() and Py_EncodeLocale() now use the UTF-8 encoding on Windows if Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag is zero.
bpo-34193: Fix pluralization in TypeError messages in getargs.c and typeobject.c: ‘1 argument’ instead of ‘1 arguments’ and ‘1 element’ instead of ‘1 elements’.
bpo-34127: Return grammatically correct error message based on argument count. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
bpo-23927: Fixed
when thew*
format unit is used for optional parameter.bpo-32455: Added
.bpo-34008: Py_Main() can again be called after Py_Initialize(), as in Python 3.6.
bpo-32500: Fixed error messages for
called with a mapping andPyMapping_Size()
called with a sequence.bpo-33818:
will now returnconst char *
instead ofchar *
.bpo-33042: Embedding applications may once again call PySys_ResetWarnOptions, PySys_AddWarnOption, and PySys_AddXOption prior to calling Py_Initialize.
bpo-32374: Document that m_traverse for multi-phase initialized modules can be called with m_state=NULL, and add a sanity check
no longer cache thewchar_t*
representation of string objects.
Python 3.7.0 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-27
bpo-33851: Fix
for a node that lacks a docstring.
bpo-33932: Calling Py_Initialize() twice does nothing, instead of failing with a fatal error: restore the Python 3.6 behaviour.
Python 3.7.0 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-12
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33803: Fix a crash in hamt.c caused by enabling GC tracking for an object that hadn’t all of its fields set to NULL.
bpo-33706: Fix a crash in Python initialization when parsing the command line options. Thanks Christoph Gohlke for the bug report and the fix!
bpo-30654: Fixed reset of the SIGINT handler to SIG_DFL on interpreter shutdown even when there was a custom handler set previously. Patch by Philipp Kerling.
bpo-31849: Fix signed/unsigned comparison warning in pyhash.c.
bpo-30167: Prevent site.main() exception if PYTHONSTARTUP is set. Patch by Steve Weber.
bpo-33812: Datetime instance d with non-None tzinfo, but with d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returning None is now treated as naive by the astimezone() method.
bpo-30805: Avoid race condition with debug logging
bpo-33694: asyncio: Fix a race condition causing data loss on pause_reading()/resume_reading() when using the ProactorEventLoop.
bpo-32493: Correct test for
. Patch by Michael Felt.bpo-33792: Add asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy and asyncio.WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy.
bpo-33778: Update
’s database to Unicode version 11.0.0.bpo-33770: improve base64 exception message for encoded inputs of invalid length
bpo-33769: asyncio/start_tls: Fix error message; cancel callbacks in case of an unhandled error; mark SSLTransport as closed if it is aborted.
bpo-33767: The concatenation (
) and repetition (*
) sequence operations now raiseTypeError
instead ofSystemError
when performed onmmap.mmap
objects. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-33734: asyncio/ssl: Fix AttributeError, increase default handshake timeout
bpo-11874: Use a better regex when breaking usage into wrappable parts. Avoids bogus assertion errors from custom metavar strings.
bpo-33582: Emit a deprecation warning for inspect.formatargspec
bpo-33409: Clarified the relationship between PEP 538’s PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE and PEP 540’s PYTHONUTF8 mode.
bpo-33736: Improve the documentation of
and their UNIX socket counterparts.bpo-31432: Clarify meaning of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, and CERT_REQUIRED flags for ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode.
bpo-5755: Move
. This option emitted annoying warnings when building extension modules written in C++.
bpo-33720: Reduces maximum marshal recursion depth on release builds.
bpo-33656: On Windows, add API call saying that tk scales for DPI. On Windows 8.1+ or 10, with DPI compatibility properties of the Python binary unchanged, and a monitor resolution greater than 96 DPI, this should make text and lines sharper. It should otherwise have no effect.
bpo-33768: Clicking on a context line moves that line to the top of the editor window.
bpo-33763: IDLE: Use read-only text widget for code context instead of label widget.
bpo-33664: Scroll IDLE editor text by lines. Previously, the mouse wheel and scrollbar slider moved text by a fixed number of pixels, resulting in partial lines at the top of the editor box. The change also applies to the shell and grep output windows, but not to read-only text views.
bpo-33679: Enable theme-specific color configuration for Code Context. Use the Highlights tab to see the setting for built-in themes or add settings to custom themes.
bpo-33642: Display up to maxlines non-blank lines for Code Context. If there is no current context, show a single blank line.
Python 3.7.0 beta 5¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-30
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33622: Fixed a leak when the garbage collector fails to add an object with the
method or referenced by it into thegc.garbage
can now be called when an exception is set and preserves it.bpo-33509: Fix module_globals parameter of warnings.warn_explicit(): don’t crash if module_globals is not a dict.
bpo-20104: The new
added in 3.7.0b1 was removed as we are still working on what the API should look like. Expect this in 3.8 instead.bpo-33475: Fixed miscellaneous bugs in converting annotations to strings and optimized parentheses in the string representation.
bpo-33391: Fix a leak in set_symmetric_difference().
bpo-28055: Fix unaligned accesses in siphash24(). Patch by Rolf Eike Beer.
bpo-32911: Due to unexpected compatibility issues discovered during downstream beta testing, reverted bpo-29463.
field is removed from Module, ClassDef, FunctionDef, and AsyncFunctionDef ast nodes which was added in 3.7a1. Docstring expression is restored as a first statement in their body. Based on patch by Inada Naoki.bpo-21983: Fix a crash in
in case the type argument is a ctypes structured data type. Patch by Eryk Sun and Oren Milman.
bpo-32751: When cancelling the task due to a timeout,
will now wait until the cancellation is complete.bpo-32684: Fix gather to propagate cancellation of itself even with return_exceptions.
bpo-33654: Support protocol type switching in SSLTransport.set_protocol().
bpo-33674: Pause the transport as early as possible to further reduce the risk of data_received() being called before connection_made().
bpo-33674: Fix a race condition in SSLProtocol.connection_made() of asyncio.sslproto: start immediately the handshake instead of using call_soon(). Previously, data_received() could be called before the handshake started, causing the handshake to hang or fail.
bpo-31647: Fixed bug where calling write_eof() on a _SelectorSocketTransport after it’s already closed raises AttributeError.
bpo-32610: Make asyncio.all_tasks() return only pending tasks.
bpo-32410: Avoid blocking on file IO in sendfile fallback code
bpo-33469: Fix RuntimeError after closing loop that used run_in_executor
bpo-33672: Fix Task.__repr__ crash with Cython’s bogus coroutines
bpo-33654: Fix transport.set_protocol() to support switching between asyncio.Protocol and asyncio.BufferedProtocol. Fix loop.start_tls() to work with asyncio.BufferedProtocols.
bpo-33652: Pickles of type variables and subscripted generics are now future-proof and compatible with older Python versions.
bpo-32493: Fixed
on FreeBSD.bpo-33618: Finalize and document preliminary and experimental TLS 1.3 support with OpenSSL 1.1.1
bpo-33623: Fix possible SIGSGV when asyncio.Future is created in __del__
bpo-30877: Fixed a bug in the Python implementation of the JSON decoder that prevented the cache of parsed strings from clearing after finishing the decoding. Based on patch by c-fos.
bpo-33570: Change TLS 1.3 cipher suite settings for compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre6 and newer. OpenSSL 1.1.1 will have TLS 1.3 ciphers enabled by default.
bpo-28556: Do not simplify arguments to
. NowUnion[Manager, Employee]
is not simplified toEmployee
at runtime. Such simplification previously caused several bugs and limited possibilities for introspection.bpo-33540: Add a new
class attribute toForkingMixIn
classes ofsocketserver
.bpo-33548: tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list should consider common TEMP locations
bpo-33109: argparse subparsers are once again not required by default, reverting the change in behavior introduced by bpo-26510 in 3.7.0a2.
bpo-33536: dataclasses.make_dataclass now checks for invalid field names and duplicate fields. Also, added a check for invalid field specifications.
bpo-33542: Prevent
from using a DUID instead of a MAC on Windows. Patch by Zvi Effronbpo-26819: Fix race condition with
in Windows proactor event loop.Fix failure in
when ClassVar was provided as a string forward reference.bpo-33505: Optimize asyncio.ensure_future() by reordering if checks: 1.17x faster.
bpo-33497: Add errors param to cgi.parse_multipart and make an encoding in FieldStorage use the given errors (needed for Twisted). Patch by Amber Brown.
bpo-33495: Change dataclasses.Fields repr to use the repr of each of its members, instead of str. This makes it more clear what each field actually represents. This is especially true for the ‘type’ member.
bpo-33453: Fix dataclasses to work if using literal string type annotations or if using PEP 563 “Postponed Evaluation of Annotations”. Only specific string prefixes are detected for both ClassVar (“ClassVar” and “typing.ClassVar”) and InitVar (“InitVar” and “dataclasses.InitVar”).
bpo-28556: Minor fixes in typing module: add annotations to
, pass*args
. Original PRs by Paulius Šarka and Chad Dombrova.bpo-20087: Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.27 supported locales.
bpo-33422: Fix trailing quotation marks getting deleted when looking up byte/string literals on pydoc. Patch by Andrés Delfino.
bpo-28167: The function
now trigger aDeprecationWarning
and have been marked for removal in Python 3.8bpo-33197: Update error message when constructing invalid inspect.Parameters Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-33263: Fix FD leak in
Patch by Vlad Starostin.bpo-32861: The urllib.robotparser’s
representation now includes wildcard entries and the “Crawl-delay” and “Request-rate” fields. Patch by Michael Lazar.bpo-32257: The ssl module now contains OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION constant, available with OpenSSL 1.1.0h or 1.1.1.
bpo-16865: Support arrays >=2GiB in
. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-33614: Ensures module definition files for the stable ABI on Windows are correctly regenerated.
bpo-33522: Enable CI builds on Visual Studio Team Services at
bpo-33012: Add
for gcc 8 for silencing warnings about function casts like casting to PyCFunction in method definition lists.
bpo-13631: The .editrc file in user’s home directory is now processed correctly during the readline initialization through editline emulation on macOS.
Python 3.7.0 beta 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-02
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33363: Raise a SyntaxError for
async with
andasync for
statements outside of async functions.bpo-33128: Fix a bug that causes PathFinder to appear twice on sys.meta_path. Patch by Pablo Galindo Salgado.
bpo-33312: Fixed clang ubsan (undefined behavior sanitizer) warnings in dictobject.c by adjusting how the internal struct _dictkeysobject shared keys structure is declared.
bpo-33231: Fix potential memory leak in
.bpo-33205: Change dict growth function from
. Previously, dict is shrinked only whenused == 0
. Now dict has more chance to be shrinked.bpo-29922: Improved error messages in ‘async with’ when
return non-awaitable object.bpo-33199: Fix
in dict implementation is uninitialized when copying from key-sharing dict.
bpo-33281: Fix ctypes.util.find_library regression on macOS.
bpo-33383: Fixed crash in the get() method of the
database object when it is called with a single argument.bpo-33329: Fix multiprocessing regression on newer glibcs
bpo-991266: Fix quoting of the
attribute ofhttp.cookies.SimpleCookie
.bpo-33131: Upgrade bundled version of pip to 10.0.1.
bpo-33308: Fixed a crash in the
module when converting an ST object to a tree of tuples or lists withline_info=False
.bpo-33266: lib2to3 now recognizes
strings.bpo-11594: Ensure line-endings are respected when using lib2to3.
bpo-33254: Have
return an iterable instead of an iterator.bpo-33256: Fix display of
call in the html produced bycgitb.html()
. Patch by Stéphane Blondon.bpo-33185: Fixed regression when running pydoc with the
switch. (The regression was introduced in 3.7.0b3 by the resolution of bpo-33053) This fix also changed pydoc to addos.getcwd()
when necessary, rather than adding"."
.bpo-33169: Delete entries of
is called.bpo-33217: Deprecate looking up non-Enum objects in Enum classes and Enum members (will raise
in 3.8+).bpo-33203:
now raisesIndexError
for empty sequences consistently even when called from subclasses without agetrandbits()
implementation.bpo-33224: Update difflib.mdiff() for PEP 479. Convert an uncaught StopIteration in a generator into a return-statement.
bpo-33209: End framing at the end of C implementation of
.bpo-20104: Improved error handling and fixed a reference leak in
.bpo-33175: In dataclasses, Field.__set_name__ now looks up the __set_name__ special method on the class, not the instance, of the default value.
bpo-33097: Raise RuntimeError when
is called during interpreter shutdown.bpo-31908: Fix output of cover files for
module command-line tool. Previously emitted cover files only when--missing
option was used. Patch by Michael Selik.
bpo-33378: Add Korean language switcher for
bpo-33276: Clarify that the
attribute on modules cannot be just any value.bpo-33201: Modernize documentation for writing C extension types.
bpo-33195: Deprecate
usage inc-api/arg
related APIs are deprecated since Python 3.3, but it is missed in the document.bpo-8243: Add a note about curses.addch and curses.addstr exception behavior when writing outside a window, or pad.
bpo-32337: Update documentation related with
bpo-33358: Fix
when the interpreter is built with--enable-shared
bpo-33394: Enable the verbose build for extension modules, when GNU make is passed macros on the command line.
bpo-33393: Update config.guess and config.sub files.
bpo-33377: Add new triplets for mips r6 and riscv variants (used in extension suffixes).
bpo-32232: By default, modules configured in
are no longer built with-DPy_BUILD_CORE
. Instead, modules that specifically need that preprocessor definition include it in their individual entries.bpo-33182: The embedding tests can once again be built with clang 6.0
bpo-33184: Update Windows installer to use OpenSSL 1.1.0h.
bpo-33184: Update macOS installer build to use OpenSSL 1.1.0h.
bpo-21474: Update word/identifier definition from ascii to unicode. In text and entry boxes, this affects selection by double-click, movement left/right by control-left/right, and deletion left/right by control-BACKSPACE/DEL.
bpo-33204: IDLE: consistently color invalid string prefixes. A ‘u’ string prefix cannot be paired with either ‘r’ or ‘f’. Consistently color as much of the prefix, starting at the right, as is valid. Revise and extend colorizer test.
bpo-33189: now recognizes only literal strings as docstrings and translatable strings, and rejects bytes literals and f-string expressions.
bpo-31920: Fixed handling directories as arguments in the
script. Based on patch by Oleg Krasnikov.bpo-29673: Fix pystackv and pystack gdbinit macros.
bpo-31583: Fix 2to3 for using with –add-suffix option but without –output-dir option for relative path to files in current directory.
Python 3.7.0 beta 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-29
bpo-33136: Harden ssl module against LibreSSL CVE 2018-8970. X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host() is called with an explicit namelen. A new test ensures that NULL bytes are not allowed.
bpo-33001: Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink on Windows
bpo-32981: Regexes in difflib and poplib were vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking. These regexes formed potential DOS vectors (REDOS). They have been refactored. This resolves CVE 2018-1060 and CVE 2018-1061. Patch by Jamie Davis.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33053: When using the -m switch, sys.path[0] is now explicitly expanded as the starting working directory, rather than being left as the empty path (which allows imports from the current working directory at the time of the import)
bpo-33018: Improve consistency of errors raised by
when called with a non-class and an abstract base class as the first and second arguments, respectively. Patch by Josh Bronson.bpo-33041: Fixed jumping when the function contains an
async for
loop.bpo-33026: Fixed jumping out of “with” block by setting f_lineno.
bpo-33005: Fix a crash on fork when using a custom memory allocator (ex: using PYTHONMALLOC env var). _PyGILState_Reinit() and _PyInterpreterState_Enable() now use the default RAW memory allocator to allocate a new interpreters mutex on fork.
bpo-17288: Prevent jumps from ‘return’ and ‘exception’ trace events.
bpo-32836: Don’t use temporary variables in cases of list/dict/set comprehensions
bpo-33141: Have Field objects pass through __set_name__ to their default values, if they have their own __set_name__.
bpo-33096: Allow ttk.Treeview.insert to insert iid that has a false boolean value. Note iid=0 and iid=False would be same. Patch by Garvit Khatri.
bpo-32873: Treat type variables and special typing forms as immutable by copy and pickle. This fixes several minor issues and inconsistencies, and improves backwards compatibility with Python 3.6.
bpo-33134: When computing dataclass’s __hash__, use the lookup table to contain the function which returns the __hash__ value. This is an improvement over looking up a string, and then testing that string to see what to do.
bpo-33127: The ssl module now compiles with LibreSSL 2.7.1.
bpo-32505: Raise TypeError if a member variable of a dataclass is of type Field, but doesn’t have a type annotation.
bpo-33078: Fix the failure on OSX caused by the tests relying on sem_getvalue
bpo-33116: Add ‘Field’ to dataclasses.__all__.
bpo-32896: Fix an error where subclassing a dataclass with a field that uses a default_factory would generate an incorrect class.
bpo-33100: Dataclasses: If a field has a default value that’s a MemberDescriptorType, then it’s from that field being in __slots__, not an actual default value.
bpo-32953: If a non-dataclass inherits from a frozen dataclass, allow attributes to be added to the derived class. Only attributes from the frozen dataclass cannot be assigned to. Require all dataclasses in a hierarchy to be either all frozen or all non-frozen.
bpo-33061: Add missing
in typing.pybpo-33078: Fix the size handling in multiprocessing.Queue when a pickling error occurs.
bpo-33064: lib2to3 now properly supports trailing commas after
in function signatures.bpo-33056: FIX properly close leaking fds in concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.
bpo-33021: Release the GIL during fstat() calls, avoiding hang of all threads when calling mmap.mmap(), os.urandom(), and random.seed(). Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-31804: Avoid failing in multiprocessing.Process if the standard streams are closed or None at exit.
bpo-33037: Skip sending/receiving data after SSL transport closing.
bpo-27683: Fix a regression in
that result ofhosts()
is empty when the network is constructed by a tuple containing an integer mask and only 1 bit left for addresses.bpo-32999: Fix C implementation of
ABC.__subclasscheck__(cls, subclass)
crashed whensubclass
is not a type object.bpo-33009: Fix inspect.signature() for single-parameter partialmethods.
bpo-32969: Expose several missing constants in zlib and fix corresponding documentation.
bpo-32056: Improved exceptions raised for invalid number of channels and sample width when read an audio file in modules
.bpo-32844: Fix wrong redirection of a low descriptor (0 or 1) to stderr in subprocess if another low descriptor is closed.
bpo-32857: In
now raises aValueError
instead of canceling the first scheduled function. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.bpo-31639: http.server now exposes a ThreadedHTTPServer class and uses it when the module is run with
to cope with web browsers pre-opening sockets.bpo-27645:
now exposes abackup
method, if the underlying SQLite library is at version 3.6.11 or higher. Patch by Lele Gaifax.
bpo-33126: Document PyBuffer_ToContiguous().
bpo-27212: Modify documentation for the
recipe to consume initial values up to the start index.bpo-28247: Update
documentation to describe how to make standalone applications.bpo-18802: Documentation changes for ipaddress. Patch by Jon Foster and Berker Peksag.
bpo-27428: Update documentation to clarify that
. (Patch by Himanshu Lakhara)
bpo-33163: Upgrade pip to 9.0.3 and setuptools to v39.0.1.
bpo-32726: Build and link with private copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6 for the macOS 10.6+ installer. The 10.9+ installer variant already does this. This means that the Python 3.7 provided by the macOS installers no longer need or use any external versions of Tcl/Tk, either system-provided or user-installed, such as ActiveTcl.
bpo-32984: Set
while running a startup file. Like Python, IDLE optionally runs one startup file in the Shell window before presenting the first interactive input prompt. For IDLE,-s
runs a file named in environmental variableIDLESTARTUP
;-r file
. Python sets__file__
to the startup file name before running the file and unsets it before the first prompt. IDLE now does the same when run normally, without the-n
option.bpo-32940: Simplify and rename StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse.
bpo-32885: Add an
flag forTools/scripts/
to disable automatic backup creation (files with~
Python 3.7.0 beta 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-27
bpo-28414: The ssl module now allows users to perform their own IDN en/decoding when using SNI.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-32889: Update Valgrind suppression list to account for the rename of
.bpo-31356: Remove the new API added in bpo-31356 (gc.ensure_disabled() context manager).
bpo-32305: For namespace packages, ensure that both
are set to None.bpo-32303: Make sure
for namespace packages.bpo-32711: Fix the warning messages for Python/ast_unparse.c. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-32583: Fix possible crashing in builtin Unicode decoders caused by write out-of-bound errors when using customized decode error handlers.
bpo-32960: For dataclasses, disallow inheriting frozen from non-frozen classes, and also disallow inheriting non-frozen from frozen classes. This restriction will be relaxed at a future date.
bpo-32713: Fixed tarfile.itn handling of out-of-bounds float values. Patch by Joffrey Fuhrer.
bpo-32951: Direct instantiation of SSLSocket and SSLObject objects is now prohibited. The constructors were never documented, tested, or designed as public constructors. Users were suppose to use ssl.wrap_socket() or SSLContext.
bpo-32929: Remove the tri-state parameter “hash”, and add the boolean “unsafe_hash”. If unsafe_hash is True, add a __hash__ function, but if a __hash__ exists, raise TypeError. If unsafe_hash is False, add a __hash__ based on the values of eq= and frozen=. The unsafe_hash=False behavior is the same as the old hash=None behavior. unsafe_hash=False is the default, just as hash=None used to be.
bpo-32947: Add OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT and test workaround for TLSv1.3 for future compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1.
bpo-30622: The ssl module now detects missing NPN support in LibreSSL.
bpo-32922: now encodes filename with the filesystem encoding rather than default encoding.
bpo-32859: In
, don’t check every call whether thedup3
syscall exists or not.bpo-32556: nt._getfinalpathname, nt._getvolumepathname and nt._getdiskusage now correctly convert from bytes.
bpo-25988: Emit a
when using or importing an ABC directly fromcollections
rather than
.bpo-21060: Rewrite confusing message from upload from “No dist file created in earlier command” to the more helpful “Must create and upload files in one command”.
bpo-32852: Make sure sys.argv remains as a list when running trace.
module is added. It is a speedup module with C implementations for various functions and methods inabc
. Creating an ABC subclass and callingisinstance
with an ABC subclass are up to 1.5x faster. In addition, this makes Python start-up up to 10% faster. Note that the new implementation hides internal registry and caches, previously accessible via private attributes_abc_registry
, and_abc_negative_cache
. There are three debugging helper methods that can be used instead_dump_registry
, and_abc_caches_clear
.bpo-32841: Fixed
issue which silently ignored cancellation after notifying and cancelling a conditional lock. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-32819: ssl.match_hostname() has been simplified and no longer depends on re and ipaddress module for wildcard and IP addresses. Error reporting for invalid wildcards has been improved.
bpo-32394: socket: Remove TCP_FASTOPEN,TCP_KEEPCNT,TCP_KEEPIDLE,TCP_KEEPINTVL flags on older version Windows during run-time.
bpo-31787: Fixed refleaks of
methods in various modules. (Contributed by Oren Milman)bpo-30157: Fixed guessing quote and delimiter in csv.Sniffer.sniff() when only the last field is quoted. Patch by Jake Davis.
bpo-32792: collections.ChainMap() preserves the order of the underlying mappings.
no longer produces patterns which contain set operations. Sets starting with ‘[’ or containing ‘–’, ‘&&’, ‘~~’ or ‘||’ will be interpreted differently in regular expressions in future versions. Currently they emit warnings. fnmatch.translate() now avoids producing patterns containing such sets by accident.bpo-32622: Implement native fast sendfile for Windows proactor event loop.
bpo-32777: Fix a rare but potential pre-exec child process deadlock in subprocess on POSIX systems when marking file descriptors inheritable on exec in the child process. This bug appears to have been introduced in 3.4.
bpo-32647: The ctypes module used to depend on indirect linking for dlopen. The shared extension is now explicitly linked against libdl on platforms with dl.
bpo-32741: Implement
method.bpo-32691: Use mod_spec.parent when running modules with pdb
bpo-32734: Fixed
safety issue which allowed acquiring and locking the same lock multiple times, without it being free. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-32727: Do not include name field in SMTP envelope from address. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-31453: Add TLSVersion constants and SSLContext.maximum_version / minimum_version attributes. The new API wraps OpenSSL 1.1 feature.
bpo-24334: Internal implementation details of ssl module were cleaned up. The SSLSocket has one less layer of indirection. Owner and session information are now handled by the SSLSocket and SSLObject constructor. Channel binding implementation has been simplified.
bpo-31848: Fix the error handling in Aifc_read.initfp() when the SSND chunk is not found. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-32585: Add Ttk spinbox widget to
. Patch by Alan D Moore.bpo-32221: Various functions returning tuple containing IPv6 addresses now omit
part since the same information is already encoded in scopeid tuple item. Especially this speeds upsocket.recvfrom()
when it receives multicast packet since useless resolving of network interface name is omitted.bpo-30693: The TarFile class now recurses directories in a reproducible way.
bpo-30693: The ZipFile class now recurses directories in a reproducible way.
bpo-28124: The ssl module function ssl.wrap_socket() has been de-emphasized and deprecated in favor of the more secure and efficient SSLContext.wrap_socket() method.
bpo-17232: Clarify docs for -O and -OO. Patch by Terry Reedy.
bpo-32436: Add documentation for the contextvars module (PEP 567).
bpo-32800: Update link to w3c doc for xml default namespaces.
bpo-11015: Update
documentation.bpo-8722: Document
behavior when propertyget()
method raisesAttributeError
.bpo-32614: Modify RE examples in documentation to use raw strings to prevent
and add text to REGEX HOWTO to highlight the deprecation.bpo-31972: Improve docstrings for
bpo-31809: Add tests to verify connection with secp ECDH curves.
bpo-32898: Fix the python debug build when using COUNT_ALLOCS.
bpo-32901: Update Tcl and Tk versions to 8.6.8
bpo-31966: Fixed WindowsConsoleIO.write() for writing empty data.
bpo-32409: Ensures activate.bat can handle Unicode contents.
bpo-32457: Improves handling of denormalized executable path when launching Python.
bpo-32370: Use the correct encoding for ipconfig output in the uuid module. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-29248: Fix
on Windows, which was mistakenly treating thePrintNameOffset
field of the reparse data buffer as a number of characters instead of bytes. Patch by Craig Holmquist and SSE4.
bpo-32901: Update macOS 10.9+ installer to Tcl/Tk 8.6.8.
bpo-32916: Change
in pyparse.bpo-32905: Remove unused code in pyparse module.
bpo-32874: Add tests for pyparse.
bpo-32837: Using the system and place-dependent default encoding for open() is a bad idea for IDLE’s system and location-independent files.
bpo-32826: Add “encoding=utf-8” to open() in IDLE’s test_help_about. GUI test test_file_buttons() only looks at initial ascii-only lines, but failed on systems where open() defaults to ‘ascii’ because readline() internally reads and decodes far enough ahead to encounter a non-ascii character in CREDITS.txt.
bpo-32765: Update configdialog General tab docstring to add new widgets to the widget list.
bpo-32222: Fix pygettext not extracting docstrings for functions with type annotated arguments. Patch by Toby Harradine.
Python 3.7.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-30
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-32703: Fix coroutine’s ResourceWarning when there’s an active error set when it’s being finalized.
bpo-32650: Pdb and other debuggers dependent on will correctly step over (next command) native coroutines. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-28685: Optimize list.sort() and sorted() by using type specialized comparisons when possible.
bpo-32685: Improve suggestion when the Python 2 form of print statement is either present on the same line as the header of a compound statement or else terminated by a semi-colon instead of a newline. Patch by Nitish Chandra.
bpo-32697: Python now explicitly preserves the definition order of keyword-only parameters. It’s always preserved their order, but this behavior was never guaranteed before; this behavior is now guaranteed and tested.
bpo-32690: The locals() dictionary now displays in the lexical order that variables were defined. Previously, the order was reversed.
bpo-32677: Add
method tostr
. It can be used to test that string contains only ASCII characters.bpo-32670: Enforce PEP 479 for all code. This means that manually raising a StopIteration exception from a generator is prohibited for all code, regardless of whether ‘from __future__ import generator_stop’ was used or not.
bpo-32591: Added built-in support for tracking the origin of coroutine objects; see sys.set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth and CoroutineType.cr_origin. This replaces the asyncio debug mode’s use of coroutine wrapping for native coroutine objects.
bpo-31368: Expose preadv and pwritev system calls in the os module. Patch by Pablo Galindo
hasattr(obj, name)
andgetattr(obj, name, default)
are about 4 times faster than before whenname
is not found andobj
doesn’t override__getattr__
.bpo-26163: Improved frozenset() hash to create more distinct hash values when faced with datasets containing many similar values.
bpo-32550: Remove the STORE_ANNOTATION bytecode.
bpo-20104: Expose posix_spawn as a low level API in the os module. (removed before 3.7.0rc1)
bpo-24340: Fixed estimation of the code stack size.
on a dict containing its ownvalues()
no longer raisesRecursionError
; OrderedDict similarly. Instead, use...
, as for other recursive structures. Patch by Ben North.bpo-20891: Py_Initialize() now creates the GIL. The GIL is no longer created “on demand” to fix a race condition when PyGILState_Ensure() is called in a non-Python thread.
bpo-32028: Leading whitespace is now correctly ignored when generating suggestions for converting Py2 print statements to Py3 builtin print function calls. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-31179: Make dict.copy() up to 5.5 times faster.
bpo-31113: Get rid of recursion in the compiler for normal control flow.
bpo-25988: Deprecate exposing the contents of in the regular collections module.
bpo-31429: The default cipher suite selection of the ssl module now uses a blacklist approach rather than a hard-coded whitelist. Python no longer re-enables ciphers that have been blocked by OpenSSL security update. Default cipher suite selection can be configured on compile time.
bpo-30306: contextlib.contextmanager now releases the arguments passed to the underlying generator as soon as the context manager is entered. Previously it would keep them alive for as long as the context manager was alive, even when not being used as a function decorator. Patch by Martin Teichmann.
bpo-21417: Added support for setting the compression level for zipfile.ZipFile.
bpo-32251: Implement asyncio.BufferedProtocol (provisional API).
bpo-32513: In dataclasses, allow easier overriding of dunder methods without specifying decorator parameters.
makes availableFIONREAD
also under Solaris/derivatives.bpo-27931: Fix email address header parsing error when the username is an empty quoted string. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-32659: Under Solaris and derivatives,
provides a st_fstype attribute.bpo-32662: Implement Server.start_serving(), Server.serve_forever(), and Server.is_serving() methods. Add ‘start_serving’ keyword parameter to loop.create_server() and loop.create_unix_server().
bpo-32391: Implement
methodsbpo-32643: Make Task._step, Task._wakeup and Future._schedule_callbacks methods private.
bpo-32630: Refactor decimal module to use contextvars to store decimal context.
bpo-32622: Add
method.bpo-32304: distutils’ upload command no longer corrupts tar files ending with a CR byte, and no longer tries to convert CR to CRLF in any of the upload text fields.
bpo-32502: uuid.uuid1 no longer raises an exception if a 64-bit hardware address is encountered.
lazily (using PEP 562). It makesimport asyncio
about 15% faster because asyncio uses onlyThreadPoolExecutor
by default.bpo-31801: Add
so temporary variables can be used during class construction without being turned into members.bpo-32576: Use queue.SimpleQueue() in places where it can be invoked from a weakref callback.
bpo-32574: Fix memory leak in asyncio.Queue, when the queue has limited size and it is full, the cancelation of queue.put() can cause a memory leak. Patch by: José Melero.
bpo-32521: The nis module is now compatible with new libnsl and headers location.
bpo-32467: now inherits from
bpo-32473: Improve ABCMeta._dump_registry() output readability
bpo-32102: New argument
for subprocess.runbpo-32521: glibc has removed Sun RPC. Use replacement libtirpc headers and library in nis module.
bpo-32493: UUID module fixes build for FreeBSD/OpenBSD
bpo-32503: Pickling with protocol 4 no longer creates too small frames.
bpo-29237: Create enum for pstats sorting options
bpo-32454: Add close(fd) function to the socket module.
bpo-25942: The subprocess module is now more graceful when handling a Ctrl-C KeyboardInterrupt during,, or a Popen context manager. It now waits a short amount of time for the child (presumed to have also gotten the SIGINT) to exit, before continuing the KeyboardInterrupt exception handling. This still includes a SIGKILL in the call() and run() APIs, but at least the child had a chance first.
bpo-32433: The hmac module now has hmac.digest(), which provides an optimized HMAC digest.
bpo-28134: Sockets now auto-detect family, type and protocol from file descriptor by default.
bpo-32404: Fix bug where
did not call __new__ indatetime.datetime
subclasses.bpo-32403: Improved speed of
alternate constructors.bpo-32228: Ensure that
preserves the file position (as reported bytell()
) after writes longer than the buffer size.bpo-32410: Implement
for asyncio event loop.bpo-22908: Added seek and tell to the ZipExtFile class. This only works if the file object used to open the zipfile is seekable.
bpo-32373: Add socket.getblocking() method.
bpo-32248: Add
as the unified API for reading resources contained within packages. Loaders wishing to support resource reading must implement theget_resource_reader()
method. File-based and zipimport-based loaders both implement these
is deprecated in favor of these new APIs.bpo-32320: collections.namedtuple() now supports default values.
bpo-29302: Add contextlib.AsyncExitStack. Patch by Alexander Mohr and Ilya Kulakov.
bpo-31961: Removed in Python 3.7.0b2. The args argument of subprocess.Popen can now be a path-like object. If args is given as a sequence, it’s first element can now be a path-like object as well.
bpo-31900: The
function now sets temporarily theLC_CTYPE
locale to theLC_NUMERIC
locale to decodedecimal_point
byte strings if they are non-ASCII or longer than 1 byte, and theLC_NUMERIC
locale is different than theLC_CTYPE
locale. This temporary change affects other threads. Same change for thestr.format()
method when formatting a number (int
and subclasses) with then
type (ex:'{:n}'.format(1234)
).bpo-31853: Use super().method instead of socket.method in SSLSocket. They were there most likely for legacy reasons.
bpo-31399: The ssl module now uses OpenSSL’s X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host() and X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip() API to verify hostname and IP addresses. Subject common name fallback can be disabled with SSLContext.hostname_checks_common_name.
bpo-14976: Add a queue.SimpleQueue class, an unbounded FIFO queue with a reentrant C implementation of put().
bpo-32724: Add references to some commands in the documentation of Pdb. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-32649: Complete the C API documentation, profiling and tracing part with the newly added per-opcode events.
bpo-17799: Explain real behaviour of sys.settrace and sys.setprofile and their C-API counterparts regarding which type of events are received in each function. Patch by Pablo Galindo Salgado.
bpo-32721: Fix test_hashlib to not fail if the _md5 module is not built.
bpo-28414: Add test cases for IDNA 2003 and 2008 host names. IDNA 2003 internationalized host names are working since bpo-31399 has landed. IDNA 2008 are still broken.
bpo-32604: Add a new “_xxsubinterpreters” extension module that exposes the existing subinterpreter C-API and a new cross-interpreter data sharing mechanism. The module is primarily intended for more thorough testing of the existing subinterpreter support. Note that the _xxsubinterpreters module has been removed in 3.7.0rc1.
bpo-32602: Add test certs and test for ECDSA cert and EC/RSA dual mode.
bpo-32549: On Travis CI, Python now Compiles and uses a local copy of OpenSSL 1.1.0g for testing.
bpo-32635: Fix segfault of the crypt module when libxcrypt is provided instead of libcrypt at the system.
bpo-32598: Use autoconf to detect OpenSSL libs, headers and supported features. The ax_check_openssl M4 macro uses pkg-config to locate OpenSSL and falls back to manual search.
bpo-32593: Drop support of FreeBSD 9 and older.
bpo-29708: If the
environment variable is set,py_compile
will always create hash-based.pyc
bpo-32726: Provide an additional, more modern macOS installer variant that supports macOS 10.9+ systems in 64-bit mode only. Upgrade the supplied third-party libraries to OpenSSL 1.1.0g and to SQLite 3.22.0. The 10.9+ installer now links with and supplies its own copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6.
bpo-28440: No longer add /Library/Python/3.x/site-packages to sys.path for macOS framework builds to avoid future conflicts.
Python 3.7.0 alpha 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-08
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-31975: The default warning filter list now starts with a “default::DeprecationWarning:__main__” entry, so deprecation warnings are once again shown by default in single-file scripts and at the interactive prompt.
is now an automatic class method.bpo-32399: Add AIX uuid library support for RFC4122 using uuid_create() in libc.a
bpo-32390: Fix the compilation failure on AIX after the f_fsid field has been added to the object returned by os.statvfs() (bpo-32143). Original patch by Michael Felt.
bpo-32379: Make MRO computation faster when a class inherits from a single base.
bpo-32259: The error message of a TypeError raised when unpack non-iterable is now more specific.
bpo-27169: The
constant is now optimized out at compile time. This fixes also bpo-22091.bpo-32329: The
option now turns on hash randomization when thePYTHONHASHSEED
environment variable is set to0
. Previously, the option was ignored. Moreover,sys.flags.hash_randomization
is now properly set to 0 when hash randomization is turned off byPYTHONHASHSEED=0
.bpo-30416: The optimizer is now protected from spending much time doing complex calculations and consuming much memory for creating large constants in constant folding. Increased limits for constants that can be produced in constant folding.
bpo-32282: Fix an unnecessary ifdef in the include of VersionHelpers.h in socketmodule on Windows.
bpo-30579: Implement TracebackType.__new__ to allow Python-level creation of traceback objects, and make TracebackType.tb_next mutable.
bpo-32260: Don’t byte swap the input keys to the SipHash algorithm on big-endian platforms. This should ensure siphash gives consistent results across platforms.
bpo-31506: Improve the error message logic for object.__new__ and object.__init__. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
now inject'default::BytesWarning'
entries intosys.warnoptions
, ensuring that they take precedence over any other warning filters configured via the-W
environment variable.bpo-32230:
-X dev
now injects a'default'
entry into sys.warnoptions, ensuring that it behaves identically to actually passing-Wdefault
at the command line.bpo-29240: Add a new UTF-8 mode: implementation of the PEP 540.
bpo-32226: PEP 560: Add support for
. Implemented by Ivan Levkivskyi.bpo-32225: PEP 562: Add support for module
. Implemented by Ivan Levkivskyi.bpo-31901: The
module now has its callback stored per interpreter.bpo-31650: Implement PEP 552 (Deterministic pycs). Python now supports invalidating bytecode cache files bashed on a source content hash rather than source last-modified time.
bpo-29469: Move constant folding from bytecode layer to AST layer. Original patch by Eugene Toder.
bpo-32506: Now that dict is defined as keeping insertion order, drop OrderedDict and just use plain dict.
bpo-32279: Add params to dataclasses.make_dataclasses(): init, repr, eq, order, hash, and frozen. Pass them through to dataclass().
bpo-32278: Make type information optional on dataclasses.make_dataclass(). If omitted, the string ‘typing.Any’ is used.
bpo-32499: Add dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj), which returns True if obj is a dataclass or an instance of one.
bpo-32468: Improve frame repr() to mention filename, code name and current line number.
bpo-23749: asyncio: Implement loop.start_tls()
bpo-32441: Return the new file descriptor (i.e., the second argument) from
. Previously,None
was always returned.bpo-32422:
uses less memory (3 words for each cached key) and takes about 1/3 time for cyclic GC.bpo-31721: Prevent Python crash from happening when Future._log_traceback is set to True manually. Now it can only be set to False, or a ValueError is raised.
bpo-32415: asyncio: Add Task.get_loop() and Future.get_loop()
bpo-26133: Don’t unsubscribe signals in asyncio UNIX event loop on interpreter shutdown.
bpo-32363: Make asyncio.Task.set_exception() and set_result() raise NotImplementedError. Task._step() and Future.__await__() raise proper exceptions when they are in an invalid state, instead of raising an AssertionError.
bpo-32357: Optimize asyncio.iscoroutine() and loop.create_task() for non-native coroutines (e.g. async/await compiled with Cython). ‘loop.create_task(python_coroutine)’ used to be 20% faster than ‘loop.create_task(cython_coroutine)’. Now, the latter is as fast.
bpo-32356: asyncio.transport.resume_reading() and pause_reading() are now idempotent. New transport.is_reading() method is added.
bpo-32355: Optimize asyncio.gather(); now up to 15% faster.
bpo-32351: Use fastpath in asyncio.sleep if delay<0 (2x boost)
bpo-32348: Optimize asyncio.Future schedule/add/remove callback. The optimization shows 3-6% performance improvements of async/await code.
bpo-32331: Fix socket.settimeout() and socket.setblocking() to keep socket.type as is. Fix socket.socket() constructor to reset any bit flags applied to socket’s type. This change only affects OSes that have SOCK_NONBLOCK and/or SOCK_CLOEXEC.
bpo-32248: Add
as an ABC for loaders to provide a unified API for reading resources contained within packages. Also addimportlib.resources
as the port ofimportlib_resources
.bpo-32311: Implement asyncio.create_task(coro) shortcut
bpo-32327: Convert asyncio functions that were documented as coroutines to coroutines. Affected functions: loop.sock_sendall, loop.sock_recv, loop.sock_accept, loop.getaddrinfo, loop.getnameinfo.
does not convert zone-id (scope) to lower case for scoped IPv6 addresses in hostnames now.bpo-32302: Fix bdist_wininst of distutils for CRT v142: it binary compatible with CRT v140.
bpo-29711: Fix
in asyncio proactor loop kill all listening serversbpo-32308:
now replaces empty matches adjacent to a previous non-empty match.bpo-29970: Abort asyncio SSLProtocol connection if handshake not complete within 10 seconds.
bpo-32314: Implement
bpo-17852: Revert incorrect fix based on misunderstanding of _Py_PyAtExit() semantics.
bpo-32296: Implement asyncio._get_running_loop() and get_event_loop() in C. This makes them 4x faster.
bpo-32250: Implement
. Add helpers intended to be used by alternative task implementations:asyncio._register_task
. Deprecateasyncio.Task.current_task()
.bpo-32255: A single empty field is now always quoted when written into a CSV file. This allows to distinguish an empty row from a row consisting of a single empty field. Patch by Licht Takeuchi.
bpo-32277: Raise
instead ofSystemError
on platforms wherechmod(..., follow_symlinks=False)
is not supported. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-30050: New argument warn_on_full_buffer to signal.set_wakeup_fd lets you control whether Python prints a warning on stderr when the wakeup fd buffer overflows.
bpo-29137: The
library has been removed. It was never enabled by default, never worked correctly on x86-64, and it changed the Python ABI in ways that caused unexpected breakage of C extensions.bpo-32273: Move asyncio.test_utils to test.test_asyncio.
bpo-32272: Remove asyncio.async() function.
bpo-32269: Add asyncio.get_running_loop() function.
bpo-32265: All class and static methods of builtin types now are correctly classified by inspect.classify_class_attrs() and grouped in pydoc ouput. Added types.ClassMethodDescriptorType for unbound class methods of builtin types.
bpo-32253: Deprecate
yield from lock
,await lock
,with (yield from lock)
andwith await lock
for asyncio synchronization primitives.bpo-22589: Changed MIME type of .bmp from ‘image/x-ms-bmp’ to ‘image/bmp’
bpo-32193: Convert asyncio to use async/await syntax. Old styled
yield from
is still supported too.bpo-32206: Add support to run modules with pdb
now supports registering implementations using type annotations.bpo-15873: Added new alternate constructors
as the inverse operation of each classes’s respectiveisoformat
methods.bpo-32199: The getnode() ip getter now uses ‘ip link’ instead of ‘ip link list’.
bpo-32143: os.statvfs() includes the f_fsid field from statvfs(2)
bpo-26439: Fix ctypes.util.find_library() for AIX by implementing ctypes._aix.find_library() Patch by: Michael Felt
bpo-31993: The pickler now uses less memory when serializing large bytes and str objects into a file. Pickles created with protocol 4 will require less memory for unpickling large bytes and str objects.
bpo-27456: Ensure TCP_NODELAY is set on Linux. Tests by Victor Stinner.
bpo-31778: ast.literal_eval() is now more strict. Addition and subtraction of arbitrary numbers no longer allowed.
bpo-31802: Importing native path module (
) now works even if theos
module still is not imported.bpo-30241: Add contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-31699: Fix deadlocks in
when task arguments or results cause pickling or unpickling errors. This should make sure that calls to theProcessPoolExecutor
API always eventually return.bpo-15216:
supports changing encoding, errors, and newline.
bpo-32418: Add get_loop() method to Server and AbstractServer classes.
bpo-19764: Implement support for
on Windows. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-24960: 2to3 and lib2to3 can now read pickled grammar files using pkgutil.get_data() rather than probing the filesystem. This lets 2to3 and lib2to3 work when run from a zipfile.
bpo-32030: Py_Initialize() doesn’t reset the memory allocators to default if the
environment variable is not set.bpo-29084: Undocumented C API for OrderedDict has been excluded from the limited C API. It was added by mistake and actually never worked in the limited C API.
bpo-32264: Moved the pygetopt.h header into internal/, since it has no public APIs.
now take theconst wchar *
arguments instead ofwchar *
Python 3.7.0 alpha 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-12-05
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-32176: co_flags.CO_NOFREE is now always set correctly by the code object constructor based on freevars and cellvars, rather than needing to be set correctly by the caller. This ensures it will be cleared automatically when additional cell references are injected into a modified code object and function.
bpo-10544: Yield expressions are now deprecated in comprehensions and generator expressions. They are still permitted in the definition of the outermost iterable, as that is evaluated directly in the enclosing scope.
bpo-32137: The repr of deeply nested dict now raises a RecursionError instead of crashing due to a stack overflow.
bpo-32096: Revert memory allocator changes in the C API: move structures back from _PyRuntime to Objects/obmalloc.c. The memory allocators are once again initialized statically, and so PyMem_RawMalloc() and Py_DecodeLocale() can be called before _PyRuntime_Initialize().
bpo-32043: Add a new “developer mode”: new “-X dev” command line option to enable debug checks at runtime.
bpo-32023: SyntaxError is now correctly raised when a generator expression without parenthesis is used instead of an inheritance list in a class definition. The duplication of the parentheses can be omitted only on calls.
bpo-32012: SyntaxError is now correctly raised when a generator expression without parenthesis is passed as an argument, but followed by a trailing comma. A generator expression always needs to be directly inside a set of parentheses and cannot have a comma on either side.
bpo-28180: A new internal
helper function has been added in order to improve the consistency of behaviour across differentlibc
implementations (e.g. Android doesn’t support setting the locale from the environment by default).bpo-31949: Fixed several issues in printing tracebacks (PyTraceBack_Print()). Setting sys.tracebacklimit to 0 or less now suppresses printing tracebacks. Setting sys.tracebacklimit to None now causes using the default limit. Setting sys.tracebacklimit to an integer larger than LONG_MAX now means using the limit LONG_MAX rather than the default limit. Fixed integer overflows in the case of more than
traceback items on Windows. Fixed output errors handling.bpo-30696: Fix the interactive interpreter looping endlessly when no memory.
bpo-20047: Bytearray methods partition() and rpartition() now accept only bytes-like objects as separator, as documented. In particular they now raise TypeError rather of returning a bogus result when an integer is passed as a separator.
bpo-21720: BytesWarning no longer emitted when the fromlist argument of
or the__all__
attribute of the module contain bytes instances.bpo-31845: Environment variables are once more read correctly at interpreter startup.
bpo-28936: Ensure that lexically first syntax error involving a parameter and
is detected first at a given scope. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.bpo-31825: Fixed OverflowError in the ‘unicode-escape’ codec and in codecs.escape_decode() when decode an escaped non-ascii byte.
bpo-31618: The per-frame tracing logic added in 3.7a1 has been altered so that
is updated before either"line"
events are emitted. Previously, opcode events were emitted first, and therefore would occasionally see stale line numbers on the frame. The behavior of this feature has changed slightly as a result: when bothf_trace_lines
are enabled, line events now occur first.bpo-28603: Print the full context/cause chain of exceptions on interpreter exit, even if an exception in the chain is unhashable or compares equal to later ones. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-31786: Fix timeout rounding in the select module to round correctly negative timeouts between -1.0 and 0.0. The functions now block waiting for events as expected. Previously, the call was incorrectly non-blocking. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-31781: Prevent crashes when calling methods of an uninitialized
object. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-30399: Standard repr() of BaseException with a single argument no longer contains redundant trailing comma.
bpo-31626: Fixed a bug in debug memory allocator. There was a write to freed memory after shrinking a memory block.
clears now the ignored exception that may be raised by_PySys_SetObjectId()
, for example when no memory.
bpo-28556: Two minor fixes for
module: allow shallow copying instances of generic classes, improve interaction of__init_subclass__
with generics. Original PRs by Ivan Levkivskyi.bpo-32214: PEP 557, Data Classes. Provides a decorator which adds boilerplate methods to classes which use type annotations so specify fields.
bpo-27240: The header folding algorithm for the new email policies has been rewritten, which also fixes bpo-30788, bpo-31831, and bpo-32182. In particular, RFC2231 folding is now done correctly.
bpo-32186: io.FileIO.readall() and now release the GIL when getting the file size. Fixed hang of all threads with inaccessible NFS server. Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-32101: Add
flagbpo-32154: The
function has been removed: use directlysocket.socketpair()
which is available on all platforms since Python 3.5 (before, it wasn’t available on Windows).asyncio.windows_utils.socketpair()
was just an alias tosocket.socketpair
on Python 3.5 and newer.bpo-32089: warnings: In development (-X dev) and debug mode (pydebug build), use the “default” action for ResourceWarning, rather than the “always” action, in the default warnings filters.
now preferentially returns universally administered MAC addresses if available, over locally administered MAC addresses. This makes a better guarantee for global uniqueness of UUIDs returned fromuuid.uuid1()
. If only locally administered MAC addresses are available, the first such one found is returned.bpo-23033: Wildcard is now supported in hostname when it is one and only character in the left most segment of hostname in second argument of
. Patch by Mandeep Singh.bpo-12239: Make
when the value of property isVT_EMPTY
. Initial patch by Mark Mc Mahon.bpo-28334: Use
to find the~/.netrc
file innetrc.netrc
. If it does not exist,FileNotFoundError
is raised. Patch by Dimitri Merejkowsky.bpo-32121: Made
behave more like the traceback module, sorting the frames from oldest to most recent.Traceback.format()
now accepts negative limit, truncating the result to theabs(limit)
oldest frames. To get the old behaviour, one can use the new most_recent_first argument toTraceback.format()
. (Patch by Jesse Bakker.)bpo-31325: Fix wrong usage of
in theRobotFileParser.parse()
method. Initial patch by Robin Wellner.bpo-12382:
now raises a better exception message when it couldn’t open or create an MSI file. Initial patch by William Tisäter.bpo-19610:
now warns about invalid types for some fields. Thedistutils.dist.Distribution
class now warns whenclassifiers
fields are not specified as a list or a string.bpo-32071: Added the
command-line option topython -m unittest
to run only tests that match the given pattern(s).bpo-10049: Added nullcontext no-op context manager to contextlib. This provides a simpler and faster alternative to ExitStack() when handling optional context managers.
bpo-28684: The new decorator is used here to skip asyncio tests that fail because the platform lacks a functional bind() function for unix domain sockets (as it is the case for non root users on the recent Android versions that run now SELinux in enforcing mode).
now returns not more than n characters/bytes for non-negative n. This makes it compatible withread()
methods of other file-like objects.bpo-27535: The warnings module doesn’t leak memory anymore in the hidden warnings registry for the “ignore” action of warnings filters. warn_explicit() function doesn’t add the warning key to the registry anymore for the “ignore” action.
bpo-32088: warnings: When Python is build is debug mode (
warnings are now displayed by default.bpo-1647489: Fixed searching regular expression patterns that could match an empty string. Non-empty string can now be correctly found after matching an empty string.
bpo-25054: Added support of splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string.
bpo-32072: Fixed issues with binary plists: Fixed saving bytearrays. Identical objects will be saved only once. Equal references will be load as identical objects. Added support for saving and loading recursive data structures.
bpo-32069: Drop legacy SSL transport from asyncio, ssl.MemoryBIO is always used anyway.
bpo-32066: asyncio: Support pathlib.Path in create_unix_connection; sock arg should be optional
bpo-32046: Updates 2to3 to convert from operator.isCallable(obj) to callable(obj). Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-32018: inspect.signature should follow PEP 8, if the parameter has an annotation and a default value. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-32025: Add time.thread_time() and time.thread_time_ns()
bpo-32037: Integers that fit in a signed 32-bit integer will be now pickled with protocol 0 using the INT opcode. This will decrease the size of a pickle, speed up pickling and unpickling, and make these integers be unpickled as int instances in Python 2.
bpo-32034: Make asyncio.IncompleteReadError and LimitOverrunError pickleable.
bpo-32015: Fixed the looping of asyncio in the case of reconnection the socket during waiting async read/write from/to the socket.
bpo-32011: Restored support of loading marshal files with the TYPE_INT64 code. These files can be produced in Python 2.7.
bpo-28369: Enhance add_reader/writer check that socket is not used by some transport. Before, only cases when add_reader/writer were called with an int FD were supported. Now the check is implemented correctly for all file-like objects.
bpo-31976: Fix race condition when flushing a file is slow, which can cause a segfault if closing the file from another thread.
bpo-31985: Formally deprecated aifc.openfp, sunau.openfp, and wave.openfp. Since change 7bc817d5ba917528e8bd07ec461c635291e7b06a in 1993, openfp in each of the three modules had been pointing to that module’s open function as a matter of backwards compatibility, though it had been both untested and undocumented.
bpo-21862: cProfile command line now accepts
-m module_name
as an alternative to script path. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.bpo-31970: Reduce performance overhead of asyncio debug mode.
bpo-31843: database argument of sqlite3.connect() now accepts a path-like object, instead of just a string.
bpo-31945: Add Configurable blocksize to
for improved upload throughput. Patch by Nir Soffer.bpo-31943: Add a
method toasyncio.Handle
. Patch by Marat Sharafutdinov.bpo-9678: Fixed determining the MAC address in the uuid module: Using ifconfig on NetBSD and OpenBSD. Using arp on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Based on patch by Takayuki Shimizukawa.
bpo-30057: Fix potential missed signal in signal.signal().
bpo-31933: Fix Blake2 params leaf_size and node_offset on big endian platforms. Patch by Jack O’Connor.
bpo-21423: Add an initializer argument to {Process,Thread}PoolExecutor
bpo-31927: Fixed compilation of the socket module on NetBSD 8. Fixed assertion failure or reading arbitrary data when parse a AF_BLUETOOTH address on NetBSD and DragonFly BSD.
bpo-27666: Fixed stack corruption in and curses.ungetmouse() when the size of types chtype or mmask_t is less than the size of C long. now accepts characters as arguments. Based on patch by Steve Fink.
bpo-31917: Add 3 new clock identifiers:
.bpo-31897: plistlib now catches more errors when read binary plists and raises InvalidFileException instead of unexpected exceptions.
bpo-25720: Fix the method for checking pad state of curses WINDOW. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.
bpo-31893: Fixed the layout of the kqueue_event structure on OpenBSD and NetBSD. Fixed the comparison of the kqueue_event objects.
bpo-31891: Fixed building the curses module on NetBSD.
bpo-31884: added required constants to subprocess module for setting priority on windows
bpo-28281: Remove year (1-9999) limits on the Calendar.weekday() function. Patch by Mark Gollahon.
bpo-31702: crypt.mksalt() now allows to specify the number of rounds for SHA-256 and SHA-512 hashing.
no longer computes the repr of unknown objects to display in an error message, to protect against badly behaved custom reprs.bpo-30768: Fix the pthread+semaphore implementation of PyThread_acquire_lock_timed() when called with timeout > 0 and intr_flag=0: recompute the timeout if sem_timedwait() is interrupted by a signal (EINTR). See also the PEP 475.
bpo-31854: Add
constant.bpo-31834: Use optimized code for BLAKE2 only with SSSE3+. The pure SSE2 implementation is slower than the pure C reference implementation.
bpo-28292: Calendar.itermonthdates() will now consistently raise an exception when a date falls outside of the 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31 range. To support applications that cannot tolerate such exceptions, the new methods itermonthdays3() and itermonthdays4() are added. The new methods return tuples and are not restricted by the range supported by
bpo-28564: The shutil.rmtree() function has been sped up to 20–40%. This was done using the os.scandir() function.
bpo-28416: Instances of pickle.Pickler subclass with the persistent_id() method and pickle.Unpickler subclass with the persistent_load() method no longer create reference cycles.
bpo-31653: Don’t release the GIL if we can acquire a multiprocessing semaphore immediately.
bpo-28326: Fix multiprocessing.Process when stdout and/or stderr is closed or None.
bpo-20825: Add
containment tests toipaddress.IPv6Network
. Patch by Michel Albert and Cheryl Sabella.bpo-31827: Remove the os.stat_float_times() function. It was introduced in Python 2.3 for backward compatibility with Python 2.2, and was deprecated since Python 3.1.
bpo-31756: Add a
keyword argument tosubprocess
functions to be more explicit about when the library should attempt to decode outputs into text. Patch by Andrew Clegg.bpo-31819: Add AbstractEventLoop.sock_recv_into().
bpo-31457: If nested log adapters are used, the inner
methods are no longer omitted.bpo-31457: The
property on LoggerAdapter objects is now properly settable.bpo-31806: Fix timeout rounding in time.sleep(), threading.Lock.acquire() and socket.socket.settimeout() to round correctly negative timeouts between -1.0 and 0.0. The functions now block waiting for events as expected. Previously, the call was incorrectly non-blocking. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-31803: time.clock() and time.get_clock_info(‘clock’) now emit a DeprecationWarning warning.
bpo-31800: Extended support for parsing UTC offsets. strptime ‘%z’ can now parse the output generated by datetime.isoformat, including seconds and microseconds.
bpo-28603: traceback: Fix a TypeError that occurred during printing of exception tracebacks when either the current exception or an exception in its context/cause chain is unhashable. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-30541: Add new function to seal a mock and prevent the automatically creation of child mocks. Patch by Mario Corchero.
bpo-31784: Implement the PEP 564, add new 6 new functions with nanosecond resolution to the
.bpo-30143: 2to3 now generates a code that uses abstract collection classes from rather than collections.
bpo-31770: Prevent a crash when calling the
method of asqlite3.Cursor
object more than once. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31764: Prevent a crash in
in case theCursor
object is uninitialized. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31752: Fix possible crash in timedelta constructor called with custom integers.
bpo-31620: an empty asyncio.Queue now doesn’t leak memory when queue.get pollers timeout
bpo-31690: Allow the flags re.ASCII, re.LOCALE, and re.UNICODE to be used as group flags for regular expressions.
bpo-30349: FutureWarning is now emitted if a regular expression contains character set constructs that will change semantically in the future (nested sets and set operations).
bpo-31664: Added support for the Blowfish hashing in the crypt module.
bpo-31632: Fix method set_protocol() of class _SSLProtocolTransport in asyncio module. This method was previously modifying a wrong reference to the protocol.
bpo-15037: Added a workaround for getkey() in curses for ncurses 5.7 and earlier.
bpo-31307: Allow use of bytes objects for arguments to
. Patch by Vincent Michel.bpo-31334: Fix
in theselect
module for arbitrary negative timeouts on all OSes where it can only be a non-negative integer or -1. Patch by Riccardo Coccioli.bpo-31310: multiprocessing’s semaphore tracker should be launched again if crashed.
bpo-31308: Make multiprocessing’s forkserver process immune to Ctrl-C and other user interruptions. If it crashes, restart it when necessary.
bpo-31245: Added support for AF_UNIX socket in asyncio
.bpo-30553: Add HTTP/2 status code 421 (Misdirected Request) to
. Patch by Vitor Pereira.
bpo-32105: Added asyncio.BaseEventLoop.connect_accepted_socket versionadded marker.
bpo-31380: Skip test_httpservers test_undecodable_file on macOS: fails on APFS.
bpo-31705: Skip test_socket.test_sha256() on Linux kernel older than 4.5. The test fails with ENOKEY on kernel 3.10 (on ppc64le). A fix was merged into the kernel 4.5.
bpo-32138: Skip on Android test_faulthandler tests that raise SIGSEGV and remove the decorator.
bpo-32136: The runtime embedding tests have been split out from
into a newLib/test/
file.bpo-28668: is removed. Skip tests with‘multiprocessing.synchronize’) instead when the semaphore implementation is broken or missing.
bpo-32126: Skip test_get_event_loop_new_process in test.test_asyncio.test_events when sem_open() is not functional.
bpo-31174: Fix test_tools.test_unparse: DirectoryTestCase now stores the names sample to always test the same files. It prevents false alarms when hunting reference leaks.
bpo-28538: Revert the previous changes, the if_nameindex structure is defined by Unified Headers.
bpo-28762: Revert the last commit, the F_LOCK macro is defined by Android Unified Headers.
bpo-29040: Support building Android with Unified Headers. The first NDK release to support Unified Headers is android-ndk-r14.
now also searches the sysroot paths when cross-compiling.bpo-31957: Fixes Windows SDK version detection when building for Windows.
bpo-31609: Fixes quotes in PCbuild/clean.bat
bpo-31934: Abort the build when building out of a not clean source tree.
bpo-31926: Fixed Argument Clinic sometimes causing compilation errors when there was more than one function and/or method in a .c file with the same name.
bpo-28791: Update Windows builds to use SQLite 3.21.0.
bpo-28791: Update OS X installer to use SQLite 3.21.0.
bpo-28643: Record profile-opt build progress with stamp files.
bpo-31866: Finish removing support for AtheOS.
bpo-1102: Return
instead of raisingMSIError
. Initial patch by Anthony Tuininga.bpo-31944: Fixes Modify button in Apps and Features dialog.
bpo-20486: Implement the
method to help closing MSI database objects.bpo-31857: Make the behavior of USE_STACKCHECK deterministic in a multi-threaded environment.
bpo-31392: Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2m
bpo-32207: Improve tk event exception tracebacks in IDLE. When tk event handling is driven by IDLE’s run loop, a confusing and distracting queue.EMPTY traceback context is no longer added to tk event exception tracebacks. The traceback is now the same as when event handling is driven by user code. Patch based on a suggestion by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-32164: Delete unused file idlelib/ Use of TabbedPageSet in configdialog was replaced by ttk.Notebook.
bpo-32100: IDLE: Fix old and new bugs in pathbrowser; improve tests. Patch mostly by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31858: IDLE – Restrict shell prompt manipulation to the shell. Editor and output windows only see an empty last prompt line. This simplifies the code and fixes a minor bug when newline is inserted. Sys.ps1, if present, is read on Shell start-up, but is not set or changed.
bpo-31860: The font sample in the IDLE configuration dialog is now editable. Changes persist while IDLE remains open
bpo-31836: Test_code_module now passes if run after test_idle, which sets ps1. The code module uses sys.ps1 if present or sets it to ‘>>> ‘ if not. Test_code_module now properly tests both behaviors. Ditto for ps2.
bpo-28603: Fix a TypeError that caused a shell restart when printing a traceback that includes an exception that is unhashable. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-13802: Use non-Latin characters in the IDLE’s Font settings sample. Even if one selects a font that defines a limited subset of the unicode Basic Multilingual Plane, tcl/tk will use other fonts that define a character. The expanded example give users of non-Latin characters a better idea of what they might see in IDLE’s shell and editors. To make room for the expanded sample, frames on the Font tab are re-arranged. The Font/Tabs help explains a bit about the additions.
bpo-32159: Remove CVS and Subversion tools: remove and scripts. CPython migrated from CVS to Subversion, to Mercurial, and then to Git. CVS and Subversion are no longer used to develop CPython.
bpo-30722: Make redemo work with Python 3.6 and newer versions. Also, remove the
option since it doesn’t work with string patterns in Python 3. Patch by Christoph Sarnowski.
bpo-20891: Fix PyGILState_Ensure(). When PyGILState_Ensure() is called in a non-Python thread before PyEval_InitThreads(), only call PyEval_InitThreads() after calling PyThreadState_New() to fix a crash.
bpo-32125: The
flag has been removed. It was deprecated and wasn’t used anymore since Python 2.0.bpo-25612: Move the current exception state from the frame object to the co-routine. This simplifies the interpreter and fixes a couple of obscure bugs caused by having swap exception state when entering or exiting a generator.
bpo-23699: Add Py_RETURN_RICHCOMPARE macro to reduce boilerplate code in rich comparison functions.
bpo-30697: The
singleton is removed andPyErr_NormalizeException()
does not use it anymore. This singleton is persistent and its members being never cleared may cause a segfault during finalization of the interpreter. See also bpo-22898.
