Python で Curses プログラミング¶
- 著者:
A.M. Kuchling, Eric S. Raymond
- リリース:
curses ってなに?¶
curses ライブラリは、VT100s や Linux コンソール、さまざまなプログラムが提供するエミュレーション端末といったテキストベースの端末(ターミナル)のために、端末に依存しないスクリーン描画や、キーボードの処理を提供します。端末はカーソルの移動や、画面のスクロール、領域の消去といった共通の操作を行うための様々な制御コードをサポートします。端末の種類によって大きく異なる制御コードを使うことがあり、しばしば独特の癖があります。
グラフィカルなディスプレイが当たり前の今となっては、「なんでわざわざ?」と疑問に思うかもしれません。確かに文字表示端末は時代遅れな技術ではありますが、ニッチな領域が存在していて、意匠を凝らすことができるため、いまだに価値のあるものとなっています。そのような領域の一つは、例えば X サーバーを持たない組み込みのUnixです。ほかにも、OSのインストーラや、カーネル設定などのツールで、これらはグラフィカルサポートが利用可能になる前に動作する必要があります。
The curses library provides fairly basic functionality, providing the programmer with an abstraction of a display containing multiple non-overlapping windows of text. The contents of a window can be changed in various ways---adding text, erasing it, changing its appearance---and the curses library will figure out what control codes need to be sent to the terminal to produce the right output. curses doesn't provide many user-interface concepts such as buttons, checkboxes, or dialogs; if you need such features, consider a user interface library such as Urwid.
curses ライブラリは元々 BSD UNIX 向けに書かれました; 後の AT&T から出た Unix System V バージョンで多くの機能と新機能が追加されました。BSD curses はいまやメンテナンスされておらず、これは AT&T インターフェースのオープンソース実装である ncurses にとって置き換えられました。Linux や FreeBSD のようなオープンソース Unix を利用している場合は、おそらくシステムは ncurses を利用しています。現在のほとんどの商用 Unix は System V のコードを基にしているため、ここで述べる全ての関数が利用できるはずです。しかし、古いバージョンの curses を持ついくつかのプロプライエタリ Unix は全てには対応していないでしょう。
The Windows version of Python doesn't include the curses
module. A ported version called UniCurses is available.
Python の curses module¶
The Python module is a fairly simple wrapper over the C functions provided by
curses; if you're already familiar with curses programming in C, it's really
easy to transfer that knowledge to Python. The biggest difference is that the
Python interface makes things simpler by merging different C functions such as
, mvaddstr()
, and mvwaddstr()
into a single
method. You'll see this covered in more
detail later.
この HOWTO は curses と Python を使ってテキストプログラムを書くための入門記事です。 curses API に対する完全な解説をすることは意図していません; その目的のためには Python ライブラリガイドの ncurses 節と C 言語マニュアルのncurses のページを参照してください。とはいえ、この文章は基本的な考えを提供してくれるでしょう。
curses アプリケーションの起動と終了¶
Before doing anything, curses must be initialized. This is done by
calling the initscr()
function, which will determine the
terminal type, send any required setup codes to the terminal, and
create various internal data structures. If successful,
returns a window object representing the entire
screen; this is usually called stdscr
after the name of the
corresponding C variable.
import curses
stdscr = curses.initscr()
Usually curses applications turn off automatic echoing of keys to the
screen, in order to be able to read keys and only display them under
certain circumstances. This requires calling the
通常アプリケーションはまた、Enter キーを押すことなく、キーに対してすぐに反応する必要があります; これは cbreak モードと呼ばれ、通常の入力がバッファされるモードと逆に動作します。
端末は通常、カーソルキーや Page Up や Home といった操作キーなどの特別なキーをマルチバイトエスケープシーケンスとして返します。それらのシーケンスを想定して対応する処理を行うアプリケーションを書けるように、 curses はそれを curses.KEY_LEFT
のような特別な値を返して行ってくれます。 curses にその仕事をさせるには、キーパッドモードを有効にする必要があります。
curses アプリケーションを終了させるのは起動よりも簡単です。 以下を呼び出す必要があります:
curses アプリケーションをデバッグするときの一般的な問題は、アプリケーションが端末を以前の状態に復旧することなく異常終了したときに端末がめちゃめちゃになることです。Python ではこの問題はコードにバグがあって、捕捉できない例外が発生したときによく起きます。タイプしたキーはもはやエコーされません、例えば、シェルを使うのが難しくなります。
Pythonでは、これらの複雑さを避けデバッグをより容易にするために、 curses.wrapper()
from curses import wrapper
def main(stdscr):
# Clear screen
# This raises ZeroDivisionError when i == 10.
for i in range(0, 11):
v = i-10
stdscr.addstr(i, 0, '10 divided by {} is {}'.format(v, 10/v))
The wrapper()
function takes a callable object and does the
initializations described above, also initializing colors if color
support is present. wrapper()
then runs your provided callable.
