- 作者:
Raymond Hettinger(译者:wh2099 at outlook dot com)
- 联系方式:
<python at rcn dot com>
描述器 让对象能够自定义属性查找、存储和删除的操作。
“入门” 部分从简单的示例着手,逐步添加特性,从而给出基本的概述。如果你是刚接触到描述器,请从这里开始。
最后一部分有对内置描述器(用 C 编写)的纯 Python 等价实现。如果您想了解函数如何变成绑定方法或对
和 __slots__ 这类常见工具的实现感兴趣,请阅读此部分。
类是一个描述器,其 __get__()
方法始终返回常量 10
class Ten:
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return 10
class A:
x = 5 # 常规类属性
y = Ten() # 描述器实例
>>> a = A() # 创建一个类 A 的实例
>>> a.x # 正常属性查找
>>> a.y # 描述器查找
在 a.x
属性查找中,点运算符会找到存储在类字典中的 'x': 5
。 在 a.y
查找中,点运算符会根据描述器实例的 __get__
方法将其识别出来,调用该方法并返回 10
请注意,值 10
既不存储在类字典中也不存储在实例字典中。相反,值 10
import os
class DirectorySize:
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return len(os.listdir(obj.dirname))
class Directory:
size = DirectorySize() # 描述器实例
def __init__(self, dirname):
self.dirname = dirname # 常规实例属性
>>> s = Directory('songs')
>>> g = Directory('games')
>>> s.size # songs 目录有二十个文件
>>> g.size # games 目录有三个文件
>>> os.remove('games/chess') # 删除一个 game
>>> g.size # 文件计数将自动更新
Besides showing how descriptors can run computations, this example also
reveals the purpose of the parameters to __get__()
. The self
parameter is size, an instance of DirectorySize. The obj parameter is
either g or s, an instance of Directory. It is the obj parameter that
lets the __get__()
method learn the target directory. The objtype
parameter is the class Directory.
A popular use for descriptors is managing access to instance data. The
descriptor is assigned to a public attribute in the class dictionary while the
actual data is stored as a private attribute in the instance dictionary. The
descriptor's __get__()
and __set__()
methods are triggered when
the public attribute is accessed.
在下面的例子中,age 是公开属性,_age 是私有属性。当访问公开属性时,描述器会记录下查找或更新的日志:
import logging
class LoggedAgeAccess:
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
value = obj._age
logging.info('Accessing %r giving %r', 'age', value)
return value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
logging.info('Updating %r to %r', 'age', value)
obj._age = value
class Person:
age = LoggedAgeAccess() # 描述器实例
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name # 常规实例属性
self.age = age # 调用 __set__()
def birthday(self):
self.age += 1 # 调用 __get__() 和 __set__()
交互式会话展示中,对托管属性 age 的所有访问都被记录了下来,但常规属性 name 则未被记录:
>>> mary = Person('Mary M', 30) # The initial age update is logged
INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 30
>>> dave = Person('David D', 40)
INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 40
>>> vars(mary) # The actual data is in a private attribute
{'name': 'Mary M', '_age': 30}
>>> vars(dave)
{'name': 'David D', '_age': 40}
>>> mary.age # Access the data and log the lookup
INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 30
>>> mary.birthday() # Updates are logged as well
INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 30
INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 31
>>> dave.name # Regular attribute lookup isn't logged
'David D'
>>> dave.age # Only the managed attribute is logged
INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 40
此示例的一个主要问题是私有名称 _age 在类 LoggedAgeAccess 中是硬耦合的。这意味着每个实例只能有一个用于记录的属性,并且其名称不可更改。
In this example, the Person
class has two descriptor instances,
name and age. When the Person
class is defined, it makes a
callback to __set_name__()
in LoggedAccess so that the field names can
be recorded, giving each descriptor its own public_name and private_name:
import logging
class LoggedAccess:
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.public_name = name
self.private_name = '_' + name
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
value = getattr(obj, self.private_name)
logging.info('Accessing %r giving %r', self.public_name, value)
return value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
logging.info('Updating %r to %r', self.public_name, value)
setattr(obj, self.private_name, value)
class Person:
name = LoggedAccess() # 第一个描述器实例
age = LoggedAccess() # 第二个描述器实例
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name # 调用第一个描述器
self.age = age # 调用第二个描述器
def birthday(self):
self.age += 1
An interactive session shows that the Person
class has called
so that the field names would be recorded. Here
we call vars()
to look up the descriptor without triggering it:
>>> vars(vars(Person)['name'])
