Python 有什麼新功能?¶
「Python 有什麼新功能」這系列的說明是讓使用者知道 Python 各個主要更新版本之間的重大改變的地方。對於希望在新版本釋出時立即了解版本差異的使用者們來說,這些說明被歸類為「必讀」的等級。
- What's new in Python 3.14
- Python 3.13 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.12 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.11 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.10 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.9 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.8 有什麼新功能
- 發布重點摘要
- 新增功能
- 其他語言更動
- 新增模組
- 改進的模組
- 最佳化
- Build and C API Changes
- 已棄用
- API and Feature Removals
- 移植至 Python 3.8
- Python 3.8.1 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.3 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.8 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.9 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.8.12 中顯著的變更
- Notable security feature in 3.8.14
- Notable changes in 3.8.17
- Python 3.7 有什麼新功能
- 發布重點摘要
- 新增功能
- 其他語言更動
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- C API 變更
- 建置變更
- 最佳化
- Other CPython Implementation Changes
- Deprecated Python Behavior
- Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods
- Deprecated functions and types of the C API
- Platform Support Removals
- API and Feature Removals
- Module Removals
- Windows-only Changes
- 移植至 Python 3.7
- Python 3.7.1 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.2 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.6 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.10 中顯著的變更
- Python 3.7.11 中顯著的變更
- Notable security feature in 3.7.14
- Python 3.6 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.4 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.4 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.3 有什麼新功能
- 發布重點摘要
- PEP 405:虛擬環境
- PEP 420: Implicit Namespace Packages
- PEP 3118: New memoryview implementation and buffer protocol documentation
- PEP 393: Flexible String Representation
- PEP 397:適用於 Windows 的 Python 啟動器
- PEP 3151: Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy
- PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
- PEP 409: Suppressing exception context
- PEP 414: Explicit Unicode literals
- PEP 3155: Qualified name for classes and functions
- PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary
- PEP 362:函式簽名物件
- PEP 421:新增 sys.implementation
- 使用 importlib 作為 import 的實作
- 其他語言更動
- A Finer-Grained Import Lock
- 內建函式和型別
- 新模組
- 改進的模組
- 最佳化
- 建置和 C API 更改
- 已棄用
- 移植到 Python 3.3
- Python 3.2 有什麼新功能
- PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI
- PEP 389: Argparse 命令列剖析模組
- PEP 391: Dictionary Based Configuration for Logging
- PEP 3148:
模組 - PEP 3147: PYC Repository Directories
- PEP 3149: ABI Version Tagged .so Files
- PEP 3333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Multi-threading
- 最佳化
- Unicode
- 編解碼器
- 文件
- Code Repository
- Build and C API Changes
- 移植至 Python 3.2
- Python 3.1 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.0 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.7 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.x 的未來
- Changes to the Handling of Deprecation Warnings
- Python 3.1 Features
- PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to collections
- PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator
- PEP 389: The argparse Module for Parsing Command Lines
- PEP 391: Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging
- PEP 3106: Dictionary Views
- PEP 3137: The memoryview Object
- 其他語言更動
- New and Improved Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Other Changes and Fixes
- 移植至 Python 2.7
- New Features Added to Python 2.7 Maintenance Releases
- 致謝
- Python 2.6 有什麼新功能
- Python 3.0
- Changes to the Development Process
- PEP 343:'with' 陳述式
- PEP 366: Explicit Relative Imports From a Main Module
- PEP 370: Per-user
Directory - PEP 371: The
Package - PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting
- PEP 3105:
As a Function - PEP 3110: Exception-Handling Changes
- PEP 3112: Byte Literals
- PEP 3116:新 I/O 函式庫
- PEP 3118:修訂緩衝協定
- PEP 3119: Abstract Base Classes
- PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax
- PEP 3129: Class Decorators
- PEP 3141: A Type Hierarchy for Numbers
- 其他語言更動
- New and Improved Modules
- Deprecations and Removals
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.6
- 致謝
- Python 2.5 有什麼新功能
- PEP 308: Conditional Expressions
- PEP 309: Partial Function Application
- PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1
- PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports
- PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts
- PEP 341: Unified try/except/finally
- PEP 342: New Generator Features
- PEP 343:'with' 陳述式
- PEP 352: Exceptions as New-Style Classes
- PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type
- PEP 357: The '__index__' method
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Removed Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.5
- 致謝
- Python 2.4 有什麼新功能
- PEP 218: Built-In Set Objects
- PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers
- PEP 289: Generator Expressions
- PEP 292: Simpler String Substitutions