Python 3.7.0 alpha 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-10-16
Núcleo e embutidos¶
is a new API that allows for moving all objects currently tracked by the garbage collector to a permanent generation, effectively removing them from future collection events. This can be used to protect those objects from having their PyGC_Head mutated. In effect, this enables great copy-on-write stability at fork().bpo-31642: Restored blocking “from package import module” by setting sys.modules[“package.module”] to None.
bpo-31708: Allow use of asynchronous generator expressions in synchronous functions.
bpo-31709: Drop support of asynchronous __aiter__.
bpo-30404: The -u option now makes the stdout and stderr streams unbuffered rather than line-buffered.
bpo-31619: Fixed a ValueError when convert a string with large number of underscores to integer with binary base.
bpo-31602: Fix an assertion failure in
in case of a badzlib.decompress()
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31592: Fixed an assertion failure in Python parser in case of a bad
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31588: Raise a
with a helpful error message when class creation fails due to a metaclass with a bad__prepare__()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31574: Importlib was instrumented with two dtrace probes to profile import timing.
bpo-31566: Fix an assertion failure in
in case of a bad__name__
global. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31506: Improved the error message logic for
.bpo-31505: Fix an assertion failure in
, in case_json.make_encoder()
received a badencoder()
argument. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31492: Fix assertion failures in case of failing to import from a module with a bad
attribute, and in case of failing to access an attribute of such a module. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31478: Fix an assertion failure in
in case the argument has a bad__abs__()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31336: Speed up class creation by 10-20% by reducing the overhead in the necessary special method lookups. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-31415: Add
-X importtime
option to show how long each import takes. It can be used to optimize application’s startup time. Support thePYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME
as an equivalent way to enable this.bpo-31410: Optimized calling wrapper and classmethod descriptors.
bpo-31353: PEP 553 - Add a new built-in called
which callssys.breakpointhook()
. By default this importspdb
and callspdb.set_trace()
, but users may overridesys.breakpointhook()
to call whatever debugger they want. The original value of the hook is saved insys.__breakpointhook__
.bpo-17852: Maintain a list of open buffered files, flush them before exiting the interpreter. Based on a patch from Armin Rigo.
bpo-31315: Fix an assertion failure in imp.create_dynamic(), when is not a string. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31311: Fix a crash in the
method ofctypes._CData
, in case of a bad__dict__
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31293: Fix crashes in true division and multiplication of a timedelta object by a float with a bad as_integer_ratio() method. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31285: Fix an assertion failure in
, when the return value of the received loader’sget_source()
has a badsplitlines()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-30406: Make
proper keywords, as specified in PEP 492.
bpo-30058: Fixed buffer overflow in select.kqueue.control().
matched some non-ASCII characters. Now it uses-i
regular expression local flag to avoid non-ASCII characters.bpo-31701: On Windows, faulthandler.enable() now ignores MSC and COM exceptions.
bpo-31728: Prevent crashes in
due to unsafe cleanup ofElement.text
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31671: Now
converts passed RegexFlag to normal int object before compiling. bm_regex_compile benchmark shows 14% performance improvements.bpo-30397: The types of compiled regular objects and match objects are now exposed as
. This adds information in pydoc output for there
module.bpo-31675: Fixed memory leaks in Tkinter’s methods splitlist() and split() when pass a string larger than 2 GiB.
bpo-31673: Fixed typo in the name of Tkinter’s method adderrorinfo().
bpo-31648: Improvements to path predicates in ElementTree: Allow whitespace around predicate parts, i.e. “[a = ‘text’]” instead of requiring the less readable “[a=’text’]”. Add support for text comparison of the current node, like “[.=’text’]”. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-30806: Fix the string representation of a netrc object.
bpo-31638: Add optional argument
, and add option--compress
to the command line interface ofzipapp
.bpo-25351: Avoid venv activate failures with undefined variables
bpo-20519: Avoid ctypes use (if possible) and improve import time for uuid.
bpo-28293: The regular expression cache is no longer completely dumped when it is full.
bpo-31596: Added pthread_getcpuclockid() to the time module
bpo-27494: Make 2to3 accept a trailing comma in generator expressions. For example,
set(x for x in [],)
is now allowed.bpo-30347: Stop crashes when concurrently iterate over itertools.groupby() iterators.
bpo-30346: An iterator produced by itertools.groupby() iterator now becomes exhausted after advancing the groupby iterator.
bpo-31556: Cancel asyncio.wait_for future faster if timeout <= 0
bpo-31540: Allow passing a context object in
constructor. Also, free job resources inconcurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor
earlier to improve memory usage when a worker waits for new jobs.bpo-31516:
should not return a dummy thread at shutdown.bpo-31525: In the sqlite module, require the sqlite3_prepare_v2 API. Thus, the sqlite module now requires sqlite version at least 3.3.9.
bpo-26510: argparse subparsers are now required by default. This matches behaviour in Python 2. For optional subparsers, use the new parameter
. Patch by Anthony Sottile. (As of 3.7.0rc1, the default was changed to not required as had been the case since Python 3.3.)bpo-27541: Reprs of subclasses of some collection and iterator classes (
) now contain actual type name instead of hardcoded names of the base class.bpo-31351: python -m ensurepip now exits with non-zero exit code if pip bootstrapping has failed.
now takes an optional keyword-only argumentheader
. If given, this is printed to the console just before debugging begins.
bpo-31696: Improve compiler version information in
when Python is built with Clang.bpo-31625: Stop using ranlib on static libraries. Instead, we assume ar supports the ‘s’ flag.
bpo-31624: Remove support for BSD/OS.
bpo-22140: Prevent double substitution of prefix in
bpo-31569: Correct PCBuild/ case to PCbuild/ in build scripts and documentation.
bpo-31536: Avoid wholesale rebuild after
make regen-all
if nothing changed.
bpo-31460: Simplify the API of IDLE’s Module Browser. Passing a widget instead of an flist with a root widget opens the option of creating a browser frame that is only part of a window. Passing a full file name instead of pieces assumed to come from a .py file opens the possibility of browsing python files that do not end in .py.
bpo-31649: IDLE - Make _htest, _utest parameters keyword only.
bpo-31559: Remove test order dependence in idle_test.test_browser.
bpo-31459: Rename IDLE’s module browser from Class Browser to Module Browser. The original module-level class and method browser became a module browser, with the addition of module-level functions, years ago. Nested classes and functions were added yesterday. For back-compatibility, the virtual event <<open-class-browser>>, which appears on the Keys tab of the Settings dialog, is not changed. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31500: Default fonts now are scaled on HiDPI displays.
bpo-1612262: IDLE module browser now shows nested classes and functions. Original patches for code and tests by Guilherme Polo and Cheryl Sabella, respectively.
bpo-28280: Make
always return alist
(rather than alist
or atuple
). Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31532: Fix memory corruption due to allocator mix in getpath.c between Py_GetPath() and Py_SetPath()
bpo-25658: Implement PEP 539 for Thread Specific Storage (TSS) API: it is a new Thread Local Storage (TLS) API to CPython which would supersede use of the existing TLS API within the CPython interpreter, while deprecating the existing API. PEP written by Erik M. Bray, patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.
Python 3.7.0 alpha 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-09-19
bpo-29781: SSLObject.version() now correctly returns None when handshake over BIO has not been performed yet.
bpo-29505: Add fuzz tests for float(str), int(str), unicode(str); for oss-fuzz.
bpo-30947: Upgrade libexpat embedded copy from version 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 to get security fixes.
bpo-30730: Prevent environment variables injection in subprocess on Windows. Prevent passing other environment variables and command arguments.
bpo-30694: Upgrade expat copy from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 to get fixes of multiple security vulnerabilities including: CVE 2017-9233 (External entity infinite loop DoS), CVE 2016-9063 (Integer overflow, re-fix), CVE 2016-0718 (Fix regression bugs from 2.2.0’s fix to CVE 2016-0718) and CVE 2012-0876 (Counter hash flooding with SipHash). Note: the CVE 2016-5300 (Use os-specific entropy sources like getrandom) doesn’t impact Python, since Python already gets entropy from the OS to set the expat secret using
.bpo-30500: Fix urllib.parse.splithost() to correctly parse fragments. For example,
now correctly returns the127.0.0.1
host, instead of
as the host in an authentication (login@host
).bpo-29591: Update expat copy from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 to get fixes of CVE 2016-0718 and CVE 2016-4472. See for more information.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-31490: Fix an assertion failure in
class definition, in case the class has an attribute whose name is specified in_anonymous_
but not in_fields_
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31471: Fix an assertion failure in
on Windows, in case the env argument has a badkeys()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31418: Fix an assertion failure in
in case of an exception with a bad__module__
attribute. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31416: Fix assertion failures in case of a bad warnings.filters or warnings.defaultaction. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28411: Change direct usage of PyInterpreterState.modules to PyImport_GetModuleDict(). Also introduce more uniformity in other code that deals with sys.modules. This helps reduce complications when working on sys.modules.
bpo-28411: Switch to the abstract API when dealing with
. This allows later support for all dict subclasses and other Mapping implementations. Also add aPyImport_GetModule()
function to reduce a bunch of duplicated code.bpo-31411: Raise a TypeError instead of SystemError in case warnings.onceregistry is not a dictionary. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31344: For finer control of tracing behaviour when testing the interpreter, two new frame attributes have been added to control the emission of particular trace events:
by default) to turn off per-line trace events; andf_trace_opcodes
by default) to turn on per-opcode trace events.bpo-31373: Fix several possible instances of undefined behavior due to floating-point demotions.
bpo-30465: Location information (
) in f-strings is now (mostly) correct. This fixes tools like flake8 from showing warnings on the wrong line (typically the first line of the file).bpo-30860: Consolidate CPython’s global runtime state under a single struct. This improves discoverability of the runtime state.
bpo-31347: Fix possible undefined behavior in _PyObject_FastCall_Prepend.
bpo-31343: Include sys/sysmacros.h for major(), minor(), and makedev(). GNU C libray plans to remove the functions from sys/types.h.
bpo-31291: Fix an assertion failure in
on Windows, when the return value ofpathname.replace('/','\\')
isn’t a string. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31271: Fix an assertion failure in the
method ofio.TextIOWrapper
, when the encoder doesn’t return a bytes object. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31243: Fix a crash in some methods of
, when the decoder’s state is invalid. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-30721:
now shows correct usage hint for using Python 2 redirection syntax. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.bpo-31070: Fix a race condition in importlib _get_module_lock().
bpo-30747: Add a non-dummy implementation of _Py_atomic_store and _Py_atomic_load on MSVC.
bpo-31095: Fix potential crash during GC caused by
which doesn’t callPyObject_GC_UnTrack()
.bpo-31071: Avoid masking original TypeError in call with * unpacking when other arguments are passed.
bpo-30978: str.format_map() now passes key lookup exceptions through. Previously any exception was replaced with a KeyError exception.
bpo-30808: Use _Py_atomic API for concurrency-sensitive signal state.
bpo-30876: Relative import from unloaded package now reimports the package instead of failing with SystemError. Relative import from non-package now fails with ImportError rather than SystemError.
bpo-30703: Improve signal delivery. Avoid using Py_AddPendingCall from signal handler, to avoid calling signal-unsafe functions. The tests I’m adding here fail without the rest of the patch, on Linux and OS X. This means our signal delivery logic had defects (some signals could be lost).
bpo-30765: Avoid blocking in pthread_mutex_lock() when PyThread_acquire_lock() is asked not to block.
bpo-31161: Make sure the ‘Missing parentheses’ syntax error message is only applied to SyntaxError, not to subclasses. Patch by Martijn Pieters.
bpo-30814: Fixed a race condition when import a submodule from a package.
bpo-30736: The internal unicodedata database has been upgraded to Unicode 10.0.
bpo-30604: Move co_extra_freefuncs from per-thread to per-interpreter to avoid crashes.
now shows expected input in custom error message when used as a Python 2 statement. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.bpo-30682: Removed a too-strict assertion that failed for certain f-strings, such as eval(“f’\n’”) and eval(“f’\r’”).
bpo-30501: The compiler now produces more optimal code for complex condition expressions in the “if”, “while” and “assert” statement, the “if” expression, and generator expressions and comprehensions.
bpo-28180: Implement PEP 538 (legacy C locale coercion). This means that when a suitable coercion target locale is available, both the core interpreter and locale-aware C extensions will assume the use of UTF-8 as the default text encoding, rather than ASCII.
bpo-30486: Allows setting cell values for __closure__. Patch by Lisa Roach.
bpo-30537: itertools.islice now accepts integer-like objects (having an __index__ method) as start, stop, and slice arguments
bpo-25324: Tokens needed for parsing in Python moved to C.
. This way the tokens and tok_names in the token module don’t get changed when you import the tokenize module.bpo-29104: Fixed parsing backslashes in f-strings.
bpo-27945: Fixed various segfaults with dict when input collections are mutated during searching, inserting or comparing. Based on patches by Duane Griffin and Tim Mitchell.
bpo-25794: Fixed type.__setattr__() and type.__delattr__() for non-interned attribute names. Based on patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-30039: If a KeyboardInterrupt happens when the interpreter is in the middle of resuming a chain of nested ‘yield from’ or ‘await’ calls, it’s now correctly delivered to the innermost frame.
object.__format__(x, '')
is now equivalent tostr(x)
rather thanformat(str(self), '')
.bpo-30024: Circular imports involving absolute imports with binding a submodule to a name are now supported.
bpo-12414: sys.getsizeof() on a code object now returns the sizes which includes the code struct and sizes of objects which it references. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-29839: len() now raises ValueError rather than OverflowError if __len__() returned a large negative integer.
bpo-11913: README.rst is now included in the list of distutils standard READMEs and therefore included in source distributions.
bpo-29914: Fixed default implementations of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__(). object.__reduce__() no longer takes arguments, object.__reduce_ex__() now requires one argument.
bpo-29949: Fix memory usage regression of set and frozenset object.
bpo-29935: Fixed error messages in the index() method of tuple, list and deque when pass indices of wrong type.
bpo-29816: Shift operation now has less opportunity to raise OverflowError. ValueError always is raised rather than OverflowError for negative counts. Shifting zero with non-negative count always returns zero.
bpo-24821: Fixed the slowing down to 25 times in the searching of some unlucky Unicode characters.
bpo-29102: Add a unique ID to PyInterpreterState. This makes it easier to identify each subinterpreter.
bpo-29894: The deprecation warning is emitted if __complex__ returns an instance of a strict subclass of complex. In a future versions of Python this can be an error.
bpo-29859: Show correct error messages when any of the pthread_* calls in thread_pthread.h fails.
bpo-29849: Fix a memory leak when an ImportError is raised during from import.
bpo-28856: Fix an oversight that %b format for bytes should support objects follow the buffer protocol.
bpo-29723: The
initialization change for bpo-29139 caused a regression by revealing an inconsistency in how sys.path is initialized when executing__main__
from a zipfile, directory, or other import location. The interpreter now consistently avoids ever adding the import location’s parent directory tosys.path
, and ensures no othersys.path
entries are inadvertently modified when inserting the import location named on the command line.bpo-29568: Escaped percent “%%” in the format string for classic string formatting no longer allows any characters between two percents.
bpo-29714: Fix a regression that bytes format may fail when containing zero bytes inside.
bpo-29695: bool(), float(), list() and tuple() no longer take keyword arguments. The first argument of int() can now be passes only as positional argument.
bpo-28893: Set correct __cause__ for errors about invalid awaitables returned from __aiter__ and __anext__.
works even iflen(range)
.bpo-29683: Fixes to memory allocation in _PyCode_SetExtra. Patch by Brian Coleman.
bpo-29684: Fix minor regression of PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords. It should raise TypeError when kwargs is not a dict. But it might cause segv when args=NULL and kwargs is not a dict.
bpo-28598: Support __rmod__ for subclasses of str being called before str.__mod__. Patch by Martijn Pieters.
bpo-29607: Fix stack_effect computation for CALL_FUNCTION_EX. Patch by Matthieu Dartiailh.
bpo-29602: Fix incorrect handling of signed zeros in complex constructor for complex subclasses and for inputs having a __complex__ method. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-29347: Fixed possibly dereferencing undefined pointers when creating weakref objects.
bpo-29463: Add
field to Module, ClassDef, FunctionDef, and AsyncFunctionDef ast nodes. docstring is not first stmt in their body anymore. It affectsco_firstlineno
of code object for module and class. (Reverted in bpo-32911.)bpo-29438: Fixed use-after-free problem in key sharing dict.
bpo-29546: Set the ‘path’ and ‘name’ attribute on ImportError for
from ... import ...
.bpo-29546: Improve from-import error message with location
bpo-29478: If max_line_length=None is specified while using the Compat32 policy, it is no longer ignored. Patch by Mircea Cosbuc.
bpo-29319: Prevent RunMainFromImporter overwriting sys.path[0].
bpo-29337: Fixed possible BytesWarning when compare the code objects. Warnings could be emitted at compile time.
bpo-29327: Fixed a crash when pass the iterable keyword argument to sorted().
bpo-29034: Fix memory leak and use-after-free in os module (path_converter).
bpo-29159: Fix regression in bytes(x) when x.__index__() raises Exception.
bpo-29049: Call _PyObject_GC_TRACK() lazily when calling Python function. Calling function is up to 5% faster.
bpo-28927: bytes.fromhex() and bytearray.fromhex() now ignore all ASCII whitespace, not only spaces. Patch by Robert Xiao.
bpo-28932: Do not include <sys/random.h> if it does not exist.
bpo-25677: Correct the positioning of the syntax error caret for indented blocks. Based on patch by Michael Layzell.
bpo-29000: Fixed bytes formatting of octals with zero padding in alternate form.
bpo-18896: Python function can now have more than 255 parameters. collections.namedtuple() now supports tuples with more than 255 elements.
bpo-28596: The preferred encoding is UTF-8 on Android. Patch written by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-26919: On Android, operating system data is now always encoded/decoded to/from UTF-8, instead of the locale encoding to avoid inconsistencies with os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() which are already using UTF-8.
bpo-28991: functools.lru_cache() was susceptible to an obscure reentrancy bug triggerable by a monkey-patched len() function.
bpo-28147: Fix a memory leak in split-table dictionaries: setattr() must not convert combined table into split table. Patch written by INADA Naoki.
bpo-28739: f-string expressions are no longer accepted as docstrings and by ast.literal_eval() even if they do not include expressions.
bpo-28512: Fixed setting the offset attribute of SyntaxError by PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx() and PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject().
bpo-28918: Fix the cross compilation of xxlimited when Python has been built with Py_DEBUG defined.
bpo-23722: Rather than silently producing a class that doesn’t support zero-argument
in methods, failing to pass the new__classcell__
namespace entry up totype.__new__
now results in aDeprecationWarning
and a class that supports zero-argumentsuper()
.bpo-28797: Modifying the class __dict__ inside the __set_name__ method of a descriptor that is used inside that class no longer prevents calling the __set_name__ method of other descriptors.
bpo-28799: Remove the
function and deprecate the untested and undocumentedsys.callstats()
function. Remove theCALL_PROFILE
special build: use thesys.setprofile()
to profile function calls.bpo-12844: More than 255 arguments can now be passed to a function.
bpo-28782: Fix a bug in the implementation
yield from
when checking if the next instruction is YIELD_FROM. Regression introduced by WORDCODE (bpo-26647).bpo-28774: Fix error position of the unicode error in ASCII and Latin1 encoders when a string returned by the error handler contains multiple non-encodable characters (non-ASCII for the ASCII codec, characters out of the U+0000-U+00FF range for Latin1).
bpo-28731: Optimize _PyDict_NewPresized() to create correct size dict. Improve speed of dict literal with constant keys up to 30%.
bpo-28532: Show sys.version when -V option is supplied twice.
bpo-27100: The with-statement now checks for __enter__ before it checks for __exit__. This gives less confusing error messages when both methods are missing. Patch by Jonathan Ellington.
bpo-28746: Fix the set_inheritable() file descriptor method on platforms that do not have the ioctl FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX commands.
bpo-26920: Fix not getting the locale’s charset upon initializing the interpreter, on platforms that do not have langinfo.
bpo-28648: Fixed crash in Py_DecodeLocale() in debug build on Mac OS X when decode astral characters. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28665: Improve speed of the STORE_DEREF opcode by 40%.
bpo-19398: Extra slash no longer added to sys.path components in case of empty compile-time PYTHONPATH components.
bpo-28621: Sped up converting int to float by reusing faster bits counting implementation. Patch by Adrian Wielgosik.
bpo-28580: Optimize iterating split table values. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28583: PyDict_SetDefault didn’t combine split table when needed. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28128: Deprecation warning for invalid str and byte escape sequences now prints better information about where the error occurs. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka and Eric Smith.
bpo-28509: dict.update() no longer allocate unnecessary large memory.
bpo-28426: Fixed potential crash in PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() in debug build.
bpo-28517: Fixed of-by-one error in the peephole optimizer that caused keeping unreachable code.
bpo-28214: Improved exception reporting for problematic __set_name__ attributes.
bpo-23782: Fixed possible memory leak in _PyTraceback_Add() and exception loss in PyTraceBack_Here().
bpo-28183: Optimize and cleanup dict iteration.
bpo-26081: Added C implementation of asyncio.Future. Original patch by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-28379: Added sanity checks and tests for PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28376: The type of long range iterator is now registered as Iterator. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28376: Creating instances of range_iterator by calling range_iterator type now is disallowed. Calling iter() on range instance is the only way. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-26906: Resolving special methods of uninitialized type now causes implicit initialization of the type instead of a fail.
bpo-18287: PyType_Ready() now checks that tp_name is not NULL. Original patch by Niklas Koep.
bpo-24098: Fixed possible crash when AST is changed in process of compiling it.
bpo-28201: Dict reduces possibility of 2nd conflict in hash table when hashes have same lower bits.
bpo-28350: String constants with null character no longer interned.
bpo-26617: Fix crash when GC runs during weakref callbacks.
bpo-27942: String constants now interned recursively in tuples and frozensets.
bpo-28289: ImportError.__init__ now resets not specified attributes.
bpo-21578: Fixed misleading error message when ImportError called with invalid keyword args.
bpo-28203: Fix incorrect type in complex(1.0, {2:3}) error message. Patch by Soumya Sharma.
bpo-28086: Single var-positional argument of tuple subtype was passed unscathed to the C-defined function. Now it is converted to exact tuple.
bpo-28214: Now __set_name__ is looked up on the class instead of the instance.
bpo-27955: Fallback on reading /dev/urandom device when the getrandom() syscall fails with EPERM, for example when blocked by SECCOMP.
bpo-28192: Don’t import readline in isolated mode.
bpo-27441: Remove some redundant assignments to ob_size in longobject.c. Thanks Oren Milman.
bpo-27222: Clean up redundant code in long_rshift function. Thanks Oren Milman.
Upgrade internal unicode databases to Unicode version 9.0.0.
bpo-28131: Fix a regression in zipimport’s compile_source(). zipimport should use the same optimization level as the interpreter.
bpo-28126: Replace Py_MEMCPY with memcpy(). Visual Studio can properly optimize memcpy().
bpo-28120: Fix dict.pop() for splitted dictionary when trying to remove a “pending key” (Not yet inserted in split-table). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26182: Raise DeprecationWarning when async and await keywords are used as variable/attribute/class/function name.
bpo-26182: Fix a refleak in code that raises DeprecationWarning.
bpo-28721: Fix asynchronous generators aclose() and athrow() to handle StopAsyncIteration propagation properly.
bpo-26110: Speed-up method calls: add LOAD_METHOD and CALL_METHOD opcodes.
bpo-31499: xml.etree: Fix a crash when a parser is part of a reference cycle.
now works with bytes in version=1bpo-28556: typing.get_type_hints now finds the right globalns for classes and modules by default (when no
was specified by the caller).bpo-28556: Speed improvements to the
module. Original PRs by Ivan Levkivskyi and Mitar.bpo-31544: The C accelerator module of ElementTree ignored exceptions raised when looking up TreeBuilder target methods in XMLParser().
bpo-31234: socket.create_connection() now fixes manually a reference cycle: clear the variable storing the last exception on success.
bpo-31457: LoggerAdapter objects can now be nested.
bpo-31431: SSLContext.check_hostname now automatically sets SSLContext.verify_mode to ssl.CERT_REQUIRED instead of failing with a ValueError.
bpo-31233: socketserver.ThreadingMixIn now keeps a list of non-daemonic threads to wait until all these threads complete in server_close().
bpo-28638: Changed the implementation strategy for collections.namedtuple() to substantially reduce the use of exec() in favor of precomputed methods. As a result, the verbose parameter and _source attribute are no longer supported. The benefits include 1) having a smaller memory footprint for applications using multiple named tuples, 2) faster creation of the named tuple class (approx 4x to 6x depending on how it is measured), and 3) minor speed-ups for instance creation using __new__, _make, and _replace. (The primary patch contributor is Jelle Zijlstra with further improvements by INADA Naoki, Serhiy Storchaka, and Raymond Hettinger.)
bpo-31400: Improves SSL error handling to avoid losing error numbers.
bpo-27629: Make return types of SSLContext.wrap_bio() and SSLContext.wrap_socket() customizable.
bpo-28958: ssl.SSLContext() now uses OpenSSL error information when a context cannot be instantiated.
bpo-28182: The SSL module now raises SSLCertVerificationError when OpenSSL fails to verify the peer’s certificate. The exception contains more information about the error.
bpo-27340: SSLSocket.sendall() now uses memoryview to create slices of data. This fixes support for all bytes-like object. It is also more efficient and avoids costly copies.
bpo-14191: A new function
provides the ability to parse command lines where there user intermixes options and positional arguments.bpo-31178: Fix string concatenation bug in rare error path in the subprocess module
bpo-31350: Micro-optimize
to become up to 10% faster.bpo-31170: expat: Update libexpat from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4. Fix copying of partial characters for UTF-8 input (libexpat bug 115):
bpo-29136: Add TLS 1.3 cipher suites and OP_NO_TLSv1_3.
subclasses can optionally definebraceidpattern
if they want to specify different placeholder patterns inside and outside the braces. If None (the default) it falls back toidpattern
.bpo-31326: concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.shutdown() now explicitly closes the call queue. Moreover, shutdown(wait=True) now also join the call queue thread, to prevent leaking a dangling thread.
bpo-27144: The
iterators inconcurrent.futures
now avoid keeping a reference to yielded objects.bpo-31281: Fix
fileinput.FileInput(files, inplace=True)
objects.bpo-10746: Fix ctypes producing wrong PEP 3118 type codes for integer types.
has been added to the socket interface which allows communication between virtual machines and their host.bpo-22536: The subprocess module now sets the filename when FileNotFoundError is raised on POSIX systems due to the executable or cwd not being found.
bpo-29741: Update some methods in the _pyio module to also accept integer types. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31249: concurrent.futures: used by ThreadPoolExecutor now breaks a reference cycle between an exception object and the WorkItem object.
bpo-31247: xmlrpc.server now explicitly breaks reference cycles when using sys.exc_info() in code handling exceptions.
bpo-23835: configparser: reading defaults in the
constructor is now usingread_dict()
, making its behavior consistent with the rest of the parser. Non-string keys and values in the defaults dictionary are now being implicitly converted to strings. Patch by James Tocknell.bpo-31238: pydoc: the stop() method of the private ServerThread class now waits until DocServer.serve_until_quit() completes and then explicitly sets its docserver attribute to None to break a reference cycle.
bpo-5001: Many asserts in
are now more informative, and some error types have been changed to more specific ones.bpo-31109: Convert zipimport to use Argument Clinic.
bpo-30102: The ssl and hashlib modules now call OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf() on OpenSSL < 1.1.0. The function detects CPU features and enables optimizations on some CPU architectures such as POWER8. Patch is based on research from Gustavo Serra Scalet.
bpo-18966: Non-daemonic threads created by a multiprocessing.Process are now joined on child exit.
now works with asynchronous generator and coroutine objects. Patch by George Collins based on diagnosis by Luciano Ramalho.bpo-5001: There are a number of uninformative asserts in the
module, as noted in issue 5001. This change fixes two of the most potentially problematic ones, since they are in error-reporting code, in themultiprocessing.managers.convert_to_error
function. (It also makes more informative a ValueError message.) The only potentially problematic change is that the AssertionError is now a TypeError; however, this should also help distinguish it from an AssertionError being reported by the function/its caller (such as in issue 31169). - Patch by Allen W. Smith (drallensmith on github).bpo-31185: Fixed miscellaneous errors in asyncio speedup module.
bpo-31151: socketserver.ForkingMixIn.server_close() now waits until all child processes completed to prevent leaking zombie processes.
bpo-31072: Add an
parameter tozipapp.create_archive()
bpo-24700: Optimize array.array comparison. It is now from 10x up to 70x faster when comparing arrays holding values of the same integer type.
bpo-31135: ttk: fix the destroy() method of LabeledScale and OptionMenu classes. Call the parent destroy() method even if the used attribute doesn’t exist. The LabeledScale.destroy() method now also explicitly clears label and scale attributes to help the garbage collector to destroy all widgets.
bpo-31107: Fix
mangled attribute calculation for classes whose name begins with an underscore. Patch by Shane Harvey.bpo-31080: Allow
to accept kwargs and/or args.bpo-30897:
objects now include anis_mount()
method (only implemented on POSIX). This is similar toos.path.ismount(p)
. Patch by Cooper Ry Lees.bpo-31061: Fixed a crash when using asyncio and threads.
bpo-30987: Added support for CAN ISO-TP protocol in the socket module.
bpo-30522: Added a
method tologging.StreamHandler
to allow the stream to be set after creation.bpo-30502: Fix handling of long oids in ssl. Based on patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-5288: Support tzinfo objects with sub-minute offsets.
bpo-30919: Fix shared memory performance regression in multiprocessing in 3.x. Shared memory used anonymous memory mappings in 2.x, while 3.x mmaps actual files. Try to be careful to do as little disk I/O as possible.
bpo-26732: Fix too many fds in processes started with the “forkserver” method. A child process would inherit as many fds as the number of still-running children.
bpo-29403: Fix
’s autospec to not fail on method-bound builtin functions. Patch by Aaron Gallagher.bpo-30961: Fix decrementing a borrowed reference in tracemalloc.
bpo-19896: Fix multiprocessing.sharedctypes to recognize typecodes
.bpo-30946: Remove obsolete code in readline module for platforms where GNU readline is older than 2.1 or where select() is not available.
bpo-25684: Change
radiobuttons to be unique across instances ofOptionMenu
.bpo-30886: Fix multiprocessing.Queue.join_thread(): it now waits until the thread completes, even if the thread was started by the same process which created the queue.
bpo-29854: Fix segfault in readline when using readline’s history-size option. Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-30794: Added multiprocessing.Process.kill method to terminate using the SIGKILL signal on Unix.
bpo-30319: socket.close() now ignores ECONNRESET error.
bpo-30828: Fix out of bounds write in
.bpo-30302: Use keywords in the
.bpo-30807: signal.setitimer() may disable the timer when passed a tiny value. Tiny values (such as 1e-6) are valid non-zero values for setitimer(), which is specified as taking microsecond-resolution intervals. However, on some platform, our conversion routine could convert 1e-6 into a zero interval, therefore disabling the timer instead of (re-)scheduling it.
bpo-30441: Fix bug when modifying os.environ while iterating over it
bpo-29585: Avoid importing
to improve startup speed. Python startup is about 5% faster on Linux and 30% faster on macOS.bpo-29293: Add missing parameter “n” on multiprocessing.Condition.notify(). The doc claims multiprocessing.Condition behaves like threading.Condition, but its notify() method lacked the optional “n” argument (to specify the number of sleepers to wake up) that threading.Condition.notify() accepts.
bpo-30532: Fix email header value parser dropping folding white space in certain cases.
bpo-30596: Add a
method tomultiprocessing.Process
.bpo-9146: Fix a segmentation fault in _hashopenssl when standard hash functions such as md5 are not available in the linked OpenSSL library. As in some special FIPS-140 build environments.
bpo-29169: Update zlib to 1.2.11.
bpo-30119: ftplib.FTP.putline() now throws ValueError on commands that contains CR or LF. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-30879: os.listdir() and os.scandir() now emit bytes names when called with bytes-like argument.
bpo-30746: Prohibited the ‘=’ character in environment variable names in
.bpo-30664: The description of a unittest subtest now preserves the order of keyword arguments of TestCase.subTest().
bpo-21071: struct.Struct.format type is now
instead ofbytes
.bpo-29212: Fix concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor threads to have a non repr() based thread name by default when no thread_name_prefix is supplied. They will now identify themselves as “ThreadPoolExecutor-y_n”.
bpo-29755: Fixed the lgettext() family of functions in the gettext module. They now always return bytes.
bpo-30616: Functional API of enum allows to create empty enums. Patched by Donghee Na
bpo-30038: Fix race condition between signal delivery and wakeup file descriptor. Patch by Nathaniel Smith.
bpo-23894: lib2to3 now recognizes
strings.bpo-24744: pkgutil.walk_packages function now raises ValueError if path is a string. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-24484: Avoid race condition in multiprocessing cleanup.
bpo-30589: Fix multiprocessing.Process.exitcode to return the opposite of the signal number when the process is killed by a signal (instead of 255) when using the “forkserver” method.
bpo-28994: The traceback no longer displayed for SystemExit raised in a callback registered by atexit.
bpo-30508: Don’t log exceptions if Task/Future “cancel()” method was called.
bpo-30645: Fix path calculation in
, fixing it for cases when a package is only shipped with bytecodes. Patch by Alexandru Ardelean.bpo-11822: The dis.dis() function now is able to disassemble nested code objects.
bpo-30624: selectors does not take KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit into account, leaving a fd in a bad state in case of error. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-30595: multiprocessing.Queue.get() with a timeout now polls its reader in non-blocking mode if it succeeded to acquire the lock but the acquire took longer than the timeout.
bpo-28556: Updates to typing module: Add generic AsyncContextManager, add support for ContextManager on all versions. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra and Ivan Levkivskyi
bpo-30605: re.compile() no longer raises a BytesWarning when compiling a bytes instance with misplaced inline modifier. Patch by Roy Williams.
bpo-29870: Fix ssl sockets leaks when connection is aborted in asyncio/ssl implementation. Patch by Michaël Sghaïer.
bpo-29743: Closing transport during handshake process leaks open socket. Patch by Nikolay Kim
bpo-27585: Fix waiter cancellation in asyncio.Lock. Patch by Mathieu Sornay.
bpo-30014: modify() method of poll(), epoll() and devpoll() based classes of selectors module is around 10% faster. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-30418: On Windows, subprocess.Popen.communicate() now also ignore EINVAL on stdin.write() if the child process is still running but closed the pipe.
bpo-30463: Addded empty __slots__ to abc.ABC. This allows subclassers to deny __dict__ and __weakref__ creation. Patch by Aaron Hall.
bpo-30520: Loggers are now pickleable.
bpo-30557: faulthandler now correctly filters and displays exception codes on Windows
bpo-30526: Add TextIOWrapper.reconfigure() and a TextIOWrapper.write_through attribute.
bpo-30245: Fix possible overflow when organize struct.pack_into error message. Patch by Yuan Liu.
bpo-30378: Fix the problem that logging.handlers.SysLogHandler cannot handle IPv6 addresses.
bpo-16500: Allow registering at-fork handlers.
bpo-30470: Deprecate invalid ctypes call protection on Windows. Patch by Mariatta Wijaya.
bpo-30414: multiprocessing.Queue._feed background running thread do not break from main loop on exception.
bpo-30003: Fix handling escape characters in HZ codec. Based on patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-30149: inspect.signature() now supports callables with variable-argument parameters wrapped with partialmethod. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-30436: importlib.find_spec() raises ModuleNotFoundError instead of AttributeError if the specified parent module is not a package (i.e. lacks a __path__ attribute).
bpo-30301: Fix AttributeError when using SimpleQueue.empty() under spawn and forkserver start methods.
bpo-30375: Warnings emitted when compile a regular expression now always point to the line in the user code. Previously they could point into inners of the re module if emitted from inside of groups or conditionals.
bpo-30329: imaplib and poplib now catch the Windows socket WSAEINVAL error (code 10022) on shutdown(SHUT_RDWR): An invalid operation was attempted. This error occurs sometimes on SSL connections.
bpo-29196: Removed previously deprecated in Python 2.4 classes Plist, Dict and _InternalDict in the plistlib module. Dict values in the result of functions readPlist() and readPlistFromBytes() are now normal dicts. You no longer can use attribute access to access items of these dictionaries.
bpo-9850: The
is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.8.bpo-30299: Compiling regular expression in debug mode on CPython now displays the compiled bytecode in human readable form.
bpo-30048: Fixed
can be ignored when the task is running coroutine and the coroutine returned without any moreawait
.bpo-30266: contextlib.AbstractContextManager now supports anti-registration by setting __enter__ = None or __exit__ = None, following the pattern introduced in bpo-25958. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-30340: Enhanced regular expressions optimization. This increased the performance of matching some patterns up to 25 times.
bpo-30298: Weaken the condition of deprecation warnings for inline modifiers. Now allowed several subsequential inline modifiers at the start of the pattern (e.g.
). In verbose mode whitespaces and comments now are allowed before and between inline modifiers (e.g.'(?x) (?i) (?s)...'
).bpo-30285: Optimized case-insensitive matching and searching of regular expressions.
bpo-29990: Fix range checking in GB18030 decoder. Original patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-29979: rewrite cgi.parse_multipart, reusing the FieldStorage class and making its results consistent with those of FieldStorage for multipart/form-data requests. Patch by Pierre Quentel.
bpo-30243: Removed the __init__ methods of _json’s scanner and encoder. Misusing them could cause memory leaks or crashes. Now scanner and encoder objects are completely initialized in the __new__ methods.
bpo-30215: Compiled regular expression objects with the re.LOCALE flag no longer depend on the locale at compile time. Only the locale at matching time affects the result of matching.
bpo-30185: Avoid KeyboardInterrupt tracebacks in forkserver helper process when Ctrl-C is received.
bpo-30103: binascii.b2a_uu() and uu.encode() now support using
as zero instead of space.bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: add typing.NoReturn type, use WrapperDescriptorType, minor bug-fixes. Original PRs by Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard and Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-30205: Fix getsockname() for unbound AF_UNIX sockets on Linux.
bpo-30228: The seek() and tell() methods of io.FileIO now set the internal seekable attribute to avoid one syscall on open() (in buffered or text mode).
bpo-30190: unittest’s assertAlmostEqual and assertNotAlmostEqual provide a better message in case of failure which includes the difference between left and right arguments. (patch by Giampaolo Rodola’)
bpo-30101: Add support for curses.A_ITALIC.
bpo-29822: inspect.isabstract() now works during __init_subclass__. Patch by Nate Soares.
bpo-29960: Preserve generator state when _random.Random.setstate() raises an exception. Patch by Bryan Olson.
bpo-30070: Fixed leaks and crashes in errors handling in the parser module.
bpo-22352: Column widths in the output of dis.dis() are now adjusted for large line numbers and instruction offsets.
bpo-30061: Fixed crashes in IOBase methods __next__() and readlines() when readline() or __next__() respectively return non-sizeable object. Fixed possible other errors caused by not checking results of PyObject_Size(), PySequence_Size(), or PyMapping_Size().
bpo-30218: Fix PathLike support for shutil.unpack_archive. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-10076: Compiled regular expression and match objects in the re module now support copy.copy() and copy.deepcopy() (they are considered atomic).
bpo-30068: _io._IOBase.readlines will check if it’s closed first when hint is present.
bpo-29694: Fixed race condition in pathlib mkdir with flags parents=True. Patch by Armin Rigo.
bpo-29692: Fixed arbitrary unchaining of RuntimeError exceptions in contextlib.contextmanager. Patch by Siddharth Velankar.
bpo-26187: Test that sqlite3 trace callback is not called multiple times when schema is changing. Indirectly fixed by switching to use sqlite3_prepare_v2() in bpo-9303. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-30017: Allowed calling the close() method of the zip entry writer object multiple times. Writing to a closed writer now always produces a ValueError.
bpo-29998: Pickling and copying ImportError now preserves name and path attributes.
bpo-29995: re.escape() now escapes only regex special characters.
bpo-29962: Add math.remainder operation, implementing remainder as specified in IEEE 754.
bpo-29649: Improve struct.pack_into() exception messages for problems with the buffer size and offset. Patch by Andrew Nester.
bpo-29654: Support If-Modified-Since HTTP header (browser cache). Patch by Pierre Quentel.
bpo-29931: Fixed comparison check for ipaddress.ip_interface objects. Patch by Sanjay Sundaresan.
bpo-29953: Fixed memory leaks in the replace() method of datetime and time objects when pass out of bound fold argument.
bpo-29942: Fix a crash in itertools.chain.from_iterable when encountering long runs of empty iterables.
bpo-10030: Sped up reading encrypted ZIP files by 2 times.
bpo-29204: Element.getiterator() and the html parameter of XMLParser() were deprecated only in the documentation (since Python 3.2 and 3.4 correspondingly). Now using them emits a deprecation warning.
bpo-27863: Fixed multiple crashes in ElementTree caused by race conditions and wrong types.
bpo-25996: Added support of file descriptors in os.scandir() on Unix. os.fwalk() is sped up by 2 times by using os.scandir().
bpo-28699: Fixed a bug in pools in multiprocessing.pool that raising an exception at the very first of an iterable may swallow the exception or make the program hang. Patch by Davin Potts and Xiang Zhang.
bpo-23890: unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() now manually breaks a reference cycle to not keep objects alive longer than expected.
bpo-29901: The zipapp module now supports general path-like objects, not just pathlib.Path.
bpo-25803: Avoid incorrect errors raised by Path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
bpo-29861: Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results as soon as they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
bpo-19930: The mode argument of os.makedirs() no longer affects the file permission bits of newly created intermediate-level directories.
bpo-29884: faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown. Patch by Christophe Zeitouny.
bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
bpo-29800: Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords are not strings. Patch by Michael Seifert.
bpo-8256: Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes “encoding” or “errors” of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
bpo-28692: Using non-integer value for selecting a plural form in gettext is now deprecated.
bpo-26121: Use C library implementation for math functions erf() and erfc().
bpo-29619: os.stat() and os.DirEntry.inode() now convert inode (st_ino) using unsigned integers.
bpo-28298: Fix a bug that prevented array ‘Q’, ‘L’ and ‘I’ from accepting big intables (objects that have __int__) as elements.
bpo-29645: Speed up importing the webbrowser module. webbrowser.register() is now thread-safe.
bpo-28231: The zipfile module now accepts path-like objects for external paths.
bpo-26915: index() and count() methods of now check identity before checking equality when do comparisons.
bpo-28682: Added support for bytes paths in os.fwalk().
bpo-29728: Add new
(Linux 3.12) constant. Patch by Nathaniel J. Smith.bpo-29623: Allow use of path-like object as a single argument in Patch by David Ellis.
bpo-9303: Migrate sqlite3 module to _v2 API. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-28963: Fix out of bound iteration in asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback implemented in C.
bpo-29704: asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before all pipes are closed.
bpo-29271: Fix Task.current_task and Task.all_tasks implemented in C to accept None argument as their pure Python implementation.
bpo-29703: Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops in child processes.
bpo-29615: SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other exception) to exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods. Patch by Petr Motejlek.
bpo-7769: Method register_function() of xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher and its subclasses can now be used as a decorator.
bpo-29376: Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
bpo-28624: Add a test that checks that cwd parameter of Popen() accepts PathLike objects. Patch by Sayan Chowdhury.
bpo-28518: Start a transaction implicitly before a DML statement. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-29742: get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport. Patch by Nikolay Kim.
bpo-16285: urllib.parse.quote is now based on RFC 3986 and hence includes ‘~’ in the set of characters that is not quoted by default. Patch by Christian Theune and Ratnadeep Debnath.
bpo-29532: Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial() no longer affects a partial object after creation.
bpo-29110: Fix file object leak in when file is given as a filesystem path and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
bpo-22807: Add uuid.SafeUUID and uuid.UUID.is_safe to relay information from the platform about whether generated UUIDs are generated with a multiprocessing safe method.
bpo-29576: Improve some deprecations in importlib. Some deprecated methods now emit DeprecationWarnings and have better descriptive messages.
bpo-29534: Fixed different behaviour of Decimal.from_float() for _decimal and _pydecimal. Thanks Andrew Nester.
bpo-10379: locale.format_string now supports the ‘monetary’ keyword argument, and locale.format is deprecated.
bpo-29851: importlib.reload() now raises ModuleNotFoundError if the module lacks a spec.
bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap, improved ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi, Manuel Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
bpo-29100: Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python 3.6.0: check minimum and maximum years.
bpo-29416: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
bpo-29444: Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of the match object. Based on patch by WGH.
bpo-29377: Add WrapperDescriptorType, MethodWrapperType, and MethodDescriptorType built-in types to types module. Original patch by Manuel Krebber.
bpo-29218: Unused install_misc command is now removed. It has been documented as unused since 2000. Patch by Eric N. Vander Weele.
bpo-29368: The extend() method is now called instead of the append() method when unpickle collections.deque and other list-like objects. This can speed up unpickling to 2 times.
bpo-29338: The help of a builtin or extension class now includes the constructor signature if __text_signature__ is provided for the class.
bpo-29335: Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has exited to a stopped instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
bpo-29290: Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at non-breaking spaces.
bpo-28735: Fixed the comparison of mock.MagickMock with mock.ANY.
bpo-29197: Removed deprecated function ntpath.splitunc().
bpo-29210: Removed support of deprecated argument “exclude” in tarfile.TarFile.add().
bpo-29219: Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized ctypes.CDLL instances.
bpo-29192: Removed deprecated features in the http.cookies module.
bpo-29193: A format string argument for string.Formatter.format() is now positional-only.
bpo-29195: Removed support of deprecated undocumented keyword arguments in methods of regular expression objects.
bpo-28969: Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache. KeyError could be raised when cached function with full cache was simultaneously called from different threads with the same uncached arguments.
bpo-20804: The unittest.mock.sentinel attributes now preserve their identity when they are copied or pickled.
bpo-29142: In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with leading dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c). Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
bpo-28961: Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don’t ignore the name parameter anymore. Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
bpo-15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of a context. Patch by Sam Breese.
bpo-28985: Update authorizer constants in sqlite3 module. Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
bpo-29079: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.resolve() on Windows
bpo-13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized curses.textpad.Textbox. Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
bpo-9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative integers.
bpo-28427: old keys should not remove new values from WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
bpo-28923: Remove editor artifacts from
bpo-28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
bpo-19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another thread.
bpo-20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when passing a sequence that doesn’t own its elements as limits.
bpo-16255: subprocess.Popen uses /system/bin/sh on Android as the shell, instead of /bin/sh.
bpo-28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some multiprocessing objects such as locks.
bpo-26937: The chown() method of the tarfile.TarFile class does not fail now when the grp module cannot be imported, as for example on Android platforms.
bpo-28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer writes the index file when it is not changed. A deprecation warning is now emitted if the index file is missed and recreated in the ‘r’ and ‘w’ modes (will be an error in future Python releases).
bpo-27030: Unknown escapes consisting of
and an ASCII letter in re.sub() replacement templates regular expressions now are errors.bpo-28835: Fix a regression introduced in warnings.catch_warnings(): call warnings.showwarning() if it was overridden inside the context manager.
bpo-27172: To assist with upgrades from 2.7, the previously documented deprecation of
has been reversed. This decision may be revisited again after the Python 2.7 branch is no longer officially supported.bpo-28740: Add sys.getandroidapilevel(): return the build time API version of Android as an integer. Function only available on Android.
bpo-26273: Add new
(Linux 2.6.13) andsocket.TCP_USER_TIMEOUT
(Linux 2.6.37) constants. Patch written by Omar Sandoval.bpo-28752: Restored the __reduce__() methods of datetime objects.
bpo-28727: Regular expression patterns, _sre.SRE_Pattern objects created by re.compile(), become comparable (only x==y and x!=y operators). This change should fix the bpo-18383: don’t duplicate warning filters when the warnings module is reloaded (thing usually only done in unit tests).
bpo-20572: Remove the subprocess.Popen.wait endtime parameter. It was deprecated in 3.4 and undocumented prior to that.
bpo-25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
bpo-28548: In the “http.server” module, parse the protocol version if possible, to avoid using HTTP 0.9 in some error responses.
bpo-19717: Makes Path.resolve() succeed on paths that do not exist. Patch by Vajrasky Kok
bpo-28563: Fixed possible DoS and arbitrary code execution when handle plural form selections in the gettext module. The expression parser now supports exact syntax supported by GNU gettext.
bpo-28387: Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when the garbage collector is invoked in other thread. Based on patch by Sebastian Cufre.
bpo-27517: LZMA compressor and decompressor no longer raise exceptions if given empty data twice. Patch by Benjamin Fogle.
bpo-28549: Fixed segfault in curses’s addch() with ncurses6.
bpo-28449: with mode “r” or “r:” now tries to open a tar file with compression before trying to open it without compression. Otherwise it had 50% chance failed with ignore_zeros=True.
bpo-23262: The webbrowser module now supports Firefox 36+ and derived browsers. Based on patch by Oleg Broytman.
bpo-24241: The webbrowser in an X environment now prefers using the default browser directly. Also, the webbrowser register() function now has a documented ‘preferred’ argument, to specify browsers to be returned by get() with no arguments. Patch by David Steele
bpo-27939: Fixed bugs in tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale and tkinter.Scale caused by representing the scale as float value internally in Tk. tkinter.IntVar now works if float value is set to underlying Tk variable.
bpo-28255: calendar.TextCalendar.prweek() no longer prints a space after a weeks’s calendar. calendar.TextCalendar.pryear() no longer prints redundant newline after a year’s calendar. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28255: calendar.TextCalendar.prmonth() no longer prints a space at the start of new line after printing a month’s calendar. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-20491: The textwrap.TextWrapper class now honors non-breaking spaces. Based on patch by Kaarle Ritvanen.
bpo-28353: os.fwalk() no longer fails on broken links.
bpo-28430: Fix iterator of C implemented asyncio.Future doesn’t accept non-None value is passed to it.send(val).
bpo-27025: Generated names for Tkinter widgets now start by the “!” prefix for readability.
bpo-25464: Fixed HList.header_exists() in tkinter.tix module by addin a workaround to Tix library bug.
bpo-28488: shutil.make_archive() no longer adds entry “./” to ZIP archive.
bpo-25953: re.sub() now raises an error for invalid numerical group reference in replacement template even if the pattern is not found in the string. Error message for invalid group reference now includes the group index and the position of the reference. Based on patch by SilentGhost.
bpo-28469: timeit now uses the sequence 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50,… instead of 1, 10, 100,… for autoranging.
bpo-28115: Command-line interface of the zipfile module now uses argparse. Added support of long options.
bpo-18219: Optimize csv.DictWriter for large number of columns. Patch by Mariatta Wijaya.
bpo-28448: Fix C implemented asyncio.Future didn’t work on Windows.
bpo-23214: In the “io” module, the argument to BufferedReader and BytesIO’s read1() methods is now optional and can be -1, matching the BufferedIOBase specification.
bpo-28480: Fix error building socket module when multithreading is disabled.
bpo-28240: timeit: remove
command line options which were deprecated since Python 3.3.bpo-28240: timeit now repeats the benchmarks 5 times instead of only 3 to make benchmarks more reliable.
bpo-28240: timeit autorange now uses a single loop iteration if the benchmark takes less than 10 seconds, instead of 10 iterations. “python3 -m timeit -s ‘import time’ ‘time.sleep(1)’” now takes 4 seconds instead of 40 seconds.
