- S (in module re)
- S_ENFMT (in module stat)
- S_IEXEC (in module stat)
- S_IFBLK (in module stat)
- S_IFCHR (in module stat)
- S_IFDIR (in module stat)
- S_IFDOOR (in module stat)
- S_IFIFO (in module stat)
- S_IFLNK (in module stat)
- S_IFMT() (in module stat)
- S_IFPORT (in module stat)
- S_IFREG (in module stat)
- S_IFSOCK (in module stat)
- S_IFWHT (in module stat)
- S_IMODE() (in module stat)
- S_IREAD (in module stat)
- S_IRGRP (in module stat)
- S_IROTH (in module stat)
- S_IRUSR (in module stat)
- S_IRWXG (in module stat)
- S_IRWXO (in module stat)
- S_IRWXU (in module stat)
- S_ISBLK() (in module stat)
- S_ISCHR() (in module stat)
- S_ISDIR() (in module stat)
- S_ISDOOR() (in module stat)
- S_ISFIFO() (in module stat)
- S_ISGID (in module stat)
- S_ISLNK() (in module stat)
- S_ISPORT() (in module stat)
- S_ISREG() (in module stat)
- S_ISSOCK() (in module stat)
- S_ISUID (in module stat)
- S_ISVTX (in module stat)
- S_ISWHT() (in module stat)
- S_IWGRP (in module stat)
- S_IWOTH (in module stat)
- S_IWRITE (in module stat)
- S_IWUSR (in module stat)
- S_IXGRP (in module stat)
- S_IXOTH (in module stat)
- S_IXUSR (in module stat)
- safe (uuid.SafeUUID attribute)
- safe_path (sys.flags attribute)
- safe_substitute() (string.Template method)
- SafeChildWatcher (class in asyncio)
- saferepr() (in module pprint)
- SafeUUID (class in uuid)
- same_files (filecmp.dircmp attribute)
- same_quantum() (decimal.Context method)
- samefile() (in module os.path)
- SameFileError
- sameopenfile() (in module os.path)
- samesite (http.cookies.Morsel attribute)
- samestat() (in module os.path)
- sample() (in module random)
- samples() (statistics.NormalDist method)
- SATURDAY (in module calendar)
- save() (http.cookiejar.FileCookieJar method)
- SaveAs (class in tkinter.filedialog)
- SAVEDCWD (in module test.support.os_helper)
- SaveFileDialog (class in tkinter.filedialog)
- SaveKey() (in module winreg)
- SaveSignals (class in test.support)
- savetty() (in module curses)
- SAX2DOM (class in xml.dom.pulldom)
- SAXException
- SAXNotRecognizedException
- SAXNotSupportedException
- SAXParseException
- scaleb() (decimal.Context method)
- scandir() (in module os)
- scanf (C function)
- SCHED_BATCH (in module os)
- SCHED_FIFO (in module os)
- sched_get_priority_max() (in module os)
- sched_get_priority_min() (in module os)
- sched_getaffinity() (in module os)
- sched_getparam() (in module os)
- sched_getscheduler() (in module os)
- SCHED_IDLE (in module os)
- SCHED_OTHER (in module os)
- sched_param (class in os)
- sched_priority (os.sched_param attribute)
- SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK (in module os)
- SCHED_RR (in module os)
- sched_rr_get_interval() (in module os)
- sched_setaffinity() (in module os)
- sched_setparam() (in module os)
- sched_setscheduler() (in module os)
- SCHED_SPORADIC (in module os)
- sched_yield() (in module os)
- scheduler (class in sched)
- schema (in module msilib)
- SCM_CREDS2 (in module socket)
- scope, [1]
- scope_id (ipaddress.IPv6Address attribute)
- Screen (class in turtle)
- screensize() (in module turtle)
- script_from_examples() (in module doctest)
- scroll() (curses.window method)
- ScrolledCanvas (class in turtle)
- ScrolledText (class in tkinter.scrolledtext)
- scrollok() (curses.window method)
- scrypt() (in module hashlib)
- seal() (in module unittest.mock)
- search() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- second (datetime.datetime attribute)
- seconds (datetime.timedelta attribute)
- seconds since the epoch
- SECTCRE (configparser.ConfigParser attribute)
- sections() (configparser.ConfigParser method)
- secure (http.cookiejar.Cookie attribute)
- secure hash algorithm, SHA1, SHA2, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3, Shake, Blake2
- Secure Sockets Layer
- security considerations
- security_level (ssl.SSLContext attribute)
- see() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- seed() (in module random)
- seed_bits (sys.hash_info attribute)
- seek() (chunk.Chunk method)
- SEEK_CUR (in module os)
- SEEK_DATA (in module os)
- SEEK_END (in module os)
- SEEK_HOLE (in module os)
- SEEK_SET (in module os)
- seekable() (bz2.BZ2File method)
- Select (class in tkinter.tix)
- select() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- selected_alpn_protocol() (ssl.SSLSocket method)
- selected_npn_protocol() (ssl.SSLSocket method)
- selection() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- selection_add() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- selection_remove() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- selection_set() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- selection_toggle() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- selector (urllib.request.Request attribute)
- SelectorEventLoop (class in asyncio)
- SelectorKey (class in selectors)
- SelectSelector (class in selectors)
- Self (in module typing)
- Semaphore (class in asyncio)
- Semaphore() (multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager method)
- semaphores, binary
- SEMI (in module token)
- SEND (opcode)
