Isi Dokumentasi PythonΒΆ
- Apa yang Baru di Python
- What's New In Python 3.10
- Summary -- Release highlights
- New Features
- New Features Related to Type Hints
- Other Language Changes
- New Modules
- Improved Modules
- asyncio
- argparse
- array
- asynchat, asyncore, smtpd
- base64
- bdb
- bisect
- codecs
- contextlib
- curses
- dataclasses
- distutils
- doctest
- encodings
- fileinput
- faulthandler
- gc
- glob
- hashlib
- hmac
- IDLE and idlelib
- importlib.metadata
- inspect
- itertools
- linecache
- os
- os.path
- pathlib
- platform
- pprint
- py_compile
- pyclbr
- shelve
- statistics
- site
- socket
- ssl
- sqlite3
- sys
- tempfile
- _thread
- threading
- traceback
- types
- typing
- unittest
- urllib.parse
- xml
- zipimport
- Optimizations
- Deprecated
- Removed
- Porting to Python 3.10
- CPython bytecode changes
- Build Changes
- C API Changes
- Notable security feature in 3.10.7
- Notable security feature in 3.10.8
- Notable Changes in 3.10.12
- Notable changes in 3.10.15
- What's New In Python 3.9
- What's New In Python 3.8
- Summary -- Release highlights
- New Features
- Assignment expressions
- Positional-only parameters
- Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode files
- Debug build uses the same ABI as release build
- f-strings support
for self-documenting expressions and debugging - PEP 578: Python Runtime Audit Hooks
- PEP 587: Python Initialization Configuration
- PEP 590: Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython
- Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data buffers
- Other Language Changes
- New Modules
- Improved Modules
- ast
- asyncio
- builtins
- collections
- cProfile
- csv
- curses
- ctypes
- datetime
- functools
- gc
- gettext
- gzip
- IDLE and idlelib
- inspect
- io
- itertools
- json.tool
- logging
- math
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- os
- os.path
- pathlib
- pickle
- plistlib
- pprint
- py_compile
- shlex
- shutil
- socket
- ssl
- statistics
- sys
- tarfile
- threading
- tokenize
- tkinter
- time
- typing
- unicodedata
- unittest
- venv
- weakref
- xml
- xmlrpc
- Optimizations
- Build and C API Changes
- Deprecated
- API and Feature Removals
- Porting to Python 3.8
- Notable changes in Python 3.8.1
- Notable changes in Python 3.8.8
- Notable changes in Python 3.8.12
- What's New In Python 3.7
- Summary -- Release Highlights
- New Features
- PEP 563: Postponed Evaluation of Annotations
- PEP 538: Legacy C Locale Coercion
- PEP 540: Forced UTF-8 Runtime Mode
- PEP 553: Built-in
- PEP 539: New C API for Thread-Local Storage
- PEP 562: Customization of Access to Module Attributes
- PEP 564: New Time Functions With Nanosecond Resolution
- PEP 565: Show DeprecationWarning in
- PEP 560: Core Support for
module and Generic Types - PEP 552: Hash-based .pyc Files
- PEP 545: Python Documentation Translations
- Python Development Mode (-X dev)
- Other Language Changes
- New Modules
- Improved Modules
- argparse
- asyncio
- binascii
- calendar
- collections
- compileall
- concurrent.futures
- contextlib
- cProfile
- crypt
- datetime
- dbm
- decimal
- dis
- distutils
- enum
- functools
- gc
- hmac
- http.client
- http.server
- idlelib and IDLE
- importlib
- io
- ipaddress
- itertools
- locale
- logging
- math
- mimetypes
- msilib
- multiprocessing
- os
- pathlib
- pdb
- py_compile
- pydoc
- queue
- re
- signal
- socket
- socketserver
- sqlite3
- ssl
- string
- subprocess
- sys
- time
- tkinter
- tracemalloc
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- unittest.mock
- urllib.parse
- uu
- uuid
- warnings
- xml.etree
- xmlrpc.server
- zipapp
- zipfile
- C API Changes
- Build Changes
- Optimizations
- Other CPython Implementation Changes
- Deprecated Python Behavior
- Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods
- Deprecated functions and types of the C API
- Platform Support Removals
- API and Feature Removals
- Module Removals
- Windows-only Changes
- Porting to Python 3.7
- Notable changes in Python 3.7.1
- Notable changes in Python 3.7.2
- Notable changes in Python 3.7.6
- Notable changes in Python 3.7.10
- Apa yang Baru di Python 3.6
- Singkatan -- Sorotan Rilis
- Fitur-fitur Baru
- PEP 498: Formatted string literals
- PEP 526: Syntax for variable annotations
- PEP 515: Underscores in Numeric Literals
- PEP 525: Asynchronous Generators
- PEP 530: Asynchronous Comprehensions
- PEP 487: Simpler customization of class creation
- PEP 487: Descriptor Protocol Enhancements
- PEP 519: Adding a file system path protocol
- PEP 495: Local Time Disambiguation
- PEP 529: Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 528: Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 520: Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order
- PEP 468: Preserving Keyword Argument Order
- New dict implementation
- PEP 523: Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython
- PYTHONMALLOC environment variable
- DTrace and SystemTap probing support
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- Modul-Modul Baru
- Modul yang Ditingkatkan
- array
- ast
- asyncio
- binascii
- cmath
- collections
- concurrent.futures
- contextlib
- datetime
- decimal
- distutils
- encodings
- enum
- faulthandler
- fileinput
- hashlib
- http.client
- idlelib and IDLE
- importlib
- inspect
- json
- logging
- math
- multiprocessing
- os
- pathlib
- pdb
- pickle
- pickletools
- pydoc
- random
- re
- readline
- rlcompleter
- shlex
- site
- sqlite3
- socket
- socketserver
- ssl
- statistics
- struct
- subprocess
- sys