Distutils.sdist now looks for README and files with case sensitivity. This behavior matches that found in Setuptools 6.0 and later. See setuptools 100 for rationale.
bpo-24452: Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X. Patch by Ned Batchelder.
bpo-20766: Fix references leaked by pdb in the handling of SIGINT handlers.
bpo-27998: Fixed bytes path support in os.scandir() on Windows. Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-28317: The disassembler now decodes FORMAT_VALUE argument.
bpo-28380: unittest.mock Mock autospec functions now properly support assert_called, assert_not_called, and assert_called_once.
bpo-28229: lzma module now supports pathlib.
bpo-28321: Fixed writing non-BMP characters with binary format in plistlib.
bpo-28225: bz2 module now supports pathlib. Initial patch by Ethan Furman.
bpo-28227: gzip now supports pathlib. Patch by Ethan Furman.
bpo-28332: Deprecated silent truncations in socket.htons and socket.ntohs. Original patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-27358: Optimized merging var-keyword arguments and improved error message when passing a non-mapping as a var-keyword argument.
bpo-28257: Improved error message when passing a non-iterable as a var-positional argument. Added opcode BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL.
bpo-28322: Fixed possible crashes when unpickle itertools objects from incorrect pickle data. Based on patch by John Leitch.
bpo-28228: imghdr now supports pathlib.
bpo-28226: compileall now supports pathlib.
bpo-28314: Fix function declaration (C flags) for the getiterator() method of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.
bpo-28148: Stop using localtime() and gmtime() in the time module. Introduced platform independent _PyTime_localtime API that is similar to POSIX localtime_r, but available on all platforms. Patch by Ed Schouten.
bpo-28253: Fixed calendar functions for extreme months: 0001-01 and 9999-12. Methods itermonthdays() and itermonthdays2() are reimplemented so that they don’t call itermonthdates() which can cause under/overflow.
bpo-28275: Fixed possible use after free in the decompress() methods of the LZMADecompressor and BZ2Decompressor classes. Original patch by John Leitch.
bpo-27897: Fixed possible crash in sqlite3.Connection.create_collation() if pass invalid string-like object as a name. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-18844: random.choices() now has k as a keyword-only argument to improve the readability of common cases and come into line with the signature used in other languages.
bpo-18893: Fix invalid exception handling in Lib/ctypes/macholib/ Patch by Madison May.
bpo-27611: Fixed support of default root window in the tkinter.tix module. Added the master parameter in the DisplayStyle constructor.
bpo-27348: In the traceback module, restore the formatting of exception messages like “Exception: None”. This fixes a regression introduced in 3.5a2.
bpo-25651: Allow false values to be used for msg parameter of subTest().
bpo-27778: Fix a memory leak in os.getrandom() when the getrandom() is interrupted by a signal and a signal handler raises a Python exception.
bpo-28200: Fix memory leak on Windows in the os module (fix path_converter() function).
bpo-25400: RobotFileParser now correctly returns default values for crawl_delay and request_rate. Initial patch by Peter Wirtz.
bpo-27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
bpo-28075: Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of os.stat(). Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-22493: Warning message emitted by using inline flags in the middle of regular expression now contains a (truncated) regex pattern. Patch by Tim Graham.
bpo-25270: Prevent codecs.escape_encode() from raising SystemError when an empty bytestring is passed.
bpo-28181: Get antigravity over HTTPS. Patch by Kaartic Sivaraam.
bpo-25895: Enable WebSocket URL schemes in urllib.parse.urljoin. Patch by Gergely Imreh and Markus Holtermann.
bpo-28114: Fix a crash in parse_envlist() when env contains byte strings. Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-27599: Fixed buffer overrun in binascii.b2a_qp() and binascii.a2b_qp().
bpo-27906: Fix socket accept exhaustion during high TCP traffic. Patch by Kevin Conway.
bpo-28174: Handle when SO_REUSEPORT isn’t properly supported. Patch by Seth Michael Larson.
bpo-26654: Inspect functools.partial in asyncio.Handle.__repr__. Patch by iceboy.
bpo-26909: Fix slow pipes IO in asyncio. Patch by INADA Naoki.
bpo-28176: Fix callbacks race in asyncio.SelectorLoop.sock_connect.
bpo-27759: Fix selectors incorrectly retain invalid file descriptors. Patch by Mark Williams.
bpo-28325: Remove vestigial MacOS 9 macurl2path module and its tests.
bpo-28368: Refuse monitoring processes if the child watcher has no loop attached. Patch by Vincent Michel.
bpo-28369: Raise RuntimeError when transport’s FD is used with add_reader, add_writer, etc.
bpo-28370: Speedup asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-28371: Deprecate passing asyncio.Handles to run_in_executor.
bpo-28372: Fix asyncio to support formatting of non-python coroutines.
bpo-28399: Remove UNIX socket from FS before binding. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-27972: Prohibit Tasks to await on themselves.
bpo-24142: Reading a corrupt config file left configparser in an invalid state. Original patch by Florian Höch.
bpo-29581: ABCMeta.__new__ now accepts
, allowing abstract base classes to use keyword parameters in __init_subclass__. Patch by Nate Soares.bpo-25532: inspect.unwrap() will now only try to unwrap an object sys.getrecursionlimit() times, to protect against objects which create a new object on every attribute access.
bpo-30177: path.resolve(strict=False) no longer cuts the path after the first element not present in the filesystem. Patch by Antoine Pietri.
bpo-31294: Fix incomplete code snippet in the ZeroMQSocketListener and ZeroMQSocketHandler examples and adapt them to Python 3.
bpo-21649: Add RFC 7525 and Mozilla server side TLS links to SSL documentation.
bpo-31128: Allow the pydoc server to bind to arbitrary hostnames.
bpo-30803: Clarify doc on truth value testing. Original patch by Peter Thomassen.
bpo-30176: Add missing attribute related constants in curses documentation.
bpo-30052: the link targets for
are now their respective type definitions, rather than the corresponding builtin function entries. Use bytes and bytearray to reference the latter. In order to ensure this and future cross-reference updates are applied automatically, the daily documentation builds now disable the default output caching features in Sphinx.bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
bpo-19824: Improve the documentation for, and links to, template strings by emphasizing their utility for internationalization, and by clarifying some usage constraints. (See also: bpo-20314, bpo-12518)
bpo-28929: Link the documentation to its source file on GitHub.
bpo-25008: Document as effectively deprecated and add a pointer to aiosmtpd, a third-party asyncio-based replacement.
bpo-26355: Add canonical header link on each page to corresponding major version of the documentation. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
bpo-29349: Fix Python 2 syntax in code for building the documentation.
bpo-23722: The data model reference and the porting section in the 3.6 What’s New guide now cover the additional
handling needed for custom metaclasses to fully support PEP 487 and zero-argumentsuper()
.bpo-28513: Documented command-line interface of zipfile.
bpo-29639: is now “localhost”, a new HOSTv4 constant has been added for your
needs, similar to the existing HOSTv6 constant.bpo-31320: Silence traceback in test_ssl
bpo-31346: Prefer PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT and PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER protocols for SSLContext.
bpo-25674: Remove ssl test
bpo-30715: Address ALPN callback changes for OpenSSL 1.1.0f. The latest version behaves like OpenSSL 1.0.2 and no longer aborts handshake.
bpo-30822: regrtest: Exclude tzdata from regrtest –all. When running the test suite using –use=all / -u all, exclude tzdata since it makes test_datetime too slow (15-20 min on some buildbots) which then times out on some buildbots. Fix also regrtest command line parser to allow passing -u extralargefile to run test_zipfile64.
bpo-30695: Add the
set_nomemory(start, stop)
functions to the_testcapi
module.bpo-30357: test_thread: setUp() now uses support.threading_setup() and support.threading_cleanup() to wait until threads complete to avoid random side effects on following tests. Initial patch written by Grzegorz Grzywacz.
bpo-30197: Enhanced functions swap_attr() and swap_item() in the module. They now work when delete replaced attribute or item inside the with statement. The old value of the attribute or item (or None if it doesn’t exist) now will be assigned to the target of the “as” clause, if there is one.
bpo-24932: Use proper command line parsing in _testembed
bpo-28950: Disallow -j0 to be combined with -T/-l in regrtest command line arguments.
bpo-28683: Fix the tests that bind() a unix socket and raise PermissionError on Android for a non-root user.
bpo-26936: Fix the test_socket failures on Android - getservbyname(), getservbyport() and getaddrinfo() are broken on some Android API levels.
bpo-28666: Now is able to remove unwritable or unreadable directories.
bpo-23839: Various caches now are cleared before running every test file.
bpo-26944: Fix test_posix for Android where ‘id -G’ is entirely wrong or missing the effective gid.
bpo-28409: regrtest: fix the parser of command line arguments.
bpo-28217: Adds _testconsole module to test console input.
bpo-26939: Add the support.setswitchinterval() function to fix test_functools hanging on the Android armv7 qemu emulator.
bpo-31354: Allow
to be used on all builds, not justmake profile-opt
.bpo-31370: Remove support for building –without-threads. This option is not really useful anymore in the 21st century. Removing lots of conditional paths allows us to simplify the code base, including in difficult to maintain low-level internal code.
bpo-31341: Per PEP 11, support for the IRIX operating system was removed.
bpo-30854: Fix compile error when compiling –without-threads. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.
bpo-30687: Locate msbuild.exe on Windows when building rather than vcvarsall.bat
bpo-20210: Support the disabled marker in Setup files. Extension modules listed after this marker are not built at all, neither by the Makefile nor by
bpo-29941: Add
configure flag to explicitly enable Cassert()
checks. Defaults to off.--with-pydebug
.bpo-28787: Fix out-of-tree builds of Python when configured with
.bpo-29243: Prevent unnecessary rebuilding of Python during
make test
,make install
and some other make targets when configured with--enable-optimizations
.bpo-23404: Don’t regenerate generated files based on file modification time anymore: the action is now explicit. Replace
make touch
withmake regen-all
.bpo-29643: Fix
didn’t work.bpo-27593: sys.version and the platform module python_build(), python_branch(), and python_revision() functions now use git information rather than hg when building from a repo.
bpo-29572: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2k.
bpo-27659: Prohibit implicit C function declarations: use
when possible (GCC and Clang, but it depends on the compiler version). Patch written by Chi Hsuan Yen.bpo-29384: Remove old Be OS helper scripts.
bpo-26851: Set Android compilation and link flags.
bpo-28768: Fix implicit declaration of function _setmode. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto
bpo-29080: Removes hard dependency on hg.exe from PCBuild/build.bat
bpo-23903: Added missed names to PC/python3.def.
bpo-28762: lockf() is available on Android API level 24, but the F_LOCK macro is not defined in android-ndk-r13.
bpo-28538: Fix the compilation error that occurs because if_nameindex() is available on Android API level 24, but the if_nameindex structure is not defined.
bpo-20211: Do not add the directory for installing C header files and the directory for installing object code libraries to the cross compilation search paths. Original patch by Thomas Petazzoni.
bpo-28849: Do not define sys.implementation._multiarch on Android.
bpo-10656: Fix out-of-tree building on AIX. Patch by Tristan Carel and Michael Haubenwallner.
bpo-26359: Rename –with-optimiations to –enable-optimizations.
bpo-28444: Fix missing extensions modules when cross compiling.
bpo-28208: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use SQLite 3.14.2.
bpo-28248: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2j.
bpo-21124: Fix building the _struct module on Cygwin by passing
instead of&PyType_Type
to PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.bpo-13756: Fix building extensions modules on Cygwin. Patch by Roumen Petrov, based on original patch by Jason Tishler.
bpo-21085: Add configure check for siginfo_t.si_band, which Cygwin does not provide. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto with review and rebase by Erik Bray.
bpo-28258: Fixed build with Estonian locale (python-config and distclean targets in Makefile). Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
bpo-26661: now detects system libffi with multiarch wrapper.
bpo-27979: A full copy of libffi is no longer bundled for use when building _ctypes on non-OSX UNIX platforms. An installed copy of libffi is now required when building _ctypes on such platforms.
bpo-15819: Remove redundant include search directory option for building outside the source tree.
bpo-28676: Prevent missing ‘getentropy’ declaration warning on macOS. Patch by Gareth Rees.
bpo-31392: Update Windows build to use OpenSSL 1.1.0f
bpo-30389: Adds detection of Visual Studio 2017 to distutils on Windows.
bpo-31358: zlib is no longer bundled in the CPython source, instead it is downloaded on demand just like bz2, lzma, OpenSSL, Tcl/Tk, and SQLite.
bpo-31340: Change to building with MSVC v141 (included with Visual Studio 2017)
bpo-30581: os.cpu_count() now returns the correct number of processors on Windows when the number of logical processors is greater than 64.
bpo-30916: Pre-build OpenSSL, Tcl and Tk and include the binaries in the build.
bpo-30731: Add a missing xmlns to python.manifest so that it matches the schema.
bpo-30291: Allow requiring 64-bit interpreters from py.exe using -64 suffix. Contributed by Steve (Gadget) Barnes.
bpo-30362: Adds list options (-0, -0p) to py.exe launcher. Contributed by Steve Barnes.
bpo-23451: Fix socket deprecation warnings in socketmodule.c. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-30450: The build process on Windows no longer depends on Subversion, instead pulling external code from GitHub via a Python script. If Python 3.6 is not found on the system (via
py -3.6
), NuGet is used to download a copy of 32-bit Python.bpo-29579: Removes readme.txt from the installer.
bpo-25778: winreg does not truncate string correctly (Patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-28896: Deprecate WindowsRegistryFinder and disable it by default
bpo-28522: Fixes mishandled buffer reallocation in getpathp.c
bpo-28402: Adds signed catalog files for stdlib on Windows.
bpo-28333: Enables Unicode for ps1/ps2 and input() prompts. (Patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-28251: Improvements to help manuals on Windows.
bpo-28110: launcher.msi has different product codes between 32-bit and 64-bit
bpo-28161: Opening CON for write access fails
bpo-28162: WindowsConsoleIO readall() fails if first line starts with Ctrl+Z
bpo-28163: WindowsConsoleIO fileno() passes wrong flags to _open_osfhandle
bpo-28164: _PyIO_get_console_type fails for various paths
bpo-28137: Renames Windows path file to ._pth
bpo-28138: Windows ._pth file should allow import site
bpo-31493: IDLE code context – fix code update and font update timers. Canceling timers prevents a warning message when test_idle completes.
bpo-31488: IDLE - Update non-key options in former extension classes. When applying configdialog changes, call .reload for each feature class. Change ParenMatch so updated options affect existing instances attached to existing editor windows.
bpo-31477: IDLE - Improve rstrip entry in doc. Strip trailing whitespace strips more than blank spaces. Multiline string literals are not skipped.
bpo-31480: IDLE - make tests pass with zzdummy extension disabled by default.
bpo-31421: Document how IDLE runs tkinter programs. IDLE calls tcl/tk update in the background in order to make live interaction and experimentation with tkinter applications much easier.
bpo-31414: IDLE – fix tk entry box tests by deleting first. Adding to an int entry is not the same as deleting and inserting because int(‘’) will fail.
bpo-31051: Rearrange IDLE configdialog GenPage into Window, Editor, and Help sections.
bpo-30617: IDLE - Add docstrings and tests for outwin subclass of editor. Move some data and functions from the class to module level. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31287: IDLE - Do not modify tkinter.message in test_configdialog.
bpo-27099: Convert IDLE’s built-in ‘extensions’ to regular features. About 10 IDLE features were implemented as supposedly optional extensions. Their different behavior could be confusing or worse for users and not good for maintenance. Hence the conversion. The main difference for users is that user configurable key bindings for builtin features are now handled uniformly. Now, editing a binding in a keyset only affects its value in the keyset. All bindings are defined together in the system-specific default keysets in config-extensions.def. All custom keysets are saved as a whole in config-extension.cfg. All take effect as soon as one clicks Apply or Ok. The affected events are ‘<<force-open-completions>>’, ‘<<expand-word>>’, ‘<<force-open-calltip>>’, ‘<<flash-paren>>’, ‘<<format-paragraph>>’, ‘<<run-module>>’, ‘<<check-module>>’, and ‘<<zoom-height>>’. Any (global) customizations made before 3.6.3 will not affect their keyset-specific customization after 3.6.3. and vice versa. Initial patch by Charles Wohlganger.
bpo-31206: IDLE: Factor HighPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31001: Add tests for configdialog highlight tab. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31205: IDLE: Factor KeysPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. The slightly modified tests continue to pass. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31130: IDLE – stop leaks in test_configdialog. Initial patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-31002: Add tests for configdialog keys tab. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-19903: IDLE: Calltips use
instead ofinspect.getfullargspec
. This improves calltips for builtins converted to use Argument Clinic. Patch by Louie Lu.bpo-31083: IDLE - Add an outline of a TabPage class in configdialog. Update existing classes to match outline. Initial patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31050: Factor GenPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. The slightly modified tests continue to pass. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31004: IDLE - Factor FontPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. Slightly modified tests continue to pass. Fix General tests. Patch mostly by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30781: IDLE - Use ttk widgets in ConfigDialog. Patches by Terry Jan Reedy and Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31060: IDLE - Finish rearranging methods of ConfigDialog Grouping methods pertaining to each tab and the buttons will aid writing tests and improving the tabs and will enable splitting the groups into classes.
bpo-30853: IDLE – Factor a VarTrace class out of ConfigDialog. Instance tracers manages pairs consisting of a tk variable and a callback function. When tracing is turned on, setting the variable calls the function. Test coverage for the new class is 100%.
bpo-31003: IDLE: Add more tests for General tab.
bpo-30993: IDLE - Improve configdialog font page and tests. In configdialog: Document causal pathways in create_font_tab docstring. Simplify some attribute names. Move set_samples calls to var_changed_font (idea from Cheryl Sabella). Move related functions to positions after the create widgets function. In test_configdialog: Fix test_font_set so not order dependent. Fix renamed test_indent_scale so it tests the widget. Adjust tests for movement of set_samples call. Add tests for load functions. Put all font tests in one class and tab indent tests in another. Except for two lines, these tests completely cover the related functions.
bpo-30981: IDLE – Add more configdialog font page tests.
bpo-28523: IDLE: replace ‘colour’ with ‘color’ in configdialog.
bpo-30917: Add tests for idlelib.config.IdleConf. Increase coverage from 46% to 96%. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-30934: Document coverage details for idlelib tests. Add section to idlelib/idle-test/README.txt. Include check that branches are taken both ways. Exclude IDLE-specific code that does not run during unit tests.
bpo-30913: IDLE: Document ConfigDialog tk Vars, methods, and widgets in docstrings This will facilitate improving the dialog and splitting up the class. Original patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30899: IDLE: Add tests for ConfigParser subclasses in config. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-30881: IDLE: Add docstrings to Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30851: IDLE: Remove unused variables in configdialog. One is a duplicate, one is set but cannot be altered by users. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30870: IDLE: In Settings dialog, select font with Up, Down keys as well as mouse. Initial patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-8231: IDLE: call config.IdleConf.GetUserCfgDir only once.
bpo-30779: IDLE: Factor ConfigChanges class from configdialog, put in config; test. * In config, put dump test code in a function; run it and unittest in ‘if __name__ == ‘__main__’. * Add class config.ConfigChanges based on on bpo issue. * Add class test_config.ChangesTest, partly using * Revise configdialog to use ConfigChanges; see tracker msg297804. * Revise test_configdialog to match configdialog changes. * Remove configdialog functions unused or moved to ConfigChanges. Cheryl Sabella contributed parts of the patch.
bpo-30777: IDLE: configdialog - Add docstrings and fix comments. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30495: IDLE: Improve textview with docstrings, PEP8 names, and more tests. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30723: IDLE: Make several improvements to parenmatch. Add ‘parens’ style to highlight both opener and closer. Make ‘default’ style, which is not default, a synonym for ‘opener’. Make time-delay work the same with all styles. Add help for config dialog extensions tab, including help for parenmatch. Add new tests. Original patch by Charles Wohlganger.
bpo-30674: IDLE: add docstrings to grep module. Patch by Cheryl Sabella
bpo-21519: IDLE’s basic custom key entry dialog now detects duplicates properly. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-29910: IDLE no longer deletes a character after commenting out a region by a key shortcut. Add
return 'break'
for this and other potential conflicts between IDLE and default key bindings.bpo-30728: Review and change idlelib.configdialog names. Lowercase method and attribute names. Replace ‘colour’ with ‘color’, expand overly cryptic names, delete unneeded underscores. Replace
import *
with specific imports. Patches by Cheryl Sabella.bpo-6739: IDLE: Verify user-entered key sequences by trying to bind them with tk. Add tests for all 3 validation functions. Original patch by G Polo. Tests added by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-15786: Fix several problems with IDLE’s autocompletion box. The following should now work: clicking on selection box items; using the scrollbar; selecting an item by hitting Return. Hangs on MacOSX should no longer happen. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-25514: Add doc subsubsection about IDLE failure to start. Popup no-connection message directs users to this section.
bpo-30642: Fix reference leaks in IDLE tests. Patches by Louie Lu and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30495: Add docstrings for and use PEP8 names. Patches by Cheryl Sabella and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30290: Help-about: use pep8 names and add tests. Increase coverage to 100%. Patches by Louie Lu, Cheryl Sabella, and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30303: Add _utest option to textview; add new tests. Increase coverage to 100%. Patches by Louie Lu and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-29071: IDLE colors f-string prefixes (but not invalid ur prefixes).
bpo-28572: Add 10% to coverage of IDLE’s test_configdialog. Update and augment description of the configuration system.
bpo-30983: gdb integration commands (py-bt, etc.) work on optimized shared builds now, too. PEP 523 introduced _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault which inlines PyEval_EvalFrameEx on non-debug shared builds. This broke the ability to use py-bt, py-up, and a few other Python-specific gdb integrations. The problem is fixed by only looking for _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault frames in Original patch by Bruno “Polaco” Penteado.
bpo-29748: Added the slice index converter in Argument Clinic.
bpo-24037: Argument Clinic now uses the converter
rather thanint
for semantical booleans. This avoids repeating the default value for Python and C and will help in converting tobool
in future.bpo-29367: now supports also
) objects.bpo-28023: Fix didn’t support new dict implementation.
bpo-15369: The pybench and pystone microbenchmark have been removed from Tools. Please use the new Python benchmark suite which is more reliable and includes a portable version of pybench working on Python 2 and Python 3.
bpo-28102: The zipfile module CLI now prints usage to stderr. Patch by Stephen J. Turnbull.
bpo-31338: Added the
macro for code paths which are never expected to be reached. This and a few other useful macros are now documented in the C API manual.bpo-30832: Remove own implementation for thread-local storage. CPython has provided the own implementation for thread-local storage (TLS) on Python/thread.c, it’s used in the case which a platform has not supplied native TLS. However, currently all supported platforms (Windows and pthreads) have provided native TLS and defined the Py_HAVE_NATIVE_TLS macro with unconditional in any case.
bpo-30708: PyUnicode_AsWideCharString() now raises a ValueError if the second argument is NULL and the wchar_t* string contains null characters.
bpo-16500: Deprecate PyOS_AfterFork() and add PyOS_BeforeFork(), PyOS_AfterFork_Parent() and PyOS_AfterFork_Child().
bpo-6532: The type of results of PyThread_start_new_thread() and PyThread_get_thread_ident(), and the id parameter of PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc() changed from “long” to “unsigned long”.
bpo-27867: Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() is deprecated and replaced with a macro if Py_LIMITED_API is not set or set to the value between 0x03050400 and 0x03060000 (not including) or 0x03060100 or higher. Added functions PySlice_Unpack() and PySlice_AdjustIndices().
bpo-29083: Fixed the declaration of some public API functions. PyArg_VaParse() and PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywords() were not available in limited API. PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(), PyArg_UnpackTuple() and Py_BuildValue() were not available in limited API of version < 3.3 when PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined.
bpo-28769: The result of PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize() and PyUnicode_AsUTF8() is now of type
const char *
rather ofchar *
.bpo-29058: All stable API extensions added after Python 3.2 are now available only when Py_LIMITED_API is set to the PY_VERSION_HEX value of the minimum Python version supporting this API.
bpo-28822: The index parameters start and end of PyUnicode_FindChar() are now adjusted to behave like
.bpo-28808: PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString() now never raises exceptions.
bpo-28761: The fields name and doc of structures PyMemberDef, PyGetSetDef, PyStructSequence_Field, PyStructSequence_Desc, and wrapperbase are now of type
const char *
rather ofchar *
.bpo-28748: Private variable _Py_PackageContext is now of type
const char *
rather ofchar *
.bpo-19569: Compiler warnings are now emitted if use most of deprecated functions.
bpo-28426: Deprecated undocumented functions PyUnicode_AsEncodedObject(), PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject(), PyUnicode_AsDecodedUnicode() and PyUnicode_AsEncodedUnicode().
Python 3.6.6 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-27
There were no new changes in version 3.6.6.
Python 3.6.6 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-11
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33786: Fix asynchronous generators to handle GeneratorExit in athrow() correctly
bpo-30654: Fixed reset of the SIGINT handler to SIG_DFL on interpreter shutdown even when there was a custom handler set previously. Patch by Philipp Kerling.
bpo-33622: Fixed a leak when the garbage collector fails to add an object with the
method or referenced by it into thegc.garbage
can now be called when an exception is set and preserves it.bpo-31849: Fix signed/unsigned comparison warning in pyhash.c.
bpo-33391: Fix a leak in set_symmetric_difference().
bpo-28055: Fix unaligned accesses in siphash24(). Patch by Rolf Eike Beer.
bpo-33231: Fix potential memory leak in
.bpo-29922: Improved error messages in ‘async with’ when
return non-awaitable object.bpo-33199: Fix
in dict implementation is uninitialized when copying from key-sharing dict.bpo-33041: Fixed jumping when the function contains an
async for
loop.bpo-32282: Fix an unnecessary ifdef in the include of VersionHelpers.h in socketmodule on Windows.
bpo-21983: Fix a crash in
in case the type argument is a ctypes structured data type. Patch by Eryk Sun and Oren Milman.
bpo-30167: Prevent site.main() exception if PYTHONSTARTUP is set. Patch by Steve Weber.
bpo-33812: Datetime instance d with non-None tzinfo, but with d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returning None is now treated as naive by the astimezone() method.
bpo-30805: Avoid race condition with debug logging
bpo-33767: The concatenation (
) and repetition (*
) sequence operations now raiseTypeError
instead ofSystemError
when performed onmmap.mmap
objects. Patch by Zackery Spytz.bpo-32684: Fix gather to propagate cancellation of itself even with return_exceptions.
bpo-33674: Fix a race condition in SSLProtocol.connection_made() of asyncio.sslproto: start immediately the handshake instead of using call_soon(). Previously, data_received() could be called before the handshake started, causing the handshake to hang or fail.
bpo-31647: Fixed bug where calling write_eof() on a _SelectorSocketTransport after it’s already closed raises AttributeError.
bpo-33672: Fix Task.__repr__ crash with Cython’s bogus coroutines
bpo-33469: Fix RuntimeError after closing loop that used run_in_executor
bpo-11874: Use a better regex when breaking usage into wrappable parts. Avoids bogus assertion errors from custom metavar strings.
bpo-30877: Fixed a bug in the Python implementation of the JSON decoder that prevented the cache of parsed strings from clearing after finishing the decoding. Based on patch by c-fos.
bpo-33548: tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list should consider common TEMP locations
bpo-33542: Prevent
from using a DUID instead of a MAC on Windows. Patch by Zvi Effronbpo-26819: Fix race condition with
in Windows proactor event loop.bpo-28556: Minor fixes in typing module: add annotations to
, pass*args
. Original PRs by Paulius Šarka and Chad Dombrova.bpo-20087: Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.27 supported locales.
bpo-33422: Fix trailing quotation marks getting deleted when looking up byte/string literals on pydoc. Patch by Andrés Delfino.
bpo-33197: Update error message when constructing invalid inspect.Parameters Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-33383: Fixed crash in the get() method of the
database object when it is called with a single argument.bpo-33329: Fix multiprocessing regression on newer glibcs
bpo-991266: Fix quoting of the
attribute ofhttp.cookies.SimpleCookie
.bpo-33131: Upgrade bundled version of pip to 10.0.1.
bpo-33308: Fixed a crash in the
module when converting an ST object to a tree of tuples or lists withline_info=False
.bpo-33263: Fix FD leak in
Patch by Vlad Starostin.bpo-33256: Fix display of
call in the html produced bycgitb.html()
. Patch by Stéphane Blondon.bpo-33203:
now raisesIndexError
for empty sequences consistently even when called from subclasses without agetrandbits()
implementation.bpo-33224: Update difflib.mdiff() for PEP 479. Convert an uncaught StopIteration in a generator into a return-statement.
bpo-33209: End framing at the end of C implementation of
.bpo-32861: The urllib.robotparser’s
representation now includes wildcard entries and the “Crawl-delay” and “Request-rate” fields. Patch by Michael Lazar.bpo-33096: Allow ttk.Treeview.insert to insert iid that has a false boolean value. Note iid=0 and iid=False would be same. Patch by Garvit Khatri.
bpo-33127: The ssl module now compiles with LibreSSL 2.7.1.
bpo-33021: Release the GIL during fstat() calls, avoiding hang of all threads when calling mmap.mmap(), os.urandom(), and random.seed(). Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-27683: Fix a regression in
that result ofhosts()
is empty when the network is constructed by a tuple containing an integer mask and only 1 bit left for addresses.bpo-32844: Fix wrong redirection of a low descriptor (0 or 1) to stderr in subprocess if another low descriptor is closed.
bpo-31908: Fix output of cover files for
module command-line tool. Previously emitted cover files only when--missing
option was used. Patch by Michael Selik.bpo-31457: If nested log adapters are used, the inner
methods are no longer omitted.bpo-16865: Support arrays >=2GiB in
. Patch by Segev Finer.bpo-31238: pydoc: the stop() method of the private ServerThread class now waits until DocServer.serve_until_quit() completes and then explicitly sets its docserver attribute to None to break a reference cycle.
bpo-33503: Fix broken pypi link
bpo-33421: Add missing documentation for
.bpo-33378: Add Korean language switcher for
bpo-33276: Clarify that the
attribute on modules cannot be just any value.bpo-33201: Modernize documentation for writing C extension types.
bpo-33195: Deprecate
usage inc-api/arg
related APIs are deprecated since Python 3.3, but it is missed in the document.bpo-33126: Document PyBuffer_ToContiguous().
bpo-27212: Modify documentation for the
recipe to consume initial values up to the start index.bpo-28247: Update
documentation to describe how to make standalone applications.bpo-18802: Documentation changes for ipaddress. Patch by Jon Foster and Berker Peksag.
bpo-27428: Update documentation to clarify that
. (Patch by Himanshu Lakhara)bpo-8243: Add a note about curses.addch and curses.addstr exception behavior when writing outside a window, or pad.
bpo-31432: Clarify meaning of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, and CERT_REQUIRED flags for ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode.
bpo-5755: Move
. This option emitted annoying warnings when building extension modules written in C++.bpo-33614: Ensures module definition files for the stable ABI on Windows are correctly regenerated.
bpo-33522: Enable CI builds on Visual Studio Team Services at
bpo-33012: Add
for gcc 8 for silencing warnings about function casts like casting to PyCFunction in method definition lists.bpo-33394: Enable the verbose build for extension modules, when GNU make is passed macros on the command line.
bpo-33184: Update Windows installer to OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
bpo-33184: Update macOS installer build to use OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
bpo-33656: On Windows, add API call saying that tk scales for DPI. On Windows 8.1+ or 10, with DPI compatibility properties of the Python binary unchanged, and a monitor resolution greater than 96 DPI, this should make text and lines sharper. It should otherwise have no effect.
bpo-33768: Clicking on a context line moves that line to the top of the editor window.
bpo-33763: IDLE: Use read-only text widget for code context instead of label widget.
bpo-33664: Scroll IDLE editor text by lines. Previously, the mouse wheel and scrollbar slider moved text by a fixed number of pixels, resulting in partial lines at the top of the editor box. The change also applies to the shell and grep output windows, but not to read-only text views.
bpo-33679: Enable theme-specific color configuration for Code Context. Use the Highlights tab to see the setting for built-in themes or add settings to custom themes.
bpo-33642: Display up to maxlines non-blank lines for Code Context. If there is no current context, show a single blank line.
bpo-33628: IDLE: Cleanup and its test.
bpo-33564: IDLE’s code context now recognizes async as a block opener.
bpo-29706: IDLE now colors async and await as keywords in 3.6. They become full keywords in 3.7.
bpo-21474: Update word/identifier definition from ascii to unicode. In text and entry boxes, this affects selection by double-click, movement left/right by control-left/right, and deletion left/right by control-BACKSPACE/DEL.
bpo-33204: IDLE: consistently color invalid string prefixes. A ‘u’ string prefix cannot be paired with either ‘r’ or ‘f’. Consistently color as much of the prefix, starting at the right, as is valid. Revise and extend colorizer test.
bpo-32831: Add docstrings and tests for codecontext.
bpo-33189: now recognizes only literal strings as docstrings and translatable strings, and rejects bytes literals and f-string expressions.
bpo-31920: Fixed handling directories as arguments in the
script. Based on patch by Oleg Krasnikov.bpo-29673: Fix pystackv and pystack gdbinit macros.
bpo-32885: Add an
flag forTools/scripts/
to disable automatic backup creation (files with~
suffix).bpo-31583: Fix 2to3 for using with –add-suffix option but without –output-dir option for relative path to files in current directory.
bpo-32374: Document that m_traverse for multi-phase initialized modules can be called with m_state=NULL, and add a sanity check
Python 3.6.5 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-28
bpo-32872: Avoid regrtest compatibility issue with namespace packages.
bpo-33163: Upgrade pip to 9.0.3 and setuptools to v39.0.1.
Python 3.6.5 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2018-03-13
bpo-33001: Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink on Windows
bpo-32981: Regexes in difflib and poplib were vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking. These regexes formed potential DOS vectors (REDOS). They have been refactored. This resolves CVE 2018-1060 and CVE 2018-1061. Patch by Jamie Davis.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-33026: Fixed jumping out of “with” block by setting f_lineno.
bpo-17288: Prevent jumps from ‘return’ and ‘exception’ trace events.
bpo-32889: Update Valgrind suppression list to account for the rename of
.bpo-32650: Pdb and other debuggers dependent on will correctly step over (next command) native coroutines. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-32685: Improve suggestion when the Python 2 form of print statement is either present on the same line as the header of a compound statement or else terminated by a semi-colon instead of a newline. Patch by Nitish Chandra.
bpo-32583: Fix possible crashing in builtin Unicode decoders caused by write out-of-bound errors when using customized decode error handlers.
bpo-26163: Improved frozenset() hash to create more distinct hash values when faced with datasets containing many similar values.
bpo-27169: The
constant is now optimized out at compile time. This fixes also bpo-22091.bpo-32329:
is now properly set to 0 when hash randomization is turned off byPYTHONHASHSEED=0
.bpo-30416: The optimizer is now protected from spending much time doing complex calculations and consuming much memory for creating large constants in constant folding.
on a dict containing its ownvalues()
no longer raisesRecursionError
; OrderedDict similarly. Instead, use...
, as for other recursive structures. Patch by Ben North.bpo-32028: Leading whitespace is now correctly ignored when generating suggestions for converting Py2 print statements to Py3 builtin print function calls. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-32137: The repr of deeply nested dict now raises a RecursionError instead of crashing due to a stack overflow.
bpo-33064: lib2to3 now properly supports trailing commas after
in function signatures.bpo-31804: Avoid failing in multiprocessing.Process if the standard streams are closed or None at exit.
bpo-33037: Skip sending/receiving data after SSL transport closing.
bpo-30353: Fix ctypes pass-by-value for structs on 64-bit Cygwin/MinGW.
bpo-33009: Fix inspect.signature() for single-parameter partialmethods.
bpo-32969: Expose several missing constants in zlib and fix corresponding documentation.
bpo-32713: Fixed tarfile.itn handling of out-of-bounds float values. Patch by Joffrey Fuhrer.
bpo-30622: The ssl module now detects missing NPN support in LibreSSL.
bpo-32922: now encodes filename with the filesystem encoding rather than default encoding.
bpo-32859: In
, don’t check every call whether thedup3
syscall exists or not.bpo-21060: Rewrite confusing message from upload from “No dist file created in earlier command” to the more helpful “Must create and upload files in one command”.
bpo-32857: In
now raises aValueError
instead of canceling the first scheduled function. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.bpo-32852: Make sure sys.argv remains as a list when running trace.
bpo-32841: Fixed
issue which silently ignored cancellation after notifying and cancelling a conditional lock. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-31787: Fixed refleaks of
methods in various modules. (Contributed by Oren Milman)bpo-30157: Fixed guessing quote and delimiter in csv.Sniffer.sniff() when only the last field is quoted. Patch by Jake Davis.
bpo-32394: socket: Remove TCP_FASTOPEN, TCP_KEEPCNT flags on older version Windows during run-time.
bpo-32777: Fix a rare but potential pre-exec child process deadlock in subprocess on POSIX systems when marking file descriptors inheritable on exec in the child process. This bug appears to have been introduced in 3.4.
bpo-32647: The ctypes module used to depend on indirect linking for dlopen. The shared extension is now explicitly linked against libdl on platforms with dl.
bpo-32734: Fixed
safety issue which allowed acquiring and locking the same lock multiple times, without it being free. Patch by Bar Harel.bpo-32727: Do not include name field in SMTP envelope from address. Patch by Stéphane Wirtel
bpo-27931: Fix email address header parsing error when the username is an empty quoted string. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-32304: distutils’ upload command no longer corrupts tar files ending with a CR byte, and no longer tries to convert CR to CRLF in any of the upload text fields.
bpo-32502: uuid.uuid1 no longer raises an exception if a 64-bit hardware address is encountered.
bpo-31848: Fix the error handling in Aifc_read.initfp() when the SSND chunk is not found. Patch by Zackery Spytz.
bpo-32555: On FreeBSD and Solaris, os.strerror() now always decode the byte string from the current locale encoding, rather than using ASCII/surrogateescape in some cases.
bpo-32521: The nis module is now compatible with new libnsl and headers location.
bpo-32473: Improve ABCMeta._dump_registry() output readability
bpo-32521: glibc has removed Sun RPC. Use replacement libtirpc headers and library in nis module.
bpo-32228: Ensure that
preserves the file position (as reported bytell()
) after writes longer than the buffer size.bpo-26133: Don’t unsubscribe signals in asyncio UNIX event loop on interpreter shutdown.
bpo-32185: The SSL module no longer sends IP addresses in SNI TLS extension on platforms with OpenSSL 1.0.2+ or inet_pton.
does not convert zone-id (scope) to lower case for scoped IPv6 addresses in hostnames now.bpo-32302: Fix bdist_wininst of distutils for CRT v142: it binary compatible with CRT v140.
bpo-32255: A single empty field is now always quoted when written into a CSV file. This allows to distinguish an empty row from a row consisting of a single empty field. Patch by Licht Takeuchi.
bpo-32277: Raise
instead ofSystemError
on platforms wherechmod(..., follow_symlinks=False)
is not supported. Patch by Anthony Sottile.bpo-32199: The getnode() ip getter now uses ‘ip link’ instead of ‘ip link list’.
bpo-27456: Ensure TCP_NODELAY is set on Linux. Tests by Victor Stinner.
bpo-31900: The
function now sets temporarily theLC_CTYPE
locale to theLC_NUMERIC
locale to decodedecimal_point
byte strings if they are non-ASCII or longer than 1 byte, and theLC_NUMERIC
locale is different than theLC_CTYPE
locale. This temporary change affects other threads. Same change for thestr.format()
method when formatting a number (int
and subclasses) with then
type (ex:'{:n}'.format(1234)
).bpo-31802: Importing native path module (
) now works even if theos
module still is not imported.
bpo-17232: Clarify docs for -O and -OO. Patch by Terry Reedy.
bpo-32800: Update link to w3c doc for xml default namespaces.
bpo-8722: Document
behavior when propertyget()
method raisesAttributeError
.bpo-32614: Modify RE examples in documentation to use raw strings to prevent
and add text to REGEX HOWTO to highlight the deprecation.bpo-31972: Improve docstrings for
subclasses.bpo-17799: Explain real behaviour of sys.settrace and sys.setprofile and their C-API counterparts regarding which type of events are received in each function. Patch by Pablo Galindo Salgado.
bpo-32517: Fix failing
on macOS 10.12.2+ due to transport ofKqueueSelector
loop was not being closed.bpo-32721: Fix test_hashlib to not fail if the _md5 module is not built.
bpo-32252: Fix faulthandler_suppress_crash_report() used to prevent core dump files when testing crashes. getrlimit() returns zero on success.
bpo-31518: Debian Unstable has disabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for SSLv23_METHOD(). Change TLS/SSL protocol of some tests to PROTOCOL_TLS or PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 to make them pass on Debian.
bpo-32635: Fix segfault of the crypt module when libxcrypt is provided instead of libcrypt at the system.
bpo-33016: Fix potential use of uninitialized memory in nt._getfinalpathname
bpo-32903: Fix a memory leak in os.chdir() on Windows if the current directory is set to a UNC path.
bpo-31966: Fixed WindowsConsoleIO.write() for writing empty data.
bpo-32409: Ensures activate.bat can handle Unicode contents.
bpo-32457: Improves handling of denormalized executable path when launching Python.
bpo-32370: Use the correct encoding for ipconfig output in the uuid module. Patch by Segev Finer.
bpo-29248: Fix
on Windows, which was mistakenly treating thePrintNameOffset
field of the reparse data buffer as a number of characters instead of bytes. Patch by Craig Holmquist and SSE4.bpo-32588: Create standalone _distutils_findvs module.
bpo-32726: Provide an additional, more modern macOS installer variant that supports macOS 10.9+ systems in 64-bit mode only. Upgrade the supplied third-party libraries to OpenSSL 1.0.2n, XZ 5.2.3, and SQLite 3.22.0. The 10.9+ installer now links with and supplies its own copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6.8.
bpo-32984: Set
while running a startup file. Like Python, IDLE optionally runs one startup file in the Shell window before presenting the first interactive input prompt. For IDLE,-s
runs a file named in environmental variableIDLESTARTUP
;-r file
. Python sets__file__
to the startup file name before running the file and unsets it before the first prompt. IDLE now does the same when run normally, without the-n
option.bpo-32940: Simplify and rename StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse.
bpo-32916: Change
in pyparse.bpo-32905: Remove unused code in pyparse module.
bpo-32874: Add tests for pyparse.
bpo-32837: Using the system and place-dependent default encoding for open() is a bad idea for IDLE’s system and location-independent files.
bpo-32826: Add “encoding=utf-8” to open() in IDLE’s test_help_about. GUI test test_file_buttons() only looks at initial ascii-only lines, but failed on systems where open() defaults to ‘ascii’ because readline() internally reads and decodes far enough ahead to encounter a non-ascii character in CREDITS.txt.
bpo-32765: Update configdialog General tab docstring to add new widgets to the widget list.
bpo-24960: 2to3 and lib2to3 can now read pickled grammar files using pkgutil.get_data() rather than probing the filesystem. This lets 2to3 and lib2to3 work when run from a zipfile.
bpo-32222: Fix pygettext not extracting docstrings for functions with type annotated arguments. Patch by Toby Harradine.
bpo-29084: Undocumented C API for OrderedDict has been excluded from the limited C API. It was added by mistake and actually never worked in the limited C API.
Python 3.6.4 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-12-18
There were no new code changes in version 3.6.4 since v3.6.4rc1.
Python 3.6.4 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-12-05
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-32176: co_flags.CO_NOFREE is now always set correctly by the code object constructor based on freevars and cellvars, rather than needing to be set correctly by the caller. This ensures it will be cleared automatically when additional cell references are injected into a modified code object and function.
bpo-31949: Fixed several issues in printing tracebacks (PyTraceBack_Print()). Setting sys.tracebacklimit to 0 or less now suppresses printing tracebacks. Setting sys.tracebacklimit to None now causes using the default limit. Setting sys.tracebacklimit to an integer larger than LONG_MAX now means using the limit LONG_MAX rather than the default limit. Fixed integer overflows in the case of more than
traceback items on Windows. Fixed output errors handling.bpo-30696: Fix the interactive interpreter looping endlessly when no memory.
bpo-20047: Bytearray methods partition() and rpartition() now accept only bytes-like objects as separator, as documented. In particular they now raise TypeError rather of returning a bogus result when an integer is passed as a separator.
bpo-31852: Fix a segmentation fault caused by a combination of the async soft keyword and continuation lines.
bpo-21720: BytesWarning no longer emitted when the fromlist argument of
or the__all__
attribute of the module contain bytes instances.bpo-31825: Fixed OverflowError in the ‘unicode-escape’ codec and in codecs.escape_decode() when decode an escaped non-ascii byte.
bpo-28603: Print the full context/cause chain of exceptions on interpreter exit, even if an exception in the chain is unhashable or compares equal to later ones. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-31786: Fix timeout rounding in the select module to round correctly negative timeouts between -1.0 and 0.0. The functions now block waiting for events as expected. Previously, the call was incorrectly non-blocking. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-31642: Restored blocking “from package import module” by setting sys.modules[“package.module”] to None.
bpo-31626: Fixed a bug in debug memory allocator. There was a write to freed memory after shrinking a memory block.
bpo-31619: Fixed a ValueError when convert a string with large number of underscores to integer with binary base.
bpo-31592: Fixed an assertion failure in Python parser in case of a bad
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31588: Raise a
with a helpful error message when class creation fails due to a metaclass with a bad__prepare__()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31566: Fix an assertion failure in
in case of a bad__name__
global. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31505: Fix an assertion failure in
, in case_json.make_encoder()
received a badencoder()
argument. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31492: Fix assertion failures in case of failing to import from a module with a bad
attribute, and in case of failing to access an attribute of such a module. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31490: Fix an assertion failure in
class definition, in case the class has an attribute whose name is specified in_anonymous_
but not in_fields_
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31478: Fix an assertion failure in
in case the argument has a bad__abs__()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31315: Fix an assertion failure in imp.create_dynamic(), when is not a string. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31311: Fix a crash in the
method ofctypes._CData
, in case of a bad__dict__
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31293: Fix crashes in true division and multiplication of a timedelta object by a float with a bad as_integer_ratio() method. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31285: Fix an assertion failure in
, when the return value of the received loader’sget_source()
has a badsplitlines()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-30817:
clears now the ignored exception that may be raised by_PySys_SetObjectId()
, for example when no memory.
bpo-28556: Two minor fixes for
module: allow shallow copying instances of generic classes, improve interaction of__init_subclass__
with generics. Original PRs by Ivan Levkivskyi.bpo-27240: The header folding algorithm for the new email policies has been rewritten, which also fixes bpo-30788, bpo-31831, and bpo-32182. In particular, RFC2231 folding is now done correctly.
bpo-32186: io.FileIO.readall() and now release the GIL when getting the file size. Fixed hang of all threads with inaccessible NFS server. Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-12239: Make
when the value of property isVT_EMPTY
. Initial patch by Mark Mc Mahon.bpo-31325: Fix wrong usage of
in theRobotFileParser.parse()
method. Initial patch by Robin Wellner.bpo-12382:
now raises a better exception message when it couldn’t open or create an MSI file. Initial patch by William Tisäter.bpo-32110:
now returns not more than n characters/bytes for non-negative n. This makes it compatible withread()
methods of other file-like objects.bpo-32072: Fixed issues with binary plists: Fixed saving bytearrays. Identical objects will be saved only once. Equal references will be load as identical objects. Added support for saving and loading recursive data structures.
bpo-32034: Make asyncio.IncompleteReadError and LimitOverrunError pickleable.
bpo-32015: Fixed the looping of asyncio in the case of reconnection the socket during waiting async read/write from/to the socket.
bpo-32011: Restored support of loading marshal files with the TYPE_INT64 code. These files can be produced in Python 2.7.
bpo-31970: Reduce performance overhead of asyncio debug mode.
bpo-9678: Fixed determining the MAC address in the uuid module: Using ifconfig on NetBSD and OpenBSD. Using arp on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Based on patch by Takayuki Shimizukawa.
bpo-30057: Fix potential missed signal in signal.signal().
bpo-31933: Fix Blake2 params leaf_size and node_offset on big endian platforms. Patch by Jack O’Connor.
bpo-31927: Fixed compilation of the socket module on NetBSD 8. Fixed assertion failure or reading arbitrary data when parse a AF_BLUETOOTH address on NetBSD and DragonFly BSD.
bpo-27666: Fixed stack corruption in and curses.ungetmouse() when the size of types chtype or mmask_t is less than the size of C long. now accepts characters as arguments. Based on patch by Steve Fink.
bpo-31897: plistlib now catches more errors when read binary plists and raises InvalidFileException instead of unexpected exceptions.
bpo-25720: Fix the method for checking pad state of curses WINDOW. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.
bpo-31893: Fixed the layout of the kqueue_event structure on OpenBSD and NetBSD. Fixed the comparison of the kqueue_event objects.
bpo-31891: Fixed building the curses module on NetBSD.
bpo-28416: Instances of pickle.Pickler subclass with the persistent_id() method and pickle.Unpickler subclass with the persistent_load() method no longer create reference cycles.
bpo-28326: Fix multiprocessing.Process when stdout and/or stderr is closed or None.
bpo-31457: If nested log adapters are used, the inner
methods are no longer omitted.bpo-31457: The
property on LoggerAdapter objects is now properly settable.bpo-31806: Fix timeout rounding in time.sleep(), threading.Lock.acquire() and socket.socket.settimeout() to round correctly negative timeouts between -1.0 and 0.0. The functions now block waiting for events as expected. Previously, the call was incorrectly non-blocking. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-28603: traceback: Fix a TypeError that occurred during printing of exception tracebacks when either the current exception or an exception in its context/cause chain is unhashable. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-30058: Fixed buffer overflow in select.kqueue.control().
bpo-31770: Prevent a crash when calling the
method of asqlite3.Cursor
object more than once. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31672:
matched some non-ASCII characters. Now it uses-i
regular expression local flag to avoid non-ASCII characters.bpo-31764: Prevent a crash in
in case theCursor
object is uninitialized. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31752: Fix possible crash in timedelta constructor called with custom integers.
bpo-31701: On Windows, faulthandler.enable() now ignores MSC and COM exceptions.
bpo-31728: Prevent crashes in
due to unsafe cleanup ofElement.text
. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31620: an empty asyncio.Queue now doesn’t leak memory when queue.get pollers timeout
bpo-31632: Fix method set_protocol() of class _SSLProtocolTransport in asyncio module. This method was previously modifying a wrong reference to the protocol.
bpo-31675: Fixed memory leaks in Tkinter’s methods splitlist() and split() when pass a string larger than 2 GiB.
bpo-31673: Fixed typo in the name of Tkinter’s method adderrorinfo().
bpo-30806: Fix the string representation of a netrc object.
bpo-15037: Added a workaround for getkey() in curses for ncurses 5.7 and earlier.
bpo-25351: Avoid venv activate failures with undefined variables
bpo-25532: inspect.unwrap() will now only try to unwrap an object sys.getrecursionlimit() times, to protect against objects which create a new object on every attribute access.
bpo-30347: Stop crashes when concurrently iterate over itertools.groupby() iterators.
should not return a dummy thread at shutdown.bpo-31351: python -m ensurepip now exits with non-zero exit code if pip bootstrapping has failed.
now works with bytes in version=1bpo-31334: Fix
in theselect
module for arbitrary negative timeouts on all OSes where it can only be a non-negative integer or -1. Patch by Riccardo Coccioli.bpo-31310: multiprocessing’s semaphore tracker should be launched again if crashed.
bpo-31308: Make multiprocessing’s forkserver process immune to Ctrl-C and other user interruptions. If it crashes, restart it when necessary.
bpo-32105: Added asyncio.BaseEventLoop.connect_accepted_socket versionadded marker.
bpo-31537: Fix incorrect usage of
in readline documentation example code. Patch by Brad Smith.bpo-30085: The operator functions without double underscores are preferred for clarity. The one with underscores are only kept for back-compatibility.
bpo-31380: Skip test_httpservers test_undecodable_file on macOS: fails on APFS.
bpo-31705: Skip test_socket.test_sha256() on Linux kernel older than 4.5. The test fails with ENOKEY on kernel 3.10 (on ppc64le). A fix was merged into the kernel 4.5.
bpo-31174: Fix test_tools.test_unparse: DirectoryTestCase now stores the names sample to always test the same files. It prevents false alarms when hunting reference leaks.
bpo-30695: Add the
set_nomemory(start, stop)
functions to the_testcapi
now also searches the sysroot paths when cross-compiling.bpo-31957: Fixes Windows SDK version detection when building for Windows.
bpo-31609: Fixes quotes in PCbuild/clean.bat
bpo-31934: Abort the build when building out of a not clean source tree.
bpo-31926: Fixed Argument Clinic sometimes causing compilation errors when there was more than one function and/or method in a .c file with the same name.
bpo-28791: Update Windows builds to use SQLite 3.21.0.
bpo-28791: Update OS X installer to use SQLite 3.21.0.
bpo-22140: Prevent double substitution of prefix in
bpo-31536: Avoid wholesale rebuild after
make regen-all
if nothing changed.
bpo-31392: Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2m
bpo-32207: Improve tk event exception tracebacks in IDLE. When tk event handling is driven by IDLE’s run loop, a confusing and distracting queue.EMPTY traceback context is no longer added to tk event exception tracebacks. The traceback is now the same as when event handling is driven by user code. Patch based on a suggestion by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-32164: Delete unused file idlelib/ Use of TabbedPageSet in configdialog was replaced by ttk.Notebook.
bpo-32100: IDLE: Fix old and new bugs in pathbrowser; improve tests. Patch mostly by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31858: IDLE – Restrict shell prompt manipulation to the shell. Editor and output windows only see an empty last prompt line. This simplifies the code and fixes a minor bug when newline is inserted. Sys.ps1, if present, is read on Shell start-up, but is not set or changed.
bpo-31860: The font sample in the IDLE configuration dialog is now editable. Changes persist while IDLE remains open
bpo-31836: Test_code_module now passes if run after test_idle, which sets ps1. The code module uses sys.ps1 if present or sets it to ‘>>> ‘ if not. Test_code_module now properly tests both behaviors. Ditto for ps2.
bpo-28603: Fix a TypeError that caused a shell restart when printing a traceback that includes an exception that is unhashable. Patch by Zane Bitter.
bpo-13802: Use non-Latin characters in the IDLE’s Font settings sample. Even if one selects a font that defines a limited subset of the unicode Basic Multilingual Plane, tcl/tk will use other fonts that define a character. The expanded example give users of non-Latin characters a better idea of what they might see in IDLE’s shell and editors. To make room for the expanded sample, frames on the Font tab are re-arranged. The Font/Tabs help explains a bit about the additions.
bpo-31460: Simplify the API of IDLE’s Module Browser. Passing a widget instead of an flist with a root widget opens the option of creating a browser frame that is only part of a window. Passing a full file name instead of pieces assumed to come from a .py file opens the possibility of browsing python files that do not end in .py.
bpo-31649: IDLE - Make _htest, _utest parameters keyword only.
bpo-31559: Remove test order dependence in idle_test.test_browser.
bpo-31459: Rename IDLE’s module browser from Class Browser to Module Browser. The original module-level class and method browser became a module browser, with the addition of module-level functions, years ago. Nested classes and functions were added yesterday. For back-compatibility, the virtual event <<open-class-browser>>, which appears on the Keys tab of the Settings dialog, is not changed. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31500: Default fonts now are scaled on HiDPI displays.
bpo-1612262: IDLE module browser now shows nested classes and functions. Original patches for code and tests by Guilherme Polo and Cheryl Sabella, respectively.
bpo-30722: Make redemo work with Python 3.6 and newer versions. Also, remove the
option since it doesn’t work with string patterns in Python 3. Patch by Christoph Sarnowski.
bpo-20891: Fix PyGILState_Ensure(). When PyGILState_Ensure() is called in a non-Python thread before PyEval_InitThreads(), only call PyEval_InitThreads() after calling PyThreadState_New() to fix a crash.
bpo-31532: Fix memory corruption due to allocator mix in getpath.c between Py_GetPath() and Py_SetPath()
bpo-30697: The
singleton is removed andPyErr_NormalizeException()
does not use it anymore. This singleton is persistent and its members being never cleared may cause a segfault during finalization of the interpreter. See also bpo-22898.
Python 3.6.3 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-10-03
bpo-31641: Re-allow arbitrary iterables in
. Fixes regression in 3.6.3rc1.
