28.1. sys — 系统相关的参数和函数



一个列表,其中包含了被传递给 Python 脚本的命令行参数。 argv[0] 为脚本的名称(是否是完整的路径名取决于操作系统)。如果是通过 Python 解释器的命令行参数 -c 来执行的, argv[0] 会被设置成字符串 '-c' 。如果没有脚本名被传递给 Python 解释器, argv[0] 为空字符串。

为了遍历标准输入,或者通过命令行传递的文件列表,参照 fileinput 模块


本地字节顺序的指示符。在大端序(最高有效位优先)操作系统上值为 'big' ,在小端序(最低有效位优先)操作系统上为 'little'

2.0 新版功能.


一个元素为字符串的元组。包含了所有的被编译进 Python 解释器的模块。(这个信息无法通过其他的办法获取, modules.keys() 只包括被导入过的模块。)

sys.call_tracing(func, args)

在启用跟踪时调用 func(*args) 来保存跟踪状态,然后恢复跟踪状态。这将从检查点的调试器调用,以便递归地调试其他的一些代码。


一个字符串,包含了 Python 解释器有关的版权信息


清除内部的类型缓存。类型缓存是为了加速查找方法和属性的。在调试引用泄漏的时候调用这个函数 只会 清除不必要的引用。


2.6 新版功能.


返回一个字典,将每个线程的标识符映射到调用函数时该线程中当前活动的最顶层堆栈帧。注意 traceback 模块中的函数可以在给定帧的情况下构建调用堆栈。



2.5 新版功能.


Integer specifying the handle of the Python DLL. Availability: Windows.


If value is not None, this function prints it to sys.stdout, and saves it in __builtin__._.

sys.displayhook is called on the result of evaluating an expression entered in an interactive Python session. The display of these values can be customized by assigning another one-argument function to sys.displayhook.


If this is true, Python won’t try to write .pyc or .pyo files on the import of source modules. This value is initially set to True or False depending on the -B command line option and the PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable, but you can set it yourself to control bytecode file generation.

2.6 新版功能.

sys.excepthook(type, value, traceback)

This function prints out a given traceback and exception to sys.stderr.

When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls sys.excepthook with three arguments, the exception class, exception instance, and a traceback object. In an interactive session this happens just before control is returned to the prompt; in a Python program this happens just before the program exits. The handling of such top-level exceptions can be customized by assigning another three-argument function to sys.excepthook.


These objects contain the original values of displayhook and excepthook at the start of the program. They are saved so that displayhook and excepthook can be restored in case they happen to get replaced with broken objects.


This function returns a tuple of three values that give information about the exception that is currently being handled. The information returned is specific both to the current thread and to the current stack frame. If the current stack frame is not handling an exception, the information is taken from the calling stack frame, or its caller, and so on until a stack frame is found that is handling an exception. Here, “handling an exception” is defined as “executing or having executed an except clause.” For any stack frame, only information about the most recently handled exception is accessible.

If no exception is being handled anywhere on the stack, a tuple containing three None values is returned. Otherwise, the values returned are (type, value, traceback). Their meaning is: type gets the exception type of the exception being handled (a class object); value gets the exception parameter (its associated value or the second argument to raise, which is always a class instance if the exception type is a class object); traceback gets a traceback object (see the Reference Manual) which encapsulates the call stack at the point where the exception originally occurred.

If exc_clear() is called, this function will return three None values until either another exception is raised in the current thread or the execution stack returns to a frame where another exception is being handled.


Assigning the traceback return value to a local variable in a function that is handling an exception will cause a circular reference. This will prevent anything referenced by a local variable in the same function or by the traceback from being garbage collected. Since most functions don’t need access to the traceback, the best solution is to use something like exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] to extract only the exception type and value. If you do need the traceback, make sure to delete it after use (best done with a tryfinally statement) or to call exc_info() in a function that does not itself handle an exception.


Beginning with Python 2.2, such cycles are automatically reclaimed when garbage collection is enabled and they become unreachable, but it remains more efficient to avoid creating cycles.


This function clears all information relating to the current or last exception that occurred in the current thread. After calling this function, exc_info() will return three None values until another exception is raised in the current thread or the execution stack returns to a frame where another exception is being handled.