Once the callable returns, wrapper()
will restore the original
state of the terminal. The callable is called inside a
that catches exceptions, restores
the state of the terminal, and then re-raises the exception. Therefore
your terminal won't be left in a funny state on exception and you'll be
able to read the exception's message and traceback.
Windows are the basic abstraction in curses. A window object represents a rectangular area of the screen, and supports methods to display text, erase it, allow the user to input strings, and so forth.
The stdscr
object returned by the initscr()
function is a
window object that covers the entire screen. Many programs may need
only this single window, but you might wish to divide the screen into
smaller windows, in order to redraw or clear them separately. The
function creates a new window of a given size,
returning the new window object.
begin_x = 20; begin_y = 7
height = 5; width = 40
win = curses.newwin(height, width, begin_y, begin_x)
Note that the coordinate system used in curses is unusual. Coordinates are always passed in the order y,x, and the top-left corner of a window is coordinate (0,0). This breaks the normal convention for handling coordinates where the x coordinate comes first. This is an unfortunate difference from most other computer applications, but it's been part of curses since it was first written, and it's too late to change things now.
Your application can determine the size of the screen by using the
and curses.COLS
variables to obtain the y and
x sizes. Legal coordinates will then extend from (0,0)
(curses.LINES - 1, curses.COLS - 1)
When you call a method to display or erase text, the effect doesn't
immediately show up on the display. Instead you must call the
method of window objects to update the
This is because curses was originally written with slow 300-baud
terminal connections in mind; with these terminals, minimizing the
time required to redraw the screen was very important. Instead curses
accumulates changes to the screen and displays them in the most
efficient manner when you call refresh()
. For example, if your
program displays some text in a window and then clears the window,
there's no need to send the original text because they're never
In practice, explicitly telling curses to redraw a window doesn't
really complicate programming with curses much. Most programs go into a flurry
of activity, and then pause waiting for a keypress or some other action on the
part of the user. All you have to do is to be sure that the screen has been
redrawn before pausing to wait for user input, by first calling
or the refresh()
method of some other relevant
A pad is a special case of a window; it can be larger than the actual display screen, and only a portion of the pad displayed at a time. Creating a pad requires the pad's height and width, while refreshing a pad requires giving the coordinates of the on-screen area where a subsection of the pad will be displayed.
pad = curses.newpad(100, 100)
# These loops fill the pad with letters; addch() is
# explained in the next section
for y in range(0, 99):
for x in range(0, 99):
pad.addch(y,x, ord('a') + (x*x+y*y) % 26)
# Displays a section of the pad in the middle of the screen.
# (0,0) : coordinate of upper-left corner of pad area to display.
# (5,5) : coordinate of upper-left corner of window area to be filled
# with pad content.
# (20, 75) : coordinate of lower-right corner of window area to be
# : filled with pad content.
pad.refresh( 0,0, 5,5, 20,75)
The refresh()
call displays a section of the pad in the rectangle
extending from coordinate (5,5) to coordinate (20,75) on the screen; the upper
left corner of the displayed section is coordinate (0,0) on the pad. Beyond
that difference, pads are exactly like ordinary windows and support the same
If you have multiple windows and pads on screen there is a more
efficient way to update the screen and prevent annoying screen flicker
as each part of the screen gets updated. refresh()
does two things:
Instead you can call noutrefresh()
on a number of windows to
update the data structure, and then call doupdate()
to update
the screen.
From a C programmer's point of view, curses may sometimes look like a
twisty maze of functions, all subtly different. For example,
displays a string at the current cursor location in
the stdscr
window, while mvaddstr()
moves to a given y,x
coordinate first before displaying the string. waddstr()
is just
like addstr()
, but allows specifying a window to use instead of
using stdscr
by default. mvwaddstr()
allows specifying both
a window and a coordinate.