Python 3.6.3 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-09-18
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-31471: Fix an assertion failure in
on Windows, in case the env argument has a badkeys()
method. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31418: Fix an assertion failure in
in case of an exception with a bad__module__
attribute. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31416: Fix assertion failures in case of a bad warnings.filters or warnings.defaultaction. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31411: Raise a TypeError instead of SystemError in case warnings.onceregistry is not a dictionary. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-31373: Fix several possible instances of undefined behavior due to floating-point demotions.
bpo-30465: Location information (
) in f-strings is now (mostly) correct. This fixes tools like flake8 from showing warnings on the wrong line (typically the first line of the file).bpo-31343: Include sys/sysmacros.h for major(), minor(), and makedev(). GNU C libray plans to remove the functions from sys/types.h.
bpo-31291: Fix an assertion failure in
on Windows, when the return value ofpathname.replace('/','\\')
isn’t a string. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31271: Fix an assertion failure in the
method ofio.TextIOWrapper
, when the encoder doesn’t return a bytes object. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-31243: Fix a crash in some methods of
, when the decoder’s state is invalid. Patch by Oren Milman.bpo-30721:
now shows correct usage hint for using Python 2 redirection syntax. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.bpo-31070: Fix a race condition in importlib _get_module_lock().
bpo-31095: Fix potential crash during GC caused by
which doesn’t callPyObject_GC_UnTrack()
.bpo-31071: Avoid masking original TypeError in call with * unpacking when other arguments are passed.
bpo-30978: str.format_map() now passes key lookup exceptions through. Previously any exception was replaced with a KeyError exception.
bpo-30808: Use _Py_atomic API for concurrency-sensitive signal state.
bpo-30876: Relative import from unloaded package now reimports the package instead of failing with SystemError. Relative import from non-package now fails with ImportError rather than SystemError.
bpo-30703: Improve signal delivery. Avoid using Py_AddPendingCall from signal handler, to avoid calling signal-unsafe functions. The tests I’m adding here fail without the rest of the patch, on Linux and OS X. This means our signal delivery logic had defects (some signals could be lost).
bpo-30765: Avoid blocking in pthread_mutex_lock() when PyThread_acquire_lock() is asked not to block.
bpo-31161: Make sure the ‘Missing parentheses’ syntax error message is only applied to SyntaxError, not to subclasses. Patch by Martijn Pieters.
bpo-30814: Fixed a race condition when import a submodule from a package.
now shows expected input in custom error message when used as a Python 2 statement. Patch by Sanyam Khurana.
bpo-31499: xml.etree: Fix a crash when a parser is part of a reference cycle.
bpo-28556: typing.get_type_hints now finds the right globalns for classes and modules by default (when no
was specified by the caller).bpo-28556: Speed improvements to the
module. Original PRs by Ivan Levkivskyi and Mitar.bpo-31544: The C accelerator module of ElementTree ignored exceptions raised when looking up TreeBuilder target methods in XMLParser().
bpo-31234: socket.create_connection() now fixes manually a reference cycle: clear the variable storing the last exception on success.
bpo-31457: LoggerAdapter objects can now be nested.
bpo-31400: Improves SSL error handling to avoid losing error numbers.
bpo-28958: ssl.SSLContext() now uses OpenSSL error information when a context cannot be instantiated.
bpo-27340: SSLSocket.sendall() now uses memoryview to create slices of data. This fixes support for all bytes-like object. It is also more efficient and avoids costly copies.
bpo-31178: Fix string concatenation bug in rare error path in the subprocess module
bpo-31350: Micro-optimize
to become up to 10% faster.bpo-31170: expat: Update libexpat from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4. Fix copying of partial characters for UTF-8 input (libexpat bug 115):
bpo-29136: Add TLS 1.3 cipher suites and OP_NO_TLSv1_3.
bpo-29212: Fix concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor threads to have a non repr() based thread name by default when no thread_name_prefix is supplied. They will now identify themselves as “ThreadPoolExecutor-y_n”.
bpo-9146: Fix a segmentation fault in _hashopenssl when standard hash functions such as md5 are not available in the linked OpenSSL library. As in some special FIPS-140 build environments.
bpo-27144: The
iterators inconcurrent.futures
now avoid keeping a reference to yielded objects.bpo-10746: Fix ctypes producing wrong PEP 3118 type codes for integer types.
bpo-22536: The subprocess module now sets the filename when FileNotFoundError is raised on POSIX systems due to the executable or cwd not being found.
bpo-31249: concurrent.futures: used by ThreadPoolExecutor now breaks a reference cycle between an exception object and the WorkItem object.
bpo-31247: xmlrpc.server now explicitly breaks reference cycles when using sys.exc_info() in code handling exceptions.
bpo-30102: The ssl and hashlib modules now call OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf() on OpenSSL < 1.1.0. The function detects CPU features and enables optimizations on some CPU architectures such as POWER8. Patch is based on research from Gustavo Serra Scalet.
bpo-31185: Fixed miscellaneous errors in asyncio speedup module.
bpo-31135: ttk: fix the destroy() method of LabeledScale and OptionMenu classes. Call the parent destroy() method even if the used attribute doesn’t exist. The LabeledScale.destroy() method now also explicitly clears label and scale attributes to help the garbage collector to destroy all widgets.
bpo-31107: Fix
mangled attribute calculation for classes whose name begins with an underscore. Patch by Shane Harvey.bpo-31061: Fixed a crash when using asyncio and threads.
bpo-30502: Fix handling of long oids in ssl. Based on patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-30119: ftplib.FTP.putline() now throws ValueError on commands that contains CR or LF. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-30595: multiprocessing.Queue.get() with a timeout now polls its reader in non-blocking mode if it succeeded to acquire the lock but the acquire took longer than the timeout.
bpo-29403: Fix
’s autospec to not fail on method-bound builtin functions. Patch by Aaron Gallagher.bpo-30961: Fix decrementing a borrowed reference in tracemalloc.
bpo-25684: Change
radiobuttons to be unique across instances ofOptionMenu
.bpo-30886: Fix multiprocessing.Queue.join_thread(): it now waits until the thread completes, even if the thread was started by the same process which created the queue.
bpo-29854: Fix segfault in readline when using readline’s history-size option. Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-30319: socket.close() now ignores ECONNRESET error.
bpo-30828: Fix out of bounds write in
.bpo-30807: signal.setitimer() may disable the timer when passed a tiny value. Tiny values (such as 1e-6) are valid non-zero values for setitimer(), which is specified as taking microsecond-resolution intervals. However, on some platform, our conversion routine could convert 1e-6 into a zero interval, therefore disabling the timer instead of (re-)scheduling it.
bpo-30441: Fix bug when modifying os.environ while iterating over it
bpo-30532: Fix email header value parser dropping folding white space in certain cases.
bpo-30879: os.listdir() and os.scandir() now emit bytes names when called with bytes-like argument.
bpo-30746: Prohibited the ‘=’ character in environment variable names in
.bpo-29755: Fixed the lgettext() family of functions in the gettext module. They now always return bytes.
bpo-31320: Silence traceback in test_ssl
bpo-25674: Remove ssl test
bpo-30715: Address ALPN callback changes for OpenSSL 1.1.0f. The latest version behaves like OpenSSL 1.0.2 and no longer aborts handshake.
bpo-30822: regrtest: Exclude tzdata from regrtest –all. When running the test suite using –use=all / -u all, exclude tzdata since it makes test_datetime too slow (15-20 min on some buildbots) which then times out on some buildbots. Fix also regrtest command line parser to allow passing -u extralargefile to run test_zipfile64.
bpo-30854: Fix compile error when compiling –without-threads. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto.
bpo-30389: Adds detection of Visual Studio 2017 to distutils on Windows.
bpo-31340: Change to building with MSVC v141 (included with Visual Studio 2017)
bpo-30581: os.cpu_count() now returns the correct number of processors on Windows when the number of logical processors is greater than 64.
bpo-30731: Add a missing xmlns to python.manifest so that it matches the schema.
bpo-31493: IDLE code context – fix code update and font update timers. Canceling timers prevents a warning message when test_idle completes.
bpo-31488: IDLE - Update non-key options in former extension classes. When applying configdialog changes, call .reload for each feature class. Change ParenMatch so updated options affect existing instances attached to existing editor windows.
bpo-31477: IDLE - Improve rstrip entry in doc. Strip trailing whitespace strips more than blank spaces. Multiline string literals are not skipped.
bpo-31480: IDLE - make tests pass with zzdummy extension disabled by default.
bpo-31421: Document how IDLE runs tkinter programs. IDLE calls tcl/tk update in the background in order to make live interaction and experimentation with tkinter applications much easier.
bpo-31414: IDLE – fix tk entry box tests by deleting first. Adding to an int entry is not the same as deleting and inserting because int(‘’) will fail.
bpo-31051: Rearrange IDLE configdialog GenPage into Window, Editor, and Help sections.
bpo-30617: IDLE - Add docstrings and tests for outwin subclass of editor. Move some data and functions from the class to module level. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31287: IDLE - Do not modify tkinter.message in test_configdialog.
bpo-27099: Convert IDLE’s built-in ‘extensions’ to regular features. About 10 IDLE features were implemented as supposedly optional extensions. Their different behavior could be confusing or worse for users and not good for maintenance. Hence the conversion. The main difference for users is that user configurable key bindings for builtin features are now handled uniformly. Now, editing a binding in a keyset only affects its value in the keyset. All bindings are defined together in the system-specific default keysets in config-extensions.def. All custom keysets are saved as a whole in config-extension.cfg. All take effect as soon as one clicks Apply or Ok. The affected events are ‘<<force-open-completions>>’, ‘<<expand-word>>’, ‘<<force-open-calltip>>’, ‘<<flash-paren>>’, ‘<<format-paragraph>>’, ‘<<run-module>>’, ‘<<check-module>>’, and ‘<<zoom-height>>’. Any (global) customizations made before 3.6.3 will not affect their keyset-specific customization after 3.6.3. and vice versa. Initial patch by Charles Wohlganger.
bpo-31206: IDLE: Factor HighPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31001: Add tests for configdialog highlight tab. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31205: IDLE: Factor KeysPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. The slightly modified tests continue to pass. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31130: IDLE – stop leaks in test_configdialog. Initial patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-31002: Add tests for configdialog keys tab. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-19903: IDLE: Calltips use
instead ofinspect.getfullargspec
. This improves calltips for builtins converted to use Argument Clinic. Patch by Louie Lu.bpo-31083: IDLE - Add an outline of a TabPage class in configdialog. Update existing classes to match outline. Initial patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31050: Factor GenPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. The slightly modified tests continue to pass. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31004: IDLE - Factor FontPage(Frame) class from ConfigDialog. Slightly modified tests continue to pass. Fix General tests. Patch mostly by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30781: IDLE - Use ttk widgets in ConfigDialog. Patches by Terry Jan Reedy and Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-31060: IDLE - Finish rearranging methods of ConfigDialog Grouping methods pertaining to each tab and the buttons will aid writing tests and improving the tabs and will enable splitting the groups into classes.
bpo-30853: IDLE – Factor a VarTrace class out of ConfigDialog. Instance tracers manages pairs consisting of a tk variable and a callback function. When tracing is turned on, setting the variable calls the function. Test coverage for the new class is 100%.
bpo-31003: IDLE: Add more tests for General tab.
bpo-30993: IDLE - Improve configdialog font page and tests. In configdialog: Document causal pathways in create_font_tab docstring. Simplify some attribute names. Move set_samples calls to var_changed_font (idea from Cheryl Sabella). Move related functions to positions after the create widgets function. In test_configdialog: Fix test_font_set so not order dependent. Fix renamed test_indent_scale so it tests the widget. Adjust tests for movement of set_samples call. Add tests for load functions. Put all font tests in one class and tab indent tests in another. Except for two lines, these tests completely cover the related functions.
bpo-30981: IDLE – Add more configdialog font page tests.
bpo-28523: IDLE: replace ‘colour’ with ‘color’ in configdialog.
bpo-30917: Add tests for idlelib.config.IdleConf. Increase coverage from 46% to 96%. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-30934: Document coverage details for idlelib tests. Add section to idlelib/idle-test/README.txt. Include check that branches are taken both ways. Exclude IDLE-specific code that does not run during unit tests.
bpo-30913: IDLE: Document ConfigDialog tk Vars, methods, and widgets in docstrings This will facilitate improving the dialog and splitting up the class. Original patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30899: IDLE: Add tests for ConfigParser subclasses in config. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-30881: IDLE: Add docstrings to Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30851: IDLE: Remove unused variables in configdialog. One is a duplicate, one is set but cannot be altered by users. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30870: IDLE: In Settings dialog, select font with Up, Down keys as well as mouse. Initial patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-8231: IDLE: call config.IdleConf.GetUserCfgDir only once.
bpo-30779: IDLE: Factor ConfigChanges class from configdialog, put in config; test. * In config, put dump test code in a function; run it and unittest in ‘if __name__ == ‘__main__’. * Add class config.ConfigChanges based on on bpo issue. * Add class test_config.ChangesTest, partly using * Revise configdialog to use ConfigChanges; see tracker msg297804. * Revise test_configdialog to match configdialog changes. * Remove configdialog functions unused or moved to ConfigChanges. Cheryl Sabella contributed parts of the patch.
bpo-30777: IDLE: configdialog - Add docstrings and fix comments. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30495: IDLE: Improve textview with docstrings, PEP8 names, and more tests. Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30723: IDLE: Make several improvements to parenmatch. Add ‘parens’ style to highlight both opener and closer. Make ‘default’ style, which is not default, a synonym for ‘opener’. Make time-delay work the same with all styles. Add help for config dialog extensions tab, including help for parenmatch. Add new tests. Original patch by Charles Wohlganger.
bpo-30674: IDLE: add docstrings to grep module. Patch by Cheryl Sabella
bpo-21519: IDLE’s basic custom key entry dialog now detects duplicates properly. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-29910: IDLE no longer deletes a character after commenting out a region by a key shortcut. Add
return 'break'
for this and other potential conflicts between IDLE and default key bindings.bpo-30728: Review and change idlelib.configdialog names. Lowercase method and attribute names. Replace ‘colour’ with ‘color’, expand overly cryptic names, delete unneeded underscores. Replace
import *
with specific imports. Patches by Cheryl Sabella.bpo-6739: IDLE: Verify user-entered key sequences by trying to bind them with tk. Add tests for all 3 validation functions. Original patch by G Polo. Tests added by Cheryl Sabella.
bpo-30983: gdb integration commands (py-bt, etc.) work on optimized shared builds now, too. PEP 523 introduced _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault which inlines PyEval_EvalFrameEx on non-debug shared builds. This broke the ability to use py-bt, py-up, and a few other Python-specific gdb integrations. The problem is fixed by only looking for _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault frames in Original patch by Bruno “Polaco” Penteado.
Python 3.6.2 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-17
No changes since release candidate 2
Python 3.6.2 release candidate 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-07-07
bpo-30730: Prevent environment variables injection in subprocess on Windows. Prevent passing other environment variables and command arguments.
bpo-30694: Upgrade expat copy from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 to get fixes of multiple security vulnerabilities including: CVE 2017-9233 (External entity infinite loop DoS), CVE 2016-9063 (Integer overflow, re-fix), CVE 2016-0718 (Fix regression bugs from 2.2.0’s fix to CVE 2016-0718) and CVE 2012-0876 (Counter hash flooding with SipHash). Note: the CVE 2016-5300 (Use os-specific entropy sources like getrandom) doesn’t impact Python, since Python already gets entropy from the OS to set the expat secret using
.bpo-30500: Fix urllib.parse.splithost() to correctly parse fragments. For example,
now correctly returns the127.0.0.1
host, instead of
as the host in an authentication (login@host
Python 3.6.2 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-17
bpo-29591: Update expat copy from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 to get fixes of CVE 2016-0718 and CVE 2016-4472. See for more information.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-30682: Removed a too-strict assertion that failed for certain f-strings, such as eval(“f’\n’”) and eval(“f’\r’”).
bpo-30604: Move co_extra_freefuncs to not be per-thread to avoid crashes
bpo-29104: Fixed parsing backslashes in f-strings.
bpo-27945: Fixed various segfaults with dict when input collections are mutated during searching, inserting or comparing. Based on patches by Duane Griffin and Tim Mitchell.
bpo-25794: Fixed type.__setattr__() and type.__delattr__() for non-interned attribute names. Based on patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-30039: If a KeyboardInterrupt happens when the interpreter is in the middle of resuming a chain of nested ‘yield from’ or ‘await’ calls, it’s now correctly delivered to the innermost frame.
bpo-12414: sys.getsizeof() on a code object now returns the sizes which includes the code struct and sizes of objects which it references. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-29949: Fix memory usage regression of set and frozenset object.
bpo-29935: Fixed error messages in the index() method of tuple, list and deque when pass indices of wrong type.
bpo-29859: Show correct error messages when any of the pthread_* calls in thread_pthread.h fails.
works even iflen(range)
.bpo-29600: Fix wrapping coroutine return values in StopIteration.
bpo-28856: Fix an oversight that %b format for bytes should support objects follow the buffer protocol.
bpo-29714: Fix a regression that bytes format may fail when containing zero bytes inside.
bpo-29478: If max_line_length=None is specified while using the Compat32 policy, it is no longer ignored. Patch by Mircea Cosbuc.
bpo-30616: Functional API of enum allows to create empty enums. Patched by Donghee Na
bpo-30038: Fix race condition between signal delivery and wakeup file descriptor. Patch by Nathaniel Smith.
bpo-23894: lib2to3 now recognizes
strings.bpo-23890: unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() now manually breaks a reference cycle to not keep objects alive longer than expected.
bpo-30149: inspect.signature() now supports callables with variable-argument parameters wrapped with partialmethod. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-30645: Fix path calculation in imp.load_package(), fixing it for cases when a package is only shipped with bytecodes. Patch by Alexandru Ardelean.
bpo-29931: Fixed comparison check for ipaddress.ip_interface objects. Patch by Sanjay Sundaresan.
bpo-30605: re.compile() no longer raises a BytesWarning when compiling a bytes instance with misplaced inline modifier. Patch by Roy Williams.
bpo-24484: Avoid race condition in multiprocessing cleanup (#2159)
bpo-28994: The traceback no longer displayed for SystemExit raised in a callback registered by atexit.
bpo-30508: Don’t log exceptions if Task/Future “cancel()” method was called.
bpo-28556: Updates to typing module: Add generic AsyncContextManager, add support for ContextManager on all versions. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra and Ivan Levkivskyi
bpo-29870: Fix ssl sockets leaks when connection is aborted in asyncio/ssl implementation. Patch by Michaël Sghaïer.
bpo-29743: Closing transport during handshake process leaks open socket. Patch by Nikolay Kim
bpo-27585: Fix waiter cancellation in asyncio.Lock. Patch by Mathieu Sornay.
bpo-30418: On Windows, subprocess.Popen.communicate() now also ignore EINVAL on stdin.write() if the child process is still running but closed the pipe.
bpo-29822: inspect.isabstract() now works during __init_subclass__. Patch by Nate Soares.
bpo-29581: ABCMeta.__new__ now accepts
, allowing abstract base classes to use keyword parameters in __init_subclass__. Patch by Nate Soares.bpo-30557: faulthandler now correctly filters and displays exception codes on Windows
bpo-30378: Fix the problem that logging.handlers.SysLogHandler cannot handle IPv6 addresses.
bpo-29960: Preserve generator state when _random.Random.setstate() raises an exception. Patch by Bryan Olson.
bpo-30414: multiprocessing.Queue._feed background running thread do not break from main loop on exception.
bpo-30003: Fix handling escape characters in HZ codec. Based on patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-30301: Fix AttributeError when using SimpleQueue.empty() under spawn and forkserver start methods.
bpo-30329: imaplib and poplib now catch the Windows socket WSAEINVAL error (code 10022) on shutdown(SHUT_RDWR): An invalid operation was attempted. This error occurs sometimes on SSL connections.
bpo-30375: Warnings emitted when compile a regular expression now always point to the line in the user code. Previously they could point into inners of the re module if emitted from inside of groups or conditionals.
bpo-30048: Fixed
can be ignored when the task is running coroutine and the coroutine returned without any moreawait
.bpo-30266: contextlib.AbstractContextManager now supports anti-registration by setting __enter__ = None or __exit__ = None, following the pattern introduced in bpo-25958. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-30298: Weaken the condition of deprecation warnings for inline modifiers. Now allowed several subsequential inline modifiers at the start of the pattern (e.g.
). In verbose mode whitespaces and comments now are allowed before and between inline modifiers (e.g.'(?x) (?i) (?s)...'
).bpo-29990: Fix range checking in GB18030 decoder. Original patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-26293: Change resulted because of zipfile breakage. (See also: bpo-29094)
bpo-30243: Removed the __init__ methods of _json’s scanner and encoder. Misusing them could cause memory leaks or crashes. Now scanner and encoder objects are completely initialized in the __new__ methods.
bpo-30185: Avoid KeyboardInterrupt tracebacks in forkserver helper process when Ctrl-C is received.
bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: add typing.NoReturn type, use WrapperDescriptorType, minor bug-fixes. Original PRs by Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard and Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-30205: Fix getsockname() for unbound AF_UNIX sockets on Linux.
bpo-30070: Fixed leaks and crashes in errors handling in the parser module.
bpo-30061: Fixed crashes in IOBase methods __next__() and readlines() when readline() or __next__() respectively return non-sizeable object. Fixed possible other errors caused by not checking results of PyObject_Size(), PySequence_Size(), or PyMapping_Size().
bpo-30017: Allowed calling the close() method of the zip entry writer object multiple times. Writing to a closed writer now always produces a ValueError.
bpo-30068: _io._IOBase.readlines will check if it’s closed first when hint is present.
bpo-29694: Fixed race condition in pathlib mkdir with flags parents=True. Patch by Armin Rigo.
bpo-29692: Fixed arbitrary unchaining of RuntimeError exceptions in contextlib.contextmanager. Patch by Siddharth Velankar.
bpo-29998: Pickling and copying ImportError now preserves name and path attributes.
bpo-29953: Fixed memory leaks in the replace() method of datetime and time objects when pass out of bound fold argument.
bpo-29942: Fix a crash in itertools.chain.from_iterable when encountering long runs of empty iterables.
bpo-27863: Fixed multiple crashes in ElementTree caused by race conditions and wrong types.
bpo-28699: Fixed a bug in pools in multiprocessing.pool that raising an exception at the very first of an iterable may swallow the exception or make the program hang. Patch by Davin Potts and Xiang Zhang.
bpo-25803: Avoid incorrect errors raised by Path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
bpo-29861: Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results as soon as they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
bpo-29884: faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown. Patch by Christophe Zeitouny.
bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
bpo-29800: Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords are not strings. Patch by Michael Seifert.
bpo-29742: get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport. Patch by Nikolay Kim.
bpo-8256: Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes “encoding” or “errors” of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
bpo-28298: Fix a bug that prevented array ‘Q’, ‘L’ and ‘I’ from accepting big intables (objects that have __int__) as elements. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28231: The zipfile module now accepts path-like objects for external paths.
bpo-26915: index() and count() methods of now check identity before checking equality when do comparisons.
bpo-29615: SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other exception) to exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods. Patch by Petr Motejlek.
bpo-30177: path.resolve(strict=False) no longer cuts the path after the first element not present in the filesystem. Patch by Antoine Pietri.
bpo-15786: Fix several problems with IDLE’s autocompletion box. The following should now work: clicking on selection box items; using the scrollbar; selecting an item by hitting Return. Hangs on MacOSX should no longer happen. Patch by Louie Lu.
bpo-25514: Add doc subsubsection about IDLE failure to start. Popup no-connection message directs users to this section.
bpo-30642: Fix reference leaks in IDLE tests. Patches by Louie Lu and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30495: Add docstrings for and use PEP8 names. Patches by Cheryl Sabella and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30290: Help-about: use pep8 names and add tests. Increase coverage to 100%. Patches by Louie Lu, Cheryl Sabella, and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-30303: Add _utest option to textview; add new tests. Increase coverage to 100%. Patches by Louie Lu and Terry Jan Reedy.
bpo-27867: Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() no longer replaced with a macro if Py_LIMITED_API is not set.
bpo-29941: Add
configure flag to explicitly enable Cassert()
checks. Defaults to off.--with-pydebug
.bpo-28787: Fix out-of-tree builds of Python when configured with
.bpo-29243: Prevent unnecessary rebuilding of Python during
make test
,make install
and some other make targets when configured with--enable-optimizations
.bpo-23404: Don’t regenerate generated files based on file modification time anymore: the action is now explicit. Replace
make touch
withmake regen-all
.bpo-29643: Fix
didn’t work.
bpo-30176: Add missing attribute related constants in curses documentation.
bpo-30052: the link targets for
are now their respective type definitions, rather than the corresponding builtin function entries. Use bytes and bytearray to reference the latter. In order to ensure this and future cross-reference updates are applied automatically, the daily documentation builds now disable the default output caching features in Sphinx.bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
bpo-29367: now supports also
) objects.
bpo-30357: test_thread: setUp() now uses support.threading_setup() and support.threading_cleanup() to wait until threads complete to avoid random side effects on following tests. Initial patch written by Grzegorz Grzywacz.
bpo-30197: Enhanced functions swap_attr() and swap_item() in the module. They now work when delete replaced attribute or item inside the with statement. The old value of the attribute or item (or None if it doesn’t exist) now will be assigned to the target of the “as” clause, if there is one.
bpo-30687: Locate msbuild.exe on Windows when building rather than vcvarsall.bat
bpo-30450: The build process on Windows no longer depends on Subversion, instead pulling external code from GitHub via a Python script. If Python 3.6 is not found on the system (via
py -3.6
), NuGet is used to download a copy of 32-bit Python.
Python 3.6.1 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-21
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-29723: The
initialization change for bpo-29139 caused a regression by revealing an inconsistency in how sys.path is initialized when executing__main__
from a zipfile, directory, or other import location. The interpreter now consistently avoids ever adding the import location’s parent directory tosys.path
, and ensures no othersys.path
entries are inadvertently modified when inserting the import location named on the command line.
bpo-27593: fix format of git information used in sys.version
Corrigir comentário incompatível em python.h
Python 3.6.1 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-04
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-28893: Set correct __cause__ for errors about invalid awaitables returned from __aiter__ and __anext__.
bpo-29683: Fixes to memory allocation in _PyCode_SetExtra. Patch by Brian Coleman.
bpo-29684: Fix minor regression of PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords. It should raise TypeError when kwargs is not a dict. But it might cause segv when args=NULL and kwargs is not a dict.
bpo-28598: Support __rmod__ for subclasses of str being called before str.__mod__. Patch by Martijn Pieters.
bpo-29607: Fix stack_effect computation for CALL_FUNCTION_EX. Patch by Matthieu Dartiailh.
bpo-29602: Fix incorrect handling of signed zeros in complex constructor for complex subclasses and for inputs having a __complex__ method. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-29347: Fixed possibly dereferencing undefined pointers when creating weakref objects.
bpo-29438: Fixed use-after-free problem in key sharing dict.
bpo-29319: Prevent RunMainFromImporter overwriting sys.path[0].
bpo-29337: Fixed possible BytesWarning when compare the code objects. Warnings could be emitted at compile time.
bpo-29327: Fixed a crash when pass the iterable keyword argument to sorted().
bpo-29034: Fix memory leak and use-after-free in os module (path_converter).
bpo-29159: Fix regression in bytes(x) when x.__index__() raises Exception.
bpo-28932: Do not include <sys/random.h> if it does not exist.
bpo-25677: Correct the positioning of the syntax error caret for indented blocks. Based on patch by Michael Layzell.
bpo-29000: Fixed bytes formatting of octals with zero padding in alternate form.
bpo-26919: On Android, operating system data is now always encoded/decoded to/from UTF-8, instead of the locale encoding to avoid inconsistencies with os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() which are already using UTF-8.
bpo-28991: functools.lru_cache() was susceptible to an obscure reentrancy bug triggerable by a monkey-patched len() function.
bpo-28739: f-string expressions are no longer accepted as docstrings and by ast.literal_eval() even if they do not include expressions.
bpo-28512: Fixed setting the offset attribute of SyntaxError by PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx() and PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject().
bpo-28918: Fix the cross compilation of xxlimited when Python has been built with Py_DEBUG defined.
bpo-28731: Optimize _PyDict_NewPresized() to create correct size dict. Improve speed of dict literal with constant keys up to 30%.
bpo-29169: Update zlib to 1.2.11.
bpo-29623: Allow use of path-like object as a single argument in Patch by David Ellis.
bpo-28963: Fix out of bound iteration in asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback implemented in C.
bpo-29704: asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before all pipes are closed.
bpo-29271: Fix Task.current_task and Task.all_tasks implemented in C to accept None argument as their pure Python implementation.
bpo-29703: Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops in child processes.
bpo-29376: Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
bpo-28624: Add a test that checks that cwd parameter of Popen() accepts PathLike objects. Patch by Sayan Chowdhury.
bpo-28518: Start a transaction implicitly before a DML statement. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-29532: Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial() no longer affects a partial object after creation.
bpo-29110: Fix file object leak in when file is given as a filesystem path and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap, improved ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi, Manuel Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
bpo-29100: Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python 3.6.0: check minimum and maximum years.
bpo-29519: Fix weakref spewing exceptions during interpreter shutdown when used with a rare combination of multiprocessing and custom codecs.
bpo-29416: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
bpo-29444: Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of the match object. Based on patch by WGH.
bpo-29335: Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has exited to a stopped instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
bpo-29290: Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at non-breaking spaces.
bpo-28735: Fixed the comparison of mock.MagickMock with mock.ANY.
bpo-29316: Restore the provisional status of typing module, add corresponding note to documentation. Patch by Ivan L.
bpo-29219: Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized ctypes.CDLL instances.
bpo-29011: Fix an important omission by adding Deque to the typing module.
bpo-28969: Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache. KeyError could be raised when cached function with full cache was simultaneously called from different threads with the same uncached arguments.
bpo-29142: In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with leading dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c). Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
bpo-28961: Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don’t ignore the name parameter anymore. Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
bpo-29203: functools.lru_cache() now respects PEP 468 and preserves the order of keyword arguments. f(a=1, b=2) is now cached separately from f(b=2, a=1) since both calls could potentially give different results.
bpo-15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of a context. Patch by Sam Breese.
bpo-29094: Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes “w” and “x” now are relative to the start of the file.
bpo-29085: Allow random.Random.seed() to use high quality OS randomness rather than the pid and time.
bpo-29061: Fixed bug in secrets.randbelow() which would hang when given a negative input. Patch by Brendan Donegan.
bpo-29079: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.resolve() on Windows
bpo-13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized curses.textpad.Textbox. Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
bpo-29119: Fix weakrefs in the pure python version of collections.OrderedDict move_to_end() method. Contributed by Andra Bogildea.
bpo-9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative integers.
bpo-28427: old keys should not remove new values from WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
bpo-28923: Remove editor artifacts from
bpo-29055: Neaten-up empty population error on random.choice() by suppressing the upstream exception.
bpo-28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
bpo-19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another thread.
bpo-20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when passing a sequence that doesn’t own its elements as limits.
bpo-28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some multiprocessing objects such as locks.
bpo-28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer writes the index file when it is not changed.
bpo-26937: The chown() method of the tarfile.TarFile class does not fail now when the grp module cannot be imported, as for example on Android platforms.
bpo-29579: Removes readme.txt from the installer
bpo-29326: Ignores blank lines in ._pth files (Patch by Alexey Izbyshev)
bpo-28164: Correctly handle special console filenames (patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-29409: Implement PEP 529 for io.FileIO (Patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-29392: Prevent crash when passing invalid arguments into msvcrt module.
bpo-25778: winreg does not truncate string correctly (Patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-28896: Deprecate WindowsRegistryFinder and disable it by default.
bpo-27867: Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() is replaced with a macro if Py_LIMITED_API is not set or set to the value between 0x03050400 and 0x03060000 (not including) or 0x03060100 or higher.
bpo-29083: Fixed the declaration of some public API functions. PyArg_VaParse() and PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywords() were not available in limited API. PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(), PyArg_UnpackTuple() and Py_BuildValue() were not available in limited API of version < 3.3 when PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined.
bpo-29058: All stable API extensions added after Python 3.2 are now available only when Py_LIMITED_API is set to the PY_VERSION_HEX value of the minimum Python version supporting this API.
bpo-28929: Link the documentation to its source file on GitHub.
bpo-25008: Document as effectively deprecated and add a pointer to aiosmtpd, a third-party asyncio-based replacement.
bpo-26355: Add canonical header link on each page to corresponding major version of the documentation. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
bpo-29349: Fix Python 2 syntax in code for building the documentation.
bpo-28087: Skip test_asyncore and test_eintr poll failures on macOS. Skip some tests of select.poll when running on macOS due to unresolved issues with the underlying system poll function on some macOS versions.
bpo-29571: to match the behaviour of the
flag, test_re.test_locale_flag now useslocale.getpreferredencoding(False)
to determine the candidate encoding for the test regex (allowing it to correctly skip the test when the default locale encoding is a multi-byte encoding)bpo-28950: Disallow -j0 to be combined with -T/-l in regrtest command line arguments.
bpo-28683: Fix the tests that bind() a unix socket and raise PermissionError on Android for a non-root user.
bpo-26939: Add the support.setswitchinterval() function to fix test_functools hanging on the Android armv7 qemu emulator.
bpo-27593: sys.version and the platform module python_build(), python_branch(), and python_revision() functions now use git information rather than hg when building from a repo.
bpo-29572: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2k.
bpo-26851: Set Android compilation and link flags.
bpo-28768: Fix implicit declaration of function _setmode. Patch by Masayuki Yamamoto
bpo-29080: Removes hard dependency on hg.exe from PCBuild/build.bat
bpo-23903: Added missed names to PC/python3.def.
bpo-28762: lockf() is available on Android API level 24, but the F_LOCK macro is not defined in android-ndk-r13.
bpo-28538: Fix the compilation error that occurs because if_nameindex() is available on Android API level 24, but the if_nameindex structure is not defined.
bpo-20211: Do not add the directory for installing C header files and the directory for installing object code libraries to the cross compilation search paths. Original patch by Thomas Petazzoni.
bpo-28849: Do not define sys.implementation._multiarch on Android.
Python 3.6.0 final¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-12-23
No changes since release candidate 2
Python 3.6.0 release candidate 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-12-16
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-28770: Fix for fastcalls.
bpo-28896: Deprecate WindowsRegistryFinder.
bpo-28898: Prevent gdb build errors due to HAVE_LONG_LONG redefinition.
Python 3.6.0 release candidate 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-12-06
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23722: Rather than silently producing a class that doesn’t support zero-argument
in methods, failing to pass the new__classcell__
namespace entry up totype.__new__
now results in aDeprecationWarning
and a class that supports zero-argumentsuper()
.bpo-28797: Modifying the class __dict__ inside the __set_name__ method of a descriptor that is used inside that class no longer prevents calling the __set_name__ method of other descriptors.
bpo-28782: Fix a bug in the implementation
yield from
when checking if the next instruction is YIELD_FROM. Regression introduced by WORDCODE (bpo-26647).
bpo-27030: Unknown escapes in re.sub() replacement template are allowed again. But they still are deprecated and will be disabled in 3.7.
bpo-28835: Fix a regression introduced in warnings.catch_warnings(): call warnings.showwarning() if it was overridden inside the context manager.
bpo-27172: To assist with upgrades from 2.7, the previously documented deprecation of
has been reversed. This decision may be revisited again after the Python 2.7 branch is no longer officially supported.bpo-26273: Add new
(Linux 2.6.13) andsocket.TCP_USER_TIMEOUT
(Linux 2.6.37) constants. Patch written by Omar Sandoval.bpo-24142: Reading a corrupt config file left configparser in an invalid state. Original patch by Florian Höch.
bpo-28843: Fix asyncio C Task to handle exceptions __traceback__.
bpo-28808: PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString() now never raises exceptions.
bpo-28023: Fix didn’t support new dict implementation.
Python 3.6.0 beta 4¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-11-21
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-28532: Show sys.version when -V option is supplied twice.
bpo-27100: The with-statement now checks for __enter__ before it checks for __exit__. This gives less confusing error messages when both methods are missing. Patch by Jonathan Ellington.
bpo-28746: Fix the set_inheritable() file descriptor method on platforms that do not have the ioctl FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX commands.
bpo-26920: Fix not getting the locale’s charset upon initializing the interpreter, on platforms that do not have langinfo.
bpo-28648: Fixed crash in Py_DecodeLocale() in debug build on Mac OS X when decode astral characters. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-19398: Extra slash no longer added to sys.path components in case of empty compile-time PYTHONPATH components.
bpo-28665: Improve speed of the STORE_DEREF opcode by 40%.
bpo-28583: PyDict_SetDefault didn’t combine split table when needed. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27243: Change PendingDeprecationWarning -> DeprecationWarning. As it was agreed in the issue, __aiter__ returning an awaitable should result in PendingDeprecationWarning in 3.5 and in DeprecationWarning in 3.6.
bpo-26182: Fix a refleak in code that raises DeprecationWarning.
bpo-28721: Fix asynchronous generators aclose() and athrow() to handle StopAsyncIteration propagation properly.
bpo-28752: Restored the __reduce__() methods of datetime objects.
bpo-28727: Regular expression patterns, _sre.SRE_Pattern objects created by re.compile(), become comparable (only x==y and x!=y operators). This change should fix the bpo-18383: don’t duplicate warning filters when the warnings module is reloaded (thing usually only done in unit tests).
bpo-20572: The subprocess.Popen.wait method’s undocumented endtime parameter now raises a DeprecationWarning.
bpo-25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
bpo-19717: Makes Path.resolve() succeed on paths that do not exist. Patch by Vajrasky Kok
bpo-28563: Fixed possible DoS and arbitrary code execution when handle plural form selections in the gettext module. The expression parser now supports exact syntax supported by GNU gettext.
bpo-28387: Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when the garbage collector is invoked in other thread. Based on patch by Sebastian Cufre.
bpo-28600: Optimize loop.call_soon.
bpo-28613: Fix get_event_loop() return the current loop if called from coroutines/callbacks.
bpo-28634: Fix asyncio.isfuture() to support unittest.Mock.
bpo-26081: Fix refleak in _asyncio.Future.__iter__().throw.
bpo-28639: Fix inspect.isawaitable to always return bool Patch by Justin Mayfield.
bpo-28652: Make loop methods reject socket kinds they do not support.
bpo-28653: Fix a refleak in functools.lru_cache.
bpo-28703: Fix asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to handle Mock objects.
bpo-28704: Fix create_unix_server to support Path-like objects (PEP 519).
bpo-28720: Add
bpo-28513: Documented command-line interface of zipfile.
Python 3.6.0 beta 3¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-31
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-28128: Deprecation warning for invalid str and byte escape sequences now prints better information about where the error occurs. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka and Eric Smith.
bpo-28509: dict.update() no longer allocate unnecessary large memory.
bpo-28426: Fixed potential crash in PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() in debug build.
bpo-28517: Fixed of-by-one error in the peephole optimizer that caused keeping unreachable code.
bpo-28214: Improved exception reporting for problematic __set_name__ attributes.
bpo-23782: Fixed possible memory leak in _PyTraceback_Add() and exception loss in PyTraceBack_Here().
bpo-28471: Fix “Python memory allocator called without holding the GIL” crash in socket.setblocking.
bpo-27517: LZMA compressor and decompressor no longer raise exceptions if given empty data twice. Patch by Benjamin Fogle.
bpo-28549: Fixed segfault in curses’s addch() with ncurses6.
bpo-28449: with mode “r” or “r:” now tries to open a tar file with compression before trying to open it without compression. Otherwise it had 50% chance failed with ignore_zeros=True.
bpo-23262: The webbrowser module now supports Firefox 36+ and derived browsers. Based on patch by Oleg Broytman.
bpo-27939: Fixed bugs in tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale and tkinter.Scale caused by representing the scale as float value internally in Tk. tkinter.IntVar now works if float value is set to underlying Tk variable.
bpo-18844: The various ways of specifying weights for random.choices() now produce the same result sequences.
bpo-28255: calendar.TextCalendar().prmonth() no longer prints a space at the start of new line after printing a month’s calendar. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-20491: The textwrap.TextWrapper class now honors non-breaking spaces. Based on patch by Kaarle Ritvanen.
bpo-28353: os.fwalk() no longer fails on broken links.
bpo-28430: Fix iterator of C implemented asyncio.Future doesn’t accept non-None value is passed to it.send(val).
bpo-27025: Generated names for Tkinter widgets now start by the “!” prefix for readability.
bpo-25464: Fixed HList.header_exists() in tkinter.tix module by addin a workaround to Tix library bug.
bpo-28488: shutil.make_archive() no longer adds entry “./” to ZIP archive.
bpo-25953: re.sub() now raises an error for invalid numerical group reference in replacement template even if the pattern is not found in the string. Error message for invalid group reference now includes the group index and the position of the reference. Based on patch by SilentGhost.
bpo-18219: Optimize csv.DictWriter for large number of columns. Patch by Mariatta Wijaya.
bpo-28448: Fix C implemented asyncio.Future didn’t work on Windows.
bpo-28480: Fix error building socket module when multithreading is disabled.
bpo-24452: Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X.
bpo-20766: Fix references leaked by pdb in the handling of SIGINT handlers.
bpo-28492: Fix how StopIteration exception is raised in _asyncio.Future.
bpo-28500: Fix asyncio to handle async gens GC from another thread.
bpo-26923: Fix asyncio.Gather to refuse being cancelled once all children are done. Patch by Johannes Ebke.
bpo-26796: Don’t configure the number of workers for default threadpool executor. Initial patch by Hans Lawrenz.
bpo-28544: Implement asyncio.Task in C.
bpo-28522: Fixes mishandled buffer reallocation in getpathp.c
Python 3.6.0 beta 2¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-10
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-28183: Optimize and cleanup dict iteration.
bpo-26081: Added C implementation of asyncio.Future. Original patch by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-28379: Added sanity checks and tests for PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28376: The type of long range iterator is now registered as Iterator. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28376: Creating instances of range_iterator by calling range_iterator type now is deprecated. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28376: The constructor of range_iterator now checks that step is not 0. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-26906: Resolving special methods of uninitialized type now causes implicit initialization of the type instead of a fail.
bpo-18287: PyType_Ready() now checks that tp_name is not NULL. Original patch by Niklas Koep.
bpo-24098: Fixed possible crash when AST is changed in process of compiling it.
bpo-28201: Dict reduces possibility of 2nd conflict in hash table when hashes have same lower bits.
bpo-28350: String constants with null character no longer interned.
bpo-26617: Fix crash when GC runs during weakref callbacks.
bpo-27942: String constants now interned recursively in tuples and frozensets.
bpo-21578: Fixed misleading error message when ImportError called with invalid keyword args.
bpo-28203: Fix incorrect type in complex(1.0, {2:3}) error message. Patch by Soumya Sharma.
bpo-28086: Single var-positional argument of tuple subtype was passed unscathed to the C-defined function. Now it is converted to exact tuple.
bpo-28214: Now __set_name__ is looked up on the class instead of the instance.
bpo-27955: Fallback on reading /dev/urandom device when the getrandom() syscall fails with EPERM, for example when blocked by SECCOMP.
bpo-28192: Don’t import readline in isolated mode.
Upgrade internal unicode databases to Unicode version 9.0.0.
bpo-28131: Fix a regression in zipimport’s compile_source(). zipimport should use the same optimization level as the interpreter.
bpo-28126: Replace Py_MEMCPY with memcpy(). Visual Studio can properly optimize memcpy().
bpo-28120: Fix dict.pop() for splitted dictionary when trying to remove a “pending key” (Not yet inserted in split-table). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26182: Raise DeprecationWarning when async and await keywords are used as variable/attribute/class/function name.
bpo-27998: Fixed bytes path support in os.scandir() on Windows. Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-28317: The disassembler now decodes FORMAT_VALUE argument.
bpo-26293: Fixed writing ZIP files that starts not from the start of the file. Offsets in ZIP file now are relative to the start of the archive in conforming to the specification.
bpo-28380: unittest.mock Mock autospec functions now properly support assert_called, assert_not_called, and assert_called_once.
bpo-27181: remove statistics.geometric_mean and defer until 3.7.
bpo-28229: lzma module now supports pathlib.
bpo-28321: Fixed writing non-BMP characters with binary format in plistlib.
bpo-28225: bz2 module now supports pathlib. Initial patch by Ethan Furman.
bpo-28227: gzip now supports pathlib. Patch by Ethan Furman.
bpo-27358: Optimized merging var-keyword arguments and improved error message when passing a non-mapping as a var-keyword argument.
bpo-28257: Improved error message when passing a non-iterable as a var-positional argument. Added opcode BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL.
bpo-28322: Fixed possible crashes when unpickle itertools objects from incorrect pickle data. Based on patch by John Leitch.
bpo-28228: imghdr now supports pathlib.
bpo-28226: compileall now supports pathlib.
bpo-28314: Fix function declaration (C flags) for the getiterator() method of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.
bpo-28148: Stop using localtime() and gmtime() in the time module. Introduced platform independent _PyTime_localtime API that is similar to POSIX localtime_r, but available on all platforms. Patch by Ed Schouten.
bpo-28253: Fixed calendar functions for extreme months: 0001-01 and 9999-12. Methods itermonthdays() and itermonthdays2() are reimplemented so that they don’t call itermonthdates() which can cause under/overflow.
bpo-28275: Fixed possible use after free in the decompress() methods of the LZMADecompressor and BZ2Decompressor classes. Original patch by John Leitch.
bpo-27897: Fixed possible crash in sqlite3.Connection.create_collation() if pass invalid string-like object as a name. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-18844: random.choices() now has k as a keyword-only argument to improve the readability of common cases and come into line with the signature used in other languages.
bpo-18893: Fix invalid exception handling in Lib/ctypes/macholib/ Patch by Madison May.
bpo-27611: Fixed support of default root window in the tkinter.tix module. Added the master parameter in the DisplayStyle constructor.
bpo-27348: In the traceback module, restore the formatting of exception messages like “Exception: None”. This fixes a regression introduced in 3.5a2.
bpo-25651: Allow false values to be used for msg parameter of subTest().
bpo-27778: Fix a memory leak in os.getrandom() when the getrandom() is interrupted by a signal and a signal handler raises a Python exception.
bpo-28200: Fix memory leak on Windows in the os module (fix path_converter() function).
bpo-25400: RobotFileParser now correctly returns default values for crawl_delay and request_rate. Initial patch by Peter Wirtz.
bpo-27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
bpo-28075: Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of os.stat(). Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-22493: Warning message emitted by using inline flags in the middle of regular expression now contains a (truncated) regex pattern. Patch by Tim Graham.
bpo-25270: Prevent codecs.escape_encode() from raising SystemError when an empty bytestring is passed.
bpo-28181: Get antigravity over HTTPS. Patch by Kaartic Sivaraam.
bpo-25895: Enable WebSocket URL schemes in urllib.parse.urljoin. Patch by Gergely Imreh and Markus Holtermann.
bpo-28114: Fix a crash in parse_envlist() when env contains byte strings. Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-27599: Fixed buffer overrun in binascii.b2a_qp() and binascii.a2b_qp().
bpo-27906: Fix socket accept exhaustion during high TCP traffic. Patch by Kevin Conway.
bpo-28174: Handle when SO_REUSEPORT isn’t properly supported. Patch by Seth Michael Larson.
bpo-26654: Inspect functools.partial in asyncio.Handle.__repr__. Patch by iceboy.
bpo-26909: Fix slow pipes IO in asyncio. Patch by INADA Naoki.
bpo-28176: Fix callbacks race in asyncio.SelectorLoop.sock_connect.
bpo-27759: Fix selectors incorrectly retain invalid file descriptors. Patch by Mark Williams.
bpo-28368: Refuse monitoring processes if the child watcher has no loop attached. Patch by Vincent Michel.
bpo-28369: Raise RuntimeError when transport’s FD is used with add_reader, add_writer, etc.
bpo-28370: Speedup asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-28371: Deprecate passing asyncio.Handles to run_in_executor.
bpo-28372: Fix asyncio to support formatting of non-python coroutines.
bpo-28399: Remove UNIX socket from FS before binding. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-27972: Prohibit Tasks to await on themselves.
bpo-28402: Adds signed catalog files for stdlib on Windows.
bpo-28333: Enables Unicode for ps1/ps2 and input() prompts. (Patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-28251: Improvements to help manuals on Windows.
bpo-28110: launcher.msi has different product codes between 32-bit and 64-bit
bpo-28161: Opening CON for write access fails
bpo-28162: WindowsConsoleIO readall() fails if first line starts with Ctrl+Z
bpo-28163: WindowsConsoleIO fileno() passes wrong flags to _open_osfhandle
bpo-28164: _PyIO_get_console_type fails for various paths
bpo-28137: Renames Windows path file to ._pth
bpo-28138: Windows ._pth file should allow import site
bpo-28426: Deprecated undocumented functions PyUnicode_AsEncodedObject(), PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject(), PyUnicode_AsDecodedUnicode() and PyUnicode_AsEncodedUnicode().
bpo-28258: Fixed build with Estonian locale (python-config and distclean targets in Makefile). Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
bpo-26661: now detects system libffi with multiarch wrapper.
bpo-15819: Remove redundant include search directory option for building outside the source tree.
bpo-28217: Adds _testconsole module to test console input.
Python 3.6.0 beta 1¶
Data de lançamento: 2016-09-12
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23722: The __class__ cell used by zero-argument super() is now initialized from type.__new__ rather than __build_class__, so class methods relying on that will now work correctly when called from metaclass methods during class creation. Patch by Martin Teichmann.
bpo-25221: Fix corrupted result from PyLong_FromLong(0) when Python is compiled with NSMALLPOSINTS = 0.
bpo-27080: Implement formatting support for PEP 515. Initial patch by Chris Angelico.
bpo-27199: In tarfile, expose copyfileobj bufsize to improve throughput. Patch by Jason Fried.
bpo-27948: In f-strings, only allow backslashes inside the braces (where the expressions are). This is a breaking change from the 3.6 alpha releases, where backslashes are allowed anywhere in an f-string. Also, require that expressions inside f-strings be enclosed within literal braces, and not escapes like
.bpo-28046: Remove platform-specific directories from sys.path.
bpo-28071: Add early-out for differencing from an empty set.
bpo-25758: Prevents zipimport from unnecessarily encoding a filename (patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-25856: The __module__ attribute of extension classes and functions now is interned. This leads to more compact pickle data with protocol 4.
bpo-27213: Rework CALL_FUNCTION* opcodes to produce shorter and more efficient bytecode. Patch by Demur Rumed, design by Serhiy Storchaka, reviewed by Serhiy Storchaka and Victor Stinner.
bpo-26331: Implement tokenizing support for PEP 515. Patch by Georg Brandl.
bpo-27999: Make “global after use” a SyntaxError, and ditto for nonlocal. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-27985: Implement PEP 526 – Syntax for Variable Annotations. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-26058: Add a new private version to the builtin dict type, incremented at each dictionary creation and at each dictionary change. Implementation of the PEP 509.
bpo-27364: A backslash-character pair that is not a valid escape sequence now generates a DeprecationWarning. Patch by Emanuel Barry.
implementation is changed like PyPy. It is more compact and preserves insertion order. (Concept developed by Raymond Hettinger and patch by Inada Naoki.)bpo-27911: Remove unnecessary error checks in
.bpo-27078: Added BUILD_STRING opcode. Optimized f-strings evaluation.
bpo-17884: Python now requires systems with inttypes.h and stdint.h
bpo-27961: Require platforms to support
long long
. Python hasn’t compiled withoutlong long
for years, so this is basically a formality.bpo-27355: Removed support for Windows CE. It was never finished, and Windows CE is no longer a relevant platform for Python.
Implement PEP 523.
bpo-27870: A left shift of zero by a large integer no longer attempts to allocate large amounts of memory.
bpo-25402: In int-to-decimal-string conversion, improve the estimate of the intermediate memory required, and remove an unnecessarily strict overflow check. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-27214: In long_invert, be more careful about modifying object returned by long_add, and remove an unnecessary check for small longs. Thanks Oren Milman for analysis and patch.
bpo-27506: Support passing the bytes/bytearray.translate() “delete” argument by keyword.
bpo-27812: Properly clear out a generator’s frame’s backreference to the generator to prevent crashes in frame.clear().
bpo-27811: Fix a crash when a coroutine that has not been awaited is finalized with warnings-as-errors enabled.
bpo-27587: Fix another issue found by PVS-Studio: Null pointer check after use of ‘def’ in _PyState_AddModule(). Initial patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-27792: The modulo operation applied to
and otherint
subclasses now always returns anint
. Previously the return type depended on the input values. Patch by Xiang Zhang.bpo-26984: int() now always returns an instance of exact int.
bpo-25604: Fix a minor bug in integer true division; this bug could potentially have caused off-by-one-ulp results on platforms with unreliable ldexp implementations.
bpo-24254: Make class definition namespace ordered by default.
bpo-27662: Fix an overflow check in
: the original code was checking againstPy_SIZE_MAX
instead of the correct upper bound ofPy_SSIZE_T_MAX
. Patch by Xiang Zhang.bpo-27782: Multi-phase extension module import now correctly allows the
field to be used to add module level functions to instances of non-module types returned fromPy_create_mod
. Patch by Xiang Zhang.bpo-27936: The round() function accepted a second None argument for some types but not for others. Fixed the inconsistency by accepting None for all numeric types.
bpo-27487: Warn if a submodule argument to “python -m” or runpy.run_module() is found in sys.modules after parent packages are imported, but before the submodule is executed.
bpo-27157: Make only type() itself accept the one-argument form. Patch by Eryk Sun and Emanuel Barry.
bpo-27558: Fix a SystemError in the implementation of “raise” statement. In a brand new thread, raise a RuntimeError since there is no active exception to reraise. Patch written by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27942: Fix memory leak in codeobject.c
bpo-28732: Fix crash in os.spawnv() with no elements in args
bpo-28485: Always raise ValueError for negative compileall.compile_dir(workers=…) parameter, even when multithreading is unavailable.
bpo-28037: Use sqlite3_get_autocommit() instead of setting Connection->inTransaction manually.
bpo-25283: Attributes tm_gmtoff and tm_zone are now available on all platforms in the return values of time.localtime() and time.gmtime().
bpo-24454: Regular expression match object groups are now accessible using __getitem__. “mo[x]” is equivalent to “”.
bpo-10740: sqlite3 no longer implicitly commit an open transaction before DDL statements.
bpo-17941: Add a module parameter to collections.namedtuple().
bpo-22493: Inline flags now should be used only at the start of the regular expression. Deprecation warning is emitted if uses them in the middle of the regular expression.
bpo-26885: xmlrpc now supports unmarshalling additional data types used by Apache XML-RPC implementation for numerics and None.
bpo-28070: Fixed parsing inline verbose flag in regular expressions.
bpo-19500: Add client-side SSL session resumption to the ssl module.
bpo-28022: Deprecate ssl-related arguments in favor of SSLContext. The deprecation include manual creation of SSLSocket and certfile/keyfile (or similar) in ftplib, httplib, imaplib, smtplib, poplib and urllib.
bpo-28043: SSLContext has improved default settings: OP_NO_SSLv2, OP_NO_SSLv3, OP_NO_COMPRESSION, OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE, OP_SINGLE_DH_USE, OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE and HIGH ciphers without MD5.
bpo-24693: Changed some RuntimeError’s in the zipfile module to more appropriate types. Improved some error messages and debugging output.
now support binary input encoded as UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-27137: the pure Python fallback implementation of
now matches the behaviour of its accelerated C counterpart for subclassing, pickling and text representation purposes. Patch by Emanuel Barry and Serhiy Storchaka.Fix possible integer overflows and crashes in the mmap module with unusual usage patterns.
bpo-1703178: Fix the ability to pass the –link-objects option to the distutils build_ext command.
bpo-28019: itertools.count() no longer rounds non-integer step in range between 1.0 and 2.0 to 1.
bpo-18401: Pdb now supports the ‘readrc’ keyword argument to control whether .pdbrc files should be read. Patch by Martin Matusiak and Sam Kimbrel.
bpo-25969: Update the lib2to3 grammar to handle the unpacking generalizations added in 3.5.
bpo-14977: mailcap now respects the order of the lines in the mailcap files (“first match”), as required by RFC 1542. Patch by Michael Lazar.
bpo-28082: Convert re flag constants to IntFlag.
bpo-28025: Convert all ssl module constants to IntEnum and IntFlags. SSLContext properties now return flags and enums.
bpo-23591: Add Flag, IntFlag, and auto() to enum module.
bpo-433028: Added support of modifier spans in regular expressions.
bpo-24594: Validates persist parameter when opening MSI database
bpo-17582: xml.etree.ElementTree nows preserves whitespaces in attributes (Patch by Duane Griffin. Reviewed and approved by Stefan Behnel.)
bpo-28047: Fixed calculation of line length used for the base64 CTE in the new email policies.
bpo-27576: Fix call order in OrderedDict.__init__().
email.generator.DecodedGenerator now supports the policy keyword.
bpo-28027: Remove undocumented modules from
: IN, CDROM, DLFCN, TYPES, CDIO, and STROPTS.bpo-27445: Don’t pass str(_charset) to MIMEText.set_payload(). Patch by Claude Paroz.
bpo-24277: The new email API is no longer provisional, and the docs have been reorganized and rewritten to emphasize the new API.
bpo-22450: urllib now includes an
Accept: */*
header among the default headers. This makes the results of REST API requests more consistent and predictable especially when proxy servers are involved.lib2to3.pgen3.driver.load_grammar() now creates a stable cache file between runs given the same Grammar.txt input regardless of the hash randomization setting.
bpo-28005: Allow ImportErrors in encoding implementation to propagate.
bpo-26667: Support path-like objects in importlib.util.
bpo-27570: Avoid zero-length memcpy() etc calls with null source pointers in the “ctypes” and “array” modules.
bpo-22233: Break email header lines only on the RFC specified CR and LF characters, not on arbitrary unicode line breaks. This also fixes a bug in HTTP header parsing.
bpo-27331: The email.mime classes now all accept an optional policy keyword.
bpo-27988: Fix email iter_attachments incorrect mutation of payload list.
bpo-16113: Add SHA-3 and SHAKE support to hashlib module.
Eliminate a tautological-pointer-compare warning in _scproxy.c.
bpo-27776: The
function does now block on Linux 3.17 and newer until the system urandom entropy pool is initialized to increase the security. This change is part of the PEP 524.bpo-27778: Expose the Linux
syscall as a newos.getrandom()
function. This change is part of the PEP 524.bpo-27691: Fix ssl module’s parsing of GEN_RID subject alternative name fields in X.509 certs.
bpo-18844: Add random.choices().
bpo-25761: Improved error reporting about truncated pickle data in C implementation of unpickler. UnpicklingError is now raised instead of AttributeError and ValueError in some cases.
bpo-26798: Add BLAKE2 (blake2b and blake2s) to hashlib.
bpo-26032: Optimized globbing in pathlib by using os.scandir(); it is now about 1.5–4 times faster.
bpo-25596: Optimized glob() and iglob() functions in the glob module; they are now about 3–6 times faster.
bpo-27928: Add scrypt (password-based key derivation function) to hashlib module (requires OpenSSL 1.1.0).
bpo-27850: Remove 3DES from ssl module’s default cipher list to counter measure sweet32 attack (CVE 2016-2183).
bpo-27766: Add ChaCha20 Poly1305 to ssl module’s default cipher list. (Required OpenSSL 1.1.0 or LibreSSL).
bpo-25387: Check return value of winsound.MessageBeep.
bpo-27866: Add SSLContext.get_ciphers() method to get a list of all enabled ciphers.
bpo-27744: Add AF_ALG (Linux Kernel crypto) to socket module.
bpo-26470: Port ssl and hashlib module to OpenSSL 1.1.0.
bpo-11620: Fix support for SND_MEMORY in winsound.PlaySound. Based on a patch by Tim Lesher.
bpo-11734: Add support for IEEE 754 half-precision floats to the struct module. Based on a patch by Eli Stevens.
bpo-27919: Deprecated
distribution option in distutils packaging.bpo-23229: Add new
to matchmath.inf
, and alsocmath.infj
to match the format used by complex repr.bpo-27842: The csv.DictReader now returns rows of type OrderedDict. (Contributed by Steve Holden.)
Remove support for passing a file descriptor to os.access. It never worked but previously didn’t raise.
bpo-12885: Fix error when distutils encounters symlink.
bpo-27881: Fixed possible bugs when setting sqlite3.Connection.isolation_level. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27861: Fixed a crash in sqlite3.Connection.cursor() when a factory creates not a cursor. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-19884: Avoid spurious output on OS X with Gnu Readline.
bpo-27706: Restore deterministic behavior of random.Random().seed() for string seeds using seeding version 1. Allows sequences of calls to random() to exactly match those obtained in Python 2. Patch by Nofar Schnider.
bpo-10513: Fix a regression in Connection.commit(). Statements should not be reset after a commit.
bpo-12319: Chunked transfer encoding support added to http.client.HTTPConnection requests. The urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler class does not enforce a Content-Length header any more. If a HTTP request has a file or iterable body, but no Content-Length header, the library now falls back to use chunked transfer-encoding.
A new version of from - Collection (only for 3.6) (bpo-27598) - Add FrozenSet to __all__ (upstream #261) - fix crash in _get_type_vars() (upstream #259) - Remove the dict constraint in ForwardRef._eval_type (upstream #252)
bpo-27832: Make
parameter toFraction
constructor keyword-only, so thatFraction(2, 3, 4)
now raisesTypeError
.bpo-27539: Fix unnormalised
result in the case of negative exponent and negative base.bpo-21718: cursor.description is now available for queries using CTEs.
bpo-27819: In distutils sdists, simply produce the “gztar” (gzipped tar format) distributions on all platforms unless “formats” is supplied.
bpo-2466: posixpath.ismount now correctly recognizes mount points which the user does not have permission to access.
bpo-9998: On Linux, ctypes.util.find_library now looks in LD_LIBRARY_PATH for shared libraries.
bpo-27573: exit message for code.interact is now configurable.
bpo-27930: Improved behaviour of logging.handlers.QueueListener. Thanks to Paulo Andrade and Petr Viktorin for the analysis and patch.
bpo-6766: Distributed reference counting added to multiprocessing to support nesting of shared values / proxy objects.
bpo-21201: Improves readability of multiprocessing error message. Thanks to Wojciech Walczak for patch.
asyncio: Add set_protocol / get_protocol to Transports.
bpo-27456: asyncio: Set TCP_NODELAY by default.
bpo-15308: Add ‘interrupt execution’ (^C) to Shell menu. Patch by Roger Serwy, updated by Bayard Randel.
bpo-27922: Stop IDLE tests from ‘flashing’ gui widgets on the screen.
bpo-27891: Consistently group and sort imports within idlelib modules.
bpo-17642: add larger font sizes for classroom projection.