- telnetlib
- time
- timeit
- tkinter
- traceback
- tracemalloc
- typing
- unicodedata
- unittest.mock
- urllib.request
- urllib.robotparser
- venv
- warnings
- winreg
- winsound
- xmlrpc.client
- zipfile
- zlib
- Optimalisasi
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Other Improvements
- Usang
- Removed
- Porting to Python 3.6
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.2
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.4
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.5
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.7
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.10
- Notable changes in Python 3.6.13
- What's New In Python 3.5
- Singkatan -- Sorotan Rilis
- Fitur-fitur Baru
- PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
- PEP 465 - A dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication
- PEP 448 - Additional Unpacking Generalizations
- PEP 461 - percent formatting support for bytes and bytearray
- PEP 484 - Type Hints
- PEP 471 - os.scandir() function -- a better and faster directory iterator
- PEP 475: Retry system calls failing with EINTR
- PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators
- PEP 485: A function for testing approximate equality
- PEP 486: Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments
- PEP 488: Elimination of PYO files
- PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- Modul-Modul Baru
- Modul yang Ditingkatkan
- argparse
- asyncio
- bz2
- cgi
- cmath
- code
- collections
- compileall
- concurrent.futures
- configparser
- contextlib
- csv
- curses
- dbm
- difflib
- distutils
- doctest
- enum
- faulthandler
- functools
- glob
- gzip
- heapq
- http
- http.client
- idlelib and IDLE
- imaplib
- imghdr
- importlib
- inspect
- io
- ipaddress
- json
- linecache
- locale
- logging
- lzma
- math
- multiprocessing
- operator
- os
- pathlib
- pickle
- poplib
- re
- readline
- selectors
- shutil
- signal
- smtpd
- smtplib
- sndhdr
- socket
- ssl
- sqlite3
- subprocess
- sys
- sysconfig
- tarfile
- threading
- time
- timeit
- tkinter
- traceback
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- unittest.mock
- urllib
- wsgiref
- xmlrpc
- xml.sax
- zipfile
- Other module-level changes
- Optimalisasi
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Usang
- Removed
- Porting to Python 3.5
- Notable changes in Python 3.5.4
- What's New In Python 3.4
- Ringkasan -- Sorotan Rilis
- Fitur-fitur Baru
- Modul-Modul Baru
- Modul yang Ditingkatkan
- abc
- aifc
- argparse
- audioop
- base64
- collections
- colorsys
- contextlib
- dbm
- dis
- doctest
- filecmp
- functools
- gc
- glob
- hashlib
- hmac
- html
- http
- idlelib and IDLE
- importlib
- inspect
- ipaddress
- logging
- marshal
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- operator
- os
- pdb
- pickle
- plistlib
- poplib
- pprint
- pty
- pydoc
- re
- resource
- select
- shelve
- shutil
- smtpd
- smtplib
- socket
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- struct
- subprocess
- sunau
- sys
- tarfile
- textwrap
- threading
- traceback
- types
- urllib
- unittest
- venv
- wave
- weakref
- xml.etree
- zipfile
- CPython Implementation Changes
- Usang
- Removed
- Porting to Python 3.4
- Changed in 3.4.3
- What's New In Python 3.3
- Singkatan -- Sorotan Rilis
- PEP 405: Virtual Environments
- PEP 420: Implicit Namespace Packages
- PEP 3118: New memoryview implementation and buffer protocol documentation
- PEP 393: Flexible String Representation
- PEP 397: Python Launcher for Windows
- PEP 3151: Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy
- PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
- PEP 409: Suppressing exception context
- PEP 414: Explicit Unicode literals
- PEP 3155: Qualified name for classes and functions
- PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary
- PEP 362: Function Signature Object
- PEP 421: Adding sys.implementation
- Using importlib as the Implementation of Import
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- A Finer-Grained Import Lock
- Builtin functions and types
- Modul-Modul Baru
- Modul yang Ditingkatkan
- abc
- array
- base64
- binascii
- bz2
- codecs
- collections
- contextlib
- crypt
- curses
- datetime
- decimal
- ftplib
- functools
- gc
- hmac
- http
- html
- imaplib
- inspect
- io
- itertools
- logging
- math
- mmap
- multiprocessing
- nntplib
- os
- pdb
- pickle
- pydoc
- re
- sched
- select
- shlex
- shutil
- signal
- smtpd
- smtplib
- socket
- socketserver
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- struct
- subprocess
- sys
- tarfile
- tempfile
- textwrap
- threading
- time
- types
- unittest
- urllib
- webbrowser
- xml.etree.ElementTree
- zlib
- Optimalisasi
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Usang
- Porting to Python 3.3
- What's New In Python 3.2
- PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI
- PEP 389: Argparse Command Line Parsing Module
- PEP 391: Dictionary Based Configuration for Logging
- PEP 3148: The
module - PEP 3147: PYC Repository Directories
- PEP 3149: ABI Version Tagged .so Files
- PEP 3333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- elementtree
- functools
- itertools
- collections
- threading
- datetime and time
- math
- abc
- io
- reprlib
- logging
- csv
- contextlib
- decimal and fractions
- ftp
- popen
- select
- gzip and zipfile
- tarfile
- hashlib
- ast
- os
- shutil
- sqlite3
- html
- socket
- ssl
- nntp
- certificates
- imaplib
- http.client
- unittest
- random
- poplib
- asyncore
- tempfile