- send() (coroutine method)
- send_bytes() (multiprocessing.connection.Connection method)
- send_error() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method)
- send_fds() (in module socket)
- send_header() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method)
- send_message() (smtplib.SMTP method)
- send_response() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method)
- send_response_only() (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler method)
- send_signal() (asyncio.subprocess.Process method)
- sendall() (socket.socket method)
- sendcmd() (ftplib.FTP method)
- sendfile() (asyncio.loop method)
- SendfileNotAvailableError
- sendfunc (C type)
- sendmail() (smtplib.SMTP method)
- sendmsg() (socket.socket method)
- sendmsg_afalg() (socket.socket method)
- sendto() (asyncio.DatagramTransport method)
- sentinel (in module unittest.mock)
- sep (in module os)
- SEPTEMBER (in module calendar)
- sequence
- item
- iteration
- object, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
- types, immutable
- types, mutable
- types, operations on, [1]
- Sequence (class in collections.abc)
- sequence (in module msilib)
- SequenceMatcher (class in difflib)
- serialize() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- serve_forever() (asyncio.Server method)
- Server (class in asyncio)
- server (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute)
- server_activate() (socketserver.BaseServer method)
- server_address (socketserver.BaseServer attribute)
- server_bind() (socketserver.BaseServer method)
- server_close() (socketserver.BaseServer method)
- server_hostname (ssl.SSLSocket attribute)
- server_side (ssl.SSLSocket attribute)
- server_software (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler attribute)
- server_version (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute)
- ServerProxy (class in xmlrpc.client)
- service_actions() (socketserver.BaseServer method)
- session (ssl.SSLSocket attribute)
- session_reused (ssl.SSLSocket attribute)
- session_stats() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set (built-in class)
- Set (class in ast)
- Set Breakpoint
- set comprehension
set type
- set() (asyncio.Event method)
- SET_ADD (opcode)
- set_all()
- set_allowed_domains() (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy method)
- set_alpn_protocols() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set_app() (wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer method)
- set_asyncgen_hooks() (in module sys)
- set_authorizer() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- set_auto_history() (in module readline)
- set_blocked_domains() (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy method)
- set_blocking() (in module os)
- set_boundary() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
- set_break() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_charset() (email.message.Message method)
- set_child_watcher() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method)
- set_children() (tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
- set_ciphers() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set_completer() (in module readline)
- set_completer_delims() (in module readline)
- set_completion_display_matches_hook() (in module readline)
- set_content() (email.contentmanager.ContentManager method)
- set_continue() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_cookie() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method)
- set_cookie_if_ok() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method)
- set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth() (in module sys)
- set_current() (msilib.Feature method)
- set_data() (importlib.abc.SourceLoader method)
- set_date() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
- set_debug() (asyncio.loop method)
- set_debuglevel() (ftplib.FTP method)
- set_default_executor() (asyncio.loop method)
- set_default_type() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
- set_default_verify_paths() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set_defaults() (argparse.ArgumentParser method)
- set_ecdh_curve() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set_errno() (in module ctypes)
- set_escdelay() (in module curses)
- set_event_loop() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method)
- set_event_loop_policy() (in module asyncio)
- set_events() (in module sys.monitoring)
- set_exception() (asyncio.Future method)
- set_exception_handler() (asyncio.loop method)
- set_executable() (in module multiprocessing)
- set_filter() (tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog method)
- set_flags() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
- set_forkserver_preload() (in module multiprocessing)
- set_from() (mailbox.mboxMessage method)
- set_handle_inheritable() (in module os)
- set_history_length() (in module readline)
- set_info() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
- set_inheritable() (in module os)
- set_int_max_str_digits() (in module sys)
- set_labels() (mailbox.BabylMessage method)
- set_last_error() (in module ctypes)