Add version to title of IDLE help window.
bpo-25564: In section on IDLE – console differences, mention that using exec means that __builtins__ is defined for each statement.
bpo-27821: Fix 3.6.0a3 regression that prevented custom key sets from being selected when no custom theme was defined.
bpo-27427: Additional tests for the math module. Patch by Francisco Couzo.
bpo-27953: Skip math and cmath tests that fail on OS X 10.4 due to a poor libm implementation of tan.
bpo-26040: Improve test_math and test_cmath coverage and rigour. Patch by Jeff Allen.
bpo-27787: Call gc.collect() before checking each test for “dangling threads”, since the dangling threads are weak references.
bpo-27566: Fix clean target in freeze makefile (patch by Lisa Roach)
bpo-27705: Update message in
bpo-27976: Deprecate building _ctypes with the bundled copy of libffi on non-OSX UNIX platforms.
bpo-27983: Cause lack of llvm-profdata tool when using clang as required for PGO linking to be a configure time error rather than make time when
is enabled. Also improve our ability to find the llvm-profdata tool on MacOS and some Linuxes.bpo-21590: Support for DTrace and SystemTap probes.
bpo-26307: The profile-opt build now applies PGO to the built-in modules.
bpo-26359: Add the –with-optimizations flag to turn on LTO and PGO build support when available.
bpo-27917: Set platform triplets for Android builds.
bpo-25825: Update references to the $(LIBPL) installation path on AIX. This path was changed in 3.2a4.
Update OS X installer to use SQLite 3.14.1 and XZ 5.2.2.
bpo-21122: Fix LTO builds on OS X.
bpo-17128: Build OS X installer with a private copy of OpenSSL. Also provide a sample Install Certificates command script to install a set of root certificates from the third-party certifi module.
bpo-27952: Get Tools/scripts/ working with Python 3 and the current “re” module, avoid invalid Python backslash escapes, and fix a bug parsing escaped C quote signs.
bpo-28065: Update xz dependency to 5.2.2 and build it from source.
bpo-25144: Ensures TargetDir is set before continuing with custom install.
bpo-1602: Windows console doesn’t input or print Unicode (PEP 528)
bpo-27781: Change file system encoding on Windows to UTF-8 (PEP 529)
bpo-27731: Opt-out of MAX_PATH on Windows 10
bpo-6135: Adds encoding and errors parameters to subprocess.
bpo-27959: Adds oem encoding, alias ansi to mbcs, move aliasmbcs to codec lookup.
bpo-27982: The functions of the winsound module now accept keyword arguments.
bpo-20366: Build full text search support into SQLite on Windows.
bpo-27756: Adds new icons for Python files and processes on Windows. Designs by Cherry Wang.
bpo-27883: Update sqlite to on Windows.
Python 3.6.0 alpha 4¶
Release date: 2016-08-15
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-27704: Optimized creating bytes and bytearray from byte-like objects and iterables. Speed up to 3 times for short objects. Original patch by Naoki Inada.
bpo-26823: Large sections of repeated lines in tracebacks are now abbreviated as “[Previous line repeated {count} more times]” by the builtin traceback rendering. Patch by Emanuel Barry.
bpo-27574: Decreased an overhead of parsing keyword arguments in functions implemented with using Argument Clinic.
bpo-22557: Now importing already imported modules is up to 2.5 times faster.
bpo-17596: Include <wincrypt.h> to help with Min GW building.
bpo-17599: On Windows, rename the privately defined REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER structure to avoid conflicting with the definition from Min GW.
bpo-27507: Add integer overflow check in bytearray.extend(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27581: Don’t rely on wrapping for overflow check in PySequence_Tuple(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-1621: Avoid signed integer overflow in list and tuple operations. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27419: Standard __import__() no longer look up “__import__” in globals or builtins for importing submodules or “from import”. Fixed a crash if raise a warning about unabling to resolve package from __spec__ or __package__.
bpo-27083: Respect the PYTHONCASEOK environment variable under Windows.
bpo-27514: Make having too many statically nested blocks a SyntaxError instead of SystemError.
bpo-27366: Implemented PEP 487 (Simpler customization of class creation). Upon subclassing, the __init_subclass__ classmethod is called on the base class. Descriptors are initialized with __set_name__ after class creation.
bpo-26027: Add PEP 519/__fspath__() support to the os and os.path modules. Includes code from Jelle Zijlstra. (See also: bpo-27524)
bpo-27598: Add Collections to Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi, docs by Neil Girdhar.
bpo-25958: Support “anti-registration” of special methods from various ABCs, like __hash__, __iter__ or __len__. All these (and several more) can be set to None in an implementation class and the behavior will be as if the method is not defined at all. (Previously, this mechanism existed only for __hash__, to make mutable classes unhashable.) Code contributed by Andrew Barnert and Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-16764: Support keyword arguments to zlib.decompress(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27736: Prevent segfault after interpreter re-initialization due to ref count problem introduced in code for bpo-27038 in 3.6.0a3. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-25628: The verbose and rename parameters for collections.namedtuple are now keyword-only.
bpo-12345: Add mathematical constant tau to math and cmath. See also PEP 628.
bpo-26823: traceback.StackSummary.format now abbreviates large sections of repeated lines as “[Previous line repeated {count} more times]” (this change then further affects other traceback display operations in the module). Patch by Emanuel Barry.
bpo-27664: Add to concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor() the ability to specify a thread name prefix.
bpo-27181: Add geometric_mean and harmonic_mean to statistics module.
bpo-27573: code.interact now prints an message when exiting.
bpo-6422: Add autorange method to timeit.Timer objects.
bpo-27773: Correct some memory management errors server_hostname in _ssl.wrap_socket().
bpo-26750: unittest.mock.create_autospec() now works properly for subclasses of property() and other data descriptors. Removes the never publicly used, never documented unittest.mock.DescriptorTypes tuple.
bpo-26754: Undocumented support of general bytes-like objects as path in compile() and similar functions is now deprecated.
bpo-26800: Undocumented support of general bytes-like objects as paths in os functions is now deprecated.
bpo-26981: Add _order_ compatibility shim to enum.Enum for Python 2/3 code bases.
bpo-27661: Added tzinfo keyword argument to datetime.combine.
In the curses module, raise an error if window.getstr() or window.instr() is passed a negative value.
bpo-27783: Fix possible usage of uninitialized memory in operator.methodcaller.
bpo-27774: Fix possible Py_DECREF on unowned object in _sre.
bpo-27760: Fix possible integer overflow in binascii.b2a_qp.
bpo-27758: Fix possible integer overflow in the _csv module for large record lengths.
bpo-27568: Prevent HTTPoxy attack (CVE 2016-1000110). Ignore the HTTP_PROXY variable when REQUEST_METHOD environment is set, which indicates that the script is in CGI mode.
bpo-7063: Remove dead code from the “array” module’s slice handling. Patch by Chuck.
bpo-27656: Do not assume sched.h defines any SCHED_* constants.
bpo-27130: In the “zlib” module, fix handling of large buffers (typically 4 GiB) when compressing and decompressing. Previously, inputs were limited to 4 GiB, and compression and decompression operations did not properly handle results of 4 GiB.
Expose the EPOLLEXCLUSIVE constant (when it is defined) in the select module.
bpo-27567: Expose the EPOLLRDHUP and POLLRDHUP constants in the select module.
bpo-1621: Avoid signed int negation overflow in the “audioop” module.
bpo-27533: Release GIL in nt._isdir
bpo-17711: Fixed unpickling by the persistent ID with protocol 0. Original patch by Alexandre Vassalotti.
bpo-27522: Avoid an unintentional reference cycle in email.feedparser.
bpo-27512: Fix a segfault when os.fspath() called an __fspath__() method that raised an exception. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27714: text_textview and test_autocomplete now pass when re-run in the same process. This occurs when test_idle fails when run with the -w option but without -jn. Fix warning from test_config.
bpo-27621: Put query response validation error messages in the query box itself instead of in a separate messagebox. Redo tests to match. Add Mac OSX refinements. Original patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-27620: Escape key now closes Query box as cancelled.
bpo-27609: IDLE: tab after initial whitespace should tab, not autocomplete. This fixes problem with writing docstrings at least twice indented.
bpo-27609: Explicitly return None when there are also non-None returns. In a few cases, reverse a condition and eliminate a return.
bpo-25507: IDLE no longer runs buggy code because of its tkinter imports. Users must include the same imports required to run directly in Python.
bpo-27173: Add ‘IDLE Modern Unix’ to the built-in key sets. Make the default key set depend on the platform. Add tests for the changes to the config module.
bpo-27452: add line counter and crc to IDLE configHandler test dump.
bpo-25805: Skip a test in test_pkgutil as needed that doesn’t work when
__name__ == __main__
. Patch by SilentGhost.bpo-27472: Add as the path to the default shell.
bpo-27369: In test_pyexpat, avoid testing an error message detail that changed in Expat 2.2.0.
bpo-27594: Prevent assertion error when running test_ast with coverage enabled: ensure code object has a valid first line number. Patch suggested by Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-27713: Suppress spurious build warnings when updating importlib’s bootstrap files. Patch by Xiang Zhang
bpo-25825: Correct the references to Modules/python.exp, which is required on AIX. The references were accidentally changed in 3.5.0a1.
bpo-27453: CPP invocation in configure must use CPPFLAGS. Patch by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-27641: The configure script now inserts comments into the makefile to prevent the pgen and _freeze_importlib executables from being cross-compiled.
bpo-26662: Set PYTHON_FOR_GEN in configure as the Python program to be used for file generation during the build.
bpo-10910: Avoid C++ compilation errors on FreeBSD and OS X. Also update FreedBSD version checks for the original ctype UTF-8 workaround.
Python 3.6.0 alpha 3¶
Release date: 2016-07-11
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-27473: Fixed possible integer overflow in bytes and bytearray concatenations. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-23034: The output of a special Python build with defined COUNT_ALLOCS, SHOW_ALLOC_COUNT or SHOW_TRACK_COUNT macros is now off by default. It can be re-enabled using the “-X showalloccount” option. It now outputs to stderr instead of stdout.
bpo-27443: __length_hint__() of bytearray iterators no longer return a negative integer for a resized bytearray.
bpo-27007: The fromhex() class methods of bytes and bytearray subclasses now return an instance of corresponding subclass.
bpo-26844: Fix error message for imp.find_module() to refer to ‘path’ instead of ‘name’. Patch by Lev Maximov.
bpo-23804: Fix SSL zero-length recv() calls to not block and not raise an error about unclean EOF.
bpo-27466: Change time format returned by http.cookie.time2netscape, confirming the netscape cookie format and making it consistent with documentation.
bpo-21708: Deprecated dbm.dumb behavior that differs from common dbm behavior: creating a database in ‘r’ and ‘w’ modes and modifying a database in ‘r’ mode.
bpo-26721: Change the socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile attribute to implement BufferedIOBase. In particular, the write() method no longer does partial writes.
bpo-22115: Added methods trace_add, trace_remove and trace_info in the tkinter.Variable class. They replace old methods trace_variable, trace, trace_vdelete and trace_vinfo that use obsolete Tcl commands and might not work in future versions of Tcl. Fixed old tracing methods: trace_vdelete() with wrong mode no longer break tracing, trace_vinfo() now always returns a list of pairs of strings, tracing in the “u” mode now works.
bpo-26243: Only the level argument to zlib.compress() is keyword argument now. The first argument is positional-only.
bpo-27038: Expose the DirEntry type as os.DirEntry. Code patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-27186: Update os.fspath()/PyOS_FSPath() to check the return value of __fspath__() to be either str or bytes.
bpo-18726: All optional parameters of the dump(), dumps(), load() and loads() functions and JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder class constructors in the json module are now keyword-only.
bpo-27319: Methods selection_set(), selection_add(), selection_remove() and selection_toggle() of ttk.TreeView now allow passing multiple items as multiple arguments instead of passing them as a tuple. Deprecated undocumented ability of calling the selection() method with arguments.
bpo-27079: Fixed curses.ascii functions isblank(), iscntrl() and ispunct().
bpo-27294: Numerical state in the repr for Tkinter event objects is now represented as a combination of known flags.
bpo-27177: Match objects in the re module now support index-like objects as group indices. Based on patches by Jeroen Demeyer and Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26754: Some functions (compile() etc) accepted a filename argument encoded as an iterable of integers. Now only strings and byte-like objects are accepted.
bpo-26536: socket.ioctl now supports SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH. Patch by Daniel Stokes.
bpo-27048: Prevents distutils failing on Windows when environment variables contain non-ASCII characters
bpo-27330: Fixed possible leaks in the ctypes module.
bpo-27238: Got rid of bare excepts in the turtle module. Original patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-27122: When an exception is raised within the context being managed by a contextlib.ExitStack() and one of the exit stack generators catches and raises it in a chain, do not re-raise the original exception when exiting, let the new chained one through. This avoids the PEP 479 bug described in issue25782.
bpo-16864: sqlite3.Cursor.lastrowid now supports REPLACE statement. Initial patch by Alex LordThorsen.
bpo-26386: Fixed ttk.TreeView selection operations with item id’s containing spaces.
bpo-8637: Honor a pager set by the env var MANPAGER (in preference to one set by the env var PAGER).
bpo-16182: Fix various functions in the “readline” module to use the locale encoding, and fix get_begidx() and get_endidx() to return code point indexes.
bpo-27392: Add loop.connect_accepted_socket(). Patch by Jim Fulton.
bpo-27477: IDLE search dialogs now use ttk widgets.
bpo-27173: Add ‘IDLE Modern Unix’ to the built-in key sets. Make the default key set depend on the platform. Add tests for the changes to the config module.
bpo-27452: make command line “idle-test> python” work. __file__ is relative when python is started in the file’s directory.
bpo-27452: add line counter and crc to IDLE configHandler test dump.
bpo-27380: IDLE: add with base Query dialog and ttk widgets. Module had subclasses SectionName, ModuleName, and HelpSource, which are used to get information from users by configdialog and file =>Load Module. Each subclass has itw own validity checks. Using ModuleName allows users to edit bad module names instead of starting over. Add tests and delete the two files combined into the new one.
bpo-27372: Test_idle no longer changes the locale.
bpo-27365: Allow non-ascii chars in IDLE NEWS.txt, for contributor names.
bpo-27245: IDLE: Cleanly delete custom themes and key bindings. Previously, when IDLE was started from a console or by import, a cascade of warnings was emitted. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-24137: Run IDLE, test_idle, and htest with tkinter default root disabled. Fix code and tests that fail with this restriction. Fix htests to not create a second and redundant root and mainloop.
bpo-27310: Fix failure to launch on OS X due to vestigial import.
bpo-26754: PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepted a filename argument encoded as an iterable of integers. Now only strings and byte-like objects are accepted.
bpo-28066: Fix the logic that searches build directories for generated include files when building outside the source tree.
bpo-27442: Expose the Android API level that python was built against, in sysconfig.get_config_vars() as ‘ANDROID_API_LEVEL’.
bpo-27434: The interpreter that runs the cross-build, found in PATH, must now be of the same feature version (e.g. 3.6) as the source being built.
bpo-26930: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
bpo-23968: Rename the platform directory from plat-$(MACHDEP) to plat-$(PLATFORM_TRIPLET). Rename the config directory (LIBPL) from config-$(LDVERSION) to config-$(LDVERSION)-$(PLATFORM_TRIPLET). Install the platform specific _sysconfigdata module into the platform directory and rename it to include the ABIFLAGS.
Don’t use largefile support for GNU/Hurd.
bpo-27027: Added that is True when this is an Android build.
Python 3.6.0 alpha 2¶
Release date: 2016-06-13
bpo-26556: Update expat to 2.1.1, fixes CVE 2015-1283.
Fix TLS stripping vulnerability in smtplib, CVE 2016-0772. Reported by Team Oststrom.
bpo-26839: On Linux,
now callsgetrandom()
to fall back on reading/dev/urandom
if the urandom entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch written by Colm Buckley.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-27095: Simplified MAKE_FUNCTION and removed MAKE_CLOSURE opcodes. Patch by Demur Rumed.
bpo-27190: Raise NotSupportedError if sqlite3 is older than 3.3.1. Patch by Dave Sawyer.
bpo-27286: Fixed compiling BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL opcode. Calling function with generalized unpacking (PEP 448) and conflicting keyword names could cause undefined behavior.
bpo-27140: Added BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP opcode.
bpo-27186: Add support for os.PathLike objects to open() (part of PEP 519).
bpo-27066: Fixed SystemError if a custom opener (for open()) returns a negative number without setting an exception.
bpo-26983: float() now always return an instance of exact float. The deprecation warning is emitted if __float__ returns an instance of a strict subclass of float. In a future versions of Python this can be an error.
bpo-27097: Python interpreter is now about 7% faster due to optimized instruction decoding. Based on patch by Demur Rumed.
bpo-26647: Python interpreter now uses 16-bit wordcode instead of bytecode. Patch by Demur Rumed.
bpo-23275: Allow assigning to an empty target list in round brackets: () = iterable.
bpo-27243: Update the __aiter__ protocol: instead of returning an awaitable that resolves to an asynchronous iterator, the asynchronous iterator should be returned directly. Doing the former will trigger a PendingDeprecationWarning.
Comment out socket (SO_REUSEPORT) and posix (O_SHLOCK, O_EXLOCK) constants exposed on the API which are not implemented on GNU/Hurd. They would not work at runtime anyway.
bpo-27025: Generated names for Tkinter widgets are now more meaningful and recognizable.
bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive ElementTree.Element and functools.partial objects.
bpo-27294: Improved repr for Tkinter event objects.
bpo-20508: Improve exception message of IPv{4,6}Network.__getitem__. Patch by Gareth Rees.
bpo-21386: Implement missing IPv4Address.is_global property. It was documented since 07a5610bae9d. Initial patch by Roger Luethi.
bpo-27029: Removed deprecated support of universal newlines mode from
bpo-27030: Unknown escapes consisting of
and an ASCII letter in regular expressions now are errors. The re.LOCALE flag now can be used only with bytes patterns.bpo-27186: Add os.PathLike support to DirEntry (part of PEP 519). Initial patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-20900: distutils register command now decodes HTTP responses correctly. Initial patch by ingrid.
bpo-27186: Add os.PathLike support to pathlib, removing its provisional status (part of PEP 519). Initial patch by Dusty Phillips.
bpo-27186: Add support for os.PathLike objects to os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() (part of PEP 519).
bpo-27186: Introduce os.PathLike and os.fspath() (part of PEP 519).
A new version of provides several new classes and features: @overload outside stubs, Reversible, DefaultDict, Text, ContextManager, Type[], NewType(), TYPE_CHECKING, and numerous bug fixes (note that some of the new features are not yet implemented in mypy or other static analyzers). Also classes for PEP 492 (Awaitable, AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator) have been added (in fact they made it into 3.5.1 but were never mentioned).
bpo-25738: Stop http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error() from sending a message body for 205 Reset Content. Also, don’t send Content header fields in responses that don’t have a body. Patch by Susumu Koshiba.
bpo-21313: Fix the “platform” module to tolerate when sys.version contains truncated build information.
bpo-23883: Added missing APIs to __all__ to match the documented APIs for the following modules: cgi, mailbox, mimetypes, plistlib and smtpd. Patches by Jacek Kołodziej.
bpo-27164: In the zlib module, allow decompressing raw Deflate streams with a predefined zdict. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24291: Fix wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler to completely write data to the client. Previously it could do partial writes and truncate data. Also, wsgiref.handler.ServerHandler can now handle stdout doing partial writes, but this is deprecated.
bpo-21272: Use to initialize distutils.sysconfig.
now reports the implicit.0
parameters generated by the compiler for comprehension and generator expression scopes as if they were positional-only parameters calledimplicit0
. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.bpo-26373: subprocess.Popen.communicate now correctly ignores BrokenPipeError when the child process dies before .communicate() is called in more/all circumstances.
signal, socket, and ssl module IntEnum constant name lookups now return a consistent name for values having multiple names. Ex: signal.Signals(6) now refers to itself as signal.SIGALRM rather than flipping between that and signal.SIGIOT based on the interpreter’s hash randomization seed.
bpo-27167: Clarify the subprocess.CalledProcessError error message text when the child process died due to a signal.
bpo-25931: Don’t define socketserver.Forking* names on platforms such as Windows that do not support os.fork().
bpo-21776: distutils.upload now correctly handles HTTPError. Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-26526: Replace custom parse tree validation in the parser module with a simple DFA validator.
bpo-27114: Fix SSLContext._load_windows_store_certs fails with PermissionError
bpo-18383: Avoid creating duplicate filters when using filterwarnings and simplefilter. Based on patch by Alex Shkop.
bpo-23026: winreg.QueryValueEx() now return an integer for REG_QWORD type.
bpo-26741: subprocess.Popen destructor now emits a ResourceWarning warning if the child process is still running.
bpo-27056: Optimize pickle.load() and pickle.loads(), up to 10% faster to deserialize a lot of small objects.
bpo-21271: New keyword only parameters in reset_mock call.
bpo-5124: Paste with text selected now replaces the selection on X11. This matches how paste works on Windows, Mac, most modern Linux apps, and ttk widgets. Original patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-24750: Switch all scrollbars in IDLE to ttk versions. Where needed, minimal tests are added to cover changes.
bpo-24759: IDLE requires tk 8.5 and availability ttk widgets. Delete now unneeded tk version tests and code for older versions. Add test for IDLE syntax colorizer.
bpo-27239: idlelib.macosx.isXyzTk functions initialize as needed.
bpo-27262: move Aqua unbinding code, which enable context menus, to macosx.
bpo-24759: Make clear in idlelib.idle_test.__init__ that the directory is a private implementation of test.test_idle and tool for maintainers.
bpo-27196: Stop ‘ThemeChanged’ warnings when running IDLE tests. These persisted after other warnings were suppressed in #20567. Apply Serhiy Storchaka’s update_idletasks solution to four test files. Record this additional advice in idle_test/README.txt
bpo-20567: Revise idle_test/README.txt with advice about avoiding tk warning messages from tests. Apply advice to several IDLE tests.
bpo-24225: Update idlelib/README.txt with new file names and event handlers.
bpo-27156: Remove obsolete code not used by IDLE.
bpo-27117: Make colorizer htest and turtledemo work with dark themes. Move code for configuring text widget colors to a new function.
bpo-24225: Rename many
files. Edit files to replace old names with new names when the old name referred to the module rather than the class it contained. See the issue and IDLE section in What’s New in 3.6 for more.bpo-26673: When tk reports font size as 0, change to size 10. Such fonts on Linux prevented the configuration dialog from opening.
bpo-21939: Add test for IDLE’s percolator. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-21676: Add test for IDLE’s replace dialog. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-18410: Add test for IDLE’s search dialog. Original patch by Westley Martínez.
bpo-21703: Add test for undo delegator. Patch mostly by Saimadhav Heblikar .
bpo-27044: Add ConfigDialog.remove_var_callbacks to stop memory leaks.
bpo-23977: Add more asserts to test_delegator.
bpo-16484: Change the default PYTHONDOCS URL to “https:”, and fix the resulting links to use lowercase. Patch by Sean Rodman, test by Kaushik Nadikuditi.
bpo-24136: Document the new PEP 448 unpacking syntax of 3.5.
bpo-22558: Add remaining doc links to source code for Python-coded modules. Patch by Yoni Lavi.
bpo-27064: The py.exe launcher now defaults to Python 3. The Windows launcher
no longer prefers an installed Python 2 version over Python 3 by default when used interactively.bpo-17500: Remove unused and outdated icons. (See also:
bpo-26282: Argument Clinic now supports positional-only and keyword parameters in the same function.
Python 3.6.0 alpha 1¶
Release date: 2016-05-16
bpo-26657: Fix directory traversal vulnerability with http.server on Windows. This fixes a regression that was introduced in 3.3.4rc1 and 3.4.0rc1. Based on patch by Philipp Hagemeister.
bpo-26313: _load_windows_store_certs fails if windows cert store is empty. Patch by Baji.
bpo-25939: On Windows open the cert store readonly in ssl.enum_certificates.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-20041: Fixed TypeError when frame.f_trace is set to None. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-26168: Fixed possible refleaks in failing Py_BuildValue() with the “N” format unit.
bpo-26991: Fix possible refleak when creating a function with annotations.
bpo-27039: Fixed bytearray.remove() for values greater than 127. Based on patch by Joe Jevnik.
bpo-23640: int.from_bytes() no longer bypasses constructors for subclasses.
bpo-27005: Optimized the float.fromhex() class method for exact float. It is now 2 times faster.
bpo-18531: Single var-keyword argument of dict subtype was passed unscathed to the C-defined function. Now it is converted to exact dict.
bpo-26811: gc.get_objects() no longer contains a broken tuple with NULL pointer.
bpo-20120: Use RawConfigParser for .pypirc parsing, removing support for interpolation unintentionally added with move to Python 3. Behavior no longer does any interpolation in .pypirc files, matching behavior in Python 2.7 and Setuptools 19.0.
bpo-26249: Memory functions of the
) now use the pymalloc allocator rather than systemmalloc()
. Applications callingPyMem_Malloc()
without holding the GIL can now crash: usePYTHONMALLOC=debug
environment variable to validate the usage of memory allocators in your application.bpo-26802: Optimize function calls only using unpacking like
(no other positional argument, no keyword): avoid copying the tuple. Patch written by Joe Jevnik.bpo-26659: Make the builtin slice type support cycle collection.
bpo-26718: super.__init__ no longer leaks memory if called multiple times. NOTE: A direct call of super.__init__ is not endorsed!
bpo-27138: Fix the doc comment for FileFinder.find_spec().
bpo-25339: PYTHONIOENCODING now has priority over locale in setting the error handler for stdin and stdout.
bpo-26494: Fixed crash on iterating exhausting iterators. Affected classes are generic sequence iterators, iterators of str, bytes, bytearray, list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict, OrderedDict, corresponding views and os.scandir() iterator.
bpo-26574: Optimize
bytes.replace(b'', b'.')
andbytearray.replace(b'', b'.')
. Patch written by Josh Snider.bpo-26581: If coding cookie is specified multiple times on a line in Python source code file, only the first one is taken to account.
bpo-19711: Add tests for reloading namespace packages.
bpo-21099: Switch applicable importlib tests to use PEP 451 API.
bpo-26563: Debug hooks on Python memory allocators now raise a fatal error if functions of the
family are called without holding the GIL.bpo-26564: On error, the debug hooks on Python memory allocators now use the
module to get the traceback where a memory block was allocated.bpo-26558: The debug hooks on Python memory allocator
now detect when functions are called without holding the GIL.bpo-26516: Add
environment variable to set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks.bpo-26516: The
function can now also be used on Python compiled in release mode.bpo-26516: The
environment variable can now also be used on Python compiled in release mode. It now has no effect if set to an empty string.bpo-26516: In debug mode, debug hooks are now also installed on Python memory allocators when Python is configured without pymalloc.
bpo-26464: Fix str.translate() when string is ASCII and first replacements removes character, but next replacement uses a non-ASCII character or a string longer than 1 character. Regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.
bpo-22836: Ensure exception reports from PyErr_Display() and PyErr_WriteUnraisable() are sensible even when formatting them produces secondary errors. This affects the reports produced by sys.__excepthook__() and when __del__() raises an exception.
bpo-26302: Correct behavior to reject comma as a legal character for cookie names.
bpo-26136: Upgrade the warning when a generator raises StopIteration from PendingDeprecationWarning to DeprecationWarning. Patch by Anish Shah.
bpo-26204: The compiler now ignores all constant statements: bytes, str, int, float, complex, name constants (None, False, True), Ellipsis and ast.Constant; not only str and int. For example,
is now ignored indef f(): 1.0
.bpo-4806: Avoid masking the original TypeError exception when using star (
) unpacking in function calls. Based on patch by Hagen Fürstenau and Daniel Urban.bpo-26146: Add a new kind of AST node:
. It can be used by external AST optimizers, but the compiler does not emit directly such node.bpo-23601: Sped-up allocation of dict key objects by using Python’s small object allocator. (Contributed by Julian Taylor.)
bpo-18018: Import raises ImportError instead of SystemError if a relative import is attempted without a known parent package.
bpo-25843: When compiling code, don’t merge constants if they are equal but have a different types. For example,
f1, f2 = lambda: 1, lambda: 1.0
is now correctly compiled to two different functions:f1()
) andf2()
), even if1
are equal.bpo-26107: The format of the
attribute of code objects changes to support negative line number delta.bpo-26154: Add a new private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() function to get the current Python thread state, but don’t issue a fatal error if it is NULL. This new function must be used instead of accessing directly the _PyThreadState_Current variable. The variable is no more exposed since Python 3.5.1 to hide the exact implementation of atomic C types, to avoid compiler issues.
bpo-25791: If __package__ != __spec__.parent or if neither __package__ or __spec__ are defined then ImportWarning is raised.
bpo-22995: [UPDATE] Comment out the one of the pickleability tests in _PyObject_GetState() due to regressions observed in Cython-based projects.
bpo-25961: Disallowed null characters in the type name.
bpo-25973: Fix segfault when an invalid nonlocal statement binds a name starting with two underscores.
bpo-22995: Instances of extension types with a state that aren’t subclasses of list or dict and haven’t implemented any pickle-related methods (__reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __getnewargs__, __getnewargs_ex__, or __getstate__), can no longer be pickled. Including memoryview.
bpo-20440: Massive replacing unsafe attribute setting code with special macro Py_SETREF.
bpo-25766: Special method __bytes__() now works in str subclasses.
bpo-25421: __sizeof__ methods of builtin types now use dynamic basic size. This allows sys.getsize() to work correctly with their subclasses with __slots__ defined.
bpo-25709: Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8 cache.
bpo-5319: New Py_FinalizeEx() API allowing Python to set an exit status of 120 on failure to flush buffered streams.
bpo-25485: telnetlib.Telnet is now a context manager.
bpo-24097: Fixed crash in object.__reduce__() if slot name is freed inside __getattr__.
bpo-24731: Fixed crash on converting objects with special methods __bytes__, __trunc__, and __float__ returning instances of subclasses of bytes, int, and float to subclasses of bytes, int, and float correspondingly.
bpo-25630: Fix a possible segfault during argument parsing in functions that accept filesystem paths.
bpo-23564: Fixed a partially broken sanity check in the _posixsubprocess internals regarding how fds_to_pass were passed to the child. The bug had no actual impact as already avoided it.
bpo-25388: Fixed tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code with a null byte.
bpo-25462: The hash of the key now is calculated only once in most operations in C implementation of OrderedDict.
bpo-22995: Default implementation of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ now rejects builtin types with not defined __new__.
bpo-24802: Avoid buffer overreads when int(), float(), compile(), exec() and eval() are passed bytes-like objects. These objects are not necessarily terminated by a null byte, but the functions assumed they were.
bpo-25555: Fix parser and AST: fill lineno and col_offset of “arg” node when compiling AST from Python objects.
bpo-24726: Fixed a crash and leaking NULL in repr() of OrderedDict that was mutated by direct calls of dict methods.
bpo-25449: Iterating OrderedDict with keys with unstable hash now raises KeyError in C implementations as well as in Python implementation.
bpo-25395: Fixed crash when highly nested OrderedDict structures were garbage collected.
bpo-25401: Optimize bytes.fromhex() and bytearray.fromhex(): they are now between 2x and 3.5x faster.
bpo-25399: Optimize bytearray % args using the new private _PyBytesWriter API. Formatting is now between 2.5 and 5 times faster.
bpo-25274: sys.setrecursionlimit() now raises a RecursionError if the new recursion limit is too low depending at the current recursion depth. Modify also the “lower-water mark” formula to make it monotonic. This mark is used to decide when the overflowed flag of the thread state is reset.
bpo-24402: Fix input() to prompt to the redirected stdout when sys.stdout.fileno() fails.
bpo-25349: Optimize bytes % args using the new private _PyBytesWriter API. Formatting is now up to 2 times faster.
bpo-24806: Prevent builtin types that are not allowed to be subclassed from being subclassed through multiple inheritance.
bpo-25301: The UTF-8 decoder is now up to 15 times as fast for error handlers:
.bpo-24848: Fixed a number of bugs in UTF-7 decoding of misformed data.
bpo-25267: The UTF-8 encoder is now up to 75 times as fast for error handlers:
. Patch co-written with Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-25280: Import trace messages emitted in verbose (-v) mode are no longer formatted twice.
bpo-25227: Optimize ASCII and latin1 encoders with the
error handler: the encoders are now up to 3 times as fast. Initial patch written by Serhiy Storchaka.bpo-25003: On Solaris 11.3 or newer, os.urandom() now uses the getrandom() function instead of the getentropy() function. The getentropy() function is blocking to generate very good quality entropy, os.urandom() doesn’t need such high-quality entropy.
bpo-9232: Modify Python’s grammar to allow trailing commas in the argument list of a function declaration. For example, “def f(*, a = 3,): pass” is now legal. Patch from Mark Dickinson.
bpo-24965: Implement PEP 498 “Literal String Interpolation”. This allows you to embed expressions inside f-strings, which are converted to normal strings at run time. Given x=3, then f’value={x}’ == ‘value=3’. Patch by Eric V. Smith.
bpo-26478: Fix semantic bugs when using binary operators with dictionary views and tuples.
bpo-26171: Fix possible integer overflow and heap corruption in zipimporter.get_data().
bpo-25660: Fix TAB key behaviour in REPL with readline.
bpo-26288: Optimize PyLong_AsDouble.
bpo-26289: Optimize floor and modulo division for single-digit longs. Microbenchmarks show 2-2.5x improvement. Built-in ‘divmod’ function is now also ~10% faster. (See also: bpo-26315)
bpo-25887: Raise a RuntimeError when a coroutine object is awaited more than once.
bpo-27057: Fix os.set_inheritable() on Android, ioctl() is blocked by SELinux and fails with EACCESS. The function now falls back to fcntl(). Patch written by Michał Bednarski.
bpo-27014: Fix infinite recursion using Thanks to Kalle Tuure!
bpo-27031: Removed dummy methods in Tkinter widget classes: tk_menuBar() and tk_bindForTraversal().
bpo-14132: Fix urllib.request redirect handling when the target only has a query string. Original fix by Ján Janech.
bpo-17214: The “urllib.request” module now percent-encodes non-ASCII bytes found in redirect target URLs. Some servers send Location header fields with non-ASCII bytes, but “http.client” requires the request target to be ASCII-encodable, otherwise a UnicodeEncodeError is raised. Based on patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-27033: The default value of the decode_data parameter for smtpd.SMTPChannel and smtpd.SMTPServer constructors is changed to False.
bpo-27034: Removed deprecated class asynchat.fifo.
bpo-26870: Added readline.set_auto_history(), which can stop entries being automatically added to the history list. Based on patch by Tyler Crompton.
bpo-26039: can now be used to write data into a ZIP file, as well as for extracting data. Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
bpo-26892: Honor debuglevel flag in urllib.request.HTTPHandler. Patch contributed by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-22274: In the subprocess module, allow stderr to be redirected to stdout even when stdout is not redirected. Patch by Akira Li.
bpo-26807: mock_open ‘files’ no longer error on readline at end of file. Patch from Yolanda Robla.
bpo-25745: Fixed leaking a userptr in curses panel destructor.
bpo-26977: Removed unnecessary, and ignored, call to sum of squares helper in statistics.pvariance.
bpo-26002: Use bisect in statistics.median instead of a linear search. Patch by Upendra Kuma.
bpo-25974: Make use of new Decimal.as_integer_ratio() method in statistics module. Patch by Stefan Krah.
bpo-26881: The modulefinder module now supports extended opcode arguments.
bpo-23815: Fixed crashes related to directly created instances of types in _tkinter and curses.panel modules.
bpo-17765: weakref.ref() no longer silently ignores keyword arguments. Patch by Georg Brandl.
bpo-26873: xmlrpc now raises ResponseError on unsupported type tags instead of silently return incorrect result.
bpo-26915: The __contains__ methods in the collections ABCs now check for identity before checking equality. This better matches the behavior of the concrete classes, allows sensible handling of NaNs, and makes it easier to reason about container invariants.
bpo-26711: Fixed the comparison of plistlib.Data with other types.
bpo-24114: Fix an uninitialized variable in
. The bug only occurs on SunOS when the ctypes implementation searches for thecrle
program. Patch by Xiang Zhang. Tested on SunOS by Kees Bos.bpo-26864: In urllib.request, change the proxy bypass host checking against no_proxy to be case-insensitive, and to not match unrelated host names that happen to have a bypassed hostname as a suffix. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24902: Print server URL on http.server startup. Initial patch by Felix Kaiser.
bpo-25788: fileinput.hook_encoded() now supports an “errors” argument for passing to open. Original patch by Joseph Hackman.
bpo-26634: recursive_repr() now sets __qualname__ of wrapper. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26804: urllib.request will prefer lower_case proxy environment variables over UPPER_CASE or Mixed_Case ones. Patch contributed by Hans-Peter Jansen.
bpo-26837: assertSequenceEqual() now correctly outputs non-stringified differing items (like bytes in the -b mode). This affects assertListEqual() and assertTupleEqual().
bpo-26041: Remove “will be removed in Python 3.7” from deprecation messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution(). Patch by Kumaripaba Miyurusara Athukorala.
bpo-26822: itemgetter, attrgetter and methodcaller objects no longer silently ignore keyword arguments.
bpo-26733: Disassembling a class now disassembles class and static methods. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26801: Fix error handling in
, catchAttributeError
instead ofNameError
. Patch written by Emanuel Barry.bpo-24838: tarfile’s ustar and gnu formats now correctly calculate name and link field limits for multibyte character encodings like utf-8.
bpo-26717: Stop encoding Latin-1-ized WSGI paths with UTF-8. Patch by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-26782: Add STARTUPINFO to subprocess.__all__ on Windows.
bpo-26404: Add context manager to socketserver. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-26735: Fix
on Solaris 11.3 and newer when reading more than 1,024 bytes: callgetrandom()
multiple times with a limit of 1024 bytes per call.bpo-26585: Eliminate http.server._quote_html() and use html.escape(quote=False). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26685: Raise OSError if closing a socket fails.
bpo-16329: Add .webm to mimetypes.types_map. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-13952: Add .csv to mimetypes.types_map. Patch by Geoff Wilson.
bpo-26587: the site module now allows .pth files to specify files to be added to sys.path (e.g. zip files).
bpo-25609: Introduce contextlib.AbstractContextManager and typing.ContextManager.
bpo-26709: Fixed Y2038 problem in loading binary PLists.
bpo-23735: Handle terminal resizing with Readline 6.3+ by installing our own SIGWINCH handler. Patch by Eric Price.
bpo-25951: Change SSLSocket.sendall() to return None, as explicitly documented for plain socket objects. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-26586: In http.server, respond with “413 Request header fields too large” if there are too many header fields to parse, rather than killing the connection and raising an unhandled exception. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26676: Added missing XMLPullParser to ElementTree.__all__.
bpo-22854: Change BufferedReader.writable() and BufferedWriter.readable() to always return False.
bpo-26492: Exhausted iterator of array.array now conforms with the behavior of iterators of other mutable sequences: it lefts exhausted even if iterated array is extended.
bpo-26641: doctest.DocFileTest and doctest.testfile() now support packages (module splitted into multiple directories) for the package parameter.
bpo-25195: Fix a regression in mock.MagicMock. _Call is a subclass of tuple (changeset 3603bae63c13 only works for classes) so we need to implement __ne__ ourselves. Patch by Andrew Plummer.
bpo-26644: Raise ValueError rather than SystemError when a negative length is passed to SSLSocket.recv() or read().
bpo-23804: Fix SSL recv(0) and read(0) methods to return zero bytes instead of up to 1024.
bpo-26616: Fixed a bug in datetime.astimezone() method.
bpo-26637: The
module now emits anImportError
rather than aTypeError
is tried during the Python shutdown process butsys.path
is already cleared (set toNone
now catches exceptions when callinglinecache.getline()
to be able to logResourceWarning
emitted late during the Python shutdown process.bpo-23848: On Windows, faulthandler.enable() now also installs an exception handler to dump the traceback of all Python threads on any Windows exception, not only on UNIX signals (SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGABRT).
bpo-26530: Add C functions
to track memory blocks using thetracemalloc
module. Add_PyTraceMalloc_GetTraceback()
to get the traceback of an object.bpo-26588: The _tracemalloc now supports tracing memory allocations of multiple address spaces (domains).
bpo-24266: Ctrl+C during Readline history search now cancels the search mode when compiled with Readline 7.
bpo-26590: Implement a safe finalizer for the _socket.socket type. It now releases the GIL to close the socket.
bpo-18787: spwd.getspnam() now raises a PermissionError if the user doesn’t have privileges.
bpo-26560: Avoid potential ValueError in BaseHandler.start_response. Initial patch by Peter Inglesby.
bpo-26567: Add a new function
function to pass the destroyed object. Add a source attribute towarnings.WarningMessage
. Add warnings._showwarnmsg() which uses tracemalloc to get the traceback where source object was allocated.bpo-26569: Fix
to support importing packages.bpo-26499: Account for remaining Content-Length in HTTPResponse.readline() and read1(). Based on patch by Silent Ghost. Also document that HTTPResponse now supports these methods.
bpo-25320: Handle sockets in directories unittest discovery is scanning. Patch from Victor van den Elzen.
bpo-16181: cookiejar.http2time() now returns None if year is higher than datetime.MAXYEAR.
bpo-26513: Fixes platform module detection of Windows Server
bpo-23718: Fixed parsing time in week 0 before Jan 1. Original patch by Tamás Bence Gedai.
bpo-26323: Add Mock.assert_called() and Mock.assert_called_once() methods to unittest.mock. Patch written by Amit Saha.
bpo-20589: Invoking Path.owner() and on Windows now raise NotImplementedError instead of ImportError.
bpo-26177: Fixed the keys() method for Canvas and Scrollbar widgets.
bpo-15068: Got rid of excessive buffering in fileinput. The bufsize parameter is now deprecated and ignored.
bpo-19475: Added an optional argument timespec to the datetime isoformat() method to choose the precision of the time component.
bpo-2202: Fix UnboundLocalError in AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls. Initial patch by Mathieu Dupuy.
bpo-26167: Minimized overhead in copy.copy() and copy.deepcopy(). Optimized copying and deepcopying bytearrays, NotImplemented, slices, short lists, tuples, dicts, sets.
bpo-25718: Fixed pickling and copying the accumulate() iterator with total is None.
bpo-26475: Fixed debugging output for regular expressions with the (?x) flag.
bpo-26482: Allowed pickling recursive dequeues.
bpo-26335: Make mmap.write() return the number of bytes written like other write methods. Patch by Jakub Stasiak.
bpo-26457: Fixed the subnets() methods in IP network classes for the case when resulting prefix length is equal to maximal prefix length. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26385: Remove the file if the internal open() call in NamedTemporaryFile() fails. Patch by Silent Ghost.
bpo-26402: Fix XML-RPC client to retry when the server shuts down a persistent connection. This was a regression related to the new http.client.RemoteDisconnected exception in 3.5.0a4.
bpo-25913: Leading
is optional now in base64.a85decode() with adobe=True. Patch by Swati Jaiswal.bpo-26186: Remove an invalid type check in importlib.util.LazyLoader.
bpo-26367: importlib.__import__() raises ImportError like builtins.__import__() when
is specified but without an accompanying package specified.bpo-26309: In the “socketserver” module, shut down the request (closing the connected socket) when verify_request() returns false. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-23430: Change the socketserver module to only catch exceptions raised from a request handler that are derived from Exception (instead of BaseException). Therefore SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt no longer trigger the handle_error() method, and will now to stop a single-threaded server.
bpo-25995: os.walk() no longer uses FDs proportional to the tree depth.
bpo-25994: Added the close() method and the support of the context manager protocol for the os.scandir() iterator.
bpo-23992: multiprocessing: make MapResult not fail-fast upon exception.
bpo-26243: Support keyword arguments to zlib.compress(). Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-26117: The os.scandir() iterator now closes file descriptor not only when the iteration is finished, but when it was failed with error.
bpo-25949: __dict__ for an OrderedDict instance is now created only when needed.
bpo-25911: Restored support of bytes paths in os.walk() on Windows.
bpo-26045: Add UTF-8 suggestion to error message when posting a non-Latin-1 string with http.client.
bpo-26039: Added zipfile.ZipInfo.from_file() and zipinfo.ZipInfo.is_dir(). Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
bpo-12923: Reset FancyURLopener’s redirect counter even if there is an exception. Based on patches by Brian Brazil and Daniel Rocco.
bpo-25945: Fixed a crash when unpickle the functools.partial object with wrong state. Fixed a leak in failed functools.partial constructor. “args” and “keywords” attributes of functools.partial have now always types tuple and dict correspondingly.
bpo-26202: copy.deepcopy() now correctly copies range() objects with non-atomic attributes.
bpo-23076: Path.glob() now raises a ValueError if it’s called with an invalid pattern. Patch by Thomas Nyberg.
bpo-19883: Fixed possible integer overflows in zipimport.
bpo-26227: On Windows, getnameinfo(), gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname_ex() functions of the socket module now decode the hostname from the ANSI code page rather than UTF-8.
bpo-26099: The site module now writes an error into stderr if sitecustomize module can be imported but executing the module raise an ImportError. Same change for usercustomize.
bpo-26147: xmlrpc now works with strings not encodable with used non-UTF-8 encoding.
bpo-25935: Garbage collector now breaks reference loops with OrderedDict.
bpo-16620: Fixed AttributeError in msilib.Directory.glob().
bpo-26013: Added compatibility with broken protocol 2 pickles created in old Python 3 versions (3.4.3 and lower).
bpo-26129: Deprecated accepting non-integers in grp.getgrgid().
bpo-25850: Use cross-compilation by default for 64-bit Windows.
bpo-25822: Add docstrings to the fields of urllib.parse results. Patch contributed by Swati Jaiswal.
bpo-22642: Convert trace module option parsing mechanism to argparse. Patch contributed by SilentGhost.
bpo-24705: Fix sysconfig._parse_makefile not expanding ${} vars appearing before $() vars.
bpo-26069: Remove the deprecated apis in the trace module.
bpo-22138: Fix mock.patch behavior when patching descriptors. Restore original values after patching. Patch contributed by Sean McCully.
bpo-25672: In the ssl module, enable the SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode option if it is safe to do so.
bpo-26012: Don’t traverse into symlinks for
pattern in pathlib.Path.[r]glob().bpo-24120: Ignore PermissionError when traversing a tree with pathlib.Path.[r]glob(). Patch by Ulrich Petri.
bpo-21815: Accept ] characters in the data portion of imap responses, in order to handle the flags with square brackets accepted and produced by servers such as gmail.
bpo-25447: fileinput now uses sys.stdin as-is if it does not have a buffer attribute (restores backward compatibility).
bpo-25971: Optimized creating Fractions from floats by 2 times and from Decimals by 3 times.
bpo-25802: Document as deprecated the remaining implementations of
bpo-25928: Add Decimal.as_integer_ratio().
bpo-25447: Copying the lru_cache() wrapper object now always works, independently from the type of the wrapped object (by returning the original object unchanged).
bpo-25768: Have the functions in compileall return booleans instead of ints and add proper documentation and tests for the return values.
bpo-24103: Fixed possible use after free in ElementTree.XMLPullParser.
bpo-25860: os.fwalk() no longer skips remaining directories when error occurs. Original patch by Samson Lee.
bpo-25914: Fixed and simplified OrderedDict.__sizeof__.
bpo-25869: Optimized deepcopying ElementTree; it is now 20 times faster.
bpo-25873: Optimized iterating ElementTree. Iterating elements Element.iter() is now 40% faster, iterating text Element.itertext() is now up to 2.5 times faster.
bpo-25902: Fixed various refcount issues in ElementTree iteration.
bpo-22227: The TarFile iterator is reimplemented using generator. This implementation is simpler that using class.
bpo-25638: Optimized ElementTree.iterparse(); it is now 2x faster. Optimized ElementTree parsing; it is now 10% faster.
bpo-25761: Improved detecting errors in broken pickle data.
bpo-25717: Restore the previous behaviour of tolerating most fstat() errors when opening files. This was a regression in 3.5a1, and stopped anonymous temporary files from working in special cases.
bpo-24903: Fix regression in number of arguments compileall accepts when ‘-d’ is specified. The check on the number of arguments has been dropped completely as it never worked correctly anyway.
bpo-25764: In the subprocess module, preserve any exception caused by fork() failure when preexec_fn is used.
bpo-25771: Tweak the exception message for importlib.util.resolve_name() when ‘package’ isn’t specified but necessary.
bpo-6478: _strptime’s regexp cache now is reset after changing timezone with time.tzset().
bpo-14285: When executing a package with the “python -m package” option, and package initialization fails, a proper traceback is now reported. The “runpy” module now lets exceptions from package initialization pass back to the caller, rather than raising ImportError.
bpo-19771: Also in runpy and the “-m” option, omit the irrelevant message “… is a package and cannot be directly executed” if the package could not even be initialized (e.g. due to a bad
file).bpo-25177: Fixed problem with the mean of very small and very large numbers. As a side effect, statistics.mean and statistics.variance should be significantly faster.
bpo-25718: Fixed copying object with state with boolean value is false.
bpo-10131: Fixed deep copying of minidom documents. Based on patch by Marian Ganisin.
bpo-7990: dir() on ElementTree.Element now lists properties: “tag”, “text”, “tail” and “attrib”. Original patch by Santoso Wijaya.
bpo-25725: Fixed a reference leak in pickle.loads() when unpickling invalid data including tuple instructions.
bpo-25663: In the Readline completer, avoid listing duplicate global names, and search the global namespace before searching builtins.
bpo-25688: Fixed file leak in ElementTree.iterparse() raising an error.
bpo-23914: Fixed SystemError raised by unpickler on broken pickle data.
bpo-25691: Fixed crash on deleting ElementTree.Element attributes.
bpo-25624: ZipFile now always writes a ZIP_STORED header for directory entries. Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
bpo-25626: Change three zlib functions to accept sizes that fit in Py_ssize_t, but internally cap those sizes to UINT_MAX. This resolves a regression in 3.5 where failed to read chunks larger than 2 or 4 GiB. The change affects the zlib.Decompress.decompress() max_length parameter, the zlib.decompress() bufsize parameter, and the zlib.Decompress.flush() length parameter.
bpo-25583: Avoid incorrect errors raised by os.makedirs(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
bpo-25593: Change semantics of EventLoop.stop() in asyncio.
bpo-6973: When we know a subprocess.Popen process has died, do not allow the send_signal(), terminate(), or kill() methods to do anything as they could potentially signal a different process.
bpo-23883: Added missing APIs to __all__ to match the documented APIs for the following modules: calendar, csv, enum, fileinput, ftplib, logging, optparse, tarfile, threading and wave. Also added a helper. Patches by Jacek Kołodziej, Mauro S. M. Rodrigues and Joel Taddei.
bpo-25590: In the Readline completer, only call getattr() once per attribute. Also complete names of attributes such as properties and slots which are listed by dir() but not yet created on an instance.
bpo-25498: Fix a crash when garbage-collecting ctypes objects created by wrapping a memoryview. This was a regression made in 3.5a1. Based on patch by Eryksun.
bpo-25584: Added “escape” to the __all__ list in the glob module.
bpo-25584: Fixed recursive glob() with patterns starting with
.bpo-25446: Fix regression in smtplib’s AUTH LOGIN support.
bpo-18010: Fix the pydoc web server’s module search function to handle exceptions from importing packages.
bpo-25554: Got rid of circular references in regular expression parsing.
bpo-18973: Command-line interface of the calendar module now uses argparse instead of optparse.
bpo-25510: fileinput.FileInput.readline() now returns b’’ instead of ‘’ at the end if the FileInput was opened with binary mode. Patch by Ryosuke Ito.
bpo-25503: Fixed inspect.getdoc() for inherited docstrings of properties. Original patch by John Mark Vandenberg.
bpo-25515: Always use os.urandom as a source of randomness in uuid.uuid4.
bpo-21827: Fixed textwrap.dedent() for the case when largest common whitespace is a substring of smallest leading whitespace. Based on patch by Robert Li.
bpo-25447: The lru_cache() wrapper objects now can be copied and pickled (by returning the original object unchanged).
bpo-25390: typing: Don’t crash on Union[str, Pattern].
bpo-25441: asyncio: Raise error from drain() when socket is closed.
bpo-25410: Cleaned up and fixed minor bugs in C implementation of OrderedDict.
bpo-25411: Improved Unicode support in SMTPHandler through better use of the email package. Thanks to user simon04 for the patch.
Move the imp module from a PendingDeprecationWarning to DeprecationWarning.
bpo-25407: Remove mentions of the formatter module being removed in Python 3.6.
bpo-25406: Fixed a bug in C implementation of OrderedDict.move_to_end() that caused segmentation fault or hang in iterating after moving several items to the start of ordered dict.
bpo-25382: pickletools.dis() now outputs implicit memo index for the MEMOIZE opcode.
bpo-25357: Add an optional newline parameter to binascii.b2a_base64(). base64.b64encode() uses it to avoid a memory copy.
bpo-24164: Objects that need calling
with keyword arguments, can now be pickled using pickle protocols older than protocol version 4.bpo-25364: zipfile now works in threads disabled builds.
bpo-25328: smtpd’s SMTPChannel now correctly raises a ValueError if both decode_data and enable_SMTPUTF8 are set to true.
bpo-16099: RobotFileParser now supports Crawl-delay and Request-rate extensions. Patch by Nikolay Bogoychev.
bpo-25316: distutils raises OSError instead of DistutilsPlatformError when MSVC is not installed.
bpo-25380: Fixed protocol for the STACK_GLOBAL opcode in pickletools.opcodes.
bpo-23972: Updates asyncio datagram create method allowing reuseport and reuseaddr socket options to be set prior to binding the socket. Mirroring the existing asyncio create_server method the reuseaddr option for datagram sockets defaults to True if the O/S is ‘posix’ (except if the platform is Cygwin). Patch by Chris Laws.
bpo-25304: Add asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(). This lets you submit a coroutine to a loop from another thread, returning a concurrent.futures.Future. By Vincent Michel.
bpo-25232: Fix CGIRequestHandler to split the query from the URL at the first question mark (?) rather than the last. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24657: Prevent CGIRequestHandler from collapsing slashes in the query part of the URL as if it were a path. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
bpo-25287: Don’t add crypt.METHOD_CRYPT to crypt.methods if it’s not supported. Check if it is supported, it may not be supported on OpenBSD for example.
bpo-23600: Default implementation of tzinfo.fromutc() was returning wrong results in some cases.
bpo-25203: Failed readline.set_completer_delims() no longer left the module in inconsistent state.
bpo-25011: rlcompleter now omits private and special attribute names unless the prefix starts with underscores.
bpo-25209: rlcompleter now can add a space or a colon after completed keyword.
bpo-22241: timezone.utc name is now plain ‘UTC’, not ‘UTC-00:00’.
bpo-23517: fromtimestamp() and utcfromtimestamp() methods of datetime.datetime now round microseconds to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN), as round(float), instead of rounding towards -Infinity (ROUND_FLOOR).
bpo-23552: Timeit now warns when there is substantial (4x) variance between best and worst times. Patch from Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-24633: site-packages/README -> README.txt.
bpo-24879: help() and pydoc can now list named tuple fields in the order they were defined rather than alphabetically. The ordering is determined by the _fields attribute if present.
bpo-24874: Improve speed of itertools.cycle() and make its pickle more compact.
Fix crash in itertools.cycle.__setstate__() when the first argument wasn’t a list.
bpo-20059: urllib.parse raises ValueError on all invalid ports. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-24360: Improve __repr__ of argparse.Namespace() for invalid identifiers. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
bpo-23426: run_setup was broken in distutils. Patch from Alexander Belopolsky.
bpo-13938: 2to3 converts StringTypes to a tuple. Patch from Mark Hammond.
bpo-2091: open() accepted a ‘U’ mode string containing ‘+’, but ‘U’ can only be used with ‘r’. Patch from Jeff Balogh and John O’Connor.
bpo-8585: improved tests for zipimporter2. Patch from Mark Lawrence.
bpo-18622: unittest.mock.mock_open().reset_mock would recurse infinitely. Patch from Nicola Palumbo and Laurent De Buyst.
bpo-24426: Fast searching optimization in regular expressions now works for patterns that starts with capturing groups. Fast searching optimization now can’t be disabled at compile time.
bpo-23661: unittest.mock side_effects can now be exceptions again. This was a regression vs Python 3.4. Patch from Ignacio Rossi
bpo-13248: Remove deprecated inspect.getmoduleinfo function.
bpo-25578: Fix (another) memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercer().
bpo-25530: Disable the vulnerable SSLv3 protocol by default when creating ssl.SSLContext.
bpo-25569: Fix memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercert().
bpo-25471: Sockets returned from accept() shouldn’t appear to be nonblocking.
bpo-25319: When threading.Event is reinitialized, the underlying condition should use a regular lock rather than a recursive lock.
Skip getaddrinfo if host is already resolved. Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26050: Add asyncio.StreamReader.readuntil() method. Patch by Марк Коренберг.
bpo-25924: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on OS X versions 10.5 or higher. Original patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26406: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on current versions of OpenBSD and NetBSD. Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26848: Fix asyncio/subprocess.communicate() to handle empty input. Patch by Jack O’Connor.
bpo-27040: Add loop.get_exception_handler method
bpo-27041: asyncio: Add loop.create_future method
bpo-20640: Add tests for idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
In the ‘IDLE-console differences’ section of the IDLE doc, clarify how running with IDLE affects sys.modules and the standard streams.
bpo-25507: fix incorrect change in IOBinding that prevented printing. Augment IOBinding htest to include all major IOBinding functions.
bpo-25905: Revert unwanted conversion of ‘ to ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK in README.txt and open this and NEWS.txt with ‘ascii’. Re-encode CREDITS.txt to utf-8 and open it with ‘utf-8’.
bpo-15348: Stop the debugger engine (normally in a user process) before closing the debugger window (running in the IDLE process). This prevents the RuntimeErrors that were being caught and ignored.
bpo-24455: Prevent IDLE from hanging when a) closing the shell while the debugger is active (15347); b) closing the debugger with the [X] button (15348); and c) activating the debugger when already active (24455). The patch by Mark Roseman does this by making two changes. 1. Suspend and resume the gui.interaction method with the tcl vwait mechanism intended for this purpose (instead of root.mainloop & .quit). 2. In, allow any existing interaction to terminate first.
