Protocolo de objeto

PyObject *Py_GetConstant(unsigned int constant_id)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Get a strong reference to a constant.

Set an exception and return NULL if constant_id is invalid.

constant_id must be one of these constant identifiers:

Constant Identifier


Returned object































Numeric values are only given for projects which cannot use the constant identifiers.

Added in version 3.13.

Detalles de implementación de CPython: In CPython, all of these constants are immortal.

PyObject *Py_GetConstantBorrowed(unsigned int constant_id)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Similar to Py_GetConstant(), but return a borrowed reference.

This function is primarily intended for backwards compatibility: using Py_GetConstant() is recommended for new code.

The reference is borrowed from the interpreter, and is valid until the interpreter finalization.

Added in version 3.13.

PyObject *Py_NotImplemented

El singleton NotImplemented, se usa para indicar que una operación no está implementada para la combinación de tipos dada.


Properly handle returning Py_NotImplemented from within a C function (that is, create a new strong reference to NotImplemented and return it).


Flag to be used with multiple functions that print the object (like PyObject_Print() and PyFile_WriteObject()). If passed, these function would use the str() of the object instead of the repr().

int PyObject_Print(PyObject *o, FILE *fp, int flags)

Print an object o, on file fp. Returns -1 on error. The flags argument is used to enable certain printing options. The only option currently supported is Py_PRINT_RAW; if given, the str() of the object is written instead of the repr().

int PyObject_HasAttrWithError(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Returns 1 if o has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression hasattr(o, attr_name). On failure, return -1.

Added in version 3.13.

int PyObject_HasAttrStringWithError(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

This is the same as PyObject_HasAttrWithError(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

Added in version 3.13.

int PyObject_HasAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Returns 1 if o has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise. This function always succeeds.


Exceptions that occur when this calls __getattr__() and __getattribute__() methods aren’t propagated, but instead given to sys.unraisablehook(). For proper error handling, use PyObject_HasAttrWithError(), PyObject_GetOptionalAttr() or PyObject_GetAttr() instead.

int PyObject_HasAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI.

This is the same as PyObject_HasAttr(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.


Exceptions that occur when this calls __getattr__() and __getattribute__() methods or while creating the temporary str object are silently ignored. For proper error handling, use PyObject_HasAttrStringWithError(), PyObject_GetOptionalAttrString() or PyObject_GetAttrString() instead.

PyObject *PyObject_GetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Recupera un atributo llamado attr_name del objeto o. Retorna el valor del atributo en caso de éxito o NULL en caso de error. Este es el equivalente de la expresión de Python o.attr_name.

If the missing attribute should not be treated as a failure, you can use PyObject_GetOptionalAttr() instead.

PyObject *PyObject_GetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

This is the same as PyObject_GetAttr(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

If the missing attribute should not be treated as a failure, you can use PyObject_GetOptionalAttrString() instead.

int PyObject_GetOptionalAttr(PyObject *obj, PyObject *attr_name, PyObject **result);
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Variant of PyObject_GetAttr() which doesn’t raise AttributeError if the attribute is not found.

If the attribute is found, return 1 and set *result to a new strong reference to the attribute. If the attribute is not found, return 0 and set *result to NULL; the AttributeError is silenced. If an error other than AttributeError is raised, return -1 and set *result to NULL.

Added in version 3.13.

int PyObject_GetOptionalAttrString(PyObject *obj, const char *attr_name, PyObject **result);
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

This is the same as PyObject_GetOptionalAttr(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

Added in version 3.13.

PyObject *PyObject_GenericGetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *name)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Función getter de atributo genérico que debe colocarse en la ranura tp_getattro de un objeto tipo. Busca un descriptor en el diccionario de clases en el MRO del objeto, así como un atributo en el objeto __ dict__ (si está presente). Como se describe en Implementando descriptores, los descriptores de datos tienen preferencia sobre los atributos de instancia, mientras que los descriptores que no son de datos no lo hacen. De lo contrario, se lanza un AttributeError.

int PyObject_SetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name, PyObject *v)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Establece el valor del atributo llamado attr_name, para el objeto o, en el valor v. Lanza una excepción y retorna -1 en caso de falla; retorna 0 en caso de éxito. Este es el equivalente de la declaración de Python o.attr_name = v.