- set_literal (2to3 fixer)
- set_local_events() (in module sys.monitoring)
- set_memlimit() (in module test.support)
- set_name() (asyncio.Task method)
- set_next() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_nonstandard_attr() (http.cookiejar.Cookie method)
- set_npn_protocols() (ssl.SSLContext method)
- set_ok() (http.cookiejar.CookiePolicy method)
- set_option_negotiation_callback() (telnetlib.Telnet method)
- set_param() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
- set_pasv() (ftplib.FTP method)
- set_payload() (email.message.Message method)
- set_policy() (http.cookiejar.CookieJar method)
- set_position() (xdrlib.Unpacker method)
- set_pre_input_hook() (in module readline)
- set_progress_handler() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- set_protocol() (asyncio.BaseTransport method)
- set_proxy() (urllib.request.Request method)
- set_quit() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_recsrc() (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method)
- set_result() (asyncio.Future method)
- set_return() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_running_or_notify_cancel() (concurrent.futures.Future method)
- set_selection() (tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog method)
- set_seq1() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
- set_seq2() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
- set_seqs() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
- set_sequences() (mailbox.MH method)
- set_server_documentation() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method)
- set_server_name() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method)
- set_server_title() (xmlrpc.server.DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler method)
- set_servername_callback (ssl.SSLContext attribute)
- set_start_method() (in module multiprocessing)
- set_startup_hook() (in module readline)
- set_step() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_subdir() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
- set_tabsize() (in module curses)
- set_task_factory() (asyncio.loop method)
- set_threshold() (in module gc)
- set_trace() (bdb.Bdb method)
- set_trace_callback() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- set_tunnel() (http.client.HTTPConnection method)
- set_type() (email.message.Message method)
- set_unittest_reportflags() (in module doctest)
- set_unixfrom() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
- set_until() (bdb.Bdb method)
- SET_UPDATE (opcode)
- set_url() (urllib.robotparser.RobotFileParser method)
- set_usage() (optparse.OptionParser method)
- set_userptr() (curses.panel.Panel method)
- set_visible() (mailbox.BabylMessage method)
- set_wakeup_fd() (in module signal)
- set_write_buffer_limits() (asyncio.WriteTransport method)
- setacl() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- setannotation() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- setattrfunc (C type)
- setAttribute() (xml.dom.Element method)
- setAttributeNode() (xml.dom.Element method)
- setAttributeNodeNS() (xml.dom.Element method)
- setAttributeNS() (xml.dom.Element method)
- setattrofunc (C type)
- SetBase() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- setblocking() (socket.socket method)
- setByteStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
- setcbreak() (in module tty)
- setCharacterStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
- SetComp (class in ast)
- setcomptype() (aifc.aifc method)
- setconfig() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- setContentHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setcontext() (in module decimal)
- setDaemon() (threading.Thread method)
- setdefault() (dict method)
- setdefaulttimeout() (in module socket)
- setdlopenflags() (in module sys)
- setDocumentLocator() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- setDTDHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setegid() (in module os)
- setEncoding() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
- setEntityResolver() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setErrorHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- seteuid() (in module os)
- setFeature() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setfirstweekday() (calendar.Calendar method)
- setfmt() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method)
- setFormatter() (logging.Handler method)
- setframerate() (aifc.aifc method)
- setgid() (in module os)
- setgroups() (in module os)
- seth() (in module turtle)
- setheading() (in module turtle)
- sethostname() (in module socket)
- setinputsizes() (sqlite3.Cursor method)
- SetInteger() (msilib.Record method)
- setitem() (in module operator)
- setitimer() (in module signal)
- setLevel() (logging.Handler method)
- setlimit() (sqlite3.Connection method)
- setlocale() (in module locale)
- setLocale() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setLoggerClass() (in module logging)
- setlogmask() (in module syslog)
- setLogRecordFactory() (in module logging)
- setmark() (aifc.aifc method)