Change ‘The program’ to ‘Your program’ in an IDLE ‘kill program?’ message to make it clearer that the program referred to is the currently running user program, not IDLE itself.
bpo-24750: Improve the appearance of the IDLE editor window status bar. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25313: Change the handling of new built-in text color themes to better address the compatibility problem introduced by the addition of IDLE Dark. Consistently use the revised idleConf.CurrentTheme everywhere in idlelib.
bpo-24782: Extension configuration is now a tab in the IDLE Preferences dialog rather than a separate dialog. The former tabs are now a sorted list. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-22726: Re-activate the config dialog help button with some content about the other buttons and the new IDLE Dark theme.
bpo-24820: IDLE now has an ‘IDLE Dark’ built-in text color theme. It is more or less IDLE Classic inverted, with a cobalt blue background. Strings, comments, keywords, … are still green, red, orange, … . To use it with IDLEs released before November 2015, hit the ‘Save as New Custom Theme’ button and enter a new name, such as ‘Custom Dark’. The custom theme will work with any IDLE release, and can be modified.
bpo-25224: README.txt is now an idlelib index for IDLE developers and curious users. The previous user content is now in the IDLE doc chapter. ‘IDLE’ now means ‘Integrated Development and Learning Environment’.
bpo-24820: Users can now set breakpoint colors in Settings -> Custom Highlighting. Original patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24972: Inactive selection background now matches active selection background, as configured by users, on all systems. Found items are now always highlighted on Windows. Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24570: Idle: make calltip and completion boxes appear on Macs affected by a tk regression. Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24988: Idle ScrolledList context menus (used in debugger) now work on Mac Aqua. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24801: Make right-click for context menu work on Mac Aqua. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25173: Associate tkinter messageboxes with a specific widget. For Mac OSX, make them a ‘sheet’. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25198: Enhance the initial html viewer now used for Idle Help. Properly indent fixed-pitch text (patch by Mark Roseman). Give code snippet a very Sphinx-like light blueish-gray background. Re-use initial width and height set by users for shell and editor. When the Table of Contents (TOC) menu is used, put the section header at the top of the screen.
bpo-25225: Condense and rewrite Idle doc section on text colors.
bpo-21995: Explain some differences between IDLE and console Python.
bpo-22820: Explain need for print when running file from Idle editor.
bpo-25224: Doc: augment Idle feature list and no-subprocess section.
bpo-25219: Update doc for Idle command line options. Some were missing and notes were not correct.
bpo-24861: Most of idlelib is private and subject to change. Use idleib.idle.* to start Idle. See idlelib.__init__.__doc__.
bpo-25199: Idle: add synchronization comments for future maintainers.
bpo-16893: Replace help.txt with help.html for Idle doc display. The new idlelib/help.html is rstripped Doc/build/html/library/idle.html. It looks better than help.txt and will better document Idle as released. The tkinter html viewer that works for this file was written by Rose Roseman. The now unused EditorWindow.HelpDialog class and helt.txt file are deprecated.
bpo-24199: Deprecate unused idlelib.idlever with possible removal in 3.6.
bpo-24790: Remove extraneous code (which also create 2 & 3 conflicts).
bpo-26736: Used HTTPS for external links in the documentation if possible.
bpo-6953: Rework the Readline module documentation to group related functions together, and add more details such as what underlying Readline functions and variables are accessed.
bpo-23606: Adds note to ctypes documentation regarding cdll.msvcrt.
bpo-24952: Clarify the default size argument of stack_size() in the “threading” and “_thread” modules. Patch from Mattip.
bpo-26014: Update 3.x packaging documentation: * “See also” links to the new docs are now provided in the legacy pages * links to setuptools documentation have been updated
bpo-21916: Added tests for the turtle module. Patch by ingrid, Gregory Loyse and Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-26295: When using “python3 -m test –testdir=TESTDIR”, regrtest doesn’t add “test.” prefix to test module names.
bpo-26523: The multiprocessing thread pool (multiprocessing.dummy.Pool) was untested.
bpo-26015: Added new tests for pickling iterators of mutable sequences.
bpo-26325: Added to check that no ResourceWarning is emitted.
bpo-25940: Changed test_ssl to use its internal local server more. This avoids relying on, which recently changed root certificate.
bpo-25616: Tests for OrderedDict are extracted from test_collections into separate file test_ordered_dict.
bpo-25449: Added tests for OrderedDict subclasses.
bpo-25188: Add -P/–pgo to test.regrtest to suppress error output when running the test suite for the purposes of a PGO build. Initial patch by Alecsandru Patrascu.
bpo-22806: Add
python -m test --list-tests
command to list tests.bpo-18174:
python -m test --huntrleaks ...
now also checks for leak of file descriptors. Patch written by Richard Oudkerk.bpo-25260: Fix
python -m test --coverage
on Windows. Remove the list of ignored directories.PCbuild\rt.bat
now accepts an unlimited number of arguments to pass along to Previously there was a limit of 9.bpo-26583: Skip test_timestamp_overflow in test_import if bytecode files cannot be written.
bpo-21277: Don’t try to link _ctypes with a ffi_convenience library.
bpo-26884: Fix linking extension modules for cross builds. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-26932: Fixed support of RTLD_* constants defined as enum values, not via macros (in particular on Android). Patch by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-22359: Disable the rules for running _freeze_importlib and pgen when cross-compiling. The output of these programs is normally saved with the source code anyway, and is still regenerated when doing a native build. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-21668: Link audioop, _datetime, _ctypes_test modules to libm, except on Mac OS X. Patch written by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-25702: A –with-lto configure option has been added that will enable link time optimizations at build time during a make profile-opt. Some compilers and toolchains are known to not produce stable code when using LTO, be sure to test things thoroughly before relying on it. It can provide a few % speed up over profile-opt alone.
bpo-26624: Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning for old versions.
bpo-17603: Avoid error about nonexistent fileblocks.o file by using a lower-level check for st_blocks in struct stat.
bpo-26079: Fixing the build output folder for tix- Patch by Bjoern Thiel.
bpo-26465: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
bpo-25348: Added
arguments toPCbuild\build.bat
for building with Profile-Guided Optimization. The oldPCbuild\build_pgo.bat
script is removed.bpo-25827: Add support for building with ICC to
, including a new--with-icc
flag.bpo-25696: Fix installation of Python on UNIX with make -j9.
bpo-24986: It is now possible to build Python on Windows without errors when external libraries are not available.
bpo-24421: Compile Modules/_math.c once, before building extensions. Previously it could fail to compile properly if the math and cmath builds were concurrent.
bpo-26465: Update OS X 10.5+ 32-bit-only installer to build and link with OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
bpo-26268: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2f.
bpo-25136: Support Apple Xcode 7’s new textual SDK stub libraries.
bpo-24324: Do not enable unreachable code warnings when using gcc as the option does not work correctly in older versions of gcc and has been silently removed as of gcc-4.5.
bpo-27053: Updates to correctly generate library ZIP file.
bpo-26268: Update the script to handle OpenSSL releases that don’t include the contents of the include directory (that is, 1.0.2e and later).
bpo-26071: bdist_wininst created binaries fail to start and find 32bit Python
bpo-26073: Update the list of magic numbers in launcher
bpo-26065: Excludes venv from library when generating embeddable distro.
bpo-25022: Removed very outdated PC/example_nt/ directory.
bpo-26799: Fix don’t get C types once when the Python code is loaded, but get C types on demand. The C types can change if is loaded before the Python executable. Patch written by Thomas Ilsche.
bpo-26271: Fix the Freeze tool to properly use flags passed through configure. Patch by Daniel Shaulov.
bpo-26489: Add dictionary unpacking support to Tools/parser/ Patch by Guo Ci Teo.
bpo-26316: Fix variable name typo in Argument Clinic.
bpo-25440: Fix output of python-config –extension-suffix.
bpo-25154: The pyvenv script has been deprecated in favour of
python3 -m venv
bpo-26312: SystemError is now raised in all programming bugs with using PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(). RuntimeError did raised before in some programming bugs.
bpo-26198: ValueError is now raised instead of TypeError on buffer overflow in parsing “es#” and “et#” format units. SystemError is now raised instead of TypeError on programmatical error in parsing format string.
Python 3.5.5 final¶
Release date: 2018-02-04
There were no new changes in version 3.5.5.
Python 3.5.5 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2018-01-23
bpo-32551: The
initialization change for bpo-29139 caused a regression by revealing an inconsistency in how sys.path is initialized when executing__main__
from a zipfile, directory, or other import location. This is considered a potential security issue, as it may lead to privileged processes unexpectedly loading code from user controlled directories in situations where that was not previously the case. The interpreter now consistently avoids ever adding the import location’s parent directory tosys.path
, and ensures no othersys.path
entries are inadvertently modified when inserting the import location named on the command line. (Originally reported as bpo-29723 against Python 3.6rc1, but it was missed at the time that the then upcoming Python 3.5.4 release would also be affected)bpo-30657: Fixed possible integer overflow in PyBytes_DecodeEscape, CVE 2017-1000158. Original patch by Jay Bosamiya; rebased to Python 3 by Miro Hrončok.
bpo-30947: Upgrade libexpat embedded copy from version 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 to get security fixes.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-31095: Fix potential crash during GC caused by
which doesn’t callPyObject_GC_UnTrack()
bpo-32072: Fixed issues with binary plists: Fixed saving bytearrays. Identical objects will be saved only once. Equal references will be load as identical objects. Added support for saving and loading recursive data structures.
bpo-31170: expat: Update libexpat from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4. Fix copying of partial characters for UTF-8 input (libexpat bug 115):
Python 3.5.4 final¶
Release date: 2017-08-07
bpo-30119: ftplib.FTP.putline() now throws ValueError on commands that contains CR or LF. Patch by Donghee Na.
Python 3.5.4 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2017-07-23
bpo-30730: Prevent environment variables injection in subprocess on Windows. Prevent passing other environment variables and command arguments.
bpo-30694: Upgrade expat copy from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 to get fixes of multiple security vulnerabilities including: CVE 2017-9233 (External entity infinite loop DoS), CVE 2016-9063 (Integer overflow, re-fix), CVE 2016-0718 (Fix regression bugs from 2.2.0’s fix to CVE 2016-0718) and CVE 2012-0876 (Counter hash flooding with SipHash). Note: the CVE 2016-5300 (Use os-specific entropy sources like getrandom) doesn’t impact Python, since Python already gets entropy from the OS to set the expat secret using
.bpo-30500: Fix urllib.parse.splithost() to correctly parse fragments. For example,
now correctly returns the127.0.0.1
host, instead of
as the host in an authentication (login@host
).bpo-29591: Update expat copy from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 to get fixes of CVE 2016-0718 and CVE 2016-4472. See for more information.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-30876: Relative import from unloaded package now reimports the package instead of failing with SystemError. Relative import from non-package now fails with ImportError rather than SystemError.
bpo-30765: Avoid blocking in pthread_mutex_lock() when PyThread_acquire_lock() is asked not to block.
bpo-27945: Fixed various segfaults with dict when input collections are mutated during searching, inserting or comparing. Based on patches by Duane Griffin and Tim Mitchell.
bpo-25794: Fixed type.__setattr__() and type.__delattr__() for non-interned attribute names. Based on patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-29935: Fixed error messages in the index() method of tuple, list and deque when pass indices of wrong type.
works even iflen(range)
.bpo-29600: Fix wrapping coroutine return values in StopIteration.
bpo-29537: Restore runtime compatibility with bytecode files generated by CPython 3.5.0 to 3.5.2, and adjust the eval loop to avoid the problems that could be caused by the malformed variant of the BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL opcode that they may contain. Patch by Petr Viktorin, Serhiy Storchaka, and Nick Coghlan.
bpo-28598: Support __rmod__ for subclasses of str being called before str.__mod__. Patch by Martijn Pieters.
bpo-29602: Fix incorrect handling of signed zeros in complex constructor for complex subclasses and for inputs having a __complex__ method. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-29347: Fixed possibly dereferencing undefined pointers when creating weakref objects.
bpo-29438: Fixed use-after-free problem in key sharing dict.
bpo-29319: Prevent RunMainFromImporter overwriting sys.path[0].
bpo-29337: Fixed possible BytesWarning when compare the code objects. Warnings could be emitted at compile time.
bpo-29478: If max_line_length=None is specified while using the Compat32 policy, it is no longer ignored. Patch by Mircea Cosbuc.
bpo-29403: Fix
’s autospec to not fail on method-bound builtin functions. Patch by Aaron Gallagher.bpo-30961: Fix decrementing a borrowed reference in tracemalloc.
bpo-30886: Fix multiprocessing.Queue.join_thread(): it now waits until the thread completes, even if the thread was started by the same process which created the queue.
bpo-29854: Fix segfault in readline when using readline’s history-size option. Patch by Nir Soffer.
bpo-30807: signal.setitimer() may disable the timer when passed a tiny value. Tiny values (such as 1e-6) are valid non-zero values for setitimer(), which is specified as taking microsecond-resolution intervals. However, on some platform, our conversion routine could convert 1e-6 into a zero interval, therefore disabling the timer instead of (re-)scheduling it.
bpo-30441: Fix bug when modifying os.environ while iterating over it
bpo-30532: Fix email header value parser dropping folding white space in certain cases.
bpo-29169: Update zlib to 1.2.11.
bpo-30879: os.listdir() and os.scandir() now emit bytes names when called with bytes-like argument.
bpo-30746: Prohibited the ‘=’ character in environment variable names in
.bpo-29755: Fixed the lgettext() family of functions in the gettext module. They now always return bytes.
bpo-30645: Fix path calculation in imp.load_package(), fixing it for cases when a package is only shipped with bytecodes. Patch by Alexandru Ardelean.
bpo-23890: unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() now manually breaks a reference cycle to not keep objects alive longer than expected.
bpo-30149: inspect.signature() now supports callables with variable-argument parameters wrapped with partialmethod. Patch by Donghee Na.
bpo-29931: Fixed comparison check for ipaddress.ip_interface objects. Patch by Sanjay Sundaresan.
bpo-24484: Avoid race condition in multiprocessing cleanup.
bpo-28994: The traceback no longer displayed for SystemExit raised in a callback registered by atexit.
bpo-30508: Don’t log exceptions if Task/Future “cancel()” method was called.
bpo-28556: Updates to typing module: Add generic AsyncContextManager, add support for ContextManager on all versions. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra and Ivan Levkivskyi
bpo-29870: Fix ssl sockets leaks when connection is aborted in asyncio/ssl implementation. Patch by Michaël Sghaïer.
bpo-29743: Closing transport during handshake process leaks open socket. Patch by Nikolay Kim
bpo-27585: Fix waiter cancellation in asyncio.Lock. Patch by Mathieu Sornay.
bpo-30418: On Windows, subprocess.Popen.communicate() now also ignore EINVAL on stdin.write() if the child process is still running but closed the pipe.
bpo-30378: Fix the problem that logging.handlers.SysLogHandler cannot handle IPv6 addresses.
bpo-29960: Preserve generator state when _random.Random.setstate() raises an exception. Patch by Bryan Olson.
bpo-30414: multiprocessing.Queue._feed background running thread do not break from main loop on exception.
bpo-30003: Fix handling escape characters in HZ codec. Based on patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-30301: Fix AttributeError when using SimpleQueue.empty() under spawn and forkserver start methods.
bpo-30329: imaplib and poplib now catch the Windows socket WSAEINVAL error (code 10022) on shutdown(SHUT_RDWR): An invalid operation was attempted. This error occurs sometimes on SSL connections.
bpo-30375: Warnings emitted when compile a regular expression now always point to the line in the user code. Previously they could point into inners of the re module if emitted from inside of groups or conditionals.
bpo-30048: Fixed
can be ignored when the task is running coroutine and the coroutine returned without any moreawait
.bpo-29990: Fix range checking in GB18030 decoder. Original patch by Ma Lin.
bpo-26293: Change resulted because of zipfile breakage. (See also: bpo-29094)
bpo-30243: Removed the __init__ methods of _json’s scanner and encoder. Misusing them could cause memory leaks or crashes. Now scanner and encoder objects are completely initialized in the __new__ methods.
bpo-30185: Avoid KeyboardInterrupt tracebacks in forkserver helper process when Ctrl-C is received.
bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: add typing.NoReturn type, use WrapperDescriptorType, minor bug-fixes. Original PRs by Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard and Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-30205: Fix getsockname() for unbound AF_UNIX sockets on Linux.
bpo-30070: Fixed leaks and crashes in errors handling in the parser module.
bpo-30061: Fixed crashes in IOBase methods __next__() and readlines() when readline() or __next__() respectively return non-sizeable object. Fixed possible other errors caused by not checking results of PyObject_Size(), PySequence_Size(), or PyMapping_Size().
bpo-30068: _io._IOBase.readlines will check if it’s closed first when hint is present.
bpo-29694: Fixed race condition in pathlib mkdir with flags parents=True. Patch by Armin Rigo.
bpo-29692: Fixed arbitrary unchaining of RuntimeError exceptions in contextlib.contextmanager. Patch by Siddharth Velankar.
bpo-29998: Pickling and copying ImportError now preserves name and path attributes.
bpo-29942: Fix a crash in itertools.chain.from_iterable when encountering long runs of empty iterables.
bpo-27863: Fixed multiple crashes in ElementTree caused by race conditions and wrong types.
bpo-28699: Fixed a bug in pools in multiprocessing.pool that raising an exception at the very first of an iterable may swallow the exception or make the program hang. Patch by Davin Potts and Xiang Zhang.
bpo-25803: Avoid incorrect errors raised by Path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
bpo-29861: Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results as soon as they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
bpo-29884: faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown. Patch by Christophe Zeitouny.
bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
bpo-29800: Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords are not strings. Patch by Michael Seifert.
bpo-29742: get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport. Patch by Nikolay Kim.
bpo-8256: Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes “encoding” or “errors” of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
bpo-28298: Fix a bug that prevented array ‘Q’, ‘L’ and ‘I’ from accepting big intables (objects that have __int__) as elements. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-29615: SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other exception) to exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods. Patch by Petr Motejlek.
bpo-29704: asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before all pipes are closed.
bpo-29703: Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops in child processes.
bpo-29376: Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
bpo-29110: Fix file object leak in when file is given as a filesystem path and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
bpo-28961: Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don’t ignore the name parameter anymore. Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
bpo-29532: Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial() no longer affects a partial object after creation.
bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap, improved ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi, Manuel Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
bpo-29100: Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python 3.6.0: check minimum and maximum years.
bpo-29519: Fix weakref spewing exceptions during interpreter shutdown when used with a rare combination of multiprocessing and custom codecs.
bpo-29416: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
bpo-29444: Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of the match object. Based on patch by WGH.
bpo-29335: Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has exited to a stopped instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
bpo-29290: Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at non-breaking spaces.
bpo-28735: Fixed the comparison of mock.MagickMock with mock.ANY.
bpo-29011: Fix an important omission by adding Deque to the typing module.
bpo-29219: Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized ctypes.CDLL instances.
bpo-28969: Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache. KeyError could be raised when cached function with full cache was simultaneously called from different threads with the same uncached arguments.
bpo-29142: In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with leading dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c). Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
bpo-30176: Add missing attribute related constants in curses documentation.
bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
bpo-28929: Link the documentation to its source file on GitHub.
bpo-25008: Document as effectively deprecated and add a pointer to aiosmtpd, a third-party asyncio-based replacement.
bpo-26355: Add canonical header link on each page to corresponding major version of the documentation. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
bpo-29349: Fix Python 2 syntax in code for building the documentation.
bpo-30822: Fix regrtest command line parser to allow passing -u extralargefile to run test_zipfile64.
bpo-30383: regrtest: Enhance regrtest and backport features from the master branch. Add options: –coverage, –testdir, –list-tests (list test files, don’t run them), –list-cases (list test identifiers, don’t run them, bpo-30523), –matchfile (load a list of test filters from a text file, bpo-30540), –slowest (alias to –slow). Enhance output: add timestamp, test result, currently running tests, “Tests result: xxx” summary with total duration, etc. Fix reference leak hunting in regrtest, –huntrleaks: regrtest now warms up caches, create explicitly all internal singletons which are created on demand to prevent false positives when checking for reference leaks. (bpo-30675).
bpo-30357: test_thread: setUp() now uses support.threading_setup() and support.threading_cleanup() to wait until threads complete to avoid random side effects on following tests. Initial patch written by Grzegorz Grzywacz.
bpo-28087: Skip test_asyncore and test_eintr poll failures on macOS. Skip some tests of select.poll when running on macOS due to unresolved issues with the underlying system poll function on some macOS versions.
bpo-30197: Enhanced functions swap_attr() and swap_item() in the module. They now work when delete replaced attribute or item inside the with statement. The old value of the attribute or item (or None if it doesn’t exist) now will be assigned to the target of the “as” clause, if there is one.
bpo-29571: to match the behaviour of the
flag, test_re.test_locale_flag now useslocale.getpreferredencoding(False)
to determine the candidate encoding for the test regex (allowing it to correctly skip the test when the default locale encoding is a multi-byte encoding)
bpo-29243: Prevent unnecessary rebuilding of Python during
make test
,make install
and some other make targets when configured with--enable-optimizations
.bpo-23404: Don’t regenerate generated files based on file modification time anymore: the action is now explicit. Replace
make touch
withmake regen-all
.bpo-29643: Fix
didn’t work.
bpo-27867: Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() is replaced with a macro if Py_LIMITED_API is set to the value between 0x03050400 and 0x03060000 (not including) or 0x03060100 or higher.
bpo-29083: Fixed the declaration of some public API functions. PyArg_VaParse() and PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywords() were not available in limited API. PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(), PyArg_UnpackTuple() and Py_BuildValue() were not available in limited API of version < 3.3 when PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined.
Python 3.5.3 final¶
Release date: 2017-01-17
There were no code changes between 3.5.3rc1 and 3.5.3 final.
Python 3.5.3 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2017-01-02
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-29073: bytearray formatting no longer truncates on first null byte.
bpo-28932: Do not include <sys/random.h> if it does not exist.
bpo-28147: Fix a memory leak in split-table dictionaries: setattr() must not convert combined table into split table.
bpo-25677: Correct the positioning of the syntax error caret for indented blocks. Based on patch by Michael Layzell.
bpo-29000: Fixed bytes formatting of octals with zero padding in alternate form.
bpo-28512: Fixed setting the offset attribute of SyntaxError by PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx() and PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject().
bpo-28991: functools.lru_cache() was susceptible to an obscure reentrancy bug caused by a monkey-patched len() function.
bpo-28648: Fixed crash in Py_DecodeLocale() in debug build on Mac OS X when decode astral characters. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-19398: Extra slash no longer added to sys.path components in case of empty compile-time PYTHONPATH components.
bpo-28426: Fixed potential crash in PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() in debug build.
bpo-23782: Fixed possible memory leak in _PyTraceback_Add() and exception loss in PyTraceBack_Here().
bpo-28379: Added sanity checks and tests for PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-28376: The type of long range iterator is now registered as Iterator. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-28376: The constructor of range_iterator now checks that step is not 0. Patch by Oren Milman.
bpo-26906: Resolving special methods of uninitialized type now causes implicit initialization of the type instead of a fail.
bpo-18287: PyType_Ready() now checks that tp_name is not NULL. Original patch by Niklas Koep.
bpo-24098: Fixed possible crash when AST is changed in process of compiling it.
bpo-28350: String constants with null character no longer interned.
bpo-26617: Fix crash when GC runs during weakref callbacks.
bpo-27942: String constants now interned recursively in tuples and frozensets.
bpo-21578: Fixed misleading error message when ImportError called with invalid keyword args.
bpo-28203: Fix incorrect type in error message from
complex(1.0, {2:3})
. Patch by Soumya Sharma.bpo-27955: Fallback on reading /dev/urandom device when the getrandom() syscall fails with EPERM, for example when blocked by SECCOMP.
bpo-28131: Fix a regression in zipimport’s compile_source(). zipimport should use the same optimization level as the interpreter.
bpo-25221: Fix corrupted result from PyLong_FromLong(0) when Python is compiled with NSMALLPOSINTS = 0.
bpo-25758: Prevents zipimport from unnecessarily encoding a filename (patch by Eryk Sun)
bpo-28189: dictitems_contains no longer swallows compare errors. (Patch by Xiang Zhang)
bpo-27812: Properly clear out a generator’s frame’s backreference to the generator to prevent crashes in frame.clear().
bpo-27811: Fix a crash when a coroutine that has not been awaited is finalized with warnings-as-errors enabled.
bpo-27587: Fix another issue found by PVS-Studio: Null pointer check after use of ‘def’ in _PyState_AddModule(). Initial patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-26020: set literal evaluation order did not match documented behaviour.
bpo-27782: Multi-phase extension module import now correctly allows the
field to be used to add module level functions to instances of non-module types returned fromPy_create_mod
. Patch by Xiang Zhang.bpo-27936: The round() function accepted a second None argument for some types but not for others. Fixed the inconsistency by accepting None for all numeric types.
bpo-27487: Warn if a submodule argument to “python -m” or runpy.run_module() is found in sys.modules after parent packages are imported, but before the submodule is executed.
bpo-27558: Fix a SystemError in the implementation of “raise” statement. In a brand new thread, raise a RuntimeError since there is no active exception to reraise. Patch written by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27419: Standard __import__() no longer look up “__import__” in globals or builtins for importing submodules or “from import”. Fixed handling an error of non-string package name.
bpo-27083: Respect the PYTHONCASEOK environment variable under Windows.
bpo-27514: Make having too many statically nested blocks a SyntaxError instead of SystemError.
bpo-27473: Fixed possible integer overflow in bytes and bytearray concatenations. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27507: Add integer overflow check in bytearray.extend(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27581: Don’t rely on wrapping for overflow check in PySequence_Tuple(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27443: __length_hint__() of bytearray iterators no longer return a negative integer for a resized bytearray.
bpo-27942: Fix memory leak in codeobject.c
bpo-15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of a context. Patch by Sam Breese.
bpo-29094: Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes “w” and “x” now are relative to the start of the file.
bpo-13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized curses.textpad.Textbox. Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
bpo-29119: Fix weakrefs in the pure python version of collections.OrderedDict move_to_end() method. Contributed by Andra Bogildea.
bpo-9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative integers.
bpo-28427: old keys should not remove new values from WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
bpo-28923: Remove editor artifacts from
bpo-28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
bpo-19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another thread.
bpo-20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when pass a sequence that doesn’t own its elements as limits.
bpo-28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some multiprocessing objects such as locks.
bpo-28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer writes the index file when it is not changed.
bpo-25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
bpo-28732: Fix crash in os.spawnv() with no elements in args
bpo-28485: Always raise ValueError for negative compileall.compile_dir(workers=…) parameter, even when multithreading is unavailable.
bpo-28387: Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when the garbage collector is invoked in other thread. Based on patch by Sebastian Cufre.
bpo-27517: LZMA compressor and decompressor no longer raise exceptions if given empty data twice. Patch by Benjamin Fogle.
bpo-28549: Fixed segfault in curses’s addch() with ncurses6.
bpo-28449: with mode “r” or “r:” now tries to open a tar file with compression before trying to open it without compression. Otherwise it had 50% chance failed with ignore_zeros=True.
bpo-23262: The webbrowser module now supports Firefox 36+ and derived browsers. Based on patch by Oleg Broytman.
bpo-27939: Fixed bugs in tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale and tkinter.Scale caused by representing the scale as float value internally in Tk. tkinter.IntVar now works if float value is set to underlying Tk variable.
bpo-28255: calendar.TextCalendar().prmonth() no longer prints a space at the start of new line after printing a month’s calendar. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-20491: The textwrap.TextWrapper class now honors non-breaking spaces. Based on patch by Kaarle Ritvanen.
bpo-28353: os.fwalk() no longer fails on broken links.
bpo-25464: Fixed HList.header_exists() in tkinter.tix module by addin a workaround to Tix library bug.
bpo-28488: shutil.make_archive() no longer add entry “./” to ZIP archive.
bpo-24452: Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X.
bpo-20766: Fix references leaked by pdb in the handling of SIGINT handlers.
bpo-26293: Fixed writing ZIP files that starts not from the start of the file. Offsets in ZIP file now are relative to the start of the archive in conforming to the specification.
bpo-28321: Fixed writing non-BMP characters with binary format in plistlib.
bpo-28322: Fixed possible crashes when unpickle itertools objects from incorrect pickle data. Based on patch by John Leitch.
Fix possible integer overflows and crashes in the mmap module with unusual usage patterns.
bpo-1703178: Fix the ability to pass the –link-objects option to the distutils build_ext command.
bpo-28253: Fixed calendar functions for extreme months: 0001-01 and 9999-12. Methods itermonthdays() and itermonthdays2() are reimplemented so that they don’t call itermonthdates() which can cause under/overflow.
bpo-28275: Fixed possible use after free in the decompress() methods of the LZMADecompressor and BZ2Decompressor classes. Original patch by John Leitch.
bpo-27897: Fixed possible crash in sqlite3.Connection.create_collation() if pass invalid string-like object as a name. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-18893: Fix invalid exception handling in Lib/ctypes/macholib/ Patch by Madison May.
bpo-27611: Fixed support of default root window in the tkinter.tix module.
bpo-27348: In the traceback module, restore the formatting of exception messages like “Exception: None”. This fixes a regression introduced in 3.5a2.
bpo-25651: Allow false values to be used for msg parameter of subTest().
bpo-27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
bpo-28075: Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of os.stat(). Patch by Eryk Sun.
bpo-25270: Prevent codecs.escape_encode() from raising SystemError when an empty bytestring is passed.
bpo-28181: Get antigravity over HTTPS. Patch by Kaartic Sivaraam.
bpo-25895: Enable WebSocket URL schemes in urllib.parse.urljoin. Patch by Gergely Imreh and Markus Holtermann.
bpo-27599: Fixed buffer overrun in binascii.b2a_qp() and binascii.a2b_qp().
bpo-19003: m email.generator now replaces only
line endings, per the RFC, instead of all unicode line endings.bpo-28019: itertools.count() no longer rounds non-integer step in range between 1.0 and 2.0 to 1.
bpo-25969: Update the lib2to3 grammar to handle the unpacking generalizations added in 3.5.
bpo-14977: mailcap now respects the order of the lines in the mailcap files (“first match”), as required by RFC 1542. Patch by Michael Lazar.
bpo-24594: Validates persist parameter when opening MSI database
bpo-17582: xml.etree.ElementTree nows preserves whitespaces in attributes (Patch by Duane Griffin. Reviewed and approved by Stefan Behnel.)
bpo-28047: Fixed calculation of line length used for the base64 CTE in the new email policies.
bpo-27445: Don’t pass str(_charset) to MIMEText.set_payload(). Patch by Claude Paroz.
bpo-22450: urllib now includes an
Accept: */*
header among the default headers. This makes the results of REST API requests more consistent and predictable especially when proxy servers are involved.lib2to3.pgen3.driver.load_grammar() now creates a stable cache file between runs given the same Grammar.txt input regardless of the hash randomization setting.
bpo-27570: Avoid zero-length memcpy() etc calls with null source pointers in the “ctypes” and “array” modules.
bpo-22233: Break email header lines only on the RFC specified CR and LF characters, not on arbitrary unicode line breaks. This also fixes a bug in HTTP header parsing.
bpo-27988: Fix email iter_attachments incorrect mutation of payload list.
bpo-27691: Fix ssl module’s parsing of GEN_RID subject alternative name fields in X.509 certs.
bpo-27850: Remove 3DES from ssl module’s default cipher list to counter measure sweet32 attack (CVE 2016-2183).
bpo-27766: Add ChaCha20 Poly1305 to ssl module’s default cipher list. (Required OpenSSL 1.1.0 or LibreSSL).
bpo-26470: Port ssl and hashlib module to OpenSSL 1.1.0.
Remove support for passing a file descriptor to os.access. It never worked but previously didn’t raise.
bpo-12885: Fix error when distutils encounters symlink.
bpo-27881: Fixed possible bugs when setting sqlite3.Connection.isolation_level. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-27861: Fixed a crash in sqlite3.Connection.cursor() when a factory creates not a cursor. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-19884: Avoid spurious output on OS X with Gnu Readline.
bpo-27706: Restore deterministic behavior of random.Random().seed() for string seeds using seeding version 1. Allows sequences of calls to random() to exactly match those obtained in Python 2. Patch by Nofar Schnider.
bpo-10513: Fix a regression in Connection.commit(). Statements should not be reset after a commit.
A new version of from Collection (only for 3.6) (bpo-27598). Add FrozenSet to __all__ (upstream #261). Fix crash in _get_type_vars() (upstream #259). Remove the dict constraint in ForwardRef._eval_type (upstream #252).
bpo-27539: Fix unnormalised
result in the case of negative exponent and negative base.bpo-21718: cursor.description is now available for queries using CTEs.
bpo-2466: posixpath.ismount now correctly recognizes mount points which the user does not have permission to access.
bpo-27773: Correct some memory management errors server_hostname in _ssl.wrap_socket().
bpo-26750: unittest.mock.create_autospec() now works properly for subclasses of property() and other data descriptors.
In the curses module, raise an error if window.getstr() or window.instr() is passed a negative value.
bpo-27783: Fix possible usage of uninitialized memory in operator.methodcaller.
bpo-27774: Fix possible Py_DECREF on unowned object in _sre.
bpo-27760: Fix possible integer overflow in binascii.b2a_qp.
bpo-27758: Fix possible integer overflow in the _csv module for large record lengths.
bpo-27568: Prevent HTTPoxy attack (CVE 2016-1000110). Ignore the HTTP_PROXY variable when REQUEST_METHOD environment is set, which indicates that the script is in CGI mode.
bpo-27656: Do not assume sched.h defines any SCHED_* constants.
bpo-27130: In the “zlib” module, fix handling of large buffers (typically 4 GiB) when compressing and decompressing. Previously, inputs were limited to 4 GiB, and compression and decompression operations did not properly handle results of 4 GiB.
bpo-27533: Release GIL in nt._isdir
bpo-17711: Fixed unpickling by the persistent ID with protocol 0. Original patch by Alexandre Vassalotti.
bpo-27522: Avoid an unintentional reference cycle in email.feedparser.
bpo-26844: Fix error message for imp.find_module() to refer to ‘path’ instead of ‘name’. Patch by Lev Maximov.
bpo-23804: Fix SSL zero-length recv() calls to not block and not raise an error about unclean EOF.
bpo-27466: Change time format returned by http.cookie.time2netscape, confirming the netscape cookie format and making it consistent with documentation.
bpo-26664: Fix by removing mis-use of
.bpo-22115: Fixed tracing Tkinter variables: trace_vdelete() with wrong mode no longer break tracing, trace_vinfo() now always returns a list of pairs of strings, tracing in the “u” mode now works.
Fix a scoping issue in importlib.util.LazyLoader which triggered an UnboundLocalError when lazy-loading a module that was already put into sys.modules.
bpo-27079: Fixed curses.ascii functions isblank(), iscntrl() and ispunct().
bpo-26754: Some functions (compile() etc) accepted a filename argument encoded as an iterable of integers. Now only strings and byte-like objects are accepted.
bpo-27048: Prevents distutils failing on Windows when environment variables contain non-ASCII characters
bpo-27330: Fixed possible leaks in the ctypes module.
bpo-27238: Got rid of bare excepts in the turtle module. Original patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-27122: When an exception is raised within the context being managed by a contextlib.ExitStack() and one of the exit stack generators catches and raises it in a chain, do not re-raise the original exception when exiting, let the new chained one through. This avoids the PEP 479 bug described in issue25782.
bpo-26386: Fixed ttk.TreeView selection operations with item id’s containing spaces.
bpo-16182: Fix various functions in the “readline” module to use the locale encoding, and fix get_begidx() and get_endidx() to return code point indexes.
bpo-27392: Add loop.connect_accepted_socket(). Patch by Jim Fulton.
bpo-27930: Improved behaviour of logging.handlers.QueueListener. Thanks to Paulo Andrade and Petr Viktorin for the analysis and patch.
bpo-21201: Improves readability of multiprocessing error message. Thanks to Wojciech Walczak for patch.
bpo-27456: asyncio: Set TCP_NODELAY by default.
bpo-27906: Fix socket accept exhaustion during high TCP traffic. Patch by Kevin Conway.
bpo-28174: Handle when SO_REUSEPORT isn’t properly supported. Patch by Seth Michael Larson.
bpo-26654: Inspect functools.partial in asyncio.Handle.__repr__. Patch by iceboy.
bpo-26909: Fix slow pipes IO in asyncio. Patch by INADA Naoki.
bpo-28176: Fix callbacks race in asyncio.SelectorLoop.sock_connect.
bpo-27759: Fix selectors incorrectly retain invalid file descriptors. Patch by Mark Williams.
bpo-28368: Refuse monitoring processes if the child watcher has no loop attached. Patch by Vincent Michel.
bpo-28369: Raise RuntimeError when transport’s FD is used with add_reader, add_writer, etc.
bpo-28370: Speedup asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-28371: Deprecate passing asyncio.Handles to run_in_executor.
bpo-28372: Fix asyncio to support formatting of non-python coroutines.
bpo-28399: Remove UNIX socket from FS before binding. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
bpo-27972: Prohibit Tasks to await on themselves.
bpo-26923: Fix asyncio.Gather to refuse being cancelled once all children are done. Patch by Johannes Ebke.
bpo-26796: Don’t configure the number of workers for default threadpool executor. Initial patch by Hans Lawrenz.
bpo-28600: Optimize loop.call_soon().
bpo-28613: Fix get_event_loop() return the current loop if called from coroutines/callbacks.
bpo-28639: Fix inspect.isawaitable to always return bool Patch by Justin Mayfield.
bpo-28652: Make loop methods reject socket kinds they do not support.
bpo-28653: Fix a refleak in functools.lru_cache.
bpo-28703: Fix asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to handle Mock objects.
bpo-24142: Reading a corrupt config file left the parser in an invalid state. Original patch by Florian Höch.
bpo-28990: Fix SSL hanging if connection is closed before handshake completed. (Patch by HoHo-Ho)
bpo-15308: Add ‘interrupt execution’ (^C) to Shell menu. Patch by Roger Serwy, updated by Bayard Randel.
bpo-27922: Stop IDLE tests from ‘flashing’ gui widgets on the screen.
Add version to title of IDLE help window.
bpo-25564: In section on IDLE – console differences, mention that using exec means that __builtins__ is defined for each statement.
bpo-27714: text_textview and test_autocomplete now pass when re-run in the same process. This occurs when test_idle fails when run with the -w option but without -jn. Fix warning from test_config.
bpo-25507: IDLE no longer runs buggy code because of its tkinter imports. Users must include the same imports required to run directly in Python.
bpo-27452: add line counter and crc to IDLE configHandler test dump.
bpo-27365: Allow non-ascii chars in IDLE NEWS.txt, for contributor names.
bpo-27245: IDLE: Cleanly delete custom themes and key bindings. Previously, when IDLE was started from a console or by import, a cascade of warnings was emitted. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-28513: Documented command-line interface of zipfile.
bpo-28950: Disallow -j0 to be combined with -T/-l/-M in regrtest command line arguments.
bpo-28666: Now is able to remove unwritable or unreadable directories.
bpo-23839: Various caches now are cleared before running every test file.
bpo-28409: regrtest: fix the parser of command line arguments.
bpo-27787: Call gc.collect() before checking each test for “dangling threads”, since the dangling threads are weak references.
bpo-27369: In test_pyexpat, avoid testing an error message detail that changed in Expat 2.2.0.
bpo-27952: Get Tools/scripts/ working with Python 3 and the current “re” module, avoid invalid Python backslash escapes, and fix a bug parsing escaped C quote signs.
bpo-27332: Fixed the type of the first argument of module-level functions generated by Argument Clinic. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
bpo-27418: Fixed Tools/importbench/
bpo-28251: Improvements to help manuals on Windows.
bpo-28110: launcher.msi has different product codes between 32-bit and 64-bit
bpo-25144: Ensures TargetDir is set before continuing with custom install.
bpo-27469: Adds a shell extension to the launcher so that drag and drop works correctly.
bpo-27309: Enabled proper Windows styles in python[w].exe manifest.
bpo-29080: Removes hard dependency on hg.exe from PCBuild/build.bat
bpo-23903: Added missed names to PC/python3.def.
bpo-10656: Fix out-of-tree building on AIX. Patch by Tristan Carel and Michael Haubenwallner.
bpo-26359: Rename –with-optimiations to –enable-optimizations.
bpo-28444: Fix missing extensions modules when cross compiling.
bpo-28248: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2j.
bpo-28258: Fixed build with Estonian locale (python-config and distclean targets in Makefile). Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
bpo-26661: now detects system libffi with multiarch wrapper.
bpo-28066: Fix the logic that searches build directories for generated include files when building outside the source tree.
bpo-15819: Remove redundant include search directory option for building outside the source tree.
bpo-27566: Fix clean target in freeze makefile (patch by Lisa Roach)
bpo-27705: Update message in
bpo-27983: Cause lack of llvm-profdata tool when using clang as required for PGO linking to be a configure time error rather than make time when –with-optimizations is enabled. Also improve our ability to find the llvm-profdata tool on MacOS and some Linuxes.
bpo-26307: The profile-opt build now applies PGO to the built-in modules.
bpo-26359: Add the –with-optimizations configure flag.
bpo-27713: Suppress spurious build warnings when updating importlib’s bootstrap files. Patch by Xiang Zhang
bpo-25825: Correct the references to Modules/python.exp and ld_so_aix, which are required on AIX. This updates references to an installation path that was changed in 3.2a4, and undoes changed references to the build tree that were made in 3.5.0a1.
bpo-27453: CPP invocation in configure must use CPPFLAGS. Patch by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-27641: The configure script now inserts comments into the makefile to prevent the pgen and _freeze_importlib executables from being cross-compiled.
bpo-26662: Set PYTHON_FOR_GEN in configure as the Python program to be used for file generation during the build.
bpo-10910: Avoid C++ compilation errors on FreeBSD and OS X. Also update FreedBSD version checks for the original ctype UTF-8 workaround.
bpo-28676: Prevent missing ‘getentropy’ declaration warning on macOS. Patch by Gareth Rees.
Python 3.5.2 final¶
Release date: 2016-06-26
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-26930: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
bpo-26867: Ubuntu’s openssl OP_NO_SSLv3 is forced on by default; fix test.
bpo-27365: Allow non-ascii in idlelib/NEWS.txt - minimal part for 3.5.2.
Python 3.5.2 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2016-06-12
bpo-26556: Update expat to 2.1.1, fixes CVE 2015-1283.
Fix TLS stripping vulnerability in smtplib, CVE 2016-0772. Reported by Team Oststrom.
bpo-26839: On Linux,
now callsgetrandom()
to fall back on reading/dev/urandom
if the urandom entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch written by Colm Buckley.bpo-26657: Fix directory traversal vulnerability with http.server on Windows. This fixes a regression that was introduced in 3.3.4rc1 and 3.4.0rc1. Based on patch by Philipp Hagemeister.
bpo-26313: _load_windows_store_certs fails if windows cert store is empty. Patch by Baji.
bpo-25939: On Windows open the cert store readonly in ssl.enum_certificates.
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-27066: Fixed SystemError if a custom opener (for open()) returns a negative number without setting an exception.
bpo-20041: Fixed TypeError when frame.f_trace is set to None. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-26168: Fixed possible refleaks in failing Py_BuildValue() with the “N” format unit.
bpo-26991: Fix possible refleak when creating a function with annotations.
bpo-27039: Fixed bytearray.remove() for values greater than 127. Patch by Joe Jevnik.
bpo-23640: int.from_bytes() no longer bypasses constructors for subclasses.
bpo-26811: gc.get_objects() no longer contains a broken tuple with NULL pointer.
bpo-20120: Use RawConfigParser for .pypirc parsing, removing support for interpolation unintentionally added with move to Python 3. Behavior no longer does any interpolation in .pypirc files, matching behavior in Python 2.7 and Setuptools 19.0.
bpo-26659: Make the builtin slice type support cycle collection.
bpo-26718: super.__init__ no longer leaks memory if called multiple times. NOTE: A direct call of super.__init__ is not endorsed!
bpo-25339: PYTHONIOENCODING now has priority over locale in setting the error handler for stdin and stdout.
bpo-26494: Fixed crash on iterating exhausting iterators. Affected classes are generic sequence iterators, iterators of str, bytes, bytearray, list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict, OrderedDict, corresponding views and os.scandir() iterator.
bpo-26581: If coding cookie is specified multiple times on a line in Python source code file, only the first one is taken to account.
bpo-26464: Fix str.translate() when string is ASCII and first replacements removes character, but next replacement uses a non-ASCII character or a string longer than 1 character. Regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.
bpo-22836: Ensure exception reports from PyErr_Display() and PyErr_WriteUnraisable() are sensible even when formatting them produces secondary errors. This affects the reports produced by sys.__excepthook__() and when __del__() raises an exception.
bpo-26302: Correct behavior to reject comma as a legal character for cookie names.
bpo-4806: Avoid masking the original TypeError exception when using star (
) unpacking in function calls. Based on patch by Hagen Fürstenau and Daniel Urban.bpo-27138: Fix the doc comment for FileFinder.find_spec().
bpo-26154: Add a new private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() function to get the current Python thread state, but don’t issue a fatal error if it is NULL. This new function must be used instead of accessing directly the _PyThreadState_Current variable. The variable is no more exposed since Python 3.5.1 to hide the exact implementation of atomic C types, to avoid compiler issues.
bpo-26194: Deque.insert() gave odd results for bounded deques that had reached their maximum size. Now an IndexError will be raised when attempting to insert into a full deque.
bpo-25843: When compiling code, don’t merge constants if they are equal but have a different types. For example,
f1, f2 = lambda: 1, lambda: 1.0
is now correctly compiled to two different functions:f1()
) andf2()
), even if1
are equal.bpo-22995: [UPDATE] Comment out the one of the pickleability tests in _PyObject_GetState() due to regressions observed in Cython-based projects.
bpo-25961: Disallowed null characters in the type name.
bpo-25973: Fix segfault when an invalid nonlocal statement binds a name starting with two underscores.
bpo-22995: Instances of extension types with a state that aren’t subclasses of list or dict and haven’t implemented any pickle-related methods (__reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __getnewargs__, __getnewargs_ex__, or __getstate__), can no longer be pickled. Including memoryview.
bpo-20440: Massive replacing unsafe attribute setting code with special macro Py_SETREF.
bpo-25766: Special method __bytes__() now works in str subclasses.
bpo-25421: __sizeof__ methods of builtin types now use dynamic basic size. This allows sys.getsize() to work correctly with their subclasses with __slots__ defined.
bpo-25709: Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8 cache.
bpo-24097: Fixed crash in object.__reduce__() if slot name is freed inside __getattr__.
bpo-24731: Fixed crash on converting objects with special methods __bytes__, __trunc__, and __float__ returning instances of subclasses of bytes, int, and float to subclasses of bytes, int, and float correspondingly.
bpo-26478: Fix semantic bugs when using binary operators with dictionary views and tuples.
bpo-26171: Fix possible integer overflow and heap corruption in zipimporter.get_data().
bpo-25660: Fix TAB key behaviour in REPL with readline.
bpo-25887: Raise a RuntimeError when a coroutine object is awaited more than once.
bpo-27243: Update the __aiter__ protocol: instead of returning an awaitable that resolves to an asynchronous iterator, the asynchronous iterator should be returned directly. Doing the former will trigger a PendingDeprecationWarning.
bpo-21386: Implement missing IPv4Address.is_global property. It was documented since 07a5610bae9d. Initial patch by Roger Luethi.
bpo-20900: distutils register command now decodes HTTP responses correctly. Initial patch by ingrid.
A new version of provides several new classes and features: @overload outside stubs, Reversible, DefaultDict, Text, ContextManager, Type[], NewType(), TYPE_CHECKING, and numerous bug fixes (note that some of the new features are not yet implemented in mypy or other static analyzers). Also classes for PEP 492 (Awaitable, AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator) have been added (in fact they made it into 3.5.1 but were never mentioned).
bpo-25738: Stop http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error() from sending a message body for 205 Reset Content. Also, don’t send Content header fields in responses that don’t have a body. Patch by Susumu Koshiba.
bpo-21313: Fix the “platform” module to tolerate when sys.version contains truncated build information.
bpo-27164: In the zlib module, allow decompressing raw Deflate streams with a predefined zdict. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24291: Fix wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler to completely write data to the client. Previously it could do partial writes and truncate data. Also, wsgiref.handler.ServerHandler can now handle stdout doing partial writes, but this is deprecated.
bpo-26373: subprocess.Popen.communicate now correctly ignores BrokenPipeError when the child process dies before .communicate() is called in more/all circumstances.
bpo-21776: distutils.upload now correctly handles HTTPError. Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-27114: Fix SSLContext._load_windows_store_certs fails with PermissionError
bpo-18383: Avoid creating duplicate filters when using filterwarnings and simplefilter. Based on patch by Alex Shkop.
bpo-27057: Fix os.set_inheritable() on Android, ioctl() is blocked by SELinux and fails with EACCESS. The function now falls back to fcntl(). Patch written by Michał Bednarski.
bpo-27014: Fix infinite recursion using Thanks to Kalle Tuure!
bpo-14132: Fix urllib.request redirect handling when the target only has a query string. Original fix by Ján Janech.
bpo-17214: The “urllib.request” module now percent-encodes non-ASCII bytes found in redirect target URLs. Some servers send Location header fields with non-ASCII bytes, but “http.client” requires the request target to be ASCII-encodable, otherwise a UnicodeEncodeError is raised. Based on patch by Christian Heimes.
bpo-26892: Honor debuglevel flag in urllib.request.HTTPHandler. Patch contributed by Chi Hsuan Yen.
bpo-22274: In the subprocess module, allow stderr to be redirected to stdout even when stdout is not redirected. Patch by Akira Li.
bpo-26807: mock_open ‘files’ no longer error on readline at end of file. Patch from Yolanda Robla.
bpo-25745: Fixed leaking a userptr in curses panel destructor.
bpo-26977: Removed unnecessary, and ignored, call to sum of squares helper in statistics.pvariance.
bpo-26881: The modulefinder module now supports extended opcode arguments.
bpo-23815: Fixed crashes related to directly created instances of types in _tkinter and curses.panel modules.
bpo-17765: weakref.ref() no longer silently ignores keyword arguments. Patch by Georg Brandl.
bpo-26873: xmlrpc now raises ResponseError on unsupported type tags instead of silently return incorrect result.
bpo-26711: Fixed the comparison of plistlib.Data with other types.
bpo-24114: Fix an uninitialized variable in
. The bug only occurs on SunOS when the ctypes implementation searches for thecrle
program. Patch by Xiang Zhang. Tested on SunOS by Kees Bos.bpo-26864: In urllib.request, change the proxy bypass host checking against no_proxy to be case-insensitive, and to not match unrelated host names that happen to have a bypassed hostname as a suffix. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26634: recursive_repr() now sets __qualname__ of wrapper. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26804: urllib.request will prefer lower_case proxy environment variables over UPPER_CASE or Mixed_Case ones. Patch contributed by Hans-Peter Jansen.
bpo-26837: assertSequenceEqual() now correctly outputs non-stringified differing items (like bytes in the -b mode). This affects assertListEqual() and assertTupleEqual().
bpo-26041: Remove “will be removed in Python 3.7” from deprecation messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution(). Patch by Kumaripaba Miyurusara Athukorala.
bpo-26822: itemgetter, attrgetter and methodcaller objects no longer silently ignore keyword arguments.
bpo-26733: Disassembling a class now disassembles class and static methods. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26801: Fix error handling in
, catchAttributeError
instead ofNameError
. Patch written by Emanuel Barry.bpo-24838: tarfile’s ustar and gnu formats now correctly calculate name and link field limits for multibyte character encodings like utf-8.
bpo-26717: Stop encoding Latin-1-ized WSGI paths with UTF-8. Patch by Anthony Sottile.
bpo-26735: Fix
on Solaris 11.3 and newer when reading more than 1,024 bytes: callgetrandom()
multiple times with a limit of 1024 bytes per call.bpo-16329: Add .webm to mimetypes.types_map. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-13952: Add .csv to mimetypes.types_map. Patch by Geoff Wilson.
bpo-26709: Fixed Y2038 problem in loading binary PLists.
bpo-23735: Handle terminal resizing with Readline 6.3+ by installing our own SIGWINCH handler. Patch by Eric Price.
bpo-26586: In http.server, respond with “413 Request header fields too large” if there are too many header fields to parse, rather than killing the connection and raising an unhandled exception. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-22854: Change BufferedReader.writable() and BufferedWriter.readable() to always return False.
bpo-25195: Fix a regression in mock.MagicMock. _Call is a subclass of tuple (changeset 3603bae63c13 only works for classes) so we need to implement __ne__ ourselves. Patch by Andrew Plummer.
bpo-26644: Raise ValueError rather than SystemError when a negative length is passed to SSLSocket.recv() or read().
bpo-23804: Fix SSL recv(0) and read(0) methods to return zero bytes instead of up to 1024.
bpo-26616: Fixed a bug in datetime.astimezone() method.
now catches exceptions onlinecache.getline(...)
to be able to logResourceWarning
emitted late during the Python shutdown process.bpo-24266: Ctrl+C during Readline history search now cancels the search mode when compiled with Readline 7.
bpo-26560: Avoid potential ValueError in BaseHandler.start_response. Initial patch by Peter Inglesby.
bpo-26569: Fix
to support importing packages.bpo-26499: Account for remaining Content-Length in HTTPResponse.readline() and read1(). Based on patch by Silent Ghost. Also document that HTTPResponse now supports these methods.
bpo-25320: Handle sockets in directories unittest discovery is scanning. Patch from Victor van den Elzen.
bpo-16181: cookiejar.http2time() now returns None if year is higher than datetime.MAXYEAR.
bpo-26513: Fixes platform module detection of Windows Server
bpo-23718: Fixed parsing time in week 0 before Jan 1. Original patch by Tamás Bence Gedai.
bpo-20589: Invoking Path.owner() and on Windows now raise NotImplementedError instead of ImportError.
bpo-26177: Fixed the keys() method for Canvas and Scrollbar widgets.
bpo-15068: Got rid of excessive buffering in the fileinput module. The bufsize parameter is no longer used.
bpo-2202: Fix UnboundLocalError in AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls. Initial patch by Mathieu Dupuy.
bpo-25718: Fixed pickling and copying the accumulate() iterator with total is None.
bpo-26475: Fixed debugging output for regular expressions with the (?x) flag.
bpo-26457: Fixed the subnets() methods in IP network classes for the case when resulting prefix length is equal to maximal prefix length. Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
bpo-26385: Remove the file if the internal open() call in NamedTemporaryFile() fails. Patch by Silent Ghost.
bpo-26402: Fix XML-RPC client to retry when the server shuts down a persistent connection. This was a regression related to the new http.client.RemoteDisconnected exception in 3.5.0a4.
bpo-25913: Leading
is optional now in base64.a85decode() with adobe=True. Patch by Swati Jaiswal.bpo-26186: Remove an invalid type check in importlib.util.LazyLoader.
bpo-26367: importlib.__import__() raises SystemError like builtins.__import__() when
is specified but without an accompanying package specified.bpo-26309: In the “socketserver” module, shut down the request (closing the connected socket) when verify_request() returns false. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
bpo-25995: os.walk() no longer uses FDs proportional to the tree depth.
bpo-26117: The os.scandir() iterator now closes file descriptor not only when the iteration is finished, but when it was failed with error.
bpo-25911: Restored support of bytes paths in os.walk() on Windows.
bpo-26045: Add UTF-8 suggestion to error message when posting a non-Latin-1 string with http.client.
bpo-12923: Reset FancyURLopener’s redirect counter even if there is an exception. Based on patches by Brian Brazil and Daniel Rocco.
bpo-25945: Fixed a crash when unpickle the functools.partial object with wrong state. Fixed a leak in failed functools.partial constructor. “args” and “keywords” attributes of functools.partial have now always types tuple and dict correspondingly.
bpo-26202: copy.deepcopy() now correctly copies range() objects with non-atomic attributes.
bpo-23076: Path.glob() now raises a ValueError if it’s called with an invalid pattern. Patch by Thomas Nyberg.
bpo-19883: Fixed possible integer overflows in zipimport.
bpo-26227: On Windows, getnameinfo(), gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname_ex() functions of the socket module now decode the hostname from the ANSI code page rather than UTF-8.
bpo-26147: xmlrpc now works with strings not encodable with used non-UTF-8 encoding.
bpo-25935: Garbage collector now breaks reference loops with OrderedDict.
bpo-16620: Fixed AttributeError in msilib.Directory.glob().
bpo-26013: Added compatibility with broken protocol 2 pickles created in old Python 3 versions (3.4.3 and lower).
bpo-25850: Use cross-compilation by default for 64-bit Windows.
bpo-17633: Improve zipimport’s support for namespace packages.
bpo-24705: Fix sysconfig._parse_makefile not expanding ${} vars appearing before $() vars.
bpo-22138: Fix mock.patch behavior when patching descriptors. Restore original values after patching. Patch contributed by Sean McCully.
bpo-25672: In the ssl module, enable the SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode option if it is safe to do so.
bpo-26012: Don’t traverse into symlinks for
pattern in pathlib.Path.[r]glob().bpo-24120: Ignore PermissionError when traversing a tree with pathlib.Path.[r]glob(). Patch by Ulrich Petri.
bpo-25447: fileinput now uses sys.stdin as-is if it does not have a buffer attribute (restores backward compatibility).
bpo-25447: Copying the lru_cache() wrapper object now always works, independently from the type of the wrapped object (by returning the original object unchanged).
bpo-24103: Fixed possible use after free in ElementTree.XMLPullParser.
bpo-25860: os.fwalk() no longer skips remaining directories when error occurs. Original patch by Samson Lee.
bpo-25914: Fixed and simplified OrderedDict.__sizeof__.
bpo-25902: Fixed various refcount issues in ElementTree iteration.
bpo-25717: Restore the previous behaviour of tolerating most fstat() errors when opening files. This was a regression in 3.5a1, and stopped anonymous temporary files from working in special cases.
bpo-24903: Fix regression in number of arguments compileall accepts when ‘-d’ is specified. The check on the number of arguments has been dropped completely as it never worked correctly anyway.
bpo-25764: In the subprocess module, preserve any exception caused by fork() failure when preexec_fn is used.
bpo-6478: _strptime’s regexp cache now is reset after changing timezone with time.tzset().
bpo-14285: When executing a package with the “python -m package” option, and package initialization fails, a proper traceback is now reported. The “runpy” module now lets exceptions from package initialization pass back to the caller, rather than raising ImportError.
bpo-19771: Also in runpy and the “-m” option, omit the irrelevant message “… is a package and cannot be directly executed” if the package could not even be initialized (e.g. due to a bad
file).bpo-25177: Fixed problem with the mean of very small and very large numbers. As a side effect, statistics.mean and statistics.variance should be significantly faster.
bpo-25718: Fixed copying object with state with boolean value is false.
bpo-10131: Fixed deep copying of minidom documents. Based on patch by Marian Ganisin.
bpo-25725: Fixed a reference leak in pickle.loads() when unpickling invalid data including tuple instructions.
bpo-25663: In the Readline completer, avoid listing duplicate global names, and search the global namespace before searching builtins.
bpo-25688: Fixed file leak in ElementTree.iterparse() raising an error.
bpo-23914: Fixed SystemError raised by unpickler on broken pickle data.
bpo-25691: Fixed crash on deleting ElementTree.Element attributes.
bpo-25624: ZipFile now always writes a ZIP_STORED header for directory entries. Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
Skip getaddrinfo if host is already resolved. Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26050: Add asyncio.StreamReader.readuntil() method. Patch by Марк Коренберг.
bpo-25924: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on OS X versions 10.5 or higher. Original patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26406: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on current versions of OpenBSD and NetBSD. Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
bpo-26848: Fix asyncio/subprocess.communicate() to handle empty input. Patch by Jack O’Connor.
bpo-27040: Add loop.get_exception_handler method
bpo-27041: asyncio: Add loop.create_future method
bpo-27223: asyncio: Fix _read_ready and _write_ready to respect _conn_lost. Patch by Łukasz Langa.
bpo-22970: asyncio: Fix inconsistency cancelling Condition.wait. Patch by David Coles.
bpo-5124: Paste with text selected now replaces the selection on X11. This matches how paste works on Windows, Mac, most modern Linux apps, and ttk widgets. Original patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-24759: Make clear in idlelib.idle_test.__init__ that the directory is a private implementation of test.test_idle and tool for maintainers.
bpo-27196: Stop ‘ThemeChanged’ warnings when running IDLE tests. These persisted after other warnings were suppressed in #20567. Apply Serhiy Storchaka’s update_idletasks solution to four test files. Record this additional advice in idle_test/README.txt
bpo-20567: Revise idle_test/README.txt with advice about avoiding tk warning messages from tests. Apply advice to several IDLE tests.
bpo-27117: Make colorizer htest and turtledemo work with dark themes. Move code for configuring text widget colors to a new function.
bpo-26673: When tk reports font size as 0, change to size 10. Such fonts on Linux prevented the configuration dialog from opening.
bpo-21939: Add test for IDLE’s percolator. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-21676: Add test for IDLE’s replace dialog. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-18410: Add test for IDLE’s search dialog. Original patch by Westley Martínez.
bpo-21703: Add test for IDLE’s undo delegator. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar .
bpo-27044: Add ConfigDialog.remove_var_callbacks to stop memory leaks.
bpo-23977: Add more asserts to test_delegator.
bpo-20640: Add tests for idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
In the ‘IDLE-console differences’ section of the IDLE doc, clarify how running with IDLE affects sys.modules and the standard streams.
bpo-25507: fix incorrect change in IOBinding that prevented printing. Augment IOBinding htest to include all major IOBinding functions.
bpo-25905: Revert unwanted conversion of ‘ to ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK in README.txt and open this and NEWS.txt with ‘ascii’. Re-encode CREDITS.txt to utf-8 and open it with ‘utf-8’.
bpo-19489: Moved the search box from the sidebar to the header and footer of each page. Patch by Ammar Askar.
bpo-24136: Document the new PEP 448 unpacking syntax of 3.5.
bpo-26736: Used HTTPS for external links in the documentation if possible.
bpo-6953: Rework the Readline module documentation to group related functions together, and add more details such as what underlying Readline functions and variables are accessed.
bpo-23606: Adds note to ctypes documentation regarding cdll.msvcrt.
bpo-25500: Fix documentation to not claim that __import__ is searched for in the global scope.
bpo-26014: Update 3.x packaging documentation: * “See also” links to the new docs are now provided in the legacy pages * links to setuptools documentation have been updated
bpo-21916: Added tests for the turtle module. Patch by ingrid, Gregory Loyse and Jelle Zijlstra.
bpo-26523: The multiprocessing thread pool (multiprocessing.dummy.Pool) was untested.
bpo-26015: Added new tests for pickling iterators of mutable sequences.
bpo-26325: Added to check that no ResourceWarning is emitted.
bpo-25940: Changed test_ssl to use This avoids relying on, which recently changed root certificate.
bpo-25616: Tests for OrderedDict are extracted from test_collections into separate file test_ordered_dict.
bpo-26583: Skip test_timestamp_overflow in test_import if bytecode files cannot be written.
bpo-26884: Fix linking extension modules for cross builds. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-22359: Disable the rules for running _freeze_importlib and pgen when cross-compiling. The output of these programs is normally saved with the source code anyway, and is still regenerated when doing a native build. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-27229: Fix the cross-compiling pgen rule for in-tree builds. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-21668: Link audioop, _datetime, _ctypes_test modules to libm, except on Mac OS X. Patch written by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-25702: A –with-lto configure option has been added that will enable link time optimizations at build time during a make profile-opt. Some compilers and toolchains are known to not produce stable code when using LTO, be sure to test things thoroughly before relying on it. It can provide a few % speed up over profile-opt alone.
bpo-26624: Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning for old versions.
bpo-17603: Avoid error about nonexistent fileblocks.o file by using a lower-level check for st_blocks in struct stat.
bpo-26079: Fixing the build output folder for tix- Patch by Bjoern Thiel.
bpo-26465: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
bpo-24421: Compile Modules/_math.c once, before building extensions. Previously it could fail to compile properly if the math and cmath builds were concurrent.
bpo-25348: Added
arguments toPCbuild\build.bat
for building with Profile-Guided Optimization. The oldPCbuild\build_pgo.bat
script is now deprecated, and simply callsPCbuild\build.bat --pgo %*
.bpo-25827: Add support for building with ICC to
, including a new--with-icc
flag.bpo-25696: Fix installation of Python on UNIX with make -j9.
bpo-26930: Update OS X 10.5+ 32-bit-only installer to build and link with OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
bpo-26268: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2f.
bpo-25136: Support Apple Xcode 7’s new textual SDK stub libraries.
bpo-24324: Do not enable unreachable code warnings when using gcc as the option does not work correctly in older versions of gcc and has been silently removed as of gcc-4.5.
bpo-27053: Updates to correctly generate library ZIP file.
bpo-26268: Update the script to handle OpenSSL releases that don’t include the contents of the include directory (that is, 1.0.2e and later).
bpo-26071: bdist_wininst created binaries fail to start and find 32bit Python
bpo-26073: Update the list of magic numbers in launcher
bpo-26065: Excludes venv from library when generating embeddable distro.
bpo-17500: Remove unused and outdated icons. (See also:
bpo-26799: Fix don’t get C types once when the Python code is loaded, but get C types on demand. The C types can change if is loaded before the Python executable. Patch written by Thomas Ilsche.
bpo-26271: Fix the Freeze tool to properly use flags passed through configure. Patch by Daniel Shaulov.
bpo-26489: Add dictionary unpacking support to Tools/parser/ Patch by Guo Ci Teo.
bpo-26316: Fix variable name typo in Argument Clinic.