{'public_name': 'name', 'private_name': '_name'}
>>> vars(vars(Person)['age'])
{'public_name': 'age', 'private_name': '_age'}
现在,新类会记录对 name 和 age 二者的访问:
>>> pete = Person('Peter P', 10)
INFO:root:Updating 'name' to 'Peter P'
INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 10
>>> kate = Person('Catherine C', 20)
INFO:root:Updating 'name' to 'Catherine C'
INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 20
这两个 Person 实例仅包含私有名称:
>>> vars(pete)
{'_name': 'Peter P', '_age': 10}
>>> vars(kate)
{'_name': 'Catherine C', '_age': 20}
A descriptor is what we call any object that defines __get__()
, or __delete__()
Optionally, descriptors can have a __set_name__()
method. This is only
used in cases where a descriptor needs to know either the class where it was
created or the name of class variable it was assigned to. (This method, if
present, is called even if the class is not a descriptor.)
在属性查找期间,描述器由点运算符调用。如果使用 vars(some_class)[descriptor_name]
描述器的使用贯穿了整个语言。就是它让函数变成绑定方法。常见工具诸如 classmethod()
, staticmethod()
和 functools.cached_property()
This Validator
class is both an abstract base class and a
managed attribute descriptor:
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Validator(ABC):
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.private_name = '_' + name
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return getattr(obj, self.private_name)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
setattr(obj, self.private_name, value)
def validate(self, value):
Custom validators need to inherit from Validator
and must supply a
method to test various restrictions as needed.
class OneOf(Validator):
def __init__(self, *options):
self.options = set(options)
def validate(self, value):
if value not in self.options:
raise ValueError(f'Expected {value!r} to be one of {self.options!r}')
class Number(Validator):
def __init__(self, minvalue=None, maxvalue=None):
self.minvalue = minvalue
self.maxvalue = maxvalue
def validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError(f'Expected {value!r} to be an int or float')
if self.minvalue is not None and value < self.minvalue:
raise ValueError(
f'Expected {value!r} to be at least {self.minvalue!r}'
if self.maxvalue is not None and value > self.maxvalue:
raise ValueError(
f'Expected {value!r} to be no more than {self.maxvalue!r}'
class String(Validator):
def __init__(self, minsize=None, maxsize=None, predicate=None):
self.minsize = minsize
self.maxsize = maxsize
self.predicate = predicate
def validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(f'Expected {value!r} to be an str')
if self.minsize is not None and len(value) < self.minsize:
raise ValueError(
f'Expected {value!r} to be no smaller than {self.minsize!r}'
if self.maxsize is not None and len(value) > self.maxsize:
raise ValueError(
f'Expected {value!r} to be no bigger than {self.maxsize!r}'
if self.predicate is not None and not self.predicate(value):
raise ValueError(
f'Expected {self.predicate} to be true for {value!r}'
class Component:
name = String(minsize=3, maxsize=10, predicate=str.isupper)
kind = OneOf('wood', 'metal', 'plastic')
quantity = Number(minvalue=0)
def __init__(self, name, kind, quantity):
self.name = name
self.kind = kind
self.quantity = quantity
>>> Component('Widget', 'metal', 5) # Blocked: 'Widget' is not all uppercase
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected <method 'isupper' of 'str' objects> to be true for 'Widget'
>>> Component('WIDGET', 'metle', 5) # Blocked: 'metle' is misspelled
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected 'metle' to be one of {'metal', 'plastic', 'wood'}
>>> Component('WIDGET', 'metal', -5) # Blocked: -5 is negative
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected -5 to be at least 0
>>> Component('WIDGET', 'metal', 'V') # Blocked: 'V' isn't a number
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Expected 'V' to be an int or float
>>> c = Component('WIDGET', 'metal', 5) # Allowed: The inputs are valid
学习描述器不仅能提供接触到更多工具集的途径,还能更深地理解 Python 工作的原理。
In general, a descriptor is an attribute value that has one of the methods in
the descriptor protocol. Those methods are __get__()
, __set__()
and __delete__()
. If any of those methods are defined for an
attribute, it is said to be a descriptor.
