Pending removal in Python 3.14

  • argparse: The type, choices, and metavar parameters of argparse.BooleanOptionalAction are deprecated and will be removed in 3.14. (Contributed by Nikita Sobolev in gh-92248.)

  • ast: The following features have been deprecated in documentation since Python 3.8, now cause a DeprecationWarning to be emitted at runtime when they are accessed or used, and will be removed in Python 3.14:

    • ast.Num

    • ast.Str

    • ast.Bytes

    • ast.NameConstant

    • ast.Ellipsis

    Use ast.Constant instead. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in gh-90953.)

  • asyncio:

    • The child watcher classes asyncio.MultiLoopChildWatcher, asyncio.FastChildWatcher, asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher and asyncio.SafeChildWatcher are deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14. (Contributed by Kumar Aditya in gh-94597.)

    • asyncio.set_child_watcher(), asyncio.get_child_watcher(), asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy.set_child_watcher() and asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy.get_child_watcher() are deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14. (Contributed by Kumar Aditya in gh-94597.)

    • The get_event_loop() method of the default event loop policy now emits a DeprecationWarning if there is no current event loop set and it decides to create one. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka and Guido van Rossum in gh-100160.)

  • Deprecated Prefer Sequence or Buffer. For use in typing, prefer a union, like bytes | bytearray, or (Contributed by Shantanu Jain in gh-91896.)

  • email: Deprecated the isdst parameter in email.utils.localtime(). (Contributed by Alan Williams in gh-72346.)

  • deprecated classes:




    Use classes instead:

    (Contributed by Jason R. Coombs and Hugo van Kemenade in gh-93963.)

  • itertools had undocumented, inefficient, historically buggy, and inconsistent support for copy, deepcopy, and pickle operations. This will be removed in 3.14 for a significant reduction in code volume and maintenance burden. (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in gh-101588.)

  • multiprocessing: The default start method will change to a safer one on Linux, BSDs, and other non-macOS POSIX platforms where 'fork' is currently the default (gh-84559). Adding a runtime warning about this was deemed too disruptive as the majority of code is not expected to care. Use the get_context() or set_start_method() APIs to explicitly specify when your code requires 'fork'. See Contexts and start methods.

  • pathlib: is_relative_to() and relative_to(): passing additional arguments is deprecated.

  • pkgutil: pkgutil.find_loader() and :func:!pkgutil.get_loader` now raise DeprecationWarning; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead. (Contributed by Nikita Sobolev in gh-97850.)

  • pty:

  • sqlite3:

  • typing: typing.ByteString, deprecated since Python 3.9, now causes a DeprecationWarning to be emitted when it is used.

  • urllib: urllib.parse.Quoter is deprecated: it was not intended to be a public API. (Contributed by Gregory P. Smith in gh-88168.)