Python 3.5.1 final¶
Release date: 2015-12-06
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-25709: Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8 cache.
bpo-25715: Python 3.5.1 installer shows wrong upgrade path and incorrect logic for launcher detection.
Python 3.5.1 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2015-11-22
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-25630: Fix a possible segfault during argument parsing in functions that accept filesystem paths.
bpo-23564: Fixed a partially broken sanity check in the _posixsubprocess internals regarding how fds_to_pass were passed to the child. The bug had no actual impact as already avoided it.
bpo-25388: Fixed tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code with a null byte.
bpo-25462: The hash of the key now is calculated only once in most operations in C implementation of OrderedDict.
bpo-22995: Default implementation of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ now rejects builtin types with not defined __new__.
bpo-25555: Fix parser and AST: fill lineno and col_offset of “arg” node when compiling AST from Python objects.
bpo-24802: Avoid buffer overreads when int(), float(), compile(), exec() and eval() are passed bytes-like objects. These objects are not necessarily terminated by a null byte, but the functions assumed they were.
bpo-24726: Fixed a crash and leaking NULL in repr() of OrderedDict that was mutated by direct calls of dict methods.
bpo-25449: Iterating OrderedDict with keys with unstable hash now raises KeyError in C implementations as well as in Python implementation.
bpo-25395: Fixed crash when highly nested OrderedDict structures were garbage collected.
bpo-25274: sys.setrecursionlimit() now raises a RecursionError if the new recursion limit is too low depending at the current recursion depth. Modify also the “lower-water mark” formula to make it monotonic. This mark is used to decide when the overflowed flag of the thread state is reset.
bpo-24402: Fix input() to prompt to the redirected stdout when sys.stdout.fileno() fails.
bpo-24806: Prevent builtin types that are not allowed to be subclassed from being subclassed through multiple inheritance.
bpo-24848: Fixed a number of bugs in UTF-7 decoding of misformed data.
bpo-25280: Import trace messages emitted in verbose (-v) mode are no longer formatted twice.
bpo-25003: On Solaris 11.3 or newer, os.urandom() now uses the getrandom() function instead of the getentropy() function. The getentropy() function is blocking to generate very good quality entropy, os.urandom() doesn’t need such high-quality entropy.
bpo-25182: The stdprinter (used as sys.stderr before the io module is imported at startup) now uses the backslashreplace error handler.
bpo-25131: Make the line number and column offset of set/dict literals and comprehensions correspond to the opening brace.
bpo-25150: Hide the private
symbols from the public Python.h header to fix a compilation error with OpenMP. PyThreadState_GET() becomes an alias to PyThreadState_Get() to avoid ABI incompatibilities.
bpo-25626: Change three zlib functions to accept sizes that fit in Py_ssize_t, but internally cap those sizes to UINT_MAX. This resolves a regression in 3.5 where failed to read chunks larger than 2 or 4 GiB. The change affects the zlib.Decompress.decompress() max_length parameter, the zlib.decompress() bufsize parameter, and the zlib.Decompress.flush() length parameter.
bpo-25583: Avoid incorrect errors raised by os.makedirs(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
bpo-25593: Change semantics of EventLoop.stop() in asyncio.
bpo-6973: When we know a subprocess.Popen process has died, do not allow the send_signal(), terminate(), or kill() methods to do anything as they could potentially signal a different process.
bpo-25590: In the Readline completer, only call getattr() once per attribute.
bpo-25498: Fix a crash when garbage-collecting ctypes objects created by wrapping a memoryview. This was a regression made in 3.5a1. Based on patch by Eryksun.
bpo-25584: Added “escape” to the __all__ list in the glob module.
bpo-25584: Fixed recursive glob() with patterns starting with
.bpo-25446: Fix regression in smtplib’s AUTH LOGIN support.
bpo-18010: Fix the pydoc web server’s module search function to handle exceptions from importing packages.
bpo-25554: Got rid of circular references in regular expression parsing.
bpo-25510: fileinput.FileInput.readline() now returns b’’ instead of ‘’ at the end if the FileInput was opened with binary mode. Patch by Ryosuke Ito.
bpo-25503: Fixed inspect.getdoc() for inherited docstrings of properties. Original patch by John Mark Vandenberg.
bpo-25515: Always use os.urandom as a source of randomness in uuid.uuid4.
bpo-21827: Fixed textwrap.dedent() for the case when largest common whitespace is a substring of smallest leading whitespace. Based on patch by Robert Li.
bpo-25447: The lru_cache() wrapper objects now can be copied and pickled (by returning the original object unchanged).
bpo-25390: typing: Don’t crash on Union[str, Pattern].
bpo-25441: asyncio: Raise error from drain() when socket is closed.
bpo-25410: Cleaned up and fixed minor bugs in C implementation of OrderedDict.
bpo-25411: Improved Unicode support in SMTPHandler through better use of the email package. Thanks to user simon04 for the patch.
bpo-25407: Remove mentions of the formatter module being removed in Python 3.6.
bpo-25406: Fixed a bug in C implementation of OrderedDict.move_to_end() that caused segmentation fault or hang in iterating after moving several items to the start of ordered dict.
bpo-25364: zipfile now works in threads disabled builds.
bpo-25328: smtpd’s SMTPChannel now correctly raises a ValueError if both decode_data and enable_SMTPUTF8 are set to true.
bpo-25316: distutils raises OSError instead of DistutilsPlatformError when MSVC is not installed.
bpo-25380: Fixed protocol for the STACK_GLOBAL opcode in pickletools.opcodes.
bpo-23972: Updates asyncio datagram create method allowing reuseport and reuseaddr socket options to be set prior to binding the socket. Mirroring the existing asyncio create_server method the reuseaddr option for datagram sockets defaults to True if the O/S is ‘posix’ (except if the platform is Cygwin). Patch by Chris Laws.
bpo-25304: Add asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(). This lets you submit a coroutine to a loop from another thread, returning a concurrent.futures.Future. By Vincent Michel.
bpo-25232: Fix CGIRequestHandler to split the query from the URL at the first question mark (?) rather than the last. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24657: Prevent CGIRequestHandler from collapsing slashes in the query part of the URL as if it were a path. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
bpo-24483: C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now calculates key’s hash only once.
bpo-22958: Constructor and update method of weakref.WeakValueDictionary now accept the self and the dict keyword arguments.
bpo-22609: Constructor of collections.UserDict now accepts the self keyword argument.
bpo-25111: Fixed comparison of traceback.FrameSummary.
bpo-25262: Added support for BINBYTES8 opcode in Python implementation of unpickler. Highest 32 bits of 64-bit size for BINUNICODE8 and BINBYTES8 opcodes no longer silently ignored on 32-bit platforms in C implementation.
bpo-25034: Fix string.Formatter problem with auto-numbering and nested format_specs. Patch by Anthon van der Neut.
bpo-25233: Rewrite the guts of asyncio.Queue and asyncio.Semaphore to be more understandable and correct.
bpo-25203: Failed readline.set_completer_delims() no longer left the module in inconsistent state.
bpo-23600: Default implementation of tzinfo.fromutc() was returning wrong results in some cases.
bpo-23329: Allow the ssl module to be built with older versions of LibreSSL.
Prevent overflow in _Unpickler_Read.
bpo-25047: The XML encoding declaration written by Element Tree now respects the letter case given by the user. This restores the ability to write encoding names in uppercase like “UTF-8”, which worked in Python 2.
bpo-25135: Make deque_clear() safer by emptying the deque before clearing. This helps avoid possible reentrancy issues.
bpo-19143: platform module now reads Windows version from kernel32.dll to avoid compatibility shims.
bpo-25092: Fix datetime.strftime() failure when errno was already set to EINVAL.
bpo-23517: Fix rounding in fromtimestamp() and utcfromtimestamp() methods of datetime.datetime: microseconds are now rounded to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN), instead of being rounding towards minus infinity (ROUND_FLOOR). It’s important that these methods use the same rounding mode than datetime.timedelta to keep the property: (datetime(1970,1,1) + timedelta(seconds=t)) == datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t). It also the rounding mode used by round(float) for example.
bpo-25155: Fix and datetime.datetime.utcnow() on Windows to support date after year 2038. It was a regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.
bpo-25108: Omitted internal frames in traceback functions print_stack(), format_stack(), and extract_stack() called without arguments.
bpo-25118: Fix a regression of Python 3.5.0 in os.waitpid() on Windows.
bpo-24684: socket.socket.getaddrinfo() now calls PyUnicode_AsEncodedString() instead of calling the encode() method of the host, to handle correctly custom string with an encode() method which doesn’t return a byte string. The encoder of the IDNA codec is now called directly instead of calling the encode() method of the string.
bpo-25060: Correctly compute stack usage of the BUILD_MAP opcode.
bpo-24857: Comparing call_args to a long sequence now correctly returns a boolean result instead of raising an exception. Patch by A Kaptur.
bpo-23144: Make sure that HTMLParser.feed() returns all the data, even when convert_charrefs is True.
bpo-24982: shutil.make_archive() with the “zip” format now adds entries for directories (including empty directories) in ZIP file.
bpo-25019: Fixed a crash caused by setting non-string key of expat parser. Based on patch by John Leitch.
bpo-16180: Exit pdb if file has syntax error, instead of trapping user in an infinite loop. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-24891: Fix a race condition at Python startup if the file descriptor of stdin (0), stdout (1) or stderr (2) is closed while Python is creating sys.stdin, sys.stdout and sys.stderr objects. These attributes are now set to None if the creation of the object failed, instead of raising an OSError exception. Initial patch written by Marco Paolini.
bpo-24992: Fix error handling and a race condition (related to garbage collection) in collections.OrderedDict constructor.
bpo-24881: Fixed setting binary mode in Python implementation of FileIO on Windows and Cygwin. Patch from Akira Li.
bpo-25578: Fix (another) memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercer().
bpo-25530: Disable the vulnerable SSLv3 protocol by default when creating ssl.SSLContext.
bpo-25569: Fix memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercert().
bpo-25471: Sockets returned from accept() shouldn’t appear to be nonblocking.
bpo-25319: When threading.Event is reinitialized, the underlying condition should use a regular lock rather than a recursive lock.
bpo-21112: Fix regression in unittest.expectedFailure on subclasses. Patch from Berker Peksag.
bpo-24764: cgi.FieldStorage.read_multi() now ignores the Content-Length header in part headers. Patch written by Peter Landry and reviewed by Pierre Quentel.
bpo-24913: Fix overrun error in deque.index(). Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
bpo-24774: Fix docstring in http.server.test. Patch from Chiu-Hsiang Hsu.
bpo-21159: Improve message in configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError. Patch from Łukasz Langa.
bpo-20362: Honour TestCase.longMessage correctly in assertRegex. Patch from Ilia Kurenkov.
bpo-23572: Fixed functools.singledispatch on classes with false metaclasses. Patch by Ethan Furman.
asyncio: ensure_future() now accepts awaitable objects.
bpo-15348: Stop the debugger engine (normally in a user process) before closing the debugger window (running in the IDLE process). This prevents the RuntimeErrors that were being caught and ignored.
bpo-24455: Prevent IDLE from hanging when a) closing the shell while the debugger is active (15347); b) closing the debugger with the [X] button (15348); and c) activating the debugger when already active (24455). The patch by Mark Roseman does this by making two changes. 1. Suspend and resume the gui.interaction method with the tcl vwait mechanism intended for this purpose (instead of root.mainloop & .quit). 2. In, allow any existing interaction to terminate first.
Change ‘The program’ to ‘Your program’ in an IDLE ‘kill program?’ message to make it clearer that the program referred to is the currently running user program, not IDLE itself.
bpo-24750: Improve the appearance of the IDLE editor window status bar. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25313: Change the handling of new built-in text color themes to better address the compatibility problem introduced by the addition of IDLE Dark. Consistently use the revised idleConf.CurrentTheme everywhere in idlelib.
bpo-24782: Extension configuration is now a tab in the IDLE Preferences dialog rather than a separate dialog. The former tabs are now a sorted list. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-22726: Re-activate the config dialog help button with some content about the other buttons and the new IDLE Dark theme.
bpo-24820: IDLE now has an ‘IDLE Dark’ built-in text color theme. It is more or less IDLE Classic inverted, with a cobalt blue background. Strings, comments, keywords, … are still green, red, orange, … . To use it with IDLEs released before November 2015, hit the ‘Save as New Custom Theme’ button and enter a new name, such as ‘Custom Dark’. The custom theme will work with any IDLE release, and can be modified.
bpo-25224: README.txt is now an idlelib index for IDLE developers and curious users. The previous user content is now in the IDLE doc chapter. ‘IDLE’ now means ‘Integrated Development and Learning Environment’.
bpo-24820: Users can now set breakpoint colors in Settings -> Custom Highlighting. Original patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24972: Inactive selection background now matches active selection background, as configured by users, on all systems. Found items are now always highlighted on Windows. Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24570: Idle: make calltip and completion boxes appear on Macs affected by a tk regression. Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24988: Idle ScrolledList context menus (used in debugger) now work on Mac Aqua. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-24801: Make right-click for context menu work on Mac Aqua. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25173: Associate tkinter messageboxes with a specific widget. For Mac OSX, make them a ‘sheet’. Patch by Mark Roseman.
bpo-25198: Enhance the initial html viewer now used for Idle Help. Properly indent fixed-pitch text (patch by Mark Roseman). Give code snippet a very Sphinx-like light blueish-gray background. Re-use initial width and height set by users for shell and editor. When the Table of Contents (TOC) menu is used, put the section header at the top of the screen.
bpo-25225: Condense and rewrite Idle doc section on text colors.
bpo-21995: Explain some differences between IDLE and console Python.
bpo-22820: Explain need for print when running file from Idle editor.
bpo-25224: Doc: augment Idle feature list and no-subprocess section.
bpo-25219: Update doc for Idle command line options. Some were missing and notes were not correct.
bpo-24861: Most of idlelib is private and subject to change. Use idleib.idle.* to start Idle. See idlelib.__init__.__doc__.
bpo-25199: Idle: add synchronization comments for future maintainers.
bpo-16893: Replace help.txt with help.html for Idle doc display. The new idlelib/help.html is rstripped Doc/build/html/library/idle.html. It looks better than help.txt and will better document Idle as released. The tkinter html viewer that works for this file was written by Mark Roseman. The now unused EditorWindow.HelpDialog class and helt.txt file are deprecated.
bpo-24199: Deprecate unused idlelib.idlever with possible removal in 3.6.
bpo-24790: Remove extraneous code (which also create 2 & 3 conflicts).
bpo-22558: Add remaining doc links to source code for Python-coded modules. Patch by Yoni Lavi.
bpo-12067: Rewrite Comparisons section in the Expressions chapter of the language reference. Some of the details of comparing mixed types were incorrect or ambiguous. NotImplemented is only relevant at a lower level than the Expressions chapter. Added details of comparing range() objects, and default behaviour and consistency suggestions for user-defined classes. Patch from Andy Maier.
bpo-24952: Clarify the default size argument of stack_size() in the “threading” and “_thread” modules. Patch from Mattip.
bpo-23725: Overhaul tempfile docs. Note deprecated status of mktemp. Patch from Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek.
bpo-24808: Update the types of some PyTypeObject fields. Patch by Joseph Weston.
bpo-22812: Fix unittest discovery examples. Patch from Pam McA’Nulty.
bpo-25449: Added tests for OrderedDict subclasses.
bpo-25099: Make test_compileall not fail when an entry on sys.path cannot be written to (commonly seen in administrative installs on Windows).
bpo-23919: Prevents assert dialogs appearing in the test suite.
now accepts an unlimited number of arguments to pass along to Previously there was a limit of 9.
bpo-24915: Add LLVM support for PGO builds and use the test suite to generate the profile data. Initial patch by Alecsandru Patrascu of Intel.
bpo-24910: Windows MSIs now have unique display names.
bpo-24986: It is now possible to build Python on Windows without errors when external libraries are not available.
bpo-25450: Updates shortcuts to start Python in installation directory.
bpo-25164: Changes default all-users install directory to match per-user directory.
bpo-25143: Improves installer error messages for unsupported platforms.
bpo-25163: Display correct directory in installer when using non-default settings.
bpo-25361: Disables use of SSE2 instructions in Windows 32-bit build
bpo-25089: Adds logging to installer for case where launcher is not selected on upgrade.
bpo-25165: Windows uninstallation should not remove launcher if other versions remain
bpo-25112: py.exe launcher is missing icons
bpo-25102: Windows installer does not precompile for -O or -OO.
bpo-25081: Makes Back button in installer go back to upgrade page when upgrading.
bpo-25091: Increases font size of the installer.
bpo-25126: Clarifies that the non-web installer will download some components.
bpo-25213: Restores requestedExecutionLevel to manifest to disable UAC virtualization.
bpo-25022: Removed very outdated PC/example_nt/ directory.
bpo-25440: Fix output of python-config –extension-suffix.
Python 3.5.0 final¶
Release date: 2015-09-13
bpo-25071: Windows installer should not require TargetDir parameter when installing quietly.
Python 3.5.0 release candidate 4¶
Release date: 2015-09-09
bpo-25029: Fixes MemoryError in test_strptime.
bpo-25027: Reverts partial-static build options and adds vcruntime140.dll to Windows installation.
Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3¶
Release date: 2015-09-07
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24917: time_strftime() buffer over-read.
bpo-24748: To resolve a compatibility problem found with py2exe and pywin32, imp.load_dynamic() once again ignores previously loaded modules to support Python modules replacing themselves with extension modules. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
bpo-24635: Fixed a bug in where isinstance([], typing.Iterable) would return True once, then False on subsequent calls.
bpo-24989: Fixed buffer overread in BytesIO.readline() if a position is set beyond size. Based on patch by John Leitch.
bpo-24913: Fix overrun error in deque.index(). Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
Python 3.5.0 release candidate 2¶
Release date: 2015-08-25
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24769: Interpreter now starts properly when dynamic loading is disabled. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
bpo-21167: NAN operations are now handled correctly when python is compiled with ICC even if -fp-model strict is not specified.
bpo-24492: A “package” lacking a __name__ attribute when trying to perform a
from .. import ...
statement will trigger an ImportError instead of an AttributeError.
Python 3.5.0 release candidate 1¶
Release date: 2015-08-09
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24667: Resize odict in all cases that the underlying dict resizes.
bpo-24824: Signatures of codecs.encode() and codecs.decode() now are compatible with pydoc.
bpo-24634: Importing uuid should not try to load libc on Windows
bpo-24798: doesn’t properly support manifests
bpo-4395: Better testing and documentation of binary operators. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23973: Update from GitHub repo.
bpo-23004: mock_open() now reads binary data correctly when the type of read_data is bytes. Initial patch by Aaron Hill.
bpo-23888: Handle fractional time in cookie expiry. Patch by ssh.
bpo-23652: Make it possible to compile the select module against the libc headers from the Linux Standard Base, which do not include some EPOLL macros. Patch by Matt Frank.
bpo-22932: Fix timezones in email.utils.formatdate. Patch from Dmitry Shachnev.
bpo-23779: imaplib raises TypeError if authenticator tries to abort. Patch from Craig Holmquist.
bpo-23319: Fix ctypes.BigEndianStructure, swap correctly bytes. Patch written by Matthieu Gautier.
bpo-23254: Document how to close the TCPServer listening socket. Patch from Martin Panter.
bpo-19450: Update Windows and OS X installer builds to use SQLite 3.8.11.
bpo-17527: Add PATCH to wsgiref.validator. Patch from Luca Sbardella.
bpo-24791: Fix grammar regression for call syntax: ‘g(*a or b)’.
bpo-23672: Allow Idle to edit and run files with astral chars in name. Patch by Mohd Sanad Zaki Rizvi.
bpo-24745: Idle editor default font. Switch from Courier to platform-sensitive TkFixedFont. This should not affect current customized font selections. If there is a problem, edit $HOME/.idlerc/config-main.cfg and remove ‘
’ entries from [Editor Window]. Patch by Mark Roseman.bpo-21192: Idle editor. When a file is run, put its name in the restart bar. Do not print false prompts. Original patch by Adnan Umer.
bpo-13884: Idle menus. Remove tearoff lines. Patch by Roger Serwy.
bpo-24129: Clarify the reference documentation for name resolution. This includes removing the assumption that readers will be familiar with the name resolution scheme Python used prior to the introduction of lexical scoping for function namespaces. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.
bpo-20769: Improve reload() docs. Patch by Dorian Pula.
bpo-23589: Remove duplicate sentence from the FAQ. Patch by Yongzhi Pan.
bpo-24729: Correct IO tutorial to match implementation regarding encoding parameter to open function.
bpo-24751: When running regrtest with the
command line option, a test run is no longer marked as a failure if all tests succeed when re-run.
Python 3.5.0 beta 4¶
Release date: 2015-07-26
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23573: Restored optimization of bytes.rfind() and bytearray.rfind() for single-byte argument on Linux.
bpo-24569: Make PEP 448 dictionary evaluation more consistent.
bpo-24583: Fix crash when set is mutated while being updated.
bpo-24407: Fix crash when dict is mutated while being updated.
bpo-24619: New approach for tokenizing async/await. As a consequence, it is now possible to have one-line ‘async def foo(): await ..’ functions.
bpo-24687: Plug refleak on SyntaxError in function parameters annotations.
bpo-15944: memoryview: Allow arbitrary formats when casting to bytes. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23441: rcompleter now prints a tab character instead of displaying possible completions for an empty word. Initial patch by Martin Sekera.
bpo-24683: Fixed crashes in _json functions called with arguments of inappropriate type.
bpo-21697: shutil.copytree() now correctly handles symbolic links that point to directories. Patch by Eduardo Seabra and Thomas Kluyver.
bpo-14373: Fixed segmentation fault when gc.collect() is called during constructing lru_cache (C implementation).
bpo-24695: Fix a regression in traceback.print_exception(). If exc_traceback is None we shouldn’t print a traceback header like described in the documentation.
bpo-24620: Random.setstate() now validates the value of state last element.
bpo-22485: Fixed an issue that caused
to return incorrect results on nested functions.bpo-22153: Improve unittest docs. Patch from Martin Panter and evilzero.
bpo-24580: Symbolic group references to open group in re patterns now are explicitly forbidden as well as numeric group references.
bpo-24206: Fixed __eq__ and __ne__ methods of inspect classes.
bpo-24631: Fixed regression in the timeit module with multiline setup.
bpo-18622: unittest.mock.mock_open().reset_mock would recurse infinitely. Patch from Nicola Palumbo and Laurent De Buyst.
bpo-23661: unittest.mock side_effects can now be exceptions again. This was a regression vs Python 3.4. Patch from Ignacio Rossi
bpo-24608: now always returns bytes, not str.
bpo-18684: Fixed reading out of the buffer in the re module.
bpo-24259: tarfile now raises a ReadError if an archive is truncated inside a data segment.
bpo-15014: SMTP.auth() and SMTP.login() now support RFC 4954’s optional initial-response argument to the SMTP AUTH command.
bpo-24669: Fix inspect.getsource() for ‘async def’ functions. Patch by Kai Groner.
bpo-24688: ast.get_docstring() for ‘async def’ functions.
bpo-24603: Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2d.
Python 3.5.0 beta 3¶
Release date: 2015-07-05
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24467: Fixed possible buffer over-read in bytearray. The bytearray object now always allocates place for trailing null byte and it’s buffer now is always null-terminated.
Upgrade to Unicode 8.0.0.
bpo-24345: Add Py_tp_finalize slot for the stable ABI.
bpo-24400: Introduce a distinct type for PEP 492 coroutines; add types.CoroutineType, inspect.getcoroutinestate, inspect.getcoroutinelocals; coroutines no longer use CO_GENERATOR flag; sys.set_coroutine_wrapper works only for ‘async def’ coroutines; inspect.iscoroutine no longer uses, it’s intended to test for pure ‘async def’ coroutines only; add new opcode: GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER; fix generators wrapper used in types.coroutine to be instance of; and can no longer be used to detect generator-based coroutines–use inspect.isawaitable instead.
bpo-24450: Add gi_yieldfrom to generators and cr_await to coroutines. Contributed by Benno Leslie and Yury Selivanov.
bpo-19235: Add new RecursionError exception. Patch by Georg Brandl.
bpo-21750: mock_open.read_data can now be read from each instance, as it could in Python 3.3.
bpo-24552: Fix use after free in an error case of the _pickle module.
bpo-24514: tarfile now tolerates number fields consisting of only whitespace.
bpo-19176: Fixed doctype() related bugs in C implementation of ElementTree. A deprecation warning no longer issued by XMLParser subclass with default doctype() method. Direct call of doctype() now issues a warning. Parser’s doctype() now is not called if target’s doctype() is called. Based on patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-20387: Restore semantic round-trip correctness in tokenize/untokenize for tab-indented blocks.
bpo-24456: Fixed possible buffer over-read in adpcm2lin() and lin2adpcm() functions of the audioop module.
bpo-24336: The contextmanager decorator now works with functions with keyword arguments called “func” and “self”. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-24522: Fix possible integer overflow in json accelerator module.
bpo-24489: ensure a previously set C errno doesn’t disturb cmath.polar().
bpo-24408: Fixed AttributeError in measure() and metrics() methods of tkinter.Font.
bpo-14373: C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now can be used with methods.
bpo-24347: Set KeyError if PyDict_GetItemWithError returns NULL.
bpo-24348: Drop superfluous incref/decref.
bpo-24359: Check for changed OrderedDict size during iteration.
bpo-24368: Support keyword arguments in OrderedDict methods.
bpo-24362: Simplify the C OrderedDict fast nodes resize logic.
bpo-24377: Fix a ref leak in OrderedDict.__repr__.
bpo-24369: Defend against key-changes during iteration.
bpo-24432: Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2c.
Python 3.5.0 beta 2¶
Release date: 2015-05-31
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24284: The startswith and endswith methods of the str class no longer return True when finding the empty string and the indexes are completely out of range.
bpo-24115: Update uses of PyObject_IsTrue(), PyObject_Not(), PyObject_IsInstance(), PyObject_RichCompareBool() and _PyDict_Contains() to check for and handle errors correctly.
bpo-24328: Fix importing one character extension modules.
bpo-11205: In dictionary displays, evaluate the key before the value.
bpo-24285: Fixed regression that prevented importing extension modules from inside packages. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
bpo-23247: Fix a crash in the StreamWriter.reset() of CJK codecs.
bpo-24270: Add math.isclose() and cmath.isclose() functions as per PEP 485. Contributed by Chris Barker and Tal Einat.
bpo-5633: Fixed timeit when the statement is a string and the setup is not.
bpo-24326: Fixed audioop.ratecv() with non-default weightB argument. Original patch by David Moore.
bpo-16991: Add a C implementation of OrderedDict.
bpo-23934: Fix inspect.signature to fail correctly for builtin types lacking signature information. Initial patch by James Powell.
Python 3.5.0 beta 1¶
Release date: 2015-05-24
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-24276: Fixed optimization of property descriptor getter.
bpo-24268: PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
bpo-23955: Add pyvenv.cfg option to suppress registry/environment lookup for generating sys.path on Windows.
bpo-24257: Fixed system error in the comparison of faked types.SimpleNamespace.
bpo-22939: Fixed integer overflow in iterator object. Patch by Clement Rouault.
bpo-23985: Fix a possible buffer overrun when deleting a slice from the front of a bytearray and then appending some other bytes data.
bpo-24102: Fixed exception type checking in standard error handlers.
bpo-15027: The UTF-32 encoder is now 3x to 7x faster.
bpo-23290: Optimize set_merge() for cases where the target is empty. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka.)
bpo-2292: PEP 448: Additional Unpacking Generalizations.
bpo-24096: Make warnings.warn_explicit more robust against mutation of the warnings.filters list.
bpo-23996: Avoid a crash when a delegated generator raises an unnormalized StopIteration exception. Patch by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-23910: Optimize property() getter calls. Patch by Joe Jevnik.
bpo-23911: Move path-based importlib bootstrap code to a separate frozen module.
bpo-24192: Fix namespace package imports.
bpo-24022: Fix tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code.
bpo-9951: Added a hex() method to bytes, bytearray, and memoryview.
bpo-22906: PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators.
bpo-24017: PEP 492: Coroutines with async and await syntax.
bpo-14373: Added C implementation of functools.lru_cache(). Based on patches by Matt Joiner and Alexey Kachayev.
bpo-24230: The tempfile module now accepts bytes for prefix, suffix and dir parameters and returns bytes in such situations (matching the os module APIs).
bpo-22189: collections.UserString now supports __getnewargs__(), __rmod__(), casefold(), format_map(), isprintable(), and maketrans(). Patch by Joe Jevnik.
bpo-24244: Prevents termination when an invalid format string is encountered on Windows in strftime.
bpo-23973: PEP 484: Add the typing module.
bpo-23086: The abstract base class added start and stop parameters to the index() mixin. Patch by Devin Jeanpierre.
bpo-20035: Replaced the
module used for setting up the Tcl/Tk environment on Windows with a private function in the_tkinter
module that makes no permanent changes to the environment.bpo-24257: Fixed segmentation fault in sqlite3.Row constructor with faked cursor type.
bpo-15836: assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and assertWarnsRegex() assertments now check the type of the first argument to prevent possible user error. Based on patch by Daniel Wagner-Hall.
bpo-9858: Add missing method stubs to _io.RawIOBase. Patch by Laura Rupprecht.
bpo-22955: attrgetter, itemgetter and methodcaller objects in the operator module now support pickling. Added readable and evaluable repr for these objects. Based on patch by Josh Rosenberg.
bpo-22107: tempfile.gettempdir() and tempfile.mkdtemp() now try again when a directory with the chosen name already exists on Windows as well as on Unix. tempfile.mkstemp() now fails early if parent directory is not valid (not exists or is a file) on Windows.
bpo-23780: Improved error message in os.path.join() with single argument.
bpo-6598: Increased time precision and random number range in email.utils.make_msgid() to strengthen the uniqueness of the message ID.
bpo-24091: Fixed various crashes in corner cases in C implementation of ElementTree.
bpo-21931: msilib.FCICreate() now raises TypeError in the case of a bad argument instead of a ValueError with a bogus FCI error number. Patch by Jeffrey Armstrong.
bpo-13866: quote_via argument added to urllib.parse.urlencode.
bpo-20098: New mangle_from policy option for email, default True for compat32, but False for all other policies.
bpo-24211: The email library now supports RFC 6532: it can generate headers using utf-8 instead of encoded words.
bpo-16314: Added support for the LZMA compression in distutils.
bpo-21804: poplib now supports RFC 6856 (UTF8).
bpo-18682: Optimized pprint functions for builtin scalar types.
bpo-22027: smtplib now supports RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8).
bpo-23488: Random generator objects now consume 2x less memory on 64-bit.
bpo-1322: platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions are now deprecated. Initial patch by Vajrasky Kok.
bpo-22486: Added the math.gcd() function. The fractions.gcd() function now is deprecated. Based on patch by Mark Dickinson.
bpo-24064: Property() docstrings are now writeable. (Patch by Berker Peksag.)
bpo-22681: Added support for the koi8_t encoding.
bpo-22682: Added support for the kz1048 encoding.
bpo-23796: peek and read1 methods of BufferedReader now raise ValueError if they called on a closed object. Patch by John Hergenroeder.
bpo-21795: smtpd now supports the 8BITMIME extension whenever the new decode_data constructor argument is set to False.
bpo-24155: optimize heapq.heapify() for better cache performance when heapifying large lists.
bpo-21800: imaplib now supports RFC 5161 (enable), RFC 6855 (utf8/internationalized email) and automatically encodes non-ASCII usernames and passwords to UTF8.
bpo-20274: When calling a _sqlite.Connection, it now complains if passed any keyword arguments. Previously it silently ignored them.
bpo-20274: Remove ignored and erroneous “kwargs” parameters from three METH_VARARGS methods on _sqlite.Connection.
bpo-24134: assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and assertWarnsRegex() checks now emits a deprecation warning when callable is None or keyword arguments except msg is passed in the context manager mode.
bpo-24018: Add a abstract base class. Contributed by Stefan Behnel.
bpo-23880: Tkinter’s getint() and getdouble() now support Tcl_Obj. Tkinter’s getdouble() now supports any numbers (in particular int).
bpo-22619: Added negative limit support in the traceback module. Based on patch by Dmitry Kazakov.
bpo-24094: Fix possible crash in json.encode with poorly behaved dict subclasses.
bpo-9246: On POSIX, os.getcwd() now supports paths longer than 1025 bytes. Patch written by William Orr.
bpo-17445: add difflib.diff_bytes() to support comparison of byte strings (fixes a regression from Python 2).
bpo-23917: Fall back to sequential compilation when ProcessPoolExecutor doesn’t exist. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-23008: Fixed resolving attributes with boolean value is False in pydoc.
Fix asyncio issue 235: LifoQueue and PriorityQueue’s put didn’t increment unfinished tasks (this bug was introduced when JoinableQueue was merged with Queue).
bpo-23908: os functions now reject paths with embedded null character on Windows instead of silently truncating them.
bpo-23728: binascii.crc_hqx() could return an integer outside of the range 0-0xffff for empty data.
bpo-23887: urllib.error.HTTPError now has a proper repr() representation. Patch by Berker Peksag.
asyncio: New event loop APIs: set_task_factory() and get_task_factory().
asyncio: async() function is deprecated in favour of ensure_future().
bpo-24178: asyncio.Lock, Condition, Semaphore, and BoundedSemaphore support new ‘async with’ syntax. Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-24179: Support ‘async for’ for asyncio.StreamReader. Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-24184: Add AsyncIterator and AsyncIterable ABCs to Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-22547: Implement informative __repr__ for inspect.BoundArguments. Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-24190: Implement inspect.BoundArgument.apply_defaults() method. Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-20691: Add ‘follow_wrapped’ argument to inspect.Signature.from_callable() and inspect.signature(). Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
bpo-24248: Deprecate inspect.Signature.from_function() and inspect.Signature.from_builtin().
bpo-23898: Fix inspect.classify_class_attrs() to support attributes with overloaded __eq__ and __bool__. Patch by Mike Bayer.
bpo-24298: Fix inspect.signature() to correctly unwrap wrappers around bound methods.
bpo-23184: remove unused names and imports in idlelib. Initial patch by Al Sweigart.
bpo-24000: Improved Argument Clinic’s mapping of converters to legacy “format units”. Updated the documentation to match.
bpo-24001: Argument Clinic converters now use accept={type} instead of types={‘type’} to specify the types the converter accepts.
bpo-23330: h2py now supports arbitrary filenames in #include.
bpo-24031: make patchcheck now supports git checkouts, too.
Python 3.5.0 alpha 4¶
Release date: 2015-04-19
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-22980: Under Linux, GNU/KFreeBSD and the Hurd, C extensions now include the architecture triplet in the extension name, to make it easy to test builds for different ABIs in the same working tree. Under OS X, the extension name now includes PEP 3149-style information.
bpo-22631: Added Linux-specific socket constant CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES. Patch courtesy of Joe Jevnik.
bpo-23726: Don’t enable GC for user subclasses of non-GC types that don’t add any new fields. Patch by Eugene Toder.
bpo-23309: Avoid a deadlock at shutdown if a daemon thread is aborted while it is holding a lock to a buffered I/O object, and the main thread tries to use the same I/O object (typically stdout or stderr). A fatal error is emitted instead.
bpo-22977: Fixed formatting Windows error messages on Wine. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23466: %c, %o, %x, and %X in bytes formatting now raise TypeError on non-integer input.
bpo-24044: Fix possible null pointer dereference in list.sort in out of memory conditions.
bpo-21354: PyCFunction_New function is exposed by python DLL again.
bpo-23840: now closes the temporary binary file on error to fix a resource warning.
bpo-16914: new debuglevel 2 in smtplib adds timestamps to debug output.
bpo-7159: urllib.request now supports sending auth credentials automatically after the first 401. This enhancement is a superset of the enhancement from bpo-19494 and supersedes that change.
bpo-23703: Fix a regression in urljoin() introduced in 901e4e52b20a. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-4254: Adds _curses.update_lines_cols(). Patch by Arnon Yaari
bpo-19933: Provide default argument for ndigits in round. Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
bpo-23193: Add a numeric_owner parameter to tarfile.TarFile.extract and tarfile.TarFile.extractall. Patch by Michael Vogt and Eric Smith.
bpo-23342: Add a function than returns a CalledProcess instance for a more consistent API than the existing call* functions.
bpo-21217: inspect.getsourcelines() now tries to compute the start and end lines from the code object, fixing an issue when a lambda function is used as decorator argument. Patch by Thomas Ballinger and Allison Kaptur.
bpo-24521: Fix possible integer overflows in the pickle module.
bpo-22931: Allow ‘[’ and ‘]’ in cookie values.
The keywords attribute of functools.partial is now always a dictionary.
bpo-23811: Add missing newline to the PyCompileError error message. Patch by Alex Shkop.
bpo-21116: Avoid blowing memory when allocating a multiprocessing shared array that’s larger than 50% of the available RAM. Patch by Médéric Boquien.
bpo-22982: Improve BOM handling when seeking to multiple positions of a writable text file.
bpo-23464: Removed deprecated asyncio JoinableQueue.
bpo-23529: Limit the size of decompressed data when reading from GzipFile, BZ2File or LZMAFile. This defeats denial of service attacks using compressed bombs (i.e. compressed payloads which decompress to a huge size). Patch by Martin Panter and Nikolaus Rath.
bpo-21859: Added Python implementation of io.FileIO.
bpo-23865: close() methods in multiple modules now are idempotent and more robust at shutdown. If they need to release multiple resources, all are released even if errors occur.
bpo-23400: Raise same exception on both Python 2 and 3 if sem_open is not available. Patch by Davin Potts.
bpo-10838: The subprocess now module includes SubprocessError and TimeoutError in its list of exported names for the users wild enough to use
from subprocess import *
.bpo-23411: Added DefragResult, ParseResult, SplitResult, DefragResultBytes, ParseResultBytes, and SplitResultBytes to urllib.parse.__all__. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23881: urllib.request.ftpwrapper constructor now closes the socket if the FTP connection failed to fix a ResourceWarning.
does no more reset the socket timeout each time data is sent successfully. The socket timeout is now the maximum total duration to send all data.bpo-22721: An order of multiline pprint output of set or dict containing orderable and non-orderable elements no longer depends on iteration order of set or dict.
bpo-15133: _tkinter.tkapp.getboolean() now supports Tcl_Obj and always returns bool. tkinter.BooleanVar now validates input values (accepted bool, int, str, and Tcl_Obj). tkinter.BooleanVar.get() now always returns bool.
bpo-10590: xml.sax.parseString() now supports string argument.
bpo-23338: Fixed formatting ctypes error messages on Cygwin. Patch by Makoto Kato.
bpo-15582: inspect.getdoc() now follows inheritance chains.
bpo-2175: SAX parsers now support a character stream of InputSource object.
bpo-16840: Tkinter now supports 64-bit integers added in Tcl 8.4 and arbitrary precision integers added in Tcl 8.5.
bpo-23834: Fix socket.sendto(), use the C Py_ssize_t type to store the result of sendto() instead of the C int type.
now waits until the connection completes instead of raisingInterruptedError
if the connection is interrupted by signals, signal handlers don’t raise an exception and the socket is blocking or has a timeout.socket.socket.connect()
still raiseInterruptedError
for non-blocking sockets.bpo-21526: Tkinter now supports new boolean type in Tcl 8.5.
bpo-23836: Fix the faulthandler module to handle reentrant calls to its signal handlers.
bpo-23838: linecache now clears the cache and returns an empty result on MemoryError.
bpo-10395: Added os.path.commonpath(). Implemented in posixpath and ntpath. Based on patch by Rafik Draoui.
bpo-23611: Serializing more “lookupable” objects (such as unbound methods or nested classes) now are supported with pickle protocols < 4.
bpo-13583: sqlite3.Row now supports slice indexing.
bpo-18473: Fixed 2to3 and 3to2 compatible pickle mappings. Fixed ambiguous reverse mappings. Added many new mappings. Import mapping is no longer applied to modules already mapped with full name mapping.
bpo-23485: is now retried automatically with the recomputed timeout when interrupted by a signal, except if the signal handler raises an exception. This change is part of the PEP 475.
bpo-23752: When built from an existing file descriptor, io.FileIO() now only calls fstat() once. Before fstat() was called twice, which was not necessary.
bpo-23704: collections.deque() objects now support __add__, __mul__, and __imul__().
bpo-23171: csv.Writer.writerow() now supports arbitrary iterables.
bpo-23745: The new email header parser now handles duplicate MIME parameter names without error, similar to how get_param behaves.
bpo-22117: Fix os.utime(), it now rounds the timestamp towards minus infinity (-inf) instead of rounding towards zero.
bpo-23310: Fix MagicMock’s initializer to work with __methods__, just like configure_mock(). Patch by Kasia Jachim.
bpo-18128: pygettext now uses standard +NNNN format in the POT-Creation-Date header.
bpo-23935: Argument Clinic’s understanding of format units accepting bytes, bytearrays, and buffers is now consistent with both the documentation and the implementation.
bpo-23944: Argument Clinic now wraps long impl prototypes at column 78.
bpo-20586: Argument Clinic now ensures that functions without docstrings have signatures.
bpo-23492: Argument Clinic now generates argument parsing code with PyArg_Parse instead of PyArg_ParseTuple if possible.
bpo-23500: Argument Clinic is now smarter about generating the “#ifndef” (empty) definition of the methoddef macro: it’s only generated once, even if Argument Clinic processes the same symbol multiple times, and it’s emitted at the end of all processing rather than immediately after the first use.
bpo-23998: PyImport_ReInitLock() now checks for lock allocation error
Python 3.5.0 alpha 3¶
Release date: 2015-03-28
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23573: Increased performance of string search operations (str.find, str.index, str.count, the in operator, str.split, str.partition) with arguments of different kinds (UCS1, UCS2, UCS4).
bpo-23753: Python doesn’t support anymore platforms without stat() or fstat(), these functions are always required.
bpo-23681: The -b option now affects comparisons of bytes with int.
bpo-23632: Memoryviews now allow tuple indexing (including for multi-dimensional memoryviews).
bpo-23192: Fixed generator lambdas. Patch by Bruno Cauet.
bpo-23629: Fix the default __sizeof__ implementation for variable-sized objects.
bpo-14260: The groupindex attribute of regular expression pattern object now is non-modifiable mapping.
bpo-23792: Ignore KeyboardInterrupt when the pydoc pager is active. This mimics the behavior of the standard unix pagers, and prevents pipepager from shutting down while the pager itself is still running.
bpo-23775: pprint() of OrderedDict now outputs the same representation as repr().
bpo-23765: Removed IsBadStringPtr calls in ctypes
bpo-22364: Improved some re error messages using regex for hints.
bpo-23742: ntpath.expandvars() no longer loses unbalanced single quotes.
bpo-21717: The function now supports ‘x’ (exclusive creation) mode.
bpo-21802: The reader in BufferedRWPair now is closed even when closing writer failed in BufferedRWPair.close().
bpo-23622: Unknown escapes in regular expressions that consist of
and ASCII letter now raise a deprecation warning and will be forbidden in Python 3.6.bpo-23671: string.Template now allows specifying the “self” parameter as a keyword argument. string.Formatter now allows specifying the “self” and the “format_string” parameters as keyword arguments.
bpo-23502: The pprint module now supports mapping proxies.
bpo-17530: pprint now wraps long bytes objects and bytearrays.
bpo-22687: Fixed some corner cases in breaking words in tetxtwrap. Got rid of quadratic complexity in breaking long words.
bpo-4727: The copy module now uses pickle protocol 4 (PEP 3154) and supports copying of instances of classes whose __new__ method takes keyword-only arguments.
bpo-23491: Added a zipapp module to support creating executable zip file archives of Python code. Registered “.pyz” and “.pyzw” extensions on Windows for these archives (PEP 441).
bpo-23657: Avoid explicit checks for str in zipapp, adding support for pathlib.Path objects as arguments.
bpo-23688: Added support of arbitrary bytes-like objects and avoided unnecessary copying of memoryview in gzip.GzipFile.write(). Original patch by Wolfgang Maier.
bpo-23252: Added support for writing ZIP files to unseekable streams.
bpo-23647: Increase imaplib’s MAXLINE to accommodate modern mailbox sizes.
bpo-23539: If body is None, http.client.HTTPConnection.request now sets Content-Length to 0 for PUT, POST, and PATCH headers to avoid 411 errors from some web servers.
bpo-22351: The nntplib.NNTP constructor no longer leaves the connection and socket open until the garbage collector cleans them up. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23704: collections.deque() objects now support methods for index(), insert(), and copy(). This allows deques to be registered as a MutableSequence and it improves their substitutability for lists.
are now retried when interrupted by a signal not in the sigset parameter, if the signal handler does not raise an exception. signal.sigtimedwait() recomputes the timeout with a monotonic clock when it is retried.bpo-23001: Few functions in modules mmap, ossaudiodev, socket, ssl, and codecs, that accepted only read-only bytes-like object now accept writable bytes-like object too.
bpo-23646: If time.sleep() is interrupted by a signal, the sleep is now retried with the recomputed delay, except if the signal handler raises an exception (PEP 475).
bpo-23136: _strptime now uniformly handles all days in week 0, including Dec 30 of previous year. Based on patch by Jim Carroll.
bpo-23700: Iterator of NamedTemporaryFile now keeps a reference to NamedTemporaryFile instance. Patch by Bohuslav Kabrda.
bpo-22903: The fake test case created by unittest.loader when it fails importing a test module is now picklable.
bpo-22181: On Linux, os.urandom() now uses the new getrandom() syscall if available, syscall introduced in the Linux kernel 3.17. It is more reliable and more secure, because it avoids the need of a file descriptor and waits until the kernel has enough entropy.
bpo-2211: Updated the implementation of the http.cookies.Morsel class. Setting attributes key, value and coded_value directly now is deprecated. update() and setdefault() now transform and check keys. Comparing for equality now takes into account attributes key, value and coded_value. copy() now returns a Morsel, not a dict. repr() now contains all attributes. Optimized checking keys and quoting values. Added new tests. Original patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-18983: Allow selection of output units in timeit. Patch by Julian Gindi.
bpo-23631: Fix traceback.format_list when a traceback has been mutated.
bpo-23568: Add rdivmod support to MagicMock() objects. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
bpo-2052: Add charset parameter to HtmlDiff.make_file().
bpo-23668: Support os.truncate and os.ftruncate on Windows.
bpo-23138: Fixed parsing cookies with absent keys or values in cookiejar. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-23051: multiprocessing.Pool methods imap() and imap_unordered() now handle exceptions raised by an iterator. Patch by Alon Diamant and Davin Potts.
bpo-23581: Add matmul support to MagicMock. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
bpo-23566: enable(), register(), dump_traceback() and dump_traceback_later() functions of faulthandler now accept file descriptors. Patch by Wei Wu.
bpo-22928: Disabled HTTP header injections in http.client. Original patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-23615: Modules bz2, tarfile and tokenize now can be reloaded with imp.reload(). Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
bpo-23605: os.walk() now calls os.scandir() instead of os.listdir(). The usage of os.scandir() reduces the number of calls to os.stat(). Initial patch written by Ben Hoyt.
bpo-23585: make patchcheck will ensure the interpreter is built.
bpo-22826: The result of open() in Tools/freeze/ is now better compatible with regular files (in particular it now supports the context management protocol).
Python 3.5.0 alpha 2¶
Release date: 2015-03-09
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23571: PyObject_Call() and PyCFunction_Call() now raise a SystemError if a function returns a result and raises an exception. The SystemError is chained to the previous exception.
bpo-22524: New os.scandir() function, part of the PEP 471: “os.scandir() function – a better and faster directory iterator”. Patch written by Ben Hoyt.
bpo-23103: Reduced the memory consumption of IPv4Address and IPv6Address.
bpo-21793: BaseHTTPRequestHandler again logs response code as numeric, not as stringified enum. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-23476: In the ssl module, enable OpenSSL’s X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST flag on certificate stores when it is available.
bpo-23576: Avoid stalling in SSL reads when EOF has been reached in the SSL layer but the underlying connection hasn’t been closed.
bpo-23504: Added an __all__ to the types module.
bpo-23563: Optimized utility functions in urllib.parse.
bpo-7830: Flatten nested functools.partial.
bpo-20204: Added the __module__ attribute to _tkinter classes.
bpo-19980: Improved help() for non-recognized strings. help(‘’) now shows the help on str. help(‘help’) now shows the help on help(). Original patch by Mark Lawrence.
bpo-23521: Corrected pure python implementation of timedelta division. Eliminated OverflowError from
timedelta * float
for some floats; Corrected rounding in timedelta true division.bpo-21619: Popen objects no longer leave a zombie after exit in the with statement if the pipe was broken. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-22936: Make it possible to show local variables in tracebacks for both the traceback module and unittest.
bpo-15955: Add an option to limit the output size in bz2.decompress(). Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
bpo-6639: Module-level turtle functions no longer raise TclError after closing the window.
bpo-814253: Group references and conditional group references now work in lookbehind assertions in regular expressions. (See also: bpo-9179)
bpo-23215: Multibyte codecs with custom error handlers that ignores errors consumed too much memory and raised SystemError or MemoryError. Original patch by Aleksi Torhamo.
bpo-5700: io.FileIO() called flush() after closing the file. flush() was not called in close() if closefd=False.
bpo-23374: Fixed pydoc failure with non-ASCII files when stdout encoding differs from file system encoding (e.g. on Mac OS).
bpo-23481: Remove RC4 from the SSL module’s default cipher list.
bpo-21548: Fix pydoc.synopsis() and pydoc.apropos() on modules with empty docstrings.
bpo-22885: Fixed arbitrary code execution vulnerability in the dbm.dumb module. Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-23239: ssl.match_hostname() now supports matching of IP addresses.
bpo-23146: Fix mishandling of absolute Windows paths with forward slashes in pathlib.
bpo-23096: Pickle representation of floats with protocol 0 now is the same for both Python and C implementations.
bpo-19105: pprint now more efficiently uses free space at the right.
bpo-14910: Add allow_abbrev parameter to argparse.ArgumentParser. Patch by Jonathan Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.
bpo-21717: now supports ‘x’ (exclusive creation) mode.
bpo-23344: marshal.dumps() is now 20-25% faster on average.
bpo-20416: marshal.dumps() with protocols 3 and 4 is now 40-50% faster on average.
bpo-23421: Fixed compression in tarfile CLI. Patch by wdv4758h.
bpo-23367: Fix possible overflows in the unicodedata module.
bpo-23361: Fix possible overflow in Windows subprocess creation code.
logging.handlers.QueueListener now takes a respect_handler_level keyword argument which, if set to True, will pass messages to handlers taking handler levels into account.
bpo-19705: turtledemo now has a visual sorting algorithm demo. Original patch from Jason Yeo.
bpo-23801: Fix issue where cgi.FieldStorage did not always ignore the entire preamble to a multipart body.
bpo-20204: Deprecation warning is now raised for builtin types without the __module__ attribute.
Python 3.5.0 alpha 1¶
Release date: 2015-02-08
Núcleo e embutidos¶
bpo-23285: PEP 475 - EINTR handling.
bpo-22735: Fix many edge cases (including crashes) involving custom mro() implementations.
bpo-22896: Avoid using PyObject_AsCharBuffer(), PyObject_AsReadBuffer() and PyObject_AsWriteBuffer().
bpo-21295: Revert some changes (bpo-16795) to AST line numbers and column offsets that constituted a regression.
bpo-22986: Allow changing an object’s __class__ between a dynamic type and static type in some cases.
bpo-15859: PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), PyUnicode_EncodeMBCS() and PyUnicode_EncodeCodePage() now raise an exception if the object is not a Unicode object. For PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), it was already the case on platforms other than Windows. Patch written by Campbell Barton.
bpo-21408: The default __ne__() now returns NotImplemented if __eq__() returned NotImplemented. Original patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-23321: Fixed a crash in str.decode() when error handler returned replacement string longer than malformed input data.
bpo-22286: The “backslashreplace” error handlers now works with decoding and translating.
bpo-23253: Delay-load ShellExecute[AW] in os.startfile for reduced startup overhead on Windows.
bpo-22038: pyatomic.h now uses stdatomic.h or GCC built-in functions for atomic memory access if available. Patch written by Vitor de Lima and Gustavo Temple.
bpo-20284: %-interpolation (aka printf) formatting added for bytes and bytearray.
bpo-23048: Fix jumping out of an infinite while loop in the pdb.
bpo-20335: bytes constructor now raises TypeError when encoding or errors is specified with non-string argument. Based on patch by Renaud Blanch.
bpo-22834: If the current working directory ends up being set to a non-existent directory then import will no longer raise FileNotFoundError.
bpo-22869: Move the interpreter startup & shutdown code to a new dedicated pylifecycle.c module
bpo-22847: Improve method cache efficiency.
bpo-22335: Fix crash when trying to enlarge a bytearray to 0x7fffffff bytes on a 32-bit platform.
bpo-22653: Fix an assertion failure in debug mode when doing a reentrant dict insertion in debug mode.
bpo-22643: Fix integer overflow in Unicode case operations (upper, lower, title, swapcase, casefold).
bpo-17636: Circular imports involving relative imports are now supported.
bpo-22604: Fix assertion error in debug mode when dividing a complex number by (nan+0j).
bpo-21052: Do not raise ImportWarning when sys.path_hooks or sys.meta_path are set to None.
bpo-16518: Use ‘bytes-like object required’ in error messages that previously used the far more cryptic “‘x’ does not support the buffer protocol.
bpo-22470: Fixed integer overflow issues in “backslashreplace”, “xmlcharrefreplace”, and “surrogatepass” error handlers.
bpo-22540: speed up
in the common case that the second argument has metaclasstype
.bpo-18711: Add a new
function, similar toPyErr_Format
but accepting ava_list
argument.bpo-22520: Fix overflow checking when generating the repr of a unicode object.
bpo-22519: Fix overflow checking in PyBytes_Repr.
bpo-22518: Fix integer overflow issues in latin-1 encoding.
bpo-16324: _charset parameter of MIMEText now also accepts email.charset.Charset instances. Initial patch by Claude Paroz.
bpo-1764286: Fix inspect.getsource() to support decorated functions. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-18554: os.__all__ includes posix functions.
bpo-21391: Use os.path.abspath in the shutil module.
bpo-11471: avoid generating a JUMP_FORWARD instruction at the end of an if-block if there is no else-clause. Original patch by Eugene Toder.
bpo-22215: Now ValueError is raised instead of TypeError when str or bytes argument contains not permitted null character or byte.
bpo-22258: Fix the internal function set_inheritable() on Illumos. This platform exposes the function
, but calling it fails with errno is ENOTTY: “Inappropriate ioctl for device”. set_inheritable() now falls back to the slowerfcntl()
and thenF_SETFD
).bpo-21389: Displaying the __qualname__ of the underlying function in the repr of a bound method.
bpo-22206: Using pthread, PyThread_create_key() now sets errno to ENOMEM and returns -1 (error) on integer overflow.
bpo-20184: Argument Clinic based signature introspection added for 30 of the builtin functions.
bpo-22116: C functions and methods (of the ‘builtin_function_or_method’ type) can now be weakref’ed. Patch by Wei Wu.
bpo-22077: Improve index error messages for bytearrays, bytes, lists, and tuples by adding ‘or slices’. Added ‘, not <typename>’ for bytearrays. Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-20179: Apply Argument Clinic to bytes and bytearray. Patch by Tal Einat.
bpo-22082: Clear interned strings in slotdefs.