- setMaxConns() (urllib.request.CacheFTPHandler method)
- setmode() (in module msvcrt)
- setName() (threading.Thread method)
- setnchannels() (aifc.aifc method)
- setnframes() (aifc.aifc method)
- setns() (in module os)
- setoutputsize() (sqlite3.Cursor method)
- SetParamEntityParsing() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- setparameters() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method)
- setparams() (aifc.aifc method)
- setpassword() (zipfile.ZipFile method)
- setpgid() (in module os)
- setpgrp() (in module os)
- setpos() (aifc.aifc method)
- setposition() (in module turtle)
- setpriority() (in module os)
- setprofile() (in module sys)
- setprofile_all_threads() (in module threading)
- SetProperty() (msilib.SummaryInformation method)
- setProperty() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
- setPublicId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
- setquota() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- setraw() (in module tty)
- setrecursionlimit() (in module sys)
- setregid() (in module os)
- SetReparseDeferralEnabled() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- setresgid() (in module os)
- setresuid() (in module os)
- setreuid() (in module os)
- setrlimit() (in module resource)
- setsampwidth() (aifc.aifc method)
- setscrreg() (curses.window method)
- setsid() (in module os)
- setsockopt() (socket.socket method)
- setstate() (codecs.IncrementalDecoder method)
- setStream() (logging.StreamHandler method)
- SetStream() (msilib.Record method)
- SetString() (msilib.Record method)
- setswitchinterval (in module sys)
- setswitchinterval() (in module sys)
- setSystemId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
- setsyx() (in module curses)
- setTarget() (logging.handlers.MemoryHandler method)
- setter (C type)
- settiltangle() (in module turtle)
- settimeout() (socket.socket method)
- setTimeout() (urllib.request.CacheFTPHandler method)
- settrace() (in module sys)
- settrace_all_threads() (in module threading)
- setuid() (in module os)
- setundobuffer() (in module turtle)
- setup() (in module turtle)
- setUp() (unittest.TestCase method)
- SETUP_CLEANUP (opcode)
- setup_environ() (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method)
- SETUP_FINALLY (opcode)
- setup_python() (venv.EnvBuilder method)
- setup_scripts() (venv.EnvBuilder method)
- setup_testing_defaults() (in module wsgiref.util)
- SETUP_WITH (opcode)
- setUpClass() (unittest.TestCase method)
- setupterm() (in module curses)
- SetValue() (in module winreg)
- SetValueEx() (in module winreg)
- setworldcoordinates() (in module turtle)
- setx() (in module turtle)
- setxattr() (in module os)
- sety() (in module turtle)
- SF_APPEND (in module stat)
- SF_ARCHIVED (in module stat)
- SF_IMMUTABLE (in module stat)
- SF_MNOWAIT (in module os)
- SF_NOCACHE (in module os)
- SF_NODISKIO (in module os)
- SF_NOUNLINK (in module stat)
- SF_SNAPSHOT (in module stat)
- SF_SYNC (in module os)
- sha1() (in module hashlib)
- sha224() (in module hashlib)
- sha256() (in module hashlib)
- sha384() (in module hashlib)
- sha3_224() (in module hashlib)
- sha3_256() (in module hashlib)
- sha3_384() (in module hashlib)
- sha3_512() (in module hashlib)
- sha512() (in module hashlib)
- shake_128() (in module hashlib)
- shake_256() (in module hashlib)
- Shape (class in turtle)
- shape (memoryview attribute)
- shape() (in module turtle)
- shapesize() (in module turtle)
- shapetransform() (in module turtle)
- share() (socket.socket method)
- ShareableList (class in multiprocessing.shared_memory)
- ShareableList() (multiprocessing.managers.SharedMemoryManager method)
- Shared Memory
- shared_ciphers() (ssl.SSLSocket method)
- shared_memory (sys._emscripten_info attribute)
- SharedMemory (class in multiprocessing.shared_memory)
- SharedMemory() (multiprocessing.managers.SharedMemoryManager method)
- SharedMemoryManager (class in multiprocessing.managers)
- shearfactor() (in module turtle)
- Shelf (class in shelve)
- shield() (in module asyncio)
- shift() (decimal.Context method)
- shift_path_info() (in module wsgiref.util)
- shlex (class in shlex)
- shm (multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList attribute)
- SHORT_TIMEOUT (in module test.support)
- shortDescription() (unittest.TestCase method)
- shorten() (in module textwrap)
- shouldFlush() (logging.handlers.BufferingHandler method)
- shouldStop (unittest.TestResult attribute)
- show() (curses.panel.Panel method)
- show_code() (in module dis)
- show_flag_values() (in module enum)
- showerror() (in module tkinter.messagebox)
- showinfo() (in module tkinter.messagebox)
- showsyntaxerror() (code.InteractiveInterpreter method)
- showtraceback() (code.InteractiveInterpreter method)
- showturtle() (in module turtle)
- showwarning() (in module tkinter.messagebox)
- shuffle() (in module random)
- SHUT_RD (in module socket)
- SHUT_RDWR (in module socket)
- SHUT_WR (in module socket)
- shutdown() (concurrent.futures.Executor method)
- shutdown_asyncgens() (asyncio.loop method)
- shutdown_default_executor() (asyncio.loop method)
- SI (in module curses.ascii)
