28.9. atexit — 退出处理器

2.0 新版功能.

Source code: Lib/atexit.py

The atexit module defines a single function to register cleanup functions. Functions thus registered are automatically executed upon normal interpreter termination. atexit runs these functions in the reverse order in which they were registered; if you register A, B, and C, at interpreter termination time they will be run in the order C, B, A.

注意: 通过该模块注册的函数, 在程序被未被 Python 捕获的信号杀死时并不会执行, 在检测到 Python 内部致命错误以及调用了 os._exit() 时也不会执行.

This is an alternate interface to the functionality provided by the sys.exitfunc() variable.

Note: This module is unlikely to work correctly when used with other code that sets sys.exitfunc. In particular, other core Python modules are free to use atexit without the programmer’s knowledge. Authors who use sys.exitfunc should convert their code to use atexit instead. The simplest way to convert code that sets sys.exitfunc is to import atexit and register the function that had been bound to sys.exitfunc.

atexit.register(func[, *args[, **kwargs]])

func 注册为终止时执行的函数. 任何传给 func 的可选的参数都应当作为参数传给 register(). 可以多次注册同样的函数及参数.

在正常的程序终止时 (举例来说, 当调用了 sys.exit() 或是主模块的执行完成时), 所有注册过的函数都会以后进先出的顺序执行. 这样做是假定更底层的模块通常会比高层模块更早引入, 因此需要更晚清理.

如果在 exit 处理程序执行期间引发了异常,将会打印回溯信息 (除非引发的是 SystemExit) 并且异常信息会被保存。 在所有 exit 处理程序获得运行机会之后,所引发的最后一个异常会被重新引发。

在 2.6 版更改: This function now returns func, which makes it possible to use it as a decorator.


模块 readline

使用 atexit 读写 readline 历史文件的有用的例子。

28.9.1. atexit 示例


    _count = int(open("counter").read())
except IOError:
    _count = 0

def incrcounter(n):
    global _count
    _count = _count + n

def savecounter():
    open("counter", "w").write("%d" % _count)

import atexit

位置和关键字参数也可传入 register() 以便传递给被调用的已注册函数:

def goodbye(name, adjective):
    print 'Goodbye, %s, it was %s to meet you.' % (name, adjective)

import atexit
atexit.register(goodbye, 'Donny', 'nice')

# or:
atexit.register(goodbye, adjective='nice', name='Donny')

作为 decorator: 使用:

import atexit

def goodbye():
    print "You are now leaving the Python sector."
