Python 說明文件內容¶
- Python 有什麼新功能?
- Python 3.12 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.11 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.10 有什麼新功能
- 摘要 -- 發布重點
- 新功能
- 與型別提示相關的新功能
- 其他語言更動
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- asyncio
- argparse
- array
- asynchat, asyncore, smtpd
- base64
- bdb
- bisect
- codecs
- contextlib
- curses
- dataclasses
- distutils
- doctest
- encodings
- enum
- fileinput
- faulthandler
- gc
- glob
- hashlib
- hmac
- IDLE 和 idlelib
- importlib.metadata
- inspect
- itertools
- linecache
- os
- os.path
- pathlib
- platform
- pprint
- py_compile
- pyclbr
- shelve
- statistics
- site
- socket
- ssl
- sqlite3
- sys
- _thread
- threading
- traceback
- types
- typing
- unittest
- urllib.parse
- xml
- zipimport
- 最佳化
- 已棄用
- 已刪除
- 移植到 Python 3.10
- CPython 位元組碼變更
- 建置變更
- C API 變更
- Notable security feature in 3.10.7
- Notable security feature in 3.10.8
- Notable changes in 3.10.12
- Python 3.9 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release highlights
- You should check for DeprecationWarning in your code
- New Features
- 其他語言更動
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- 最佳化
- 已棄用
- 已移除
- Porting to Python 3.9
- 建置變更
- C API 變更
- Python 3.9.1 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.9.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.9.3 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.9.5 中顯著的變更
- Notable security feature in 3.9.14
- Notable changes in 3.9.17
- Python 3.8 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release highlights
- New Features
- Assignment expressions
- Positional-only parameters
- Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode files
- Debug build uses the same ABI as release build
- f-strings support
for self-documenting expressions and debugging - PEP 578: Python Runtime Audit Hooks
- PEP 587: Python Initialization Configuration
- PEP 590: Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython
- Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data buffers
- 其他語言更動
- 新增模組
- 改進的模組
- ast
- asyncio
- builtins(內建)
- collections
- cProfile
- csv
- curses
- ctypes
- datetime
- functools
- gc
- gettext
- gzip
- IDLE and idlelib
- inspect
- io
- itertools
- json.tool
- logging
- math
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- os
- os.path
- pathlib
- pickle
- plistlib
- pprint
- py_compile
- shlex
- shutil
- socket
- ssl
- statistics
- sys
- tarfile
- threading
- tokenize
- tkinter
- time
- typing
- unicodedata
- unittest
- venv
- weakref
- xml
- xmlrpc
- 最佳化
- Build and C API Changes
- 已棄用
- API and Feature Removals
- Porting to Python 3.8
- Python 3.8.1 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.3 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.8 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.9 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.12 中顯著的變更
- Notable security feature in 3.8.14
- Notable changes in 3.8.17
- Python 3.7 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release Highlights
- New Features
- PEP 563: Postponed Evaluation of Annotations
- PEP 538: Legacy C Locale Coercion
- PEP 540: Forced UTF-8 Runtime Mode
- PEP 553: Built-in
- PEP 539: New C API for Thread-Local Storage
- PEP 562: Customization of Access to Module Attributes
- PEP 564: New Time Functions With Nanosecond Resolution
- PEP 565: Show DeprecationWarning in
- PEP 560: Core Support for
module and Generic Types - PEP 552: Hash-based .pyc Files
- PEP 545:Python 文件翻譯
- Python Development Mode (-X dev)
- 其他語言更動
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- argparse
- asyncio
- binascii
- calendar
- collections
- compileall
- concurrent.futures
- contextlib
- cProfile
- crypt
- datetime
- dbm
- decimal
- dis
- distutils
- enum
- functools
- gc
- hmac
- http.client
- http.server
- idlelib and IDLE
- importlib
- io
- ipaddress
- itertools
- locale
- logging
- math
- mimetypes
- msilib
- multiprocessing
- os
- pathlib
- pdb
- py_compile
- pydoc
- queue
- re
- signal
- socket
- socketserver
- sqlite3
- ssl
- string
- subprocess
- sys
- time
- tkinter
- tracemalloc
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- unittest.mock
- urllib.parse
- uu
- uuid
- warnings
- xml
- xml.etree
- xmlrpc.server
- zipapp
- zipfile
- C API 變更
- 建置變更
- 最佳化
- Other CPython Implementation Changes
- Deprecated Python Behavior
- Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods
- Deprecated functions and types of the C API
- Platform Support Removals
- API and Feature Removals
- Module Removals
- Windows-only Changes
- Porting to Python 3.7
- Python 3.7.1 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.6 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.11 中顯著的變更
- Notable security feature in 3.7.14
- Python 3.6 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release highlights
- New Features
- PEP 498: Formatted string literals
- PEP 526: Syntax for variable annotations
- PEP 515: Underscores in Numeric Literals
- PEP 525: Asynchronous Generators
- PEP 530: Asynchronous Comprehensions
- PEP 487: Simpler customization of class creation
- PEP 487: Descriptor Protocol Enhancements
- PEP 519: Adding a file system path protocol
- PEP 495: Local Time Disambiguation
- PEP 529: Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 528: Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 520: Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order