- PEP 318: Decorators for Functions and Methods
- PEP 322: Reverse Iteration
- PEP 324: New subprocess Module
- PEP 327: Decimal Data Type
- PEP 328: Multi-line Imports
- PEP 331: Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Build and C API Changes
- Porting to Python 2.4
- 致謝
- Python 2.3 有什麼新功能
- PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype
- PEP 255: Simple Generators
- PEP 263: Source Code Encodings
- PEP 273: Importing Modules from ZIP Archives
- PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT
- PEP 278: Universal Newline Support
- PEP 279:enumerate()
- PEP 282: The logging Package
- PEP 285: A Boolean Type
- PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks
- PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
- PEP 302: New Import Hooks
- PEP 305: Comma-separated Files
- PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements
- Extended Slices
- 其他語言更動
- New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
- Pymalloc: A Specialized Object Allocator
- Build and C API Changes
- Other Changes and Fixes
- Porting to Python 2.3
- 致謝
- Python 2.2 有什麼新功能
- Python 2.1 有什麼新功能
- 簡介
- PEP 227: Nested Scopes
- PEP 236: __future__ Directives
- PEP 207: Rich Comparisons
- PEP 230: Warning Framework
- PEP 229: New Build System
- PEP 205: Weak References
- PEP 232: Function Attributes
- PEP 235: Importing Modules on Case-Insensitive Platforms
- PEP 217: Interactive Display Hook
- PEP 208: New Coercion Model
- PEP 241: Metadata in Python Packages
- New and Improved Modules
- Other Changes and Fixes
- 致謝
- Python 2.0 有什麼新功能
- 簡介
- What About Python 1.6?
- New Development Process
- Unicode
- 串列綜合運算(List Comprehension)
- Augmented Assignment
- String Methods
- Garbage Collection of Cycles
- Other Core Changes
- Porting to 2.0
- Extending/Embedding Changes
- Distutils: Making Modules Easy to Install
- XML 模組
- 模組變更
- 新增模組
- IDLE Improvements
- Deleted and Deprecated Modules
- 致謝
「Changelog(更動日誌)」是從 Misc/NEWS.d 目錄樹內容檔案建置的一個 HTML 版本,其中包含了 Python 目前版本中的所有重要變更。
- Changelog(更動日誌)
- Python next
- Python 3.14.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.14.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.14.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.14.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.14.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.13.0 beta 1
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.13.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.12.0 beta 1
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.12.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.11.0 beta 1
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.11.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.10.0 beta 1
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 7
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.10.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.9.0 beta 1
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 6
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 5
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.9.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.8.0 beta 1
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.8.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.7.0 final
- Python 3.7.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.7.0 beta 5
- Python 3.7.0 beta 4
- Python 3.7.0 beta 3
- Python 3.7.0 beta 2
- Python 3.7.0 beta 1
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.7.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.6.6 final
- Python 3.6.6 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.5 final
- Python 3.6.5 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.4 final
- Python 3.6.4 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.3 final
- Python 3.6.3 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.2 final
- Python 3.6.2 release candidate 2
- Python 3.6.2 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.1 final
- Python 3.6.1 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.0 final
- Python 3.6.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.6.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.6.0 beta 4
- Python 3.6.0 beta 3
- Python 3.6.0 beta 2
- Python 3.6.0 beta 1
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.6.0 alpha 1
- Python 3.5.5 final
- Python 3.5.5 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.4 final
- Python 3.5.4 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.3 final
- Python 3.5.3 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.2 final
- Python 3.5.2 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.1 final
- Python 3.5.1 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.0 final
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 4
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 2
- Python 3.5.0 release candidate 1
- Python 3.5.0 beta 4
- Python 3.5.0 beta 3
- Python 3.5.0 beta 2
- Python 3.5.0 beta 1
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 4
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 3
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 2
- Python 3.5.0 alpha 1