- side_effect (unittest.mock.Mock attribute)
- SIG_BLOCK (in module signal)
- SIG_DFL (in module signal)
- SIG_IGN (in module signal)
- SIG_SETMASK (in module signal)
- SIG_UNBLOCK (in module signal)
- SIGABRT (in module signal)
- SIGALRM (in module signal)
- SIGBREAK (in module signal)
- SIGBUS (in module signal)
- SIGCHLD (in module signal)
- SIGCLD (in module signal)
- SIGCONT (in module signal)
- SIGFPE (in module signal)
- SIGHUP (in module signal)
- SIGILL (in module signal)
- SIGINT (C macro), [1]
- siginterrupt() (in module signal)
- SIGKILL (in module signal)
- Sigmasks (class in signal)
- signal() (in module signal)
- Signals (class in signal)
- Signature (class in inspect)
- signature (inspect.BoundArguments attribute)
- signature() (in module inspect)
- sigpending() (in module signal)
- SIGPIPE (in module signal)
- SIGSEGV (in module signal)
- SIGSTKFLT (in module signal)
- SIGTERM (in module signal)
- sigtimedwait() (in module signal)
- SIGUSR1 (in module signal)
- SIGUSR2 (in module signal)
- sigwait() (in module signal)
- sigwaitinfo() (in module signal)
- SIGWINCH (in module signal)
- SIMPLE (inspect.BufferFlags attribute)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SimpleCookie (class in http.cookies)
- simplefilter() (in module warnings)
- SimpleHandler (class in wsgiref.handlers)
- SimpleHTTPRequestHandler (class in http.server)
- SimpleNamespace (class in types)
- SimpleQueue (class in multiprocessing)
- SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler (class in xmlrpc.server)
- SimpleXMLRPCServer (class in xmlrpc.server)
- sin() (in module cmath)
- single dispatch
- SingleAddressHeader (class in email.headerregistry)
- singledispatch() (in module functools)
- singledispatchmethod (class in functools)
- sinh() (in module cmath)
- SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS (in module socket)
- SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH (in module socket)
- SIO_RCVALL (in module socket)
site command line option
- site_maps() (urllib.robotparser.RobotFileParser method)
- sitecustomize, [1]
- sixtofour (ipaddress.IPv6Address attribute)
- size (multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory attribute)
- size() (ftplib.FTP method)
- size_diff (tracemalloc.StatisticDiff attribute)
- SIZE_MAX (C macro)
- Sized (class in collections.abc)
- sizeof() (in module ctypes)
- sizeof_digit (sys.int_info attribute)
- SKIP (in module doctest)
- skip() (chunk.Chunk method)
- skip_if_broken_multiprocessing_synchronize() (in module test.support)
- skip_unless_bind_unix_socket() (in module test.support.socket_helper)
- skip_unless_symlink() (in module test.support.os_helper)
- skip_unless_xattr() (in module test.support.os_helper)
- skipIf() (in module unittest)
- skipinitialspace (csv.Dialect attribute)
- skipped (unittest.TestResult attribute)
- skippedEntity() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- SkipTest
- skipTest() (unittest.TestCase method)
- skipUnless() (in module unittest)
- SLASH (in module token)
- SLASHEQUAL (in module token)
- slave() (nntplib.NNTP method)
- sleep() (in module asyncio)
- sleeping_retry() (in module test.support)
- slice, [1]
- slice (built-in class)
- Slice (class in ast)
- slicing, [1], [2]
- slow_callback_duration (asyncio.loop attribute)
- SMALLEST (in module test.support)
- SMTP (class in smtplib)
- SMTP_SSL (class in smtplib)
- SMTPAuthenticationError
- SMTPConnectError
- SMTPDataError
- SMTPException
- SMTPHandler (class in logging.handlers)
- SMTPHeloError
- SMTPNotSupportedError
- SMTPRecipientsRefused
- SMTPResponseException
- SMTPSenderRefused
- SMTPServerDisconnected
- SMTPUTF8 (in module email.policy)
- Snapshot (class in tracemalloc)
- SND_ALIAS (in module winsound)
- SND_ASYNC (in module winsound)
- SND_FILENAME (in module winsound)
- SND_LOOP (in module winsound)
- SND_MEMORY (in module winsound)
- SND_NODEFAULT (in module winsound)
- SND_NOSTOP (in module winsound)
- SND_NOWAIT (in module winsound)
- SND_PURGE (in module winsound)
- sni_callback (ssl.SSLContext attribute)
- sniff() (csv.Sniffer method)
- Sniffer (class in csv)
- SO (in module curses.ascii)
- SO_INCOMING_CPU (in module socket)
- sock_accept() (asyncio.loop method)
- SOCK_CLOEXEC (in module socket)
- sock_connect() (asyncio.loop method)
- SOCK_DGRAM (in module socket)
- SOCK_MAX_SIZE (in module test.support)
- SOCK_NONBLOCK (in module socket)
- SOCK_RAW (in module socket)
- SOCK_RDM (in module socket)
- sock_recv() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_recv_into() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_recvfrom() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_recvfrom_into() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_sendall() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_sendfile() (asyncio.loop method)
- sock_sendto() (asyncio.loop method)
- SOCK_SEQPACKET (in module socket)
- SOCK_STREAM (in module socket)
- socket (class in socket)
- socket() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- socket_type (socketserver.BaseServer attribute)
- SocketHandler (class in logging.handlers)