This function is only needed in only a few obscure situations. These include logging and error handling systems that report information on the last or current exception. This function can also be used to try to free resources and trigger object finalization, though no guarantee is made as to what objects will be freed, if any.

2.3 新版功能.


1.5 版后已移除: Use exc_info() instead.

Since they are global variables, they are not specific to the current thread, so their use is not safe in a multi-threaded program. When no exception is being handled, exc_type is set to None and the other two are undefined.


A string giving the site-specific directory prefix where the platform-dependent Python files are installed; by default, this is also '/usr/local'. This can be set at build time with the --exec-prefix argument to the configure script. Specifically, all configuration files (e.g. the pyconfig.h header file) are installed in the directory exec_prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/config, and shared library modules are installed in exec_prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/lib-dynload, where X.Y is the version number of Python, for example 2.7.


A string giving the absolute path of the executable binary for the Python interpreter, on systems where this makes sense. If Python is unable to retrieve the real path to its executable, sys.executable will be an empty string or None.


从Python中退出。实现方式是抛出一个 SystemExit 异常。异常抛出后 try 声明的 finally 分支语句的清除动作将被出发。此动作有可能打断更外层的退出尝试。

The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status (defaulting to zero), or another type of object. If it is an integer, zero is considered “successful termination” and any nonzero value is considered “abnormal termination” by shells and the like. Most systems require it to be in the range 0–127, and produce undefined results otherwise. Some systems have a convention for assigning specific meanings to specific exit codes, but these are generally underdeveloped; Unix programs generally use 2 for command line syntax errors and 1 for all other kind of errors. If another type of object is passed, None is equivalent to passing zero, and any other object is printed to stderr and results in an exit code of 1. In particular, sys.exit("some error message") is a quick way to exit a program when an error occurs.

由于 exit() 最终“只是”抛出一个异常,因此当从主线程调用时,只会从进程退出;而异常不会因此被打断。


This value is not actually defined by the module, but can be set by the user (or by a program) to specify a clean-up action at program exit. When set, it should be a parameterless function. This function will be called when the interpreter exits. Only one function may be installed in this way; to allow multiple functions which will be called at termination, use the atexit module.


The exit function is not called when the program is killed by a signal, when a Python fatal internal error is detected, or when os._exit() is called.

2.4 版后已移除: Use atexit instead.


The struct sequence flags exposes the status of command line flags. The attributes are read only.

attribute – 属性

























-t or -tt









2.6 新版功能.

2.7.3 新版功能: hash_randomization 属性


A structseq holding information about the float type. It contains low level information about the precision and internal representation. The values correspond to the various floating-point constants defined in the standard header file float.h for the ‘C’ programming language; see section of the 1999 ISO/IEC C standard [C99], ‘Characteristics of floating types’, for details.

attribute – 属性

float.h 宏




difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable as a float



maximum number of decimal digits that can be faithfully represented in a float; see below



float precision: the number of base-radix digits in the significand of a float



maximum representable finite float



maximum integer e such that radix**(e-1) is a representable finite float



maximum integer e such that 10**e is in the range of representable finite floats



minimum positive normalized float



minimum integer e such that radix**(e-1) is a normalized float



minimum integer e such that 10**e is a normalized float



radix of exponent representation



integer constant representing the rounding mode used for arithmetic operations. This reflects the value of the system FLT_ROUNDS macro at interpreter startup time. See section of the C99 standard for an explanation of the possible values and their meanings.

The attribute sys.float_info.dig needs further explanation. If s is any string representing a decimal number with at most sys.float_info.dig significant digits, then converting s to a float and back again will recover a string representing the same decimal value:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.float_info.dig
>>> s = '3.14159265358979'    # decimal string with 15 significant digits
>>> format(float(s), '.15g')  # convert to float and back -> same value

But for strings with more than sys.float_info.dig significant digits, this isn’t always true:

>>> s = '9876543211234567'    # 16 significant digits is too many!
>>> format(float(s), '.16g')  # conversion changes value

2.6 新版功能.


