Objetos tipo

type PyTypeObject
Part of the Limited API (as an opaque struct).

La estructura C de los objetos utilizados para describir los tipos incorporados.

PyTypeObject PyType_Type
Part of the Stable ABI.

Este es el objeto tipo para objetos tipo; es el mismo objeto que type en la capa Python.

int PyType_Check(PyObject *o)

Retorna un valor distinto de cero si el objeto o es un objeto tipo, incluidas las instancias de tipos derivados del objeto de tipo estándar. Retorna 0 en todos los demás casos. Esta función siempre finaliza con éxito.

int PyType_CheckExact(PyObject *o)

Retorna un valor distinto de cero si el objeto o es un objeto tipo, pero no un subtipo del objeto tipo estándar. Retorna 0 en todos los demás casos. Esta función siempre finaliza con éxito.

unsigned int PyType_ClearCache()
Part of the Stable ABI.

Borra la caché de búsqueda interna. Retorna la etiqueta (tag) de la versión actual.

unsigned long PyType_GetFlags(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return the tp_flags member of type. This function is primarily meant for use with Py_LIMITED_API; the individual flag bits are guaranteed to be stable across Python releases, but access to tp_flags itself is not part of the limited API.

Added in version 3.2.

Distinto en la versión 3.4: El tipo de retorno es ahora unsigned long en vez de long.

PyObject *PyType_GetDict(PyTypeObject *type)

Return the type object’s internal namespace, which is otherwise only exposed via a read-only proxy (cls.__dict__). This is a replacement for accessing tp_dict directly. The returned dictionary must be treated as read-only.

This function is meant for specific embedding and language-binding cases, where direct access to the dict is necessary and indirect access (e.g. via the proxy or PyObject_GetAttr()) isn’t adequate.

Extension modules should continue to use tp_dict, directly or indirectly, when setting up their own types.

Added in version 3.12.

void PyType_Modified(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Invalida la memoria caché de búsqueda interna para el tipo y todos sus subtipos. Esta función debe llamarse después de cualquier modificación manual de los atributos o clases base del tipo.

int PyType_AddWatcher(PyType_WatchCallback callback)

Register callback as a type watcher. Return a non-negative integer ID which must be passed to future calls to PyType_Watch(). In case of error (e.g. no more watcher IDs available), return -1 and set an exception.

Added in version 3.12.

int PyType_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id)

Clear watcher identified by watcher_id (previously returned from PyType_AddWatcher()). Return 0 on success, -1 on error (e.g. if watcher_id was never registered.)

An extension should never call PyType_ClearWatcher with a watcher_id that was not returned to it by a previous call to PyType_AddWatcher().

Added in version 3.12.

int PyType_Watch(int watcher_id, PyObject *type)

Mark type as watched. The callback granted watcher_id by PyType_AddWatcher() will be called whenever PyType_Modified() reports a change to type. (The callback may be called only once for a series of consecutive modifications to type, if _PyType_Lookup() is not called on type between the modifications; this is an implementation detail and subject to change.)

An extension should never call PyType_Watch with a watcher_id that was not returned to it by a previous call to PyType_AddWatcher().

Added in version 3.12.

typedef int (*PyType_WatchCallback)(PyObject *type)

Type of a type-watcher callback function.

The callback must not modify type or cause PyType_Modified() to be called on type or any type in its MRO; violating this rule could cause infinite recursion.

Added in version 3.12.

int PyType_HasFeature(PyTypeObject *o, int feature)

Retorna un valor distinto de cero si el tipo objeto o establece la característica feature. Las características de tipo se indican mediante flags de un solo bit.

int PyType_IS_GC(PyTypeObject *o)

Return true if the type object includes support for the cycle detector; this tests the type flag Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC.

int PyType_IsSubtype(PyTypeObject *a, PyTypeObject *b)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna verdadero si a es un subtipo de b.

This function only checks for actual subtypes, which means that __subclasscheck__() is not called on b. Call PyObject_IsSubclass() to do the same check that issubclass() would do.

PyObject *PyType_GenericAlloc(PyTypeObject *type, Py_ssize_t nitems)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Controlador genérico para la ranura tp_alloc de un objeto tipo. Usa el mecanismo de asignación de memoria predeterminado de Python para asignar una nueva instancia e inicializar todo su contenido a NULL.

PyObject *PyType_GenericNew(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Controlador genérico para la ranura tp_new de un objeto tipo. Crea una nueva instancia utilizando la ranura del tipo tp_alloc.

int PyType_Ready(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Finalizar un objeto tipo. Se debe llamar a todos los objetos tipo para finalizar su inicialización. Esta función es responsable de agregar ranuras heredadas de la clase base de un tipo. Retorna 0 en caso de éxito o retorna -1 y establece una excepción en caso de error.


