Pending Removal in Future Versions

The following APIs will be removed in the future, although there is currently no date scheduled for their removal.

  • argparse: Nesting argument groups and nesting mutually exclusive groups are deprecated.

  • array’s 'u' format code (gh-57281)

  • builtins:

    • bool(NotImplemented).

    • Generators: throw(type, exc, tb) and athrow(type, exc, tb) signature is deprecated: use throw(exc) and athrow(exc) instead, the single argument signature.

    • Currently Python accepts numeric literals immediately followed by keywords, for example 0in x, 1or x, 0if 1else 2. It allows confusing and ambiguous expressions like [0x1for x in y] (which can be interpreted as [0x1 for x in y] or [0x1f or x in y]). A syntax warning is raised if the numeric literal is immediately followed by one of keywords and, else, for, if, in, is and or. In a future release it will be changed to a syntax error. (gh-87999)

    • Support for __index__() and __int__() method returning non-int type: these methods will be required to return an instance of a strict subclass of int.

    • Support for __float__() method returning a strict subclass of float: these methods will be required to return an instance of float.

    • Support for __complex__() method returning a strict subclass of complex: these methods will be required to return an instance of complex.

    • Delegation of int() to __trunc__() method.

    • Passing a complex number as the real or imag argument in the complex() constructor is now deprecated; it should only be passed as a single positional argument. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in gh-109218.)

  • calendar: calendar.January and calendar.February constants are deprecated and replaced by calendar.JANUARY and calendar.FEBRUARY. (Contributed by Prince Roshan in gh-103636.)

  • codeobject.co_lnotab: use the codeobject.co_lines() method instead.

  • datetime:

    • utcnow(): use

    • utcfromtimestamp(): use datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=datetime.UTC).

  • gettext: Plural value must be an integer.

  • importlib:

    • cache_from_source() debug_override parameter is deprecated: use the optimization parameter instead.

  • importlib.metadata:

    • EntryPoints tuple interface.

    • Implicit None on return values.

  • logging: the warn() method has been deprecated since Python 3.3, use warning() instead.

  • mailbox: Use of StringIO input and text mode is deprecated, use BytesIO and binary mode instead.

  • os: Calling os.register_at_fork() in multi-threaded process.

  • pydoc.ErrorDuringImport: A tuple value for exc_info parameter is deprecated, use an exception instance.

  • re: More strict rules are now applied for numerical group references and group names in regular expressions. Only sequence of ASCII digits is now accepted as a numerical reference. The group name in bytes patterns and replacement strings can now only contain ASCII letters and digits and underscore. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in gh-91760.)

  • sre_compile, sre_constants and sre_parse modules.

  • shutil: rmtree()’s onerror parameter is deprecated in Python 3.12; use the onexc parameter instead.

  • ssl options and protocols:

    • ssl.SSLContext without protocol argument is deprecated.

    • ssl.SSLContext: set_npn_protocols() and selected_npn_protocol() are deprecated: use ALPN instead.

    • ssl.OP_NO_SSL* options

    • ssl.OP_NO_TLS* options

    • ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3

    • ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS

    • ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1

    • ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1

    • ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

    • ssl.TLSVersion.SSLv3

    • ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1

    • ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_1

  • threading methods:

  • typing.Text (gh-92332).

  • unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase: it is deprecated to return a value that is not None from a test case.

  • urllib.parse deprecated functions: urlparse() instead

    • splitattr()

    • splithost()

    • splitnport()

    • splitpasswd()

    • splitport()

    • splitquery()

    • splittag()

    • splittype()

    • splituser()

    • splitvalue()

    • to_bytes()

  • urllib.request: URLopener and FancyURLopener style of invoking requests is deprecated. Use newer urlopen() functions and methods.

  • wsgiref: SimpleHandler.stdout.write() should not do partial writes.

  • xml.etree.ElementTree: Testing the truth value of an Element is deprecated. In a future release it will always return True. Prefer explicit len(elem) or elem is not None tests instead.

  • zipimport.zipimporter.load_module() is deprecated: use exec_module() instead.