- socketpair() (in module socket)
- sockets (asyncio.Server attribute)
- SocketType (in module socket)
- soft deprecated
- soft keyword
- SOFT_KEYWORD (in module token)
- softkwlist (in module keyword)
- SOH (in module curses.ascii)
- SOL_ALG (in module socket)
- SOL_RDS (in module socket)
- SOMAXCONN (in module socket)
- sort() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- sort_stats() (pstats.Stats method)
- sortdict() (in module test.support)
- sortTestMethodsUsing (unittest.TestLoader attribute)
- source (doctest.Example attribute)
- source character set
- SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
- source_from_cache() (in module importlib.util)
- source_hash() (in module importlib.util)
- SOURCE_SUFFIXES (in module importlib.machinery)
- source_to_code() (importlib.abc.InspectLoader static method)
- SourceFileLoader (class in importlib.machinery)
- sourcehook() (shlex.shlex method)
- SourcelessFileLoader (class in importlib.machinery)
- SourceLoader (class in importlib.abc)
- SP (in module curses.ascii)
- space
- span() (re.Match method)
- sparse (tarfile.TarInfo attribute)
- spawn() (in module pty)
- spawn_python() (in module test.support.script_helper)
- spawnl() (in module os)
- spawnle() (in module os)
- spawnlp() (in module os)
- spawnlpe() (in module os)
- spawnv() (in module os)
- spawnve() (in module os)
- spawnvp() (in module os)
- spawnvpe() (in module os)
- spec_from_file_location() (in module importlib.util)
- spec_from_loader() (in module importlib.util)
- special method
- SpecialFileError
- specified_attributes (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser attribute)
- speed() (in module turtle)
- Spinbox (class in tkinter.ttk)
- splice() (in module os)
- SPLICE_F_MORE (in module os)
- SPLICE_F_MOVE (in module os)
- SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK (in module os)
- split() (BaseExceptionGroup method)
- splitdrive() (in module os.path)
- splitext() (in module os.path)
- splitlines() (bytearray method)
- SplitResult (class in urllib.parse)
- SplitResultBytes (class in urllib.parse)
- splitroot() (in module os.path)
- SpooledTemporaryFile (class in tempfile)
- sprintf-style formatting, [1]
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DDL (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_VIEW (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_DENY (in module sqlite3)
- sqlite_errorcode (sqlite3.Error attribute)
- sqlite_errorname (sqlite3.Error attribute)
- SQLITE_IGNORE (in module sqlite3)
- SQLITE_OK (in module sqlite3)
- sqlite_version (in module sqlite3)
- sqlite_version_info (in module sqlite3)
- sqrt() (decimal.Context method)
- ssizeargfunc (C type)
- ssizeobjargproc (C type)
- ssl_version (ftplib.FTP_TLS attribute)
- SSLCertVerificationError
- SSLContext (class in ssl)
- SSLError
- SSLErrorNumber (class in ssl)
- SSLObject (class in ssl)
- sslobject_class (ssl.SSLContext attribute)
- SSLSession (class in ssl)
- SSLSocket (class in ssl)
- sslsocket_class (ssl.SSLContext attribute)
- SSLSyscallError
- SSLv3 (ssl.TLSVersion attribute)
- SSLWantReadError
- SSLWantWriteError
- SSLZeroReturnError
- st() (in module turtle)
- ST_ATIME (in module stat)
- st_atime (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_atime_ns (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_birthtime (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_birthtime_ns (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_blksize (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_blocks (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_creator (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_CTIME (in module stat)
- st_ctime (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_ctime_ns (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_DEV (in module stat)
- st_dev (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_file_attributes (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_flags (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_fstype (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_gen (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_GID (in module stat)
- st_gid (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_INO (in module stat)
- st_ino (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_MODE (in module stat)
- st_mode (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_MTIME (in module stat)
- st_mtime (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_mtime_ns (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_NLINK (in module stat)
- st_nlink (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_rdev (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_reparse_tag (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_rsize (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_SIZE (in module stat)
- st_size (os.stat_result attribute)
- st_type (os.stat_result attribute)
- ST_UID (in module stat)
- st_uid (os.stat_result attribute)
- stack (traceback.TracebackException attribute)
- stack viewer
- stack() (in module inspect)
- stack_effect() (in module dis)