的查找顺序会从 a.__dict__['x']
开始,然后是 type(a).__dict__['x']
,接下来依次查找 type(a)
的方法解析顺序(MRO)。 如果找到的值是定义了某个描述器方法的对象,则 Python 可能会重写默认行为并转而发起调用描述器方法。这具体发生在优先级链的哪个环节则要根据所定义的描述器方法及其被调用的方式来决定。
描述器是一种强大的,通用的协议。 它们是属性、方法、静态方法、类方法和 super()
背后的机制。 它们在整个 Python 中都有使用。 描述器简化了底层的 C 代码并为日常的 Python 程序提供了一套灵活的新工具。
descr.__get__(self, obj, type=None)
descr.__set__(self, obj, value)
descr.__delete__(self, obj)
If an object defines __set__()
or __delete__()
, it is considered
a data descriptor. Descriptors that only define __get__()
are called
non-data descriptors (they are often used for methods but other uses are
To make a read-only data descriptor, define both __get__()
with the __set__()
raising an AttributeError
called. Defining the __set__()
method with an exception raising
placeholder is enough to make it a data descriptor.
描述器可以通过 d.__get__(obj)
或 desc.__get__(None, cls)
表达式 obj.x
在 obj
的命名空间链中查找属性 x
。 如果搜索发现了一个实例 __dict__
以外的描述器,将根据下面列出的优先级规则调用其 __get__()
调用的细节取决于 obj
Instance lookup scans through a chain of namespaces giving data descriptors
the highest priority, followed by instance variables, then non-data
descriptors, then class variables, and lastly __getattr__()
if it is
如果 a.x
找到了一个描述器,那么将通过 desc.__get__(a, type(a))
点运算符的查找逻辑在 object.__getattribute__()
中。这里是一个等价的纯 Python 实现:
def find_name_in_mro(cls, name, default):
"Emulate _PyType_Lookup() in Objects/typeobject.c"
for base in cls.__mro__:
if name in vars(base):
return vars(base)[name]
return default
def object_getattribute(obj, name):
"Emulate PyObject_GenericGetAttr() in Objects/object.c"
null = object()
objtype = type(obj)
cls_var = find_name_in_mro(objtype, name, null)
descr_get = getattr(type(cls_var), '__get__', null)
if descr_get is not null:
if (hasattr(type(cls_var), '__set__')
or hasattr(type(cls_var), '__delete__')):
return descr_get(cls_var, obj, objtype) # data descriptor
if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and name in vars(obj):
return vars(obj)[name] # instance variable
if descr_get is not null:
return descr_get(cls_var, obj, objtype) # non-data descriptor
if cls_var is not null:
return cls_var # class variable
raise AttributeError(name)
Note, there is no __getattr__()
hook in the __getattribute__()
code. That is why calling __getattribute__()
directly or with
will bypass __getattr__()
Instead, it is the dot operator and the getattr()
function that are
responsible for invoking __getattr__()
whenever __getattribute__()
raises an AttributeError
. Their logic is encapsulated in a helper
def getattr_hook(obj, name):
"Emulate slot_tp_getattr_hook() in Objects/typeobject.c"
return obj.__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError:
if not hasattr(type(obj), '__getattr__'):
return type(obj).__getattr__(obj, name) # __getattr__
The logic for a dotted lookup such as A.x
is in
. The steps are similar to those for
but the instance dictionary lookup is replaced
by a search through the class's method resolution order.