幸運にも、Python インターフェースはこれらの詳細を全て隠蔽してくれます。 stdscr
は他のものと同様のウィンドウオブジェクトであり、 addstr()
形式 |
説明 |
str または ch |
文字列 str または文字 ch を現在位置に表示します |
str または ch, attr |
文字列 str または文字 ch を属性 attr を利用して現在位置に表示します |
y, x, str または ch |
ウィンドウ内の位置 y,x に移動し str または ch を表示します |
y, x, str または ch, attr |
ウィンドウ内の位置 y,x に移動し属性 attr を利用して str または ch を表示します |
The addstr()
method takes a Python string or
bytestring as the value to be displayed. The contents of bytestrings
are sent to the terminal as-is. Strings are encoded to bytes using
the value of the window's encoding
attribute; this defaults to
the default system encoding as returned by locale.getencoding()
The addch()
methods take a character, which can be
either a string of length 1, a bytestring of length 1, or an integer.
Constants are provided for extension characters; these constants are
integers greater than 255. For example, ACS_PLMINUS
is a +/-
symbol, and ACS_ULCORNER
is the upper left corner of a box
(handy for drawing borders). You can also use the appropriate Unicode
ウィンドウは最後の操作の後のカーソル位置を覚えているため、 y,x 座標をうっかり忘れてしまっても、文字列や文字は最後の操作位置に表示されます。 move(y,x)
メソッドでカーソルを移動させることもできます。常に点滅するカーソルを表示する端末もあるため、カーソルが特定の位置にいることを保証して注意が反れないようにしたいと思うかもしれません; ランダムに見える位置でカーソルが点滅すると面を食らってしまいます。
If your application doesn't need a blinking cursor at all, you can
call curs_set(False)
to make it invisible. For compatibility
with older curses versions, there's a leaveok(bool)
that's a synonym for curs_set()
. When bool is true, the
curses library will attempt to suppress the flashing cursor, and you
won't need to worry about leaving it in odd locations.
Characters can be displayed in different ways. Status lines in a text-based application are commonly shown in reverse video, or a text viewer may need to highlight certain words. curses supports this by allowing you to specify an attribute for each cell on the screen.
属性は整数値で、それぞれのビットが異なる属性を表わします。複数の属性ビットをセットしてテキストの表示を試みることができますが、curses は全ての組み合わせが利用可能であるかや視覚的に区別できるかどうかは保証してくれません、それらは利用している端末の能力に依存しているため、最も安全なのは、最も一般的に利用可能な属性を設定する方法です、ここに列挙します。
属性 |
説明 |
テキストを点滅 |
高輝度またはボールドテキスト |
低輝度テキスト |
反転テキスト |
利用できる最良のハイライトモード |
下線付きテキスト |
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Current mode: Typing mode",
curses ライブラリはカラー機能を提供している端末でのカラーもサポートしています。そんな端末の中で最も一般的なものは Linux コンソールで、color xterm もそれに続きます。
To use color, you must call the start_color()
function soon
after calling initscr()
, to initialize the default color set
(the curses.wrapper()
function does this automatically). Once that's
done, the has_colors()
function returns TRUE if the terminal
in use can
actually display color. (Note: curses uses the American spelling 'color',
instead of the Canadian/British spelling 'colour'. If you're used to the
British spelling, you'll have to resign yourself to misspelling it for the sake
of these functions.)
The curses library maintains a finite number of color pairs, containing a
foreground (or text) color and a background color. You can get the attribute
value corresponding to a color pair with the color_pair()
function; this can be bitwise-OR'ed with other attributes such as
, but again, such combinations are not guaranteed to work
on all terminals.
例として、テキスト行をカラーペア 1 を使って表示します:
stdscr.addstr("Pretty text", curses.color_pair(1))
As I said before, a color pair consists of a foreground and background color.
The init_pair(n, f, b)
function changes the definition of color pair n, to
foreground color f and background color b. Color pair 0 is hard-wired to white
on black, and cannot be changed.
Colors are numbered, and start_color()
initializes 8 basic
colors when it activates color mode. They are: 0:black, 1:red,
2:green, 3:yellow, 4:blue, 5:magenta, 6:cyan, and 7:white. The curses
module defines named constants for each of these colors:
, curses.COLOR_RED
, and so forth.
