Objetos enteros

Todos los enteros se implementan como objetos enteros «largos» (long) de tamaño arbitrario.

En caso de error, la mayoría de las API PyLong_As* retornan (tipo de retorno) -1 que no se puede distinguir de un número. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

type PyLongObject
Part of the Limited API (as an opaque struct).

Este subtipo de PyObject representa un objeto entero de Python.

PyTypeObject PyLong_Type
Part of the Stable ABI.

Esta instancia de PyTypeObject representa el tipo entero de Python. Este es el mismo objeto que int en la capa de Python.

int PyLong_Check(PyObject *p)

Retorna verdadero si su argumento es un PyLongObject o un subtipo de PyLongObject. Esta función siempre finaliza con éxito.

int PyLong_CheckExact(PyObject *p)

Retorna verdadero si su argumento es un PyLongObject, pero no un subtipo de PyLongObject. Esta función siempre finaliza con éxito.

PyObject *PyLong_FromLong(long v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna un objeto PyLongObject nuevo desde v, o NULL en caso de error.

The current implementation keeps an array of integer objects for all integers between -5 and 256. When you create an int in that range you actually just get back a reference to the existing object.

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(unsigned long v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromSsize_t(Py_ssize_t v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna un objeto PyLongObject nuevo desde un C Py_ssize_t, o NULL en caso de error.

PyObject *PyLong_FromSize_t(size_t v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna un objeto PyLongObject nuevo desde un C size_t, o NULL en caso de error.

PyObject *PyLong_FromLongLong(long long v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C long long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromDouble(double v)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna un nuevo objeto PyLongObject de la parte entera de v, o NULL en caso de error.

PyObject *PyLong_FromString(const char *str, char **pend, int base)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject based on the string value in str, which is interpreted according to the radix in base, or NULL on failure. If pend is non-NULL, *pend will point to the end of str on success or to the first character that could not be processed on error. If base is 0, str is interpreted using the Literales enteros definition; in this case, leading zeros in a non-zero decimal number raises a ValueError. If base is not 0, it must be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Leading and trailing whitespace and single underscores after a base specifier and between digits are ignored. If there are no digits or str is not NULL-terminated following the digits and trailing whitespace, ValueError will be raised.

Ver también

Python methods int.to_bytes() and int.from_bytes() to convert a PyLongObject to/from an array of bytes in base 256. You can call those from C using PyObject_CallMethod().

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnicodeObject(PyObject *u, int base)
Return value: New reference.

Convierte una secuencia de dígitos Unicode en la cadena de caracteres u en un valor entero de Python.

Added in version 3.3.

PyObject *PyLong_FromVoidPtr(void *p)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.

Crea un entero de Python desde el puntero p. El valor del puntero se puede recuperar del valor resultante usando PyLong_AsVoidPtr().

long PyLong_AsLong(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of obj is out of range for a long.

Retorna -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

long PyLong_AsLongAndOverflow(PyObject *obj, int *overflow)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is greater than LONG_MAX or less than LONG_MIN, set *overflow to 1 or -1, respectively, and return -1; otherwise, set *overflow to 0. If any other exception occurs set *overflow to 0 and return -1 as usual.

Retorna -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

long long PyLong_AsLongLong(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of obj is out of range for a long long.

Retorna -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

long long PyLong_AsLongLongAndOverflow(PyObject *obj, int *overflow)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is greater than LLONG_MAX or less than LLONG_MIN, set *overflow to 1 or -1, respectively, and return -1; otherwise, set *overflow to 0. If any other exception occurs set *overflow to 0 and return -1 as usual.

Retorna -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Added in version 3.2.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

Py_ssize_t PyLong_AsSsize_t(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna una representación de C Py_ssize_t de pylong. pylong debe ser una instancia de PyLongObject.

Lanza OverflowError si el valor de pylong está fuera de rango para un Py_ssize_t.

Retorna -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

unsigned long PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for a unsigned long.

Retorna (unsigned long)-1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

size_t PyLong_AsSize_t(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Retorna una representación de C size_t de pylong. pylong debe ser una instancia de PyLongObject.

Lanza OverflowError si el valor de pylong está fuera de rango para un size_t.

Retorna (size_t) -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

unsigned long long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long long representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for an unsigned long long.

Retorna (unsigned long long) -1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.1: Ahora un pylong negativo lanza un OverflowError, no TypeError.

unsigned long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is out of range for an unsigned long, return the reduction of that value modulo ULONG_MAX + 1.

Retorna (unsigned long)-1 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

unsigned long long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is out of range for an unsigned long long, return the reduction of that value modulo ULLONG_MAX + 1.

Retorna (unsigned long long) -1 por error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

Distinto en la versión 3.8: Use __index__() if available.

Distinto en la versión 3.10: This function will no longer use __int__().

double PyLong_AsDouble(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C double representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for a double.

Retorna -1.0 en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

void *PyLong_AsVoidPtr(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Convert a Python integer pylong to a C void pointer. If pylong cannot be converted, an OverflowError will be raised. This is only assured to produce a usable void pointer for values created with PyLong_FromVoidPtr().

Retorna NULL en caso de error. Use PyErr_Occurred() para desambiguar.

int PyUnstable_Long_IsCompact(const PyLongObject *op)
This is Unstable API. It may change without warning in minor releases.

Return 1 if op is compact, 0 otherwise.

This function makes it possible for performance-critical code to implement a “fast path” for small integers. For compact values use PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue(); for others fall back to a PyLong_As* function or calling int.to_bytes().

The speedup is expected to be negligible for most users.

Exactly what values are considered compact is an implementation detail and is subject to change.

Py_ssize_t PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue(const PyLongObject *op)
This is Unstable API. It may change without warning in minor releases.

If op is compact, as determined by PyUnstable_Long_IsCompact(), return its value.

Otherwise, the return value is undefined.