如果找到了一个描述器,那么将通过 desc.__get__(None, A)
完整的 C 实现可在 Objects/typeobject.c 里的 type_getattro()
和 _PyType_Lookup()
通过 super 调用¶
The logic for super's dotted lookup is in the __getattribute__()
method for
object returned by super()
类似 super(A, obj).m
形式的点分查找将在 obj.__class__.__mro__
中搜索紧接在 A
之后的基类 B
,然后返回 B.__dict__['m'].__get__(obj, A)
。如果 m
完整的 C 实现可在 Objects/typeobject.c 里的 super_getattro()
中找到。 纯 Python 的等价实现可在 Guido 的教程 中找到。
The mechanism for descriptors is embedded in the __getattribute__()
methods for object
, type
, and super()
Descriptors are invoked by the
prevents automatic descriptor calls because all the descriptor logic is in that method.object.__getattribute__()
make different calls to__get__()
. The first includes the instance and may include the class. The second puts inNone
for the instance and always includes the class.数据描述器始终会覆盖实例字典。
Sometimes it is desirable for a descriptor to know what class variable name it
was assigned to. When a new class is created, the type
scans the dictionary of the new class. If any of the entries are descriptors
and if they define __set_name__()
, that method is called with two
arguments. The owner is the class where the descriptor is used, and the
name is the class variable the descriptor was assigned to.
实现的细节在 Objects/typeobject.c 里的 type_new()
和 set_names()
Since the update logic is in type.__new__()
, notifications only take
place at the time of class creation. If descriptors are added to the class
afterwards, __set_name__()
will need to be called manually.
ORM (对象关系映射)示例¶
以下代码展示了如何使用数据描述器来实现简单的 对象关系映射 框架。
其核心思路是将数据存储在外部数据库中,Python 实例仅持有数据库表中对应的的键。描述器负责对值进行查找或更新:
class Field:
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.fetch = f'SELECT {name} FROM {owner.table} WHERE {owner.key}=?;'
self.store = f'UPDATE {owner.table} SET {name}=? WHERE {owner.key}=?;'
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return conn.execute(self.fetch, [obj.key]).fetchone()[0]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
conn.execute(self.store, [value, obj.key])
We can use the Field
class to define models that describe the schema for
each table in a database:
class Movie:
table = 'Movies' # 表名
key = 'title' # 主键
director = Field()
year = Field()
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
class Song:
table = 'Music'
key = 'title'
artist = Field()
year = Field()
genre = Field()
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
>>> import sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('entertainment.db')
>>> Movie('Star Wars').director
'George Lucas'
>>> jaws = Movie('Jaws')
>>> f'Released in {jaws.year} by {jaws.director}'
'Released in 1975 by Steven Spielberg'
>>> Song('Country Roads').artist
'John Denver'
>>> Movie('Star Wars').director = 'J.J. Abrams'
>>> Movie('Star Wars').director
'J.J. Abrams'
纯 Python 等价实现¶
描述器协议很简单,但它提供了令人兴奋的可能性。有几个用例非常通用,以至于它们已预先打包到内置工具中。属性、绑定方法、静态方法、类方法和 __slots__ 均基于描述器协议。
调用 property()
property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) -> property
该文档显示了定义托管属性 x
class C:
def getx(self): return self.__x
def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
def delx(self): del self.__x
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
要了解 property()
如何根据描述器协议实现,这里是一个纯 Python 的等价实现:
class Property:
"Emulate PyProperty_Type() in Objects/descrobject.c"
def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
self.fdel = fdel
if doc is None and fget is not None:
doc = fget.__doc__
self.__doc__ = doc
self._name = ''
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self._name = name
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
if obj is None:
return self
if self.fget is None:
raise AttributeError(
f'property {self._name!r} of {type(obj).__name__!r} object has no getter'
return self.fget(obj)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if self.fset is None:
raise AttributeError(
f'property {self._name!r} of {type(obj).__name__!r} object has no setter'
self.fset(obj, value)
def __delete__(self, obj):
if self.fdel is None:
raise AttributeError(
f'property {self._name!r} of {type(obj).__name__!r} object has no deleter'
def getter(self, fget):
prop = type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)
prop._name = self._name
return prop
def setter(self, fset):
prop = type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)
prop._name = self._name
return prop
def deleter(self, fdel):
prop = type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__doc__)
prop._name = self._name
return prop
这个内置的 property()
例如,一个电子表格类可以通过 Cell('b10').value
授予对单元格值的访问权限。对程序的后续改进要求每次访问都要重新计算单元格;但是,程序员不希望影响直接访问该属性的现有客户端代码。解决方案是将对 value 属性的访问包装在属性数据描述器中:
class Cell:
def value(self):
"Recalculate the cell before returning value"
return self._value
Either the built-in property()
or our Property()
equivalent would
work in this example.
