Python Runtime 服務¶
The modules described in this chapter provide a wide range of services related to the Python interpreter and its interaction with its environment. Here's an overview:
--- 系統特定的參數與函式sys.monitoring
--- Execution event monitoringsysconfig
--- 提供 Python 設定資訊的存取builtins
--- 內建物件__main__
--- 頂層程式碼環境warnings
--- 警告控制dataclasses
--- Data Classescontextlib
--- Utilities forwith
-statement contextsabc
--- 抽象基底類別atexit
--- 退出處理函式traceback
--- 列印或取得堆疊回溯 (stack traceback)__future__
--- Future 陳述式定義gc
--- 垃圾回收器介面 (Garbage Collector interface)inspect
--- 檢視活動物件site
--- Site-specific configuration hook