getopt --- C-style parser for command line options

ソースコード: Lib/


This module is considered feature complete. A more declarative and extensible alternative to this API is provided in the optparse module. Further functional enhancements for command line parameter processing are provided either as third party modules on PyPI, or else as features in the argparse module.

This module helps scripts to parse the command line arguments in sys.argv. It supports the same conventions as the Unix getopt() function (including the special meanings of arguments of the form '-' and '--'). Long options similar to those supported by GNU software may be used as well via an optional third argument.

Users who are unfamiliar with the Unix getopt() function should consider using the argparse module instead. Users who are familiar with the Unix getopt() function, but would like to get equivalent behavior while writing less code and getting better help and error messages should consider using the optparse module. See Choosing an argument parsing library for additional details.


getopt.getopt(args, shortopts, longopts=[])

Parses command line options and parameter list. args is the argument list to be parsed, without the leading reference to the running program. Typically, this means sys.argv[1:]. shortopts is the string of option letters that the script wants to recognize, with options that require an argument followed by a colon (':'; i.e., the same format that Unix getopt() uses).


Unlike GNU getopt(), after a non-option argument, all further arguments are considered also non-options. This is similar to the way non-GNU Unix systems work.

longopts は長形式のオプションの名前を示す文字列のリストです。名前には、先頭の '--' は含めません。引数が必要な場合には名前の最後に等号 ('=') を入れます。オプション引数はサポートしていません。長形式のオプションだけを受けつけるためには、shortopts は空文字列である必要があります。長形式のオプションは、該当するオプションを一意に決定できる長さまで入力されていれば認識されます。たとえば、longopts['foo', 'frob'] の場合、--fo--foo にマッチしますが、--f では一意に決定できないので、GetoptError が送出されます。

返り値は2つの要素から成っています: 最初は (option, value) のタプルのリスト、2つ目はオプションリストを取り除いたあとに残ったプログラムの引数リストです (args の末尾部分のスライスになります)。それぞれの引数と値のタプルの最初の要素は、短形式の時はハイフン 1つで始まる文字列 (例: '-x')、長形式の時はハイフン2つで始まる文字列 (例: '--long-option') となり、引数が2番目の要素になります。引数をとらない場合には空文字列が入ります。オプションは見つかった順に並んでいて、複数回同じオプションを指定できます。長形式と短形式のオプションは混在できます。

getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts=[])

この関数はデフォルトで GNU スタイルのスキャンモードを使う以外は getopt() と同じように動作します。つまり、オプションとオプションでない引数とを混在させることができます。getopt() 関数はオプションでない引数を見つけると解析を停止します。

If the first character of the option string is '+', or if the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, then option processing stops as soon as a non-option argument is encountered.

exception getopt.GetoptError

This is raised when an unrecognized option is found in the argument list or when an option requiring an argument is given none. The argument to the exception is a string indicating the cause of the error. For long options, an argument given to an option which does not require one will also cause this exception to be raised. The attributes msg and opt give the error message and related option; if there is no specific option to which the exception relates, opt is an empty string.

exception getopt.error

GetoptError へのエイリアスです。後方互換性のために残されています。

Unix スタイルのオプションを使った例です:

>>> import getopt
>>> args = '-a -b -cfoo -d bar a1 a2'.split()
>>> args
['-a', '-b', '-cfoo', '-d', 'bar', 'a1', 'a2']
>>> optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'abc:d:')
>>> optlist
[('-a', ''), ('-b', ''), ('-c', 'foo'), ('-d', 'bar')]
>>> args
['a1', 'a2']


>>> s = '--condition=foo --testing --output-file abc.def -x a1 a2'
>>> args = s.split()
>>> args
['--condition=foo', '--testing', '--output-file', 'abc.def', '-x', 'a1', 'a2']
>>> optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'x', [
...     'condition=', 'output-file=', 'testing'])
>>> optlist
[('--condition', 'foo'), ('--testing', ''), ('--output-file', 'abc.def'), ('-x', '')]
>>> args
['a1', 'a2']

In a script, typical usage is something like this:

import getopt, sys

def main():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
        # print help information and exit:
        print(err)  # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
    output = None
    verbose = False
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "-v":
            verbose = True
        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
            output = a
            assert False, "unhandled option"
    process(args, output=output, verbose=verbose)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note that an equivalent command line interface could be produced with less code and more informative help and error messages by using the optparse module:

import optparse

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('-o', '--output')
    parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true')
    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
    process(args, output=opts.output, verbose=opts.verbose)

A roughly equivalent command line interface for this case can also be produced by using the argparse module:

import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output')
    parser.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('rest', nargs='*')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    process(, output=args.output, verbose=args.verbose)

See Choosing an argument parsing library for details on how the argparse version of this code differs in behaviour from the optparse (and getopt) version.


Module optparse

Declarative command line option parsing.

argparse モジュール

More opinionated command line option and argument parsing library.