A string indicating how the repr() function behaves for floats. If the string has value 'short' then for a finite float x, repr(x) aims to produce a short string with the property that float(repr(x)) == x. This is the usual behaviour in Python 2.7 and later. Otherwise, float_repr_style has value 'legacy' and repr(x) behaves in the same way as it did in versions of Python prior to 2.7.

2.7 新版功能.


Return the interpreter’s “check interval”; see setcheckinterval().

2.3 新版功能.


Return the name of the current default string encoding used by the Unicode implementation.

2.0 新版功能.


Return the current value of the flags that are used for dlopen() calls. The flag constants are defined in the dl and DLFCN modules. Availability: Unix.

2.2 新版功能.


Return the name of the encoding used to convert Unicode filenames into system file names, or None if the system default encoding is used. The result value depends on the operating system:

  • On Mac OS X, the encoding is 'utf-8'.

  • On Unix, the encoding is the user’s preference according to the result of nl_langinfo(CODESET), or None if the nl_langinfo(CODESET) failed.

  • On Windows NT+, file names are Unicode natively, so no conversion is performed. getfilesystemencoding() still returns 'mbcs', as this is the encoding that applications should use when they explicitly want to convert Unicode strings to byte strings that are equivalent when used as file names.

  • On Windows 9x, the encoding is 'mbcs'.

2.3 新版功能.


Return the reference count of the object. The count returned is generally one higher than you might expect, because it includes the (temporary) reference as an argument to getrefcount().


Return the current value of the recursion limit, the maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack. This limit prevents infinite recursion from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing Python. It can be set by setrecursionlimit().

sys.getsizeof(object[, default])

Return the size of an object in bytes. The object can be any type of object. All built-in objects will return correct results, but this does not have to hold true for third-party extensions as it is implementation specific.

If given, default will be returned if the object does not provide means to retrieve the size. Otherwise a TypeError will be raised.

getsizeof() calls the object’s __sizeof__ method and adds an additional garbage collector overhead if the object is managed by the garbage collector.

2.6 新版功能.


Return a frame object from the call stack. If optional integer depth is given, return the frame object that many calls below the top of the stack. If that is deeper than the call stack, ValueError is raised. The default for depth is zero, returning the frame at the top of the call stack.

CPython implementation detail: This function should be used for internal and specialized purposes only. It is not guaranteed to exist in all implementations of Python.


Get the profiler function as set by setprofile().

2.6 新版功能.


Get the trace function as set by settrace().

CPython implementation detail: The gettrace() function is intended only for implementing debuggers, profilers, coverage tools and the like. Its behavior is part of the implementation platform, rather than part of the language definition, and thus may not be available in all Python implementations.

2.6 新版功能.


Return a named tuple describing the Windows version currently running. The named elements are major, minor, build, platform, service_pack, service_pack_minor, service_pack_major, suite_mask, and product_type. service_pack contains a string while all other values are integers. The components can also be accessed by name, so sys.getwindowsversion()[0] is equivalent to sys.getwindowsversion().major. For compatibility with prior versions, only the first 5 elements are retrievable by indexing.

platform may be one of the following values:




Win32s on Windows 3.1


Windows 95/98/ME


Windows NT/2000/XP/x64


Windows CE

product_type may be one of the following values:









This function wraps the Win32 GetVersionEx() function; see the Microsoft documentation on OSVERSIONINFOEX() for more information about these fields.

Availability: Windows.

2.3 新版功能.

在 2.7 版更改: Changed to a named tuple and added service_pack_minor, service_pack_major, suite_mask, and product_type.


The version number encoded as a single integer. This is guaranteed to increase with each version, including proper support for non-production releases. For example, to test that the Python interpreter is at least version 1.5.2, use:

if sys.hexversion >= 0x010502F0:
    # use some advanced feature
    # use an alternative implementation or warn the user

This is called hexversion since it only really looks meaningful when viewed as the result of passing it to the built-in hex() function. The version_info value may be used for a more human-friendly encoding of the same information.