- inspect
- pydoc
- dis
- dbm
- ctypes
- site
- sysconfig
- pdb
- configparser
- urllib.parse
- mailbox
- turtledemo
- Multi-threading
- Optimalisasi
- Unicode
- Codecs
- Dokumentasi
- Code Repository
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Porting to Python 3.2
- What's New In Python 3.1
- Apa yang Baru Di Python 3.0
- Apa yang Baru di Python 2.7
- Masa Depan untuk Python 2.x
- Changes to the Handling of Deprecation Warnings
- Fitur-fitur Python 3.1
- PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to collections
- PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator
- PEP 389: The argparse Module for Parsing Command Lines
- PEP 391: Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging
- PEP 3106: Dictionary Views
- PEP 3137: The memoryview Object
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- Modul Baru dan Ditingkatkan
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Perubahan dan Perbaikan Lain
- Penyesuaian Porting ke Python 2.7
- New Features Added to Python 2.7 Maintenance Releases
- Two new environment variables for debug mode
- PEP 434: IDLE Enhancement Exception for All Branches
- PEP 466: Network Security Enhancements for Python 2.7
- PEP 477: Backport ensurepip (PEP 453) to Python 2.7
- PEP 476: Enabling certificate verification by default for stdlib http clients
- PEP 493: HTTPS verification migration tools for Python 2.7
- New
make regen-all
build target - Removal of
make touch
build target
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- Apa yang Baru di Python 2.6
- Python 3.0
- Changes to the Development Process
- PEP 343: The 'with' statement
- PEP 366: Explicit Relative Imports From a Main Module
- PEP 370: Per-user
Directory - PEP 371: The
Package - PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting
- PEP 3105:
As a Function - PEP 3110: Exception-Handling Changes
- PEP 3112: Byte Literals
- PEP 3116: New I/O Library
- PEP 3118: Revised Buffer Protocol
- PEP 3119: Abstract Base Classes
- PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax
- PEP 3129: Class Decorators
- PEP 3141: A Type Hierarchy for Numbers
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- Modul Baru dan Ditingkatkan
- Deprecations and Removals
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Porting to Python 2.6
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- What's New in Python 2.5
- PEP 308: Conditional Expressions
- PEP 309: Partial Function Application
- PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1
- PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports
- PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts
- PEP 341: Unified try/except/finally
- PEP 342: New Generator Features
- PEP 343: The 'with' statement
- PEP 352: Exceptions as New-Style Classes
- PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type
- PEP 357: The '__index__' method
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- New, Improved, and Removed Modules
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Porting to Python 2.5
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- What's New in Python 2.4
- PEP 218: Built-In Set Objects
- PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers
- PEP 289: Generator Expressions
- PEP 292: Simpler String Substitutions
- PEP 318: Decorators for Functions and Methods
- PEP 322: Reverse Iteration
- PEP 324: New subprocess Module
- PEP 327: Decimal Data Type
- PEP 328: Multi-line Imports
- PEP 331: Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Porting to Python 2.4
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- What's New in Python 2.3
- PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype
- PEP 255: Simple Generators
- PEP 263: Source Code Encodings
- PEP 273: Importing Modules from ZIP Archives
- PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT
- PEP 278: Universal Newline Support
- PEP 279: enumerate()
- PEP 282: The logging Package
- PEP 285: A Boolean Type
- PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks
- PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
- PEP 302: New Import Hooks
- PEP 305: Comma-separated Files
- PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements
- Extended Slices
- Perubahan Bahasa Lainnya
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Pymalloc: A Specialized Object Allocator
- Perubahan Pembangunan Build dan API C
- Perubahan dan Perbaikan Lain
- Porting to Python 2.3
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- What's New in Python 2.2
- Pengenalan
- PEPs 252 and 253: Type and Class Changes
- PEP 234: Iterators
- PEP 255: Simple Generators
- PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers
- PEP 238: Changing the Division Operator
- Unicode Changes
- PEP 227: Nested Scopes
- Modul Baru dan Ditingkatkan
- Interpreter Changes and Fixes
- Perubahan dan Perbaikan Lain
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- Apa yang Baru di Python 2.1
- Pengenalan
- PEP 227: Nested Scopes
- PEP 236: __future__ Directives
- PEP 207: Rich Comparisons
- PEP 230: Warning Framework
- PEP 229: New Build System
- PEP 205: Weak References
- PEP 232: Function Attributes
- PEP 235: Importing Modules on Case-Insensitive Platforms
- PEP 217: Interactive Display Hook
- PEP 208: New Coercion Model
- PEP 241: Metadata in Python Packages
- Modul Baru dan Ditingkatkan
- Perubahan dan Perbaikan Lain
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- What's New in Python 2.0
- Pengenalan
- What About Python 1.6?