Python 的面向对象功能是在基于函数的环境构建的。通过使用非数据描述器,这两方面完成了无缝融合。
在调用时,存储在类词典中的函数将被转换为方法。方法与常规函数的不同之处仅在于对象实例被置于其他参数之前。方法与常规函数的不同之处仅在于第一个参数是为对象实例保留的。按照惯例,实例引用称为 self ,但也可以称为 this 或任何其他变量名称。
可以使用 types.MethodType
class MethodType:
"Emulate PyMethod_Type in Objects/classobject.c"
def __init__(self, func, obj):
self.__func__ = func
self.__self__ = obj
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
func = self.__func__
obj = self.__self__
return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
To support automatic creation of methods, functions include the
method for binding methods during attribute access. This
means that functions are non-data descriptors that return bound methods
during dotted lookup from an instance. Here's how it works:
class Function:
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
"Simulate func_descr_get() in Objects/funcobject.c"
if obj is None:
return self
return MethodType(self, obj)
class D:
def f(self, x):
return x
该函数具有 qualified name 属性以支持自省:
>>> D.f.__qualname__
Accessing the function through the class dictionary does not invoke
. Instead, it just returns the underlying function object:
>>> D.__dict__['f']
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>
Dotted access from a class calls __get__()
which just returns the
underlying function unchanged:
>>> D.f
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>
The interesting behavior occurs during dotted access from an instance. The
dotted lookup calls __get__()
which returns a bound method object:
>>> d = D()
>>> d.f
<bound method D.f of <__main__.D object at 0x00B18C90>>
>>> d.f.__func__
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>
>>> d.f.__self__
<__main__.D object at 0x00B18C90>
如果你曾好奇常规方法中的 self 或类方法中的 cls 是从什么地方来的,就是这里了!
