
Source code: Lib/asyncio/

この節では、asyncio のコードを実行するための高レベルの asyncio のプリミティブの概略を解説します。

これらは イベントループ の上に構築されており、一般的な広く普及しているシナリオでの非同期コードの使用を簡素化することを目的としています。

非同期プログラムの実行, *, debug=None, loop_factory=None)

coroutine coro を実行し、結果を返します。

This function runs the passed coroutine, taking care of managing the asyncio event loop, finalizing asynchronous generators, and closing the executor.


debugTrue の場合、イベントループはデバッグモードで実行されます。False は明示的にデバッグモードを無効化します。 グローバルな デバッグモード 設定を尊重するために None が使用されます。

If loop_factory is not None, it is used to create a new event loop; otherwise asyncio.new_event_loop() is used. The loop is closed at the end. This function should be used as a main entry point for asyncio programs, and should ideally only be called once. It is recommended to use loop_factory to configure the event loop instead of policies. Passing asyncio.EventLoop allows running asyncio without the policy system.

The executor is given a timeout duration of 5 minutes to shutdown. If the executor hasn't finished within that duration, a warning is emitted and the executor is closed.


async def main():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

Added in version 3.7.

バージョン 3.9 で変更: loop.shutdown_default_executor() メソッドを使うように更新されました。

バージョン 3.10 で変更: debug はグローバルなデバッグモード設定を尊重するためにデフォルトで None です。

バージョン 3.12 で変更: Added loop_factory parameter.

Runner context manager

class asyncio.Runner(*, debug=None, loop_factory=None)

同じコンテキスト上での 複数 の非同期関数呼び出しをシンプルにするコンテキストマネージャ。

Sometimes several top-level async functions should be called in the same event loop and contextvars.Context.

debugTrue の場合、イベントループはデバッグモードで実行されます。False は明示的にデバッグモードを無効化します。 グローバルな デバッグモード 設定を尊重するために None が使用されます。

loop_factory could be used for overriding the loop creation. It is the responsibility of the loop_factory to set the created loop as the current one. By default asyncio.new_event_loop() is used and set as current event loop with asyncio.set_event_loop() if loop_factory is None.

Basically, example can be rewritten with the runner usage:

async def main():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

with asyncio.Runner() as runner:

Added in version 3.11.

run(coro, *, context=None)

Run a coroutine coro in the embedded loop.

Return the coroutine's result or raise its exception.

An optional keyword-only context argument allows specifying a custom contextvars.Context for the coro to run in. The runner's default context is used if None.



Close the runner.

Finalize asynchronous generators, shutdown default executor, close the event loop and release embedded contextvars.Context.


Return the event loop associated with the runner instance.


Runner uses the lazy initialization strategy, its constructor doesn't initialize underlying low-level structures.

Embedded loop and context are created at the with body entering or the first call of run() or get_loop().

Handling Keyboard Interruption

Added in version 3.11.

When signal.SIGINT is raised by Ctrl-C, KeyboardInterrupt exception is raised in the main thread by default. However this doesn't work with asyncio because it can interrupt asyncio internals and can hang the program from exiting.

To mitigate this issue, asyncio handles signal.SIGINT as follows:

  1. installs a custom signal.SIGINT handler before any user code is executed and removes it when exiting from the function.

  2. The Runner creates the main task for the passed coroutine for its execution.

  3. When signal.SIGINT is raised by Ctrl-C, the custom signal handler cancels the main task by calling asyncio.Task.cancel() which raises asyncio.CancelledError inside the main task. This causes the Python stack to unwind, try/except and try/finally blocks can be used for resource cleanup. After the main task is cancelled, raises KeyboardInterrupt.

  4. A user could write a tight loop which cannot be interrupted by asyncio.Task.cancel(), in which case the second following Ctrl-C immediately raises the KeyboardInterrupt without cancelling the main task.