The hexversion is a 32-bit number with the following layout:

Bits (big endian order)



PY_MAJOR_VERSION (the 2 in 2.1.0a3)


PY_MINOR_VERSION (the 1 in 2.1.0a3)


PY_MICRO_VERSION (the 0 in 2.1.0a3)


PY_RELEASE_LEVEL (0xA for alpha, 0xB for beta, 0xC for release candidate and 0xF for final)


PY_RELEASE_SERIAL (the 3 in 2.1.0a3, zero for final releases)

Thus 2.1.0a3 is hexversion 0x020100a3.

1.5.2 新版功能.


A struct sequence that holds information about Python’s internal representation of integers. The attributes are read only.




number of bits held in each digit. Python integers are stored internally in base 2**long_info.bits_per_digit



2.7 新版功能.


These three variables are not always defined; they are set when an exception is not handled and the interpreter prints an error message and a stack traceback. Their intended use is to allow an interactive user to import a debugger module and engage in post-mortem debugging without having to re-execute the command that caused the error. (Typical use is import pdb; pdb.pm() to enter the post-mortem debugger; see chapter pdb — Python的调试器 for more information.)

The meaning of the variables is the same as that of the return values from exc_info() above. (Since there is only one interactive thread, thread-safety is not a concern for these variables, unlike for exc_type etc.)


The largest positive integer supported by Python’s regular integer type. This is at least 2**31-1. The largest negative integer is -maxint-1 — the asymmetry results from the use of 2’s complement binary arithmetic.


The largest positive integer supported by the platform’s Py_ssize_t type, and thus the maximum size lists, strings, dicts, and many other containers can have.


An integer giving the largest supported code point for a Unicode character. The value of this depends on the configuration option that specifies whether Unicode characters are stored as UCS-2 or UCS-4.


A list of finder objects that have their find_module() methods called to see if one of the objects can find the module to be imported. The find_module() method is called at least with the absolute name of the module being imported. If the module to be imported is contained in package then the parent package’s __path__ attribute is passed in as a second argument. The method returns None if the module cannot be found, else returns a loader.

sys.meta_path is searched before any implicit default finders or sys.path.

See PEP 302 for the original specification.


This is a dictionary that maps module names to modules which have already been loaded. This can be manipulated to force reloading of modules and other tricks. Note that removing a module from this dictionary is not the same as calling reload() on the corresponding module object.


A list of strings that specifies the search path for modules. Initialized from the environment variable PYTHONPATH, plus an installation-dependent default.

As initialized upon program startup, the first item of this list, path[0], is the directory containing the script that was used to invoke the Python interpreter. If the script directory is not available (e.g. if the interpreter is invoked interactively or if the script is read from standard input), path[0] is the empty string, which directs Python to search modules in the current directory first. Notice that the script directory is inserted before the entries inserted as a result of PYTHONPATH.

A program is free to modify this list for its own purposes.

在 2.3 版更改: Unicode strings are no longer ignored.


Module site This describes how to use .pth files to extend sys.path.


A list of callables that take a path argument to try to create a finder for the path. If a finder can be created, it is to be returned by the callable, else raise ImportError.

Originally specified in PEP 302.


A dictionary acting as a cache for finder objects. The keys are paths that have been passed to sys.path_hooks and the values are the finders that are found. If a path is a valid file system path but no explicit finder is found on sys.path_hooks then None is stored to represent the implicit default finder should be used. If the path is not an existing path then imp.NullImporter is set.

Originally specified in PEP 302.


This string contains a platform identifier that can be used to append platform-specific components to sys.path, for instance.

For most Unix systems, this is the lowercased OS name as returned by uname -s with the first part of the version as returned by uname -r appended, e.g. 'sunos5', at the time when Python was built. Unless you want to test for a specific system version, it is therefore recommended to use the following idiom:

if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
    # FreeBSD-specific code here...
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    # Linux-specific code here...