- New Development Process
- Unicode
- Daftar List Comprehensions
- Augmented Assignment
- String Methods
- Garbage Collection of Cycles
- Other Core Changes
- Porting to 2.0
- Extending/Embedding Changes
- Distutils: Making Modules Easy to Install
- XML Modules
- Module changes
- New modules
- IDLE Improvements
- Deleted and Deprecated Modules
- Ucapan Terima Kasih
- Catatan Perubahan
- Python 3.10.16 final
- Python 3.10.15 final
- Python 3.10.14 final
- Python 3.10.13 final
- Python 3.10.12 final
- Python 3.10.11 final
- Python 3.10.10 final
- Python 3.10.9 final
- Python 3.10.8 final
- Python 3.10.7 final
- Python 3.10.6 final
- Python 3.10.5 final
- Python 3.10.4 final
- Python 3.10.3 final
- Python 3.10.2 final
- Python 3.10.1 final
- Python 3.10.0 final
- Python 3.10.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.10.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.10.0 beta 4
- Python 3.10.0 beta 3
- Python 3.10.0 beta 2
- Python 3.10.0 beta 1
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.9.0 beta 1
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 6
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 5
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 4
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 3
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 2
- Python 3.9.0 alfa 1
- Python 3.8.0 beta 1
- Python 3.8.0 alfa 4
- Python 3.8.0 alfa 3
- Python 3.8.0 alfa 2
- Python 3.8.0 alfa 1
- Python 3.7.0 final
- Python 3.7.0 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.7.0 beta 5
- Python 3.7.0 beta 4
- Python 3.7.0 beta 3
- Python 3.7.0 beta 2
- Python 3.7.0 beta 1
- Python 3.7.0 alfa 4
- Python 3.7.0 alfa 3
- Python 3.7.0 alfa 2
- Python 3.7.0 alfa 1
- Python 3.6.6 final
- Python 3.6.6 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.5 final
- Python 3.6.5 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.4 final
- Python 3.6.4 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.3 final
- Python 3.6.3 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.2 final
- Python 3.6.2 kandidat rilis 2
- Python 3.6.2 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.1 final
- Python 3.6.1 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.0 final
- Python 3.6.0 kandidat rilis 2
- Python 3.6.0 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.6.0 beta 4
- Python 3.6.0 beta 3
- Python 3.6.0 beta 2
- Python 3.6.0 beta 1
- Python 3.6.0 alfa 4
- Python 3.6.0 alfa 3
- Python 3.6.0 alfa 2
- Python 3.6.0 alfa 1
- Python 3.5.5 final
- Python 3.5.5 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.4 final
- Python 3.5.4 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.3 final
- Python 3.5.3 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.2 final
- Python 3.5.2 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.1 final
- Python 3.5.1 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.0 final
- Python 3.5.0 kandidat rilis 4
- Python 3.5.0 kandidat rilis 3
- Python 3.5.0 kandidat rilis 2
- Python 3.5.0 kandidat rilis 1
- Python 3.5.0 beta 4
- Python 3.5.0 beta 3
- Python 3.5.0 beta 2
- Python 3.5.0 beta 1
- Python 3.5.0 alfa 4
- Python 3.5.0 alfa 3
- Python 3.5.0 alfa 2
- Python 3.5.0 alfa 1
- What's New In Python 3.10
- Tutorial Python
- 1. Membangkitkan Selera Anda
- 2. Menggunakan Interpreter Python
- 3. Pengantar Informal Tentang Python
- 4. Lebih Banyak Alat Pengatur Aliran Control Flow
- 4.1. Pernyataan
- 4.2. Pernyataan
- 4.3. Fungsi
- 4.4. Pernyataan
, danelse
Klausa pada Perulangan Loops - 4.5. Pernyataan
- 4.6.
Statements - 4.7. Mendefinisikan Fungsi
- 4.8. Lebih lanjut tentang Mendefinisikan Fungsi
- 4.9. Intermezzo: Gaya Coding
- 4.1. Pernyataan
- 5. Struktur Data
- 6. Modul-Modul
- 7. Masukan dan Keluaran
- 8. Kesalahan errors dan Pengecualian exceptions
- 9. Classes
- 10. Tur Singkat Pustaka Standar
- 10.1. Antarmuka Sistem Operasi
- 10.2. Berkas Wildcard
- 10.3. Baris Perintah Berargumen
- 10.4. Pengalihan Output Kesalahan dan Pengakhiran Program
- 10.5. Pencocokan Pola String
- 10.6. Matematika
- 10.7. Akses internet
- 10.8. Tanggal dan Waktu
- 10.9. Kompresi Data
- 10.10. Pengukuran Kinerja
- 10.11. Kontrol kualitas
- 10.12. Dilengkapi Baterai
- 11. Tur Singkat Pustaka Standar --- Bagian II
- 12. Lingkungan dan Paket Virtual
- 13. Lalu apa sekarang?
- 14. Pengeditan Input Interaktif dan Penggantian Riwayat
- 15. Aritmatika Pecahan Floating Point: Masalah dan Keterbatasan
- 16. Lampiran
- Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Python
- 1. Baris perintah dan lingkungan
- 2. Using Python on Unix platforms
- 3. Configure Python
- 4. Menggunakan Python di Windows
- 4.1. Installer utuh
- 4.2. The Microsoft Store package
- 4.3. Paket-paket
- 4.4. The embeddable package
- 4.5. Alternative bundles
- 4.6. Mengonfigurasi Python
- 4.7. mode UTF-8
- 4.8. Python Launcher for Windows
- 4.9. Mencari modul-modul
- 4.10. Modul-modul tambahan
- 4.11. Kompilasi Python di Windows
- 4.12. Platform lain
- 5. Using Python on a Mac
- 6. Editor dan IDE
- Referensi Bahasa Python
- 1. Pengenalan
- 2. Lexical analysis
- 3. Data model
- 3.1. Objects, values and types
- 3.2. The standard type hierarchy
- 3.3. Special method names
- 3.3.1. Basic customization
- 3.3.2. Customizing attribute access
- 3.3.3. Customizing class creation
- 3.3.4. Customizing instance and subclass checks
- 3.3.5. Emulating generic types
- 3.3.6. Emulating callable objects
- 3.3.7. Emulating container types
- 3.3.8. Emulating numeric types
- 3.3.9. With Statement Context Managers
- 3.3.10. Customizing positional arguments in class pattern matching
- 3.3.11. Special method lookup
- 3.4. Coroutines
- 4. Execution model
- 5. The import system
- 6. Expressions
- 6.1. Arithmetic conversions
- 6.2. Atoms
- 6.3. Primaries
- 6.4. Await expression
- 6.5. The power operator
- 6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations
- 6.7. Binary arithmetic operations
- 6.8. Shifting operations
- 6.9. Binary bitwise operations
- 6.10. Perbandingan
- 6.11. Boolean operations
- 6.12. Ekspresi Pemberian Nilai