- PEP 468: Preserving Keyword Argument Order
- New dict implementation
- PEP 523: Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython
- PYTHONMALLOC environment variable
- DTrace and SystemTap probing support
- 其他語言更動
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- array
- ast
- asyncio
- binascii
- cmath
- collections
- concurrent.futures
- contextlib
- datetime
- decimal
- distutils
- encodings
- enum
- faulthandler
- fileinput
- hashlib
- http.client
- idlelib and IDLE
- importlib
- inspect
- json
- logging
- math
- multiprocessing
- os
- pathlib
- pdb
- pickle
- pickletools
- pydoc
- random
- re
- readline
- rlcompleter
- shlex
- site
- sqlite3
- socket
- socketserver
- ssl
- statistics
- struct
- subprocess
- sys
- telnetlib
- time
- timeit
- tkinter
- traceback
- tracemalloc
- typing
- unicodedata
- unittest.mock
- urllib.request
- urllib.robotparser
- venv
- warnings
- winreg
- winsound
- xmlrpc.client
- zipfile
- zlib
- 最佳化
- Build and C API Changes
- Other Improvements
- 已棄用
- 已移除
- Porting to Python 3.6
- Python 3.6.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.4 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.5 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.7 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.13 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.6.14 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.4 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release highlights
- New Features
- PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
- PEP 465 - A dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication
- PEP 448 - Additional Unpacking Generalizations
- PEP 461 - percent formatting support for bytes and bytearray
- PEP 484 - Type Hints
- PEP 471 - os.scandir() function -- a better and faster directory iterator
- PEP 475: Retry system calls failing with EINTR
- PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators
- PEP 485: A function for testing approximate equality
- PEP 486: Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments
- PEP 488: Elimination of PYO files
- PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization
- 其他語言更動
- 新增模組
- 改進的模組
- argparse
- asyncio
- bz2
- cgi
- cmath
- code
- collections
- compileall
- concurrent.futures
- configparser
- contextlib
- csv
- curses
- dbm
- difflib
- distutils
- doctest
- enum
- faulthandler
- functools
- glob
- gzip
- heapq
- http
- http.client
- idlelib and IDLE
- imaplib
- imghdr
- importlib
- inspect
- io
- ipaddress
- json
- linecache
- locale
- logging
- lzma
- math
- multiprocessing
- operator
- os
- pathlib
- pickle
- poplib
- re
- readline
- selectors
- shutil
- signal
- smtpd
- smtplib
- sndhdr
- socket
- ssl
- sqlite3
- subprocess
- sys
- sysconfig
- tarfile
- threading
- time
- timeit
- tkinter
- traceback
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- unittest.mock
- urllib
- wsgiref
- xmlrpc
- xml.sax
- zipfile
- Other module-level changes
- 最佳化
- Build and C API Changes
- 已棄用
- 已移除
- Porting to Python 3.5
- Python 3.5.4 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.4 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release Highlights
- New Features
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- abc
- aifc
- argparse
- audioop
- base64
- collections
- colorsys
- contextlib
- dbm
- dis
- doctest
- filecmp
- functools
- gc
- glob
- hashlib
- hmac
- html
- http
- idlelib 與 IDLE
- importlib
- inspect
- ipaddress
- logging
- marshal
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- operator
- os
- pdb
- pickle
- plistlib
- poplib
- pprint
- pty
- pydoc
- re
- resource
- select
- shelve
- shutil
- smtpd
- smtplib
- socket
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- struct
- subprocess
- sunau
- sys
- tarfile
- textwrap
- threading
- traceback
- types
- urllib
- unittest
- venv
- wave
- weakref
- xml.etree
- zipfile
- CPython 實作變更
- 已棄用
- 已移除
- Porting to Python 3.4
- 3.4.3 中的變更
- Python 3.3 有什麼新功能
- Summary -- Release highlights
- PEP 405:虛擬環境
- PEP 420: Implicit Namespace Packages
- PEP 3118: New memoryview implementation and buffer protocol documentation
- PEP 393: Flexible String Representation
- PEP 397:適用於 Windows 的 Python 啟動器
- PEP 3151: Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy
- PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
- PEP 409: Suppressing exception context
- PEP 414: Explicit Unicode literals
- PEP 3155: Qualified name for classes and functions
- PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary
- PEP 362:函式簽名物件
- PEP 421:新增 sys.implementation
- 使用 importlib 作為 import 的實作
- 其他語言更動
- A Finer-Grained Import Lock
- 內建函式和型別
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- abc
- array
- base64
- binascii
- bz2
- codecs
- collections
- contextlib
- crypt
- curses
- datetime
- decimal
- ftplib
- functools
- gc
- hmac
- http
- html
- imaplib
- inspect
- io
- itertools
- logging
- math
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- nntplib
- os
- pdb
- pickle
- pydoc
- re
- sched
- select
- shlex
- shutil
- signal
- smtpd
- smtplib
- socket
- socketserver
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- struct
- subprocess
- sys
- tarfile
- tempfile
- textwrap
- threading
- time
- types
- unittest
- urllib
