marshal — Internal Python object serialization

This module contains functions that can read and write Python values in a binary format. The format is specific to Python, but independent of machine architecture issues (e.g., you can write a Python value to a file on a PC, transport the file to a Mac, and read it back there). Details of the format are undocumented on purpose; it may change between Python versions (although it rarely does). [1]

This is not a general “persistence” module. For general persistence and transfer of Python objects through RPC calls, see the modules pickle and shelve. The marshal module exists mainly to support reading and writing the “pseudo-compiled” code for Python modules of .pyc files. Therefore, the Python maintainers reserve the right to modify the marshal format in backward incompatible ways should the need arise. The format of code objects is not compatible between Python versions, even if the version of the format is the same. De-serializing a code object in the incorrect Python version has undefined behavior. If you’re serializing and de-serializing Python objects, use the pickle module instead – the performance is comparable, version independence is guaranteed, and pickle supports a substantially wider range of objects than marshal.


marshal 모듈은 잘못되었거나 악의적으로 구성된 데이터에 대해 보안성을 갖추려는 것이 아닙니다. 신뢰할 수 없거나 인증되지 않은 출처에서 받은 데이터를 역 마샬 하지 마십시오.

Not all Python object types are supported; in general, only objects whose value is independent from a particular invocation of Python can be written and read by this module. The following types are supported: booleans, integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, strings, bytes, bytearrays, tuples, lists, sets, frozensets, dictionaries, and code objects (if allow_code is true), where it should be understood that tuples, lists, sets, frozensets and dictionaries are only supported as long as the values contained therein are themselves supported. The singletons None, Ellipsis and StopIteration can also be marshalled and unmarshalled. For format version lower than 3, recursive lists, sets and dictionaries cannot be written (see below).

파일을 읽고 쓰는 함수는 물론 바이트열류 객체에서 작동하는 함수도 있습니다.

모듈은 다음 함수를 정의합니다:

marshal.dump(value, file, version=version, /, *, allow_code=True)

열린 파일에 값을 기록합니다. value는 지원되는 형이어야 합니다. 파일은 쓰기 가능한 바이너리 파일 이어야 합니다.

If the value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type, a ValueError exception is raised — but garbage data will also be written to the file. The object will not be properly read back by load(). Code objects are only supported if allow_code is true.

version 인자는 dump가 사용해야 하는 데이터 형식을 나타냅니다 (아래를 참조하십시오).

Raises an auditing event marshal.dumps with arguments value, version.

버전 3.13에서 변경: Added the allow_code parameter.

marshal.load(file, /, *, allow_code=True)

Read one value from the open file and return it. If no valid value is read (e.g. because the data has a different Python version’s incompatible marshal format), raise EOFError, ValueError or TypeError. Code objects are only supported if allow_code is true. The file must be a readable binary file.

Raises an auditing event marshal.load with no arguments.


지원하지 않는 형을 포함하는 객체가 dump()로 마샬 되었으면, load()는 역 마샬이 불가능한 형을 None으로 치환합니다.

버전 3.10에서 변경: This call used to raise a code.__new__ audit event for each code object. Now it raises a single marshal.load event for the entire load operation.

버전 3.13에서 변경: Added the allow_code parameter.

marshal.dumps(value, version=version, /, *, allow_code=True)

Return the bytes object that would be written to a file by dump(value, file). The value must be a supported type. Raise a ValueError exception if value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type. Code objects are only supported if allow_code is true.

version 인자는 dumps가 사용해야 하는 데이터 형식을 나타냅니다 (아래를 참조하십시오).

Raises an auditing event marshal.dumps with arguments value, version.

버전 3.13에서 변경: Added the allow_code parameter.

marshal.loads(bytes, /, *, allow_code=True)

Convert the bytes-like object to a value. If no valid value is found, raise EOFError, ValueError or TypeError. Code objects are only supported if allow_code is true. Extra bytes in the input are ignored.

Raises an auditing event marshal.loads with argument bytes.

버전 3.10에서 변경: This call used to raise a code.__new__ audit event for each code object. Now it raises a single marshal.loads event for the entire load operation.

버전 3.13에서 변경: Added the allow_code parameter.

또한, 다음 상수가 정의됩니다:


Indicates the format that the module uses. Version 0 is the historical format, version 1 shares interned strings and version 2 uses a binary format for floating-point numbers. Version 3 adds support for object instancing and recursion. The current version is 4.