To recap, functions have a __get__()
method so that they can be converted
to a method when accessed as attributes. The non-data descriptor transforms an
call into f(obj, *args)
. Calling cls.f(*args)
becomes f(*args)
function -- 函数
f(obj, *args)
f(type(obj), *args)
f(cls, *args)
静态方法返回底层函数,不做任何更改。调用 c.f
或 C.f
等效于通过 object.__getattribute__(c, "f")
或 object.__getattribute__(C, "f")
适合作为静态方法的是那些不引用 self
例如,一个统计用的包可能包含一个实验数据的容器类。该容器类提供了用于计算数据的平均值,均值,中位数和其他描述性统计信息的常规方法。但是,可能有在概念上相关但不依赖于数据的函数。例如, erf(x)
是在统计中的便捷转换,但并不直接依赖于特定的数据集。可以从对象或类中调用它: s.erf(1.5) --> .9332
或 Sample.erf(1.5) --> .9332
class E:
def f(x):
return x * 10
>>> E.f(3)
>>> E().f(3)
使用非数据描述器,纯 Python 版本的 staticmethod()
import functools
class StaticMethod:
"Emulate PyStaticMethod_Type() in Objects/funcobject.c"
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
functools.update_wrapper(self, f)
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return self.f
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
return self.f(*args, **kwds)
调用增加了一个指向下层函数的 __wrapped__
属性。 它还会向前传递必要的属性以使此包装器看起来像是被包装的函数: __name__
, __qualname__
, __doc__
以及 __annotations__
class F:
def f(cls, x):
return cls.__name__, x
>>> F.f(3)
('F', 3)
>>> F().f(3)
('F', 3)
当方法仅需要具有类引用并且确实依赖于存储在特定实例中的数据时,此行为就很有用。类方法的一种用途是创建备用类构造函数。例如,类方法 dict.fromkeys()
从键列表创建一个新字典。纯 Python 的等价实现是:
class Dict(dict):
def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
"Emulate dict_fromkeys() in Objects/dictobject.c"
d = cls()
for key in iterable:
d[key] = value
return d
>>> d = Dict.fromkeys('abracadabra')
>>> type(d) is Dict
>>> d
{'a': None, 'b': None, 'r': None, 'c': None, 'd': None}
使用非数据描述器协议,纯 Python 版本的 classmethod()
import functools
class ClassMethod:
"Emulate PyClassMethod_Type() in Objects/funcobject.c"
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
functools.update_wrapper(self, f)
def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
if cls is None:
cls = type(obj)
if hasattr(type(self.f), '__get__'):
# This code path was added in Python 3.9
# and was deprecated in Python 3.11.
return self.f.__get__(cls, cls)
return MethodType(self.f, cls)
The code path for hasattr(type(self.f), '__get__')
was added in
Python 3.9 and makes it possible for classmethod()
to support
chained decorators. For example, a classmethod and property could be
chained together. In Python 3.11, this functionality was deprecated.
class G:
def __doc__(cls):
return f'A doc for {cls.__name__!r}'
>>> G.__doc__
"A doc for 'G'"
中的 functools.update_wrapper()
调用增加了一个指向下层函数的 __wrapped__
属性。 它还会向前传递必要的属性以使此包装器看起来像是被包装的函数: __name__
, __qualname__
, __doc__
以及 __annotations__
成员对象和 __slots__¶
当一个类定义了 __slots__
,它会用一个固定长度的 slot 值数组来替换实例字典。 从用户的视角看,效果是这样的:
1. Provides immediate detection of bugs due to misspelled attribute
assignments. Only attribute names specified in __slots__
are allowed:
class Vehicle:
__slots__ = ('id_number', 'make', 'model')
>>> auto = Vehicle()
>>> auto.id_nubmer = 'VYE483814LQEX'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Vehicle' object has no attribute 'id_nubmer'
2. Helps create immutable objects where descriptors manage access to private
attributes stored in __slots__
class Immutable:
__slots__ = ('_dept', '_name') # Replace the instance dictionary
def __init__(self, dept, name):
self._dept = dept # Store to private attribute
self._name = name # Store to private attribute
@property # Read-only descriptor
def dept(self):
return self._dept
def name(self): # Read-only descriptor
return self._name
>>> mark = Immutable('Botany', 'Mark Watney')
>>> mark.dept
>>> mark.dept = 'Space Pirate'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: property 'dept' of 'Immutable' object has no setter
>>> mark.location = 'Mars'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Immutable' object has no attribute 'location'
3. Saves memory. On a 64-bit Linux build, an instance with two attributes
takes 48 bytes with __slots__
and 152 bytes without. This flyweight
design pattern likely only
matters when a large number of instances are going to be created.
4. Improves speed. Reading instance variables is 35% faster with
(as measured with Python 3.10 on an Apple M1 processor).
