importlib.resources -- Package resource reading, opening and access


Added in version 3.7.

此模块调整了 Python 的导入系统以便提供对 内部的 资源 的访问。

“资源”是指 Python 中与模块或包相关联的文件类资源。 资源可以直接包含在某个包中,包含在某个包的子目录中,或是与某个包外部的模块相邻。 资源可以是文本或二进制数据。 因此,从技术上说 Python 包的模块源代码文件 (.py) 和编译结果文件 (pycache) 就是包实际所包含的资源。 但是,在实践中,资源主要是指包作者专门公开的非 Python 文件。


资源大致相当于目录内的文件,不过需要记住这只是一个比喻。 资源和包 不是 必须如文件系统上的物理文件和目录那样存在的:例如,一个包及其资源可使用 zipimport 从一个 ZIP 文件导入。


本模块提供了类似于 pkg_resources Basic Resource Access 的功能而没有那样高的性能开销。 这使得读取包中的资源更为容易,并具有更为稳定和一致的语义。

此模块的独立向下移植版本在 using importlib.resourcesmigrating from pkg_resources to importlib.resources 中提供了更多信息。

想要支持资源读取的 加载器 应当实现 中规定的 get_resource_reader(fullname) 方法。

class importlib.resources.Anchor

代表资源的锚点,可以是一个 模块对象 或字符串形式的模块名称不。 定义为 Union[str, ModuleType]

importlib.resources.files(anchor: Anchor | None = None)

返回一个代表资源容器(相当于目录)及其资源(相当于文件)的 Traversable 对象。 Traversable 可以包含其他容器(相当于子目录)。

anchor 是一个可选的 Anchor。 如果 anchor 是一个包,则会从这个包获取资源。 如果是一个模块,则会从这个模块的相邻位置获取资源(在同一个包或包的根目录中)。 如果省略了 anchor,则会使用调用方的模块。

Added in version 3.9.

在 3.12 版的變更: package 形参被重命名为 anchoranchor 现在可以是一个不为包的模块,如果被省略则默认为调用方的模块。 为保持兼容性 package 仍然被接受但会引发 DeprecationWarning。 请考虑以位置参数方式传入或使用 importlib_resources >= 5.10 作为针对旧版 Python 的兼容接口。


给定一个代表文件或目录的 Traversable 对象,通常是来自 importlib.resources.files(),返回一个上下文管理器以供 with 语句使用。 该上下文管理器提供一个 pathlib.Path 对象。

退出上下文管理器后会清除从 zip 文件等提取资源时创建的任何临时文件或目录。

当 Traversable 的方法(如 read_text 等)不足以满足需要而需要文件系统中的真实文件或目录时请使用 as_file

Added in version 3.9.

在 3.12 版的變更: 增加了对代表目录的 traversable 的支持。

函数式 API

A set of simplified, backwards-compatible helpers is available. These allow common operations in a single function call.

For all the following functions:

  • anchor is an Anchor, as in files(). Unlike in files, it may not be omitted.

  • path_names are components of a resource's path name, relative to the anchor. For example, to get the text of resource named info.txt, use:

    importlib.resources.read_text(my_module, "info.txt")

    Like Traversable.joinpath, The individual components should use forward slashes (/) as path separators. For example, the following are equivalent:

    importlib.resources.read_binary(my_module, "pics/painting.png")
    importlib.resources.read_binary(my_module, "pics", "painting.png")

    For backward compatibility reasons, functions that read text require an explicit encoding argument if multiple path_names are given. For example, to get the text of info/chapter1.txt, use:

    importlib.resources.read_text(my_module, "info", "chapter1.txt",
importlib.resources.open_binary(anchor, *path_names)

Open the named resource for binary reading.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names.

This function returns a BinaryIO object, that is, a binary stream open for reading.

This function is roughly equivalent to:


在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted.

importlib.resources.open_text(anchor, *path_names, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Open the named resource for text reading. By default, the contents are read as strict UTF-8.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names. encoding and errors have the same meaning as in built-in open().

For backward compatibility reasons, the encoding argument must be given explicitly if there are multiple path_names. This limitation is scheduled to be removed in Python 3.15.

This function returns a TextIO object, that is, a text stream open for reading.

This function is roughly equivalent to:

files(anchor).joinpath(*path_names).open('r', encoding=encoding)

在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted. encoding and errors must be given as keyword arguments.

importlib.resources.read_binary(anchor, *path_names)

Read and return the contents of the named resource as bytes.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names.

This function is roughly equivalent to:


在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted.

importlib.resources.read_text(anchor, *path_names, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Read and return the contents of the named resource as str. By default, the contents are read as strict UTF-8.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names. encoding and errors have the same meaning as in built-in open().

For backward compatibility reasons, the encoding argument must be given explicitly if there are multiple path_names. This limitation is scheduled to be removed in Python 3.15.

This function is roughly equivalent to:


在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted. encoding and errors must be given as keyword arguments.

importlib.resources.path(anchor, *path_names)

Provides the path to the resource as an actual file system path. This function returns a context manager for use in a with statement. The context manager provides a pathlib.Path object.

Exiting the context manager cleans up any temporary files created, e.g. when the resource needs to be extracted from a zip file.

For example, the stat() method requires an actual file system path; it can be used like this:

with importlib.resources.path(anchor, "resource.txt") as fspath:
    result = fspath.stat()

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names.

This function is roughly equivalent to:


在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted. encoding and errors must be given as keyword arguments.

importlib.resources.is_resource(anchor, *path_names)

Return True if the named resource exists, otherwise False. This function does not consider directories to be resources.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names.

This function is roughly equivalent to:


在 3.13 版的變更: Multiple path_names are accepted.

importlib.resources.contents(anchor, *path_names)

Return an iterable over the named items within the package or path. The iterable returns names of resources (e.g. files) and non-resources (e.g. directories) as str. The iterable does not recurse into subdirectories.

See the introduction for details on anchor and path_names.

This function is roughly equivalent to:

for resource in files(anchor).joinpath(*path_names).iterdir():

在 3.11 版之後被棄用: Prefer iterdir() as above, which offers more control over the results and richer functionality.