- 6.13. Conditional expressions
- 6.14. Lambdas
- 6.15. Expression lists
- 6.16. Evaluation order
- 6.17. Operator precedence
- 7. Simple statements
- 7.1. Expression statements
- 7.2. Assignment statements
- 7.3. The
statement - 7.4. Pernyataan
- 7.5. Pernyataan
- 7.6. The
statement - 7.7. The
statement - 7.8. The
statement - 7.9. The
statement - 7.10. The
statement - 7.11. The
statement - 7.12. The
statement - 7.13. The
- 8. Pernyataan gabungan
- 9. Komponen tingkat atas
- 10. Spesifikasi Lengkap Tata Bahasa
- Pustaka Standar Python
- Pengenalan
- Fungsi Bawaan
- Konstanta Bawaan
- Tipe Bawaan
- Pengujian Kebenaran Nilai
- Operasi Boolean ---
- Perbandingan
- Numeric Types ---
- Iterator Types
- Sequence Types ---
- Text Sequence Type ---
- Binary Sequence Types ---
- Set Types ---
- Mapping Types ---
- Context Manager Types
- Type Annotation Types --- Generic Alias, Union
- Other Built-in Types
- Atribut Spesial
- Integer string conversion length limitation
- Built-in Exceptions
- Layanan Pemrosesan Teks
--- Operasi umum pada
--- Regular expression operationsdifflib
--- Helpers for computing deltastextwrap
--- Text wrapping and fillingunicodedata
--- Unicode Databasestringprep
--- Internet String Preparationreadline
--- GNU readline interfacerlcompleter
--- Completion function for GNU readline
- Servis Data Binary
--- Interpret bytes as packed binary datacodecs
--- Codec registry and base classes
- Tipe Data
--- Basic date and time typeszoneinfo
--- IANA time zone supportcalendar
--- Fungsi-fungsi umum yang terkait dengan modul calendarcollections
--- Container
--- Abstract Base Classes for Containersheapq
--- Heap queue algorithmbisect
--- Array bisection algorithmarray
--- Efficient arrays of numeric valuesweakref
--- Weak referencestypes
--- Dynamic type creation and names for built-in typescopy
--- Operasi shallow copy dan deep copypprint
--- Data pretty printerreprlib
--- Alternaterepr()
--- Support for enumerations- Modul-Modul
- Creating an Enum
- Programmatic access to enumeration members and their attributes
- Duplicating enum members and values
- Ensuring unique enumeration values
- Using automatic values
- Iteration
- Perbandingan
- Allowed members and attributes of enumerations
- Restricted Enum subclassing
- Pickling
- Functional API
- Derived Enumerations
- When to use
- Interesting examples
- How are Enums different?
--- Functionality to operate with graph-like structures
- Modul Numerik dan Matematika
--- Numeric abstract base classesmath
--- Mathematical functionscmath
--- Mathematical functions for complex numbersdecimal
--- Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmeticfractions
--- Rational numbersrandom
--- Generate pseudo-random numbersstatistics
--- Mathematical statistics functions
- Modul Pemrograman Fungsional
- File and Directory Access
--- Object-oriented filesystem pathsos.path
--- Common pathname manipulationsfileinput
--- Iterate over lines from multiple input streamsstat
--- Interpretingstat()
--- File and Directory Comparisonstempfile
--- Generate temporary files and directoriesglob
--- Ekspansi pola nama jalur bergaya Unixfnmatch
--- Unix filename pattern matchinglinecache
--- Random access to text linesshutil
--- High-level file operations
- Persistensi Data
--- Python object serializationcopyreg
--- Registerpickle
support functionsshelve
--- Python object persistencemarshal
--- Internal Python object serializationdbm
--- Interfaces to Unix "databases"sqlite3
--- DB-API 2.0 antarmuka untuk basisdata SQLite- Tutorial
- Reference
- How-to guides
- How to use placeholders to bind values in SQL queries
- How to adapt custom Python types to SQLite values
- How to convert SQLite values to custom Python types
- Adapter and converter recipes
- How to use connection shortcut methods
- How to use the connection context manager
- How to work with SQLite URIs
- How to create and use row factories
- Explanation
- Kompresi Data dan Pengarsipan
- File Formats
- Layanan Kriptografi
- Layanan Sistem Operasi Generik
--- Miscellaneous operating system interfacesio
--- Core tools for working with streamstime
--- Akses waktu dan konversiargparse
--- Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commandsgetopt
--- C-style parser for command line optionslogging
--- Logging facility for Pythonlogging.config
--- Logging configurationlogging.handlers
--- Logging handlersgetpass
--- Portable password inputcurses
--- Terminal handling for character-cell displayscurses.textpad
--- Text input widget for curses programscurses.ascii
--- Utilities for ASCII characterscurses.panel
--- A panel stack extension for cursesplatform
--- Access to underlying platform's identifying dataerrno
--- Standard errno system symbolsctypes
--- A foreign function library for Python- ctypes tutorial
- Loading dynamic link libraries
- Accessing functions from loaded dlls
- Calling functions
- Fundamental data types
- Calling functions, continued
- Calling variadic functions
- Calling functions with your own custom data types
- Specifying the required argument types (function prototypes)
- Tipe kembalian
- Passing pointers (or: passing parameters by reference)
- Structures and unions
- Structure/union alignment and byte order
- Bit fields in structures and unions
- Arrays
- Penunjuk Pointers
- Type conversions
- Incomplete Types
- Callback functions
- Accessing values exported from dlls
- Surprises
- Variable-sized data types
- ctypes reference
- ctypes tutorial
- Eksekusi Serentak
--- Thread-based parallelismmultiprocessing
--- Process-based parallelism- Pengenalan
- Referensi
- Programming guidelines
- Contoh-contoh
--- Shared memory for direct access across processes- Paket
--- Launching parallel taskssubprocess
--- Subprocess managementsched
--- Event schedulerqueue
--- A synchronized queue classcontextvars
--- Context Variables_thread
--- Low-level threading API
- Komunikasi Interproses dan Networking
--- Asynchronous I/O- Coroutines and Tasks
- Streams
- Synchronization Primitives
- Subprocesses
- Queues
- Pengecualian
- Event Loop