在 2.7.3 版更改: Since lots of code check for sys.platform == 'linux2', and there is no essential change between Linux 2.x and 3.x, sys.platform is always set to 'linux2', even on Linux 3.x. In Python 3.3 and later, the value will always be set to 'linux', so it is recommended to always use the startswith idiom presented above.



platform value

Linux (2.x and 3.x)






Mac OS X











os.name has a coarser granularity. os.uname() gives system-dependent version information.

platform 模块对系统的标识有更详细的检查。


A string giving the site-specific directory prefix where the platform independent Python files are installed; by default, this is the string '/usr/local'. This can be set at build time with the --prefix argument to the configure script. The main collection of Python library modules is installed in the directory prefix/lib/pythonX.Y while the platform independent header files (all except pyconfig.h) are stored in prefix/include/pythonX.Y, where X.Y is the version number of Python, for example 2.7.


Strings specifying the primary and secondary prompt of the interpreter. These are only defined if the interpreter is in interactive mode. Their initial values in this case are '>>> ' and '... '. If a non-string object is assigned to either variable, its str() is re-evaluated each time the interpreter prepares to read a new interactive command; this can be used to implement a dynamic prompt.


Bool containing the status of the Python 3 warning flag. It’s True when Python is started with the -3 option. (This should be considered read-only; setting it to a different value doesn’t have an effect on Python 3 warnings.)

2.6 新版功能.


Set the interpreter’s “check interval”. This integer value determines how often the interpreter checks for periodic things such as thread switches and signal handlers. The default is 100, meaning the check is performed every 100 Python virtual instructions. Setting it to a larger value may increase performance for programs using threads. Setting it to a value <= 0 checks every virtual instruction, maximizing responsiveness as well as overhead.


Set the current default string encoding used by the Unicode implementation. If name does not match any available encoding, LookupError is raised. This function is only intended to be used by the site module implementation and, where needed, by sitecustomize. Once used by the site module, it is removed from the sys module’s namespace.

2.0 新版功能.


Set the flags used by the interpreter for dlopen() calls, such as when the interpreter loads extension modules. Among other things, this will enable a lazy resolving of symbols when importing a module, if called as sys.setdlopenflags(0). To share symbols across extension modules, call as sys.setdlopenflags(dl.RTLD_NOW | dl.RTLD_GLOBAL). Symbolic names for the flag modules can be either found in the dl module, or in the DLFCN module. If DLFCN is not available, it can be generated from /usr/include/dlfcn.h using the h2py script. Availability: Unix.

2.2 新版功能.


Set the system’s profile function, which allows you to implement a Python source code profiler in Python. See chapter Python 分析器 for more information on the Python profiler. The system’s profile function is called similarly to the system’s trace function (see settrace()), but it is called with different events, for example it isn’t called for each executed line of code (only on call and return, but the return event is reported even when an exception has been set). The function is thread-specific, but there is no way for the profiler to know about context switches between threads, so it does not make sense to use this in the presence of multiple threads. Also, its return value is not used, so it can simply return None.

Profile functions should have three arguments: frame, event, and arg. frame is the current stack frame. event is a string: 'call', 'return', 'c_call', 'c_return', or 'c_exception'. arg depends on the event type.



A function is called (or some other code block entered). The profile function is called; arg is None.


A function (or other code block) is about to return. The profile function is called; arg is the value that will be returned, or None if the event is caused by an exception being raised.


A C function is about to be called. This may be an extension function or a built-in. arg is the C function object.


A C function has returned. arg is the C function object.


A C function has raised an exception. arg is the C function object.


Set the maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack to limit. This limit prevents infinite recursion from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing Python.

The highest possible limit is platform-dependent. A user may need to set the limit higher when she has a program that requires deep recursion and a platform that supports a higher limit. This should be done with care, because a too-high limit can lead to a crash.


Set the system’s trace function, which allows you to implement a Python source code debugger in Python. The function is thread-specific; for a debugger to support multiple threads, it must be registered using settrace() for each thread being debugged.

Trace functions should have three arguments: frame, event, and arg. frame is the current stack frame. event is a string: 'call', 'line', 'return' or 'exception'. arg depends on the event type.

The trace function is invoked (with event set to 'call') whenever a new local scope is entered; it should return a reference to a local trace function to be used that scope, or None if the scope shouldn’t be traced.

The local trace function should return a reference to itself (or to another function for further tracing in that scope), or None to turn off tracing in that scope.



A function is called (or some other code block entered). The global trace function is called; arg is None; the return value specifies the local trace function.


