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- 26.7. 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation...argument to :func:`execfile` is wrapped in calls to :func:`open`, :func:`compile`, and :func:`exec`. .. 2to3fixer:: exitfunc Changes assignment of :attr:`sys.exitfunc` to use of the :mod:`atexit` module. .. 2to3fixer:: filter...
- What’s New in Python 2.0...`atexit`: For registering functions to be called before the Python interpreter exits. Code that currently sets ``sys.exitfunc`` directly should be changed to use the :mod:`atexit` module instead, importing :mod:`atexit` and calling...
- What’s New in Python 2.4...` looks up the service name for a given port number. (Contributed by Dave Cole and Barry Warsaw.) * The :func:`sys.exitfunc` function has been deprecated. Code should be using the existing :mod:`atexit` module, which correctly handl...
- What’s New In Python 3.0...8`: * Killed :mod:`sets`. Use the built-in :func:`set` class. * Cleanup of the :mod:`sys` module: removed :func:`sys.exitfunc`, :func:`sys.exc_clear`, :data:`sys.exc_type`, :data:`sys.exc_value`, :data:`sys.exc_traceback`. (Note tha...