- stack_size() (in module _thread)
- StackSummary (class in traceback)
- stamp() (in module turtle)
- Standard C
- standard input
- standard_b64decode() (in module base64)
- standard_b64encode() (in module base64)
- standarderror (2to3 fixer)
- standend() (curses.window method)
- standout() (curses.window method)
- STAR (in module token)
- STAREQUAL (in module token)
- starmap() (in module itertools)
- starmap_async() (multiprocessing.pool.Pool method)
- Starred (class in ast)
- start (range attribute)
- start() (in module tracemalloc)
- start_color() (in module curses)
- start_component() (msilib.Directory method)
- start_new_thread() (in module _thread)
- start_ns() (xml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder method)
- start_server() (in module asyncio)
- start_serving() (asyncio.Server method)
- start_threads() (in module test.support.threading_helper)
- start_tls() (asyncio.loop method)
- start_unix_server() (in module asyncio)
- StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect
- startCDATA() (xml.sax.handler.LexicalHandler method)
- StartCdataSectionHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- StartDoctypeDeclHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- startDocument() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- startDTD() (xml.sax.handler.LexicalHandler method)
- startElement() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- StartElementHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- startElementNS() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW (in module subprocess)
- STARTF_USESTDHANDLES (in module subprocess)
- startfile() (in module os)
- StartNamespaceDeclHandler() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
- startPrefixMapping() (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler method)
- StartResponse (class in wsgiref.types)
- startswith() (bytearray method)
- startTest() (unittest.TestResult method)
- startTestRun() (unittest.TestResult method)
- starttls() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- STARTUPINFO (class in subprocess)
- stat() (in module os)
- stat_result (class in os)
- state() (tkinter.ttk.Widget method)
- statement
- assert, [1]
- assignment, [1]
- assignment, annotated
- assignment, augmented
- async def
- async for
- async with
- break, [1], [2], [3], [4]
- class
- compound
- continue, [1], [2], [3], [4]
- def
- del, [1], [2], [3]
- except
- expression
- for, [1], [2], [3]
- future
- global, [1]
- if, [1]
- import, [1], [2], [3]
- loop, [1], [2], [3]
- match
- nonlocal
- pass
- raise, [1]
- return, [1], [2]
- simple
- try, [1], [2]
- type
- while, [1], [2], [3]
- with, [1]
- yield
- statement grouping
- static type checker
- static_order() (graphlib.TopologicalSorter method)
- Statistic (class in tracemalloc)
- StatisticDiff (class in tracemalloc)
- statistics() (tracemalloc.Snapshot method)
- StatisticsError
- Stats (class in pstats)
- status (http.client.HTTPResponse attribute)
- status() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- statvfs() (in module os)
- STD_ERROR_HANDLE (in module subprocess)
- STD_INPUT_HANDLE (in module subprocess)
- STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE (in module subprocess)
- StdButtonBox (class in tkinter.tix)
- stderr (asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute)
- stdev (statistics.NormalDist attribute)
- stdev() (in module statistics)
- stdin (asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute)
- stdio
- stdlib_module_names (in module sys)
- stdout (asyncio.subprocess.Process attribute)
- STDOUT (in module subprocess)
- stdout (in module sys), [1], [2], [3]
- stem (pathlib.PurePath attribute)
- step (pdb command)
- step() (tkinter.ttk.Progressbar method)
- stereocontrols() (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method)
- stls() (poplib.POP3 method)
- stop (range attribute)
- stop() (asyncio.loop method)
- stop_here() (bdb.Bdb method)
- STOP_ITERATION (monitoring event)
- StopAsyncIteration
- StopIteration
- stopListening() (in module logging.config)
- stopTest() (unittest.TestResult method)
- stopTestRun() (unittest.TestResult method)
- storbinary() (ftplib.FTP method)
- Store (class in ast)
- store() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- STORE_ACTIONS (optparse.Option attribute)
- STORE_ATTR (opcode)
- STORE_DEREF (opcode)
- STORE_FAST (opcode)
- STORE_GLOBAL (opcode)
- STORE_NAME (opcode)
- STORE_SLICE (opcode)
- STORE_SUBSCR (opcode)
- storlines() (ftplib.FTP method)
- str (built-in class)
- str() (in module locale)
- str_digits_check_threshold (sys.int_info attribute)
- strcoll() (in module locale)
- StreamError
- StreamHandler (class in logging)
- StreamReader (class in asyncio)
- streamreader (codecs.CodecInfo attribute)
- StreamReaderWriter (class in codecs)
- StreamRecoder (class in codecs)
- StreamRequestHandler (class in socketserver)
- streams
- StreamWriter (class in asyncio)
- streamwriter (codecs.CodecInfo attribute)
- StrEnum (class in enum)
- strerror (C function)
- strerror() (in module os)
- strftime() (datetime.date method)