5. Blocks tools like functools.cached_property()
which require an
instance dictionary to function correctly:
from functools import cached_property
class CP:
__slots__ = () # Eliminates the instance dict
@cached_property # Requires an instance dict
def pi(self):
return 4 * sum((-1.0)**n / (2.0*n + 1.0)
for n in reversed(range(100_000)))
>>> CP().pi
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: No '__dict__' attribute on 'CP' instance to cache 'pi' property.
要创建一个一模一样的纯 Python 版的 __slots__
是不可能的,因为它需要直接访问 C 结构体并控制对象内存分配。 但是,我们可以构建一个非常相似的模拟版,其中作为 slot 的实际 C 结构体由一个私有的 _slotvalues
列表来模拟。 对该私有结构体的读写操作将由成员描述器来管理:
null = object()
class Member:
def __init__(self, name, clsname, offset):
'Emulate PyMemberDef in Include/structmember.h'
# Also see descr_new() in Objects/descrobject.c
self.name = name
self.clsname = clsname
self.offset = offset
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
'Emulate member_get() in Objects/descrobject.c'
# Also see PyMember_GetOne() in Python/structmember.c
if obj is None:
return self
value = obj._slotvalues[self.offset]
if value is null:
raise AttributeError(self.name)
return value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
'Emulate member_set() in Objects/descrobject.c'
obj._slotvalues[self.offset] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
'Emulate member_delete() in Objects/descrobject.c'
value = obj._slotvalues[self.offset]
if value is null:
raise AttributeError(self.name)
obj._slotvalues[self.offset] = null
def __repr__(self):
'Emulate member_repr() in Objects/descrobject.c'
return f'<Member {self.name!r} of {self.clsname!r}>'
The type.__new__()
method takes care of adding member objects to class
class Type(type):
'Simulate how the type metaclass adds member objects for slots'
def __new__(mcls, clsname, bases, mapping, **kwargs):
'Emulate type_new() in Objects/typeobject.c'
# type_new() calls PyTypeReady() which calls add_methods()
slot_names = mapping.get('slot_names', [])
for offset, name in enumerate(slot_names):
mapping[name] = Member(name, clsname, offset)
return type.__new__(mcls, clsname, bases, mapping, **kwargs)
方法负责创建具有 slot 而非实例字典的实例。 以下是一个纯 Python 的粗略模拟版:
class Object:
'Simulate how object.__new__() allocates memory for __slots__'
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
'Emulate object_new() in Objects/typeobject.c'
inst = super().__new__(cls)
if hasattr(cls, 'slot_names'):
empty_slots = [null] * len(cls.slot_names)
object.__setattr__(inst, '_slotvalues', empty_slots)
return inst
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
'Emulate _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict() Objects/object.c'
cls = type(self)
if hasattr(cls, 'slot_names') and name not in cls.slot_names:
raise AttributeError(
f'{cls.__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}'
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def __delattr__(self, name):
'Emulate _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict() Objects/object.c'
cls = type(self)
if hasattr(cls, 'slot_names') and name not in cls.slot_names:
raise AttributeError(
f'{cls.__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}'
To use the simulation in a real class, just inherit from Object
set the metaclass to Type
class H(Object, metaclass=Type):
'Instance variables stored in slots'
slot_names = ['x', 'y']
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
这时,metaclass 已经为 x 和 y 加载了成员对象:
>>> from pprint import pp
>>> pp(dict(vars(H)))
{'__module__': '__main__',
'__doc__': 'Instance variables stored in slots',
'slot_names': ['x', 'y'],
'__init__': <function H.__init__ at 0x7fb5d302f9d0>,
'x': <Member 'x' of 'H'>,
'y': <Member 'y' of 'H'>}
当实例被创建时,它们将拥有一个用于存放属性的 slot_values
>>> h = H(10, 20)
>>> vars(h)
{'_slotvalues': [10, 20]}
>>> h.x = 55
>>> vars(h)
{'_slotvalues': [55, 20]}
>>> h.xz
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'H' object has no attribute 'xz'