- Event Loop Methods
- Running and stopping the loop
- Scheduling callbacks
- Scheduling delayed callbacks
- Creating Futures and Tasks
- Opening network connections
- Creating network servers
- Transferring files
- TLS Upgrade
- Watching file descriptors
- Working with socket objects directly
- Working with pipes
- Unix signals
- Executing code in thread or process pools
- Error Handling API
- Enabling debug mode
- Running Subprocesses
- Callback Handles
- Server Objects
- Event Loop Implementations
- Contoh-contoh
- Event Loop Methods
- Futures
- Transports and Protocols
- Policies
- Platform Support
- Indeks API Tingkat-atas
- Low-level API Index
- Developing with asyncio
--- Low-level networking interfacessl
--- TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objectsselect
--- Waiting for I/O completionselectors
--- High-level I/O multiplexingsignal
--- Set handlers for asynchronous eventsmmap
--- Memory-mapped file support
- Penanganan Data Internet
--- Paket penanganan email dan MIMEemail.message
: Representing an email messageemail.parser
: Parsing email messagesemail.generator
: Generating MIME documentsemail.policy
: Policy Objectsemail.errors
: Exception and Defect classesemail.headerregistry
: Custom Header Objectsemail.contentmanager
: Managing MIME Contentemail
: Examplesemail.message.Message
: Representing an email message using thecompat32
: Creating email and MIME objects from scratchemail.header
: Internationalized headersemail.charset
: Representing character setsemail.encoders
: Encodersemail.utils
: Miscellaneous utilitiesemail.iterators
: Iterators
--- JSON encoder dan decodermailbox
--- Manipulate mailboxes in various formatsmimetypes
--- Map filenames to MIME typesbase64
--- Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodingsbinhex
--- Encode and decode binhex4 filesbinascii
--- Convert between binary and ASCIIquopri
--- Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data
- Alat Pemroses Markup Terstruktur
--- Dukungan HyperText Markup Languagehtml.parser
--- Simple HTML and XHTML parserhtml.entities
--- Definisi entitas umum HTML- XML Processing Modules
--- The ElementTree XML APIxml.dom
--- The Document Object Model APIxml.dom.minidom
--- Minimal DOM implementationxml.dom.pulldom
--- Support for building partial DOM treesxml.sax
--- Support for SAX2 parsersxml.sax.handler
--- Base classes for SAX handlersxml.sax.saxutils
--- SAX Utilitiesxml.sax.xmlreader
--- Interface for XML parsersxml.parsers.expat
--- Fast XML parsing using Expat
- Protokol Internet dan Dukungan
--- Convenient web-browser controllerwsgiref
--- WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementationurllib
--- Modul penanganan URLurllib.request
--- Extensible library for opening URLs- Request Objects
- OpenerDirector Objects
- BaseHandler Objects
- HTTPRedirectHandler Objects
- HTTPCookieProcessor Objects
- ProxyHandler Objects
- HTTPPasswordMgr Objects
- HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth Objects
- AbstractBasicAuthHandler Objects
- HTTPBasicAuthHandler Objects
- ProxyBasicAuthHandler Objects
- AbstractDigestAuthHandler Objects
- HTTPDigestAuthHandler Objects
- ProxyDigestAuthHandler Objects
- HTTPHandler Objects
- HTTPSHandler Objects
- FileHandler Objects
- DataHandler Objects
- FTPHandler Objects
- CacheFTPHandler Objects
- UnknownHandler Objects
- HTTPErrorProcessor Objects
- Contoh-contoh
- Legacy interface
--- Response classes used by urlliburllib.parse
--- Parse URLs into componentsurllib.error
--- Exception classes raised by urllib.requesturllib.robotparser
--- Parser for robots.txthttp
--- modul HTTPhttp.client
--- HTTP protocol clientftplib
--- FTP protocol clientpoplib
--- POP3 protocol clientimaplib
--- IMAP4 protocol clientsmtplib
--- SMTP protocol clientuuid
--- UUID objects according to RFC 4122socketserver
--- A framework for network servershttp.server
--- HTTP servershttp.cookies
--- HTTP state managementhttp.cookiejar
--- Cookie handling for HTTP clientsxmlrpc
--- XMLRPC server and client modulesxmlrpc.client
--- akses klien XML-RPCxmlrpc.server
--- Basic XML-RPC serversipaddress
--- IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library
- Layanan Multimedia
- Internasionalisasi
- Kerangka Program
--- Turtle graphicscmd
--- Support for line-oriented command interpretersshlex
--- Simple lexical analysis
- User Interfaces Grafis dengan Tk
--- Python interface to Tcl/Tktkinter.colorchooser
--- Color choosing dialogtkinter.font
--- Tkinter font wrapper- Tkinter Dialogs
--- Tkinter message promptstkinter.scrolledtext
--- Scrolled Text Widgettkinter.dnd
--- Drag and drop supporttkinter.ttk
--- Tk themed widgetstkinter.tix
--- Extension widgets for Tk- IDLE
- Alat Pengembangan
--- Support for type hintspydoc
--- Documentation generator and online help system- Python Development Mode
- Effects of the Python Development Mode
- ResourceWarning Example
- Bad file descriptor error example
--- Contoh uji interaktif Pythonunittest
--- Unit testing frameworkunittest.mock
--- mock object libraryunittest.mock
--- getting started- Using Mock
- Mock Patching Methods
- Mock for Method Calls on an Object
- Mocking Classes
- Naming your mocks
- Tracking all Calls
- Setting Return Values and Attributes
- Raising exceptions with mocks
- Side effect functions and iterables
- Mocking asynchronous iterators
- Mocking asynchronous context manager
- Creating a Mock from an Existing Object
- Patch Decorators
- Further Examples
- Mocking chained calls
- Partial mocking
- Mocking a Generator Method
- Applying the same patch to every test method
- Mocking Unbound Methods
- Checking multiple calls with mock
- Coping with mutable arguments
- Nesting Patches
- Mocking a dictionary with MagicMock
- Mock subclasses and their attributes
- Mocking imports with patch.dict
- Tracking order of calls and less verbose call assertions
- More complex argument matching
- Using Mock
- 2to3 --- Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation
--- Regression tests package for
--- Utilities for the Python test