- webbrowser
- xml.etree.ElementTree
- zlib
- 最佳化
- 建置和 C API 更改
- 已棄用
- 移植到 Python 3.3
- Python 3.2 有什麼新功能
- PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI
- PEP 389: Argparse 命令列剖析模組
- PEP 391: Dictionary Based Configuration for Logging
- PEP 3148:
模組 - PEP 3147: PYC Repository Directories
- PEP 3149: ABI Version Tagged .so Files
- PEP 3333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- elementtree
- functools
- itertools
- collections
- threading
- datetime 和 time
- math
- abc
- io
- reprlib
- logging
- csv
- contextlib
- decimal and fractions
- ftp
- popen
- select
- gzip 和 zipfile
- tarfile
- hashlib
- ast
- os
- shutil
- sqlite3
- html
- socket
- ssl
- nntp
- certificates
- imaplib
- http.client
- unittest
- random
- poplib
- asyncore
- tempfile
- inspect
- pydoc
- dis
- dbm
- ctypes
- site
- sysconfig
- pdb
- configparser
- urllib.parse
- mailbox
- turtledemo
- Multi-threading
- 最佳化
- Unicode
- 編解碼器
- 文件
- Code Repository
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 3.2
- Python 3.1 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.0 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.7 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.x 的未來
- Changes to the Handling of Deprecation Warnings
- Python 3.1 Features
- PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to collections
- PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator
- PEP 389: The argparse Module for Parsing Command Lines
- PEP 391: Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging
- PEP 3106: Dictionary Views
- PEP 3137: The memoryview Object
- 其他語言更動
- New and Improved Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Other Changes and Fixes
- Porting to Python 2.7
- New Features Added to Python 2.7 Maintenance Releases
- Two new environment variables for debug mode
- PEP 434: IDLE Enhancement Exception for All Branches
- PEP 466: Network Security Enhancements for Python 2.7
- PEP 477: Backport ensurepip (PEP 453) to Python 2.7
- PEP 476: Enabling certificate verification by default for stdlib http clients
- PEP 493: HTTPS verification migration tools for Python 2.7
- New
make regen-all
build target - Removal of
make touch
build target
- 致謝
- Python 2.6 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.0
- Changes to the Development Process
- PEP 343: The 'with' statement
- PEP 366: Explicit Relative Imports From a Main Module
- PEP 370: Per-user
Directory - PEP 371: The
Package - PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting
- PEP 3105:
As a Function - PEP 3110: Exception-Handling Changes
- PEP 3112: Byte Literals
- PEP 3116: New I/O Library
- PEP 3118:修訂緩衝協定
- PEP 3119: Abstract Base Classes
- PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax
- PEP 3129: Class Decorators
- PEP 3141: A Type Hierarchy for Numbers
- 其他語言更動
- New and Improved Modules
- Deprecations and Removals
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.6
- 致謝
- Python 2.5 有什麼新功能
- PEP 308: Conditional Expressions
- PEP 309: Partial Function Application
- PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1
- PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports
- PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts
- PEP 341: Unified try/except/finally
- PEP 342: New Generator Features
- PEP 343:'with' 陳述式
- PEP 352: Exceptions as New-Style Classes
- PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type
- PEP 357: The '__index__' method
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Removed Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.5
- 致謝
- Python 2.4 有什麼新功能
- PEP 218: Built-In Set Objects
- PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers
- PEP 289: Generator Expressions
- PEP 292: Simpler String Substitutions
- PEP 318: Decorators for Functions and Methods
- PEP 322: Reverse Iteration
- PEP 324: New subprocess Module
- PEP 327: Decimal Data Type
- PEP 328: Multi-line Imports
- PEP 331: Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.4
- 致謝
- Python 2.3 有什麼新功能
- PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype
- PEP 255: Simple Generators
- PEP 263: Source Code Encodings
- PEP 273: Importing Modules from ZIP Archives
- PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT
- PEP 278: Universal Newline Support
- PEP 279:enumerate()
- PEP 282: The logging Package
- PEP 285: A Boolean Type
- PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks
- PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
- PEP 302: New Import Hooks
- PEP 305: Comma-separated Files
- PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements
- Extended Slices
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Pymalloc: A Specialized Object Allocator
- Build and C API Changes
- Other Changes and Fixes
- Porting to Python 2.3
- 致謝
- Python 2.2 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.1 有什麼新功能
- 簡介
- PEP 227: Nested Scopes
- PEP 236: __future__ Directives
- PEP 207: Rich Comparisons
- PEP 230: Warning Framework
- PEP 229: New Build System
- PEP 205: Weak References
- PEP 232: Function Attributes
- PEP 235: Importing Modules on Case-Insensitive Platforms
- PEP 217: Interactive Display Hook
- PEP 208: New Coercion Model
- PEP 241: Metadata in Python Packages
- New and Improved Modules
- Other Changes and Fixes
- 致謝
- Python 2.0 有什麼新功能
- 簡介
- What About Python 1.6?