- strict (csv.Dialect attribute)
- STRICT (enum.FlagBoundary attribute)
- strict (in module email.policy)
- strict_domain (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- strict_errors() (in module codecs)
- strict_ns_domain (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- strict_ns_set_initial_dollar (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- strict_ns_set_path (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- strict_ns_unverifiable (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- strict_rfc2965_unverifiable (http.cookiejar.DefaultCookiePolicy attribute)
- STRIDED (inspect.BufferFlags attribute)
- STRIDED_RO (inspect.BufferFlags attribute)
- STRIDES (inspect.BufferFlags attribute)
- strides (memoryview attribute)
- STRING (in module token)
- string (re.Match attribute)
- string literal
- string_at() (in module ctypes)
- StringIO (class in io)
- strings, documentation, [1]
- strip() (bytearray method)
- strip_dirs() (pstats.Stats method)
- stripspaces (curses.textpad.Textbox attribute)
- strong reference
- strptime() (datetime.datetime class method)
- strsignal() (in module signal)
- Struct (class in struct)
- struct_time (class in time)
- structmember.h
- Structure (class in ctypes)
- strxfrm() (in module locale)
- STX (in module curses.ascii)
- Style (class in tkinter.ttk)
- Sub (class in ast)
- SUB (in module curses.ascii)
- sub() (in module operator)
- subdirs (filecmp.dircmp attribute)
- SubElement() (in module xml.etree.ElementTree)
- subgroup() (BaseExceptionGroup method)
- submit() (concurrent.futures.Executor method)
- submodule_search_locations (importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec attribute)
- subn() (in module re)
- subnet_of() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method)
- subnets() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method)
- Subnormal (class in decimal)
- suboffsets (memoryview attribute)
- subpad() (curses.window method)
- subprocess_exec() (asyncio.loop method)
- subprocess_shell() (asyncio.loop method)
- SubprocessError
- SubprocessProtocol (class in asyncio)
- SubprocessTransport (class in asyncio)
- subscribe() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
- Subscript (class in ast)
- subscription, [1], [2], [3]
- subsequent_indent (textwrap.TextWrapper attribute)
- substitute() (string.Template method)
- subTest() (unittest.TestCase method)
- subtract() (collections.Counter method)
- subtraction
- subtype (email.headerregistry.ContentTypeHeader attribute)
- subwin() (curses.window method)
- successful() (multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult method)
- suffix (pathlib.PurePath attribute)
- suffix_map (in module mimetypes)
- suffixes (pathlib.PurePath attribute)
- suite
- suiteClass (unittest.TestLoader attribute)
- sum_list()
- sum_sequence(), [1]
- summarize() (doctest.DocTestRunner method)
- summarize_address_range() (in module ipaddress)
- sumprod() (in module math)
- SUNDAY (in module calendar)
- super (built-in class)
- supernet() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method)
- supernet_of() (ipaddress.IPv4Network method)
- supports_bytes_environ (in module os)
- supports_dir_fd (in module os)
- supports_effective_ids (in module os)
- supports_fd (in module os)
- supports_follow_symlinks (in module os)
- supports_unicode_filenames (in module os.path)
- SupportsAbs (class in typing)
- SupportsBytes (class in typing)
- SupportsComplex (class in typing)
- SupportsFloat (class in typing)
- SupportsIndex (class in typing)
- SupportsInt (class in typing)
- SupportsRound (class in typing)
- suppress() (in module contextlib)
- SuppressCrashReport (class in test.support)
- SW_HIDE (in module subprocess)
- SWAP (opcode)
- swap_attr() (in module test.support)
- swap_item() (in module test.support)
- swapcase() (bytearray method)
- Symbol (class in symtable)
- SymbolTable (class in symtable)
- symlink() (in module os)
- symlink_to() (pathlib.Path method)
- symmetric_difference() (frozenset method)
- symmetric_difference_update() (frozenset method)
- symtable() (in module symtable)
- SYMTYPE (in module tarfile)
- SYN (in module curses.ascii)
- sync() (dbm.dumb.dumbdbm method)
- syncdown() (curses.window method)
- synchronized() (in module multiprocessing.sharedctypes)
- SyncManager (class in multiprocessing.managers)
- syncok() (curses.window method)
- syncup() (curses.window method)
- syntax
- SyntaxErr
- SyntaxError
- SyntaxWarning
- sys.exc_info
- sys.exception
- sys.last_traceback
- sys.meta_path
- sys.modules
- sys.path
- sys.path_hooks
- sys.path_importer_cache
- sys.stderr
- sys.stdin
- sys.stdout
- sys_exc (2to3 fixer)
- sys_version (http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler attribute)
- sysconf() (in module os)
- sysconf_names (in module os)
- syslog() (in module syslog)
- SysLogHandler (class in logging.handlers)
- system() (in module os)
- system_alias() (in module platform)
- system_must_validate_cert() (in module test.support)
- SystemError
- SystemExit
- systemId (xml.dom.DocumentType attribute)
- SystemRandom (class in random)
- SystemRoot