Call プロトコル

CPython supports two different calling protocols: tp_call and vectorcall.

The tp_call Protocol

Instances of classes that set tp_call are callable. The signature of the slot is:

PyObject *tp_call(PyObject *callable, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs);

A call is made using a tuple for the positional arguments and a dict for the keyword arguments, similarly to callable(*args, **kwargs) in Python code. args must be non-NULL (use an empty tuple if there are no arguments) but kwargs may be NULL if there are no keyword arguments.

This convention is not only used by tp_call: tp_new and tp_init also pass arguments this way.

To call an object, use PyObject_Call() or another call API.

The Vectorcall Protocol

Added in version 3.9.

The vectorcall protocol was introduced in PEP 590 as an additional protocol for making calls more efficient.

As rule of thumb, CPython will prefer the vectorcall for internal calls if the callable supports it. However, this is not a hard rule. Additionally, some third-party extensions use tp_call directly (rather than using PyObject_Call()). Therefore, a class supporting vectorcall must also implement tp_call. Moreover, the callable must behave the same regardless of which protocol is used. The recommended way to achieve this is by setting tp_call to PyVectorcall_Call(). This bears repeating:


A class supporting vectorcall must also implement tp_call with the same semantics.

バージョン 3.12 で変更: The Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL flag is now removed from a class when the class's __call__() method is reassigned. (This internally sets tp_call only, and thus may make it behave differently than the vectorcall function.) In earlier Python versions, vectorcall should only be used with immutable or static types.

A class should not implement vectorcall if that would be slower than tp_call. For example, if the callee needs to convert the arguments to an args tuple and kwargs dict anyway, then there is no point in implementing vectorcall.

Classes can implement the vectorcall protocol by enabling the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL flag and setting tp_vectorcall_offset to the offset inside the object structure where a vectorcallfunc appears. This is a pointer to a function with the following signature:

typedef PyObject *(*vectorcallfunc)(PyObject *callable, PyObject *const *args, size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).
  • callable is the object being called.

  • args is a C array consisting of the positional arguments followed by the

    values of the keyword arguments. This can be NULL if there are no arguments.

  • nargsf is the number of positional arguments plus possibly the

    PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET flag. To get the actual number of positional arguments from nargsf, use PyVectorcall_NARGS().

  • kwnames is a tuple containing the names of the keyword arguments;

    in other words, the keys of the kwargs dict. These names must be strings (instances of str or a subclass) and they must be unique. If there are no keyword arguments, then kwnames can instead be NULL.

次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).

If this flag is set in a vectorcall nargsf argument, the callee is allowed to temporarily change args[-1]. In other words, args points to argument 1 (not 0) in the allocated vector. The callee must restore the value of args[-1] before returning.

For PyObject_VectorcallMethod(), this flag means instead that args[0] may be changed.

Whenever they can do so cheaply (without additional allocation), callers are encouraged to use PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET. Doing so will allow callables such as bound methods to make their onward calls (which include a prepended self argument) very efficiently.

Added in version 3.8.

To call an object that implements vectorcall, use a call API function as with any other callable. PyObject_Vectorcall() will usually be most efficient.


In CPython 3.8, the vectorcall API and related functions were available provisionally under names with a leading underscore: _PyObject_Vectorcall, _Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL, _PyObject_VectorcallMethod, _PyVectorcall_Function, _PyObject_CallOneArg, _PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs, _PyObject_CallMethodOneArg. Additionally, PyObject_VectorcallDict was available as _PyObject_FastCallDict. The old names are still defined as aliases of the new, non-underscored names.


When using tp_call, callees do not need to worry about recursion: CPython uses Py_EnterRecursiveCall() and Py_LeaveRecursiveCall() for calls made using tp_call.

For efficiency, this is not the case for calls done using vectorcall: the callee should use Py_EnterRecursiveCall and Py_LeaveRecursiveCall if needed.

Vectorcall Support API

Py_ssize_t PyVectorcall_NARGS(size_t nargsf)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).

Given a vectorcall nargsf argument, return the actual number of arguments. Currently equivalent to:


However, the function PyVectorcall_NARGS should be used to allow for future extensions.

Added in version 3.8.

vectorcallfunc PyVectorcall_Function(PyObject *op)

If op does not support the vectorcall protocol (either because the type does not or because the specific instance does not), return NULL. Otherwise, return the vectorcall function pointer stored in op. This function never raises an exception.

This is mostly useful to check whether or not op supports vectorcall, which can be done by checking PyVectorcall_Function(op) != NULL.

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyVectorcall_Call(PyObject *callable, PyObject *tuple, PyObject *dict)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).

Call callable's vectorcallfunc with positional and keyword arguments given in a tuple and dict, respectively.

This is a specialized function, intended to be put in the tp_call slot or be used in an implementation of tp_call. It does not check the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL flag and it does not fall back to tp_call.

Added in version 3.8.