If some of the base classes implements the GC protocol and the provided type does not include the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC in its flags, then the GC protocol will be automatically implemented from its parents. On the contrary, if the type being created does include Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC in its flags then it must implement the GC protocol itself by at least implementing the tp_traverse handle.

PyObject *PyType_GetName(PyTypeObject *type)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.11.

Return the type’s name. Equivalent to getting the type’s __name__ attribute.

Added in version 3.11.

PyObject *PyType_GetQualName(PyTypeObject *type)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.11.

Return the type’s qualified name. Equivalent to getting the type’s __qualname__ attribute.

Added in version 3.11.

PyObject *PyType_GetFullyQualifiedName(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Return the type’s fully qualified name. Equivalent to f"{type.__module__}.{type.__qualname__}", or type.__qualname__ if type.__module__ is not a string or is equal to "builtins".

Added in version 3.13.

PyObject *PyType_GetModuleName(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Return the type’s module name. Equivalent to getting the type.__module__ attribute.

Added in version 3.13.

void *PyType_GetSlot(PyTypeObject *type, int slot)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.4.

Retorna el puntero de función almacenado en la ranura dada. Si el resultado es NULL, esto indica que la ranura es NULL o que la función se llamó con parámetros no válidos. Las personas que llaman suelen convertir el puntero de resultado en el tipo de función apropiado.

Consulte PyType_Slot.slot para conocer los posibles valores del argumento slot.

Added in version 3.4.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: PyType_GetSlot() ahora puede aceptar todos los tipos. Anteriormente, estaba limitado a heap types.

PyObject *PyType_GetModule(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.10.

Retorna el objeto módulo asociado con el tipo dado cuando se creó el tipo usando PyType_FromModuleAndSpec().

Si no hay ningún módulo asociado con el tipo dado, establece TypeError y retorna NULL.

This function is usually used to get the module in which a method is defined. Note that in such a method, PyType_GetModule(Py_TYPE(self)) may not return the intended result. Py_TYPE(self) may be a subclass of the intended class, and subclasses are not necessarily defined in the same module as their superclass. See PyCMethod to get the class that defines the method. See PyType_GetModuleByDef() for cases when PyCMethod cannot be used.

Added in version 3.9.

void *PyType_GetModuleState(PyTypeObject *type)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.10.

Retorna el estado del objeto de módulo asociado con el tipo dado. Este es un atajo para llamar PyModule_GetState() en el resultado de PyType_GetModule().

Si no hay ningún módulo asociado con el tipo dado, establece TypeError y retorna NULL.

Si el tipo type tiene un módulo asociado pero su estado es NULL, retorna NULL sin establecer una excepción.

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyType_GetModuleByDef(PyTypeObject *type, struct PyModuleDef *def)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Encuentra la primer superclase cuyo módulo fue creado a partir del PyModuleDef def dado, y retorna ese módulo.

Si no se encuentra ningún módulo, lanza TypeError y retorna NULL.

Esta función está pensada para ser utilizada junto con PyModule_GetState() para obtener el estado del módulo de los métodos de ranura (como tp_init o nb_add) y en otros lugares donde la clase que define a un método no se puede pasar utilizando la convención de llamada PyCMethod.

Added in version 3.11.

int PyUnstable_Type_AssignVersionTag(PyTypeObject *type)
This is Unstable API. It may change without warning in minor releases.

Attempt to assign a version tag to the given type.

Returns 1 if the type already had a valid version tag or a new one was assigned, or 0 if a new tag could not be assigned.

Added in version 3.12.

Crear tipos asignados en montículo (heap)

Las siguientes funciones y estructuras se utilizan para crear heap types.

PyObject *PyType_FromMetaclass(PyTypeObject *metaclass, PyObject *module, PyType_Spec *spec, PyObject *bases)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.12.

Create and return a heap type from the spec (see Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE).

The metaclass metaclass is used to construct the resulting type object. When metaclass is NULL, the metaclass is derived from bases (or Py_tp_base[s] slots if bases is NULL, see below).

Metaclasses that override tp_new are not supported, except if tp_new is NULL. (For backwards compatibility, other PyType_From* functions allow such metaclasses. They ignore tp_new, which may result in incomplete initialization. This is deprecated and in Python 3.14+ such metaclasses will not be supported.)

El argumento bases se puede utilizar para especificar clases base; puede ser solo una clase o una tupla de clases. Si bases es NULL, en su lugar se utiliza la ranura Py_tp_bases. Si esa también es NULL, se usa la ranura Py_tp_base en su lugar. Si también es NULL, el nuevo tipo se deriva de object.

El argumento module se puede utilizar para registrar el módulo en el que se define la nueva clase. Debe ser un objeto de módulo o NULL. Si no es NULL, el módulo se asocia con el nuevo tipo y luego se puede recuperar con PyType_GetModule(). El módulo asociado no es heredado por subclases; debe especificarse para cada clase individualmente.

Esta función llama PyType_Ready() en el tipo nuevo.

Note that this function does not fully match the behavior of calling type() or using the class statement. With user-provided base types or metaclasses, prefer calling type (or the metaclass) over PyType_From* functions. Specifically:

Added in version 3.12.

PyObject *PyType_FromModuleAndSpec(PyObject *module, PyType_Spec *spec, PyObject *bases)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.10.

Equivalent to PyType_FromMetaclass(NULL, module, spec, bases).

Added in version 3.9.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: La función ahora acepta una sola clase como argumento bases y NULL como ranura tp_doc.

Distinto en la versión 3.12: The function now finds and uses a metaclass corresponding to the provided base classes. Previously, only type instances were returned.

The tp_new of the metaclass is ignored. which may result in incomplete initialization. Creating classes whose metaclass overrides tp_new is deprecated and in Python 3.14+ it will be no longer allowed.

PyObject *PyType_FromSpecWithBases(PyType_Spec *spec, PyObject *bases)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.3.

Equivalent to PyType_FromMetaclass(NULL, NULL, spec, bases).

Added in version 3.3.

Distinto en la versión 3.12: The function now finds and uses a metaclass corresponding to the provided base classes. Previously, only type instances were returned.

The tp_new of the metaclass is ignored. which may result in incomplete initialization. Creating classes whose metaclass overrides tp_new is deprecated and in Python 3.14+ it will be no longer allowed.

PyObject *PyType_FromSpec(PyType_Spec *spec)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Equivalent to PyType_FromMetaclass(NULL, NULL, spec, NULL).

Distinto en la versión 3.12: The function now finds and uses a metaclass corresponding to the base classes provided in Py_tp_base[s] slots. Previously, only type instances were returned.

The tp_new of the metaclass is ignored. which may result in incomplete initialization. Creating classes whose metaclass overrides tp_new is deprecated and in Python 3.14+ it will be no longer allowed.

type PyType_Spec
Part of the Stable ABI (including all members).

Estructura que define el comportamiento de un tipo.

const char *name

Nombre del tipo, utilizado para establecer PyTypeObject.tp_name.

int basicsize

If positive, specifies the size of the instance in bytes. It is used to set PyTypeObject.tp_basicsize.

If zero, specifies that tp_basicsize should be inherited.

If negative, the absolute value specifies how much space instances of the class need in addition to the superclass. Use PyObject_GetTypeData() to get a pointer to subclass-specific memory reserved this way. For negative basicsize, Python will insert padding when needed to meet tp_basicsize’s alignment requirements.

Distinto en la versión 3.12: Previously, this field could not be negative.

int itemsize

Size of one element of a variable-size type, in bytes. Used to set PyTypeObject.tp_itemsize. See tp_itemsize documentation for caveats.

If zero, tp_itemsize is inherited. Extending arbitrary variable-sized classes is dangerous, since some types use a fixed offset for variable-sized memory, which can then overlap fixed-sized memory used by a subclass. To help prevent mistakes, inheriting itemsize is only possible in the following situations:

unsigned int flags

Banderas (flags) del tipo, que se usan para establecer PyTypeObject.tp_flags.

Si el indicador Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE no está establecido, PyType_FromSpecWithBases() lo establece automáticamente.

PyType_Slot *slots

Arreglo de estructuras PyType_Slot. Terminado por el valor de ranura especial {0, NULL}.

Each slot ID should be specified at most once.

type PyType_Slot
Part of the Stable ABI (including all members).

Estructura que define la funcionalidad opcional de un tipo, que contiene una ranura ID y un puntero de valor.

int slot

Una ranura ID.

Las ranuras IDs se nombran como los nombres de campo de las estructuras PyTypeObject, PyNumberMethods, PySequenceMethods, PyMappingMethods y PyAsyncMethods con un prefijo Py_ agregado. Por ejemplo, use:

The following “offset” fields cannot be set using PyType_Slot:

If it is not possible to switch to a MANAGED flag (for example, for vectorcall or to support Python older than 3.12), specify the offset in Py_tp_members. See PyMemberDef documentation for details.

The following fields cannot be set at all when creating a heap type:

Setting Py_tp_bases or Py_tp_base may be problematic on some platforms. To avoid issues, use the bases argument of PyType_FromSpecWithBases() instead.

Distinto en la versión 3.9: Las ranuras en PyBufferProcs se pueden configurar en la API ilimitada.

Distinto en la versión 3.11: bf_getbuffer and bf_releasebuffer are now available under the limited API.

void *pfunc

El valor deseado de la ranura. En la mayoría de los casos, este es un puntero a una función.

Las ranuras que no sean Py_tp_doc pueden no ser NULL.