Socket 程式設計指南


Gordon McMillan


我只會討論關於 INET(例如:IPv4)的 sockets,但它們涵蓋了幾乎 99% 的 sockets 使用場景。而我也將僅討論關於 STREAM(比如:TCP)類型的 sockets - 除非你真的知道你在做什麼(在這種情況下,這份指南可能不適合你),使用 STREAM 類型的 socket 會獲得比其他 sockets 類型更好的表現和性能。我將會嘗試解釋 socket 是什麼,以及如何使用阻塞 (blocking) 和非阻塞 (non-blocking) sockets 的一些建議。但首先我會先談論阻塞 sockets。在處理非阻塞 sockets 之前,你需要了解它們的工作原理。

要理解這些東西的困難點之一在於 "scoket" 可以代表多種具有些微差異的東西,這主要取決於上下文。所以首先,讓我們先區分「用戶端 (client)」socket 和「伺服器端 (server)」socket 的差別,「用戶端」socket 表示通訊的一端,「伺服器端」socket 更像是一個電話總機接線員。用戶端應用程式(例如:你的瀏覽器)只能使用「用戶端」socket; 它所連接的網路伺服器則同時使用「伺服器端」socket 和 「用戶端」socket 來進行通訊。


在各種形式的 IPC 中,sockets 是最受歡迎的。在任何特定的平台上,可能會存在其他更快速的 IPC 形式,但對於跨平台通訊來說,sockets 是唯一的選擇。

Sockets 作為 Unix 的 BSD 分支的一部分在 Berkeley 被發明出來。它們隨著網際網路的普及而迅速蔓延開來。這是有很好的理由 — sockets 和 INET 的結合讓世界各地任何的機器之間的通訊變得非常簡單(至少與其它方案相比是如此)。

建立一個 Socket


# create an INET, STREAMing socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# now connect to the web server on port 80 - the normal http port
s.connect(("", 80))

connect 完成時,這個 socket s 可以用來發送請求來取得頁面的文本。同一個 socket 也會讀取回傳值,然後再被銷毀。是的,會被銷毀。用戶端 socket 通常只用來做一次交換(或是一小組連續交換)。

網路伺服器 (web server) 的運作就稍微複雜一點。首先,網路伺服器會建立一個「伺服器端 socket」:

# create an INET, STREAMing socket
serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# bind the socket to a public host, and a well-known port
serversocket.bind((socket.gethostname(), 80))
# become a server socket

有幾件事需要注意:我們使用了 socket.gethostname(),這樣 socket 才能對外部網路可見。如果我們使用了 s.bind(('localhost', 80))s.bind(('', 80)),我們會得到一個「伺服器端」socket,但是只能在同一台機器內可見。s.bind(('', 80)) 指定 socket 可以透過機器的任何地址存取。

第二個要注意的是:數字小的連接埠 (port) 通常保留給「廣為人知的」服務(HTTP、SNMP等)。如果你只是想執行程式,可以使用一個數字較大的連接埠(4 位數字)。

最後,listen 引數告訴 socket 函式庫 (library),我們希望在佇列 (queue) 中累積達 5 個(正常的最大值)連線請求後再拒絕外部連線。如果其餘的程式碼編寫正確,這應該足夠了。

現在我們有一個監聽 80 連接埠的「伺服器端」socket 了,我們可以進入網路伺服器的主迴圈了:

while True:
    # accept connections from outside
    (clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept()
    # now do something with the clientsocket
    # in this case, we'll pretend this is a threaded server
    ct = client_thread(clientsocket)

事實上,有三種方法可以讓這個迴圈運作 - 分配一個執行緒 (thread) 來處理 clientsocket 、建立一個新行程 (process) 來處理 clientsocket,或者將這個程式重新改寫成使用非阻塞 socket,並使用 select 在我們的「伺服器端」socket 和任何有效的 clientsocket 之間進行多工處理。稍後將會更詳細的介紹。現在最重要的是理解:這就是「伺服器端」socket 做的所有 事情。它不會發送任何資料、也不接收任何資料,它只會建立「伺服器端」socket。每個 clientsocket 都是為了回應某些其他 connect() 到我們綁定的主機上的「用戶端」socket。一但 clientsocket 建立完成,就會繼續監聽更多的連線請求。兩個「用戶端」可以隨意的通訊 - 它們使用的是一些動態分配的連接埠,會在通訊結束的時候被回收並重新利用。


如果你需要在一台機器上的兩個行程間進行快速的行程間通訊 (IPC),你應該考慮使用管道 (pipes) 或共享記憶體 (shared memory)。如果你確定要使用 AF_INET sockets,請將「伺服器端」socket 綁定到 'localhost'。在大多數平台上,這樣將會繞過幾個網路程式碼層,並且速度會更快一些。


multiprocessing 將跨平台的行程間通訊整合到更高層的 API 中。

使用一個 Socket

首先需要注意,網頁瀏覽器的「用戶端」socket 和網路伺服器的「用戶端」socket 是非常類似的。也就是說,這是一個「點對點 (peer to peer)」的通訊方式,或者也可以說作為設計者,你必須決定通訊的規則。通常情況下,connect 的 socket 會通過發送一個請求或者信號來開始一次通訊。但這屬於設計決策,而不是 socket 的規則。