Upgrade Unicode database to Unicode 7.0.0.
bpo-21897: Fix a crash with the f_locals attribute with closure variables when frame.clear() has been called.
bpo-21205: Add a new
attribute to generator, the qualified name, and use it in the representation of a generator (repr(gen)
). The default name of the generator (__name__
attribute) is now get from the function instead of the code. Usegen.gi_code.co_name
to get the name of the code.bpo-21669: With the aid of heuristics in SyntaxError.__init__, the parser now attempts to generate more meaningful (or at least more search engine friendly) error messages when “exec” and “print” are used as statements.
bpo-21642: In the conditional if-else expression, allow an integer written with no space between itself and the
keyword (e.g.True if 42else False
) to be valid syntax.bpo-21523: Fix over-pessimistic computation of the stack effect of some opcodes in the compiler. This also fixes a quadratic compilation time issue noticeable when compiling code with a large number of “and” and “or” operators.
bpo-21418: Fix a crash in the builtin function super() when called without argument and without current frame (ex: embedded Python).
bpo-21425: Fix flushing of standard streams in the interactive interpreter.
bpo-21435: In rare cases, when running finalizers on objects in cyclic trash a bad pointer dereference could occur due to a subtle flaw in internal iteration logic.
bpo-21377: PyBytes_Concat() now tries to concatenate in-place when the first argument has a reference count of 1. Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
bpo-20355: -W command line options now have higher priority than the PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable. Patch by Arfrever.
bpo-21274: Define PATH_MAX for GNU/Hurd in Python/pythonrun.c.
bpo-20904: Support setting FPU precision on m68k.
bpo-21209: Fix sending tuples to custom generator objects with the yield from syntax.
bpo-21193: pow(a, b, c) now raises ValueError rather than TypeError when b is negative. Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
bpo-21176: PEP 465: Add the ‘@’ operator for matrix multiplication.
bpo-21134: Fix segfault when str is called on an uninitialized UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, or UnicodeTranslateError object.
bpo-19537: Fix PyUnicode_DATA() alignment under m68k. Patch by Andreas Schwab.
bpo-20929: Add a type cast to avoid shifting a negative number.
bpo-20731: Properly position in source code files even if they are opened in text mode. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-20637: Key-sharing now also works for instance dictionaries of subclasses. Patch by Peter Ingebretson.
bpo-8297: Attributes missing from modules now include the module name in the error text. Original patch by ysj.ray.
bpo-19995: %c, %o, %x, and %X now raise TypeError on non-integer input.
bpo-19655: The ASDL parser - used by the build process to generate code for managing the Python AST in C - was rewritten. The new parser is self contained and does not require to carry long the parser-generator library; was removed from the source base.
bpo-12546: Allow
to be used as a fill character when using str, int, float, and complex __format__ methods.bpo-20480: Add ipaddress.reverse_pointer. Patch by Leon Weber.
bpo-13598: Modify string.Formatter to support auto-numbering of replacement fields. It now matches the behavior of str.format() in this regard. Patches by Phil Elson and Ramchandra Apte.
bpo-8931: Make alternate formatting (‘#’) for type ‘c’ raise an exception. In versions prior to 3.5, ‘#’ with ‘c’ had no effect. Now specifying it is an error. Patch by Torsten Landschoff.
bpo-23165: Perform overflow checks before allocating memory in the _Py_char2wchar function.
bpo-23399: pyvenv creates relative symlinks where possible.
bpo-20289: cgi.FieldStorage() now supports the context management protocol.
bpo-13128: Print response headers for CONNECT requests when debuglevel > 0. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-15381: Optimized io.BytesIO to make less allocations and copyings.
bpo-22818: Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now raises a warning. Patterns that can only match empty strings are now rejected.
bpo-23099: Closing io.BytesIO with exported buffer is rejected now to prevent corrupting exported buffer.
bpo-23326: Removed __ne__ implementations. Since fixing default __ne__ implementation in bpo-21408 they are redundant.
bpo-23363: Fix possible overflow in itertools.permutations.
bpo-23364: Fix possible overflow in itertools.product.
bpo-23366: Fixed possible integer overflow in itertools.combinations.
bpo-23369: Fixed possible integer overflow in _json.encode_basestring_ascii.
bpo-23353: Fix the exception handling of generators in PyEval_EvalFrameEx(). At entry, save or swap the exception state even if PyEval_EvalFrameEx() is called with throwflag=0. At exit, the exception state is now always restored or swapped, not only if why is WHY_YIELD or WHY_RETURN. Patch co-written with Antoine Pitrou.
bpo-14099: Restored support of writing ZIP files to tellable but non-seekable streams.
bpo-14099: Writing to ZipFile and reading multiple ZipExtFiles is threadsafe now.
bpo-19361: JSON decoder now raises JSONDecodeError instead of ValueError.
bpo-18518: timeit now rejects statements which can’t be compiled outside a function or a loop (e.g. “return” or “break”).
bpo-23094: Fixed readline with frames in Python implementation of pickle.
bpo-23268: Fixed bugs in the comparison of ipaddress classes.
bpo-21408: Removed incorrect implementations of __ne__() which didn’t returned NotImplemented if __eq__() returned NotImplemented. The default __ne__() now works correctly.
now handles (malformed) headers with no key rather than assuming the body has started.bpo-20188: Support Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) in the ssl module.
bpo-23133: Pickling of ipaddress objects now produces more compact and portable representation.
bpo-23248: Update ssl error codes from latest OpenSSL git master.
bpo-23266: Much faster implementation of ipaddress.collapse_addresses() when there are many non-consecutive addresses.
bpo-23098: 64-bit dev_t is now supported in the os module.
bpo-21817: When an exception is raised in a task submitted to a ProcessPoolExecutor, the remote traceback is now displayed in the parent process. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-15955: Add an option to limit output size when decompressing LZMA data. Patch by Nikolaus Rath and Martin Panter.
bpo-23250: In the http.cookies module, capitalize “HttpOnly” and “Secure” as they are written in the standard.
bpo-23063: In the distutils’ check command, fix parsing of reST with code or code-block directives.
bpo-23209: selectors.BaseSelector.get_key() now raises a RuntimeError if the selector is closed. And selectors.BaseSelector.close() now clears its internal reference to the selector mapping to break a reference cycle. Initial patch written by Martin Richard. (See also: bpo-23225)
bpo-17911: Provide a way to seed the linecache for a PEP-302 module without actually loading the code.
bpo-17911: Provide a new object API for traceback, including the ability to not lookup lines at all until the traceback is actually rendered, without any trace of the original objects being kept alive.
bpo-19777: Provide a home() classmethod on Path objects. Contributed by Victor Salgado and Mayank Tripathi.
bpo-23206: Make
json.dumps(..., ensure_ascii=False)
as fast as the default case ofensure_ascii=True
. Patch by Naoki Inada.bpo-23185: Add math.inf and math.nan constants.
bpo-23186: Add ssl.SSLObject.shared_ciphers() and ssl.SSLSocket.shared_ciphers() to fetch the client’s list ciphers sent at handshake.
bpo-23143: Remove compatibility with OpenSSLs older than 0.9.8.
bpo-23132: Improve performance and introspection support of comparison methods created by functool.total_ordering.
bpo-19776: Add an expanduser() method on Path objects.
bpo-23112: Fix SimpleHTTPServer to correctly carry the query string and fragment when it redirects to add a trailing slash.
bpo-21793: Added http.HTTPStatus enums (i.e. HTTPStatus.OK, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND). Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-23093: In the io, module allow more operations to work on detached streams.
bpo-23111: In the ftplib, make ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 the default protocol version.
bpo-22585: On OpenBSD 5.6 and newer, os.urandom() now calls getentropy(), instead of reading /dev/urandom, to get pseudo-random bytes.
bpo-19104: pprint now produces evaluable output for wrapped strings.
bpo-23071: Added missing names to codecs.__all__. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-22783: Pickling now uses the NEWOBJ opcode instead of the NEWOBJ_EX opcode if possible.
bpo-15513: Added a __sizeof__ implementation for pickle classes.
bpo-19858: pickletools.optimize() now aware of the MEMOIZE opcode, can produce more compact result and no longer produces invalid output if input data contains MEMOIZE opcodes together with PUT or BINPUT opcodes.
bpo-22095: Fixed HTTPConnection.set_tunnel with default port. The port value in the host header was set to “None”. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-23016: A warning no longer produces an AttributeError when the program is run with pythonw.exe.
bpo-21775: shutil.copytree(): fix crash when copying to VFAT. An exception handler assumed that OSError objects always have a ‘winerror’ attribute. That is not the case, so the exception handler itself raised AttributeError when run on Linux (and, presumably, any other non-Windows OS). Patch by Greg Ward.
bpo-1218234: Fix inspect.getsource() to load updated source of reloaded module. Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
bpo-21740: Support wrapped callables in doctest. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-23009: Make sure works when no FD is registered.
bpo-22959: In the constructor of http.client.HTTPSConnection, prefer the context’s check_hostname attribute over the check_hostname parameter.
bpo-22696: Add function
to know about interpreter shutdown.bpo-16043: Add a default limit for the amount of data xmlrpclib.gzip_decode will return. This resolves CVE 2013-1753.
bpo-14099: no longer reopen the underlying file. Objects returned by can now operate independently of the ZipFile even if the ZipFile was created by passing in a file-like object as the first argument to the constructor.
bpo-22966: Fix __pycache__ pyc file name clobber when pyc_compile is asked to compile a source file containing multiple dots in the source file name.
bpo-21971: Update turtledemo doc and add module to the index.
bpo-21032: Fixed socket leak if HTTPConnection.getresponse() fails. Original patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-22407: Deprecated the use of re.LOCALE flag with str patterns or re.ASCII. It was newer worked.
bpo-22902: The “ip” command is now used on Linux to determine MAC address in uuid.getnode(). Pach by Bruno Cauet.
bpo-22960: Add a context argument to xmlrpclib.ServerProxy constructor.
bpo-22389: Add contextlib.redirect_stderr().
bpo-21356: Make ssl.RAND_egd() optional to support LibreSSL. The availability of the function is checked during the compilation. Patch written by Bernard Spil.
bpo-22915: SAX parser now supports files opened with file descriptor or bytes path.
bpo-22609: Constructors and update methods of mapping classes in the collections module now accept the self keyword argument.
bpo-22940: Add readline.append_history_file.
bpo-19676: Added the “namereplace” error handler.
bpo-22788: Add context parameter to logging.handlers.HTTPHandler.
bpo-22921: Allow SSLContext to take the hostname parameter even if OpenSSL doesn’t support SNI.
bpo-22894: TestCase.subTest() would cause the test suite to be stopped when in failfast mode, even in the absence of failures.
bpo-22796: HTTP cookie parsing is now stricter, in order to protect against potential injection attacks.
bpo-22370: Windows detection in pathlib is now more robust.
bpo-22841: Reject coroutines in asyncio add_signal_handler(). Patch by Ludovic.Gasc.
bpo-19494: Added urllib.request.HTTPBasicPriorAuthHandler. Patch by Matej Cepl.
bpo-22578: Added attributes to the re.error class.
bpo-22849: Fix possible double free in the io.TextIOWrapper constructor.
bpo-12728: Different Unicode characters having the same uppercase but different lowercase are now matched in case-insensitive regular expressions.
bpo-22821: Fixed fcntl() with integer argument on 64-bit big-endian platforms.
bpo-21650: Add an
option tojson.tool
CLI.bpo-22824: Updated reprlib output format for sets to use set literals. Patch contributed by Berker Peksag.
bpo-22824: Updated reprlib output format for arrays to display empty arrays without an unnecessary empty list. Suggested by Serhiy Storchaka.
bpo-22406: Fixed the uu_codec codec incorrectly ported to 3.x. Based on patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-17293: uuid.getnode() now determines MAC address on AIX using netstat. Based on patch by Aivars Kalvāns.
bpo-22769: Fixed ttk.Treeview.tag_has() when called without arguments.
bpo-22417: Verify certificates by default in httplib (PEP 476).
bpo-22775: Fixed unpickling of http.cookies.SimpleCookie with protocol 2 and above. Patch by Tim Graham.
bpo-22776: Brought excluded code into the scope of a try block in SysLogHandler.emit().
bpo-22665: Add missing get_terminal_size and SameFileError to shutil.__all__.
bpo-6623: Remove deprecated Netrc class in the ftplib module. Patch by Matt Chaput.
bpo-17381: Fixed handling of case-insensitive ranges in regular expressions.
bpo-22410: Module level functions in the re module now cache compiled locale-dependent regular expressions taking into account the locale.
bpo-22759: Query methods on pathlib.Path() (exists(), is_dir(), etc.) now return False when the underlying stat call raises NotADirectoryError.
bpo-8876: distutils now falls back to copying files when hard linking doesn’t work. This allows use with special filesystems such as VirtualBox shared folders.
bpo-22217: Implemented reprs of classes in the zipfile module.
bpo-22457: Honour load_tests in the start_dir of discovery.
bpo-18216: gettext now raises an error when a .mo file has an unsupported major version number. Patch by Aaron Hill.
bpo-13918: Provide a locale.delocalize() function which can remove locale-specific number formatting from a string representing a number, without then converting it to a specific type. Patch by Cédric Krier.
bpo-22676: Make the pickling of global objects which don’t have a __module__ attribute less slow.
bpo-18853: Fixed ResourceWarning in shlex.__nain__.
bpo-9351: Defaults set with set_defaults on an argparse subparser are no longer ignored when also set on the parent parser.
bpo-7559: unittest test loading ImportErrors are reported as import errors with their import exception rather than as attribute errors after the import has already failed.
bpo-19746: Make it possible to examine the errors from unittest discovery without executing the test suite. The new
attribute onTestLoader
exposes these non-fatal errors encountered during discovery.bpo-21991: Make email.headerregistry’s header ‘params’ attributes be read-only (MappingProxyType). Previously the dictionary was modifiable but a new one was created on each access of the attribute.
bpo-22638: SSLv3 is now disabled throughout the standard library. It can still be enabled by instantiating a SSLContext manually.
bpo-22641: In asyncio, the default SSL context for client connections is now created using ssl.create_default_context(), for stronger security.
bpo-17401: Include closefd in io.FileIO repr.
bpo-21338: Add silent mode for compileall. quiet parameters of compile_{dir, file, path} functions now have a multilevel value. Also, -q option of the CLI now have a multilevel value. Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
bpo-20152: Convert the array and cmath modules to Argument Clinic.
bpo-18643: Add socket.socketpair() on Windows.
bpo-22435: Fix a file descriptor leak when socketserver bind fails.
bpo-13096: Fixed segfault in CTypes POINTER handling of large values.
bpo-11694: Raise ConversionError in xdrlib as documented. Patch by Filip Gruszczyński and Claudiu Popa.
bpo-19380: Optimized parsing of regular expressions.
bpo-1519638: Now unmatched groups are replaced with empty strings in re.sub() and re.subn().
bpo-18615: sndhdr.what/whathdr now return a namedtuple.
bpo-22462: Fix pyexpat’s creation of a dummy frame to make it appear in exception tracebacks.
bpo-21965: Add support for in-memory SSL to the ssl module. Patch by Geert Jansen.
bpo-21173: Fix len() on a WeakKeyDictionary when .clear() was called with an iterator alive.
bpo-11866: Eliminated race condition in the computation of names for new threads.
bpo-21905: Avoid RuntimeError in pickle.whichmodule() when sys.modules is mutated while iterating. Patch by Olivier Grisel.
bpo-11271: now takes a chunksize argument to allow batching of tasks in child processes and improve performance of ProcessPoolExecutor. Patch by Dan O’Reilly.
bpo-21883: os.path.join() and os.path.relpath() now raise a TypeError with more helpful error message for unsupported or mismatched types of arguments.
bpo-22219: The zipfile module CLI now adds entries for directories (including empty directories) in ZIP file.
bpo-22449: In the ssl.SSLContext.load_default_certs, consult the environmental variables SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE on Windows.
bpo-22508: The email.__version__ variable has been removed; the email code is no longer shipped separately from the stdlib, and __version__ hasn’t been updated in several releases.
bpo-20076: Added non derived UTF-8 aliases to locale aliases table.
bpo-20079: Added locales supported in glibc 2.18 to locale alias table.
bpo-20218: Added convenience methods read_text/write_text and read_bytes/ write_bytes to pathlib.Path objects.
bpo-22396: On 32-bit AIX platform, don’t expose os.posix_fadvise() nor os.posix_fallocate() because their prototypes in system headers are wrong.
bpo-22517: When an io.BufferedRWPair object is deallocated, clear its weakrefs.
bpo-22437: Number of capturing groups in regular expression is no longer limited by 100.
bpo-17442: InteractiveInterpreter now displays the full chained traceback in its showtraceback method, to match the built in interactive interpreter.
bpo-23392: Added tests for marshal C API that works with FILE*.
bpo-10510: distutils register and upload methods now use HTML standards compliant CRLF line endings.
bpo-9850: Fixed macpath.join() for empty first component. Patch by Oleg Oshmyan.
bpo-5309: distutils’ build and build_ext commands now accept a
option to enable parallel building of extension modules.bpo-22448: Improve canceled timer handles cleanup to prevent unbound memory usage. Patch by Joshua Moore-Oliva.
bpo-22427: TemporaryDirectory no longer attempts to clean up twice when used in the with statement in generator.
bpo-22362: Forbidden ambiguous octal escapes out of range 0-0o377 in regular expressions.
bpo-20912: Now directories added to ZIP file have correct Unix and MS-DOS directory attributes.
bpo-21866: ZipFile.close() no longer writes ZIP64 central directory records if allowZip64 is false.
bpo-22278: Fix urljoin problem with relative urls, a regression observed after changes to issue22118 were submitted.
bpo-22415: Fixed debugging output of the GROUPREF_EXISTS opcode in the re module. Removed trailing spaces in debugging output.
bpo-22423: Unhandled exception in thread no longer causes unhandled AttributeError when sys.stderr is None.
bpo-21332: Ensure that
in subprocess.Popen() selects line buffering, rather than block buffering. Patch by Akira Li.bpo-21091: Fix API bug: email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment is now a method.
bpo-21079: Fix email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment to return the correct result when the header has parameters as well as a value.
bpo-22247: Add NNTPError to nntplib.__all__.
bpo-22366: urllib.request.urlopen will accept a context object (SSLContext) as an argument which will then be used for HTTPS connection. Patch by Alex Gaynor.
bpo-4180: The warnings registries are now reset when the filters are modified.
bpo-22419: Limit the length of incoming HTTP request in wsgiref server to 65536 bytes and send a 414 error code for higher lengths. Patch contributed by Devin Cook.
Lax cookie parsing in http.cookies could be a security issue when combined with non-standard cookie handling in some web browsers. Reported by Sergey Bobrov.
bpo-20537: logging methods now accept an exception instance as well as a Boolean value or exception tuple. Thanks to Yury Selivanov for the patch.
bpo-22384: An exception in Tkinter callback no longer crashes the program when it is run with pythonw.exe.
bpo-22168: Prevent turtle AttributeError with non-default Canvas on OS X.
bpo-21147: sqlite3 now raises an exception if the request contains a null character instead of truncating it. Based on patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-13968: The glob module now supports recursive search in subdirectories using the
pattern.bpo-21951: Fixed a crash in Tkinter on AIX when called Tcl command with empty string or tuple argument.
bpo-21951: Tkinter now most likely raises MemoryError instead of crash if the memory allocation fails.
bpo-22338: Fix a crash in the json module on memory allocation failure.
bpo-12410: imaplib.IMAP4 now supports the context management protocol. Original patch by Tarek Ziadé.
bpo-21270: We now override tuple methods in objects so that they can be used as normal call attributes.
is now unconditionally run when it is present in a package’
still accepts use_load_tests, but it is deprecated and ignored. A new keyword-only attributepattern
is added and documented. Patch given by Robert Collins, tweaked by Barry Warsaw.bpo-22226: First letter no longer is stripped from the “status” key in the result of Treeview.heading().
bpo-19524: Fixed resource leak in the HTTP connection when an invalid response is received. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-20421: Add a .version() method to SSL sockets exposing the actual protocol version in use.
bpo-19546: configparser exceptions no longer expose implementation details. Chained KeyErrors are removed, which leads to cleaner tracebacks. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-22051: turtledemo no longer reloads examples to re-run them. Initialization of variables and gui setup should be done in main(), which is called each time a demo is run, but not on import.
bpo-21933: Turtledemo users can change the code font size with a menu selection or control(command) ‘-’ or ‘+’ or control-mousewheel. Original patch by Lita Cho.
bpo-21597: The separator between the turtledemo text pane and the drawing canvas can now be grabbed and dragged with a mouse. The code text pane can be widened to easily view or copy the full width of the text. The canvas can be widened on small screens. Original patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
bpo-18132: Turtledemo buttons no longer disappear when the window is shrunk. Original patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
bpo-22043: time.monotonic() is now always available.
and socket operations now use a monotonic clock, instead of the system clock, when a timeout is used.bpo-21527: Add a default number of workers to ThreadPoolExecutor equal to 5 times the number of CPUs. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-22216: smtplib now resets its state more completely after a quit. The most obvious consequence of the previous behavior was a STARTTLS failure during a connect/starttls/quit/connect/starttls sequence.
bpo-22098: ctypes’ BigEndianStructure and LittleEndianStructure now define an empty __slots__ so that subclasses don’t always get an instance dict. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-22185: Fix an occasional RuntimeError in threading.Condition.wait() caused by mutation of the waiters queue without holding the lock. Patch by Doug Zongker.
bpo-22287: On UNIX, _PyTime_gettimeofday() now uses clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) if available. As a side effect, Python now depends on the librt library on Solaris and on Linux (only with glibc older than 2.17).
bpo-22182: Use e.args to unpack exceptions correctly in distutils.file_util.move_file. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
The webbrowser module now uses subprocess’s start_new_session=True rather than a potentially risky preexec_fn=os.setsid call.
bpo-22042: signal.set_wakeup_fd(fd) now raises an exception if the file descriptor is in blocking mode.
bpo-16808: inspect.stack() now returns a named tuple instead of a tuple. Patch by Daniel Shahaf.
bpo-22236: Fixed Tkinter images copying operations in NoDefaultRoot mode.
bpo-2527: Add a globals argument to timeit functions, in order to override the globals namespace in which the timed code is executed. Patch by Ben Roberts.
bpo-22118: Switch urllib.parse to use RFC 3986 semantics for the resolution of relative URLs, rather than RFCs 1808 and 2396. Patch by Demian Brecht.
bpo-21549: Added the “members” parameter to TarFile.list().
bpo-19628: Allow compileall recursion depth to be specified with a -r option.
bpo-15696: Add a __sizeof__ implementation for mmap objects on Windows.
bpo-22068: Avoided reference loops with Variables and Fonts in Tkinter.
bpo-22165: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler now supports undecodable file names.
bpo-15381: Optimized line reading in io.BytesIO.
bpo-8797: Raise HTTPError on failed Basic Authentication immediately. Initial patch by Sam Bull.
bpo-20729: Restored the use of lazy iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems() in the mailbox module.
bpo-21448: Changed FeedParser feed() to avoid O(n2) behavior when parsing long line. Original patch by Raymond Hettinger.
bpo-22184: The functools LRU Cache decorator factory now gives an earlier and clearer error message when the user forgets the required parameters.
bpo-17923: glob() patterns ending with a slash no longer match non-dirs on AIX. Based on patch by Delhallt.
bpo-21725: Added support for RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8) in smtpd.
bpo-22176: Update the ctypes module’s libffi to v3.1. This release adds support for the Linux AArch64 and POWERPC ELF ABIv2 little endian architectures.
bpo-5411: Added support for the “xztar” format in the shutil module.
bpo-21121: Don’t force 3rd party C extensions to be built with -Werror=declaration-after-statement.
bpo-21975: Fixed crash when using uninitialized sqlite3.Row (in particular when unpickling pickled sqlite3.Row). sqlite3.Row is now initialized in the __new__() method.
bpo-20170: Convert posixmodule to use Argument Clinic.
bpo-21539: Add an exists_ok argument to
to mimicmkdir -p
functionality. When true, ignoreFileExistsErrors
. Patch by Berker Peksag.bpo-22127: Bypass IDNA for pure-ASCII host names in the socket module (in particular for numeric IPs).
bpo-21047: set the default value for the convert_charrefs argument of HTMLParser to True. Patch by Berker Peksag.
Add an __all__ to html.entities.
bpo-15114: the strict mode and argument of HTMLParser, HTMLParser.error, and the HTMLParserError exception have been removed.
bpo-22085: Dropped support of Tk 8.3 in Tkinter.
bpo-21580: Now Tkinter correctly handles bytes arguments passed to Tk. In particular this allows initializing images from binary data.
bpo-22003: When initialized from a bytes object, io.BytesIO() now defers making a copy until it is mutated, improving performance and memory use on some use cases. Patch by David Wilson.
bpo-22018: On Windows, signal.set_wakeup_fd() now also supports sockets. A side effect is that Python depends to the WinSock library.
bpo-22054: Add os.get_blocking() and os.set_blocking() functions to get and set the blocking mode of a file descriptor (False if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set, True otherwise). These functions are not available on Windows.
bpo-17172: Make turtledemo start as active on OS X even when run with subprocess. Patch by Lita Cho.
bpo-21704: Fix build error for _multiprocessing when semaphores are not available. Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
bpo-20173: Convert sha1, sha256, sha512 and md5 to ArgumentClinic. Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
Fix repr(_socket.socket) on Windows 64-bit: don’t fail with OverflowError on closed socket. repr(socket.socket) already works fine.
bpo-22033: Reprs of most Python implemented classes now contain actual class name instead of hardcoded one.
bpo-21947: The dis module can now disassemble generator-iterator objects based on their gi_code attribute. Patch by Clement Rouault.
bpo-16133: The asynchat.async_chat.handle_read() method now ignores BlockingIOError exceptions.
bpo-22044: Fixed premature DECREF in call_tzinfo_method. Patch by Tom Flanagan.
bpo-19884: readline: Disable the meta modifier key if stdout is not a terminal to not write the ANSI sequence
into stdout. This sequence is used on some terminal (ex: TERM=xterm-256color”) to enable support of 8 bit characters.bpo-4350: Removed a number of out-of-dated and non-working for a long time Tkinter methods.
bpo-6167: Scrollbar.activate() now returns the name of active element if the argument is not specified. Scrollbar.set() now always accepts only 2 arguments.
bpo-15275: Clean up and speed up the ntpath module.
bpo-21888: plistlib’s load() and loads() now work if the fmt parameter is specified.
bpo-22032: __qualname__ instead of __name__ is now always used to format fully qualified class names of Python implemented classes.
bpo-22031: Reprs now always use hexadecimal format with the “0x” prefix when contain an id in form “ at 0x…”.
bpo-22018: signal.set_wakeup_fd() now raises an OSError instead of a ValueError on
failure.bpo-21044: now handles fileobj with an integer ‘name’ attribute. Based on patch by Antoine Pietri.
bpo-21966: Respect -q command-line option when code module is ran.
bpo-19076: Don’t pass the redundant ‘file’ argument to self.error().
bpo-16382: Improve exception message of warnings.warn() for bad category. Initial patch by Phil Elson.
bpo-21932: now uses a
type instead of int for the size to support reading more than 2 GB at once. On Windows, the size is truncated to INT_MAX. As any call to, the OS may read less bytes than the number of requested bytes.bpo-21942: Fixed source file viewing in pydoc’s server mode on Windows.
bpo-11259: asynchat.async_chat().set_terminator() now raises a ValueError if the number of received bytes is negative.
bpo-12523: asynchat.async_chat.push() now raises a TypeError if it doesn’t get a bytes string
bpo-21707: Add missing kwonlyargcount argument to ModuleFinder.replace_paths_in_code().
bpo-20639: calling Path.with_suffix(‘’) allows removing the suffix again. Patch by July Tikhonov.
bpo-21714: Disallow the construction of invalid paths using Path.with_name(). Original patch by Antony Lee.
bpo-15014: Added ‘auth’ method to smtplib to make implementing auth mechanisms simpler, and used it internally in the login method.
bpo-21151: Fixed a segfault in the winreg module when
is passed as aREG_BINARY
value to SetValueEx. Patch by John Ehresman.bpo-21090: io.FileIO.readall() does not ignore I/O errors anymore. Before, it ignored I/O errors if at least the first C call read() succeed.
bpo-5800: headers parameter of wsgiref.headers.Headers is now optional. Initial patch by Pablo Torres Navarrete and SilentGhost.
bpo-21781: ssl.RAND_add() now supports strings longer than 2 GB.
bpo-21679: Prevent extraneous fstat() calls during open(). Patch by Bohuslav Kabrda.
bpo-21863: cProfile now displays the module name of C extension functions, in addition to their own name.
bpo-11453: asyncore: emit a ResourceWarning when an unclosed file_wrapper object is destroyed. The destructor now closes the file if needed. The close() method can now be called twice: the second call does nothing.
bpo-21858: Better handling of Python exceptions in the sqlite3 module.
bpo-21476: Make sure the email.parser.BytesParser TextIOWrapper is discarded after parsing, so the input file isn’t unexpectedly closed.
bpo-20295: imghdr now recognizes OpenEXR format images.
bpo-21729: Used the “with” statement in the dbm.dumb module to ensure files closing. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-21491: socketserver: Fix a race condition in child processes reaping.
bpo-21719: Added the
field to os.stat_result on Windows.bpo-21832: Require named tuple inputs to be exact strings.
bpo-21722: The distutils “upload” command now exits with a non-zero return code when uploading fails. Patch by Martin Dengler.
bpo-21723: asyncio.Queue: support any type of number (ex: float) for the maximum size. Patch written by Vajrasky Kok.
bpo-21711: support for “site-python” directories has now been removed from the site module (it was deprecated in 3.4).
bpo-17552: new socket.sendfile() method allowing a file to be sent over a socket by using high-performance os.sendfile() on UNIX. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-18039: now always creates a new database when the flag has the value ‘n’. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-21326: Add a new is_closed() method to asyncio.BaseEventLoop. run_forever() and run_until_complete() methods of asyncio.BaseEventLoop now raise an exception if the event loop was closed.
bpo-21766: Prevent a security hole in CGIHTTPServer by URL unquoting paths before checking for a CGI script at that path.
bpo-21310: Fixed possible resource leak in failed open().
bpo-21256: Printout of keyword args should be in deterministic order in a mock function call. This will help to write better doctests.
bpo-21677: Fixed chaining nonnormalized exceptions in io close() methods.
bpo-11709: Fix the function to not fail when sys.stdin is not a valid file.
bpo-21515: tempfile.TemporaryFile now uses os.O_TMPFILE flag is available.
bpo-13223: Fix pydoc.writedoc so that the HTML documentation for methods that use ‘self’ in the example code is generated correctly.
bpo-21463: In urllib.request, fix pruning of the FTP cache.
bpo-21618: The subprocess module could fail to close open fds that were inherited by the calling process and already higher than POSIX resource limits would otherwise allow. On systems with a functioning /proc/self/fd or /dev/fd interface the max is now ignored and all fds are closed.
bpo-20383: Introduce importlib.util.module_from_spec() as the preferred way to create a new module.
bpo-21552: Fixed possible integer overflow of too long string lengths in the tkinter module on 64-bit platforms.
bpo-14315: The zipfile module now ignores extra fields in the central directory that are too short to be parsed instead of letting a struct.unpack error bubble up as this “bad data” appears in many real world zip files in the wild and is ignored by other zip tools.
bpo-13742: Added “key” and “reverse” parameters to heapq.merge(). (First draft of patch contributed by Simon Sapin.)
bpo-21402: tkinter.ttk now works when default root window is not set.
now createstkapp
object withwantobjects=1
by default.bpo-10203: sqlite3.Row now truly supports sequence protocol. In particular it supports reverse() and negative indices. Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-18807: If copying (no symlinks) specified for a venv, then the python interpreter aliases (python, python3) are now created by copying rather than symlinking.
bpo-20197: Added support for the WebP image type in the imghdr module. Patch by Fabrice Aneche and Claudiu Popa.
bpo-21513: Speedup some properties of IP addresses (IPv4Address, IPv6Address) such as .is_private or .is_multicast.
bpo-21137: Improve the repr for threading.Lock() and its variants by showing the “locked” or “unlocked” status. Patch by Berker Peksag.
bpo-21538: The plistlib module now supports loading of binary plist files when reference or offset size is not a power of two.
bpo-21455: Add a default backlog to socket.listen().
bpo-21525: Most Tkinter methods which accepted tuples now accept lists too.
bpo-22166: With the assistance of a new internal _codecs._forget_codec helping function, test_codecs now clears the encoding caches to avoid the appearance of a reference leak
bpo-22236: Tkinter tests now don’t reuse default root window. New root window is created for every test class.
bpo-10744: Fix PEP 3118 format strings on ctypes objects with a nontrivial shape.
bpo-20826: Optimize ipaddress.collapse_addresses().
bpo-21487: Optimize ipaddress.summarize_address_range() and ipaddress.{IPv4Network,IPv6Network}.subnets().
bpo-21486: Optimize parsing of netmasks in ipaddress.IPv4Network and ipaddress.IPv6Network.
bpo-13916: Disallowed the surrogatepass error handler for non UTF-* encodings.
bpo-20998: Fixed re.fullmatch() of repeated single character pattern with ignore case. Original patch by Matthew Barnett.
bpo-21075: fileinput.FileInput now reads bytes from standard stream if binary mode is specified. Patch by Sam Kimbrel.
bpo-19775: Add a samefile() method to pathlib Path objects. Initial patch by Vajrasky Kok.
bpo-21226: Set up modules properly in PyImport_ExecCodeModuleObject (and friends).
bpo-21398: Fix a unicode error in the pydoc pager when the documentation contains characters not encodable to the stdout encoding.
bpo-16531: ipaddress.IPv4Network and ipaddress.IPv6Network now accept an (address, netmask) tuple argument, so as to easily construct network objects from existing addresses.
bpo-21156: is now a staticmethod.
bpo-21424: Simplified and optimized heaqp.nlargest() and nmsmallest() to make fewer tuple comparisons.
bpo-21396: Fix TextIOWrapper(…, write_through=True) to not force a flush() on the underlying binary stream. Patch by akira.
bpo-18314: Unlink now removes junctions on Windows. Patch by Kim Gräsman
bpo-21088: Bugfix for curses.window.addch() regression in 3.4.0. In porting to Argument Clinic, the first two arguments were reversed.
bpo-21407: _decimal: The module now supports function signatures.
bpo-10650: Remove the non-standard ‘watchexp’ parameter from the Decimal.quantize() method in the Python version. It had never been present in the C version.
bpo-21469: Reduced the risk of false positives in robotparser by checking to make sure that robots.txt has been read or does not exist prior to returning True in can_fetch().
bpo-19414: Have the OrderedDict mark deleted links as unusable. This gives an early failure if the link is deleted during iteration.
bpo-21421: Add __slots__ to the MappingViews ABC. Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
bpo-21101: Eliminate double hashing in the C speed-up code for collections.Counter().
bpo-21321: itertools.islice() now releases the reference to the source iterator when the slice is exhausted. Patch by Anton Afanasyev.
bpo-21057: TextIOWrapper now allows the underlying binary stream’s read() or read1() method to return an arbitrary bytes-like object (such as a memoryview). Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
bpo-20951: SSLSocket.send() now raises either SSLWantReadError or SSLWantWriteError on a non-blocking socket if the operation would block. Previously, it would return 0. Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
bpo-13248: removed previously deprecated asyncore.dispatcher __getattr__ cheap inheritance hack.
bpo-9815: assertRaises now tries to clear references to local variables in the exception’s traceback.
bpo-19940: ssl.cert_time_to_seconds() now interprets the given time string in the UTC timezone (as specified in RFC 5280), not the local timezone.
bpo-13204: Calling sys.flags.__new__ would crash the interpreter, now it raises a TypeError.
bpo-19385: Make operations on a closed dbm.dumb database always raise the same exception.
bpo-21207: Detect when the os.urandom cached fd has been closed or replaced, and open it anew.
bpo-21291: subprocess’s Popen.wait() is now thread safe so that multiple threads may be calling wait() or poll() on a Popen instance at the same time without losing the Popen.returncode value.
bpo-21127: Path objects can now be instantiated from str subclass instances (such as
).bpo-15002: urllib.response object to use _TemporaryFileWrapper (and _TemporaryFileCloser) facility. Provides a better way to handle file descriptor close. Patch contributed by Christian Theune.
bpo-12220: mindom now raises a custom ValueError indicating it doesn’t support spaces in URIs instead of letting a ‘split’ ValueError bubble up.
bpo-21068: The ssl.PROTOCOL* constants are now enum members.
bpo-21276: posixmodule: Don’t define USE_XATTRS on KFreeBSD and the Hurd.
bpo-21262: New method assert_not_called for Mock. It raises AssertionError if the mock has been called.
bpo-21238: New keyword argument
to Mock. It raisesAttributeError
incase of an attribute startswith assert or assret.bpo-20896: ssl.get_server_certificate() now uses PROTOCOL_SSLv23, not PROTOCOL_SSLv3, for maximum compatibility.
bpo-21239: patch.stopall() didn’t work deterministically when the same name was patched more than once.
bpo-21203: Updated fileConfig and dictConfig to remove inconsistencies. Thanks to Jure Koren for the patch.
bpo-21222: Passing name keyword argument to mock.create_autospec now works.
bpo-21197: Add lib64 -> lib symlink in venvs on 64-bit non-OS X POSIX.
bpo-17498: Some SMTP servers disconnect after certain errors, violating strict RFC conformance. Instead of losing the error code when we issue the subsequent RSET, smtplib now returns the error code and defers raising the SMTPServerDisconnected error until the next command is issued.
bpo-17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
bpo-7776: Fix
header and reconnection when using http.client.HTTPConnection.set_tunnel(). Patch by Nikolaus Rath.bpo-20968: unittest.mock.MagicMock now supports division. Patch by Johannes Baiter.
bpo-21529: Fix arbitrary memory access in JSONDecoder.raw_decode with a negative second parameter. Bug reported by Guido Vranken. (See also: CVE 2014-4616)
bpo-21169: getpass now handles non-ascii characters that the input stream encoding cannot encode by re-encoding using the replace error handler.
bpo-21171: Fixed undocumented filter API of the rot13 codec. Patch by Berker Peksag.
bpo-20539: Improved math.factorial error message for large positive inputs and changed exception type (OverflowError -> ValueError) for large negative inputs.
bpo-21172: isinstance check relaxed from dict to collections.Mapping.
bpo-21155: asyncio.EventLoop.create_unix_server() now raises a ValueError if path and sock are specified at the same time.
bpo-21136: Avoid unnecessary normalization of Fractions resulting from power and other operations. Patch by Raymond Hettinger.
bpo-17621: Introduce importlib.util.LazyLoader.
bpo-21076: signal module constants were turned into enums. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-20636: Improved the repr of Tkinter widgets.
bpo-19505: The items, keys, and values views of OrderedDict now support reverse iteration using reversed().
bpo-21149: Improved thread-safety in logging cleanup during interpreter shutdown. Thanks to Devin Jeanpierre for the patch.
bpo-21058: Fix a leak of file descriptor in
, close the file descriptor
failsbpo-21200: Return None from pkgutil.get_loader() when __spec__ is missing.
bpo-21013: Enhance ssl.create_default_context() when used for server side sockets to provide better security by default.
now raise aTypeError
if the second argument is not a string or compiled regex.bpo-20633: Replace relative import by absolute import.
bpo-20980: Stop wrapping exception when using ThreadPool.
bpo-21082: In os.makedirs, do not set the process-wide umask. Note this changes behavior of makedirs when exist_ok=True.
bpo-20990: Fix issues found by pyflakes for multiprocessing.
bpo-21015: SSL contexts will now automatically select an elliptic curve for ECDH key exchange on OpenSSL 1.0.2 and later, and otherwise default to “prime256v1”.
bpo-21000: Improve the command-line interface of json.tool.
bpo-20995: Enhance default ciphers used by the ssl module to enable better security and prioritize perfect forward secrecy.
bpo-20884: Don’t assume that __file__ is defined on importlib.__init__.
bpo-21499: Ignore __builtins__ in several test_importlib.test_api tests.
bpo-20627: xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy is now a context manager.
bpo-19165: The formatter module now raises DeprecationWarning instead of PendingDeprecationWarning.
bpo-13936: Remove the ability of datetime.time instances to be considered false in boolean contexts.
bpo-18931: selectors module now supports /dev/poll on Solaris. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola’.
bpo-19977: When the
locale is the POSIX locale (C
are now using thesurrogateescape
error handler, instead of thestrict
error handler.bpo-20574: Implement incremental decoder for cp65001 code (Windows code page 65001, Microsoft UTF-8).
bpo-20879: Delay the initialization of encoding and decoding tables for base32, ascii85 and base85 codecs in the base64 module, and delay the initialization of the unquote_to_bytes() table of the urllib.parse module, to not waste memory if these modules are not used.
bpo-19157: Include the broadcast address in the usuable hosts for IPv6 in ipaddress.
bpo-11599: When an external command (e.g. compiler) fails, distutils now prints out the whole command line (instead of just the command name) if the environment variable DISTUTILS_DEBUG is set.
bpo-4931: distutils should not produce unhelpful “error: None” messages anymore. distutils.util.grok_environment_error is kept but doc-deprecated.
bpo-20875: Prevent possible gzip “‘read’ is not defined” NameError. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
now returns a more useful error message ifattach
is called on a message for whichis_multipart
is False.bpo-20283: RE pattern methods now accept the string keyword parameters as documented. The pattern and source keyword parameters are left as deprecated aliases.
bpo-20778: Fix modulefinder to work with bytecode-only modules.
bpo-20791: copy.copy() now doesn’t make a copy when the input is a bytes object. Initial patch by Peter Otten.
bpo-19748: On AIX, time.mktime() now raises an OverflowError for year outsize range [1902; 2037].
bpo-19573: inspect.signature: Use enum for parameter kind constants.
bpo-20726: inspect.signature: Make Signature and Parameter picklable.
bpo-17373: Add inspect.Signature.from_callable method.
bpo-20378: Improve repr of inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter.
bpo-20816: Fix inspect.getcallargs() to raise correct TypeError for missing keyword-only arguments. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
bpo-20817: Fix inspect.getcallargs() to fail correctly if more than 3 arguments are missing. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
bpo-6676: Ensure a meaningful exception is raised when attempting to parse more than one XML document per pyexpat xmlparser instance. (Original patches by Hirokazu Yamamoto and Amaury Forgeot d’Arc, with suggested wording by David Gutteridge)
bpo-21117: Fix inspect.signature to better support functools.partial. Due to the specifics of functools.partial implementation, positional-or-keyword arguments passed as keyword arguments become keyword-only.
bpo-20334: inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter are now hashable. Thanks to Antony Lee for bug reports and suggestions.
bpo-15916: doctest.DocTestSuite returns an empty unittest.TestSuite instead of raising ValueError if it finds no tests
bpo-21209: Fix asyncio.tasks.CoroWrapper to workaround a bug in yield-from implementation in CPythons prior to 3.4.1.
asyncio: Add gi_{frame,running,code} properties to CoroWrapper (upstream bpo-163).
bpo-21311: Avoid exception in _osx_support with non-standard compiler configurations. Patch by John Szakmeister.
bpo-11571: Ensure that the turtle window becomes the topmost window when launched on OS X.
bpo-21801: Validate that __signature__ is None or an instance of Signature.
bpo-21923: Prevent AttributeError in distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler due to possible uninitialized _config_vars.
bpo-21323: Fix http.server to again handle scripts in CGI subdirectories, broken by the fix for security bpo-19435. Patch by Zach Byrne.
bpo-22733: Fix ffi_prep_args not zero-extending argument values correctly on 64-bit Windows.
bpo-23302: Default to TCP_NODELAY=1 upon establishing an HTTPConnection. Removed use of hard-coded MSS as it’s an optimization that’s no longer needed with Nagle disabled.
bpo-20577: Configuration of the max line length for the FormatParagraph extension has been moved from the General tab of the Idle preferences dialog to the FormatParagraph tab of the Config Extensions dialog. Patch by Tal Einat.
bpo-16893: Update Idle doc chapter to match current Idle and add new information.
bpo-3068: Add Idle extension configuration dialog to Options menu. Changes are written to HOME/.idlerc/config-extensions.cfg. Original patch by Tal Einat.
bpo-16233: A module browser (File : Class Browser, Alt+C) requires an editor window with a filename. When Class Browser is requested otherwise, from a shell, output window, or ‘Untitled’ editor, Idle no longer displays an error box. It now pops up an Open Module box (Alt+M). If a valid name is entered and a module is opened, a corresponding browser is also opened.
bpo-4832: Save As to type Python files automatically adds .py to the name you enter (even if your system does not display it). Some systems automatically add .txt when type is Text files.
bpo-21986: Code objects are not normally pickled by the pickle module. To match this, they are no longer pickled when running under Idle.
bpo-17390: Adjust Editor window title; remove ‘Python’, move version to end.
bpo-14105: Idle debugger breakpoints no longer disappear when inserting or deleting lines.
bpo-17172: Turtledemo can now be run from Idle. Currently, the entry is on the Help menu, but it may move to Run. Patch by Ramchandra Apt and Lita Cho.
bpo-21765: Add support for non-ascii identifiers to HyperParser.
bpo-21940: Add unittest for WidgetRedirector. Initial patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-18592: Add unittest for SearchDialogBase. Patch by Phil Webster.
bpo-21694: Add unittest for ParenMatch. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-21686: add unittest for HyperParser. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
bpo-12387: Add missing upper(lower)case versions of default Windows key bindings for Idle so Caps Lock does not disable them. Patch by Roger Serwy.
bpo-21695: Closing a Find-in-files output window while the search is still in progress no longer closes Idle.
bpo-18910: Add unittest for textView. Patch by Phil Webster.
bpo-18292: Add unittest for AutoExpand. Patch by Saihadhav Heblikar.
bpo-18409: Add unittest for AutoComplete. Patch by Phil Webster.
bpo-21477: - Improve framework, complete set of tests. Patches by Saimadhav Heblikar
bpo-18104: Add idlelib/idle_test/ with a few sample tests to begin consolidating and improving human-validated tests of Idle. Change other files as needed to work with htest. Running the module as __main__ runs all tests.
bpo-21139: Change default paragraph width to 72, the PEP 8 recommendation.
bpo-21284: Paragraph reformat test passes after user changes reformat width.
bpo-17654: Ensure IDLE menus are customized properly on OS X for non-framework builds and for all variants of Tk.
bpo-23180: Rename IDLE “Windows” menu item to “Window”. Patch by Al Sweigart.
bpo-15506: Use standard PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG autoconf macro in the configure script.
bpo-22935: Allow the ssl module to be compiled if openssl doesn’t support SSL 3.
bpo-22592: Drop support of the Borland C compiler to build Python. The distutils module still supports it to build extensions.
bpo-22591: Drop support of MS-DOS, especially of the DJGPP compiler (MS-DOS port of GCC).
bpo-16537: Check whether self.extensions is empty in Patch by Jonathan Hosmer.
bpo-22359: Remove incorrect uses of recursive make. Patch by Jonas Wagner.
bpo-21958: Define HAVE_ROUND when building with Visual Studio 2013 and above. Patch by Zachary Turner.
bpo-18093: the programs that embed the CPython runtime are now in a separate “Programs” directory, rather than being kept in the Modules directory.
bpo-15759: “make suspicious”, “make linkcheck” and “make doctest” in Doc/ now display special message when and only when there are failures.
bpo-21141: The Windows build process no longer attempts to find Perl, instead relying on OpenSSL source being configured and ready to build. The
script has been re-written and re-named toPCbuild\
, and takes care of configuring OpenSSL source for both 32 and 64 bit platforms. OpenSSL sources obtained from will always be pre-configured and ready to build.bpo-21037: Add a build option to enable AddressSanitizer support.
bpo-19962: The Windows build process now creates “python.bat” in the root of the source tree, which passes all arguments through to the most recently built interpreter.
bpo-21285: Refactor and fix curses configure check to always search in a ncursesw directory.
bpo-15234: For BerkeleyDB and Sqlite, only add the found library and include directories if they aren’t already being searched. This avoids an explicit runtime library dependency.
bpo-17861: Tools/scripts/ automatically regenerates Include/opcode.h from Lib/ if the latter gets any change.
bpo-20644: OS X installer build support for documentation build changes in 3.4.1: assume externally supplied sphinx-build is available in /usr/bin.
bpo-20022: Eliminate use of deprecated bundlebuilder in OS X builds.
bpo-15968: Incorporated Tcl, Tk, and Tix builds into the Windows build solution.
bpo-17095: Fix Modules/Setup shared support.
bpo-21811: Anticipated fixes to support OS X versions > 10.9.
bpo-21166: Prevent possible segfaults and other random failures of python –generate-posix-vars in pybuilddir.txt build target.
bpo-18096: Fix library order returned by python-config.
bpo-17219: Add library build dir for Python extension cross-builds.
bpo-22919: Windows build updated to support VC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015), which will be used for the official release.
bpo-21236: Build _msi.pyd with cabinet.lib instead of fci.lib
bpo-17128: Use private version of OpenSSL for OS X 10.5+ installer.
bpo-14203: Remove obsolete support for view==NULL in PyBuffer_FillInfo(), bytearray_getbuffer(), bytesiobuf_getbuffer() and array_buffer_getbuf(). All functions now raise BufferError in that case.
bpo-22445: PyBuffer_IsContiguous() now implements precise contiguity tests, compatible with NumPy’s NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING compilation flag. Previously the function reported false negatives for corner cases.
bpo-22079: PyType_Ready() now checks that statically allocated type has no dynamically allocated bases.
bpo-22453: Removed non-documented macro PyObject_REPR().
bpo-18395: Rename
, rename_Py_wchar2char()
, and document these functions.bpo-21233: Add new C functions: PyMem_RawCalloc(), PyMem_Calloc(), PyObject_Calloc(), _PyObject_GC_Calloc(). bytes(int) is now using
instead ofmalloc()
for large objects which is faster and use less memory.bpo-20942: PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject() no longer sets __file__ to match what importlib does; this affects _frozen_importlib as well as any module loaded using imp.init_frozen().
bpo-19548: Update the codecs module documentation to better cover the distinction between text encodings and other codecs, together with other clarifications. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-22394: Doc/Makefile now supports
make venv PYTHON=../python
to create a venv for generating the documentation, e.g.,make html PYTHON=venv/bin/python3
.bpo-21514: The documentation of the json module now refers to new JSON RFC 7159 instead of obsoleted RFC 4627.
bpo-21777: The binary sequence methods on bytes and bytearray are now documented explicitly, rather than assuming users will be able to derive the expected behaviour from the behaviour of the corresponding str methods.
bpo-6916: undocument deprecated asynchat.fifo class.
bpo-17386: Expanded functionality of the
script to make it much more comparable toDoc/Makefile
.bpo-21312: Update the thread_foobar.h template file to include newer threading APIs. Patch by Jack McCracken.
bpo-21043: Remove the recommendation for specific CA organizations and to mention the ability to load the OS certificates.
bpo-20765: Add missing documentation for PurePath.with_name() and PurePath.with_suffix().
bpo-19407: New package installation and distribution guides based on the Python Packaging Authority tools. Existing guides have been retained as legacy links from the distutils docs, as they still contain some required reference material for tool developers that isn’t recorded anywhere else.
bpo-19697: Document cases where __main__.__spec__ is None.
bpo-18982: Add tests for CLI of the calendar module.
bpo-19548: Added some additional checks to test_codecs to ensure that statements in the updated documentation remain accurate. Patch by Martin Panter.
bpo-22838: All test_re tests now work with unittest test discovery.
bpo-22173: Update lib2to3 tests to use unittest test discovery.
bpo-16000: Convert test_curses to use unittest.
bpo-21456: Skip two tests in if _ssl module not present. Patch by Remi Pointel.
bpo-20746: Fix test_pdb to run in refleak mode (-R). Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
bpo-22060: test_ctypes has been somewhat cleaned up and simplified; it now uses unittest test discovery to find its tests.
bpo-22104: no longer holds a reference to the suite of tests loaded from test modules that don’t define test_main().
bpo-22111: Assorted cleanups in test_imaplib. Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
bpo-22002: Added
function to and used it to implement/augment test discovery in test_asyncio, test_email, test_importlib, test_json, and test_tools.bpo-21976: Fix test_ssl to accept LibreSSL version strings. Thanks to William Orr.
bpo-21918: Converted test_tools from a module to a package containing separate test files for each tested script.
bpo-9554: Use modern unittest features in test_argparse. Initial patch by Denver Coneybeare and Radu Voicilas.
bpo-20155: Changed HTTP method names in failing tests in test_httpservers so that packet filtering software (specifically Windows Base Filtering Engine) does not interfere with the transaction semantics expected by the tests.
bpo-19493: Refactored the ctypes test package to skip tests explicitly rather than silently.
bpo-18492: All resources are now allowed when tests are not run by
bpo-21634: Fix pystone micro-benchmark: use floor division instead of true division to benchmark integers instead of floating-point numbers. Set pystone version to 1.2. Patch written by Lennart Regebro.
bpo-21605: Added tests for Tkinter images.
bpo-21493: Added test for ntpath.expanduser(). Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
bpo-19925: Added tests for the spwd module. Original patch by Vajrasky Kok.
bpo-21522: Added Tkinter tests for Listbox.itemconfigure(), PanedWindow.paneconfigure(), and Menu.entryconfigure().
bpo-17756: Fix test_code test when run from the installed location.
bpo-17752: Fix distutils tests when run from the installed location.
bpo-18604: Consolidated checks for GUI availability. All platforms now at least check whether Tk can be instantiated when the GUI resource is requested.
bpo-21275: Fix a socket test on KFreeBSD.
bpo-21223: Pass test_site/test_startup_imports when some of the extensions are built as builtins.
bpo-20635: Added tests for Tk geometry managers.
Add test case for freeze.
bpo-20743: Fix a reference leak in test_tcl.
bpo-21097: Move test_namespace_pkgs into test_importlib.
bpo-21503: Use test_both() consistently in test_importlib.
bpo-20939: Avoid various network test failures due to new redirect of to use instead.
bpo-20668: asyncio tests no longer rely on tests.txt file. (Patch by Vajrasky Kok)
bpo-21093: Prevent failures of ctypes test_macholib on OS X if a copy of libz exists in $HOME/lib or /usr/local/lib.
bpo-22770: Prevent some Tk segfaults on OS X when running gui tests.
bpo-23211: Workaround test_logging failure on some OS X 10.6 systems.
bpo-23345: Prevent test_ssl failures with large OpenSSL patch level values (like 0.9.8zc).
bpo-22314: pydoc now works when the LINES environment variable is set.
bpo-22615: Argument Clinic now supports the “type” argument for the int converter. This permits using the int converter with enums and typedefs.
bpo-20076: The script no longer ignores UTF-8 mapping.
bpo-20079: The script now can parse the SUPPORTED file from glibc sources and supports command line options for source paths.
bpo-22201: Command-line interface of the zipfile module now correctly extracts ZIP files with directory entries. Patch by Ryan Wilson.
bpo-22120: For functions using an unsigned integer return converter, Argument Clinic now generates a cast to that type for the comparison to -1 in the generated code. (This suppresses a compilation warning.)
bpo-18974: Tools/scripts/ now uses argparse instead of optparse.
bpo-21906: Make Tools/scripts/ work in Python 3. Patch by Zachary Ware.
bpo-21629: Fix Argument Clinic’s “–converters” feature.
Adiciona suporte a
yield from
para 2to3.Adiciona suporte ao operador de multiplicação de matriz PEP 465 para 2to3.
bpo-16047: Fix module exception list and __file__ handling in freeze. Patch by Meador Inge.
bpo-11824: Consider ABI tags in freeze. Patch by Meador Inge.
bpo-20535: PYTHONWARNING no longer affects the script. Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
bpo-23260: Update Windows installer
A versão do pacote Tcl/Tk foi atualizada para 8.6.3. O resultado mais visível dessa alteração é a adição de novas caixas de diálogo de arquivo nativo ao executar no Windows Vista ou mais recente. Consulte o TIP 432 da Tcl/Tk para obter mais informações. Além disso, esta versão do Tcl/Tk inclui suporte ao Windows 10.
bpo-17896: The Windows build scripts now expect external library sources to be in
rather thanPCbuild\..\..
.bpo-17717: The Windows build scripts now use a copy of NASM pulled from to build OpenSSL.
bpo-21907: Improved the batch scripts provided for building Python.
bpo-22644: The bundled version of OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.1j.
bpo-10747: Use versioned labels in the Windows start menu. Patch by Olive Kilburn.
bpo-22980: .pyd files with a version and platform tag (for example, “.cp35-win32.pyd”) will now be loaded in preference to those without tags.
(Para informações sobre versões mais antigas, consulte o arquivo HISTORY.)