--- Utilities for socket
--- Utilities for the Python execution
--- Support tools for testing correct bytecode
--- Utilities for threading
--- Utilities for os
--- Utilities for import
--- Utilities for warnings tests
- Debugging dan Profiling
- Pengemasan dan Distribusi Perangkat Lunak
- Layanan Runtime Python
--- System-specific parameters and functionssysconfig
--- Provide access to Python's configuration informationbuiltins
--- Objek-objek bawaan__main__
--- Top-level code environmentwarnings
--- Warning controldataclasses
--- Data Classescontextlib
--- Utilities forwith
-statement contextsabc
--- Abstract Base Classesatexit
--- Exit handlerstraceback
--- Print or retrieve a stack traceback__future__
--- Future statement definitionsgc
--- Garbage Collector interfaceinspect
--- Inspect live objectssite
--- Site-specific configuration hook
- Ubahsuaian Interpreter Python
- Mengimpor Modul
--- Import modules from Zip archivespkgutil
--- Package extension utilitymodulefinder
--- Find modules used by a scriptrunpy
--- Locating and executing Python modulesimportlib
--- The implementation ofimport
- Using
- Layanan Bahasa Python
--- Abstract Syntax Treessymtable
--- Access to the compiler's symbol tablestoken
--- Konstanta digunakan dengan pohon pengurai (parse tree) Pythonkeyword
--- Pengujian untuk kata kunci Pythontokenize
--- Tokenizer for Python source- mod:tabnanny --- Deteksi indentasi ambigu
--- Python module browser supportpy_compile
--- Compile Python source filescompileall
--- Byte-compile Python librariesdis
--- Disassembler for Python bytecodepickletools
--- Tools for pickle developers
- Layanan MS Windows Spesifik
- Layanan Khusus Unix
--- The most common POSIX system callspwd
--- The password databasegrp
--- The group databasetermios
--- POSIX style tty controltty
--- Terminal control functionspty
--- Pseudo-terminal utilitiesfcntl
--- Thefcntl
system callsresource
--- Resource usage informationsyslog
--- Unix syslog library routines
- Modul yang Diganti
--- Read and write AIFF and AIFC filesasynchat
--- Asynchronous socket command/response handlerasyncore
--- Asynchronous socket handleraudioop
--- Manipulate raw audio datacgi
--- Common Gateway Interface supportcgitb
--- Traceback manager for CGI scriptschunk
--- Read IFF chunked datacrypt
--- Function to check Unix passwordsimghdr
--- Determine the type of an imageimp
--- Access the import internalsmailcap
--- Mailcap file handlingmsilib
--- Read and write Microsoft Installer filesnis
--- Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages)nntplib
--- NNTP protocol clientoptparse
--- Parser for command line options- Background
- Tutorial
- Reference Guide
- Option Callbacks
- Defining a callback option
- How callbacks are called
- Raising errors in a callback
- Callback example 1: trivial callback
- Callback example 2: check option order
- Callback example 3: check option order (generalized)
- Callback example 4: check arbitrary condition
- Callback example 5: fixed arguments
- Callback example 6: variable arguments
- Extending
--- Access to OSS-compatible audio devicespipes
--- Interface to shell pipelinessmtpd
--- SMTP Serversndhdr
--- Determine type of sound filespwd
--- The shadow password databasesunau
--- Read and write Sun AU filestelnetlib
--- Telnet clientuu
--- Encode and decode uuencode filesxdrlib
--- Encode and decode XDR data
- Security Considerations
- Memperluas dan Menggabungkan Interpreter Python
- Alat pihak ketiga yang direkomendasikan
- Membuat ekstensi tanpa alat pihak ketiga
- 1. Extending Python with C or C++
- 1.1. Contoh Sederhana
- 1.2. Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
- 1.3. Kembali ke Contoh
- 1.4. The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
- 1.5. Compilation and Linkage
- 1.6. Calling Python Functions from C
- 1.7. Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
- 1.8. Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions
- 1.9. Building Arbitrary Values
- 1.10. Reference Counts
- 1.11. Writing Extensions in C++
- 1.12. Providing a C API for an Extension Module
- 2. Mendefinisikan Tipe Ekstensi: Tutorial
- 3. Defining Extension Types: Assorted Topics
- 4. Building C and C++ Extensions
- 5. Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows
- 1. Extending Python with C or C++
- Menggabungkan runtime CPython di aplikasi yang lebih besar
- Panduan Referensi Python/API C
- Pengenalan
- C API Stability
- The Very High Level Layer
- Reference Counting
- Penanganan Pengecualian
- Utilitas
- Lapisan Abstrak Objek
- Lapisan Objek Konkrit
- Objek Dasar
- Objek Numerik
- Objek Urutan
- Objek Container
- Obyek Fungsi
- Objek lain
- Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
- Before Python Initialization
- Global configuration variables
- Initializing and finalizing the interpreter
- Process-wide parameters
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
- Sub-interpreter support
- Asynchronous Notifications
- Profiling and Tracing
- Advanced Debugger Support
- Thread Local Storage Support
- Python Initialization Configuration
- Memory Management
- Dukungan Implementasi Objek
- Pengelolaan Versi API dan ABI
- Mendistribusikan Modul Python
- Memasang Modul-modul Python
- HOWTOs Python
- Penyesuaian Porting Kode Python 2 ke Python 3
- Penjelasan Singkat
- Detail
- Drop support for Python 2.6 and older
- Make sure you specify the proper version support in your
file - Have good test coverage
- Learn the differences between Python 2 & 3
- Update your code
- Prevent compatibility regressions
- Check which dependencies block your transition
- Update your
file to denote Python 3 compatibility - Use continuous integration to stay compatible
- Consider using optional static type checking
- Penyesuaian Porting Modul Ekstensi ke Python 3
- Pemrograman Curses dengan Python
- Descriptor HowTo Guide
- Pemrograman Fungsional HOWTO
- Logging HOWTO
- Logging Cookbook
- Using logging in multiple modules
- Logging from multiple threads
- Multiple handlers and formatters
- Logging to multiple destinations
- Custom handling of levels
