High-level API Index¶
This page lists all high-level async/await enabled asyncio APIs.
Utilities to run asyncio programs, create Tasks, and await on multiple things with timeouts.
Create event loop, run a coroutine, close the loop. |
Start an asyncio Task. |
Sleep for a number of seconds. |
Schedule and wait for things concurrently. |
Run with a timeout. |
Shield from cancellation. |
Monitor for completion. |
Return the current Task. |
Return all tasks for an event loop. |
Task object. |
Asychronously run a function in a separate OS thread. |
Schedule a coroutine from another OS thread. |
Monitor for completion with a |
Queues should be used to distribute work amongst multiple asyncio Tasks, implement connection pools, and pub/sub patterns.
A FIFO queue. |
A priority queue. |
A LIFO queue. |
Utilities to spawn subprocesses and run shell commands.
Create a subprocess. |
Run a shell command. |
See also the subprocess APIs documentation.
High-level APIs to work with network IO.
Establish a TCP connection. |
Establish a Unix socket connection. |
Start a TCP server. |
Start a Unix socket server. |
High-level async/await object to receive network data. |
High-level async/await object to send network data. |
See also the streams APIs documentation.
Threading-like synchronization primitives that can be used in Tasks.
A mutex lock. |
An event object. |
A condition object. |
A semaphore. |
A bounded semaphore. |
See also the documentation of asyncio synchronization primitives.
Sytuacje Wyjątkowe¶
Raised on timeout by functions like |
Raised when a Task is cancelled. See also |
Handling CancelledError to run code on cancellation request.
See also the full list of asyncio-specific exceptions.