- New Development Process
- Unicode
- 串列綜合運算(List Comprehension)
- Augmented Assignment
- String Methods
- Garbage Collection of Cycles
- Other Core Changes
- Porting to 2.0
- Extending/Embedding Changes
- Distutils: Making Modules Easy to Install
- XML 模組
- 模組變更
- 新增模組
- IDLE Improvements
- Deleted and Deprecated Modules
- 致謝
- Changelog(更動日誌)
- Python next
- Python 3.12.9 final
- Python 3.12.8 final
- Python 3.12.7 final
- Python 3.12.6 final
- Python 3.12.5 final
- Python 3.12.4 final
- Python 3.12.3 final
- Python 3.12.2 final
- Python 3.12.1 final
- Python 3.12.0 final
- Python 3.12.0 release candidate 3
- Python 3.12.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.12.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.12.0 beta 4
- Python 3.12.0 beta 3
- Python 3.12.0 beta 2
- Python 3.12.0 beta 1
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.11.0 beta 1
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.10.0 beta 1
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.9.0 beta 1
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.8.0 beta 1
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.7.0 final
- Python 3.7.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.7.0 beta 5
- Python 3.7.0 beta 4
- Python 3.7.0 beta 3
- Python 3.7.0 beta 2
- Python 3.7.0 beta 1
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.6.6 final
- Python 3.6.6 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.5 final
- Python 3.6.5 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.4 final
- Python 3.6.4 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.3 final
- Python 3.6.3 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.2 final
- Python 3.6.2 release candidate 2
- Python 3.6.2 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.1 final
- Python 3.6.1 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.0 final
- Python 3.6.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.6.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.0 beta 4
- Python 3.6.0 beta 3
- Python 3.6.0 beta 2
- Python 3.6.0 beta 1
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.5.5 final
- Python 3.5.5 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.4 final
- Python 3.5.4 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.3 final
- Python 3.5.3 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.2 final
- Python 3.5.2 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.1 final
- Python 3.5.1 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.0 final
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 4
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.0 beta 4
- Python 3.5.0 beta 3
- Python 3.5.0 beta 2
- Python 3.5.0 beta 1
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 1
- Python 教學
- 1. 淺嘗滋味
- 2. 使用 Python 直譯器
- 3. 一個非正式的 Python 簡介
- 4. 深入了解流程控制
- 4.1.
陳述式 - 4.2.
陳述式 - 4.3.
函式 - 4.4.
Statements - 4.5.
Clauses on Loops - 4.6.
陳述式 - 4.7.
陳述式 - 4.8. 定義函式 (function)
- 4.9. 深入了解函式定義
- 4.10. 間奏曲:程式碼風格 (Coding Style)
- 4.1.
- 5. 資料結構
- 6. 模組 (Module)
- 7. 輸入和輸出
- 8. 錯誤和例外
- 9. Class(類別)
- 10. Python 標準函式庫概覽
- 11. Python 標準函式庫概覽——第二部份
- 12. 虛擬環境與套件
- 13. 現在可以來學習些什麼?