Object Calling API

Various functions are available for calling a Python object. Each converts its arguments to a convention supported by the called object – either tp_call or vectorcall. In order to do as little conversion as possible, pick one that best fits the format of data you have available.

The following table summarizes the available functions; please see individual documentation for details.






PyObject *




PyObject *




PyObject *

1 object



PyObject *




PyObject *




obj + char*




PyObject *




obj + name




obj + name




obj + name

1 object



PyObject *




PyObject *




arg + name



PyObject *PyObject_Call(PyObject *callable, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

呼び出し可能な Python のオブジェクト callable を、タプル args として与えられる引数と辞書 kwargs として与えられる名前付き引数とともに呼び出します。

argsNULL であってはならず、引数を必要としない場合は空のタプルを使ってください。 kwargsNULL でも構いません。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

これは次の Python の式と同等です: callable(*args, **kwargs)

PyObject *PyObject_CallNoArgs(PyObject *callable)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.10 より).

Call a callable Python object callable without any arguments. It is the most efficient way to call a callable Python object without any argument.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_CallOneArg(PyObject *callable, PyObject *arg)
戻り値: 新しい参照。

Call a callable Python object callable with exactly 1 positional argument arg and no keyword arguments.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_CallObject(PyObject *callable, PyObject *args)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

呼び出し可能な Python のオブジェクト callable を、タプル args として与えられる引数とともに呼び出します。 引数が必要な場合は、 argsNULL で構いません。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

これは次の Python の式と同等です: callable(*args)

PyObject *PyObject_CallFunction(PyObject *callable, const char *format, ...)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト callable を可変数個の C 引数とともに呼び出します。 C 引数は Py_BuildValue() 形式のフォーマット文字列を使って記述します。 formatNULL かもしれず、与える引数がないことを表します。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

これは次の Python の式と同等です: callable(*args)

PyObject* args だけを引数に渡す場合は、 PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs() がより速い方法であることを覚えておいてください。

バージョン 3.4 で変更: format の型が char * から変更されました。

PyObject *PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject *obj, const char *name, const char *format, ...)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

オブジェクト objname という名前のメソッドを、いくつかの C 引数とともに呼び出します。 C 引数はタプルを生成する Py_BuildValue() 形式のフォーマット文字列で記述されています。

formatNULL でもよく、引数が与えられないことを表します。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

これは次の Python の式と同等です:, arg2, ...)

PyObject* args だけを引数に渡す場合は、 PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs() がより速い方法であることを覚えておいてください。

バージョン 3.4 で変更: nameformat の型が char * から変更されました。

PyObject *PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(PyObject *callable, ...)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト callable を可変数個の PyObject* 引数とともに呼び出します。引数列は末尾に NULL がついた可変数個のパラメタとして与えます。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

これは次の Python の式と同等です: callable(arg1, arg2, ...)

PyObject *PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, ...)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

Python オブジェクト obj のメソッドを呼び出します、メソッド名は Python 文字列オブジェクト name で与えます。可変数個の PyObject* 引数と共に呼び出されます. 引数列は末尾に NULL がついた可変数個のパラメタとして与えます。

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

PyObject *PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name)

Call a method of the Python object obj without arguments, where the name of the method is given as a Python string object in name.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_CallMethodOneArg(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, PyObject *arg)

Call a method of the Python object obj with a single positional argument arg, where the name of the method is given as a Python string object in name.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_Vectorcall(PyObject *callable, PyObject *const *args, size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).

Call a callable Python object callable. The arguments are the same as for vectorcallfunc. If callable supports vectorcall, this directly calls the vectorcall function stored in callable.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_VectorcallDict(PyObject *callable, PyObject *const *args, size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwdict)

Call callable with positional arguments passed exactly as in the vectorcall protocol, but with keyword arguments passed as a dictionary kwdict. The args array contains only the positional arguments.

Regardless of which protocol is used internally, a conversion of arguments needs to be done. Therefore, this function should only be used if the caller already has a dictionary ready to use for the keyword arguments, but not a tuple for the positional arguments.

Added in version 3.9.

PyObject *PyObject_VectorcallMethod(PyObject *name, PyObject *const *args, size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.12 より).

Call a method using the vectorcall calling convention. The name of the method is given as a Python string name. The object whose method is called is args[0], and the args array starting at args[1] represents the arguments of the call. There must be at least one positional argument. nargsf is the number of positional arguments including args[0], plus PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET if the value of args[0] may temporarily be changed. Keyword arguments can be passed just like in PyObject_Vectorcall().

If the object has the Py_TPFLAGS_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR feature, this will call the unbound method object with the full args vector as arguments.

成功したら呼び出しの結果を返し、失敗したら例外を送出し NULL を返します。

Added in version 3.9.

Call Support API

int PyCallable_Check(PyObject *o)
次に属します: Stable ABI.

オブジェクト o が呼び出し可能オブジェクトかどうか調べます。オブジェクトが呼び出し可能であるときに 1 を返し、そうでないときには 0 を返します。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。