現在有兩組可供通訊使用的動詞。你可以使用 sendrecv,或者可以將用戶端 socket 轉換成類似檔案的形式,並使用 readwrite。後者是 Java 中呈現 socket 的方式。我不打算在這裡討論它,只是提醒你需要在 socket 上使用 flush。這些是緩衝的「檔案」,一個常見的錯誤是使用 write 寫入某些內容,然後直接 read 回覆。如果不使用 flush,你可能會一直等待這個回覆,因為請求可能還在你的輸出緩衝中。

現在我們來到 sockets 的主要障礙 - sendrecv 操作的是網路緩衝區。他們不一定會處理你提供給它們的所有位元組(或者是你期望它處理的位元組),因為它們主要的重點是處理網路緩衝區。一般來說,它們會在關聯的網路衝區已滿 (send) 或已清空 (recv) 時回傳,然後告訴你它們處理了多少位元組。 的責任是一直呼叫它們直到你所有的訊息處理完成。

recv 回傳「零位元組 (0 bytes)」時,就表示另一端已經關閉(或著正在關閉)連線。你再也不能從這個連線上取得任何資料了。你可能還是可以成功發送資料;我稍後會對此進行更詳細的解釋。

像 HTTP 這樣的協議只使用一個 socket 進行一次傳輸,用戶端發送一個請求,然後讀取一個回覆。就這樣,然後這個 socket 就會被銷毀。這表示者用戶端可以通過接收「零位元組」來檢測回覆的結束。

但是如果你打算在之後的傳輸中重新利用 socket 的話,你需要明白socket 中是不存在 EOT (傳輸結束)。重申一次:如果一個 socket 的 sendrecv 處理了「零位元組」後回傳,表示連線已經斷開。如果連線沒有 斷開,你可能會永遠處於等待 recv 的狀態,因為(就目前來說)socket 不會 告訴你沒有更多資料可以讀取了。現在,如果你稍微思考一下,你就會意識到 socket 的一個基本事實:訊息要麼是一個固定的長度(不好的做法),要麼是可以被分隔的(普通的做法),要麼是指定其長度(更好地做法),要麼通過關閉連線來結束。完全由你來決定要使用哪種方式(但有些方法比其他方法來的更好)。


class MySocket:
    """demonstration class only
      - coded for clarity, not efficiency

    def __init__(self, sock=None):
        if sock is None:
            self.sock = socket.socket(
                            socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.sock = sock

    def connect(self, host, port):
        self.sock.connect((host, port))

    def mysend(self, msg):
        totalsent = 0
        while totalsent < MSGLEN:
            sent = self.sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
            if sent == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken")
            totalsent = totalsent + sent

    def myreceive(self):
        chunks = []
        bytes_recd = 0
        while bytes_recd < MSGLEN:
            chunk = self.sock.recv(min(MSGLEN - bytes_recd, 2048))
            if chunk == b'':
                raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken")
            bytes_recd = bytes_recd + len(chunk)
        return b''.join(chunks)

發送部分的程式碼幾乎可用於任何訊息的傳送方式 - 在 Python 中你發送一個字串,可以用 len() 來確認他的長度(即使字串包含了 \0 字元)。在這裡,主要是接收的程式碼變得更複雜一些。(在 C 語言中,情況沒有變得更糟,只是如果訊息中包含了 \0 字元,你就不能使用 strlen 函式。)

最簡單的改進方法是將訊息的第一個字元表示訊息的類型,並根據訊息的類型來決定訊息的長度。現在你需要使用兩次 recv - 第一次用於接收(至少)第一個字元來得知長度,第二次用於在迴圈中接收剩下的訊息。如果你決定使用分隔符號的方式,你將會以某個任意的區塊大小進行接收(4096 或 8192 通常是網路緩衝區大小的良好選擇),並在收到的內容中掃描分隔符號。

需要注意的一個複雜情況是,如果你的通訊協議允許連續發送多個訊息(沒有任何回應),並且你傳遞給 recv 函式一個任意的區塊大小,最後有可能讀取到下一條訊息的開頭。你需要將其放在一旁並保留下來,直到需要使用的時候。

使用長度作為訊息的前綴(例如,使用 5 個數字字元表示)會變得更複雜,因為(信不信由你)你可能無法在一次 recv 中獲得所有 5 個字元。在一般使用下,可能不會有這個狀況,但在高負載的網路下,除非使用兩個 recv (第一個用於確定長度,第二個用於取得訊息的資料部分),否則你的程式碼很快就會出現錯誤。這令人非常頭痛。同樣的情況也會讓你發現 send 並不總能在一次傳輸中完全清除所有內容。儘管已經閱讀了這篇文章,但最終還是無法解決!