- 14. 互動式輸入編輯和歷史記錄替換
- 15. 浮點數運算:問題與限制
- 16. 附錄
- Python 的設置與使用
- 1. 命令列與環境
- 2. 在 Unix 平臺上使用 Python
- 3. 配置 Python
- 4. 在 Windows 上使用 Python
- 4.1. The full installer
- 4.2. The Microsoft Store package
- 4.3. 套件
- 4.4. The embeddable package
- 4.5. Alternative bundles
- 4.6. 設定 Python
- 4.7. UTF-8 模式
- 4.8. Python Launcher for Windows
- 4.9. 找尋模組
- 4.10. 額外的模組
- 4.11. 編譯 Python 在 Windows
- 4.12. 其他平台
- 5. 在 Mac 系統使用 Python
- 6. 編輯器與 IDE
- Python 語言參考手冊
- 1. 簡介
- 2. 詞法分析
- 3. 資料模型
- 3.1. Objects, values and types
- 3.2. 標準型別階層
- 3.3. Special method names
- 3.3.1. Basic customization
- 3.3.2. Customizing attribute access
- 3.3.3. Customizing class creation
- 3.3.4. Customizing instance and subclass checks
- 3.3.5. Emulating generic types
- 3.3.6. Emulating callable objects
- 3.3.7. Emulating container types
- 3.3.8. Emulating numeric types
- 3.3.9. With Statement Context Managers
- 3.3.10. Customizing positional arguments in class pattern matching
- 3.3.11. Emulating buffer types
- 3.3.12. Special method lookup
- 3.4. 協程
- 4. 執行模型
- 5. 模組引入系統
- 6. 運算式
- 6.1. Arithmetic conversions
- 6.2. Atoms
- 6.3. Primaries
- 6.4. Await expression
- 6.5. The power operator
- 6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations
- 6.7. Binary arithmetic operations
- 6.8. Shifting operations
- 6.9. Binary bitwise operations
- 6.10. Comparisons
- 6.11. Boolean operations
- 6.12. Assignment expressions
- 6.13. Conditional expressions
- 6.14. Lambdas
- 6.15. Expression lists
- 6.16. Evaluation order
- 6.17. Operator precedence
- 7. 簡單陳述式
- 8. 複合陳述式
- 9. 最高層級元件
- 10. 完整的語法規格書
- Python 標準函式庫 (Standard Library)
- 簡介
- 內建函式
- 內建常數
- 內建型別
- 真值檢測
- Boolean(布林)運算 ---
- 比較運算
- 數值型別 ---
- Boolean 型別 -
- 疊代器型別
- Sequence Types ---
- Text Sequence Type ---
- Binary Sequence Types ---
- Set Types ---
- Mapping Types ---
- 情境管理器型別
- 型別註釋的型別 --- 泛型別名 (Generic Alias)、聯合 (Union)
- Other Built-in Types
- 特殊屬性
- Integer string conversion length limitation
- 內建的例外
- 文本處理 (Text Processing) 服務
- 二進位資料服務
--- 將位元組直譯為打包起來的二進位資料codecs
--- 編解碼器註冊表和基底類別
- 資料型別
--- 日期與時間的基本型別zoneinfo
--- IANA 時區支援calendar
--- 日曆相關函式collections
--- 容器資料型態
--- 容器的抽象基底類別heapq
--- 堆積佇列 (heap queue) 演算法bisect
--- 陣列二分演算法 (Array bisection algorithm)array
--- 高效率的數值型陣列weakref
--- 弱參照types
--- 動態型別建立與內建型別名稱copy
--- 淺層 (shallow) 和深層 (deep) 複製操作pprint
--- 資料美化列印器reprlib
--- 對列舉的支援graphlib
—-- 使用類圖 (graph-like) 結構進行操作的功能
- 數值與數學模組
- 函式編程模組
- 檔案與目錄存取
- 資料持久性 (Data Persistence)
--- Python 物件序列化copyreg
--- 註冊pickle
--- Python object persistencemarshal
--- 内部 Python 物件序列化dbm
--- Unix "databases" 的介面sqlite3
--- SQLite 資料庫的 DB-API 2.0 介面- 教學
- Reference
- How-to guides
- How to use placeholders to bind values in SQL queries
- How to adapt custom Python types to SQLite values
- How to convert SQLite values to custom Python types
- Adapter and converter recipes
- How to use connection shortcut methods
- How to use the connection context manager
- How to work with SQLite URIs
- How to create and use row factories
- How to handle non-UTF-8 text encodings
- 解釋
- 資料壓縮與保存
