處理 Bug

Python 已經是一個以穩定著稱的成熟程式語言。為了維持「穩定」此信譽,開發者們想知道任何您發現的缺失。

有時候自己直接修復 bug 並且送出一個修正給 Python 會比較快,因為這樣會加速流程而且不會困擾到太多人。學習如何貢獻給 Python


如果您在本文档中发现了错误并打算帮助我们改进,请将错误提交到 追踪系统。 如果您有相应的修正建议,请一并提交。 (译者注:如果是中文文档翻译相关的错误,请务必提交到 https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-cn/issues。如果将翻译问题反馈到了其他地方,可能会因为语言不通而不能及时处理。)

如果您时间有限,还可以通过电子邮件将文档的错误报告发送至 docs@python.org(代码运行错误请发送至 python-list@python.org)。“docs@”是一个由志愿者运作的邮件列表;您的请求会得到关注,但可能需要一些时间才会被处理。


Documentation bugs

已提交给 Python 问题追踪系统的文档错误列表。




给有兴趣为 Python 文档做出贡献的人。

使用 Python 議題追蹤

Issue reports for Python itself should be submitted via the GitHub issues tracker (https://github.com/python/cpython/issues). The GitHub issues tracker offers a web form which allows pertinent information to be entered and submitted to the developers.

The first step in filing a report is to determine whether the problem has already been reported. The advantage in doing so, aside from saving the developers' time, is that you learn what has been done to fix it; it may be that the problem has already been fixed for the next release, or additional information is needed (in which case you are welcome to provide it if you can!). To do this, search the tracker using the search box at the top of the page.

If the problem you're reporting is not already in the list, log in to GitHub. If you don't already have a GitHub account, create a new account using the "Sign up" link. It is not possible to submit a bug report anonymously.

Being now logged in, you can submit an issue. Click on the "New issue" button in the top bar to report a new issue.

The submission form has two fields, "Title" and "Comment".

For the "Title" field, enter a very short description of the problem; less than ten words is good.


Each issue report will be reviewed by a developer who will determine what needs to be done to correct the problem. You will receive an update each time an action is taken on the issue.





关于写一份好的错误报告。部分仅针对 Mozilla 项目,不过其描述了通用的恰当做法。

開始讓自己貢獻 Python

除了仅仅报告您所发现的错误之外,同样欢迎您提交修复它们的补丁。您可以在 Python 开发者指引 中找到更多为 Python 打补丁的信息。如果您有任何问题,核心导师邮件列表 是一个友好的去处,在那里, 你可以寻求修复 Python 相关问题的答案。