Binary Data

It is perfectly possible to send binary data over a socket. The major problem is that not all machines use the same formats for binary data. For example, network byte order is big-endian, with the most significant byte first, so a 16 bit integer with the value 1 would be the two hex bytes 00 01. However, most common processors (x86/AMD64, ARM, RISC-V), are little-endian, with the least significant byte first - that same 1 would be 01 00.

Socket libraries have calls for converting 16 and 32 bit integers - ntohl, htonl, ntohs, htons where "n" means network and "h" means host, "s" means short and "l" means long. Where network order is host order, these do nothing, but where the machine is byte-reversed, these swap the bytes around appropriately.

In these days of 64-bit machines, the ASCII representation of binary data is frequently smaller than the binary representation. That's because a surprising amount of the time, most integers have the value 0, or maybe 1. The string "0" would be two bytes, while a full 64-bit integer would be 8. Of course, this doesn't fit well with fixed-length messages. Decisions, decisions.


Strictly speaking, you're supposed to use shutdown on a socket before you close it. The shutdown is an advisory to the socket at the other end. Depending on the argument you pass it, it can mean "I'm not going to send anymore, but I'll still listen", or "I'm not listening, good riddance!". Most socket libraries, however, are so used to programmers neglecting to use this piece of etiquette that normally a close is the same as shutdown(); close(). So in most situations, an explicit shutdown is not needed.

One way to use shutdown effectively is in an HTTP-like exchange. The client sends a request and then does a shutdown(1). This tells the server "This client is done sending, but can still receive." The server can detect "EOF" by a receive of 0 bytes. It can assume it has the complete request. The server sends a reply. If the send completes successfully then, indeed, the client was still receiving.

Python takes the automatic shutdown a step further, and says that when a socket is garbage collected, it will automatically do a close if it's needed. But relying on this is a very bad habit. If your socket just disappears without doing a close, the socket at the other end may hang indefinitely, thinking you're just being slow. Please close your sockets when you're done.

When Sockets Die

Probably the worst thing about using blocking sockets is what happens when the other side comes down hard (without doing a close). Your socket is likely to hang. TCP is a reliable protocol, and it will wait a long, long time before giving up on a connection. If you're using threads, the entire thread is essentially dead. There's not much you can do about it. As long as you aren't doing something dumb, like holding a lock while doing a blocking read, the thread isn't really consuming much in the way of resources. Do not try to kill the thread - part of the reason that threads are more efficient than processes is that they avoid the overhead associated with the automatic recycling of resources. In other words, if you do manage to kill the thread, your whole process is likely to be screwed up.

Non-blocking Sockets

If you've understood the preceding, you already know most of what you need to know about the mechanics of using sockets. You'll still use the same calls, in much the same ways. It's just that, if you do it right, your app will be almost inside-out.

In Python, you use socket.setblocking(False) to make it non-blocking. In C, it's more complex, (for one thing, you'll need to choose between the BSD flavor O_NONBLOCK and the almost indistinguishable POSIX flavor O_NDELAY, which is completely different from TCP_NODELAY), but it's the exact same idea. You do this after creating the socket, but before using it. (Actually, if you're nuts, you can switch back and forth.)

The major mechanical difference is that send, recv, connect and accept can return without having done anything. You have (of course) a number of choices. You can check return code and error codes and generally drive yourself crazy. If you don't believe me, try it sometime. Your app will grow large, buggy and suck CPU. So let's skip the brain-dead solutions and do it right.

Use select.

In C, coding select is fairly complex. In Python, it's a piece of cake, but it's close enough to the C version that if you understand select in Python, you'll have little trouble with it in C:

ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = \

You pass select three lists: the first contains all sockets that you might want to try reading; the second all the sockets you might want to try writing to, and the last (normally left empty) those that you want to check for errors. You should note that a socket can go into more than one list. The select call is blocking, but you can give it a timeout. This is generally a sensible thing to do - give it a nice long timeout (say a minute) unless you have good reason to do otherwise.

In return, you will get three lists. They contain the sockets that are actually readable, writable and in error. Each of these lists is a subset (possibly empty) of the corresponding list you passed in.

If a socket is in the output readable list, you can be as-close-to-certain-as-we-ever-get-in-this-business that a recv on that socket will return something. Same idea for the writable list. You'll be able to send something. Maybe not all you want to, but something is better than nothing. (Actually, any reasonably healthy socket will return as writable - it just means outbound network buffer space is available.)

If you have a "server" socket, put it in the potential_readers list. If it comes out in the readable list, your accept will (almost certainly) work. If you have created a new socket to connect to someone else, put it in the potential_writers list. If it shows up in the writable list, you have a decent chance that it has connected.

Actually, select can be handy even with blocking sockets. It's one way of determining whether you will block - the socket returns as readable when there's something in the buffers. However, this still doesn't help with the problem of determining whether the other end is done, or just busy with something else.

Portability alert: On Unix, select works both with the sockets and files. Don't try this on Windows. On Windows, select works with sockets only. Also note that in C, many of the more advanced socket options are done differently on Windows. In fact, on Windows I usually use threads (which work very, very well) with my sockets.