- 檔案格式
- 加密服務
- 通用作業系統服務
--- 各種作業系統介面io
— 處理資料串流的核心工具time
--- 時間存取與轉換argparse
--- Parser for command-line options, arguments and subcommandsgetopt
--- 用於命令列選項的 C 風格剖析器logging
--- Python 的日誌記錄工具logging.config
--- 日誌記錄配置logging.handlers
--- 日誌紀錄處理器getpass
--- 可攜式密碼輸入工具curses
--- 字元儲存格顯示的終端處理curses.textpad
--- Text input widget for curses programscurses.ascii
--- ASCII 字元的工具程式curses.panel
--- curses 的面板堆疊擴充platform
--- 對底層平臺識別資料的存取errno
--- 標準 errno 系統符號ctypes
--- 用於 Python 的外部函式庫- ctypes 教學
- Loading dynamic link libraries
- Accessing functions from loaded dlls
- 呼叫函式
- Fundamental data types
- Calling functions, continued
- Calling variadic functions
- Calling functions with your own custom data types
- Specifying the required argument types (function prototypes)
- Return types
- Passing pointers (or: passing parameters by reference)
- Structures and unions
- Structure/union alignment and byte order
- Bit fields in structures and unions
- Arrays
- Pointers
- Type conversions
- Incomplete Types
- 回呼函式
- Accessing values exported from dlls
- Surprises
- Variable-sized data types
- ctypes reference
- ctypes 教學
- 並行執行 (Concurrent Execution)
--- 基於執行緒的平行性multiprocessing
--- 以行程為基礎的平行性multiprocessing.shared_memory
--- 對於共享記憶體的跨行程直接存取concurrent
--- 啟動平行任務subprocess
--- 子行程管理sched
--- 事件排程器queue
--- 同步佇列 (synchronized queue) 類別contextvars
--- 情境變數_thread
--- 低階執行緒 API
- Networking and Interprocess Communication
--- 非同步 I/Osocket
--- 低階網路介面ssl
--- socket 物件的 TLS/SSL 包裝器select
--- 等待 I/O 完成selectors
--- 高階 I/O 多工signal
--- 設定非同步事件的處理函式mmap
--- 記憶體映射檔案的支援
- 網際網路資料處理
--- 郵件和 MIME 處理套件email.message
:產生 MIME 文件email.policy
: Policy Objectsemail.errors
:管理 MIME 內容email
: Representing an email message using thecompat32
:從頭開始建立電子郵件和 MIME 物件email.header
--- JSON 編碼器與解碼器mailbox
--- 以各種格式操作郵件信箱mimetypes
--- 將檔案名稱對映到 MIME 類型base64
--- Base16、Base32、Base64、Base85 資料編碼binascii
--- 在二進位制和 ASCII 之間轉換quopri
--- 編碼和解碼 MIME 可列印字元資料
- Structured Markup Processing Tools
--- 超連結標記語言 (HTML) 支援html.parser
--- 簡單的 HTML 和 XHTML 剖析器html.entities
--- HTML 一般實體的定義- XML 處理模組
--- ElementTree XML APIxml.dom
--- Document 物件模型 APIxml.dom.minidom
--- 最小的 DOM 實作xml.dom.pulldom
--- 支援建置部分 DOM 樹xml.sax
--- SAX2 剖析器支援xml.sax.handler
--- SAX 處理函式的基本類別xml.sax.saxutils
--- SAX 工具程式xml.sax.xmlreader
--- XML 剖析器的介面xml.parsers.expat
--- 使用 Expat 進行快速 XML 剖析
- 網路協定 (Internet protocols) 及支援
--- 方便的網頁瀏覽器控制器wsgiref
--- WSGI 工具與參考實作urllib
--- URL 處理模組urllib.request
--- 用來開啟 URLs 的可擴充函式庫- Request Objects
- OpenerDirector 物件
- BaseHandler 物件
- HTTPRedirectHandler 物件
- HTTPCookieProcessor 物件
- ProxyHandler 物件
- HTTPPasswordMgr 物件
- HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth 物件
- AbstractBasicAuthHandler 物件
- HTTPBasicAuthHandler 物件
- ProxyBasicAuthHandler 物件
- AbstractDigestAuthHandler 物件
- HTTPDigestAuthHandler 物件
- ProxyDigestAuthHandler 物件
- HTTPHandler 物件
- HTTPSHandler 物件
- FileHandler 物件
- DataHandler 物件
- FTPHandler 物件
- CacheFTPHandler 物件
- UnknownHandler 物件
- HTTPErrorProcessor 物件
- 範例
- Legacy interface