The interpreter is about to execute a new line of code or re-execute the condition of a loop. The local trace function is called; arg is None; the return value specifies the new local trace function. See Objects/lnotab_notes.txt for a detailed explanation of how this works.


A function (or other code block) is about to return. The local trace function is called; arg is the value that will be returned, or None if the event is caused by an exception being raised. The trace function’s return value is ignored.


An exception has occurred. The local trace function is called; arg is a tuple (exception, value, traceback); the return value specifies the new local trace function.

Note that as an exception is propagated down the chain of callers, an 'exception' event is generated at each level.

For more information on code and frame objects, refer to 标准类型层级结构.

CPython implementation detail: The settrace() function is intended only for implementing debuggers, profilers, coverage tools and the like. Its behavior is part of the implementation platform, rather than part of the language definition, and thus may not be available in all Python implementations.


Activate dumping of VM measurements using the Pentium timestamp counter, if on_flag is true. Deactivate these dumps if on_flag is off. The function is available only if Python was compiled with --with-tsc. To understand the output of this dump, read Python/ceval.c in the Python sources.

2.4 新版功能.

CPython implementation detail: This function is intimately bound to CPython implementation details and thus not likely to be implemented elsewhere.


File objects corresponding to the interpreter’s standard input, output and error streams. stdin is used for all interpreter input except for scripts but including calls to input() and raw_input(). stdout is used for the output of print and expression statements and for the prompts of input() and raw_input(). The interpreter’s own prompts and (almost all of) its error messages go to stderr. stdout and stderr needn’t be built-in file objects: any object is acceptable as long as it has a write() method that takes a string argument. (Changing these objects doesn’t affect the standard I/O streams of processes executed by os.popen(), os.system() or the exec*() family of functions in the os module.)


These objects contain the original values of stdin, stderr and stdout at the start of the program. They are used during finalization, and could be useful to print to the actual standard stream no matter if the sys.std* object has been redirected.

It can also be used to restore the actual files to known working file objects in case they have been overwritten with a broken object. However, the preferred way to do this is to explicitly save the previous stream before replacing it, and restore the saved object.


A triple (repo, branch, version) representing the Subversion information of the Python interpreter. repo is the name of the repository, 'CPython'. branch is a string of one of the forms 'trunk', 'branches/name' or 'tags/name'. version is the output of svnversion, if the interpreter was built from a Subversion checkout; it contains the revision number (range) and possibly a trailing ‘M’ if there were local modifications. If the tree was exported (or svnversion was not available), it is the revision of Include/patchlevel.h if the branch is a tag. Otherwise, it is None.

2.5 新版功能.


Python is now developed using Git. In recent Python 2.7 bugfix releases, subversion therefore contains placeholder information. It is removed in Python 3.3.


When this variable is set to an integer value, it determines the maximum number of levels of traceback information printed when an unhandled exception occurs. The default is 1000. When set to 0 or less, all traceback information is suppressed and only the exception type and value are printed.


A string containing the version number of the Python interpreter plus additional information on the build number and compiler used. This string is displayed when the interactive interpreter is started. Do not extract version information out of it, rather, use version_info and the functions provided by the platform module.


The C API version for this interpreter. Programmers may find this useful when debugging version conflicts between Python and extension modules.

2.3 新版功能.


A tuple containing the five components of the version number: major, minor, micro, releaselevel, and serial. All values except releaselevel are integers; the release level is 'alpha', 'beta', 'candidate', or 'final'. The version_info value corresponding to the Python version 2.0 is (2, 0, 0, 'final', 0). The components can also be accessed by name, so sys.version_info[0] is equivalent to sys.version_info.major and so on.

2.0 新版功能.

在 2.7 版更改: Added named component attributes


This is an implementation detail of the warnings framework; do not modify this value. Refer to the warnings module for more information on the warnings framework.


The version number used to form registry keys on Windows platforms. This is stored as string resource 1000 in the Python DLL. The value is normally the first three characters of version. It is provided in the sys module for informational purposes; modifying this value has no effect on the registry keys used by Python. Availability: Windows.



ISO/IEC 9899:1999. “Programming languages – C.” A public draft of this standard is available at http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf.