Boas Práticas de Anotação


Larry Hastings

Acessando O Dicionário De Anotações De Um Objeto No Python 3.10 E Nas Versões Mais Recente.

O Python 3.10 adicionou uma nova função para a biblioteca padrão: inspect.get_annotations(). No Python 3.10 e nas versões mais recentes, chamando esta função é a melhor pratica para acessar o dicionário de anotações de qualquer objeto que suporta anotações. Esta função pode até “destextualizar” anotações textualizadas para você.

Se por alguma razão inspect.get_annotations() não for viável para o seu caso de uso, você pode acessar o membro de dados __annotations__ manualmente. As melhores práticas para isto também mudaram no Python 3.10: A partir do Python 3.10, o.__annotations__ é garantido de sempre funcionar em funções, classes e módulos Python. Se você tem certeza que o objeto que você está examinando é um desses três exatos objetos, pode simplesmente usar o.__annotations__ para chegar no dicionário de anotações do objeto.

Contudo, outros tipos de chamáveis – por exemplo, chamáveis criados por functools.partial() – podem não ter um atributo __annotations__ definido. Ao acessar o __annotations__ de um objeto possivelmente desconhecido, as melhores práticas nas versões de Python 3.10 e mais novas é chamar getattr() com três argumentos, por exemplo getattr(o, '__annotations__', None).

Antes de Python 3.10, acessar __annotations__ numa classe que não define anotações mas que possui uma classe base com anotações retorna o __annotations__ da classe pai. A partir do Python 3.10, a anotação da classe filha será um dicionário vazio.

Acessando O Dicionário De Anotações De Um Objeto No Python 3.9 E Nas Versões Mais Antigas.

Em Python 3.9 e versões mais antigas, acessar o dicionário de anotações de um objeto é muito mais complicado que em versões mais novas. O problema é uma falha de design em versões mais antigas do Python, especificamente a respeito de anotações de classe.

Best practice for accessing the annotations dict of other objects–functions, other callables, and modules–is the same as best practice for 3.10, assuming you aren’t calling inspect.get_annotations(): you should use three-argument getattr() to access the object’s __annotations__ attribute.

Unfortunately, this isn’t best practice for classes. The problem is that, since __annotations__ is optional on classes, and because classes can inherit attributes from their base classes, accessing the __annotations__ attribute of a class may inadvertently return the annotations dict of a base class. As an example:

class Base:
    a: int = 3
    b: str = 'abc'

class Derived(Base):


This will print the annotations dict from Base, not Derived.

Your code will have to have a separate code path if the object you’re examining is a class (isinstance(o, type)). In that case, best practice relies on an implementation detail of Python 3.9 and before: if a class has annotations defined, they are stored in the class’s __dict__ dictionary. Since the class may or may not have annotations defined, best practice is to call the get method on the class dict.

To put it all together, here is some sample code that safely accesses the __annotations__ attribute on an arbitrary object in Python 3.9 and before:

if isinstance(o, type):
    ann = o.__dict__.get('__annotations__', None)
    ann = getattr(o, '__annotations__', None)

After running this code, ann should be either a dictionary or None. You’re encouraged to double-check the type of ann using isinstance() before further examination.

Note that some exotic or malformed type objects may not have a __dict__ attribute, so for extra safety you may also wish to use getattr() to access __dict__.

Manually Un-Stringizing Stringized Annotations

In situations where some annotations may be “stringized”, and you wish to evaluate those strings to produce the Python values they represent, it really is best to call inspect.get_annotations() to do this work for you.

If you’re using Python 3.9 or older, or if for some reason you can’t use inspect.get_annotations(), you’ll need to duplicate its logic. You’re encouraged to examine the implementation of inspect.get_annotations() in the current Python version and follow a similar approach.

In a nutshell, if you wish to evaluate a stringized annotation on an arbitrary object o:

  • If o is a module, use o.__dict__ as the globals when calling eval().

  • If o is a class, use sys.modules[o.__module__].__dict__ as the globals, and dict(vars(o)) as the locals, when calling eval().

  • If o is a wrapped callable using functools.update_wrapper(), functools.wraps(), or functools.partial(), iteratively unwrap it by accessing either o.__wrapped__ or o.func as appropriate, until you have found the root unwrapped function.

  • If o is a callable (but not a class), use o.__globals__ as the globals when calling eval().

However, not all string values used as annotations can be successfully turned into Python values by eval(). String values could theoretically contain any valid string, and in practice there are valid use cases for type hints that require annotating with string values that specifically can’t be evaluated. For example:

  • PEP 604 union types using |, before support for this was added to Python 3.10.

  • Definitions that aren’t needed at runtime, only imported when typing.TYPE_CHECKING is true.

If eval() attempts to evaluate such values, it will fail and raise an exception. So, when designing a library API that works with annotations, it’s recommended to only attempt to evaluate string values when explicitly requested to by the caller.

Melhores Prática Para __annotations__ Em Qualquer Versão Python

  • You should avoid assigning to the __annotations__ member of objects directly. Let Python manage setting __annotations__.

  • If you do assign directly to the __annotations__ member of an object, you should always set it to a dict object.

  • If you directly access the __annotations__ member of an object, you should ensure that it’s a dictionary before attempting to examine its contents.

  • Você deve evitar modificar __annotations__ dicts.

  • You should avoid deleting the __annotations__ attribute of an object.

__annotations__ Quirks

In all versions of Python 3, function objects lazy-create an annotations dict if no annotations are defined on that object. You can delete the __annotations__ attribute using del fn.__annotations__, but if you then access fn.__annotations__ the object will create a new empty dict that it will store and return as its annotations. Deleting the annotations on a function before it has lazily created its annotations dict will throw an AttributeError; using del fn.__annotations__ twice in a row is guaranteed to always throw an AttributeError.

Everything in the above paragraph also applies to class and module objects in Python 3.10 and newer.

In all versions of Python 3, you can set __annotations__ on a function object to None. However, subsequently accessing the annotations on that object using fn.__annotations__ will lazy-create an empty dictionary as per the first paragraph of this section. This is not true of modules and classes, in any Python version; those objects permit setting __annotations__ to any Python value, and will retain whatever value is set.

If Python stringizes your annotations for you (using from __future__ import annotations), and you specify a string as an annotation, the string will itself be quoted. In effect the annotation is quoted twice. For example:

from __future__ import annotations
def foo(a: "str"): pass


This prints {'a': "'str'"}. This shouldn’t really be considered a “quirk”; it’s mentioned here simply because it might be surprising.