やってみましょう。カラー 1 を白背景に赤に変更してみましょう、こうして呼び出します:
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE)
stdscr.addstr(0,0, "RED ALERT!", curses.color_pair(1))
Very fancy terminals can change the definitions of the actual colors to a given
RGB value. This lets you change color 1, which is usually red, to purple or
blue or any other color you like. Unfortunately, the Linux console doesn't
support this, so I'm unable to try it out, and can't provide any examples. You
can check if your terminal can do this by calling
, which returns True
if the capability is
there. If you're lucky enough to have such a talented terminal, consult your
system's man pages for more information.
The C curses library offers only very simple input mechanisms. Python's
module adds a basic text-input widget. (Other libraries
such as Urwid have more extensive collections of widgets.)
refreshes the screen and then waits for the user to hit a key, displaying the key ifecho()
has been called earlier. You can optionally specify a coordinate to which the cursor should be moved before pausing.getkey()
does the same thing but converts the integer to a string. Individual characters are returned as 1-character strings, and special keys such as function keys return longer strings containing a key name such asKEY_UP
It's possible to not wait for the user using the
window method. After nodelay(True)
and getkey()
for the window become
non-blocking. To signal that no input is ready, getch()
(a value of -1) and getkey()
raises an exception.
There's also a halfdelay()
function, which can be used to (in
effect) set a timer on each getch()
; if no input becomes
available within a specified delay (measured in tenths of a second),
curses raises an exception.
The getch()
method returns an integer; if it's between 0 and 255, it
represents the ASCII code of the key pressed. Values greater than 255 are
special keys such as Page Up, Home, or the cursor keys. You can compare the
value returned to constants such as curses.KEY_PPAGE
, or curses.KEY_LEFT
. The main loop of
your program may look something like this:
while True:
c = stdscr.getch()
if c == ord('p'):
elif c == ord('q'):
break # Exit the while loop
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME:
x = y = 0
The curses.ascii
module supplies ASCII class membership functions that
take either integer or 1-character string arguments; these may be useful in
writing more readable tests for such loops. It also supplies
conversion functions that take either integer or 1-character-string arguments
and return the same type. For example, curses.ascii.ctrl()
returns the
control character corresponding to its argument.
There's also a method to retrieve an entire string,
. It isn't used very often, because its
functionality is quite limited; the only editing keys available are
the backspace key and the Enter key, which terminates the string. It
can optionally be limited to a fixed number of characters.
curses.echo() # Enable echoing of characters
# Get a 15-character string, with the cursor on the top line
s = stdscr.getstr(0,0, 15)
The curses.textpad
module supplies a text box that supports an
Emacs-like set of keybindings. Various methods of the
class support editing with input
validation and gathering the edit results either with or without
trailing spaces. Here's an example:
import curses
from curses.textpad import Textbox, rectangle
def main(stdscr):
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Enter IM message: (hit Ctrl-G to send)")
editwin = curses.newwin(5,30, 2,1)
rectangle(stdscr, 1,0, 1+5+1, 1+30+1)
box = Textbox(editwin)
# Let the user edit until Ctrl-G is struck.
# Get resulting contents
message = box.gather()
さらなる詳細についてはライブラリのドキュメント curses.textpad
この HOWTO ではいくつかの進んだ話題、スクリーンスクレイピングや xterm インスタンスからマウスイベントを捉えるなど、については扱っていません。しかし、Python の curses
If you're in doubt about the detailed behavior of the curses functions, consult the manual pages for your curses implementation, whether it's ncurses or a proprietary Unix vendor's. The manual pages will document any quirks, and provide complete lists of all the functions, attributes, and ACS_* characters available to you.
Because the curses API is so large, some functions aren't supported in the Python interface. Often this isn't because they're difficult to implement, but because no one has needed them yet. Also, Python doesn't yet support the menu library associated with ncurses. Patches adding support for these would be welcome; see the Python Developer's Guide to learn more about submitting patches to Python.
Writing Programs with NCURSES: a lengthy tutorial for C programmers.
"Use curses... don't swear": curses または Urwid を使って端末を制御する PyCon 2013 講演ビデオです。
"Console Applications with Urwid": video of a PyCon CA 2012 talk demonstrating some applications written using Urwid.