--- Response classes used by urlliburllib.parse
--- 將 URL 剖析成元件urllib.error
--- urllib.request 引發的例外類別urllib.robotparser
--- robots.txt 的剖析器http
--- HTTP 模組http.client
--- HTTP 協定用戶端ftplib
--- FTP 協定用戶端poplib
--- POP3 協定用戶端imaplib
--- IMAP4 協定客戶端smtplib
--- SMTP 協定用戶端uuid
--- RFC 4122 定義的 UUID 物件socketserver
--- 用於網路伺服器的框架http.server
— HTTP 伺服器http.cookies
--- HTTP 狀態管理http.cookiejar
--- HTTP 客戶端的 Cookie 處理xmlrpc
--- XMLRPC 伺服器與用戶模組xmlrpc.client
--- XML-RPC 客戶端存取xmlrpc.server
--- 基本 XML-RPC 伺服器ipaddress
--- IPv4/IPv6 操作函式庫
- 多媒體服務
- 國際化
- 程式框架
--- 龜圖學 (Turtle graphics)cmd
--- 以列為導向的指令直譯器支援shlex
--- 簡單的語法分析
- 以 Tk 打造圖形使用者介面 (Graphical User Interfaces)
--- Tcl/Tk 的 Python 介面tkinter.colorchooser
--- 顏色選擇對話框tkinter.font
--- Tkinter 字型包裝器- Tkinter 對話框
--- Tkinter 訊息提示tkinter.scrolledtext
--- 捲動文字小工具tkinter.dnd
--- 拖放支援tkinter.ttk
--- Tk 主題化小工具tkinter.tix
--- Tk 擴充小工具- IDLE --- Python editor and shell
- 開發工具
--- 支援型別提示pydoc
--- 文件產生器與線上幫助系統- Python 開發模式
--- 測試互動式 Python 範例unittest
--- 單元測試框架unittest.mock
— mock 物件函式庫unittest.mock
--- 入門指南- 2to3 --- 自動將 Python 2的程式碼轉成 Python 3
--- Python 的回歸測試 (regression tests) 套件
--- Python 測試套件的工具
--- 用於 socket 測試的工具
--- 用於 Python 執行測試的工具
--- 用於測試位元組碼能正確產生的支援工具
--- Utilities for threading
--- 用於 os 測試的工具
--- 用於 import 測試的工具
--- 用於 warnings 測試的工具
- 除錯與效能分析
- 軟體封裝與發布
- Python Runtime 服務
--- 系統特定的參數與函式sys.monitoring
--- Execution event monitoringsysconfig
--- 提供 Python 設定資訊的存取builtins
--- 內建物件__main__
--- 頂層程式碼環境warnings
--- 警告控制dataclasses
--- Data Classescontextlib
--- Utilities forwith
-statement contextsabc
--- 抽象基底類別atexit
--- 退出處理函式traceback
--- 列印或取得堆疊回溯 (stack traceback)__future__
--- Future 陳述式定義gc
--- 垃圾回收器介面 (Garbage Collector interface)inspect
--- 檢視活動物件site
--- Site-specific configuration hook
- 自訂 Python 直譯器
- 引入模組
--- 從 Zip 封存檔案匯入模組pkgutil
--- 套件擴充工具程式modulefinder
--- 搜尋腳本所使用的模組runpy
--- 定位並執行 Python 模組importlib
-- Package resource reading, opening and
-- 資源的抽象基底類別importlib.metadata
-- 存取套件的元資料- The initialization of the
module search path
- Python 語言服務
--- 抽象語法樹 (Abstract Syntax Trees)symtable
--- 存取編譯器的符號表token
--- 與 Python 剖析樹一起使用的常數keyword
--- 檢驗 Python 關鍵字tokenize
--- Tokenizer for Python sourcetabnanny
--- 偵測不良縮排pyclbr
--- Python 模組瀏覽器支援py_compile
— 編譯 Python 來源檔案compileall
--- 位元組編譯 Python 函式庫dis
--- Python bytecode 的反組譯器pickletools
--- pickle 開發者的工具
- MS Windows 特有服務
- Unix 特有服務
- 模組命令列介面
- 已被取代的模組
--- 讀寫 AIFF 與 AIFC 檔案audioop
--- 操作原始聲音檔案cgi
--- 通用閘道器介面支援cgitb
--- CGI 腳本的回溯 (traceback) 管理程式chunk
--- 讀取 IFF 分塊資料crypt
--- 用於檢查 Unix 密碼的函式imghdr
--- 推測圖片種類mailcap
--- Mailcap 檔案處理msilib
--- 讀寫 Microsoft Installer 檔案nis
--- Sun NIS (Yellow Pages) 介面nntplib
--- NNTP 協定客戶端optparse
--- 命令列選項剖析器- 背景
- 教學
- Reference Guide
- Option Callbacks
- Defining a callback option
- How callbacks are called
- Raising errors in a callback
- Callback example 1: trivial callback
- Callback example 2: check option order
- Callback example 3: check option order (generalized)
- Callback example 4: check arbitrary condition
- Callback example 5: fixed arguments
- Callback example 6: variable arguments
- Extending
- 例外
--- 對 OSS 相容聲音裝置的存取pipes
--- shell pipelines 介面sndhdr
--- 判定聲音檔案的型別spwd
--- shadow 密碼資料庫sunau
--- 讀寫 Sun AU 檔案telnetlib
--- Telnet 客戶端xdrlib
--- uuencode 檔案的編碼與解碼xdrlib
--- XDR 資料的編碼與解碼
- Removed Modules
- 安全性注意事項
- 擴充和嵌入 Python 直譯器
- 推薦的第三方工具
- 不使用第三方工具建立擴充
- 1. 以 C 或 C++ 擴充 Python
- 1.1. 一個簡單範例
- 1.2. Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
- 1.3. 回到範例
- 1.4. The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
- 1.5. Compilation and Linkage
- 1.6. Calling Python Functions from C
- 1.7. Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
- 1.8. Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions
- 1.9. Building Arbitrary Values
- 1.10. Reference Counts
- 1.11. Writing Extensions in C++
- 1.12. Providing a C API for an Extension Module
- 2. Defining Extension Types: Tutorial
- 3. Defining Extension Types: Assorted Topics
- 4. 建立 C 與 C++ 擴充套件
- 5. 建置 Windows 上的 C 和 C++ 擴充
- 1. 以 C 或 C++ 擴充 Python
- 在更大的應用程式中嵌入 CPython 運行環境 (runtime)
- Python/C API 參考手冊
- 簡介
- C API 穩定性
- The Very High Level Layer
- 參照計數
- 例外處理
- 工具
- 抽象物件層 (Abstract Objects Layer)
- 具體物件層
- 基礎物件
- 數值物件
- 序列物件
- 容器物件
- 函式物件
- 其他物件
- Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
- Python 初始化設定
- 記憶體管理
- Object Implementation Support
- API 和 ABI 版本管理
- 安裝 Python 模組
- Python 如何達成任務
- Python 常見問題
- 一般的 Python 常見問答集
- 程式開發常見問答集
- 設計和歷史常見問答集
- 為什麼 Python 使用縮排將陳述式進行分組?
- 為什麼我會從簡單的數學運算得到奇怪的結果?
- 為何浮點數運算如此不精確?
- 為什麼 Python 字串不可變動?
- 為何「self」在方法 (method) 定義和呼叫時一定要明確使用?
- 為何我不能在運算式 (expression) 中使用指派運算?
- 為何 Python 對於一些功能實作使用方法(像是 list.index()),另一些使用函式(像是 len(list))?
- 為何 join() 是字串方法而非串列 (list) 或元組 (tuple) 方法?
- 例外處理有多快?
- 為什麼 Python 內沒有 switch 或 case 陳述式?
- 為何不能在直譯器上模擬執行緒,而要使用作業系統的特定實作方式?
- 為何 lambda 運算式不能包含陳述式?
- Python 可以被編譯成機器語言、C 語言或其他種語言嗎?
- Python 如何管理記憶體?
- 為何 CPython 不使用更多傳統的垃圾回收機制?
- 當 CPython 結束時,為何所有的記憶體不會被釋放?
- 為何要把元組 (tuple) 和串列 (list) 分成兩個資料型態?
- 串列 (list) 在 CPython 中是怎麼實作的?
- 字典 (dictionaries) 在 CPython 中是怎麼實作的?
- 為何字典的鍵一定是不可變的?
- 為何 list.sort() 不是回傳排序過的串列?
- 如何在 Python 中指定和強制使用一個介面規範 (interface spec)?
- 為何沒有 goto 語法?
- 為何純字串 (r-string) 不能以反斜線結尾?
- 為何 Python 沒有屬性賦值的 with 陳述式?
- 為何產生器 (generator) 不支援 with 陳述式?
- 為何 if、while、def、class 陳述式裡需要冒號?
- 為何 Python 允許在串列和元組末端加上逗號?
- 函式庫和擴充功能的常見問題
- 擴充/嵌入常見問題集
- 我可以在 C 中建立自己的函式嗎?
- 我可以在 C++ 中建立自己的函式嗎?
- 寫 C 很難;還有其他選擇嗎?
- 如何從 C 執行任意 Python 陳述式?
- How can I evaluate an arbitrary Python expression from C?
- 如何從 Python 物件中提取 C 值?
- 如何使用 Py_BuildValue() 建立任意長度的元組?
- 如何從 C 呼叫物件的方法?
- 我如何捕捉 PyErr_Print() 的輸出(或任何印出到 stdout/stderr 的東西)?
- 如何從 C 存取用 Python 編寫的模組?
- How do I interface to C++ objects from Python?
- 我使用安裝檔案新增了一個模組,但 make 失敗了;為什麼?
- 如何為擴充套件除錯?
- 我想在我的 Linux 系統上編譯一個 Python 模組,但是缺少一些檔案。為什麼?
- 如何從「無效輸入」區分出「不完整輸入」?
- 如何找到未定義的 g++ 符號 __builtin_new 或 __pure_virtual?
- Can I create an object class with some methods implemented in C and others in Python (e.g. through inheritance)?
- 在 Windows 使用 Python 的常見問答集
- 圖形使用者介面常見問答集
- 「為什麼 Python 被安裝在我的機器上?」常見問答集
- 已棄用項目
- 術語表
- About this documentation
- 處理錯誤 (Bug)
- 版權宣告
- 沿革與授權