Si v es NULL, el atributo se elimina. Este comportamiento está deprecado en favor de usar PyObject_DelAttr(), pero por el momento no hay planes de quitarlo.

int PyObject_SetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name, PyObject *v)
Part of the Stable ABI.

This is the same as PyObject_SetAttr(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

Si v es NULL, el atributo se elimina, sin embargo, esta característica está deprecada en favor de usar PyObject_DelAttrString().

The number of different attribute names passed to this function should be kept small, usually by using a statically allocated string as attr_name. For attribute names that aren’t known at compile time, prefer calling PyUnicode_FromString() and PyObject_SetAttr() directly. For more details, see PyUnicode_InternFromString(), which may be used internally to create a key object.

int PyObject_GenericSetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *name, PyObject *value)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Establecimiento de atributo genérico y función de eliminación que está destinada a colocarse en la ranura de un objeto tipo tp_setattro. Busca un descriptor de datos en el diccionario de clases en el MRO del objeto y, si se encuentra, tiene preferencia sobre la configuración o eliminación del atributo en el diccionario de instancias. De lo contrario, el atributo se establece o elimina en el objeto __dict__ (si está presente). En caso de éxito, se retorna 0; de lo contrario, se lanza un AttributeError y se retorna -1.

int PyObject_DelAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

Elimina el atributo llamado attr_name, para el objeto o. Retorna -1 en caso de falla. Este es el equivalente de la declaración de Python del o.attr_name.

int PyObject_DelAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.13.

This is the same as PyObject_DelAttr(), but attr_name is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

The number of different attribute names passed to this function should be kept small, usually by using a statically allocated string as attr_name. For attribute names that aren’t known at compile time, prefer calling PyUnicode_FromString() and PyObject_DelAttr() directly. For more details, see PyUnicode_InternFromString(), which may be used internally to create a key object for lookup.

PyObject *PyObject_GenericGetDict(PyObject *o, void *context)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.10.

Una implementación genérica para obtener un descriptor __dict__. Crea el diccionario si es necesario.

Esta función también puede ser llamada para obtener el __dict__ del objeto o. Se pasa context igual a NULL cuando se lo llama. Dado que esta función puede necesitar asignar memoria para el diccionario, puede ser más eficiente llamar a PyObject_GetAttr() para acceder a un atributo del objeto.

En caso de fallo, retorna NULL con una excepción establecida.

Added in version 3.3.

int PyObject_GenericSetDict(PyObject *o, PyObject *value, void *context)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.7.

Una implementación genérica para el creador de un descriptor __dict__. Esta implementación no permite que se elimine el diccionario.

Added in version 3.3.

PyObject **_PyObject_GetDictPtr(PyObject *obj)

Retorna un puntero al __dict__ del objeto obj. Si no hay __dict__, retorna NULL sin establecer una excepción.

Esta función puede necesitar asignar memoria para el diccionario, por lo que puede ser más eficiente llamar a PyObject_GetAttr() para acceder a un atributo del objeto.

PyObject *PyObject_RichCompare(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2, int opid)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Compare the values of o1 and o2 using the operation specified by opid, which must be one of Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT, or Py_GE, corresponding to <, <=, ==, !=, >, or >= respectively. This is the equivalent of the Python expression o1 op o2, where op is the operator corresponding to opid. Returns the value of the comparison on success, or NULL on failure.

int PyObject_RichCompareBool(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2, int opid)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Compare the values of o1 and o2 using the operation specified by opid, like PyObject_RichCompare(), but returns -1 on error, 0 if the result is false, 1 otherwise.


If o1 and o2 are the same object, PyObject_RichCompareBool() will always return 1 for Py_EQ and 0 for Py_NE.

PyObject *PyObject_Format(PyObject *obj, PyObject *format_spec)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Format obj using format_spec. This is equivalent to the Python expression format(obj, format_spec).

format_spec may be NULL. In this case the call is equivalent to format(obj). Returns the formatted string on success, NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyObject_Repr(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Calcula una representación de cadena de caracteres del objeto o. Retorna la representación de cadena de caracteres en caso de éxito, NULL en caso de error. Este es el equivalente de la expresión de Python repr(o). Llamado por la función incorporada repr().

Distinto en la versión 3.4: Esta función ahora incluye una afirmación de depuración para ayudar a garantizar que no descarte silenciosamente una excepción activa.

PyObject *PyObject_ASCII(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Como PyObject_Repr(), calcula una representación de cadena de caracteres del objeto o, pero escapa los caracteres no ASCII en la cadena de caracteres retornada por PyObject_Repr() con \x, \u o \U escapa. Esto genera una cadena de caracteres similar a la que retorna PyObject_Repr() en Python 2. Llamado por la función incorporada ascii().

PyObject *PyObject_Str(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Calcula una representación de cadena de caracteres del objeto o. Retorna la representación de cadena de caracteres en caso de éxito, NULL en caso de error. Llamado por la función incorporada str() y, por lo tanto, por la función print().

Distinto en la versión 3.4: Esta función ahora incluye una afirmación de depuración para ayudar a garantizar que no descarte silenciosamente una excepción activa.

PyObject *PyObject_Bytes(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Calcula una representación de bytes del objeto o. NULL se retorna en caso de error y un objeto de bytes en caso de éxito. Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python bytes(o), cuando o no es un número entero. A diferencia de bytes(o), se lanza un TypeError cuando o es un entero en lugar de un objeto de bytes con inicialización cero.

int PyObject_IsSubclass(PyObject *derived, PyObject *cls)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna 1 si la clase derived es idéntica o derivada de la clase cls; de lo contrario, retorna 0. En caso de error, retorna -1.

Si cls es una tupla, la verificación se realizará con cada entrada en cls. El resultado será 1 cuando al menos una de las verificaciones retorne 1, de lo contrario será 0.

If cls has a __subclasscheck__() method, it will be called to determine the subclass status as described in PEP 3119. Otherwise, derived is a subclass of cls if it is a direct or indirect subclass, i.e. contained in cls.__mro__.

Normally only class objects, i.e. instances of type or a derived class, are considered classes. However, objects can override this by having a __bases__ attribute (which must be a tuple of base classes).

int PyObject_IsInstance(PyObject *inst, PyObject *cls)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna 1 si inst es una instancia de la clase cls o una subclase de cls, o 0 si no. En caso de error, retorna -1 y establece una excepción.

Si cls es una tupla, la verificación se realizará con cada entrada en cls. El resultado será 1 cuando al menos una de las verificaciones retorne 1, de lo contrario será 0.

If cls has a __instancecheck__() method, it will be called to determine the subclass status as described in PEP 3119. Otherwise, inst is an instance of cls if its class is a subclass of cls.

An instance inst can override what is considered its class by having a __class__ attribute.

An object cls can override if it is considered a class, and what its base classes are, by having a __bases__ attribute (which must be a tuple of base classes).

Py_hash_t PyObject_Hash(PyObject *o)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Calcula y retorna el valor hash de un objeto o. En caso de fallo, retorna -1. Este es el equivalente de la expresión de Python hash(o).

Distinto en la versión 3.2: El tipo de retorno ahora es Py_hash_t. Este es un entero con signo del mismo tamaño que Py_ssize_t.

Py_hash_t PyObject_HashNotImplemented(PyObject *o)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Set a TypeError indicating that type(o) is not hashable and return -1. This function receives special treatment when stored in a tp_hash slot, allowing a type to explicitly indicate to the interpreter that it is not hashable.

int PyObject_IsTrue(PyObject *o)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna 1 si el objeto o se considera verdadero y 0 en caso contrario. Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python not not o. En caso de error, retorna -1.

int PyObject_Not(PyObject *o)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna 0 si el objeto o se considera verdadero, y 1 de lo contrario. Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python not o. En caso de error, retorna -1.

PyObject *PyObject_Type(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

When o is non-NULL, returns a type object corresponding to the object type of object o. On failure, raises SystemError and returns NULL. This is equivalent to the Python expression type(o). This function creates a new strong reference to the return value. There’s really no reason to use this function instead of the Py_TYPE() function, which returns a pointer of type PyTypeObject*, except when a new strong reference is needed.

int PyObject_TypeCheck(PyObject *o, PyTypeObject *type)

Retorna un valor no-nulo si el objeto o es de tipo type o un subtipo de type, y 0 en cualquier otro caso. Ninguno de los dos parámetros debe ser NULL.

Py_ssize_t PyObject_Size(PyObject *o)
Py_ssize_t PyObject_Length(PyObject *o)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna la longitud del objeto o. Si el objeto o proporciona los protocolos de secuencia y mapeo, se retorna la longitud de la secuencia. En caso de error, se retorna -1. Este es el equivalente a la expresión de Python len(o).

Py_ssize_t PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t defaultvalue)

Retorna una longitud estimada para el objeto o. Primero intenta retornar su longitud real, luego una estimación usando __length_hint__(), y finalmente retorna el valor predeterminado. En caso de error, retorna -1. Este es el equivalente a la expresión de Python operator.length_hint(o, defaultvalue).

Added in version 3.4.

PyObject *PyObject_GetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna el elemento de o correspondiente a la clave key del objeto o NULL en caso de error. Este es el equivalente de la expresión de Python o[key].

int PyObject_SetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Asigna el objeto key al valor v. Lanza una excepción y retorna -1 en caso de error; retorna 0 en caso de éxito. Este es el equivalente de la declaración de Python o[key] = v. Esta función no roba una referencia a v.

int PyObject_DelItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Elimina la asignación para el objeto key del objeto o. Retorna -1 en caso de falla. Esto es equivalente a la declaración de Python del o[key].

int PyObject_DelItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key)
Part of the Stable ABI.

This is the same as PyObject_DelItem(), but key is specified as a const char* UTF-8 encoded bytes string, rather than a PyObject*.

PyObject *PyObject_Dir(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python dir(o), que retorna una lista (posiblemente vacía) de cadenas de caracteres apropiadas para el argumento del objeto, o NULL si hubo un error. Si el argumento es NULL, es como el Python dir(), que retorna los nombres de los locales actuales; en este caso, si no hay un marco de ejecución activo, se retorna NULL pero PyErr_Occurred() retornará falso.

PyObject *PyObject_GetIter(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python iter(o). Retorna un nuevo iterador para el argumento del objeto, o el propio objeto si el objeto ya es un iterador. Lanza TypeError y retorna NULL si el objeto no puede iterarse.

PyObject *PyObject_SelfIter(PyObject *obj)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

This is equivalent to the Python __iter__(self): return self method. It is intended for iterator types, to be used in the PyTypeObject.tp_iter slot.

PyObject *PyObject_GetAIter(PyObject *o)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.10.

Esto es equivalente a la expresión de Python aiter(o). Toma un objeto AsyncIterable y retorna AsyncIterator. Este es típicamente un nuevo iterador, pero si el argumento es AsyncIterator, se retornará a sí mismo. Lanza TypeError y retorna NULL si el objeto no puede ser iterado.

Added in version 3.10.

void *PyObject_GetTypeData(PyObject *o, PyTypeObject *cls)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.12.

Get a pointer to subclass-specific data reserved for cls.

The object o must be an instance of cls, and cls must have been created using negative PyType_Spec.basicsize. Python does not check this.

On error, set an exception and return NULL.

Added in version 3.12.

Py_ssize_t PyType_GetTypeDataSize(PyTypeObject *cls)
Part of the Stable ABI since version 3.12.

Return the size of the instance memory space reserved for cls, i.e. the size of the memory PyObject_GetTypeData() returns.

This may be larger than requested using -PyType_Spec.basicsize; it is safe to use this larger size (e.g. with memset()).

The type cls must have been created using negative PyType_Spec.basicsize. Python does not check this.

On error, set an exception and return a negative value.

Added in version 3.12.

void *PyObject_GetItemData(PyObject *o)

Get a pointer to per-item data for a class with Py_TPFLAGS_ITEMS_AT_END.

On error, set an exception and return NULL. TypeError is raised if o does not have Py_TPFLAGS_ITEMS_AT_END set.

Added in version 3.12.

int PyObject_VisitManagedDict(PyObject *obj, visitproc visit, void *arg)

Visit the managed dictionary of obj.

This function must only be called in a traverse function of the type which has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT flag set.

Added in version 3.13.

void PyObject_ClearManagedDict(PyObject *obj)

Clear the managed dictionary of obj.

This function must only be called in a traverse function of the type which has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT flag set.

Added in version 3.13.