Логічні об’єкти

Booleans in Python are implemented as a subclass of integers. There are only two booleans, Py_False and Py_True. As such, the normal creation and deletion functions don’t apply to booleans. The following macros are available, however.

PyTypeObject PyBool_Type
Part of the Stable ABI.

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the Python boolean type; it is the same object as bool in the Python layer.

int PyBool_Check(PyObject *o)

Повертає true, якщо o має тип PyBool_Type. Ця функція завжди успішна.

PyObject *Py_False

The Python False object. This object has no methods and is immortal.

Змінено в версії 3.12: Py_False is immortal.

PyObject *Py_True

The Python True object. This object has no methods and is immortal.

Змінено в версії 3.12: Py_True is immortal.


Return Py_False from a function.


Return Py_True from a function.

PyObject *PyBool_FromLong(long v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Return Py_True or Py_False, depending on the truth value of v.