イテレータプロトコル (iterator protocol)


int PyIter_Check(PyObject *o)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.8 より).

Return non-zero if the object o can be safely passed to PyIter_Next(), and 0 otherwise. This function always succeeds.

int PyAIter_Check(PyObject *o)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.10 より).

Return non-zero if the object o provides the AsyncIterator protocol, and 0 otherwise. This function always succeeds.

Added in version 3.10.

PyObject *PyIter_Next(PyObject *o)
戻り値: 新しい参照。 次に属します: Stable ABI.

Return the next value from the iterator o. The object must be an iterator according to PyIter_Check() (it is up to the caller to check this). If there are no remaining values, returns NULL with no exception set. If an error occurs while retrieving the item, returns NULL and passes along the exception.

イテレータの返す要素にわたって反復処理を行うループを書くと、C のコードは以下のようになるはずです:

PyObject *iterator = PyObject_GetIter(obj);
PyObject *item;

if (iterator == NULL) {
    /* propagate error */

while ((item = PyIter_Next(iterator))) {
    /* do something with item */
    /* release reference when done */


if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
    /* propagate error */
else {
    /* continue doing useful work */
type PySendResult

The enum value used to represent different results of PyIter_Send().

Added in version 3.10.

PySendResult PyIter_Send(PyObject *iter, PyObject *arg, PyObject **presult)
次に属します: Stable ABI (バージョン 3.10 より).

Sends the arg value into the iterator iter. Returns:

  • PYGEN_RETURN if iterator returns. Return value is returned via presult.

  • PYGEN_NEXT if iterator yields. Yielded value is returned via presult.

  • PYGEN_ERROR if iterator has raised and exception. presult is set to NULL.

Added in version 3.10.