- Configuration server example
- Dealing with handlers that block
- Sending and receiving logging events across a network
- Adding contextual information to your logging output
- Use of
- Imparting contextual information in handlers
- Logging to a single file from multiple processes
- Using file rotation
- Use of alternative formatting styles
- Customizing
- Subclassing QueueHandler - a ZeroMQ example
- Subclassing QueueListener - a ZeroMQ example
- An example dictionary-based configuration
- Using a rotator and namer to customize log rotation processing
- A more elaborate multiprocessing example
- Inserting a BOM into messages sent to a SysLogHandler
- Implementing structured logging
- Customizing handlers with
- Using particular formatting styles throughout your application
- Configuring filters with
- Customized exception formatting
- Speaking logging messages
- Buffering logging messages and outputting them conditionally
- Sending logging messages to email, with buffering
- Formatting times using UTC (GMT) via configuration
- Using a context manager for selective logging
- A CLI application starter template
- A Qt GUI for logging
- Logging to syslog with RFC5424 support
- How to treat a logger like an output stream
- Patterns to avoid
- Other resources
- Regular Expression HOWTO
- HOWTO Pemrograman Soket
- Sorting HOW TO
- Unicode HOWTO
- HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using The urllib Package
- Argparse Tutorial
- An introduction to the ipaddress module
- Klinik Argumen How-To
- The Goals Of Argument Clinic
- Konsep Dasar dan Penggunaan
- Converting Your First Function
- Advanced Topics
- Symbolic default values
- Renaming the C functions and variables generated by Argument Clinic
- Converting functions using PyArg_UnpackTuple
- Optional Groups
- Using real Argument Clinic converters, instead of "legacy converters"
- Py_buffer
- Advanced converters
- Parameter default values
- The
default value - Expressions specified as default values
- Using a return converter
- Cloning existing functions
- Calling Python code
- Using a "self converter"
- Using a "defining class" converter
- Writing a custom converter
- Writing a custom return converter
- tp_new and tp_init functions
- Changing and redirecting Clinic's output
- The #ifdef trick
- Using Argument Clinic in Python files
- Instrumenting CPython with DTrace and SystemTap
- Annotations Best Practices
- Penyesuaian Porting Kode Python 2 ke Python 3
- Pertanyaan tentang Python yang Sering Diajukan
- FAQ Umum Python
- Pemrograman FAQ
- Desain dan Sejarah FAQ
- Mengapa Python menggunakan indentasi untuk pengelompokan pernyataan?
- Why am I getting strange results with simple arithmetic operations?
- Why are floating-point calculations so inaccurate?
- Why are Python strings immutable?
- Why must 'self' be used explicitly in method definitions and calls?
- Why can't I use an assignment in an expression?
- Why does Python use methods for some functionality (e.g. list.index()) but functions for other (e.g. len(list))?
- Why is join() a string method instead of a list or tuple method?
- How fast are exceptions?
- Why isn't there a switch or case statement in Python?
- Can't you emulate threads in the interpreter instead of relying on an OS-specific thread implementation?
- Why can't lambda expressions contain statements?
- Can Python be compiled to machine code, C or some other language?
- How does Python manage memory?
- Why doesn't CPython use a more traditional garbage collection scheme?
- Why isn't all memory freed when CPython exits?
- Why are there separate tuple and list data types?
- How are lists implemented in CPython?
- How are dictionaries implemented in CPython?
- Why must dictionary keys be immutable?
- Why doesn't list.sort() return the sorted list?
- How do you specify and enforce an interface spec in Python?
- Why is there no goto?
- Why can't raw strings (r-strings) end with a backslash?
- Why doesn't Python have a "with" statement for attribute assignments?
- Why don't generators support the with statement?
- Why are colons required for the if/while/def/class statements?
- Why does Python allow commas at the end of lists and tuples?
- FAQ Pustaka dan Ekstensi
- Extending/Embedding FAQ
- Can I create my own functions in C?
- Can I create my own functions in C++?
- Writing C is hard; are there any alternatives?
- How can I execute arbitrary Python statements from C?
- How can I evaluate an arbitrary Python expression from C?
- How do I extract C values from a Python object?
- How do I use Py_BuildValue() to create a tuple of arbitrary length?
- How do I call an object's method from C?
- How do I catch the output from PyErr_Print() (or anything that prints to stdout/stderr)?
- How do I access a module written in Python from C?
- How do I interface to C++ objects from Python?
- I added a module using the Setup file and the make fails; why?
- How do I debug an extension?
- I want to compile a Python module on my Linux system, but some files are missing. Why?
- How do I tell "incomplete input" from "invalid input"?
- How do I find undefined g++ symbols __builtin_new or __pure_virtual?
- Can I create an object class with some methods implemented in C and others in Python (e.g. through inheritance)?
- FAQ Python di Windows
- Bagaimana cara mengoperasikan program Python di Windows?
- Bagaimana cara saya membuat skrip Python dapat dieksekusi?
- Mengapa Python terkadang membutuhkan waktu lama untuk memulai?
- Bagaimana cara membuat sebuah executable dari skrip Python?
- Apakah file
sama dengan DLL? - Bagaimana cara memasukkan Python ke dalam aplikasi Windows?
- Bagaimana cara mencegah editor memasukkan tab ke dalam sumber Python saya?
- Bagaimana cara memeriksa tombol yang ditekan tanpa memblokir?
- How do I solve the missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error?
- Antarmuka Pengguna Grafis FAQ
- "Kenapa Python Terpasang di Komputer saya?" FAQ
- Ikhtisar
- Tentang dokumen-dokumen ini
- Berurusan dengan Bugs
- Hak Cipta
- Sejarah dan Lisensi